can-ya-dig-it-777 · 6 months
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baetrixortreat · 2 years
Can you handle it when I get... Controlling, possessive, and horny-beyond-depravity? Imagine how clingy I get. How I completely own every part of you. I can sense your curiosity... Your desire... You want to experience it, don't you? Go on then.... Enjoy, what its like when I have to protect what it mine.
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famousfor15 · 2 years
(Left side) Think Tank- cover of a Blur album. (Right side) Blowpop Records. Artist:Banksy
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peachypizzicato · 3 months
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i missed himmmmmmmmm
you know i had to draw them for the occasion....... the hazies
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bylertruther · 1 year
sometimes i go into the lucas tag and i forget that i'm in the lucas tag because there's such a severe lack of posts that are just about him that i sincerely start thinking i'm in the general stranger things tag or something 💔
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
I have never heard the word fuckpuff before! Are you using that to refer to pwp?
haha -- neologisms are the name of the game around here. yw for the FHOW too, btw.
In that post I was referring not so much to pwps but like -- those kinds of fics that exist purely to jack off to. (Or jill off, if that's your preference.) There's no legit characterization and it's not trying for it; there's nothing lashing it to canon beyond the names of the characters and maybe a few identifying details (the car, a motel); it's written purely for drippy hornt and that's all it's trying to be.
Which to be clear is fine and awesome. Those fics totally serve a place and sometimes rock. But they're a distinct subtype in the larger category of 'pwp,' because I've read (and, I hope, written) plenty of pwps where I recognize the characters who are tagged in the metatext.
In a fuckpuff that's not necessary or even wanted. Lolita Sam tends to live in fuckpuffs year round, with his... whatever, heart-shaped buttplugs and his stolen sticky lipgloss that somehow never looks hilariously absurd and his dialogue that doesn't make Dean rear back and go 'what the fuck' and then spray him with a cold hose. I'm not actually interested in that kid but hey, in a fuckpuff may he live his best glittergrode life. In a more canon-based fic, however, I hope Dean shoves him into a bathtub full of hand sanitizer and goes 'why aren't you doing your homework?? what in god's name--" and then whatever demon of tawdriness gets exorcised and we're left with the Sam Winchester from the show, lol.
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sillymann · 2 years
just gonna start making ship names for my own ocs
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youngamaricam · 3 months
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pipsavedmylife · 2 years
Served my first kiddies tonight
Was so precious
I’ll never forgot
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fwhimmys · 2 years
lollipops are one of the best sweets ever invented
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slvttyplum · 8 months
choso is pervy. there’s something he loves about watching you lick a lollipop.
it’s supposed to be an innocent act but the way you do it is so different, like you’re trying to get to a certain point.
kind of like when you… oh that’s what it was. the way you licked and sucked on the little candied ball was similar to when you were on your knees.
sexualization ruins everything and of course he felt bad for thinking of such an innocent act in that light but, you did it so good.
his pants tightened and his throat got dry just watching you do it.
the way i’m describing it makes it seem like you suck lolipops basically everyday but it’s not like you wanted to.
more candy started coming into the house on random weekends and you couldn’t let them go to waste right?
so you’ll eat a couple and give them away at your job, but little did you know choso was purposely bringing in more and more candy.
first it was the variety pack with all different candy but it just started being regular dum dums then blowpops.
now this wasn’t just an accidental “hm let me just get these since they’re all lollipops.” no no no.
he specifically got blow pops because of how big they were, with a creamy filling of gum inside.
so inside of sucking regular pops with no goal, you had a goal right there, meaning you had to work extra hard.
your lips indulging on the big pop and your spit slowly dripping down the coating, it was everything.
after watching this a couple of times he didn’t know when you would stop eating them, i mean it’s candy, you can’t keep ending candy every for weeks on end.
so he took it upon himself to sneak pictures and videos of you sucking them like your life depended on it.
one particular time he thought it wouldn’t be too suspicious if he recorded a little silly video of which one of you could eat the pop the fastest.
of course you agreed, it’s fun, why not? he set up the camera and let your competitive streak get to work.
your tongue swirling all around the tasty coating, stuffing it deep in your mouth so all the saliva can run on it then sucking it all up.
looking back the video made it seem like he was watching soft porn, which he was, because who knows what he’s actually going to do with that video.
he always feels saddened when he thinks about how he won’t be able to watch you suck lollipops forever, but he’s a perv…
he’s always going to find another way for you to suck on something.
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spidrgirl · 5 months
childhood best friends to lovers
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Pairing: Miles Morales 1610 x female reader !
Synopsis: miles being in love with you since you guys were kids.
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2361
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His earliest memory consists of the taste of cherry flavored blowpops, the scent of strawberry lotion and wild mango shampoo, and the feeling of your soft, warm lips pressed against his.
He remembers it as if it were yesterday. The two of you had been playing outside for what felt like hours while "The mothers" (as you guys had playfully called your mothers) scolded you for running in and out of the house.
After another trip of doing exactly that—going into the house for a drink of water and quickly running back outside—Rio stopped you two and gave you the choice of staying outside, or coming inside.
you smiled brightly and assured her that you would stay outside and play until you were finally ready to come in for the day.
"Of course tia," you had agreed, "we'll stay outside and play until it's curfew! We won't come in anymore, I promise!"
And with that, you grabbed Miles' hand and ran outside to the farthest end of your street, where the neighborhood park was.
"Betcha can't beat me in a race there and back," he taunted, pointing at a large pin oak tree that stood near the back of the park. It's dark green leaves slightly brightened by the glistening sun shining down on them.
"Can too!" you exclaimed, eagerly accepting his challenge.
Miles gave you a sly grin and ran to the sandbox, which was then quickly assigned to be the starting line, with you quickly chasing behind him, your hair blowing against your face in the soft breeze.
You perched yourself at the sandbox with Miles right next to you, ready to take off and kick his butt in what was sure to be another easy round of you beating him in a race.
"On your mark…" Miles said slowly, glancing over at you to make sure you were ready, his eyes flickering with something you couldn't quite determine but making you smile anyway.
"get set…"
"Oh, hurry up Miles!" You playfully groaned, rolling your eyes at his obvious trolling.
"GO!" Miles exclaimed, and the two of you took off running towards the pin oak tree,taunting and mocking each other the entire time.
"You're slow!" You shouted breathlessly.
"You're one to talk; you are literally reminding me of a turtle right now!" Miles shot back with another big smile, sprinting to the tree as fast as he could.
When he neared the tree, though, Miles slowed down and let you pass him up—not too obviously, but just enough to let you think that he had gotten tired or that you were simply too fast for him to beat.
The truth was, Miles was much faster and stronger than you and could have easily run the race, but he always let you take the first place trophy. He enjoyed seeing you brag about how fast you were or how good you were, knowing it was only possible because of his own loss.
Because of this, you won the race and wasted no time bragging about your well deserved and expected win, completely oblivious to the fact that he had let you win this time, and all the other times that came before this.
"Ha! I beat you, Miles; you owe me a soda!" You smiled at him, flashing a row of white baby teeth with the one on the side missing.
"Oh, please," he rolled his eyes playfully, "you cheated. I would've beat you but you ran before I even said go."
You laughed at his comment and slid down the tree's thick trunk to cool down, grateful for the shade the large branches and leaves provided against the relentless July heat. Beads of sweat were starting to form on your face from the heat waves rising from the hot asphalt, and you were almost certain you were going to die of "hotness."
"Whatever, you still owe me a soda." you cooed, letting out a deep sigh and resting your head on his shoulder, hot and tired from all that running you just did.
"I don't have a soda..but I got this," he said breathlessly, pulling a cherry blowpop from his pocket stowed away from earlier.
You took it from his fingers without another word and popped it into your mouth, immediately feeling a rush of dopamine from the sugary taste of the candy.
Miles gazed over at you, resting on his shoulder and mindlessly sucking on the blowpop, silently taking the chance to admire your beauty. Even though you were just an eight-year-old girl, you were already so beautiful, and this was something everyone seemed to know but you.
Miles was reminded of this fact whenever he took the chance to sneakily take longing looks at your soft pink lips, long dark eyelashes, iridescent eyes, and that soft hair that always seemed to glow in the sun. He loved all these small details about you, but was too young to understand what this meant to him yet. So he kept them to himself, storing it for later.
A while later, you lifted your head from his shoulder, and although it was plenty hot outside, he immediately missed your warmth. He wanted you to rest on him again, perhaps come even closer, but he wouldn't press the issue.
He thought of you and what he wanted for a quick moment before he was snapped out of his thoughts when you looked up at him with a soft smile and asked him if he thought that you guys would be friends forever.
"Of course we will. We are best friends forever, remember?" He replied, fanning his flushed face.
"Yeah, but what if we get older and make new friends? You'll probably forget all about me and have way more fun with them." You countered, eyes wide, with the thought of growing up without your best friend.
"But I wouldn't, cause you're my number one girl for life. I would make other friends, but they would never come close to me as close as you are to me. I promise." He said.
As if to emphasize his words, he leaned forward and brushed a strand of hair away from your face. His touch was gentle, almost feather-light, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You felt a strange fluttering in your chest, like butterflies were trapped inside. You didn't understand what was happening, but it felt nice.
Just as you were about to ask him what was wrong, he leaned in even closer. His lips were just inches from yours, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. Time seemed to stand still as you waited for him to make his move, but you were unsure of what that move was yet.
And then he kissed you.
His lips were soft and warm against yours, and they sent a rush of heat through your entire body. He remembered the taste of the cherry-flavored lollipop on your lips and the softness and warmth of your skin. Time seemed to stand still as you kissed under the shade of the tree, the soft summer air caressing your skin.
He inhaled the scent of what was sure to be shampoo, its sweet, fruity smell making him only want to smell more of it. He counted to five in his head because it's what he had seen all the other kids do in the movies when they kissed, and when he finally pulled away, you were breathless, your cheeks flushed from the heat and the kiss. He smiled down at you, his amber eyes sparkling in the sunlight with something he was sure to love.
And this is when he knew that he was in love with you.
Now, eight years later, when he was sixteen and you were fifteen and a half --you always liked to point out whenever Miles teased you for your age difference--,Miles couldn't help but wonder if you remembered that day.
Did you remember the feeling of his lips on yours? The feeling of his skin pressing against yours? The sweet, innocent smiles that happened after that kiss?
Miles couldn't help but think of that moment as he lay on his bed, the sunlight streaming in through the window casting a warm glow across your face. Your hair was spread out around you like a halo of gold, and your eyes were closed as you lay on your stomach, lazily flipping through a fashion magazine.
He couldn't help but stare at you. Since you had gotten older, you had started to fill in nicely. Places where you weren't so curvy back then had started to fill in, and he couldn't help but take in every detail—every curve of your body, every freckle on your skin.
When he looked at you like this, he just knew he wanted to kiss you again. No, he didn't want to kiss you again, he needed to kiss you again. To feel your lips against his, to taste your sweet breath on his tongue.
"What do you think about this dress?" you asked suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. He blinked, coming back to reality, and forced a smile. "It's really pretty," he mumbled, trying to focus on what you were saying, although his mind felt scattered with thoughts he knew he shouldn't have.
You smiled back at him, and in that moment, he felt like everything was alright. He felt like he could forget about kissing you and how much it hurt to be so close to you yet so far away. He felt like he could finally breathe.
But then you leaned over to pick up your water bottle, and as you did, your shirt rose up just enough to reveal a sliver of smooth skin at your hip. It was only for a second, but it was enough to make his heart race and his palms grow sweaty. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch you, to feel your skin against his own.
"So, do you think I should get my nails done in that color?" You continued, gesturing to a pretty shade of pink on the page of the magazine. The pink had reminded him of that one hello kitty girl you liked, my Melanie? but he didn't have time to think about it for too long before he forced himself to look at the page and focus on your words.
But all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss you again, to feel the softness of your lips against his. He swallowed hard, trying to clear his throat. "Um, yeah, that color would look really good on you," he managed to say. "You should totally do it."
Sensing the tension in the air, you look up at him and find him staring back at you with something that can only be described as love in his eyes. A blush crept up on your face, and you tried to clear your throat. The tension between you was growing thicker as you both struggled to maintain eye contact.
Finally, you decide to break it, glancing down at your magazine and pretending to focus on the pictures. "Well, I guess I'll have to ask Mom what she thinks."
Miles nods, pretending not to notice the awkwardness between you. "Yeah, maybe you should." He mumbles, swallowing hard, feeling the urge to reach out and touch you growing stronger by the second. He forces himself to stay still and focus on anything but these feelings, though.
The silence stretches between you, thick with unspoken words and unacknowledged feelings. You both know what happened, you both felt things that neither of you were sure were supposed to be felt, but neither of you dared to acknowledge them. It's as if you're both afraid that if you say anything, it will make it real, make it permanent.
But Miles couldn't take this anymore. He needed you, and he knew what he needed to do in this moment.
Miles clears his throat, looking away from you for a moment, focusing on a spot across the room. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. Then, without warning, he leans forward and presses his lips against yours.
It's a soft kiss at first, tentative and unsure, but as you respond, your fingers softly trailing up his shoulders and your lips meeting his exactly how they needed to, it becomes something else.
His hands find their way to your face, cradling your cheeks as he deepens the kiss. You taste like cherry lip gloss and it instantly reminds him of the cherry blowpop flavored kiss the two of you had shared years ago.
But now, the two of you were older. Kissing meant more than just some innocent, childlike crush thing. Kissing meant more, and in this moment, he knows that he's never wanted anything more than to be able to taste you, to feel your lips against his, to breathe in the scent of your mango shampoo-scented hair.
You pull away for a moment to catch your breath, but he still holds you close to him. Savoring the closeness between you two, he whispers sweet things against your lips, whispering all of the things he's been wanting to say since he was eight years old.
"I love you, like, really, love you" he whispers, his eyes closed and his fingers tracing your cheeks and sliding up into your hair, gently touching the soft strands.
I love you too, Miles. I always have" You mumble back, your hands resting on his shoulders and your lips still softly brushing against his.
You pull away for real this time, slowly opening your eyes and seeing something you've never seen before. You see a depth of an emotion that you didn't even know existed. You see love. Not the puppy-love of your childhood, but the mature, true love that only comes from years of knowing someone and realizing just how much they mean to you.
So, you kiss him again. This time, with a passion that Miles knows he'll be getting for the rest of his life.
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mishacakes · 1 year
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enjoy a Single Blowpop
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mrvenuspluto · 28 days
The 12 lustful experiences
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She was a pulchritude looking breed, like no other. Her smell had me memorized. The way she put her love spell on me... Shit!. I would of thought she was a Scorpio... with all that seductiveness and deep passion. She whispered to me in my ear and told me how she needed it from the back while in the kitchen cooking stir fry! Im lifting, flipping ,smackin and grippin those thick thighs. next thing im eating rice and peppers off her ass while long stroking her then gave her mouth a taste of my yum yum sauce to compliment her meal. Hmmmmm! she gotta be a Taurus!. the way she ate it off my body and cooked a good ass dinner in the process. Something about a cancer Mmmmmm! the way she nurtures my Dick, keeps it warm, secure with her lil hands, very small mouth and delightful honeypot!. She loves the way i kiss it! lick it!, before i Beat it! then eat it like i need it, put my heart into it before i skeet it! look her in her eyes, tell her how much daddy needs it! then leave it!........... All wet like a Tsunami just crept through it. This crazy ass Scorpio had no limit to how deep her throat could go.......until she met me! use to have her ass gagging, coughing, choking, jaws locking up, mouth foaming, tapping out into she fooled me and learn me, scoped me, observed me, disected me then fooled me by finally throating me... WTF! after all those neck sessions she perfected it and swallowed all foot of me!. A scorpio determination is unmatched and priceless just like her head game!. Remember this flexiable Gemini, who could handstand for minutes at a time while sucking me like a blowpop! her favorite position was when i throw her lil ass up in the air and landed her on this fuckn dick head! then spin her lil ass around like a toppys spinny what eva you call it! pussy juice would be everywhere! she would get to ride on him for hours... called her Flexy Pussy!. I dont know what happened to miss Capricorn but she meant Business! with a capital B. I mean real business, she would show up dressed in her work attire, glasses, blouse, and work skirt. She would usually want to take control and tease me while she would slowly stroke my dick and watch me yearn for that wet dripping fat cat! as i would play along with her lil game, not this this time. Big Boss man showed up this time laid her sexy ass out and laid pipe on her ass, hit that cat in ever possible way until i put that pussy in a psych ward. Ohh thats where her lil ass is at till this day!. Met this loud ass Leo one day while she was getting out her red C - class benz. Ass just sittin up and proudful! me and her exchanged digets, next thing im hittin lioness all over the the 29th floor balcony! made her loud ass mouth hits notes while her pussy sang! tested those vocals! now she got daddy a new GLA - 250!
Her superficial ass was all in my grill! rubbing my chest, my chains and fresh drip!. The playa i was i let her lil ass get a dose of this kryptonite! she had a slim body, wide hips and smile that was bright, charm that was right, perfect ass that fit her height. Shit that had to be a lucky libra that was feeling me. What! i hit that poonany like a bad habit, face all against my jewels and shiny wrist band! while she kiss all over my royal ring. Then let her ass finish me off with sloppy neck through my amiri denims, splot !!! all over her fuckn face now you a superficial work of art. While getting treatment in the the hospital met this Virgo nurse that worked there. We conversed then she invited me to her house where she said she would heal me holistically. She wasnt lying she showed me her secret garden, let me taste her passion fruit, lick her nectar while consuming are her heal organic essence. Ive been healed ever since mmmm! I returned the favor and gave her some of my sleepy time meds, Here!!! open wide! say AHHH!!! left her belly full, mood good!!! and tucked her pussy in Goodnight! This unconventional pussy was right and tight!. The way she could squeeze me sooo tight with it and detach from it and squirt while bouncing up and down on my long ass dick while juggling my heavy loaded balls. She did this lil trick, made her tongue wrap around my dick head while stroking me with both hands, while drooling hella saliva all over him! she was very unique in her style and ways, no wonder they called the Aquarius water bearers! she lefted my ballls in a puddle. This long legged, thick thighed Sagittarius! use to love to grind on me while kissing my neck, i would grip her massive strong thighs, lift her up against the rocky mountains when we use to travel and meet each other on a trip, and have our escapades. I would travel deeeeep in that pussy exploring all her geographical locations and areas. Had me searching and going on long journeys inside her foreign pussy to finally locate and hit that G spot without any GPS or maps hit a couple wrong turns hitting kidneys and lower intestines. Soon after back on road straight knowledge and adventurous digging and left her ass laid out on the jet black sand!. She would get into heated arguments just so i could snatch her lil ass up, fold her up and pound her life out! Dick all up in her chest! miss Aries smart mouth ain't saying shit now!. Every time she would try to fix her lips to say something smart i would add a inch of D up in that lil pussy! now she talking gibberish! then i put her lil spark out!. While in yoga class this smooth, silky, thin built, caramel big eyed Picses showed me why yoga class was so important for the mind, body, soul and also others things..... shit the next day she also showed what her feet do! laid me back on her mat, sat down in front of me stretched her legs out, stretched her pretty ass feet then spit all over her hands rubbed it all over the bottom of her feet then gave me the worlds best footjob! felt all her energy and nerve endings contributing towards my well being! then i touched all her chakras and penetrated her solar plexus and finished in her throat chakra! and shot the remaining balance all over her ajna now we soulfully intertwine and divine!
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mattswifie · 5 months
paring: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
Word count: 1k
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Matt was sitting in the living room next to Yn she was sucking on a lollipop occanasly she found Matt staring at her with the look of lust in his eyes. Yn smirked to herself and swirled her tongue around the blowpop. Matt looks at the way her tongue swirled around the blowpop. Matt felt his pants tighten as he watched her and he pressed his hand down on his bulge.
Matt scooched over so he was pressed right up against her as he whispered in her ear in a low tone “do not start something you can't finish sweetheart” Yns eyes widened as matt whispered that in her ear.
Matt pulls the blowpop from her mouth and kisses her his tongue fighting against hers. A low groan comes from Matt and he holds the sides of her face tucking her hair behind her ears “you taste just like fucking cherries” matt mumbles against her lips.
Yn sips her tongue into Matt's mouth as they get more into this makeout, she runs her hands up his chest and marvels at his strength, Yn shifts beneath her hands doing so she breaks the kiss to catch her breath.
Matt's mind was empty, his entire body was tingling. He stares at her mouth, rising up to connect their lips again, he cups the back of Yns head and gently brings her closer as they connect their lips.
YN tests the ways she can kiss him, she starts off soft and slow then gets harder and faster and at one point she was biting his bottom lip. Matt lets out a growl and pushes her down on the couch.
that growl only encourages Yn to kiss harder.
She sucks his upper lip in between her own. She traced the shape of my tongue with the tip of hers. Matt thrusts his tongue in between her lips,sliding it against hers.
Yn grips his head with her hands, running her fingers through his silky curly hair.
His hands go to her hips and picks her up, Yn wraps her legs around Matt's waist as he brings her to his room.
He slams the door, slamming her against it, kissing her roughly, he brings her to his bed and throws her on it.
Matt kisses down her neck leaving dark hickeys all down her neck,”do i have your consent to take off your clothes”matt whispers in her ear all Yn does is groan in response “i need words sweetheart” matt whispers to her, “matt yes you have my full consent just do it please” she begs him.
Matt smirks and unties her sweatpants and pulls them down, Matt smirks seeing the wet spot in Yns underwear “so wet for me aren't you pretty girl” Matt asks in a low voice as he runs his finger over the wet spot on her underwear.
Yn squirms as she lets out a loud high pitched moan, matt covers her mouth “shh sweet girl dont want nick and matt to hear” matt says covering her mouth.
Matt slides Yns underwear to the side sliping two fingers into her, Matt puts one of her legs over his shoulder, pushing his fingers in and out of her at the perfect speed, Matt could feel that she was close to her release because she was Squeezing around his fingers.
Matt rubs her clit as he curls his fingers, Yn lets out a loud high pitched moan as she releases on his fingers.
Matt pulls his fingers out and Yn lets out a whimper, Matt gets on his knees and licks in between her legs, Matt stands up and starts to unbutton his pants, Matt pulls down his jeans and his bulge is very visible through his boxers. Yn licks her lips as she gets down on her knees and pulls down his boxers, his dick springs out hitting his stomach.
Yn slowly licks a strip of Matt's dick then swirls her tongue around it, Matt lets out a low groan as he grips the back of her head to push her down more on his cock. Matt pushes Yns head down more and more then he pulls her head up and slams it back down, matt releases his sperm into her mouth “swallow it” he says looking down on her, Yn does as she's told and swallows it then sticks her tongue out for him “good girl” matt whispers in her ear as he pulls her up and lays her on the bed and lines himself up with her.
Matt pushes himself in letting out a Pleasured moan, he only puts the tip in before pulling it out then slamming it back in receiving a loud yelp from Yn “mattt moore” she whines matt smirks before leaning down to whisper in her ear “beg for it” his deep voice made Yn buckle her hips wanting more, matt pushes her back down and whispers again “i'm not going to tell you again beg baby” matts voice was serious this time like he meant it.
“Matt i'm not going to beg for it” Yn whine, matt rolls his eyes and pulls out and flips her over so her face is in a pillow and he pushes back into her, going at inhuman speed as Yn is screaming into the pillow from all the pleasure she was receiving “ma-matt i'm gonna cum” Yn shouts.
“Hold it” matt whispers in her ear, Yn has tears coming out of her eyes as she tries to hold it,
Matt releases inside of her then gives her the ok to cum “matt,matt,matt” Yn chances as he helps her through her high.
Matt pulls out and lays next to her and pulls her on his chest and covering themselves up with his blanket, about 15 minutes later someone knocks on their door “come in” matt yells nick and chris walk in with a disgusted look on their faces “keep it down next time” nick says then him and chris leave the room
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moonysfavoritetoast · 7 months
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I'm so sorry about everything that's going on. 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂💖💖💖💚💚💚💙💙💙
thank you finley <33 ily /p
i just ate a blowpop and had a good shower,, so safe to say i’m feeling better :3
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