#blocked that lunatic
ae-neon · 11 months
"You're queer and you support Palestine? Well Hamas is homophobic and the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas so-"
Putting aside that you have no way of knowing what most Palestinian people think, AND THAT YOUR BOMBS ARE KILLING QUEER PALESTINIANS TOO - and also putting aside the very white tendency to group others when I'm sure in your own country many people are also homophobic - why do you think that matters?
This is a very different situation from countries that are not under an oppressive apartheid regime by illegal settlers like Saudi Arabia, the west's genocidal best friend. The Palestinians are fighting for their lives???
Like I'm sorry but in the very real reality of being bombed daily, I don't think people are backing resistance fighters on their party policies?? I think if there's a guy shooting back at the people who killed my father and mother, then of course I support that guy??
Like think about the luxury you're living in where you think that there're options besides stay alive
Pre-2015 gay marriage was not recognised as a right in the USA, so was the vast majority of people homophobic and therefore undeserving of freedom of movement or even the right to life??
My country (in Africa!) had legalised same-sex marriage ten years before you did so by your own logic I have the moral high ground to tell you to shut the fuck up
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svtskneecaps · 10 months
not to qsmp purgatory post in the month of our lord december 2023, but genuine question for soulfire mains:
i've seen a lot of fanposting about soulfire being connected to ice symbolically the way bolas was to gas, how much of that symbolism was directly pushed or reinforced by the ccs?
as a bolas main, i can think of blue's spawn being a frozen hellscape, bad wearing the freeze armor 24/7, and bad finding green's base with the ice from a blizzard event!
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bitchy-peachy · 25 days
Pro Free Palestine fucks be like:
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saintgoddess · 8 months
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clowny kiss 😘
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hyumjim · 2 months
Once you accept that the private lives of strangers are generally not your concern you will become a happier person I believe. I think that the preoccupation with, idk let’s just use a totally random example, trans people…. is often a desperate attempt to distract oneself from an empty and unfulfilling life. Like if you click on terf blogs you can see how deep the obsession goes, how desperately unhappy these people obviously are, and it’s pretty clear that this is a cover for something. Like if you didn’t have all this stuff to obsess over, what else would be there? ‘Cause if you had anything else going on, like, literally anything that makes you happy, I feel like you would be posting about that. Or if you were in touch enough with your own humanity to have genuine concern for other people then you would be focusing on actual real life issues (i.e. Gaza). But instead your blog is 95% THE TROONS.
I’m reminded of compulsive hoarding, actually. STORYTIME, I’m a therapist, and I remember the first time I worked with a client who had a pretty significant hoarding problem. My supervisor suggested that hoarding is often a subconscious attempt to distract from some painful aspect of a person’s life, often a deep trauma. If there’s all this STUFF around you all the time, it’s very easy to live in constant distraction from whatever might otherwise hurt you. (In this case, that theory was right on the money— it turned out that the onset of my client’s hoarding had occurred after the death of their mother, whose old room was now literally inaccessible due to the buildup of stuff..!)
And I think this is mirrored in people who spend all of their free time obsessing over the private choices and lifestyles of a large swath of people (trans people, fat people, poor people, people getting abortions, kinksters, sex workers, gay people, etc etc). Depending on the target of their obsession, this usually indicates some deep-seated insecurity about their own life, their body, their sexuality, their social/financial standing, their success, their happiness in relationships.
And it’s obvious when you hear, for example, terfs talking about their relationships with trans family members, that these people are isolating themselves and burning bridges as they become further and further radicalized. So this is a self-perpetuating cycle. You are unhappy and lonely, so you take up this crusade against other people, and people you may have otherwise had bonds with will dislike you and reject you, which makes you unhappy and lonely. Rinse and repeat, i guess, until maybe one day you are able to conclude that this is actually making your life worse.
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forcedhesitation · 10 months
this undeniably has to be one of the worst opinions I've seen about this season. like out of the plentiful failures season 4 had... you really couldn't choose one to talk about? max's mental health was one of the only things that I felt season 4 handled pretty damn well.
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I do think it could have been better written, yes. the ending of her arc in season 4 was....insulting at best.
but overall? the show does a great job of addressing that max actually hated billy (she literally fucking admits to wishing for his death) and that her grief is more complicated than just missing a person. because she wasn't missing a person! she was ultimately glad billy was gone. but even in death, he torments her.
she watched a person she grew up with be brutally murdered by some fleshy abomination, RIGHT in front of her. her shitbag step father bailed on her and her mother after billy died, forcing them to move to the trailer park. her mother abuses alcohol and is never home because she's always working so they can afford to live in the trailer park. her friend group has been split in two by the byers moving away, which took el away from her too. she doesn't know how to reach out to lucas, deep down doesn't feel she deserves his love & concern, despite lucas' best efforts (vecna literally taunts her with lucas turning on her at the final confrontation). she wished so badly to have someone like steve in billy, but she knows that billy would never be that person. he was the complete opposite & she can't just have steve in his place. she mourns the brother she never had. she is devastated by the way billy still hurts her, even after he's gone.
she's what. fourteen??? when this all happens?
like the death of an abuser is never so simple as "hooray! I am so very joyous now that the source of my pain is gone!" the damage an abuser inflicts on you is not some cut to the skin that can be healed and one day forgotten. it's so much more tortuous than that. especially for a child.
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monards · 1 month
the block button is so important but dear lord does it take so much control to use it.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
ik how you feel about huntlow, but how about gus and matholomule for the ship asks?
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[ID: an ask from @treehouseandmushrooms that reads "gustholomule :-)". End ID]
The people want to hear my thoughts on gustholomule apparently!! My rating is A!
Because, like. Gustholomule is objectively the funniest ship in the show. Objectively. This is mostly because Matt is the funniest character on the show, but together with Gus he's. So funny. It should be a crackship. It should have no basis together and it should not have the amount of untapped potential and meaning it does. BUT IT DOES!! I am not apart of the subset of fans dedicated to analysing them as characters and their relationships but I do often watch from afar and I will say that thematically, aesthetically, mechanically, these two are like. Made for each other in such a way that I'm baffled it probably isn't intentional.
Construction and illusions, pragmatism and artistry, "stooge" and "clown", rogue and bard, the scrappy little opportunistic chihuahua of a boy that is mattholomule becoming a better person thanks to the sincere and silly, anxious and kind kid that is Gus. Also I can't get over my personal HC of Matt getting involved in the future democratic politics of the boiling isles (HE WAS A GOOD LEADER IN FTF! LET HIM BE PRESIDENT OF MORE THAN A SCHOOL CLUB WHEN HE'S OLDER) and the shows foreshadowing of Gus maybe being an ambassador to the human realm as an adult. Imagine two of the most powerful political leaders in your island nation used to be the most cringe insane preteen boys on the boiling isles. What do you even do with that information
Anyway, if any couple gets a last minute bone tossed to them in the finale, whether it be a split second reunion, a small feature in a montage, or a throw-away line during a timeskip scene, I fully believe it should be gustholomule. They deserve it
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people are arguing over whether taylor swift is a lesbian with a beard or if shes bisexual and im like yall were not listening. like im SOOOO SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes straight though i know its so so sad im SO sorry :(((((((((( i know youre so disappointed you really thought she was queer and honestly she DOES owe you that for all you did for her!!!!!!!! but im just GOD im just so so sorry you so dont deserve this but she is in fact straight and not gay :((
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lmao i'm going to have to change so many things in my mods when the expansion releases. like they are currently "make getting to the rocket slightly more complicated" which is fine for vanilla since megabasing isn't very interesting imo. but if you have to build a rocket factory and a mall on every planet you go to then making you build everything 5 times for a full playthrough is probably too much hassle.
I also do not terribly want to define masses of all items because the size of some items is "magic." i.e. you need one flywheel for gyroscopes which are a fairly expensive midgame intermediate despite representing a fairly small doodad, but e.g. gun turrets and mining drills also need a single flywheel and in those recipes the same item is clearly representing a much bigger object, because it wasn't really worth anyone's time to have separate items representing different sizes of flywheels. it's probably mostly fine? i don't know how the auto mass calculation is going to work with multiple recipes though. much like how all the quality apologia has shown the same simple loops as if they aren't a) boring to do for everything and 2) break down entirely for more complex recipes, this feels like a level of detachment from what mods actually exist and what kinds of complexity people like. like they keep going on about how great the mod community is and how things will be usable by modders but then design shit that needs seven layers of hardcoding to avoid allowing transmutation.
i also really fucking hate how they are shoving mentions of quality into everything, it is such a dumb bad stupid mechanic and i wish the discussion around quality was not about everyone giving their own idea for a new naming scheme as though nobody had given a suggestion for new names of the quality levels before.
like, i do not want the option of quality. i don't like the mechanic! there's one solution to it that you need to implement for EVERY. SINGLE. MALL. ITEM. that's tedious! how is nobody else seeing how tedious that is!
i'm fine with having to send up more rockets and i'm also fine with indulging some of the tier-porn tendencies i normally dislike, because the game is longer and that justifies more strict-upgrade progression. i don't like the idea of quality sitting there tempting me because i know it will make the bottlenecks easier but ruin the doing-anything-other-than-paint-by-numbers-nothing, like using requester chests for everything.
but then again i'm the only person who likes belt malls so maybe i am the moron here.
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holdmybvbeer · 3 months
On my way home now. Props to the polish fans, they were loud as hell and absolutely amazing
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plasma-tree · 9 months
the fuck
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disc0-carp3t · 1 year
it'd be lovely if i didn't get harassed by the guy i blocked on steam going through my friends list getting them to tell me to unblock him. i'd love that. it would be great thanks
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twopoppies · 2 years
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maverickbackalley · 2 years
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Her folks had to fly out of state rather suddenly so guess who gets to pretend to be a dog dad for a week? It meeee.
I'll either not be posting as much for a week (minus the queue. the queue is eternal) because she destroys my energy reserves or spamming you guys with badly taken pictures of the baby. Only time will tell.
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mxrainbowsheep · 2 years
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lmaoooo “ you should never leave dumb fucking tags on strangers post” This is tumblr mate, would you have rather I left a dumb fucking reblog with my opinion instead? Also, consider, this is the fucking internet. Everyone’s a goddamn stranger. Further, I do know what consent is, because A.) I’ve had it violated and B.) I have had gay sex. Because I am gay. so smooth move, ex-lax.
To be honest a better insult would have been to call me a “wretched immature child” which wouldn’t be too far off (except for the fact I am an adult) because then at least you could have made a point to say that my take was childish, or that I am inexperienced. But please, tell me that my first hand experience of how consent in (gay) sex works is wrong as well as my second hand knowledge of how consent in kink/bdsm works is also wrong (no seriously please do it’s a fascinating topic, I did a little bit of reading on some of the other consent systems).
Otherwise, please have fun at pride sucking on dick, clit, and tit shaped lollipops.
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