#bloomic composer
orpheofenn · 1 year
I wrote this for my gf for Valentine's day.
Where words couldn't convey my care, I can write it all out in a different way & show how deep love runs through all those broken parts.
We must work to fill our cracks with light & gentleness.
I spent a long time shutting love out of my life, when I should have been welcoming it with open arms & not shying away.
I was afraid & my fear ruled what I said, or didn't say & I regret that.
I wrote this waltz to remind her, myself & my loved ones of my care.
Fear is a choice. Love is a choice. You can only choose between these two every day.
What's most important is the self awareness to understand that & to be kinder to others than you are to yourself.
And eventually, the more you do that, the more you see yourself through the lens of understanding & compassion .
I won't tell you to love yourself, but to love others, despite being unable to, is a precious and noble thing.
Learn to be "okay" with yourself. Don't worry about digging deep to force something that isn't there. It takes time to come to that, and some never fully manage it, which is not a fault or flaw you should judge yourself by.
Be okay. That's more than enough.♡
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kminnie · 3 years
BP Boys playing FNAF with you
This is the start of my new decision to let my blooming panic fixsation take over. I decided to have my first scenario be the bloomic LI be them playing FNAF with you because I have a game theory in the background. I'm very simple minded.
Warnings: None. Simply a good time
This man was more nervous than you were when you said you wanted to play it. Not just because he was scared but also because he didn't want you to be too scared. You guys get ready to play and turn off the lights, wearing your pajamas (matching of course), and then its game time. And ohhhh boy was it bad. You guys didn't even make it half way through the first night before you had to stop because you were both way too scared. It wasn't even that you got jump scared. You would get scared, which would make Quest scared and vise versa. You'd gasp slightly? Quest freaks. Quest jumps just a little? You're panicking. "Angel, maybe we take a break?" Quest asks after you both finally get jump scared.
"Yeah... that sounds like a good idea." You said, sounding both defeated and slightly relieved at the same time.
"Next time, we can play with the lights on." Quest said as he took the mouse from under your hand and closed the game. The rest of the night is spent on the couch in the living room, all lights on, while eating cake and watching a new really cute show or movie to over correct the terror you experienced before.
This boy... He was so sure of himself too. You asked if he wanted to play and he was sure that he would have no problem playing with you. He had watched people play it online and had no problems with it before. He was ready to make fun of you a little when you got scared and then use you getting scared as an excuse to hug you and hold you close. Little did he know that he would have a different reason to do so. He was sitting and acting all confident as you were slowly getting nervous. He was smiling to himself as he thought of how he'd have you in his arms in no time. That was... until you guys got jump scared. That whole confident act was gone in less than a second. In fact, he seemed more scared than you were. You looked over at him and started laughing at him a little, "I thought you we're sure you wouldn't get scared." He quickly composed himself and sat back.
"I'm not scared." He said. Very convincing I'm sure. You continue to play the game again and not long after you get jumpscared again and he immediately hides behind you after getting scared. It wasn't long after that he found an excuse to get you to stop playing, saying he was way too hungry to play anymore. You rolled your eyes but agreed to stop playing anyways. Afterwards he was a bit more jumpy the rest of the night and when you guys finally went to bed he was more clingy than usual.
This man is what Nightowl wishes he was. He was calm, cool and collected the whole time. He made jokes here and there just to annoy you or distract you while you played. It was less of you two playing together and more of you playing and Xyx making fun of you half of the time. What was he doing the other half of the time? Just talking about the most random crap. Breakfast this morning? You were there but he reminded you of it. A meme he saw on reddit? He's trying to show it to you while you're hitting his hand away to try to play seriously. He then would start reading off funny posts he sees as he scrolls. You were over it after you 5th jumpscare. You didn't even make it past night two. "Are you ever going to let me play seriously?" You ask as you look over at Xyx who's still laughing at your reaction to the jumpscare.
"Now come on doll, you had to know I wasn't going to let you take any of this seriously." He said as he sat down his phone, a smile still very present on his face. You sighed softly as Xyx stood up and took your hand, "Come on, let's do something else. You need a break anyways." You knew he was right. You stood up and walked with him to the living room to watch a show while being on your phones and showing each other memes and tiktoks while also messing around on the bloomic server.
Toast didn't want to play, they already knew they'd have a hard time. But you seemed like you really wanted to play and they didn't want to let you down. Especially because you promised to play FFXIV with them for as long as they wanted after. Now how could they resist a deal like that? So you both sat down at your computer ready to play. The first night was pretty alright. You guys made it through without any problems. It was the second night where you guys started having issues. The first jumpscare messed up their whole vibe for the rest of the time you guys played. At first they were relatively calm but because of that jumpscare they were now holding onto your arm as you played. After the second jumpscare they were almost hugging your arm and that's when you started feeling bad about all of this. You looked over at them, obviously worried. They looked at you and gave you a small smile, "You can continue, I'll be fine." they reassured you.
"Are you one hundred percent sure?" You asked, not fully convinced.
"I'm sure, go on." they said as they rubbed your arm a bit. You sighed softly and began playing again. You made it through the second night and got a round of applause by Toast who was very proud of you. Not long after though, it was back to being jumpscared and you soon decided to stop playing. The two of you then queued up for FFXIV and you two left to go get some food so you'd both have enough to during the next few(like 7) hours of playing. You didn't mind, they deserved it.
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nyxoholicwrites · 3 years
Angst ask, I'm a sucker for pinning and jealous so I wanted to ask you to write quests reaction to reader/player getting a s/o that doesn't treat them right(not good enough in quest eyes) , right before quest asks them out...I hope that makes sense
Thank you for contributing such quest work to this smallish community
don't get me wrong I do enjoy writing fluff or non angst in general, but as an angst lover it's a whole different experience
you choosing quest, ily marry me anon /j, that man has a grip on me as much as the rest
For the sake of the story let's pretend societyboy and y/n got together while they were in the bloomic server
"I Want to Drown In Your Love, but All I See Is Green"
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Quest x GN! Reader
Prompt: Quest fell hard for Y/n, but what does one do when your beloved isn't treated right? You fight for their happiness, but sometimes, we don't fight hard enough.
TW: Jealousy, Toxic relationship, hinting at a murder, It's really angsty fellow bloomic enjoyers so buckle up
What is jealousy? Is it a just feeling of wanting, wishing to have something that isn't yours? Or is it an ugly emotion that deprives you of any sensibility?
Quest was never one to be jealous, he was too mature for such things. But, they came into his life. They came into the server, as sweet as nectar, showed him kindness, made him smile, and he fell hard. He felt himself tumble into the deep lake called love, but he never considered the monster that lived deep below.
The more he resisted, the deeper he drowned. As time passed, his feelings consumed him, it was becoming too hard to breathe and so, he tried to swim towards the surface. Yes, he decided to confess.
But, the worst happened, within the moment his decision had been made, a ping from his computer screen could be heard. What would have been on a normal day so heartwarming, pierced his heart like a silver dagger, it dug deep, his heart shattered.
Y/n confessed, they and societyboy have become a pair. While everyone congratulated the two, Quest's hands trembled as they hovered above the keyboard. Writing, something he had done continuously on a daily basis, something that practically became a part of him, was now a difficult task.
No words came out, not out of his mouth nor out of his mind.
He quickly composed himself and congratulated the two on their relationship, wishing them love and good things to come. He wished them love but he wished he hadn't. To others, his message seemed sincere, one from the heart, but it was a lie.
All of it was a lie.
But he couldn't break their heart, or even worse, ruin their friendship and so he lied. He didn't want this to happen, but deep down, buried in his soul, he thought he wasn't deserving of good things.
Everything he holds dear eventually slips out of his grasp, family, friends, and now his love. He desperately tried to hold onto them, tried to keep them in his life, but it was too slippery, too difficult to grasp even for someone of his strength and stature.
But, he smiled through it, because they were happy. Although his feelings of love and want burned within his soul, a flame that only grew the more they talked, smiled and laughed, he suppressed these feelings.
When you love someone so deeply, so truly, their wants replace your own. Their happiness was his own. All of the pain and jealousy he felt, was buried in a coffin, not to be opened.
Love can be so cruel sometimes.
Two weeks passed, but the relationship y/n tried to have, to cherish, to hold, was becoming too painful. The perfect man they thought they knew, wasn't perfect. The rose coloured glasses cracked with each insult he hurled, perhaps this was normal, couples fight all the time, right?
Yes, this was normal. They tried to convince themselves that, yes, this is perfectly normal.
Quest took notice of their saddened gaze during each call, the life was practically drained from them. Gone were the bright smiles, the loving gaze whenever they spoke of societyboy, the once illuminating light they held had flickered out.
And by God, did this break him.
Their sadness was his, each tear that fell was his, their now broken heart broke his further apart. But they smiled, " It's okay Quest, couples fight all the time."
This was his last straw. " No, Y/n, it isn't. He can't treat you like this. I-it isn't normal, it isn't just. When you love someone each insult, remark you throw at your partner is your own, because when he insults you, he insults himself."
Their gaze fell, it felt as if their world was crumbling, no, it isn't true, societyboy said he loved them. He loved them. Not hate, not despise, nor dislike, he said love. " B-but he said he loves me, sure we have our fights but, he loves me."
Their words killed him, rage rose within his body, how dare he treat them this way. Insult them, berate them, and then speak of his undying love for them. Nobody deserved that, especially them. They deserved to be cherished and cared for, to be reminded of how amazing they are, how their beauty shines with each smile, the way their eyes shine with passion when speaking about bloomic. The kindness they show, their ability to see the good in everyone, everything was to be praised and loved.
No one is perfect that is true, we all have our flaws and secrets that we hide, but, despite any flaw, they were perfect to him.
" Y/n, I mean no harm, but I can't stand here and watch him tear you apart like this, you deserve so many good things, beautiful things, and you can even disregard my advice altogether but please, leave him. If you don't have the strength to, I will in your stead. Look, you may not be mine, but I will fight for you nonetheless because I..."
No, now wasn’t the time, he can’t be selfish and place such a heavy burden on them. He desperately clenched the locks on his heart.
Their eyes had shown confusion, what could he have wanted to say, surely not a confession?
He knew they were in a relationship, this would only damage their platonic one, silently they prayed he wouldn’t, they couldn’t handle another heartbreak. Though it wouldn’t be their own, the guilt of breaking his heart would forever roam theirs. It would constantly roam the hallways of their conscious during every call they would share. Prayers don’t always work, but by God, if they weren’t willing to try, just this once please… please listen.
" Quest? You what?" He shook his head, no, he couldn't. He needed to think of their friendship, it wasn't the time nor place, he had accepted that it never will be so now is no exception. " Nothing angel, don't mind me," he quietly chuckled, " Just, please promise me you will free yourself from him, please, I cannot standby and watch your light fade away."
They exhaled a breath they hadn’t realized was withheld, they couldn’t help but silently think to themselves ‘I’m sorry Quest, but please understand neither of us is ready.’
" Quest I-" a ping broke through the tension, societyboy demanded to speak to them in a private chat. Their hands trembled, aching to think of something to say, anything, but alas nothing came out. Though they were as silent as a mouse, their terrified expression told him everything. Both screamed internally, one with anguish and terror, the other in anger and frustration, but in the end, both had felt helpless.
“ I-I’m sorry Quest, it seems he wants to talk,” an awkward laugh escaped their lips as they scratched the back of their neck, “ P-perhaps we can call tomorrow, everything will be fine by then I-I’m sure of it.”
“ Angel please promise me you will talk to him-” Oh how it broke their heart to leave him so, but they couldn’t keep him waiting for a second longer, God knows what he would say, they weren’t ready for another fit of anger.
“ Bye Quest have a lovely day.” A soft smile decorated their lips, the last smile he would ever see, but he hadn’t known this and so, our poor ravenette wished them the same and sat in solemn silence. ‘ God, I hope they are alright.’
They did it! They broke off the relationship with the monster that held them captive. Through the heavy eyebags, their (eye colour) orbs had shone with hope, something they hadn’t done in a while. Silently they thanked Quest, he truly gave the best advice, they looked forward to seeing a proud smile on his face when they would tell him the great news.
They blasted their favourite playlist and danced around their apartment, they chose to do everything their heart desired tonight. Indulgences were to be made and the night was young, freedom tasted so sweet, and their victory even sweeter.
Oh how thankful they were for Quest, they couldn’t ask for a better person in their life.
The furniture was scattered across the tiny complex, dishes were shattered and glasses were broken. The air was eerie that night, defeat always tasted so bitter. No matter. The night was still young after all. A certain bird needed a stronger cage it seemed.
The birds chirped their song as the bright sun had risen from its den, they happily sighed and basked in the beauty of the day. People always claim there will be a better tomorrow, a brighter future, something to look forward to, and today was certainly that day.
Their hums filled the air along with the sizzling of their pan. They hadn’t cooked in a while and today was a new start after all, and so, pancake butter filled every crevice of the pan. The sweet smell had them sighing in awe.
‘ I wish I could share these pancakes. Oh! Maybe I can somehow invite Quest over sometime soon, though I will need a strategy to pass the sensors,’
A familiar tune broke their train of thought, they searched for the source and soon found their device on the bedroom stand. ‘Unknown caller’ was displayed across the screen as their eyebrows furrowed. With a light tap of the bright green button, the device was now safely held within their hand.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“ Oh my darling, you don’t recognize your lover?”
Their grand utopia shattered into bits and pieces. No, this can’t be. Though the voice was familiar, they refused to admit it was him. It couldn’t be him, the sensor prevented any leaks of private information, phone number included, surely it can’t be him, right?
“ S-societyboy?”
“ Oh! It seems you do remember, what a clever one you are dearest, my good pet. Since it seems you do still have your manners intact, be a dear and let me in, it is rude to keep someone at the door.”
Fuck. No. No. NO.
Before their caller could continue, they ran to their computer, desperately turning on the machine, praying that it would be quick, but alas, an update had begun to run.
Never had they hated a number more in their life, all of those years of math are nothing compared to this. Mumbling their curses they began to open the server on their phone while harsh pounding was heard from the hallway. Their fingers trembled and their eyes watered as they tried and tried to type out a coherent message.
“ Come on dear! I know you're a slowpoke but this is a new low even for you. Open up or I will!”
“P-please leave me alone! We aren’t together anymore! Please I am begging just leave!!”
The pounding got harsher with each second, soon they were replaced with large thuds, the door had tried to keep its place but it was slowly failing. It had one task, keep intruders away, I suppose even material things have their flaws.
The door hit the wall and the intruder entered the apartment with a mocking laugh and soon he was there before their eyes.
Their one chance of escape had left their hands as he snatched the phone, throwing it into the nearest wall. “ Now, dearest, I suppose a lesson is in order hm?”
Gone were the petite birds as they flew from their spot, soon a group of coal-like crows replaced them. I always did wonder what was the name of a flock of crows.
People always claim there will be a better tomorrow, a brighter future, something to look forward to, but, they never warn you of the unknown terror that could strike.
As everyone logged in onto the server, a single message plagued their minds.
“ Help me, he is here @socie”
( insert username) logged off
Two souls died that day but one had left forever.
AN: I HOPE THIS WAS GOOD, personally I don't see his jealousy being possessive like he feels it but doesn't act on it, he would rather bury his feelings than risk what he has and lose another person in his life yk. ALSO PERHAPS THIS WAS A LITTLE TOO DARK, I HAVEN’T WRITTEN ANGST IN A WHILE SO I KINDA WENT OVERBOARD
@ivy-ruins enjoy hehe
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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orpheofenn · 1 year
Hi all!!
I'm the composer for Blooming Panic and Infinite Blue, as well as the voice of Alexei Demidov. ♡ I'm going to be a lot more active now! If you are interested in what I'm up to, I'll be making posts about it, answering questions and I'm happy to break down how to make music too!
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I'd love to get to know all of you and I can't wait for the full release of Infinite Blue!!
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