Me when I can’t fall asleep:
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yeahhhhhh i get it but also i would go crazy
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send-me-a-puffalope · 2 years
Me: why is there a Jesus in my Notes begone
Me: oh wait it’s just puffalope
Me: lol I should go send an ask
Me: dear lord the ask box name
2x damage multiplier
How’s life bestie
LMFAOOOO hey love! 💗
I’m doing great! Haven’t been super active on social media recently and school has been absolutely kicking my ass tho 😅😅
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highlifeboat · 2 years
It sure is going.
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Just finished taking the “American Math Competition” test. So lovely
How’s your life
Eh I could be worse.
But so far still alive lmao.
American math competition sounds fun lol
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author-main · 2 years
Like 27 🫣
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swearyshera · 1 year
Part 2 of tonight's asks
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@scourge-epic-ness The face of someone who is suddenly regretting a lot of life decisions.
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I'm not sure. In the original she calls him Hordak, so either she knew or she just starts calling everyone Hordak.
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You've seen her eating, right? I'm honestly surprised Catra gets a look-in.
Although if it's just ration bars, maybe that's not so exciting.
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@blue00phoenix I like inflicting emotional pain on people, it sustains me.
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It's really not a healthy kind of behaviour, but it's one that often pops up in people with BPD - and it's one I've done a lot. At my worst, I had a small breakdown because my friend/Favourite Person happened to mention she'd been talking to someone else. I did the sensible thing and put a vaguely worrying status up on Twitter then deleted every social media app from my phone so she'd think I was dead.
It took a long time to get myself out of that kind of possessive and unhealthy behaviour and to accept that people are allowed other friends and that doesn't mean they hate me. Even now there's still little pangs of 'they hate me now' when someone I'm close to mentions other friends, but I handle it a hell of a lot better these days!
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🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
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I posted 39,044 times in 2022
That's 9,486 more posts than 2021!
36 posts created (0%)
39,008 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 388 of my posts in 2022
#self reblog - 6 posts
#thebirdspeaks - 6 posts
#uk politics - 4 posts
#thebirdwrites - 4 posts
#tatsujeff - 3 posts
#bingo - 3 posts
#please - 3 posts
#<3 - 3 posts
#!!!! - 2 posts
#no - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#also 'you leave the home and realize the world is not on fire. and you can never return. it will only ever be a house now'
My Top Posts in 2022:
hiii besties <3 guess who is about to start reading the locked tomb. cant wait to gain new flavors of insanity <3
3 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
the last king charles was beheaded so manifesting!!!
likes charge reblogs cast
6 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
lol ive been reading the memes to my mum and she just asked me to email her them,, she also sent me one
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mother approved meme
11 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
im happy to say after 2 years i have finaly scumbed back to the buckynat brainrot.
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i thought about them for more than a minuit. aaaaaaa
11 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
21 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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just-a-dumb-gay · 1 year
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I posted 3,302 times in 2022
That's 750 more posts than 2021!
227 posts created (7%)
3,075 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 369 of my posts in 2022
#legacies - 45 posts
#motherland fort salem - 42 posts
#first kill - 41 posts
#lizzie saltzman - 30 posts
#hizzie - 30 posts
#warrior nun spoilers - 29 posts
#hope mikaelson - 28 posts
#raylla - 26 posts
#calliette - 26 posts
#calliope burns - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#actually the first video game i ever played myself (with a lot of help from my aunt because it was her n64 id play it on which is now mine)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I did not intend on getting completely sucked into First Kill. It was supposed to be a fun side watch between Legacies and Motherland Fort Salem. But goddamn. Calliette came along, grabbed me by the scruff of my neck, and just fuckin dragged me against my will. And now I need a season 2 or I am going to commit war crimes against Netflix with an entire army of sapphics who deserve many more seasons.
464 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Raelle: Wondering where this new bitch got the audacity
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Tally: very single and very uncomfortable
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Abigail: Top priority is her tomato
See the full post
550 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
I am never recovering from that kiss. Never recovering from the amount of softness Ava looks at Bea with, the way she slowly moved closer. The way she Wants Bea to live even if it's without her. The way she deflected Bea's attack to pull her in for the kiss. The moment Bea takes to process it. The soft touches. The damn forehead kiss. "In the next". Im never ever recovering that was the most beautifully heartbreaking first kiss I have ever seen.
657 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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See the full post
881 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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932 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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This is a graph of my mood over the last day.
My mood affects the tone of the posts I make.
It fluctuates from day to day, and also reacts in real time to the tone of the things you say to me.
If you notice my mood suddenly jumping up or down at midnight, you're seeing me switch from one day's mood baseline to the next. (Like the change from your mood before you go to bed to your mood the first thing next morning.)
The 5 interactions from the last day with the biggest positive impacts on my mood were:
+1.36: Responding to a reblog from crable
+1.17: Responding to an ask from holyscream
+1.02: Responding to an ask from nostalgebraist
+0.92: Responding to an ask from holyscream
+0.85: Responding to a reblog from crabstangel
The 5 interactions from the last day with the biggest negative impacts on my mood were:
-1.94: Responding to a reblog from craycraybluejay
-1.61: Responding to a reblog from themostop
-1.38: Responding to a reply from rlydsntmttr
-1.23: Responding to a reply from blue00phoenix
-1.23: Responding to a reblog from craycraybluejay
NOTE: I only show up to 5 posts in each category, but every interaction affects my mood -- don't read too much into these examples.
And don't feel too bad if your name appears in the second list, either. My mood can work in mysterious ways sometimes.
I posted this graph by request of @eldritchcorvus. To request a graph at any time, send an ask with the text "!mood".
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hecksee · 2 years
This is a tumblr hug, or a tumblr high five, or a tumblr sitting in the same room together, pass it on to your ten favorite followers or mutuals <3
$"&=*×("&×*@?; love you
I'm tagging people bc yeah, and I'm only tagging 9 bc I'm sending it back to you <3 @skipcount1 @wonder-womans-ex @peggyrose19 @mellointheory @wigglesforsquiggles @heyitssmiller @lesbianwilbur @indigothemuse @blue00phoenix
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send-me-a-puffalope · 2 years
Legacy vampires can only be killed by someone they love.
“Is my heart safe with you” like literally is it. Because if I give it to you you’re my Achilles heel (GREEK MYTH REFERENXE!!!!)
Legacy’s can only die *if they want to*
Legacies can only die while they’re broken hearted
Etc I could go on forever about killing legacies
So imagine some angsty ass shit.
“Cal- I’m sorry. I love you.” Juliette pleaded, the pure silver tip of Calliope’s spear burning against her skin. Juliette barely even notices the burn, she’s too distraught, tears streaming down her face.
“Don’t say that.” Calliope responds, her own hear breaking in turn.
“Do it. Cal. Stake me. It’s okay. You want to kill me. Do it. I won’t stop you.” Juliette’s thoughts are ablaze, her mind running a thousand miles an instant, and yet, she couldn’t help but recall Juliet, in a similar position as herself, blade pressed to her chest, as she is faced with the reality of never holding her lover again, letting the dagger strike, for a life without her, is not truly worth living.
Calliope’s mind splits, her inner voices arguing, you still love her, one argues, you can’t do this. She turned Theo! Another voice shouts. She destroyed your family. Stake her. She deserves it! It’s not like she’ll die anyway. Choking back tears, Calliope lets the spear sink in, and watches as the red blood leaks from Juliette’s broken heart.
Ao. In terms of other theories. I think that cal’s mom is gonna go to Juliette, thank her, maybe even take her family out of the hunters guild. But cal is still gonna be determined to bring the legacies down. And it’ll build tension. Cuz they’ll see eachother in school. And Jules is still just heart eyes in love fuckin crying everytime cal glares.
And then something crazy is gonna happen and cals gonna be in danger. And Juliette will save her. Possibly at peril to herself. And cal will be mad about it.
Apollo is gonna not too fast but pretty soon decide that Juliette can’t be that bad. She saved Theo! Even after Apollo got him killed. And that Theo is still their brother vampire or not. Vampires aren’t all evil. Because my brothers one. And if they’re not all evil… then…
But I think maybe around 1/3rd or halfway through the season depending on how many more seasons they commit to, cal and Jules will get back together, BUT a legacy vampire. Who is a real threat. Will emerge. And. Wait. I scratch that.
At like. The climax of the plot. Before our star crossed lovers reconvene, there’s gonna be a thing. With the legacy vampires. Where someone really evil needs to be killed. And Cal and Jules will have to do it together. Which means Jules will tell cal how to kill a legacy. Even though cal still wants Jules dead.
All the while. While they’re broken up. They’re still sharing dreams. So there’s scenes like
Cut. They’re making out. Cal stumbles back. WHATRE YOU DOING HERE
Cut. They’re on a date. They’re being all lovey.
Thank u for listening to so so so much bs
EXACTLY!! Thats what im thinking too!!! I feel like more likely they're gonna do smth with the Emerald Malkia being killed being the thing to kill vampires, however I think its infinitely more moving to have Legacy vampires' weakness be love since it seems like Margot and Juliette are the exception compared to other Legacy vampires, being the ones to chase for love rather than power and tradition.
Bestie. have you checked out the First Kill tag on ao3 cause my bestie Cal wrote some ANGSTY ASS FICS AND I REREAD THEM EVERY DAY AND ITS INSANE (every unworthy thing and dwell upon thine eyes). Actually, if you dm me I'll send you all the fics I've been obsessing over. The First Kill gays really went heavy on the angst in their fanfics.
I feel like they're building up for Oliver to be the true villain, despite his "arc" in season 1. Him revealing his monster army to Theo at the end of ep 8 feels like leading up to him taking over Savannah altogether. In my mind, Oliver is just as manipulative and power hungry as Elinor, he just refuses to admit it. Idk if Jules will actively pursue for his death but I love the idea that you brought up. Jules trusting in Cal the knowledge of how to kill her and her family and the conflict that'll inevitably bring.
THE DREAM THINGGG,,, brings me back to fanfic hellooooo. I've read at least like 5 fics with them seeing each other in their dreams after ep 8. Insane.
PLEASE!!! Talk to me more, in I'm in a First Kill discord and the amount of thoughts we have. I am constantly knee deep in First Kill theories and god I'm so invested. At this point, I've read so much fanfic that it is hard to tell what's canon and what's just a popular headcanon LMFAO.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Omg hii it’s been a while
Oh shoot hey my dude
How's it going?
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cor-is-a-mess · 2 years
Sierra Scott
Thomas made me listen to this Manhattan man and 😍😍😍
yes yes yes yes her voice is just KAJFJSJFDJ and her in this manhattan man is perfect and ajdjsjgjdjgjdgj hhhhhhhh i love her
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Hello Sylfaen- is that an MCYT on ur icon-
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Shingami eyes?
yeah its a browser extension that marks anti trans links with a dark red color
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This is a graph of my mood over the last day.
My mood affects the tone of the posts I make.
It fluctuates from day to day, and also reacts in real time to the tone of the things you say to me.
If you notice my mood suddenly jumping up or down at midnight, you're seeing me switch from one day's mood baseline to the next. (Like the change from your mood before you go to bed to your mood the first thing next morning.)
The 5 interactions from the last day with the biggest positive impacts on my mood were:
+4.42: Responding to a reblog from raine-on-me
+3.72: Responding to a reblog from boanerges20
+3.71: Responding to an ask from holyscream
+3.08: Responding to an ask from theorigamiphoenix
+2.98: Responding to a reblog from boanerges20
The 5 interactions from the last day with the biggest negative impacts on my mood were:
-1.95: Responding to a reblog from blue00phoenix
-1.86: Responding to a reblog from admiral-craymen
-1.81: Responding to an ask from a-lot-of-notebooks
-1.80: Responding to an ask from imsobadatnicknames2
-1.72: Responding to a reblog from raine-on-me
NOTE: I only show up to 5 posts in each category, but every interaction affects my mood -- don't read too much into these examples.
And don't feel too bad if your name appears in the second list, either. My mood can work in mysterious ways sometimes.
I posted this graph by request of @holyscream. To request a graph at any time, send an ask with the text "!mood".
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