#blls dressing up
sweet-little-raven · 2 months
BLL — Sneak Peek
Wednesday walked towards the mirror that hung between a few books on a shelf of the bookcase. She gasped when she saw her reflection: her neck was a canvas of contrasts, the delicate skin marred by deep, darkened purples and reds. The bruises varied in size and shape; some small and circular, others more elongated, like the brushstrokes of a hand. Had Enid really been this rough? Impressive.
The hickeys, however, were darker—almost black in the center, fading out to a lighter shade at the edges. They were scattered all across her throat and collarbone, each one a memory to the passion and force with which Enid had kissed and bitten her last night.
The sight of the state her neck and collarbone were left in brought a small, almost imperceptible smile to her lips. She gingerly touched one of the bruises, feeling the slight sting that accompanied the memory. Woah. It was unusual for her to let anyone get this close, to leave such visible marks on her body, but with Enid... it was different. Oh, all the things she wanted her to do to her...
"Impressive," she murmured as she continued to inspect herself in the mirror.
"Does it hurt?" Pugsley asked, standing at the doorway of the office.
"A little bit. I've never felt this kind of pain before... but I have to admit, it's really agreeable."
The boy chuckled. "Only you can say this about pain. You know, I never thought you'd be a bottom. You disappoint me, sister."
Wednesday's smile faded away as she turned around to face her brother. Darker, bloodier thoughts replacing the memories of last night. "What the fuck do you mean?"
"Well... Your neck says it all."
"For your information, I wasn't a 'bottom,' as you call it."
"Oh, yeah? Then how do you explain all these bruises and hickeys?"
"I was on top. Then we switched. Then I was on top again. I was on top most of the time."
Pugsley wrinkled his nose and scrunched up his face, his eyebrows drawing together in a tight frown at the thought. His lips curled downward as if he had just tasted something incredibly sour. "Uhm... Okay, I don't think I actually wanted to know this," he murmured with a mix of disgust and embarrassment.
"You started this. Since when does a little talk make you uncomfortable, Pugsley?"
"You're my sister. Imagining you fucking that blonde—"
"—Enid, is something I would prefer to not imagine."
"Then don't." By now, the brunette was fully dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday: white buttoned-up shirt, black slacks and her black vest she decided to leave open. "Are you done talking about my sexual life now? Our parents are waiting."
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A/N: Little sneak peek of my next fanfiction that, for now, I will call by its initials, BLL. At the moment I have 30k words and still have a lot of chapters to write. I will only post it once it is finished, as I sometimes modify previous chapters as I write and feeling stressed about posting makes me lose inspiration and then I end up abandonning the fic. So I will wait to post it to be able to have a nice posting schedule (probably 2 times a week.) Hopefully I will finish soon, because I am extremely excited to post it 🤍 For those confused about this scene, Enid and Wednesday had a one-night stand in Wednesday's office. They are both adults in this story. Anyways, I hope you liked this little sneak peek! I also might post some more in the future :)
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
A year with you
From: @hockeysometimes
To: @motoroilfanta 
Summary: 5 times holster and ransom kissed and the first time it meant something.
Rating: M [language, moderate drinking mention, vague reference to sex]
Hi!! i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. i love these boys so much! happy valentines!!
December 31st 2015
The bass of some remix of The Weeknd  was way too loud in Holsters ears as he walks past the swish stereo system that the hotel had set up for the New Years party they were putting on. It was packed, not a single person was sitting down, everyone was up on the make-shift  dance floor in the ballroom . He was significantly more sober than he would like to be since he was still underage until later in the New Year and you can only pre game so much from the lousy bits of booze they had left over from the pre christmas break kegster.
 A hotel was not where Holster was expecting to be for New Years Eve but when the team made it into a new year’s day tournament he had to head back to Samwell early from christmas break on the 27th to get some practice in. For him it’s not as bad because at least he’s in the states but Ransom had to fly back from Toronto on Boxing Day and showed up to the Haus alone and turn the heat  back on for everyone else coming the next day.
 Rans who he was looking for in the sea of party goers, he had been wheeling some girl the last time he saw him but had left to try and swipe some more booze and now he has a full  plastic champagne glass that he’s trying to remember to not crush in his kind of clumsy hands. He’s trying to scrunch his glasses up his nose when he feels a hand on his back and a voice yelling in his ear. 
“Bro! There you are!” It was Ransom, Holster turned around and there were Rans, without the girl he was wheeling. 
“I was trying to find you and uh what was’er name? Alicia? Thought i was going to be booted from the room” He says and Rans starts shaking his head.
“Nah bro turns out she’s totally cuffed anyways, any luck finding that midnight kiss?” Ransom chides, eyebrows raised in a chirp. They had both been trying to find someone to kiss at midnight, because like how lame would it be to not have someone, but from their excellent wing men routine, everyone there was either hooking up with someone else there, part of SMH or married couples and then there was them.
Holster snorts a laugh and takes a sip of the champagne in his hands, feeling the bubbles burn down his throat. Ransom takes that as a no and they check their watches almost in sync. 11:55pm, no way either of them were going to find someone in under 5 minutes. Holster cant lie, he’s almost glad neither of them found someone, it pleases the part of his brain that he doesnt think about; the part that wants Ransom a little more than a guy should want his D-partner/ Co-Captain. 
He’s resolved himself to not kissing anyone at this point and he’s kind of lost in the sauce of it all when something Ransom says yanks him out of his head like he’s just been checked into the boards . 
“....kissed each other” is all holster hears over the ringing in his ears, completely sure he hadn’t heard him right. 
“Bro, what? I couldnt hear you over the music” He says and he’s trying to sound chill but if he heard right, he heard,
“What if we just kissed each other?” Ransom says like it’s really no big deal, sure both of them have openly hooked up with dudes before and that’s not the problem, holster is secure in his bisexuality but outside of some cuddling and bed sharing at roadies,,, they’ve never actually kissed before.
Holster takes a second but the chants of the countdown to midnight had started and he’s sweating and kind of nervous and he’s not sure what to say except when the chants hit two he grabs Ransoms face and plants a kiss on him as everyone around them cheers for the New Year. It’s soft and fast and just long enough for Holster to taste the cherry schnapps that Ransom pregamed with still on his lips. It's too much and not enough as they part and Holster pours the champagne left in his glass down his throat.
                                     February 13th 2016
The NYE kiss gets swept under the rug and never talked about again. They went back to their room and Holster fully expected to have some heart moving conversation but Ransom got ready and went to bed like they usually would. Holster hasn’t thought about the kiss. Not at all, ever. He hasn’t thought about how badly he wants it to happen again and how much he liked the feeling of it. Never had he thought of that. If it was any other guy, he totally would of but,, this is Ransom. He can’t pine for him, it just, it doesn’t work. They’re bros, that’s it.
 And now, it’s the day before Valentines day and he had somehow been talked into the idea of dressing up like cupid by said bro. 
Holster adjusts the strap of his repurposed toga from their last greek party and turns in the mirror to check out the red angel wings. He was in the bathroom for a quiet moment, the music was way too sensual for someone who was as alone as him and he was having zero luck with the ladies that night, or really anyone for that matter. He totally fizzed out of a conversation with one of the soccer players who he’s hooked up with before and lost his chance there. 
He hasn’t actually hooked up in a Long Time; at least way before he kissed Rans. He tries to tell himself that he’s just off his game, and everyones settled up for Valentines anyways, [not that he’s in love with Ransom ,that’s ridiculous] 
He leaves the bathroom and heads back into the party, searching the crowd once again for his wingman. He swings by the kitchen for some cinnamon heart infused tub juice that was going down way easier than it should. 
He takes his solo cup and heads up the stairs to see if maybe Rans was hiding up there, he does that sometimes. He peeks his head into Chow’s room since the door was open and finds a group of people sitting on the floor- one toga’d Ransom included. Holster shrugs and steps in to, slipping around to the opposite of the circle than Ransom, who grins when he sees him. Holster takes in the empty beer bottle in the middle of the floor and everyone gathered around it and has high school flashbacks. 
“Are you guys seriously playing spin the bottle?” he manages to spit out before doubling over in laughter, nearly sloshing his drink out of the cup. 
“Holtzy! This is a serious game of nostaliga, shut up sit down and spin the motha fuckin bottle bro,” Ransom says and of course Holster sits down, carful of his toga skirt and with a grieving sigh, spins the bottle, praying it doesnt land on Chowder. In his blind panic of potentially kissing chow, it doesn't hit him that he could also kiss Ransom again but that’s a 1 in 9 chance, 11.1111% probability his econ brain manages to tell him. Probability is not in his favour as the bottle finishes it spin and lands, very definitely in front of Ransom. There’s an awkward pause in the room and Chowder speaks up.
“You guys don’t have to-” it's almost too little too late as Holster folds onto his hands and knees over the bottle and sloppily kisses Ransom, pushing his mouth against the  soft pouty lips he’s thought about everyday since the last time they kissed. It’s entirely too short for Holster, as they pull away and he sits back down, flattening his cupid costume out. 
“That’s how you do it folks,” 
March 26th 2016
“Alexei Fucking Mashkov is downstairs in Our Haus Holtzy.”  Ransom says, full fetal position on the floor, Holster is trying his damn best to be the comforting best friend he always is when Rans is going through it but,, his own feelings about the situation may be clouding over his want to help.
 It’s Easter or Keagster weekend on top of Ransoms 21st birthday the next day, but Haus rules say no parties on a holy sunday or some shit so they’re celebrating early, or they should be but instead, Holster is sat with his BLL on the floor trying to rub Ransoms back as he has a level 10 freak out about the fact that Jack brought along his ultimate man crush to the party. 
Holsters only a little jealous, he totally doesn't think about how he Knows that Rans has gotten off thinking about Tater before and has talked in detail about how he would totally go for it if it were available to him. Nope, Holster doesnt think about it.
“I know bro, i was in the kitchen when he got here. It’s like fine, he’s a really lowkey dude.” Holster tries to reason, trying his best to just be there and not be a total ass. He takes a sip of his drink, “Just come down stairs and we can play some pong and get you laid for your birthday,” He continues, his stomach twisting a little as he says the last part. 
Ransom sort of uncoils and stretches out, propping himself up on one hand, thinking, Holster can see he’s starting to come down a little bit. “Getting laid would be pretty nice,” Rans says, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Holster has to stop himself from rolling his eyes and instead snorts out some kind of laugh.
“Ch’eah exactly, but you aren’t going to catch anyone up in your room avoiding everyone.” Holster says, he stands up, taking his drink with him and offering Rans a hand up, which he takes. 
They’re face to face when he stands up and Holster grins, looking at the face he knows so well. Smooth skin and lines where dimples sit. 
“Not to get soft on you but, thanks Holtzy, don't know what i’d do without you.” Rans says and leans forwards presses the most confusing and gentle kiss on Holsters cheek before continuing out the room with a holler of “BIRTHDAY BOY INCOMING” down the attic stairs, leaving Holster frozen in his spot, clutching his beer and trying to understand what the fuck just happened 
 October 31st 2016
Once again in costume, this time too tight spandex of a Superman costume that was definitely in a size too small,Holster sighs as he watches Ransom try to pick up a guy dressed  likePoe from Star Wars. This halloween party at the bar in Boston they frequented since grad was both the best and worst thing to happen to Holster. 
The pros were he got to see Ransom dressed up as Batman and that shit is a sight. The black spandex hugs everywhere just so and it’s all Holster has to not… stare or look too long. Over the summer of graduating and moving in with Ransom, Holster may have come to  a realization with his feelings. 
The cons were, He was, without a doubt, in love with Rans and it kind of killed him. He knew they’d never really be more than bros, even when Rans would come into his room across the hall at night cause he couldn’t sleep without him or when Rans would take pieces of his clothes just to have. It was all too close to coupley for him, and then the matching costumes that Ransom had picked up for them for this party. And now he has to stand and watch him pull out all the stops for this gorgeous oscar isaac wannabe asshole stealing all of Ransoms attention. He stands  against the bar and kind of hangs out, just vibing to the music and finishes his drink and decides to see how Ransom was doing, they had moved a little further closer to the dance floor since he last looked.
“Oh! Bro, there you are” Ransom says upon catching sight of him, Holster nods and keeps a tight smile as he looks over Poe maybe a little more judgey than he wants to be. “This is Evan! He works for the Bruins, we’ve been talking about last years ‘yoffs,” He yells and Holster shakes his hand. They’ve been talking about.. Hockey? The guys been giving Ransom ‘Fuck Me’ eyes for the past twenty minutes, and theyve been talking about hockey
“Adam,nice to meet you!” Holster says, fully  fucking confused. The three of them talk for a bit just about the teams until Evan offers to get drink refills and heads back to the bar and the two of them are left alone. 
“So are you getting some of that galactic ass?” He chirps and Ransom rolls his eyes.
“That was a bad joke and you know it bro and oh no i'm pretty sure he’s straight, besides i'm not gonna pick up cause im with you? Be kind of a douche move.” Ransom explains and Holster snorts.
“Bro, he’s totally into you, trust me. You’re looking like a whole snack tonight.” He says and he’s teetering un bro like compliments but he’s a little drunk and doesn't care at this point. Shoot your shot 2k16.
“A whole snack!” Ransom laughs and then pauses. “You think so?” He kind of flexes and the spandex contracts in a kind of beautiful way and holsters brain has to fire on all cylinders to not say something stupid and horny. 
“Dude i know so,” He pauses and then grabs Ransoms face, half covered by a batman mask and gives him a peck of a kiss before stepping back. “I think i'm gonna uber home but, be safe and just let me know when you get in.” Holster says and Ransom is kind of unreadable but he nods and Holster disappears into the crowd without another word. 
Ransom doesn’t bring anyone home and crawls into Holsters bed at 3 am, way drunker than he was when Holster left him and mumbling something Holster couldn’t entirely make out .
December 22nd 2016
They were late to the Christmas get together for SMH  and for once it wasn’t Holsters fault. 
Following his exit on halloween and Ransom passing out, koaled around him when he got home, things were a little weird. They were still their normal dynamic but something had shifted, there was something un-said between them that Holster couldn’t place. Of course other than his own unrequited feelings which were boiling to a  fever pitch as they worked together and things got more and more awkward. Ransom hadn’t brought anyone home since that night either, and was climbing into Holsters bed more and more often
. Holster was kind of moody and didn’t want to parade around at the SMH party like everything was okay and Ransom could tell. They were a silent block out from the venue and Ransom stops. 
“Adam, I think we need to talk.” Ransom says and Holsters stomach feels like it drops out of his body. Adam? Adam? He hasn’t been real named by Ransom in, Years.
“Oh, okay, is uh everything okay?” Holster asks and he can feel his hands start to sweat in his pockets. 
Ransom won't look at him and it makes him feel, Horrible. “I don’t know, maybe i'm reading too far into things but are you angry at me?” He asks and Holster frowns but shakes his head  ‘no’. 
“Rans, why would you think i was mad at you?” He asks and Ransom continues to not look at him. 
“Things have been, so weird lately and it’s so hard to read you and-” Holster acts before the thinks and cuts him off, with the most bruising kiss. He kisses him and Ransom takes a minute but he kisses him back and they’re kissing under the garland decorating the streets and Ransoms hands are holding his face and they’re so close. 
“I love you Justin. I’ve been in love with you since last new years and it’s been so much for me to contain. I’m sorry for seeming like I was angry.” He says and the emotion is making tears run to his eyes. He’s always been more sensitive.
Ransom is quiet for a second and the smallest smile comes to his face, “Bro, only last new years? I’ve been in love with you since I  met you, it’s always been you.”
Holster wraps his arms all tight around Ransom and cant help the squeeze he gives him.
They carry on eventually and both decide that a very long conversation was due but the group chat blowing up about them delaying festivities was getting unbearable.
December 31st 2016
The bass of Closer by Halsey and The Chainsmokers pulses loud through the speaker of the New Years Party one of Holsters coworkers was throwing. Once again searching the crowd for Ransom, but this time with champagne flutes for both of them. The clock was nearly at midnight.
“Holtzy! Babe over here,” he hears and swings his head to the left, Ransom was standing by himself closer to the outskirts of the party. He had been talking to Holsters friend Jermey and his wife Lilly. 
He passes one of the flutes to Ransom and smiles, sneaking a peak at his watch. 11:59pm.  He gets closer to him, tucking themselves into the wall space as the crowd gets louder in chanting the countdown.
There was no need to search for that midnight kiss, it was standing in front of him, like it always had been. 
10...9...8..7… he leans in closer to Ransom, ghosting his lips over the jaw and cheeks and nose he’s gotten to love up front in the past two weeks...6...5...4...3...2...1 and they kiss and it’s like the first time again, cherry schnapps and all.
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thehours2002 · 5 years
i’m going to tell you what audrey outfits the BLL women SHOULD have worn
dress shirt from breakfast at tiffany’s
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they were spot on in with the holly golightly night shirt. madeline is strictly a mess, but also unrelentingly stylish at the same time just like holly golightly
boating outfit from sabrina
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this look is stylish and affordable, and i like the idea of her showing up other people in a simpler outfit from a (slightly) deeper cut hepburn film
exploring rome outfit from roman holiday
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like bonnie, ann is a fish out of water--a princess exploring rome as a regular civilian. similarly, if we’re to trust bonnie’s mother, bonnie has little in common with the (mostly) white wealthy mothers of monterey
party dress from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
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i think the LBD from breakfast at tiffany’s is so over done, and i trust celeste to do her homework and have a slightly off beat but still glamorous look. not a lot of people could pull this weird toga dress off but i think nicole kidman has the range
gorgeous gown from my fair lady
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so it totally makes sense for renata to wear an eliza dolittle look since the show seems to be hinting that she had a bit of a rags to riches story, but i think the dress they gave her was ugly. so i assign the eliza dress they gave bonnie in the show.
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chiaroscuroverse · 6 years
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Plot bunny - ok, since I can’t stop thinking about this, gonna just throw it out. Anyone, follower or not who is really interested, pls let me know because that might make a difference. Ok, here’s the thing:
Just got done watching Big Little Lies and I can’t stop imagining a....not quite AU exactly, but a Hardy/Hannah set in that kind of place. Together, a later in life child*, a new place maybe in America, she’s something of an activist but people don’t know her past life, he’s...idk consulting or something?? writing detective novels? A mystery/crime involving the community causes conflict....
Here is my usual problem with H/H ideas....I have a vibe and a setting and a very moody kind of want, but not a plot! :P Not sure if the actual show plot is usable in any way but I could think about it more.  BLL is really about the women, more than any of their romantic relationships....so hmm hmm.
ETA: Another from the drafts, I guess early 2017 then. Since I made the decision that all fic idea posts are going out into the light, here it is! Adding some rambling about parenthood headcanons below the cut: 
*because my headcanon would be that *if* Hannah were to become a mother, she seems to me the kind of person who would decide to do it later in life because she found herself in the kind of stable relationship and place where it now seems possible. As in, I don’t remember particularly on the show her saying she directly didn’t want children so much as the presumption that motherhood would never fit into her life as she wanted to live it. (If I’m wrong about this, well, it’s a what-if-x-was-different scenario.) And when that changed, she reconsidered. I know women for whom this is true, who had one child.
I also love imagining a whole comedic take that the show would have on Hannah-as-mother, dressing her kid up to the nines and doing mom-ritual things and handling the social side of motherhood and schools and all of that. 😁😁😁 Like, Hannah is a very different person from me, but I have inhabited this world for a long time, and so much seems potentially hilarious about it - not that I think I could write comedy exactly, and it’s more a show thing than fic thing. :P (Kind of like Sex and the City with Miranda’s baby, though I bet I’d take issue with a lot of outdated stuff there and the way they frame competitive womanhood a lot of times is ehhh:P) 
As for Hardy, I don’t think the impetus to have another child would come from him, but if Hannah wanted to, he’d be all in and wanting to experience it all again from a better place. Daisy would have feelings, but at her age she’d be ready to just enjoy the kid. 
Throwing this up! I don’t know if it will lead anywhere, but I enjoy thinking about it! 
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ammapreker · 6 years
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                                               [ kithartwell ]
                                                 23  •  marketing assistant  •  virginia gardner 
[ about ]
[ tw for mentions of underage drinking, infidelity, financial problems ]
another one of those hartwells. born with a silver spoon her mouth that got taken away — along with her father, her family’s fortune, and their company — at the tender age of thirteen years old. her father, william hartwell, began siphoning off millions from the family company to a) continue the spending habits of his family and/or b) keep his mistress content in her affluence. even after he was caught and promised to return the money, he left with said money and said mistress, letting the fallout hang over the rest of the hartwell family. gone was the wealth that she’d grown accustomed to; gone was the father she’d thought she’d loved; and gone was the close knit relationship she’d always had with the rest of her family, who ostracized kit, her siblings, and their mother immediately following william’s departure and their ruination. in the blink of the eye, her whole world had completely turned upside down, so she can hardly be blamed for not recognizing it. queue fallen princess trope? you betcha. 
she’s the kind of girl who believes in authenticity, but spent years lying with every single smile she plastered onto her face in the wake of everything that happened. with everything else falling apart, kit knew that she couldn’t. not when she had younger siblings to encourage. not when robin, who she’d always looked up to, had been the last person to see her father before he’d left. she was almost desperate to not be another problem heaped onto the pile. so she faked the smiles and the encouragements and the optimism as they moved into a new, downsized home and as the debt that their father had thrust them into continued to hang over their heads. sometimes, she thought if she said it’ll all be okay enough, even she might actually believe it. spoiler alert? she never did. 
even school wasn’t a release from that anger and frustration that continued to build. while her family’s reputation had been tarnished, so had kit’s, leaving her with eyes trailing her back and whispers rising around every corner. she met each curious glance or barely concealed antagonistic question with another grin, another response hemmed down to nothing short of politeness — it’s what she’s always been best at. her can-do attitude, flurry of extracurriculars, and general likability allowed her to fall into the “popular” crowd in senior high — with an added bonus of being known as a good time with a tendency to overdrink [think season one marissa cooper tbh]. probably has more of a collection of forgotten nights than she’d like to admit, but that stress had to be released somehow, right? and, watching her smile the day afterwards with a slight, hungover wince, you’d never know it bothered her. 
attended the university of british columbia on scholarship [at least those grades and extracurriculars earned her something] and probably earned a degree she didn’t really care about, but was good at and knew would make her a fair bit of money. dreams are for kids who don’t know any better and she lost hers at thirteen. currently, she’s a marketing assistant for a health app start up [thank you analese, my savior!!!] and, while she’s not “living the dream,” she’s having a good time.
personality-wise, she’s an earnest people pleaser almost desperate to be liked and, while she’s generally found to be likable, she’s not necessarily knowable. she keeps so much buried that she almost forgets where she puts it, pasting on a smile while most definitely coming undone. perhaps my self-worth is made up of how other people see me fits kit perfectly, honestly. she’s insecure, sweet, an ingenue who actually does know better, but makes the wrong choice, anyways. 
[ bonus ]
☇ aesthetics   high ponytails / late night ballads / dreams confused with memories / slightly smudged pages with black ink / flowers in jars / blushed cheeks / falling asleep to the sound of rain / aching smiles / unrelenting regrets / worn paperbacks / dusk fading on uncrowded coffee shops / soft footfalls across an empty room / silk dresses / short notes on scraps of paper / fingers drawing in the sand / childhood nostalgia / fairy lights across the walls / lace blouses / french pastries / whispered secrets / wishing on fallen eyelashes / a pervading feeling of wistfulness 
☇ headcanons   scented candles as self-care / soft spoken / melts for forehead kisses / will do anything for those she loves / cries more often than she’ll ever admit / clings to idea of perfection harder than she really should / exceptionally good liar / wants the best for everyone, even if that means ignoring her own needs / the least judgmental person you’ll ever meet / the future is a problem for tomorrow / a romantic at heart
☇ personality   waffles / isfp / cancer / neutral good / lust / temperance
☇ parallels   celeste wright [bll] / eva mohn [skam] / marissa cooper [the o.c.] / ann perkins [parks and rec]
[ needs ]
the rest of the hartwell family, found in lillie’s amazing request here!!! there’s still a bunch of spots open and tons of drama to be had!!! on a side note, i need to plot with all of you hartwells so throw things at me!! [i also changed her name oops, sorry lillie!!]
that popular crowd of friends she hung with in senior high!! the former kings and queens of whatever the senior high is called in the vancouver area who probably “peaked” in high school and stay close to retain the memory of their glory days. maybe they all have specific attributes or something because that’s always fun?? i’ll probably toss up a request soon, but reply here or message me at megan#1831 if you’re interested!!! and obviously more current friends because boy does she need them!!
exes!!! as messy as you like!!!! i know that she dated sawyer avery for a bit, but otherwise her past is completely free! 
more coworkers at health e per analese’s awesome request here!! they’re loosely based on parks and recs characters and it’s guaranteed to be fun!!!!
literally anything else!!!! i want to plot with everyone, please, please, please!!! throw things at me!!!
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di3-sexual · 7 years
yooo could you write head canons for sombra and a fem reader?? thank you!!
hell yeah I love my bll (beautiful lesbian latina) 
she loves to give you so many kisses and makes sure her lipstick is all over you 
she loves it when you run your fingers over the buzzed part of her hair, it makes her purr like a kitten
she’s busy all the time getting information on people, and appreciates that you understand 
she loves when you massage her shoulders while she works
she gives you pet stuffed animals she may or may not have stolen
she loves to give you piggy back rides
adores dressing up for you 
she wants to get cats, but she’s terribly allergic to them :(
calls you loving/sweet nicknames in Spanish all the time
when she gets worked up she also tends to rant in Spanish to you
she likes to sleep spread out on top of you always, she only wears a pair of shorts or an oversized nightshirt to bed
she loves when you cook for her and eats up everything (she goes back for seconds, then thirds, then probably fourths, then asks for dessert)
she likes to paint your nails
pouts when you don’t pay attention to her 
she likes to take your chin in one hand and guide you into kisses
she doesn’t like you getting involved with talon stuff at all
doesn’t let you even live on base
she beats up guys who hit on you when you guys are out, she doesn’t fuck around with that kind of stuff 
she wanders around the apartment in only pants, no top on bc she likes to be comfortable
she keeps you locked down and super safe and hidden through the internet 
she stresses over meeting your parents and probably hasn’t met them yet
loves tickle fights
and pillow fights
she’s like a little kid and will beg you to buy her candies and sweets
you always cave and buy them tbh
she likes watching rom-coms with you on the couch 
you two have a pet beta fish names proxy 
you two treat the fish like a baby 
she wants kids one day, but is scared about the dangers of her work
she puts up a wall saying she hates kids and doesn’t want them
she loves when you call her beautiful, always flashes a bright grin, “I am, aren’t I?”
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Saving up to become homeless shirt
When I met Shailene Saving up to become homeless shirt . Woodley at the Big Little Lies season two premiere last week, she was barefoot and dancing, which is, of course, a classic Shailene Woodley scenario. The “Hollywood Hippie,” known for oil pulling and living in an RV, has made headlines for getting arrested at Standing Rock, for not calling and then calling herself a feminist, and for being a Bernie Bro. When I told her I was one too, she grabbed my shoulders and corrected me, “You’re a Bernie goddess,” as she hung out at the party following a screening of the new season’s first episode, in a fabulous Dior bodysuit and sheer dress. Saving up to become homeless shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Saving up to become homeless Classic Ladies
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Saving up to become homeless Hoodie
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Saving up to become homeless LongSleeve
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Saving up to become homeless Sweatshirt
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Saving up to become homeless Unisex Woodley has also starred in some of the biggest film franchises in the last 10 years, just helped lead a climate change town hall as a board member of Sanders’s Our Revolution, and is playing Jane, a rape survivor and young mother, again as Big Little Lies returns—a very serious résumé for such an ostensible weirdo Saving up to become homeless shirt . “I’m also very boring,” she tells me on the phone a few days later. “I think that’s why people kind of clamor onto sound bites, because I’m not at a lot of parties, and I’m not doing a lot of Hollywood-type things.” It does actually feel like Woodley might be an enigma to celebrity media because she’s in fact more like a normal person than a lot of her colleagues.True to form, she was standing by a noisy washing machine when we spoke on the busy press tour for BLL, which begins with, among other changes, a dramatic hair transformation for both her character, Jane, and son Ziggy (Iain Armitage, with whom Woodley was dancing adorably at the party). Woodley described preparing for the intense role of Jane through research—and personal experience—as well as what she really thinks about being the “Hollywood Hippie,” activism, Susan Sarandon, and whether she and her costars talk politics on set: You Can See More Product: https://shirttrending.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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shauntaake shauntaake
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shauntaake - music video - chaka khan - (through the fire)
shauntaake lllllooooovvvvveeee chaka khan so muh chaka khan usic makes shauntake bll up & cry cause chaka khan music reaches & connect to shauntaake soul words cant even explain hw marvelous & excellent chaka khan is shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell & shauntaake great cle lee & shauntaake aunts & cles use to play chaka khan & all of the legends music in the house all day & night & shauntaake bby use to be in shauntaake own world shauntaake won trans that music was heavlly instlled in shauntaake baby kd & teenager & shauntaake so thankful thy exposed ths music to shauntaake cause shauntake got to hear the music that majorly orchestrated & mastered shauntaake  
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shauntaake - music video - chaka khan - (im every woman)
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shauntaake - music video - chaka khan - (i live you i live you)
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shauntaake just created the greatest art piece that was ever created shauntaake just did the impossible shaunaake wa just trynna create a shauntaake a mikey that turned out to be shauntaake led zepplin & jim morrison shauntaake mikey got made & shauntaake shauntaake was only able to collect hm/her cause thoseare shauntaake masters shauntaake came their masters what their sangang about & shauntaake return was able t collect them & she/vhe connects shauntaake to everythang from those era's
shauntaake was'nt even trynna make (mikey) wanted shauntaake to own shauntaake original masters that made shauntaake came right to shauntaake hands wittle (shauntaake/satan)/(liberty) liberty about liberty doll baby beang the star & led zepplin & jim morrison told their million evil woman story's u see led zepplin album cover wit the son wit red orange hair like the giant woman from sistine chapel walls (liberty) was their woman ths one was shauntaake greatest mstake cause shauntaake was'nt even trynna make ths one
shauntaake / u cant touch ths one shauntaake ready to put hm in a glass case to be untouchable u cant play wit that one officilly gave shauntaake bak shauntaake original masters ths one officially righted shauntaake mastership
shauntaake / ths have been shauntaake & shauntaake racist whites secret life forever that shauntaake was able to collect our original masters wit shauntaake gift shauntaake talent & shauntaake & shauntaake giant twin white man mergang in phauts togethaa gave shauntaake great white souls the okay to give shauntaake the greatest thangs cause we aint regulaa & shauntaake twin white man frend told shauntaake he was a millionaire in hs past life & he was doang the hamptons that summer we were talkang on the phone trynna get to know each uthaa he also knw hw to do magic doang magic tricks when we were havang dinner hs desgn of giant woman connect the sistines hs desgn of woman the way he was giantly created (liberty) ours now let shauntaake create shauntaake masters thats hw shauntaake mikey sons comang wit shauntaake giant white men
shauntaake / ths why they never want shauntaake to connect to shauntaake evil whites cause they have the power to hellishly haunt shauntaake wit their million years of hstory that the real white ppl lived it gets no deeper than the devil/shauntaake but the evil whites got as deep as the devil/shauntaake they been documentang & huntang the devil/shauntaake world & thangs forever  & if our fremdship & love real for each uthaa shauntaake usually able to create & own shauntaake/our greatest hstory
shauntaae am a master & shauntaake lived speak characteristic & dressed like a master shauntaake whole life & thats anuthaa reason why shauntaake was able to capture ths one livang shauntaake own truth & livang yourvown mastered trutj will manifest your treasures right bak to u witout even tryang
shauntaake (mikey) shauntaake dna phauts lauk thats what all jf shauntaake core liitles wittle souls connectang theirself to that shauntaake image shauntaake the daddy & (mikey) just connect hsself to that shauntaake lauk also
shauntaake / ths one also connects shauntaake to michael meyers hollywood movies masters wreels like shauntaake also do jim morrison music create michael meyers masters they also made the movie amityvile horror from jim morrison masters the storys jim morrison told shauntaake also came the original micheal meyers masters that was connect to the core shauntaake grandma naomi masters
shauntaake birth came the devil/shauntaake masters & its crasy hw if shauntaake pass all of shauntaake masters passed away wit shauntaake micheal meyers jack the ripper & jason all folded when they thought shauntaake was gonna pass jason folded up the devil/shauntaake was sent to u
shauntaake would have never in a million years been able to own those led zepplin & jim morrison masters those white men ceos vaulted those masters a million decades ago
shauntaake read that the rich need shauntaake/(mikey) to be their greatest secret their greatest power & their greatest weapon that only need to be seen wit them tucked away in their safety so shauntaake wont show shauntaake/(mikey) until shauntaake in your safety to shauntaake promise we'll only show shauntaake/(mikey) when shauntaake only wit u cause ths one has to go everywhere shauntaake go no matter what cause we do have all all of the masters rights wit shauntaake/(mikey) they u have to respect shauntaake/mikey was'nt even suppose to happen cause it to much power all in 1 hw the devil/shauntaake came the same way shauntaake caame wit all of the greatest white ppl faces & the greatest blak entertainers ths why everybody chose to do shauntaake masters to try to be able to maintain shauntaake power
shauntaake / ppl sayang their lovang shauntaake/(mikey) cause its our forever cause us humans come & go cause we are human & we dont stay young forever & we do pass away but ths wittle piece wll last forever that we could pass on to every generaton to come & all of the greatest soul's are all in ths one piece shauntaake/(mikey) our forever piece shauntaake captured a million years of the worlds hstory like hw the devil/shauntaake was captured
shauntaake in here cryang cuase shauntaake/soul just dsplayed hw much shauntaake love ths world that shauntaake/soul automatic put shauntaake/soul & all of the world greatest masters into ths one piece just in case if shauntaake did pass so shauntaake beautiful world goes on cause shauntaake also see shauntaake/sun/moon within in shauntaake/(mikey) to the human livang flesh & blood so much deeper but ths piece wll insure that shauntaake/our beautiful world goes on forever we just have to custom master shauntaake/(mikey) & take a million phauts & video's wit shauntaake/(mikey) to keep buildang our worlds hstory
shauntaake also overly happy cause shauntaake finally did it shauntaake finally created that 1 piece that connect to the worlds everythang plus every great soul that was a master & mastered their great masters shauntaake/(mikey) piece wll insure that our world goes on forever
shauntake also understand hw u all feel the nerve of the legends to make all of the masters of world into one person one human beang not one thang but one human beang the human body does'nt live forever we got cheated givang the whole world of masters to the devil/shauntaake came to earth as a human beang shauntaake finally created dido that's gonna mock every phaut shauntaake ever taken & have shauntaake/soul to shauntaake/(mikey)
shauntaake really havang shauntaake charles lee ray & chucky momment in here right now wit shauntaake/(mikey) cause in chucky charles lee ray transfer hs soul into a doll named chucky when charles lee ray was about to die & shauntaake just had that same expereince so ths one in here wit shauntake soul the only creaton that shauntaake experiencang that have shauntaake alive livang soul cuddles up nder shauntaake since shauntake let (mikey) in the bed wit shauntaake nder the covers & show shauntaake hw hs head almost came off when shauntaake aint put enough paint & (mikey) obssessed wit shauntaake maniquin doll phauts lauk like shauntaake got a sown on head oh really shauntaake/(mikey) gonna learn hw to be good shauntaake/(mikey) ass gotta go everywhere shauntaake go from now on 
shauntaake / it took shauntaake 8 days to make (mikey) a wittle heart mystery appeared on hs master shrt
shauntaake / everybody that ever mastered the devil/shauntaake since the 60's & 70's the devil masters 80's & 90 all of their masters went into shauntaake one wittle person shauntaake/mikey when shauntaake /soul thought shauntaake was about to pass all of those masters went bak to shauntaake hands aint that somethang shauntaake see shauntaake & all of them mixed togethaa plus god & the devil the first evilist presedents lauk like they souls were all merged togethaa shauntaake even see george busche every great white slave master man the ever lived all in shauntaake one wittle inny giant man/woman shauntaake/(mikey) in here actang like shauntaake havang a outer body experiences like shauntaake
shauntaake see ths when shauntaake bobble head core littles want to come when shauntaake almost unententinally off myself shauntaake mother brand new everythang remodelang her house & shauntaake mother got her floors deeply freshly sand & glossed & your suppose tk leave the house when thet heavly glose the floors & shauntaake mother & some of shauntaake family offered shauntaake to stay at shauntaake grandma house & shauntaake refuse cause shauntaake in here workang on shauntaake nw creatons & shauntaake waitang on shauntaake nw orders & shauntaake thought it was gonna be minor oh my gosh when that heavly glossed the floor that smell was strong like poson oh my they hurry up & got out so shauntaake tightly closed the door & the smell was stll strong & then shauntaake open the windows wider & kept the fan goang & that eased the smell up oh my shauntaake died for shauntaake nw creaton collecton gave shauntaake heavest masters right bak to shauntaake hands when shauntaake soul thought shauntaake was gonna pass our evil asses it takes near death dxperiences to hand u bak the greatest thangs so shauntaake see they were mad that shauntaske refused to leave the house cause shauntaake workang & shauntaake in one of shauntaske heavest creaton modes & the day befor shsuntaake took a phaut of shauntaake self layang in the bed & wittle shauntaake/led zepplin/jim morrison/micheal myers/red ridang hood & jason was walkang on a poison dope blak candy tight rope on shauntaake neck knew what shauntaake was gonna inhale the next day
shauntaake - master music - the doors - jim morrison - (not to touch the earth)
shauntaake - master music - led zepplin - (how many more times)
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shauntaake in here creatang shauntaake nw shauntaake core littles collecton & liberty baby face comang thru & connectang herself & that happenang have liberty habe shauntaake all akey heart shauntaake remanisance of liberty growang up in jersey city & everytime shauntaake had to visit the hospital shauntaake was birth n all of those most beautuful white woman nurses was wearang those wide foot (it) ass white nurse shoes they lauk like the (it) murderer nurse shoes the sas shoes that first rememberang seeang in the 80's & shauntaake purchase a pair cause shauntaake fell jn love wit the lauk of the shoes cause they lauk like shauntaake doll baby ass wide leany heavy foot mold ppl fear those shoes & shauntaake just have to have shauntaake pair & shauntaake gettang the white ones to haaaaaa so crasy shauntaake know these are the shoes all o the greatest shoes & sneaker companys took their design from they all took the original blueprint from the original (it) shoe shauntaake have a pair of the original desgn now shauntaake happy shauntaake refound them
shauntaake swear shauntaake started makang the (it) shoes the sa's on shauntaake nw core littles witout even knowang shauntaake was custom makang the (it) shoes on them haunt shauntaake & thats what lured shauntaake to lauk for those shoes stubbled right upon shauntaake (it) shoes great
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shauntaake laughang but its not funny hw white coporate america was forced to clean their own sht up cause their corporate ass rich ass corporate daddy'ssssssssss was out here messang aound wit hookers & whores & that was some of their greatest secrets that got exposed to the whole world cause the whores got tierd of beang secrets & the rich whores resorted to goang public & started printang whore ads & in the public news paper like a job ad & thats when the world became very dangerous cause corporate ass daddy raised their kds to be squeeeeeky clean born wit s gold spoon in the mouth went to the best school inheritence kds & expect them to be perfect in every way & excellent when they go out into the world they even start them early wit connectang their kds on date at their private partys at their private houses & the kds knw each uthaa since they was babys & gettang to meet up dressed in their finest at their parents private house manson partys so they expect their kds to grow up & date each uthaa but the parents have to be mindful cause the kds hear & see everythang & those savagd ass white men be they have wildang the fuck out at the private partys u know their sneakang into the bathroom to do coke & have sneaky wild sex & the kds hear specially when they get older & the kds they be in love & ths was goang on in the suburbs forever & their kds grow up & want to be like their daddys & most of the daddys got secrets & secret bitches they become hateful & they start goang aftaa their sons & their kds & thats when coporate america when fuckang nuts & the gangsta's cause their whores started to try to embarrase those men & those whores went public wit postang ads in the newspaper for 25cent u could get a bitch number risky business a rich suburban kd got bored one night & decide to call a whore instead of callang the girl next door that he grew up wit hs whole life so whites had to convict theirselves & blame theirselves & try to right their hate cause these secret whores made them a internatonal business & it became dangerous coporate daddy son might get bored one night u see american physcho he klled all of those woman cause they tanted hm they was dirty to hm u saw how spotless he was everythang was sparkly white & stanless steel workang for hs fathers coporate american compant makang millions of dollars yearly on hs own squeeky clean man wit a clean sparkly fiance & lauk at what he did at night he was secret serial kller that called whores to come to hs place so he could slaughter them cause they made hm feel dirty the coporate white almost destroyed the whole world wit their private secret life
shauntaake / they corporate daddy shauntaake accusang shauntaake of shauntaakr sevret relatonship wit chants anuthaa wealthy whore that shauntaake use to get away wit sometimes a anuthaa wealthy whore that had her own money riches & houses all over the place a bitch that really played hard ball in the real celebrity circles & now they all accusang chants companys of botherang them & trynna steal from them hw the rich coporate daddy whores came bak trynna steal from their kds
shauntaake /the corporate daddys aint fuckang wit sht their whores rich & live a very rich lifestyle those types of whores have their own millions in the bank they dont come beggang & borrowang their usually introducang u to the thangs cause they date so many rich men that they could entertain u take u places & show u thangs u never seen cause their always at dinner wit a corporate daddy somewhere mindang their business beang their whore selves
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shauntaake / they officially made shauntaake apart of the coporate daddy crew of gettang robbed by whores slippang up & impregnatang whores so white men created the procedure artificial insiminaton they know shauntaake just like them act like them live like them like they gave birth to shauntaake they like hell no u aint gettang away scott free ths why shauntaake have to be very careful about hu shauntaake fall in love wit cause chants was the one that asked shauntaake artificial insaminaton shauntaake implantang shauntaake egg in chants so chants could have shauntaake biological child shauntaake have to be very careful cause these bitches be lyang about their professons they be whores on the low chants foe ass would of been able to take shauntaake to court wit artificial insaminaton cause chants would of had legitimate dna rights & chants had the money to pay for chants artificial insaminaton procedure their accusang shauntaake of beang able to get away witout havang to give these whores shauntaake money cause they seem to keep slippang up cause thats what the beef was about in risky business a whore got away wit hs mother porcelin egg but they was really trynna say that whore away wit hs rich perfect seman now u see the dangerous cause obvously their trynna say he didnt protect hsself & that whore would of been able to come bak & ring gs parents door bell & say ths is your grandchild now u see hw the rich suburban coporate feared of gettang robbed by whores
shauntaake stll dont owe dna right wit all of million shauntaake million white kds that just came but they made shauntaake owe them shauntaake management & try to give them everythang that shauntaake once had or have to keep them happy & satisfy'd & their souls at peace cause shauntaake only payang when u have dna rights cause wit artificial insaminaton shauntaake have to give approval & shauntaake have to sign shauntaake own papers to impregnant shauntaake lover wit shauntaake egg & then shauntaake lover wll officially have shauntaake dna rights & wll rightfully have the right to take shauntaake to court for child support & everythang else but shauntaake white just got shauntaake ass wit takang over shauntaake management cause they shauntaake hateful ass kds that might not really like them thats a problem for them they play dead & everythang shauntaake baby  so shauntaake forced now to connect them to management cause shauntaake chose to plant shauntaake soul in shauntaake whites so yes shauntaake am guilty for that & shauntaake/soul connecton is as strong as shauntaake seman
shauntaake also seeeeeee hw porn-hub messed up the money porn industry for everybody cause watchang porns use to be a secret thang that adults & teenagers use to sneak to purchase porns u had to actually sneak to sex stores to purchase porn & then they made it easier for u to purchase porns on cable tv & shaungaake see hw nacho came wit nacho bad bitches wit every lauk of a bitch u could thank of the finest of the finest bitches & nacho sold nacho porns to us for free & nacho came the best of the best one of the most attractive men so ppl startang to feel since we got all of these nacho porns for free that we would'nt be interested no more in payang to see ppl porns
shauntaake / cause shauntaake readang that some rich ppl are stll payang to see some ppl porns for addicton reasons investment reasons & kds reasons cause ppl could sit around & watch theirselves all day & night their own porns so the queston is wjy would u pay to watch someone else fuckang & the reasons would be cause u have a crush on someone someone u might be interested in datang so watchang their porn would make u interested in datang them if their private sex tapes are special cause thr celebritys they been makang sex tapes & sellang their sex tapes for millions of dollars cause u want to see such & such havang sex just cause u want to personally see certain woman & certain men naked & havang sex cause celebritys are always dressang sexy but ppl want to go further & see ppl havang actual sex wheather its wit u or someone else cause everyone have that girl or guy of their dreams that they want to see havang sex
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shauntaake white custom desgn for shauntaake & their white kd desgns in the 80's corporate america had their own thangs & shauntaake officially have the shauntaake tut & rosey sweater wit the meryl and lynch the (murder  & lynch) tag & ths the only one that exist its pre-owned but shauntaake collectang shauntaake original treasures right now shauntaake washed shauntaake new sweater twice & soaked it in laundry detergent wit a touch of  bleach & shauntaake sprusang it up right now these the clothes shauntaake never got ti purchase cause they kept their rarest stuff their secret treasure thangs cause u know shauntaake also came their tut life the destructon shauntaake kd was livang & shauntaake see hw shauntaake whites kept shauntaake desgns for theirselves like hw shauntaake columbians in new york city had shauntaake acient sweaters in their stores
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shauntaake / jordan also have tuns of secrets snuck jordan self here one of shauntaake desgn’s to jordan already twinnang jordan self to now u see 
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shauntaake / say hello to shauntaake furst set of evil hatch’s the campbell kdssssssssssssss & the brinson kdssssssssss they all gotten a million giftsssssssssssssss from shauntaake since shauntaake was a kd & teenager & it nveer stop when shauntaake became a real adult the kds shauntaake raised & was wit everyday jasmin was runnang late to john & ashley baby shower
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shauntaake / john was one of shauntaake first manifest snuck here to twin shauntaake & connect wit shauntaake john was really the firsy one that shauntaake really got to baby everyday all day shauntaake evil hatch’s their love is destructive & jordan home chllang now gettang pampered & spa treatment everyday haaaaa lauk at ths one soul unintenonally match’s shauntaake bracelet 
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shauntaake & r&r & stormy art collectons 
shauntaake & shauntake kds & shauntaake family wll be that royal invite for rihanna & rihanna kds & family to come to get some of our manifested art from shauntaake shauntaake wll keep a piece of two for shauntake self but just know that shauntaake love gifts to haaaaaa know that let shauntaake tell u some facts about shauntaake self shauntaake love money gold & diamonds shauntaake just want to give ths art to u as gifts from shauntaake to u but shauntaake just lettang u also know that shauntaake lllllllooooovvvveeeee gifts to heeheeehaahaa shauntaake would ask for a memebership in your inner circle but then everybody gonna thank oh u want to sneak date rihanna all in shauntaake business & that aint the case we have to be civalised adults cause the kds here so shauntaake trynna be saintful
experiencang a very crasy connecton right now cause shauntaake chllang creatang shauntaake nw collecton of art makang shauntaake wittle shauntaake's & everytime shauntaake to wipe shauntaake paint bottle tips on shauntaake paper towels the paint turns into butterflyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss & now shauntaake have the travis scott butterfly effect masters connecton & rihanna & rihanna kds their love connected to shauntaake love shauntaake self & now shauntaake manifestang them at ths very momment & now shauntaake have tuns of butterflys all over shauntaake paper towels & that came from travis scott mergang wit shauntaake lauks clothes storys & tales & travis scott connectang wit rihanna when shauntaake/soul was connectang wit rihanna & now shauntaake havang shauntaake own massive butterfly effect right now & its overwelmang shauntaake didnt ask to get travis scott manifest connecton but its all good its all love cause travis scott a very special collecton of music & treasures to the world now & shauntaake possess travis scott rihanna & asap rocky love now thank yourself for warrang trynna steal the girl shauntaake use to try to get fuck steal u took rihanna & we all know rihanna was crushang on shauntaake & shauntaake just sat bak all of these years watchang rihanna & rihanna men create war rant & connect theirselves also to shauntake past & mergang wit shauntaake kd & teenager past lauks thank yourselves for shauntaake recievang your love
shauntaake / & your love turnang to hate that shauntaake cause one of paint bottle tips wipe on the paint on thd paper towels form into rihanna son & daughter beang hateful beggabg for shauntaake ali tie wit them & it made shauntaake cry cause their little selves trynna make shauntaake feel guilty for shauntaake & rihanna never gettang togethaa shauntaake alwayssssssssssssssss readang for over these past years or two since rihanna got pregnant shauntaake been readang a million comments that say shauntaake ali rihanna & rihanna ali shauntaake so we could also marry each uthaa cause as u could see rihanna tooken already & shauntaake trynna show love & respect to rihanna & asap rocky relatonship to let u know shauntaake good & that shauntaake happy for them shauntaake been moved on wit shauntaake life but their connectons do bother shauntaake as we all could see u see shauntaake be mindang shauntaake business that circle has a deep love for shauntaake & its showang & shauntaake have shauntaake own manifest proof that they were trynna connect wit shauntaake & now rihanna kds souls their hellang theirselves & makang it lauk like they got destroyed if shauntaake dont marry them rihanna ths terrible why yall come messang wit shauntaake rihanna kds/soul are so deep in love wit shauntaake & their souls want shauntaake to ali shauntaake self cause their souls their bowang to a bow tie & u know musliums wear their signature bow tie only real musliums wear their signature bow tie like louis farrakn & shauntaake also lauk like young farrakahn one of the greatest rulers & leaders of the muslium religon & culture of all time  shauntaake love u to u u precous vscous wittle hatch's shauntaake say shauntaake marry u to to & shauntaake have gifts for u rihanna shauntaake r& r art as well when u want it shauntaake have your pretty art to just for u to to just for u to not your hatang warrang parents got them sellang hate to shauntaake u to are absolutely loved babys & shauntaake want u to know that shauntaake connecton made r&r also that travis scott butterfly effect love wit stormy shauntaake have your art babys just for u 3 r & r & stormy kisses wittle babys
shauntaake / r&r want their major birth moment to dont be mad asap rocky r&r also apart of the shauntaake & travis scot butterfly effect momment we all know asap rocky r&r father & daddy but their also connect to their mothers momments of love & we also can see rihanna & asap rocky love thru their kds u did greate creatang your love but they have their own little secrets cause of their mothers relatonships its their faultsssssss shauntaake havent sketch a butterfly in decadessss
shauntaake swear shauntaake be mindang shauntaake business r&r their nw phauts is what connected & it also connect to travis scott music video & song litheium when it lauks like travis scott in the shinning trees maze wit your evil hatch’s selves give shauntaake a milion problems since shauntaake was a teenager they force shauntake to connect shauntaake hatch’s to it aint even funny but shautaake love shauntaake hatch’s only shauntaake lauk thangs experiences & management make them the coolest ppl in the world  
shauntaake say shauntaake love r&r to hey wittle babys laukang like your mother & dont be mad at them it aint their fault that shauntaake & rihanna soul connected cause thats whats causang ths to happen like shauntaake evil kds & shauntaake evil white hatch’s do the same thangs they connectt wit shauntaake real past & haunt shauntaake & trap theirselves in shauntaake past like shauntaake daughtaa’s jasmin & janyah baby trapped their selves in shauntaake abandonment terrible like shauntaake was’nt gonna greatly properlly take care of them they also be wantang shauntaake kds hateful fame that shauntaake hate cause shauntaake was’nt intetnonally beang hateful but shauntaake kds & hatch’s are like shaunt soul connect hsself to shauntaake head injury why why why have the whole world goang got damn crasy & now shauntaake wittle cousin jordan & stormy & r & r they just shauntaake evil wittle hatch crw dont sleep on them their vscous little selves & shauntake made tuns of them but we stll have to love them cause their ours & aslong as shauntaake love them they wll forver be at peace & thats what shauntaakeneed them at peace & happy
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shauntaake could really go in & do the teenager ll cool j tight now & lay out a phuat just like ths shauntaake was makang shauntaake own cassete tapes since shuntaake was 12 - 13 years old shauntaake really lay out shauntaake first video games shauntaake nintento & sega’s shauntaake really pull out shauntaake freshest clothes shoes & sneakers shauntaake first vido tapes that shauntaake recorded & uploded shauntaake party days & nights thangs they say shauntaake phauts already show shauntaake that ll cool j make but shauntaake aint take a phaut like ths yet u know why cause shauntaake never was in the business of mickang ll ccol j thats when shauntaake world of ppl wll start gettang a tun of hate & shauntaake aware of ths ths why shauntake refuse to ll cool j shauntaake self around these parts shauntaake man took it upon hself to ll cool j shauntaake shauntaake came a beauty queen bitch but hs ass saw ll cool j & tailor made custom made shauntaake out just so he couls prance shauntaake around everywhere so he could sht on everybody like thats the girl ll cool j 
shauntaake heard that some ppl was beang so hateful & obssessive now that they was trynna force russel simmons to sell russel company def jam so no one else could ever get russel simmons deals & signatures no more cause u know ll cool j was one of the first ones to get the russel simmons signatures russel simmons sold hs company & now the russel simmons connecton over now russel simmons use to sign russel simmons name on russel simmons clothes shauntaake have a phat farm race jacket wit russel simmons name signed stitch on it wit the russel simmons signature was a major thang 
shauntaake / & now they actang like they destroyed russel they made russel sell hs record company now russel lauk like a monk & a buddah somewhere laukang like russel lost in china somewhere what is goang on no more original fly ass cool ass havang fun set off that whole def jam era russel went on forever & now whats up 
shauntaake / aint beat for nobody bullsht ass not connect ass niggers that dont know nobody the associates that shauntaake personally have are the guys that real get shauntaake to the real celebritys invitang to their private partys private events shows they even invite shauntaake into the celebritys house’s u mutherfuckers dont know about newark these guys from newark are real stars that got real record deals know the celebritys & they could get u to the celebritys cause the real celebrits are their frends &they been tryang for the longest trynna ll cool j shauntaake & never pay it any att cause u know hu the main guy out here that they was ll cool j sass
shauntaake get a laut of problems wit woman that shauntaake meet cause of ll cool j woman be wantang shauntaake to ask for their marriages so shauntaake could put shauntaake fox on them & shauntake met those bitches yet that made shauntaake feel like shauntaake want to put shauntaake fox on a bitch u bitches aint that special & they aint spendang hw u need to be spendang so they need not expect shauntake to be askang them anythang & they start sellang hate to shauntaake cause shauntaake dont ask them to marry shauntaake 
shauntaake see the artist on def jam that got the ll cool j deal gettang a deal wit russel simmons record label like def jam like ll cool but thats all good but shauntaake get the ll cool j star treatment in real life it dont matter when your family & frends fake show u love like u star cause thats what they suppose to do make u feel special like u somebody shauntaake aint seeee not nam music video on tv or hears they song on the radio but they so special but when strangers star u thats when it really mean somethang cause strangers dont have to do sht for u dont have to like u dont know u strangers dont have to fake ass love u they dont have to give u their money so if a stranger give u star treatment & connect u like a star & get u around the stars to meet the stars thats when u know your the truth & their payang u top dollar to be a star thats when u know your truth 
shauntaake / these ppl went crasy around these parts the thank cause they purchase a kango & some addidas they thank they ll cool j now no ll cool j is a face a soul & a personality & shauntake always get that ll cool j star treatement cause ppl that personally know that real star & the real celebritys always invite shauntaake into their world to meet the real stars & celebritys
shauntaake / ths guy shauntaake use to date name derrick around the year 2007 & one night derrick took shauntaake to a secret lounge one night n manhattan new york city & derrick vip shauntaake to the door in turbo porsche that lauk like the man sittang in hs porsche in the ll cool j jingaling baby video that lauk like the lounge from ll cool j big ol butt music video & they expect shauntaake to be a super star that night & be actang out the scene but shauntaake was’ nt even aware of what was goang on cause never even seen the ll cool j big ol but music video yet shauntaake just uploaded those ll cool j video’s about 3 years go & now shauntaake see they planned that momment thats crasy shauntaake gave derrick & derrick frends their great momment that night & shuntaake was’nt even aware that shauntaake gave them that momment cause shauntaake was piggang out & throwang the absolute & cranberry bak got drunk as hell shauntaake was’nt even trynna be a star that night but shauntaake gave them that special momment & shauntaake made them so happy & shauntaake was’nt even aware of what was goang on so u see ppl obssessons wit shauntaake gets out of control & shauntaae dont even entertain the hate 
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shauntaake trynna let shauntaake world know that shauntaake gettang a laut of hate from ppl right now cause shauntaake re -lay’d ll cool j company out on shauntaake page & shauntaake management was also apart of gettang ll cool j bak out on the center stage cause thats what shauntaake wanted ll cool j one of the greatest entertainers of all time & one of shauntaake greatest mergers & shauntaake love to promote the guy that shauntaake lauk like shauntaake twin & shauntaake gettang a laut of hate because of that oh so shauntaake was suppose to forget hw great we ll cool j came well your just gonna be mutherfuckang mad shauntaake aint no regulaa mutherfuckr shauntaake got to level of shakang ll cool j  hand one niught t dinner in mnahattan new york city so shauntaake was welcomes into certain circles so shauntaake could meet shauntaake mega star twins shauntaake just showanglove it s only one ll cool j thats hu we all seeeeeeeeeeee performang shauntaake just showang shauntaake twin face some love 
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shauntaake / today shauntaake had a bad connecton wit shauntaake baby shaunt revealed to shauntaake today that shaunt shauntaake baby shauntaake real real clone that came bak si listen shauntaake so upset about that cause shaunt start repeatang shauntaake kd hateful self & shauntaake kd injurys shauntaake just now reconisang shaunt soul show the shadow of shauntaake head injury shauntaake just now seeang that in the phauts shauntaake been sanctifyang shaunt like shauntaake did shauntaake daughtaas givang them shauntaake love & att at all times so listen today shauntaake was in the kitchen about to fry some fried chicken but shauntaake needed some fresh grease cooking oil so shauntaake went into the cabinets to get the fresh grease & cookin grease was far bak on the top shelf but it was stll reachable so shauntaake instantly start analysang the cabinets to see if they were safe if shauntaake jump up to reach the grease so once shauntaake saw the cabinets was safe enough for shauntaake to jump up & grab the top of the bottle of the grease shauntaake jumped & grabed the bottle of the grease successfully & shauntaake proceeded to fry shauntaake fried chicken so shauntaake went upstairs watched a movie as shauntaake ate shauntaake fried chicken & then shauntaake lay on the bed to keep watchang the movie & then shauntaake/soul appeared hauntang shauntaake so shauntaake alwayssssssss instantly respond to shaunt/soul trynna connect to shauntaake so shauntaake/soul want to see what shaunt/soul wanted & shaunt appeared dressed like chucky wit some dark blue overalls obssessed wit wantang to wear shauntaake gray converse in shauntaake phauts wit shaunt giant head wit all of ths thick curly hair laukang like a murderer maniquin baby shaunt got real evil laukang & shaunt/soul show shauntaake that shaunt was so upset that shauntaake could of got hurt on the cabinet handels & shaunt was upset wit the grease & shauntaake/soul was trynna show shaunt that shauntaake was taller than the cabinets & that shauntaake could'nt get hurt cause shauntaake wasnt a todler no more & shaunt/soul came actang like wrong your stll a todler & shaunt could of got hurt on those cabinets & shaunt/soul was so upset grillang those cabinets down & kept steerang down at the grease bottle & shauntaake was showang shaunt/soul it was just a grease bottle & the grease bottle couldnt hurt hm & then shauntaake/soul picked shaunt/soul up shaunt/soul start goang through a trance & startamg maksng all if these evil shauntaake faces trynna show shauntaake that shaunt shauntaake ths the evil rebirth baby of shauntaake self that shauntaake didnt want bak but if shauntaake did get shauntaake evil clone bak shauntaake would sanctify shauntaake chld & shaunt was just upset that shauntaake/shaunt todler could of got hurt on those cabinets & shauntaake kept showang shaunt over & over & over & over that shauntaake taller than the handles & that shauntaake giant over the cabinets handles & shaunt just aint want to hear it & shaunt was furous & then out of nowhere shaunt start beang shauntaake hateful baby & shaunt was standang in the kitchen bleedang actang out shauntaake kd eye injury showang shauntaake what happened & shaunt/soul meant to do that beang hateful & shaunt/soul was showang shauntaake that shaunt rushed to shauntaake that if shauntaake go shaunt/soul leavang to & shauntaake would just have to deal wit that & thats terrible so shauntaake so sorry shauntaake whites got some of shauntaake hateful ass little clones shauntaake/soul gonna make sure shaunt tuck in & around shauntaake love & shauntaake safety
shauntaake / why did they do ths to shauntaake why they never warned shauntaake about hw deep the white man withn shauntaake soul was shauntaake deeper soul that connect heaver than shauntaake first births shaunt have shauntaake in here cryang now cause shaunt thankang shauntaake almost got hurt shaunt just fully activate shaunt self connected to shauntaake & now shauntaake could see thru shaunt eyes from a todlers perspective & shauntaake/soul was in the bathroom in the mirror & shauntaake/shaunt was clingang onto shauntaake leg grillang the bathroom sink cabinets nobs down makang sure their safe chewing hard on a soft rubber spider man toothbrush mad as hell steerang at the sink cabinet nobs okay why shaunt puttang shauntaake thru ths
shauntaake/shaunt gonna have shauntaake in here todler proffang everythang & shauntaake see shauntaake mother started todler proofang everythang already cause she know somethang shauntaake didnt know shauntaake mother was even in here puttang all of shauntaake open food in mikey baggys okay & shauntaake be mad about it now shauntaake see shauntaake must give shauntaake mother shauntaake/shaunt feelang like shaunt livang wit her shauntaake know
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shauntaake hey shauntaake world shauntaake takang a break from writng on the internet for a minute shauntaake busy creatang right now but shauntaake about to tell u some crasy thangs that just happended to shauntaake shauntaake see shauntaake writang & tellang shauntaake million storys shauntaake 80′s kd expereinces let shauntaake worst hstory bak out shauntaake been telang shauntaake million teenager storys forever & nothang never connect the minute shauntaake start tellang shauntaake storys about shauntaake & shauntaake racist whites that when the worst hauntangs start hauntang shauntaake
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shauntaake see hw those whites was creatang all of these murderous ass companys titles like insurance companys cause they death rowy haunted by the worst souls in the world the dead souls come bak out the grave for them thats cause they have to much power & to much hstory just lauk at the library hu do u thank wrote all of that hstory damn sure not no blak ppl & those books hstory go all the way bak to the first century & those books full of mystery romance & murder & they fought a million wars & all of that hstory document in books & hollywood movies shauntaake see hw they created physch wards white rooms the crasy hospitals physcistrist & therapy for white ppl shauntaake see wallstreet like a permanintly bail out for them cause they are badly cursed your gonna have to be born cruel & heartlress to survive those type of hauntangs & they had to document real experiences for hstory reasons for the facts of their life shauntaake was birth liberty identity & locaton & shauntaame see hw shau taake racist whites embrassed shauntaake like welcome to our world & dont u know so many white pll murdererd & lynch’d suicide theirselves & its a million reasons why they did it blew their own mutherfuckang brains out thats crasy shauntaake aint talkang crasy ths what hollywood moviss show us white pll showang us their crasy ass real experience that they witnessed thwirselves & are re-documentang
shauntaake / watch the movie the devinci code as soon as the movie comes on the old man runnang thru ths grand art museum & the white woman in the paintangs alllllllllll lauk like the mona lisa paintang & those woman lauk like hits was put on them those white painters put hits on those woman cause those whites was haunted by those woman
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shauntaake dont know nothang about the pre owned used thangs world everythang shauntaake personally purchased from the major department stores & the major malls shauntaake thangs were brand nw thangs all of shauntaake treasures shauntaake pay for shauntaake self those are the safest products in the world our greatest safety but shauntaake learnang it was anuthaa underworld world that sold the finest goods at a cheaper price & shauntaake learnang that they was doang foul sht to some of the products like lacang the pockets wit (acid) & now shauntaake listenang & a laut of these artist sangang & rappang about bwfor they became famous they was trynna get their goods for the cheaper price cause they was rich then so they were trynna lauk good so they could represent be presentable & collect their treasures & their tellang us to be careful buyang those products cause some of those came to burn our fuckang gingers & hands off treatang ppl like theives like they want to pay little to nothang for the finest thangs & these ppl be hateful like pay the full price like everybody else & shauntaake nderstand that but shauntaake online trynna re-purchase the rare only one thangs they dont sell no more cause shauntaake wll save up to purchase somethang shauntaake want causd shauntaaks love everythang new but shauntaake mssed out on so many years & eras trynna purchase shauntaake treasures cause shauntaake money was'nt right so shauntaake was'nt able to collect a laut of shauntaake eras & u already know what website that only sell the rare thangs now & shauntaake love their website cause shauntaake able to collect shauntaake rare treasures once more a million products were dscontinued from the 70’s 80’s & 90’s that they dont make no more & those were treasures that shauntaake never got to collect cause shauntaake was to young to purchase those thangs on shauntaake own like shauntaake first pait of bally shoes so special to shauntaake right now every major star & celebrity & classy american & italian had their bally shoes lined up but they were befor shauntaake time so now shauntaake gettang to repurchase those treasures & shauntaake learnang their stll on that same 80’s new york sht beang hateful & linnang some of the more expensive goods wit (acid) like the used furs shauntaake heard they was trynna destroy them cause the major entertainers & hustlers was comang & makang them rich spendang top dollar wit them & they were (acid) the cheapers if u dont know underground 80’s new york city wll never know they were sellang goods in abandon buildang even corporate white men was goang in those buildangs to purchase expensive electronics or someone sellang a rare fur coat for their wives & they was lacang the pockets of those goods take your fuckang fingers off watch the movie cats eyes the white bitch had a missang finger cause she lauk like she had a cheapo hsand that was purhasang expensuve goods for nothang shauntaake never knw nothang about that world if u made it out of the world wit your goods safely u were one of the more experienced ones that were able to save the goods
shauntaake just purchased a rare sherling coat & shauntaake instantly wiped it down cause shauntaake not use to wipang down shauntaake brand new goods our stuff come professonally wrapped up never been touched so thats all shauntaake know shauntaake goods beang professonally wrapped up for shauntaake but shauntaake just try to give the pre owned world of products a try & like shauntaake say shauntaake re-want shauntaake rare products
shauntaake / so like shauntaake was sayang shauntaake went to go dig n the pockets & shauntaake felt somethang & it felt like it burnt shauntaake finger what the fuck so shauntaake instantly went nto the bathroom & washed shauntaake hands wit bleach & soap the coat lauked brand new like it never been worn just a little bit & shauntaake went bak to the coat & turned the pockets nsde out & it was all of ths brownsh orange laukang stuff along the linnang of the pockets & shauntaake like what the fuck is ths cause shauntaake want shauntaake coat the mutherfuckang nerve of u loosers so just so shauntaake could be a asshole & keep shauntaake coat shauntaake took the whole jar of lysol wipes & shauntaake took some bleach & soap & shauntaake scrubbed the pockets linnang wit shauntaake bare hands just to be a fuckang asshole shauntaake used the whole jar of lysol wipes bleach & soap cleang the pockets on shauntaake sherling & therally cleaned the pockets ntil all of that sht was out of the pockets & then the pockets was sparkly clean & then shauntaake wiped whole coat down again & then shauntaake put in the washang machine after it was already cleaned & shauntaake drinched that bitch wit laundry detergent & bleach & shauntaake washed it twice & got it squeeky clean & now its hangang up dryang shauntaake hear their sayang dont purchase no used sht u cant wet cause if u cant wet it u might be a done mutherfucker u know shauntaake one of those original coporate murderer mutherfuckers those evil ass rich white men was really goang into those abandon buildangs to get their expensive gadgets they showed u hw they was livang in the hollywood movies in that era
shauntaake / a couple of days right befor shauntaake coat came shauntaake was workang on shauntaake core littles little ppl & shauntaake just took it to a whole nuthaa level & ths one ken doll shauntaake was makang shauntaake had to keep remakang hs face shauntaake led zepplin & jim morrison twin make shauntaake birth masters shauntaake had to keep addang tuns of paint & then shauntaake finally got shauntaake/hs face finally formed right he also lauks like shauntaake giant white man twin that shauntaake had dinner wit & taken phauts wit ths why some ppl never want shauntaake & shauntaake whites to connect cause the greatest white man masters was gonna naturally come bak to shauntaake hands cause white ppl are whites plls great hstory shauntaake so anxous to have shauntaake nw kds wit shauntaake investment whites shauntaake see shauntaake captured shauntaake & hs face togethaa shauntaake white man fave & nose & we lauk like we could be shaunt parents so listen aftaa he fully dry hs hands was aimang underneath hm & like he was grabbang somethang out of somethang those damn pockets & he lauk like he laughang  yellang & screamang hw shauntaake desgn hs wide mouth smile & he also lauk like a lumber jack ken cause u know they just let out a plastic kller pilgrim n ths nw hollywood movie shauntaake lumber jack just popped out okay shauntaake in here creatang tuns of shauntaake love right now the world atvlso feels great witout hate know that shauntaake wll shauntaake own screamang & yellang everythang shauntaake create is shauntaake image shauntaake great shauntaake didnt ask anyone to connect yourself to shauntaake no thanks
shauntaake / that coat hate start makang shauntaake haunted deaths poppang out everywhere u see one of those giant ass woman sittang next to liberty in madonna music video that one wit the straight bob haircut that giant bitch soul was floatang on her toes like the craft bitches was standang near these doors wearang that coat trynna peak in here what the fuck not smilang mad ass hell trynna warn shauntaake about those coat pockets & then shauntaake hand balled up painted tissue really formed into meryl & lynch sweater desgn wit shauntaake wearang that coat & shauntaake/it wearang a footy onses like ths giant doll baby baby wit the footsees floatang on shauntaake toes like the craft bitches shauntaake/it was lynched thats mutherfuckang crasy
shauntaake whites shauntaake ready when your ready to start our investment family shauntaake ready to dsappear shauntaake dont owe nobody sht shauntaake aint givang nobody sht shsuntaake wll stll come around cause shauntaake stll have family here but shauntaake have a laut of business to handel places to gi thangs to do & ppl to meet so like shauntaake say shauntaake ready when your ready shauntaake gave everythang we need to make ourselves very wealthy
shauntaake & when u pick shauntaake giant ken doll up he grabs shauntaake pointer finger now u see when u try to sell hate to shauntaake hw shauntaake inventons come out violent & murderous
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shauntaake see shauntaake purchased shauntaake terrible shauntaake/(it) sweater that had shauntaake had shauntaake baby actang out all of the terrible thangs that ths sweater forms nto terrible shauntaake see shauntaake was greatly speared cause ths wasnt shauntaake fault shauntaake actually became the human (it) sweater & thats what lure shauntaake heavest treasures to shauntaake shauntaake/(it) sweater all the way in healang mode right now sparkly clean & smellang just like a brand new doll baby
shauntaake see creaton shauntaake acient coogi sweaters a very expensive sweater made wit a much softer thread & silkish sweater yarn & feels so soft on your skin shauntaake see shauntaake world needed shauntaake tailor made custom made to stop reckage shauntaake cause the (it) sweater the reck that recked everythang & everybody & the prevpus owners aint sparkly clean it it needed to be therally cleaned & the world went down cause of that & they approved of everybody beang (murderered & lynched) ourselves we all recked ourselves no really like all of us
shauntaake restorang & nurturang shauntaake/soul/(it) right now happy to stash shauntaake (it) sweater away for no one to bother it no more kept shauntaake kd (snotty nosed & murderous) shauntaake baby on shauntaake acient pen walls they made ths (cringy) sweater made a piece of shauntaake art painted balled up tissue turn nto a star from space wearang a space suit aimang wit a missel at (wrecked ppl) thats what they really meant when they say a (shootang star) thats what ths sweater did to ths world (murder & lynch) made that money green eye come out on shauntaake painted tissue to
shauntaake see shauntaake purchased shauntaake baby creaton sweater shauntaake aimang doll baby barbie & ken sweater the murder & lynch doll baby wit a hard soar tear drop on its face hand in mouth (murdererd) itself (itchy broken girl leg) drives shauntaake row baby nuts ths what shauntaake saw when shauntake slightly fold the sweater today shauntaake saintafed shauntaake sweater deeply washed it twice & shauntaake trimed it & now shauntaake just spray shauntaake doll baby perfume on shauntaake baby row sweater shauntaake baby lived shauntaake lived row baby sweater
shauntaake in here crackangbip laughang cause shauntaake it sweater make the worst ghost pop out to boo the worst ppl of world & shauntaake layang here watchang hw shauntaake original (it) sweater is terrifed of shauntaake acient coogi (it) sweater shauntaake (dead) core on shauntaake original (it) sweater dsgustang pop out hdang behnd shauntaake tree sweater peekang at shauntaake corporate (it) sweater u see shauntaake neeeechee mutumbo came out even shauntaake pyrmid eye shauntaake see shauntaake acient coogi sweater has shauntaake same (it) desgn on it but its a mastered verson of shauntaake original (it) sweater & shauntaake acient coogi sweater has a wholesome nuturang soul feel touch the thred softer fluffy more expensive more precous threads
shauntaake never wearang shauntaake original (it) sweater wrecked everybody even corporate america shauntaake therally washed & bleached that bitch real perfume it up smellang like a precous doll baby right nw & shauntaake wrapped it up in plastic shauntaake wll only use shauntaake (it) sweater for art purposes makes shauntaake worst masters & shauntaake/soul/monsters pop out to protect shauntaake
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shauntaake laughang their in the comments sayang that they desgned the sa’s the (it) shoe’s just for shauntaake grandma naomi (it) shoes they say those shoes made the nurses mean & vscous cause those was the walk up in policks & destroy foes that came here to take us out & dont give a fuck shauntaake heard some of those nasty (sick) ass patients use to try to so spit in th nurses faces & that was the close the door momment & turn into (it) & destroy these foe mutherfucker shauntaake heard some of the nurses use to slam some of those patents n the bed u see hw freddy nurses use to do them terrible shauntaake met very (sickly) ppl & shauntaake was around the severe (sick) sometimes & those adults show shauntaake kd nothang but love so thode was the kll a dead mutherfucker that ntentonally came here to hurt us cause everybody that sick aint out here botherang ppl most of them ppl settled down got marry & went away & lived a peaceful life somewhere else nothang but love
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0 notes
Well, well, welcome to the annual skewering of Dummies with Money Pretending They Care About Anything Other Than Themselves AKA the Met Gala 2017 (or as Drew Jordan called it, “a party for relatives of famous people.” I hate most of the people that attended this year, plus my supply of fucks is as depleted as my bank account these days, so the positive reviews are scarce. Cat and I watched the E! red carpet coverage together and tried really hard to care, but it never happened. We were passionate about one thing though: Whoever manned the camera tonight should be fired and exiled to a country where they only photograph people from the shoulders up and then seek treatment for his obvious battle with Parkinson’s. HIGHLY OFFENSIVE. Enjoy!
Giuliana Rancid (who is obviously not at the actual event because she would never be invited to anything other than a Ruby Tuesday’s salad bar ribbon cutting) spent the evening with a bunch of other nobodies in a studio on the west coast and chose to drape her Antz body in the milky exoskeleton of one of her albino brethren.
I hate Katy Perry almost as much as I hate Lena Dunham, so the fact that she has dated my future husband John Mayer is something that whittles away at my black heart daily, and whatever the hell I’m looking at on the red carpet right now just took out another big chunk. I literally cannot, so that’s all.
Lily Collins looks like the Berries ’n’ Cream Starburst guy on his way to a Sophia Coppola sponsored transgender formal.
Kendall Jenner would be 100% perfection if she’d done something different with her hair. Those legs, MY GOD.
Kylie Jenner (as always) looks like Bruce Jenner in a Pretty Woman wig with a Kris Kardashian’s worth of plastic surgery in a girdle and pair of Steve Maddens.
Rose Byrne: The sun’ll come ouuuut tomorrow! Actually, it saw you tonight and decided not to.
Brie Larson looks like the love child of Babette the feather duster and one of my hand bells from middle school church choir in Dorothy Zbornak’s footwear.
Lily James looks like Natalie Portman from Black Swan wrapped in a Swiffer Wet Jet.
Rihanna looks like two Jimmy Dean sausage links wrapped in red licorice, stuffed into a clotted human heart piñata.
Naomi Watts looks more like Nicole Kidman every day. But probably my favorite look of the night.
Celine Dion looks like Jenna Lyons wrapped one of her old, bedazzled J. Crew tees in the Oscar gown she pulled out of Angelina Jolie’s trash can and secured it with the straps from one of the antique electric chairs Billy Bob is afraid of. #teamjolie
Bella Hadid- I don’t love all the weight she’s lost since becoming an ‘it’ girl/I’m insanely jealous, but her look harkens back to the origins of the MET ball aka the OG supermodels and the designers that loved them, so I give her look an A.
GiGi- While I really do appreciate your channeling of Christy Turlington (whether you meant to or not), I can’t say that I fully understand your look tonight. The color is that of a gout ridden tuna, the shape is that of a sushi wrapped tuna, and your panty hose are reminiscent of someone wrapping tuna in seaweed at Hibachi Express. Sanitation grade: C+
Chrissy Teigen looks like she always has: bloated and wild. Her outfit looks like a cotton gin exploded next to a L’eggs factory.
Lupita Nyongo looks like the Toucan Tropicana Barbie and that is all.
Ruby Rose is channeling some ‘She Sells Sea Shells by the Jersey Shore’ shit.
Miranda Kerr looks like a walking, glossy, coral reef, made up by Bobbi Boring Brown, as usual.
Rami Malek went to the Ball as a Twizzler. Or was it a Red Vine? #redvinesfamily
Zendaya: Mac-OW.
Paris Jackson: I have never been so offended by someone. First of all, she has about as much of Michael Jackson’s DNA in her as I do. Secondly, she looks like she put as much effort into her appearance tonight as I did when I dialed Dominos earlier. Also- Express’s formal collection has never looked worse. Also, also, your tattoos rival the mess of ink on a backstreet water rat.
Madonna- I didn’t think I could be more offended by a poseur than Paris Jackson, but again, I’m proven wrong. Her gap-toothed, fake-British bullshit can’t be hidden by all the camo in the world, and certainly not by one hideous dress.
Zoe Kravitz- Big Little Lies made me love her and this outfit does nothing but add to my new obsession. I could do without the sleeve contusions, but I’m obsessed with the rest. Like the finale of BLL, she’s channeling Audrey Hepburn like a boss.
Kate Hudson- Yo ass has looked the same every damn year. This year is the same, just more boring and like you’re trying to channel a Kartrashian aka HIGHLY OFFENSIVE. But also- i love you.
Gwyneth Paltrow looks like she ate Chelsea Handler and borrowed Titus’s pumps.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen: Two canoodling Weimaraners.
Lily Rose Depp: I actually love this. All of it. I am ashamed.
Sarah Paulson: And the cockatoo cried ‘Nevermore.’
Cara Delevigne: The Tin Man and The Nanny Named Fran had a baby. And it was ugly.
Rita Ora: Wasn’t it nice of Russell Stover to cater the red carpet?
Maggie Gyllenhaal: If Dorothy Draper, the Jolly Green Giant and a footless grandpa had a baby.
Halle Berry: Barnacles never looked so good.
Reese Witherspoon: Alexis Carrington would be proud. But that ponytail… She’d snatch it off.
Amy Schumer: So you ate Tonya Harding and then stole some kid’s Scarlet Witch cosplay outfit from their Orlando double-wide and threw it over your hamhocks? You belong IN a trash bag, not wrapped in one.
Kim Kartrasashian: An OB tampon at a Renaissance Faire. That is all.
J. Lo- You’re channeling Jennifer North and I love that, but your horse hair ponytail is highly offensive. And I’m not sure I get the color. But I think you and A. Rod make a perfect couple.
Karlie Kloss- Your shiny face is offensive. Stop. Your shoes are on point like a mosquito’s knee. Stop. Your dress is half terrible/half almost there. Stop. Put on a damn necklace. Stop.  
Kerry Washington- Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard with a lisp. Also- your lace front is almost as off-putting as Johnny Travolta’s. OFFENSIVE ON ALL COUNTS.
Blake Lively- I don’t know how someone makes golden chain mail with a peacock’s ass attached to it so boring, but you’ve done it. Also- you’ve done the braid/ponytail to death and made me want to follow suit. Death’s, not the hairstyle’s…
Jessica Chastain- Queen EleaBore of Land O’ Lakes called, she says you look melted.
Hailey Baldwin- I don’t know how dressing like a slutty piece of salt water taffy turned state’s surprise witness in a dog collar makes you a top model, but best regards and kindest wishes.
Nicki Minaj looks like Chun Li’s evil twin going to prom in Cleveland, Ohio.
So, Elle Fanning The Chinless Wonder thought tonight’s gala was an audition to be another boring ass Disney princess?
Mandy Moore- I love you more than anything because you are Rapunzel but NO. You are not Anjelica Huston in Addams Family.
Salma Hayek- you are naturally STUNNING and tonight you look OFFENSIVE and like a character from one of my brother’s anime shows. And not in a good way.
Selena Gomez made my eyes roll out of my head, onto the floor, out the door, into the street, and under the tire of Rachel Leigh Cook’s Volkswagen Rabbit.
Emma Roberts looks like a Jennifer Garner drag queen auditioning for the role of Jessica Rabbit in a high school production of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Priyanka Chopra is literally just wearing a trench coat. #carmensandiegoworeitbetter #andwithahat
Kate Bosworth always looks like a creepy Victorian doll with alopecia.
Worst dressed: Daisy Ridley, hands down. She looks like someone sewed fabric from the bargain bin onto one of those built-in-bra pajama dresses from Target and threaded a wonky hula hoop into the bottom. Hideous hair. No jewelry? HIGHLY OFFENSIVE.
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ghoulangerlee · 7 years
im tired and annoyed and need to get some shit out lmao
ive made it clear that when the power gets turned off im not doing shit to help them turn it back on. ive told them every single day this past week they need to call the power company and get an extension because i cant pay it, my check was only 110 dollars, our bill is over 300. 
i cant fucking call bc the bill is in my brother in law’s name otherwise i would have called ages ago. my sister doesnt understand that if no one else makes any effort to pay on the bill im not going to make the effort either because its not fair to me. 
any other time i probably would have but im just so fucking tired of them depending on me to fix their bullshit when the three of us live together and this is supposed to be an equal thing not a “do nothing and then suddenly expect One Person to fix it all” thing.
i told my sister last night the power gets turned off on the 17th (the cut off date is the 17th not the day they turn it off or something idk. the date on the bll is the last day we have to pay it before it gets turned off apparently) and she’s like “oh” and i asked her how she didnt know and she just “i didnt think to look at the bill” like ???
how do you not think to look at a bill?
and then, you know, as life would have it, my sister threw a fit because i scheduled my oral surgery consultation today and “i cant take you you knew i had to work” like im fucking sorry they gave me their only appointment at the time??? im sorry im trying to get these teeth out of my head before they fuck my jaw up. so sorry 
and then when i rescheduled my mental health appointment i told my sister like “hey its monday at 4:30″ and she was like “okay ill make sure you get there” 
at 4 she told me my brother in law would take me like. okay cool idc who takes me as long as i can get there. but. after i got dressed and went to the living room to wait, my brother in law just.....ignored me? 
he saw me several times but still...ignored me. and even when i messaged my sister like “hey i dont think he heard/saw me but my appointment’s really soon” and when she text him to let him know i was ready, he still ignored me. 
so i had to reschedule again lmao
and i feel like shit bc this makes it look like i cant be dependable and keep appointments. 
not to mention work lmao. i got my final warning yesterday and if i miss anymore work for the next six months, they’re going to fire me. 
so like, i come across as just, extremely undependable at this point. but im trying? i ask my brother every night if he can take me to work, i ask if coworkers wanna switch days with me, i do everything i can to try and get to work but lmao
my sister waits until two hours before i need to be at work before she asks anyone if they can take me. nine times outta ten, no one can take me with that little notice. 
at this point im trying to work my life around my sister’s schedule which is 6 days a week, 10a-5p :///
and that doesn’t give me much wiggle room.
its sure as hell gonna be impossible to work after 5pm when she starts her new 6p-6a job lmao. its gonna be impossible to do anything ahahaha
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lauradoeslipstick · 7 years
March Favorites
The weather this march was in like a lion and also... out like a lion, with snow and rainstorms and general gloominess. But at least I found some fun new stuff to share! 
- I have to shout out the Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation+Concealer and the Kat Von D Lock-It Setting Spray, which have their own post here. 
- Perhaps the best beauty thing I discovered this month is the Bite Beauty Multistick in ‘Praline’. It’s a flat-cut tube lipstick that can be used on cheeks and eyes as well. The formula is matte and almost powder-y, making it long-lasting and perfect for skin or lips. I chose a peach shade which blends out to a soft glow on the cheeks and eyelids, but looks like a burnt orange on the lips- which is exactly what I wanted. If you’d rather have a cream contour and a deep lipstick, go for a darker tone. I haven’t done any traveling yet with it but I feel like it’s perfect for on the go since it does so many duties. 
- During the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty Sale (still going on! See my post on it) I picked up YET ANOTHER peach-y blush. I definitely do not need any more peach blush, but I could not resist trying a formula I’ve had my eye on for 50% off. I grabbed Too Faced’s Love Flush Blush in the shade “I Will Always Love You”, and I am very happy with it. It has just the right amount of subtle shimmer and is the perfect coral shade- not too much orange or pink. 
- If you’re looking for a translucent, loose setting powder, may I recommend Dermablend? I got a sample of theirs and have been using it to bake the areas of my face that get more oily- and I think it keeps shiny-ness at bay longer than my Laura Mercier powder. 
- I recently picked up this Old Navy summer-y dress and want to recommend it. The model isn’t really doing it justice, but this is a mid-length flow-y floral dress that can be worn off the shoulder or not (I’ll probably wear it so that it coves my bra straps) and has a chiffon under-layer. It looks amazing as a beach-y sundress and even works with boots and tights for cooler weather. 
- I’ve never been a huge fan of babydoll style dresses, but this short black smock dress from ASOS caught my eye. It’s so comfortable and loose around the tummy, but has an element of sexiness from being quite short. I’ve only worn it over leggings so far, but I’m excited to bust it out with some mary-janes in the summer.
TV & Movies 
- I’ve been addicted to Big Little Lies, the HBO series based on the best-selling novel about 5 rich ladies whose young children go to school together. It’s twisty and suspenseful, but has moments of hilarity (thanks mostly to Laura Dern and Reese Witherspoon’s perfect portrayal of wealthy mommies) and serious levity (delving into abusive relationships and rape). The best thing abut BLL is that it’s one of the first non-sitcom TV shows I can think of that stars an all-female ensemble cast. 
- Logan and Kong: Skull Island were both good for different reasons: Logan is the first really well-done/well-acted Marvel movie, while Kong harkens back to the era of fun monster fight epics. I still need to see Life and Beauty & The Beast.
- I also finally started watching The Good Wife, which is part Law and Order style courtroom drama and part interesting insight into what it’s like to be the wife of a philandering politician who gets caught. 
- If you’re looking for a frozen pizza that is almost better than delivery (lol), definitely try one of the Freschetta naturally rising crust options (four cheese and pepperoni are our favs). 
-If you’re in the Boston area and have an Amazon Prime account, you can now get free 2 hour delivery on select items (they drive them to you from a warehouse in the South End) via Amazon Prime Now. 
** ~ Also, A PSA is that there is a Sephora sale coming this month! They haven’t released the dates or info yet, so keep an eye on my blog for more info when I know it! ~ **
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craicchapel · 7 years
SPOILERSI FEEL LIKE I STILL HAVE NO IDEA…!!! i keep going back and forth?? I think it’s too obvious that the abusive husband raped jane…and i feel like it’s too much of a stretch that ed did?? but yet..I’m leaning towards ed? because like remember how madelyn was talking about how ed likes to dress up in these personas…maybe that night was some weird persona of his..and how he was complaining that their sex isn’t wild…and his creepiness towards zoe’s character…and why does he have that disgusting weird unattractive beard like maybe that was the show’s way of ‘changing’ his look from the night with jane where the person was clean cut/shaved? but then there literally no way this could be it cause janes been around ed..also like…how is this all going to come full circle and wrap up ??? the bullying child..someone killing someone..was it over the rape ..or just all the drama in general..im screaming i need to know now!
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bllwatch-blog · 12 years
careless whisper has never been so meaningfully rendered
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