#blind roy
filledwithfullmetal · 3 months
I wish Roy had stayed blind. I realise why he got his sight back - he didn't open the gate and didn't deserve the punishment - but he and Riza had such clear communication going in the final battle that I wished she could guide him foreverrrr. They have that codependent vibe, you know.
i see the vision (no pun intended), i think that would have been a very interesting plot that honestly someone should write a fic about, if there isnt any already, but i do get why they had to go the fix it route. like theres no way the military government would have just allowed him to stay in the military, so achieving his goal of being fuhrer would have been practically impossible
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flippy-floppy · 9 months
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handwritings: kendall, roman, shiv
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g0mg0mee · 2 months
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
The fact that Roy can't see her like this,,, I am throwing up
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autumn0689 · 9 months
My favorite manga panels in FMA is during when Mustang was blind and was looking so little and looking absolutely miserable. He looks so done in some panels and like he is one second away from having a breakdown in other panels.
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jopzer · 1 year
something about roy tucking his face into jamie's neck during 2x12 as a direct contrast to jamie having fully melted into the hug during 2x08 but still taking a few beats before his eyebrows turn and He tucks in his face and starts hiccuping. yea
#beebles#royjamie#ted lasso#roy kent#jamie tartt#i don't have anything smart or sexy to say about this one it's just like. damn#jamie has accepted the affection but the shock and sheer terror in his veins slowly falling off of him#till he's just sobbing quietly into roy's shoulder and the whole team is just fucken. Watching.#to then roy head butting the fuck out of him because their relationship is sort of built on violence??#and taking it from him and treating him delicately would be theeeeeee last thing jamie would want from him#especially at that stage in his character arc#tbh in both of their character arcs.#but to immediately follow it up with such unwavering and blinding affection#not even just hauling him into the hug but tucking his nose against jamie's next#directly paralleled to jamie tucking his face into roy's#god. God!!!#roy gave the first affection after an act of violence twice!! in such differing contexts!!#and they were both equally meaningful!!!#roy kent!!! you fascinate me!!!!#so deeply deeply the zeitgeist of their whole relationship#they have to have some sort of violent undercurrent before they can really connect and even when they do that violence persists#in a really compelling way btw i love it#theyre besties they inexorably tied to one another theyre sharing traumas and secrets and they also canonically knock one another senseless#i love it. love their relationships to love and violence and emptiness and consumption#man y'all's baggage just lines right up don't it.
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junosswans · 1 year
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Entry to RoyEd Week 2023 August 2nd Day 2 - Soulmate AU
(Edited: Long fic ahead! Also I posted this on ao3 too :> thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments!! I am all giddy over them)
It was already late when they arrived at the Rockbell’s house, where villagers said they could find the Elric brothers if they were not home. The cottage was dim inside, only allowing the faintest trace of dusk to put shape to the helpless boy in the wheelchair, and the enormous suit of armour towering over him.
In the literal blink of an eye, Roy Mustang’s life was turned upside down.
Despite the darkness, Roy saw the boy in foreign vividness that he had never witnessed; colours exploded in front of his eyes like fireworks, rendering him speechless. The boy’s shade was accentuated by a distinct warmth— Roy would later learn the name of the colour that was gold, a pigment that he would come to associate with justice, passion, and everything that was pure and magnificent.
Before arriving at Resembool, Roy had rehearsed his recruitment speech for five different situations, but none of which took the current one into account. For the first time in a long while, he had no idea what to say.
At that moment, assaulted by colours he had yet to know, he only knew one thing— that destiny had cursed this little boy to be attached to him, Roy Mustang. A man who had far more enemies than allies, more nightmares than sleep— more dead than alive.
The boy did not give any visible reaction to Roy’s loud entry into the house, and his aimless eyes had already betrayed his state to Roy.
He could not afford to have a soulmate. Not when his soulmate sat defencelessly like this, deaf to the entire world. Being his soulmate meant putting a target on their back, meant always sleeping with an eye open, meant never finding peace till the day of his death.
He could not, in good conscience— with what little he had remained of it— put his soulmate through what his life entailed. Anyone sane enough would be able to see him from a distance and turn around immediately. Nobody deserved to be Roy’s soulmate to experience what he would inevitably put them through. No one would be tough and yet foolish enough to stay.
Ignoring the nausea this revelation has caused him, Roy bit his tongue and demanded an explanation for the situation instead. He listened, in slowly freezing horror, to the younger brother of the Elrics– Alphonse Elric– explaining how they ended up in their current bodies.
Roy looked at Edward Elric who was missing two limbs, and reminded himself that this young boy in front of him had committed the greatest taboo in alchemy and survived. Then, as if it was not enough, did it again to bargain his brother’s soul back. An improbable, stupid, and lethal decision—yet it was undeniable that he had done the unthinkable and survived the consequences. At such a young age nonetheless, when most alchemists' apprentices were still struggling with the most basic of elements.
Perhaps given time, this boy could grow into someone beyond Roy’s imagination. Perhaps given time, Roy could grow into someone strong enough to shield his soulmate from harm.
And so Roy told him, in an earnestness that surprised even himself, that when he was ready, he could find Roy in East City and Roy would provide him with resources that could put him back on his feet. That it would be a road filled with thorns and danger, but the rewards were worth the risk.
Against his better judgement, Roy had provided his soulmate a choice. Edward could choose to run after him into the shower of bullets and webs of lies, or he could choose to stay in the quiet countryside and never let their paths cross again.
Secretly, Roy wished that his soulmate would choose the latter, wiser option. But he also knew acutely that the world had a morbid sense of humour, and whoever that was tied with him could never have any good sense in them. If fate had decided that they were meant to be, then his soulmate must have been as much of a stubborn fool as him, if not more.
Roy bid the family goodbye, and walked out of the dark shadows of the cottage. He was greeted with an entirely new world, now coloured in radiant hues he could not put words to.
He examined his palm under the flickering street light. He could see his veins faintly under his skin, pumping blood into every corner of his body. It was purple and flesh and red and human. It was warm and colourful and alive.
Remember it, remember what I’ve said, and catch up to me. Roy thought. Those who cannot keep up with me cannot be my soulmate.
I’m putting my faith in you that, no matter which way you end up choosing, our paths will converge, and we shall meet again at a time when you and I are wiser and stronger and unmovable in the face of danger. I’m putting my faith in you that, regardless of the dangers on my journey, you will find me and stay beside me and not be frightened.
I’m choosing to believe, if fate has decided that I’m still worthy of a soulmate despite my sins, then there must still be something redeemable in me, and you must be someone with enough love to love me for the monster I am.
Please find me soon.
And then Ed surprised him after a year when Roy expected to wait at least 5 more years lmfao
I wanted to play on the idea of “you only begin to see colour once you’ve met your soulmate” and thought VERY hard about how to visualise it without turning it into a long comic. My very stupid, no good brain came up with the idea of putting a colour wheel in the background :> in hindsight it’s very cringe but at that point it was already too late to give up or change it lmaooooo
I also put paint and paint brushes around as decoration which i think is kind of cute ^^ and special thanks to my sister who helped me fix the colouring because my usual way of doing it just… lacks the vibrancy this prompt asks for. She’s a goddess and 192729% better at this drawing business than me.
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superbat-lmao · 6 months
Roy and Jason have their own comms channel that blocks the rest of the bats.
Because, when Roy is out of commission and it’s a slow night, he says the filthiest things over the comms to try and convince Jason to wrap it up early and come home.
Warning: Mature content.
Roy, who has years of experience over Jason also has the unique delight of patrolling for two weeks while Jason heals from a particularly nasty GSW. Once Jason’s well enough to listen in over the comms, he gets an idea.
The first time he signs on to their private channel, he’s direct and slightly nervous. He doesn’t get further than, “Busy night?”
“Wanna come home and fuck me?”
There’s a noise like an impact and then Roy saying, “I might have to now that you almost gave me a concussion, Jaybird.”
But after a few days Jason really considered how much work it is for Roy to just keep talking. Because Jason has sat out in the cold for two and a half hours before, completely silent, and still had Roy chattering on in his ear with lurid fantasies.
So, he waits for Roy to do actual reconnaissance, writes down a couple of things beforehand, and really lays into it.
Because if there’s one thing that Roy is that Jason isn’t, it’s that he’s shameless.
But Jason is a bat, and if there’s one thing he’s capable of, it’s completing a mission.
So Roy announces that he’s going silent on his end and Jason waits about 7 minutes before laying into his master plan. He triple checks he’s on their private comm and goes for it.
“Have I told you what I think about on patrol when you’re on the comms? What it was like the first time you caught me off guard doing this?”
“Because at first you gave me a heart attack. I didn’t realize you’d switched lines and thought Babs could hear us. You’d said something about suffocating between my thighs and I damn near fell off a fire escape.”
“But my first stakeout? You talked about me pinning you to the wall of the alley I was above, fisting my hand around your cock, and putting my dick inside you. I couldn’t breathe, Roy. I thought I’d died when the mark finally moved and got the recon of who he was working for. I had to do breathing exercises the whole way home so I didn’t come in my gear.”
After a while, Jason gets used to the silence and just describes everything he can think of about Roy. He talks about his hands, the callouses on his fingers, his arms, what it’s like to sink his teeth into his neck, the feel of his muscles under Jason’s hands, how good he feels wrapped around Jason’s cock, or in Jason’s mouth, or how he tastes clenched around his tongue, how it feels to have Roy inside him, how Roy’s hair feels in his finger tips, how he loves the taste of his tongue, his teeth. How his back curves into his ass and the pale skin he bites when he clenches around Jason.
“God baby, how do you keep your hands to yourself saying things like this. I’m hard just thinking about you.”
And he is. Jason’s sweatpants are tented where he’s seated on the couch.
His mind wanders a bit, thinking on how rarely he’s speaking these thoughts about Roy out loud. He’s an enthusiastic partner, loud even, but rarely this explicit.
“Fuck Roy, is it easier for you to say these things when I’m not in front of you? Because I swear some times I look at you and forget how to breathe.”
“When you’re here in front of me it’s like someone has shorted a connection in my brain. I would forget English if you let me. Until all I could say is your name.”
He goes on for a while longer, not quite keeping track of how long he’s been talking for. He tries to picture what Roy will be like when he wraps up, when he comes home, but he draws a bit of a blank.
Because Jason knows this script, but not from this side. He’s always been the one to come through the window, to take Roy in whatever state he finds him on their bed, and bear down on him. To fulfill any fantasy that he had been hearing for the last twenty minutes to three hours.
But when Jason finally hears their window open, he realizes how much control Roy gives him. Because abruptly, Jason feels as though he’s been waiving a red piece of cloth in a dirt ring and he can finally hear the gate open.
He gasps into the kiss Roy demands from him, smiling into the satisfaction of how riled up he looks now that he’s removed his domino. Roy’s hands move with an urgency that makes Jason laugh as he removes his armor as quickly as possible.
“Of course you would find this funny. Jaybird, I swear on Alfred that if you don’t help me out of this right now I will combust.”
So Jason takes pity on him and strips what he can reach. There’s a pull in his leg when Roy readjusts them on the couch and it seems to occur to him that Roy is usually pretty injured when Jason is on the other side of this set up. He makes a mental note to move them to the bed in the future before letting himself get distracted.
When Roy’s wandering hands press a little too roughly that he feels Jason flinch, he takes the hint and they’re in the bedroom. Roy solves the problem of too much pressure by maneuvering Jason on top of him and letting him set the pace.
After, when they’re cleaned up and enjoying the distinct fuzziness of the afterglow, Roy tracing his fingers lazily around Jason’s chest, Jason can’t help but ask.
“So, how’d the recon go?”
Roy flushed a deep red at the question.
“That bad, huh?”
“I got what we needed.”
“Really? I didn’t distract you too bad? Do I have to up my game for next time?”
“I swear you‘ll be the death of me.”
When Jason shot him an unimpressed look Roy relented and went on.
“I didn’t think it would be that hard, I’ve spent literal hours sitting here doing the same thing and you’ve never almost botched a mission because of a hard on.”
“Yeah well, I don’t know how you can keep talking for so damn long. It’s one thing doing breathing exercises on a roof top, but our living room is too damn boring for me to be stuck looking at when talking about you.”
That gets a smile out of Roy, who presses a short kiss against Jason’s slight scowl.
“Aww Jaybird, you could always tell me while I’m here. I’ll keep things interesting.”
“Roy, if you’re here there are way more important things I could be doing than talk.”
“I do enjoy putting it to use in other ways, I’ll give you that. And tonight wasn’t, I mean. God Jason listening to you say everything, I don’t know where to start. I love every possible use your mouth could be put to, just, I don’t know if I can handle the insane amount of control you’re using to listen to everything on patrol.”
Jason worked on tucking them in properly, reaching for the light so they could finally get some sleep.
“Noted. Dirty talk on the comms only when you’re wrapped up for the night.”
“Ugh, I really hope this grappling with a boner thing doesn’t become a Thing.”
Jason laughed when he kissed Roy before really settling in.
“No promises.”
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zeb-z · 6 months
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mfw I sacrifice my vision for knowledge of power. surely this isn’t a metaphor for anything
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flamesignite · 2 months
Here’s the whole scene that I keep posting about. It gives me feels.
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lullabadbye · 7 days
the last 20 episodes were like a marathon but I finally finished fmab. I have thoughts and feelings about the ending so here I go to AO3 for sweet sweet canon divergence aus
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (1974) - Australian Poster
AKA The Return of the Evil Dead, Attack of the Blind Dead, Return of the Blind Dead, Mark of the Devil 5: Return of the Blind Dead, Mark of the Devil Part V: Night of the Blind Terror, Mark of the Devil V
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patrickzvveig · 1 year
More re: Sally Reed. Like it pisses me off so bad when people (men) say that she did not have to go with Barry... lmao she felt like she did. Do people not understand her arc for the first four episodes of s4? Between “entitled cunt,” Barry’s public arrest, her parents house in Joplin being a manifestation of her past abuse (and the shame that comes with being an outspoken victim), and, obviously, the man she killed. She’s really backed into a corner and, as many abuse victims do, she seeks comfort in her abuser because he promises to provide an emotional constant. And then he doesn’t. She is isolated from the outside world, extremely traumatized, emotionally alone, and forced into motherhood (which she doesn’t seem to initially want). Like yeah, she does things that are morally reprehensible, such as giving John alcohol. And you’re obviously not supposed to support that but if you cannot see the ways in which this is building up maybe this tv show is not for you. It is genuinely painful to see a character who is treated by the writers with so much understanding and empathy be butchered by such a large portion of the fandom who cannot understand the cognitive processes behind an action. Writing a female character with any nuance or flaws a show targeted towards men seems impossible because many men just seemingly do not want to recognize and empathize with female characters.
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aghxst · 2 years
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Happy FMA day! Turns out going blind only gets you out of paperwork for a little while.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I will never forgive fmab for taking blind Roy away from me. Do you know the layer of complexity and growth that could've been for his character? Like, I get the most realistic and fair thing for him is to have his vision back, but this show did not make me go through such emotional turmoil for this to be fixed in the last episode just like that. I wanted him blind! I wanted him to study like that! I wanted Riza to be his eyes for a while! I wanted him to learn how to fight being blind! It was such a good plot and it seriously bothers me.
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shehungthemoon · 1 year
We talk a lot about Jeremy’s complete and utter method melding with Kendall’s character. Uhhhhhh maybe we should have been keeping an eye on Kieran too because that man just admitted to being Roman so completely that he didn’t know what country he was in??? 🙏
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