#caring is natural to them (esme: headcanon.)
realmythsmoved · 2 months
@bewitchingbaker sent an ask: what attire do they find others most attractive in? what is their favourite sexual act? -Esme
Honestly, Esme likes whatever their partner feels confident in. Because confidence is sexy to them.
Probably when they get eaten out. They love that. Esme always enjoys that experience for sure. ;)
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manicplank · 6 months
hi what do you headcanon PT cast's parents being like + names
Parental headcanons!
I'm bad with names pls bare with me.
(slight tw I guess, nothing bad, but some of them don't have great parents)
For Peppino: Mama Spaghetti was a sweet, loving lady. She's very patient and kind. Her name is Isabella. She raised him and Maurice but had trouble as Maurice was always such a bully to him. His dad was named Lorenzo. He was okay, but he was emotionally unavailable. He was very stoic. Maurice takes a lot after their father, and Peppino takes after their mother.
For Gustavo: His mom was a wonderful woman. She was sweet and caring. Her name was Gianna. Gustavo's dad was named Stanley. He was patient and had a good temper. They both loved him to death. They made sure he was happy but not spoiled.
Mr. Stick: His mom's name was Bianca. She spoiled the ever loving shit out of him and bought him everything he wanted. His dad was named Stanley. Unfortunately, his dad worked a lot, so he wasn't very present. His family was good to him, though. Despite not spending much time together, he and his dad had a decent relationship.
Pepperman: His mom was named Cayenne. She was very supportive of him and loved him very well. His dad was named Poblano and was pretty mild but assertive when needed. They both supported his art his whole life and sent him to art classes. "Pepperman" is his nickname for himself. His actual name is Phil Bell Pepper.
The Vigilante: His mother's name was Brie. She was an old-fashioned but very loving and nurturing mother. She loved her Vigert very much. His dad's name was Stilton. He was a hard-working farmer who loved his family. They were all very close. Vigi was raised to be a hard-working gentleman. Even his grandpa, John E. Cheese, had a very important role in his childhood.
The Noise: Since his father was absent, he only had his mother. Her name was Perla Noise, but he just calls her mamas. Being a single mother of an autistic child, she was very stressed out and could be very snippy at times. Despite this, she loved her "Teedo" very much and spoiled him. She had a very hard time with him as a toddler and teenager as they fought a lot. (Teedo is her nickname for him. He couldn't pronounce his name as a baby and would say Teedo. Only his mom can call him that.)
Noisette: She had very good parents who seeked behavioral therapy for her autism. Her mom's name was Anais. Her mom was very loving. She was a mellow and patient parent. She was sort of like a trad wife. Her dad's name was Pierre. He was a happy, kind man. He worked a lot but still made time for his family. Noisette's real name is Hazel. She gained the nickname "Noisette" after the paparazzi and media found out she was dating The Noise as well as using the name for her cafe.
Fake Peppino: Technically doesn't have parents. If they were to be anybody, they'd be Peppino (they share DNA) and Pizzahead (who created him).
Pizzahead: Now, this is just my theory. Based off of the pictures in the lobby and the first floor of the tower, as well as granny pizza, Pizzaface was actually Pizzahead's father. Pizzaface and his wife "PizzaMama" adopted Pizzahead as pizza people can't really produce naturally. Pizzahead was less likely to be adopted due to his head being a slice as opposed to a whole pizza, so they chose him. He was only like 6 or 7 when they adopted him. They loved him unconditionally. After PizzaMama passed away, Pizzaface fell into a depression and grew apart from Pizzahead. Granny stepped up as a parental figure. PH blamed himself for PizzaMama's passing, despite having nothing to do with it. Years later, Pizzaface passed as well, leaving Granny to raise Pizzahead once again. Many many MANY years later, Pizzahead discovered a way to recreate his father as a robot with the similar sentience. However, Pizzaface doesn't remember his previous life.
Pillar John: John and Gerome shared a mother named Esmeralda, or Esme for short. She was a wonderful woman. She met John's father, Flint, and the two fell in love instantly. Voila! Out popped John. Esme loved her "John Boy" and Gerome very much. She was patient and kind.
Gerome: John and Gerome shared a mother. However, Gerome's father... wasn't a great guy. His name was Bruce. They called him Bruce the Brute. He was pretty mean to Esme. They got divorced shortly after Gerome was born. Gerome felt very sad about it. When John's dad, Flint, came into his life, it changed. Gerome didn't like Flint until he saw how kind he was to Esme and John. Eventually, he let Flint into his life and they became quite close.
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agerefandom · 9 months
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Twilight Agere Headcanons (#4: Esme Cullen)
being a caregiver is very near and dear to Esme's heart, and a primary way that she interacts with her family
she loves Carlisle’s caregiver tendencies so much: the care he takes with others is one of the first things that threw her head over heels for him
she is the first to connect to every new Cullen child except Edward, and the hard-won nature of their relationship makes it all the more precious
Esme loves to sit and watch the action happen around her: a calm place for the children to retreat to when their siblings are being too loud
spends time on treats for the regressors in advance: refurbishing cribs, setting up crafts, always thoughtful with her gifts
loves all the physical ways to care for and help her youngest regressors: diapers and pacis and cardboard books make her feel so happy and relied-upon
Esme is a very quiet caregiver: vocal with praise but happy to let the children lead their activities
always needs at least one kiddo in her arms, someone to cuddle and keep safe
would absolutely thrive on a human regressor as well: someone to cook for, someone to put to bed, all of those little pieces that vampires don’t need
does little practice sheets with the children: teaching them colours, teaching them to read, it’s something she finds calming
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msweebyness · 5 months
💖💖💖Myvan May Headcanons💖💖💖
Hello, all! I’m celebrating my favorite couple in the Miraculous universe with some cute headcanons for them in canon as well as all our various AU’s! Enjoy some Myvan cuteness as a kickoff, before we officially get into Myvan May! (I just learned that’s a thing and am so happy!) I’m gonna be releasing a lot of Myvan content this upcoming month! The parentheses let you know when I’m switching to a different AU! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(‘Canon’) Mylene often comes over to help Ivan babysit Sasha, as she finds the girl to be the sweetest, cutest thing in the world. The three of them always have so much fun playing games and going on little outings together. They even did a little group costume for Halloween one year, with Sasha being Boo, Ivan as Sulley, and Mylene as Mike.
Ivan sometimes still worries that other people, especially Mylene are afraid of him. He knows he didn’t have the best control over his temper in the past, and he was the very first akuma. Whenever he starts to sink into these kinds of thoughts, Mylene is quick to remind him of all the reasons she could never be afraid of him now, and how much she loves him.
(Class of Heroes) The first time QuasiIvan met the seven dwarves he was incredibly nervous because he was sure they weren’t going to like him, that they would think he wasn’t good enough for Snow Mylene. To his surprise, they didn’t care about his appearance and accepted him as part of the family pretty much off the bat. Even Grumpy liked him! (Snow Mylene was similarly nervous upon meeting Esmeralda for the first time, but left that day with a bevy of cute and embarrassing stories about when her boyfriend was a child. Esme loved her.)
After their marriage, besides ruling over the kingdom of Mylene’s family, they start a side project based on something they’re both passionate about: helping animals. They set up a clinic to care for wounded creatures in a smaller wing of their palace, where they help critters of all shape and size.
(Class of Villainy) Of all the villainous couples, Ivan Oogie and Mylensula are the absolute WORST when it comes to PDA. At least once a day, they start making out in the middle of the hallway with no regard for the discomfort of the people around them. Most people know better than to say anything.
Whenever the school gets fumigated, Mylensula is usually the one who ends up having to care for Ivan Oogie if he accidentally breathes it in and gets high as a kite. She doesn’t mind this though, because sometimes he just randomly says the cutest things (in her opinion) and he mostly just gets really cuddly with her.
(School for Monstrous Youths) Ivan Bumble has a strong bond with MyLeaf’s ‘babies’, who he often helps her take care of during his free time. He’ll usually bring sticks to play fetch with Brutus and Gigi, and Cookie loves when he brings his drumsticks to play music for her. He’s a pretty good Plant Dad, to be sure.
Most students at DuPont avoid upsetting or harming MyLeaf in any way at all costs, because her Bumble almost seems to have a sense for when this is happening, and will be there faster than you can blink, with the Yeti Death Glare™️ and ready to deal with whatever threat is presenting itself before carrying his flower away.
(Creepsters) Ivan’s temper in his full werebear form can be considerably more volatile than in his normal state, but this is nothing cuddling from his witch of nature can’t fix. Mylene loves how fluffy and soft he is in his huge bear form, and he’s very gentle with her.
(Ghoul Squad) Ivan Kong and Mylentasma first met when they were younger and some bullies had upset him so much that he took on his full Kong form. Her singing calmed him down and the two just kept spending time together from there.
Mylentasma confessed to Ivan Kong that she loved him by way of an entire operatic piece that detailed everything she loved about him. By the time it was done, he was in tears because he was so happy and he loves this girl so much. She still performs the piece for him on their anniversary every year!
(MiracOlympus) As the god of blacksmithing, some of Ivan’s best work have been gifts for his beloved girlfriend. He made Mylene the golden wreath of wheat sheafs with flecks of amber that she wears almost every day, as well as numerous other gifts. In return, she created a new species of flower for him, the gladiolus, which today symbolizes strength and honesty.
Mylene is fiercely protective of her boyfriend and does NOT tolerate any disrespect being shown to him. Once, a mortal king made the grave mistake of leaving Ivan out of the statue line-up in a temple honoring the Olympians, because he didn’t want ‘the ugly one’ to ‘ruin the image’ of the temple. A furious Mylene turned him into a goat for the insult, and he was forced to spend the rest of his days on a run-down old farm.
(WereMiraculous) As the pack medic, Mylene is responsible for treating the wounds of her packmates. One of her most frequent patients is, much to her dismay, her own mate. She understands that Ivan is doing his job as a guard to protect her and the pack, but it still pains her heart to see him hurt.
(DC/Arkham AU) When Venom Bringer first met MalevoLyricist, he was just so slightly jealous of his closeness to Nightmare Weaver, all the affection they showed each other and the multitude of inside jokes. Mylene was quick to notice this however and assured Ivan she saw Jesse as a brother and that he had nothing to fear.
(Marvel AU) Ivan and Mylene have a game they play on slow days where he throws his shield up in the air and she tries to nail the center of it with one of her arrows. She’s never missed, so he tries to throw it in different ways to make it more challenging for her.
(Phantoms of Paris) In Ivan’s opinion, Mylene has one of the most beautiful and haunting singing voices of any of the phantoms. After a particularly stressful akuma battle, his favorite thing to do is lay down with his head in her lap and listen to her sing some of the soft lullabies she uses to calm the children they rescue.
(Batraculous) Ivan and Mylene are one of the only couples that don’t use the lounge space for making out. They like to cuddle in the Bat Quad’s comfy seats, and there’s less of a chance of someone bursting in on them. They also like to drive out to the parks for picnics, where they help community groups with clean-up efforts.
(Land Before Time AU) Ivan once got his tail stuck in a tree he was ramming with Alix and it took hours to get him free. Mylene sat with him and kept him company the entire time until the others were able to find his parents to help free him.
(Actor AU) Ivan actually gets incredibly nervous in front of the camera, so Mylene does breathing exercises with him before takes. She’ll also hold his hand to keep him calm when they’re not in frame. Sometimes when they are too.
(Akuma AU) Stoneheart carries Horrificator pretty much everywhere, no matter how long or short the trip. It’s easy for him since he’s enormous and incredibly strong, and he just finds her too cute not to want to hold her all the time.
Very few people know that Horrificator, the ‘Queen of Fear’, actually has a fear of thunderstorms herself, and she plans to keep it that way. However, whenever a storm rolls through Paris, she prefers to spend the duration of it curled up in her boyfriend’s arms, listening to his heartbeat through the stone of his chest. It keeps her calm.
(Shadyverse) Ivan has a serious jealous streak when it comes to his girlfriend, and everyone knows about it. Most guys avoid even talking to Mylene because they know they’ll get pummeled into the dust if Ivan catches them. (Mylene thinks it’s adorable when he gets jealous and often actively creates situations that would have that outcome.)
Here’s to arguably the most wholesome and healthy ship in the entire show! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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keepitdreamin · 2 years
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Squak, desperately searching for a good gift for Peep: What do kids like? Drugs? No, no, Cousin said no drugs yet, uhhhh..... I know! A spinning top! Of course! They're all the rage!!!!
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My @d20exchange gift for @apricot-flyer! The Lords of the Wing are my all-time faves, and I had such a fun time creating these💕 I hope you have a wonderful 2023!
(more details and rambling art thoughts under the cut lol)
Squak is highkey my favorite here because he does Not know much about the material plane (evidence: everything about The Green Hunter) and since the fae world is in kind of a regency vibe and the material plane is modern, he's just kind of winging it. So he's got a regency style waistcoat paired with cowboy boots, and for a gift, he got Peep a spinning top because that's what kids like, right???
For Peep, since we don't get a description of her (aside from being 4 and coming up to thigh height), I gave her a little bit of a pointy ear and naturally blue hair to indicate her fae heritage. Plus a flower crown/headband that I imagine she created for herself out of magic. I found the tshirt on Amazon and thought it was funny lol. I think she's a Little shy around Squak at first, but by the end of the day they're birds of a feather.
Chirp is Way too excited to be home to be honest. I think while she knows more about actual mortal fashion that Squak, she doesn't really care and only toned down a little bit to be more discreet. I'm literally obsessed with the idea of her throwing Peep since she was a baby but like... wayyyy too high, like those photoshops of kids in dangerous situations but for real.
Esme also doesn't have a description aside from being 42, so she's just totally made up and I headcanon her as butch. So I gave her a short sleeve collar shirt, jeans and a carabiner. I would've given her glasses too but could Not figure out that angle, so just know she has them in my heart. I didn't draw it but while Chirp is playing with Peep, her and Squak are just off camera, awkwardly trying to make conversation.
I've been having an issue where the colors look different on my computer vs phone so if anything looks off, whoops sorry 😅
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esmeraldabheriya · 11 months
V, X, R, L
Task Tuesday: Headcanon A to Z
V - Visionary
Esme's plans change from year to year with the ever changing landscape of the city. There are some ultimate plans where she'd like to grow the pack further and maybe overtake Lycaon pack. At the moment it's not got her full focus, instead dealing with short term goals like building a community that just belongs to the pack within Chissob Hills, including housing and stores.
X - Xceptional
She would say all of her children are exceptional in some way. Admittedly it is Leela that she favours above all else, knowing her daughter will lead once Esme is ready to step down.
R - Rebel
It is not in her nature to be obedient. Esme spent much of the early years of her life being so and now she won't return to that kind of meek behaviour. Outwardly, she will betray the good citizen but there are things she's willing to break rules for and she isn't against talking to demon's to get what she needs.
She does find some rebelliousness in her lovers attractive. She got the brat tamer for a reason...
L - Lover 
Esme shows love in the way she cares for someone. She will feed and dote on people she loves, both romantically and familial. She will do this by cooking meals, running hot baths, putting blankets on them, bringing coffee over, things like that is how she can show she cares.
It's harder for Esme to know if she loves herself. She would like to think she does because she has loved herself enough to keep surviving. She doesn't hate what she sees in the mirror but sometimes her heart aches from the mistakes she has made.
Love is wonderful but it is hard and sometimes you can't be loved because you need to heal and learn to love yourself, in those times you don't have love but it's not all you need to survive.
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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canon divergent storylines / random headcanons
some common themes with bella and why she is the way that she is :
responsible / caregiver trope : renee has always been irresponsible . she and charlie married way too young in a whirlwind romance that probably should have never gone as far as it did . charlie was smitten with renee - he had never loved before her nor had he found any women to his liking . her childlike and spontaneous ways drew him in because she was so different than he was . when it ended in flames and she ran with bella , charlie was quite literally unable to move on and kept the home almost frozen in time from when renee had left - never changing anything until bella comes to forks in twilight and only updating things such as bella's bed as she aged . because her mother was so scatter - brained ( and neglectful although bella has never been sure whether it was on purpose or simply because she never grew up ) bella often took on the role of caring for the entire household & her mother at the same time . then , when she moves to forks , she takes on the role all over again . charlie doesn't make her do this - he wants to care for her - but he never knew how much she did for renee and simply thought she preferred things this way . besides , there wasn't much he knew how to do .
curious / reckless : bella loves hard and her emotions are hard to keep into check . this stems from having to be so responsible from such a young age . being reckless appeals to bella in a way and there is a point in new moon where she simply is exhausted of always being the one to "toe the line" so to speak . she's also stubborn and very curious about things she doesn't understand - which is what pushes her so hard to find out the truth about edward . she is very intelligent and does not enjoy not being in on a secret and will not rest until she knows everything .
canon divergent storylines
twilight is the one book I stay mostly canon adjacent to . bella meets edward and finds him frustrating and intriguing . she hates forks and she pushes jacob black to tell her about the legends of the tribe and the cold ones . like in twilight , she focuses mostly on the vampires & eventually confronts edward who explains things to her . she accepts this secret about him because she is caught up in first love romance and the idea of being in on a secret world . they do run into james & bella has to go into hiding & does get bitten by james . edward sucks out the venom from the wound & they return to forks . the biggest change for twilight for my bella comes here : after being bitten bella realizes how much she does not want to become a vampire . she wants to stay human and live her life and this causes trouble with her idea of a relationship with edward . although he is fine sticking around her as she grows old , bella feels like this will hinder him and as the natural caregiver / protector she always had to be - she tries to convince him to leave in the hospital . instead , he decides to stay against what he thinks is right .
new moon starts off pretty much the same - bella does not want a birthday party but not because she is upset about aging . more so because she simply does not like the attention . she is used to caring for others , not others doing things for her . but she indulges the cullen's - she has grown close to emmett , alice , and esme especially and wants to make them happy . while at the cullen home she slices her finger and jasper does attack her - again reinforcing her idea of not wanting that type of life or to be chained to that type of bloodlust . she does not yet think anything against her relationship with edward - although she does not see marriage or anything in their future , bella does love him at this point . she is very much caught up in the idea of romance like the books she reads and wants to work things out . she is very loyal when put to the test and that is what makes her cling to the relationship as much as she does .
when edward decides to leave in new moon , bella does get depressed at first . she takes after charlie in this way and retreats from everything - becoming a shell of her former self . this is not just because of heartbreak , however . being away from edward actually does good for her later on - but in the beginning it is more the sense that she failed . she blames herself for not being good enough or strong enough to help the cullen family stay in forks and hates that she was the one who made them leave because she knows they love forks . as she gets more depressed she wants to feel something - anything - and so she starts to become reckless . she is exhausted of being the "good girl" and wonders if she were different if her life would also be different . so she goes to jacob black with the motorcycles and they begin to hang out .
being with jacob is a whole new world for bella . he has a childish and adventurous nature and brings out that side of bella . being with him starts to heal her . she does not hallucinate edward at any time in my version of new moon . instead , she begins to realize that being around the vampires was unhealthy and dangerous . she also begins to realize that the true love she thought she had found had simply been teenage infatuation and begins to move on . sometimes this is with jacob , other times not . my bella is bisexual so I am open to a plethora of ships .
when jacob starts to become distant after their trip to the movies with mike - bella begins to worry about him and does indeed pester billy . I follow canon up to the point of jacob finally getting her to remember by coming to her room / the beach scene . I do have them as a platonic relationship up until this point in all verses . bella meets the wolves afterwards and enjoys spending time with them - continuing her human life while still being in the "know" of supernatural creatures . she feels better that they are there because she knows vampires still exist . she does not have the run in with laurent but she suspects victoria and laurent are still out there somewhere .
I do not follow breaking dawn canon at all - I do not acknowledge the book with any of my twilight muses . that being said, eclipse goes a few different ways depending on verse for bella .
in her all - human verse , bella stays in forks to finish out high school . edward does eventually come back to beg forgiveness and although she is kind to him , she does not rekindle the flame . she keeps the wolves secret and sends him away again claiming she wants no part in the supernatural . after high school , bella heads off to college .
in her vampire au verse bella gets turned on accident . the cullen's come back to town with news that victoria is hunting bella and creating a newborn army . they had found out through friends and want to hide bella away . she refuses and instead goes to the wolves to tell them what is happening . jacob doesn't want to be involved but sam convinces everyone that this is their duty and they reluctantly join forces with the cullen family to fight the newborns . bella is hidden on the mountain with only seth as a protector so when victoria and riley come , they are outnumbered . victoria manages to bite and turn bella - her intent is killing her but edward shows up at the last moment and attacks her . seth and edward finish off riley and victoria but by the time they get back to bella - it is too late . she hates being a vampire and ends up leaving home - faking her death to her family - and roaming the country as a nomad . this verse takes her many different places .
an important thing to note : bella does not want your standard marriage and children at any point in my headcanons . she feels kids will be a burden on her as she has had to take care of people her entire life . in any verse with renesmee , bella finds her after turning accidentally after she is around teenage age and lets her join her on her travels . they are not related . bella does think that she would marry the right person if she fell in love and they wanted to get married but it would take awhile to convince her .
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panlight · 3 years
I think that I might have asked this before, but what charities would the Cullens donate to if they actually cared about using their wealth for good? What are their specific issues? I believe that Esme and Rose would donate to women's shelters, for example.
This is something you find a whole lot in fanfic and headcanon, but something that SM herself didn't seem to think to add at all. And if you asked her I would bet her answer would be something like "oh of course they donate to lots of charities, it just never came up with Bella" or whatever but, yeah. She mentions their (designer, only worn once) clothes going to Good Will but that's about the extent of charity actually in canon. Otherwise it's islands and fancy cars and designer clothes and TVs not yet available in the US that Edward smashes in a fit of rage at the thought of Bella becoming a vampire, etc.
I think women's shelters make a ton of sense of Rosalie and Esme to donate to and/or volunteer at. Rape survivor charities might be something, too, and charities to do with babies/children. Maybe Esme is also into Donors Choose since she was briefly a teacher.
Carlisle would probably send money to medical charities, Doctors Without Borders, etc. Nowadays probably regularly tops off go-fund-mes he comes across while muttering about what a mess healthcare in the US is. Possibly also suicide prevention--maybe he and Esme take shifts on hotlines. I know we've beaten this dead horse a lot, but considering both Esme and Carlisle tried to kill themselves at certain points in their lives you'd think Edward's little stunt in Volterra would have had more ripple effects in the family/would have been a bigger deal/SOMETHING. Bella's actions in New Moon, too. But it's just like "oh E/B are back together now everything is fine, there are no underlying issues to address."
Edward is hard. On the one hand SM insists on his goodness, both in Bella's narration and her own comments as an author, but on the other we have Midnight Sun where he doesn't seem to care about humans at all until he meets Bella and even then it's only her and like, Angela, that he thinks are worthy of esteem. The show/tell problem again. Maybe he's started up some musical scholarships? Or is involved in local charities in Chicago, along with historical preservation there?
Emmett might be into wildlife conservation? I mean sure, his hunting habits may not be the most sustainable, but I think he does generally love the outdoors and respects nature and animals (bears are just so tasty . . . plus, rematch!). I don't know what's out there for sports charities but he could be into that, maybe paying for a little league team to travel to the national tournament or whatever.
Alice probably has some "frivolous" ones like, Donate My Dress for prom dresses and that kind of thing, but maybe some more 'serious' ones too, surrounding mental health? Especially post-New Moon when she knows she was put into an asylum. Maybe also charities for kids who have been kicked out by parents; she might relate to that given what her father did?
Then there's Jasper. I still maintain he's the most vampire-y and doesn't like, care that much about humanity as an concept. He doesn't kill them because his gift makes it unbearable for him to do so, not because, IMO, he sees anything wrong with the predator-prey dynamic. And I think he's only doing this family/school/human society thing for Alice and without her would be a nomad who didn't interact with the human world much. So I don't really know what, if anything, in the human world he cares about. I guess if Esme and Carlisle "encouraged" him to pick or found a charity he would just for something to do, but. . . he's probably more likely to assist Alice and Emmett with their projects out of love/friendship then to have any pet "save/help the humans" projects himself. But maybe he retains a fondness for horses? And there's some charity related to horse rescue and rehabilitation or whatever he works with?
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gh0ulbunni · 3 years
Aight bitches, headcanons for my version of the WATXM Cartoon's 'Mortimer Toynbee'
(TW: Death, suicide, depression, mental illness, body horror but it's not that bad)
-The stage we see Mortimer at in the show is most likely him as an 18 - 20 year old, still in the juvenile stages of his mutation as it occurred after the death of his mother Esmerelda. Esmerelda was a kind and meek but busy woman who ultimately died from a stroke caused by high blood pressure. She worked 3 high stress jobs in order to try and keep a roof over her and Mort's heads as his father gave up his rights because he "Didn't want a freak for a son and that he'd never be his son."
-When his mutation actually began to show after her death when he was 3, Mortimer's once ivory skin turned fully green and due to the neglect his hair became matted in chunks (the braids we see in the show), his hygiene dropped to little to no self-care because of the new allergic reactions he'd get when his new sensitive skin came into contact with the naturally chemical loaded body washes, deodorants, shampoo, and tooth pastes that he had. He turned to showering with just water and brushing his teeth with just water, but the water the brotherhood has access to was INCREDIBLY dirty and laced with chemicals that made him sick.
-Mortimer is actually incredibly smart, but others would feel threatened by him when he tried to show this so he mainly acts dumb and stupid as a way to avoid conflict and aggression from people (Specifically Pietro and Dominikos).
-At 22 he finally leaves the brotherhood after being there for 4 years and tries to take his own life only to realize he's developed superhuman durability and a healing factor. This immediately makes him frustrated because he feels he's been punished and forced to live a miserable life.. And in comes Spider-Man who talks him out of trying to jump and takes him to SHIELD.
-After a few days at SHIELD's holding cells he makes a bit of an impression on Fury who offers him a role as an agent. Mortimer, a people pleaser who'll take any chance to climb up the ladder in life, immediately agrees and sets to work training.
-As he trains, his mutation gets stronger and he unlocks more abilities he never thought he could have: Superhuman strength, durability, endurance, agility, senses, special eyesight, chemical and toxin production, flexible bone structure, superhuman lungs, telepathic communication with amphibians, acidic saliva, flaming tongue, and a venomous pheremone secretion that allows for mind control.
-The final step was when he fell extremely ill and it was discovered that his genetic makeup was severely broken due his involvement in an experiment called the Black Womb Project, ran by Charles Xavier's step-father/Juggernaut's father Kurt Marko. This left Mortimer's DNA and mutation severely unstable and it almost caused him to loose control of his new powers and have multiple mental breakdowns and even a manic episode where was on an extreme high before going through psychosis in which he believed Magneto was out to kill him for leaving his son's group.
-After having a hell of a few months, Mortimer is put through a new process called Genetic Rehabilitation designed for mutants who've been forced through experimentation programs and have had their DNA damaged.
-After a while his skin turns from 100% green to 40% green with lots of ivory patches. The tops of his hands, chest, stomach, inside of his legs, and the tops and bottoms of his feet are a pale ivory color while his back, neck, cheek and temples, arms, his sides, and the outsides of his legs are varying shades of soft green with patches of dark green ranging in sizes from small to giant patches on his joints and sockets (shoulders, elbows, knees, and hips) which he's self-concious about at first but comes to love his new look. The most shocking part is his eyes which become black with amber irises that have flicks of lime and gold in them.
-Along with getting therapy for his DNA and body, he gets therapy for his mental health which.. Hoo boy he was and still is strugglin (but not as bad). He has: BPD, C-PTSD, GAD, ODD, and Depression.
-Absolutely loves brushing and caring for his hair, which, after it's unmatted and cleaned of bugs and gunk is ass length and black with a silky shine to it. He still wears his old bandana thing
-Has picked up playing a musical instrument in his spare time. If he isn't working, tinkering with his suit, gear, and gadgets then he's playing... The violin?
-He's suprisingly good at it.
-After becoming a shield agent he starts to get more confidence before meeting a mutant who was currently in SHIELD's custody... Said mutant being the oc of @ohmygillygoshoppler
-Callista and Mortimer become close, he spends lunchbreaks with her, constantly volunteers to be her guard/escort when she's let out.
-Ok so, dad headcanons lETS GO
-Cal and Mort end up having a daughter named after his mom, and her thing is having her mom's monster mouth with mouths on her hands that can shoot out 13ft long flaming tongues. Esme (or Esmerelda) absolutely becomes a rescue hero
-Callie is into clown/circus lolita outfits and Mortimer is a grunge punk. Esme never gets dressed in the basic ass kids clothes, she looks like mini Wednesday Addams.
-This child never gets put down (physically), Mort or Cal are always holding her.
-Mort and Esme are the epitome of "Don't talk to me or my kid ever again" while Esme is copying her dad's glare.
-Alright, Mort's strong.
-Like, really strong. He didn't even know how strong until he was cornered on his first mission as a shield agent and he kicked his enemy with his leg so hard he decapitates them.
-He can kick hard enough to knock down concrete walls, snap people in half, crack and damage paved roads, and create enough air pressure to knock people over.
-His tongue can crush skulls
-He could get hit by a semi-truck and still walk away with a few bruises
-Develops a bite force of 1,000 PSI (Less than a polar bear)
-He bench presses 3 tons with his legs and 1 ton with his arms
-Develops retractable claws that can lengthen and shorten, he uses these to fight.
-Looks like he could kill you, can kill you but has the energy of a golden retriever puppy
-As he ages he becomes more.. Forgiving? Of the people who've hurt him, specifically Pietro. He'll forgive but never forget, it's like when you drop a mug. It won't ever be the same.
-I imagine he fights a lot like how Deku does? The leg based fighting and shoot style is a big part of his fight style.
-Legs for daaaaaaaays, they're so long. Also he's 5'8 now because Toad is canonically 5'8 - 5'10 and he'll hold it over Wolverine while snickering.
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Life (Part Seven)
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Masterlist Pet Masterlist Rules
Headcanon requests: Open Imagine requests: Closed Taglist: Open
Taglist: @aro-is-gay-af @vamp-army @raindancer2004 @like-rain-or-confetti @volturidoll13 @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn @alexavolturisblog @alecvolturiswifeforever @imaginetwilight2704 @develin13 @wallwriterstuff @volturiwolf
Everything was a blur. Bella was pregnant and seemed to fulfill a nine month pregnancy in just a month. Everyone was worried for Bella's health and ontop of that where the wolves whom where hostile against the Cullens. Maeve was mostly anmoyed by the fact that Bella brought herself and possible the coven in danger by keeping the fetus. Once the Volturi found out they would surely be on their way and rhat would mean the death of the Cullens.  Carlisle walked into the livingroom with a cup filled woth human blood for Bella. Maeve held her breath trying very hard not to take the cup from Bella. Due the patrolling of the wolves around the house, none of the Cullens had been abke to hunt in a week making the burning in their throats grow fiercer by every minute.  "Carlisle we need to hunt. Especially when Bella's baby is due." Maeve said. "You can't. The pack will rip you apart!" Jacob, Bella's werewolf friend, said. "Ans what if we bring Emmett with us? He will protect us." Esme said as her own thirst was growing too. "Maybe if Jacob can distract the wolves for a while? Long enough for us to get to Canada." Maeve suggested. Jacob sighed. "Very well then. I can try." And so Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Maeve where running thriugh the forest to Canada. Maeve's throat was burning by the thought of the blood soothing her burning throat. A howl was heard and Maeve pushed herself to go even faster bit was tackled by a wolf. Maeve glared and tried to get him of but to no avail. The wolf tried biting Maeve het neck but was thrown off by Emmett. Maeve quickly got up and jumped over the creak crossing the border. The wolves growled at them but didn't jump knowing that they couldn't chase the four vampires anymore.  Maeve quickly tackled down a grizzly bear and sunk her teeth into it's neck while the thick nectar soothed the burning pain in her throat. Maeve growled slightly as the bear was drained way to quick. Maeve dropped it and attacked another bear which seemed to be injured, but Maeve's thrist was still burning fiercly so there was no second thought spared before she sunk her teeth into this bear. Maeve feasted on as many animals as she could before they had to return again, but this time they took another route, hoping to avoid the werewolves.  Once they reached their home the saw the werewolves attacking Edward, Jasper and Alice. Maeve growled and started atatcking Paul whom was about to rip Jasper's head off. Paul growled at Maeve and got ready to attack. "Bring it on." Maeve hissed at him. Paul growled even louder and started to attack but got pushed away by Emmett. Maeve tackled down another wolf until Jacob ran out of the house and the other wolves stopped attacking. "Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. The others can not hurt her. It is their most absolute law." Edward explained ad Sam growled slightly and took off, followed by the others from his pack. Maeve sighed in relief and got up. Everyone got inside to meet Renesmee. At first Maeve wasn't very thrilled to meet the child but in just a days time Renesmee had Maeve wrapped around her little finger. And finally after three days Bella's heart stopped beating, letting everyonw in tje house know that Bella was now one of them. A vampire.  Bella and Edward went hunting while Jacob and Rosalie where arguing who would give Renesmee her bottle. Maeve rolled her eyes and continued reading her book letting them argue. Thankfully, Bella and Edward soon returned so that Maeve no longer had to listen to the bickering of Jacob and Rosalie. "Welcome home." Esme said towards Bella. Rosalie hands Bella Renesmee and imediately you can see the mother feelings Bella has for Renesmee while Renesmee shows Bella her gift. Maeve smiled at the scene. And then things went down as Bella found out that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee and nicknamed her Nessie. Maeve didn't really bother by going outside as she couldn't care less what would happen to Jacob.  Renesmee was growing alot and everyone was gettong worried about her fate. What if she would grow quickly and die? Everyone had that thought in
mind the whole time but made sure Renesmee had everything she would need. Even Maeve. "Again auntie Maeve." Renesmee said. Maeve chuckled and held out her closed hand. "Lay your hand over it and think about a flower." Maeve said. Renesmee closed her eyes and thought. Maeve opened her eye and a beautifull pink and blue flower grew from the palm of her hand. Maeve grabbed it from her hand and tucked it behind Renesmee's ear. "Renesmee. Want to learn how to play the piano?" Edward asks. Renesmee smiles and runs to her father while Bella is pacing through the livingroom. "Irina didn't even stopped by. She just ran away." Bella said. "She is family. She'll come around." Carlisle said while placing his arm around Esme. However this happy little momenr was soon disturbed by Alice. Alice had a vision and dropped a vase wirh flowers. Jasper soon stood next to her. "They are coming here." Was all she said. Edward frowned. "Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child." "What's an immortal child?" Bella asked. The whole family nade their way into the small library as Carlisle showed her. "Immortal children where very beautifull. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they where turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single child could destroy an entire village. Humans beard about the devishstation, stories spread. The Volturi was forced to intervene. Since the children coukdn't protect our secret, they had to he destroyed. Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long established covens where thorn apart, countless humans where slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families, lost." Carlisle explained. "So the Denali's mother made an immortal child?" Bella asked. "Yes. And she paid the price." Was all Carlisle said, his tone sad. "Well Renesmee is nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day." Bella replied. "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked feeling worried for his imprint. "Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts." Edward said. "So we fight." Was all Jacob said. "Their offensive weapons are too powerfull. No one can stand against Jane" Jasper interrupted. "Alec's even worse." Alice said. "Well then we convince them." Bella said. Maeve chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, like that will work. Aro needs a good reason to get Edward and Alice to join him. And even more if he finds out I am staying with you. He will want to fight, or trade. But convincing him will most likely not work." Maeve explained. "Maeve is right. They are coming to kill us, not to talk." Emmett said. "Indeed. They won't listen to us." Edward spoke.  "But maybe others can convince him. Carlisle, you have friends all around the world." Edward continued. "I won't ask them to fight." Carlisle said. "Not fight. Witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen." Edward explained. Esme placed her hand ontop of Carlisle arm. "We can ask this of our friends." she said convincing Carlisle. And so the witnesses where gathered. And as more vampires came onto the land, the more werewolves changed, their nature compelling them to join the pack. Eventually twenty-one vampires came to witness, including Vladimir and Stefan from the Romanian coven, but still no sign from Jasper and Alice whom had left the day the Cullens went out to look for witnesses.
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realmythsmoved · 2 months
@bewitchingbaker sent an ask: what are some features of others that arouse them, or they find arousing in a sexual situation? what are their most common turn-ons?-Esme
Depends on the partner, what they look like etc. With men, Esme is mostly turned on by muscles, if they have them and the chest area. In general, she likes stomachs, no matter their size, lips, and hands. Also, some good dirty talk and bedroom eyes do wonders for Esme. She also enjoys genitalia though she's not likely to just look at it and get turned on. But in context, if her partner knows what they're doing with it, Esme will definitely get turned on.
2. All of the above. Also, anyone who prioritizes her pleasure in sexual contexts and takes care of her in other contexts. And someone who caresses all of her body, because it makes Esme feel so desired and sexy and she loves it.
(This is my third time typing this, so sorry if it's not as complete as it could be. Feel free to ask follow-up questions if you want. <3 Idk why but Tumblr kept having a problem with the post. And still does, at least the ask post, so let's try this.)
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carllisle · 4 years
Ma'am may I ask for some vampire Esme and human Carlisle headcanons or another fic if you prefer💖Can't stop thinking about your last nsfw vampire esme and human carlisle fanfic It's amazing.🥺
Thank you my darling! I hope you don’t mind some headcanons rather than a mini fic right now! 
Rosalie is a doctor at the local hospital working in pediatric care. She’s a newly qualified doctor and it’s a small hospital, though, and she learns as much on the job as she can. Because of this, she is the first of the family to meet Carlisle who is new to town and a surgeon. She likes him for his human touch, and he lacks the arrogance that a lot of surgeons have
Esme is a teacher at the local elementary school and she and Rosalie are posing as sisters, taking Rosalie’s surname for now, with Jasper being their younger brother attending a local college. Alice and Edward are Esme’s adopted kids who are in their final year of high school, and Emmett just about passes as a college graduate married to Rosalie
Esme and Carlisle first meet in the grocery store when she is shopping with Rosalie. It’s a small town where a lot of kids are underprivileged, their community on the fringes of a major city that hasn’t managed to sweep the suburbs up in its cosmopolitan wealth yet, so a lot of Esme’s teaching supplies come out of her own pocket. They’re still unbelievably wealthy thanks to Alice, though, so it’s not a problem and Esme enjoys being able to spend money on her schoolkids. They’re starting cooking lessons at school so she’s buying supplies for that, and Rosalie is helping her. 
Carlisle is in his early 40s and is from the UK and found himself in the USA after following a woman ten years ago. The relationship broke down but he stayed in the USA and worked in community hospitals. Coming from the UK and valuing the ethos of the NHS (that everyone deserves access to good healthcare) he vowed not to work at the inaccessible metropolitan centres that brought wealth and fame, but to always do his best in communities that needed it the most. That’s how he ended up in the small, rainy town as Esme and her family. 
Carlisle wasn’t Esme’s singer but he did smell especially good to her - even seeing him made her thirsty, she wanted him so bad. Rosalie introduced them in the pasta aisle and Esme smiled politely and she instantly loved his smile. While her throat burned, there were butterflies in her stomach. If he noticed her cold touch when they shook hands, he didn’t mention it. He smiled, tired though he was, and asked after their twenty kilograms of penne and Rosalie noticed how brightly Esme smiled when she told her 
Rosalie told her to be careful in the car after. Esme was very quiet after the encounter, moreso than usual, and Rosalie could see how affected she was already. Esme denied anything odd was going on but she couldn’t stop thinking about Carlisle’s handsome, warm, face and how he looked at her longer than he looked at Rosalie 
A few weeks later there was a lice outbreak at school and the nurse was out sick, and Carlisle agreed to come to the school to help out on his day off. Esme brought him coffee and thanked him for coming. He asked if he could buy her a real coffee but she evaded his question. He thought it was because of his age - he had no idea she was a hundred years older than he 
Esme usually avoided the hospital because her control was still not anywhere near as good as Rosalie’s but she ended up dropping by to see Rosalie a few times in the following month, of course with the intention of running into Dr Cullen. It worked; it was a small hospital after all, and run-ins were inevitable. Esme bit her lip when she saw him in his scrubs and white coat and she lived to hear his voice. Everything about him invited her in, from his face to his scent to his kind words. It didn’t help that he lit up completely when he saw her
During the science fair a few months into this loose flirtation, Esme asked him to come and help judge the entries. She wasn’t sure what compelled her to, but they had run into each other at the grocery store again and she had just blurted it out. He had happily agreed. He liked being around the enthusiastic minds of the kids and there was something about seeing their devotion to their favourite teacher Miss Esme (she liked them to call her that rather than Miss Hale, it felt more personal, more equal) that made him ask to see her properly. In the coriddor, he caught her by the wrist and smiled and asked her “let me take you out on a real date. Please? I just want to know you better.” 
Rosalie was furious that Esme had accepted. “He’s a human!” she told her. “A nice one!” Esme protested, but she knew Rosalie was right. She visited Carlisle’s small home that night to cancel. Carlisle was wrapped up against the cool November air in a thick jumper and scarf and he was surprised to see her. “How did you know where I live?” he asked in surprise. “I... people talk,” she replied weakly. “I didn’t have your number. But I don’t think we should see each other.” Carlisle looked hurt. “I don’t understand,” he said quietly. “I’m not good,” Esme tried to explain. He had the confidence of a handsome man, but the kind touch of a good one. He touched her cheek and gently pulled her inside his home and closed the door. Vampire though she was, she was powerless to him in that moment. “You are,” he told her quietly. “I can see it in everything that you do. No one who is bad is as loved as you. Let me know you.” 
She wanted to tell him everything then. She’d never felt a connection to someone so quickly, like they were somehow meant to meet and find each other in the chaos of time and space. “I have secrets,” she whispered. “I want to know them,” he answered. “They sound crazy,” she protested, but her fingers began tracing the knit of his jumper and his arms came around her. “You’re so cold,” he remarked. “That’s part of my secret,” Esme confessed. “Are you anemic? That’s not so bad.” Esme laughed at his guess. “Sort of.” 
They had their first date that night. They settled on the sofa in front of the fire he lit in the hearth and they were both wrapped in blankets and they talked for hours like they had known each other their whole lives. She told him as much of their public story as she felt was fair and he told her of his wonderful life and she thought her head was spinning from falling in love so quickly. It wasn’t love, she reminded herself, but it was something. It was the start of something. 
He moved to kiss her but she couldn’t let him. She didn’t know if she could bear to have him so close and feel the rush of his blood under his skin, not when she wanted him in so many different ways. But she had enough control to kiss his hand and his fingers and she held his hand to her cheek and felt his pulse. It made her throat burn like it hadn’t in years and it knocked her back. 
It was after midnight that she cane home and her family were concerned. Well, Alice wasn’t. Alice was excited - she told Esme that the future looked bright, for the most part, but that there would be some tense moments. Esme was horrified at her daughter’s estimation and hid away. Emmett tried to comfort her and told her that if she needed to feed on this doctor, that’s okay, it was only in their nature. She hugged him tight and thanked him for his understanding but confirmed she didn’t want to do that. He nodded then and told her he would help her, then. Alice came up to her room and apologised for overwhelming her. 
Rosalie was still angry. Furious, really, that Esme was risking the secrecy of their family for some human. Edward told her to ease up, that Esme had always put the family first and had never once asked for anything, and that she had been alone for longer than the rest of them put together, didn’t she deserve a chance at love? Rosalie said yes, if she intended to change this man before things got more complicated. Esme looked at them, wide-eyed as she tried to understand what they meant. She and Carlisle had barely spent any time together and already her children were talking as if it were a done deal? That she could condemn him to an eternity of this life? 
“It’s what you condemned me to,” Rosalie pointed out. An old wound that existed between them and came up now and again, it hurt both of them. It felt like a cheap blow sometimes, but it was something Rosalie was burdened with in the deepest parts of her heart. “Because I thought I was saving you,” Esme said weakly. “He’s not dying. How could I take away his life? I barely know him.” 
“The future isn’t certain, but it’s on the cards,” Alice piped up gleefully. Jasper rested a hand on her shoulder to hold back her enthusiasm. He could feel Esme’s misery. 
Carlisle thought he was going mad when more hints of Esme’s nature were revealed to him. He was a man of science, after all, and a man of God! How was this possible? But every question he had, Esme answered honestly, albeit shyly. He thought about running a few times. What woman could possibly be worth this? But she was. She so easily was worth it. He loved her quickly, everything about her. Within months he asked her to change him. He begged her to change him. He soon wanted her above everything else, he wept because he wanted eternity with her so desperately. 
Eventually he was granted immortality, but not for a good few years yet. 
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little-diable · 4 years
Around the world - Jasper Hale
Request by anon: Traveling the world with Jasper Whitlock headcanon please? Like the experience, his favorite places and all that? Thank you love!😘🥰💖
So, I simply took my favorite places haha, sorry loves, but I’m just obsessed with these countries. Enjoy my loves. xxx
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Oh he’d be excited about taking her around the world 
Jasper would first off probably take her to Alaska, so (y/n) could finally meet the Denalis
She’d be all excited about the snow, the wild nature and the calmness, that would surround them
From there on, he’d take her to Europe
Their first stop would be Iceland, a country Jasper’d absolutely adore
They’d be completely on their own, would drive from Reykjavik all up to Borgarfjoerdur eystri (a place I can 10/10 recommend) 
She’d be mesmerized by the country, a place where she’d feel at ease, like her soul had finally found a true place to call “home”
They’d go to Scotland next, probably rent a car and drive around the country
(Y/n) would be in love with the highlands, would beg him to stay a few days extra, there’d be just so much to explore
Jasper would love to see her like that, calm, a loving smile on her lips, adoring the way he’d show her his favorite places, telling her stories about his past travel experiences
Maybe they’d even go all the way down to Dover and drive through the tunnel to France 
He’d show (y/n) the Normandy and drive to Paris afterwards
They’d stay for a couple of days, would probably do some the basic tourist stuff
(Y/n) would take pictures nonstop
Jasper would take her to his favorite museums and tell her all about the history of France
From there on, they’d drive through Switzerland all the way to Italy, would drive from Florence to Rome and back up to Venice
She’d eat lots and lots of Ice cream and true Italian pizza 
They’d be careful to visit the countries in the autumn/winter time, so they wouldn’t have to worry about the sun
He’d take her to Vienna, a place he’s grown to love (this is where I'm from)
They’d visit theaters in Vienna, probably even visit the Opera
Jasper would take (y/n) to sunnier places at one point, but only if they’d be completely on their own, like Esmes Island
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birminghamblinders · 4 years
arranged marriage headcanons: arthur shelby
At the age of thirty-two, freshly home from fighting valiantly for his country, happily contributing to his family’s successful, burgeoning business, Arthur Shelby was content with the static nature of his life. He was happy to see his siblings and aunt happy, and was willing to resort to violence to protect that happiness. He was doubly encouraged by Tommy’s new relationship with the barmaid, Grace, glad to see his brother in love.
In all of this calmness, this familial bliss which felt like a reward for the four hellish years the brothers had suffered in France, Arthur Shelby never stopped to consider the addition of a woman to his life. He was too chaotic, too capable of picking a girl up for the night in London and dropping her without a thought, of drinking himself asleep at his family’s pub, and of spending awful, tortured nights alone staring into the fireplace, nights he’d fervently deny even when confronted by Tommy. He was more than willing to value his family’s happiness above his own, and to let the wisps of longing within him dissipate into the harsh wind that blew off the cut. 
Arthur was beginning to learn, however, that rarely did Tommy’s so carefully explained plans go off without a hitch. The hitch that changed Arthur’s life forever was, for once, not really his fault: Tommy, so quick to anger, so quick to take insult at every comment that could be perceived as a dig, had ruined a meeting which was supposed to set up a treaty between the Shelbys and another influential family which controlled the ports near the Scottish border.
The patriarch of the family had made an admittedly snide comment about the “unreliability of tunnelers” and Tommy had exploded in a split second, pulling out his gun and threatening the man into silence with a furious glare. The meeting had ended quickly and awkwardly after that, but the two families still needed each other for financial gain, and so a compromise was proposed in order to re-establish trust: a marriage. John was already married to Esme, Tommy was unpopular with the family, and so that left Arthur. He’d numbly accepted the deal at first, nodded along and agreed to the proposed date to the wedding, but when he was finally alone for the night, had laid himself on his bed and looked up to the ceiling, he found himself unable to sleep, deluged by a wave of dread.
Unwilling to admit to himself how lonely he was, how jealous he was of John and Esme’s chemistry, of Tommy’s unfiltered happiness with Grace, Arthur’s brain flipped the switch on the emotions he’d been keeping repressed and began to agonize instead over what he considered the most likely scenario: that his future wife would hate him. Arthur’s heart clenched at the thought of this young woman, plucked from her familial lands and thrust into the odorous, clanging heart of Birmingham, looking upon her new husband, so old, so broken, with pure disgust. 
He knew she was young, had learned from her father that she tended more towards shyness and tranquility, but Arthur wasn’t prepared for how soft she was. She’d stepped out of her father’s car and eyed him with trepidation as they were introduced, but when he stepped forward to greet her personally, she’d granted him a genuine smile and told him with full sincerity how glad she was to meet him. Her father seemed happy to let the two of them go off alone, to be left with Tommy to discuss the financial benefits of the union, and so Arthur offered his fiancee his arm and began to walk with her down the streets of Birmingham.
Several times Arthur had to center himself, to remind himself that this girl had no reason to be happy with her arrangement with him, because every time he made eye contact with her he could feel his heart trying desperately to knit itself a little closer to hers. She was so eager to listen to him, so genuinely sympathetic to his war stories, and in moments of comfortable quiet, when the only noise they made was that of the shoes against the cobblestone, Arthur could imagine this girl caring for him, holding him through his nightmares, appreciating him as a whole person in a way his brothers didn’t.
They’d walked for hours, until the sun went down and Arthur rushed her back to the Garrison, so petrified of her seeing the dirty underbelly of Birmingham that reared its head at night, so terrified that she’d catch a whiff of the life she was marrying into and beg her father to make it up to Tommy another way. She’d wished him goodbye as her father gestured for her to get in the car, still holding his arm when she pressed her lips against his cheek, and Arthur was undeniably glad for the way the darkness of the night hid the sudden flush of his cheeks. 
He had to stop himself from shaking his head, or chastising himself under his breath, so annoyed with how quickly he had allowed himself to become attached to this girl who absentmindedly rubbed her thumb against his elbow every few minutes.
Arthur locked himself in his bedroom the night before the ceremony, refusing John’s offers of “a night getting blasted before she chains you down” and forced himself to go to bed early, intent on being sober and well-rested on his wedding day.
She didn’t look entirely real as she glided down the aisle on the arm of her father, and coupled with the softness of her hand in his as they turned to face the minister, Arthur wasn’t entirely sure he was marrying a woman, and not an angel. 
(This is going to be a two-parter: the second part will be a full-length imagine of a specific interaction between Arthur and his wife.)
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ofanya · 4 years
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⌠ NATALIA DYER, 21, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ANYA CASIRAGHI! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (embroidery on lace, waking up early to catch the sunset, the scent of fresh strawberries, perfect balance on tiptoes). when it’s the (libra)’s birthday on 9/24/99, they always request their ARANCINI DI RISO from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 24, she/her, est ⍀ @gallagherintro
cho chang – harry potter 
grace blood – skins
esme cullen – twilight 
yue – avatar the last airbender
lexi howard – euphoria
laurel castillo – how to get away with murder
jane bennett – pride and predjudice 
ann perkins – parks & rec
kwon sun-hwa – lost
anya is the third-born casiraghi child after salvatore (oldest) and nico (second-oldest) and the first girl. she’s labeled extremely bright from a young age, but she doesn’t start speaking until she’s almost five years old. the casiraghi parents aren’t even concerned, they don’t think speech is an important quality for a girl. 
the first thing she ever says is a full sentence: “i want to go out with the boys.” it’s almost as if she could have spoken this whole time, she’d just been waiting. but of course, she’s told no, and she wants to be part of the lives that nico and salvatore lead but she’s pushed the side and told to be something else, something more ornamental. 
goes to ballet and etiquette classes instead ( the casiraghis are taught in their own home, much too good for even the best of private schools ) and often feels like she has to make up or carry things in lieu of the behavior of her younger sister. cecilia is reckless and insolent, does what she likes, and anya is jealous, but not jealous enough to do the same. anya is held to a higher standard as she’s meant to set an example and there’s a bit of bitterness that grows in her because of that. 
anya teaches herself as much about finance and business as salvatore and nico, but instead of her business or career prospects, her parents talk only of marriage proposals and future prospects. the education in espionage is a placeholder, she learns things so she’ll be able to make intelligent small talk at dinner parties or be a good companion for a man someday, not because she can run an empire. it’s very frustrating, but she takes this quietly, as always.
(DRUG ABUSE/OPIOIDS TW) anya breaks her ankle in dance practice when she’s 16, a compound fracture. it’ll heal, but she will never be able to dance in the same way again. there’s a numbness inside of her that only seems to be assuaged by the pills prescribed by her doctor that are intended to ease the pain. the pills ease the tightness in your chest every time she sits at the dinner table and long after her ankle heals, anya continues to use the pills like a crutch.
(OVERDOSE TW) she overdoses at 17 and is sent to a rehab facility. the entire ordeal is done very quietly, made to seem like a pleasant vacation – a dirty secret, something to be ashamed of, and it’s emphasized that anya should be so grateful to her family for taking care of her when she’s such a disappointment. she spends the summer at the best facility that money can by, and she returns clean, determined not to be such a disappointment, but the numbness doesn’t seem to quite fade. 
she heads to gallagher academy at 19, following her brother nico to school in america. she has no idea of the legal proceedings going on under her nose because she’s just so excited to get out of the house, unaware why her parents are so quick to send her away. nico hates it, finds it unpleasant and uncouth and a lot of the students are slovenly, but anya loves it, thrives under the guise of freedom and the ability to speak in a classroom where her voice matters.
naturally, the casiraghi family loses everything, as you might recall. her parents say that anya’s lucky she’s pretty because she could still marry nicely, and if it’s soon then the casiraghi name might still mean something. they remind anya of how much she owes them, how good they were to her when she attempted to sour the family name.
DIPLOMATIC. is really good at choosing her words in a way that keeps the peace and is very intentional about the language that she chooses to use. she believes a lot in 'fairness’ and everyone getting a fair chance at things, so on, and she’s good at controlling difficult situations without upsetting ppl. 
NURTURING. has a very caring personality and always wants to look after others. she’s this way with plants and animals as well, and i think she’s really good at encouraging people to achieve their goals or advocate for themselves, she just can’t...do that for herself. but she will take care of u and smother u but in a loving way. 
RELIABLE. will show up at your doorstep in the rain with an umbrella, the first person to complete everything in the group project, if she makes you a promise she will follow through and then some. u can say some shit about anya, but she is fucking dependable and will come through for you whenever you need her most or you don’t think you need her at all, she’s still there. 
NON-CONFRONTATIONAL. will go out of her way to avoid a fight or try to keep the peace, she will also do this with others, putting herself in the middle of things to keep other people from fighting – she just will do ANYTHING to avoid a confrontation. annoying tbh. 
NAIVE. she really doesn’t know much about the world at large and will always find herself believing the best in people or hoping for the best case scenario when it isn’t always true. this could be seen as a good thing, but i think pretty much anyone has the ability to take advantage of her, it’s not hard. 
TIMID. anya has always had trouble advocating for herself and what she really wants, she has a lack of courage when it comes to fighting for her own passions and will easily take a backseat for others to take the spotlight. one direction vc: u don’t know ur beautiful
idk why my brain was like . try to make this char into modern commentary on the 50s housewife but here we are 
i had no idea what i was doing with her late-talking thing except trying to somehow manifest how oppressive her home was, but rowan sent me some article about einstein syndrome and how late talkers like anya are highly analytical thinkers so we’re going with that ! 
was jumped on by a very big dog when she was very small and her face got scratched, so she has a bit of a fear of large dogs...it’s not that she doesn’t like them in theory, they just scare her and she hasn’t seemed to outgrow it. 
still loves to dance even though she’s well aware that she could never really do it professionally or on stage because of the way her ankle won’t bend, but you can usually catch her...somewhere on gallagher’s campus where she could practice privately ? 
also does a lot of yoga to center herself, she loves early mornings and generally her routine is to get up, make a cup of tea, watch the sunrise and then do a little bit of yoga. routine makes her feel in control so she has a habit of sticking to it.
loves to bake and is really good at it ! happy to binge great british bakeoff with anyone but then she will want to try all of the recipes and challenges herself. she likes the exact science of it and it’s another one of her hobbies that helps her feel like she maintains a sort of balance within herself. if you do it right, it all works out – baking makes sense.
she’s had one certain relationship when she was pretty young and definitely is not a person for one night stands, so...she’s a virgin ! 
in general she is baby but she is also mom. 
does not like most green vegetables but especially brussel sprouts. 
will wince when other people curse, has a tendency to speak very proper herself because of the way that she was raised. has extremely good manners, table or otherwise.  
gets really easily overwhelmed at big parties or functions with crowds of people and will generally find some excuse in order to, well, excuse herself. she just feels like she has to be ON all the time and it’s very exhausting to her, would much rather curl up and watch movies or something. 
is very straight edge, doesn’t drink/smoke/etc as a result of her past, she stays away from anything that could increase temptation and make her fall back into past habits. 
had/has a cat at home named gio, technically the family cat but it always felt the most like anya’s and it would sleep with her and everything however since the house was seized, no one has been able to find gio </3
best friend – i know, it’s hard to just plot this, but ! i would love someone who maybe was her roommate last year, the first person that anya met on campus and they just clicked right away and made anya feel really at home. i would love if this character was a foil for anya’s nurturing, softspoken nature, so a girl who is a bit louder and more confident. 
childhood crush – idk someone who could have known the casiraghi family for years or operated in that scene, maybe from a wealthy family and anya has a long-time unrequited crush on them. anya’s really kind, but she probably acts a bit standoffish or rude toward this character, so they probably think she hates them.  
bad influence – a character who’s a bit on the wild side who’s turned anya into their project – they want to get her out of her shell, help anya let loose and get out more, but maybe this is also some bad temptation for her since she has some...old bad habits. 
good influence (on) – anya is PEAK mom friend, so i’m looking for a connection that really displays that, someone she looks after. she’s the first person they call when they’re too fucked up and she’s always texting them the homework (and maybe the answers too).
ex-family friends – maybe your character’s family testified against the casiraghi family in the court case and helped send anya’s parents to prison. so, anya and your character used to be close friends but now she avoids your character out of familial obligation. 
fake dating? anya’s parents would like to pressure her into an engagement or see her with someone well-off, so if your character is from a rich asf family, perhaps they’ve done anya a solid. they’re not actually fake dating around campus or lying to their friends, but they’re close friends with anya and might go home with her to perpetrate the lie on a holiday when she goes to see sal and maybe they have taken a few cute selfies together for anya to send home – it would probably be YOUR character that suggests this to anya and encourages her to have a bit of freedom, so i imagine our chars would be friends. 
first love/ex – someone that anya might have known or met when she was younger, probably through family connections. they would’ve been around 15 at the time, so a genuine first relationship (like probably first kiss for her), but at this age her mental health was really bad and they probably broke up as a result of going to rehab. perhaps they feel guilty about not being more supportive or perhaps they did all they could but it was too heavy? we can discuss, but either way, super angsty.
protector – idk i would just love if someone saw how much of herself she puts into taking care of others and wanted to take care of her/look out for her instead and they’re just that friend who is really protective of her and reminds her to look after herself too
crush – i just want her to have a little bit of a crush/affinity for a girl that helps her realize that she’s not straight because she’s too repressed and never considered anything except heterosexuality til this point idk i just like when girls.
enemy – probably an ex-friend or something like that. maybe anya trusted them with a secret and they betrayed her or they tried to throw her under the bus to gain something. or maybe anya just got on your character’s bad side by being too much of a goody-two-shoes.
idk give me someone that relentlessly flirts with her because they think it’s hilarious that she gets so shy and doesn’t really know what to do about it, and she really does not know what to do about it ! 
also am down to brainstorm since i know the casiraghis already have a bit of a reputation so...i’m blessed taking a sibling connection and perhaps we can just bounce off of things you’ve already plotted with deanna and/or kit ( cecilia & n*co ) !
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lavendairs · 4 years
random dump of rosalie headcanons that i don’t wish to expand on:
due to being born and raised in harlem, new york in the 1920s, rosalie directly experienced the height of the harlem renaissance throughout her adolescent years. this directly shapes her views about always embracing her blackness and never forgetting where she came from once she becomes a vampire ( *considering that white flight was happening in harlem pre-WWI which resulted in white people moving north to avoid black people, a black rosalie living in rochester doesn’t make sense to me personally ).
most of her college degrees are from HBCUs and/or private women’s colleges - although she has studied abroad as well. she donates frequently to many of the schools she formerly attended - she takes a specific interest in STEM and coding programs for women of color.
after carlisle, rosalie is easily the member of the cullen family with the most restraint when it comes to indulging in her natural urges as a vampire since she’s never tasted human blood before. while her self-control is nowhere near as developed as his due to her age and she’s still had to fight the urge to drink human blood, she hasn’t ( at least within canon ), ever completely lost control over herself and actually feed on a human before. this is something she never wants to change as to feed on a human would be to accept being a vampire in her eyes and that’ll never happen.
royce and his friends were the first group of rapists she’s killed but they certainly weren’t the last. rosalie won’t stop killing abusers until she’s finally dead for good. the others are probably aware that she’s brutally attacked people but considering how careful rose is, no one ever confronts her about it. she displayed incredible precision and skill when she murdered multiple people as a newborn - she didn’t feed on them, didn’t drop an ounce of blood, or was tempted by it. she has slowly perfected her own form of ‘hunting.’
rosalie isn’t obsessed with having children - she’s obsessed with the idea of having / experiencing everything and the feeling of an experience being stolen from her is what is upsetting to her - having children just so happened to be an extension of that ( *i feel this is reaffirmed in the films by her mentioning how all her possibilities were taken away from her when she was changed ). 
she keeps up with black hairstyles a lot(tm). silk press? she’s rocked that. sew-in? she’s done that. lace-fronts? she’s worn them - although quickly abandons them. they’re too much work and feel restrictive. she definitely had the poetic justice braids in the 90s and fully embraced the natural hair trend in the 00s. she doesn’t like crochet hair but learns to do it for esme.
it takes years before she finally actively talks to anyone about the specifics of what happened to her the night she died and when she does, it’s with esme and carlisle only. she’ll never admit it but it was a huge sign of trust when she did that.
despite not looking like twins at all, jasper is still the sibling she has the most...understanding(tm) with - although it took a lot of work to get where they are now. rosalie doesn’t like change / new people in their family so when jasper and alice showed up, she was already on alert. they both pretty much instantly end up on her ‘don’t speak to me’ list when everyone learns of jasper’s history with the confederacy. rosalie ( as well as esme and emmett ) have lived through being called the n word / other racist slurs before and after their change, segregation would be still be in effect at this point, etc. so learning that one of the people they’re considering letting into the family fought on the side to keep slaves wouldn’t go over well with her.
they bond initially by sparing with each other - it’s why rosalie canonically fights similar to him. they both have emotional issues they hold in for too long so beating each other up for hours is a great way to let out pent up aggression and frustration. ( *there’s more i could say here but cliffhanger:tm: )
she’s kind of the unofficial hair person - although more so for the other black vampires in the house. esme often goes to her when it comes to doing her hair if she can’t get to a salon / doesn’t like any in town. she’s one of the few people emmett trusts to shape his lineup too ( obviously, vampires hair shouldn’t grow but i aggressively could not care less about canon within this series + esme’s hair changes length in nearly every movie so! ).
her and edward don’t hate each other. they’re just 100+ year old vampires who act like annoying teenage siblings ( + edward tries really hard to act like he’s the older sibling just because he was changed first and she’s just like...no. no, you are not ). she does relentlessly make fun of him for having a volvo though.
if you try to buy her a car as a gift and it’s not a muscle car then you might as well return it. most of her favorite models are from the late 60s / early 70s.
she teaches esme how to drive ( technically edward too. he could drive but it was terrible - at least in her opinion ).
she does get to experience love through emmett - something she always wanted as a human - but a part of her will always feel empty and angry no matter how content she should be. the joys of being ‘frozen’ in time.
rosalie doesn’t ‘hate’ bella - she just aggressively doesn’t care about her. she doesn’t really get why edward is so emotionally invested in this girl, why the whole family has to be exposed to danger because of it, and why she’s forced to entertain her. to her, bella is the epitome of white mediocrity and that’ll probably never change.
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