#blonde x brunette ships
rapha-reads · 1 year
Guys. Xena's intro versus Merlin's intro. Why is there no crossover fic Merlin Xena? Yeah, sure, one's old Greek Antiquity, the other is early British Middle Age, so what, it's fiction. I wanna see how Xena would react to Merlin and what the OG Blonde & Brunette OTP would think of their legendary heirs...
"In a time of ancient gods, warlords and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle. The power, the passion, the danger. Her courage will change the world!"
"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin."
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calsvoid · 1 year
screw any canon love interests of rory’s, i am rooting for paris
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 5 months
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I have to do everything in this house
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marinerainbow · 7 months
Wait... so I've crack shipped Poppy with Winnie Weasel before, she's blonde. Psycho, my favorite guy to ship Poppy with, has a yellowish underbelly; one could argue that can count for blondness (not to mention the fact that I've seen plenty of humanized Psycho's with blonde hair). And lately, I've been shipping Poppy with @slashingdisneypasta OC Rena, who also has blonde locks.
I think I accidentally made Poppy into blondes.
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spitinsideme · 8 months
What are some other gay ships you like besides ragapom?
mae x jules from.the show devil in ohio .. i dont think ajyone understands my love for this ship and i jate how little fanfiction anf fanart tgere is of this show in general. i love this show so much devil in ohio os 5hr best show rver but i jst wsnt to say rigjt now that theg fucked the ending uo bevsude it coukd have been MORE like it shpukd hae bern MORE !!! tbe thing that happened between mae and jules was literally made up fakr drama tjat jules would have never even started at that point in their friendship, it was drama athat wpukd have nrver occured woth the way they were progresseing and the friendship stage they were in ajd i jate how it was played out it wad so fake it was so forxed and i hated it. i hated the ending i jated everything aboit the last fee episofes becaude it felt rushed it felt like the point wss to just show how fucmed this girl was and how she ruins everythinf and how manipulative she is in just 4 episodes and it wad so .. weord becsude she was progressing so well !!! itwas so out of noehere, especially taht drama between jules best friend oscar or soem bullshit and mae ??? likr its not maes failt tjat people went to her or that she got popular, and jules wpuld havr mevrr blamed it on mae at thay point becaude cjaracayer develolment had occured !!! idontknow .. i really like that ship and id love to makr fanart for it one day
claudia x grace from tbe movie my first summer. this movie was suorrduorr amaizng it was a lesbian movie i watxhed last yesr when i was on a lesbian binge mmovir and i estcbed many obscure lesbian videos ( i remdver i wtched an italian bdsm gay mpvie whrre these two girls played .. sensual sadistic hide and seek ????? it was odd .. 10/10 movie ) but ky first sumer wad greta i mens it wa sad it had an ambiguois open ending as most lesbia movies do but overall i llved itsoosmuch and tbeir kiss wss so fucking sdorsble everythinf about it wad sosos adorable and i hate hoe its not even popular ??? not many peope have wstxhe dit when its the BEST lesbian mocie ever its my favrouote literlaly ever !!! theres nnot much fsnart of fansgiction for ir rither whoch SUCKS !! i wsnt to ome dya mske it for them
laura lee x lottie from the show yellowjackets. i feel like ay this point you understand that i love my ships to have religious symbolism, something religious is going on behind it, and also, blonde x brunette !! i dontknow if aby of you have watched it but SPOILER INCOMING !!!!!!!! aftet they had their HOT AND SPICY AND HOMOEROTIC baptism scene on thwir lake i was lime woah !!! i wa ssososure they woukd have had a little will they wont they situation, a little ooo they might kiss but they probbaly wont because laura lee is cathcokix and has intrrnalised homiphobiaaas !!!! or whatrver ixonfknow bit then SHE FUCKING DIES. AND I WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW WHEN SHE DIED I STOPPED WATCHING I NEEDED TO TAKE A BREAK !!I TOOK A LOMG THREE WEK BREAK FROM YELLOEJSCKETS BECAUDE EVERYTHING I SAW, EVERYRHINF I WATCHED, EVERYTHINF REMINDED ME OF LAURA LEE AND IT HURT ME !!! IT HURT THAT I CPULDNT SEE MORR OF HER AND THAT SHE COUKDNT HAVE BEEN MORE AND THAT SHE WAS JUST THE CATHOLIX GIRL THATS ALL SHE WAS AND THATD ALL SHE DIED AS !!! AND I HATE THAT EVEN NOW I HAVE MEVER GOTTEN SO ATTACHED TO A CAHARCYRR !!! SOMETIMSI CRY REMDMEBRRONG SHES DEAD AND WILL NEVER GET TO BE MORE AND HAVE MORE AND BE COMPLEX AND SHOW HER COMPLEX THINGS !!! IT SUCKS !!!
emaline x kate from the show everything sucks. firstly, the show fucks anf i think metflix shpuld like lesbians more i mean comeon ee get ONE lesbian canon relationshio and sufdenly CNACELLED !!! we have to fucking neg for scrapes and secondly, MY FUCKING GOODDD !!!! GOOD FUCKING GOD !!! BECAUDE WHEN I SAW KATE REACH ITO HER TROUSERS WHILST LOOKONG AT THISE SEDUCTIVE PITTLR IMAGES OF WOMAN I SCREAMR DI FUCKING SCREAMED I SCREAMED LIKE A FUCKING BANSHEE AT A PRIDE PARADE !!!! I WAS SO HAPPY SHE WAS GAY !!! and when kate and emaline kissed .. i was so hapoyy i had to lause to jsut love in the moment for a bit .. theyre the best evet .. i esnt to make fanart for them .... sigh ... not enough fabart of fansfiction about them ...
enid x wednesday is also prety cute !! im not like reallyrealy imto it but its alright also im going to take a moment to beat that fucking xavierd ass i hate him do much i hope he dies its nlt even because he was a love interestedi mena that sucmed too but its becayse hes so fucking annoyong oooo my dad id alwayd on the roll or whatever and im depresseddd so i male art because im a sad fucjing srtist god go fucking get therapy stop fucking being a cunt i hate him so much
thats it .. i think .. if i remeber more ill uodate this ...
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cessmaga · 10 months
halbarry headcanons since idk if I share my own:
hal uses he/they and barry uses he/him
hal is a closet gay, barry is gay who haven't figured out yet
Barry is the only one who takes Hal's ring off since his ring recognized barry as a safe host, and maybe would protect him if Hal's not available
they are amazing with kids, and they are amazing mentors/father figures to the young superheroes
Hal's favorite color is red while Barry's favorite color is green :)) Hal's also likes blue since it reminded him of the sky but his main fav color is red
they cuddle a lot after hal's long space mission or a tough battle :))
hal wear earrings, that's it that's the post
they would talk about random stuff at night
they let each other cry or vent in need, hal never really wants to show their emotions except for barry
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Ruth: he's luke he's luke you're luke...I'M LUKE?? Are there any other Lukes I should know about??!
Tsum Tsum:
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charmygreeen · 2 years
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Idk how to draw them yet so they look funky don’t @ me. Also no I did not make a devilman & klance reference in one post 🙈 ur crazy!!!
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
*Points* I blame all you buddy daddies fuckers that are also obsessed with trigun stampede and were posting ship stuff on both shows all in one post because I saw them and now I’M a buddy daddies fucker that’s also obsessed with trigun stampede, when I LITERALLY HAVE SO MUCH THESIS, MARKING AND ASSIGNMENT SHIT DUE THIS WEEK JFIODFJIODSAFJWEOAFJAEIO THIS IS ILLEGAL
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
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moodboard: nate x leia
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lilandraws · 2 years
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Lycoris Recoil AU ~ ROTBTD
Wherein young girls, known as Fairies, work as assassins under a secret organization called Guardian Defense. Fairies are dispatched to protect society and to eliminate those who aim to disrupt peace. Disguised as school girls, they are the perfect unit to covertly deal with dangerous situations. Rapunzel Goodwin is a top-tier Fairy with a special ability that makes her impossible to hit. Despite her frighteningly accurate skills, she refuses to kill, much to her organization's disappointment. She currently works at Cafe Warren—a GD branch that covers minor private-sector problems. Astrid Hofferson is an exceptional Fairy known for her efficiency and close combat skills. However, due to insubordination during a mission, she was demoted and transferred to Cafe Warren to be partnered with Rapunzel.
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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"So being an errand boy has its perks."
"... I'm a perk?"
"That didn't come out right."
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
"I guess we're going for a ride."
When Bo says this to Gro and he lets out I think the biggest squeal we have heard from him this season. Baby is just so damn excited to be on his first official road trip with his father and mother.😘🤗😁 On a mission sanctioned by his armourer auntie🤨😐. (...I am really taken by this theory of the Armourer being the hitherto unnamed Kryze middle sister. Would give me such Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa Black vibes, and I am all for that expansion of family dysfunction. Also would not negate my belief in her having some unknown link, and current communication, with Moff Gideon, as it would just emphasise her being a true political animal from birth. Even if entered into the religious life. Each Kryze sister truly had their own way of doing things and walking different ways and I support their women's rights and wrongs.)
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a-leg-without-fear · 1 month
No Fucking Way (pt.1)
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have some absolutely adorable interactions with you and the students at the mansion (and a surprise guest)
Ship: Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader 🩸
Rating: 13+
Wordcount: 4.1k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of animals neglecting their babies, and a story so sweet my teeth hurt
Inspiration: This scene from X2: X-Men United
Series: No Fucking Way
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Your feet pounded against the gravel path beneath you. Small rocks and dirt were kicked up by your well-worn sneakers. Warm sweat dampened the cloth of your sweatshirt around your arms and chest. The sun beat down on your flushed face as a cold breeze bit across your nose. 
It was an absolutely gorgeous, autumn day. Occasional spotted clouds glided at a snail’s pace across a great blue sky. Soft breezes made the great trees surrounding the mansion dance like sheets of amber linen. Red and orange leaves skittered across the yellowing grass fields.
You saw a handful of students out on the lawn enjoying the early morning air. Sybil, a brunette with the ability to see through others’ eyes, sat beneath a large willow by the fish pond with a notepad in her hands. Vienna sat beside her. A strawberry blonde, bright eyed girl who could channel electricity into the palms of her hands. The two exchanged ideas about whatever Sybil was jotting down in her notepad.
Yuna sat not too far from the whispering pair, fingers twirling above a quickly constructed tower of stones and blades of grass. Her usual deep brown eyes now glowed a subtle violet. The maroon hijab she wore wrapped around her neck matched the crimson hues of the changing leaves in the trees around her. 
Jane, a kind-eyed tracker, Matt, a red glasses-wearing fighter, and Mads, a short-haired plant bender, sat in a circle, enjoying their morning coffee and tea together. You gave Mads a quick wave as you jogged past, receiving a warm smile and a shower of flower petals left in your wake.
The gravel path led along the left side of the mansion. Emerald ivy crawled up the brick walls like arms reaching from the earth. An occasional window broke up the light colored bricks. Most had their curtains drawn, which you attributed to a large portion of the students being late risers. One or two had the curtains open to allow fresh sunlight into the shared rooms.
You caught a glimpse of Sapph through one of the windows. Her bright smile and blue eyes were almost radiant as she basked in the streams of sunlight. Vases of sunflowers sat on the windowsill in front of her. The light seemed to bend, refracting from Sapph’s palms and hitting the sunflowers’ leaves.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The students were happy, the day was beautiful, and you only had one more lap of the mansion to jog before you’d call it a day.
You stopped just short of the empty basketball court. The crimson asphalt was covered in crunchy leaves and green brush from the nearby bushes. Corded nets hanging from the steel hoops swayed in the breeze. You looked around you, trying to find the source of the noise.
There it was again. Closer than before. It sounded like it came from an incredibly small source, whatever it was. Your sneakers crossed onto the asphalt, toes kicking at leaves and twigs. You let your eyes scan the area around you. The court was surrounded by a wall of hedges. About waist high to you, it helped keep the court clear of too much debris from the trees. 
The mansion sat against the hedges. Large, bay windows looked into a sitting area. Hira, a telepath, sat in one of the plush leather armchairs with a novel in her hands. A white hijab wrapped around her head, glasses peeking out over light brown eyes. Daniel, a light-haired strongman, and Jacob, a bearded speedster, sat on the green-clothed couch across from Hira. Dice and rulebooks laid on the coffee table in front of them.
A rustle in the hedges to your left drew your focus from the students inside. The lowest branches shuddered, small green leaves shaken off and falling to the ground below. You knelt on the asphalt and strained your eyes to see through the dense foliage.
That was the only warning you got before a tiny gray and white fur ball burst out of the hedge and landed five feet in front of you. Pointed ears folded back, blue eyes widened, arched back covered in long fuzz.
A kitten. A small, angry, fluffy kitten. No more than a few weeks old. 
You remained where you kneeled on the asphalt, palms upturned and resting on your thighs. You kept a neutral expression on your face as you blinked slowly at the small creature.
After a few moments the kitten relaxed. Its ears faced forward, tail sticking straight up as it approached you. You gingerly extended a hand for it to sniff. Its tiny, pink nose ran across the tips of your fingers as it grew acclimated to your presence.
“Hi, little one,” you said through a barely subdued, ecstatic grin. You had always wanted a cat. Ever since you were a kid, you dreamed of a tiny ball of purrs curled up in your lap and effortlessly improving your mood. Not to mention they were ridiculously easy to take care of.
The kitten took a few more moments to sniff at your fingers. Its tiny eyes squinted as it seemed to devote its entire being to assessing your threat level. Once it seemed satisfied, it rubbed its chin across your thumb. You could already feel the purrs rumbling in its throat.
It took everything in you to not explode from the cuteness overload. This little thing, this tiny itty bitty little thing, chose you. You could feel a swell of pure adoration overtake your chest, the gentle warmth spreading from head to toe.
The cat continued to rub on your hand, occasionally nibbling on your fingers with the sides of its mouth. You lifted your free hand in an attempt to pet the kitten. Moving slowly to not startle it, you gently ran your fingers across its fluffy back. An explosion of purrs, like a hive of angry bees, met your affection. The cat dug its little head into the palm of your hand. You took the hint, giving it gentle scratches on the soft spots by its ears.
“You are the cutest fucking thing I’ve seen in my life,” you breathed in astonishment. The cat seemed to enjoy the compliment, pawing at your hands and attempting to climb closer to your face. You scooped its tiny body in your hands and lifted it to your chest.
Tiny paws kneaded at the fabric of your sweatshirt. Little needle-like claws pulled at the threads. The kitten looked up at you with squinted eyes. You carefully rose to your feet, doing your best to not jostle the miniature creature cradled to your chest.
The cat nestled into the crook of your neck. Its tiny nose puffed against your skin while a category-5 purricane buzzed in your hands.
You would die for this cat and you just met it a minute ago.
Mentally saying “fuck it” to the rest of your jog, you began to gingerly walk back inside. You avoided walking on the gravel to make as little noise and sudden movements as possible. The cat seemed to appreciate the gesture, with what miniscule amount its tiny brain could comprehend, as a small lick from its rough tongue passed over your neck.
You garnered a few sideways looks from the students on the lawn as you walked by again. Mads cocked her head, fairy themed earrings jingling, at the gentleness in your step and the backtracking in your path.
“You alright, ma’am?” she called out. Jane and Matt perked up at Mads’s exclamation. Jane looked up at you with curiosity written in her features while Matt’s dark brows furrowed.
A quick gesture to the buzzing fur ball in your hands was all the trio needed. Their expressions quickly shifted from confusion to utter joy. They whispered among themselves about the newest addition to the mansion as you passed by.
That method is how you seamlessly moved through the bustling early-risers inside the foyer. One perplexed look was met with a nod to the kitten in your hands and the students parted like the Red Sea. Excited murmurs spread through the students like wildfire. “Is that a cat?” “Oh my god, kitty!” “It’s so cute!” “I hope we can keep it!”
The last student you passed before reaching your destination was Bella, a time manipulator. She was just on her way out of the professor’s study, closing the heavy oak door behind her. A kind smile met yours when she looked in your direction. 
“Morning, ma’am. Need to see the- Wait, is that a cat?” she asked, eyes widening.
“Shhh. Yes, it is. Could you open the door for me?” you whispered. Bella lifted her first finger to her mouth, winking to indicate she understood, then twisted the brass knob and swung the door open before you.
“Good luck,” she whisper-yelled after you.
A grand office stood before you. Comfortable leather settees were positioned in front of a solid, mahogany desk. Rows and rows of bookshelves filled to the brim lined the walls. Trinkets and remembrances decorated available surfaces and empty wall space.
The professor, or Charles Xavier as you knew him, sat in his motorized wheelchair behind the large desk. His hairless head was lowered, blue eyes darting across the pages of a copy of House of Leaves. A single finger raised next to his aged face to acknowledge your presence.
“One moment, please. From both you and your new friend,” he said. A minute passed, seconds counted by the paws kneading into your shoulder, before Charles closed the book and met your gaze. A warm smile matched your enthusiastic one, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I found this little guy outside,” you began. The cat perked up at the mention of itself, eyes blinking up at you then looking at the professor. You ran a finger under the kitten’s chin as you continued, “He was an angry little fella, all bushy tailed, but he warmed right up to me. He was hiding in the hedges by the basketball court.”
“Ah, I see,” Charles replied. He lowered a hand to maneuver his wheelchair. The low buzz of the machinery heralded his movement as he rounded the desk to sit in front of you and the cat.
“I didn’t see any other cats around, but the good news is he seems to be old enough for solid food,” you said. The cat blinked slowly at the professor, its little nose sniffing the air in front of it.
“It seems his mother abandoned him. Weaned him off her too quickly and left him stunted. Poor thing,” Charles said, head tilting and lips pulling into a slight frown. You gawked at him.
“You can read the cat’s mind, too?” you asked. The abilities of the mutants around you never ceased to amaze. Especially one as powerful as Charles Xavier.
He smiled at the kitten, oblivious to your gawking, stretching out his hands to you, “May I?”
You gently lifted the cat off your chest, prying the tiny talons from your sweatshirt, and placed the furball in the professor’s hands. Charles lifted the cat to his chest and ran a gentle hand down its back.
“You’ll need to wake Rogue and Bobby, have them run to the pet store down the road. This one will need plenty of love and nourishment if he’s to thrive,” he said. You stared at him, dumbstruck.
“We can keep him?”
“He can stay, as long as he likes. Much is the same with the rest of those who live here,” Charles clarified. The little gray kitten nuzzled against Charles’s chin, the professor’s smile growing.
“Okay. Okay! Yes! I’ll go get Rogue and Bobby,” you said, absolute jubilation filling your lungs. 
You left Charles and the cat to continue their telepathic conversation as you raced up the giant, double staircase. Ornately carved wooden banisters ran along the edges of the stairs, polish shining in yellow circles from the chandeliers hanging on the ceiling. When the stairs divided into two sets, running opposite directions, you cut to the right. Your feet skipped over carpeted steps in your haste to reach your destination.
Once your sneakers landed on the second floor, you broke into a jog down the hallway. Door after wooden door flew by you on both sides of the hall. Paintings of peaceful landscapes and glowing sconces lined the wooden walls. A large window sat in the white wall at the end of the hall. Daylight streamed in and cast golden spots on the wood floors.
You stopped at the last door on the left. Rapping three quick knocks on the door, you bounced on your toes. There was a cat in the mansion. A cat! One that would live with you! You silently thanked whatever god it was that decided for you to be next in the cat distribution system.
It took another set of knocks on the door for you to hear movement on the other side. Bleary groans and rustling sheets leaked through the cracks in the door. You bit your lip in an attempt to quell your excitement.
The doorknob turned and a ruffled-looking Rogue appeared in the doorway. Dark hair just barely smoothed down, eyes squinted, robe hastily thrown over a nightgown.
“Vampire? Shit, what time is it?” she asked, grogginess laced in her tone.
“Doesn’t matter. We have a cat,” you said. Your smile widened as you waited for her response. Rogue eyed you, up and down, as she assessed her living alarm clock.
“Logan’s not a cat. We’ve been over this,” she said. She exhaled a puff of air through her lips to blow at the white bangs that fell over her eyes. You rolled your eyes playfully at the jab.
“Not Logan this time. An actual cat. A kitten,” you explained. Rogue’s eyebrows rose as her eyes widened.
“Wait, there’s a cat?” Bobby called from beyond the door. His blonde head popped up beside Rogue’s. The couple seemed to be much more awake now.
“Yup,” you said, annunciating the p. Bobby and Rogue looked at each other, smiles growing, before looking back to you. 
“Where is it? Can we see it?” Rogue asked.
“Charles needs the two of you to run and get cat stuff first. Like food, litter, toys. Anything you can think of,” you replied. At the first sign of them objecting, you continued, “You guys can get literally anything you want. Treats, cat towers, little obstacle courses. Just make sure it’s safe for a younger kitten.”
“We’re on it, boss!” Bobby said, happiness palpable and blue eyes sparkling, as his hand clapped on Rogue’s clothed shoulder.
“100%. This cat will be spoiled rotten,” Rogue confirmed. With that situation squared away, you gave the pair a quick nod, beaming at them, then took off back down the hallway.
The run back to the professor’s office was an even shorter journey due to you jumping down several steps at a time. A few students looked gravely concerned at your acrobatics. Especially Ash, who helped Jean with patching students up by being a walking pain-reliever.
Your hand caught on the doorframe of Charles’s office and you swung into the doorway, breathless. He and the cat were much like how you had left them. Tiny gray body tucked against his neck, both having their eyes closed.
“Bobby and Rogue are on their way out,” you said. Charles hummed in response, eyes falling open.
“This one’s taken a shine to you, my dear. Says you’re the first to treat him kindly,” he said, a proud smile painted across his face. You let out an incredulous laugh.
“Guess he really is one of us, huh?”
“More than you know,” Charles said through an amused chuckle. You approached the professor and ball of cuddles carefully, attempting to not disturb the little creature.
“Mrrpp?” the cat trilled. It squinted at you from beneath Charles’s chin, paws kneading into the back of the professor’s hands. You could almost hear its purrs from where you stood.
“Does he have a name?” you asked. You scratched beneath its furry chin as the cat stretched out its jaw into your hand. 
“I was hoping you might know one,” Charles said. He pressed the cat into your hands and you gladly scooped the little ball of love into your arms. You could feel the purrs emanating from the cat’s belly vibrate against your chest. Tiny, thin whiskers tickled along the underside of your jaw.
“Jeez, uh. I don’t know. Let me think on it,” you responded. It was hard to think when all of your focus was drawn to the fluffy creature cradled in your hands. Charles chuckled at your indecision.
“I’m sure whatever you choose, our newest student will happily respond to it,” he assured. He used his now free hands to dust cat hair off his crisp, navy blue suit. As you turned to walk out, Charles said, “Make sure to give him a bath. This young one’s lived outside for far too long.”
“Will do,” you said. You shifted your arms so you could better support the cat on your chest, then set a course for the upstairs bathroom closest to your and Logan’s room.
It seemed the news of a cat on campus had spread throughout the student body. A large crowd had gathered outside of Charles’s study. Students, an array of ages and stages of dress, craned their necks over their peers to try and catch a glimpse. 
“I wanna see!” Addie, a platinum blonde seven-year-old who could speak any language, called up from the space next to your hip. Your legs were framed by her and Ryan, a nine-year-old brunet with impenetrable skin. 
“Guys, the cat is very small. He needs quiet!” you said, voice coming out as a stage whisper. A hush fell over the group in front of you. Wide, hopeful eyes blinked up at you. You sighed, untucking the cat from the crook of your neck and holding him in front of you. At the sight of the small bundle of fur in your hands, a buzz of excited whispers passed from ear to ear. 
“Does he have a name?” Ryan asked. An echo of agreement sounded around the crowd.
“Not yet, so everyone start brainstorming!” you said. A renewed vigor filled the conversation as names were debated back and forth between students. You used the distraction to slip away, climbing back up the stairs and baring left this time.
This hallway was nearly identical to the one on the opposite side of the stairs. Wooden paneling covered the walls, patterned red carpet stretched down the middle of the floor, potted plants sat here and there. You knocked once on the first door to the right. Receiving no answer, you pushed it open.
Inside was a full bathroom. White tiles lined the walls and floor, the grout a cool gray. Warm patterned shower curtains hung from a steel rod suspended between two walls. A vanity mirror hung on the wall opposite the door. You flicked on the light switch, making the three globes above the mirror glow and send dancing reflections throughout the bathroom.
“Alright, fella. Let’s get you clean,” you said as you sat the cat in the sink. His little, furry body looked like a small sponge sitting in the white porcelain. A confused face looked up at you through squinted eyes.
“Yeah, I know. You’re not gonna like this part,” you responded. You leaned over, opening the white cabinets below the sink, and pulled out the unscented shampoo Logan liked to use. Straightening up, you noticed the cat had remained where you sat it. Prim, proper, posture like a little gentleman.
You smirked, scritching the top of his head between his ears. His face tilted up into your touch. 
“Such a sweet little guy,” you cooed. You gave him a few more well deserved pets before scooping his little body and turning on the faucet. You made sure the handle was turned to a warm, not hot, setting and the pressure was nice and low. 
The cat startled a bit in your palm at the sudden rush of water. A little paw raised, batting in the air between him and the running water. You dipped a finger in the water and brought it to his nose for proper inspection. A few sniffs, a couple licks, then his chin was rubbing on your fingertip again.
You took it as a good sign, dipping the same hand back under the faucet and letting the water coat your skin. Once enough water had gathered in your hand you lifted it to the cat’s back. He tracked your movement. Small, squinted eyes followed your hand as you placed your palm on his back. You felt the water droplets sink into the fluffy, gray fur and soak into his skin.
“This ok?” you asked, like the cat could give you an answer. The small creature blinked up at you. He seemed unbothered by the moisture. You gave him another palm-full of water to get him adjusted to the temperature, the sensation. Not a peep from this little sir.
You set the cat back in the sink, just the tail end of his back beneath the running faucet. He hunkered down into the smallest loaf you’d ever seen. Front feet tucked under his fuzzy chest, tail curled around his side, eyes blinking slowly up at you. You cupped water in your palm and let it run through his fur. Before too long you had a drenched, buzzing kitten in the sink.
“You are the strangest creature…” you wondered aloud. You popped the lid open on Logan’s shampoo and lathered up your hands. Thankfully, you didn’t spot any fleas or other parasites hopping on the kitten’s body. Washing out the dirt and grime shouldn’t take too long.
“Why are you hunched over the sink with my soap?” a gruff voice said from behind you. You smiled, looking over your shoulder.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” you greeted. Logan leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He wore his trademarked white tank top and loose jeans buckled with a brown belt. His dark hair was fluffy and unstyled, long strands hanging in front of his wrinkled eyebrows.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he said. He pushed off the wall and stepped up next to you, his boots clipping on the tiles.
“Right. So, funny story,” you began. You ran your soapy fingers through the cat’s soaked fur. Logan’s hip leaned on the counter as he continued to stare at you. Jutting your chin down at the sudsy feline, you continued, “I found this guy outside and he made me think of you.”
“Made you think of…” Logan trailed off when his hazel eyes landed on the kitten.
“You know, with his cat ears,” you explained. You scrubbed at the kitten’s purring body while Logan spluttered next to you.
“Cat ears?!” 
“Yeah. Those hair floofs you get when you style your hair. They look like cat ears,” you said. You pretended to ignore the pure indignation spouting from the man next to you. A knowing smirk stretched across your lips.
“I do not have cat ears,” Logan argued.
“Yes you do!” Rogue shouted, voice echoing down the hall.
Your indifferent mask broke as you doubled over, cackling. The cat’s head tilted as it watched your face disappear below the counter. Logan huffed, arms folding over his chest again.
It took you a few moments to regain your composure. Giggles bubbled up your throat everytime you glanced back at Logan next to you. He rolled his eyes at you.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he grumbled. But, because you knew him so well, you could see the smile tugging at the edge of his lips.
You cleared your throat, squaring your shoulders to rinse off the cat sitting patiently in the sink. Warm water trailed through your fingers and washed away the suds gathered on the kitten’s body. Squinted eyes watched you, blinking slowly and serenely, purrs vibrating against your hands.
“Happy little fuzzball, isn’t he?” Logan said. The kitten turned its head to peer at Logan. You ran a wet finger between its ears, smoothing the fur back and washing soap away.
“He certainly is,” you hummed. When an idea popped in your head, you felt your grin widen and your gaze slip over to Logan next to you, “You know, he still needs a name.”
“So name him,” Logan replied instantly. A tentative, large hand reached into the sink and ran two fingers down the cat’s soaked back. The kind and delicate gesture only further solidified your idea.
“Actually… I was hoping you could name him.”
Logan’s eyes snapped up to meet yours, relaxed expression melting into pure confusion.
“What?” he asked.
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this short story is kind of a tribute to the lovely, lovely folks in the murdock tuna team. i have nothing but love and an endless stream of thanks to give to them. you all have inspired me to be a better artist, a better author, a better person. love you, blob blob 🐟
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remusfinglupin · 4 months
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You know the mlm ship is going to slap when it’s a blonde x brunette. That’s it
🎨: sophithil
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goldsainz · 1 year
CANDY — one shot.
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pairing: mick schumacher x reader
taglist: @lorarri @lpab @whatthefuckerr @noncannonships @lunnnix @elliegrey2803 @schumacheer @saintslewis @leoramage
request: “can i get ‘candy - rosalía + mick schumacher’ please?? thank you!” by @hevburn
NOTE: this song is too good… i need y’all to listen to it bc rosalia’s vocals are top tier. i love how i’m making so many summer fics to compensate the fact that i’m freezing bc it’s winter in my country😭 sprinkled in some drama bc why not
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liked by mickschumacher, dualipa and 807,263 others
yourusername verano de soltería single summer
view all 12,108 comments
ynfan1 i need her reaction to mick dating a girl who looks just like her😭
⤷ mickfan1 THISSS
mickfan2 mick liking this💔
mickfan3 never getting over them
gina_schumacher 🩷
liked by yourusername and 10,637 others
ynfan2 when you remember that mick said they fell in love in the summer🥲
⤷ mickfan4 this hurt me
ynfan3 mick fumbled badly
mickfan6 if my bf was liking his (liked by everyone) ex i wouldn’t know what to do with myself
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liked by mickschumacher and 41,038 others
saskiarhode ❤️
view all 615 comments
mickfan21 girl are you not embarrassed
mickfan22 we love a micky/n fan!
mickfan23 you sure did more than meet him😭
ynfan22 my fav y/n fan😍
mickschumacher ❤️
⤷ ynfan23 como y/n no hay NINGUNA theres NOBODY like y/n
⤷ mickfan24 mick blink twice if she’s holding you hostage
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mickschumacher has uploaded an instagram story!
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yourusername has uploaded an instagram story!
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liked by estebanocon, quevedo.pd and 913,208 others
yourusername escuche que te gustaban las rubias i heard you liked blondes
view all 13,698 comments
ynfan32 the caption😭
mickfan31 i just know mick saw this and cried
⤷ ynfan33 as he should!! she’s a queen
ynfan34 que mujer por diosss what a woman my goddd
⤷ yourusername mira quien habla😘 looks who’s talking
ynfan35 saskia has nothing on her
user31 suddenly brunettes are my type
⤷ mickfan32 MICK THIS YOU???
ynfan36 the micky/n ship has truly died
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