#blockchain ticketing
subtlefinds · 4 months
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Unlock the Future: Secure Your NFTNYC2024 Ticket Now 🚀🎟️
Curious about NFTNYC2024?
What's Included with a General Admission Ticket?
NFT Ticket by liapsart
Content 3 days of speaking sessions and Sponsor Exhibition Access
Giveaways Free NFTs and Merch Giveaways
Food & Drink Daily Lunch, Snacks and Drinks
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Don't miss the chance to be part of the biggest event in New York! CLICK to secure your ticket now! 🌐🚀
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turnkeytix · 8 months
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dheeraj5387 · 8 months
"Event Access Revolution: Empowering Entry with Blockchain Technology"
The Traditional Event Entry System
Traditionally, event entry has relied on various methods, such as physical tickets, QR codes, or even just a list of registered names. These methods have their limitations. Physical tickets can be lost, damaged, or even stolen, leading to potential entry issues. QR codes are vulnerable to duplication and lists of names can be cumbersome to manage and verify, especially at larger events.
Additionally, ticket scalping has been a persistent issue, driving up prices and making it difficult for genuine fans to attend their favorite events. Blockchain technology offers a promising solution to these problems.
Blockchain's Role in Event Access
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It operates on a decentralized network of computers, providing transparency, security, and immutability. When applied to event access, blockchain can bring numerous advantages:
Immutable Tickets: Each event ticket can be represented as a unique digital asset on the blockchain. This ensures that tickets cannot be duplicated, counterfeited, or lost.
Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined rules. These contracts can be used to automate the ticket verification process. Once a ticket is purchased, the smart contract can automatically validate the ticket's authenticity and grant entry when conditions are met.
Anti-Scalping Measures: Blockchain can include features that prevent ticket scalping. This could involve setting price limits, enabling ticket resale with the consent of the event organizer, and ensuring that only authorized resellers can participate.
Traceability: Event organizers and attendees can trace the entire history of a ticket on the blockchain, from its creation to its current owner. This transparency enhances trust and accountability.
The Benefits of Blockchain-Powered Event Access
The integration of blockchain technology into the event access system offers several benefits:
Security: Blockchain's robust encryption and decentralized nature make it highly resistant to hacking and fraud. This ensures that event access is secure and reliable.
Transparency: The transparency of blockchain ensures that event attendees can trust the authenticity of their tickets. There's no need to worry about counterfeit tickets or unauthorized resales.
Efficiency: Smart contracts streamline the ticket verification process, reducing the need for manual checks and minimizing the risk of human error. This speeds up entry and enhances the overall event experience.
Fairness: By preventing ticket scalping and ensuring that tickets are available at face value, blockchain technology promotes fairness in event access.
Data Ownership: Attendees have greater control over their personal data. They can choose to share their ticket information selectively, improving privacy and data security.
The Future of Event Access
Blockchain's impact on event access is still in its early stages, but the potential for revolutionizing the industry is immense. As the technology matures and gains wider adoption, we can expect even more innovative applications.
In conclusion, blockchain technology is ushering in a new era of democratized, secure, and efficient event access. It eliminates the age-old problems of ticket fraud, scalping, and inefficiency, making it a game-changer for both event organizers and attendees. As this technology continues to evolve, we can look forward to a future where attending events is not just about the experience but also about the seamless, secure, and fair access enabled by blockchain. The event access revolution has begun, and it's here to stay.
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nesttech · 1 year
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blockchainblast · 1 year
Blockchain and Ticketing: A New Era of Security and Efficiency
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Are you ready to experience the magic of live performance once again? 
Gladly, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County teams up with True Tickets to bring you a newfangled solution to safely reopen its doors. After a tough year of cancellations and postponements, this renowned venue is leaping forward with the help of blockchain technology. With contactless digital ticketing, you can now enjoy the shows you love without worrying about health risks. 
Are you a business looking for a professional team to help you integrate blockchain? Here we are, connect with us for the finest enterprise blockchain development services.
Now, let’s dive into the blog and explore the benefits of this innovative technology for the performing arts industry.
Performing Arts Industry – The Impact Of Covid-19
The pandemic has dealt a devastating blow to the performing arts industry. The Arsht Center had to cancel 160 performances, and other venues faced similar challenges. But they weren’t alone in their struggle. With restrictions on in-person events, the entire industry was forced to get creative to keep the show going. The industry had to find new ways to entertain audiences, such as virtual and smaller-scale events.
Blockchain Technology – Secure Contactless Digital Ticketing
The Arsht Center is breaking new ground by utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology. This offers secure, contactless digital ticketing for its upcoming in-person show. That’s right, you can now enjoy the show without any worries about physical contact or queuing for tickets.
Gone are the days of waiting in long lines and risking exposure to illness. The Arsht Center’s innovative approach to ticketing allows for remote ticket issuance and minimizes the need for in-person interactions, ensuring the safety of both patrons and employees. With this technology, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the show with complete peace of mind.
So why wait? Obtain the best services from our expert blockchain development company.
Blockchain For Ticketing – The Benefits
With blockchain, it’s now possible to enjoy a secure and contactless way to attend your favorite shows. The days of worrying about lost or stolen physical tickets are over, as blockchain offers mobile delivery that’s both safe and convenient.
But that’s not all. The technology also ensures that your ticket purchase is protected by advanced encryption and smart contracts, giving you the peace of mind that your rights as a ticket holder are always respected. And when it comes to avoiding fraud and scalping, blockchain is a game-changer. By providing traceability, authenticity, and fair pricing, it guarantees that every ticket sold is legitimate and sold at a fair price.
Performing Arts Industry – The Future With Blockchain
The world of ticketing has always been a tricky business, with issues like fraud and secondary markets plaguing the industry. But now, thanks to blockchain technology, there is a glimmer of hope. With the True Tickets service leading the charge, fans are excitedly jumping on board, and venues are taking notice. The Arsht Center is one such venue that has recognized the power of blockchain and is teaming up with True Tickets to revolutionize ticketing in the performing arts. It’s an exciting time for the industry, and with blockchain technology, the possibilities are endless. Do you want to integrate blockchain into your business? Try the leading blockchain consulting company and explore the benefits of blockchain.
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aeternusfoundation · 1 year
Shop Anything Anywhere with ATRNO Crypto Tokens
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#Have you ever wanted to buy something online but didn't have the means? Have you ever had to book a flight but couldn't afford it? Well#there's good news: ATRNO Crypto Tokens can help unlock your potential to shop anywhere!#ATRNO Crypto Tokens are the future of online shopping and travel. With a single universal digital currency#you can purchase whatever you need without worrying about fluctuating exchange rates or additional fees. And best of all#it's easy to get started and begin making money with ATRNO Crypto Tokens.#It doesn't matter what type of traveler or shopper you are; ATRNO Crypto Tokens make it simple for anyone to access a wide variety of goods#we'll discuss how ATRNO Crypto Tokens work and how they can help you easily earn money while also saving time and money when booking flight#What Are Crypto Tokens?#Have you ever heard of crypto tokens? If you’re looking to use your money to buy and shop anything#anywhere#then you should definitely look into crypto tokens. These are digital coins that are based on blockchain technology#meaning they can be used just like any other kind of currency. With ATRNO Token - the world’s most secure and trusted digital currency - yo#services#and more online with complete confidence.#But what’s so special about crypto tokens? Well#for starters#they are incredibly safe and secure. Because your data is stored in a decentralized ledger on the blockchain rather than in a traditional b#it’s nearly impossible for anyone to manipulate or compromise it. That means your funds are safe no matter what!#In addition to their security features#ATRNO Tokens can also provide some incredible benefits when it comes to booking flights. It’s incredibly easy to find cheap flight tickets#you can also make some extra money by trading these digital coins on marketplaces. So make sure you check out ATRNO Token – the only multi-#The Different Ways to Use ATRNO Crypto Tokens for Shopping#With ATRNO Crypto Tokens#you can shop anything and anywhere. Whether you're staying in or going out#or even just enjoying a staycation – there are so many different ways to use your Crypto Tokens for shopping.#Shopping for Goods: The obvious use for ATRNO Tokens is shopping for goods. You can easily find retailers that accept Crypto Tokens as paym#retailers don’t have to worry about converting currencies at checkout#as they’ll always receive the correct amount in the correct currency.#Shopping for Services: In addition to buying goods#you can also use ATRNO Tokens to pay for services such as airline tickets and hotel stays. Booking your flight tickets with Crypto Tokens i
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remoomerr · 2 years
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Bear markets created some of the biggest companies or startups that we have today. Airbnb, Tesla, VaynerMedia etc. were all built during the economic meltdown of 2008. We're going through a similar sort of a crash, but this time due to the FTX fallout because of SBF and hi bunch of unprofessional and unethical accomplices. Crypto currency has always been under the negativity radar but well, in all industries there are the good and the bad, crypto in the word cryptocurrency means the cryptographic build of digital currency on top of blockchain. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology, we all know that by now except the skeptics but they'll believe that too when good actors will build stuff for the commoners. And the current meltdown will give birth to a lot of them, including us where we are building for NFT's real world use case. More on it later and we're building in public using twitter. https://www.dexa.club
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blockchain123 · 2 years
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diamantemediain · 2 years
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kawaoneechan · 2 years
Do you want to be the first to own a REAL #Asspull3X, when¹ it comes out?
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That green thing I'm holding here, but actual size and, y'know, not a cheap 3D printed paperweight?
Send me money and you will receive a digital ticket² that you can exchange for your own first-edition first-run signed AⅢx machine³!
Terms and conditions may apply. ¹: this will never happen. ²: they're not NFTS, they're not on the blockchain, I don't endorse either. ³: if you actually fall for this bullshit, I don't know what else to tell you.
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mansikrypto · 7 months
Catch @MOI_Tech CEO @Arshasays at #FILBangalore
Anantha is Founder of @MOI_Tech, an initiative of Sarva Labs to humanize the internet and give the power back to the users with the dev.of a context-aware peer-to-peer value network.
🎟 Get your tickets:
#Bitcoin #Blockchain #Ethereum #Web3 #Crypto #NFT #DAO #DeFi #CBDC #HODL #MyOwnIntenet #MOI #ContextAware
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deltabitofficial · 9 months
Explore the Power of Deltabit Coin, Your Path to Innovation and Financial Freedom!!
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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, innovation is the key to staying ahead of the curve, especially in the world of blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi). One cryptocurrency that embodies this spirit of innovation is Deltabit Coin. This groundbreaking digital asset isn't just another coin; it's a gateway to a new era of financial possibilities. In this blog, we'll explore the innovative solutions, revolutionary blockchain technology, and endless opportunities that make Deltabit Coin a standout player in the crypto space.
Innovative Solutions:-
Deltabit Coin isn't satisfied with the status quo; it thrives on innovation. In a world where blockchain and DeFi technologies are constantly evolving, Deltabit Coin offers solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible. Its forward-thinking approach seeks to address the challenges and limitations of existing cryptocurrencies, making it a pioneer in the field.
Blockchain Technology:-
At the heart of Deltabit Coin lies cutting-edge blockchain technology. Blockchain is more than just a buzzword; it's a revolutionary system that ensures efficiency and security in all transactions. Deltabit Coin leverages this technology to provide a reliable and transparent platform for its users, setting new standards for the industry.
Endless Opportunities:-
The crypto world is all about possibilities, and Deltabit Coin opens doors to endless opportunities. Whether you're an investor, a trader, or simply someone looking to explore the world of cryptocurrency, Deltabit Coin offers a wealth of possibilities waiting to be tapped into. It's your ticket to a world of financial exploration.
In a rapidly changing financial landscape, revolution is the name of the game. Deltabit Coin isn't content with following trends; it's leading the charge. Its innovative approach, combined with a strong community of like-minded individuals, positions it at the forefront of the blockchain and DeFi revolution.
Secure Transactions:-
Security is paramount in the crypto world, and Deltabit Coin takes this responsibility seriously. It prioritizes the security of transactions and user funds, ensuring that your digital assets are safe from threats. With Deltabit Coin, you can explore the crypto space with peace of mind.
No cryptocurrency exists in isolation, and Deltabit Coin is no exception. It boasts a robust and thriving community of users who share a common vision of financial empowerment. Joining this community means gaining access to a wealth of knowledge, insights, and support as you navigate your crypto journey.
Deltabit Coin isn't just a cryptocurrency; it's an invitation to explore the vast potential of the digital financial world. Whether you're interested in long-term investments, trading strategies, or simply learning more about blockchain technology, Deltabit Coin provides you with the tools and resources to embark on a rewarding financial journey.
In conclusion, Deltabit Coin represents more than just another cryptocurrency; it's a symbol of innovation, security, and endless possibilities. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, Deltabit Coin stands as a beacon of progress, inviting users to explore the future of finance. Whether you're an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the space, Deltabit Coin has something to offer. Join the revolution, embrace innovation, and set out on your path to financial freedom with Deltabit Coin.
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brooklynmuseum · 1 year
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Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, will be the topic of conversation at our next Art History Happy Hour on January 26 at 7 pm. ⁠
During the program, author Nate Thompson offers an overview of the blockchain landscape and its intersections with contemporary art. Artists Delphine Diallo and Sasha Stiles then join in to discuss the field’s opportunities and challenges. Plus, take one last look at Virgil Abloh: “Figures of Speech” before it closes. ⁠
Get your ticket, which includes a specialty cocktail, small bites and after-hours admission to #VirgilAblohBkM for $45 ($40 for Members). Additional beverages are available for purchase.
🎟 http://bit.ly/3GBmWzN
📷 Kolin Mendez
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nesttech · 2 years
Digital Ticketing - The Promising Use Cases of NFTs
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New technologies always come in stages. And two of the most important ones are when the world knows about it and when the world adopts it. They might refer to the technology discovery and technology adoption by the public. Blockchain technology has just passed its discovery stage in recent years, since the invention and the launch of Bitcoin a decade ago, and it shocked the world with its speculative potential that is widely spread by the news to the public. Banks are starting to offer cryptocurrency-related services to provide exposure to their clients. Governments are beginning to research and study the implementation and use of Central Bank Digital Currency to leverage the technology and prevent themselves from leaving behind the future. NFTs, or what we should call the NFT technology, also just passed its discovery stage last year. The first NFT Quantum was created in 2014, and the first 10,000 Ethereum NFT collection Cryptopunks was created in 2017. In 2021, the world went crazy with all the collections, speculations, auction prices, celebrities’ adoption, etc. Many hypes have been a factor in the rise of NFTs. Still, the world is looking for the actual utility to become the catalyst for the mainstream adoption of the technology. Digital Ticketing Regarding real-world utility, digital ticketing is always the first to pop up in mind. It is not only because of the current market size of digital ticketing, but also how NFT technology could tackle some of the pain points of digital ticketing, and offer a better experience to users. Here are some examples. Checking Records As NFTs live on the blockchain, users can track the sale and transaction history from the ledger system. Users can easily confirm whether they are looking at the actual ticket on the selling platform to ensure they have spent the real money. The transaction history also serves as proof of purchase and ownership of the ticket. For event organizers, it would be easy to check the ticket’s legitimacy, as the blockchain ledger is easy to access for everyone. As the blockchain is not controlled by any parties and is open publicly, it is safer to trust and more reliable to use than private systems or platforms. Inflating prices in the secondary market One of the significant ticketing issues is the inflating prices in the secondary market. It is easy money for speculators as they only need to spend some time and profit from real fans and participants of the event. KYC is one of the solutions that is used currently. However, it causes some problems, making purchases more complicated and time-consuming. It also made it hard for buyers to transfer tickets to others, such as family members and friends, not for speculative reasons. NFT ticketing solved the above issue with the smart contract capability. Smart contracts enable setting prices for the NFT tickets, in which a fixed price can be set for both the primary and secondary markets. Real fans and supporters can be protected from inflating the prices of tickets. In the case of transfer, the smart contract can also introduce a royalty payment to event organizers. So when a ticket is transferred to new owners instead of being purchased, a fee is also charged to protect event-holders’ rights. The smart contract can also introduce more functions. For example, an inflating range of 30% on the price for the secondary market can be possible too. The settings will be well-executed and immutable as long as it is written in the smart contract. Immersive experience Tickets always only serve as entrance access to the event, where no other extended utility was given. NFT tickets could offer a more immersive experience to holders. For example, it acts as access to the backstage area, eligibility to purchase merchandise, redeemable for souvenirs, and locating addresses for potential drops. As the world is more immersed in virtual experiences, the NFT ticket would be the perfect medium for users to enter the virtual experience of the event, bringing more utility to the ticket itself. CRM tool Customer Relationship Management is the key to business success, especially for brands, artists, and creators relying on fans and customer bases. NFT tickets also act as a natural CRM tool for event holders. With the help of NFT, event holders could easily collect the wallet addresses of participants. Organizers can easily notify them by dropping details of the following events. NFT tickets can also act as an engagement tool, with campaigns or airdrops, to bring more activities and engagement to the community. Rewarding creators and producers Ticket sales are the primary income source of an event. NFT tickets can potentially reward artists, event organizers, and other stakeholders with recurring royalties. The split distribution, target addresses, bonus according to sales amount, etc., can all be set with smart contracts and executed automatically. This would give organizers and stakeholders more incentives to boost ticket sales, as they will be rewarded for their effort. More, handling funds is always troublesome and requires special care. NFT tickets with all transactions on-chain would be more accessible for organizers to trace all the related monetary activities. With the help of smart contracts, fewer operation procedures are needed relating to profit splitting, calculation, and delivery. That is way easier to hold events and settle money stuff. Art and collectibles Last but not least, an NFT ticket is a natural platform for organizers to insert Art elements into their events. NFT gained huge attention last year with the presence of art and digital collectibles. With the real-world utility mentioned above as a ticketing service, adding an art element would make itself more different from traditional ticketing services. Imagine you are a fan of your favorite boy band. They are good at singing, and I assume you never consider their painting skills. They are selling NFT tickets for their next concert with covers of 8 editions of paintings, each created by 8 of the members. Whether good-looking or not, it will surely be memorable and unique, and fans will love it. On the other hand, an event organizer can also collaborate with artists for their NFT ticket art creation. This also gives more elements and value to the event and tickets themselves, which work great for both. The ticket itself could become a memorial item for the ticket holder, serve as a collectible in their wallet, and turn the ticket into a long-term asset instead of a one-off disposable. Final thoughts Just so many advantages to the use of NFT on ticketing. And I believe event organizers are looking for an easy entry to adopt this new technology. The NFT ticketing market will be worth $68 billion by 2025. Builders are rushing to secure a piece of the cake. Read the full article
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fisherw2f · 10 months
What Are NFTs?
NFT stands for non-fungible token. A non-fungible token is a unique digital asset that cannot be replaced with another asset of the same kind. NFTs are stored on a blockchain, which is a secure and transparent database.
NFTs can represent anything from digital artworks to in-game items. They can also be used to represent physical assets, such as real estate or cars.
There are a number of reasons why people are interested in NFTs. First, they offer a new way to own and collect digital assets. NFTs are unique and cannot be copied, which makes them a more valuable investment than traditional digital assets.
Second, NFTs can be used to prove ownership of digital assets. This is important for artists and creators who want to protect their intellectual property. NFTs can also be used to track the provenance of digital assets, which can be helpful for collectors and investors.
Third, NFTs can be used to create new types of digital experiences. For example, NFTs can be used to create tickets to events, or to unlock exclusive content. This has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital content.
Overall, NFTs are a new and exciting technology with the potential to change the way we own, collect, and interact with digital assets. If you're interested in learning more about NFTs, I encourage you to do some research and see if they're a good fit for you.
Here are some additional details about NFTs:
NFTs are created using a process called "minting." When an NFT is minted, it is assigned a unique identifier and stored on the blockchain.
NFTs can be bought and sold on NFT marketplaces. There are a number of different NFT marketplaces available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
The price of NFTs can vary greatly. Some NFTs have sold for millions of dollars, while others have sold for a few cents.
The future of NFTs is uncertain. Some people believe that NFTs will become a mainstream asset class, while others believe that they are a fad that will eventually fade away.
Only time will tell what the future holds for NFTs. However, one thing is for sure: NFTs are a technology that is worth keeping an eye on.
I hope this blog post has helped you to learn more about NFTs. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Boomer Jobs
There’s a thing I overheard today that’s probably going to live in my head rent-free for a good long while. It is going to bug me.
I was in the break room at work, making myself a coffee, and some of the lab techs were having a chat over lunch. One of them was talking about how she and her friend had got tickets to some art thing, and went for the free wine and good art. Standing in the queue, they ended up in front of some tech bro from Montreal of all places (which is probably why I started tuning in to this conversation a bit more - few enough people talk about the city of my birth, especially around here), who through his commentary let them know that this wasn’t just an art exhibition but some kind of NFT-related thing. So this tech bro is talking at them about the whole thing and the lab tech goes, “Look, we’re just here for the free wine and the pretty art. I work in a hospital.” At which point, dudebro becomes douchebro with one sentence that just irritates the everliving fuck out of me:
“Ooooooooh; you have a Boomer job.”
A ... Boomer job?
I mean, let’s start with the fact that technically, Boomers are either retired or damn near it, at least if we’re going strictly by age. From there, we lead into the most important part of this: if Boomers are retired or retiring, that work that they were doing still needs to be done. If it’s not Boomers doing the job, how the fuck is it a Boomer job? I mean, you can’t segregate jobs by age range beyond “You must be this old to be gainfully employed”.
I know what this dickwaffle meant, though. He meant “boring”. He meant “tedious”. You know, not the high-flying NFT-trading, blockchain-bouncing fuckery which pretends to make good on the promise of ‘money for nothing’. He means a steady paycheque and a job you can actually explain to people. He means a job that involves actual labour and existed before he was born.
I just have to wonder ... does he think that everyone who isn’t a Boomer shouldn’t have a Boomer job? If he thinks that, does he have the remotest clue how those very necessary jobs would get done without someone, regardless of age, to do them? I mean, my job doesn’t sound like much sometimes but I’ve seen companies try to get along on voice recognition software alone. In fact, one of my longer-running jobs involved less transcribing someone’s dictation and more listening to someone’s dictation and fixing the absolute fuck-up the voice recognition software made of it. I cannot be replaced by a computer. Nor can lab techs. Nor can a lot of people.
I get that we’re taking Boomer as a derogatory now. But calling something a ‘Boomer job’ because it doesn’t have the same dubious cachet as a pyramid scheme on all the wrong kinds of drugs is just stupid.
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