#her adventure is just beginning (lydia: headcanon.)
realmythsmoved · 6 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise). Softest muses are Persephone, Hoa, Cascadia, Hope, and Esme. Toughest muse? Aphrodite.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? Farryn, definitely.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? Persephone is often called Persy. Camille, Cam or Cammy. Lydia, Lyd or Lydie.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Lydia is up to date on everything. Other than that, most of my muses aren't really trend followers.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? Farryn & Hope & Esme, and Ula/Meribella & Cascadia/Christina.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? Probably Persephone, Camille, or Lydia.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? Camille, Persephone, Ula/Meribella, Hoa.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? Panic: Hoa, Cascadia/Christina, Ula/Meribella. Unfazed: Farryn, Persephone, Daxa, Anastasia.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? Ula/Meribella prefers to swim than take any mode of transportation, but she will if she has to.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. Hmmmmm idk. LOL. <3
Tagged by @uncxntrxllable
I tag: @flownintothesun, @amillixnvoices, and YOU if you want to do this <3
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alma-amentet · 2 years
Skyrim Asks
I forgot that I was tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom gods know when... This was just staying in my drafts way too long but I had fun doing it. Perhaps I need more OC ask games...
Not tagging anyone, but you can just take it if you want. And tag me, I’ll gladly read about yours ;)
1. Favourite Tavern
Bannered Mare. That’s where she met Uthgerd, good memories.
The Winking Skeever because beds with blankets and sheets, not just hides!!!
2. Favourite Drink
Wine. Simply like myself because, honestly, I didn’t give it much thought... But Laere would certainly prefer good wine to mead, and is not a fan of something stronger.
3. Travel Companion
Uthgerd, for sure. Wife and companion (also a bodyguard, sometimes the voice of reason, lol). But also Mjoll (she’s really nice and talkative) and Brelyna (same, they’ve become friends).  
(Uthgerd retired and started running the house after Laere reached level 30... probably weary of all her fighting and adventuring, wanting a calm life... Laere would probably stick with Lydia for awhile, but needs someone else) 
4. Wealthy or not?
She can make some good money... and spend it gods know on what, because... she has expences, you know ;) Then feel broke as hell... 
5. Worships the Aedra or the Daedra?
Azura. It’s a family tradition: long time ago, back in Morrowind, Laere’s ancestors secretly have sympathised with dissidents and worshipped Azura. She’s not very faithful, though.
6. Biggest Fear
As of now - failing somehow. All this mess has gone too far, but what if it’s all a mistake, she’s not a real Dragonborn, there’s someone stronger than her?
(facing some people from the past... returning to her family failed, having to do what her parets say and assume they were right, they won).
7. Pet Peeves
Those filthy nords (and other men and mer, dunmer too) who are fond of Barenzia stories too much, thinking all dunmer girls are like this. Laere’s not. 
8. Do they like being dragonborn?
She didn’t like training at Hrothgar because too much discipline, waking up early etc - not her thing. But assunming it didn’t last long, others (like Ulfric) spent way more time on this - OK. Shouting out flames is fun, for sure!  And she’s curious, at the same time. Not the type to give up and leave (all my OCs have concience and feel responsibility for their missions). She has people to support her, so she finally sticks to it... 
Also she doesn’t want to go back to Cyrodiil and her family.
9. Favourite faction
Not any I can think of. 
She’s only with Winterhold so far. Blades want Partuurnax dead, which is not a chance an option. Companions want her to become a werewolf, the author steps in saying “no werewolves or vampirism ‘cause I’m through with all this goth stuff”.
10. An object of sentimental value
Her leather armor. She made it herself and valued it.
It’s not even in the game, just my headcanon: Laere had it on since the very beginning. And that captain lady from Helgen was imagining trying it on... it would be small for her anyway.
11. Hobbies
Crafting some stuff (selling it later would bring some cash). And... erm, just sleeping =) resting from all those adventures wnenever she can ‘cause that;s important.
12. Favourite city
Solitude because it’s rather Imperial. Pretty much familiar, relatively warm and comfortable.
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dark-twist-fairytales · 2 months
hello dark twist fairytales, so. Do you have any dark twist of fairytales… (not obligated to answer !!)
So, kind of inspired by Lydia the Bard's villain princess songs on YouTube, but instead of the princesses themselves, what about their children? Because, think about it:
-"Beauty and the Beast", what if the beast 'gene' (curse) could be passed down through generation?
-Anna and Elsa from "Frozen", what if nature gifted Anna's children magic? Or Elsa adopted a child that had magic?
-Merida's child from "Brave" (she may not like being forced to throne, but I feel like she would want to be a mom (headcanon moment, my bad)) would absolutely take on Merida's hunter/adventurer thinking
-Pocahontas, from the movie of the same name, would absolutely teach her child her roots, where she came from, all that was sacrificed, and so so much more, and her child? Absolutely, would try to keep those true.
-Cinderella and Prince Charming from "Cinderella", my my my, where do I begin? Honestly, I feel like they would have a son (kind of like.. Charming from "Shrek 2"? But less bratty and more smug, if that makes sense) and he would want to be in the spotlight, but not for the reason of being crowned a prince
-Aurora from "Sleeping Beauty", back to the point of Belle and Beast, what if the curse stayed, but in.. A different way?
-"The Little Mermaid", Ariel my dear. Now, it is confirmed (the second movie) that Melody is Ariel's and Eric's child, but let's just- We're ignoring canon here, alright? Melody is here, but the events of the second movie didn't happen, and that in and of itself is important and all you need.
-Jasmine and Aladdin from "Aladdin". Honestly, that duo in a child will be Something, but just those two being how they are, their child wouldn't be too much of a... Menace, in a way
-Mulan (my boy Ping!!) and Shang- Woosh! I know she's not an official princess (by blood or marriage), but let's be honest? With what I'm thinking about, their child(ren) would go to some sort of knight deal
-Tiana and Naveen, "The Princess and the Frog", my absolutely beloved movie of all time, there are many possibilities for a little magic
-RAPUNZEL (from "Tangled") PLEASE, There still has to be some magic in her blood, or else Eugene wouldn't be alive, so their children would have magic in their blood. And going by the series (from edits and as such I've seen, I've never actually watched the series), there's different incantations for different things. I'm keeping that there.
I didn't stick with my own questioning deal, but anyways, point being: What if their children didn't like being tied to royalty? What if their curses or bloodlines made it difficult to control? What if the twist to their fairytales didn't happen in their fairytale? It would be twisted, to see their efforts they tried to raise suddenly riot against the world they knew? What is fairytale perfect for them, was truly a nightmare in disguise for their kids?
I don't have a working title, semi-"Descendants" like but no villain kids and probably better, focusing on what would be the "good kids". Pulling inspiration from the Disney Princess movies (a few excluded either on purpose or no ideas right now), the Shrek movies (specifically 2 and 3), Lydia the Bard villain songs, and my own dark thinking of "You know what would be fucked?"
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oOo LOTTIE X EDVIN?? Whyyy? it's kinda weird! But I Like, KindA Weird but Kinda cool
Yes, I know. It’s probably the most unusal ship I have. I guess I just made a lot of character development in my head for both of them. Let me explain it.
Edvin is very likeable. I think almost every reader will agree with me on that.
On the other hand, he’s often overlooked. He appears on the scene only when someone needs him, he doesn’t have his own story, his personality is well described in book one and then it doesn’t change much. (But let’s be honest, the only characters with story and develompent are Hal, Stig and partly Lydia and Thorn, you can find a Karina’s short story too but somehow I take her story like part of Hal’s.) And that’s the point when every reader can made up their own story for him. They, you actually, you can go more deeply to every character and full the blank parts. I am not done yet! Let’s move to Lotte.
Lotte... uhm Lotte was only in book one and she was there just because of the particular part of the story. She doesn’t need to be in the books.There’s another character that doesn’t need to be there but that’s for another time. Her temperament is only slightly hinted and then she is left out. You can’t the most popular girl in Hallasholm just left out! That’s not how it works! You don’t have to write novels about her but you should mentioned her here and there. Or if you wanted her not to be in the following books, you would have to explain where she’s gone. We don’t know Lotte because there isn’t any possible way to do it. And let’s be real, most of us forgot about her after book three because she wasn’t imporant anymore.
When Lydia came to Hallasholm. That’s the point where I started to think about Lotte again. Lotte has potential to be great character. Yes, you can argue with me because she feels flat and even without purpouse after book one. Yes, that’s true. But! That can be a point when you can come to the scene and make her be a deep character. You can give her a purpouse she has lost on her way.
some headcanons about Lotte because I am pretty sure I don’t have to explain why Edvin is great character:
Lotte is an only child but she wasn’t used to be. Her brother, about ten years older than her, died shortly after his brotherband training. It still affects her a lot. She has never got used to empty child at dinner table. She wasn’t able to enter her brother’s room for years. And everytime she overhards the sound of violin, she freezes. But she goes on. Because that’s what she has to do.
Her mother is a healer. Or more specifically she makes the medicines, picks the herbs and other ingredients. Lotte helps her a lot but she knows this is not for her.
She was used to all the attention she had. She didn’t like it at first but it came to the point when fell in love with the feeling that came up everytime someone called her name.
She can fight for herself and everyone she cares about. She doesn’t even need to raise a hand. Her voice and words are more than enough for it.
Lotte is incredibly skilful and clever. She doesn’t have the Math logic to be able to build a more complicated bit of furniture. She’s more into ‘softer’ crafts but she learns quickly. She managed to learn how to open the locks by only looking at Jesper doing it.
BACK TO THE MAIN TOPIC this is starting getting long
Lotte knew she doesn’t have the same amount of attention she used to but that wasn’t any surpise. The brotherband competition started, ended and everything changed. The herons left. Rollond wanted too. She saw him looking at the empty Heron’s place but he disappered between the buildings before she got to him. Her friends found their masters. She did too. She was helping her mother with herbs and got herself a place by jewelery master. And she felt more alone than ever.
Then the herons came back with Andomal. That didn’t help. She was standing in the dark corner of a building. Rocks were cold against her back. The herons looked exhausted but happy. Lotte immediately noticed the new member. Girl with olive skin and dark hair. She looked nervous. Her eyes were pointed back to the ocean and shone with adventure. That could have been you.
No. Lotte changed her mind right after she came home. That could not have been you because you would have never asked for a place in a brotherband. You know what it takes.
She came to the celebration. She didn’t want to in the beginning but she was curious. Of course she ended up alone in the corner. Noone noticed her. If she only knew.
So this became longer than I expected.This was supposed to be only explenation why I like them but it kind of became.... this. Excuse my grammar mistakes pleaase. Thank you
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Born As the World Burns Episode Headcanons: Season 4
Are You There God, It’s Me Dean Winchester
Has waaaaay too much fun researching angels
What Witness would Emma see?  Dean, maybe?  Would it be Lydia, for having a daughter that betrayed the Sisterhood?  Corbett?  One of her first hunts, where she wasn’t able to save someone in time?
In The Beginning
Wakes up just after Dean is transported to the past by Cas - first one on one meeting with Cas?
Emma is torn on the issue of Sam’s powers.  Cause if Dean sees that as Sam being something other than human… what does that mean for her?
Painfully aware that other hunters would consider her something that needed to be hunted.
But very not on board with the blood drinking, obviously.
facepalms whenever Sam and Dean reveal that they’ve been keeping something from one another.
Goes to research with Sam.
Hates the use of the term “long-pig”… cause memories.  Considers going vegetarian after this (tries and fails- Amazons are obligate carnivores)
Silently cringes every time Dean says something about ‘monster’.
Sam: “This is my choice.”  Emma: “Then good for you, Sam.” *proud*
Monster Movie
Emma has a map in her journal where she tracks all the states they go to.
Headdesks about the whole “rehymination” *eye roll*
“…there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin.”
But also, teases Dean by suggesting that she probably ought to be looking to lose hers as soon as possible if that’s how things are meant to be done.
Yellow Fever
Some of Dean’s early fears heavily revolve around Emma and her safety
Or maybe Emma is sick right along with Dean? she does use fear as a weapon
Sees the Amazons coming for her and Dean turning on her and trying to kill her
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
Emma’s first Halloween!
Sam: “Two words: Jail bait.”  Emma: “Dude, they’re like… my age!” *gag*
Corrects everyone’s pronunciation of Samhain
Cas: “Tell me, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn’t you obey?” Emma: “When my mother gave me an order, I ran away so I didn’t have to obey.  Orders aren’t always right.”
Wishful Thinking
Disappointed that Bigfoot is a hoax
Tries to actually sit down and talk to the giant teddy bear… cause why the fuck not?
What would Emma wish for?
Discount Rupert Grint was a prime candidate for “Vigilante Feminism” with his shower spying
Damn it, Sammy, maybe he doesn’t fucking want to talk about it cause it’s traumatic! *eye roll*
Gives Wes a kiss on the cheek in thanks (she finds him cute)
Starts to consider sharing some of the details of ‘boot camp’ with Sam and Dean to help Dean feel open to sharing about Hell
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Sam: “Let’s trade stories.  How was Hell?  Don’t spare the details.”  Emma: *glares at him a second and then busts out the story of how they forced her to eat human flesh*
Can Anna see Emma’s ‘face’?
Goes with Ruby and Anna
flashbacks show Sam ditching Emma at Bobby’s, Emma semi catatonic in her grief
Heaven and Hell
Emma is the only one surprised when Uriel announces that Sam’s  been screwing Ruby (cause she wasn’t there for the big heart to heart last episode)
An angel, a demon, and an amazon in the back seat of a car
Family Remains
Having three in the car makes sleeping in it a lot more cramped
Emma always has at least three knives hidden on her at all times, so at least they have some weapons left.
Stays out in the shed with mom and daughter to keep them safe
Criss Angel Is A Douchebag
Emma investigates parallel to the guys, masquerading as an aspiring young magician
After School Special
Emma enrolls in school - that’s an adventure
“Dude, Dad, those girls are my age!  …kind of.” re: legal teenagers
Sex and Violence
Junior Agent Emma ^_^
just rolls her eyes at Dean’s joy over a case with strippers
goes straight to the back room to talk to the girls, who try to be super helpful but can’t actually help much other than give a bit of confirmation to the siren theory
“They’re princesses.  All the girls that the siren is masquerading as have Disney princess names.”
Emma is tricked by the siren’s illusion but it’s venom doesn’t work right on her (weaker, easier to fight off) but still enough to get her for a bit
Follows along with Dean and Nick to the strip club, letting Sam have some alone time with Cara
wanders off, having befriended a few of the dancers who have decided to adopt her
Dean and Nick leave her behind there
Hitches her way back to the hotel just in time to help Bobby break the guys out of it and kill the siren
says nothing about their little ‘we good?  yeah, we’re good” bro moment, but definitely left with the feeling that they are not, in fact, all good
Death Takes a Holiday
Can’t agree more with Pamela on how crazy they are.
Emma can’t do the astral projection thing so she has to stay behind and keep an eye on their bodies and Pamela
kicks some demon ass and keeps Pamela safe, thank you very much
On the Head of a Pin
Emma fights so hard against Uriel and Castiel taking Dean to torture Alastair that they have to literally knock her out.  Probably breaks her hand punching Uriel.
And she doesn’t even make a move to stop Sam from killing Alastair.
Doesn’t leave Dean’s side for one second while he’s in the hospital until after he wakes up, and even then it takes some serious convincing.
It’s a Terrible Life
Emma Browning, recently hired to be Dean Smith’s new personal assistant.
Of course she follows along as the weirdness happens.  Like he could stop her.
There might be a bit of flirting going on between Dean and Emma… and once they remember just exactly who they are, they both agree to never speak of it again.
The Monster at the End of This Book
Can’t stop laughing at the cover art.
Reads through them voraciously.
Skips the sex scenes.
Oh lord, you know that there are Sam/Dean/Emma fans in this verse. *facepalm*
“I mean… are we *sure* that he’s not actually a god?”
Of *course* Emma asks Chuck for an autograph.  Probably hangs out at his place if Chuck and Dean let her, asking all sorts of writing questions.
Jump the Shark
“… it’s a binder, the rings open.  Why the hell did he tear the pages out?”
Gets a weird scent off of Adam, can’t quite place it until they figure out about the ghouls - it’s death.
The Rapture
Emma points out that getting him back to his family might not be the safest of ideas.
I wanna say that Emma catches Jimmy sneaking out and tails him.
“Hey, I’m not gonna stop you from going back to your family, but I *am* going with you.”
Manages to hold the demons off till Sam and Dean get there.
Suggests getting Amelia and Claire some protective sigils maybe?  Or anti-possession tattoos.
"Put pressure on the wound, Jimmy!”
“Uh, Sam, you got a little something… on your face…”
Emma makes an actual attempt to stay in touch with Claire.
When the Levee Breaks
“If you think that Sam is a monster…. then what does that make me?”
Dean: “Then at least he dies human!”  Emma: can’t handle it, leaves the house before Dean sees her cry.
Emma refuses to choose sides between Dean and Sam on the demon blood thing... but she does follow after Ruby when Sam tells her to get out of there.  Ruby manages to slip away from her, though.
Lucifer Rising
Backs Bobby up on Dean being a better man than John was, adds “a better father, too.”
Once again left behind when Dean is taken to the Beautiful room
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sunjaesol · 7 years
I feel like stydia had so many almost kisses!! Like??? The sexual tension in 6x01 omg!! I feel like the summer between 5b and 6a it was getting harder harder for them to hide their feelings for each other.
Girlie you have no idea! Plenty of people have made headcanons about this, but I’ll just babble along. First of all, Stiles and Lydia could’ve kissed at least three times in 6x01 if the situation was ideal.Secondly, THESE TEENS WERE ALONE IN STILES’ CAR NUMEROUS TIMES A WEEK AT NIGHT SEEKING THE SUPERNATURAL! And it wasn’t even Lydia’s duty to go with him, she could’ve easily said that Stiles needed to fuck off and go on his own but she didn’t because she cares about him. she loves him. and obviously on those nights you get very intimate because you need to fill the silence with something so no one (read: Lydia) falls asleep. So they talk. About anything and everything. It feels just like the beginning of Junior Year again, when the Stilinski household and more specifically, Stiles’ bed, was the new territorium of Lydia Martin. They got deep about life and how they honestly had no idea what they’d do after Beacon Hills because?? they’ve seen it all?? they’ve conquered more than anyone ever will so how will they respond to normal real life?? But it’s about 5 AM they go to MacDonalds for an early breakfast. Usually they’re alone, as Beacon Hills is quite a small town and often people rise with the sun. So, there they sit, Lydia is sweats and a messy braid munching on her pancakes whilst Stiles is slurping on his orange juice and the conversation takes a lighter route. Like how Scott’s jaw is getting more crooked by the day, or how to braid hair. (Stiles has mastered the normal and fishtail so far. He loved running his fingers through Lydia’s silky hair, but he wasn’t supposed to think that. She was a friend. A friend.)At the end of their adventure, Stiles parks his Jeep in her driveway and she lazily smiles at him. Often they just sit and stare ahead of them, or sometimes at each other. Neither want to leave each other’s presense. Sometimes they almost instinctively lean in (for warmth, obviously. totally not because the lips of one another seem so addicting) to then shrug it off like it didn’t happen. Stiles would wait until she was inside before driving away, and Lydia would watch from her bedroom window as he drove of, wishing she was still there with him. But they weren’t together, so that’s not a possibility. Until the night where Stiles gets taken, then they lean in because fuck insecurities. 
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calamiticus-blog · 7 years
and here’s the second one, which is also so messy and blah i’m so sorry it’s like 2 am and i wanted to get these out so my apologies for typos and general messiness. i added trigger warnings but if i missed anything pls lemme know and message me if you wanna plot with my babes :)
❝  be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ❞
LYDIA GRAHAM? No, that’s actually MATILDA YOUNG. About to begin SEVENTH YEAR, this GRYFFINDOR student is sided with THE LIGHTNING INSURGENCY. SHE identifies as CIS FEMALE and is a MUGGLEBORN who is known to be RASH, IMPATIENT, and CALAMITOUS but also PUCKISH, CHARISMATIC, and CONFIDENT. 
Tumblr media
name: matilda tillie ann young
age: 17
house: gryffindor
student functions: gryffindor keeper
boggart: the ghost of her mother, pale and withered and broken
patronus: wild cat
orientation: pansexual / panromantic
if you want a death sentence, you’ll call her matilda. no one calls her matilda. not even her own father calls her that. he knows better. you can call her tilda, matty, til - whatever. anything but matilda. mostly, she gets called tillie, and that’s how she introduces herself. “tillie young - at ya service,” she’ll say if you ask her for her name. she hasn’t uttered her full name - no one has - not since that day. and she wants it to stay that way. matilda young died the day her mother left this world, leaving behind a totally different person. a ghost of a person. and if you try to resurrect her, ever utter that name, all you’re going to get is a fistful of pain, either to the schnoz or the groin. don’t you dare call her matilda. 
tillie young grew up muggle, completely unaware of the phenomenon that was coursing through her veins. her childhood was fairly simple, though somewhat riddled with hardship. michael and tabitha young were, just that - young. tabitha was just seventeen when she found out she was pregnant, about to have a kid when she was still one herself. her boyfriend (a rather loose term for michael at the time) was just a couple years older, a uni drop out who played drums in a psychobilly band that was honestly not that good at all. the only good song he ever wrote was for a little black haired girl, a spitting image of her raven-haired mother, and the only joy the man ever had. despite her rocky origins, tillie grew up in a loving home with a pair of crazy, and heavily inexperienced, parents who were growing up beside their wild haired daughter. those first few years were bliss, the kid not knowing the troubles lurking beneath the surface of her parents’ wide grins. 
so it was a shock when the leukemia hit. tillie tries not to think about it, because it only ever gets her mad. it was just a reminder that life wasn’t bliss, that it was cruel and unfair and things never really ended with “happily ever after” like those silly children’s books mum would stop and read to her whenever they were out and happened to be near a book store. life was not some fairy tale. she had to learn this the hard way. her memories of her mom range from her being healthy and oh-so-happy to frail and weak. and yet she was always smiling, even through the hardest parts. she was so strong, so committed to making sure her daughter didn’t see the true suffering behind her eyes. tillie hadn’t a clue then what was happening, but looking back all the signs were there. despite their efforts, it didn’t take long for the sickness to take hold, and she remembers being curled up next to her mother, staring up at dark and beady eyes, hearing her father’s muffled weeps against the other side of her neck, barely concealing the slow and dying beat of tabitha young’s heart. she’d stayed there for a couple hours more, until they had to tear her away from the body’s side. she hadn’t even cried until they were out in the hallway and michael was struggling to keep tillie from jumping out of his arms and rushing back into the room where tabitha lay. 
it was shortly after this that life sent another curveball tillie’s way. when her mother left, so did any light in their world. her father resorted to alcohol and medication to numb the pain left from their loss. he was barely a dad now. tillie stopped calling him dad just to make that clear. she spent a lot of time between the homes of relative’s and “in the system” while her father went through phases of sobering up and falling into bad habits. eventually they gave up on both of them, and through a cruel twist of fate tillie stayed with her dad. she may have been the kid, but michael needed someone to take care of him more than he could take care of someone else. so she dealt with it, and soon enough the daughter became the caretaker. it forced her to grow up fast, but the everlasting memory of her mother kept tillie from growing up too fast. she still remained impish and charming and refused to be some stick in the mud grown up. that was dad’s job, even if he wasn’t going to live up to it. but her lifestyle left her with complicated and unnerving feelings, a sort of darkness that would follow her no matter how carefree she attempted to act in the face of all her adversity. 
this darkness took the most intriguing forms. all her life her parents had compared her to a storm. you could always sense just when a hurricane’s about to land, and according to her parents you could always sense when tillie was going through something. every tantrum was accompanied by a disturbance. the echo of her laughter caused things to literally jump. and those big old crocodile tears that leaked whenever she was upset brought on the most peculiar wonders that either tabitha or michael had ever seen. strange coincidences, they’d say, but when tillie was older and able to recognize the peculiarities herself, she couldn’t help but feel there was more to it. after all, things randomly, albeit briefly, levitating around you was no common occurrence. the answer to this quiet question that was plaguing her every night didn’t come until the arrival of a strange and ancient looking woman to her home when she was eleven, accompanied by a letter delivered by owl inviting her to attend hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. it seemed like out of one of those fairy tales her mum used to read to her, but this was no fairy tale. magic was real, and tillie had some of it herself. 
the transition into being a witch was strange, to say the least, but tillie has embraced it fully. since discovering she’s a muggleborn, she’s wanted nothing more than to immerse herself completely in this new and fantastical world that’s been open to her. she took to hogwarts so naturally, it was like she was born with the knowledge of it. and while she isn’t the most studious or intelligent, she’s soaked up the education it’s given her. to know that magic is real and to be steadily mastering it has awakened a joy in tillie she never knew was there. not since her mother died. she found a passion for quidditch, being an exceptional beater. she loves charms and transfiguration, taking glee in transforming rats into goblets and the like. every second spent at that castle is like the first chapter to a brave new adventure. but the true reason she’s taken such a liking to hogwarts is because for the first time in a long time she has a home - and a community that loves her and welcomes her in with warm embrace. michael did little to make her feel love after tabitha’s passing. the friends she’s made at hogwarts and been the opposite. she doesn’t feel lonely anymore, not here. she feels at peace and blissful, like a child again. it’s hard to believe it’s her last year and that it’s all coming to a close. she wishes she could turn back time, back to that first day on the boat, so she could keep reliving these seven years over and over again. 
the war scares her. the prospect of her fairy tale world being ruined by the threat of war unnerves her. tillie doesn’t want ruin to come to the wizarding world. not when it’s been such a joyous escape from the tragedy of her past. she was quick to sign up for the insurgency - desperate to keep this danger from spoiling the beautiful community she’s come to consider her home. she’s eager to fight back, to bring an end to this ridiculous fight once and for all. with blind courage and optimism, she believes that they’ve got what it takes to bring a proper end to this. nevermind that they’re just a group of kids - this is their world. her generation is on the brink of adulthood, and these backward thinking pricks want to ruin their future? hell no. she won’t let this stand. as a muggleborn she feels particularly threatened and it only spurns her on more to stop the death eaters once and for all. behind all that courage and ambition, though, she’s afraid. she’s afraid that she won’t be good enough, that she’ll fail. she’s afraid of dying and leaving her father an even bigger mess than when her mother passed. 
loud and somewhat obnoxious, tillie is incredibly outgoing and isn’t shy when it comes to making friends. she’s rather protective and if she sees anyone being bullied she’s quick to jump to their defense and claim them as a friend. once you’re her friend, you can count on being protected by her. she may not seem like much but she’s tough and foul-mouthed and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty or into a fight or two. growing up on the streets, she learned to fend for herself - and she’s seen her fair share of the big bad guys picking on the defenseless little ones. tillie won’t let that fly, though. as a seventh year, the question of her future has been brought up more than she wants to address. she’ll tell anyone she wants to be a holyhead harpy, and she very well could be, but there’s a lingering though of becoming an auror or working in law enforcement. she wants to protect the little guy, to bring justice to those that do wrong, but she isn’t sure her grades are enough to get her into a training program. so she won’t say it aloud. plus, holyhead harpy sounds so much cooler.  
wanted connections.
friends - like said above, tillie loves to make friends. and she loves to defend said friends. she’s a cross of mom friend and your friendly neighborhood badass - she will probably mom you and tell you to put on a jacket when it’s cold out because “you might get sick” and she’ll baby you and remind you to get enough sleep and eat three balanced meals, but she’ll also punch someone square in the nose for you, and is known to kick a few groins in the name of friendship. she’s already lost the most important person in her life - whenever she gains a new friend, she goes the extra mile to ensure their safety and happiness. and she loves to remind people she cares, because you never know when they won’t be around to hear it anymore. and she doesn’t want the lat words between them to be bad. ( can be multiple people )
exes - she may be a loving shit, but man tillie is not the best at maintaining serious romantic relationships. could be the unconventionality of her parents’ relationship. could be the string of destructive relationships she watched her father endure after tabitha left them. whatever the case, she’s just not good at keeping these things going. often times it’s because she gets scared. they’re getting in too deep. they’re really developing serious feelings about each other. then she gets cold feet. blame it on her self-destructive nature or inability to think decisions through before acting upon them - tillie always breaks things off just when they’re going so well. it’s because she’s used to good things leaving her. she said her goodbyes once and she can’t handle the thought of losing anyone else. with war looming on the horizon, this is getting all the more stressful. so she broke shit off again, because if something happens she can’t live with losing another person she loves more than life itself. better to end it now than see it end through death. ( any gender )
rivals - whether they are rivals on the pitch or elsewhere, tillie cannot stand this one person. they’re always against her, always standing in her way. they don’t see eye to hate. they think lowly of one another. maybe it’s a blood status thing. maybe it’s a gryffindor/slytherin thing. maybe it’s just the fact that tillie thinks she’s a lot better than this person and vice versa. whatever it is, there’s no doubt there’s bad blood between them. perhaps if they looked past their differences the pair could be a dynamic duo, come to actually like one another, but that doesn’t seem likely. tillie hates them with all of her might, and she refuses to see them as a human being. they’re more like the devil incarnate, but whatever. ( any gender )
can’t think of that many more but i’ll take like any connection you can think of so don’t hesitate to message me your ideas!!
( feel free to message me with plots or connections, even if they aren’t listed on here ! i would be open to everything and anything ! )
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asagimeta · 7 years
Scott and Stiles weren’t sandbox buddies after all...
I came to a realization earlier, and because of @youfancymemaddearie I'm about to inflict it upon all of you
Scott and Stiles didn't know eachother when Claudia died
Now to some this isn't surprising, but to most the assumption is that they've been freinds since diapers, Dylan's origin story for the Sciles freindship is that  Stiles peed on Scott's sandcastle one day at the beach and then boom, bros! I always took that as a headcanon, alot of people do, but it isn't possible, there are plenty of hints about it canon but now we finally have SOLID. PROOF. that they've known eachother for at most, five years, and I'm about to explain why, but first, we have to remember Teen Wolf's timeline, since it might be hard to keep track otherwise:
Claudia died in November, 2004- Stiles was nine
Paige died in November, 2004
The Hale fire was in Januarary, 2005
Teen Wolf begins in Januarary of 2011
Scott and Stiles are sophmores in highschool in 2011, they're both 16
With that being said, onwards to our proof that Stiles and Scott didn't know eachother in 2004
In season six, the sheriff reveals that Stiles went by the name Mischeif until Claudia died, wich is when he switched to "Stiles", Scott is unaware of this
Weather Scott truly remembered Stiles at that point or not is under some debate, but we know that remembering Stiles' name is a big deal so if Scott had known Stiles as "Mischeif" he would have shown SOME sign of recognition, either when Lydia wrote it or when his father said it, but Scott looked pretty much like a deer in the headlights, hearing this for the first time, why would Scott have not recognized this as his best freind's name if they knew eachother back then?
Now to be fair, Lydia didn't recognize Stiles under the name Mischeif either, and we KNOW that the two of them knew eachother when he was younger, but they probably weren't freinds, and it's reasonable to believe that Lydia wouldn't remember the name of someone she barely- if ever- talked to when she was just a kid, it's NOT reasonable to believe that you wouldn't remember that your best freind used to go by a different name, mostly because you would remember having to go through the transition of calling them by their new name, sure, maybe Scott wouldn't remember that Stiles used to go by a different name if it was something he mentioned in passing, but if they were close freinds and Scott had to essentially relearn Stiles' name- LEARN to call him "Stiles" instead of "Mischeif", that would have made an impression big enough that Scott would have remembered it at some point
That means that the longest they could know eachother would be about seven years, but wait! There's more!
Scott mentions that he lived with his dad in 2004
and that they moved to Beacon Hills when he was 11-12
(This is in season one,
can probably tell you the episode) wich means the absolute longest they could have known eachother at this point is
five years
But wait, what about Stiles knowing Agent Asshole's secret? Why would he know that if he wasn't Scott's freind when it happened? Good question but an easy answer: His father is the sheriff- and one with loose lips at that
It would have put alot of stress on him, that incident, to learn that another lawman hurt his son like that, and Beacon Hills is a small town so it was probably not the sort of thing that happened often, it likely stuck with him and I'm sure Stiles just overheard the events, or hell, maybe the sheriff flat out told him at some point, either when he was drunk or tired or just... anything, after all it would be FAR from the first time that the sheriff let slip information his son shouldn't have
There's more to it too:
-Scott doesn’t remember the Hale fire, wich would make sense if he wasn’t present in 2005 when it happened
-Stiles mentions he had a boa constrictor one summer, implying Scott didn't know that, I HIGHLY doubt the sheriff would have let a first or second grader have a giant snake (I'm surprised he allowed it at all) so this was likely after Claudia died but before he met Scott
-Stiles mentions that he was babysat by atleast one of the deputies at one point, and with how at home he seems to be at the station it makes sense that he stayed at the station sometimes after Claudia died- meaning he easily could have found out about what happened to Scott wile he was there
-Stiles has relationships outside of Scott ... but not POST-Scott, this is admittedly sketchy because we're working mostly with charectors who don't have names but, everyone seems to know Stiles, wich makes sense as he's the sheriff's kid, and he's often seen socializing more and knowing more people in town than Scott is even aware of, this is most prominant in the first two seasons, especially season one*
*This doesn't mean it was Scott's fault that Stiles didn't have those freinds anymore, it's HIGHLY possible that he went through social hell after losing his mom or just plain because of middle school
Not sad enough yet? Realize this: If Scott didn't know Stiles when Claudia died, Melissa probably didn't either, wich explains why she always acted like Claudia's death was some distant thing she had never paid much mind to and part of why Melissa is very hot and cold with Stiles, we do get moments of warmth from her, like her taking care of him during 3B, but we also get some oddly cold moments too, especially in the beginning of season one when she assumes Stiles illegally made a key to their house instead of, you know, assuming Scott GAVE him a key, or in season five when the sheriff was shot and she couldn't be bothered to give him a hug or any words of encouragement or sympathy, long story short, Melissa and Stiles seem to be closer on STILES' behalf (as with pretty much all of his relationships) and not as much on Melissa's, this is no longer (in fandom) a kid she more or less raised, who she helped struggle through after his mom died and took under her wing, this is now a teenager her son met up with a few years ago who takes him on crazy adventures and comes into their house unannounced, and the "Affectionate" tough love we thought she was giving wasn't really that affectionate, just tough
This adds an entirely new layer to how Stiles acted when Scott pushed him aside for Allison, this is no longer just the best freind he's had all his life putting him second for once, this is yet another person possibly abandoning him, a person who he HASN'T had for over a decade, who DIDN'T struggle with him through his mom's death, and who really never gave Stiles any proof that he  WOULDN'T take off when it was convenient like Stiles' other freinds did, Stiles wasn't just jealous and angry over Allison- he was scared too
Now acknowledging that Stiles hasn't had Stiles as that 10+-year-long constant in his life, his abandonment issues make even MORE sense when they already made plenty to begin with, and perhaps most upsettingly of all, we get a hard slap in the face of just how fragile Stiles is emotionally, because, wile it isn't really unusual to develop such a close freindship in five years that you call someone your brother (I had a freind who I considered a sister after five years myself) to only know someone for that long and cling as hard as Stiles does to Scott- to consider Scott as closely and as deeply as Stiles does, and much more importantly, to express as much affection towards MELISSA as he has when he clearly hasn't known her as long or as well as we may have thought before, we see even more proof than we already had that Stiles is VERY desperate for love and affection, because, to be honest, for him to get as freaked out over the idea of going to a college far away from Scott as he did in 5A when he only knew Scott for around seven years at that point (versus closer to twelve like we thought) clinging that hard is ... almost frightening, no matter how much they've been through
Somehow, Teen Wolf manages to keep making Stiles more and more tragic, as if the poor boy wasn't tragic enough as it is (that's ok, I'll just go throw up now)
Stiles' issues are clearly immensely deep-seeded, and it makes each instance of him clinging, begging, or reaching for attention that much harder to watch, and it also continues to make the sudden 180 he does in the 6A finale' that much more suspicious as proof that the finale' was a fake- yeah, if you thought you were getting a Teen Wolf meta without THAT sneaking in there pre-6B you were sorely mistaken
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This is true too @rebakitt3n !! Thank you!!
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A lot of planning went into the Pokemon AU battle between @toofarforward and I, and I had a lot of fun with it, so I just wanted to share the small list of Pokemon and trainers I put together but only got to use half of them.
As per the rules, Scott was the trainer, however unlike most trainers, Scott would be like Ash was to most of his Pokemon: asking them to join his party instead of battling them and capturing everything in sight.
Stiles is a Fennekin. That was Emily’s headcanon and I thought it worked well. Other ideas I had were to have Stiles as a Phantump to mirror his experience with the nogitsune, but in the end the reflection of a fennec fox won me over.
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Derek is a Phantump. That was one of the rules and the whole basis of this competition: to have young Derek wander into the woods and fall victim to the lore of the Phantump. The other ideas I had for Derek was to have him as any wolf-related pokemon: Rockruf/Lyancroc, Growlithe/Archenine, Houndour/Houndoom, etc. But the attraction of the angsty story was too much.
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Isaac is a Rockruff/Lycanroc because he is an adorable little werepup and Rockruff has the brightest blue eyes.
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The other ideas I had for Isaac was to make him a Lillipup because it’s cute,
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or a Ribombee because of that scarf.
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You know... the one Stiles always picks on.
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From the beginning I really wanted Erica to be a Vulpix, because she is gorgeous and starts off a little scruffy but when she evolves into Ninetails she is the gorgeous elegant creature that wins my heart.
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That leaves Boyd, the adorable Growlithe who grows up to be the powerful Archenine. My reasoning for this is pretty mundane: i wanted him to be a dog-like pokemon and I wanted him to have power. But, also, Growlithe is quite often seen to be selfless and caring, just like Boyd.
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 As per the rules, Allison would be another trainer, but Emily and I had a long conversation about what her role would be: whether she’d be the daughter of a member of team rocket, of a gym leader or of a member of the elite four. We discussed how her parents would pressure her into being the best but in the end she just wants to go on an adventure and make friends with her pokemon.
Lydia would be part of Allison’s pack, and in my headcanon she would be Suicune because she is legendary and elegant.
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Jordan would be part of Allison’s team because of his connection to Lydia, but his status as a hell hound would make him a Houndoom (he’s a little too old to be a Hounour). On top of his hell hound status, Houndoom, like Parrish, has a loyalty to his friends and is often a protector.
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Jackson, in my headcanon, would be a Salandit. It sounds really mean but my reasoning behind this is because, as a kanima, he’s a lizard and the male Salandits don’t evolve, so he’s useless. 
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He does make an appearance in my fic as the Salandit that attacks the group.
Liam and Mason didn’t get to feature in my fic, but my headcanon for them would be that Liam is a Voltorb - because his IED in season 4 would be like Self Destruct or Explosion in his move set - and Mason would be Mimikyuu because of his status as the last chimera and the Beast that lies within him.
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So there you have it, that’s the extensive list of Pokemon I paired with their Teen Wolf counter parts. Hope you like it.
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I love the moodboards you make, especially the modern au one! Do you have any thoughts for a modern au planned out or anything?
Aww, thank you so much! I am so happy you like them!
I have to say I didn't think about writing a story about this AU in english. I don't have a plot (but @smug-albatross does!), just a few ideas and lots of headcanons... Maybe I am going to write something short in czech but I don't feel like I would be able to write what I want in english... but this doesn't involve headcanons so here are some of my ideas!
For the beginning I have to say I didn't think of a particular school system so it quickly became a strange mish mash. Sorry about that.
- Herons are housemates. They knew about each other for a long time but they didn't get closer before their first year when they all moved in one house.
- The house belongs to Lydia's family but it was empty for few years. It's nearby school and it's huge and she didn't want to be there alone so getting few housemates seemed like a good idea.
- First few months were quite of an adventure because nothing worked in the house. They were fights over hot water everyday and everyone kept a flashlight handy.
- Kitchen is just a huge chaos. There are like two identical plates (one is cracked), the rest of them is different.
- Jesper has his favourite fork. Nobody is allowed to touch it.
- All the boys somehow ended up on school rowing team. Edvin has no idea how he got there or where his spare time for Rowling rowing comes from.
- Lydia is technically not on any team but she's unbeatable at orienteering.
- Sharks and Wolves are rivaling rowing teams.
- Kloof can't be stopped. Noone knows how she can get out of locked house. She is usually found in a office of proffesor Starfollower. Hal is the only one who is able to get her out.
- Jesper knows everyone and usually not in a good way. Stefan has to save him more times than he wish he would have to but at least Jesper usually has every information you would like to hear.
- If anyone finds Edvin sleeping in the living room (which happens quite often), they will bring him a blanket. He's always cold.
- Edvin doesn't cook every day. He doesn't have time for it so they usually order some food or eat anything that can be found in the fridge which is usually not much.
- A guy from pizzeria has a crush on Stig. Stig doesn't want to use him but twins do that a lot.
- Hal keeps other Herons from failing their classes. (But that's nothing new.)
- For few weeks their proffesors were thinking that there's only one twin... til the exams came.
- Parties are forbidden in the house. The few ones they had didn't go well. Stig wanted to jump out of the window (He didn't. Thanks Gorlog for Björn and Ingvar.), Lottie flooded the bathroom (Nina still finds it really funny.) and Wulf was looking for Ulf in the mirror. (That was actually funny.)
- Ingvar has a cat. Or maybe cat has Ingvar. It's hard to say. She's called Madam and Kloof is afraid of her. (And Lydia too. It's a scary cat.)
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