#blorbo from my teens
tatzelwyrm · 2 years
I have finished Dragons of Deceit and it was fun, but I can’t get over how wild the blurb for the next novel is, it legit sounds like a crack-fic:
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This is going to be a real book that I will be to hold with own two goblin hands.
I'm so glad.
There is no funnier pairing of characters this nonsense could happen to and now they are going to meet the only two characters they could possibly hate more than themselves or each other.
I can’t wait to read about it.
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prokopetz · 1 year
My favourite bits of Tumblr slang are the ones that sound like they'd just be Starfire from Teen Titans' actual, legit word for that thing.
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extrahorribledynne · 1 month
honestly who could even want a season 3 this is literally 'the everything else' of gravity falls. i'm not left wanting. i'm feasting on everything from the book of bill and thisisnotawebsite. the only thing i want is to rewatch the entire show again
like it leaves it in 'our' (the readers) hands. what do YOU see in ciphers corpse? is it the end? is it only the beginning? we were invited to participate both in the book (literally, with it making asks to write this, put your hand here, etc) and the website code hunt. its up to you. here are the pieces of everything after the end. have fun.
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every time i get into a new media i end up thinking of a teen beach movie au for it. i never do anything w these aus but there r so fun 2 just play with in my head like barbies <3
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sraksha · 5 months
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
Honestly, i just love Link lmao
Twilight Princess was the first Zelda i tried to play as a kid, meaning i begged my big bro to play until he got to a wolf part and i would play that bit. And when he refused to play for me, i tried to play by myself but never got very far because i didn't understand english and i just wasn't very good at the game.
So that was my first exposure to LoZ and my next Zelda experience would come +10 years later and it would be my downfall.
I bought my Switch late 2018 when Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee came out and later when i was looking for more games to buy, i came across BOTW and went "Hey, i know that guy". I was intrigued by the open world aspect and the game just looked really fun so i bought it, played it and fell in love.
Eventually through BOTW i found LU and all the other AUs im reading and the brainrot has been real ever since. I've also bought more Zelda games and thanks to my switch membership i have access to the older games, but i've only finished Link's Awakening, ALBW, BOTW and Minish Cap lol. So many things to do, never enough time.
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laesas · 2 months
We need ''he would not fucking say that'' but for 3rd person narrative choices that break the POV: He would not fucking describe things like that.
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lazyveran · 4 months
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okay i know everyone always assumes that trent would be the one who like is experienced and knows what he's doing and is comfortable in his sexuality and out, while ted... well, i've definitely seen some interpretations where he's plenty comfortable, just not really out, but i think a lot of fan content tends towards it either being something he's repressed or he's literally only just discovered, etc. which is all valid by the way, i'm not knocking that at all, and i totally get why that vibe is what people end up going with. but like. have you considered the opposite. ted is like, pretty comfortable in his sexuality, people just make assumptions because he was married to a woman + his whole vibe of affable midwestern dad and all. trent, though, having assumed he was straight up until now, is having a Full Crisis over apparently his first crush being That Goddamn American Coach With The Ridiculous (And Unfortunately Hot??? Somehow?? Is This What Trent Is Into Now???) Mustache.
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lunawolfiefoxy · 2 months
Why am I awake you might ask? Well, maybe my brain decided now was the time to roast two different made up people, one a Karen, the other a random guy who apparently groped Warriors (I read this in a story once and Twilight beat him in physically, I beat him up mentally) and now won't rest. Then my eyes stopped getting tired and well, here I am!
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mandyzoe · 8 months
au w the core 4 where they didn’t meet as high schoolers but as like 18-20 year old retail/food service workers
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Me, buying a new Dragonlance novel by Margaret Weis after like 10 years: Is Blorbo from my teens in this?
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solarflicker · 9 months
Imagined the Virgin Mary as one of those free hug moms at Pride a little too hard I think I’m Catholic now??
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gaystreetsmarts · 1 year
Me trying to tell someone about my blorbo: okay so he's totally insane right, like killed his sister and took her heart. he also tried to make a guy that he liked kill one of his friends to get his power, and then when he wouldnt, he did it himself - oh the guy he killed was his childhood friend by the way, but dont worry hes ok now. also he killed people in his own pack. no, you dont understand, i love him
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rel312 · 2 years
Just finished watching Teen Wolf for the first time and I think something is seriously wrong with me because my favorite character is fucking Coach Bobby Finstock (a character who has to be at least twice my age) and has now become my blorbo, my scrunkly, my pathetic wet rat of a man that I want to study under a microscope and then release gently back into the wild as he screams and blows his whistle at me
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ceaselessbasher · 1 year
I'm rereading The Titan's Curse and I had the thought, "How the FUCK am I supposed to enjoy the dam* chapter (*not misspelled, you know what I mean), when THAT just happened to Bianca."
And I can't compare it to my first reading bc that was ages ago, I don't remember my thoughts, but I'm pretty sure that at the time I didn't realize how final it was, and I didn't know the repercussions it would have.
It's the first "onscreen" (ignore my bad analogy) death of a human character, and a little girl, at that. There've been other close calls and fake-outs in TLT, TSoM, and in this book (with Annabeth), so I don't think it sank in for me the first time I read it, right after it happened, that she was gone gone, so I went on to "I have a dam problem" and enjoyed the puns with an easy heart .
And then there's the repercussions!!!!!!! Nico's entire arc and future personality hinge on this moment, but I didn't know that during my first reading. Now that I do know all of that.... fuck, it hits even harder from the moment I read the words. I need a second before dam puns.
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our-inspire-verse · 11 months
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Jackie bb 💌 timelapse under cut
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