#blood drips from the ceiling (aphrodite: headcanon.)
realmythsmoved · 6 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise). Softest muses are Persephone, Hoa, Cascadia, Hope, and Esme. Toughest muse? Aphrodite.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? Farryn, definitely.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? Persephone is often called Persy. Camille, Cam or Cammy. Lydia, Lyd or Lydie.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Lydia is up to date on everything. Other than that, most of my muses aren't really trend followers.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? Farryn & Hope & Esme, and Ula/Meribella & Cascadia/Christina.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? Probably Persephone, Camille, or Lydia.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? Camille, Persephone, Ula/Meribella, Hoa.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? Panic: Hoa, Cascadia/Christina, Ula/Meribella. Unfazed: Farryn, Persephone, Daxa, Anastasia.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? Ula/Meribella prefers to swim than take any mode of transportation, but she will if she has to.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. Hmmmmm idk. LOL. <3
Tagged by @uncxntrxllable
I tag: @flownintothesun, @amillixnvoices, and YOU if you want to do this <3
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
20. how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them? 24. is your muse proactive in communication with their partner(s), or is this something they need to work on? - aphrodite
Aphrodite actually hates PDA lol. She doesn't entirely mind it if it's her and a partner. But when it's other people, it bothers her.
Aphrodite definitely needs to work on her communication. She's a mess where that is concerned. Of course, whether or not she'll realize that in time to fix it is a different story.
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