#blood oxygen levels
bereavedmum · 2 months
Spinal Fracture
Leah’s breathing is a little bit easier since this morning & her blood oxygen levels are a little more stable which is great, although she is of course still seriously ill. Heard today from the Dr that the CT scan of her lungs on Friday showed that she has a wedge compression fracture of her spine between T6 & T8 – NOT a “tiny fracture of one of the small bones” as was reported from the X-ray a…
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birdietrait · 3 months
woke up and my ocd immediately started attacking me. good morning
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chicago-geniza · 2 months
Took albuterol again and at least got my lungs back in the 90s lol. Can you imagine if I went to work
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
So funny to me when people describe their fave fictional male character as "feral" and he's just some guy who grimaces or smirks a lot. My wife, who eats her steak rare with her bare hands, is more feral than him
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lovepropaganda · 1 year
i was gonna say "you're oxygen, you can get me up" but i had to go and Google to see if that would even make sense
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dapurinthos · 11 months
sertraline side-effect bingo:
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Updates! - I got a new job! Or a promotion? Different job title and hours, same company. It’s a full time job, which is very nice but means less crafting time. I can hand sew/crochet/embroider while sitting at my desk waiting for emails, but I can’t use my sewing machine and I get a lot more emails, so less crafting time - I am almost done hand sewing a chicken. For various reasons, I couldn’t machine sew this pattern anyway, and I needed something to do to keep me busy between emails, so chicken time!! I am not posting photos because all it’s missing is a head, and I’m not going to take a picture of a headless plush chicken. Somehow, my grandma would know lol (she hates when I leave plushies headless or faceless for any length of time) 
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gaysheep · 1 year
i was almost certainly going to have to come off of beta blockers eventually even if i didnt have to for upcoming testing but my heart's been AWFUL the last few days without them
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genkishoujo · 2 days
uncharacteristically negative post. but i wish my grandma hadn't been addicted to nic so i'd still be able to see her today. i want to learn how to sow with her like she desperately tried to teach me as a child while she had time. i want to ask her about all the crazy shit she did in the 70s and 80s that she couldnt tell me about because i was too young. i want to go watch drag shows and make pottery and stain glass and sculpt and paint and garden with her again. i want to message her about current events and find out more about her life, i only got to know so very little of it. where did she learn to make tamales with pork fat and dried roasted chiles folded into the masa? who showed her how to ferment tea in the sun so that it becomes more delicious? where did she learn about her politics, sexuality, and gender, what kinds of conversations could we have had? companies take away so much from us just looking to line their pockets, and as i get older its to a further extent than i realized.
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babybearnini · 1 month
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wellnesscard · 2 months
my diet of beets and vodka keeps me strongk asf and my shit sooooo unbelievably black n slimy
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etrends-news · 6 months
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harmeet-saggi · 6 months
What Is A Nomogram In The Medical World?
Physicians will often use nomograms to get accurate estimations of factors like blood pressure, cardiac output, oxygen saturation levels, and temperature. A nomogram is the graphical representation or diagram of data in two axes (usual y-axis on the left side and x-axis on the bottom) which shows trends of variation over time. The graphical representation of these relationships is done by plotted points with specific coordinates that represent value pairs at given instances in time. A nomogram often consists of three variables (independent variable, parameter or constant; dependent variable; conversion factor), which give functional relations between two variables that are parallel to each other.
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yaytheboop · 7 months
apparently being a nursing student means i will desperately do news on myself even though i'm very much not in the hospital and i can't even check all the vitals
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everlocked · 1 year
um why didn’t my apple watch tell me that my blood oxygen has been getting between the 90%-94% range
😭 it’s like when my heart rate goes crazy high and my apple watch is just chillin even though i’ve asked it to notify me lmao
it’s fine i see a lung specialist on monday but that’s info i would like to know about!! cause ya girl struggles to breathe
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michaelnordeman · 4 months
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Male roe deer/rådjur, known as bucks, have relatively small antlers that they shed every year. The antlers begin to develop in late fall. The bucks grow a dense layer of fur, called velvet, over their antlers. This furry covering serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it helps to insulate the antlers, keeping them warm in the cold winter months. Additionally, the velvet contains blood vessels that supply vital nutrients and oxygen to the growing antlers. As spring arrives, the male roe deer undergo a remarkable transformation. With the onset of the mating season, testosterone levels surge, triggering a series of physiological changes. One significant change is the shedding of the velvet from their antlers. This process is essential for the antlers to harden and reach their full size and strength. The mating itself takes place in July-August, and soon after that, the bucks lose their antlers, and the cycle begins again. Värmland, Sweden (February 17, 2024).
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