#her heart is on her sleeve (camille: headcanon.)
realmythsmoved · 6 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise). Softest muses are Persephone, Hoa, Cascadia, Hope, and Esme. Toughest muse? Aphrodite.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? Farryn, definitely.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? Persephone is often called Persy. Camille, Cam or Cammy. Lydia, Lyd or Lydie.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Lydia is up to date on everything. Other than that, most of my muses aren't really trend followers.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? Farryn & Hope & Esme, and Ula/Meribella & Cascadia/Christina.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? Probably Persephone, Camille, or Lydia.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? Camille, Persephone, Ula/Meribella, Hoa.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? Panic: Hoa, Cascadia/Christina, Ula/Meribella. Unfazed: Farryn, Persephone, Daxa, Anastasia.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? Ula/Meribella prefers to swim than take any mode of transportation, but she will if she has to.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. Hmmmmm idk. LOL. <3
Tagged by @uncxntrxllable
I tag: @flownintothesun, @amillixnvoices, and YOU if you want to do this <3
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junglefurytrash · 28 days
>Climbs through window >Falls over
Hello Jungle Fury Fandom (all 10 of us) I come baring gifts of ramblings and headcanons!
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So I believe that the three stripes of Pai Zhua represent the three core traits that help with determining (partially) what makes a Pai Zhua Master (which also helps to explain why the trio jump to concluding that about themselves in Welcome to the Jungle Part 2, because this was in their teachings). - Casey is the Strength, an important trait in a leader. He's able to take hits for his teammates, he's able to get back up and keep going even when getting hardcore beat (he's the first to get up and unlock Jungle Master Mode in Ghost of a Chance Part 2, and also shakes off Stingerella's poison oddly well), and he has the strength to see his own desires come true (like being a Master and saving Jarrod). - Theo is the Brains, though I'd honestly more say he is both that and Courage. As much as he is greatly intelligent and skilled, a good planner and multi-tasker, a lot of his arc involves him needing to find courage to face his own flaws; Being able to accept defeat/failure, being able to focus on the present and his own self-worth, accepting that he can't be good at everything he does, and stepping out of his brother's shadow. - Lily is the heart, kind, empathetic, and grounded in her humanity. She's always looking out for the others and showing concern for their health and wellbeing, she (unknowingly) hears Camille out and gives them an outlet for their distress, and always does her best to see the good in people when she can. She wears her heart on her sleeve for the world to see and even when it gets hurt she doesn't stop having faith and compassion in her friends.
This is our trio who eventually were the Chosen Protectors, the Chosen Trio "who are the only ones that could defeat Dai Shi".
I would like to make the argument that this trio can be completed by other characters.
I raise you: Casey, Camille, and Jarrod.
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Initially my brain went to this sort of "layout" for lack a better term. - Casey instead is now Brains/Courage. As the Red Ranger he's needed to think quickly and efficiently, come up with strategies, and take gambles he predicted would pay off. But alongside that intelligence he's also needed to be brave and have courage, most notably facing the monster in his closet as a child (which you can also read as him finding the courage to come out the closet), and finding the courage to chase after Jarrod and save him. - Jarrod is the Strength. Probably the obvious place to put him in this trio, he's the Lion, the strong one, the king of the jungle. Dai Shi chose him because he was powerful, and he proved he could be; Even before gaining any of his later powers while possessed, he defeated his opponent and was able to knock down Mao in Welcome to the Jungle Part 1. When it comes to his own metaphorical strength and self-resolve, the guy was able to eventually face his own demons, expel Dai Shi from his body, and fight back against him - He needed a support system to build up that strength, but he found it and found himself. - Camille is the Heart of the trio, again a bit of an obvious initial choice placement. While she can come off as cold to some, she always seeks for her feelings to be reciprocated by somebody, to love and to be loved. It was her who refused to give up on Jarrod first, and it was her who's love and dedication (first to Dai Shi, then to Jarrod) that allowed Jarrod to gain a foothold in getting out of Dai Shi's grasp. She was to him, above all else, loyal, doting, and compassionate, the only one beyond Lily she dared show her Heart to.
But then I realised, that these three can be swapped around and can fit all three of these core traits!
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Jarrod remains the same in his position as Strength, while Casey and Camille can be swapped. - Casey needed to learn to love himself for a majority of the season, learn that he WAS a good leader, that he couldn't be replaced, and that he was his own strength - Ultimately, it was him listening to his heart that made him go after Jarrod, and him listening to and understanding Jarrod's own heart and what the man was going through when confronting Mao. - Camille meanwhile was the strategist of Dai Shi's people; She was the one who came up with nearly all the plans against the Rangers, even if they never properly succeeded. Hell, her own Animal Spirit trait is that she is "Cunning"; She's crafty, able to deceive and trick, and that takes intelligence (also she does the newspaper crossword, which is equal parts point proving and amusing, and the fact she can understand cloning and genetic engineering during Maryl and the Monkeys indicates she is highly intelligent). But Courage also applies to her as well, as she had to learn to be able to take a stand against her own side, the people who were very abusive to her, and leave a toxic environment to be with people who loved her. Plus, she chose the Phoenix Spirit as her Phantom General upgrade, and what did Casey himself call the Phoenix Spirit in Super Megaforce? Brave and Resilient.
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Another switch up I found worked was Casey remaining Strength and Camille remaining Brains/Courage, but Jarrod being the Heart. He is a man capable of a great amount of love and good morals; As a child he refused to cheat, he refused to fight back and break code, and he refused to let The Fishers lose their farm and did his best to help them. And though his heart became tainted enough to let Dai Shi in, he never lost it; Just as Camille reached out for Jarrod, Jarrod reached out for Camille, able to break through Dai Shi's stranglehold to be able to save her when she was going to be destroyed. Dai Shi always taunted and convinced Jarrod that he had the Strength, but not the Heart of a Lion, and Jarrod was able to prove him wrong and prove to be a noble and good man.
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Additionally, what about Camille being the Strength of the Trio? While she wasn't the strongest of the series, she proved to be a great force in her own right. She was always striving to be stronger, always striving to prove that she was capable, protecting Dai Shi from the likes of Naja; That eventually was REWARDED by Dai Shi by giving her the Phantom Beast General position. If she had been weak, she wouldn't have been his right-hand woman in the heirarchy of the temple to begin with, much less be able to reach General. And in terms of personal strength, she learned to find the strength to stand up for herself and make her own decisions, predominantly in trying to help Dai Shi by reviving Jellica on her own accord and standing up to the Overlord (she only caved when Jellica was directly hurting Dai Shi/Jarrod, her Heart's key weak spot), but more importantly when Dai Shi was siphoning Jarrod's power and hurting him, and Camille found the strength within herself to finally stand up to Dai Shi and follow her own path (to the point she absorbed and reflected an attack back AT Dai Shi in the final battle, more on that later).
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And then what about Jarrod as the Brains & Courage? When it comes to smarts, Jarrod & Dai Shi were always looking for ways to become one step ahead of whoever was opposing them: Using Naja's life talons to revive the Overlords, seeking out ways to master Zocato and then immediately remembering and seeking out the Rhino Nexus upon Master Mao saying just a word, creating a test for the Phantom Beast Generals to prove he wouldn't be backstabbed agan, and immediately knowing that Scorch was c ompletely bullshitting him when they said they didn't know where Camille was nor what happened to her (that is especially key for Jarrod). His Courage is partially tied to his metaphorical strength in how he fought off Dai Shi and eventually expelled the Spirit - Namely the fact that he had to find the Courage within himself to stand against him for a final time, and take the gamble that he trusted would pay off in weakening the Dragon and surviving.
It was never about just one trio of "Chosen Protectors". It was about two intertwined trios of Chosen Protectors, one able to make the cracks in the stone wall that the other could then take advantage of and destroy.
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If anything, though, I think there was never a definitive "Three Protectors". I think they ALL played a part in Dai Shi's defeat. It always confused me why 10,000 years ago they needed seven Masters (Mao, Guin, Lope, Rilla, Finn, Swoop, and Phant) to SEAL Dai Shi, and yet they needed only the Chosen Three Protectors/Masters to DESTROY Dai Shi forever??
But then I thought about it, and. It wasn't just Casey, Lily and Theo who destroyed him. They FINISHED him, but they didn't do everything. RJ and Dominic attacked in the Wolf Pride and Rhino Warrior Mode Megazords. Camille struck at him when Dai Shi went to attack Casey, Lily and Theo, absorbing and sending back his own power against him. And Jarrod launched himself at Dai Shi and blasted him with his full power from the inside.
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Casey, Lily, Theo, RJ, Dominic, Camille, and Jarrod. Seven.
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Seven individuals with enough Heart, Strength, Brains, and Courage in their Spirit to vanquish the Dragon.
Feels poetic, in my opinion.
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