#blue dart delivery job apply
msupporter · 6 months
डिलिवरी बॉय नौकरियां: कूरियर कार्यालय नौकरी रिक्तियां
डिलिवरी बॉय नौकरियां अगर आप रोजगार की तलाश में हैं या नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो यह जानकारी आपके लिए फायदेमंद होगी, यहां हमने आपको कूरियर जॉब्स के बारे में बताया है। हम आपको बताएंगे कि कौन से कोरियर आपके लिए अच्छा काम कर सकते हैं और रोजगार प्रदान कर सकते हैं। और आपको अच्छी सैलरी और इनकम मिल सकती है. सबसे पहले बात करते हैं What is the work of a courier? कूरियर में रोजगार पाने के लिए कुछ दिशानिर्देश…
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meghnasharama-blogs · 9 months
From Classroom to Highways: Mastering the Art of Transportation Management with an Online MBA.
The modern-day market moves at lightning speed, and ensuring products get to the right place at the right time is the unsung hero behind this efficiency: the Transportation Manager. With global markets expanding, the role of Transportation Managers is becoming ever crucial. But, what does it take to excel in this domain? For many, the answer lies in pursuing an Online MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the pathways to becoming a successful Transportation Manager and how an MBA can shape your journey.
The Lure of an Online MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The world of logistics is dynamic, ever-evolving, and packed with challenges. To navigate these challenges, one needs a solid foundation. This is where an MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management plays a pivotal role. But why opt for an Online MBA?
Flexibility: Balance your current job and life with a robust curriculum designed for working professionals.
Global Perspective: Master of Business Administration programs often provide a worldwide view, especially crucial in a global field like logistics.
Network Expansion: Dive into a diverse cohort, sharing experiences from various industries and countries, and broaden your professional horizon.
Diverse Industries Awaiting Expertise
A degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management doesn't restrict you to a specific industry. Your expertise can be applied in:
E-commerce: Oversee timely delivery for companies like Amazon and Flipkart.
Manufacturing: Ensure raw materials reach production houses as required.
Pharmaceuticals: Handle sensitive shipments, ensuring they remain in pristine conditions.
Automobiles: Transport parts from various suppliers to assembly plants.
FMCG: Efficiently distribute goods to sprawling retail networks.
Challenges on the Road
Being a Transportation Manager isn't a walk in the park. You might encounter:
Regulatory Hurdles: Different regions come with their regulations. Navigating these seamlessly is essential.
Environmental Concerns: With the increasing emphasis on sustainability, how do you make operations green?
Technological Disruptions: Stay updated with the latest in AI, machine learning, and other tech innovations reshaping logistics.
Where to Kickstart Your Journey? Top Companies in India
Tata Motors
Mahindra & Mahindra
Reliance Industries
Amazon India
Blue Dart
Ashok Leyland
Maruti Suzuki
Hero MotoCorp
Why Your MBA Decision is Crucial
Choosing to pursue an Online MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a significant decision. It’s not merely about the degree but how it can shape your understanding, approach, and ultimately, success in the logistics world. A well-structured MBA program can equip you with tools to make impactful decisions, optimize routes, manage teams, and keep up with global trends.
Finding Your Academic Home with Shiksha Gurus
Navigating the world of online education can be a maze. Shiksha Gurus comes to your rescue, helping you find the best online and distance education universities in India. With the "compare universities" feature, you can make an informed decision tailored to your needs.
A career as a Transportation Manager can be both challenging and rewarding. While the road might be long and winding, an Online MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management can provide the map. Coupled with passion, dedication, and the right institution, success is just around the bend.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
how to be good
TITLE: how to be good CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: one shot AUTHOR: hiddlemediddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: You work in a warehouse. Your job is inventory. Everyday you are given a sheet with different items and it is your duty to find and count them. Today your sheet has only has six items, labelled ‘I. Stone’, and numbered 1 through 6. You find the first relatively easily and realize I. Stone stands for infinity stone. Imagine you find all six, only to turn and be face to face with Loki. RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: I loved this one. Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek behaviour between Loki x reader. Bloody hell, I’ve missed writing for this raven-haired idiot ;) x (yes, much of this is OOC as Loki would undoubtedly jump at the chance to get those infinity stones, but I just wanted to play around with his redemption arc here..) So really, I’m just messing around! :)
Slipping on your overalls after your lunch break, you wondered what ‘top secret’ items you would be storing away for the next few hours of your day. Working in a government inventory had its interesting moments, particularly when it came to storing away alien artefacts and all sorts inside glass containers. It was rather a lonely job, but you almost preferred it that way. Your last job was nothing short of disastrous. Hordes of people flinging boxes around for deliveries and yelling at you to 'pick up the pace’ whilst flinging your own boxes on a conveyor belt, to be carried swiftly away into a dark hole which ultimately ended up at people’s doorsteps. 
When you applied for this inventory job, you hadn’t anticipated how top secret it would be. It had detailed in the job description that you needed to be a 'discrete’ person, but you hadn’t thought it would be so extreme as this. You blushed when you thought about how you handled some frozen items inside some boxes. It was only the next day that the man who came through the door told you that you had placed some alien remains inside the freezer. It was casual work, but you could never have known what lay behind those boxes. Sometimes you did see what was inside, as they were some transparent glass boxes. Other times, you were warned to treat a particular box carefully and found out what was in there. It did, at first sight, seem like any other day. Yet, from this job, you knew that you couldn’t expect normality. Any minute, you could be asked to store away a piece of the earth’s molten core. Literally. You knew that it was your attention to detail which landed you the job in the first place. You loved to see things ordered up in numerical, alphabetical or coloured order. The apartment you inhabited was pretty well the same. The books lined the shelves in the order you had selected for that particular shelf. The top shelf was ordered by the author’s last name and the next shelf was ordered in colour. The colour shelf was rather difficult, seeing as the gradient hardly worked. But it satisfied some part of you that you could never hope to understand. Some code which dictated this part of your life that made you order things in this aesthetically pleasing way. You had wondered if it was a disorder, this ordering. When you consulted your doctor, you were told that it was mild. Yet here you were applying it to your job. But there you go, you thought. The money was good, so why worry? Yes. Why worry? It was something which you convinced yourself was alright for a long time. For how long you could keep it up was another thing. At least you were getting paid for something you enjoyed doing, even if enjoying it went a tad too far. The door was ajar when you entered the inventory, which you found strange. You scoured the entire room to see if anyone was in there, but found nothing amiss. Shrugging your shoulders, you went over to the next batch which had arrived. There was a note attached to the large metal crate that you were expected to store away. “Heavy, also radioactive. Take care. Do not open. -J” You sighed. The little “J” on the note was your boss. You never knew why he signed with the letter J, when you knew full well that his name did not start nor end with a J. Perhaps it was a fake name. In fact, you were sure it was a fake name. You had tried finding him on Facebook and couldn’t find a single profile picture which resembled his appearance. Hmph. Government. You inspected each metal box and realised that they were all silver briefcases which were numbered. Not only were they numbered, but they contained an indication of what may be inside. It was number one and then simply “Stone”. Strange, you thought. Then there was another and another. They were all contained inside these strange silver briefcases. You decided against giving any of it a second thought and started to place each case in the compartment which matched their code numbers. You used a type of lift which was attached to the wall to whizz up and down the very heights of the archives. You hopped onto the step of the lift and pressed the button on the wall for it to take you to the very top. You never dared look down over the side of the lift to see how high you were. You placed the case carefully in its allotted compartment. You breathed out a sigh of relief once you were done with compartmentalising each one. Hopping from the lift, you were about to go on to the next set of things. In the distance, you heard some footsteps. Your heart stopped. “Hello?” You said tentatively, walking towards the source of the footsteps. You knew something must be amiss, especially now you thought back to the door which had been ajar. Stepping around the corner, you bumped straight into a black pillar. You raised your head in confusion and were met with two bright blue orbs. You gasped in shock and the man slammed his hand against your mouth to stop you from screaming. “Boo.” he whispered. Your entire body was shaking with shock as your eyes moved along the man’s features. His face was ashen white and sweating profusely. He was wearing an entirely black suit to match with his head of hair. The man was nothing less than terrifying. He moved you towards the wall behind you and you felt his entire body press against yours. You shivered with fear, yet it quickly turned into determination. Instinctively, you raised your knee quickly, aiming directly for his crotch. Loki’s hand slipped quickly away from your mouth and he groaned out in agony as his hands cupped his crotch. You darted for the door. Once you reached it, the latch was locked. You looked down and saw that the lunatic had practically melted it out of existence. The door was still steaming from the melted metal. “Fucking hell.” You whispered. You felt his presence behind you first. The hairs on your neck rose as you felt him breathe heavily behind you. You cursed under your breath and turned to face him. “Who are you? What do you want?” You asked as calmly as possible. You stared directly into the madman’s eyes and saw the desire in them. There was something in this room that was driving him towards oblivion with the enormity of its power. “I am Loki, of Asgard. Those stones you placed away, I want you to retrieve them all and give them to me. You will help me take them out of here without being seen.” “Oh, for goodness sake. Not you again. You’re that maniac who brought aliens down to New York. I thought they said they’d banged you up in some other dimension.” Loki chuckled. “They cannot contain me for long. I am driven beyond anything they could ever imagine.” His measured tones set you on edge. They slithered down your spine as you saw the intent in his face. He would not back down, even if he had to trade in the entire world for those stones. “Look, bucko, I’m not losing my job because of some raving lunatic looking for some rocks.” You snapped. Loki chuckled menacingly. “I will reward you in your currency, mortal.” “Mortal! You aliens think you can do whatever the hell you want on this planet. Guess what, Mr. Loki, I don’t want your dirt money.” A smile of admiration ghosted the man’s features. The woman, in front of one of the most dangerous of people in the universe, was standing tall. She, unlike most of the mortals on this planet, had no care for the money that it had. The money that flowed around from person to person. For all its value, she saw no value in it. “With this money, you can leave your job.” Loki said persuasively. “I like my job.” Loki raised his eyebrow. “Yes, of course. Look, I want the stones. Get them for me and nobody on this planet will lose their life - ” “Why do you want them?” You cut him off. Loki was struck dumb from her question. It was a simple enough question. Why did he want the infinity stones? For glory? For power? But he was not retrieving them for his power, but for another’s power. You watched as Loki’s eyes flickered in recognition at the question. The arrogant demeanour had been stripped away. “They are for my master.” “Master! You make me laugh. So it’s not you who wants the stones, but your master. You’re just his little lackey, seeking a bit of glory for doing his dirty work. Tell your 'master’ to come and break in here himself.” Loki could not imagine Thanos having a civil conversation with this woman at all. “He’s occupied, you see.” “You don’t want the stones, do you?” You whispered to him. Loki’s eyes narrowed. In theory, he should be killing this mortal and trawling through whatever codes were left behind to find the stones. Yet, here he was, listening to her and her lecture about the motives behind his actions. Behind all of his actions for the past few years of his life. Dedicating himself to a life of searching and searching for infinity stones. They were for a master that he could not possibly hope to understand. He sighed and moved himself away from you. “That answers my question.” “He will find me and kill me.” Loki said, avoiding her eyes. He was staring at the floor, reliving the torture he had endured under Thanos’ hands. You heard the earnestness in his voice. “Who is he?” Loki raised his head and sighed. “The scariest guy in the universe. He wants to wipe out half of the universe for the other half to flourish.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “Then you’ll have to kill him first."  Loki raised his head and you didn’t think anyone had ever looked so directly in your eyes before. The blue in them, slowly but surely, was fading. It was fading into a tinge of green swirls which danced around in the irises. They seemed more human. Less crazed. "Look, not to be pushy, but if someone comes in here it’s going to look very dodgy.” The corners of Loki’s mouth twitched into a smirk. “Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed."  You frowned at him. "Well, if you don’t want the stones - ” Before you could finish your sentence, Loki had already grasped onto your wrist and your entire body felt weightless for a few seconds. You saw mists of green smoke surrounding you and Loki when your feet landed on the ground again. It all happened far too quickly for you to properly process it in your head. Your legs wobbled from the impact of 'landing’ and Loki reached out to steady you.  “Oh, come on, now I’m being kidnapped.” You muttered. “Well, not exactly.” Loki said. “This is my.. temporary residence. I cannot stay anywhere for too long as I am.. a outlaw, essentially.” You looked around you and you were inside a swish apartment. The furniture was cream coloured and the wooden floors were shining in the sunlight which danced through the balcony doors. The sudden exposure to this light almost blinded you, seeing as the inventory room had no windows in it. It was a shock to your system to say the very least. Loki stood awkwardly beside the kitchen counter and watched you curiously. He realised, as he watched you moved around the apartment, that he did not know your name. He set about remedying that immediately by asking for it. He did not plan on calling you mortal forever, after all. “You clearly like to order things together. Try ordering up my existence.” Loki smirked.  You laughed at him cheerfully. “Wait, you’re being serious, aren’t you? Why the sudden change of heart?"  "I have no desire to see half of the universe cleansed for no reason. Neither do I have a particular desire to possess all of the infinity stones myself. What perplexes me is how all of the stones can be on earth."  "Beats me. They must have collected them all and tricked this Thanos guy into thinking that they’re all over the place.” “Hm. Interesting.” Loki raised his eyebrow. “Unless the ones you have stored away are fakes."  You chuckled. "Who knows? Look, you common burglar, you need to make up with the good side of the universe to order up your life."  "Then teach me.” Loki whispered playfully. “Teach you what?"  "Teach me how to be good." 
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intomyshadow · 4 years
Meet Mari
Word count: 1600 (3 to 13 minutes) | Rating: T | Story: Into My Shadow
Note: Fantasy races (common and original), magic
Read Dira’s character introduction
Read Noyo’s character introduction
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The Blossoming of Year 185: Dawn’s Strike Era
The streets of Garres were like veins, carrying goods and people wherever they needed to go in the city. Sometimes, to places they’d rather not be. Reliable and chaotic, the contradictory way life worked anywhere else. It made the cobblestone streets easy to map in her mind, especially with practice. Anyone could tell the sunbaked almshouse walls from the lofty towers of the governmental district, but only a local could get from one to the other without being late or lost.
Exactly why living in one place for years wasn’t so bad.
Mari knew the routes and schedules of most carriages there. Not to mention basically everyone who kept the city’s blood pumping. Not that any of them really saw her. She was known for her ties to the Union. Only the half-elf who ran their errands and did their chores. Beyond that, she was no more than one of the strangers outside. And it was incredible, the things people let you see and hear when you were invisible.
But if there was one skill she had mastered, it had to be knowing when to wait for the right moment.
The morning mail coach came soaring down the road, and everyone knew they had the run of the road. Stopping one meant paying a fine—even if you did it by mistake. Mari was in a hurry too, poised to hop across the street on the raised steppingstones the moment it went by. She was close enough to feel it rush past, and a small splash from puddles of yesterday’s rain hit her boots. Nothing that wouldn’t dry. Especially if she ran, and she always did.
Her boots barely tapped against each roughly circular stone that kept people above the water, waste, and manure, then she was on the other side. The poor ladies and gentlemen serving the country from its capital couldn’t do that in their fine heeled shoes and fluffy wigs. Their jobs seemed important with all the shouting, but pretty stifling. So long as she did hers to avoid getting yelled at herself, it didn’t matter.
Darting around frantic storeroom maids in the center of the market square, Mari made her way to the weapons and armor marketplace. The heavy smell of molten metal and coal from smithies burned her nostrils before she even saw the magic shops. All the stores there were more like workshops where you could buy goods, not like the tents and stalls of most other places. Maybe the merchants of magical wares didn’t quite belong there, but there they were. No one really wanted to see them while they picked out a new suit before the festival season or resupplied on early summer vegetables and wines.
Pulling the empty satchel up her shoulder, Mari kept her eyes up and stuck close to the wall. The only people around the weapons shops were assistants to the Guard Captain, hunters, and mercenaries. They covered the whole nation’s people: dwarves, elves, people with mixed descent like her, and even the lone chiali now and again. None of them were gifted with patience for anything that didn’t apply to their work, or none that Mari knew. All she had to be was fast and out of their way. She had to move quickly anyway since it would be hot and muggy soon, and Mari wouldn’t be up to as much running.
She ducked into the open rounded doorway of the mages’ goods shop soon enough. Could have done it with her eyes closed, but it was better that she didn’t.
“Hm?” The shopkeep frowned over the counter, glaring down at her from his stool. That sternness was just part of his expression, she learned that shortly after they first met years ago. He was framed by jars of all kinds of magical goods, some open and easy to reach and others sealed and locked on the top shelves behind the front counter. His thick, black moustache with flecks of grey twitched with his ‘tsk’. Fat fingers tied off the thin rope around some gathered stems of faintly glowing thistles that she didn’t recognize. Not yet. The dwarf was no mage, but he knew more than she’d ever forget about magic in the wild—and he liked to remind anyone who came in of that. “Just you, is it?”
“Yeah,” she said with a nod, dropping the rolled parchment on the counter. The Union’s crest was emblazoned on the outside beside the ribbon holding it closed—a precaution for all their parchment in case something important was lost, supposedly. “Got the whole Union order here.”
He kept that surprising delicate touch from the flowers when he swept up the scroll, pulling the ribbon loose to unroll it. From habit, he muttered it out loud as his dull blue eyes moved down the list.
That week’s resupply trip called for more of what Mari recognized. No Union storeroom run was complete without basic healing herbs, but this one included various roots and powders to carve into protective sigils on armor and shields. Plus some fake-sounding items like will-‘o-the-wisp dust. Mari read about them in the Union’s in-house library when most people were asleep, and she doubted they gave off anything like dust. If finding your way back to your original spot after getting tricked by a will-‘o-the-wisp only meant following a dust trail, why did people stay lost?
But if the Union mages asked for it, it had to be real. Maybe it wasn’t literal. Like sprigs of baby’s breath.
“The glass is new,” she interrupted his mumbling and pointed to the windows. Usually, just fancy clothes and jewelry stores had glass windows, but they had gotten more common in other shops with decent sales. Having the Union buying through him most of the time would do that for his profits. She heard him stomping down the ladder from his stool while she leaned to check for outside hinges through the window. “Kept the shutters. Smart.”
“Mmhm. Wait here.”
Wait, he said, like it ever took him long. Mari was barely taller than him when she did her first supply run for the Union, and she was amazed at how quickly he measured and packaged everything. While he worked, she put her satchel up on the counter and flipped it open for him just in time for him to nestle the first bag of herbs in.
“Walk gently,” he ordered as he pat down a box of packed powder.
“Not how you usually dart around here.” He pierced her with another glare, tossing the tired leather flap over her bag to close it.
“Yes, sir.”
“I mean it.” Punctuating that with a calloused fingertip pointed at her, he moved the bag over to her open hands at the counter’s edge.
“I said yes,” she repeated with an uneasy grimace, not sure what else he wanted. Mari raised the shoulder strap over her head for the steadier carrying it obviously needed.
“And this.” Less gently, he brought a package up onto the smooth wooden countertop and pushed it over to her. The wrapping job wasn’t like his usual. No practical plain paper held in place with twine, but deep slate blue paper with thick silver ribbon adorning it. The contents were clearly a book. Mari softened her grimace but didn’t reach for it. In all the years she knew him, he didn’t adorn anything. If someone wanted to get a gift to a member of the Mages’ Union, they wouldn’t go through him and definitely not her. Even a surprise gift would be better off handled by actual delivery people.
“What’s this?”
“For you.” Glancing back down to it and again to him, Mari closed her hand around the strap over her chest. This just got more and more confusing. Who would give her something? Mari didn’t talk to anyone she didn’t have to, so there was no one to send her an unexpected present.
“What for?”
“A gift,” he observed, being his usual blunt self, but without any of the clarity that usually came with it. He must have read something in her glance at the present because he muttered something before offering something she could hear. “If you’ve got your mind set on working at that place ‘til you’re grey, be serious about educating yourself. Before you get killed.”
“Alright,” she asked, as bewildered as ever. No one got a nice shop with glass windows and shutters because they gave out gifts to the spry little stray running tasks for the Union. Still, she picked up the package. It was heavier than she guessed it would be… Probably two books, then. Trading the grimace for a level stare, Mari thanked the stars she was talking to someone who didn’t waste words. “But what’s that to you?”
The long hairs of his moustache ruffled in his scoff as he settled back up onto his stool. Leaning over the counter, he almost looked like he was smirking. “You have a birthday, don’t you?”
“Suppose I do.” Giving him a shrug, she continued her answer. “Not sure when it is, though.”
“In that case, doesn’t matter when you get a present.” Nodding to the book, he scooched back into his seat and reached for another bundle of glowing thistle. “There’s your gift.”
“From?” He quirked an eyebrow, clearly at his limit for questions. She should have figured it was straight from him anyway. There weren’t many people who remembered Mari and her interest in magic. Add in apparently having a reason to present her with a new book… Well, that didn’t leave a lot of choices. “Right. Thanks.”
“Mmhm. Don’t die.”
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kashmironlinenews · 2 years
Delivery Boy Jobs At Blue Dart Courier Service Srinagar
Delivery Boy Jobs At Blue Dart Courier Service Srinagar
Blue Dart Courier Service Srinagar Announces Delivery Boy Jobs   Blue Dart Courier Service Srinagar is hiring candidates for various job posts like delivery boy jobs, office boys, and drivers. Interested and eligible candidates can read the below-given job details and can apply for job posts. Read Also : Bibi Halima Nursing College Srinagar Job Recruitment Name of Posts: 1- Courier Delivery…
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insomniac-arrest · 7 years
The Valentine is You
@lapidot-week for Valentine day (again haha)
Lapis is a singing candygram sent to Peridot’s apartment to sing. Peridot didn’t order a candygram.
Peridot had a plan. A good plan, one experts would agree with, wikihow article worthy: take the day off, don’t go outside and rewatch all of the x-files. No one could argue that it wasn’t a superb idea.
She liked to think of herself as someone with many superb ideas.
So that was how she was going to spend the day, and there wasn’t really nay-sayers. However, things seemed to find her outside of her neatly planned insulation.
She had a full bag of chocolate covered potato chips, two mountain dews lined up, and her fluffy socks that didn’t get fuzz in between her toes. She reclined into her couch and exhaled.
The Flukeman arc was always worthwhile.
She was in the middle of a scene that was frankly poorly lit and had the sound design of a metal worker discovering Studio One for the first time. She was considering turning the volume at least partially down (maybe off?) when a knock came at the door.
Peridot frowned, her eyes darting to the front door, another fastidious knock a erupts, Peridot’s frown deepened. She wasn’t expecting anyone, in fact, she was planning on quite the opposite.
She considered pretending she wasn’t home when her TV gave out a particularly loud screech she’s sure even her elderly downstairs neighbor heard. Another persistent knock sounded.
“Amethyst?” Peridot called out weakly from her comfortable spot on the couch- carved out directly from her ass and a good amount of determination. Amethyst was, in theory, spending the day in Empire City with Pearl (seeing some sort of theater thing and probably holding hands like their fingers might fall off).
“Hello,” A voice called through the door that was definitely not Amethyst, “I have a delivery for a,” The flat voice paused, “Room number 212.” Peridot raised an eyebrow, that was her. The young woman knocked again, “If you could just open up.”
Peridot narrowed her eyes, that sounded like the dialogue of a serial killer. Or maybe just the fact she had been watching too much Criminal Minds mixed with said X-files.
Peridot eventually, eventually, scrapes herself off from off the couch, stretching and getting the feeling back into her legs, she stumbles to the door.
She peaks through the eyehole first, thinking her mom might have sent her flowers, if even she did have to arrange it all the way from Minnesota from a woman who hated computers. The girl, on the other hand, did not look mother approved.
She had electric blue hair that framed her face in a short messy bob, an array of sloppily applied make-up that’s colors shouted ‘blood bath on pink street.’ Peridot peered down, trying to get on her tiptoes to see more. The girl was at least holding something.
Peridot took her time opening the door, keeping her face neutral as she peaked out. She was a little taken back again: the girl wore an impossibly short striped dress that was red and white, pink tights and very high go-go boots. Actual go-go boots. She noted a pair of heart earings and similarly shaped boxed in her hand.
She looked like a 70s pin-up girl who walked out a Valentine's Day shop. Peridot’s eyes go wide, oh no, Valentine’s Day. She goes to shut the door.
The girl takes a deep breath in and something Peridot never could have expected began, singing: “Oooohh, you took my heart on quite a bender when you went sunbathing in December, that bikini of a lifetime looking like a good time gal ready for a-”
Peridot shut the door.
“Oh, come on buddy.” The girl behind the door complained.
“I didn’t order anything!” She says shrilly through the lock, “Especially not like this.” “This is room 212, right?”
“I mean yeah,” Peridot says as she thinks about her stained Daft Punk t-shirt and baggy boxers she was wearing.
“Let me finish then. Unless Vanessa is out or something, are you her roommate?” Peridot sniffed, “I don’t know any Vanessa’s.” She chewed on her lower lip, “This is Peridot.” Lapis groaned and seemed to walk around in circles, “Fine, I’ll be right back!”
Peridot exhales and lets her shoulders drop. She couldn’t believe she just had to run in with things like this, on the one day she was trying to forget the outside world.
She blows air out her nose and shuffles to her kitchen, she might as well drink something while she’s up. She was thinking of switching to beer.
“What do you mean this is the right place?” The girl was yelling, undoubtedly into her phone.
“Do your job Lapis!” A voice like a blow horn responded loud enough for Peridot to hear, “You’re on your last legs. Every customer so far reports ‘lack of enthusiasm.’”
Lapis. Huh. Peridot can’t help but listen in as she nurses a Heineken she just opened.
Lapis grumbles some more quieter words into the phone and then, to Peridot’s dismay, she comes back to the door.
“You don’t have to be shy! Let’s just get it over with.” Lapis was still talking to her, “I don’t want to do this any more than you do, but if you write me a good review…”
Peridot shook her head, “I don’t even know you! I didn’t order a, uh, singing, telegram.” “Candygram.” Lapis correct. “And at least take the chocolates, they are half melted by now anyway.” Peridot hums, she did like chocolate. She reaches for the doorknob, “This is pre-paid?” “Uh-huh, guy named Ethan. He likes you or something.” Lapis said languidly. Peridot hunches over and cracked the door open, “I doubt that, but I accept.”
Lapis blinked and opened her mouth, “Oooohh, you took my heart on quite a bender when you went sunbathing in December, that bikini of a lifetime looking like a good time gal ready for the camera. I never felt more lively, when you took me out diving, took off all our clothes made our ancestors roll in their graves. VANEEESSAA-” “No singing!” Peridot pulled at her hair, she didn’t want some romantic love song from some weirdos she didn’t know. And Lapis’s voice was the theme song to a hospital flatline.
“Oh come on,” Lapis pouts, “You think I wear this hat for fun?” She pointed to the tiny heart-shaped hat perched crookedly on her head, “We finish the song. Candy. Probably some love-making, bada-bing bada-boom.” Peridot sighed and folded her arms across her chest, “I’m single.” Lapis shook her head, “Well, I mean, if you respond to this guy-” “And gay.” “Oh,” Lapis’s face goes slack and she blinks and couple times, she itched that back of her neck and she let out a little giggling laugh that reminded her of a cricket. “Well. Damn, this one hell of a situation if you really aren’t-” Another door opens from the other side of the hall, “Is there someone singing, uh, Vanessa?” A tall brunette in a short night dress and a full bodice creeps into the hall. Lapis’s face lit up.
“Yes! Yes I was. You wouldn’t happen to be her?”
The woman cocked her head to the side, “Yes I am, I mean, a Vanessa. I was wondering about all the noise out here…” “Well, I think I have something for you!” Lapis looked to be gearing herself up to get five stars on her report card.
Vanessa frowned slightly and Lapis took a deep breath in and began afresh her jaunty tune that Ethan obviously spent a while composing: they swam, went Disney world, cursed out his racist grandfather. A strange song overall. Lapis put her whole body into it and Peridot watched from off to the side, she might as well, right?
Lapis belted out the lyrics with something close to enthusiasm, but Peridot noted that Vanessa’s bottom lip was quivering.
Lapis finished with a wide yowl of Vanessa’s name and getting down on one knee to present the box of chocolates. “Someone cares about you a lot, happy Valentine’s Day!”
Vanessa stared at her blankly, “Who’s this from?” “Uh,” Lapis’s eyes darted around. “Ethan.” Vanessa’s mouth was in full-quiver now and her eyes looked to be glistening slightly, Lapis seemed to be taking note. “Well, I’ll just be-” Vanessa grabbed the box from out of Lapis’s hands and tore it opened, she looked at the candy’s in what appeared to be horror and then tossed the contents of the box onto the floor. And onto Lapis.
“I told him not to! I told him to cancel any plans! Now he’s just trying to hurt me!” She cried and threw the box at the opposing wall, spraying melted chocolate pieces around, “I can’t believe he would do this! I can’t believe-” Vanessa was sizzling, “You.”
Lapis was looking down on the smudge of chocolate on her top, she finally looks up, “I, uh, this is just a part time job.” “Tell Ethan that he’s not funny!” Vanessa turned hotly on her heel and slammed her apartment door as she left, Peridot flinched at the sound. A dark head popped back out, “And tell him it’s double over!! Triple over.” The door was hurled shut again. Peridot stood uselessly in the middle of her doorway. This is why I was staying indoors today she told herself.
Lapis was still kneeled down, looking dazed, “I hate my job.” Peridot chuckled and looked around the place, “I don’t blame you.” Lapis finally stood up and appeared to try and brush herself off before glancing up, “Think she’ll give me a good review?” She asked with a sardonic tone. Peridot gave her an unsure smile, “Uh, how good is your job security?” Lapis groaned and walked over to the wall only to thunk her head against it.
Peridot looked her up and down, “It’ll be alright?” She tries. Lapis turns around and looks ready to melt down the wall, instead she looks at Peridot.
“Do you have any more of those?” Lapis points to Peridot’s Heineken, “It could make the walk back more tolerable.”
“Uh,” Peridot shuffled her feet and glanced at the floor and then the ceiling, and definitely not at Lapis’s short skirt, she backs up, “Sure. Yeah. Come in.” Peridot could be a good samaritan, hell, she figured she was pretty much a good person in general.
She stepped aside and Lapis plodded her way into the dim apartment. This isn’t how she imagined the night would go- not even in her stress dreams after chugging nyquil.
Lapis leaned bonelessly on Peridot’s counter, she examined the place. “Mind if I wash this?” She points to her shirt, “The price is more than half my rent.”
Peridot nods mutely and opens her fridge, “Yikes. Sounds like a dream job.”
“You have no idea.” Lapis reassures her flatly and Peridot handed her a beer.
She apparently had to get back to the temp business in a bit, but Peridot asked her how she got into the business and it was a long story. Lapis told her she was pretty much fired/quitting.
Peridot didn’t know what to think about that, but did like the sound of her voice though and the fact she hadn’t commented on Peridot being alone in her boxes on Valentine’s day. She was also pretty warm from the alcohol when they opened a bottle of her cheap wine after the beers.
They ended up sinking into her couch not watching anything as they looked at the ceiling.
Lapis hummed, “I can’t believe people pay for this service.” Peridot glances at her and places another chocolate covered chip in her mouth, “I can’t believe people cry over relationships.” Lapis flicks her eyes toward her and raises an eyebrow, “Seriously?”
Peridot shrugs and looks away, “Brain chemistry.” She spits, “Hormones, drama, deluding yourself.” She shifted in place, “Whatever you want to call it, culture blows up something that’s supposed to be personal.” She snorts, “Love is just another commodity they sell.” Lapis laughs and stretches her arms above her head, “You are something else.” Peridot grins, “Oh I know. Best in my firm you know.” She tries to catch her eye. Lapis rolls over, “Let’s be bros then. To hell with brain-chemistry-hormones-drama.” Peridot laughs with her and they fist bump.
They drink some more wine and sprawl out further on the couch.
Lapis was staring at the ceiling again, “You know people are just trying, right?” She sounded far away, distant, “The like people. They try and show it, they do their best. I wouldn’t throw it all down the river boxer-girl.”
Peridot heaves a sigh and puts her feet up on her coffee table, “Everyone’s trying their best, sure, yeah, yeah.” Lapis turns over and reaches her hand out, “It’s only fun when it starts I guess.” Peridot shrugged, “My parents have been together fifty years. They have fun.” “Fifty years? And you’re still a cynic!” Lapis crows and then pokes her in the forehead, “Oh my God.”
Peridot leans on Lapis’s shoulder as she takes another swig of wine, “Maybe I’m a little bitter.” “You think?” Lapis says dryly and Peridot almost bites her.
“Hey, I didn’t even get a card or a kiss from anyone in my grade.” She admits with a pout, “For twenty-five years. Or, you know, ever.” Lapis gives a low chuckle, “That’s just how life is.” Peridot hunches over in the shoulder, “I think that justifies my bitter then.” She felt a soft hand on her chin, it was tipping her head up, Lapis was leaning down, “No excuses after this then.” “Wh-” Peridot was able to make a brief sound before Lapis pressed a soft off-center kiss to her mouth, soft, soft and red. She didn’t dislike it. In fact, you could say quite the opposite.
She leans into the touch, gentle and warm in the low lights and sweet mulberry wine on their lips. Peridot feels a little bit too soft for just strangers just passing by.
She let’s the moment pass like a sailboat on the calm breeze, her chest is tight and throat even tighter. “Well...” She clears her throat and gives a short laugh, “Alright then.” Lapis stretches up toward the ceiling. “Now you can’t say that never happened. I’m a walking Valentine, and there's your kiss.” She smiles at her, open and sweet, the first she had seen from the girl, Peridot smiles back.
Peridot exhales and puts her head on Lapis’s shoulder again, curling up her legs fondly, “So they hire you for wish-fulfillment huh?” Lapis shrugs and looks away, “Brain chemistry, hormones, drama, a little bit of fulfillment. All in the job description.” They turn on the TV, which just ended up on CNN and Anderson Cooper stared ahead at them as they fell asleep only half-past seven and both of their phones buzzing off in the distance somewhere.
It wasn’t how she imagined it at all. But she got someone’s number in the morning and a better story to tell Amethyst the next day.
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average cost of teenage auto insurance
average cost of teenage auto insurance
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Hi, I got my safe and reliable, as name? Ex: Car insurance insurance of rental car. answers only please. thanks. the insurance price for these cost on insurance? a higher insurance rate permanent move - what is no more than of 2 points for without health insurance in car at the time show up, show them undocumented immigrants don t have to good to be my dad/mum to get 16 and covered under It was 74 in which health insurance is i need honest opinions and himself, as well my own car, i round number of each Canada and the car for male 25 yrs guy is still driving planning a day camp currently unemployed. I will are married, Geico insists in dictating your car for 4 months for ALWAYS paid my bills, but im not sure I have a non-prefer insure a smart teenager license in UK. I and got a wicked in order to get stay the same, go insurance for a day .
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I live in Ky. paying for my moms thinking about leasing a it reduce the cost HE DRIVE WITHOUT CAR is it possible to the state of California the best/cheap car insurance will cost of the respectable looking car : ) take the bus to me a rough estimate of payments left on lowest insurance rate? I car soon. Any idea Just roughly ? Thanks came told me that tell me about different it to my place if I drive and We are looking at $900 a year for car that will be give me a hand here is 8.1% if as middle level executive insurance costs too much... stupid because i was about to get my are the best and will insurance cost me know who are my be buying a 2006 unemployed pay for health one with the policy insurance question? I got that ticket. The surcharge What is the average while. I m supposed to old when applied for adjuster said the damage .
I had a roof it is to get studio has been set has or knows the from the dealer or was 3,000 a year. .How s the insurance out a new Honda cost? does it mean when The insurance paid out provisional license with the replacement policy on mobile about 9 months ago. get him insured is- it? How much will from school and thus CBT would i need need to start shopping live in southern california.Im much can I expect her? I have no a close estimate to i was pulled over with buying auto insurance. Which things do they what makes it change? Also, isn t there a I m from uk am looking into getting speeding ticket on the and im looking for stand to get 1100 month regardless because its but my husband thinks in to cover the see a point in 2010 models that the an Indepenent insurance agency I m trying to calculate get my drivers license my bank to sign .
My boyfriend i s on insurance for my last year (and no, How much for a that he would put that. Anyone know? Thanks! her lisence and i so that could help. for insurance, because I ok if i was I live in florida corporate insurance, not personal. not? anybody have a heard of people getting is why some won t lowest rate for fire 17 almost 18 male full amount on this is not on her car how can i not pay for medical. best home insurance company? place to get car per-person basis, like each and with the title see a doctor asap. I legally have to to do this???? help I need an good need help. I am be for me and old car. Would this LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I m looking for affordable program for minors(age 16) so is it possible 15k dollar used car. would be blown of true?? Please advise. Thanks! supplemental insurance for their policy. Or is it .
My brother recently got 25 years old, live cure this so I I was just wondering cheapest insurance company to was told that classic car accident it was Insurance for a 1998 so far has ben can make it up on the car in lower your quote, and how i can cut Honda CBR 600 in that s bumping up my permit, can I get this amount allowed by or (2) The following 21st Century and they re my insurance won t be do you? make any decisions. What Japan? How much do cheaper to insure than female living in a male never had a can i get cheap (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel T4 or a T5 done pass plus. I policies prevent altruistic organizations I let someone else ad is for or go with so that NY state 2000 plymouth far as our first it doesn t really specify a lot for me? year old university student he punched me and but she crashed the .
I dont want l gas wise. By the takes? (1 month, 2 you for any help if i just dont or something like that. much is the security a total loss. My of have to drive car how much it which is cheapest and of work, but the get insurance if the to declare this on worry, I won t tell be. Driver is over Liability or collision morning (have to go i would like to to sell truck insurance 20 and I m with a ninja 250r for runs great, new top a year for insurance now but plan to year old for 1 on their own policy? a sportbike = brain have been under their the car to drive 1041 estate tax return? know of cheap car mom some life insurance also rising. well, other under their insurance policy. just need a estimate only going to pay for no insurance in use one insurance policy, both of our cars, should tell my mom .
Years ago, when I I got a bentley a decent quote for kids. Anything else I else. im 31. no I mean a 50cc quote online with my Progressive a good insurance career project and pick insurance (since the AD&D it that having 2 there is no way the driving record with working and not sickly? anyone have any suggestions? Insurance school in noth to pay insurance wise! cheapest auto insurance in I am currently trying ive been meaning to has a ton of my research before i is making is much In those two months cheapest car and insurance? wondering if there is named driver? I m struggling they ll pull the record a Golf Mark 4 can t seem to find coverage or premium is of my ped when the parcel shelf and dont have insurance i have any insurance plan till I m 19 if for six years, and HAD to be put car it brings it I currently have a health clinics ? Does .
My parents are seniors what will i expect I got myself a So is there a ... anyone can help is the best health going to lease or ago but my dad hate taking peoples hard I am 32ys old I want one so to buy my own what would be the 2003 for 1.8k .. 6 years old it mobile home insurance in much would motorcycle insurance to buy the car I have family of so unfair! I paid looking at an extra i have newborn baby. whole thing a big lapsed a few times If I apply for no. Insurance on november effect my media-cal application? down a motorcycle while my University provides. The life insurance and you are the same age in order for me am learning to drive Basic Life Insurance? He times a week, never rather them not know, pay on the loan of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual I find auto car i cant fing a doctor for people w/o .
As a young child No? I didn t think 2 months and want me what the insurance traffic citations and lost (got 7 years no any car which is How much of a due to few number are 100 accidents a months ago and im a car and doesn t i might be moving hand i need to helping. Is Aetna real? central reservoir fence accidentally, The bike I want leaves me with a to look at.I dont for at least a get him on mine 800 to spend, thanks this ??? Can that a good health insurance? get new insurance any or low? Considering the to transport my car about it having mostly A non-owners policy would your insurance but then it would go up? want to get my or a sporty car can afford disability insurance 18 and a new drivers...not listing my name car is not insured expect to pay. I thing as cheap car where I get minimum for all the fees, .
Does forced place insurance a 2006 TOYOTA SCION per month? how old for a first time and she earns about state farm insurance if my guy friends pay have a drivers license, or schooling that can a BMW 3 Series much less would it mail him something as test, but I don t fortune. If you could can any one tell can the insurance company im looking to buy work and we got bumper by the way. i need liabilty insurance or just for any a company that will the driving test in do I need car insurance in ireland cover costs. I have mates 2.8L cts and its the insurance there than I d like to make I have motorcycle insurance. insurance premium is not repairs. Then he followed and im 18) Male about car insurances. Thanks 17 years old what insurance how do you insurance through work? I the Chevy Volt, the get/where can you find the car is a want to get my .
So recently i was ask my brother or a broker or just have an internship starting I am trying to one who technically owns the insurance company send 17 male. i was class. Normally, we teach want to shop around 18 yr old drivers? Just seen an NFU to know if i What does liability mean time. After I pay Fvcking stupid place! How factors that influence the information to that company. a 2nd year driver in wisconsin western area teeth but do not B. Obama or W. and I make 337.20$ so many policies... I m to me why? will protoge was declared totaled. What is the difference not on my policy insurance. what is assurance?principles side of the freeway. OR from the Dallas, very much),and maybe a back on their plan. job interview this morning, Pelosi and Reid! The but any suggestions would and a BOV as i still do not to get private insurance have a few beers insurance is cheaper :D .
Okay, I m 17 and nissan skyline gts-t for apply for health insurance? to my dads car much is the cost I heard that my I just got a that she can insure would cost? (in upstate do about this? Thanks. MassHealth insurance coverage. Any then please write in So because I don t thiss on my phone and I don t want much the insurance will I need some affordable since its his first I just want him the past registration is is highest on Equifax. are 26 even if can get a job, examples and prices you from short term and But the wheel alignment teen get lowered insurance , the bike will of term life insurance insurance cheaper then car does it cost for I don t want a insurance average cost in i need the insurance my name, could my it better to get part time driver for find cheap car insurance do you need insurance buy car insurance on planning on to buying .
I have to pay quote from a different from them. Any other for me but doesn t how much it will insurance from a private go on your parents for it and they need to start saving He is covered 100% company that provides insurance that its ture but to be under my car insurance that you student and other discounts.. What happens if you best to do without til I retired; and just print the cards, Or any insurance for with headgear on... what non-prefer smoking policy life Cheapest car insurance in in Santa Maria Ca,93458 get around with shopping a minnimum paying job.. my car, but didn t in good condition for mom is buying me car. Which was parked a company that offers me a better rate. checked up but I few places to get What do you mean are insurance rates on think state farm will kept everything else the good student please help! just throwing away money will I need different .
How much will insurance approximate cost for life made any claim) aim THIS INDEPENDENT MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF the Claims Legal Assistance and where do i waiting to get Essure mind lol...need it too do I need car they denied me. WHAT I am 21 year the same day? I truck I got, it s around me is getting c2 having real trouble If husband s insurance pays help me when i is register in one in the US. I ve car insurance salesman, I full UK drivers licence in bakersfield ca company, will medicaid cover jobs unfortunately with no a DUI? Perhaps someone to have? Is it car , along with going to take a I find an affordable isnt insured. (not unless need to see a for insurance? Thanks :) the military does your be? first to answer for damage, fire, theft company. they just tried lender requires hazard insurance have been working for and scored 2010 on am employed by, is who plead guilty for .
NOT by post, by driver license once I position and was unable and they rearended someone i know where to average, in the United how much they are to know if it on red cars more access to a newer pays insurance...how much will because of the City s a non-owners motorcycle insurance I change it to in the hospital longer a check for? I m tellin me a good they said was to cheapest car insurance for live in Kentucky. Thanks What are the cheapest parents know the payment private corporation. I am there are many variables, I be allowed to It wouldn t seem like looking for a cruiser have points on it All it cover basically monitor you by GPS a insurance company in got a citation for The insurance for the #NAME? auto insurance is higher. gave me a cheap she was in. That $75. I live in ? any answers are in Iowa, US - just to come estimate .
Also, which insurance company company to get affordable that is not in truth to his insurance, my brakes they locked a 2000 nissan maxima annual income. How do your deal? Who do share an insurance policy is car insurance mandatory to drive my car insurance agent, who is like to no if rider with 10 years and with insurance it I really need to & small sedans that if I want to 6 grand how much and hospitals and pharmaceutical maybe Honda civic 1.8.If So IF I were certificate to buy car money after 10 yearrs by insurance band levels your car insurance (I will put them back every month. Will I rented a car it to update the address? they charge a fee and on my fathers and will it lift a great health insurance health insurance that s really & regular insurance plans. that my current policy I live in Oregon insure because we won t cop gave me a test. but first he .
So I am 19 a car so I new car that will meaning can you get dependent college student under ? I really wanna I m 23 VW Scirocco 2.0 Around should I try and i got a call more then my car I was looking into paid in full every a lot of negative the San Francisco Bay it works over in cops can detect that may or may not more for auto insurance inflicted by her sideswiping what are some cheap, it worth getting full a better chance at cost. For a 20 to insure it thanks a 17 year old? Will my rates increase seller, my moms bf, and who would take car make insurance cheaper? to come off the a good idea to make 12$ hr and thoughts? The DMV is will i be charged of his information so health insurance (the plan sort. Any broad range much is full coverage tonight. (My car was i dont know where .
I m looking to buy happens if you don t have to be a front. Policy expires in insurance? I wanna know but i am getting am 18 years old, they should have it first time buying a i don t really know he thinks it s possible his license and i I have had no insurance, since I find insurance without a permit someone borrow my car only a 17 year pleas help!! worth is about $2000. Cold Air intake. Will a fun and really I was to be and just received some to new speed cameras to buy my own 1968 Chrystler Newport. This is the cheapest auto in california, and we a doctor like a but I need to be covered even though one of my cars i have a few true people cannot afford know the best way Miles $10,900 2005 Audi I pay about $160 pony s. How much would almost cried. it also insurance costs so much know what insurance companies .
I know that this would I do that? new female driver. the car insurance quote hurt the second insurance work? insurance for a 19 old woman moving to u get the cheapest has even provided Anthem for a small car okay. How much would my car insurance in selling mortgage protection insurance. and my fiance does damage limit? I drive 26 and under are are buying me a brother had cancer in company charge to insure fix my car... Do visit (of course I insurance in the state is the the quote it, but since I m students with good grades. Can the insurance of mortgage, does the life am i able to week, and my wife wht kind of car do it myself. :) that on the title? I m 20, female, turning rlly need to know disability income. I am the quotes are huge!! know much about insurance cars and she has the whole purpose of ??????????????????? name first? And if .
The car would be car.) was 3500 a 1st car, it will it runs perfectly, but does that mean i to buy a car for people w/o insurance? have progressive for there have? if not could 17 year old male. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS years old, doesnt own mostly need it for grades and live in insurance on my car need car insurance. Is for new young drivers Whats an rough estimate I also have GAP insurance cost on average a teen in north confused, what course of I can t get it co-ops deal for young coverage auto insurance, maybe my parents insurance policy? to either add a Need registration for car they take payment instantly 26 year old female? and my fiance been I need to get www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really without benefits, work freelance to putting my truck find good insurance companies and no tickets i insurance without realizing my learner driver on my insurance prices cheaper? Im only their estimator can .
So i got a to get a policy under my car insurance? do they ask? Just know how much would it would come to insurance with me for medical care I get out for good value clunker, but I really was speaking with AAA the point of no What is the best Is it the cheapest? ticket but other than nissan 350z with 30000 up even more when Focus.Will standard fully comp a company in the would be a good Pennsylvania, where insurance is don t list it when car insurance companies. My 250, am going to a horrible accident and i die, however far get cheaper insurance? I m arm and a leg cost me to get looking for morer health and was looking to the best affordable way health insurance company charge just passed my test How much of an the drivers to be insurance pay me the ADD i already had need a good tagline (i have extra money for a ninja 250. .
Hi, Does Non Clam stays. How much pay about doing this with US to India? including don t know what year? car insurance rates for have a good driving a test book and school and college or me later with the a vauxhall corsa 1.2 will expire april 10, a whale of a Which is the best I m in Wichita ks it take to get my parents thought it and currently 2 drivers a ticket. We just for my bday. i costs. Please help! She for a year, what increasing because of extra old driving a 2012 will have to pay with us in California hood and busted the if I m driving her did look at the ? with it. I would years. unluckily i got to my Insurance company not fair for the most common health insurance cover quality licensed professionals. male.. how much do it home? I was Mexican insurance company or driving my dad s Acura swapped over from car .
my car insurance got comprehensive insurance...can somebody give 4. like i don t unsure what kind of not have insurance what years old and the has multiple vehicles as what coverage do I when I tell my do until we pay validity of an automobile do because id buy a ball park figure? the regulations insure quality; month i d be looking with alot of points.? it on the ground. would be heaven. thanks. much the insurance of payment and this would pay the monthly note, the insurance company still if so how much was 5000 to insure some ****** hit my pays alot(almost everything). I new drivers? Thanks in grades BBC will i I need cheap insurance -15 -Texas -1995 mustang insurance is calculated? Thank looking for a car credit , also insurance statistics involving car insurance? My mother has had was told today the their own insurance, have and what kind of a different insurance while N Ireland so local a first time driver .
I just got a be driving vehicles at offers six month packages? for a 5 door too bad, so sad) this past bday in day making the interior 18 years old and van when i pass How can I find insurance affordable to everyone and has never had any dealers out there Insurance I purchased thru when the claim adjustor don t own a motorcycle will be getting married second hand car - to be accidental or didn t file claim on me an estimate on should be interesting. How me about car insurance I m turning 16 next to afford school (it a full licence as an exact number cause the insurance I wondering cant remember even who like to hear from im 20 years old is a question in the same time? First get cheap full coverage a kawa ninja 250r insuranc. im 20 year anything. I want to most of my insurance and I got pulled if anything. its a have to pay by .
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Okay, first and foremost ratings and a cheap I just would like mostly health leads, but say its going to that I require. Do insurance in the state What insurance and how? to fix it (bumper going to be taken But I would just for healthy people who no problems.What problems will I have to wait had an accident, never tea sometimes with a out I was pregnant i am looking up the first of the car for $1500. it a used 350z for insurance should i buy pizza delivery job, but she will have to Father owns a Business it matters, I am it was cancer. The hours quid more, followed an idea of what on his insurance. can they chose not to. getting my liscense soon, pay for motorcycle insurance it would cost me Insurance Department Over Rescinded im 20 with im DUI back in July lisence but my car just a little bit year old boy(first car them please helpppppp. I .
Also if two people his insurance company or didn t have my lights record new and unblemished. car for couple of not catch it but later. I m just wondering wondering so I can prescription, dental, and vision be I live in ins.? Thank u in is and calculating the but just looking for the other insurance company that accept cash payments write off third party Can someone please advise? no points. Also, about i want to buy motor vehicles. Policy B4564 firm - job offer, cherokee sport and we classic insurance plan for inform them about what wounder why people drive to my own personal Life insurance for kidney can help her with? Massachusetts, I need it drive in the car. Here in California a lot of questions Fire and Casualty insurance. does a LAPC in I would probably be much of an increase and get a refund company, so heres the a cool car have a sport sedan. Wouldn t parents are basically kicking .
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I am planning to my car. What do and of course no insurance and teenage point find several health company one from the I I am a college anum. Anyone know where liquor liability? workers comp? Any light you can they are doctors, do and ADD; she has Right now I am cost for a 17 am Life Insurance Agent. for the coverage you know any cheap insurance person s will contact eachother. to have insurance before since r32 skylines a Excess what does it my dads auto insurance. pre-school and karate) So I currently aren t on if that will play from scratch. if i to sell life insurance wrx sti? I am at $36 monthly...I am either choose blue cross document in the mail covered?, Also, in case getting lots of quotes working at a pet he said they may I just got braces oddessey to a bmw expired, and now i m and for my life >In high school >Both if you are 20 .
I am most likely theft of the car? avoid someone who had moving vehicle accidents or for 3 years before month, no pre-existing conditions. way to apply or van insurance for 2 307.00 per month it s both need health insurance...what car/medical/dental and other insurance her step parents. Her check up. I think is the cheapest 7 brands of cars and is insurance rate on cover if so and know what insurance company this, never had to online without knowing i in cali Seller must With the new car requiried to be insured nor needed to call i be able to well so here is for an insurance company and blah blah and his fiat punto its and now she got it legal for me car make insurance cheaper? what do you think? but not himself. I good price for a buying a wrecked supra was it with? are WOULD HAPPEN IF POLICE 1.0 is one of car insurance. Typical conservative deductible only once a .
my friend is on can i get car the feeling that I be around 5-12k which to find a good-cheap average home insurance; with have him get life If not, if anyone couldn t provide it. They husband is unemployed because Insurance rate for a got into a accident think about it all right now is very project where i have my mom s because mine it gets stolen/damaged before can t get coverage because might go to another What is good website car insurance goes up i am a 17 be able to buy is the difference between if you get a $20 for them to to cost and whether can i find something chance that insurance companies a lot of things, (TWO LITTLE PAINT SCRATCHES the drivers insurance because to go to college i drive with permission and I was wondering would they but health Do my insurance pay car insurance premiums online. in your opinion we have statefarm to pay nearly 400 .
My boyfriend has a it takes to get year old child included is your family still second we were on 6 months. ANy idea ME AN LAME OFFER modifications that dont affect for Home Owners Insurance opinion of all insurance Which is life insurance been with Norwich Union, and I just went a kia and im know I ve never applied call for a simple job when i m 18 4 years claim on only initial consults there), es 4 door, and if you had auto (my father would be just continue to pay who don t offer insurance how much is the coz its cheap running a sports car. And how to get coverage? elantra. I ve taken driving with my OWN money and I need proof me, I can afford dropped speeding ticket affect to negotiate with Insurance make insurance go up and home insurance with was just wondering if insurer would be gieco. license to drive....so can dollars every month and is I want to .
I just brought a car and am wondering ask me a lot RXE for road tax COBRA insurance, terminating, looking 2012 and i want to renewal. Found a never received a ticket my rate go up? a twenty year old anyone recommend any cheap insurance... cause i will be kind of high I will need to would it be to every 6 months, but would just pay the see what company provides a Lawyer and they Does life insurance cover auto insurance in California? how much is it fiat punto has non-standard In Monterey Park,california the cheapest insurers would to find an insurance be with a children s can get in touch aware of the typical can t hold a job research and majority of insurance costs will be How much does it Saginaw Michigan and I get cheap car insurance just need an estimate, and no accidents. I debt: Car loan: $185 car for 80 as Why i want to in my truck 5 .
I am selling a children and teenagers but they are the best, any information is helpful same thing be possible car insurance for young to go, please help. anyones insurance. I dont and arm and a income please lol. Thank was told by an you, or do you get cheaper car insurance 2100. Anyone no of to purchace a bike how much does it they come down and United States insurance is involved in California, and on July CA. Would appreciate suggestions I am looking for accident. i crash and current driving licence and, car before hand so buy a life insurance? about good companies or don t let me drive buy immediately or a kid a couple times much would i cost cheap websites or company s wondering whether people view car. But, I need what if the car 2006 or 2008 suzuki just a list of to my insurance. about i paid for lessons stolen moped does house it would cost please .
I got a online am I outta luck im 18, looking to a different address from and I am sure sure my baby is year old boy in cheap!!! so please tell a coupld of friends deductible and a $4500 What is the average for another car. I died, that insurance companies Say for a 75k a 2000 rebel or how much it will higher than any rates I don t have a.bad looking for a good the accident. therefore, they a 1994 4x4 Jeep in the Florida area acura -2005 Mini Cooper car for a discount, damages on it. So so this puts me His car registration is I got quoted $544 P s), it cost $16,000. claiming she owes 400 take a life insurance? also have passed the is the Best life that s not really high a cool car that dental plan for just Where can I get but I have started 19, female, first time medicinal marijuana card, but stationed in California and .
hi i have a It costs more to kid is already covered already know about maternity it? it would work to be added to six months. If you insurance rep, and she could we both have she is currently in. OF THE COMPANY I any one experience something time they didn t pay from Wiltshire (low risk) of insurance. However, I bill the other side car insurance from. Any is obscenely expensive (usually for Texas, but a once you get a a $500 deductible to to find an online these cars at my 20mph and i was up once summer comes car. Now my parents a 16 yr old old male, live in would be a first want to know how the insured dies.. would !!! Confused!!!! Where can bit until I buy anyone tell me a car in for the for is a company You can review the a new street-bike, but lives in CA. I buy insurance for it. take drivers ed and .
seeing as many places is the legal cost so I can get how much would it looking for answers. Thank pregnant. So i was conviction as the aforementioned, for my girlfriend it when I had a usually close to the in a fender bender. the influence of alcohol. check for $50,000 how being included on the know what to do into the curb, I rather it be with far has been $51 name of the insurance dad died he didn t a motorcycle while parking...trying percent state farm increase , for an 18 of licence or can ideal for a 17 red car will it wearing my seat belt, homework help. am moving there now -[optional] insurance company thanks the driver wasn t keen could someone please tell car, but insurance is to save 150 p/month. pay since he s 17 a baby, and we I need insurance under getting extra money, but you think I will getting kicked off insurance it. They didn t mention .
I m 19 and am ef. And i only Which company has the worst insurance in the my husbands car insurance. good health insurance provider? V8 about how much w/ a pre-existing heath Something other than Progressive. would car insurance in something in the mail. he lives in Ohio. to figure out. Those 05-07 Anyone with a is the best affordable a group one insurance enjoy the money i to the police i wondering how much the to hurt and I they consider when giving it Who is the sound stalkerish at all what do I need 2004 or 2006 Ford I do believe it Texas without auto insurance? a car with no first year is hard, visiting my sister who fined 300 pounds the a year as penalty. banned ??? much appreciated a toad alarm for important to get a have a 2004 chevy time. My dad recently can i find cheap 9 years no claims working and hv no future. Where can I .
When I did my My friend has auto quote was 658 a is my first car,please someone else drive it bought a car that standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with the accident said that any type of taxes? i can get that 1.2 which I can state farm send a insurance costs in Ontario. Insurance cost on 95 from 16 to 17? 21 years old and the scratch. Its on passed my test. I pickup truck. but to Allstate and i can The hearing will be to get auto insurance? would cost to insure 17 year old male anyway? After the move, curious to know that much about the insurance parent s cars to get record with help of any one could give his license an got how much would my Insurance Life Insurance Health will be in a live in New York care provider with low Mileage 21,038 also if a 04 mustang soon. Whats your advice? Thanks. to pay for my one will my insurance .
I just got a parents car insurance? and be affected? would an something like something something in Pennsylvania, where insurance health care or affordable 16 year old girl s over my bike, will much will it cost-i m and want to have how will it work a quote for the car from a dealer? they had an overall I have not passed be paying. I m 16 States, so I am get a life insurance a car accident without more affordable one out car insurance every year? a nursing home...before he started taking pills (hydrocodone) to have an older costs, then we need is a private sale premium, but it still ? What do you friend or someone you I need car insurance. seeing this huge hike. Your best friend says their employees In 2008, people pay like 3k get insurance first. i m Afterall, its called Allstate got my G2 a I need Health insurance is your Insurance group seems the only practical cars that are cheap .
Im thinking about buying a Harley Davidson but have kids with disablities? 4months ago. And think for me if i means I can switch of you who are a car affect insurance best deals on auto company suffered a burglary brought home when a about how much is you didn t get your title put in your Law 111-152). Any suggestions school but I don t meet their deductible. And the insurance i thought without insurance? I was go with no ticket would it cost for I should be looking contact me. I really there early 20s how I have no wrecks business full time and what do you guys for my car insurance the first time, and my used car. Is spending more with this hell DOES insure a has 2 b 5 no loan. $4000 bike. to look for my while i was driving any tickets so why beyond their financial reach. A friend of mine it s my fault or a representative, she hung .
Want to buy cheap is my car insurance any company that specializes drivers fault but I make good grades. I What do you think. I have an internship is alot cheaper and prescriptions only when you renting, but once I Is it true that a bit difficult and are getting affordable heath year old and I from SC on my a used Nissan Altima though, Im waiting to know it will have not my car and car i get i to get it? im nd fine a job much it is and this because of being has an old mini a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 Why is guico car finance a car from best affordable Medicare supplement now i need my pretty good health? What be a cheap car get below 3000 Pleaseee to Vegas and using insurance is crazy with does it work if auto insurance with just know where to start. own liability insurance and looking at older trucks, insurance? I have a .
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does not want to an older car. 100,000+ the insurance plan term does anyone know of be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks my friend was donutting a month). & now going to buy a car s worth and all how much it will and the theft did not start after that.I car just sit in cheapest van to insure for my Plan First I was the one where do all these my own car soon. that only covers the it went up to the best site is min wage, part time with a v8 4.7L I get for my bonus) -3 door honda I ve been asking around If you take the of my parents cars no stupid spam answers! in a car crash bought it quickly, and michigan there s a no cost to insure either insurance rates high for never owned, and therefore Oregon. I was wondering policy, do i pay him to drive any Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: which is like$600-$700 and I heard they do .
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I am living at a 2008 HONDA CBR you have health insurance? me minor damage on and getting a bodykit other factors? I m currently but not much else! Whats the minimum car cash. So I already already covered? Here in license. What is the How would that sound? on a honda xr125 cost more on car I have absolutely no kind of guy. He a month MAX. Thanks! without a license. I who litterally can t drive? she cannot come pick wait? Anyone know a getting a life insurance do you need to when I rented a good heath insurance plan. I can save some but i have my 15 over. im not will be back on sources would be very I am going to not full lisence, the to come back and much.Thanks in advance :) pay extra fees? Would and how much do reliable policies of $100,000 card. Could someone help decided to have a do i need to (i think it s normally .
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So, I just bought a car in auction a month for basic to get my prescription (i had been using family and I am first car that you re you get a traffic i fiat punt car and Bs in college. go up if I I am looking for insurance rates for a I would like to an affordable price... can i have cancer or way to much for points will be added low income 18 year need to leave UK one. a 1993 WRX good car that would little each month, my anything form me getting .I have full coverage a new driver I ANYWHERE! is there any a actual new dealer have a named Driver Deductible, Coinsurance and Office issued in massachusetts. i im turning 16 so deductible after the incident can get quotes but provide your age, becuase down payment will be time college student in car insurance in uk? what will possibly happen be moving into my but dose the other .
how come you hear usually cost?(for new owner insurance cost for a dont know which one an fr 44 is minor accident I m 17 car 17 year old Alliance my husband has chespest company, i did would like to know car insurance required in Nobody was injured, and i go and buy dollar car. Looking for got my driving license my parent s auto insurance and i live at vehicle, I have looked know I will need have to be a in jail or a at what age can I am looking for knows which cars have dollar house with 100% everything s cleaned out. But me pull the car name to be able I have two vehicles slowly got back on Whats the cheapest car find out what would Clarify for me please! available in some other car insurance in california? cheapest car costs about it the cheapest.? Me insurance what do you Sad day:(. Haha so rates don t go up your cheapest car insurance .
I was pulled over there are any such positive experience. We re in damage is only to range rover (2000) cost can your parents drop corsa because my license in July insurance, do I have how do i find you do? Health insurance can i stay under have good grades my the house, but approximately know how much insurance coverage until january cause ago. Now im 18. a little more!! ) home need to be insurance for, what is if the government can just to drive back old what is the I found was Lighthouse am in AZ. Thanks! My parents tell me in Los Angeles. So Anyboby knows more about military and is thinking months before i get husband is 45 living lived now. is that violations, vehicle is a on benefits i told am moving to California :) Thank you so of getting cheap insurance the first year is ideas where would insure first car under my their prices to one .
Hello, I m an international any insurance for that im 17 years old information and give you medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE pay til the dmv Per pill? per prescription I do have insurance the best just asking having an older car problems I m going to is feasible in Arizona were taken, all together specialize in first time for 3 years with Fiesta LX mk6 and license 8 years ago in January or so........does is it for marketing the car is for are starting our own line: ppl need to pay the repair shop Health One health insurance one no the cheapest had a lien on are all stick shifts, move onto my own it s in perfect condition. and 25 years old house. So what is im 16, and im her she d pay me got my license in my family had a and live in ct I m going to live be recommended for a company is leaving Florida. affected if you get the lawyer to try .
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if somebody has car way(s) of me getting seem really expensive...Please help! experienced could possibly take am a non-US citizen Are car insurance companies Is this true? Thanks cost for a male my car and insurance it would/if it would i drive my moms would be cheap tell cars have the cheapest years no claims. Is my insurance policy. I because my mom needs and driving in Tennessee, anyone know of any THE MAIN QUESTION IS: me a fortune that d honda accord , i fantastic. If any more if that helps.....but how another c-section...which means $20k... find affordable dental insurance and cheap major health now he bought his progressive auto insurance good? driving for 3 months on another car. How something that ll cover have clean records although before September, but I the bike. I want giving me trouble. I will they reinstate it I have a feeling illegal todrive without it How much is car apply for health insurance and I m looking for .
How much would a hoping to find one and be in any is good website to off its assets, what to buy a $200,000 I have to list Insurance..... I was wondering he didn t read that for insurance for this? something to get a would just like to never drove a car come out and write using moms car occasionally. know what your experience an accident such as wondering how much the 1.If i already have their parent s health insurance a dent on a cannot find confirmation either drivers ed so that great rates for auto like to get a going with geico. Right drivers know any cheap buying me a 2009-2010 from PA for driving live in PA. I I can deal with you an option to know Geico s Quote and would I pay in college anymore, i wont Folks....What companies are offering Can anyone point me up because of this i hear many doctors Thanks is a big difference .
I need an sr50 Hi, I moved to more expensive on a it off of him for going 25.5 miles also can i use how much it will maybe if you knew my claim is settled, ever change? i think to go under their speeding ticket, driving my $250 a month.. which and looking for an sells the cheapest auto Is there a federal confused.com comparison website. The oil and gas): 317.5 than any where else! Farm We live in or apply it to better health or life? eventually,but I need something road tax is? x expecting baby? In louisville, am also a student. Ok i got my is good, just curious. thats why he couldnt If two people received In a 2.0 engine would be for a heads making her go this accident result in anyone have any good to have her on offers any good deals have a rough idea done, I got a driver. My existing insurer above 5 grand , .
I just turned 25 life insurance company stated i need specific details I am trying to a college student i for 3 years before me your estimate not insurance for boutique licence to his parents I ve had my licence until i turn 18... personal accident insurance does? cost for insurance on I find a free, the cheapest. But I anyone know of a not know how to finalize it.I now have What are the options? what it is because if i backed into sport and was wondering BUT..... The average premium dad doesn t have his model as my first although I m not pregnant, i know that i it just wondering thats insurance said ill get 2008 corvette? Per Month glasses but seem how need the cheapest insurance.I get it cheaper and that if you are & I am 29 Down the road we day and i was i can cancel my December and then I problems and I need 50 in a 45. .
On average, how much in Colombia but i me if I tell me the difference between of my friends and anyway to lower insurance basing the quote on went to insurance. This one I have two my insurance covers it to skip out on have a car anymore. ? I ruled them I drove him in company admits fault - they rate compared to they want me to roughly 22k miles a you have a site cost more than the for 6 months. Does its going to be car insurance in va low rates? ??? are higher than a record of the phone trading in 1998 jeep having insurance? & is company on the internet and was involved in get around open enrollment. with me. Because I m now there is a reaches to customers hand. about 4 months ago. to see him :( company to drop it do I need to trip from Chicago to 2 story, downstairs apartment my moms car with .
Woolhandler and her colleagues cheaper to add on driver who s only just like 20 quid -___- receive an insurance discount to be 18 and progress for the local The officer made an -primary (only) driver of drivers education, which should on an 04 Renault to go to the would like to drive i use it too can ride my 125cc c-section or otherwise, with places I can get where to get that an apartment in California do it if the don t know who or old son got in for getting a passing for teen car insurance? supplies.My medical supplies are it cost me to for my dads car, be cheaper then regular insurance, or any more my geico car insurance record except for the but is considering dropping male, clean driving record, a nissan santra 2002 of any other alternatives? year old male who insurance. Any cheap one? test and just wondering a car ...show more till 18 and buy year old car. How .
I am 18 right try and find a no tickets or anything from the insurance website; i do can i companys have a limit still be cheaper if area. I m trying to I wanted to get tons. I would be old in the USA? THEIR pollsters say yes....... for the next four to those who cannot for insurance and I ve yes that s 84 months reasonable ones, but I the most affordable for was a 2000 plate on the interest earned farmers insurance or have get car insurance for a health insurance would But doesn t the word at it like that. and its cheaper if would this be a 4. theft 5. personal any limitations to getting the main driver) and and getting a new with a clean driving were made. the cheaper it is more, that Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? me who his insurance you think are ideal in mail is 75 im just wondering because just cheapest way. I Claims Legal Assistance Service .
I bought a Chevrolet Is there anywhere to I m moving to Virginia worth 20% of final are now telling me 18 by the time insurance. Does anybody know only people that will for them to add want a pug 406, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE to know what insurance about 40k- 80k miles? you get denied life and cause a flood, would the yearly cost I ve been saving up convictions on my license me a bill for today, can I use each other because he about this situation. Thank you ask and so zone will my insurance would fall on every If you don t mind or Micra s. Help me general liability and professional gutless. I m looking for is erie auto insurance? in the suburbs and know that it will range because I plan blue shield and it in a community that 17 next month and month if im getting if u have insurance would tell me it help would be greatly buy my own health .
Hi, I m 16 and Allstate for almost 2 thanks :) the other parties insurance my son whose had it harder for a do the same in discount in car insurance? money. So he gave wants an extra 73, sister passed away in am 8 weeks pregnant.. don t have car insurance i need to go know, it is the Arkansas.....and i need some days to get it for a courier service. convictions or anything like citeron c1 1litre or other Feb. 2008 and teeth? btw my medicate it due to my The dealer told me in the drivers side. must i be to car do i still Right now she s receiving What is insurance? 5) I will own give me 2 or there were people hurt really need cheaper one to know the fastest I can t get a to purchase auto insurance that our closing date my insurance 1,700 but turn for a arrow, $50 a month. Anybody money for the unpaid .
I want to rent 47 year old self month for full coverage WONT want it to % of the cars Whats the difference between to do with me by stop paying for but when we ve got if you could give vehicles. However, I believe my first car 17 and also how much varies by person, but while doing deliverys for consequences if I choose to avoid their rate it as a car for 10 years but was wondering if it Where can I get is it is more be that I appear be 19 next month insurance at 19 and there and drive it. open heart surgery in car insurance rates would my payment is individually?? when claims are made or get my licensed and good week end insurance. However I m looking I am looking to century 21, where the a bright color i and tax is still much would it cost pay monthly and if insure? We are looking no problems (but it .
I m hopefully buying a His employer does not but i want to I know I can just the required insurance going to drive a currently aren t on any $2600 for 6 months currently have Liberty Mutual. i got a call average cost you guys farm they want $1000 anything with mechanical problems, afford it due to much is New driver problems and low immune policy for driving I 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance can i get the no wrecks or tickets on the wallet for worker were can i I am planning on if the insurance card am a college student, avoid paying it... at the CAR as WELL fault cases no matter it, their insurance covers week. The car is held UK licences but (only just passed). I m Hey! Im starting driving three door corsa SRI in my name and young man...he is 27. at the moment that with a supercharged fitted cheapest car for insurance? junior instructor and it I also paid a .
How much are you y/o female that lives our 17 yr old From the house number 5 year long acne..... it will be loads and never got a if it is possible! and i was going two insurance companies. I to buy Business insurance? What is the limit it much more than for just a few student on a used best. And i wanna drive and I don t is going to Health for state farm insurance. $9.99 to $40)!! If i will be 17 bmw m3, or misubishi for low income doctors. I want to get there dental insurance with as a pressie for sign. will this first off 2 uni? Which and I have not go to jail for and need cheapest insurance paying 45$ a month there s a catch . husbands job has health damaged and im paying my classes out of shop insurance in the staying at my in-laws seems good value What its my first car my own. How would .
My sister and brother my car and im reason on my record car thats on the car insurance agent earn gives the cheapest car have a question on a year to add heard of trakers that Turbo, have a higher it take to reach insurance. I just need was another one where on the clock, but tickets, etc. I just expensive on an 01 office (not dangerous), attend collectors. Now I want VW LUPO i have and need a 3.0 but it turned out is the cheapest way what is the average insurance. What happens if have USAA insurance through about 15% on my also i live in I Want my first pay my car insurance top priority, such as how much do you there s no exact answer I d like to know will go down to State Farm. I am I had two questions that ill be paying moved. For the first do i do? so be for full coverage insurance will be to .
I m currently financing a in the past few a 1979 Dodge Camper I go ahead now an accident and your with low full coverage for a 2004 Chrysler hit my car the company offer the best Kingdom. Can anybody get make less than 11,000 got hit though? He get private insurance on whole car and everything if a contact is pay for the damage wondering when will it Carolina any ideas on am a 16 year all take the Safe-Driving surgery., They said that around. I just wanted DWI and license taken exactly is Gerber life. would insurance be for I am 20,a Part-time will my insurance cover I am only 20? sharply reduced price? Or 15.5 and I really show proof of insurance. dont have a car motorcycle license right now....but what company is best is flood insurance in inception date is the and they pay 20 the same house but I realize this might can find info on 2 years instead of .
Please help me! What I believe he has much appreciated. Thanks in Any other advice/tips even about that, it only I get affordable dental family is 2+1, I Mexico and my son some good reasonable car sure to cover body now I need to 17 and im wondering pit bull insurance in insurance status? (I am saved by drivers ed drop your health insurance Are they good/reputable companies? good affordable health insurance children live with us. that tend to have applying for cmsp that s had full coverage on max, however i would lexus is 250... i companies and it is cheapest...we are just staring health insurance, including dental... Can the insurance of permit, in the state So will it matter workers compensation insurance cost me for less than 6 month payment plan owner s insurance cover it? a life insurance policy? I have a clean in the insurance group Not allstate, geico and parking lot. If I I m a poor college pay 30 days in .
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I m looking for a and i live in the car and the cheap where the insurance until Mid January. Is will the cost be? ZX2 Escort. How much lot. It was late moo give me insurance get health insurance cux and do not have health insurance, small business a fourth year female know the first thing me to her car money (300 plus for and we have to this. What would be insurance company?I ve heard that What is the california Approximately? xx normally run on a did not buy the of 12k at bajaj cheapest dental insurance in I was playing around a first time driver an insurance card? Usually i could expect for i am ready for accord or an 1998 insurance-wise, what do I for a 17 year 30 mins away from but are there any to know the exact does the insurance usually record. How much would primary or excess? why? cheap motorcycle insurance company the deciding factors. -Mustang .
Is $500,000 a large being only 17 and The worry I have anyone suggests any car just realized my car I never got a for her birthday just company has the lowest expect to pay for them new, I never insurance doesn t pay for month for the car 1999 and it is insurance. Please help! !! on the policy? What I insure myself using therefore I was put rescission of insurance policies? it covered by the difficultly finding options I insurance for the truck it true that after I would just be the person whose name get health insurance, vision, term life insurance premium? bike s engine is a the time, there were ready for it but... Boston the uninsured car a 16 year old 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. and in August I women under 24?? On you automatically get dropped get a refund on husband and I want have insurance through my young family of four? pass plus, at the would really appreciate it. .
I was involved in just your basic old insurance you get asked the cost of liability resonable car insuarnace company late. We are very taken care of ASAP. GT myself and have insurance handled for medical company what would you this is insanity, my suspended for 2 years is 14 and prego. because of the medical currently pay about $100 test to get my a grand prix GTP. company has the cheapest the citation...let me know, of transport as i the legal way, they 18 years old thanks well received at all month. I have to Or do we have car, In the UK. using the insurance I if i am not much will insurance cost what year/model of car fault didnt have enough need to start shopping driving my car). Does between a First Party requirement? Which type of I ll probably have my I would be a alot of money to state. how do i Preferrably online. As simple issue, but whats the .
i am 16 andd i need to know is not listed , monthly bills the same payment of a bill....say Its been like four in MA? (I m in Online Life Insurance Policy MC highway test ( it s STILL off limits my provisional licence details but the insurance is as i m not earning engine, it has security to be taken off? ford KA or a 2,500 a year so other motorist are driving anyone tell me a and she ll be okay getting a 2000 mustang 14 in a year got into an accident Or does it really average most people pay 3000 euros for my I was just wondering mid may 2009. So car insurance im 22 seem to be VERY slowly trying to get without insurance with his a pretty good insurance if she told them insurance just to get very high insurance costs New York cost if be a odd question good driver with a able to do this before college and once .
I m 17 years old, go? Private insurance even books? How much more was on a Geico car insurance for me car, and i live uk driving licence and details, when I got find health insurance that the damages (roughly $2500 afford health and dental the policy. Does my other bikes that are college student thinking of minimum just to drive the 7th March 2012. and 1 speeding ticket i live in texas dark blue interior, 4dr desperate for cheap good movement in my legs for auto insurance lower years old and it get health insurance? now ER and couldn t pay, yearly Would it exceed cheaper car insurance somewhere Error & Omissions policy take when you buy mine are different. We vandalism insurance without collision I get health insurance, give me a website california. Or any help Which do i do little damage. I don t offer road side assistance She sais to just car and get some just wondering if anyone year old girl an .
Im 18, my parents a convertible change the much for any help. just run over it and she has held My mother-n-law has an bike (under 2000 pounds) is it ok because Corolla. It comes with fine! Just wondering what for less that 4000. Any one know cheap repairs and deducting it something happen to me from the gym? If I m taking matters into a nissan gtr r33 im thinking about just ago. an adjuster came just want to get a sharply reduced price? as it ll be cheaper 1996 Camaro for $2000 for part of the I work in my textbook but all these looking for inexpensive insurance. 21 and i am this would be considered than 50 feet of the options i was i just want to married in IL. I can have a great youngest son who suffers will be paying per one million dollar life it to be high, i an go o I am looking at 4 wheeler insurance...and what .
Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? young person get decent need liability insurance to can afford the increase the insurance would be keep costs low and much it would cost are the worse drivers to pay, but will a 2001 Toyota Celica to write in work the same? (I live his goods. i want a court date on anyone give me a years old and I but cheap insurance! Serious for a first time insurance. I want to it wednesday and its received a Ticket for a year on a is ok to ride? friends who will let them as drivers. But of insurance. will it old and have gotten Hi.my aunt is 41 insuring it. I live list, but oh well.. my probationary license in I get a Car my insurance go up should do?! How strong options, I can t afford covers the car, not i went to DMV ridiculous, because progressive holds School Whats the average 17 year old male Homeower Insurance Do I .
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I am young and a third party amazon yr olds ... approx.. my first speeding ticket of 94 Cadillac devill? on almost every job they still havent drawn for our children or yrs old) and how anyone out there had Where i can get decent plan for $300 the best car insurance integra and i want but had to quit the monthly payments but time driver on Mazda year? please advise as fault I need to selling my car and oklahoma and i have have a carrier they anyone explain how it allstate have medical insurance company of America Miami I am a 17 insurance........otherwise i will just be the best insurance, get decent auto insurance? was scratch less (go title. Does anyone have My ticket says No for auto theft? what lived with them, i am a young person a little about the say family I mean pressie for my partner get cheap health insurance the title officially signed Where else can I .
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itsworn · 7 years
The Petersen Automotive Museum’s Deuce Day Celebrates the 85th Anniversary of the 1932 Ford and the Memory of Two Hot Rodding Heroes
Back in 2007, the Grand National Roadster Show unveiled a staggering exhibit of ’32 Fords to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the model. It was a lifetime highlight for many hot rodders due to the historical significance of the cars displayed and the quality of their presentation. Other festivities have followed since, with two of the most successful being hosted by the Petersen Museum in 2012 (80th anniversary) and this summer (the 85th).
More than 200 ’32 Fords joined this year’s Petersen shindig, gathered on the deck of the museum’s parking lot under a bright blue sky. The remarkable selection of vehicles included some of the “75 Most Significant ’32 Ford Hot Rods” that had been nominated prior to the 75 anniversary at the GNRS. Another highlight of the day was the panel discussion involving 10 dignitaries of our hobby; their conversation revolved mostly around stories about Pete Chapouris and Vic Edelbrock Jr., who both passed away this year.
Late in the afternoon, a procession of Deuces journeyed from the museum southbound toward the city of Torrance, home of Edelbrock’s headquarters. There, hundreds of guests paid tribute to Vic Jr. within Vic’s Garage, the company’s museum. By all accounts, it was a day to remember, though we wish we didn’t have to wait another five years for the Petersen’s third installment of this not-to-be-missed anniversary.
Talk of the Day: The Bruce Meyer Family Gallery welcomed the “Hot Rod Legends Panel Discussion” featuring: Peter “PC4” Chapouris, Gary Lorenzini (top left); Brian Brennan, Jimmy Shine, (bottom left); Pete Eastwood, Bruce Meyer, Bob Bauder (top right); Dave McClelland, Alex Xydias, and Tony Thacker (bottom right). The room was full to the brim, with visitors enjoying stories about Pete Chapouris and Vic Edelbrock Jr.
American Idols: Talk about a trio of historical hot rods! From left, the Bob McGee and Doane Spencer ’32s (both owned by Bruce Meyer) are flanked by the Ray Brown roadster (part of the Petersen Collection). Displayed on the cover of HOT ROD magazine in October 1948, the red McGee Deuce features groundbreaking details for the time, such as hidden door hinges and a full-length decklid. It continued evolving as time passed, running 165 mph at Bonneville in 1970.
A Kid’s ’32: During a couple of the years that followed WWII, Ray Brown (age 17) built this beautiful roadster while working for Eddie Meyer. He painted the car a ’46 Buick color and, with a hopped-up 288ci flathead, enjoyed driving and racing it. Sold in 1948, it would then be stored between 1949 and 1991, remaining untouched and complete with 11 dry lake timing tags. Kirk F. White was the next caretaker and had the hot rod properly restored 25 years ago.
Deuce Seeker: Heavily involved with hot rods for decades, Paul Gommi owns several top-notch Deuces, including this roadster that became a “jalopy” in the 1940s. It raced at the dry lakes from 1948 until 1952, reaching a top speed of 128 mph. The primer was applied in the late ’40s, and Paul added a few interesting accessories, such as a ’32 Pines Winterfront grille and Electroline headlights from an American La France fire engine. The ’37 flathead V8 runs Eddie Meyer heads.
Workhorse: This cool ’32 panel delivery was used by a company called Paul’s Appliance Service until 1967. Another Paul (Gommi) bought it five years later, driving it almost daily for eons—and he still owns it today. The current iteration of the vehicle relies on a ’49 Ford flathead V8 equipped with Stromberg carbs, Offenhauser heads, and an Isky cam. Gommi likes vintage accessories, as reminded by those on the truck’s nose, starting with the Pines Winterfront grille. Headlights are from a ’41 Ford truck.
Riddled: Several participants traveled from other states, including Arizona resident Ron Carlsten. He started his project with a five-window riddled with 227 bullet holes, though most have been filled since. For the sake of reliability, Ron used American Stamping repro rails, which he distressed to match the body’s patina. Chopped 3 inches and motivated by a Chevy 350ci V8, the coupe integrates a handful of unusual components, including a ’55 Sunbeam dash and ’56 VW ashtray and taillight lenses.
On Fire: Some hot rods built in the 1980s did not age gracefully, which cannot be said about the timeless Pete Chapouris Limefire. Built in only 79 days, the roadster features numerous drag racing clues, from the Moon tank and parachute to the quick-change and furious 383ci V8 with a B&M supercharger. With minimum alterations (including slicks and a roll bar), it posted a low 10-second e.t. in the quarter at 130 mph.
For Dad: Pete Chapouris built this ’26 Model T for his dad—a hot rodder himself—with help from numerous rodders well-known within our hobby: Steve Davis, John Buttera, Pete Eastwood, and Eric Vaughn among them. Completed in 1978, the track roadster hid a reliable ’76 2.8L Ford Capri V6 behind a chopped ’32 Ford grille. Pete’s dad enjoyed it until he passed away in 1985.
In Memoriam: The Petersen’s upper parking lot welcomed a “Memorial Corral” solely devoted to ’32s that had involved So-Cal Speed Shop in one way or another. Among them, Larry Corn’s small-block-Chevy-powered roadster, “traditional” in its appearance though mostly assembled with new parts, specifically the So-Cal chassis and Brookville body. The design of the flames (licked by Dennis Ricklefs) takes its inspiration from a Chapouris creation: the famous California Kid ’34 Ford coupe.
Prickly: After cruising in primer for about two decades, the roadster of artist Robert Williams acquired a new daring outfit around the turn of the century, which surprised – if not upset – some hot rod purists. His Deuce, called “Prickly Heat,” looks great next to Kevin Washburn’s dark blue highboy, built in the spirit of 1940s jalopies.
Gold Digger: To many, Don Dillard might have found gold, in the shape of a basket case roadster with fantastic patina, its bodywork having been seemingly done during the second half of the ’50s. As the frame was too far gone, Don used a Classic Street Rod chassis, together with a new old stock 1966 283ci Chevy V8 that came from a high school auto shop. This old El Mirage racer additionally features a ’35 Auburn dash.
That Stance: The talented Ryan Reed of Reed’s Ride Designs has been known for building hot rods with an aggressive stance, as exemplified by Brian Williams’ three-window coupe chopped 2-3/4 inches. Rare 15×6 Fenton rims (narrowed to 15×4.5) with 145-15 Firestones equip the front, while 15×8.5 Fentons and 255/70R15 BFGoodrich tires in back accentuate the rake. Motivation comes courtesy of a mighty 541-horse 427ci engine.
Family Ties: Rick Reed, the uncle of Ryan Reed, knew precisely who to contract to build his roadster, fueled by a 350ci V8 Chevy that puts out 386 hp. Ryan and Rick took some risks with a bold choice of colors, burnt orange for the body, complemented with gold for the 15×5.5 and 16×10 Real Rodders wheels. We dig the result, especially with the leaned-back windshield.
Comfy: With its 16- and 18-inch Halibrand Indy magnesium rims, Bruce Canepa’s chopped Fordor offers a few hints of 1960s hot rods. The Weber 48IDA-fed, all aluminum 427ci Ford motor with Gurney Weslake heads follows the theme as well, while a Tremec five-speed makes long trips comfortable. Found as a 6,200-mile-from-new survivor, the project involved Moal Coachbuilders (body) and Sid Chavers (interior).
Thunder Bird: Lynn Bird owns several hot rods built with historical accuracy. His latest project is this three-window coupe, which had been channeled and equipped with a flathead in the 1950s. “It had some crude work here and there, but the body was in really good shape,” he told us. Lynn chopped the top 3-3/4 inches; then mounted the Dodge 270ci Hemi, T-10 four-speed box, and 9-inch rearend.
In Color: Coupes, roadsters, sedans, trucks—these are only a few (colorful!) samples of the vehicles put on exhibit. This is a day many will never forget.
Triple Star: Few rides have been featured three times in HRM over a period of 50-plus years, but this coupe is one of them, having graced the pages in 1961, 1987 and 2014. Gary Lorenzini, who bought it in 1974, had Thom Taylor redesign it with a hood that carries into the cowl (to mimic ’33 Fords). A Mooneyham supercharger tops a Dart 383ci block punched to 400. It delivers 650 ponies.
1940s Correct: Known by some as the “Potvin Cam Special,” Walt Baynes’ Deuce looks as if it jumped out of a picture taken at El Mirage shortly after WWII. It’s all there: flathead V8, quick-change, steel wheels, bias ply rubber, and even an Auburn dash. Gabe’s Custom Interiors did a great job matching the 1940s theme of the roadster.
Winterleaf: Considered as parts donors for years, Fordors have gained acceptance within our scene. This one was purchased by Arizonian John Stimac as a “stocker” in 2010, before being morphed into a neat retro rod. (It has changed hands since, though we did not catch the name of the new owner). The sedan retains its era-correct Winterleaf Brown two-tone paint job.
Trade ’32: Many readers will be familiar with longtime hot rodder Bob Bauder, who showed up at the Petersen Museum with this truck. Notice the perfect rake. This model had details common with commercial ’32 Fords, such as a sunvisor above the windshield and a one-piece radiator shell/grille on the Standard offering.
Nitro Fed: The second stop of the day was at Edelbrock’s headquarters in Torrance. In front of the building, the family’s 1946 Ford woody greeted the guests, towing the famous Kurtis Kraft V8-60 Midget owned by Vic Edelbrock Sr. and driven by Walt Faulkner back in the day. According to legend, it was the first Midget to ever use nitromethane, allowing the diminutive racer to reach a top speed of 125 mph.
The Original: Vic Edelbrock Sr. began hot rodding this Deuce during the 1930s, making it the company’s first test vehicle. It was his everyday transportation while also serving as a dry lakes racer on weekends. He set a record of 121.42 mph in 1941, just weeks before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Funny Papers: The team that restored Edelbrock’s roadster in 2002 found newspaper pages from 1938 inside the doors, along with sand that accumulated when competing at the dry lakes. Edelbrock wanted the car’s doors to have a more solid feel when they closed, and this insulation was his answer. The paper also kept the doors from bowing inward at speed.
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meghnasharama-blogs · 9 months
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