#blitzo x child reader
nixie-writes · 1 year
Alastor, Husk, Angel and Blitz with a child who craves violence
(lmao what is this Remy)
-he encourages it! He's a violent man himself, if you want to be violent you're welcome to, just don't wreck the hotel.
-he'd teach you to properly fight using your skills and use black magic. He'd give you a weapon when he feels you're mature enough for it and he'd bring you with him to make carnage.
-Husk doesn't really care that you crave violence. He encourages you to protect yourself. Nixie thinks it's a bad idea and coddles you to convince you otherwise. It doesn't work and she gives in.
-Husk would teach you offensive fighting, Nixie would teach you defensive fighting. She'd teach you how to use magic with water if you're able to.
-his little baby wants violence?? How??
-he'd eventually give in and pay someone (cough Alastor cough) to teach you how to fight for self defense and he'd buy you a punching bag but that's as far as he'll go. He's seen too much violence to subject you to that.
-he's so proud!! He'd encourage you to learn to fight and have Loona help teach you. Millie would teach you melee, Moxxie would teach you weaponry and Loona would teach you defensive moves.
-when you're older and more experienced he'll let you work for IMP.
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selineram3421 · 2 months
Petit Lapin Blanc
Part 5
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Part 4
Alastor and Human Child Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ platonic, (gn) gender neutral reader, N/n = Nickname, Italics=thoughts, I.M.P, the mention of murder, commercial jingle ⚠
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You turned by spinning the stool to see a blonde woman with a red-pink suit at the counter where the bell was.
"Oh, good. I have everyone's attention now.", she said with a smile and walked over to you.
Feeling unsure, you reached for Alastor's hand to hold and the man in red let you, giving you a pat on the head with his other hand. The woman bent her knees a bit as she stood in front of you, wanting to be at your eye level.
"Hey little one..", she made her smile look softer. "How did you get here? It's a bit far from home."
You felt a little more unsure after she mentioned home.
"How do you know where home is?", you asked with a slight glare, turning towards the red man a bit.
"Well my dad knows but I've heard stories about it!", she says.
You squint your eyes at her.
"Suspicious..", you mumble.
"Ha!", Alastor laughs. "Charlie, dear. I think it's best that you introduce yourself first. Strangers are quite untrustworthy."
The blonde woman, Charlie, stands up and clears her throat with an embarrassed smile.
"You're right."
Vaggie stands next to the blonde and pats her shoulder.
"Don't worry, she owns the hotel and just wanted to meet you.", the white haired woman smiled. "This is Charlie."
Charlie gave you a small wave. "Hi."
After taking in what you could learn from her appearance, you deemed her safe enough. She didn't wear a fake smile, she stepped back when seeing you uncomfortable, and well..now she was waiting for you to respond.
She wanted your trust.
"Hi.", you waved back.
"Can we know your name?", Charlie asked.
"No.", you said firmly.
Her smile dropped and she looked worried.
"Ah yes. N/n here thinks we are fae, they will not give their name.", his smile widens. "What a smart child."
"Oooh, yeah that is smart. You don't know how many deee-I mean people! Uh, how many people have been tricked by giving their name.", Charlie corrects herself.
"Nice catch.", Husk grumbled, still shuffling the cards.
You almost forgot he was there since he was so quiet.
"So I was right!", you cheered and stood up on the stool. "You guys are like fae!"
"Not quite little one.", Alastor had you sit down on the stool again. "I promised to tell you later, remember?"
"Why is later taking so long?", you pouted and crossed your arms.
"Would you like tomorrow?", he asked with a raised brow.
"No!", you stood up on the stool again and faced the red man with a determined glare.
"And why not?", he questioned, picking you up and shifted until you were comfortable in his hold.
"Because then it'll never happen.", you explained with a sad, quiet tone.
Whenever grown-ups would say tomorrow, it never happened. You hated tomorrow. You lived by the day whenever it came.
Tomorrow was never promised.
"I hate tomorrow."
Alastor found your distrust toward the Princess hilarious.
"Charlie, dear. I think it's best that you introduce yourself first. Strangers are quite untrustworthy.", he spoke up.
The little one finally greeted Charlie after she took a step back from the child.
Then the Princess asked for their name and the human quickly said no. Poor Charlie looked distraught and wondered what she had done wrong, so he decided to help clue the young lady in on why you wouldn't give your name.
"Ah yes. N/n here thinks we are fae, they will not give their name.", his smile widened. "What a smart child.", he complimented.
The Princess almost lets it slip that they are demons but manages to save herself from saying the word demons.
"So I was right!", they cheered and stood up on the stool. "You guys are like fae!"
"Not quite little one.", Alastor had them sit down on the stool again so they wouldn't fall. "I promised to tell you later, remember?"
They pouted and whined that it was taking too long.
"Would you like tomorrow?", he asked with a raised brow.
"No!", they stood up on the stool again and faced him with a determined glare.
Curious.. He thought. "And why not?", he questioned, picking them up and shifted until they were comfortable in his hold.
Charlie's eyes widened at his action but he paid no mind and focused on the human child.
"Because then it'll never happen.", they explained.
Where did they learn such a thing? Hmm.. They must have been disappointed repeatedly.
"I hate tomorrow.", the little human glared with such hatred for that one word.
"Very well, later it is.", he said with a nod. "How's after dinner? I'm sure you're hungry after all that walking."
"Um, actually Alastor. I don't think-", Charlie started.
"Is it safe for me to eat? Fae food isn't safe.", they said. "If you are like fae, then it's not ok for me to eat."
"They are right.", the Princess agreed. "We'd have to get food outside of uh..this realm in order for them to eat."
Clever little thing.
"Alright then, let's get your human food and we'll have dinner!", he declared and placed them back on the stool, making sure they sat down. "Now, you must stay seated on this type of seat, especially since it spins. You can hurt yourself if you're not careful. So, no more standing on it."
"Oh, ok.", they nodded.
"Husker!", he then turned to face the cat demon behind the bar counter. "Continue to entertain them. I must find them something suitable to eat."
"Fine.", the feline responded and glanced at the child. "Hey kid, wanna learn how to bite quarters?"
"You can bite quarters?", the little one asked, spinning to face the cat, interested.
"Want to see me do it?", Husk said as he pulled out a coin and flipped it before catching it mid air.
Not having to worry about them running off, Alastor gestured for the girls to follow him and walked to a nearby office.
"Ok, what is going on? How did a human, a human child at that, get down here? They aren't even dead!", Charlie asked, whisper shouting at the last bit.
"Alastor said he doesn't know. He found them on the street, watching the tv's in front of the tech store.", Vaggie explained.
"I was just as surprised as you dear, but they don't remember themselves, A case of amnesia. It's quite the mystery.", he said, holding his hands behind his back and tapped his finger on his palm. "However, we don't have the time to solve it, our biggest problem is getting them food from Earth. As far as I know, there is no way to get up there."
"Because you don't watch t.v.", Vaggie rolled her eyes and got the television remote.
He rolled his eyes in response.
The white haired woman turned on the noisy chatter-box at the push of a button and switched it to a channel.
A commercial was on.
"Hi there! I'm Blitzø, the O is silent-", an imp introduced himself. "..and I'm the founder of I.M.P!"
He glared at the screen, not sure what he was supposed to gather from this commercial.
"Why are we watching this?", he asked.
"Just wait.", Vaggie sighed.
"Well, luckily for you! Thanks to our company's special access to the living world-", the imp said and managed to open a portal with a spell book. "..we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!", he walked over to the portal and fell back into it.
Then a music bit for the company started.
"Kids die for free~!"
The commercial ended but then started up again.
Vaggie turned off the television. "That's been on for the last two hours.", she mumbled.
"Oh my gosh..", Charlie covered her mouth in horror.
"Ah, I see now! We can hire that lot to get food.", he said.
"We can hire that lot to send them back! Este idiota-", Vaggie hissed out and then started spewing out some Spanish.
Send them back? He thought. That was the plan, wasn't it..
"Let's make sure they eat first and then we can send them back, yeah?", Charlie placed a hand on her partner's shoulder. "I'm not sure how they got down here but they must be pretty tired."
"Yes, Charlie is right. For now the food will do and then we'll take care of them going home tomorrow.", he said before stepping out of the office.
He walked back to the lobby and spotted the little human holding a fan of cards, playing 'Go-fish' with Husk.
"Mind if I join in?", the deer demon sat on the stool next to their's.
"I beat Husk!", they declared and handed him some cards.
"Oh really?", he said and looked at the cards in his hand.
"I think they're cheatin'.", Husk grinned, pretending to whisper.
"Nu-uh! Am not!", the little one frowned with their cheeks puffed out in anger at the accusation.
"Hmm.. I don't know. I always win at card games..", Husk said, looking at them from the corner of his eye.
"Maybe I'm just better!", they said and asked if anyone had twos.
"Go fish.", Alastor smiled.
Yes, tomorrow they would go home.
He picked up a card from the pile after asking for sevens, receiving the response 'go fish'.
But tomorrow is never promised..
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Hi. Thanks for waiting and here you go.
~Seline, the person.
Part 6
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @+?
♥The rest of the taglist is in the comments♠
ML I Alastor🎙| 🐇ChL
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platinumrosetail · 10 months
Hi it me 🪿 sorry it took me so long work kicking my ass.
Can I have a yandere playtonic Millie , bilzto, stolas, Luna x female trun demon child reader
Where the reader got to hell cuz well I leave that idea to you and then Millie bilzto and stolas and Luna found them and is like my demon baby now and rise them
Sorry if anything is missing spells so many day at the ER. But I have a couple day's off for Much need sleep and relaxing and doing chores lol have a wonderful day sweetheart
Sure! And you’re fine. I’ll do what I can with your lovely request.
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: blitzø, loona, millie, and stolas.
You were hypnotized by some magician like criminal to do bad things as the criminal thought that no one would believe a child do his deeds for him.
Well that ended up you dying in one of the crimes he had forced you to do and so you ended up in hell.
He met you when he was getting some food for him and loona.
He didn’t ask about how you’re here or where’s your parents if your were born here, he just took you with him to the apartment he owns, saying how you’re now his daughter which greatly startled you about how sudden he was about this decision without even knowing you.
He learned what happened while you were still alive and then grew overprotective as many demons who died in the human world is more powerful than the hell-born demons so he doesn’t want you to get used again like when you were alive.
He spoils you like he does with loona and buys you a lot of stuff, while he buys stuff he makes sure to buy a tracker just in case you go missing or get lost or other situations.
He’ll make sure you’re safe and sound, making sure to keep you close to him even at I.m.p office.
You were kicked out of the orphanage and died stealing some food.
Loona was just walking down the street after getting a hell version of Starbucks when you appeared in front of her in your new demon form still a child.
She was shocked to see a child being in hell but anything is possible.
She decided to take you home which surprised her as she wouldn’t do it but you just seemed to spark her interest especially with how she knows how hell would treat a young child like you.
She soon learned your backstory and she kinda related but it looks like you got the short end of the stick unlike her.
She secretly likes that blitzø easily took a shine to you but doesn’t show it, she also gets you gift she thinks you might like like a wolf doll.
She’ll be overprotective of you when out and will bite off anyone heads who decides to try and mess with you.
Your family were murders so being in their family made you go to hell after you had died unexpectedly young.
You bumped into her after you get sent to hell and she just couldn’t let you survive on your own especially since you’re in hell and won’t go far unless you know what you’re doing.
So she took you to her apartment she shares with her beloved husband.
Moxxie wasn’t expecting his wife to bring home a child but after being explained how you got here he caved in and soon became your dad.
She makes sure you have everything you need and teaches you everything you might need to know along with some things she learned on her family’s farm.
She and moxxie both take you to work so you know both blitzø and loona, sometimes you’d be babysat by them when the two wants alone time.
She’s overprotective of you as she is of her husband and would do anything to keep you and him safe and sound.
You actually accidentally summoned him when finding one of his more easier summoning rituals so you and him became friends as you were lonely with how you had no friends.
He took interest you and started teaching you things like math and other useful thing you might need in the future.
He decided that you were perfect to be his daughter and know that you would get along with Octavia but he worries on what Stella would do when she finds out about you so he’ll have to do something with her and soon.
The way he had you be taken to hell was possess you and kill your parents though that was a bit tricky as their always working but thankfully he figured out when they be off work and home.
After he had you kill your parents he made you kill yourself so you could come down to hell and be his child.
He already taken care of Stella and made it look like a assassination attempt on him but she was hit, thankfully his blitzy and his friends did a wonderful job doing it too.
Your young mind didn’t comprehend or remember how he had possessed you and had killed your parents and yourself which he was thankful for as he means you still see him in a good lighting even with the new demon look you had gain. You and Octavia got along alright, though she didn’t understand why her father did what he did but didn’t really question as everyone in hell is demons and there’s a lot of things that have happened so it was best not to question things.
(A/n: I hope you liked it 😁!! Also this person will only be the person that will be able to use the anonymous feature as I’m tired of all the people requesting something but not following my rule and I won’t be able to contact them, reason why only this person is allowed is because my friend knows them and can contact them for me so do please make sure to read my rules before you request thank you. Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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vikkirosko · 4 months
Feel free to reject but how about back when Stolas and Stella were together and he hadn’t met Blitzo again Stolas became close to Andrealphus wife.
She was also a arranged to marry Andrealphus at young age with the intent of a child being born and having a loveless and abusive marriage which is made worse due to the fact reader has a very low chance of being able to have children.
🦉 Stolas x fem!Reader headcanons Two unhappy hearts 🎩
After a loud scandal, it would seem that everything has returned to normal. Stolas and Stella were together again, but the relationship between them was finally destroyed. It would seem that the only reason they were still together was their daughter. Few people knew about it. Besides them, Andrealphus, Stella's brother, and you, his wife, knew about it. You've known Stolas for many years, since his wedding day. You used to have little contact with him, but now you have become a frequent guest at his house, even though you came there accompanying your husband
While Andrealphus and Stella were talking, you were sitting with Stolas. You were uncomfortable being around your husband and his sister, and Stolas saw it, so you spent time together. Stolas knew that there was no love in your marriage with Andrealphus, because of this you were in a similar position. However, you couldn't get rid of this marriage. Stolas did not know the reason, but during one of your conversations he accidentally mentioned it and immediately fell silent. He was afraid that his words might upset you, but you smiled gently at him and told him that the purpose of your marriage was to have an heir, but in all the years of your life together you have never been able to get pregnant. The doctors claimed that the chance that you would be able to get pregnant was extremely small and Andrealphus knew about it, but still has not divorced you because of his own pride
Your spouses did not pay attention to the fact that you began to communicate a lot, not even realizing that you had become very close. You hid your affair from the others and for the first time in a long time you were both happy. Stolas felt really loved by you. You were gentle and caring. You really loved him and Stolas didn't understand how Andrealphus could not see how wonderful you were. Stolas increasingly found himself thinking that he wanted you to be his wife and not Stella. He thought that if you had met earlier, you could have had a happy family, but now that his marriage was bursting at the seams and your marriage was in a similar state, so he could try to change everything and finally let two hearts be happy
You started discussing becoming a couple. To do this, you had to go through difficult divorce processes and the only thing that could help you was yourself. Stolas understood that Andrealphus would not let you go so easily, so he tried to think everything through. He tried to come up with a way to make the divorce at least as painless as possible for you, because if the affair with imp could eventually be forgotten, then if they find out about your relationship, then this scandal will not be forgotten soon
The last straw for Stolas was the bruise on your wrist. Andrealphus hurt you and he wasn't going to let it go like that. He made a real scandal, got very angry, and bluntly stated that he was not going to put up with all this anymore. Stolas decided to divorce his wife and help you divorce your husband, but in the meantime, to keep you safe, he offered you to stay in his house so that Andrealphus would not hurt you. You had a new chapter in your life ahead of you
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forestkniight · 1 month
I'll Be Seeing You
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✯ Chapter 1 ✯
Okay, it's been a while since I've written a fic that wasn't a one-shot, so I'm really hoping that it's something I can keep up with. I currently have about four chapters planned, but they are still developing. Even in this chapter, I changed a few things to make the story flow better!
Pairing: Fizzarolli x reader (still debating if I want to make it a polyamorous relationship eventually)
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 3K
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When you’re a kid, the sky's the limit regarding your dreams. No one expects you to have it all figured out, and for the most part, a little voice in your head tells you that you’ll make it out of your situation. Little did you know, it would come at a cost. 
Clutching your chest, you quickly sit up as you try to calm your frantic heartbeat. Several weeks have passed, and you keep having dreams of your past and all the choices that got you where you are today. You take a breath as you look at the slivers of red that pass through the opening of your curtain. 
How long has it been since you fell asleep?
You sigh as you reach for your phone to catch up on anything you might have missed while sleeping, which wasn’t much. Nothing new there. You lay back in bed and stare at the ceiling. These days seem to be going by slower, and you blame it on the lack of sleep due to the dreams. 
Flashes of red and white. 
Of horses.
Of black and white horns.
You shake your head as you check the time. It was still early, and you wouldn’t have to check into work until later on. You currently work as a singer at a live music club in the Pride Ring. You didn’t live an expensive life, but you were content for the most part, especially when you got to sing. When you were a child, all you ever wanted to do was perform in front of people and make them feel something. You never got that opportunity as a child, though. You wince as a memory enters your mind.
“Blitzo! I have to clean that up,” you pouted as you picked up the garbage your friend tossed everywhere on the floor. 
“It’s not my fault you got me a gift and made it impossible to open,” Blitzo says while trying to untape the gift box that was previously in another taped-up gift box. 
You couldn’t help but smile widely as you waited for Blitzo to finally get to the actual gift. You glanced at Fizz, who was just as excited about the gift as your other friend. As if sensing your gaze, he looked up at you and stuck his tongue out at you.
“This is low, even for you! You know Blitzo can’t resist a gift,” Fizz teased.
You giggled as you saw Blitzo’s frustration at opening the gift box and finding yet another gift box inside. 
“Well, I couldn’t make it easy for him,” you said, reaching out to grab the discarded tape Blitzo had thrown to the side. " Besides, his gift is in the next box.”
Fizz smiled and shook his head at you. He looked back at Blitzo's hand, and he was close to opening the final gift box. Once he managed it, he removed its contents.
“No way,” Blitzo’s eyes lit up as he took out a little gold figurine of a horse and a heart-shaped locket.
“I was walking around some shops in my free time and saw it in the window. I knew right away that it was meant for you,” you said as Blitzo launched himself at you, nearly tackling you.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou,” he said as he hugged you before releasing you to admire his new figurine some more. 
“It’s no problem, Blitzo! You deserve it and more. Now,” you turn and take another gift box from close by, “I couldn’t forget a gift for my second favorite clown!”
Blitzo giggles as Fizz slightly frowns.
“Not funny.”
“Awww, come on Fizz. I’m just joking. You know you’re my favorite,” you giggled as Blitzo’s jaw dropped. 
Fizz instantly beams at the use of the word favorite. 
“Anyways, I saw this in the window, and I-”
“What’s going on here?”
The three of you turn towards the voice belonging to Blitzo’s dad, Cash. 
“Look, Dad! It’s a gold-”
“Shouldn’t you be cleaning the bleachers,” Cash turns to look at you, “They’re not cleaning themselves, girl!”
You felt your face flush in embarrassment at being talked down to in front of your friends, especially when they had acts in the circus. You were just a janitor for all intents and purposes. 
“Sir, I was just taking a little break with my friends,” you said with a tiny voice.
You hated feeling so small—not in a childlike way, but in a way that made you feel like your life was worth less because you were there to clean everybody else’s mess. 
“If you want a break, how about I fire you now, and you get all the breaks you want, huh? And what did I tell you about distracting my star,” Cash snapped at you. 
You felt your eyes tear up as you looked at Blitzo, whose head hung low. You felt bad for him. His own father preferred another boy as his son. You remembered the time his father had sold him for such a low cost and made him steal. That felt like so long ago now.
“I know, sir, but we’re kids too…We just want-”
“I don’t care! Fizzarolli, do you think that big clowns get to where they are because they spend their time talking to the help,” Cash said cruelly.
You turned to look at Fizz. He looked down at the unopened gift box in his hands before setting it slightly off to the side. 
Your voice cracked as you realized he wasn’t going to respond. You looked up at Cash and saw the shit-eating grin he had on his face. You couldn’t help the tears beginning to pool in your eyes.
“I’ll get started right away, sir. I hope you enjoy your gift, Blitzo. Sorry for distracting you from your work, Fizzarolli,” you said bitterly. 
Cash watched as you picked up the last remnants of trash from Blitzo’s gift. You stood up and were getting ready to leave, but not before quickly snatching the letter attached to Fizz’s gift. You could see Fizz’s distress at your action, and you watched him throw a random piece of trash he had been playing with in front of him. Still, you walked forward. You wanted to walk away with some dignity.
“Aren’t you going to pick that up,” Cash barked at you, looking at the scrap in front of Fizz. 
Blitzo and Fizz looked at you as you slowly walked before him and picked up the scrap of trash, a tear running down your face. You couldn’t even bear looking at either of them at this point. You sprinted out of the small tent to head to the main tent and begin your work.
Your heart tugs as you push the memory out of your head. It was bad enough living through it. You don't need to be reminded of it anymore, considering you’ve seen commercials of Blitzø and Fizzarolli as adults. It hurt seeing their faces, especially after the way you left. Still, you wouldn’t allow yourself to dwell on it for longer than a few minutes. There was no point. Thinking about it wouldn’t change what happened. 
After lazing around all day, you finally begin walking to work. You could take a car there, but it was so close, and you enjoy the time it gives you to mentally prepare. While performing was always your dream, it still got you nervous, especially if the crowd in the club was bigger than usual. Some days, the line would stretch outside the club door’s entrance. 
As you walk down the street, looking at the sights, you catch sight of a locket in one of the shop windows. You stop as you instinctively reach up to your locket tucked away under your shirt. You feel a ghost of a smile as you remember the gift you had given Blitzo and Fizzarolli. Your locket had pictures of a young Blitzo and Fizzarolli, Blitzo’s had a picture of you and Fizzarolli, and Fizzarolli’s had a picture of you and Blitzo. You sigh as you wish you could have seen Fizz’s reaction to the locket (and the letter, but that was neither here nor there). 
You see the club fast approaching and notice people already arriving for the night. So much for practicing on stage when you arrive. It must have been one of those nights when they would open the club a bit earlier. 
You quickly step to the side entrance and are let in by one of the bartenders on break. You shoot them a quick smile before finding your way to your dressing room. You always need a moment to take a breath and warm up. You begin humming as you apply minimal makeup. You just required enough so that the spotlight wouldn’t wash you out. You hear faint music in the background as you look at the door of your room through the mirror’s reflection, another memory sneaking back up. 
After cleaning the main tent, you decided to retire to the secret location you went to when you felt sad. You would typically watch your friends perform, but you didn’t want to talk to anyone about what happened earlier. You figured you could stay there until late at night before sneaking back into your tent. 
You finally made it to the location, which consisted of a lot of open space and a giant tree you liked to sit under. You softly threw yourself under the tree as you looked up at the sky, which always seemed to be the same shade of red despite the time. You closed your eyes as you tried to find a way to pass the time. However, your eyes shot open when you heard a tree branch rustling. Before you knew it, something, or more like someone, swung down from the tree branch to sit next to you.
“Heya,” Blitzo said, throwing his hands out and laying beside you. 
You rolled your eyes at how he seemed to have forgotten what had transpired earlier. 
“Blitzo, I told you to stop coming here! This is my secret place,” you whined. 
Blitzo turned to look at you, and it was his turn to roll his eyes.
“It’s not exactly a secret if people can easily walk to it from the circus.”
You wanted to be alone, but Blitzo always had a way of showing up when that was the case. Some part of you was glad. Even though you wanted to be alone, it didn’t mean that was what you needed, and being around Blitzo always made you feel better. You were content to stay silent, but that wasn’t what Blitzo had in mind.
“Oh! Fizz wants to see you after the show. He wants to talk to you and get the complete gift,” Blitzo said as he sat up, looking down at you.
You quirked your eyebrow as you sat up as well. The complete gift? He must be on about the letter. 
“I wouldn’t want to distract Fizzarolli from all the important stuff he has to do,” your words are filled with sarcasm. 
“He’s coming here whether you like it or not. My dad can’t be the reason your friendship goes down the drain,” he plays with his hands, “he can’t ruin anything else.”
You feel your attitude drop at that last part. You make eye contact with him and nod to confirm that you will give Fizz the complete gift. He smiles slightly, and your eyes catch the locket around his neck. You feel a smile start to spread. He follows your gaze and rolls your eyes.
“Yea, yea. It’s not a big deal,” he stands. " Anyway, I've got to get ready for the show, but I’ll see you after, okay?”
“Alright,” you respond hesitantly as you watch him start the walk back to the main circus tent. Eventually, he walks into the tent, leaving you alone again.
You reach down to your pocket where you had folded up the letter you would give to Fizz. You had spent so much time ensuring everything was perfect, only for the moment to be ruined. You sigh and throw yourself back again, allowing the tears to reappear. This was a safe place to do so. 
The wind was blowing slightly, and you couldn’t help but reflect on your life at the circus. You had joined after you were left alone due to…circumstances. Luckily for you, Fizz and Blitzo found you on the street and asked if you were alright. If only little you could see where you were now. Would you have taken their outstretched hands? 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you did know it wasn’t long until people started flooding out of the tents. You felt your stomach do flips. Were you ready to tell Fizz what the letter said, especially after his silence today? Your love for him was unconditional. You only ever saw Fizz, your best friend, not Fizzarolli, the performer. You cared so deeply for him and Blitzo. They saved you and made a home in your heart that would never disappear, but you were dreaming if you thought they would ever forget your place at the circus. 
But what did that mean for you? Would you be willing to stay in a place that would lead to you yearning for something that would never happen? Were you willing to stand by and watch your friends move on in life without you? Fall in love without you? Watch Fizz fall in love with someone? 
You sat up as tears began flowing faster down your face. Your heart was in your throat as years of self-hate and pain started pouring out. Your sobs become audible. 
No, you wouldn’t become the pathetic friend who fell in love with someone they couldn’t have, the pathetic friend who thought that what they did didn’t matter as much as who they were. 
You looked up at the circus, a decision being made in your mind. You stood up and quickly ran back to your tent. You tried to listen to the performance and realized it was two acts from the end. You quickly grabbed your backpack and packed only the most valuable things you owned. The rest could be replaced, but things like gifts from your friends, items from your past before the circus, and even a hoodie from the circus were something you couldn’t part with. 
The final act was beginning—Blitzo and Fizz’s duo act. Your heart pounded as you thought about what you were doing. It wouldn’t hurt to try to see just the beginning, so you left your backpack hidden by the circus’ entrance. You snuck into the main tent and climbed to a location where only Blitzo and Fizz could see you. They still hadn’t dropped down, and you saw them messing around from across the space. Blitzo saw you first, and he beamed at you as he waved. You couldn’t help the smile that automatically appeared as you waved back. Fizz turned to see what he was waving at and saw you. He gave you a soft smile with a hesitant wave, and you felt your smile falter. 
Your first love. That’s what it was. Boy, was it frightening. But you wouldn’t fuck up his life. You knew he would make it far without you. You gave him a sad smile and noticed both of their concerned expressions. 
‘Why?’ You see Blitzo mouth, and your eyebrows raise. He mimes tears, and you reach up and feel them. 
You quickly wiped them away and chuckled to yourself. You’re terrible at leaving, but you had to, and their entrance was fast approaching.
‘It’s fine, I’m okay,’ you mouth back with gestures to match. 
They look at each other before turning to look at you worriedly. They can’t do anything, though.  They won’t. They have their jobs to do. You watched Fizz grab the rope nearby that he would swing down on, but not before turning to look at you again.
‘See you after,’ he mouths before raising his voice to ask Blitzo if he is ready. You begin making your descent, and you walk out of the tent. You quickly grab your backpack and take off at full speed towards the tree. 
FIzz was the one who showed you this tree. You liked pretending it was a secret space just for you, but it was all of yours. You stared up at it, and you felt the tears come back. You were okay, though. This was for the best. You pull out the letter you wrote to Fizz and place it at the tree's base. You didn’t bother weighing it down. If it flew away, it’d probably be a sign. Part of you hoped it would blow away, just like you. You turn towards the main tent and notice the early leavers are already spilling out. 
“There’s the rest of the gift, Fizzy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed getting to know you—the both of you. You saved my life in more ways than you know. I know you’ll do great things,” you whisper as you turn to leave. You hear the sound of people getting louder, and you run—for the second time in your life. 
Your eyes focus on your figure in the mirror, and your mascara was running a bit. 
“Damn it,” you move to get tissue papers, “I need to stop thinking back. We’re all better off now.”
You look unconvinced in the mirror and try on a smile to trick your body into believing it is okay. 
“It’s fine, you’re okay,” you whisper. 
You hear a knock on your door, followed by the stage manager’s minute warning. You take a deep breath and look at yourself in the mirror again. 
You looked like a proper singer. You smile gently and head out to the club's backstage area. The curtains are closed, and you can hear the hum of music and people having fun. You hear the emcee announcing your act next, and you can’t help but think about how far you have come. 
You did it. You made it out.
The curtains open, and the spotlight lands on you.
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I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter! I'm really pumped to get the rest of these chapters written and published. I don't have a set timeline since I'm currently in college, working a job, and performing in a theater production, but I will try to work on this whenever I can!
Also, just a little spoiler: in the next chapter, we will see someone from our main narrator's past (outside of flashbacks)!
Edit: The original name of this fic was "Dream a Little Dream of Me," but I have decided to change it to "I'll Be Seeing You" since this song fits the story a bit more!
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Yandere Moxxie & Millie x male wolf reader [Helluva Boss]
Broken Truth (Reads the ask): A Yandere Milie and Moxxie with a Wolf Reader? Something simple. I'm not sure if it will be romantic or platonic but we shall see what path the story takes. Alright, let the words weave together.
As Millie and Moxxie were heading back from their shift at I.M.P., they spotted a moving van parked in front of their apartment building. They couldn't tell if someone was moving in or moving out. Their curiosity was soon satisfied when they saw a wolf demon, towering and lean, carrying a flat-screen TV out of the van. Though Moxxie felt uneasy in the presence of the creature, Millie urged her husband to approach the wolf. The wolf halted his movements and observed the two imps as they drew closer.
"Hey! I'm Millie and this is Moxxie!" Millie said as she gestured to her husband, who looked wide-eyed at the towering figure before lifting his hand and slowly having to him as a greeting. "We saw you moving into our building. What's your name?" Millie asked with a smile, causing the wolf demon to smile back at the imps.
"Hello, my name is [Reader] - I just moved in today. Is there something I can help you two with?" [Reader] asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow.
"No, we just got off work and saw you moving in and we wanted to say hello. Mind if we help you move in, 6 arms are better than 2." Millie said as she looked a the small boxes in the moving van.
"Only if you want to, I don't like burdening people with my work." The Wolf Demon gestured with his tail, indicating the lightest boxes, and instructed Millie and Moxxie to pick them up. The two imps complied and, together with [Reader], they proceeded to transfer his belongings to his new apartment, which happened to be next to theirs. Afterward, they were invited in for some drinks and casual conversation. [Reader] revealed that he was the youngest son of a Wolf Demon Pack, born to the Alpha's brother, and therefore the Alpha's nephew. When asked why he decided to move away from home, [Reader] explained that he was the runt of the litter and had always been neglected by his parents, unlike his older siblings. Driven by the desire to pursue his own path, he left the pack and started anew. Although he had enough money to cover his rent for the next five months, he needed a job. Millie's eyes lit up at the prospect of helping him out.
"You should come to work with us! We work for I.M.P. and Blitz was telling us that he needed some more hands around the office."As she took hold of [Reader's] hands and drew them close to her heart, Millie could see the lost look in his eyes. Determined to assist him in finding his way, she offered to introduce him to her boss, a proposal that [Reader] accepted with a smile and a nod. Several hours later, Moxxie and Millie returned home and fell into a peaceful slumber.
The next day, [Reader] met Moxxie and Millie outside of the apartment building and the 3 of them walked to the I.M.P. Building where Blitzo and Luna were waiting for them.
"Where the hell have you two...been?! Who the hell is that beefcake?!" Blitzo said as he pointed at the wolf demon standing behind Millie and Moxxie. Seeing [Reader] uncomfortable, Moxxie placed his hand on the back of [Reader's] hand like a comforting father to a nervous child.
"Sir, this is [Reader] - a Wolf Demon that moved into our apartments last night. He was telling us that he needed a job and Millie told him about the opening you have at I.M.P. Give him a chance." Looking at [Reader] with a gentle gaze, Moxxie made the wolf smile. However, their moment was interrupted when a grey hellhound suddenly pushed Moxxie away by the face, causing the imp to fall to the ground. It was Luna, the daughter of Blitzo.
"Why hang out with these shrimps?" Luna asked him but [Reader] moved past her and helped Moxxie to his feet, "Hey, I'm talking to you." Luna said as she looked at [Reader] to help Moxxie to his feet before turning to face her with a scowl on his face.
"These 'Shrimps' helped me when I have no one. I owe them for helping me move and helping me find a job...if Mr. Blitz will hire m." [Reader] said as he looked towards Blitz, who thought about it for a while before nodding.
"Alright, kid, I'll give you a chance. Let's see what you can do - ever killed anyone before ?" Blitzo asked. [Reader] smiled a large toothy grin before they told him to come inside and tell him all about it.
As time passed, [Reader] found a comfortable role as one of Blitzo's Hunters in I.M.P. Known as the 'Shadow Hunter', he excelled in stealth and possessed a sniper rifle. Their team's reputation grew as they successfully completed missions. When not fulfilling contracts, [Reader] spent time with Millie and Moxxie, who tended to dote on him. Despite Luna's occasional attempts to connect with him, the imps would whisk him away whenever she tried to talk about non-work related topics.
"Don't go near her, son, she'll be a horrible influence on you." Moxxie would say - for some reason calling [Reader] his son and Millie would do the same or just nod to what Moxxie was saying & [Reader] cared for Moxie and his wife so he listened to them. They would do a lot of things for him that normal friends wouldn't do.
They would pack him lunches even though he could cook for himself.
They would come over to his place and care for him if he was sick.
They would brush his fur to make him look more 'appropriate' as Moxxie would say
Millie was extremely maternal when it came to him, [Reader] wasn't able to make more friends because Millie was always around and told him to stay away from the sluts; as Millie would call them.
During the evening, Moxxie and Millie expressed their concern to [Reader] about the dangers of his job at I.M.P. due to a previous injury sustained on a mission. They urged him to consider leaving to avoid further harm. However, [Reader] explained that he needed to keep working to pay his bills. Despite their advice to listen to his parents, [Reader] clarified that they were not his parents and abruptly exited the apartment. Moxxie and Millie, armed with their guns, exchanged a smirk.
'Not yet.' They thought.
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Yandere verosika x reader x yandere Blitzø!! But blitz and verosika hate each other.
The Choice
Yandere Blitzo X Reader X Yandere Verosika
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“Ugh Verosika. You haven’t been banned from this club for being a drunken whore yet?” Blitzo glares at the succubus opposite him.
The pair stand stiff like they’re in a western about to draw. The air around them is tense but everywhere else in the club is pulsing with demonic life.
“Blitzo. Usually I’d be glad to insult you until someone more important came along but I have something more important to do.” She waves her hand in a shooing motion and turns away from the imp.
He rolls his eyes and turns back to the bar as well. Tapping his foot impatiently as he waits for shift change and mumbling what a piece of shit Verosika is under his breath.
Shift change comes not a moment too soon and both demons rush the bar as you take the previous bartenders place. You smile at the pair and prepare yourself to milk them of all the money they had. “Hey it’s you guys. I don’t think you’ve ever both come to visit me at the same time”
Both demons break their gaze from you to glare at each other. Ordinarily they wouldn’t ignore you for anything but Blitzo and Verosika had a past and tonight would finally decide the biggest loser of their relationship.
“Oh you sucubitch. No way are you going anywhere near them. You’ll give them super herpes or something!” He puts a hand in his hip and uses his free hand to poke Verosika’s chest like a child would.
Verosika only rolls her eyes “oh like you’re any better. Aren’t you in some freaky relationship with the bird prince? Oh and your employees. That’s like sexual harassment.” She crosses her arms and smirks, leaning down to be closer to his level “even in hell that’s not cool Blitzo.”
Blitzo starts to respond until he’s cut off by you. Both look distraught at having been seen like that by you and are surprised to see you snickering.
“Wow and I thought my relationships sucked. You guys must’ve really hated each other.” Both rolls their eyes
“Understatement of the year. Look clearly we both like you and hate eachother so you have to chose.” Blitzo throws a thumb over his shoulder and points to the packed dance floor “I’ll be on the dance floor shaking what satan gave me, join me once you kick this bitch to the curb.”
He disappears in the crowd and Verosika speaks her piece. Her eyes are half lidded and her voice is silky smooth. “Meet me in the bathroom and I’ll make you fall in love.” She reapplies her lipgloss and gives a winning smile. “I know you’ll make the right choice.” She blows a kiss and disappears just like Blitzo had.
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Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Theory: Adam & Stolas Deserve Better (So Does Blitzo...)
[Note Edit Of May 7, 2024: I know I had put the tag for it yesterday...but just in case I'm editing this in now....one of the tags for this says "do not reblog without permission" so please read the tags so there be no misunderstandings in the future.]
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, BUT this will still be for Mature Audience Readers Only, so NO kids allowed and Parents need to stop scapegoating and actually make sure their kids don't view something that is 16+ to 18+ when they are not the correct age to view it...though half the time it wont be just the parent or parents at fault, it would also be the much older relative like a uncle or aunt or cousin, who lets the child watch something that is not meant for them until they become the proper age to view it........I seen a movie I shouldn't of seen when I was a little kid, and I had misremembered that being my Mom who let me watch it when we had rented at some old video place......but it was one of my much older cousins that let me, which I guess they did cover my eyes at some parts, well maybe not them but maybe my Mom. I still love the movie though and I finally own it on DVD, but I realized what happen when I was little was still irresponsible of them and they should of known better...it isn't the Movie that is at fault, it was the grown-up that had carelessly allowed me to watch it when I was not the proper age to view it....so yeah, since I do have the DVD of that movie now, I think maybe later today or maybe tomorrow I can find the time to watch it again...at least I know now what one of my older cousins did was irresponsible.]
so anyway, even if Stolas may have a right to be upset during what happen at Ozzie's and even after him being drop off by Blitzo.
but he shouldn't play some innocent victim after what happen at Ozzie, as it is no wonder why Blitz didn't want him to touch his hand and the whole not wanting to go inside Stolas's Home...
I might think that Stolas deserves better than Stella, who needs to get a clue and just let the divorce happen...
I don't even think Octavia understands anything about her parents relationship or the fact they were NEVER in love to begin with, and that Octavia's Mom has been always verbally abusive to Stolas.
they were in a LOVELESS Arranged Marriage, but in theory even those who did end up in a Arrange Marriage could end up falling love with each other at some point and or just growing to love each other in a platonic way...
even if Stella is upset the affair happen because of what it does to her image, but maybe the affair wouldn't of happen if she wasn't throwing in Stolas face that the two of them weren't divorced and even making it into a Not-Divorce Party.
even if some think she is some innocent victim, she really isn't.
what did she suspect, for Stolas to come around and treat her like the "Queen" like she deserves to be, to even worship her like the "Goddess" she views herself as....oh please, like that was ever going to happen in the canon.
even though what Stolas did was wrong, but he was with a woman like Stella who should be happy about getting a divorce from a man she hates, but the only reason she stayed with him was probably for the power and the title...and with the title she was given before, could very well be taken away as well as the power she was given.
but Stolas is probably no better than her, when it comes to how he can't see how much he hurt Blitz, well of course Verosika, Fizz and Ozzie did the same thing, but it probably hit him even more when Stolas chose to use that Menu to cover his face.
and I wouldn't be surprised if Verosika may have did something that caused Blitz to run off the way he did, but maybe they can still patch things up and become friends, like how he patch things up with Fizz.
Fizz and Ozzie, I love ya both and if you both were real I would slap you both if you EVER put Blitz through that again...
I would be on Alastor's Shoulder (when he is in Full Demon Mode" to slap Ozzie, and if Fizz is on Ozzie's Shoulder, then I will still slap him one too...
Ozzie & Fizz are so lucky they are so Adorkable and have those VERY cute and sweet sides to themselves, even if they were jerks to Moxxie, Millie, Blitz and Stolas..
well at least Ozzie from Helluva Boss, didn't cause me to accidentally exist like that one story about the whole King Solomon and Asmodeus basically implies...
NEVER gonna let The Embodiment Of Lust that was one of those Keys of Solomon, live that one down I guess.
I know it had to do with the ring and how Grandpa King Solomon was tricked into taking it off, and Asmodeus had threw him to the other side of the world, where he would end up meeting and getting together with one of my Ancestor Grandmothers.
so yeah, I may be a Defective Earth Angel Princess who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" because of that weird thing about my Mom having NEVER getting Morning Sickness when she was pregnant with me, and she had ONLY got Evening Sickness...
but what Asmodeus accidentally did, is maybe one of those weird little accidents that can't really be helped and not sure if it is more strange than the whole getting Evening Sickness...
I was a little weirdo even before I was finally born apparently.
and I came out looking like a 2 week old apparently, blame it on the Nephilim gene I guess...I mean if it does play a part in it...
I hope we can finally stop procrastinating in finally checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for the third time.
we have been putting it off for way too long it seems, I guess one of the things I don't look forward to it, is the whole pricking and the whole last few tries we did, I ended up not feeling all okay and needed to go sit or lay down.
but it might not be so bad, if I just close my eyes through most of it.
I don't know if I have a certain phobia or not...
but anyway, Fizz should be lucky that his boyfriend didn't accidentally cause a Earth Angel to be born by hooking up her Ancestors together, cause the Earth Angel wouldn't let Big Blue Cotton Candy Ozzie live that one down...
and before I get back to the whole talking about Stolas and everything else, I think if we think about it some percent of Earth Angels are Demi-Angels, having Souls that are Half-Human & Half-Angel, which half the reason could be from the blood they/we carry and the other reason having to do with the souls they/we have.
of course some damages could happen to the Soul, no matter if it is a fully human soul or a hybrid soul.
(if you wish to skip some parts of this, just keep a look out for the bold words...)
like you end up dying way too early more than once in your past lives, and you are lucky not to have full memories of those times in each of them.....plus I really shouldn't be forced to forgive those that had hurt my past life selves, one of them being the reason I may of possibly had Stolas as a Caretaker if certain info is correct.
is it weird to think that he has a small lab type room with those beakers and other stuff that may also have some plants around as well...? like he keeps it a hot mess most of the time probably.
and yeah I'm talking about the Stolas from our Universe this time, that he keeps the room he has a hot mess possibly, which might be his type of lab...?
don't know if I'm right or not though, even with the thoughts that they have some kind of gladiator arena and have some type of fights to possibly show off their strength...
and there is the thoughts of them having a library, which could be a bit smaller than a library in Heaven, like the bookshelves in Heaven being super high that it would take a Angel to fly up to get a book or scroll to get the item your looking for if you aren't able to fly that way...like one of them being that you could still be scared of some heights and can't fly because ya don't have wings.
it might be a good thing that one can't remember fully of their past lives, one of the reasons could have to do with some damage done to their soul even if it did heal, but the problem could still be there.
I know one of my past lives had inspired the idea of some OCs I had made before, of course I had to change the ideas a bit on the OC that I had made, even if the first one was a Creepypasta (which I had posted the drawings about them in another place, like Deviantart.) and I had no idea at first that I was just remembering past life stuff...
and that past life is probably more closer to me, and I know I died in a dress when I was probably about 4 years old...which of course when I died at 4 years old before, I for some reason started to hate wearing dresses at 4 years old in my current life, and for all I know my 4 year old self was likely traumatized and remembered that we had died in a hospital when wearing a dress.
I do have a birthmark that may prove on the ways my past life self had lost her/our life in that time.
and it can suck for anyone to have bad luck dying a bit too early before they are too helpless to prevent it.
and some Toxic-Religious Inhuman people that have crossed a line when doing harm to children and babies do count as children...
they are lucky I don't go "Alessa Gillespie" on them, as tempting as that is...
Toxic-Satanist are not the only ones on that whole list, and if some of them think I will EVER forgive them for the messed up stuff they did, they can think again...
I suppose in theory, if they got me SUPER mad, and if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily were real, they would probably have to hold me back from trying to pull some hair...
like even if you never punched anyone before, but you think about the possibilities of if some who have did some messed up stuff, if they peeve you off to a very high point, you could go into a type of "Feral Earth Angel Mode" as I like to call it.
I know now that I was apparently born in a Catholic Hospital that had Nuns in it, even though my family is Christian, but most of our Ancestors came from different Religions anyway, and one of my Ancestor Grandpas was a Rabbi...
I am thinking of going by "Neo-Christian" again, but still go by "Neo-Spiritual" but I think I want to think about it a little more.
I still can't tell my family that I really don't go by "Christian" anymore.
or the fact that I don't just believe in God only, but also a Goddess now as well...and there is the whole believing the balance of the Divine Feminine needs to be healed and restored a bit more to stop the twisted form of justice and other stuff that involves a possible future that has to do with Jesus & is Army and the Antichrist.
how is it that not many have figured out how messed up that is, I mean you are doomed either way, but I still rather not take that mark and I would rather take a spray bottle, hold some food salt in my hands and pray to both the Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother and then place the salt in the spray bottle and then spray the Antichrist in the face than let him try that messed up stuff...
and even though I can't really do the same to Jesus, plus one of the reasons he could take part on that messed up logic is because he his being influenced by the Toxic-Masculine energy, and hopefully he can be saved from himself and to prevent those terrible futures that involve him and the Antichrist...
but yeah, if I were allowed to, I would use the spray bottle on Jesus's Army and maybe even the Antichrist's Army....that would probably need a lot of spray bottles there...
but if some info about what those two sides want to do is correct, it is still messed up, and hopefully such a terrible future can be prevented.
I guess the song "This Little Girl" by Cady Groves would match the feelings.
anyway back to the original topic, I can agree that Stolas deserves better than being married to Stella, even if she is a Party Girl, which I guess wouldn't be so bad....but throwing a party and celebrating Not being divorce was probably bite her in the tail feathers in a karma type way anyway...
Lilith is no better than Stella, even if Charlie might think her Mom is a good person who loved her kingdom, but we know there is always more sides to the story.
Lilith, Charlie's Mom....is just as Bad as my Dad, well my Human-Dad who is still biologically related.
I was told by my Mom that when she was pregnant with me at the time, both she and him got into a type of I guess heated argument.
I can only guess what it was about, and the thing I'm guessing it being about....hopefully I'm wrong.
I know my Dad wasn't there for my birth, he was off some place else...
it doesn't help that he cheated on my Mom, which if I remember right, I think I was told he did so when Mom was still pregnant with me.
at least Adam wasn't pregnant when Lilith cheated on him...
even if Adam did become a Sinner, I hope he can find someone better than Lilith, and well maybe also Eve....unless the whole there was never truly a Eve turns out to be canon in the show.
and well, blame it on some fan fics I couldn't help but love that involves Adam and Eve being one in the same, and it being because of Lilith leaving him.
Adam may have been sweet and innocent, and maybe a bit clingy during his younger days in The Garden of Eden.
he probably didn't understand most things, same with Lilith who is no better than him...
I mean, misunderstandings and miscommunications can happen.
and back then in the Garden, Adam's words of suggestion likely came out as a order and anything he did was probably good enough for Lilith.
if Lilith got off her high horse, she could realize that she just matured faster than Adam during those times, and Adam wouldn't of turned into a full of himself jerk if it weren't for the fact that both she and Lucifer had hurt him, like BADLY hurt him...
Adam and Lute's relationship could of been platonic, even if in the Fanon there is more to it and them being in a type of loving relationship, like a mix of lovers who are like best buddies.
and yeah, I'm still gonna view that both Adam and Charlie are both in the right and wrong, Adam can't just senseless give a game over to every Sinner, and Charlie needs to understand that there are some Sinners that should be taken out by the Extermination Day.
like the type of Sinners that shouldn't be in Pentagram City, and should just go to that dark and blue, and possibly cold place that we see in the Lucifer Tv Series, which if it were in the same world as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, that place would be The Double-Hell...or as I like to call it "The Original Hell"....because of the whole current one that isn't the "Original" or "Double" Hell...
had possibly been a part of The Goddess's Earthly Queendom, before that whole imbalance happen and it had to be possibly placed under quarantine from the rest of the Earthly Queendom in the Celestial Realm.
for all we know, Double-Hell could be REAL in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, but it is meant for the very Worse and Toxic-Sinners that are just too far gone, and are even more bad than The Vees and have done far worse than The Radio Demon himself.
those are the types, who are send to Double-Hell, that Charlie can't save or get redeemed, and who deserve to be taken out in Extermination Day.
and as weird as it might be, Adam from Hazbin Hotel, reminds me of Spinel and Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe...
and right now, he also reminds me of Marianne from Strange Magic.
I like that movie, even if some might not.
Adam likely was all sweet and innocent, even if a little naive when his suggestions came off as orders when they weren't, and he could of been different from the Adam from our universe...
if the Adam from our universe knew what those three angels were going to do to Lilith, he would of left her alone and gave her the space she needed...
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, is The Marianne, and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel is The Roland.
yeah the people that Adam and Marianne became at some point are different, but that doesn't mean they weren't still hurt by Lilith and Roland.
it could be possible that Adam hides the fragile parts of himself that was caused by Lilith and Lucifer, that he likely only lets those closes to him see, like Lute.
Humanity already had some form of Free Will, even before the whole Forbidden Fruit Situation, cause Lilith had the free will to leave Adam.
but Adam isn't the only one that Lilith hurt, she also hurt Lucifer and Charlie, and possibly hurting Alastor as well.
even if Charlie might not realize that her Mom is hurting her, she needs to face the truth at some point.
plus it could be possible that Lilith in Hazbin Hotel, couldn't become pregnant like her Fanon Counterparts.
and if Lucifer being the one who was pregnant is true, it could be more than just Lilith not wanting to.....its just she couldn't, because she had become sterile, because that was one of her punishments for the forbidden fruit incident.
she is unable to have children, she can't bring a life into the world like Eve and those lucky enough to have a child.
Lucifer likely found a way to become pregnant with Charlie, and for all we know, Roo could be Charlie's True Mother, who had helped Lucifer have a child that he wanted to have have with Lilith but couldn't because they weren't able to, even if they took some DNA and Magic from Lilith's Soul and Body, it likely came out as a failure which ended up creating nothing.
a true mother would still love their child, even if the child ends up being adopted and not biologically theirs.
for all we know, the Flashbacks during the song "More Than Anything" that had Little Charlie in it...
it might of seem like Lilith in the Flashback, but for all we know, it could of been someone else, and Lilith left a long time after when Charlie was probably still a baby.
Roo is one of the likely people who could of been the "Lilith" in that Flashback, well either her or some other characters who is likely Charlie's real biological mother.
Roo could turn out to be Charlie's Bio-Mom, and she likely took the form of "Lilith" after the original Lilith left both Charlie and Lucifer, and Charlie's Dad was likely very aware of it.
anyway, I think that Adam, Stolas, Blitz and even Charlie's Dad Lucifer, were hurt and deserve better.
and hopefully things do work out with Stolas and Blitz, but Stolas should get slap over the head for making Blitz feel really bad at Ozzie's.
in theory, Adam could come back as a Sinner type Fallen Angel, but we will have to wait and see what the future seasons of Hazbin Hotel will bring.
and maybe like Charlie, Octavia will learn a bit more of how hurt her Dad Stolas has been, even before Octavia was born.
to Stolas, Octavia was the one good thing that came from his marriage to Stella, and he probably wouldn't change a thing if he had to do it all again.
even if Cain's Bio-Dad is like also technically my Grandpa too, but the Adam from our universe is also biologically my Grandpa but through Seth's side.
but Adam can be considered the true father of Cain, because despite the messed up stuff between Cain and Abel (which I'm still gonna view both Cain and Abel both being victims but also both of them still being in the wrong...) but Adam had possibly still loved Cain, and he is Cain's True Father, even if they aren't biologically related.
of course in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU Fanon Timeline, if Adam turns into Eve every once in a while, and well that would mean that both Cain and Adam are biologically related.
even if it ends up not becoming canon and being one of those times when a fan accidentally predicting future canon events, like in Chapter 2 of Deltarune, with Kris eating the whole pie, and Darkners becoming items in the light world and turning to stone statues in different dark worlds...Best Accidental Fan Predictions Ever.
even if it does turn out Adam and Eve in Hazbin Hotel, not being one in the same and Adam not only having to be The Father of Humanity, but also the Mother of Humanity as well...
and it does turn out not to be one of those Accidental Fan Predictions, still gonna love the concept. :)
Stolas might of been hurt after what happen at Ozzie's, but he can't just act like he didn't do anything wrong either...
he hurt Blitz, even if Verosika, Ozzie and Fizz ended up hurting him words, Stolas hiding his face with the Menu had probably cut Blitz deeply in a emotional way.
and it's no wonder Blitz tried to drown his sorrows the way he did in that episode that Bee appeared in.
Bee and Bel are still gonna remind me of my childhood, always being tired and always having to go to the hospital because of seizures.
which by the way, even if my family and doctors might not agree with me, but I still think its possible the energies from both people and places that I was around, had caused my seizures and it is possible that half the time the energies would cause me to become really tired and go to sleep.
still need to post about the whole Empathic Epilepsy thing, I had been meaning to talk and post about it like maybe a month ago...?
so yeah, The Queens of Gluttony and Sloth remind me of all that...
Bee might be a hardcore party girl, but she could see and possibly feel how badly Blitz was doing and him not being okay.
and if she knew what happen at Ozzie's, who knows if she would get on Stolas, Fizz and Ozzie's cases about it, well them and also Verosika's as well.
and if Bee ever went to The Hazbin Hotel, and if Adam was there as a Sinner, she could probably feel the really bad feelings coming from him, that has to do with the hurt from what Lilith did to him.
there could be a reason why Bee couldn't feel the negative vibes coming from Loona, but could possibly feel it from Blitz and Adam.
Loona likely keeps a better barrier up of her really bad negative emotions.
also the stuff that happens in the Pilot of Helluva Boss, even if it isn't canon the other episodes, but we could view it as Semi-Canon.
that the Pilot episode of Helluva Boss, takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
so even if it does turn out the Loona from that Alternate Timeline, lied about Eddie being the target, the Loona from the other timeline who ended up getting a crush on Vortex, probably wouldn't stoop that low.
yeah, the kid was a brat and him being the way he is might have to do with his terrible parents who wouldn't just be Gray-Parents but more like Toxic-Parents.
and even if it did turn out the Pilot takes place in a Alternate Timeline, it could be possible the Eddie from the timeline we follow now, is probably very much alive unlike his counterpart from the Pilot Alternate Timeline.
the pilot from Hazbin Hotel, is likely still canon to the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
it could turn out it is only The Helluva Boss's Pilot, that is not fully canon but only Semi-Canon and takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
even if Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas became hot messes but maybe things will get more better for them.
I mean if Adam does come back as a Sinner, but the likely hood of that happening is possibly very slim.
Adam possibly needs a hug and being told that the reason why he became a worse version of himself, is because he was badly hurt by Lilith and Lucifer, and they were too high on their horses to see the damage they were causing.
I can't really bring myself to hate him, I mean it could be possible he became so terrible later in his life, because of what Charlie's Parents did to him, and he hides those really bad and depressing feelings by making him seem like he is the greatest gift to women, and give off that macho-man ego.
and yeah, it sucks that my Mom was cheated on...
which I guess misremembering what I was told, it either happen when she was still pregnant with me or sometime after she had me.
but I wouldn't be surprised if he did that cheating when she was still pregnant...
also anyone one could end up having Daddy Issues, like for some it can be for both your Human and Angel Dads...
and some can have Mommy Issues as well.
also if it does turn out that Charlie's Story book, has half-truths and half-lies in it.
maybe we will find out the full story on what it was like in the garden when Lilith, Adam and Lucifer were there in the future episodes of one of the future seasons.
we just have to wait and see.
the book was likely wrote by Lilith, it makes herself seem like a tragic heroine to her daughter, when really she isn't...
at least the Lilith from our universe has a reason why she became a worse version of herself, because she wasn't given the proper space she needed after her and Adam's fight, and Adam wasn't mature enough to understand that both she and him needed space.
he was likely a immature brat who couldn't understand that couples do need space from each other at times, and those Three Angels are just as much as fault and knew better than Adam did, I mean those three angels were old enough to know better, and probably been around for a SUPER long time even more than Adam and Lilith (and later Eve) were, so they should of just let Lilith be alone until she was ready to go back to where Adam was.
trying to force her was wrong and it is not love at all, it is messed up.
but the versions of Adam and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, play out very different but at the same time the same as the ones from our universe.
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, was possibly just curious and had this innocence about him, and any suggestion on what he wanted to do got taken the wrong way by Lilith, who only saw him being bossy to her and trying to order her around when in theory, he wasn't.
she likely twisted the truth in that book she made for Charlie, in what she believed to be true, that Adam was demanding control...but that could only be what Lilith believed and she ends up twisting the truth in her favor to get Charlie to see Adam as having always been the "bad guy" but really he wasn't, he became that way because "The First B**th" and Lucifer, had hurt him and he became like The Marianne (from Strange Magic Movie) of Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to take this theory and thoughts the wrong way, the chance of it turning out to be true and canon is possibly very small chance....
I'm still gonna view Charlie's Mom by the nickname The First B**th.
Stolas and Blitz might still have a chance together, and Stolas may have time to tell Blitz he's sorry and not play the victim when he is partly the reason Blitz became so hurt at Ozzie's, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday.....but Stolas himself also had hurt him.
even some fans could see that, that Stolas had hurt Blitz, and it could of been hinted from how Blitz spoke about Stolas when he and Fizz were captured.
Lucifer possibly holds on to hop that Lilith will come back to him, so they could be a happy family again.
but Lucifer needs to understand, and maybe he will in the future...
that it is possible that Lilith, will NEVER get back together with him.
even if they are still married and separated, he will need to get that divorce if things aren't going to go back to how they were when they were once deeply in love.
even if RadioApple might not become Romantically Canon, but some could view the whole Alastor x Lucifer as the highest favorite ship possibly, even if I still like the whole idea of Lucifer being ship with Angel's Dad...which someone is to blame for that. XD
also in theory, if Lucifer from our universe did have a Twin Flame...
she is possibly "Gone".....like Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, like she may have pulled a Rose Quartz, even before Steven Universe.
not everyone has to agree on tat theory, but it could be a possibility.
if Adam does come back in the future as a Sinner Fallen Angels, the chances of it are pretty small, but we will have to wait and see.
and if it does happen, maybe someone at the hotel will get through to him and make him open up about the bottle up feelings that has to do with how badly Lilith and Lucifer, and possibly Eve (if Adam and Eve aren't one in the same) had hurt him.
Eve is possibly a even more sensitive topic for Adam, and Lucifer might of not understood how badly he hurt Adam.
even if we are suppose to see Adam as some Macho Jerk, but it could be possibly he didn't start out that way, he only became a worse version of himself because he was deeply emotionally hurt.
and I know that not all fans will agree about that, and it being possible that only half of the fans will agree on that possibly being true.
Adam and Lucifer (and possibly Alastor) were hurt by Lilith.
and Stolas was in a loveless arranged marriage that he tried to make work, to give his daughter a normal life.
but it was never good enough for Stella, who had to rub it in his face that they hadn't divorced.
even if Stella was hurt, but did she truly love Stolas...?
well maybe in a Fanon AU timeline she would of, and been a more nicer version of herself, and in some alternate timelines she is Stolas's Girl-Buddy and Wife, and their wedding was more of a Lavender Wedding, and her being more of a Pife.
Pife being short for Pal-Wife, and Budband being short for Bud or Buddy Husband.
we wont know if what we assume about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, will turn out to be true...but a part of myself and maybe others, hope we are wrong.
that she isn't as heartless as she seems, and maybe a part of her still loves Lucifer and Charlie...but the likely of her not fully caring about them, and it possibly been Roo who had to shapeshift and take her form because she fell in love with Lucifer and had formed a motherly love for Charlie, like you know Roo being the Maleficent and Charlie being the Aurora from The First and Second Maleficent Movies.
we don't know if Stella did truly love Stolas, or was just in it for the power and title, or like she only acts like it was only for the power and title and she hides the fact she did love him...
but he couldn't truly be in love with her, despite how he did tried to make the family and life they made together work.
how Stella treated him was likely one of the reasons Stolas gave into his feelings for Blitz, I mean possibly...
I do have a theory about Blitz I will talk about after this post of course.
anyway even if some think Adam doesn't deserve to be given another chance, and well maybe he does and maybe he doesn't.
but it doesn't change the fact about him possibly hiding some pretty bad emotional pain and him probably secretly hating himself.
Blitz likely hates himself too, as it was implied in a episode.
and it doesn't help that both family and friends made him feel that way.
Fizz and Blitz rekindling their friendship, is one step in the healing that Blitz needs.
Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas would need some type of healing, maybe we will see it in the future.
I mean not sure if Adam will come back as a Sinner, but if he did, that man needs a hug and sit down and watch Strange Magic, and maybe some Steven Universe. XD
okay him watching Strange Magic and Steven Universe, would be like Fanon...but hope some can get what I'm trying to imply.
he needs to watch some shows and movies that reflect his deep hurt feelings he bottles up.
and even if not all fans like Steven Universe Future, but I and some do, and well we can relate a bit with Steven, and possibly a few other characters that have been hurt and ended up with some depressing feelings.
lucky I'm not having one of those depressing feeling days now. :D
I'm still gonna view that Greg was a spoiled brat who didn't have the full story, and his parents (Steven's Grandparents) likely wanted him to learn self-defense to stay safe, and likely gave him curfews because their neighborhood use to be really unsafe, and he was possibly given meatloaf for a reason.
and it could be possible that Greg couldn't understand that his parents either one of them or both, may of not been able to handle very loud sounds coming to the music he listens to and had the volume up really high to the point where it became painful for them, and the reason why they didn't let him have any music was because he was irresponsible with the volume that was causing one or both of his parents pain, and they likely couldn't afford certain things that Greg wanted, and he viewed it as them just being unfair.
sometimes there are more sides to the story, and maybe Greg wouldn't of thought so terribly about his parents, if his parents had sit him down and talk to him and explained to him a bit better about why they made him take up wrestling and have a curfews and even chaperons, because it was for his own safety. and the reason why he couldn't have music, because he wouldn't listen to them about turning the volume down because the high volume he puts it on ends up hurting one or both his parents, causing them great pain.
and him getting meatloaf, could have to do with iron or something else...who knows, maybe it was to help with giving him the proper diet...?
by the way I tried the guacamole on the meatloaf, and strangely enough.......I ended up liking it. XD
guess that is another thing that makes me super weird.
if it does turn out that Steven Universe is coming back, maybe like on a Adult Swim, I can't wait to see it.
still gonna view Sans being the future self of Steven Quartz Universe.
it doesn't help the image I saw with Steven wearing a blue jacket, reminds me of that theory that Sans and Steven are possibly one in the same.
Adam, Lucifer and Stolas deserve better than how Stella and Lilith treated them...
and Blitz deserves better as well, and hopefully both he and Stolas do work things out, and we will have to wait and see if they will work things out, and Stolas will stop and realize that he had hurt Blitz, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday...
but we will need to wait and see if that realization will happen in the future or not, but hopefully things will work out for Blitz & Stolas.
is it weird to view Adam as not just as Spinel, but also the Pink-Pearl and as for Lucifer, he is like Pearl of the Crystal Gems.
Lucifer might not see how badly Lilith had hurt Adam, so picture in some Fanon Timeline of Hazbin Hotel AU.
Charlie is the Steven, and those two are The Pearls, and they end up fusing.
it's fine that not everyone views Adam being like Spinel & Pink-Pearl, and Lucifer being like Pearl of The Crystal Gems.
I'm weird okay, and those thoughts and views are likely gonna be a part of my weirdness. XD
it be nice if my Dad didn't sleep with another woman when he was still married to my Mom, and there is that whole possibility he could of well did that, even before my Mom finally gave birth to me...
it does also suck to know that my older brother was cheated on as well, but even if they are no longer together...but maybe I wont go too deep into that right now.
we can only make some guesses and theories about what could happen in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it's fine if some theories end up getting debunked, plus the theories that do get debunked can still work in a Alternate Timeline way in the Fanon.
so hopefully Lilith being a terrible person, wont be true but we know that we have to wait and see if it is true or not.
like a part of you hopes that Lilith isn't a terrible person, who had purposely hurt Adam and Lucifer, and makes herself out to be a tragic heroine to her daughter who doesn't see her for the person she truly is and views her Mom as a wonderful and loving queen when really she possibly isn't.
Octavia is likely the same way, she possibly views her Mom as being the full victim, and she still loves both her parents.
but she can't see that there was always a problem between Stolas and Stella, that has been going on even before the affair.
but maybe Octavia will learn more about it in the future, maybe.
we can only hope that Octavia gets a even more better understanding of her Dad, and how bad it was for him being married to Stella, for all we know, Octavia just thought her parents had always been happy and in love but they hide their true feelings from her until the affair that Stolas and Blitz had, had made both Stolas and Stella a bit more open in front of Octavia on how bad their marriage truly was.
both Octavia and Charlie, were likely protect by both their Fathers: Stolas and Lucifer from a very cold and hurtful truth about their Mothers: Stella and Lilith...
but as much as Stolas and Lucifer love their daughters, they can't hide them from the truth forever.
just as much as Adam can't hide from his own hurt feelings forever.
if Lute, Blitz and Alastor had to sing a song together to Adam, Stolas and Lucifer...
it would be "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes.
some might get why that song, but it's okay not everyone agrees.
but Adam, Lucifer, Stolas and Blitz (from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) still deserve better and to be loved.
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ladyvelvette · 3 months
╰ “The future of hell belongs to the Vees~” ╮
💠 Name; Velvette or Ace!! 🐾 Pronouns; He/Him OR They/Them 🐈 Gender; AFAB 🐾 Sexuality; Omnisexual <3 💠Purpose; I write fanfics! (Character x Character, Character x Reader, Character Headcanons, Character x OC(Rarely), Character + Child (platonic scenarios), Etc!!) Age: I don't feel explicitly comfortable saying it, but my account is 15+ (I am older than this, however, I do not only write smuts(and only will write them a few times), so its safe for minors, I'll give warnings.
╰ “You've got it twisted, I'm not the one who needs a new attitude” ╮
🔷 Fandoms; Hazbin Hotel, Ride The Cyclone(I will not be writing for this, I'm just in the fandom!), Helluva Boss, DDLC, Undertale/Deltarune, BATIM,Murder Drones, etc. (I know more, but these are my more recent fandoms, i probably will only write for like 2 of these until someone asks for more fandoms to write in without being cringe sigh.) 🔷 comforts; Anything Velvette related fr. 🔹 DNI; Basic DNI; DSMP fans (I don't doubt you're good people but a lot of them aren't), Haters(i don't have the patience for them, Sorry!)
╰ “Do you have a disclosure?~” ╮
🎶 ➤ DMs? My DM's are open! 💙 ➤ Ping? Go ahead <3 💙 ➤ Petnames? If it's in a platonic way, I'm taken <3 ☄️ ➤ Flirt? NO- I'm taken! <3 💎 ➤ Venting? OFC!!! I'll even link my discord to those who need to! :) My Discord; radvelvettekakes_
╰ “This meeting's over!” ╮
💎 Character's I'll do; Hazbin Hotel; The Vees(You can ask for Val but i'll be less likely to do it), Alastor(PLATONIC), Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Charlie Morningstar(PLATONIC), Vaggie(PLATONIC), Angel Dust, Husker(once in a blue moon, I can't write all that well for him.), Niffty(PLATONIC; Even though she's an adult, It seems wrong to ship her, Sorry <3), Zestial Morde(Although, I suck at writing shakespearean language.), Adam, Lucifer, Lilith, Etc.
Helluva Boss; Stolas, Blitzø, Moxxie(PLATONIC), Millie(PLATONIC), Asmodeus(PLATONIC), Fizzarolli (PLATONIC), Mammon, Beelzebub(PLATONIC), Verosika mayday, Wally Wackford, Etc.
💎What I will do; Smut(really depends on what type/ What character.), Fluff, ANGST(I BEG I love writing angst.), Character x Character, RAREPAIRS!!! (I love silly rarepairs, I saw someone ship Rosie X Velvette and I love ittt!! tho I love all Velvette ships.) 💎What I WONT do; NONCON; I don't support these actions, and will NOT write/tolerate them. Feet/Piss/Scat Kinks; ...Just- Gross. Proships; Family x Family, etc. No. 💎Ship's(canon x canon) I'll do; Velvette x Vox(They are not father and daughter, more of just friends, But it's still cute.) Velvette x Rosie, Velvette x Rosie x Carmilla, Velvette x Vox x Valentino(Depends on the scenario, though.), Vox x Valentino, Zestial x Carmilla, Adam x Lute, Alastor x Vox(RADIOSILENCE ONLY!! One sided.) Angel Dust x Husk, Blitzo x Stolas, Asmodeus x Fizzarolli, Millie x Moxxie, Verosika x Wally + Any other Rarepairs!!! (I will say, I can do Semi-Toxic ships like Lilith x Adam, Although it'd only be for Angst purposes, As I'm not good with making that stuff not toxic.) 💎Ship's(canon x canon) I will NOT do; Alastor x Anyone(Romantically), Angel Dust x Valentino, Angel Dust x Vox, ANYTHING RELATING TO SHIPPING MINORS WITH ADULTS OR SHIPPING FAMILY!!!
💎I will accept asks!! Although, I'll probably work on my own fics and just post them! 💎
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My name is Cassidy, I'm trying to become a writer and I wanted to start with something small, So id like to get into fan fiction!!
Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss:
Alastor, (platonic)
Molly/Mollie,(my interpretation)
and maybe blitzo.
I also love writing for some AU versions of some of them, like Shark!Vox, human alastor etc.
Spooky month:
(Characters I will NOT write for.)
any minors, if you do wish to request and aged up version of them i can do that, or if it's a platonic thing.
I WILL NEVER EVER EVERRR WRITE ANYTHING WITH FRANK(THE KIDNAPPER) ROY'S UNCLE, OR ANYTHING WITH BOB PHYSICALLY HURTING THEIR S/O. you can still request Bob but I won't write anything like, " he eats your arm and your attracted to it! *makes out*"
(Casino cups):
The devil
King dice
(I'm not sure about the other characters cause I don't know all their lore)
Maybe Casey..
(Not writing for Mikey bc I absolutely HATE him in rise, don't get me wrong, love Mikey in every other one, just not rise.)
I cant list every character bc I love most if them, will not write for the souls inside the animatronics, will base it off of other media with their personalities not relating to the kids. Again, not writing for minors. Wich means, no golden Freddy, circus baby, or the bidybabs. I can't really picture those without thinking, Children.)
Sonic the hedgehog
Will write for:
I will not write for tails bc he us a child. And also not for Amy because I hate her with a burning passion. Not quite sure why, I mean I have reasons but they aren't good, idk I just want her to pass away painfully.
Absolutely no noncon.
I won't write reader that is not the gender the character is attracted to, like I wouldn't write a female reader for angel. although I do mostly think of Leo as a boy kisser I also see him as bi, same with husk.
I will write smut, but I am horrible at writing Dom women, sub/dom men and sub women I can do, if u really want dom women ask, but I might not, also woman on woman, not good at it whatsoever, if that is the case it might just be some oral but I'm not sure how to write something like that lol.
Please no abusive relationship asks, I don't want unhealthy relationship ideals to become something people look for in relationships.
If any of these things are requested to me you will be reported and blocked.
Also if a character is not in the fandom/list I made, please still ask! I am in many fandoms and couldn't think of more to put down because I am so tired at the time of writing this. If it is not on my list, please specify the character and piece of media they are from!
Also please specify weather you want a platonic, fluffy or smutty fic, otherwise I'll pick for you😈 (it'll be smut guys dw.)
I will not write character x character or character x oc, UNLESS it's like, an amazing ask, but it's not common you'll see me write smth like that. I WILL do specific reader traits though, ex: Bunny!reader (LITERALLY ME GUYS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH♥♥) hellborn!reader, mutant!reader, etc.
I do still attend school, meaning my schedule for uploading will be absolute shit I'm sorry. Dont expect anything from 7am-5pm during the week. (On weekends it depends weather I get up or bed rot All day)
One last thing, I love drawing! If you ever see any kind of fiction you would like to see drawn, I would love to, please send an ask/request to draw a part in a fic! Only thing is that I will/can not draw any smut, nor will it be digital, I can really only do traditional art, so enjoy my low quality photos of paper😋
I can't wait to see requests from everyone, and be able to write them! I hope u have an amazing day/night, remember to eat and drink smth today, and dont stay up all night reading smut. (AHEM...)
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griffintail2 · 2 months
Side projects I'm having fun with that Im playing with between updates and requests and I might publish in the future:
(Yes even my side projects I still write them as readers)
Fizzaroli x Child! Imp!Reader - This one is fucking cute and when I get further into it's a good yes I'll publish this. Fizz as a parent with Ozzie helping aojfjwifiwn
Alastor x Child! Sinner!Reader - I like the concept I made for it at first buuuut. I reread it and wasn't super proud of it. It would need some rework.
Blitzo x F! Reader - This was a romance story I'm trying to write and if I publish this, I'll want to finish it before I do because there's a lot of moving details of flashbacks of their past and things. It's a cute story so far though. Proud of this.
Just felt like sharing the possibilities 😅
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nixie-writes · 1 year
blitzo found a baby imp and decided to raise it as his own kid but the baby look kinda very similar to a cowboy that trying to assassinate stolas
I made the reader a bit older than a baby for the sake of this headcanon, hope you don't mind! Please turn this into a series
-when Blitzo found you alone in an alley, he initially considered taking you to an orphanage and being done with you. But when you looked up at him with those wide innocent eyes and grabbed the hem of his coat he couldn't help but fall in love.
-when he brought you to the office the next day, introducing you as his new child alongside Loona, Moxxie was the first to point out similarities.
-you had sand brown skin, hypnotic yellow-green eyes, sharp teeth and a rattling tail. Blitzo admitted to these similarities but said he would raise you to be better than Striker.
-when Striker tried to assassinate Stolas you were only 10 and didn't understand the suspicion in Moxxie's eyes. You just wanted to be his friend, but Moxxie expected the worst from you because of who your father was.
-Maybe his view on you would change. Maybe you would prove him right. Who knows? Millie was more compassionate to you, being so young. She opted to be your mother figure and cared for you, but Moxxie never came close to you, as if he expected you to lash out at any given moment.
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fiona-my-love · 1 year
Current queue for requests (requests still open, just might have to wait a little!):
Total: — Out of order temporarily
- FNaF with a child reader stuff
- Freddy Fazbear x reader general relationship headcanons
- Bonnie x reader general relationship headcanons
- Glamrock Freddy x reader general relationship headcanons
- Loona x reader general relationship headcanons
- Alastor x reader general relationship headcanons
- Blitzo x reader general relationship headcanons
- Husk x poker player! reader
- Stolas x reader general relationship headcanons
- Foxy x reader general relationship headcanons
- Alastor x reader x Vox poly
- Lucifer x reader x Lilith poly
- Guzma x reader x Kukui poly
- Raihan x reader Hanahaki
- IMP crew x strong! timid! shark! reader
- Banban x reader general relationship headcanons
- 049 x reader who’s bones and joints do things they shouldn’t. Idk how to describe it in short terms
- Piers x reader Hanahaki
- Alastor x reader x Lucifer love triangle
- Angel, Verosika, Niffty, Loona, Blitzo x three-headed! reader
- Helluva Boss x chihuahua! hellhound! reader
- Hazbin Hotel x confident but awkward! reader
- Hazbin Hotel x two-headed! reader headcanons
- Moxxie x reader x Millie poly headcanons
- Alastor x moon god! reader
- Lilith x sun god! reader
- Stolas with a motherly/fatherly/mature and caring! reader
- Saiko x lonely! reader
- Mommy Long Legs x prototype! reader
- Wally Darling x singer! reader
- Helluva Boss x human! reader
- DDLC x shy! reader
- Alto Clef x reader general relationship headcanons
- Glamrock Freddy x non-human! reader
- Wally Darling x frightening! reader
- Yandere! Banban x reader
- FNaF guards and spirit! reader
- DDLC x pottery! reader
- Yandere! DDLC x reader
- 3 Vs stuff
- Alastor x artist! reader
- Yuri x ace! reader
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cryssyd · 2 months
A Love Beyond Hell
Previous: Chapter 9
It is an adaption to "Always and Forever" by ChaoticDoll (MadamMimic505) at Quotev.com.
Pairings: Alastor x Reader (Julia) Female
Summary: As Julia's pregnancy advances, she is visited by three demons of I.M.P. with nefarious intents.
Warnings: 18+ Content, Established Relationship, Violence, Death, Graphic Details, Pregnancy and Birth, Smut, Minors DNI
Chapter 10
Deep beneath the surface, Pentagram City teemed with sinners wreaking havoc and indulging in all sorts of wicked activities. Violence lurked around every corner, with no semblance of law or order to restrain it. In Hell, rules were nonexistent. Amidst the chaos and destruction, an office building stood, housing four devilish creatures with horns. They gathered in a circle around a sleek, imposing table. One of the larger beasts meticulously reviewed the plans, ensuring that nothing would go awry. The World of the Living was an unpredictable place, that much was certain. At the far end of the table sat a woman with scales burnt to a fiery red, her dishevelled hair and crazed eyes exuding nothing but fury and madness. "Are you capable of accomplishing this task or not?"
One of the imps turned back to the deranged woman, out of them all she truly belonged here. “Look wacko, it’s not that hard to kill someone, trust me. Those two do it all the time without even blinking an eye. But this sob story of yours just sounds like jealous bullshit.” The one with the biggest horns, named Blitzo said. The woman hissed, a rattlesnake-like sound filled the room as she stood and slammed her hands on the table. “I’ve got your fucking money! Just do it! I want that bitch dead! He would have chosen me if it weren’t for her!” A female imp, named Millie, leaned closer to her husband, backing away from their newest client with raised brows.
“Woah! Calm down cranky tits, we’ll do it! Don’t worry about it! We’ll even give you the head as a souvenir if you want!” The woman growled, throwing a fat stack of cash onto the table, and was far more than what the group was asking for. It made Blitzo’s eyes widen. “Holy shit. I mean, consider her dead! Bye, bye now!” The viper-like woman sent them one last glare before she slithered out of the room, a devious smile on her face. Blitzo looked at his employees and shrugged his shoulders. “Guess we’re leaving early! Get the book Loonie Toonie!”
“Should we be doing this sir?” We don’t even know what our target looks like. She just gave us a general location! That woman didn’t even have a photo”. There was a scoff. “Shut it, we’re doing this just so I can get that crazy bitch off my back! She’s been banging on my door all fucking week! Now move your ass!”
Julia's pregnancy was progressing well, but she was growing larger than anticipated. Perhaps their baby would take after their father and be tall. Nifty pitched in around the house, washing dishes, dusting windows, and even sweeping the porch. She enjoyed doing laundry with Julia, especially teasing her about Alastor's clothes, particularly his undergarments.
Growing bigger, she noticed her hands felt warmer than usual. Initially attributing it to hormonal changes, she realized it was more than that when she accidentally set a towel on fire. Alastor was equally surprised when she shared the incident. "It seems my abilities may have passed on to you, or our child has inherited more from me," he remarked. From then on, she was extra cautious about what she touched, not wanting to risk burning down the house while washing her hands.
Currently, Julia found herself in a state of relaxation in the cozy living room, eagerly awaiting Alastor's return. Earlier in the day, Nifty had been by her side, lending a helping hand so that Julia could effortlessly prepare her breakfast. Grateful for Nifty's assistance, Julia wanted to express her gratitude by doing something in return, but Nifty adamantly refused, not wanting Julia to exhaust herself. It was Nifty's perspective, not Julia's, that she was capable of moving around just fine despite her size. After all, she wasn't confined to bed rest. As her pregnancy progressed, Julia had taken to placing a pillow behind her back to alleviate the increasing discomfort. Despite the pain, she faced it with a radiant smile, knowing that it was all part of the journey and that the ultimate reward would make it all worthwhile.
Alastor's Mother, Josephine, made it a habit to visit every other week, bringing along an abundance of toys and bottles for the upcoming arrival of their child. With Alastor relocating his study to the basement, Julia found a perfect use for the space. Thanks to Josephine's generosity, she felt fully prepared for the baby's arrival, despite it being months away. Alastor reassured Julia that he had a plan in place, alleviating any worries she may have had about the birth. Julia had only ventured out of the house three times, once to purchase larger clothes for herself and the growing baby bump. Nifty accompanied her on the shopping trip, while Husker disguised himself as a human and accompanied her to the market. Gladys was overjoyed for Julia and couldn't contain her excitement when she saw the baby bump. Julia even allowed her to feel it, and in return, she received a gentle kick from the little one inside.
Gladys misinterpreted the situation completely and shot Husker a mischievous smile before giving him a friendly pat on the back. Husker was taken aback by her boldness, knowing that Julia, his boss's wife, was off-limits. Despite his discomfort, he played along, putting his arm around Julia and escorting her outside as if they were a couple. Once they reached the parking lot, he quickly released her, realizing the potential consequences of his actions. "I can't risk that happening again. If that red-haired jerk catches me touching you, I'm as good as dead," Husker gasped, glancing nervously over his shoulder. Julia, however, saw nothing amiss.
Julia found herself at the bookstore for the third time, growing tired of waiting for Alastor to come back. But this time, something was different. Alastor's presence seemed to linger, his silhouette accompanying her as she wandered through the book-filled aisles. With a stack of thrilling horror novels and a collection of her favourite genre, Julia couldn't help but smile as she reminisced about the moments spent there. As she glanced down at the novel in her hands, the clichés within made her burst into laughter, and in response, the baby inside her gave her a playful kick, filling her with joy.
Julia chuckled, giving her stomach a gentle pat. "Oh, you're quite the character, aren't you? Not exactly how things work in real life, but I guess some people wish it did." She wrapped her arms around herself, lost in thought. "Well, our life isn't exactly a walk in the park either." Feeling another kick, she grinned. "Full of energy, just like your mama. Hang in there, little one." Julia got up, leaving the blanket behind as she shuffled over to the radio. As the baby squirmed inside her, she knew exactly what to do. Adjusting the dial, she started to sway to the music.
¯ Earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine? My darling dear, love you all the time… I’m just a fool, a fooling love with you. ¯
¯ Earth angel, earth angel, the one I adore. Love you forever and evermore. I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you. ¯
¯ I fell for you, and I knew the vision of your love, loveliness. I hoped and I prayed that someday, I’ll be the vision of your happiness. Earth angel, earth angel please be mine. My darling dear, love you all the time. ¯
In an instant, the kicking ceased, bringing a smile to Julia's face. The baby inherited their musical preferences from her. A group of curious onlookers peered through the window, while the woman inside danced to the music, unaware of their presence. Three shadowy figures were observed from the chill outside, one with a smirk and the other appearing distressed.
“Sir, I don’t think I can allow this.” Moxxie pleaded, clearly distressed over the target. “Shut your dick sucker Moxxie! If that crazy bitch wants this woman dead then that’s what we have to do! Or did you forget you stupid fuck?” Blitzo hissed. “But sir, can’t we just say we destroyed the target? I mean, it’s just a sad, lonely pregnant woman who lives out in the woods! We can’t just shoot her!” Moxxie replied. “Sir, please! I’m getting a really bad feeling about this!”
Before the two of them could argue any further, they both noticed the woman quickly looking over her shoulder, her vivid blue eyes widened in alarm. “Aw fuck! Look what you did Moxxie!” Blitzo yelled.
Julia was in complete disbelief when she laid her eyes on the horrifying sight before her. Three Demons were peering into her space, and to make matters worse, one of them had a gun while the other brandished a menacingly large knife. As soon as Julia made eye contact with them, they seemed to freeze in their tracks. Their jagged teeth and striped horns made it abundantly clear that they were anything but friendly. Julia instinctively knew that these Demons had no affiliation with Alastor. With her flight response kicking in, she swiftly ascended the stairs, clutching her stomach protectively.
“Aw shit!” Blitzo cursed, jumping into the window with the other shorter ones following in after him. “We got a runner!” Millie ran up the stairs and bounced from the railing with her tail swishing behind her. “Sir! Millie! Please leave the poor woman alone!” Moxxie shouted as he ran up the stairs after the other two, worry in his eyes as he broke out in a cold sweat.
Julia's heart raced as she dashed into the bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it in a hurry. She had no clue why these demons had shown up or what they were after, but she wasn't about to stick around to find out. With all her might, she pushed the dresser in front of the door and then hid under the bed, retrieving a brown case from Alastor's side. She swiftly entered the code - their anniversary - and pulled out a revolver. The door was being pounded on, claws tearing through the wood, and Julia's breaths were heavy as she retreated to a corner near her closet, the revolver aimed for protection, her other arm wrapped tightly around her stomach. She calmed herself, focusing on slowing her breathing to stay alert and composed in this dire situation. Suddenly, a red creature crashed through the shattered window, while another imp entered through the cracked door, brandishing a knife.
Blitzo stood in front of Julia, his golden gun in his hand he aimed it at her. “You’re a feisty one I’ll give you that, for a pregnant lady, you’re pretty fast for such a little thing.” He spoke. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. “What do you want? Just stay away if you know what is good for you.” She angrily shouted, surprised her at own response, aiming the revolver at the red demon in front of her.
“Sir! Please!” Moxxie cried out as Millie was holding him back with her other arm while aiming her knife at her. “You think we want something? Sorry sugar but there’s someone who wants you dead and they ready paid in advance! Which I already spent on this!” Blitzo pointed to the little plastic horse in his coat pocket.
There wasn’t pleading with them was there? Had someone sent them out here to kill her? What for? Julia had been nice to everyone she had ever met. Julia closed her eyes and felt a strange sensation begin to well up in her. A heat surged to her hands, and the imps backed away once a green circle of fire began to surround her. “What in the ever-loving fuck?!” Blitzo shouted, quickly backing away from her. The flames acted like a fiery barrier, and when Millie threw her knife, it bounced back. The neon green flames grew higher, protecting Julia from any projectiles.
Julia's vision became hazy with tears, yet she sensed a surge of intense heat rising from her core, akin to the sensation of sipping a scalding drink. The baby bump she carried seemed to pulsate with energy, almost as if it were charged with electricity. As her surroundings blurred with the overwhelming power she possessed, she let go of the revolver and resorted to her final option. "Alastor!" Her voice rang out, filled with a mix of adrenaline and fury.
The group of horned devils backed away from her, and they looked all around the room as the whole house began to shake and the pictures rattled against the walls. Flames of red began to flicker out of the floor as large antlers rose out of the black abyss, and harsh static filled the room which sounded like eerie, beastly growls from unholy creatures.  “Holy shit balls,” Blitzo said, his eyes widening as genuine fear began to take over him. A tall red-clad figure pulled itself out of the dark portal as its sinister laugh echoed around them, the dials it had for eyes burning a bright scarlet, and nothing but pure rage was within them.
Alastor emerged, his presence commanding attention. Sinister shadows slithered along the walls, eager to unleash their fangs upon any intruder. Blitzo, trembling, sought refuge in the corner near the bed, while the other two clung to each other desperately. Alastor's piercing gaze fell upon Julia, her shaken figure shielded by a ring of jade flames that offered protection rather than harm. Towering over her, he stood as her guardian, unwavering in his resolve. With eyes ablaze, he fixed his gaze upon the audacious imp who had dared to invade his sanctuary and threaten harm upon his beloved.
“Who are you, and why are you here?” It was far from a question; it was a demand. “S-some lover-scorned bitch hired us! She wanted her dead! We’re I.M.P! We.” Blitzo had squeaked. Alastor hummed. “I am aware. I’ve seen your horrid advertisement on the picture shows. Leave this place if you value your life, if you return, I will personally tear your limb from limb.”
“N-no problem! Moxxie why didn’t you tell me her fucking husband was the Radio Demon?!” Blitzo cried out in panicked anger. Yet, the other two had jumped through the newly formed portal. Just as he jumped over the bed and tried to get to the portal, Alastor grabbed him by the tail, hanging him upside down with a sinister grin.
“Who sent you?” Alastor demanded. “Some snake whore! I promise I had no idea she was your wife!” Blitzo answered shakingly. Alastor lifted an eyebrow and searched his memory. Then he remembered a sickening face. “Was it a woman named Caroline?” Blitzo nervously nodded. “Yes!”
The Overlord let out a furious roar as he hurled the pitiful imp through the closing portal. In an instant, they were gone. The flames extinguished as Alastor's antlers returned to their usual size, and he knelt before Julia.
"Sweetheart, they have departed." His voice flowed like a velvety melody, instantly soothing Julia's frayed nerves. Despite her heart still racing and her breaths coming in gasps, she locked eyes with him. However, a barrier stood between them, preventing his touch. "Please, my dearest Julia, come to me," he pleaded, his voice now a gentle caress. Julia reached out, and as she did, the barrier crumbled into shimmering ashes, dissipating into nothingness. With a swift movement, she inched closer and enveloped him in her embrace. He cradled Julia in his lap, his hand tenderly stroking her hair as she wept against his shoulder. His other hand rested on her belly, his long fingers offering comforting strokes.
Alastor gently hushed her, "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you. And it seems like our little one wants to do the same, my love." He planted a tender kiss on the top of her head. When Julia sniffled, she asked, "Alastor, did they mention Caroline?"
“Indeed, it seems that she is the culprit who employed them to eliminate you. Rest assured, my love, I will handle her at the appropriate moment. For now, I implore you to find solace in my embrace." Julia nestled in his lap, resting her head gently on his chest, while tenderly caressing her growing belly. "I am grateful to both of you," she murmured.
Julia couldn't forget the envious glares from the woman who seemed to despise her mere presence, always green with jealousy when Julia joined the radio station. Alastor, on the other hand, could easily decipher Julia's thoughts by the distant gaze in her eyes.
Alastor's mind simmered with fiery determination as he contemplated the consequences. He regretted not confronting that woman in his previous existence when the opportunity presented itself. However, he firmly believed that it was never too late to take action. Nevertheless, Alastor prioritized Julia's well-being and tranquillity above all else. Only once he ensured her safety would he consider allowing Caroline to participate in his eagerly anticipated broadcast. For his beloved darling always held the highest place in his heart.
Next: Chapter 11
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vikkirosko · 10 months
Can I request a second part for child Umbra witch reader?
This time, she asks Stolas, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus for a contract.
I imagine that Blitzo introduced her to Stolas and for Beelzebub, she goes to the party with Loona.
But to make a contract with those demons, she must dance with them to synchronise their energy/soul. But reader only know ballet dance and must adapt her style to the demon's style.
Platonic headcanons Umbra witch 2
🦉 Stolas x child fem!Reader 🎩
When you found out that Blitzø is familiar with Stolas, you persuaded him for a long time to introduce you to him. You hoped Stolas was strong enough to help you. Blitzø didn't want to do it, but you were able to convince. Stolas was surprised when he met you and even more surprised when you told him about why you decided to meet him
Stolas has heard of witches who make contracts with demons, but never thought that such a young witch would come to him. However, he was not going to refuse your request because of this. The reason why you needed his strength seemed really important to him, because you wanted to save your mother, and Stolas was well aware of the value of the family, because for the sake of his daughter he was ready to go to a lot
A new problem for you was that in order to make a deal, you had to synchronize your energy with his, and for this you had to dance with Stolas. You were very worried about it, because the only thing you knew how to dance was ballet. You were supposed to learn other dances, but your mom didn't have time to teach you them, so you had to improvise
Stolas saw how worried you were and he was ready to wait until you were ready. He saw how determined you were and he respected that. That's why he was willing to wait so that you could do what you came to Hell for
🐓 Asmodeus x child fem!Reader 💕
When you found out about the place where Millie and Moxxie spent their anniversary, you decided to go there to get acquainted with Asmodeus. You were sure he was strong enough for you to save your mom. It took you a little time to find a way to get into the restaurant, because you were a child, but you still did it. Asmodeus was genuinely surprised when you approached him, but his surprise was quickly replaced by laughter
Asmodeus found it funny that such a young witch decided to make a deal with him. He listened to your story to understand why you decided to do this at all. He expected that you wanted to take revenge on someone or just wanted strength, but he didn't expect that all you wanted was to save your mom. For the first time, he was approached with such a sincere and bright request. He wasn't going to refuse your request, because he was wondering what would come of it
You were genuinely glad when Asmodeus agreed to make a deal with you, but the fact that you needed to synchronize your energy with his worried you. You knew the only way to do it was to dance with him, but the only thing you knew how to dance was ballet, which was definitely not suitable for dancing with Asmodeus
You didn't know what exactly the demon was used to dancing, but you weren't going to lose such a chance just because you couldn't dance anything but ballet. You intended to make a deal with him even if you had to learn the most difficult dance moves to do it
🐝 Beelzebub x child fem!Reader 🍯
You have been trying for a long time to find a strong demon who will agree to make a deal with you. It was difficult, because many demons were not strong enough for your purposes. However, when you found out that Loona was going to go to a party hosted by Beelzebub, you began to persuade her to let you go with her. You were sure that Beelzebub was strong enough to help you
At first Loona didn't want to take you with her, because she hoped to find friends at this party, but you were able to convince, and you went there together. You immediately rushed to find Beelzebub to talk to her, not intending to interfere with her. However, Beelzebub found you herself, surprised that a child appeared at her party. However, she was even more surprised when you asked her to make a deal with you
She didn't mind making a deal with you. She liked how determined you were and she agreed to the deal, but set a condition that you had to make a deal at the party. This put you in a dead end, because to make a deal you had to synchronize your energies, and for this you had to dance with her. However, there was a problem. You only knew how to dance ballet
Beelzebub left to chat with the guests and you were watching her. You had to make it to the end of the party and that's why you watched her move. You were going to make the biggest improvisation of your life and you sincerely hoped that you would succeed. You couldn't afford to make a mistake
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hazluvs · 5 months
{request rules}
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( /// I Will Not Write \\\ )
character X character
most au's (currently searching for au's that interest me. )
nsfw (i'll write it on my own time.)
song fics (i'll write it on my own time.)
comfort fics
weddings (an established marriage is fine.)
polyamory (unless it's a canon relationship.)
self harm (past or present)
cheating / infidelity (only for the x reader pairing, if it's from a past relationship that's fine.)
out of character requests
oc's / highly specific readers
yandere reader
abusive / manipulative reader
body type specific reader
race / nationality specific reader
cis female reader
female reader X angel / stolas
male reader X vaggie
"motherly" reader
non-demon / non-angel reader
angel-demon hybrid reader (unless they're apart of the morningstar family.)
'stronger than x' reader trope
genderbent characters
contradictions to cannon
glamorize / absolve awful things characters do
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( /// I Will Write \\\ )
character X reader
yandere character X reader
queer reader (gay, trans, aro, ace, etc.)
child / teen reader (platonic only)
sinner reader
hellborn reader
angel reader
heavenborn reader
platonic relationships
romantic relationships
enemy relationships
requests based off a specific scene / episode
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( /// Genres & Formats \\\ )
horror / gore (nothing hyper-extreme or fetishist.)
imagine (one character per request, not including love triangles, and the reader will always be gender neutral. at least 1K words.)
headcanons (four characters per request. word count varies.)
reactions (8 characters per request. word count kept to a minimum.)
try to make your request detailed
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( /// Character List \\\ )
(NOTE: any character highlighted red is allowed yandere requests. any character highlighted blue is only allowed platonic requests.)
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charlie morningstar
angel dust
sir pentious
katie killjoy
tom trench
carmilla carmine
lucifer morningstar
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sallie may
stolas goetia
stella goetia
octavia goetia
verosika mayday
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