#Shopping for Services: In addition to buying goods
aeternusfoundation · 1 year
Shop Anything Anywhere with ATRNO Crypto Tokens
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#Have you ever wanted to buy something online but didn't have the means? Have you ever had to book a flight but couldn't afford it? Well#there's good news: ATRNO Crypto Tokens can help unlock your potential to shop anywhere!#ATRNO Crypto Tokens are the future of online shopping and travel. With a single universal digital currency#you can purchase whatever you need without worrying about fluctuating exchange rates or additional fees. And best of all#it's easy to get started and begin making money with ATRNO Crypto Tokens.#It doesn't matter what type of traveler or shopper you are; ATRNO Crypto Tokens make it simple for anyone to access a wide variety of goods#we'll discuss how ATRNO Crypto Tokens work and how they can help you easily earn money while also saving time and money when booking flight#What Are Crypto Tokens?#Have you ever heard of crypto tokens? If you’re looking to use your money to buy and shop anything#anywhere#then you should definitely look into crypto tokens. These are digital coins that are based on blockchain technology#meaning they can be used just like any other kind of currency. With ATRNO Token - the world’s most secure and trusted digital currency - yo#services#and more online with complete confidence.#But what’s so special about crypto tokens? Well#for starters#they are incredibly safe and secure. Because your data is stored in a decentralized ledger on the blockchain rather than in a traditional b#it’s nearly impossible for anyone to manipulate or compromise it. That means your funds are safe no matter what!#In addition to their security features#ATRNO Tokens can also provide some incredible benefits when it comes to booking flights. It’s incredibly easy to find cheap flight tickets#you can also make some extra money by trading these digital coins on marketplaces. So make sure you check out ATRNO Token – the only multi-#The Different Ways to Use ATRNO Crypto Tokens for Shopping#With ATRNO Crypto Tokens#you can shop anything and anywhere. Whether you're staying in or going out#or even just enjoying a staycation – there are so many different ways to use your Crypto Tokens for shopping.#Shopping for Goods: The obvious use for ATRNO Tokens is shopping for goods. You can easily find retailers that accept Crypto Tokens as paym#retailers don’t have to worry about converting currencies at checkout#as they’ll always receive the correct amount in the correct currency.#Shopping for Services: In addition to buying goods#you can also use ATRNO Tokens to pay for services such as airline tickets and hotel stays. Booking your flight tickets with Crypto Tokens i
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dezineinnovation · 2 years
Low Cost Interior Design and Decorating Tips
Thinking of a home or office addition, but upset about the cost of the interior designing and decorating? Do you suppose you cannot go to spend much on the interior designing but wish for an elegant make over for your room? You do not have to get vexed about not having too important plutocrat to spend on your decoration, because you can do a fabulous job of decorating your house without spending much of your pennies, if you do it wise.
 Plan your budget
 Low or high, you should always have a specific budget plan for your work, rather than saying' I want the room's interior design to be done at a low cost it's better to have an idea of how much you're ready to spend. Coming to the correct value may not be possible but giving an nearly accurate estimate will always help. Divide your budget under different task like, Rs 1lac for new cabinetwork, Rs. 50 thousand for makeup etc rather than quoting the whole quantum. But flash back your budget plan should be realistic and should be rigorously followed for a successful low cost interior designing.
 Be the interior developer yourself
 Hiring a establishment or a specialist to do the makeover might give you a fully remarkable room or office, but flash back the more established they are, the more you'll end up paying them for the service alone. So it's stylish to take your imagination into play and come up with how much you're going to spent and what would have to be changed or introduced. You can relate papers in magazines or the internet to get ample ideas on how to do the job at minimal cost.
 Protect downward and wide
 You're planning to embellish the interior of the room, so it calls for full day fun shopping. Are you apprehensive that utmost of the goods you buy at the ingrained Shoppe may be available at a possibly slashed price in original shops and transaction houses? So take your time to hunt in the alternate hand shops, bargain request and any shop with a time ending trade or shop addition trade sign board. You're going to hit on commodity great at an unthinkable price. But just getting the thing at a low price shouldn't tempt you to buy it; you should buy only those effects you came to shop for. Else, the low priced shopping experience will turn to a clashing one.
 Get your effects auctioned
 Still, you may have to remove a piece of cabinetwork, curtains and a lot of junk you may no longer bear, if you're revamping the place. Rather than shifting them to the stockroom, you can get these effects vended at a low price to get a tip on your budget; you can either auction it or vend it to an alternate hand shop. Flash back your stuff might not cost much, but removing these will help you to de clutter the room and at the same time get a small rise on your budget. But if you're doing the interior designing and decorating from launch, do not worry for not having anything to vend; you can have an option of choosing veritably wisely and designing the room anew with no time loss.
 Exercise your stuff
 You can use a lot of effects at hand in a novel and creative way to make the interior designing a fun and creative experience. You can make a bumper cover out of your old curtain by suturing together the pieces but while choosing the fabric, see to it that it either gives an arresting effect to the else blunt room or differently combine with the mood of it. You can also use an old piece of cabinetwork and polish it to make a centerpiece of the room. Your grandmother's casket hole can boast the main magnet in your delineation room if you space it well and take care to design it.
 Ornamental pieces
 Ornamental particulars and wall oil can come in any range and occasionally it may bring you a fortune. But it's not just expensive ornamental pieces and antique collections that can make your interior boast a good appearance. You can use a family portrayal or oil your little bone
 Did to give a new look to the walls. These oils and prints do not just come free, they're empty and just a good frame will do the job. You can also use ornamental candles and gift pieces in a creative way to change the face of your room.
 An redundant fleece of makeup
 A redundant fleece of makeup can always give a face lift to a room. Interior designing is no way complete without a well painted wall. Choose the same shade of makeup as your former bone
 As getting a new shade will bear further fleeces of the makeup and hence it'll increase the cost of oil. But you can do a differing shade on just one wall if you're wearied with the' same old makeup' this not just give a new face to the room, it also saves a bit on the makeup.
 Keep it simple
 Be it kitchen, bedroom, office or study; keep the room as simple as possible. Reduce the number of cabinetwork and redundant piece of settee to give your room a neat, organized, commodious and new look. Your apartments and office should also have a touch of your personality so work on it.
#Thinking of a home or office addition#but upset about the cost of the interior designing and decorating? Do you suppose you cannot go to spend much on the interior designing but#because you can do a fabulous job of decorating your house without spending much of your pennies#if you do it wise.#Plan your budget#Low or high#you should always have a specific budget plan for your work#rather than saying' I want the room's interior design to be done at a low cost it's better to have an idea of how much you're ready to spen#Rs 1lac for new cabinetwork#Rs. 50 thousand for makeup etc rather than quoting the whole quantum. But flash back your budget plan should be realistic and should be rig#Be the interior developer yourself#Hiring a establishment or a specialist to do the makeover might give you a fully remarkable room or office#but flash back the more established they are#the more you'll end up paying them for the service alone. So it's stylish to take your imagination into play and come up with how much you'#Protect downward and wide#You're planning to embellish the interior of the room#so it calls for full day fun shopping. Are you apprehensive that utmost of the goods you buy at the ingrained Shoppe may be available at a#bargain request and any shop with a time ending trade or shop addition trade sign board. You're going to hit on commodity great at an unthi#the low priced shopping experience will turn to a clashing one.#Get your effects auctioned#Still#you may have to remove a piece of cabinetwork#curtains and a lot of junk you may no longer bear#if you're revamping the place. Rather than shifting them to the stockroom#you can get these effects vended at a low price to get a tip on your budget; you can either auction it or vend it to an alternate hand shop#but removing these will help you to de clutter the room and at the same time get a small rise on your budget. But if you're doing the inter#do not worry for not having anything to vend; you can have an option of choosing veritably wisely and designing the room anew with no time#Exercise your stuff#You can use a lot of effects at hand in a novel and creative way to make the interior designing a fun and creative experience. You can make#see to it that it either gives an arresting effect to the else blunt room or differently combine with the mood of it. You can also use an o
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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alithographica · 1 year
Re: Redbubble & Alternatives
Redbubble is doing some nonsense and I've deleted my account. I barely bothered with it anyway, was mostly there for people who've asked for specific images as posters.
Anyway in doing that I sacrificed the $4.35 that was still sitting in my earnings. They only let you cash out at $20, so rather than drum up sales and therefore make Redbubble more money, I'm gonna do what I feel is $4.35 in anti-publicity for them. 🥳
tl;dr there are new fees that hurt artist income at all sales levels. Redbubble is either looking to cut costs and raise profits for funsies, or is in serious financial trouble.
About the new fees:
Redbubble offers their services to artists by allowing artists to control their profit margin above a certain baseline manufacturing fee. This was pretty cool! There's now an additional fee that will be charged starting May 1, 2023. It is not an upfront fee that requires you to pay out of pocket, but it does directly cut your profit margin. How badly? Well...
By Redbubble's own example, if in one month you sell $300 in products that you had set at a 25% margin, you'd previously earn $75. Under the new structure, that earnings level means you pay a $28 fee, so you will now be paid $47. That $28 represents a 37% cut off what you were supposed to earn.
There's a full fee table in that link, but other highlights include a $1 fee if you earned $2 (aka 50%!) and big sellers who'd expect to take home $400 will now receive $320 (an $80 fee, 20%).
It also puts you in a weird spot that earning $1 more in a month may bump you to the next tier, causing you to actually take home less money. Make $1 more, end up losing $11. Make it make sense. 🤨
About the new tiers:
Each shop is evaluated and labeled Standard, Premium, or Pro. Premium and Pro shops are not subject to the new fees, but there's no clarity on how to move from one tier to another. Redbubble says it's under your control but it's clearly not. Many artists are reporting that they have accounts with next to no sales that have been labeled Pro, and accounts with thousands of annual sales that are labeled Standard.
Action items:
Look, I'm not gonna tell other artists that they have to close their shops, or tell buyers not to buy from Redbubble if your favorite artists have chosen to stay. What you do with the above info is up to you.
What I will say is that many artists are leaving because the new pay structure sucks. I encourage people who buy from Redbubble to expand their support to other sites.
Attrition is arguably their goal here—they know people will leave over this, and that'll probably lower their costs and lower competition for the remaining accounts. But goodwill is lost easily and they're playing a dangerous game on betting how many stay vs. leave. I'm out.
Feel free to leave your feedback on Redbubble's feedback form here, but it feels slightly like yelling into the void.
tbh I don't have a good read on things. If you do know of any recommended (or unrecommended) print-on-demand sites, speak up!
I will say that as of now (April 2023), based on my research:
🟢 INPRNT sounds like a winner if your game is art prints and stickers. Does not have any wearable products like t-shirts.
🟡 Etsy + Printify/Printful might be viable? Etsy always had higher profit margins than POD marketplaces, but it's a bit more work and they also do weird things occasionally. Also has a listing fee so if you're the type to upload a ton of designs, pricey.
🔴 Teepublic is owned by Redbubble. Doesn't have the tier/new fee structure as of now but might be imminent. Have also heard their customer service sucks.
🔴 Society6 is going to charge artists shipping costs, and there's going to be a (mandatory?) subscription service launched in the fall, so that's not a winner anymore either.
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
hello! i was wonder if you could do fluffy headcannons for vi and caitlyn? thanks in advance and have fun writing this : D
Fluffly Vi and Caitlyn HC's
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Vi is actually quite a bookworm! Growing up in the Lanes makes it hard to learn how to read and it wasn't until Vander found her trying to make sense of a novel left behind by a patron at the Last Drop that she started learning. Vander taught her himself, after the rest of her adoptive siblings went to bed, Vi would stay up and have Vander teach her how to read next to the soft glow of candle light. Those are some of her favorite memories with him.
She is a dog person through and through. Will beg for the two of you to adopt a dog once you've been living together for a while and you always seemed unsure. Little did she know, you were actually planning to surprise her with a puppy for her birthday! And when you finally do, oh, she cries so much! There are tears of happiness sliding down her freckled cheeks as she holds the tiny golden retriever puppy in her hands. Your apartment is alive with the sounds of her sobs and the puppy's attempts at barking, your heart clenches with joy at the scene. Vi will forever be grateful to you for such a thoughtful and amazing gift. She knows she can never repay you but she's willing to try through kisses and hugs.
Hates going clothes shopping unless you're the one doing it. If so, she's at your service. She'll carry your bags, point out clothes that she thinks you'll look nice in and compliment you when you try them on. When she's the one buying clothes, she likes for it to be done as quickly as possible. Though she can't say she minds the appreciative looks you give her when she tries on some particularly tight clothes or ones that show off her muscles.
Loves silly pet names. Cutie, honey bee, hot stuff, etc. But most of the time she likes to stick with good ol' 'babe'. Her heart almost jumps out of her chest the first time you call her 'darling'. There's just something about the way that word rolls off of your tongue that makes her stomach erupt with butterflies. First names are only uttered in serious situations.
Her giving love language is physical touch, receiving is words of affirmation. Vi loves being close to you, hugging, kissing and touching you whenever she can. She craves reassurance and affirmation due to her past. Needs to know she's good to you and that you feel loved and protected by her side.
Her favorite season is autumn! It's chilly but not too cold, but at the same time cold enough for her to cozy up inside and enjoy the rainy scenery unfolding outside your shared place. Even better if the two of you cuddle under a blanket and doze off in each other's arms. Violet swears she never slept better.
As much as she adores being the big spoon, she has a secret fondness for being the small spoon too. Especially after a nightmare, Vi needs to be held and feel protected. Her life has been one of hardship and being in your embrace reminds her that that period of her life is over. Now there is only your warmth and smile which protect her from all harm and sadness life brings.
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Has no bias when it comes to dogs or cats, but since she grew up with dogs, she isn't opposed to adopting a cat with you this time around. She had planned to find a more exotic and fancy cat breed but that went out the window one night as she was coming back from work. Coming back to you. It was a rainy night and it was already quite late as she stayed longer in her office than she should've so she was hurrying along. Despite the heavy sounds of rain and her footsteps echoing off the pavement, her ears managed to pick up a tiny, desperate sound. Cautiously following it to a dark alley, she was surprised when she stumbled upon a dirty kitten that was meowing its little heart out. Caitlyn couldn't bear to just leave it so she took it home to you. Your kind soul immediately saw the kitten as a new addition to your little family and it made Caitlyn so happy. The sweet but feisty calico kitten would quickly become an integral part of your everyday lives and the two of you wouldn't have it any other way!
Opposite of Vi when it comes to shopping, Caitlyn loves indulging herself with new fits and it's even better if she gets to do the same for you! Be prepared to never have to use your wallet ever again because your girlfriend has you covered. Loves to spoil you with whatever you desire and buys you stuff weekly, even if you don't ask for it. Whenever she buys you new clothes, Caitlyn likes to make a little show out of it! She'll twirl you around and give advice on how to pair different articles of clothing. However, she understands if it may be a bit too much at first so she'll start off with small and inexpensive but sentimental gifts. Anything to make you happy.
Caitlyn secretly collects antique porcelain figurines. She remembers her mother always having some on display when she was a child but never let her go near them in fear that she'd break them on accident. But she was always so amazed by their graceful yet still forms and the details which adorned their smooth surface. So, when she got older, she started buying them out of pure self-indulgence. When the two of you start dating, she's actually a bit scared that you'll find her obsession silly but, as always, you pleasantly surprise her with a look of awe and compliments on how pretty they are. When a couple of days later you show up with a gift for her, she is so happy! That happiness grows too big for her heart to contain when the gift turns out to be two custom-made porcelain figures with a striking resemblance to the two of you. You may not know it, but this definitely helped heal her inner child.
Besides practicing shooting, Caitlyn also loves fencing! It lets her release tension and stress which piles up from work and it keeps her agile. Puffs out her chest with pride if she ever spots you watching her during practice. Tries extra hard to impress you but at the same time gets really clumsy because she's constantly checking if your eyes are on her and only her. You catch on quickly and find it very endearing.
Soft and sweet pastries are her weakness. Goes to her favorite bakery to pick up her breakfast every morning before work. Once she's with you, she drops by in the afternoon too, during her break, so she can get you your favorite and give it to you when she gets home. At the end of a long day, there is nothing Caitlyn yearns for more than the sweet taste of a flaky pastry and your soft lips.
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bleach-your-panties · 5 months
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late night meet-up/booty call - shoto todoroki❤️
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❤️ requested by @rheawolf! happy birthday once again to our icy-hottie!🧊🔥
❤️part of relationship drabble collection - valentine event🩵. minors&blank dni, simple as that.
❤️fem reader. cw:oral (f!receiving), implied sex
❤️wc: 1.5k
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You had been knowing Shoto for a little over a year now. 
Being from a small country town in one of America's smallest states, you were jumping for joy when you got the chance to go to university in Japan. 
You were studying (favorite subject) and to add to the support you received from your family back home, you got a job as a waitress at a small cafe. 
Your family wasn't poor by any means, but you weren't rich; you insisted to them that you get a job so you could buy the things that you need and, every now and then, indulge yourself with things that you want. 
The job at the cafe was going well, classes were good, and you had even made friends with some of the other girls that went to your school: Momo, Ochako, Mina, Tsuyu, and Toru. 
A few months into your first year of school, you started going out with a guy from one of your classes. He was nice, handsome, and not to mention, a gentleman. He took you out on dates and even bought you small gifts.
Then, one day at work, maybe thirty minutes after you'd clocked in and had begun your daily duties, your young, dating life would be changed forever. 
Flashback, 1 Year Ago
In walked the Shoto Todoroki. 
Some may ask who he is, and what's so special about him.
Well, in addition to being the youngest son of the very wealthy and influential Todoroki family, he's the star snowboarder and the captain of your school's competitive team. 
He walked in casually, a particularly cool aura around him. Of course, he caught the eyes of the majority of the female patrons in the cafe. Even some male patrons turned around to size him up. 
You had your back to the door as you wiped down the counter and cleaned cups, so you were startled when you heard his deep voice calling out to you from behind.
"Excuse me, miss. I'd like to order an iced espresso with extra milk and a shot of hazelnut syrup, please." He asked politely, pulling out his leather wallet to pay. 
You jumped a bit in surprise; you hadn't heard anyone come up. Usually customers ring your bell when they need service, but he didn't.
"I'm so sorry, sir, I didn't know that anyone was…at.. the… counter…" Your sentence trailed off as you looked up and realized who you were about to serve espresso to. 
Freezing on the spot, you could feel your mouth slowly opening into an 'o' shape. 
The funny thing is, though, that Shoto was just as surprised as you were, but for completely different reasons. 
His heterochromatic eyes examined your body intently, before finally landing on your face, trailing over and analyzing every single feature. 
"O-of course! It'll be right out!" You stuttered a bit, but you quickly regained your bearings and gave him a sweet smile. 
Shoto's heart almost stopped. 
You were a cute girl and you seemed very humble, much different than the ones that he usually dated. They always wanted something out of him: dick primarily, followed up by money.
“Here you go, sir! I hope you have a wonderful start to your morning!” 
Bright eyes beamed right at Shoto as you set his coffee down on the counter with a couple napkins and one of those small straws.
“Thank you…” He opened his wallet again to leave you a tip, grabbed his coffee, and silently walked off.
You were still a bit shocked that you had just served coffee to Shoto Todoroki, but you’d be even more so when you looked down at the receipt copy and saw a message scrawled across it in the most elegant handwriting.
‘Are you single?’
Present Day
After that first meeting at the coffee shop, Shoto was immediately smitten with you. 
He began coming into the shop every morning before his classes to order the same coffee. Half of the time he didn’t even drink it, opting to give it away to one of his classmates, Izuku or Tenya. He just wanted to see you.
His pursuit of you was relentless: he started walking you to your classes, carrying your books, and even driving you to work after class (via his personal chauffeur.)
All of this attention you were getting from the university’s heartthrob did not mull over well with your current suitor. He was very vocal about it, but you just brushed him off with annoyed looks.
When it got to the point of you being fed up with his complaining, you broke up with him. Right in front of Shoto and the entire snowboarding team.
‘Damn, that’s cold.’ One of his friends, who happened to be on the team, had said while they just watched your retreating back disappear into a crowd of students. Shoto had a small smirk on his face watching the entire transaction go down.
8:45 pm (Sho🏂): when you get off, i’m sending my driver to get you
8:50pm (Sho🏂): i need to see you
His iPhone almost slipped from his sweaty hands in anticipation when he felt the rectangular device vibrate in his hand:
9:10 pm (Y/N): k, i’m locking up now
While you were closing the cafe’s front door, a bright beam of headlights lit up your form. An all-black luxury SUV was parked right at the entrance and a man dressed in a black tuxedo and hat opened the door for you.
“Have a good evening, madam.” The man bowed to you and you gave him a small smile and nod of recognition.
Your heeled boots made little clopping noises as you walked up the steps to 
the beautiful, three-story, modern-Japanese style penthouse.
Upon ringing the doorbell, you hear a chorus of barking - Shoto’s huskies.
“Down.” You heard him say.  Nails scratched against the floor as they whimpered and scampered off the door then swung open revealing Shoto in just a white tee and gray joggers. 
As soon as you stepped through the door, he grabbed you by the shoulders and slammed you up against the wall. 
Cold lips at your shoulder trailed up to your neck while he pushed your legs apart with his knee.
“W-wait, Sho-! What about your family?”
“Not home.” He murmurs and licks up your throat. You can feel his hard-on through his pants.
With one hand pressed against the wall beside your head, his taller stature hovering over you and covering you with warmth, the other snakes to your waist to pull at your belt.
“A-ahh-, Sho…”
Your fingers gripped his two-toned hair as he nuzzled his face into your pussy.
Shoto fucked you from the time you stepped in the door all the way into the wee hours of the morning.
To finish you off and make sure he sent you back to campus shaking with only thoughts of him permeating your brain, he opted to bury himself between your thighs for another hour after fucking you in every position he could think of.
Pale sunlight filtered in through his thin curtains, covering his sleeping form and making him look angelic. Soft breaths and sounds escaped his cute little puckered lips.
It was easy to slip out of bed and pad quietly to the kitchen to begin cooking. The same routine that you had been accustomed to for a year now.
“I don’t deserve you..” Shoto whispered and kissed your naked shoulder upon making his entrance into the kitchen.
His arms wrapped around your waist as he hugged you from behind. 
Breakfast sizzled on the stove - an entire spread of eggs, bacon, pancakes, onigiri, and fried pork.
You turned your head and pressed a chaste kiss against his temple, the same small smile on your lips as the one you’d first given him at the cafe; though, this one held undertones of sadness.
While Shoto ate, you cleaned up in his en-suite bathroom and gathered your belongings.
“So…I’ll text you..” He trailed off but you immediately caught the implication. 
“I’ll see you around campus, Sho.” 
And you left.
“I know you didn’t cook all of this..” Fuyumi set her keys in the dish and eyed her baby brother sitting at the counter munching on an onigiri. 
“Hmph..” Shoto averted his dual-colored eyes and stared at some random, expensive painting plastered up on the wall.
The same wall that he’d pressed you against about twelve hours beforehand.
His phone buzzed on the counter: ‘11:00 am: study session with iida, midoriya, bakugou in 50 mins’
“I’m going to get dressed for class.” He grabbed the device and left his empty plate on the counter just as Natsuo and Fuyumi settled down to partake in this free buffet that had seemingly been prepared for them to enjoy.
The door to his room shut quietly, he leaned against it, and raked a hand through his hair. 
He already couldn’t wait to see you again.
I need you to take my mind off being in my prime, some company
     🔀  ⏮️  ▶️ ⏭️  🔁
           company - drake ft. travis scott
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©bleach-your-panties 2024. do NOT steal, repost, copy, alter, or upload any of my works onto other sites.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS: Tattooing is a work of art. Though, he definitely saw that it can also be used as more than an art medium itself.
TW/s: yandere behavior, abstract/drabble writing, protective Xiao, he’s a dumbass but its okay, nsfw tws include targeted by the dark web, graphic depictions of violence, near abduction, stalking + sexual harassment. Please proceed with caution.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy Valentine’s Day! It would seem that today just isn't working out for you, is it, miss Ana? Well, never fear! I’m sure our lovely tattoo artist has something to help you with that… Right?
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“You’re back.”
That was the first thing that Ana heard from her tattoo artist, Xiao, speak at 1 in the afternoon— a weird time, considering he wasn’t aware she had an appointment booked with him.
“Are you here for a tattoo?” he asked her, making her shake her head. Carrying the food she bought for him, he placed it on the counter, noting the small shift of expression on his face as he caught a whiff of something faintly sweet in the packaging.
“No, but I’m sure you’ve been working for hours on end,” she said, tapping on top of the package. “Here, eat up. I made sure to buy almond tofu for you.”
Now, for those who may be wondering, just how can the reclusive tattoo artist be with a date that’s the clear opposite of his personality?
It was a long story, which started from the very beginning when they matched up in the app.
Xiao isn’t the type to choose anyone on a whim. He has standards, and for him, many others failed to fit those standards. It was also obvious when he saw Ana’s, but instead of scrolling past and ignoring her, he took his time to look into what she wrote. He didn’t want to write her off just yet.
The next thing he knew, he swiped right with her and began to talk to her in the app.
Their conversation topics were all random at first: general get to know questions, their experiences, and even bits of what the two like. The two clicked on what they both liked listening to, which artists they enjoy the most, and even a few preferences for both to tune into. He did suggest a few that lean into crime podcasts, since he tends to listen to them often while he worked on tattooing his clients. Perhaps it was a strange preference, but she didn’t see it that way.
It wasn’t even long until they began to discuss matters in seeing each other in person, and the first time was because of a tattoo appointment she wanted on her arm.
“So, you want this tattoo placed… Here. Am I right?” “Mhm. Do you think you can do it? My friends had said that you were a good tattoo artist, so I wanted to be sure that it’s something you can do.”
The two were sitting at his office as Xiao was looking at the image, examining the tattoo design she wanted him to put on her. The design wasn’t all that complicated, but he knew he could add something to make it pop out easily, and especially with the detailing of her tattoo choice.
“... I can,” he answered, closing the folder as he faced her again. “However, you must pay upfront. I need to get the materials and equipment needed in our next appointment for this type of tattoo on Friday.”
He watched her nod as she handed him the payment, his hand drifting over to grab it and check how much she paid. It was enough for what she wanted, with an additional $20. Raising an eyebrow, he looked over at her and grabbed it, handing it back to his client.
“No need to give me extra,” he told her, sighing. “It’ll be a waste.”
“Oh? Well…”
He could already hear what she planned on telling him. He should take it anyway as she felt bad, or that it’s not right to not tip someone for their services, or—
“... I’ll take it back, then. Thank you again, Xiao. it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Xiao seemed to be caught off-guard at the turn it took, his eyes widening for a fraction of a second, but it left as quickly as it did. Regaining his composure, he nodded and simply stood up to lead her out of the shop.
“If you need anything from me, you know my number,” he told her, his amber eyes shifting away for a moment. “... And if you want to go on a date, call me.”
It was strange. He’s not used to romance, and Zhongli had all but taught him how. He wanted to say that he had the confidence like that old man has, but he’s still learning. And Gods, he’s unable to even comprehend how social interaction and cues work.
Still, he did hear her laugh and feel a gentle warmth on his shoulder.
It felt nice.
“Of course! For now, I need to go and meet my friends this afternoon. Goodbye, Xiao.”
As the warmth left his shoulder, he finally raised his head to watch the lady exit, his eyes drifting to her while he recalled the expression she wore in front of him.
Such a gentle smile, unwavering and confident. He had always admired those who could do it without a single moment of hesitation, and sometimes, he found himself loathing that he couldn’t do the same. To be able to smile and look onwards, like nothing was bothering them in the first place.
He sighed and raised a hand to sift through his hair. The bitter feeling rising in him was something he disliked, but he couldn’t bring himself to blame it on her.
It was their first meeting, and it was one that Xiao remembered well.
How ironic, considering the next ones were as eventful as the first, if not even more than anything he’s endured.
The second time this happened was when he was on one of the first few dates with Ana. The two were surprisingly able to her friends commenting on how she found someone and kept it a secret from them.
He didn't like to make their relationship known, and there was a good reason why— he hated to have them find out he has someone he tolerated better than others.
Even if it was just a simple drunkard. Or two.
Point is, it happened. While Xiao was dealing with her friends asking him about his occupation, he caught wind of Ana getting involved and being harassed by one of the older men that are obviously wasted. She was trying to tell them to stop bothering her, but it seems they weren't paying much attention and even touched her in areas that can warrant sexual harassment.
“C'mon, pretty girl, why don't—”
“Move. She's my fiance.”
The drunkard looked over at Xiao, his eyes narrowed as he noticed that he was one of the clients he tattooed years ago. He scowled at the sorry state he was in— the man had a job as a republican, but one too many scandals led him jobless.
Hmph. I'm glad I managed to tattoo him with that before then.
“Yours? Pfft, do you have anything that makes her yours, little boy?”
Xiao scoffed.
“That ring she's wearing. I gave that to her.”
Complete and utter lie, he knows Ana had it since the day they met. Though, the ring was placed on her ring finger…
“You're harassing my girl. If you don't move, I'll get security,” he warned, walking closer to Ana to gently hold her hand. “And you wouldn't like getting kicked out again, would you?”
The ex-republican scoffed but he slunk away, and the two watched as the others jeered and called out to the republican figure for what he's done.
How annoying.
“I didn't know you'd say that out of all things.”
Xiao's head whipped towards Ana. It was clear from the way she said it that it was meant to be seen as light-hearted, but from the tense moment they had, he was struggling to process it.
He scoffed and let her hand go.
“He won't back out otherwise.”
And he knew he wouldn't. No one would.
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“How many people have you tattooed with that mark?”
“I don't know.”
“Oh, but you do. People tell me that the victims went to you to get tattooed and died after a few days!”
“Sounds like a load of bullshit.”
Xiao isn't fond of dealing with people. He didn't even bother hiding that fact, since he disliked meaningless drivel with some of them. What he hates is when they become overconfident with knowing what he didn't.
It was a big deal to them, but to the artist, he found it more of a joke. An impractical, unfunny joke. He'd rather listen to one of his co workers explain it and ruin it than this.
“A load of— listen to me, sir,” he spat, jabbing at his chest. It would've been intimidating if Xiao didn't think it was a bit childish, “I work with the agency. We're trying to figure out what the hell is happening, and if you don't say shit, I'll tell them you're that famed serial killer going on the loose!”
Xiao sighed.
Such is the way of being an idiot, he thinks. It's no wonder I don't bother tattooing people on a walk-in appointment.
“Wh— are you doubting my credibility?!”
“Not when you're harassing me.”
Watching him get annoyed, he saw the man out, watching as a certain someone came to the shop. Seeing the man storm off, he watched Ana raise her eyebrow at Xiao; a silent question, it seems.
What happened? He can read from her expression. Though, this made Xiao sigh and turn his head to the shop.
Come inside. That is what he was trying to say by his body language.
And she did.
It wasn't long until the two were talking about the incident: Ana had to hear Xiao explain briefly of the accusations he's given, what he replied due to the lack of evidence, and the childish fit that the reporter had to leave.
Still, that looming threat was never something he can let go of, nor he can't stop pondering about. Maybe it's just him, but there have been moments when that came to light.
… Or nearly, anyway.
“I see… Well, they're definitely too nosy for their own good.”
“Mhm,” he answered, cleaning up the pen he used for tattooing. “Anyway, are you here for your appointment?”
“Oh! Yes, I am. I want you to tattoo my arm.”
Retrieving the paper detailing her tattoo, she handed it to him. Examining what it looks, he simply raised an eyebrow.
Granted, the tattoo is simplistic— he can make do with outlining the bird like it was a constellation. It wasn't something he would suck at. However, the bird she chose was a phoenix.
Interesting metaphor. Though, he's simply curious on what drove her to choose such an interesting thing to be on her arm.
“... Hm. Alright. I can do it.”
Placing it down, he began to prepare the tools and lead her to take a seat on the chair. Pulling on the lever, he adjusted it so that she was facing up and he pulled up the arm that she wanted it on.
It wasn't long until the soft thrumming of the tattoo gun echoed as he worked on the tattoo, following each and every step of the stencil down to its smallest details. Sure, Ana and him conversed while he worked, but he remained silent to focus on doing the tattoo.
Silence was a comfortable thing for him, and sometimes, he can see it be a comfortable thing for her, too.
It did take hours until he was done with the tattoo, and although he had half of his mind to add that mark, he added something else that’s tied to him. Right by the wing had 保护 written on it, each line and curve made as accurately as one could with writing a different language.
It was different from the ones he’d do. And he made sure to keep it that way.
“There. It’s done.”
He observed how Ana’s eyes would trail over at the tattoo, moving as she examined it in great detail. He was one of the best tattoo artists she could ever find, but he knew she saw that print on the wing, too.
It was just a relief that she didn’t bother to ask.
“Since it’s your first time getting a tattoo, you can have this,” he added, grabbing a bag full of supplies with an addition he left there for her. “It’ll help when your skin gets irritated with the ink. Others had that happen to them.”
“Really? Well, I’ll use them if that happens.”
His amber eyes flickered from the tattoo gun and towards the bag, catching the gleam of turquoise peeking from inside.
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It was convenient that he placed that thing in her bag.
Now, he had an even bigger reason to do what he had to do to those that dare to mess with what’s his.
“I didn’t know you’d come back to stalk her,” the tattoo artist commented coldly, his heels digging into the wound on the reporter’s side. “I’m surprised. Seems like you have the audacity to try again to ‘frame’ me yourself.”
He hardly cared for the amount of blood he spilt. For the tattoo artist, having to make someone be worried in his shop was more than enough to gun for the culprit.
“Tell me. Were you going to abduct her?”
The reporter had the audacity to laugh at his face, the pain sending his mind to overdrive. Scowling, he dug in deeper, feeling his patience wear thin. He hated to delay what could hurt his lo— friend, he had to correct himself. He didn’t want those people to get to her.
“W-What’s it to you? I thought—”
“I’m not involved, but that’s my friend, you garbage.”
With another dig at the wound and his gun loaded, he aimed it at his other leg. He was already sure that she would wind herself in danger because of what he’s done, so he needed to be swift if he wanted to reach Ana.
He can’t risk losing her. Not to those bastards.
“I’ll ask again. Were you going to abduct her, you vile being?”
Much to his displeasure, the reporter laughed again. Although, he can tell that he wasn’t in the right mind. The expression he wore simply reminded him of those bitter memories he had hid all those years ago in his time at Enkanomiya, and he loathed to see it on another person.
Heaven knows what drove him like this, but he had done something immoral. He needed to do this in return.
Yes. He needs to. She’ll die if he doesn’t.
“... Hmph. I suppose you’re no talk and bite.”
Click. BANG.
Xiao could vaguely hear the gunshot ring as blood began to pour out onto the pavement, but this time, he felt no guilt for his actions. He knew it was bad, but he could hardly care about what’s on his mind.
Turning around, he grabbed his phone and contacted Ana’s number. He needed to be able to speak to her. He needed to.
It rang once.
It rang twice.
It rang far more than that. It continued to ring and ring, amping up Xiao’s worry the longer she didn’t take the call.
And after God knows how long, he heard it click.
… She’s fine.
“... Did I wake you up?” he asked her on the phone, his voice lowering its usual volume— possibly due to his relief. “I thought you’d be awake.”
“Mm… Almost, but yeah,” he heard her yawn. “I was… Looking for that guy. Then I fell asleep for, uh… an hour or something.”
“Has anyone entered the house?”
“... No. I’m fine. I had it locked, like you told me to.”
“Say, you sound panicked—”
“I’m fine,” he told her, cutting her off. With a sigh, he looked at the body, then at the phone. “Anyway, I’ll… Leave you alone for the night. I have a few things I need to take care of.”
He’d have to ‘clean’ things up. He can’t let her see it.
No one can ever see the crime he's done.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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lawleon · 3 months
Complete FuniFuni Collection!
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After many years of hunting I was finally able to complete my FuniFuni collection! I almost never see these plushies discussed in comparison to Fumos so I thought I'd talk about what I understand about them since the Circle that made them, Phantasm Screen, seems to be completely defunct. The initial run of Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae first showed up in July 2009 and the most "recent" additions, Satori, Orin, Remilia, and Flandre first showed up in August 2010. The only record of legitimate online sales of these plushies I can find is an old entry on Melonbooks for the hanging strap version of Orin from 2010. Some evidence suggests they were sold on Toranoana and at IRL events as well. They were most likely distributed at a few more events and probably at IRL bookstore/doujin shops after the final set was made before the Circle closed up shop. I would reasonably expect that all of these plushies are roughly a decade old, and no more new ones have been made since then. As time has passed it has obviously become more difficult to find online auctions for some of these, you can still find auctions for Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae somewhat often, but the plushies released later don't show up as often since there were fewer distributions of them. The full sized version of Satori was particularly difficult for me to locate, I think I won the only auction for the full sized Satori plush I had seen in 5 years? (For the absurd price of $12 plus shipping.)
These plushies are smaller in comparison to Fumos.
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In my opinion the Funis are generally a bit more detailed than Fumos. More fabric types are used, with a lot of the frills Touhou outfits are known for are made of lace on the Funis versus the satin ribbons that Fumos use.
Additionally, if you'll forgive me for talking about plushie tooshie, Fumos generally stick with the exact same basic design for the area where the plushie sits, but Funis are willing to go into detail even down to the footwear. The bloomers are modeled like actual clothing, and look at Satori's socks and house slippers!
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Let's talk about tags. In a world with bootleg Fumos, the presence or absence of a visible tag was probably the first thing people attempting to obtain one were taught to look for. Scalpers are not trying to duplicate Funis for fat stacks of cash so whether or not a Funi has a tag is more of a personal preference, or for a feeling of reassurance. I was able to obtain 12/13 of my Funis with tags, pictured below. (Did you think I was going to let the absence of a tag prevent me from buying the only Satori I had seen in like 7 years?)
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Anyways, I've been hunting these for a long time and I'm very happy to have completed my collection. If you also enjoy Touhou plushies and are annoyed/infuriated with the resale market Fumo prices, and a character you enjoy is available in the limited selection, consider a FuniFuni instead. They are a highly detailed alternative plushie that generally sell for a fraction of the price of a Fumo. If you're interested in picking up any of these cuties you'll have to hunt on auction sites, but with the existence of Buyee now making proxy services easily accessible to most people, it's easier to get Funis for decent prices from JP Yahoo Auction. If anyone else out there is hunting for these I do wish you luck. Anyways, I need to get back to being mad about the fact that there aren't any Shinmyoumaru plushies, or goods in general. See'ya around!
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creppersfunpalooza · 6 months
wouldn’t it be so silly if my ocs had tumblr
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🎀 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
there’s this one girl i absolutely fucking hate but i need to know what brand of hair dye she uses oh my god. completely unrelated note does anyone know the most effective way of prying open a window without causing permanent damage or any noise? thank you, luv lia 💜
🔁 bunnicula Follow
I’m reporting you.
(25 notes)
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🪽 reaperofcupid Follow
HELLO TUMBLR!💞 Have any unresolved love conflicts? A crush you just can’t get out of your head? stop by for a free love potion! i’ll also grant additional wishes that are within my range of capabilities. tips optional (in the form of life force and/or magic <3). you’ll find me if and when you need me!~ xoxoxo
(205 notes)
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🧿 priest-of-pawns Follow
going out on the TOWN!! turns out being in the church has some perks lol. we’re volunteering to oversee a few services. excited af. maybe i’ll even get to read some new people.
🔁 priest-of-rooks Follow
🔁 priest-of-pawns Follow
let’s try to keep the body count low this time okay???
🔁 priest-of-rooks Follow
I’ll try!
🔁 the-church-of-ocellus Follow
aw, you two deserve to live a little. go wild! -celly 👁️
(6,368 notes)
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⌛️ allthateverwas Follow
hAhA wAtch thIs gUyS
🔁 thetalesofarabbit’s-banned-account Follow
(1 note)
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🌿 fairest-of-folk Follow
@reaperofcupid is a SCAMMER. do NOT buy from him!!!!! i want a REFUND!!!!!!
🔁 reaperofcupid Follow
bitch it’s free. i hope you know how stupid you look right now. now how about you explain your issue like a rational client?
🔁 fairest-of-folk Follow
oh nvm it’s working now :3!! i think!!
🔁 reaperofcupid Follow
lovely. now fuck off.
(15 notes)
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🍬 mai-kandi Follow
shoutout to my girlfriend :D!!!!! who may or may not be an FBI agent!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖 babe you can tell me if you are!!!!!!!
🔁 bunnicula Follow
Uhm. Not exactly. Love you too though! 🖤
(52 notes)
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🔷 da-official Follow
Productivity is up 6%! Keep up the good work! New approved hypotheses and studies being released to the public soon!
🔁 the-black-rabbit’s-banned-account Follow
🔁 tbr-official Follow
If anyone is aware of who was behind the impersonator account, please stop by my office to report them to me. Thank you, TBR.
(341 notes)
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💉 dr-venstal Follow
Looking for volunteer drug testers! Your help contributes to a better future! You’ll get a free lollipop if you participate! <3
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
Well, that’s a bit mean.
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
do i look like i care. go cry in the bathrooms or whatever you gay people do idc.
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
🔁 metallia’s-banned-account Follow
sorry do you want me to cry with you or something? yeah i’m bisexual so what?? do you think calling me that hurts? i was kidding about the gay thing. i also like girls. wow surprise. i kiss women. i am married to a woman.
🔁 dr-venstal Follow
I’m bisexual, Ophelia.
(532 notes)
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🎸 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
new phone new account. apparently people thought i was a werewolf for a while lmao.
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
🔁 just-hollywood Follow
🔁 yourfavoritebloodycunt Follow
i’m deleting my account. kms. goodbye internet.
(13 notes)
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💎 eshimaislegallyblonde Follow
Hellooo! Does anyone have room for a new flat mate?? I do have a certain price range, but I’m working on getting a better job at the moment <3. I love true crime podcasts, coffee shops, sweets, the color pink, and horror movies. I’m fine with all different kinds of music and I’m always open to new things! I’m looking for someone with similar interests, so that way we can develop a closer friendship!
🔁 o0spooky_lover0o Follow
YOU’RE MOVING OUT???????? :{
🔁 eshimaislegallyblonde Follow
oh god oh fuck callum you weren’t supposed to find this. look you’re really sweet but the weird screams coming from your room are starting to freak me out at night.
🔁 o0spooky_lover0o Follow
Oh. okay yeah that’s fair!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!! :3
(3 notes)
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sapphicsnzs · 6 months
my wlw ocs<3
Hey!! I’ve been working on making wlw ocs for a while and I’m ready to introduce them to you! Meet Libby and Maisey!!
Feel free to ask any questions or send asks about them. The first fic I wrote is after they get together, but I have ideas to explore them as they get together. 
Info: Maisey and Libby met as sophomores in college. They go to the same college and met working at the same coffee shop. They worked the Tuesday/Thursday opening shifts together every week. After the first few shifts Libby started showing off her talent for making drinks, which Maisey in desperate need of caffeine fell hard for. They went out for a bit before making it official. 
Libby (She/they): Environmental science student who is also minoring in painting. One day she wants to work in environmental activism, but for now she's learning. She works at the coffee shop called, The Coffee Bean, which is how the two met and fell in love. They will typically be wearing some sort of second-hand clothing (that's usually covered in paint or mud) with their hair braided. She’s very relaxed, easy-going, but also is very social. They live with two roommates who are their best friends (Clara and Harper). Libby likes to take things a little slower. She appreciates having time to relax and take care of herself. She loves a good bath or a day resting, and hopefully she'll be able to get Maisey to join her. Her love language is acts of service so she loves taking care of her Maisey in any way whether it's making her favorite meal or doing tasks so she can relax when she gets home. Libby loves gardening, hiking, or doing anything outside, although she has the worst allergies. Maisey always jokes that she loves the earth but the earth doesn’t love her back. In addition she is an avid user of handkerchiefs because she is very environmentally friendly, however, she knows Maisey exclusively uses tissues so she has no problem buying them for her. Although she's more easy-going she puts her foot down when it comes to Maisey taking breaks. 
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Maisey (She/her): Pre-med student who overworks herself constantly. She doesn't really know what field she wants to go into, but she loves science and helping people. She works at the coffee shop and volunteers at her local hospital. Despite being insanely busy, she always looks put together. Her friends always joke that they have no idea how she always looks so put together. She is typically seen wearing colorful fashionable clothing with her hair expertly styled. She has also perfected her skincare and everyday makeup routine. Maisey is very social and outgoing with classmates, friends, and patients. She's a bit of an oversharer, but that is how she humanizes herself to her peers and the people that love her. Maisey wants to be a perfectionist, but often falls short, however, she is very loved and the people around her always support her no matter what. Maisey lives with one roommate who she used to be close with but isn’t really anymore. She also has a small orange cat named Peaches (although her and Libby love calling her Princess Peach). As a pre-med student she is a natural caretaker, so the second Libby feels unwell she absolutely dotes on her. Maisey’s love language is physical touch, so whenever Libby is unwell she is all over her despite the risk of contagion. Additionally, she is a walking pharmacy and has anything her friends or Libby could possibly need, although she rarely uses it for herself. Maisey tends to catch any bug that she comes in contact with, which is a lot working at the hospital. A lot of the time she is able to work through her illnesses, but Libby is always there to remind her to take care of herself too. She is slightly allergic to cats, but loves them so much that she suffers through it. 
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I'm really excited!!! They're so precious and I hope you like them!!! I’m hoping to have their first fic up in the next few days. Once I get more comfortable with writing for them I’ll probably open up requests but in the meantime feel free to send asks about them. I’ll tag all my fics under my fics and my ocs and their names. I’m super excited thank you<3
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lachlanthesane · 7 months
People of Tumblr, my cousin and I have made a major stride forward in the field of Fictional Character Autism Research.
Name a fictional character who:
Has a single safe food they are extremely well-known for enjoying
Goes through multiple hyperfixations, usually a different one in every story/episode they appear in
Stims when happy or excited
Wears the same comfortable but old-fashioned outfit every day
Has an incredibly well-trained service dog
Drum roll please, folks...
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1. Cheese is his safe food! He knows loads about cheese because he is hyperfixated on it and he wants to know everything about why its taste and texture varies!
2. In addition to cheese, he hyperfixates on various different things and usually expresses that by inventing stuff to help! In A Grand Day Out he's hyperfixating on space travel. In A Close Shave he's hyperfixating on window-cleaning and bungee-jumping. In Curse of the Were-Rabbit he's hyperfixating on rabbit behaviour (at a time when the rest of the village is getting very upset about rabbits).
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3. This hand-wiggle thing he does when he's excited? That's STIMMING, baby!
4. He always wears the button-up shirt and woolen sweater because it's comfortable for him. He wears the tie because he's heard in the past that it's important to dress formally when you want to be taken seriously, and so he dresses formally all the time because it's more comfortable for him anyway. (TBH this is the biggest stretch because most autistic people I know despise the feeling of woven wool, but at least he's wearing the sweater over the top of another clothing item?)
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5. Gromit is a service dog, possibly the best-trained service dog of all time. He doesn't wear a service dog vest because he doesn't need to -- it's possible that Wallace trained him personally without actually knowing what a "service dog" means. Everyone else in town just lets Gromit do whatever, because whenever a new person buys a shop in town, they get a brief talking-to along the lines of "This Wallace chap is a bit weird but he's a good soul, his dog is smarter than him and you can let it do whatever it likes, do not trust any of Wallace's inventions".
Anyway, if anyone has any research grants for the Fictional Character Autism Research program, I'll split the payment with my very autistic cousin who came up with most of this.
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rz-jocelyn · 2 months
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[NEWS] Musical Touken Ranbu: Additional Goods for the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi no Oku Hitotsu Hachisu~" have been Announced
Additional stage goods featuring the Touken Danshi idol outfits for the live segment in "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi no Oku Hitotsu Hachisu~" will be made available.
More information about the goods and how to purchase them can be found under the cut.
Bromide (Live Version)
7 sets (3 bromides per set)
Price: 600 yen
NOTE: The bromide will be sold as individual sets at the venues. For online purchases, all 7 sets will be sold together.
Bonus 2L-Size Bromide (Live Version)
For fans who buy all 7 sets of bromides (live version), a bonus 2L-size bromide will be included.
Price: 4,200 yen
Penlight Film (Live Version)
7 designs
Price: 400 yen
Ribbon Scarf
7 designs
Price: 1,300 yen
Acrylic Stand
7 designs
Price: 1,100 yen
Live Photo Holder
7 designs
Price: 1,500 yen
Random Live Photo
14 designs
Price: 400 yen (1 randomly selected)
Random Can Badge
14 designs
Price: 500 yen (1 randomly selected)
Sales Start Date: April 26, 2024
Sales Start Time: 1.00pm (Japan time)
To purchase the goods, please refer to the links below.
Musical Touken Ranbu Official Website: HERE
Nelke Online Shop: HERE
Silkroad Store: HERE
NOTE: For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
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day6source · 10 months
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hello loves! since we've got so much coming out for letters with notes, i thought i'd make a little masterpost for where to buy and a bit more of a breakdown of which events will be happening; video call/pc event/whatever else special going on, and update it as we go!! i'll do these for future albums of course as well hehe. i'll also do my best to link all of the music show performances once promotions start (and maybe smth else as a surprise, we'll see hehe) (all other stuff will be just in their general tags, so probably not visits to anywhere to promote, but definitely the music show performances themselves (for now))! this will be continuously updated, so i'll try and bring it back when there's been additions! everything starts under the read more!
below are options for where to buy! most of them are online shops linked directly from the fans.jyp page, as well as a few places i personally like to buy from that have pretty good prices. thejypshop by default has a pre-order event, but is also always listed, so it's under the main shopping bit! i did my best to include mostly international sites (they default to english) for the main set provided by jyp. if you have any sites used in your country feel free to send them and i'll add the links in (these are american centric given i'm in america haha).
below is all of the content to watch!! m/v's, concerts, promo stuff, performances!! if it pertains to the album it goes here!
we got a couple of written interviews! if you wanna read them, they're all right here! i typed them all out so that they'd be a little more accessible/easier to read than on an ad bloated site, so all of these link on the blog here!
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Sam signs up.
Taglist: @vickytokio @ashintheairlikesnow @thefancydoughnut @malcolmisthebrightestboy @redwingedwhump @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @finder-of-rings @orchidscript @hackles-up
It's three minutes after midnight and there is blood on Sam’s hands. 
It glimmers red under the neon shine of the streetlamps Sam hastes past.  His face is damp with tears and sweat. Tears that won’t dry even in the oppressive summer heat, they are falling too fast, too numerous. A well of pain flowing over. 
I can’t do this anymore.
Sam’s hand throbs. Sam’s head throbs
His heart throbs. 
Somewhere in the distance a car alarm goes off.
He stumbles on the crossing into the nice part of town. The great hall of the central station is enclosed in thick steel beams and looms over Sam like the industrial carcass of a whale. It’s silvery bones illuminated by floodlights. Behind it, the fashion shops and restaurants of the city's shopping district tower high into the sky. Technicolored neon lights sparkle in their glass facades. 
At the end of the currently deserted strip lies Sam’s goal. WRU. 
Old sneakers against pavement. His footsteps echo between the empty buildings, growing faster, faster, in his haunted desperation. 
If he slows down enough for the oxygen to catch up with his brain, long enough to think about this, to doubt this-
He can’t chicken out. Not now. The blood on his hand has almost dried, color shifting from red to brown. It's too late to stop. All his dreams and aspirations, he smashed them up alongside his sewing machine. Ripped them apart as he shredded his midterm project to tiny pieces of golden fabric. Even if he had the money to re-buy the materials, replace his machine, there wasn’t enough time to re-do that dress from scratch. 
Good! I don’t want this shit anyway. I just want out! Let me get out!
He bursts into Wru’s reception hall, its glass doors opening with a quiet ‘ding’.
The receptionist startles awake from where she’d dozed off behind the counter. Perfectly rose painted lips curve into an apologetic smile. She brushes a lock of honey blond hair back behind her ear. 
“”How can I help you?” 
Sam’s ragged breathing fills the silence between them as he just stares, for a moment. Suddenly remembering where he is, Sam straightens, fumbles with his shirt to make himself look half decent, not sweaty and flushed with his old cat shirt stuck to his back.
“Good-” he gulps down a breath. “Good evening. I, uhm, I wanna sign up.” 
“Oh.” The receptionist musters him, eyes scanning him top to bottom. Sam’s face is burning from more than exertion now. 
“Am I wrong here?” 
“Oh, no no. It’s only- Are you of age?”
“Twentyone.” Sam mumbles, deflating with every second he stands in the shining emptiness of this fake marble hall. It had to be fake, right? 
The woman smiles, pleasant but empty. "Alright. I do need your ID information for our records nonetheless and-” she put a clipboard and pen on the pristine counter, “These are some additional information we need for your check in.”
Check in.
As if signing your very life away was as easy as simply checking into a hotel. Three nights as a pet please. Yes, with breakfast and room service, thank you.
Suppressing a snort Sam fumbles his wallet out of his pocket and plugs his ID from it with shaking fingers. He holds it out to her, arm straining over the counter and on his tiptoes.
“Here.” He says, short but polite, before snatching the clipboard and pen from the counter.  
“You can sit in our waiting area to fill this out.” She gestures to the right without looking up, already typing away one handed, eyes scanning his ID.
The area reminds Sam of a doctor's waiting room, only far more luxurious. Three leather couches stand around a low wooden table, dark and polished. Pet magazines are neatly laid atop it. The tv in the corner plays wru ads on mute. In the corner stands a water dispenser that looks more expensive than all of Sam’s possessions combined. If he would try to drink from it now, Sam knows he would throw up.
He sits down with a soft squeak of leather. The pen scratches over the paper with every word. 
Known allergies: None.
Known  pre-existing illnesses: None.
He is halfway through the first sheet, medical history,  when the dialing of a phone number catches his attention.
“Yes. We have a new acquisition, yes. I need a handler to pick him up, finish the check in. Quickly. Yes.” 
Why quickly? Sam finishes the first sheet in a scribbled hurry. 
“Samantha Higgens?” Sam cringes at his deadname. Whatever, soon it’ll be gone for good right? “Have you informed family or friends about your decision?”
Sam bristles. “How’s that your business?” 
She smiles, very patiently. “We offer a service to inform your bereaved about your choices and answer any questions they might have. Most people find it reassuring to know that no open questions remain for the people- that might have them.” 
 The people that might- worry about him. Miss him.
There is no oxygen left in Sam’s lungs, all of a sudden. The room is way too big and his hands are shrinking, skin too tight over his bones. His brain sloshes around inside his skull. 
“No.” He hears himself say, voice high and tight. “I- I’ll text her myself.” 
The elevator door dings and boots clip over the marble floor with each approaching step. Sam fumbles his phone out of his pocket, hands shaking so bad he nearly drops it. 
Warm fingers steady his own.  When Sam looks up he finds himself face to face with a man near his forties, smiling down at him. He grips his phone tighter. 
“There we go.” The man flops down next to him, eyes crinkling. “The last message, hm? I can’t imagine how brave you have to be to write those.” 
“Huh?” Sam’s face crumbles in confusion, his impending panic attack stopped dead in its tracks. “Who, who are you?” 
The man's brown eyes grow serious without losing their warmth. He is handsome in a way Sam rarely finds in a middle aged man. Dependable looking. Save. “I’m your primary handler. Call me Mister Wilson.”
Sam shakes his outstretched hand on instinct. “I’m- well that won’t really matter once this whole pet thing starts, right?” 
Mister Wilson hums, pleased. “A quick learner I see. I think we will have a great time together. The smart ones are my favorite.”
Heat floods Sam’s face and he drops his gaze, pressing the start button on his phone repeatedly to do something with his hands. 
Mister Wilson lets him fumble until his nervousness morphes back into despondency. He opens his messenger app, closes it again. Opens it. Closes it. Sam stalls for time and they both know it. 
“Little one,” Mister Willsons begins softly, “you’ve gotta be brave one last time now. And after that, I promise you, you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
With a big sigh and his heart beating against his throat so violently he wonders if Mr Wislon can see it, Sam pulls up his aunt's chat. There are at least five voicemails she must have sent after Sam stormed out the door, after their fight. And after demolishing the room, she never stopped complaining about giving up for him. 
Whatever is on there he won’t listen to it. They’re just gonna be a continuation of her never ending accusations anyway. Telling him what a burden he is. How he should give up his dreams of becoming a designer and get a proper job. Whenever she hits a bad mental health spot she turns into a broken record player of soul crushing bitchery!
But when she has a good streak she-
Sam shakes his head so abruptly Mister Wilson startles beside him. 
Fingers shaking with anger punch in the first word. 
Delete it. 
Type a new one.
Delete it.
Try a third.
His fingers aren’t shaking from anger when he finally hits send. His phone screen is slippery with tears. 
I’m sorry. 
I can’t do this anymore. 
I’m becoming a pet. 
I love you.
Forgive me.
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Hey, I was wondering where an ethical breeder might be? I've been wanting to get a rodeo for a long while as I have all the accomodations needed but I can't seem to find an ethical breeder!
Let’s talk clown breeding!
It’s an age old question, is it ethical in our day and age to purchase a clown instead of adopting?
Let’s talk about the benefits, for one thing you get to know the clowns entire medical history, all it’s genetics and possible health affects as it gets older, you have more control over its attitude and behavior as it ages, and of course you get a cute hatchling to take care of.
Unfortunately all these benefits don’t really outweighs the negatives. In our modern era, with the addition of invasive clown species, lax clown ownership laws and underfunded public services we have an extreme amount of stray clowns. These clowns are often feral, diseased and in a lot of pain, physically or otherwise. And unfortunately breeding only worsens this problem!
There’s an incredible lack of interest in rehoming and helping these strays, the stigma around a stray clown tends to lead to people saying “just let it fend for itself out there, nature will take its course,” which has proven itself false, or a lot of people saying stray clowns are simply not worth the effort.
On top of that, when people buy a clown hatchling and find it’s too much to take care of, often times instead of turning it into a clown sanctuary they’ll just release it to the wild. Leading to feral clown populations only growing.
So that’s the outside effect of clown breeding, now let’s talk about the bred hatchlings you’re buying.
These clownlings aren’t all what they seem, often times breeders are inbreeding their clowns for certain physical attributes, leading to severe genetic disorders and predispositions to illness. Breeders are often times also breeding their clowns too young or too often, leading the mother clown to become incredibly sick, aggressive, and abused. These mother clowns are kept in terrible cages most of the time, trapped in what could barely even be considered a dog crate, forced to churn out eggs or be put down.
So! What’s the pro in Adopting a clown?
Adopting a clown has so many benefits! Especially if you adopt from a shelter or sanctuary! Often times sanctuaries and shelters will have a small adoption fee, these funds are used to cover in house costs like taking care of the clowns, but they can also be used to benefit the public as well, through such methods as TNR, aka Trap, Neuter, Release. Which helps take feral clown colonies from constantly having new clutches of eggs and creating more stray hatchlings, to healthy colonies that will eventually stop existing after that generation of clown.
So there’s benefiting your community, but what’s in it for you if you own a stray clown?
Well for one thing, most of the time stray clowns aren’t purebred, meaning they aren’t inbred. Overall non purebred clowns are healthier, happier and smarter than purebred ones. Stray clowns can also be some of the sweetest, smartest clowns you’ve ever met. Take our newest edition to the sanctuary Fairy Floss, she’s a sweet young clown that was rescued from a hoarding situation and is one of the sweetest clowns I’ve ever met.
I hope this helps clear up some things! I know it didn’t exactly answer your question but it’s always good to remind people; Adopt, don’t Shop.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
where do you buy your DL merch? :D what sites do you recommend buying from? i really want to start collecting merch but i don’t really know where to start… i have the mangas and that’s it );
// First and foremost, you need to search for a proxy service. There are a bunch, and the majority of them contain a shopping section with flea markets. There you will be able to find DL merch! ^^
Second, you can purchase goods via Rejet's official store, SkitDolce, but you will have to copy the link of the item you want to buy and put it into the site of your proxy. However, be careful because Rejet likes to sell kuji (lottery), thus there is no guarantee that you will get the character you desire. I know it sucks, especially since DL has 13 guys and it'll be difficult to obtain your best boy, but hey maybe you’re lucky. :”)
Last but not least, please keep in mind that using a proxy will never be cheap. You must pay for the shipping, additional fees, and VAT (in most cases). Being an international fan is kinda hard (lol), however if you truly want to buy something, it is occasionally worthy to pay that amount of money.
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