#blushing luffy
jessysapphireblue · 8 months
In my mind Luffy x Reader
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Nickname mentioned is Je, in which you can replace with your own.
Summary: You linger in Luffy´s mind
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The scent of breakfast lingered in the air, which woke your boyfriend up. Not noticing you sleeping on his chest, his opened his eyes and jumped up, grabbing his Cardigan and dashed outside.
Yawning, you woke up to see yourself alone, door wide open. Standing up, you grabbed your red cardigan you got on the last island. Slipping it on, it slipped from your shoulders, making you groan.
So you decided to knot the sleeves around your chest, making the end flow perfectly over your body.
Nodding, you walked into the kitchen, seeing your boyfriend gulp down everything in his range. "Morning", you yawned and sat down next to Luffy. "fu fu fu, so tired?" "I was woken up aprubtly", you admitted. "Did you two had a long night again?", asked Franky. "Franky, pls be quiet", said Usopp and Nami nodded.
"Yes! It´s so wierd! It feels like my friend fucked my sister!" "You see me as your sister?", you asked the navigator, who blushed softly. "Why yes! You´re my baby sister! You do so so SO much for me! You´re the best!" "OI!" "Be quiet!!!", she shouted and the boys went silent. "Thought so!"
Seeing you laugh made Luffy happy, a warm feeling spread over him. How your mouth turned upwards and how happy your closed eyes were.
Turning to him, he held his breath as you showed him a soft, loving smile, it send shivers over his body.
Lieing on the Sunny, Luffy breathed out, his Finger gliding over his lips, drowsy eyes fluttering shut.
He remembered all of your kisses, your hands on his body, your laughter and your smile. A blush covered his cheeks when he thought of you.
How you helped him with his nightmares, how you explained him things, showed him stuff. He knew.
He knew He found his forever person. Sitting up, he cupped his cheeks, blush spreading over to his neck.
He saw how you two spend nights together, secret night Snacks and fun.
"Mmmh!!! I love her so much! Damn it!!! I love you!!!!", he shouted out as"If you mean something different than meat I'll be dissapointed", laughing, you stood on the edge of the stairs, making him turn around, grinning. "Je! I love you!!!", he said with love-sunken eyes, blush clearly visible.
"I have a drink for you. You're my taste tester" "gimmie!!!!", he made grabby hands and you sat next to him as he took it, nestling in between your legs, head on your belly and his strawhat on your head.
"Like a halo!" "I'm not an Angel. I don't see wings" "Goddess then"Luffy laughed and sipped on the drink. "Mmh! Good!"
Drink empty, he turned around to snuggle into you, smiling content with happiness. Taking a deep breath, eyes closed…something was not right.
"Why you smell like me?" "Wha?", you chuckled at him, stroking his cheek. "Yeah! You smell liie meat! And you never smell like meat. What did you do?" "Nothing I swear"
He sniffled you again and…"The Cardigan" "wha?" You took a whiff and blinked. "I believe I wear yours" "AH! No wonder that mine was so small!"
You looked at each other before bursting into laughter, the both of you feeling dumb but ever so happy.
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zwhoreo · 9 months
can i request some slutty luffy? just fuck me up fam ☠️
AHH i think this is so beautiful and one of my fav smuts i’ve written!!! :’)
hunger - luffy x f!reader
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summary: luffy gets incredibly horny, and he’s confusing lust with hunger
contains: mating press, praise, marking (reader receiving)
words: 2.4k
Luffy’s alone. He thinks, right now, of touch. And his body is sweaty from the day and from his yearning mind, he’s shirtless because an hour ago he lit on fire beneath his skin, he’s been simmering ever since, and it’s healed, somehow, by touch. So his fingers dig into the grooves of his abs, he likes to feel them flex and shift as he traces every corner, mouth open, drooling onto the glass of the porthole. He left his bed an hour ago when he lit on fire beneath his skin. His blanket became too hot, his mind too full to fall asleep. He’s thinking about food now, juicy fruits that drip down his throat, melted cheese, the greasy, fatty pieces of steak that slide so slowly along his tongue.
He rubs his stomach because he’s hungry, that’s it. There’s a burning within him, starvation but if it was beautiful. He needs food right now but he knows, somehow, that food won’t do anything for him, not really. And if he rubs his stomach because he’s hungry then why does his hand go lower, down beneath his waistline, tugging at the hair down there because, why? Why does this feel good? Why is he moaning, little whimpers that fog the glass, what does he need? He thinks of touch. Skin on skin. That’s it, skin on skin.
You’re probably alone. Moonbeams sail one by one from the east with the wind and blackening sky as the sunset turns lilac, fading, gold waves turning silver, copper. Translucent silk the color of the sunset hangs from your shoulders, a slip so loose it barely covers your chest. It isn’t cold tonight and you’re not tired. You saw dolphins this evening and you wonder if you can see them again before the water disappears in the night. Everyone else is already asleep. You hope that when you’re tired you can find Luffy, who’s probably asleep, and curl up with him as everything drifts away.
But as the ocean laps at the ship and you’re calmed by the gentle rocking you feel, suddenly, arms from behind. Arms that run over yours, hands massaging your wrists up to your shoulders. A distinct smell, the feeling of hot rubber, this is Luffy and he’s so, so warm. And his breathing is so heavy in your ear. He places his chin on your shoulder and it’s covered in drool, he begins to slowly lick your neck as he pulls you closer. You haven’t even said hi before he has you in his lap, squeezing your waist from behind. His licks turn to kisses, and then to bites, all over your upper back and then a wet, raw trail up to your jaw. He’s groaning with want, no words yet, he has too many things he wants to say.
“Hi Luffy,” you murmur with a little smile, reaching back to pet his face which is burning up and flushed. His tongue laps your cheek, he’s an excited puppy, you feel his teeth now so you ask gently, “what’s up?”
“Gonna eat you,” he says in a quiet, gravely voice, right into your ear. He whines after this in desire, in hunger, he’s lustful and desperate.
“Yeah?” You lean back against him. His arms are so tight, he’s trying to wrap you up and crush you like a python. And you can feel his heartbeat race in every muscle.
“Mh, ‘cause you’re real pretty. And I’m hungry so I’m gonna eat you.” He’s almost trying to take a bite out of your neck now, his teeth are sharp but his tongue is soothing, he moans because he likes the flavor. “Real pretty…” he hisses again beneath his breath.
You turn so you’re facing him. He needs a kiss right now and he doesn’t hesitate to grab your face and dive in, writhing tongue slipping greedily between your lips. And there’s a gentleness here too, his hand moves to the back of your head, stroking your hair adoringly. He isn’t going to hurt you he just needs you so, so bad and he doesn’t really know how or why or what he should say.
“God, Luffy.” You’re quiet, muffled by his mouth. And just hearing your voice again clouds his mind.
“Love ya, love ya so much,” he says in between moans and kisses. His nails scrape at your chest, delighted by softness, something to grab onto, more to squeeze. “I wanna play, please can we play?”
Trying to get on top of you he’s leaning over you and pulled by instinct, he wants you straddling him but he wants to be on top at the same time. He’s just a tangle of limbs right now, saliva dripping messily onto your neck.
“Of course I’ll play with you.” You’re blushing, eyes closing but he’s squeezing your cheeks and forcing you to look at him, huge sparkling eyes as deep as the Mariana look down on you.
Luffy begins to laugh. Just a breathy giggle at first, blowing air between his teeth in a little joyful hiss. And then his mouth opens, he laughs more, louder, that’s what he does when he’s excited and when he knows he’s about to get something that he wants so, so bad. And then it fades to giggles again, and he stills for a moment, no movement except his chest. Rise and fall, rise and fall. He’s just looking at you.
And then he licks his lips. He dives in.
You make a small sound, surprised and unable to react in time, as Luffy plants his feet firmly on the deck, your thighs slamming his stomach as your legs are thrown over his shoulders. And you’re bent, folding tighter and tighter as Luffy crouches over you. His arms encircle your legs and your back and your waist and constrict again, his legs are spread and ready, twitching, hips pressing yours. He’s forgetting, probably, that you aren’t as flexible as he is.
“This is good, Lu, this right here,” you manage to choke out because you often have to remind him what your body can and can’t take.
He mumbles a little apology and does a once over with his eyes, he wants to make sure that you aren’t hurt but, at the same time, he’s letting his gaze linger on your body, on the silk slip that’s fallen as your waist curls upwards and your breasts are bare now, so delicious, he’s drooling again. You’re tasty, you’re his.
This must take so much strength, the way he’s perched on his toes over your body, his thigh muscles clench and ripple against yours. Shared sweat, shared warmth. His balance is perfect even as he reaches for your chest, rubbing, holding, kissing, now he’s kissing your lips, now your neck. He doesn’t want this ever to be over.
And he says, “I love ya so much.” That’s the third time he’s said it.
“I love you too,” you say with such joy even as you’re breathless still, but before you can finish he’s pressing his mouth to yours hungrily. You said you loved him and he wants to taste it — the flavor of those words — it’s all-consuming.
“Tastes so good, mmh,” Luffy gasps as he takes you into this hot, wet kiss, “can’t wait, wanna play now.”
You’re not sure how he did it from this position, but his pants are off, kicked to the side. His cock is aching and leaking already and smoldering against your stomach, you can see it from here, throbbing and waiting, skin so smooth and thin and perfect like auburn moth wings over red-hot iron.
His chest crashes against yours in a tidal wave now because this new vulnerability makes him want to be closer. Now you can’t see it anymore but god, it’s so hard it feels like he’s denting you, so long and thick like a python, he’s still holding you, and squeezing more and more. Like a python.
With so much pressure he wraps his hands around lower, lower, snapping your panties, thrusting against your stomach in a way that shakes your body but he’s got you. You’re in his arms.
Begging eyes so close to yours, mouth on your lips and cheek, breathing so fast and so warm and he whispers, “can I?” And it’s so scratchy and kind and needy so deep in his throat.
So you pull his hair, you kiss him, yes.
Rolling back on his heels he finds his way, sloppy thrusts that don’t quite make it but god when they do, he isn’t going all the way even though his every nerve craves you but you’re his baby and he can’t hurt you.
Thick tip so soft and gentle, butterfly wings and flowers, impossibly hard and aching in heartbeat rhythms against your clit, moving you with every pulse, searching and desperate like a moth to a flame he finds you.
Shivers that make you clench your legs against his shoulders as he rubs and rubs back and forth and hugs your body and bites your cheek and murmurs, “that feel good? Ya like that?” with such curiosity like he really wants to know, he wants an answer.
“Perfect, so perfect. Please, I need you.” Words in his ear like shooting stars lighting up his body like the darkening sky. He’s made of ochre sunbeams.
He smiles and laughs and with another quick kiss he’s finding you more. Muscles flex and as he leans forward onto you he’s there, right there. He starts to moan loudly and whisper about how happy he is but it’s Luffy so it’s not a whisper, really. He’s not even inside you yet. He’s just so, so excited.
“Feels so good, so good. C’mere,” he giggles against you happily and makes sure he holds you as he’s pushing into your body, you’re filled in an instant and more and more every second.
Amid the panting and moaning you can almost hear that heartbeat and those pulsing veins buried in you. You’re dented again but from the inside now. With a little mh, Luffy finds his home so, so deep. You’re in a cocoon of warmth, wrapped in the sun, filled by the sun, melting.
“My girl’s so pretty, gotta bite, gonna bite.” Those teeth again and their practiced, hungry chewing. He swallows on instinct, abs vibrating and tightening against your skin as his stomach purs. And he’s rocking into you, back and forth on his toes, enjoying that deep, tight massage. He’s inside you, he’s trying to eat you, trying to get you inside him, too.
You’re going to be covered in marks but that’s ok. You like hearing him groan and laugh against you, and something about that swallowing, his throat flexing against your shoulder, that’s so beautiful to feel.
“Mine, ‘kay? Mine.” Luffy’s talking the whole time through his laughter and you’re swept away by him as he continues to crush your body from the inside over and over, tidal waves on a cliff’s edge, he makes whirlpools in you.
“This is so fun, you’re so fun, so pretty,” he keeps huffing and you hear this over and over as he squirms and wriggles on your body, thrusts shallower because he can’t bear to pull out of you any more than he needs to. Luffy wants to be close and never leave.
He tries to have conversations with you that just spill into unending praise. You’re too dizzy and lost in this world of feeling to respond most of the time but you kiss him whenever he wants, you tell him he’s beautiful and that he feels so good whenever your voice is there.
He’s swelling in you, veins bulging and rubbing so far up inside you that you feel him throbbing in your stomach, his twitching cock encouraged by your clenching, leaking, every muscle wracked with craving and overstimulation.
“Gonna fill you up ‘cause you’re real pretty,” he laughs against your lips, twisting into you deeper still, “gotta make ya all mine.” He still sounds so sweet and so soft, just a playful little puppy.
Even as he groans and begins to pump you full.
Love feels like this, love is raw and endless like this, love makes you float away. You close your eyes and now he lets you, you just hold him, you let the rhythm carry you and it feels like so long until he’s done. He doesn’t want to pull away but his legs give out. His knees finally hit the deck, he squeals in delight as he’s pulled from you with a wet little sound. But he’s still hugging you, of course.
“Heh, felt so good.” Luffy’s smiling with all his teeth, his chin sparkles with saliva, and your neck is dripping too, “thanks, darlin’. Love ya so much”
“Love you too. I love you, Luffy.” You don’t want to ever leave from his arms and you feel so empty now. But you’re soaked in him, neck and thighs both shining.
His hand rests gently on your back, helping you sit up, your slip falls back down over your body and it’s all wrinkled now. Luffy smooths your hair, he pets you, now is when he just wants to stare at you and not say a word. But when he sees the blooming red and purple trailing from your ear to your collarbone he starts to shake a little bit.
“Aw, this ain’t hurtin’ right?” he murmurs, tracing the bruises and teeth marks with his fingers so softly, carefully. There’s no blood, it’s just glossy with layers of drool, he’s proud but he needs to check on you first.
“No, it’s not bad. Don’t worry, I like it.” You kiss him right next to his mouth but he turns, quickly, because he wants your lips. “Whole crew’s gonna know I’m yours, that’s all.”
This makes him smile. He sees no reason for embarrassment or shame, you’re his so he can bite you when he wants. You feel his muscles twitch against you again as he laughs. And he’s flushed all red, hibiscus on his warm honey skin. Those eyes, dark brown eyes melting with that lavender of the sunset which is almost gone now, fading silently. So orchid blue then, on loving, deep Bulgarian rose.
“Good! I want ‘em to.” he rubs his head against your cheek, still biting just a little. And now he’s moving like he wants to pick you up and carry you, even though you’re both tired. But it’s because he’s hungry, and in that throaty little voice he asks, “wanna go get snacks?”
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shima-draws · 2 months
This is everything actually!! Just so you know!!!
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beaulesbian · 5 months
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Luffy & Zoro in Wano || One Piece ep. 897
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tinukis · 2 months
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i'm kind of insane idk (luffys looking directly at the camera does he want me to die)
full image under cut
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dykealloy · 7 months
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assiraphales · 8 months
why did luffy blush when he saw zoro in wano. I get being excited/happy but he BLUSHED??? BLUSHED???????? saw a glint of green hair in the distance and hauled ass to see him, and threw himself into zoro’s arms while yelling about how long it’d been forever since they saw each other (it was two weeks)??? AFTER BLUSHING AT THE SIGHT OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wondering
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votaeto · 6 months
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(me crying and liking every luffy screenshots)
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babaiii · 5 months
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thank god basil stopped them from making out in front of my salad, they’re so embarassing
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
thinking thoughts about luffy blushing around zoro and luffy being nervous around zoro for, like, once in his whole fucking life because his aroaspec ass has never experienced romantic love before and he's having a crisis
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noideawhatidobutfit · 7 months
there is no heterosexual explanation for luffy literally blushing at the sight of Zoro and they had been separated for, like, what? less than a week.
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onepiecehiperfixation · 4 months
Sanji: I'm a big a boy I can handle myself. But if I get lonely I'ma need your help. Pay atenttion to me I don't talk for my health. Ace *winks: I want you on my team. It's you that I want. Sanji:I'm all alone your all I want. Luffy: HE'S MY CHEF! Zoro: Luf, this isn't about food. Let's go. *Luffy leaves with a death glare while holding Zoro's hand*
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shima-draws · 3 months
Sanji: Honestly, I can't believe you! You have someone as pretty as Boa Hancock obsessing over you and you don't even--
Luffy: Sanji's prettier though
Sanji: I
Sanji: What??
Luffy: I guess Hancock looks nice. For a girl anyway. But Sanji's way, way prettier than she is
Sanji: *squeaks* O-oh
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beaulesbian · 1 month
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ah yes, thank you One Piece-summary/flashbacks-corner for including this specific Marco scene, where Zoro once again has to remind everyone that he would always follow Luffy's orders. It's just a thing that naturally comes out of his mouth ever so often. Love to see it!
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tinukis · 6 months
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pov: you're a marine crushing over the ridiculously charismatic pirate
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here begins my one piece era
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