#bleed orange
arctic-pop · 1 year
Bangchan vs Home Depot Manager
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Bangchan x reader
Warnings: none
Imagine: bangchan defends you from your mean home depot boss
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You sigh, just another boring day working at home depot. You were working outside in the garden area, its dirty but you dont mind it. Youre not like the other home depot employees, you actually like being outside. You were getting a plant vase when all of a sudden, someone bumped into you!! The vase dropped, shattering and even pieces of it cutting your cheek. "Ah! Hey!!" You turn around. It was your boss!!
"Stupid YN!" He yelled. "Thats home depot property you just broke!! You lost the company money! I cant believe they hired a woman. Youre too weak to work here!"
You start tearing up. But he just continues yelling "idiot women are too weak and dumb. Now you owe us money!"
All of a suddem you hear another voice behind you. "Hey!" It said.
You turn around, youre hair whipping in the wind. You find a beautiful boy with blue hair along with a bunch of other super cute guys. When youre eyes met, you blushed and he seemed to be struck too. But then he went up to your boss. "She wasnt too weak to hold it, you bumped into her and now youre bullying her for it!"
"Who the freak do you think you are?"
"Im bangchan, and Im not an idiot like you obviosuly. Women arent weak or stupid. You need to apologize. Or else."
Banchan looked so menacing it made you pee your pants a little bit. His dark eyes bored into your boss's skull. The rest of the gang stood by him also menacingly. Still your manager didnt back down. "Or else what?"
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Bangchan pushed you behind himself protectively, then with his muscely arms, he wound up and threw up punch right on your managers face!!
The manager started to cry and ran away. Bangchan turned around to you. He saw the cut on your cheek and put his hand there. "Are you okay??"
You blushed furiously with his warm hand on your face, a hand that had fought for you! "Im- im okay. Thank you so much!!" You teared up again.
"I just cant believe he was bullying you like that. Why dont you quit if your boss is so mean?
"I cant- i have to take care of my family."
He nodded , his fluffy blue hair bouncing. "By the way, can you show me where plumbing is?"
"Of c-c-course." You stuttered a little, still flustered from when his hand had gently touched your face. You started walking to plumbing, the group of boys behind you.
"What do you need in plumbing?
"The biggest plunger you have"
One of the boys in the back spoke up. "Bangchan pooped so hard it clogged the whole houses plumbing!!"
Bangchan blushed and smacked the back of his head. "Shut up hyunjin!! Its a lie. The toilet just broke cuz its old."
"Its okay, "you said. "Our toilet is clogged too but i cant afford a plumber." You want to tear up, thinking about all the money your parents waste on drugs and alcohol, but you push back the tears.
You found the plungers, grabbed the biggest one home depot offered, and handed it to him.
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Your hands brushed as he grabbed it and you quickly drew your hand away to brush your hair out of your face in embaressment.
"Cute" he whispered under his breath.
"Oh heck did i say that out loud?"
All the guys started laughing at him, one of them rolling on the floor. It made you giggle.
"Do you need anything else?"
"No this is it"
You start to turn around when he suddenly reached out and grabbed your arm, "Wait!"
You turn around. "Yes?
"Will you go out with me?"
You gasped, so excited. "Of, of course!!"
"Ill take you on the nicest date ever, and then I can go over and use my new plunger to fix your toilet too."
"But but i cant pay you-"
"Its for free. Cause I like you, YN"
"No ones ever done this for me... can i hug you?"you ask.
He smirked and opened up his arms. You ran to him. Wrapping your arms around him, not caring that your still wearing your home depot apron. You can smell the faint odor of poop on him as you hug, breathing in his air, but you dont mind. "Thank you for being my home depot hero"
"Of course baby" bangchan said.
The End
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slafkovskyhughes · 1 year
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steeler dan appreciation post
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stargirl230 · 6 months
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I’m so late to this but i started watching ofmd and jim has stolen my whole heart 🍊
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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fleur-aesthetic · 8 months
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instagram | jwhorner_
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quietbatperson · 4 months
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
lloyd 'survived on one meal per day for years' frontera would absolutely see sharing food as a love language and javier 'lived in the streets for months as a child' asrahan would be fluent in it
i do believe there is a point in their lives where they both heal from the trauma of going through severe food insecurity but neither of them ever quite really forget just how important food can be. and when the other shares their food with them, they appreciate it as the show of affection it was meant to be
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sunforgrace · 10 months
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sorry about the blood in your mouth
I wish it was mine
“Little Beast” by Richard Siken, Crush | “Despair” Supernatural, Season 15 Episode 18
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 6 months
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good, apprentice... good, but you can do better. your back foot. take it further out. more. hmm... perfect. run through the form again, do not lose focus. begin.
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hairtusk · 8 months
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If... (1968, dir. Lindsay Anderson) / A Clockwork Orange (1971, dir. Stanley Kubrick)
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jamiethebeeart · 2 months
Gore lineart by @tsubaki94 // it was so fun to back to my roots of "how many bruises and cuts can i fit on danny from ghost fighting" (cw: blood, bruises, cuts, cuts on inner forearm, bite bruise, restraint marks, blood/ectoplasm smear/splatter)
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(also shamelessly looking at @green-with-envy-phandom-event 's cw tags to use)
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smegmafactory4prez · 15 days
Another very good life lesson I just learned at my big age is never go shopping for essentials while cracked out bcs why did I buy grape flavored toothpaste? Its disgusting.
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slafkovskyhughes · 1 year
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for further context: on monday i went to the match asking for a puck in exchange for a drawing i did. after the game i waited for him, gave him the drawing and showed him the poster. he then asked if i was coming to the next game and my mum bought tickets so we could. i took the same poster today and HE WAS LOOKING FOR ME. genuinely one of the nicest, kindest people ever.
what a sweet sweet start to 16 🧡🏒🍊
and what a way to end the year 🫶🏻
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deva-arts · 1 year
Coming soon!
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(I decided that the mini comics I made will come later because the thought of leaving the pacing awry irked me to no end)
So! You wait. Buuuuut you also get closure! doesn't that sound fun?
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fleur-aesthetic · 1 year
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instagram | blueskyflowerfarm
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murderbees · 2 months
as a enthusiatic member of programs in TRON should have blood,
I propose they bleed a processed form of energy. Their lightlines function similarly to circulatory systems. The color of their energy usually matches their lightlines.
It glows slightly, usually somewhat neon at first. Then as it evaporates/dries, it darkens and eventually leaves a dark grey soot film behind. It's not the easiest to wash off.
This is definitely not an excuse to draw characters covered in blood/energy, not at all
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klvm0nn · 3 months
Some stuff!
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