#blood TW
hellenhighwater · 18 hours
My house is very old and that means it's never level or true to square. There's a two inch height difference between the den (a more recent addition) and the rest of the house, marked with a granite threshold.
I just stubbed my toe into it SO hard.
I did some swearing and went about morning chores and didn't realize until I was juuust about to pull my skirt on that I was, in fact, bleeding profusely from my big toe, and had been for the last ten minutes.
I have too much adhd to actually remember what I'm doing when I'm recently awoken and uncaffienated, so I've been following my own blood trail around the house like I'm trying to solve a murder.
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I think she went that way.
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mikelogan · 2 days
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EVIL DEAD (2013) dir. Fede Álvarez
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stydixa · 2 days
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My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. That all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing… an evil thing. IT (2017) Dir. Andrés Muschietti
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98chao · 2 days
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ok i'll post this one here
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sydneyadmu · 3 days
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YELLOWJACKETS 1x03 - The Dollhouse
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dead-end-street · 2 days
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USERDRAMAS: EVENT 18 - MUSIC ↳ XUE FANGFEI & XIAO HENG in THE DOUBLE (2024) dir. Bai Yun Mo, Lu Hao Ji Ji, Ma Shi Ge
If I fall short, if I break rank It's a bloodsport, but I understand I am all yours, I am unmanned I'm on all fours, willingly damned Loving you's a bloodsport (yeah yeah, yeah yeah) Fighting in a love war (yeah yeah, yeah yeah) BLOODSPORT – RALEIGH RITCHIE
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vhvrs · 1 day
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You never learn, do you?
full video
hd indivual frames
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lover-of-botatoes · 2 days
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glitchy-squidd · 2 days
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trying to figure out how to draw these goobs!
any sonic related requests are very welcome at this time <3
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clwntwn · 1 day
ii16 broked my brain, but its ok atleast i have binomi
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Sorry for not posting here for 7 years againnnn ill try to not forget next time (<- will forget the moment i close tumblr)
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cardinalbiggles · 1 day
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I know these are sinful thoughts And since I can't get rid of you, this is all I've got Oh, look what you've done to me I'm drivin' myself crazy tryin' to kill your memory
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Daredevil by Alex Maleev
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siffrinstardust · 2 days
Blood under the cut :p
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go my sprunki
i like these guys
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From the Ashes Infinity Comics #16: Pygmalion, Part 2
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Let's go. I'm eager to talk about this one, because it was good.
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Ahhhh, I do love it when comic books are on the nose - and I genuinely mean that. Subtext may be for cowards, as Garth Marenghi once loudly stated, but I also feel like it's just. Too subtle, for most people. You really do just end up with a load of people who don't get the message because it wasn't loud enough, who are there because the franchise is cool and not because they internalise the messages of it, and that's how you end up with racist X-Men or Star Trek fans.
By all means, get into the franchise just because it's cool! But let's engage with the themes and the narrative and the meaning, too, yeah? Trust me, it makes it better.
Anyway, the Uncanny! The adjective applied to the X-Men most commonly since their debut in 1963, the concept of the uncanny has its roots in German philosophy, and specifically the work of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling in 1837, but Beast and his mimic here correctly identify that it was popularised by Sigmund Freud's theories about psychotherapy and the human psyche, especially his 1919 essay literally titled "The Uncanny."
That being said, my first exposure to this word and its deeper meaning was in relation to Gothic fiction, and the use of supernatural figures like the vampire, in my English Literature class, where the following definition was perhaps a bit more apt: a. : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie, mysterious. b. : being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers. an uncanny sense of direction.
As a literary trope, the examination of the uncanny, liminality, and the creation of transgressive works exploring the human fascination with the taboo and what falls outside the bounds of 'normal', that which is considered both attractive and terrifying, is a very old human past time.
The X-Men, as mutants, were always meant to have this quality, though how much a writer wishes to touch on it will always vary. Compare and contrast Hickman's use of the uncanny to make Krakoa seem alien, disturbing, and strange, versus how very mundane a lot of especially late 00s X-Men was, with Utopia's focus on very War on Terror politics, and you can see just how different a vibe you get when you have a writer genuinely interested in exploring what makes mutants actually uncanny. Morrison vs. Whedon is another very good example of this dichotomy, imo. Morrison's X-Men are uncanny, and Whedon's are not. Both are good, but they have a very different feel as a result.
Anyway, enough waffling on about literary analysis!
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Taking Ben Percy and Jed MacKay's lead, this version of Beast is very much more in line with his 90s or 00s self than the Defenders version he's meant to be closer to - 1985 Beast did not talk like this. That being said, Beast's use of affectation, facade, and code-switching to fit in means that it isn't really a breaking of canon, it just indicates that Hank feels that his goofball persona would be very ill-fitting for this stage of his life, and given the stresses he's under, I can't say he's necessarily wrong.
Browerian mimicry, otherwise known as automimicry, is a form of animal mimicry in which an animal will commonly imitate itself in such a way that it confuses and deflects attacks, i.e. a fish manifesting eye spots away from its actual eyes so as to misdirect a predator. But, as Hank points out, the form of mimicry on display here is somewhat more complex and involved . . .
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And now we come to the first hint about what the actual conflict is going to be here - just how much of this mimic's thought processes are its own, and how much are Hank's? After all, while Hank has, historically born up under immense pressure, stress, and racial hatred before, that hasn't always been the case.
In Uncanny X-Men #8, he was one of the first mutants to experience racial hatred and a near lynching for the use of his powers in an altruistic manner, an experience which led him to nearly leave the X-Men. While he grew out of this misanthropy, it's interesting to see this trait potentially return in light of his inner conflict over his inner goodness and morality - it makes sense that Hank would question if he's only a good person when he's treated well, given his lack of faith in his intrinsic goodness and growing belief that he cannot be trusted.
So, we have to ask if this sentiment is the mimic, Hank, or both, especially given how sharp Beast is in this issue, and in MacKay's X-Men #4. Even an older, allegedly more morally degraded Beast, was more polite to similarly ignorant masses in Rosenberg's Uncanny X-Men, and yet, in this issue, Hank refers to them very unflatteringly, to say nothing of his somewhat brusque manner during his fight with the Upstarts . . .
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"We're." "We."
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I think this issue might well have given Psylocke more dialogue than all of Jed MacKay's X-Men run thus far. That being said, I'm not massively worried about her prominence and treatment, given that what she's gotten has been eminently capable, and she does have a solo series coming out soon, so it's not as though she's being particularly hard done by, I think.
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Blankslate. I actually rather like that. It has a very pleasing simplicity to it, and it's both apt and unique, which is hard, given the number of existing shapeshifters that the Marvel Universe plays host to.
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I do like that the instant Psylocke saw that Scott was considering field deployment of a vulnerable young moment, she locked that shit down, ASAP. We aren't having a repeat of Utopia's X-Force here, Scoot. Again, pulling at the relative lack of play Kwannon's gotten in MacKay's X-Men thus far, it's nice to see her so assertive and able to speak up against what she perceives as Scott's utilitarian tendencies.
Also, Hank continues to be incapable of sitting on a chair properly.
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I really have to question what the fuck Scott thought was going to happen. Were you even listening to what Hank and Kwannon were saying, Scooter?
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Hank really isn't used to having an outer monologue. It throws him, to hear the nasty things he thinks about himself spoken aloud, finished, and not left unanswered and unquestioned in his own mind.
It's also very interesting to see this fear explicitly acknowledged in even this version of Hank, given that this worry about rejection, and the ensuing bluster and humiliation, led to his violent reaction to the garbage intervention in Uncanny X-Men #600. He decided to leave rather than be made to leave, deciding that the X-Men had already elected to make him leave the team (not an unreasonable conclusion, given how determinedly shitty they treated him up until that point, and after it), and in so doing, made his worries manifest.
I've also talked before about the significance of moments where Hank doesn't talk. As a persistent prattler, it's worth noting his silences.
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A Markov chain is, essentially, a statistical model of real-world processes, that often describes a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event, i.e. the prediction of a specific outcome after a number of specific events. Hence, a probability chain.
Here, Hank appears to have inputted data relating to his own life experiences, and the data available to him about the life experiences of his previous self, as well as, likely, his alternate reality counterparts, in an effort to discern his likelihood of turning out the same way.
While this version of Hank has substantially reduced life experiences compared to his older self, he still appears to be well versed in statistical modelling and probability mathematics. If he is behind his Prime self, it's likely only going to be for so long, given that this level of mathematics and modelling was well beyond his 1985 self, who was notoriously rusty at even his own chosen field of biophysics and genetic manipulation in New Defenders, having neglected his scientific studies in favour of, well, fun.
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Prions are misfolded proteins that induce a similar misfolded state in normal variants of the same protein, leading to cellular death. Your most likely common experience of the word may be related to prion neurodegenerative diseases affecting humans and animals, such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob's disease, kuru, and mad cow disease.
While this is very impressive science, I think it skirts around the fact that Hank is essentially working on a gun that can kill him and reset him back to a more 'pleasing' version of the same person if someone he deems worthy of entrusting the gun to decides he needs resetting. This is horrific and exactly the kind of self-hating science that Hank would only ever conscience being used on him and only him, because he's like that.
This is the kind of thing that Simon Williams or Abigail Brand would beat his ass for doing, and then destroy, because no, Hank, do NOT keep the 'mind wipe me when you don't like me' serum around, it's horrible that you think so unkindly of yourself, you idiot!
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I like Hank's weird little science lamp. The man can't just have a simple lava lamp like the rest of us, can he?
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Oy vey.
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To be continued . . . in another post, because I ran out of images right at the end, again.
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fxrmeldehyde · 1 day
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cannibalism as a metaphor for whatever this is
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jdsgothwife · 2 days
so y'all were very nice about this post i made earlier where i asked if you'd be interested in some more jd analysis from me! so jason "j.d." dean is a traumatized eighteen year old boy who's been abused all his life by his father who bullies people and blows things up for a living. jd lost the only adult in his life who loved and cared about him, his mother, at a young age after his father drove her to suicide, and she died right in front of jd, who was only a child at the time. jd desperately wants someone to love him. then, he's moved to westerburg (his dad also moves him around, so it's hard for him to make connections,) and he meets and falls in love with veronica sawyer. personally, i think that he pretty much immediately sees that veronica is really unhappy being dragged around by the heathers, and that she wants an escape.
so he makes himself into her ideal james dean esque bad boy who she'll fall for. he tries to be brave, he snarls and smokes and rides around on a motorcycle his dad gave him, probably copying "bad boys" he's seen in movies. and it works, and veronica is finally able to have courage to stand up to heather at the party. when thinking about this, i always think of how he tells veronica that her real feelings were "too gross and icky for her to face."
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jd just loves her so much, and he feels like he can't just be himself, the scared traumatized boy, around her, because she's veronica and that won't be good enough for her. and, of course, his dad is a horrible role model, and jd doesn't know anything else, and he ends up going way too far with it. he seems genuinely confused when veronica is horrified by how far he goes, because he thought that was what she wanted from him.
at the very end, jd even seems proud that his beloved veronica has beaten him, or this fake version of him he's created. he loves her, and he's proud of her.
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okay, that's all! i'm just a girl who analyzes characters a bit too much sometimes!
@ltr-png @velvetvexations @yourundiscoveredgyrl
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