#bm enneagram
riririnnnn · 6 months
Hello i just want to who do you think is gonna win bm or pxg i wanted to ask your opinion cause you theories are creative on completely different not we almost have same mbti im ENTP 7w6
You know, I don't actually know much about MBTI or Enneagram type much—I just took two quiz, got the results and then just went with it. Time to time, I do see some things related to ENFJ and 6w5 on any of my social media's feed, and I just go, "Yeah, same." And that's it, lol.
Jumping into your main question:
Did you just say my theories are creative?
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LMFAO, thanks <3
Anyway, so BM Vs PxG, huh?
Hooooooonestly, I'm not sure. I mean, I am sure, but at the same time, I'm not. The thing I'm thinking seems cliché, so it feels like a lie: BM will win.
Well, first of all, it's Isagi's team and:
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BM and PxG, both haven't lost a single game it now, so winning the match against eachother is like indirectly claiming the best team of NEL title, and the protagonist's team not being the best after the protagonist has gone through hardships and proved himself multiple times—doesn't sound right, you know.
But it's not uncommon for any Shōnen Mangas these days to have moments where the protagonist doesn't get the longer end of stick.
However, I have other reasons, other than Isagi, to think why BM will win:
1. Kunigami Rensuke
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Kunigami didn't have that much of moments to shine till now. Yeah, he did have some moments here and there, but it was pretty obvious to sense that Kaneshiro-san was saving him for PxG where he can go head to head with his real rival, Shidou Ryusei.
And hallelujah!
Kunigami has gone ham against Shidou and we have only seen them together in like one chapter? Just imagine what might happen in the future! Further, Shidou has already scored a goal and I don't see him scoring another one because:
Rin is there too. He will surely score a goal and for BM to win, max goal limit for PxG is 2.
Sure, Shidou can score two goals, it isn't a farfetched thing to say, but Rin scoring NO goal in a match? Nuh-uh, Sun might as well rise up from the west at that point.
2. Michael Kaiser
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You will never understand how much I want to just roundhouse kick those people that say, "Kaiser has gone downhill," or "Rin has devoured Kaiser," like, my brother in Christ, there are, literally, 2-3 people man-marking Kaiser—he is a great soccer player, but he isn't a God, he has his limits. Sure, Rin might one-up Kaiser in the future, but as of Chapter 256, he hasn't.
Secondly, the whole Kaiser Vs Isagi thing—trying to one-up eachother, they literally elevate eachother's level simultaneously, so I can imagine: Isagi blocks/steals a goal from PxG -> gets counter-attacked and blocked -> Kaiser comes to steal the goal and scores.
Why for the love of Blue Lock we are forgetting about Kaiser and Isagi teaming up together? It's something that has been anticipated for so long! I just bet that Kaiser x Isagi goal is going to be breathtaking! And no, I just can't imagine Kaiser x Isagi goal being blocked/unsuccessful.
3. Hiori Yo
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Without waiting for more chapters, we can confidently confirm that Hiori's matchup in PxG is Charles and though that 15 year old Imp is AWESOME, we can't forget the literal renaissance Hiori went through during the Ubers match—I don't think so that Kaneshiro-san will do all that just to make Hiori lose against Charles.
Further, Charles is the main gamemaker of PxG, if Hiori were to get a hold of him, it indirectly means that he got a hold of PxG. We have already seen (in Chapter 256) that Hiori was able to see through Charles, so the Cyan haired boy can win against the Imp in the future too.
4. Kiyora Jin
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This boy got to do something.
No, he literally has to do something at this point.
His anticipation has been built up for so long that it feels criminal if he doesn't do anything major in the match. With him as an element of surprise for us readers, he is the main one that has made the probability of BM winning, at least, for me.
Further, there is a high chance of him being a match up of Karasu and we all know how much of a smartass that crow is + his physique. Kiyora got to pull some life altering moves.
. . .
Now, to focus on PxG:
You know, when I started reading NEL, I thought it was unfair how PxG is so strong, but now that I look at them, they seem.. fair?
I mean, to be honest, after seeing BM's behaviour, I though every team was like them—hungry to score by themselves, but it seems like other teams are quite harmonious and they work as a team rather than a group of strikers.
The main group in PxG is, obviously, Rin's and Shidou's while Charles acts as the starting point of a goal or something.
However, Kunigami is doing a great job in keeping Shidou on his toes and by the looks of it, I can't think of anything other than that Demon pulling a red card to stop the Cyborg Hero.
Now, as for Rin, he got Isagi and we all know that Isagi can surely keep up with him and though Isagi has to keep up with Kaiser, Rin has to keep up with Kaiser too. Besides, it isn't Isagi's first time going against Kaiser while it's the first time for Rin to go against Kaiser. To add more gasoline to the fire, Isagi has been doing all that WHILE going head to head with the opposing team.
Among the remaining players, I can only imagine a goal from Karasu or Tokimitsu. No hate to Zantetsu or Nanase, but a goal from them.. doesn't seem much plausible. As for Charles, I don't think so that he has ever been shown to have interest in scoring a goal by himself, but if he were to turn out like Sae or Aiku, then maybe he can try for a goal too.
. . .
There are many more reasons and things I have, probably, missed out, but the above ones are the ones that I can think of currently. I understand that I didn't address the biggest elephant in the room: Julian Loki.
We don't know if the Master Coach of PxG will play or not, and even if he will, then will he try to score a goal by himself? Nevertheless, till now, I don't think so there have been any panels of him being in the field, let alone a goal by him in NEL. Still, that panel of Loki announcing him surpassing Noa makes me feel like these Master Coaches will step on the field too, but I think a 31 year old can easily win against a 17 year old.
So yeah, till now, my safe bet is on BM.
That's all, I guess.
For sure, I might be wrong in many things that I have said and most likely, I'll be wrong in everything that I said, but it's fun to make up theories!
Why you guys go anonymous to ask questions though? I won't eat you, I promise.
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Viola Willoughby - Type 8w9
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Viola is confident, protective and stubborn. Viola enjoyed being the Lady of Bly Manor and always wanted to protect her family and Bly Manor.
I want to preface this post with saying that I know we only had one episode of Viola, but since the episode really focused on her backstory and character, I feel like we got a real sense of her personality type. I also just really liked Viola and thought she was a fascinating character (wish we had more of her in the season). 
At her best, Viola was protective and caring towards her sister Perdita, and always took care of the family. Viola also wanted to be a good mother for her daughter, as we see with her putting aside her clothes and jewellery for her and waiting to reunite with her.
At her worst, Viola could be a bit aggressive and reactive. For example, when she feels like Perdita is usurping her place as Lady of the Manor, she treats her badly and even goes as far as slapping her multiple times. Once she suffered from her illness, she became more reactive towards Perdita, as she thought she was losing control of Bly and her place in the family as she was too weak. I also think the series implies that she was a bit domineering towards Perdita during their upbringings, as she felt she had to protect her.
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Viola’s defining characteristic was her stubbornness. The narrator highlights the fact that she survived her illness for so long due to her stubbornness in refusing to ‘go.’ Viola explicitly tells the Vicar that she won’t repeat the last rites after him, because she doesn’t want to go. I think this shows how strong Viola was as a person, as many 8s typically are.
Viola cares so deeply for her daughter that she waits for years and years with the hope that she will reunite with her again. As a ghost, one of her only memories that remain is that of her daughter and her desire to see her. 8s can be very protective of their family, as we see with Viola. Viola reacts badly to anybody that she sees as an obstacle or threat to her daughter. I believe this is her motivation for killing the people as the ‘Lady of the Lake’
Viola shows her wing 9 as she was more reserved and less impulsive than a 8w7 would be.
Tri-type: 8w9 - 3w4 - 6w5
Some quotes to describe Viola’s motivations
 “I have no honeyed words to speak. It is fierce out there, but you are fiercer. Bly belongs to you, and they will try to take it from you as they did me. But I will not let them. Instead we shall move mountains, my girl. It is you. It is me. It is us.”
Viola: “I, Viola , take thee Arthur, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish...till death us depart.” Vicar: “Um... And obey. To love, cherish and obey.” Storyteller: “The vicar believed this an innocent omission. It was not. A surprise not to Perdita, who knew her sister better than any.”
Vicar: “Sister, let us try again. ‘I go and prepare a place for you.’”  Viola: “No”.  Vicar: “What did you say?” Viola: “No. I do not go. Just tell your God that I do not go.” Arthur: “Viola, you must repeat the rites. It is not about your body any longer, my love. It is your soul you must treat.” Perdita: “No. You tell them sister. You tell this priest and the God he fawns upon. You tell them ‘no.’”
Viola: “The Lady of Bly Manor.” Perdita: “I have no ambition.” Viola: “Lie.” Perdita: “Viola, I don’t.” Viola: “Liar.”
Storyteller [about Viola]: “Among their friends and neighbours, there were many excellent fellows. Several devoted swains, and some two or three who enjoyed the reputation of universal charmers, or conquerors. But Viola knew them for what they were. Gluttons, opportunists, vultures.” 
Storyteller [about Viola]: “Even the portrait hanging beyond, commissioned by Viola as a part of her true message to Arthur. He may marry her, or marry her sister, but there should be no mistaking the true authority of Bly Manor, nor the way things would be done.”
Storyteller [about Viola]: “Viola had surpassed the predictions and the physicians and priests alike. held alive, some would whisper, by stubbornness alone.” 
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Type 9w1
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Dani is compassionate, loving, and kind. Dani is running away from her past traumas, and is able to move on when she meets Jamie. 
At her best, Dani is a calm and considerate person. She is able to become more confident in herself, as we see in her relationship with Jamie. Dani is also a very helpful and kind person, and cares deeply about making a difference in the lives of Flora and Miles.
At her worst, Dani has a tendency to run away and ignore problems. For example, after her fiancée Edmund dies suddenly, she finds it difficult dealing with her guilt, leading her to uproot her life to England. Dani seems to be disintegrating to 6 when we see her in the series, as she is very jittery and anxious due to her past traumas.
Dani is a textbook people pleaser, as we can see through her actions in the series. In my view, she felt trapped in her relationship with Edmund because she had known him since childhood and did love him in a way. Dani found it really difficult to tell Edmund that she didn’t want to get married due to the pressures of society and Edmund’s family. When she finally tells Edmund that she doesn’t want to get married, it leads to his death, which reinforces her beliefs that she has to be a people pleaser and suppress her own feelings.
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Dani has a real talent for understanding people and getting along with others. She was able to appeal to Henry, leading to her getting the job as an au pair for the Wingraves. She is also able to instinctively know to utter the words to Viola which saves Flora. Dani has to deal with Viola’s presence for many years, showing her ability to accommodate others, like a typical 9. Dani shows her caring nature even in death, as she doesn’t want to hurt anyone who comes to Bly, unlike Viola before her. 
Dani’s relationship with Jamie helps her become healthier and move on from her past traumas. Dani is quite forward in the relationship with Jamie, which I believe is healthy for her as a 9 as she clearly understands her wants. Jamie helps Dani become more content with herself and is a great support system for her as she deals with Viola’s presence.
Dani shows her wing 1 as she is more repressed and reserved than a 9w8 would be. She is also less assertive and extroverted than a 9w8.
Tri-type: 9w1 - 2w1 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe Dani’s motivations
“I'm a lot braver than people think. Including me.”
"People do, don't they? Mix up love and possession. I don't think that should be possible. They're opposites really: love and ownership."
“Your parents loved you so, so much. In a way, they’ll always be here.”
“Now I understand death. I know what loss is.”
“It’s just you and me then.”
“It’s you. It’s me. It’s us.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Jamie - Type 4w5
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Jamie is introverted, caring and supportive. Jamie takes a while to warm up to people, but when she does, she is a very supportive and kind person. 
At her best, in her relationship with Dani, Jamie is a very supportive and loyal partner. Jamie also becomes more open in her relationships with others, as we see with her friendship with Owen. 
At her worst, Jamie was a bit stand-offish in her introduction, as she was scared of being hurt and vulnerable. Jamie also finds it difficult to let go of her relationship with Dani.
When we first meet Jamie, she is very introverted and closed-off to meeting new people. Jamie admits that she prefers plants to people, because she feels like they are more reliable than people are. This explains why she was reluctant to start a relationship with Dani, but as she spends more time with Dani, she realises Dani is a kind and caring person, unlike some of the previous people she has met. Dani makes Jamie feel like having relationships is worth it, and makes her more open in general. 
Despite her reserved nature, Jamie does show that she cares about the other people at Bly Manor and does show interest in their lives. For example, Jamie tries to cheer up Rebecca after Peter goes missing, and even tries to encourage Rebecca to ask Henry for a pupillage so she can become a barrister. Jamie is also very caring towards Owen and is there for him after his mother’s death. 
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I think that Jamie likes to use her gardening as a creative outlet, and is a little unconventional in her gardening. For example, Jamie is fascinated by the moonflower because she considers it to be a special plant. The moonflower is a metaphor for her relationship with Dani, as she feels like most people aren’t worth it, but every now and then, people come along that are special and worthwhile. 
4s are often romantics and become very engrossed in their romantic relationships, as we see with Jamie’s relationship with Dani. Early on in their relationship, Jamie realises that she wants to spend the rest of her life with Dani. Even after Dani leaves due to Viola’s presence, Jamie follows her to Bly Manor and tries to get her back. Years later, Jamie is still longing for her relationship with Dani, and still believes that she will see Dani again, hence her staring into the bathtub.
Jamie shows her wing 5 as she is more introverted and introspective than a 4w3 would be. Jamie is also less concerned with her outwardly image and achievements, than a 4w3 would be. 
Tri-type: 4w5 - 5w4 - 8w9
Some quotes to describe Jamie’s motivations
“Sometimes, people just need to be alone.”
"One day at a time is what we've got. It's what everybody's got if you get down to it." 
“If you can’t feel anything, then I’ll feel everything for the both of us”
“Build a pile of old bones and burn away the shadows. Because from here on in, the shadows get deeper, the nights get longer. We’re heading into the dark and we have to hang onto each other”
“The wrong kind of love can f**k you up.”
“Everyone is exhaustive, even the best ones. But sometimes, once in a goddamned moon, someone like the moonflower, just might be worth the effort.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Peter Quint - Type (cp)6w7
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Peter is controlling, obsessive and paranoid. Peter had a troubled childhood and has always felt alone in the world, until he met Rebecca. 
Note: I want to make it clear I don’t agree with Peter’s actions as he showed quite abusive traits. This post is just meant to explain a bit of his personality and motivations.
At his best, Peter does really love Rebecca and at the beginning of their relationship, he was a very loving partner. Peter also cared about Miles and Flora and wanted to be like a father-figure to them, especially after the death of their parents and Henry’s absence.
At his worst, Peter can become very aggressive and controlling, especially in his relationship with Rebecca. For example, when Owen gives Rebecca some of the cake batter, he convinces himself that something is happening between the two of them. Peter also wants to control Rebecca fully and makes her lose her own ambitions and identity somewhat. 
Peter’s childhood helps explain a lot of his actions and motivations. Due to his tumultuous childhood, Peter has felt like he has never had a safe place in the world. So, Peter has always been searching for security and love in other places. Peter felt like he found that with Rebecca and he wanted to run away with her so he could keep his safe place.
Initially, he was a very loyal valet to Henry and seemed to have a good relationship with him. Henry seemed to trust Peter with a lot, as we see with Henry allowing Peter to sit in on Rebecca’s interview. However, this changed when his mother asked him for money, leading to him robbing Henry. I believe Peter felt like he had to steal from Henry because he felt a sense of obligation to his mother, despite her neglect and failure as a parent. 
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6s are generally quite perceptive people and can read people quite well. I think we see this with Peter as he talks about everyone having a different key. Peter is able to figure out people’s keys, so that he can control them and get what he wants from them. In my view, Peter felt like he had to develop this skill so that he can understand how people work and sense potential problems/danger. 
I think Peter is counter-phobic as he is more assertive in facing his fears than a phobic 6. He is also more likely to try and aggressively control situations and react badly when he feels threatened, as opposed to withdrawing and running away. 
Peter shows his wing 7 as he is more extroverted, expressive and outgoing than a wing 5 would be. He is also more people-oriented and focused on his relationships than a 6w5 is.
Tri-type: 6w7 - 8w7 - 3w4 
Some quotes to describe Peter’s motivations
“Let me show you, just how beautiful you are.”
“You know what life is really all about, Miles? Keys. See, people are like locked rooms. They’ve all got different locks and you’ve got to guess the shape of their key.”
“You’re naïve when you want to be. That’s good to know.”
“You’re slipping. Stay with me.”
“Fur like that, you have to feel it on your skin. At least once in your life.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Hannah Grose - Type 1w9
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Hannah is kind, caring and principled. She takes great pride in her job and is generally very responsible.
At her best, Hannah is very nurturing and compassionate. She is a lovely motherly figure to Flora and Miles. Hannah is idealistic and I think she generally tries to see the good in people. I think she shows a great deal of faith and belief throughout the show and I think it is one of her defining traits.
At her worst, Hannah puts her own life on hold for her responsibilities. She represses her own feelings and has trouble even understanding them at times. This even follows Hannah into her death where it takes her a long time to fall out of the denial she is in about what happened to her.
Hannah is protective of the people she cares about and stands up for what is right, like a typical 1. She can’t help herself from stepping in when she sees something wrong going on. We see this in particular with Rebecca and Peter’s relationship, where Hannah tries to tell them both that it shouldn’t be happening. She is quite forthright with telling Rebecca that she thinks Peter is bad news and that he is holding her back.
Hannah sometimes gets stuck in a rut or a situation and doesn’t really know how to get out of it. We see this in her marriage, where her husband had left her long ago but she always wanted to hold out hope that he would come back. It is implied that she stayed married for a long time and didn’t want to face the reality of what he had done. I also think Hannah held the opinion that a ‘good’ wife would stand by her husband and that she shouldn’t get divorced. 
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I believe that Hannah’s marriage is meant to be drawn as a direct parallel to her eventual fate. She had been gone for a long while, but couldn’t accept it. We see Hannah constantly touching her neck, which suggests she has a subconscious awareness of what happened, but she doesn’t want to face up to it. I think Hannah was really floored by the grisly nature of her death and I think she was also disappointed in all the things she didn’t get to do in her life which led to her denial. 
Hannah is quite passive and often keeps her feelings to herself. She had an instant attraction to Owen, but never acted on it. Hannah was afraid of the consequences of dating a co-worker and the potential rejection. I believe that she always knew that she loved Owen, but was afraid of what could happen if she dated him. Hannah knew from his job interview that he was only in Bly for a finite period of time and that he would be leaving when he no longer had to care for his mother. I think Hannah was scared of leaving Bly because its all she knew or was scared of being left which is part of why she was so hesitant in asking out Owen. 
I believe that when she is in the memory with Owen, she is actually talking to herself and sorting out her own feelings. I think Owen is somewhat of a reflection of what she thinks but cannot say. When she dies I think she laments all the ‘what could have beens’ with Owen and she regrets the way that she always put her own life on hold. I think that when Owen is being harsh with her, it is really Hannah who is angry with herself. I think that in these scenes, Owen also has to tell her the hard truths that she can’t bear to face. Like I said before, Hannah always was subconsciously aware of what happened but had trouble owning up. I think that with Owen’s kind face and words she could ease herself out of her denial and face reality. 
Hannah has a wing 9, as she is more emotionally detached than a wing 2 would be. She is also more reserved and more prone to avoidance than a wing 2 would be.
Tri-type: 1w9 - 6w5 - 2w1 
Some quotes to describe Hannah’s traits and motivations:
“Funerals are for the living. It’s up to the living to decide what they can and cannot bear.”
“What have you got when your back’s against the wall, when there’s nothing left for you but faith”
“There’s a difference between feeling good and feeling alive. The two aren’t always the same.”
“I don't know why brilliant young women are always punished.”
“You don't have to lose yourself to find happiness, you know.”
“We can’t count on the past. We think we have it trapped in our memories, but memories fade and they’re wrong. Any of us could die at any moment, or we could forget our entire lives, which is kind of like dying.”
“Here. Right here, this moment. ‘What a curious and charming man,’ I thought. Oh, it had been so long, I'd forgotten that feeling, but… I looked at you, and… I almost forgot myself for a moment. God knows I've tried not to think of you. Very hard, but I… I've thought of you often. Thinking about the places we would go if we were ever to leave Bly. Where we'd settle. You'd open your restaurant. Make me taste all those wonderful recipes you created in that beautiful, maddening mind of yours. I always think that I would very much like… to spend the rest of my days with you. Listening to your dreadful puns, holding your hand, and… I loved you, Owen. I should have told you.”
“Tell him I love him. The rest, well, its just -”
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