#bloomington indiana
novasjaneway · 17 days
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I feel like I need barrels, bushels, pecks and any other units of measure a farm girl like janeway would use to deliver videos, posts, pics, fanart and fanfics of J7 because they are the OTP and I just feel like it needs to be louder!
Edit to add: working on my own j7 writing and so far it's a poem.
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littlefleamart · 11 months
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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Abandoned Zoom Floom near Bloomington, Indiana.
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randomcartoonbro · 1 year
D0xxing myself to bring an important message!
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kdeliso1 · 6 months
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regicide1997 · 2 years
TW: discussion of transphobic bullying, attempted suicide.
Pretty fucking ironic that a university known for its school of medicine and its statewide healthcare system doesn't seem to actually give a damn about the health and safety of its most vulnerable students.
Remind me, how many years in a row has this campus earned a 5-star rating from the Campus Pride Index?
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elijones94 · 1 year
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This morning started off with donuts for breakfast and a bike ride with Alyssa around Ben’s neighborhood and a neighborhood across the road. Next, she and I took a walk around the Indiana University campus.
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Hey BTown! Happy pride!
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tonyvasquez · 20 days
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Indiana Hoosiers dominate FIU in the home opener at Memorial Stadium. Photos can be found on NUVO. https://www.nuvo.net/sports/indiana-hoosiers-dominate-fiu-in-home-opener-at-memorial-stadium/collection_2e37c9e6-6b15-11ef-9840-f74c632f482b.html#1
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
Author's note: The following is the text of a speech delivered on the campus of Indiana University, Bloomington on April 29, 2024 during a rally that called for the termination of Indiana University President Pamela Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav after they brought heavily armed Indiana State Troopers—including snipers—onto the campus to violently repress peaceful protests. Over three days, on two separate occasions, the troopers violently dispersed crowds peacefully assembled in a free speech zone, pulling down a few harmless tents, and violently arresting over 50 students and faculty members, each of whom was banned from campus for at least a year, on threat of prosecution for felony trespass.
The Whitten administration must go.
On April 16, at a special General Meeting called by the Bloomington Faculty Council, the Bloomington faculty passed a vote of no confidence in President Whitten by a vote of 827-29—that's 93%. For Provost Shrivastav—who was installed by her and cannot be judged apart from her—the vote for no confidence was only 91%.
Both the meeting and the overwhelming vote of no confidence were unprecedented in my 37 years as an IU faculty member.
Barely a few minutes had passed before Whitten sent out an email bemoaning the challenges facing higher education and promising to “listen and learn,” and to “weigh the guidance from faculty council and the participation of the campus community through shared governance to achieve our collective vision of a thriving campus.”
A few minutes later, Quinn Buckner, the retired mediocre professional basketball player who now chairs IU’s Board of Trustees, declared: “Let me be absolutely clear: President Whitten has my full support and that of every member on the Board of Trustees.”
President Whitten and Chair Buckner—surely peers when it comes to professional distinction and educational vision, or the lack thereof—may believe in each other.
But it must frankly be said: the faculty vote of no confidence in Whitten and her underlings did not signify a loss of confidence but a lack of confidence.
The Whitten administration was hired by a Board that overruled its own appointed search committee and that made no effort to consult with faculty. Whitten’s appointment was never authorized or even seriously considered by the faculty; Whitten has done nothing to earn the confidence of the faculty; and so Whitten has never had the confidence of the faculty.
But in recent months what had been a simple lack became something more—a strong and determined opposition by a broad range of faculty—across the intellectual, disciplinary, and political spectrum—who have come to consider the attitudes and the actions of the administration as not simply incompetent or confused or intellectually suspect or morally derelict or politically objectionable but downright dangerous.
For many of us, things began to crystallize when the Whitten administration made IUB the first major research university in the United States to suspend a tenured faculty member for doing what MAGA Rep. Jim Banks and other right-wing legislators declared verboten: serving as a supportive faculty advisor of the student-run Palestine Solidarity Committee. The administration then followed up by peremptorily and rudely canceling the long-planned major art exhibit of Palestinian artist Samia Halaby.
Across the country, pro-Palestinian rallies on campuses have generated controversy, and across the country, a political unholy alliance of far-right, Christian nationalist politicians—and, I am sorry to say, organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, and Hillel—have responded to the controversy by demanding that the protests be shut down on the specious grounds of “opposing antisemitism” and “protecting students.”
The presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and Cornell were called before MAGA Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s House Education and Workforce Committee to abase themselves, failed to be sufficiently humbled, and were denounced and subsequently cashiered. When Columbia’s President Minouche Shafik’s turn came, she bent the knee, promised to crack down on her campus, and then returned to upper Manhattan to do just that. Poor Pam Whitten has not—yet—merited an audience with Stefanik. And so she found her own way to get the validation she desires from those who matter most to her—call in the snipers.
At the same time, the protests furnished the perfect opportunity for the Whitten administration to prove its mettle and to demonstrate its superiority to the leadership of the Ivy Leagues, which have apparently been insufficiently repressive.
Whereas those college presidents actually articulated ideas, however confused or craven, Whitten articulates no ideas.
Whereas those presidents typically used campus police or city police to suppress their students, Whitten brought in heavily armed and armored State Troopers, many in camouflaged battle gear, to suppress IU’s students and faculty, and to brutally arrest over 50 of them—of us. Last week there were armed snipers on the IMU roof, and scores of machine-gun toting troops taking control of the campus—at the behest of the very administration that punished or canceled other entirely peaceful events on the grounds of “public safety.”
It would be a gross understatement to say that this violent response constitutes an infringement of academic freedom.
It represents a clear and present danger to the safety of everyone on campus within range of the weapons; an equally clear and present danger to our constitutionally protected civil liberties; and a profound danger to the intellectual freedom and education that is at the heart of any serious university.
I was mistaken last week. For there was another option: call in the troops.
Well, it seems clear that President Whitten fancies herself a leader. Not a thought leader. Not an educational leader.
A leader in the nationwide effort to be tough on the “crime” of speaking out.
A law and order university president.
The Spiro T. Agnew of American higher education.
And so she moved to attack almost everything that higher education stands for—with the exception of the economic boosterism and sports cheerleading that was the hallmark of her leadership until she decided to suspend academic freedom and call in the troops.
Whitten has proven that when the calls for crackdown come, she will crack down.
She will not resign. If she had any self-respect as an educational leader, the vote of no confidence would have led her to do anything but call in the troops.
And so she called in the troops. And by doing so, she showed utter contempt for the faculty who do the teaching here at this university and the students who are here to learn and grow and assume the responsibilities of democratic citizenship.
We need to take back our university.
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amogiofmotherbears · 2 years
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hufflpuffin · 5 months
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As the police escalate violence, beat and attack students and professors, and conduct mass arrests, student protesters should know their rights.
Here is the link to the National Lawyer's Guild booklet for protesters.
If you plan on going out to support the protests, please take some time to read through this and know your rights.
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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scrollsofhumanlife · 1 month
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Delcenia Bronson nee Tolliver (right) with a loved 1
Born May 19 1923 in Elkton, Kentucky
Normal, Illinois
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kdeliso1 · 6 months
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regicide1997 · 2 years
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