#bly manor enneagram
saturnianoracle · 2 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ABOUT ME⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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✎ age: 22 (2002)
✎ pronouns: she/her
✎ sexuality: bi
✎ location: england (but I am east asian)
✎ cognitive functions/mbti: intp
✎ enneagram: 5w6
✎ ♓︎☉ ♍︎☽ ♊︎↑
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ᐢ..ᐢ hobbies: reading, philosophy, travelling, listening to music, video games, hiking, history, mythology, geography, politics, languages/linguistics, psychology, collecting as much info on my interest as possible, films, staring into space and doing nothing
ᐢ..ᐢ top artists: lana del rey (top 0.5% bitch xo), deftones, radiohead, clams casino
ᐢ..ᐢ fave tv shows: adventure time, bojack horseman, the owl house, sherlock, rick and morty, over the garden wall, david attenborough stuff/documentaries in general, TLOU, fleabag, invincible, atypical, haunting of bly manor, beef
ᐢ..ᐢ fave films: donnie darko, the fight club, requiem for a dream, lotr series, hp series, interstellar, inception, girl interrupted, parasite, dune series, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, trainspotting, v for vendetta, stardust, narnia series, hereditary, a monster calls, everything everywhere all at once
ᐢ..ᐢ fave video games: hades, silent hill 2, resident evil 4, halo, night in the woods, the witcher 3, fran bow, little miss fortune, undertale, life is strange, TLOU, ni no kuni, stanley parable, the beginner's guide, detroit become human, horizon zero dawn, assassin's creed series, devil may cry 5, bayonetta, hellblade,
ᐢ..ᐢ fandoms: basically all of the above plus: percy jackson, eragon,
if anyone got through those fat (and actually condensed) lists, then good job - i just took this an opportunity to list some of my favourite things so i don't forget and can look back lmao, which means i'll be updating it as more, hopefully cool, stuff comes out
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autisticempathydaemon · 11 months
Alright, let's do this, i guess
My ennagram is propably either 6w5 or 5w6 i'm not quit sure
I do watch a lot of video essays, too many to name any favorites, most of them about fiction/media analysis, a few channel examples being: cj the x, ragnarrox, lindsay ellis, ladyknightthebrave (though i've admittedly only seen her the haunting of hill house/bly manor videos), what's so great about that & hbomberguy (fuck tommy tallarico)
My favorite audio rn is probably "Your Chaotic Roommate Confesses His Feelings For You", for multiple reasons i probably can't get into in a post like this
In terms of who hold no appeal for me, mostly david but also vincent, he's just too idk clasically romantic for my tastes
Speaking of which, i'm generally not the most traditionally romantic person which sometimes makes me worried that i'm not affectionate enough/in the right way for people
I generally love horror and/or fantasy and/or mystery media of all types.
I used to watch a lot of rpg maker horror game lets plays during a generally rough time in my life (though i've still never played one of them myself) mostly the channel manlybadasshero and the german channel nesfatelp.
The professor layton series of puzzle/mystery games are a cornerstone of my child & and early teenagehood, the two with the spookiest athmospheres (the diabolical/pandoras box and spectres call) probably being my favorites if i had to choose. I also recently (finally) started getting into the ace attorny series.
In terms of platonic attraction: just the entire damn squad, including gavin.
I don't really have any guilty pleasure favorites i think, but for some reason i had this weird cheap dvd which was a fairy tale themed collection of german knock studio cartoon films as a kid. There where a few by this studio called dingo pictures (as i would later find out, here's the german wikipedia page since there isn't an english one: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingo_Pictures) on there including an alladin knock of (here's a clip of it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2u4h5STlXUc&pp=ygUVYWxhZGluIGRpbmdvIHBpY3R1cmVz)
It seems to be the same german animation team/studio as that film where the yeee dinosaur meme/clip comes from (this one:
Though the dino movie wasn't on the dvd, probably since it isn't fairytale themed, so i never saw that one as a kid.
And there also was a bambi knock of by dingo pictures called goldie that i even had as a seperate dvd of as well for some reason (here's a clip: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b_WNza6_Z2c&pp=ygUMR29sZGllIGJhbWJp) there also where films clearly made by other small studios on that dvd as well, it really was a weird mix.
And although i could even as a kid tell that these films were objectivly "bad" i still found some strange enjoyment and fascination in them at the time and looking up these clips gave me immense nostalgia, i even have to say i enjoyed goldie more than disney's bambi, simply because it was more intersting in it's strangeness while i found bambi always boring.
Well, there you go, hope that's enough/helpful
Addendum: As a kid i used to always just say my hobbies are reading and drawing/painting and while i still like these activities (and i still read a book every once in a while) it started to feel kind of dishonest since i haven't actually been doing these things as much anymore (especially drawing/painting, i really need to get back into that) so last year i started to get into new hobbies i had interested in trying for a while, like learning to play guitar as well as starting to do archery and now also wanting to get into general martial arts (i mean, i gotta get buff arms somehow, right)
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Ooh, I like you. Type 5w6, the Troubleshooters, are such an interesting type, and you have fantastic taste in movies, interests, video essays, and games. You know who else would like you? Guy~!
The enneagram types you align with, plus the video essays and games you like, give me the vibe of someone really thoughtful and in their head, like Honey, and we all know what a fuckin great match they are with Guy. This also works because Honey doesn’t strike me as traditionally romantic or saccharine sappy either.
I’m imagining a really loving, lowkey in its intimacy kind of relationship, the kind that’s built on a companionable compatibility you two have. It’s lots of chill nights watching horror movies that he talks through non-stop, mystery movies where he always guesses the killer. Its trying new hobbies, sports, and classes together and getting adorably, lovingly competitive. It’s Guy being very cute but entirely unhelpful with the Professor Layton puzzles.
It's funny 'cause you drive me half insane/ A universe without you would be thoroughly mundane/ There's no one else I'd rather fall in love with/ And that is my best friend in the world
Yeah, I’ve just designated you Honey-kinnie, friends/roommates to lovers vibes, I hope you’re okay with that /lh Guy’s just the perfect guy (ha) for sneaking himself into your heart, you know? He’s there and silly and incorrigible and inexplicably charming, and then you can’t imagine home with him.
Asher is a really cute choice for runner-up because he strikes me as a scaredy-cat who pretends to be tough, and I love to pair wimps with horror buffs. Ollie is also a good option because I think you, he, and Guy would like all the same things. That would be a really cute fucking friend group actually.
note: you have, again, excellent taste in video essays I highly recommend ladyknighttothebrave’s video about Sense8 it’s my favorite one about one of my favorite shows 💕 you’re also totally fine for sending in two asks, all input is helpful and valuable 💚
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Rebecca Jessel - Type 3w4
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Rebecca is ambitious, caring and charming. Rebecca has high aspirations of becoming a barrister, however in her relationship with Peter she somewhat loses her identity.
At her best, Rebecca cares about Miles and Flora and tries her best to keep them safe. Rebecca always tries her best at her job, and cares about doing the right thing. She is also very considerate of other people’s feelings and puts their feelings above her own, as we see with Flora at the end of the series.
At her worst, Rebecca loses her ambitions and her sense of identity while in her relationship with Peter. Rebecca becomes more apathetic and less decisive (disintegrating to 9).
Rebecca was a bit hard to type as she has elements of both 1 and 2. I think her wanting to earn her place the right way and her wanting to do the right thing by Flora is consistent with 1. I also think she is very caring and self sacrificing for the Wingrave children, which was a bit like a 2. However, I think her actual motivations are consistent with wanting to be successful, which is more in line with a type 3.
When we are first introduced to Rebecca, she is having her interview with Henry for the job of au pair. Peter points out that Rebecca has a stain on her blouse that Henry is bound to notice. Yet, Rebecca doesn't seem to care about this faux pas as she knows she will be able to charm her way out of it. 3s are usually able to adapt to situations and spin negatives into positives, which Rebecca successfully did.
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Rebecca had lofty ambitions of wanting to be a barrister. Rebecca mentions to Peter about wanting to achieve it on her own and not wanting to let old men ‘look up her skirt' which I think implies she wants to earn her place as a barrister. Rebecca chooses to work for the Wingraves with the endgame of having Henry sponsor her pupillage, so she can achieve her goals. I think this is very indicative of her character and motivations.
Rebecca is reluctant to start a relationship with Peter because she wants to focus on her job and isn't sure how he will affect her goals. Once she does enter into a relationship with Peter, she begins neglecting her job and losing sight of her goals. Finally, after Peter goes missing. Rebecca seems to lose all ambitions and focus entirely on Peter, to the disdain of those around her.
Rebecca shows her wing 4 as she is more introspective and reserved than a 3w2 would be.
Tri-type: 3w4 - 1w2 - 6w5
Some quotes to describe Rebecca's motivations
“I need a pupilage. Three other women from my year managed to get one and all left within the first year. A sea of old men trying to run a hand up your skirt everyday for six months, while you try to persuade them your brain isn’t between your legs.”
“What is it? Afraid I’ll hit you? What? You don’t think you deserve it. Because you do, Peter.”
“You won’t feel it, okay? I’ll feel it for you. I’ll just tuck you away one last time. Go ahead, love. Let me handle this part. Let me in. Let me in.” 
“I want to be a barrister. Not a solicitor. A proper barrister, like Mr. Wingrave.”
“Well, I’m not practically perfect, but I am, perfectly splendid.”
Hannah [About Rebecca]: “Rebecca. Rebecca Jessel. Oh my God, it’s been almost a year. A year focused on the wrong person. Wherever she is, she’s still worth ten of that man - I won’t say his name. She was brilliant. She was beautiful. And she was punished for it. I don’t know why brilliant young women are always punished.”
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multifandomwritings · 2 years
Hi! ♡
Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm Jill :)
Regular Requests: Closed
Matchups: Closed
AO3 Account
What I write & character list below!
Asks are always open even if requests aren’t! Feel free to ask questions, talk, rant about your favorites, suggest characters, anything at all! (If I don’t reply it’s probably because it didn’t go through, I try to reply to everything)
Also, requests can take a while to write, so please be patient! Feel free to resubmit requests if it’s been over a month as sometimes asks don’t go through. Sometimes it really just takes that long though depending on how many requests I have at the time.
♡ What I write ♡
I write preferences, headcanons, ships, one-shots/short stories, pretty much everything. Any genre is fine, just nothing explicit. There might be mentions of canon-typical violence, suggestive content, language, etc. Also, I write pretty much exclusively reader-inserts (and sometimes general character stuff). Most of my writings are gender neutral unless otherwise requested for/stated.
(Keep in mind, just because I don’t write anything explicit doesn’t mean blogs I reblog from are the same! And many of the movies/shows I write for are mature so browse and watch at your own discretion! It’s always a good idea to check a movie/show before you watch it. My blog will have language and such as well)
You can request as much as you’d like, just be sure to be detailed if you want something really specific! I’ll usually include all of the characters I write for in preferences, unless I don’t have ideas for them. If you just want headcanons for multiple characters instead that’s okay.
Also: if you ever want quick writings, non reader insert headcanons, gif reactions, things like ‘what would (character) think of (thing)’ etc, feel free to ask! I love replying to things like this. Requests don’t have to be open :)
I might not write every request I get, depending on if I’m comfortable with it or feel like I’ll write it well. Hope you understand! :)
I also have a second account that is 18+. If you're interested, feel free to message me if you're interested!
♡ Matchups/ships ♡
Make sure matchup requests are open before requesting, and be sure to include what fandom/fandoms you want it for! You can request for up to 3 at a time, but my answer will be more in depth for a single fandom.
Some ideas of what to include are a little description of your personality and interests, appearance/style, hobbies, talents, likes/dislikes, ideal date and if you have a 'type', zodiac sign, MBTI/enneagram, love language, whatever you feel is relevant! (Obviously you don't have to include all of that, and don't include anything you aren't comfortable with)
If I know a fandom, I'm willing to write matchups for it, whether or not it's actually in my writing list. Feel free to ask about characters and fandoms!
♡ Characters & fandoms ♡
This isn't very specific as I'm happy to write for most of the characters from these fandoms, or at least try to. Feel free to suggest fandoms/characters! (That having been said though, I might not write longer writings for everyone/everything listed below. But I'll do headcanons for them/include them in matchups)
Slashers & horror characters:
Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, Beetlejuice, Candyman, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Graverobber (Repo), Luigi Largo, Pavi Largo, Billy Lenz, Asa Emory (The Collector), Otis Driftwood, Charles Lee Ray, Tiffany Valentine, Josef (Creep), Dewey Riley, Ash Williams, Steven/Specs (Insidious)
The Walking Dead
Doctor Who (9-13, might try others if requested for)
Star Wars (movies & TV shows)
Teen Wolf (Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Bobby Finstock, Peter Hale mostly)
Hannibal (Mostly Hannibal and Will Graham)
Good Omens (Aziraphale & Crowley)
The Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor, Midnight Mass
The Strain
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (some)
Loki, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle (both versions), Billy Russo, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Agatha Harkness, Peter Quill, Talos, Vision, Helmut Zemo, Stephen Strange, Ronan the Accuser, Drax, Mantis, Mobius, Doc Ock, Thor, Eddie Brock, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, etc.
Bruce Wayne (be sure to specify which version though), Oz Cobblepot (2022), Edward Nashton/The Riddler, Arthur Fleck, Arthur Curry, Tom Curry, etc.
John Wick, Joel Miller, James Norrington, Captain Barbossa, Clyde Logan, Dale Cooper, Dmitri Antonov, Benoit Blanc, period drama characters...so many others. Just ask if you're curious about someone not listed here! :)
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chunkybird · 3 years
°My name is Natalie, 22, she/her pronouns, lesbian
° Some things I'm interested in and always willing to talk about: MBTI personality types/enneagram, middle aged actresses, books (I collect antique books 😁), any of the wlw ships you find on my page. Asks are always welcome!
° Fav shows: criminal minds, downton abbey, the haunting of bly manor, bomb girls, killing eve, the walking dead, parks and rec, mad men... I will also always be down to talk about these lol
° This is my AO3
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j3lle · 3 years
about me :)
cancer ☉, scorpio ☽ , sagittarius ↑
infp + enneagram type 9w1 + hufflepuff
i live in america, EST
member of @jemilyart + @jellesource + @jemilysource
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nav (main, multifandom)
mcu sideblog || euphoria sideblog
personal posts/thoughts #layla’s rants
#layla listens to music (taylor swift, lana dey rey, harry styles, pheobe bridgers, frank ocean, sza, mitski)
criminal minds (lb), grey’s anatomy (lexie grey lovebot 😫), euphoria, percy jackson, the haunting of bly manor, parks and rec, supergirl, wandavision, mcu
obsessed with jelle 😫❤️ they’re my babies
my #queue :) for pretty people and things <3
nsfw posts, asks, or reblogs are very occasional
if you are <15 or 26+ i will most likely not follow you back. if you’re outside of that range, do not dm me unless it is fandom related. if you are <18, dni with #nsfw.
although i’m still a young one, i am an adult. if you are a minor, please keep that in mind while interacting. if anything i say, do, or post makes you uncomfortable, unfollow, softblock, hard block. no explanation required.
please let me know (anon, ask, dm) if we are mutuals and you have a specific trigger i need to tag, or if i forget to tag something. i want this to be a safe space for everyone :)
we respect all races, cultures, identities, and sexualities here :)
global resources carrd
and finally, i love you <3
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
I also got a little bored when I started watching The Haunting of Bly Manor, but I guarantee it gets better after three or four episodes. In case you’re sure you don’t intend to resume watching it, could you provide your opinion on the characters’ types based solely on what you’ve seen?
I made it all the way to episode 7 and could probably MBTI type them, but their motivations are hazy and thus their Enneagram types aren’t very well defined.
Flora - ENFJ and a positive type, probably 2. She’s always re-imagining things in a positive way and eager to have others like her. But she’s also insightful, she sees things in terms of symbols (she turns everyone in the house into a doll, perhaps unknowingly trapping their spirits in the house? IDK).
Miles - INJ. He too sees through people’s lies easily. He tries to appeal to others on an emotional level, but there’s also some detachment there, so his feeling/thinking axis isn’t clear. Might be a 9, but I honestly don’t know.
Henry - ESTJ 3. Never home, workaholic, detached, ashamed of his affair.
Dani - ISFJ and either a 6 or a 9. She’s fearful but also a bit directive, so she might be a 6, but her passivity in her relationships seems more 9ish. Simple needs, secretive, but earnest in her ability to attach to the children. Seems to go off her past experiences, but also has some Fi traits. Over-reliant on others.
Jamie - STP. No clue about her Enneagram type.
Peter - ESTP with a sob story past. Manipulative without remorse.
Miss Jessel - EFJ, I lean a little more ENFJ than ESFJ.
Owen - maybe SFP? He has no interest in staying in the same place all his life.
Mrs. Grose - ISFJ 9w1. She literally is so much in her routine and resistant to change, she never noticed ... well, that’s a spoiler.
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siriusblacklftv · 3 years
about me!
scroll to get to know me! this page will be updated every now and then.
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basic info
name: sarah
age: twenty two
pronouns: she/her
location: usa
zodiac: gemini ✺ taurus ☾ cancer ↑
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
personality type: enfp
enneagram: 2
a few of my favorite things
music: harry styles, 5sos, hozier, the driver era, frank ocean, ZAYN, fleetwood mac, SZA
movies: harry potter series, clueless, dead poets society, heathers, little women (2019), the secret garden, black mirror: bandersnatch, star wars, mamma mia, marvel
tv shows: peaky blinders, reign, gossip girl, outlander, the haunting of bly manor, the originals, the tudors, bridgerton
other: iced coffee, stargazing, people watching from the patio of a cafe, traveling, the sound of rain on a window, photography, baking, doing my makeup, the weather at the beginning of spring in my state, late october, rainbows, the smell of the beach, old bookstores, bluebonnet & sunflower fields
extra stuff about me
stan list: harry styles, 5sos, harry potter, the marauders, timothée chalamet, tom holland, fionn whitehead, marvel, barry keoghan
other random facts: i HATE chocolate, like i legit can't even stand the smell (ik im sorry cancel me). i have 3 pets (2 cats and a dog). i’m in college, and i’m an education major with a focus in early childhood. i did ballet for about ten-ish years before i switched to cheerleading. i can play piano by ear and took piano lessons for several years.
important info
pet names: i use pet names quite often, if that makes you uncomfortable, do not hesitate to let me know!!
forewarning: please note that i've had this blog for a long time and i was a sheltered kid so some old reblogs or posts may be insensitive and do not align with my current views. i literally have no idea what lives in the depths of my blog other than cringey 1D posts. also pls disregard all those ed*ie m*nson posts. not a day goes by that i don't regret those.
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firewvlker · 3 years
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full name: danielle taylor-clayton
occupation: 4th grade teacher @ limbo city public school; former governess of bly manor
nicknames/aliases: dani, poppins, miss clayton, crazy american, the au pair
age: ~40 (27 physically)
date of birth: tba 1960
gender identity: cisfeamle
preferred pronouns: she/her
species: human
sexual orientation: homosexual
romantic orientation: homoromantic
spoken languages: english
ethnicity: italian, swiss, austrian, sudeten german, english, german, ashkenazi jewish
nationality: american
religion: raised catholic but non practicing
face claim: victoria pedretti
height: 5′ 4″
weight: 121 lbs.
body type: slim
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue
accent: american
scars: n/a
tattoos: n/a
piercings: earlobes
notable physical traits: freckles, petite frame
phobias: claustrophobia, limnophobia, eisoptrophobia
mental disorders: anxiety/panic disorder, ptsd, clinical depression, insomnia
physical disorders: n/a
hometown: tba, iowa
current location: limbo city, las vegas, nevada
financial status: middle class
criminal convictions: n/a
father: n/a †
mother: karen clayton
siblings: n/a
significant others: jamie taylor (wife), edmund o'mara † (ex-fiancé)
children: n/a
rivals: n/a
enemies: n/a
horoscope: tba
hogwarts house: gryffindor
theme song: you’re somebody else -- flora cash
usual mood/expression: gay panic
mbti: enfp
enneagram: enneagram 2 -- the giver
temperament: phlegmatic-melancholic
moral alignment: lawful good
primary vice: envy
primary virtue: patience
element: earth
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Fandom List + Rules
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That 70s Show
What We Do in the Shadows 
Lord of the Rings
Game of Thrones
Haunting of Hull House/Bly Manor
Midnight Mass
Throne of Glass 
Harry Potter 
The Magicians 
Star Wars
Peaky Blinders 
The Witcher 
Discovery of Witches
The Vampire Chronicles
Request Rules:
Send a brief description of yourself including personality & sexual orientation. I don’t care for looks it’s all about personality:) Astrology, MBTI, Hogwarts house, and enneagram are very helpful!
If you have a specific genre you want the songs to be just lmk. If not I’ll base it mostly on the character I ship you with.
Requesting a Marvel ship includes all Marvel properties.
Specifying, Avengers will just be for the core movies and characters 
Imagines, One Shots, Aesthetics, Headcanons, Preferences, Character Studies & Playlists:
Feel free to message any questions/comments:)
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Jamie - Type 4w5
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Jamie is introverted, caring and supportive. Jamie takes a while to warm up to people, but when she does, she is a very supportive and kind person. 
At her best, in her relationship with Dani, Jamie is a very supportive and loyal partner. Jamie also becomes more open in her relationships with others, as we see with her friendship with Owen. 
At her worst, Jamie was a bit stand-offish in her introduction, as she was scared of being hurt and vulnerable. Jamie also finds it difficult to let go of her relationship with Dani.
When we first meet Jamie, she is very introverted and closed-off to meeting new people. Jamie admits that she prefers plants to people, because she feels like they are more reliable than people are. This explains why she was reluctant to start a relationship with Dani, but as she spends more time with Dani, she realises Dani is a kind and caring person, unlike some of the previous people she has met. Dani makes Jamie feel like having relationships is worth it, and makes her more open in general. 
Despite her reserved nature, Jamie does show that she cares about the other people at Bly Manor and does show interest in their lives. For example, Jamie tries to cheer up Rebecca after Peter goes missing, and even tries to encourage Rebecca to ask Henry for a pupillage so she can become a barrister. Jamie is also very caring towards Owen and is there for him after his mother’s death. 
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I think that Jamie likes to use her gardening as a creative outlet, and is a little unconventional in her gardening. For example, Jamie is fascinated by the moonflower because she considers it to be a special plant. The moonflower is a metaphor for her relationship with Dani, as she feels like most people aren’t worth it, but every now and then, people come along that are special and worthwhile. 
4s are often romantics and become very engrossed in their romantic relationships, as we see with Jamie’s relationship with Dani. Early on in their relationship, Jamie realises that she wants to spend the rest of her life with Dani. Even after Dani leaves due to Viola’s presence, Jamie follows her to Bly Manor and tries to get her back. Years later, Jamie is still longing for her relationship with Dani, and still believes that she will see Dani again, hence her staring into the bathtub.
Jamie shows her wing 5 as she is more introverted and introspective than a 4w3 would be. Jamie is also less concerned with her outwardly image and achievements, than a 4w3 would be. 
Tri-type: 4w5 - 5w4 - 8w9
Some quotes to describe Jamie’s motivations
“Sometimes, people just need to be alone.”
"One day at a time is what we've got. It's what everybody's got if you get down to it." 
“If you can’t feel anything, then I’ll feel everything for the both of us”
“Build a pile of old bones and burn away the shadows. Because from here on in, the shadows get deeper, the nights get longer. We’re heading into the dark and we have to hang onto each other”
“The wrong kind of love can f**k you up.”
“Everyone is exhaustive, even the best ones. But sometimes, once in a goddamned moon, someone like the moonflower, just might be worth the effort.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Peter Quint - Type (cp)6w7
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Peter is controlling, obsessive and paranoid. Peter had a troubled childhood and has always felt alone in the world, until he met Rebecca. 
Note: I want to make it clear I don’t agree with Peter’s actions as he showed quite abusive traits. This post is just meant to explain a bit of his personality and motivations.
At his best, Peter does really love Rebecca and at the beginning of their relationship, he was a very loving partner. Peter also cared about Miles and Flora and wanted to be like a father-figure to them, especially after the death of their parents and Henry’s absence.
At his worst, Peter can become very aggressive and controlling, especially in his relationship with Rebecca. For example, when Owen gives Rebecca some of the cake batter, he convinces himself that something is happening between the two of them. Peter also wants to control Rebecca fully and makes her lose her own ambitions and identity somewhat. 
Peter’s childhood helps explain a lot of his actions and motivations. Due to his tumultuous childhood, Peter has felt like he has never had a safe place in the world. So, Peter has always been searching for security and love in other places. Peter felt like he found that with Rebecca and he wanted to run away with her so he could keep his safe place.
Initially, he was a very loyal valet to Henry and seemed to have a good relationship with him. Henry seemed to trust Peter with a lot, as we see with Henry allowing Peter to sit in on Rebecca’s interview. However, this changed when his mother asked him for money, leading to him robbing Henry. I believe Peter felt like he had to steal from Henry because he felt a sense of obligation to his mother, despite her neglect and failure as a parent. 
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6s are generally quite perceptive people and can read people quite well. I think we see this with Peter as he talks about everyone having a different key. Peter is able to figure out people’s keys, so that he can control them and get what he wants from them. In my view, Peter felt like he had to develop this skill so that he can understand how people work and sense potential problems/danger. 
I think Peter is counter-phobic as he is more assertive in facing his fears than a phobic 6. He is also more likely to try and aggressively control situations and react badly when he feels threatened, as opposed to withdrawing and running away. 
Peter shows his wing 7 as he is more extroverted, expressive and outgoing than a wing 5 would be. He is also more people-oriented and focused on his relationships than a 6w5 is.
Tri-type: 6w7 - 8w7 - 3w4 
Some quotes to describe Peter’s motivations
“Let me show you, just how beautiful you are.”
“You know what life is really all about, Miles? Keys. See, people are like locked rooms. They’ve all got different locks and you’ve got to guess the shape of their key.”
“You’re naïve when you want to be. That’s good to know.”
“You’re slipping. Stay with me.”
“Fur like that, you have to feel it on your skin. At least once in your life.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Hill House: Eleanor Crain - Type 9w1
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Nell is caring, considerate and calm. Nell has always been the most selfless of the Crain siblings, and always wanted her family to get along.
At her best, Nell is kind and loves her family very much. Nell became more content with her life when she met Arthur and stops feeling so much anxiety over her previous problems.
At her worst, Nell becomes paranoid and anxious. She becomes consumed by her fears and her visions of the Bent-Neck Lady. Nell also becomes more pushy as we see when she pushes Theo to use her power for Arthur. 
Nell has always felt invisible in the Crain family as her other siblings always seemed more important. She tried on many occasions to tell her siblings about her experiences at Hill House, and was always met with a lack of support (except from Luke). Finally, this lack of support is too much for Nell leading to her erratic behaviour. For example, she decides to confront Steven about his selfishness which makes her feel a lot better. 
Nell was much happier in her childhood compared to her adulthood. She seems more jovial and cheery. Nell has become much more withdrawn in her older age due to her childhood trauma and the lack of support. Her relationship with Arthur helps her overcome some of her biggest problems and she becomes happier and more content. Arthur is a great support for her because he actually listens to her problems and never discounts her feelings, like others have done to her in the past.
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I believe Nell’s visions of the Bent-Neck Lady were due to her having to be the Crain sibling to stay in the house and save the others. I think Nell inherited Olivia’s ability to see into the future and she instinctively knew that she would have to be the one to sacrifice herself for her family. Nell has always been self-sacrificing and did a lot for her family, which we see in her relationship with Luke. Nell is more content and clearer when we see her in the House at the end of the series, I think this is because she has finally let go of her trauma.
Nell shows her wing 1 as she is more reserved and repressed than a 9w8 would be. She is also less likely to show her emotions and react than a 9w8 would.
Tri-type: 9w1 - 2w1 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe Nell’s motivations
“I was right here. I didn’t go anywhere. I was right here. I was right here the whole time. None of you could see me. Nobody could see me.”
“There’s no without. I am not gone. I’m scattered into so many pieces, sprinkled on your life like new snow.”
“I loved you completely. And you loved me the same. That’s all. The rest is confetti.”
“Don’t worry, Dr. Montague. I don’t expect you to believe me.”
“Now you stand there and you talk about ghosts and spirits. And you sell tickets for the privilege. And yet you don't believe in any of it.”
“Mom says that a house is like a body. And every house has eyes and bones and skin. A face. This room is like the heart of the house. No, not a heart, a stomach.”
“Forgiveness is warm. Like a tear on a cheek.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Hill House: Luke Crain - Type 9w1
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Luke is compassionate. quiet, fearful and self-loathing. Luke has been crippled by fear his entire life and turned to drugs as a coping mechanism. 
At his best, Luke is very caring towards his family members, and is one of the only ones who believes Nell about her visions of the Bent-Neck Lady. Luke wants to help people and tries to do the right thing. For example, he compromises his own place at the community rehab to try and find Joey and help her.
At his worst, Luke uses drugs as a crutch as he doesn’t want to deal with his issues. Luke can become unintentionally inconsiderate of others while under the influence of drugs. For example, when Nell is taking him to rehab and tries to tell him about her problems, he dismisses her because he is focused on himself.
Luke has always been very scared and this was only exacerbated by the House. He even created a coping mechanism of counting to seven whenever he was scared to calm himself down. This worked for him because it reminded him of his family which put him at ease. We see Luke still uses this coping mechanism as an adult, showing that he has never really gotten over his fears.
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Luke had a great relationship with Nell and they both leaned on each other a lot. He always wanted to better himself to make his family, and especially Nell proud. Luke even feels like he won’t be able to continue when he finds out Nell is dead, because he was so close to her. He also instinctively knows that Nell did not kill herself, but rather the House made her do it. 
Luke feels horrible about his drug addiction and has tried many times to kick it. His feelings of self-loathing are not helped by his family’s constant criticism towards him. For example, when Luke visits Steven and Leigh with Joey on a day-pass, he is met with Steven criticising and scolding him for being involved with Joey. This makes Luke feel even worse, making it difficult for him to become sober. However, I do see where the Crains are coming from since Luke has burned them in the past.
Luke shows his wing 1 as he is more introverted, quiet and reserved than a 9w8 would be.
Tri-type:  9w1 - 6w5 - 2w3
Some quotes to describe Luke’s motivations
“This house is bad, Dad. It's bad.”
“I was born ninety seconds before Nell but she was always my big sister.”
Nell: “You have to live.” Luke: “I don't- I don't know how to do this without you.” Nell: “I learned a secret. There's no without. I am not gone. I'm scattered into so many pieces, sprinkled on your life like new snow. There's so much I want to say to you all.”
Steven: “Nelly's dead.” Luke: “How?” Steven: “It was suicide.” Luke: “No, it wasn't.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Type 9w1
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Dani is compassionate, loving, and kind. Dani is running away from her past traumas, and is able to move on when she meets Jamie. 
At her best, Dani is a calm and considerate person. She is able to become more confident in herself, as we see in her relationship with Jamie. Dani is also a very helpful and kind person, and cares deeply about making a difference in the lives of Flora and Miles.
At her worst, Dani has a tendency to run away and ignore problems. For example, after her fiancée Edmund dies suddenly, she finds it difficult dealing with her guilt, leading her to uproot her life to England. Dani seems to be disintegrating to 6 when we see her in the series, as she is very jittery and anxious due to her past traumas.
Dani is a textbook people pleaser, as we can see through her actions in the series. In my view, she felt trapped in her relationship with Edmund because she had known him since childhood and did love him in a way. Dani found it really difficult to tell Edmund that she didn’t want to get married due to the pressures of society and Edmund’s family. When she finally tells Edmund that she doesn’t want to get married, it leads to his death, which reinforces her beliefs that she has to be a people pleaser and suppress her own feelings.
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Dani has a real talent for understanding people and getting along with others. She was able to appeal to Henry, leading to her getting the job as an au pair for the Wingraves. She is also able to instinctively know to utter the words to Viola which saves Flora. Dani has to deal with Viola’s presence for many years, showing her ability to accommodate others, like a typical 9. Dani shows her caring nature even in death, as she doesn’t want to hurt anyone who comes to Bly, unlike Viola before her. 
Dani’s relationship with Jamie helps her become healthier and move on from her past traumas. Dani is quite forward in the relationship with Jamie, which I believe is healthy for her as a 9 as she clearly understands her wants. Jamie helps Dani become more content with herself and is a great support system for her as she deals with Viola’s presence.
Dani shows her wing 1 as she is more repressed and reserved than a 9w8 would be. She is also less assertive and extroverted than a 9w8.
Tri-type: 9w1 - 2w1 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe Dani’s motivations
“I'm a lot braver than people think. Including me.”
"People do, don't they? Mix up love and possession. I don't think that should be possible. They're opposites really: love and ownership."
“Your parents loved you so, so much. In a way, they’ll always be here.”
“Now I understand death. I know what loss is.”
“It’s just you and me then.”
“It’s you. It’s me. It’s us.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Hannah Grose - Type 1w9
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Hannah is kind, caring and principled. She takes great pride in her job and is generally very responsible.
At her best, Hannah is very nurturing and compassionate. She is a lovely motherly figure to Flora and Miles. Hannah is idealistic and I think she generally tries to see the good in people. I think she shows a great deal of faith and belief throughout the show and I think it is one of her defining traits.
At her worst, Hannah puts her own life on hold for her responsibilities. She represses her own feelings and has trouble even understanding them at times. This even follows Hannah into her death where it takes her a long time to fall out of the denial she is in about what happened to her.
Hannah is protective of the people she cares about and stands up for what is right, like a typical 1. She can’t help herself from stepping in when she sees something wrong going on. We see this in particular with Rebecca and Peter’s relationship, where Hannah tries to tell them both that it shouldn’t be happening. She is quite forthright with telling Rebecca that she thinks Peter is bad news and that he is holding her back.
Hannah sometimes gets stuck in a rut or a situation and doesn’t really know how to get out of it. We see this in her marriage, where her husband had left her long ago but she always wanted to hold out hope that he would come back. It is implied that she stayed married for a long time and didn’t want to face the reality of what he had done. I also think Hannah held the opinion that a ‘good’ wife would stand by her husband and that she shouldn’t get divorced. 
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I believe that Hannah’s marriage is meant to be drawn as a direct parallel to her eventual fate. She had been gone for a long while, but couldn’t accept it. We see Hannah constantly touching her neck, which suggests she has a subconscious awareness of what happened, but she doesn’t want to face up to it. I think Hannah was really floored by the grisly nature of her death and I think she was also disappointed in all the things she didn’t get to do in her life which led to her denial. 
Hannah is quite passive and often keeps her feelings to herself. She had an instant attraction to Owen, but never acted on it. Hannah was afraid of the consequences of dating a co-worker and the potential rejection. I believe that she always knew that she loved Owen, but was afraid of what could happen if she dated him. Hannah knew from his job interview that he was only in Bly for a finite period of time and that he would be leaving when he no longer had to care for his mother. I think Hannah was scared of leaving Bly because its all she knew or was scared of being left which is part of why she was so hesitant in asking out Owen. 
I believe that when she is in the memory with Owen, she is actually talking to herself and sorting out her own feelings. I think Owen is somewhat of a reflection of what she thinks but cannot say. When she dies I think she laments all the ‘what could have beens’ with Owen and she regrets the way that she always put her own life on hold. I think that when Owen is being harsh with her, it is really Hannah who is angry with herself. I think that in these scenes, Owen also has to tell her the hard truths that she can’t bear to face. Like I said before, Hannah always was subconsciously aware of what happened but had trouble owning up. I think that with Owen’s kind face and words she could ease herself out of her denial and face reality. 
Hannah has a wing 9, as she is more emotionally detached than a wing 2 would be. She is also more reserved and more prone to avoidance than a wing 2 would be.
Tri-type: 1w9 - 6w5 - 2w1 
Some quotes to describe Hannah’s traits and motivations:
“Funerals are for the living. It’s up to the living to decide what they can and cannot bear.”
“What have you got when your back’s against the wall, when there’s nothing left for you but faith”
“There’s a difference between feeling good and feeling alive. The two aren’t always the same.”
“I don't know why brilliant young women are always punished.”
“You don't have to lose yourself to find happiness, you know.”
“We can’t count on the past. We think we have it trapped in our memories, but memories fade and they’re wrong. Any of us could die at any moment, or we could forget our entire lives, which is kind of like dying.”
“Here. Right here, this moment. ‘What a curious and charming man,’ I thought. Oh, it had been so long, I'd forgotten that feeling, but… I looked at you, and… I almost forgot myself for a moment. God knows I've tried not to think of you. Very hard, but I… I've thought of you often. Thinking about the places we would go if we were ever to leave Bly. Where we'd settle. You'd open your restaurant. Make me taste all those wonderful recipes you created in that beautiful, maddening mind of yours. I always think that I would very much like… to spend the rest of my days with you. Listening to your dreadful puns, holding your hand, and… I loved you, Owen. I should have told you.”
“Tell him I love him. The rest, well, its just -”
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