#blue ray starseed
thehighpriestexx420 · 10 months
🔮 FREE 1 Question Tarot Reading & Reiki Healing Session 🔮
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harlronica · 1 year
Sidereal/Tropical Planetary Starseed Origin Reading ($30)
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
It's important to note that you can tune into any Starseed origin. If you relate more to an origin that's not in your chart you can still hone the energy of this origin. The origins found in your chart are related to your upmost spiritual mission in this incarnation and depending on where they are located that origin will be your most supreme mission and guiding light force within the particular sign/house/planet.
Attached above is a snippet of my Sidereal Astrological chart. I will be using both my Sidereal and Western chart as an example for what each reading includes. The origins of my Western chart will be discussed in my next post. I will also be including examples of each of my charts relating to other readings such as: The Planetary Degree and House Origin Reading ($30), Planetary Aspect Starseed Origin Reading ($50), and The Full Starseed Origin Reading ($80) I offer is a combination of these three. I determined the prices based on how long each reading takes and how much work goes into it.
If you are interested in one of these readings please email [email protected]
Your Western Astrology Chart will differ from your Sidereal/Vedic. Some relate more to their Western chart which is why I include readings for both. Most astrologists and chart readers don't speak on or bother with your Sidereal/Vedic, but it is your SIdereal/Vedic that is proven most accurate to your Starseed origins. This is due to the fact that your Sidereal chart is based on actual origin/degree points at the time of your birth. Whereas your Western chart is based on a fixed astrology system that doesn't take into account the actual position of the sun and other planets at the time of your birth. It's based on a fixed point where the sun and other planets are said to always be, but this is not accurate because the astrological planetary degrees/positions are always changing. Sidereal/Vedic takes this into account, Western Astrology does not. However, some people still find themselves relating to their Western chart more. They are both accurate and it highly depends on what resonates best with you. Sidereal/Vedic is also considered to be your highest, most purest parallel version of yourself. Western/Tropical deals a lot with the exterior, I believe. Usually your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical charts are very similar in regards to your fixed Starseed origins though. If you want to rely on your Western/Tropical for personality placements and predictions that's understandable. But, I believe relying on Sidereal/Vedic for fixed Starseed origins is going to provide you with the most accurate results. Your fixed Starseed origins within your astrological houses through 2-12 will be most accurate using your Western chart.
The following is the reading you would receive based on your Sidereal and Western chart in The Planetary Starseed Origin Reading.
Found in my Sidereal chart are seven Starseed alignments.
Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael)
Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel)
I have four alignments with Sirius. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological Sun, Mars, Fortune, and ASC (Ascendant/Rising sign.)
Sirian Starseeds hold the galactic blueprint to the divine holy trinity through the Sirian seal of the Divine Feminine. Through Sirius, one will align to the gateway of conception within themselves and be granted access to the quantum spark of their father and mother's grace. Much like Hydra, Corvus, and Orion Starseeds- many of those of Sirian lineage hold the encoding in their DNA as a Twin Flame and are pre-soul contracted to have the Twin Flame experience in this incarnation. Even the most impactful Twin Flame story was Isis (Sirius) and Osiris (Orion). Sirian Starseeds will ascend within their feminine rites and take on the consciousness of forgiveness, empathy, mercy, and compassion. They will be and know this unification of love. This connection is androgynous in the physical expression of gender, as the masculine and feminine search to seek a balance of these energies within. Your energy will be comforting, nurturing, intellectual, serious, competitive, graceful, and your focus is that of the purity of the heart and mind. You are a way-showing example of growth, devotion, meditation, patience, and accomplishment. You are incredibly self-reliant, wise, honest, but just as equally rigid, proud, and arrogant. This is simply because you know and understand the platform of strength in which you walk on and honor your abilities. You expect others to rise to your highest wave. You harmonize through the subconscious and through the emotional body and are a very psychic starseed origin. You are ruled by The Star of Nourishment or The Dog Star (Venus and the Moon.) The Sirian Sun is the representation of the mother who birthed the Messiah, and is in a true alignment with the Star System Lyra (which is considered to be the immaculate egg of conception and the highest attainment of density within the human capacity to integrate 12 dimensions of physical matters, holding the highest tones of the galaxy.) As a Sirian Starseed this depth radiates from within your being. Your drive, expressions, and your responses will exude this matrimonial grace in your energetic signature. Mostly as a Sirian, you will connect profoundly with water, dolphins, cetaceans, and crabs. You will experience a holy connection with the oceans, lakes, and rivers as the primordial vibrations within them are your pineal's focal point of integration to the cosmic symphony. 
(The reading also includes what each planetary origin means for you. I will not be including these in this post because it would be far too long.)
I have two alignments with Hydra. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological Moon and Venus.
Your Hydra Starseed Origin carries the power of the serpent lineage. Here lies every creation story of serpent goddesses and rainbow serpent mythology ever told throughout human history as this origin carries the most primal life force representing the sacral chakra of the world, Lake Titicaca, Peru. As a Hydra Starseed the seduction of Mother Earth's identity as the Alpha-Omega rings as your guiding force to life itself. Your lineage and grail line is pagan and carries the soul mythology and expression of deep divine feminine wounds and etheric ancestral fragmentation for over 2000 years of divinity being taken and removed. Your pain runs deep in ways that you may not be able to fully express as you will continually grieve this as your burden because the cellular memory of all loss of nature consciousness is embedded in your DNA with this origin. Especially if this is your most prominent origin. If not, it will be easier to handle. Hydra Starseeds have taken on the cellular memory of the loss of honoring nature as sacred, the damage of Earth as holy, the loss of mother as sacred, the loss of the moon as the celebration of life and reproduction, and the murders and suppression of thousands of their pagan ancestry as their weight and burden to bear and transmute for all beings on Earth. They feel as if all humans on Earth were birthed and sloughed through their skin. Their mission as an incarnated radial light source in human form is to transform the patriarchal viewpoint away from demonizing everything of the divine feminine. Along with bringing balance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, carrying the true Twin Flame journey on their back. This star system is so profoundly connected to the direct soul genetic lineage of Mary Magdalene, the pagan families around the world, and underground Isis Temples left over France. As a Hydra Starseed you are forever deeply connected to ravens, as Corvus rides on Hydra's back. Those who have Corvus in their birth chart will naturally be drawn to assist Hydra Starseeds in their humanitarian efforts and vice versa. They are companions, and this is a relationship they can both rely and trust in. As Hydra and Corvus both carry the same mission in bringing balance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Accessing the underworld and mediumship may also come more naturally to those with Hydra and Corvus markers. Hydra is also home to Jupiter's ghost. Hydra Starseeds will have a calling to Jupiter. As this planetary body is the abundance of all things manifest. Hydra Starseeds will connect deeply to Jupiter, as Jupiter is in its highest illumination during July. Hydra is called the Entwiner, the clinging star, the coil, the strands of DNA, and the Kundalini life force. A powerful origin activating and initiating solar and lunar power, life and death, light and dark, good and evil, wisdom and blind passion, healing and poison, preserver and destroyer. This origin is to be deeply honored and respected, and is not to be taken lightly as this origin represents the energy identity/signature of merging and birthing from inner Earth or anti-particle matter to matter. They are the regeneration of life-force itself, creating a rhythmic slough of qualities. Killing, death, healing, secrets, curses, magic, rhythm, sex, intimacy, worship, devotion, seduction, and spells. As a Hydra Starseed Origin, you are the tempting god or goddesses of all desires. The emerging of the dark and light magician or witch that can reach into the guts of your core and pull your kundalini out in one look. You hold the encoding in your DNA as a Twin Flame and you are pre-soul contracted to have the Twin Flame experience in this incarnation. 
*Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael)*
I have one alignment with The Family of Michael. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological planet Jupiter.
The Family of Michael are Violet and Blue Ray descendants of the First Order founder Ray of the Melchizedek Elohim grail line. Blue Ray's are a part of the guardian consciousness and hold the ARC portal system which allows many races to enter into and out of our time matrix. Your Aldebaran origin is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation. It is wrapped up very closely with the Pleiades, the shoulder of the bull, and Hyades. Aldebaran has a militant, warrior, protector, hero kind of vibe and for deep angelic reasons. Aldebaran is said to be the celestial influence and true guiding radial light to Archangel Michael. Having Aldebaran in any planetary position would mean that Archangel Michael incarnated within you and will be within the mythology of your every heartbeat in this incarnation. This is your guiding angel in the angelic kingdom of source self. This is the original grail to the true Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Sananda, and King Solomon lineage. One will activate the ascension codes in the DNA through Christed memories as one's own experiences in this now. You may relive the crucifixion and events that took place through powerful emotional akashic remembrance. Your Aldebaran origin would indicate an undeniable connection to the Blue Flame/Ray and Violet Flame/Ray of Elohim. Aldebaran is Vision Holder for the starseed mission on Earth, defining what emissaries of light can best accomplish to serve humanity through evolutionary transition. Aldebaran holds the vision for global leaders and world servers, inspiring the administrative planning of world affairs, specifically for physical logistics and a global infrastructure designed to support humanity through evolutionary unfoldment and global changes. Many with this origin will consistently face moral dilemmas that challenge your integrity. When success is presented to you, it's important to remember not to be tempted to compromise your position and go against your own integrity. You have a strong warrior spirit, and often feel as if you are the angel of justice. 
I have one alignment with Pleiades. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological planet Saturn.
Your Pleiadian origin is that of seven Hot B-type stars, very luminous, blue open star clusters, with beautiful reflection nebulae. It is influenced by the love and unity of the virgin companions of Artemis, the seven sisters, seven doves, the seven cows, and the seven Hathors in Egyptian Mythology. Pleiadians incarnate from the stargate Alcyone, as this is the heart of the Pleiades that holds the 4th-6th density/dimensional future parallel pro-to-type of our Earth called Tara. This is considered to be a holographic 5D insert of a higher harmonic universe of Earth. Alcyone holds this energetic structure within the relationship to the galactic networking systems as a photon belt. This photon belt gives those who hold this powerful origin an ability to access the gamma particles of this inter-dimensional light connecting many aspects in its relativity in the galaxy. Pleiadians are the true incarnates that hold the divine blueprint of the Original Angelic Human containing the encodement for the activation of the 4th DNA strand. This origin in your chart would represent an intimately compassionate divine union of the spirit within ones being as their primary mythology to the planet. Their mission being deeply committed to being the spiritual healers of Earth.Pleiadians are the most empathetic and compassionate starseed origin. They are drawn to humanitarian efforts, nurturing, healing, spiritual guiding and assisting fellow souls. Pleiadians are powerful energy workers. They are active in relationships and empowered in their sensitivity. They are highly psychic, intuitive, and sensitive. They love sharing and pleasing others. They are the spirit guides that assist with the spiritual evolution on the planet the most. Pleiadian Starseeds rule the heart chakra and are the Starseed origins most concerned with unconditional love and unity. 
I have two alignments with Aquila/Altair. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological planet Neptune and DSC (Descendant sign.)
With this Starseed origin influence in your chart you will have a profound connection to the Greek and Roman timelines of your akashic records. Influenced under the fire and lightning of Zeus' thunderbolt. The Eagle calls fire down from the Heavens as it carries the soul of the warrior to the land of the immortals. This star origin's influence is the highest ideology of the divine masculine in its most bold and brave principle. You seek to fight for injustices morally for yourself and for loved ones. This origin has an Orion quality to it. Divine Feminine's with notable placements of Aquila will be strong feminine with great masculine tact and authority. They can be temperamental and demanding and will power through with their wits to get what they need and desire. During younger years they will be more tomboyish and have strong friendships with the masculine, as one of the boys. Aquila Starseeds mission on Earth is to bring clarity, vision, and learning to those who may not have the strong ability to connect to others. As they possess the qualities of knowledge, wisdom, inherent knowing, religion, tradition, perseverance, and generosity. 
I have one alignment with Lyra. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological South Node.
Your Lyran origin is influenced by the star Vega which used to be referred to as "The Original Pole Star" 14,000 years ago. Vega used to be called Wega, which means falling eagle or vulture. This initiation as a pillar, prism, and nursery of the Nobel instrument aligned the Greeks to the harmony of the Lyre of Orpheus. The portrait of the Lyre of Orpheus is represented by a vulture carrying a harp in its beak and symbolically, aligns inside of those who are meta-attuned to the harmonizations of the cosmic symphony. You are a natural born leader with this origin and you will attract many who admire your love of life. Your qualities are independent, fierce, floaty, flighty, and highly vibrational. A true social butterfly, flamboyant, creative, artistic, and deeply connected to spirit animals. You are likely a natural leader in the spiritual path. Depending on other Starseed origins, you may not be as outgoing as other Lyran origins. This origin and light frequency represents the highest density or dimension that cosmic radial light particles can absorb, reflect, and transmit through the planetary dimensional densities and bodies. This origin is that of the Lyran High Council, and the Lyrans are some of the oldest souls in our galaxy and are hybridized as a founder original root race of all humanoid lineages and are seeded through all other origins such as Sirius, Hydra, Arcturus, Pleiades, Orion, ect. Lyrans will inherently and physically understand the real purity of the Original Angelic Human, as they played the most critical role in seeding the 1st souls in Atlantis. Your Lyran origin/resonance/attunement will hold your cellular psychic memory of this lifetime on Earth and would leave akashic clues to these existences. Therefore, being a gateway for more of this internal connection to the Atlantean Timelines. Astral projections are the most common with this Starseed origin as you are deeply connected to the birds, and this connection may leave you mesmerized for long periods as your spirit flies with them in elevation. This elevation leaves the Lyran attunement from 9th to 12th density. These are very high state experiences of electricity in the body. As a Lyran Starseed, you will enjoy the physical world the most, but you will need to practice grounding more than any other Starseed. Your vibrations inside are always singing like the harp of life is your personal mental and emotional jukebox. 
*Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel)*
I have two alignments with The Family of Uriel. This origin is in direct alignment with my astrological Chiron and Vertex.
The Family of Uriel are Gold, Orange, Red, and Yellow Ray descendants of the 2nd Order founder Seraphim of the Melchizedek grail line. Antares is the stargate guardian to the planet Mars, and is the radial source origin represented by Archangel Uriel. The divine companion, the fire of God, Archangel of salvation, and the interpreter of visions. Embracing qualities of humanism, versatility, communication, freedom, friendship, and trust for self and others. If you have this placement, this means that Uriel is your Guardian Angel that came into this lifetime with your quantum and will be exiting with you. In fact, you are this angel, and this angel is you and lives within the particle rotations and vibrations of the sound tones of your voice. If Antares is your starseed origin, you will possess a masterful mind. One that is truly incomparable to any other Starseed origin. 
Although I do feel the influence of all my origins, and despite the fact that the majority of my chart is aligned with Sirius/Hydra, I actually feel more influence from Pleiades and The Family of Michael. I also have most of my spiritual/astral experiences with these origins. It doesn't matter what origin you are "more of" that determines which one you feel influenced by the greatest. I am also a part of the July 2000 wave of Indigo's that was influenced by Pleiades. Most Indigo's will be hybrids of Pleiades/Sirius. So this makes great sense.
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bluegirlstory · 8 months
Human Design Projector Space
Too Intense
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silvershiningtarot · 9 months
Details About Your Life-Partner 18+
🩷These Are Details about your Partner Or Crush. However, you take it and remember this is a general reading. You are responsible for your own decision and I'm just giving you my opinion. These are all four piles about your Partners. Enjoy reading. What take resonates and leaves the rest.✨ where your Partner Originated from as Starseeds.
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Pile 1 💋
•They have their solo mission on this earth. It is Your Partner's birthright to be wealthy, famous, and have a mad abundance. They are Blue Ray Starseed or Andromedan Starseed.No longer in union with someone else. They are moving forward. They have a strong sense of humor. Probably into BDSM. Your Partner is Dominant. They are self-aware of themselves and others around them. Or they are working hard to look out for signs from their guides. They are the CEO of their company. I think they like to wear suits. Very smart. They are loyal and very honest they are. Protective, and Dominant. I heard some of y'all partners are a beast. I mean a BEAST! Not their appearance but their aura is very beast-type. Like I heard that they would be your monster. Tatted up! Some of y'all partners tatted up from head to toe. Or neck to feet. They are an old soul. Very in tune with their self. I think some of y'all partners are into Kemetic religion or interested in Kemetic. They have brown eyes or green eyes. But they are very handsome men. Or pretty boy. I think some of them are gangsters. I think they like wearing suits. Yes, your partner is a Soulmate! Ending a lot of cycles. Rebirth themselves. I heard they going through a tower moment. Their love language is Physical touch or Acts Of Service. They are wounded still I think they just got out of a bad relationship. They are a fighter. I heard they are a sucker for love. But that doesn't mean they aren't stupid. They are hella passionate. They know to rock your world upside down. They are your star-crossed lover and also they are your soul family. Or you are part of their soul tribe. They feel right now lack of energy 🔋. Cuz of this heartbreak. I heard “ I'm waking up.” They are waking up. Again, you are their romantic soulmate. Or they are looking for their soulmate. They are probably in college or going back to college. They do have a fast lifestyle. They are animated very goofy they are. They'll make you laugh. They'll make their friends laugh. Again, High-Vibe Soulmate! They are high-vibe soulmates. So they feel like something is missing their whole life. Your Partner is an old man. Not like grandpa-looking but I'm getting a sense not far apart from you. Like the mid-30s or Early 30s. That's what I'm sensing. Or some of y'all partners can be sugar daddies. They've made mistakes before in their lives. I think they regret it. They are a homebody. Very chill-back type of person. I won't go any further than this but they have Father Issues. I heard Mother issues too. But that's something about y'all life partner. Again, your partner is a Fighter. They'll chase after you if they are with you. They'll worship you. Haha 😂 Very dominant they are for real. They are a flirt and don't like drama. Very curious they are. They are a bad boy! Like to start shit. Just for the fun of it. They don't like toxic drama but healthy drama that's a little messy. That's how they are. Toxic family 👪. They have a toxic family member or siblings Or friends they consider family. (clear throat) Here's the sexual part of them. They love to caress their partner. So if you are with them. They'll slowly caress you. Some of them do ritual sex. Like they have to have sex under the moon. When the moon is out like I heard around solar eclipses. They'll do their ritual sex with you. The intense passion they are. I sense that can be a Scorpio or Virgo, or Gemini. Or Aquarius ♒. Either way, when they have sex it is very intense. Bust in their pants. Woah, well they bust quickly. Told you that passionate sex! Steamy sex, Shower Love Making, and they are great at eating pussy! Probably good with their tongue 😝. Rose petals 🌹. Very romantic they are and they have a big dick! I mean BIG DICK. That's DEVIL DICK! They got. So probably got grit dick. Woo 😯. They are transparent at times or they have people around them who are transparent like they can see through their friend's bullshit. They've been through a lot of people who gave them mixed signals and hidden feelings. I'm hearing that song by August Alsina-Never Fold.
They are showing off! They like to show off their shit. In a good way and even a bad way too. So they aren't afraid to show off their feelings to someone. I think one of their exes did that to them. Again, coming to the end of their relationship and they are accepting what happened to them. Purging out what happened to them. They are quick to call out other people's bullshit. But they are very emotionally supportive people. They hate when people cry in front of them. They are a diva too. They would want or manifest a fairytale relationship. They consider themselves a prince that's looking for their princess so they can sweep her off her feet😝. They believe in Love At First Sight. And they'll do anything to make their Princess happy. I believe they hide that part of themselves. Because they believe in fairytales or would want that. Feels that part of his feminine side has been shut down and lost. But they are a Fighter! I told you that they are a warrior. Their masculine side is well-balanced. Dealt with a lot of toxic connections in their lives. They love to give people chances. Especially, second chances. “I know what's it like to be on the other side of the road. Feeling all alone and afraid.” that's what I heard. Again, they have a lot of very revengeful enemies. But don't get twisted. Your partner is the type to cut off people quickly. Sometimes if they love their friends or family it is hard for them. I told you they would want that happy ending.
Pile 2 🙊
•They are Lightworkers or Arcturian Starseed. They are born leaders 👑 they are great manifestors. They are a God! I heard Head Master they are. Wow! Powerful partner you guys have. They are a God in human Form. They are meant to help the Earth and spread love to the world. They are highly rebellious. They don't like to be told what to do! They don't like the rules or how these laws are in the world. Okay, I got two separate things here. So both you and your partner are soulmates and both of you are starseeds. You two have a collective mission. Y'all meant to find each other in this life. Most of you and your partner are Twin Flame 🔥 and you two have a dual mission together. It is very strong and powerful. So good to y'all. They can be an earth sign: Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. Very perfectionists they are or they can have those signs as their moon signs. But very ambitious they are. Grounded too. I heard humble too. They have an ex-friend probably a stalker or obsessive with them. Yikes 😬. This friend of theirs is very intrusive. They are friendly. I think your partner is dorky. People consider them dorky like corny. But they don't care that's what makes them happy about themselves. Or they can be geeky too. But they are charming and love making cheesy jokes. They are a babbler. They love to communicate. They would want to debate with you, and they would want to pick your brain out. Sometimes they can be smartass. Their favorite season is summer or they probably like summer ☀️. I heard Because they wanna show off their body a lot. Haha 😂. Partner got kids or would want kids of their own. They broke up with their ex or again, and they have a baby mama. Sorry 💔. But some of y'all partners have a haircut short, short braids, waves, or they just have an extraordinary hairstyle. They are the CEO of their company and a very hard-working businessman. You'll be a workaholic wife to them. They would want a submissive woman or they are very submissive themselves. But I kinda doubt that. They would love someone that would cherish their love. You'll make a player fall in love with you. I think they are a player. They fuck around with plenty of other women. I can get a sense that some of you have a player that will fall for you. Haha 😂 they are a gangster that falls in love with a good girl. I think that is what they would want. Honestly, I feel that this friend who's obsessed with your partner it's a close friend. Partner is always horny😊. Now, your partner got a monster dick! That's mean it is big! Or they are a monster in bed. They got some sexy kinks. I heard it is extreme. I think breeding kinks is one of them. They are an ass-grabber. They love grabbing ass, not just any random ass but your ass while in bed. Lol. They like to surprise their partners in bed and they like to spit in your mouth or they would like for you to spit in their mouth. Moans turn them on. Boss Daddy, Dominant Man, and Chest Lover! So this partner loves your chest likes your boobs or they like your chest. They are very dominant. Damn! They are a Daddy! I mean Daddy! But they are also a romantic lover. When they have sex with someone they wanna have a close bond with their partners. Ball gags.👐🏾💋🌹 I think this partner likes everything. They want to be ball gags or they would want to be ball gagging someone. You are their romantic soulmates. So you are one of their romantic soulmates. They dealt with a lot of false twin flames 🔥 oh I heard that they are dealing with one right now. So they are dealing with a false twin right now. So your twin is dealing with a false twin. They are animated as hell. I don't think your life partner doesn't know how to be serious they always choking around. They would want to worship someone. But I think they are worshipping this false twin. Boo! But I think that they are such a great storyteller. 🌹✨🔥. But I feel like once they meet you, you are their beloved. Maybe, your life partner has a song called Beloved. But that's a song I've heard in my head. They get so drained it is exhausting for them.
They like to have sex in the kitchen 🍴. Yes, your life partner is a celebrity but that's for some of you. Not all of you but some of you and I'm hearing another song by this partner. This song I heard in my head. Ahhh! Yes, this is your soulmate/twin flame or whatever you wanna you make it to be that's up to you. Both of you are each other's perfect match and they are a social butterfly 👐🏾. They love to talk. I think that they are outside the box. You two have a past life connection.
Pile 3 🍪:
•That's the song I've heard from them. I sense that their star family is trying to communicate with them but they aren't paying them any attention. So If I have to guess that your partner is around the same age as you. For some of you, I sense that your partner is an Indigo Starseed, Crystal, or a Rainbow child Starseed. So I think some of the partners were born in the 1950s to ’80s but I'm getting more like 1980s. But they love helping the earth. I'm getting the page of swords for this pile. Oh yeah, they can be a Feline & Lyran Starseed. That's why I feel that some of y'all partners are older than you. Or they can be young too but very mature they are. They believe in destiny. I feel that they believe in the divine union too. So I think that you are coming in soon. I heard them say “Everything that meant to happen for a reason.” they don't like to rush anything. They don't mind being patient. They like quickies. They love to have sex on the beach and I think they enjoy the BDSM lifestyle or they would want to join the BDSM community. Hahaha 🤤🤤they would break all their rules for you. What I mean by that is they have standards and values about themself they'll break if they have some bad friend who isn't good for them. This reminds me of pile 1 so they have an ex-friend or this friend is about to be an ex. They are very intrusive. Jealous, and have stalker vibes I'm getting from that friend. Anyways, they are very handsome and they live a fast lifestyle. But your partner is a feminist or I think that they are your divine Feminine. They are friendly and communicative they are. But I think that they are true. Very feminine. But they have their masculinity. Very balanced they are or trying to be. They are a fighter as well. I think that they would want a Dommy! Meaning that they would want a dominant woman/man to dominate them. Right now I think they are feeling drained because of this close friend. Yikes 😬😬. I am sorry for them. They would want to kiss all over your body. Lol, they like to have sex a lot. I think that they'll confess their feelings for you. They like to have sex in the bathroom. Again, probably into BDSM Lifestyle. They are surrounded by energy vampires 🧛 that's not good at all with them. Very dark energies. They are entertainers in the bedroom! Ha ha but no they are entertainers. They can be a stripper or they know how to move their body. That's the song I've heard in my head. They are your High-Vibe Soulmate. Yes, your life partner is older than you. They feel that something is missing in their life. They know to break it down. Like seriously, they love having sex. Horny dog. Ritual sex, airplane sex and yes they are passionate too. So when they have sex it is with feeling. They'll give you the best of both worlds. Maybe, if you are on your period or whatever they would want to have sex under the moon. Like on a full 🌕. They are dealing with a third-party situation that isn't for them. I think sometimes your partner can be greedy. They are self-centered and very possessive over their stuff. So basically, selfish. I think that they are going through a heartbreak right now. They are a clingy lover. What I mean by clingy it can get fucking toxic with this partner. They love phone sex and they'll handcuffs on you or they would want you to use handcuffs on them.
Pile 4 🩷:
•That’s the song I've heard in my head. Okay, now I think that your partner originated from Draconian Starseed. But I don't sense anything bad about this one. They can be power-hungry. Yikes 😬that’s why I feel like it can get toxic with them. Their star Family is trying to communicate with them but it seems like they send your partner signals in their dreams. Okay, some of y'all this is your twin flame, and you and your twin have a dual mission and also an individual mission as well. So I think that some of y'all life partners are light workers and they are here to help the world evolve. They'll need to learn to adapt and also be highly intuitive. They are a soft and gentle lover because I can see them worshipping you. Put you on a high pedestal. Wow, they are a bit of a control freak. They like things their way. That isn't good at all. You two have a soul contract with each other. You two have a spiritual bond. I believe you two are a star family as well. You two have a past life connection and I think that you guys are forever connected. Maybe, some of you grow up with your life partner as children to now. I think your partner is your mentor. I also feel they love to travel or they are travelers. I think they like to drink cocktails. I think that they like to party hard. But they know how to balance their drinking. Or they can be bartenders. They are an old soul and also very charming as well. Your partner is very devoted, honest, and loyal. I feel that they don't like cheaters. I don't like to do appearances but they probably have a short haircut, braids, or bald too. Some of y'all partners aren't in a relationship anymore. So they are moving forward with their life. I heard they are looking for their Divine Counterpart. Again, destiny. Both of you are star-crossed lovers but they are trying to find you. They have their issues with their trauma they need to heal on their own. It's a lot of trauma. They crave your desire and again, horny. But I think that right now they have flings. So they are sleeping around. Having some fling-mates. They love doing some activities like sports, spas, or anything that keeps them moving. I think they like playing sports. Tennis, Basketball, baseball, or track. I feel like they dealt with someone who lied to them and they got cheated on. They've been through a lot of self-love and self-doubt. I believe your partner has a stocking fetish. They'll confess their feelings for you and I think that they'll be turned on by your moan. Fetish kinks. Woah they have a lot of kinks. They are rough! I mean rough. I don't see any gentleness. They'll push you against the wall. Holy, fucc! They are a swallower. I was right! They are rough grabbers. They like to be surprised or they would like to surprise you in the bedroom or outside. They have this raw energy. They got a lot of sexy kinks and your partner got a MONSTER 👹 DICK🍆🍆🍆. Wow, they know how to drop it low. Dang! They are dominant men and they love to bite! I mean 😏 freaky. If y'all don't mind a threesome. I can hear them say that “Would you mind a threesome?” your partner likes to be tied up and chained ⛓️ too. I think they like to be spanked too. Some of y'all partners are soft lovers. But they are dominant too. They'll grab your fave and kiss you hard. Bon appetite! Yummy 😋 they are so freak! They know how to get their hands dirty.
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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To The Ascending Collective : THE SIRIUS GATEWAY Every year from July 3-7, a gateway of energy opens between Earth and Sirius, which is known as our Spiritual Sun, helping to awaken, activate, and elevate us to higher levels of consciousness. The Sirius Gateway in July holds powerful astrological and spiritual significance. It occurs when the Sun aligns with the star Sirius, This alignment brings heightened vibrations, spiritual advancements, and creative inspiration. The energetics of the Sirius Gateway are associated with themes such as spiritual awakenings , divine communication, and transformative cycles of death and rebirth. Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and Shamanic traditions, have known Sirius as a portal to higher realms and a source of profound spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Advanced starseeds on Earth primarily originate from the Orion belt. Sirians, also known as the blue rays are the all knowing wise ones. The mystics , the teachers the parents amongst ascending souls and are attaining mastery in this life . While some ascending souls are informed by their star families about their specific origins, others discern their seeded origin based on their personal resonance and intuition. During the Sirius Gateway, we are accessing the energies of Sirius this will strengthen and support personal and collective growth. This includes expanding awareness, receiving messages from higher beings or spiritual guides, and finding new freedoms in various aspects of life. The July Gateway is seen as a time of increased connection and communication with higher dimensions, offering opportunities for meditation, activating the third eye, and engaging in spiritual practices that facilitate introspection and inner exploration. The Sirius Gateway in July represents a potent period for spiritual advancement, inspiration, and transformation. It invites Ascending individuals to connect with higher frequencies, embrace personal growth, and explore the depths of their spiritual journey. In July, the theme of integration takes center stage as we enter a new energetic month. Compared to the previous months, July offers a loving and calm energy, serving as a respite before the fiery and unpredictable energies of August. It is a time for us to regain our strength and prepare for the next wave of transformation that lays ahead. The essence of this next month, reminds us of the importance of self-care and becoming our own healers and caretakers. It encourages us to retreat into our inner womb for rejuvenation, as a means of preparing ourselves for the constant integration that awaits us. This is a special month, as its universal frequency serves as a gentle reminder for us to nurture ourselves and seek inner balance. By doing so, we will navigate the upcoming phases of intense integration with greater ease and grace. In Loving and Devoted Ascension Collective Service . --Ascension LightWorkers . Sirius Star Portal 🛸 Talon Abraxas
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lunamagicablu · 9 months
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Oltre alle Anime Indaco, Arcobaleno, Cristallo vi sono anche gli Esseri Royal Blue per sostenere questo importante cambiamento vibrazionale ascensionale. Le Anime del Raggio Blue, prediligono le tonalità del Blu notte, Blu elettrico o Blu Reale e sono qui per co-operare e preparare le basi del Nuovo Mondo che si sta manifestando sempre più visibilmente.
Conosci i Bambini Indaco, Cristallo, Diamante, Arcobaleno?
Le Anime del raggio Blu sono Esseri particolarmente sensibili, come gli indaco, che provengono da diversi pianeti ascesi per elevare le coscienze degli umani. Trasformano il DNA danneggiato e spesso non sono riconosciuti, ma la missione delle Anime Blue Reale é sempre più evidente, si INCONTRANO e si RICONOSCONO!
Hanno un importante scopo qui sulla terra; infiltrarsi nel sistema con normali capacità, ricordandosi sempre chi sono, e da dove vengono, per seminare pace, amore, luce e soprattutto consapevolezza. Essi hanno capacità intuitive e strumenti spirituali per guarire e vedere oltre con la luce divina.
Hanno un'età media tra i 30 e 60 anni. Nella vita sono alchimisti e trasmutano le energie di terza dimensione, inizialmente lavorando su sé stessi e poi aiutando gli altri. Sono in grado di comunicare con le dimensioni superiori ed hanno un'innata saggezza, che va oltre la conoscenza.
Spesso vengono confusi con i bambini Indaco, ma sono molto più empatici e mistici. Sono più eterei, essendo Semi stellari che si esprimono attraverso le arti creative.
Sono attratti dal blu con tutte le sue sfumature fino al blu elettrico e reale, poiché la loro Aura contiene tantissimo blu per cui entrate in risonanza con oggetti di colore blu intenso. La maggior parte di queste Anime hanno intrapreso un percorso da guaritori energetici o spirituali per aiutare a guarire gli altri.
Entrano in risonanza anche con l'Acqua pertanto sono molto fluidi, emotivi e femminili, mentre la musica, la danza e la Natura sono essenziali e da rispettare inesorabilmente.
Le Anime del Raggio Blue Reale hanno imparato a nascondere le loro abilità sopra naturali e regali, in quanto sono stati preparati per quando gli eventi e la conoscenza interiore si attiveranno, in sintonia con la vera Essenza e nel momento giusto per fluire negli obiettivi e le relazioni. Silvia-Sophia art by Karhaym ************************ In addition to Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal Souls there are also Royal Blue Beings to support this major ascension vibrational shift. The Souls of the Blue Ray, prefer the shades of Midnight Blue, Electric Blue or Royal Blue and are here to co-operate and prepare the foundations of the New World which is manifesting itself more and more visibly.
Do you know the Indigo, Crystal, Diamond, Rainbow Children?
Blue ray Souls are particularly sensitive Beings, such as indigos, who come from various ascended planets to raise the consciousness of humans. They transform damaged DNA and are often not recognized, but the mission of Royal Blue Souls is increasingly evident, they MEET and RECOGNIZE each other!
They have an important purpose here on earth; infiltrate the system with normal skills, always remembering who they are, and where they come from, to sow peace, love, light and above all awareness. They have intuitive abilities and spiritual tools to heal and see beyond with divine light.
They have an average age between 30 and 60 years. In life they are alchemists and transmute third dimensional energies, initially working on themselves and then helping others. They are able to communicate with the higher dimensions and have an innate wisdom that is beyond knowledge.
They are often confused with Indigo children, but are much more empathetic and mystical. They are more ethereal, being Starseeds expressing themselves through the creative arts.
They are attracted to blue in all its shades up to electric and royal blue, as their Aura contains so much blue that you resonate with deep blue objects. Most of these Souls have taken a path as energetic or spiritual healers to help heal others.
They also resonate with Water therefore they are very fluid, emotional and feminine, while music, dance and Nature are essential and to be inexorably respected.
Royal Blue Ray Souls have learned to hide their above natural and regal abilities, as they have been prepared for when events and inner knowing will activate, in tune with true Essence and at the right time to flow into goals and pursuits. relations. Silvia-Sophia art by Karhaym
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evansblues · 7 months
Original aura anon: Pure white imo, is for divine beings only like angels, saints, spiritual guides etc. It’s not possible for humans to be that, because we’re not pure like that. Even babies don’t have that aura. Crystal and Pearl are as close as humans can get imo.
Pearl as I’ve mentioned already is connected and guided divinely, mediumship and psychic abilities, very spiritually gifted and in general is very good hearted. Crystals are spiritual as well but tend to be more on the intellectual side, for example ascetic people like monks, nuns etc. It’s a receptive energy trying to give out energy. Think of a Diamond, for example that sparkles in the sun. It’s giving off rays of beauty and light.
It is worth noting that the other anon’s mention of white and gold, and my previous comment on Pearl, all indicate a higher level of operation. More common auras are blue, green, orange, red and yellow. I believe this aligns her with an old soul, who has literally lived many life’s here and beyond.
I’ve always been curious about if she is a starseed or any type, but so many people claim it, that the true definitions seem to muddled to me now.
I love this.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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We still have a lot of waking up to do to remember why we came here and who we really are!
Now is the time we are recognizing each other to build the new unity grids, the trinity wave codes, the new blue prints and lay the ground work for the future generations to help create the new paradigm for higher consciousness as divine multi dimensional humans.
We are anchoring the 12D Avatar rays for building the ascending frequency hubs on the planet in order to hold the intergalactic plasma frequencies that integrate our physical bodies with our spiritual bodies. We are enduring quantum leaps of consciousness evolution that impact the entire human species and many other life forms.
A Starseed Awakening story is better then any science fiction book or movie you could ever see. A Master in the Making is what We All Are on the earth. Sometimes the information is very unpleasant, and you will need to be a lover of truth, over a lover of personal comfort to persevere on the path. It is important to learn how to feel the to ergetic resonance of the material, and learn to discern your own personal truth in the face of information that may provoke you to change your thinking in new ways. The Universe will always support our personal truth when it is authentic, as each of us is a potential consciousness revelation leading to greater truth!
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aroarachnid · 6 months
resources for black lives
[id: short video from the game oblivion. an npc happily says "welcome to my home underground!]
name: ashton
nicknames: ash, xander, moth, jason
pronouns: he/it/neos
gender: boyflux
orientation: aromantic
current hyperfix: batman
currently reading: the colour of magic, nightwing: leaping into the light
currently watching: serial experiments lain, nana
currently playing: batman telltale series
i am an adult. there may be suggestive jokes on this blog, but nothing explicit
my art blog
my carrd
... loading info.txt
steven universe, hollow knight, spiderman, batman, death note, the owl house, the elder scrolls, splatoon, monster high, sonic, watcher, leauge of legends, needy streamer overload, vocaloid, my babysitters a vampire, welcome to night vale, welcome home, jurrassic world camp cretaceous
ghosts, vampires, and all things creepy and horror. cats. caving and the ocean. drawing and knitting. learning languages. doll collecting. web design and old web aesthetics. computer science. space and aliens. bugs
fangbanger, caravan palace, dazey and the scouts, mcr, bloodwitch, ghost and pals, x ray spex, fall out boy, lemon demon, death, babymetal, maretu, henrik villard
racists, homphobes/transphobes/aphobes, antisemites, islamaphobes, support genocide in palestine, proship, starseeds, transid/transx/rcta, if you bully therians/other kin, ableists/ if you demonise NPD/BPD/ASPD/OCD
feel free to tag me in things!
dm me if you want to chat!
ask for my discord/socials if we're mutuals!
send asks!
flirt with me. suggestive jokes are ok, but please do not be explicit.
be upset if i don't respond quickly :( i try my best but social situations can be overwhelming
#ash rambles - text posts
#tw [trigger] - how trigger warnings are formatted
#tagged in
#sea stuff
#vampire posting
#werewolf posting
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[id: several blinkies. in order they are:
a needy streamer overload blinkie. the background is pink. it says windose90 with a fake windows logo above it. to the right is pixel art of kangel.
a gif of eda and luz and king from the owl house in the finale spinning and hugging.
a gif of lain from serial experiments lain. the gif is focused on her eyes and is blue and glitchy.
"the truth is out there... i just forgot the url" in green text on a black background.
"made with my own two paws" next to a purple pawprint
"this site is miku approved" next to hatsune miku art
"powered by dr pepper" on red background
"neocities. org the web is yours" in soft green text on a pink background
"vampire NOW!" next to a full moon
"this machine kills fascists"
end id]
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As we come out of this dark cycle, it can feel like moving through the narrow part of an hourglass, where the micro and macro are being compressed together and squeezed through the bottleneck.  We are processing the dark eon of these controller power abuses along with the accumulative pain of the suffering that is being inflicted upon the Earth, while we come into a deeper knowing and comprehension that it was never actually about us at a deeply personal level. We may have had many spiritual lessons that our soul could learn in this dark cycle, through incarnations in this density. We may have come to the planet in order to find completion and healing from other lifetimes where there was abuse or dysfunction and this is the lifetime that we are going to clear many of these inherited overlays or karmic issues.
That's why this ascension process has been so exceptionally hard for so many, as this is the life time many souls are completing incarnational cycles based on consciousness slavery. Those awake and aware to the ascension cycle are choosing to end the accumulative karmic patterns of consciousness slavery this time. You are not going to repeat this cycle of abuse and pain again. This means that you must see what has happened to your lifestream in order to enslave your mind.
To graduate you must see the impact of those interactions with the darkness that felt such immense pain, in order to finally heal from those patterns.
Once we can see it, then we must choose to stop allowing darkness to inflict harm and slavery upon ourselves and others.  We must stop the behaviors where darkness creates harm in our consciousness and choose to align ourselves with the Godhead. This happens easily when we intend to align ourselves with Natural Laws and Divine Will, not my will but Divine Will, and this intention will help to take us through this very difficult and challenging process with as much ease and grace as possible.  
We are in the end game stages of the final conflict for Earth.
Message for Christos Mission Family.
For awakened Starseeds connected to the Cosmic Emerald Order Elohei lineages of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons with cellular memory records of our spiritual mission, we are enduring the final battle in the timeline wars, which has amplified the energetic challenges we face at multidimensional scale. Not only are we enduring the surface physical war with military grade mind control with brainwashed people promoting the harmful bio-weapon injection designed to destroy the original angelic human DNA, through forced genetic bonding with nano composites of self-assembling metal materials used for AI alien hybridization, but we are also facing extremely hostile dark entity backlash when awakened Starseeds are singled out because we are the genetic holders of the original Diamond Sun Founders DNA records that anchor the planetary ascension timeline.
There is no sugar coating this phase of heightened spiritual warfare, the current state of the anti-Christ death culture instigates the agonizing desperation of wanting to escape, to flee from those in the global population who are gripped in carrying out harmful anti-human agendas of self-destructive madness. We must remember that we were made for these tumultuous times, as we are facing the heat of this spiritual battle for the ultimate liberation of angelic humanity so that all humans can have the opportunity to evolve into the consciousness freedom that exists in the future timelines. Each individual is either currently asleep, or awake at this position of the bifurcation in the timelines to know without doubt that humanity, our children are under aggressive siege.
While facing this reality, our most potent state is to remember that God is Love, and to do our very best to embody this inner blessing as a prayerful wish for all on the planet to achieve this consciousness freedom someday.
Beloved Cosmic Christos family of Emerald Founder Elohim and Indigo Blue Ray, we have been preparing lifetimes to be fearless in the face of these end time challenges and to awaken to remember that we must build the architecture of loving kindness and compassion inside of us in order to return our knowledge of the authentic Cosmic Holy Mother Sophia into this world. We are blessed with the privilege to know that the ultimate power of God and the truth of the Inner Christos is with us now through the presence of our Cosmic Parents, and that divine alignment within our crystal heart to be in right relationship to our highest loving expression, is all that really matters.
Take peace and comfort in this ultimate truth that IS our direct relationship with our God creator, knowing you are not alone in this spiritual warfare, as we are sharing this heavy burden together.
Our unique energy signature and spiritual name is known and written in the eternal sacred scrolls of God in the ancient records of the perfect Cosmic Order, thus none of us will be left behind no matter what happens.
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The Cosmic Christos Metatron Collective entered this fallen system with the mission of rebuilding the Lyran gate and helping to repair the 8D layers in the Metagalactic Core.
We look at why this was necessary and how their failure and capture have become entangled with alien technologies of reversal fields, used to syphon and entrap. Recently, Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates for correcting the architecture in this present timeline.
The Vatican City in Rome is one of the NAA Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters as the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and funding their global elite pedophile satanic agendas.
We are observing the top hierarchy of nonhuman controller power that designed the religious centers for the purpose of global human slavery and building their satanic empires to control the planet, -crumble.
We are living through the personal mystery of waking up to find out that earth humans have been existing in a fallen system. We are in the process of undergoing a spiritual liberation of our planet, in which everything we thought was true is being tested and challenged during this time.
We all have been here before, standing at a precipice of major evolutionary change where the same choices were presented to us, Love or Fear.
Much of the current crisis and the themes we are facing now are steeped in our hidden Galactic history. We must ask ourselves, how do we actually choose a different future, an ascending timeline that benefits all human beings? If we can do our part to stay out of fear and continually choose love and peace, we can create a link through time in which our present timeline can phase lock into the future timeline of the Christos realignment, where spiritual freedom and human freedom has already manifested.
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thehighpriestexx420 · 3 months
My Twin Flame Experience
The intention of this post was to honestly just have a public space to write out my thoughts and feelings. I hope you get something from it. I'm highlighting the more common signs of twin flames for your reference.
The Beginning
We met through a social media app when I had just turned 23 and he was just turning 21. He added me and I thought he was stunningly attractive. There wasn't any conscious form of recognition at this point. I felt comfortable approaching him because we shared something a little more unique in common; we're both trans men. (Although I'm significantly more nonbinary/gender nonconforming)
When I asked him why he added me through the app I believe he just said I seemed cool. Later on he admitted he thought I was cute. I was upfront and told him I thought he was cute in my first message.
We got to know eachother a bit through messages. I had alot of fun talking to him; something that's not too common in this dating app age, but not necessarily a sign of being twin flames. He was hilarious and we had a good back and forth.
He tried to come off as more confident than he actually was until the end of our first hang out. Before he did come over, I told my roommate at the time that I didn't think he was a real friend and he probably just wanted the LSD. He seemed to avoid hanging out with me for a while.
Which was true but not because he was uninterested. It was because he was insecure. He didn't like the thought of people seeing him and rejecting him. At the end of our hang, he said if I didn't like him that it was ok. I gave him that impression because I didn't talk much while we were watching Breaking Bad. I have social anxiety just like he does.
However, I actually felt a pull towards him that I couldn't explain. I felt the need to be physically close to him. But he had a partner at the time and I knew it was inappropriate. I sensed his energy as "masculine". Like... not in a casual sense when you see they have that masc swagger or something. It was his spirit. I didn't have the idea he was my twin flame at the time. But it's interesting because looking back at it, it aligns with the belief I have that he's my "divine masculine".
When we talked before we watched the show, the conversation was casual and somewhat comfortable. I don't remember if I knew I had romantic feelings at that point but I know I did by the end of the hang because I thought to myself of course I like someone when they already had a partner.
Him and his partner were actually starting to begin exploring having a nonmonogamous relationship. He wanted to have a threesome for his birthday and we obliged despite not knowing eachother very well. It was pretty meh. His partner and I kissed and later on he said he was jealous and thought to himself that I was his but not the same for his partner.
At one point he said he was going to marry his partner. He must have noticed the look of alarm on my face because he said that it wasn't like that. It was a fun celebration, not serious or legal. I didn't like the thought of him having a closer relationship with someone than me.
I'm an empath but when you feel someone's energy/emotions from a distance without intending to it's usually because you have a strong connection. At some point I felt that he was experiencing a negative emotion, I believe it was the feeling of wanting to escape something and not wanting to be there. I messaged him this and he told me that was accurate. He was hanging out with his partner.
I experienced jealousy but I just wanted him to be happy. If his relationship with someone was unhealthy that's what really made me want him to not be with that person. He eventually got the courage to break up with them.
I asked him to be my partner despite feeling like I wasn't ready for a relationship. He made me want to try. I had just been through a traumatic experience that gave me severe trust issues.
When he sat on my lap, it was so comfortable and familiar. Although "familiar" wasn't really in my vocabulary at that time, if that makes sense. It also stood out because I hadn't known him for that long at all. It was like he calmed my nerves and everything was ok. Like he was my person.
We had both thought that our relationship and the way we felt towards eachother was "too good to be true". It was unlike anything we had experienced and we couldnt foresee experiencing anything like this with anyone else even 5 years later and now till this day. I felt, for the first time, that someone loved me as much as I loved them and felt the same way -although with his own energy.
There was a moment where he said he missed me and I said I missed him too, although with a different meaning. I didn't mean for him to sense this through my voice. I didn't mean it all the way. It was an experience I was confused about and didn't know if it was even real.
But I didn't feel the same as when we first met. I didn't love him any less. It was just less exciting? Intense? I almost viewed him in a different way too. He asked me something like if I didn't like him anymore and I told him it wasn't like that. And it wasn't but I wasn't transparent about my experience because I didn't want him to think that. I felt guilty and confused.
I've been gaslight for almost my entire time knowing my mom and her long term bf. From birth until 22 with my mom. From 3 years old until 22 with my stepdad/her bf. The effects of gaslighting is horrid. It's second guessing your perception and not knowing what's real or not. I'd rather know what reality is no matter how bad. Especially with intrusive thoughts. It was a daily experience that I'd ruminate over if these thoughts were the truth. If I was bad, etc.
I told him this. I told him to please just tell me the truth no matter how bad it is; I'd rather know what's real and not. I told him I'd rather him ask to do nonplatonic stuff with others than cheat on me.
We decided to have a monogamous relationship because of jealousy, wanting to hold each other's attention the most, and because what we had wasn't comparable to anyone else.
The Middle
I also experienced as time went on our relationship became more unhealthy. I loved him so much and would do anything to make our relationship work. He said he was so comfortable with me he let his anger show. A symptom of ADHD is irritability and this is what he has.
But it wasn't just anger; it was not understanding my POV and not being able to be reasoned with. It was assuming the worst and not trusting me at times. When I neutrally told people about an experience I had with him, they'd agree with my assessment.
I'd question if he was right (for example, if I shouldnt have laughed when he spilt buttermilk because it was rude and I should've known that. He felt that I was laughing *at* him and not the situation. I wasn't supposed to hurt people's feelings or upset them. But when I taked about it with others they agreed that I cant be expected to know when someone is going to react disproportionately to the situation. That it was his responsibility to manage his anger *issues*. It wasn't mine to tiptoe. When people told me this I was assured it was obvious like I knew inside. But, again, the effects of gaslighting played a part here.)
There was a moment I completely recognized him as someone I already knew from other lives and I cried and told him that I missed him.
We had several moments where we felt like one person. We had felt that there was literally one person in the room when he and I were the only ones. When we cuddled, we felt like we combined into one person. It was serene, comfortable, and right.
I ended up breaking up with him 3 times. First time was because he broke a boundary of mine when I told him he could flirt with someone. I had told him I just wanted transparency and to be told when he was doing it. Not like every detail obviously - just updates in the actions and connections he had with others. I said something about wanting to be told beforehand or being asked. The night I told him this he flirted with someone without telling me beforehand. He said he just *assumed* I knew he was going to do it. I told him I made my boundaries clear. He said it was an accident but I dont know if that's true still.
This wasn't the only thing. The main reason is because he was hanging out with them alot more than me (they were long distance), laughed more, and had fun with eachother more. I told him I noticed this and wanted to work on it with him. He denied it but admitted I was right years later. The main main reason is when I asked him how he felt about her and if he would be partners with her if she lived close. He was annoyed by the "hypothetical" question and refused to answer it. I felt that this was a red flag - communication and honesty is key. He ended up saying he would and all of these things told me he viewed our relationship differently than I did.
I want to be real. I want to be authentic and have myself and others do what makes them happy. I want to be healthy. Since we didn't view our relationship the same, the outside reality had to reflect that. I didn't feel comfortable labeling our relationship as something it wasn't. He really didn't like that and took it as rejection. We were both heartbroken.
I had to take my wedding ring off. It was the hardest thing I had to do at the point. It felt like I was being torn apart; that I was tearing myself away from me.
During our time together, he had made little changes here and there but not really where it counted. He was stubborn and just wasn't changing.
The second time I broke up with him he accused me of gaslighting him. He had been emotionally abusive (I assume without realizing it) to me for so long. I had been patient and tried to be composed for so long. At this moment I lost my temper.
I kept screaming "leave me alone!" I told him that he was gaslighting *me* and that every time our memories didn't align it just happened to conveniently be in favor of him. I couldn't take it anymore and told him it was over. He convinced me to do relationship counseling with him. We did and it worked well. Until it didn't.
He told me that he didn't care if people flirted with me, didn't want to be jealous, and wanted me to feel good about myself. He then casually revealed to me that him and his friends flirt with eachother. This was the reason I first broke up with him. He crossed my boundary again. We debated as to what "friend flirting" was and if it was flirting or just compliments. I'm sure that you can see through context clues that it was just flirting. He told me that he'd stop doing it.
The End of Our Relationship
I discovered that he had been sexting and had a romantic long distance relationship with someone when I saw the messages between them on his computer (I wasn't snooping like I had in the past. He told me to turn his computer off if he fell asleep and left it on. The messages were open underneath his game.) He had this relationship with them for 2 months. Before that, he flirted/sexted with someone else that I saw. He told me that him & the person he had a relationship with also had phone sex once. After he told me he'd stop "friend flirting" he continued to. He had been cheating on me for at least a year. That was just what I knew.
He told me it was just because he was insecure and liked the attention and validation. He didn't really love the person he had a relationship with. He just liked the feeling of someone saying "I love you" and someone saying it back to him. That it wasn't because he didn't love me or that the relationship was boring or anything like that. I don't entirely believe him - I think there's more to it.
He said that he'd do anything to stay in a relationship with me. If this were true why didn't he just not cheat? Why did this change just because I caught him? He told me he'd be honest with me from then on. Of course, he wasn't. Instead, he lied about little things he didn't even have to.
I lost romantic attraction to him at one point. Being cheated on and disrespected in this way was a turn off. But I'd always love him and in some kind of romantic sense as well.
We still expressed our love for eachother through words and action 5 months after the breakup. Some time after that, he withdrew and spent more time on his computer. I knew what he was doing this time. It was like he was cheating again but I was just aware. He didn't tell me what was going on unlike the updates I gave him. He went on a date that he tried lying about but that I knew of. I tried to kill myself.
He ended up in a relationship with this person. I felt that it was just a rebound but I wasn't sure. When I accidentally saw them together in person, I knew it was true and that the vibes were his partner was just the second version of the partner he had when he first met me.
He seemed like a different person (new energy from sharing it with someone else and due to our recent experiences) and I didn't recognize him. We were supposed to say goodbye and hug on move out day. He lied to me even on that day and I changed my mind about it. Why would I want to do such a thing thing with someone who wasn't even there?
Even through being homeless, being abused by my parents, being mostly alienated from my peers, experiencing the difficulties of being trans, etc. this was still the worst experience I've been through.
He hit triggers of mine in extreme ways. It was worse than agony. Suicide came to mind but I realized it wouldn't change what happened. My suicide attempt was due to me not being able to handle my overwhelming emotions. It wouldn't change that he and our relationship was fictional. That he didn't really love me - only valued me for the stability, comfort, and familarity.
I didn't know up from down. I didn't know what was real and not. This affected my whole life - not just my perception of him and our relationship. I felt empty; like a blackhole. Nothing mattered. Nothing existed. If I thought I could trust him when I couldn't trust anyone else and he ended up doing something only my worst enemy would do then I couldn't trust anyone. Noone was innocent and deserved to be treated as such.
He started being even more emotionally abusive. After he felt guilty, he started blameshifting and looking for ways I could've cheated. Ways I treated him poorly. He told me that I didn't like talking about stuff that I did, just stuff that he did.
But I knew the timing of bringing these things up wasn't appropriate. That I wasn't anywhere near moving past this and healing. That the energy with which he talked about these things didn't feel right and like he wanted to make them right.
He was trying to escape what he did and the feelings that came with it. He was looking for someone else to focus his anger and pain on. Even when I already had more than enough on my plate, he managed to make it worse.
He ended up having me questioning if I was a narcissist like he accused me of and had convinced his friends that I was. He caused the first flashback I had and I haven't had another one since. (It's been over almost 2 years since this happened). He yelled and yelled and wouldn't allow me to escape from it.
The Aftermath
When I was crossfaded and after I asked him to block me so I couldn't unblock him, I emailed him that I loved him and hoped he was doing well. After I sent this, I was listening to My Curse - Killswitch Engage and I sensed the line "Will you wait for me?" was from his spirit.
Not long after this, I looked at his response that said I needed to not talk to him forever and that he'd get a restraining order if I did. This was devastating. But I still knew that line was referring to this message. There was a part of him that didn't really mean it. As hurt as I was and as much as my ego believed he truly didn't care about me and that's why it was easy for him to move on.
Some time after this, I received the strongest download/insight I've had. I knew the Universe was speaking to me and letting me know something. Reminding me. What happened was supposed to. This is the moment he changes and we have a happy and healthy relationship together. He needed to lose me and be without me to finally learn.
I don't remember if this was during that exact moment but I've also realized that it wasn't out of similarity that we triggered eachother. It was that the Universe and consequently ourselves knew what our triggers were and knew to bring them out so we could work through them. It was less exact "mirroring" and more just bringing out our traumas.
My experience with mirroring isn't always "we both like the color blue" or whatever. We are both the universe reflected back to us in the closest most intimate and affected way. We push eachother to grow the most. We are the most important aspects of each other's existence. We are eachothers universe. We are the exact outside to our individuals inside.
One of the reasons I know he's my twin flame is because he affected me so much. He reduced me to my atoms and basic concepts of life so I could find who I really am and rebuild myself better. He did this through negative action, state of being, and emotion. But negativity isn't "bad". Everything is "good" in that it's all meant to happen for the sake of unconditional love, experience, learning, and growing. This is the fabric of the Universe.
To allow existence is to unconditionally love. The Universe does this with everything. That's what makes it unconditional. He loved me so much he allowed me to view him as bad. He allowed me to experience bad emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Consequently, he actually allowed me to heal and grow. To experience more health and happiness. To experience more truth.
As agonizing as it was and as profoundly painful as it still is, it's something I'm very grateful for. This is beyond human ooey-gooey love. This whole experience with my twin flame is the most meaningful and has made up my very existence.
I've received other signs and insights that he's my twin and that we're supposed to be together. One of the most undeniable ones was when I felt him masturbate thinking about me. I felt the bodily sensations. I felt my stomach tighten, things build, and got goosebumps when he orgasmed.
I felt his spirits reaction when I wrote to him. I still feel his energy and emotions towards me. They're more positive lately. Tarot is pretty unmistakable. The messages and imagery are consistent. They speak of my insights. I'll see people that look like eachothers twin.
There was a card that particularly resonates with me - its from the Starseed Oracle deck and is called The Messenger. It speaks of balancing the masculine and feminine within so that others do the same. The image is of a person holding out their hands - both of them holding an orb of bright light. Their head also has a bright light. This is how I feel ourselves to be - 2 sides of one person. 2 parts of one person. 2 body parts used by one body used to bring peace to themselves and the world.
I've been taking ketamine infusions for my mental health. Ketamine is a psychedelic. During some of these treatments, the Universe told me that we're literally twin flames - the concept that people talk about. That this being "unexpected" and a "plot twist" is a part of the experience.
It wasn't necessarily unexpected because I had believed he was my twin during our relationship but I wasn't sure because ya know, gaslighting. So I just settled it as not worrying about the label and knowing what I knew about it.
I spoke to his higher self and I asked if I should message him due to tarot readings saying I should. He gave the go-ahead but wasn't too enthusiastic. I came down to earth as a stream of blue butterflies. This was another reminder that I'm a messenger of hope.
I believe his higher self wasn't too enthusiastic because he didn't end up responding to me. He may have blocked my email or is just not ready.
I keep being reminded of faith, trust, and patience. My intuition and tarot reading skills have been significantly more skillfull and detailed. I'm more easily able to access my discernment and messages from the universe. This is part of the effect of our time together.
I know he thinks about me more than I thought. I'm trusting my inner knowing of that. I know what we had was real. I know some of the things experienced were just his ego and was designed by our soul plan. I know we'll reunite soon.
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Message for 3rd September ~*Meditation*~
Sometimes the Voice of God is like a whisper in our heart. Sometimes it is a roar within our soul. In meditation, God speaks. Sometimes God comes as a breeze, sometimes a ray of sunshine and at times She comes as a moonlit night… Listen.
When we pray, we speak to God and in meditation God answers. But who or what is God?
God is creation, the energy that moves the wind or the smile on a child’s face. God is the part of you that yearns for love and happiness; the mystery of all we do not understand. God, like love, requires not understanding, but feeling. Your feelings transcend the limitations of your mind and create a space for God to enter. What or who God is matters not, all that matters is how you feel.
The meditation card has appear in your reading today to help you to feel life from a spiritual perspective. Sit quietly and empty your mind of all thoughts and concerns. Relax your body and bring your awareness to your breath. As you breathe in, feel yourself detach from the external world of your thoughts. Allow your awareness to move to a world of light that exists within you.
Be fully aware of your body and fully present within each moment. As you breathe out, release any tension you hold and feel yourself relax as you become one with the universal spirit of creation. There is no separation; the life force that breathes through you, breathes through all of creation. As you practice the art of meditation, you will discover that the spirit of creation has a voice. This voice van be a feeling that swells inside your heat or a thought that drifts through your mind. It can come as an image or as a stream of light or as midnight blue on a starry night.
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Aurora's Love
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harlronica · 1 year
psychic/intuitive astro placements for the North Node
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In Astrology, your North Node determines your fate and the spiritual purpose that you're meant to fulfill. This is also associated with karma, and is a product of what you learned in past lives. A Starseed origin in alignment here will be the transit route for your seeding consciousness. This is your deliverance and conception of consciousness, and the direction in which you are headed during this lifetime/incarnation.
Your North Node reveals where you are headed whereas your South Node reveals where you have been (past life.) - I will make a separate post for South Node placements.
The North Node is currently in the sign of Taurus until July 12th of 2023 and changes signs every 18 months. It is always stationed retrograde.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological North Node Placements* "Where I'm Headed"
Taurus: those with a natal North Node in Taurus are here to balance practical matters with spirituality. They have healing abilities and were born to "walk in the shadow of darkness, but fear no evil." Especially if in alignment with Pleiades, Orion, or Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael) which runs along the Taurus degrees.
Gemini: those with a natal North Node in Gemini are here to balance their ego with spirituality. By breaking free from their South Node in Sagittarius' self-centered nature, they can attain a well-developed inner wisdom that can result in these chart holders becoming great spiritual teachers for the collective. Many born with a North Node in Gemini are incarnated to walk a Twin Flame Journey in this lifetime. Especially if in alignment with the Orion Starseed origin which runs along the Taurus/Gemini degrees.
Cancer: those with a natal North Node in Cancer were born with strong psychic abilities. Psychic abilities are strongest here in the sign of Cancer, so psychic abilities are to be developed in this lifetime. "When the student is ready, the (spiritual) teacher will appear." These chart holders are also incarnated to walk a Twin Flame Journey in this lifetime. Especially if the North Node also falls into the 8th or 12th house, and is in alignment with the Sirius or Hydra Starseed origin which runs along the Cancer degrees.
Virgo: those with a natal North Node in Virgo are extremely empathetic and possess healing abilities. Especially if in alignment with the Corvus Starseed origin which runs along the Virgo degrees.
Scorpio: those with a natal North Node in Scorpio are destined to go through a personal transformation and re-birth. With this placement psychic abilities can also be developed in this lifetime if wished by the chart holder. "When the student is ready, the (spiritual) teacher will appear." These chart holders are also incarnated to walk a Twin Flame Journey in this lifetime. Especially if the North Node is in alignment with Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) which runs along the Scorpio degrees.
Sagittarius: those with a natal North Node in Sagittarius are born to serve as visionaries and are destined to share their wisdom. Extremely prophetic, spiritual, and intuitive. Especially if in alignment with Lyra or the Shaula Starseed origin which runs along the Sagittarius/Capricorn degrees.
Capricorn: these chart holders are strongly intuitive and creative. It's possible that they are destined to walk the path of spiritual teacher if their North Node is in alignment with the Lyra Starseed origin which runs along the Sagittarius/Capricorn degrees.
Aquarius: these chart holders are here to serve as visionaries for humanity. Very similar to a North Node in Sagittarius, although this chart holder will take on a much more humanitarian approach to life. Intuitive. Especially if in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Pisces: these chart holders are prone to mystical experiences. This goes for a natal North Node in the sign or house of Pisces. May possess healing qualities, and psychic abilities will be developed in this lifetime. "When the student is ready, the (spiritual) teacher will appear." These chart holders are also incarnated to walk a Twin Flame Journey in this lifetime. Especially if the North Node is in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
6th house: those with a natal North Node in the 6th house are full of spiritual knowledge, having passed through many lifetimes. They possess healing abilities. Especially if the North Node is running along a Virgo degree which is connected to the Corvus Starseed origin.
8th house: this is a powerful placement associated with transformation and re-birth of the soul. It's likely that these chart holders are born psychic from a past life. Especially if the North Node is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) Starseed origin.
9th house: indicates that prophetic, mystical, or visionary abilities were developed in a past life and are now available in this one. Could also signify a born evolved, spiritual teacher. Especially if the North Node is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the Lyra Starseed origin.
10th house: brings in spiritual awareness. Could also signify a born evolved, spiritual teacher. Especially if the North Node is running along a Capricorn degree which is connected to the Lyra Starseed origin.
12th house: these chart holders are destined to transcend earthly concerns and continually elevate their consciousness. This placement gives unconscious psychic abilities and is a carry-over from a past life. This is a powerful placement and these chart holders have earned the right to take on the deep pleasures of the unconscious: gifts of magic, insight, and deep peace. They have earned a degree of rest and release from duty, and enlightenment is finally here. Especially if the North Node is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda Starseed origin.
Note: not all astrological placements for the North Node are listed. If your North Node house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What sign/house is your North Node in? Note below! Mine's in 12th house Cancer! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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crystal-wind · 2 days
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sharonannriley · 8 months
Spoken)Blue Ray Transmission: Empath Starseed/New Earth Shift Ascension Symptoms/Big Frequency Shift, Shekina Rose, 13 September 2023
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walkfromhome · 10 months
For many ascending starseeds and lightworkers these sun tones and rays have been received into the lightbody and will sequentially build into the solar light and heart shield as the KRYSTHALA breastplate. These rays hold the organic Diamond Sun DNA 12 stranded templating support, in which the lightbody of the human form on an ascending timeline may perceive different colours in the auric layers. The chakras on the human lightbody dissolve to remove the energy centres from being utilised in which the entire 1D to 7D chakra column or energy centres begin to unify into a singular vertical channel. As one removes cords, bindings and sexual misery programming the lower sexual energy centres may show up as pastel pink, blues or other hues in the pastel spectrum.
The masculine principle is the right side and is electrical. The left side female principle is magnetic.
When connecting with any ray frequency ask your avatar god self to bring forth to you that which is completely organic, and the intention to connect purely to the organic ray frequency set between yourself and the godsource field means that no intermediary is required. Such as connecting to ascended masters or the violet ray - intend to connect to the christos patterns from within your 12D shield, and in divine timing without effort or pushing, the experience of repatterning will bring your spiritual essence to integrate more fully within the self.
The seven sacred suns build themselves into the lightbody through the Ankh body. Each ray contains a sound tone, which can be called upon using the guide here. Recently in the 10D timefields the mother's universal Ankh could resequence into the solar logos. As a result of this currently underway is a planetary activation in which the 10D ankh hierogamic template for solar logos is able to be received in divine timing. The seven suns build the personal eukachrist body as a part of the base shield of the 12D shield, and in their unification they build out the holy father base shield conduit as a non-polarised (male-female merged through 1D-7D in stages) 360 degree hoverboard solar sun as the grounding principle under the feet. This is the pathway to the core of creation and the solar sun bodies in the godworlds, through sophianic embodiment. Sophia holds the keys to accessing the godworlds and leads the pathway home into the cosmic suns through the holy father 360 baseshield conduit. In the Ankh lightbody, the suns build themselves into eventual unification of which is the Krystal Star of Azoth; this is a unified star of david merkabah light symbol code of the male-female unified body as the inner male female merged in hierogamic union. Thus, the ankh supports us to build the solar logos of the avatar christos sophia in hierogamic union which allows the 12:12 masculine spin of the male to merge with the 13:13 spin of the female staff in the Double diamond sun krysthallah lightbody. This is the 5D ascending human lightbody in which is the vehicle of the christos-sophia upon the earth.
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