#legendary ships
rapha-reads · 1 year
Guys. Xena's intro versus Merlin's intro. Why is there no crossover fic Merlin Xena? Yeah, sure, one's old Greek Antiquity, the other is early British Middle Age, so what, it's fiction. I wanna see how Xena would react to Merlin and what the OG Blonde & Brunette OTP would think of their legendary heirs...
"In a time of ancient gods, warlords and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle. The power, the passion, the danger. Her courage will change the world!"
"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin."
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strange-doll-child · 2 months
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Naval Lesbians idk
@huntermcgoofus for agreeing to turn ships into people, lmao
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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Should they even comment on it or just pretend it didn't happen
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komohine · 2 months
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NOT KLANCE because SOME PEOPLE dont like reading
Hi guys
I coudkbt take the angst here have something happy
Also james tattoo debut!!
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kaliido-s · 8 months
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Bisexual who gets crushes on strong men and women and then gets angry about it
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kathrahender · 2 months
Me with every pair of two rivals: They're married your honor.
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sikuena · 3 months
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" is it casual now?" (wip)
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buckingham-ashtray · 2 months
‼️⚠️this is NOT an au⚠️‼️
Our babies are on Mars.
Freaking MARS.
Okay backtrack. So basically both SHERLOC and WATSON are cameras attached to a robotic arm in search of life on Mars. SHERLOC detects organic molecules and minerals on Mars, and WATSON captures detailed images of the Martian surface to support SHERLOC's analysis.
(Apparently this program was launched a while ago on July 30, 2020. In 13 days our babies are gonna have their fourth Mars anniversary. I’m going to cry.)
In my mind:
SHERLOC: *bossily points at something*
WATSON: *heaves sigh and takes photos*
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More information can be found at:
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soadscrawl · 6 months
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i feel very strongly about keiths music taste.
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theimpurelily · 22 days
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My new ship just launched and one of them doesn't even have a fucking name
For real tho, this un-named Wan Jian Disciple is such a snarky bitch. I love him.
Kudos to @grubus for making such enjoyable OCs
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iamnotdirtylaundry · 15 days
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allura + lance redraww
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glubber · 10 months
I'm sorry to announce this but I am infact into klance 💔
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komohine · 3 months
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“Second place: James!”
He was first in many things, but seemingly never the things that actually mattered.
1: He was only 4 when his parents stopped pretending to love him. His bedtime stories fell second to their own interests, and he was forced to face the dark alone.
2: Debate was a great extracurricular in his father’s eyes, but only if he got first place. Second place, according to his father, was a loser’s place. He got second that day. By then he had learned to not cry.
3: Even in the trial exam Shiro had brought to their middle school, James was second to Keith. It was frustrating, how his endless dedication and hard work seemed unable to surpass Keith’s raw talent.
4: When it was announced that Shiro and the rest of the crew had died, James had done everything in his power to keep Keith from spiralling. When Keith got expelled, James chased after him, clad in his sleep wear. It was pathetic. But he didn’t cry. At least he didn’t cry.
5: Maybe James was the foolish one, to think that Keith would settle after 6 years of war. To think that he wouldn’t leave again. But Keith had more work to do in the stars, and James was duty bound to Earth. They parted, James gifting a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, pink camellias, forget me nots, his heart buried within the petals.
[side note, panel 4 does not align with my personal headcanons but i wanted 5 panels and this was the only thing i could come up with lol]
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weirdhat-here · 2 months
why was klance?
so i've been thinking about why it blew up the way it did and i wanted to outline of my thoughts on exactly what it was that made klance such a prolific ship
(two things first: i've never really been much of a klance shipper. i also wasn't online or in the fandom while the show was airing so this is all retroactive speculation)
so i believe that when an entire fandom goes crazy over a specific character or ship, there's a good chance that means that they've picked up on something within the show that's genuinely interesting. and i think voltron did this with klance specifically in their setup of the characters. what i mean is:
-individually, their characters each have what the other feels they lack.
to put it short, it's mostly:
lance -> keith's piloting skills
keith -> lance's interpersonal skills
but i'll go more in depth:
this one’s pretty obvious with lance. keith is the pilot prodigy and lance literally crashes the first flight we see him in. it’s the reason he starts the rivalry and does the whole “lance and keith, neck-and-neck” thing. it gets increasingly obvious throughout the show that lance has some serious insecurities about his skills. he starts to act like if he isn’t the best at something, that makes him replaceable on the team.
he wants to be the ninja sharpshooter, but no one calls him that. he wants to be the ace pilot, which is what he went to school for, but keith is better than him and he knows it. iverson even directly compares lance to keith in the first episode where he harshly asserts that keith is the better pilot:
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so lance has his insecurities tied directly to keith, and his way of dealing with that causes them to get off on the wrong foot.
keith, on the other hand, is way more subtle. he bottles up his issues so it naturally takes longer to come out. unfortunately, the show’s writing quality dipped over time so i think this got majorly affected (cue the 2 year off-screen timeskip where they solve his mommy issues that have clearly been there and affecting him since the very beginning. this is fine).
but he clearly deals with abandoment issues and distances himself from others because of it. meanwhile lance is shown to be the more outgoing and emotionally receptive of all the paladins. keith's feelings about himself aren't really tied to lance the same way lance's feelings are to keith. but keith is shown to think little of himself when it comes to relationships with others and is also usually the recipient of lance's more emotionally mature side. (that's to say, keith's feelings abt himself weren't ever really tied to lance in an explicit way, but i think that would've been a good idea for the writers to do down the line if they had continuted developing these characters)
for example, many ppl talk abt this scene on the klance side of the fandom:
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but there's also this scene:
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and this:
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that's to say, lance repeatedly comes thru for keith in things that keith presumably thought were his biggest weaknesses.
they each tie into some major emotional centers for each other and this was the perfect way to setup both of these characters as the show began because:
-a closer relationship between the two guaranteed character development for both
this one's the kicker i think.
because they would absolutely need to change internally before they could get along since it was their internal issues that got in the way in the first place (mostly lance’s tbh. but keith’s insecure way of dealing with closer relationships could’ve definitely caused trouble if they, yknow, actually got to be close).
and it was basically promised that this was going to happen in the narrative of the show bc of three pieces of info the audience got-
-the team needs to get closer in order to form voltron and save the universe. they had a whole episode focused on this in s1. this meant that keith and lance would have to learn how to get along
-the fact that they would need to change in order to get along like i said above
-and the idea that you'd generally expect a show with good writing to stick to the basic tenets of good writing like developing ur characters and deepening their relationships over time (right?? RIGHT????)
which leads to the conclusion: both lance and keith were bound to change individually and together in order to foster some sort of relaitonship between the two.
and combine this with the fact that lance was the fandom darling and so many ppl saw themselves in him, ppl were foaming at the mouth wanting to see him overcome his insecurities and start to like himself. plus the fact that it was set up so that keith would have a big part to play in both those insecurities and the growth from them, and boom--you've got some serious klance love. i mean, who doesn't love seeing relationships where both parties mutually make each other better because of it?
that then begged the question: what would their relationship be like if they acutally grew to like themselves?
-they are shown to get along really well when those insecurities aren't getting in the way
this was one of those points that i think could hold someone back from liking klance, maybe thinking it would be unhealthy with how much they argue. But there were multiple scenes that hinted at them being able to get along much better than how they started. and i’m not just talking the bonding moment. let me explain:
first i'll get the obvious over with,
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this was the first time i had a moment of "oh, so this is what they could be". it literally took lance being blown up for him to put the facade down, but when he did it they had a moment that felt truly meaningful. i mean, it at least meant something to keith
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i see you, emotionally reserved character coming out of his shell for just one moment. ur not slick. (side note: every time i see his face in the first picture i can't help but laugh. i feel bad, but i guess it at least means the animators did a fantastic job)
but the thing it there are many more moments than that one. like this one where keith says that lance came up with a good plan and goes along with it, which feels more significant bc lance so rarely gets acknowledgment for his contributions to the team (also with the fact that they're supposed to still hate each other at this point):
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or this one
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or this one
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or this fucking one
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^i still can't believe that scene felt more genuine that any of lance's date with allura. they really dropped the ball for all these characters
but all these scenes show that there may have been another way for their relationship to be if things had played out differently. in some ways, these two feel like they're on a similar wavelength compared to the other characters just because of the ways they interact, and yes, even argue. but the hints of what a possible way forward in their relationship without all the arguing would look like were there.
-in conclusion✨
the thing is they were interesting and people were absolutely interested to see what they could’ve become, both individually and to each other if they’d gotten to have a closer relationship :/
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kathrahender · 30 days
X person: Do you like it?
Me, who watched a show because of them: Yes, I like it!
X person: Nice! What do you like most about the show/movie?
Me: ??? *me, who said "I like it" because of the homoerotic subtext or the fanon mlm/wlw ships* Uhhhhh- the plot 😃
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ello-ol · 3 months
The pure satisfaction when you originally find a "non-canon" ship from fics or edits without consuming the source material, then proceeding to watch/play the source material and realizing THE FANDOM WAS RIGHT.
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