#flowers are the crown on her head (persephone: headcanon.)
realmythsmoved · 2 months
Persephone doesn't think of death the way most people do. Whenever her birth parents would talk about it, they'd always say that people "go to the stars", and Persy always imagined that as becoming one with the universe. She couldn't imagine a better fate.
She's scared of death, of course. Everyone is. But she's also looking forward to reuniting with her birth parents, wherever they may be. She doesn't see death as an end, but rather as a new beginning.
Nothing, in her view, ever ends. It just takes on new forms, etc. Persy doesn't believe that one's soul, one's inner sense of being, can ever be destroyed by anything other than that which made it. And personally her view of God (though she's more spiritual than religious) is a benevolent Creator who would not spend much time punishing Their Creations.
Persephone is a big believer in redemption. Though in her view, redemption does not always equal forgiveness. She would never forgive her first two foster parents, for example. But does she believe they can improve and beccome better people IF they want to? Absolutely! Does she think they deserve to be shunned from society and hated forever? No!
Persephone doesn't really hate anyone. She doesn't believe in it. Not for others, but for herself. She doesn't like the way hating someone makes her feel. So she tries her best not to do it. The only people she could say she hates are her first two foster parents, which is 100% valid. They did mistreat and abuse her. So she is well within her right to hate them. But even with them, she tries not to focus on her dislike of them too much, as she still doesn't like how it makes her feel. She much prefers to focus on the positive, on all the love she now has in her life.
She doesn't believe in pushing her beliefs on others. But she does believe that everyone should try to accept other people for who they are, and that most of the problems in the world would be solved if more people could be kind and open-minded. She doesn't think she has all the answers, either. But she does have the right questions, at least in her opinion. And she's willing to listen and learn, always. Though she can be biased in favor of her own views, if she is presented with new information that challenges her view, she will take it in and do what she can to process it and make it part of her worldview.
She does know that there is darkness in the world, of course she does. But she still has a lot of faith, an inherent belief in the goodness of most of humanity. She has a lot of hope, that even those who are bad can be redeemed somehow. And she always tries to act with love, whenever she makes a decision.
Though she does not believe in any religion necessarily she does believe that there is a force behind the creation of the universe. She does believe that that force is good. That that force believes in those virtues that she exemplifies. (Faith, hope, and love). She will never give up on what she believes. And that is her true strength, as a character, I think.
No matter what she goes through, how the world tries to knock her down, she will never falter. Her conscience will always be clear as long as she acts in alignment with her values. And she always tries her best to do just that. Her confidence can be shaken, but never broken. And she will always be exactly who she is. She just can't help it. She is a softer kind of strength, but no less valid, I think.
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realmyths · 16 days
How fandom would see your muse if they were canon?
Did it for Persephone and got:
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Running From Your Past
You have a past you'd prefer not to think about, but boy oh boy does it like to think about you. A bad parent, an old enemy, a job that ended in disaster. No matter how far your run or how well you hide, it will find you eventually.
Did it for Victoria/Tori and got:
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So Much Fanfiction
You have so, so much fanfiction, either because you're so shippable, or because you're hot. Maybe both. Probably both. You definitely flirt with everyone, either way. Tumblr and Twitter love you and showers you with queer headcanons. Reddit keeps a safe distance
Did it for Alex and got:
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Morally Grey
You helped the hero's once, but only for money. And you sold them out later, but only to save your daughter from slavers. Your actions and motives are constantly contradicting, with no end in sight. Twitter and Reddit are divided in very different ways. Tumblr wants to eat you raw.
Tagged by @historiavn
I tag @bewitchingbaker, @starsbuilt , @the27percent , and YOU if you want to do this <3
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months
Hyacinthus Iceberg Meme EXPLAIN (P3)
Part 1 ✿ Part 2 ✿ Part 3 ✿ Part 4 ✿ Part 5
It's time for me to answer your questions about this Hyacinthus iceberg meme. There is a lot to tackle, so I'll divide it into 5 parts for the sake of my sanity.
Quick disclaimer: I am NOT an expert in Greek mythology, just a fan of Hyacinthus who wants to learn about him and anyone related to him. Most of the things I'm about to discuss are just theories and speculations of a passerby on the Internet, so do not take them as valid facts!
Daphne is Hyacinthus' sister
There is only one poet who wrote about Daphne being Hyacinthus' sister. Well, it's not explicitly stated but he claimed Daphne was a daughter of King Amyclas and lived in Laconia, so it's not hard to piece it all together.
"This is how the story of Daphne, the daughter of Amyklas (Amyclas), is related. [...] But she got together a large pack of hounds and used to hunt either in Lakonia (Laconia) or sometimes going into the further mountains of the Peloponnese." - Parthenius, "Love Romances"
I have a joke headcanon that Apollo loves Hyacinthus because he looks like Daphne (Hya's sister) and Hyacinthus loves Apollo because he looks like Thamyris (Apollo's grandson).
Some K-drama angsty level of romance, eh?
The accurate hyacinth flower???
This has been a debate for quite a while now. Is the flower born from Hyacinthus' death the modern hyacinth or a different flower?
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Even though most of us settle for the widely-known purple hyacinth (the flowers above), many argue that the flower can also be a larkspur, an iris, or a martagon lily.
I admit I prefer Hyacinthus' flower being the purple hyacinth or at least a similar ancestor. It's because Athena used to give Odysseus a curly hairstyle like the hyacinths, and that description is similar to the modern flower.
[...] Athena poured beauty on [Odysseus]— her abundance made him taller and more robust to look at. Then, on his head, she transformed his hair, so it flowed in curls like fresh hyacinths in bloom. - Homer, "The Odyssey"
Here is a detail that got me pondering.
In the "Abduction of Persephone" myth, when Persephone is returned to Demeter, she tells her mother about the abduction and we have this:
"[...] we were playing and gathering sweet flowers in our hands, soft crocuses mingled with irises and hyacinths, and rose-blooms and lilies, marvelous to see, and the narcissus which the wide earth caused to grow yellow as a crocus." - Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter
So Persephone is collecting flowers when she is taken, and one of those flowers is the hyacinth. It's unexpected to think Apollo and Hyacinthus got together before the seasons were a thing.
Zephyrus wears hyacinths on his flower wreath
There is one account I can find that talks about this detail.
"You can see [Zephyrus], I think, with his winged temples and his delicate form; and he wears a crown of all kinds of flowers, and will soon weave the hyacinth in among them." - Philostratus the Elder, "Imagines"
It might be a simple thing, but it had me thinking. Does Zephyrus wear hyacinths in his flower crown as a reminder of his former lover (like Apollo wears laurels from Daphne's tree)? Is it out of the guilt he has later or a sadistic triumph?
We'll never know.
Chloris creates the hyacinth flowers
For those who don't know, Chloris is the goddess of flowers and the wife of Zephyrus.
We all agree that Apollo created the hyacinth flower in the memories of Hyacinthus, but Ovid claimed Chloris (or Flora, her Roman counterpart) to be the creator.
"I (Flora) first made a flower from Therapnean blood [Hyacinthus the larkspur flower], and its petal still inscribes the lament. You too, narcissus, have a name in tended gardens, unhappy in your undivided self. Why mention Crocus, Attis, or Cinyras' son, from whose wounds I made a tribute soar?" - Ovid, "Fasti"
I don't like this version not because it's a Roman source, but because having Flora/Chloris creating the flower will reduce the heart-wrenching of Apollo and Hyacinthus' myth. Apollo lost his beloved to the hands of death, so having him make the flower as a tribute to their love and to always remember him will have a bigger impact.
Apollo is Hyacinthus' uncle/granduncle/great-grandfather
Look, almost all Greek mythology couples are related in some way. Apollo and Hyacinthus are no exception.
If we have Amyclas and Diomede as Hyacinthus' parents, Apollo will be Hyacinthus' granduncle on his father's side and great-grandfather on his mother's side.
Lacedaemon (Hyacinthus' grandfather) is a son of Zeus and Taygete.
"[Eurotas] left the kingdom to Lacedaemon, whose mother was Taygete, after whom the mountain was named, while according to report his father was none other than Zeus." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
Lapithes is a son of Apollo and the father of Diomede.
"Lapithes, the son of Apollon and Stilbe, the daughter of Peneus." - Diodorus Siculus, "Library of History"
"Amyclas and Lapithes' daughter Diomede had Cynortas and Hyacinthus." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, "Bibliotheca"
If we have Clio as Hyacinthus' mother, Apollo will be his half-uncle because the Muses are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the Titan goddess of memory.
I guess the only way to remove incest from Apollo and Hyacinthus is to have Clio as his mother but use the version where the Muses sprang into life from four rivers made by Pegasus.
Hyacinthus is the relative/ancestor of other heroes (Perseus, Heracles, Helen, etc.)
I used to make a family tree for ten generations of the mythical Spartan family (and an additional one for Perseus and Danae).
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And since Perseus is the great-grandfather of Heracles, this means Hyacinthus is an ancestor of Heracles as well.
Here are some sources to back me up:
"[...] Lelex, an aboriginal was the first king in this land, after whom his subjects were named Leleges. Lelex had a son Myles, and a younger one Polycaon. [...] On the death of Myles his son Eurotas succeeded to the throne.." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"On the death of Amyclas, the empire came to Argalus, the eldest of his sons, and afterward, when Argalus died, to Cynortas. Cynortas had a son Oebalus." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"[Oebalus] took a wife from Argos, Gorgophone the daughter of Perseus, and begat a son Tyndareus, with whom Hippocoon disputed about the kingship, claiming the throne on the ground of being the eldest. With the end of Icarius and his partisans, he had surpassed Tyndareus in power, and forced him to retire in fear." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"To Acrisius and Eurydice, Lacedaemon's daughter, was born a daughter Danae [...] When Acrisius later learned that she had given birth to Perseus, not believing that Zeus seduced her, he cast his daughter out to sea with her son on an ark." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, "Bibliotheca"
Apollo and Hyacinthus in the Trojan War???
Oh boy. This is the part many of you are screaming for me to explain.
I'll have to disappoint you because there aren't many texts about Apollo/Hyacinthus in the Epic Cycle (at least, I can't find all of them yet). But if we bust our brains, we can draw out some shower thoughts.
1) Was Hyacinthus alive by the time of the Trojan War, and did he participate?
The timeline is shaky and depends on which source you're looking at. Euripides' play "Helen" mentions the Hyacinthia festival, meaning our prince was born, died, and immortalized before the Trojan War.
"They will be gathered in a dance, at long last, or in games, or in all night feasts, in honor of Hyacinth, whom Phoebus Apollo killed during a discus throwing contest." - Euripides, "Helen"
On the other hand, Lucian's "Dialogues of the Dead" said that Hyacinthus was still in the Underworld after the Trojan War.
"Menippos: Where are all the beauties, Hermes? Show me around, I am a newcomer. Hermes : I am busy, Menippos. But look over there, to your right, and you will see Hyacinthus, Narcissus, Nireus, Achilles, Tyro, Helene, Leda - all the beauties of old." - Lucian, "Dialogues of the Dead"
From Lucian's work, either Hyacinthus will be resurrected much later after the war or never at all.
If we go by the version that Hyacinthus was deified before the war, I'm sure he will side with his homeland. Hyacinthus is a favorite hero-god of Sparta and great-granduncle to Helen, so there is no reason he won't participate in the war.
That leads us to the next point:
2) Can you imagine the angst potential for Hyapollo???
National pride is a big thing for Spartans. You know how Spartans mock other city-states and uphold their people. Hyacinthus must feel utterly betrayed when Apollo is revealed to be siding with the people who stole from his homeland. He loves the god, but he loves his homeland more.
However, unlike the previous point where there are sources to draw from, we got zero records of how Apollo and Hyacinthus interacted during the war. So it has to be up to our imagination.
When Apollo sent a plague on the Greeks, did he purposefully spare the Spartans because of Hyacinthus? Did Hyacinthus tell his men to not kill the children, lovers, or favored mortals of Apollo?
Did they avoid each other when the Olympian civil conflict broke out? Did they even talk to each other at all?
And most importantly, how would they heal after the Trojan War?
3) Do the Spartans celebrate the Hyacinthia in Troy?
Now, this one is funny. The Spartans worshipped Apollo and Hyacinthus together, yet Apollo is now the enemy of Sparta.
In history, Spartans did form truces and leave the battlefields to attend the Hyacinthia festival.
"Now the Lakedaimonians (Lacedaemonians), as the festival of Hyakinthos was approaching, made a truce of forty days with the men of Eira [in Messenia]. They themselves returned home to keep the feast." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
But this isn't the case in the Trojan War. No sources say the Spartans desert the battlefield in Troy to go home for the festival (makes sense because they have to travel across the sea, and their queen is still trapped in Troy)
So the question is: how do they celebrate them in Troy instead? Do they even celebrate the Hyacinthia when one of the honored gods is siding against them?
Food for thought...
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Can I have Hades & Persephone headcanons for Yuezhi again? Your fic was awesome. That's why I'm in love with this au.
I too love the Hades & Persephone au, so sure! I can give you more
Besides taking care of the garden, which is practically his baby, Chen Yuzhi tends to Xiao Bai, mainly grooming him because he has to look his best whenever he greets new souls entering the Underworld
If someone can’t find Chen Yuzhi and he’s not in the Pavilion of Judgement with Jiang Yuelou, they can usually find him tending the garden, making sure to keep it pruned and weed free
Jiang Yuelou has assigned some souls to help Chen Yuzhi with his tasks because while he knows that Chen Yuzhi loves to work on the garden himself, the garden is huge and he can’t do everything by himself, even though he claims he can
Chen Yuzhi and Yu Tangchun become fast friends and will spend most of his time in the garden with him, mainly there to pass the time with song, since he used to be a singer in his past life
Chu Ran also sometimes joins Chen Yuzhi in the garden and finds it really pretty, since she’s really never been to the surface world and if this is what the flowers look like up there then wow, the world is beautiful
The garden pretty much becomes the gods of the underworld’s safe haven, like if they need to relax (when they get the chance), that’s where they go
Chen Yuzhi, of course, will dish out punishments when requested by Jiang Yuelou because 1) while Jiang Yuelou can dish out some pretty harsh punishments, Chen Yuzhi’s punishments are somehow 100% worse and 2) Jiang Yuelou just wants to see his husband be sexy when dealing out punishments
Jiang Yuelou, Chen Yuzhi, and Keying always go to the surface at least three times in a month, mainly so that Chen Yuzhi doesn’t end up looking pale like Jiang Yuelou and so that he can take care of his garden, which thankfully is guarded by some Nymphs that Chen Yuzhi befriended a while ago
One evil soul escapes one day and decides to take Keying and Hell has never shaken with such rage when Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi find out.  Like holy shit, the mortal realm thinks the world is ending
Jiang Yuelou basically sends all the demons of Hell after the soul and when the soul is finally caught, it’s not even sent to Tartarus, it’s just erased
Chen Yuzhi is so angry by the kidnapping that he goes to the garden and creates a separate area that is just full of cacti, poisonous plants, thorny vines, and other dangerous plants that represent his anger
Jiang Yuelou finds him there after searching for so long and he does his best to get to his husband safely but jesus fucking christ, the thorny vines and sharp cacti are making this very difficult for him
At some point he gets pricked or stabbed by the plants and hearing his hiss causes Chen Yuzhi to come out of hiding and when he sees that Jiang Yuelou is hurt, his eyes widen and he quickly walks over to him, clutching his hand
“I’m sorry”
Jiang Yuelou shakes his head
“It’s alright”
Chen Yuzhi then leans down, kissing the injury better before he looks at Jiang Yuelou, who smiles and gently brushes his cheeks with the back of his fingers
“I know you’re angry, I am too, but this anger is dangerous, my love”
Chen Yuzhi nods
“I know…I’m sorry.  I just…I can’t…”
Jiang Yuelou pulls him in for a hug and holds him, just as they both feel a tug on their robes, making them look down to see Keying looking up at them
Chen Yuzhi smiles and reaches down, scooping her into his arms, holding her tightly as she buries her face in his shoulder
“I missed you gege”
Chen Yuzhi chuckles softly
“Sorry.  I just needed some time to cool off.  I would have hurt someone otherwise”
Keying nods as Jiang Yuelou places a hand on Chen Yuzhi’s back and guides him out of the garden and back to the palace, where they all relax in one big cuddle pile
Sometimes, when new souls are being escorted into Hell and Chen Yuzhi sees that there are children among the souls, he creates little flower crowns for them or hands them flowers to help them not be so scared
Most children’s souls go to the Elysian Fields, so Chen Yuzhi and Keying personally escort them there, Keying making sure that they’re not scared
Most children are kind of shocked that Persephone himself escorts them and sometimes even Hades comes along and they kind of feel like royalty, which is kind of what Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou were going for. If they were going to spend the rest of their eternal lives in Hell, they might as well make it somewhat special for them
Same with the elderly too.  If Jiang Yuelou believes that they haven’t done anything wrong in their human life, he has Chen Yuzhi escort them
War time is the worst for the gods of the Underworld, especially Jiang Yuelou, because so many souls come down to Hell that he barely gets any time to rest.  Song Rong and the other demons do their best to try and help him, but he just refuses and keeps working until Chen Yuzhi has to practically drag him out of his chair and drag him to bed, where he then practically sleeps like the dead (ha)
Chen Yuzhi then takes over while Jiang Yuelou rests and he has Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun help him determine where the souls go.  Most souls go to the Asphodel Meadows while the really power-hungry war generals go to Tartarus
A few souls try to fight him on his ruling until he flashes his eyes and the ground begins to shake in warning, Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun standing at his side, their eyes also glowing.  Most don’t try to argue with him after that
Sometimes whenever Chen Yuzhi and Keying head to the mortal realm, Yu Tangchun and Chu Ran will join, and Chen Yuzhi brings them to his garden
Chu Ran is floored by the beauty and Yu Tangchun loves the two nymphs that guards the garden, Chu Min and Liu Li.  He thinks they’re adorable and wishes they could be down in the Underworld; he definitely treats them like his children
No one hardly ever seen Sun Yongren, since he’s constantly escorting people to Hell, but whenever he gets the chance, Chen Yuzhi makes to give him some fruits from the garden to keep his strength up and Sun Yongren is very grateful
Chen Yuzhi also goes up during the spring season to make sure that the new flowers and new life is going well and sometimes Jiang Yuelou will follow him and watch from the shadows, a small smile on his face
He loves watching his husband create things, and to see him be happy while creating them
After Chen Yuzhi finishes creating things, Jiang Yuelou steps out of the shadows and walks over to him, wrapping his arms around him, causing him to jolt in surprise before he looks over his shoulder at him and smiles
“What do you think?”
Jiang Yuelou smiles fondly in return as he presses a kiss to Chen Yuzhi’s forehead
“It’s beautiful”
He then pulls Chen Yuzhi close
“Like you, my little god”
Chen Yuzhi giggles and leans against him as they enjoy the beauty and nature that Chen Yuzhi created
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badlucksav · 3 years
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I posted 2,496 times in 2021
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#i love the man but i also know that when he goes to a restaurant and the waiter comes to collect his plate and asks 'how was it?'
My Top Posts in 2021
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Soft sunset Zutara 🤍🤍🤍
296 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 17:09:38 GMT
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I drew this art for @sexyswordlady for her header. I love drawing these two so much 🥰🥰🥰 I had so much fun with this piece. I’m imaging (aged up, of course) post-Agni Kai. I’ve always had the headcanon that Katara stays close by him for days or weeks after the Agni Kai to heal him. This is where their friendship develops further. The spiciness of this was mostly done for my lovely friend, and is lowkey inspired by her fic, “Drowning In You”.
297 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 04:09:40 GMT
Wylan: Kaz doesn’t like anything.
Nina: that’s simply not true.
Nina: he likes Inej.
Inej, shocked: what?
310 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 21:51:51 GMT
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Day 6: Greek Mythology for @zkmythicalcreaturesweek
I was hoping to write a fic to pair with it, but alas, that didn’t happen, but I hope you enjoy the art. Obsessed with these two as Hades and Persephone.
[Click for higher quality]
[image ID under the cut]
[image ID: digital art shows full-body side profiles of Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender stylized as Hades and Persephone. Katara stands on the left hand side of the frame wearing a blue dress with a corset and flowing pale blue sleeves. Her hair is down with a pale pink flower crown wrapped around her head. She’s gazing softly at Zuko, who is holding her hands.
Zuko stands on the right hand side of the frame facing Katara. He wears black armor with gold trim similar to his armor from the show, as well as a black cloak. His hair is half up in a topknot with the rest down. He wears a crown with two dragons horns at the front of his head.
The background shows Katara standing in an out of focus forest with shades of green, yellow, and orange. Zuko’s side is a dark gray background with a black-grey tree without leaves. There is a beam of sunshine shining from Katara’s side of the background and partially illuminating Zuko. End image ID].
324 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 18:13:31 GMT
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Kanej 🖤
529 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 09:26:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yutatube · 3 years
If I Was In The Council
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Before anyone says shit, I got permission from Kierra to do this. So shut.
Also, go read The Council by @itskierrababyy
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Name: Kita Shizuka
They didn’t have Kita hair :(.
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Sign: Capricorn
Song: Maneater by Nelly Furtado
Shinsuke is my twin brother. Throughout our whole lives, we’ve been seen as a contrasting pair. People have always seen Shinsuke as the more authoritative type, getting things done and always winning. I was seen as the more softer one. The one who played in the flower fields, loved to paint and ice skate, always listened, and was a very quiet, obedient child. And in front of adults, that may be true, but Shinsuke and I are more alike than people think.
The punishments Shinsuke used, the cruelty he displayed, the idea of The Council, all of that was because of me. Shinsuke was a ruler, but he was not a punisher. His mind was not creative enough to come up with cruel strategies and heartless games.
The student body loves me because they think I’m the kinder Kita, but they don’t know that their friends that have perished were gone because of me. They see a girl who helps her classmates, a girl who picks up fallen books and helps people study. They see a girl with a smile as warm as the sun. They don’t see the cold heart that lays beneath, the dark shadows that follow her everywhere she goes, nor do they see why she wears white gloves.
White is a symbol for innocence and purity, white gloves symbolize high status, clean hands, and cleanliness.
The students don’t see that the gloves are there because my hands are clean, I don’t do dirty work. I don’t have blood on my hands, unlike my brother. Instead, my blood is soiled. The blood that runs through my veins is blacker than anyone else’s in the school. The student body doesn’t see that behind the angelic facade is the demonic prodigy of The Council.
After Y/N joins The Council, I invite her to have a cup of tea in the student council office. She’s surprised to know I’m even on the student council, thinking I was just another student who was related to Mr. President.
Over time, Y/N starts to realize that Shinsuke isn’t the puppet master of Inarizaki, but me.
Yes, I made myself OP. Got a problem with it? No, you don’t.
Istg Atsumu is so fucking annoying, I smack him upside the head at least once a day.
But not Osamu.
Osamu, my beloved <3.
Does Shinsuke know? No. Does he need to? No.
I should make a Council!Me x Council!Osamu wedding.
I hate Suna sometimes. Mf will wake me up in the middle of the night just to spill tea to me. It’s fucking annoying like ?? Wait til it’s not 2 am Mf ???
Aran is sane <3. I also always steal his money during card games.
I’m the best gambler in Inarizaki. That’s not relevant tbh, but it should be.
I’m also dad’s favorite.
Shinsuke is fucking dumb as fuck. Like he’s smart or whatever, but to me, he’s just a loser.
(I love you, Kita <3)
In front of adults: oh, what loving siblings.
In front of Shinsuke’s friends: they either hate each other or are just both assholes with love.
I do have friends other than council members.
I’m not gonna name them, but they’re there.
I’m the best at solitaire. No one can beat my record.
Because I have a personality outside of being the puppeteer, I’m also a figure skater <3.
I’m the best character in The Council. Case closed.
Anyways, here’s a poem I’m relating to Council!Me.
“She wore silk dresses
and flower crowns
and she was loved
she was soft
and then she was stolen
this is the story they tell.
they do not speak of her rages
when she would pull rain from the clouds
and the flowers beneath her feet would turn black
they do not speak of how she laughed
when icarus fell from the sky in a golden plume
they do not speak
of how she grew flowers
because she enjoyed watching them
fade and die
and they do not speak
of how she pounded at the gates of hell until they opened
and how she let pomegranate juice
drip from her smiling lips
and how even Hades
trembled under her gaze.”
— on persephone, unknown author
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betawithablog · 4 years
Headcanons for the greek gods as omegas?
(I assume you mean as Omegaverse and not for them all to be Omegas cus there’s no way Ares is Omega lol)
This is gonna be the 12(.5) Olympians and the royal couple of the underworld
Zeus: Alpha, a very obvious Alpha. Leader of the Olympian pack. If we're going with the personality he has in the myths then he's the kind of douchebag Alpha who thinks it's his right to go around knotting whoever he fancies; I imagine his pheromones are pretty powerful too. Like, send-you-into-an-surprise-heat kind of powerful. If we're going with how the ancient Greeks actually saw Zeus though he's the absolute best provider. Big dad vibes towards everyone who's even a little bit younger than him (which... y’know, given that he's a god is almost everyone).
Hera: Omega. The kind of Omega that has a dominant, leader's streak; the kind born to be the leader's mate. She has that Omega's need for love and attention (which Zeus really needs to work on giving her smh) and likes to pamper her body (see: pool that she bathes in every night that somehow magically makes her not a virgin anymore... yeah idk either, blame the ancient Greeks). She does, however, lack a natural maternal instinct (see: yeeting baby Hephaestus off of mt. Olympus), so I feel like she could potentially also be a Beta.
Poseidon: Alpha. Originally he was actually the leader of the Olympian pack (no that's not a headcanon - the Macedonians actually considered Poseidon to be the head of the Olympians). I imagine him to be a kind of rugged-looking Alpha - like an strong old fisherman with rough palms and speckled grey hair - with an air of calm and control that can switch to chaotic and aggressive in an instant's notice - like the ocean itself.
Hestia: Omega. Absolutely 100% Omega. The kind of Omega who's very presence makes you feel soothed, her hugs are warm and soft (not just because she always wears fluffy cardigans), her nest is absolute perfection - beautiful, calming to be in, and cosy - and she's always got something divine (if you'll excuse the pun) in the oven. Always purring kin the kitchen. Absolute biggest mama vibes. She smells like a bakery; chocolate and pastry. Holy shit I love Hestia.
Demeter: Alpha. Considered her, perhaps, as an Omega on account of her being a fertility agriculture goddess but she just doesn't strike me as the placating, gentle type. Quite the opposite. She fought stubbornly for her daughter to remain at her side, and she's the goddess of law too - she's not the rolling-over-showing-her-neck type at all. I picture her as an absolute Unit; muscles for days from all the years harvesting crops. The no-nonsense kind of Alpha.
Aphrodite: Omega. The hypersexual kind of Omega. I believe I've seen them called 'Pack Omegas' - the type that do best when they're in a relationship with lots of people, practically (or literally) a whole pack. Also the beauty-obsessed kind of Omega. Takes ten hours to get her clothes, hair, and makeup done yet somehow she turns the whole process into a mesmerising dance. She turns everything into a mesmerising dance. Another I imagine with knock-out strong pheromones that have Alphas falling to their knees for her. She smells like roses.
Athena: Alpha. Another leader-type Alpha - literally has Athens named after her, and she's very proud of her people... despite some of the absolute nonsense she's had to witness from them throughout the ancient years. A very adept and skilled fighter and strategist - likes to know everything about a situation before rushing in. She's an incredibly supportive and wise lead Alpha, the kind that the pack feels they can go to with whatever problem they might have. I feel like she could also easily be a Beta, but she's got such a strong sense of being dominant and in charge it's hard to see her as anything but an Alpha.
Ares: Alpha. Less of a leader-type Alpha, lbr, more of a team player. The kind of Alpha that runs into things without thinking, relying on instinct and, on the battlefield, pure rage. Your average Aggressive Type Alpha who's ready to kill for anyone in his pack. Can come across as a bit of a meat head... and can be a bit of a meat head at times... Yet I imagine him as a really loving, doting mate, which initially surprises a lot of people; seeing this big burly 6ft< Alpha who smells like fire and blood smiling dopily as picks out the perfect dainty jewellery for Aphrodite.
Hephaestus: Beta. My poor poor bastard boy. Very crafty and creative (see: trapping his mother in a beautiful trick throne he built as revenge for yeeting him off the mountain as a baby). Likes to think his creations through and plan genius contraptions. He could very easily also be an Alpha, what with the fact he's a blacksmith, which is a rather Alpha job. But I guess I lean towards Beta because, even though he's a bit of a social outcast on account of his leg and general appearance, he's clearly desperate to be more socially involved with the pack and doesn't want to be a lone wolf.
Artemis: Alpha. Surprisingly nonsexual for an Alpha. Very much a lone wolf. Loves spending her days out in the forest. You wouldn't think she's an Alpha to look at her, but she'd surprise you with how strong she is. Also very good at using her opponent's strength against them. Because of her build, she's considered the protector of Omegas; most Omegas would feel very safe in her presence. She's got this mysterious edge to her that just uncontrollably draws you in... like the moon.
Apollo: Omega. Ah, sweet darling disaster bisexual... I just imagine him being very soft and sensitive (not that he can't kick ass on a battlefield, see: his involvement in the battles of the Iliad). He has an artist's soul and an angel's voice. His serenades are totally his courting gifts. I imagine him revelling in being doted on, and always eager for fuss and attention. He has a beautiful Omegan frame, and he loves decorating himself in luxurious garb and crowns of flowers and leaves. He smells like laurel and somehow also sunshine. No one knows how this is possible but he does.
Hermes: Beta. And nooo I'm not just saying that because he's my favourite and that's the dynamic I best identify with (>_>) He really is such a Beta though. I've a headcanon that Beta's love travelling and exploring and he's literally the God of that so y'know. He's also so quick thinking and witty: represented himself in a what was basically a godly court case where he was guilty of thievery and won when he was literally a baby. He's hardly ever submissive to anyone but he hardly ever uses aggression or physical force to get his way/get out of trouble. He smells like ripe strawberries and the metallic tinge of coins.
Dionysus: Beta. The eccentric, outgoing, party type Beta; wants to be surrounded by friends having a good time all the time. He smells like booze; in the morning it's a little off-putting, but in the evening its literally intoxicating. I imagine his mortal Maenads needing only his scent to drive them into a frenzy. Not the kind of Beta you'd expect to also have the Supportive Beta streak, but he absolutely does; he lives to support his friends and gives the kind of advice you don't realise is advice at first and later hits you like an epiphany, and it was exactly what you needed to hear.
Persephone: Beta. Difficult one, but I had to go with Beta because she strikes me as a very gentle, delicate goddess of spring that could easily have her classified as Omega, but in winter she's the no-nonsense, dominant queen of the underworld that could have her classified as an Alpha. Overall, I think this shows her adaptability, which is a very Beta trait. Also, she's not really as needy and dependent as an Omega traditionally is. Things might have happened to her beyond her control, but she very much took back control and has both Hades and Demeter wrapped around her little finger. Of course, she smells like pomegranates, and spring blossom.
Hades: Omega. I have such a soft spot for soft!Hades. But he's kind of the reverse of Artemis in that you would not think to look at him that he's an Omega, you'd assume he's an Alpha, especially considering his position as ruler of the underworld. But he's a softy at heart, and adores material possessions (which I consider a bit of an Omegan trait). He mopes all the way through spring and summer at the lack of Persephone's presence, cooped up in his nest the whole time until autumn rolls around and she comes back into his life. He has a very earthy scent.
Hermaphrodite: All three! Thought I'd include Hermaphrodite because they flashed through my mind and I wondered what might be classified as intersex in a/b/o. Of course, that depends on how you hc biology for the dynamics but I thought what would perhaps make Hermaphrodite an outcast/outlier could be their body, scent, and instincts being a mix of all three dynamics.
thanks for the ask 💞
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realmythsmoved · 6 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise). Softest muses are Persephone, Hoa, Cascadia, Hope, and Esme. Toughest muse? Aphrodite.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? Farryn, definitely.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? Persephone is often called Persy. Camille, Cam or Cammy. Lydia, Lyd or Lydie.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Lydia is up to date on everything. Other than that, most of my muses aren't really trend followers.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? Farryn & Hope & Esme, and Ula/Meribella & Cascadia/Christina.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? Probably Persephone, Camille, or Lydia.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? Camille, Persephone, Ula/Meribella, Hoa.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? Panic: Hoa, Cascadia/Christina, Ula/Meribella. Unfazed: Farryn, Persephone, Daxa, Anastasia.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? Ula/Meribella prefers to swim than take any mode of transportation, but she will if she has to.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. Hmmmmm idk. LOL. <3
Tagged by @uncxntrxllable
I tag: @flownintothesun, @amillixnvoices, and YOU if you want to do this <3
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
Which tarot card is your muse?
I did it for Persephone and got:
the fool
there is an endless road ahead of you. long and winding, it is impossible to imagine every fork, every path you could take. like looking down from a high place, the sheer magnitude is dizzying. but it is freeing. god, it is freeding. you have all the time in the world to explore– endless choices to make; take time to appreciate it all. just be careful not to lose yourself to the recklessness that comes with such wondrous freedom. / NUMBER: 0 / UPRIGHT: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit / REVERSED: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
Tagged by @amcthystdreams (thank you!)
I tag: @the27percent, @bewitchingbaker, @ferinehuntress (Caitlyn) , and YOU if you want to do this.
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realmyths · 4 days
Make your muse in Picrew.
I made Lisa and it turned out like this:
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Then I made Persephone and it turned out like this:
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And just for fun, the mun!
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Not tagged, but stolen from @the-expatriate
I tag: YOU. Steal it from me idc. <3
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realmyths · 11 days
What kind of tragedy is your muse?
I did it for Persephone and got:
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written in the stars
it had to end this way. we all know it. only you were unaware. you had hope. hope, of course, only makes it hurt all the more. we all knew you would look back, oh love, there’s no other version of the story. and yet, alongside you, we still had hope. we believed in you, even though we knew you couldn’t win. and you believed in yourself till the last moment. it isn’t fair, is it? you didn’t know you were doomed.
Not tagged, stolen from @hellfollowed
I tag: YOU, steal it from me idc. <3
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realmythsmoved · 4 months
headcanon questions. what are your muse's most negative traits? how do these traits influence their lives? & does your muse consider themselves a good person? why or why not? / for whoever you like, & feel free to answer for multiple muses!
Persephone: Persy can be very nosy. And almost idealistic and loyal to a fault. It takes a lot to shake her loyalty. But once it's shaken, you'd have to work hard to earn her trust back.
Persy's nosiness influences her life a lot because it leads how she interacts with others. She'll never pry if someone's clearly uncomfortable speaking about something, but she will wonder. And her idealism and loyal nature can for sure be misused by bad faith actors.
Persy, despite knowing that she's flawed does consider herself a good person. She always does her best to be kind to others, and to help those who need it. And in her opinion, that's what matters.
Victoria: Victoria can be a bit of a pushover. A real people-pleaser. Others can misuse that and force her to do things she doesn't really agree with if she thinks about it, but she doesn't always have the courage to say no. Meeting Alex, however, unlocks her courage. She now knows that some of the things she was doing are wrong. The trouble is, she is still willing to give chances to those, like her father and older brother, who perhaps don't deserve them. She also does not tend to go far enough in her dreams of the future, of a future where all werewolves are free to do and be whoever they want. And that's solely because of her misguided loyalty to her family and what she knows it would mean for them, even and especially her mother. She can also be very naïve. And like Persephone, idealistic and loyal to a fault.
Victoria's negative traits definitely affect her throughout her life and throughout the story I'm currently writing about her and Alex. However, she is aware of her flaws and does her best to work on them.
Despite knowing she is flawed, Victoria does think of herself as a good person. She does think she's got room for improvement. But if she didn't think she was good at this point, she probably wouldn't have the energy to keep going. (Of course, that might change in the future. She could easily think of herself as a bad person as well. Especially if she were to hurt someone she really cares about. Or they were to reject her, even if it wasn't fully about her. And Victoria could still have the energy to keep going cause she'd think 'well if anything happens to me I'd probably deserve it but I'll do as much good as I can on my way out and hopefully that's enough.' )
Alex: Alex has definitely got a temper. She's also very impulsive. Very much 'do first think later' type. She doesn't have a ton of patience. And though she tries to keep an open mind, she doesn't have a lot of patience for naivety or lack of awareness, hence why she doesn't exactly like Tori in the beginning. That does change, though. So I'm unsure if that's a full-on flaw of hers, or if it's just one that she had but has improved upon.
Alex's negative traits definitely affect her. Especially her temper and impulsivity. It's why at the end of the first book she's going to [redacted] the [redacted]. <3
Alex doesn't fully think of herself as a bad person, but she doesn't see herself as fully good either. She exists in the morally gray area. And she's relatively comfortable there. (Though mun would argue she is a good person. She's just imperfect, as all people are.)
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realmythsmoved · 4 months
6. someone they feel dislikes them (Persephone)
Besides the obvious of her first two foster parents, school bullies. She doesn't understand why else she would've been bullied in school. She never did anything wrong in her estimation. So they must've disliked her.
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realmythsmoved · 6 months
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ?   do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ?  ( for persephone )
Persy doesn't mind silence. She doesn't find it awkward or anything. Sometimes she'll try to say something to break a silence, but only if she has something interesting or important to say. Otherwise, she's fine staying silent. However, that's when she's feeling at her best. If she's dealing with a lot of negative thoughts or something like that, she does tend to try to fill silences, if only because she doesn't want to be alone with her thoughts. So for her it really depends on how she's feeling, her mood. But most of the time, she doesn't really mind silence.
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