#bleach original gotei 13
leonalmalsy · 2 years
Saw this scene and thought of a meme.
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Recreating Princess Mononoke in the Quincy Blood War
14 notes · View notes
gallusrostromegalus · 11 months
So, how exactly was the Gotei 13 formed in AEIWAM?
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(The original gotei-13 captains might have canon genders but I'm going off vibes tbh.) (Here's a collection of Kubo's art of the original 13 so you can see what everyone looks like)
It had started with the Clans.
Actually, it had started when Shigekuni Yamamoto was mugged for the fourth time in as many days, by agents of The Great Noble Houses, trying to influence the tide of their endless petty wars. You could hardly blame him for reacting as he did, somewhat literally blowing up with rage, and upon his return to his home office, rallying his fellow distraught men into a fighting force to stand up to the clans.
It had been quite a popular manuver for him, with the equally distraught and downtrodden citizens of the central rukongai threw their support behind him in short order. He was already well-known to them, and respected for his work. In a few short years, his meager forces had grown to rival the clans in power.
Then the Quincies had invaded the Spirit World, lead by some horrible creature known as Yhwach, seemingly Hell-Bent on conquest- which is where all of them would end up if The Archery Bastards kept shooting everything that moved and upended the balance between the worlds.
Now-General Shigekuni Yamamoto, the unfortunate bastard to whom the task of defending the largest city in the Spirit world from invasion had fallen, needed some muscle.
Why me, of all people? Surely there were others more qualified? He wondered, staring at the latest round of reports from the meager handful of his men that remained. Or perhaps everyone smart enough to actually do this is also smart enough to realize it was a lost cause and had thrown their lot in with one of the Noble Houses, and I am on a fool's errand.
Even just a handful of warriors with sufficient strength could break the leading edge of the Quincy line, and let the small army that remained slip behind them in to cut the Quincies off from their supply lines. It was just that breaking the wall of archers required at least a dozen of him.
"Word from lieutenant Sasakibe!" Shouted one of his soldiers, sprinting in the door and thrusting a letter at him. "Sorry sir I just remembered how important it was that you heard from him as soon as possible."
"You did as I asked." Yamamoto nodded, opening the letter. He had needed to stay- both to recover from his injuries and because if the Quincy got much closer, using Ryujin jakka to create a wall of fire around the city might be the only way to hold them off- and he had tasked Chojiro Sasakibe, his Longest and Dearest friend, with finding him the strongest warriors in Soul Society.
He took the scroll and opened it, reading the neat but excitably slanted handwriting within-
Dearest Shigekuni,
I am relieved to report I have found a dozen extremely powerful warriors per your request! I went on a hunch a friend of mine had, and found a concentration of MANY powerful warriors that would be willing to aid our cause, but twelve among them are particularly standout candidates. Given the rapid advance of the Quincy Army, I have included a teleportation spell to their location at the end of this scroll so you may meet them immediately.
"Incredible!" Yamamoto laughed. "Is there nothing this man cannot do?"
I do beg of you though- Please, reserve your judgement of them until you have seen their capacity.
"Ah." Yamamoto sighed. "...of course there's a catch."
Their circumstances are... complex, and this has made many of them rough and peculiar to speak to, but I swear we will not find better warriors, at least not before the Quincy advance reaches Seireitei.
I await your arrival, Chojiro
Yamamoto unfurled the scroll a bit more to see the edge of the teleportation spell that would activate when exposed to sunlight. "Sir?" asked the young soldier.
"It seems Sasakibe was successful in finding me the assistance we need, but they are apparently a queer lot." Yamamoto rumbled, thinking. "There is a teleportation spell- How close did you say the Advance was?"
"Not more than a week out, sir."
"Hopefully less than two hours then." he grunted, standing up and carrying the scroll to the courtyard of the building he operated from- it was a place used to the many comings and goings of a large and complex organization, though the little Shrine to the God of Messages and messengers had been somewhat neglected of late. Yamamoto took a moment to sweep the leaves out of the shrine and bowed to the statue within, thanking it for delivering Sasakibe's message and asking for help delivering him to his friend.
"Any orders while you're away, Sir?" The soldier asked.
"Someone clean out that shrine and make it a proper offering. The last thing we need is for communications to go down." The General nodded.
"Yes Sir!" the soldier saluted.
Yamamoto unfurled the scroll and with a flash, vanished from the courtyard.
With the same flash, he appeared somewhere... foggy.
"Shigekuni?" a familiarly crisp voice asked somewhere in the ether.
"Chojiro?" Yamamoto called back, and the vague shape that might have been a rock in front of him stood up, arms open. He laughed, and embraced his friend. "Good job! How did you find them so fast?"
Sasakibe's warm smile suddenly stiffened into a grimace. "...Promise you will not be angry?"
"Chojiro?" Yamamoto frowned.
"See, I was asking my friends- only the most trusted of them, I swear- how to even go about finding warriors with everything scattered to the wind of late, and well- One of them suggested that only things that are powerful are widely feared, so look where fearsome things are to find powerful ones."
Yamamoto squinted at his friend, then around them at the dense fog, the strange rocky cliff beside them, and the distant sound of angry voices.
"Chojiro." Yamamoto asked, hands on his shoulders. "Where are we?"
Sasakibe pointed up behind Yamamoto where characters had been carved into the stone cliff.
The Nest Of Maggots
"Yes, sir?"
"This is a prison."
"Yes, sir."
"This is a prison for the kind of filth that even the most bitterly factious clans agree is a danger to have wandering around. The kind that they already tried and failed to weaponize against each other. This is a prison for Monsters."
"...Yes, sir." Sasakibe sighed. "-But, is is not monsters we need?"
Yamamoto was silent for a time, thinking of the swathes of pointless destruction- salted fields and burnt villages- of the senseless loss of life- slaughtering soldier and civilian alike down to the last man, woman and child- of the cruel and twisted powers of the chosen favorites of Yhwach.
"Monsters to fight monsters." He shook his head. "What is this world coming to?" Yamamoto sighed.
Sasakibe looked away, unable to meet his friend's gaze. "Still, beggars can't be choosers." Yamamoto nodded. "Show them to me."
--- All twelve "Most Dangerous" of The Nest's prisoners had been herded together into something approximating a straight line in the middle of the rocky cavern that housed the prisoners here, though some of them were already beginning to meander, and one woman near the end of the line had, rather rudely, decided to remain seated in Yamamoto's presence. The lineup was... less than impressive. Two of the women looked like they belonged on pinup posters rather than death row. One of the men looked like a washed-up Sumo, another like an ashtray that had been cursed to roam the afterlife as a human. On one end of the line was an ancient and decrepit old man, and on the other was a- Yamamoto wasn't actually sure if they were a man or a woman, but in another life, they had definitely been a cat.
"These are the most powerful fighters in the Spirit World?"  He muttered to Chojiro.
"These are the most still-alive-est fighters in the Spirit World." Chojiro clarified.
"...Fuck it. " Yamamoto sighed under his breath, before stepping forward and addressing them properly.
"I am General Shigekuni Yamamoto of The Seireitei. I don't know how long you've been in this hole-" Yamamoto paused, sensing that something was off.
None of the Prisoners were looking at him. In fact, the all seemed very dedicated to looking everywhere but at him. Some were inspecting the stalactites, others were examining the grit on the cave floor, or staring into the metaphysical abyss somewhere just over his shoulder, and one man had pulled his very silly straw hat down in front of his face.
"-Alright, what the hell is going on?" Yamamoto growled.
There was a general unenthusiastic sort of shuffling and a distinct lack of answers.
"Remember everyone!" The man next to the cat-in-human-form spoke up while examining his fingernails. He looked more like an accountant than someone who belonged on Death Row, but the others perked up and paid attention. "-We are not to speak to any guards of visitors until our representative arrives and has given us permission to do so." The others nodded and resumed looking anywhere but at Yamamoto.
"...Representative?" Sasakibe lightly growled at a guard, whose complexion went from 'ashen' to 'deathly'.
"They um. Well. They've gotten rather close to one of the other prisoners, but she's no good in a fight, so we left her-" The Guard sputtered under Sasakibe's withering glare.
"-Miss Tsubaki was waiting at the Primary gate last I saw her." continued the man who looked like an accountant and that Yamamoto was becoming increasingly sure was armed, despite allegedly having been searched and denied any tools in his confinement. "...I say to no-one in particular." He added.
There was a moment of silence.
Yamamoto struck the tired-looking, gray-haired young woman beside the accountant, sending her stumbling back, but the accountant and the sturdily-built blonde man beside her stepped in to catch her, the rest of the line snapping to attention, eyes fixed on him with utter rage.
"Now that I have your attention-" Yamamoto started again, the gray-haired woman coughing as the sturdy blonde helped her back to her feet. "-As I was saying, the Spirit World is being invaded, and you're all being conscripted to-"
"Yachiru!" Snapped a young woman behind them.
Yamamoto turned to glare at the interloper, but instead found that the gaunt-looking woman that had remained seated had somehow apparently teleported and tackled Sasakibe to the wall behind them, one arm pressed to his throat, slowly choking him. Apparently-Yachiru's other hand had put some substantial holes in his abdomen and she paused from where she was about to stark licking Sasakibe's blood off her fingers to look at who had spoken.
"Don't eat that! You don't know where it's been!" Said a waifish young woman in threadbare prisoner's robes who could not have been taller than 4'10". She was quite striking, with large, dark eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a long aquiline nose. She took Yachiru's bloodied hand and dragged her back to the group. Yamamoto tried to keep his pace even as he walked over to check on Sasakibe, who immediately sat up and waved him off.
"...Thirsty." Grunted Yachiru- She might also have been beautiful, with her pale, round face and smooth black hair, were it not for the haunted, carnivorous look in her eye and her apparently literal bloodthirst. She stopped halfway back to the group to give a wet, hacking cough that made Yamamoto's skin crawl, and spat out a gob of bloody phlegm on the floor.
"You'll feel better when you get Minazuki back." the young woman reassured her, helping Yachiru sit back down, the others taking seats on the stone floor as well, in two neat lines behind her, the Human Cat behind one shoulder, the Accountant behind the other. "Is everyone else alright?"
"Kinroku definitely did not tell the guards to go get you." announced the man from behind his straw hat. "Also the mean old man hit Chigiri."
"I understand. Do you need assistance, Chigiri?
"The Old Goat has a sucker-punch like a rocket but I'll live." grunted Chigri, rubbing her abdomen and waving her hand interrogatively at Yachiru, who shrugged in reply.
"Despicable Behavior, hitting a medic." the human ashtray sniffed disapprovingly. Yamamoto could feel the Reiatsu of the group now, previously held in check, now starting to unfurl and growl and snarl at him.
"You BASTARDS-!" Yamamoto snarled, lunging towards the young woman, who instinctively made a fist in front of her chest, grabbed it with her other hand, and swung her whole body around, slamming her elbow into his eye socket and nose, and he stumbled, falling to his knees. It wasn't that hard a hit, not compared to what he was used to, but there was genuine killing intent behind it, much like the heel she struck into the side of his head, knocking him over the rest of the way in surprise. Miss Tsubaki's large, dark eyes were full of rage as she glared down at him, grinding his head into the floor under her toes. "Ah." He said, finally recognizing her from images in the intermittent news bulletins. Tsubaki was a middle daughter of one of the most powerful of the Noble Houses who had suddenly vanished from public view the year before. The rumor was that she had been imprisoned by her father for dangerous activities like 'Going Places' and 'Writing Letters' or even 'Having Opinions'. It was apparently true, but if she'd managed to organize the dirtiest dozen of the Maggot's Nest, he was beginning to understand her father's choice of internment. "Miss Tsunayashiro, I presume."
"I am her, and I am here in my capacity as their Union Representative. This means you do not talk to them. You talk to me." She lightly snarled, removing her surprisingly sharp-heeled foot from his temple and sitting seiza in front of the group. "Now what is it that you have brought us here to discuss?"
"Your friends are getting conscripted." he glared, slowly getting up and standing to address her. Returning the blow to a civilan, no matter who her family was or how hard she hit, was beneath either of their dignity, but a little looming was alright.
"We're getting hired." She corrected him. "With proper contracts and compensation."
"Shut up or else." He snarled, reconsidering the value of his dignity.
"...Or else what, exactly?" She asked.
Yamamoto bristled, and slowly drew his sword. Tsunayashiro's gaze flicked to the blade, following it's gleam as he brought it up to her throat, tipping her chin up with the point. "-Or you will all die right here." Tsubaki closed her eyes, sighed deeply and opened them again, gaze fixed on his. He could feel her pulse through Ryujin Jakka's blade.
...Steady as a rock.
"Alright." She spoke evenly. "Strike me down."
Yamamoto blinked.
"We are already on Death Row, General." She explained slowly as though speaking to an idiot. "None of us have families to speak of, or to speak to, for you to threaten. We're already cold and barely allowed to sleep and starving and in constant pain from broken bones or missing organs or untreated injuries. We are all already doomed to die or suffer gross abasement. You, however-"
She slowly stood up, neck sliding a bit on Ryujin Jakka's blade, drawing a trickle of blood.
"-I've been in here for the better part of a year, I believe, but news trickles in. Guards leave to replace soldiers fallen on the battlefield. Rations dwindle as farmland is overrun or destroyed. Political prisoners are freed and returned home as more popular heirs and scions are killed. You, General Shigekuini Yamamoto, need help with this war, and need it badly, to come here for it." Tsubaki continued, stepping forward and pressing a bit more into the blade, the trickle running more strongly, down her throat and into the folds of her thin Yukakta, staining the fabric bright red.
"So go on. Strike us down." She spoke softly. "Spare us the Humiliation of a Public execution or the horrors of a lobotomy, and doom yourself."
Yamamoto, quite possibly for the first time in his life, hesitated.
"If you cannot do that, sit down and negotiate like a civilized person." She said. The blood stained her entire breast now, but she did not flinch or waver.
Slowly, glaring and refusing to break eye contact, he withdrew his blade, wiped it down and sheathed it. Teeth gritted and heart unexpectedly racing, he sat. Lady Tsunayashiro followed, head still held high, though that may have been so Chigiri could lean forward and press a pad of torn robe to her throat, stemming the bleeding as she bandaged it, muttering curses.
"We're being invaded by an army of mutant humans called "Quincy" who can shoot arrows made of pure reishi, which can obliterate a soul entirely. They're lead by some monster called Yhwach, who seems hell-bent on conquering the entirety of the Living and Spirit worlds, and is apparently capable of killing small gods and Kami." Yamamoto explained, trying to stress the depth of the situation. He'd never been in a labor negotiation before, and was hoping they'd be more reasonable if he made an emotional appeal. "Kill enough of the archery bastards and live, and I'll have all your crimes pardoned."
"What a shame, what a shame." clucked the old man at the far end of the lines. "You young people just don't know how to handle things..."
"Hmmm..." The person who was definitely at least spiritually a cat pursed their lips. "Oh, uh- Chika Shihon." the bowed their head. "-It's a good start, but I'm gonna need a hell of a payday, seeing as nobody will hire an ex-criminal, even a pardoned one, and about forty more people need to die before my family will consider taking me back in."
"As well as some form of protection from political reprisals, or there won't be an opportunity to spend any of that payday." said Kinroku the Accountant, rubbing his nose like he was going to push up a pair of glasses he wasn't wearing.
"Paying criminals? Surely, you can't be serious!" Sasakibe scoffed.
"I am serious, and my name is Tsubaki, not Shirley." The representative quietly smirked at him. "Well, General? What price are you willing to offer for the salvation of all of Soul Society?"
"I want to see some proof before we talk price." Yamamoto glared at the Death Row From The Dumpster before him.
"Fair enough." Nodded Tsubaki, turning her head to address the group. "After me, who would you all say is the weakest fighter?"
The group considered this for a moment.
"Strongest is easy, its Yachiru, even with the missing lung." waved the pinup girl with the eyepatch and pigtails.
"Give Uhin some credit!" Protested the other pinup girl with the tits that were individually larger than her head.
"That's sweet of you to say Batsu-" Uhin the Giant in the back row laughed, patting the second girl's head. "-But also holy shit, no. Yachiru could disembowel me and strangle me with my own intestines before I could get off the mark! No offense little man, but I think it's Furuoki." He said, patting the straw hat of the man in front of him.
"Really?" Tits McGee pondered. "I was going to say Nobutsuna."
"I was gonna say me too." announced the human ashtray with a rough and reedy voice. "I hate fighting." "Yeah, but you hit like a fuckin' rockslide. Yeah, it's Furuoki." Agreed eyepatch.
"Mr. Otogawa-" Tsubaki addressed Furuoki the hat man. "-It's rather dark in here, would you please let in some light?"
Furuoki blinked at her, confused.
"Show the old man you can punch a hole in the ceiling." Yachiru translated for him, wetly.
"Okay!" Furuoki chirped happily, getting up and walking a few feet away.
"MORE!" yelled the group.
"Over by the guard tower!" Encouraged the large and rather jolly looking man, save for how he seemed to have lost both his lips and most of the front of his mouth, but had only bothered to replace his missing teeth with gold ones, giving him a permanent lipless grin.
Furuoki walked over towards the guard tower until the guards approached him and told him to back up, paced a bit until he found a suitable middle ground, and squinted up at the ceiling.
"Sir-" Sighed the head guard walking towards Furuoki as frowned at the ceiling. "Sir that's half a mile of solid rock and twelve different magical wards above you. It's not gonna work."
Furuoki instead dropped down on one knee, aimed, and-
A dazzling blue-green light and a noise like the roaring fires of Hell Itself erupted from his fist as he punched up towards the ceiling, vaporizing the stone above him and making all 12 wards chime and tinkle like glass as he broke through them. As the mushroom cloud of dust dispersed, sunlight began to filter in through the hole, at least 100 feet in diameter. The top third of the Guard tower seemed to have evaporated as well, and the guards were scrambling to try to control the panic.
"Is that enough?" Furuoki called.
"...Is it, General?" miss Tsubaki asked.
"...Ten Thousand Kan?" Yamamoto tried.
"That's fine dear, please come sit back down." Tsubaki waved.
"I am surprised, general." She smiled at Yamamoto in a way that reminded him uncomfortably of they way the post office cat would smile at the mice. "Ten Thousand Kan annually per individual is a very reasonable offer."
"A one-time payment of Ten thousand Kan to be split between the group." he growled.
"No." She shook he head. "You're offering us annual salaries, individually."
"The hell I am."
"Then we will enjoy watching the collapse of civilization through the new Skylight Furuoki made us." She replied, unconcerned. "You may have noticed, General, that there is a war on, and this is an exceptionally safe and secure place to be. Make it worth leaving."
"-Two minutes ago this was a frozen hellhole you were all starving in." he glared.
"Ah, but the view and property value has improved substantially in the last two minutes!" She smiled, unconcerned with his complaints. "There is no punishment you could mete out that is worse than remaining here, General, but you are not an advancing army of superhuman mutants, and there are MANY things the Quincy can do to us that are worse than remaining here. You are in a most unenviable position."
Yamamoto grimaced. "You're sure this is the best there is?" he muttered to Sasakibe.
"We could also try swearing loyalty to one noble house and hoping the other four don't try to kill us before the Quincy do." Sasakibe grunted, hand over the puncture wounds in his guts. "I don't like it either. but I like our other options even less."
Yamamoto sighed. "...Five thousand Kan Annually per individual."
"Ten thousand." replied Tsubaki.
"Seven thousand."
"Ten thousand."
"That's not how this is supposed to go." Yamamoto grumbled.
"And yet, this is how it's going." She smirked. "There is also the matter of the political protections!"
Half an hour later, terms had been reached.
Full pardons, Ten Thousand Kan, annually per individual (plus expenses), and political protections in the form of employing them as commanding officers on the condition that they "-Don't get killed, and prove you're smarter than a sack of hammers and at least half as useful."
"No for real, I'll forgive the old man the gut punch, lemme do something so you're not bleedin' all over my contract?" Chigiri sighed, watching Sasakibe write up the contracts.
"I'll trust my body to keep my guts on the right side of my skin over someone's dirty socks." he sighed. "Or do you have something else on hand?"
"Minazuki." Muttered Yachiru, leaning heavily on Chigiri.
"Oh right! I keep forgetting she does the fish thing." Chigiri perked up. "Yeah tell the guards to go get her sword, it turns into a... fuckin' whatsit, the big flat fish? Turns into one of those that can heal anything."
"Again, I trust my own faculties over any sort of Healing Halibut." Chojiro groaned.
"Stingray." Yachiru muttered, wheezing a bit. "Minazuki is a stingray."
"Alright, back in line everyone- I need you all to confirm your identities and what crimes you need pardoned, and to sign your contracts." Sasakibe sighed, standing up with the contracts and handing the first to Yamamoto.
"Shigekuni Yamamoto, Dereliction of duty and Mail-tampering, among other assorted sins." He said, smirking a bit at his own joke as he took the contract.
"Thank you sir." Sasakibe sighed, shuffling the pile of folders containing the files of the dozen criminals, and stepping up to the first one.
"Chika Shihon-" He read off, matching the drawn portrait to the person in front of him- Chika was a rather handsome young thing, with warm bronze skin and short, soft white hair. It was the gleam in their yellow eyes that made Sasakibe worry. "- Sentenced to lifetime imprisonment or death for staging a clan coup, twelve counts of fratricide and... dabbling in forbidden Kido?"
"Oh, like you've never had a family dinner that got out of control!" Chika huffed, indignant.
"I'm more curious about the Kido, actually." Yamamoto said, peering over his file.
Chika beamed and Sasakibe got as far as a choked "NOT HERE-!" before they vanished in a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, they were still wearing the same excited expression, but now as a small white house cat.
Sasakibe and Yamamoto stared at the cat for a moment, then at each other in a mutual expression of I can't believe we've been reduced to asking these freaks for help.
"Well, when you've got thumbs again, please read your contract, then sign and initial all the indicated areas, and swipe your blood across the bottom." Sasakibe sighed, bending over to hand the kitty their contract. "Remember, these contracts are legally and magically binding. Betray us, and die immediately."
"Next is- Kinroku Izuhara-" Sasakibe was interrupted by one of guards appearing with the confiscated personal belongings of the prisoners, including an entire bundle of swords under his arm.
"I understand not giving us our weapons until the contracts are signed and the seal is placed upon us, but may I have my glasses back?" Kinroku asked, voice crisp and arch. He was certainly the least ragged-looking of the group, his graying hair still neatly trimmed and face clean-shaven.
Yamamoto held out a hand and the guard placed the appropriate glasses in his palm. "Trade you for whatever you have that's kept you so clean-shaven it's making my mustache itch." Yamamoto glared.
Kinroku smirked, and produced a piece of bone that had been exquisitely sharpened into a razor's edge.
"This is a human bone." Yamamoto observed.
"Unfortunately, poorer quality than the bones of pigs or cattle in terms of holding an edge, but it's done it's job." Kinrku nodded.
"...This says you're on death row for ...Tax Evasion?" Sasakibe glared at the file as the blade was traded for the glasses.
"Yes. I made an unfortunate miscalculation regarding the loyalty of my men, so I am glad you are taking adequate precautions." Kinroku muttered, cleaning his glasses on his robe, holding them up to the dim sunlight filtering through the hole, and frowning, disappointed.
"Men?" Yamamoto asked. "You've had experience commanding armed forces before?"
"After a fashion." he said, signing the contract and biting into his thumb to finish the deal. "You've heard of The Vipers of the southern reaches?"
"The decentralized bandit gang that disbanded a few years back? I thought their leader had died?" Sasakibe frowned.
Kinroku smirked at him.
"...Oh, for fuckssake." Sasakibe groaned.
"Chigiri Shijima." Yamamoto read off, having already moved on. "...What the hell kind of charge is Aggravated Medical Research?"
"Can't make an emergency field medicine manual omlette without breaking a few bones. And causing a few disembowelments. And poking out a few eyes." She explained.
Yamamoto slowly arched an eyebrow at her.
"I PUT 'EM ALL BACK!" Chigiri protested. "...Eventually."
"Read. Sign. Blood." Yamamoto sighed, handing her the contract.
"For real though, your man okay? I can have those stitched in under a minute." Chigiri pointed her thumb at Sasakibe.
"That's some fast-acting painkillers." Sasakibe noted.
"What painkillers?" Chigiri asked, genuinely confused.
"...I'll take my chances with the halibut." Sasakibe winced, turning to the next man in line. "Danjiro Obana?"
"Yeah!" Grinned the sturdy-looking blonde man, all smiles and friendliness now that an agreement had been reached. "Lookin' forward to workin' with you guys!"
"...Imprisoned for cannibalism?" Sasakibe asked, horrified.
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Danjiro hollered, voice echoing around the cavern.
"How do you accidentally consume human flesh?" Yamamoto glared.
"Well- okay it wasn't an 'accident' per se, but look, that Ise Clan guy locked me in the family mausoleum to die, and understandably, I got the munches, and the coffins were fulla, eh... post-sapient jerky?" Danjiro explained. "I really don't know what he expected to happen. Really surprised when he opened up the door a month later and I gut punched his spine out though. I don't regret that one bit."
"You know? That's fair." decided Sasakibe, handing him a contract. "Read, sign, blood."
"Yessir!" Danjiro saluted happily.
"Furufoshi Saito?" Yamamoto asked the young woman with the purple pigtails and eyepatch that was next in line.
Yamamoto blinked at her, then leaned over to read "Accused of Abducting and 'Deflowering' the eldest son of the Kuchiki clan' on her file. "...Care to elaborate on that?"
"I found poor Kyoga-kun half-dead on my doortstep after the battle of River Bo- he still had spears in him, the poor thing! So like a sane and reasonable person I took him in and nursed the sweet thing back to heath and- well, a beautiful man in my bed, grateful to me for saving his life and offering me his eternal love and gratitude- How could a girl resist?" She sighed, hearts in her remaining eye.
"-and since I'd carried him over the threshold into my home we were basically married already, so it wasn't wrong of me to ride him like a pony or violate his warranty like that! He loved it! He loves ME! AND I LOVE HIM! It's just that the rest of the Kuchiki clan are a bunch of snobs with no sense of romance." She sighed, melancholy, then looked up at him, chewing her lip in nervousness. "...You haven't. heard anything about him?"
Yamamoto considered her story, and the few times he'd met Kyoga Kuchiki- a delicate young man with a sense of romantic grandeur and when he'd seen the boy recently, he had been lying facedown on the floor and sobbing, in quite some distress over being separated from his beloved-
"...Daddy Bear?" Yamamoto asked, bewildered.
"MY LITTLE BABY BEAR REMEMBERS ME!" She shrieked with joy, "Is he alright? I've been so worried, he still wasn't over that septic infection and the war keeps getting closer-" She demanded, grabbing Yamamoto by his Kosode and shaking him for answers.
"-As of last month, he was distraught over your absence, but otherwise hale. The sooner the Quincy are dead, the sooner you can see him again. Read, sign, blood." Yamamoto said, detangling himself from her and putting the contract between them.
"Ah, Ever-turbulent but true runs the course of Love." sighed the charred man beside her. "Nobotsuna Shigyo, at your service." he introduced himself, bowing politely.
"I'm Batsu'unsai Katori- We were arrested and imprisoned for roughly the same incident and it may help to be introduced at the same time." Said the woman with the exceptionally large breasts beside him. "Um, I'll need my glasses back too- Oh, thank you!"
"The sight of sunlight is so strange after such time." Mused Nobotsuna. "Even before our imprisonment, the Lady Katori and I were leaders of a secret underground society!"
"It was less of a society and more of a Polycule that got out of control-" Explained Batsu'unsai. "Once I discovered by spiritual powers, I moved in with the great sage Shou Dokutsu, and began hanging out with and then dating other people with spiritual powers and they started bringing their partners to my district and pretty soon there were so many of us that the easiest way to house everyone was to start developing the extensive underground cave systems in the area."
"We manufactured many fine magical artifacts, so called ourselves The Under-Wares!" Said Nobotsuna.
"We actually called ourselves The Kido Union, because in addition to the magical tools, we formed a united labor front to keep the clans from exploiting us." She explained, and Yamamoto began to understand her interruption.
"I am the wise Loremaster of our people!" Said Nobutsuna.
"He's a stablehand." Batsu'unsai smiled.
"But the clans did not like that they were no longer able to exploit and abuse us now that we had allied in great numbers, and war came to our peaceful nation of Shou's Hole!" he said, with genuine sadness.
Yamamoto and Sasakibe looked back at Batsu'unsai.
"It actually is called Shou's Hole." she sighed. "He just wanted it so badly."
"I wore them down!" Notbotsuna grinned.
"Still, the clans did not like that they now had to pay to have magical labor done and that we would outright refuse their more barbaric requests, and eventually I think it was the Shibas that mounted an all-out assault on us. Last I heard, most of the Union made it out through the other exits from the caves, but Dokutsu-san and most of our heavy hitters stayed at the primary entrance to buy time. Nobotsuna and I were the only ones to survive the assault, and Hiraku Shiba had us thrown in here." Batsu'unsai sighed.
"Prick." Spat Nobotsuna. "Oh sure, when a head of one of the so-called 'Noble' houses goes around decapitating people and burning them alive it's considered 'honorable combat' and 'keeping the peace', but when I, a man whose family tree isn't a fucking wreath of incest, retaliates in a decidedly less lethal fashion suddenly its 'treason' and 'making up a spell called Penis Blast is a war crime'!!"
"-What kind of blast?" asked Sasakibe.
"He can demonstrate it for us on The Archery Bastards. Read, sign, blood." Yamamoto said, thrusting contracts at them.
"Entetsu Kumoi." Read off Sasakibe as they came to the bald man who was nearly as wide as he was tall, with the exposed gold teeth. Entetsu looked up from where he'd finished putting his glasses back on and arranged his hairless brows into something that indicated that he'd be smiling politely if he had lips. "Imprisoned for your participation in the riot at the Windroad House, where you..." Sasakibe frowned at the file. "-Attacked and killed one hudred fifty-seven town guards with a brick, and mounted an assault on the local Dyamo?"
"Always morally correct, hittin' cops with bricks." Nodded Entetsu. "-Specially ones comin' t' kill just because some people are out havin' a good time, doin' no harm to no-one."
"The Windroad House is a Bar in the 3rd district famous for it's ah. Exotic. Cabaret performances." Sasakibe explained to Yamamoto, who didn't get out much.
"You were. At one of these performances?' Yamamoto asked.
"Ah, nah- just gotten off the job and had nipped down to the pub across th'way for a pint when I saw the pigs kick in the door an' start dragggin' the ladies out and I thought 'well that ain't right', so I started throwin' bricks until I were on me last brick and then I hunted them down wit' that last brick until there were none left." he explained. "Then I thinks, 'well, there's only none left until more come from the station', so's I made me way up the road to the station wit' me brick and had me a little hogslaughter up there too, see?"
"...And you just. kept going?" Sasakiba asked.
"So's I did! Right up to the head hog's trough, though by then it were well early in the mornin' and I were tired an' had some dozen spears in me back and me brick had fallen apart, so's I dinna get hims haunches fer ham." Entetsu sighed.
"Persistence! Very good quality in a captain!" Grinned Yamamoto, handing him the contract. "You know what to do by now."
They turned to the rather comely young man with the straw hat. "Furuoki, was it?" Yamamoto asked, feeling something that wasn't hopeful, per se, but these were strong people, and deeply insane and they were agreeing to help him, something that made his heart race with a delirious sort of mania.
"Yes. I am Furuoki Otogawa." he nodded.
"-And you're imprisoned here for- ecological terrorism, defiling holy a holy site and creating a dangerous magical device?" Sasakibe asked.
"What?" asked Yachiru, getting back to her feet and leaning heavily on him. "You told me you were in here for Jaywalking?"
"I thought I was?" Said Furuoki, frowning and tipping his head with confusion.
"It says here you constructed a device over the Tenjo no Ganbo waterfalls to, ah- 'suck up the carp in the pool at the base of the waterfall and launch them, at speed, up and over the waterfall'." Sasakibe read off and looked up to see Furuoki staring into the distance, eyes watering.
"They wanted to get to the lake at the top so badly they were swimming up the waterfall, but they kept falling down and getting hurt!" he sobbed, overcome with emotion. "I just made a chute to safely carry them to the top and gently toss them in the lake! how is that a crime?"
"-because when a carp makes it to the top of Tenjo no Ganbo falls, IT TURNS INTO A DRAGON! YOU MADE HUNDREDS OF DRAGONS SUDDENLY APPEAR! THOUSANDS BEFORE THEY COULD DISMANTLE THE DAMN THING!!" Sasakibe shouted.
"Ohhh." Furuoki said, nodding. "-I'd wondered where all the dragons had come from. I still don't see why that's a crime though?"
"Gods help us." Groaned Yamamoto.
"Dragons tend to be. Kinda destructive." Yachiru spoke slowly, her voice still rough and hollow-sounding. " 'specially to little villages."
"Oh." Furuoki said quietly, horrified.
"Don't worry, I'll deal with them once I get my lung back and bust outta this joint." Yachiru reassured him as Sasakibe handed Furuoki his contract.
"You wont be 'busting out' of anywhere, miss-" Sasakibe suffled the papers to open her file. "-Yachiru Unohana! You're obligated to serve General Yamamoto in exchange for your freedom, seeing as you're imprisoned for- for-"
Sasakibe froze, staring at the file. "-That has to be a Mistake."
"What?" Grunted Yamamoto, sizing the woman up. According to the group, if Furuoki who could rip this heavily fortified prison open like an ant's nest was their weakest fighter, this sickly-looking woman was their strongest.
"The file says she's imprisoned for killing ten thousand people!" babbled Sasakibe.
"Oh, no, that isn't right." grunted Yachiru, and Sasakibe sighed with relief.
"-Should be closer to twelve or fifteen thousand." She clarified, and Sasakibe went white.
"Read, sign, mark with your blood at the bottom." Yamamoto sighed, thrusting the contract at her.
"Uhhh... can't." She said, staring blankly at the contract, then slowly looking up at Yamamoto.
"What do you mean 'can't'?"  he growled.
"I can't read." she said.
Sasakibe hid his face in his hands, groaning with pain, while Yamamoto turned on his heel and threw his hands in the air, silently beseeching any available Gods for help.
"You get what you pay for, General." Called Chika, having changed back into the clothes they'd arrived in- garish red-orange and black ninja garb of the Shihon clan- and tying their sword back onto their gaudy belt.
"I am paying all of you a frankly OBSCENE amount of money, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect basic literacy!" Yamamoto snapped.
"It's okay girl, I'll read it to you and then you can have Minazuki back, okay?" Chigiri volunteered, wrapping an arm around her illiterate compatriot and walking her back to some seat-height rocks.
"Let's just get this over with." Yamamoto sighed, glaring at Tsubaki, who only smiled serenely back at him. "Uhin Zenjoji?"
"Present, sir." Beamed the enormous man who looked like a professional Sumo wrestler- there was fat, lots of it, but underneath, an unsettlingly steady grace and power to his movements.
"Your file says you're imprisoned for Smuggling, Murder, Bootlegging, Murder, Trafficking, Murder, More murder and... one hundred seventy two violations of The Migratory Bird Act?"
"The only two I will dispute are the trafficking and migratory bird charges-" he said, delicately holding up two fingers. "-firstly, it's not trafficking to move refugees from the clan wars out of danger without giving the aforementioned clans a cut. I'm no pimp."
"And the birds?" Yamamoto glared, intrigued more than anything.
"A man may have his hobbies and his charitable works!" Uhin said, touching his hand to his chest in faux-impassioned speech. "I collect and breed rare and endangered birds- the world would a sadder place without their songs. So I have- well, had- an aviary up in the mountains where they could be propagated in peace." Uhin sighed.
"Huh. Something nearly bordering on sanity." said Sasakibe said, offering Uhin his contract.
"Got any of them- whatsit- the big kicky bitches?" Danjiro asked.
"Cassowaries?" Uhin asked. "But of course! Delightful little creatures."
Yamamoto decided he didn't hear that, actually, and turned his attention to the final member of the dirty dozen.
"Hello young man!" the decrepit old man creaked cheerfully. "I am Saizo Sakahone." he was bald, liver-spotted, missing teeth and had a spine that bowed like a fishing rod with something much too large for the boat on the end of the line.
"Sakahone like the province?" asked Yamamoto, remembering the western area he'd traveled through recently.
"...In a manner of speaking, I suppose?" Saizo grinned. "Though it's rather the other way around- my lovely wife, may she rest in peace, managed to bear me no less than sixteen beautiful daughters, and they bore at least a dozen granddaughters and so on- Why, by my one thousand one hundred and eleventy-eth birthday, I had somewhere over fifty thousand descendants! So I am not so much named after the province, as the province is named after me!" he chucked.
"...by the Gods." marveled Sasakibe.
"Look, I love my sword too but at least I take it out of the scabbard sometimes." sighed Yamamoto. "What're you in for, family man?"
"O-ho! Now that was quite rash of me, I'm afraid. Yes-" Saizo nodded, rubbing his gnarled-oak hands. "-but as you say, I am a family man and there is nothing I despise so much as someone who does violence to children. No, no, nothing more vile in the world than that..."
Yamamoto felt Sasakibe go stiff beside him, and glanced over. Sasakibe tipped the file closer for his friend to read.
"-The total annihilation of the Uchimaki clan?" Yamamoto asked.
"I was born a shepherd, my boy. My people have been herding cattle over the hills of my province since there were cattle and hills to herd them over. When rot and madness like that turns up in a line- you need to cull backwards at least three generations or it'll set root and spread through your whole herd." he sighed. "What a shame, what a shame, but it had to be done, or they would have learned to turn a profit, treating children like that, and then we'd never be rid of it."
"I saw the crater. Half a mile deep and three times as wide." Said Yamamoto, mustache trembling. "I thought the wrath of the Gods themselves had descended upon them."
"Hm." Saizo nodded, jaw trembling a bit with palsy. "Hm, yes. That's what it felt like."
"Would you like to feel it again?" Yamamoto asked.
"No." Saizo shook his head, but slowly straightened up as much as he could- he must have been close to seven feet tall before the scoliosis set in- flexing his hands and rolling his neck, the power held withing that body starting to come off him in shimmering golden steam. "-but if that's what it takes for me to go home again, then I will be the tool of the Gods once more."
Yamamoto offered him the contract, and did not need to give him instructions.
Behind them, there was a quiet but extremely invasive wet noise and Yamamoto turned to see Unohana unsheath her... well, it lived in a scabbard but it was a muddy green and unusually gooey for a sword. Minazuki bubbled forth from her scabbard, trilling faintly as she solidified and formed into a mottled green cyclopean stingray, large enough to swallow a man, nuzzling at her human affectionately.
"Huh. She does seem to have an exceptionally intimate bond with her Zanpaktou..." Sasakibe noted, then flinched as Minazuki's mouth opened to reveal a fleshy interior of writhing tentacles and strange glands. Without hesitation, Unohana shed her prisoner's robe, which was apparently the and stepped inside to be swallowed with a sigh of relief.
"Very intimate!" grinned Chigiri at Sasakibe's shoulder. "My offer to stitch you up is still on the table, unless you want to develop a similarly intimate relationship with a fish."
"Never did care for seafood..." Sasakibe muttered.
"What about Tsubaki-san?" Furofushi frowned. "Where's her contract?"
"I came here for fighters." Yamamoto shook his head, turning to Tsubaki. "But you are right that The Maggot's Nest is a secure fortress in it's own right. The war is no place for a pri-"
He stopped, staring. Tsubaki had sat down and was rubbing her feet, fingers laced between her toes. She glanced up at him, then down at her feet, smirked, and sat back, wiggling her toes. "No, I agree, the front is no place for a Princess, but it is very much a place for a Diplomat, isn't it?" she asked.
Yamamoto blinked. "I have been thoroughly disinherited from any political position I may have inherited, so I am no princess." She explained, rolling her ankle with a smirk. "-and you are, if I may make an estimation based on my training as a Lady Of Society and now that all of our contracts are signed and bonded, terrible at negotiations."
Yamamoto shook himself, trying to pretend he hadn't been staring at her arches. "...I thought it went fine? Nobody lost a hand."
She smiled, and walked up beside him, lacing her arm with his and gently patting his hand. "My dear. If bookies had been allowed to lay bets on this encounter, the odds of me losing my head would have been considered a sure thing, and the odds on my being able to convince you to properly hire us and pay us, I agree, an 'obscene' amount of money so slim that anyone who took my side would now be a very rich idiot."
Yamamoto squinted at her, trying to translate that in his head.
"...You've conned me." He glared.
"Quite badly, I'm afraid." She smiled.
"You've conned me, but you can con say, that idiot that runs the Omeda clan or the obnoxious boy with the cock's comb that follows Yhwach around even worse." He tried.
Miss Tsubaki smiled, and laced her fingers with his.
"I'm going to have someone much smarter than me write up your contract." he nodded. "Sasakibe? Can you get us home in a-"
Yamamoto turned to see his friend, standing with his robe open while Chigiri knelt before him. Yamamoto blinked in bewilderment, and then realized the woman was stitching his wounds up at speed, her face close to his navel to focus on her work.
"...Hurry?" Yamamoto asked.
"Boss if I go any faster I'm gonna sew his bellybutton shut." Chirigi replied, not looking up.
"She is almost done, sir." Sasakibe winced. "Please don't interrupt her work?"
--- It took a good half hour to get everyone together to leave- clothes changed, signed out of the Maggot's nest and their custody turned over to Yamamoto, Nobotsuna trying to smuggle his "pet" Salamander out, several other prisoners saying tearful goodbyes to Tsubaki and her taking their information down 'for later', Minazuki trying to eat the salamander, and further mayhem while Sasakibe finished drawing the teleportation circle but soon they were lined up, and as the spell activated, Tsubaki gripped Yamamoto's arm rather firmly.
But in a flash, they were returned to Headquarters, Tsubaki blinking from the bright sun.
"General!" the soldier saluted. "Good to see you again! No news from the front, but we have received word the Shihon clan has made an alliance with the Fon clan as the advance approaches their homeland."
"HAH!" Shouted Chika. "Either cousin Genki pulled his head out of his ass or whatever cousin they're on now has good taste! Mingyan is a BABE and a half."
"Nice digs, very nice." Nodded Danjiro, looking around the courtyard. "...Looks really familiar for some reason. Never been to Seireitei, but I swear I've been in a building just like this?"
The other criminals looked around the courtyard, frowning and muttering about how it DID look familiar, and not at all like barracks.
There was a distressing hurgling sort of noise behind them and Minazuki spat out Yachiru Unohana, who tumbled out, nude and covered in slime. She rolled to the foot of the shrine, and sat up, blinking at the statue inside.
"Hey-" She called, voice still low and a rough but the hollow wetness had gone. "-Why's the military got a shrine to Yatagarasu?"
The others looked at the shrine and then around the building again. The orderly layout, the way the men were fit and professional but not precisely military, the extensive filing and sorting system visible through the open doors, Yamamoto's confession to Mail-tampering, the shrine to the Messenger of the Gods...
"You know, I did think it was rather strange that you were able to rally a small but apparently quite fast and very loyal army without the aid of any major clans." Tsubaki sighed. "How very industrious of you, Postmaster-General Yamamoto!"
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auntyokula · 1 year
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killer trio 🔪🩸
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shinixgami · 2 years
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◈ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ɢᴏᴛᴇɪ 13 ◈
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 1ꜱᴛ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ʏᴀᴍᴀᴍᴏᴛᴏ ɢᴇɴʀʏᴜꜱᴀɪ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 2ɴᴅ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ꜱʜɪʜᴏᴜɪɴ ᴄʜɪᴋᴀ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 3ʀᴅ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ɪᴢᴜʜᴀʀᴀ ᴋɪɴʀᴏᴋᴜ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 4ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴄʜɪᴋɪʀɪ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 5ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏʙᴀɴᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 6ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ꜱᴀɪᴛᴏᴜ ꜰᴜʀᴏᴜꜰᴏꜱʜɪ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 7ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ꜱʜɪɢʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏʙᴜᴛꜱᴜɴᴀ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 8ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴋᴀᴛᴏʀɪʙᴀᴛꜱᴜ ᴜɴꜱᴀɪ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 9ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴋᴜᴍᴏɪ ᴇɴᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 10ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏᴜᴛᴏᴋᴀᴡᴀ ꜰᴜʀᴜᴏᴋɪ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 11ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴜɴᴏʜᴀɴᴀ ʏᴀᴄʜɪʀᴜ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 12ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ᴢᴇɴᴊᴏᴜ ᴊɪᴜʜɪɴ
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ 13ᴛʜ ᴅɪᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ꜱᴀᴋᴀʜᴏɴᴇ ꜱʜɪᴢᴏᴜ
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snow-body · 2 years
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self love
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Bleach - Original Gotei 13
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acupofqueercoffee · 1 year
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*cough* *cough*
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kabuki-draws · 10 months
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{The 5th Division}
Captain Shinji Hirako
Vice-Captain Sōsuke Aizen
First Lieutnant Yuzuki Shindō (OC)
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I've been seeing a lot of OG gotei 13 stories lately on Tumblr, so I'm here to ask! can you make a headcanon about them (Chika, Obana, Furuoki, Chikiri, Katori, and Unohana) with S/O reader??
The Original 13 Headcanons + S/O
Chika Shihōin
Chika is a horrible flirt
Being from a noble family, he was given an arranged married at an early age. But there is no love between them
He has several male & female lovers he goes to outside of his wife
S/O is just one of his many play things. But he always makes them feel special
Danjirō Obana
Unlike his above teammate, Danjiro is extremely loyal
His first priority is his S/O. When not on duty he is constantly with them, and takes an interest in their day-to-day life
A bit possessive as he doesn’t want them to loose interest in or leave him.
His main reason for joining the Gotei 13 was to keep them safe.
Furuoki Ōtogawa
Also from a noble house, but less ‘bucking against convention’ like Chika.
He chooses to honor his wife but is not that affectionate. This is also of just a general rule.
His method of companionship is more distant than most would like, as he has issues with physical touch.
Furuoki does speak very highly of his S/O when asked. Finding their consistent presence and routine comforting.
Chigiri Shijima
Not use to being affectionate with people as his appearance & poor attitude has often left him an outsider.
It still boggles his mind that S/O would want to spend time with him. Much less be his lover.
Abysmal at showing affection. Which often leads to miscommunication or ‘I heard you liked fried squid. I brought you this live one to make for dinner. It wriggles.’
Any slight or remark on their character is met harshly. Mostly with a blade.
Batsu'unsai Katori
Though confident in battle, Katori is painfully shy with people.
Her S/O would have to be patient with her as she often gets flustered, or cold feet after they make plans.
Like her future glasses wearing, Shinigami counterparts, Katori is also an avid reader of literature erotica.
It’s hard for her to find someone she can match with, as they never meet the expectation of her books, but tries to overlook it.
Retsu Unohana
They would have to be with her since the beginning. Since her roaming bandit days.
Unohana, as she is in the past, doesn’t trust anyone to get close. That’s how they get a knife to your back.
She is hopelessly romantic. In her own way.
Like commenting on how beautiful they look bathed in moonlight & blood. Or how their blade looks like dancing when they cut down for sport.
+  Furōfushi Saitō
Saito is a lesbian. She has no interest or use for men. (She honestly finds most of the men of the 13 useless).
Her preferred type is soft, delicate women. If Katori wasn’t so prickly, Saito would snap her up in a heartbeat.
As it is Saito picked S/O at a bar one night and they have been inseparable ever since. For now.
Her passions tend to run wild & hot before she gets bored and dumps them.
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mdeathinside · 2 years
Original Gotei 13
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Now my blind ass can't see very well but I believe the writing is:
山本 元柳齋 重國 — Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni
四楓院 千日 — Shihōin Chika
厳原 金勒 — Izuhara Kinroku
志島 知霧 — Shijima Chikiri
尾花 弾児郎 — Obana Danjiro
齋藤 不老不死 — Saitō Furōfushi
執行 乃武綱 — Shigyō Nobutsuna
鹿取抜 雲斎— Katoribatsu Unsai
久面井 煙鉄 — Kumoi Entetsu
王途川 雨緒紀 — Ōtokawa Furuoki
卯ノ花 八千流 — Unohana Yachiru
善定 寺有嬪 — Zenjō Jiuhin
逆骨 才蔵 — Sakahone Saizō
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Daily Random Headcanon About My Byaichi Fanfiction:
17. In order to legitimise the Gotei 13, some of the Captains of the thirteen squads either married themselves or had relatives marry members of the Four Great Noble Houses and their main Retainer Families.
One such union was one of Otogawa Furuoki's daughters, Otogawa Ayame, with Kuchiki Ginrei.
Also: The Kuchikis got a hold on the 6th Squad after placing the heir at the time as Furōfushi Saitō's lieutenant.
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auntyokula · 1 year
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first relationships just be like…
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shinixgami · 2 years
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◈ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐢 𝟏𝟑 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◈
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hawkai2406 · 2 years
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Bleach - Oroginal Gotei 13
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rrustellar · 2 years
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Doodles/ref sheet for Nobutsuna Shigyou, OG 7th Division captain (Bleach fanart). Vile decaying man operating with poison? Very fun to draw.
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