#bnha 283 spoilers
epickiya722 · 2 months
This ask I got actually just reminded me if when last season aired that there was one thing that did indeed piss me off and yes, it involves Miruko.
Everyone was complaining about "this angle doesn't look right" or whatever, but one scene no one brought up (but I did, I think I did) is that they cut out the reason why Tomura's body starting acting up.
This is what happens in the manga. [Click for a closer view.]
In the anime, season 6 episode 9, they actually cut out the bit showing Miruko.
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The manga shows that Tomura's body starting doing that because Miruko broke the capsule he was in before completion. However, in the anime, it just seemed his body was failing on him because his body was completed without saying the reason.
Correction: who was the reason.
Uh so??? Mind you this is an important detail because later in the arc that is currently being animated now this happens!
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Miruko blames herself for not finishing the job that she did more than enough for. AFOraki here is right to point there are other heroes around and later some even quit. Keep in mind, there are heroes who probably been in the game longer than her (she's only 26) who did barely anything probably during the Paranormal Liberation War while she lost limbs! Miruko is one of the few Pro Heroes we know who already took being a hero seriously.
She loves the adrenaline rush, but she uses her love for it to do duties as a Hero. She says she lives her life without regrets and we see how she will go to get a job done. Other than the Pro Heroes who lost their lives and Aizawa who lost an eye and leg during the PLW, Miruko had sacrificed more than enough and it was only in the beginning of the arc... FOR FIVE MINUTES!!
She spent five minutes from fighting and taking out Nomus in the hall, breaking into the Doctor's lap, fighting more Nomus who were High-Ends, killed one (GOOD), lost an arm, lost hair and lost a leg, and broke a capsule all in the span of FIVE MINUTES.
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sualne · 4 years
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This isn't an expression a kid should have.
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l-anna-art · 4 years
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Nevertheless, Tomura's expression when he finally realized that his body might not be completely ready... giggles
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sinfulpatata · 4 years
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Oh let the bullets fly, let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, it came from--
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linkspooky · 4 years
We’re the Same, You and I.
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It’s a classic villain line, but it’s also true. Heroes and villains aren’t born in My Hero Academia, they’re made. Despite what hero society a lot of what propels people towards hero or villainry is just circumstances. There’s no better demonstration of this then Midoriya, and Shigaraki who have the exact origin point but because of circumstances were pushed in complete opposite directions. People are not good or evil. People are mainly reacting to circumstances and struggling to get through them. 
Deku and Shigaraki can be so similiar on the inside, and so different on the outside because what they’ve experienced is different. That’s important, because the world is not fair. Rather than blaming people for what they’ve endured, and struggled against in an unfair world, or trying to fix the circumstances of the world heroes instead villaiize victims of circumstance.
1. Good Victim / Bad Victim
Shigaraki and Deku is the same. There’s a nature vs. nurture argument in My Hero Academia, where quirk society suggests that people born with more violent, destructive quirks are therefore by nature more prone to destruction in violence. In every single case however we see this is not the case. Tenko destroyed his family by accident, Toga was pushed by familial abuse until she suffered a psychological break, the destructive potential of Twice’s quirk only came about because he was poor and homeless. He was just a delivery guy before that point. 
Gran Torino suggests the idea that there’s no way Shigaraki can be saved or reformed, as if Shigaraki decided to become a villain on his own. Despite knowing how manipulative a person AFO is. 
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There is a double standard in regards to victims known as Good Victim, Bad Victim. It’s the idea that instead of the idea that all humans react badly when placed in stressful situations, there are good ways to react to abuse, and bad ones. It fits with the double standard of hero soecity, people who are meek, quiet, victims like Eri are saved, while little Tenko who was ragged, ugly, and violently lashed out against his father in self defense nobody even lifts a finger to save. 
It goes beyond that though, what Gran Torino is suggesting that if Shigaraki Tomura were a good person, he would have somehow held onto that goodness despite being a manipulated and abused by a crimminal mastermind for fifteen years. That if Shigaraki were a good person, he just somehow magically would not react to trauma, or abuse, and would magically break free from AFO’s control with magic and sunshine. 
It’s an idea that ultimately blames victims for the abuse they are put under. It suggests that somehow Shigaraki deserved the abuse that he was put through, because he was bad all along from the start. 
A morality trope about the arbitrary distinctions writers make between certain sorts of victims. If a character in fiction has a problem or ailment or social situation, and the creators intend him to be sympathetic, the character will have acquired the problem in the most socially acceptable way. If the character isn't sympathetic, then he will have contracted the illness through "your own damn fault".
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By suggesting that Shigaraki was born bad and circumstance has nothing to do it, it puts all the fault for Shigaraki’s badness on Shigaraki himself. Therefore, Gran Torino remains morally pure. Nothing about the world around them needs to be corrected. Nothing about Gran Torino needs to be corrected. It is always the victim’s fault for acting the way they do, and not the cirumcstances that drove them to act that way. 
Yes, victims are still responsible for their reactions. Yes, being a victim doesn’t mean you get to lash out and not be responsible for the people you hurt. However, people can be both villains and victims at the same time. Nobody deserves to have gone through what Shigaraki went through. By invalidating his victimhood and suggesting Shigaraki only became this way through his OWN DAMN FAULT, all it means is more victims will be ignored. Good victim bad victim is bad because it moralizes victimhoods around arbitrary lines. Usually around what’s a “socially acceptable” reaction to victimhood. (Whatever that means). 
Tenko was just a normal kid. Not only that, most normal people would react that with if exposed to Tenko’s cirucmstances. Most people aren’t extraordinarily good or extraordinarily bad with a few outliars, most people are reacting to circumstances. Almost any normal person would be that way if they were exposed to Tenko’s circumstances and we know this because, the league is made out of people who are just like Tenko, and who all started out as normal kids. However, circumstances can change, and people can change. Rather than trying for that result, Hero Society focuses on punishing it’s worst victims. 
“The point is: People improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don’t?”
The league shows improvement when they are exposed to trust, and compassion with one another. 
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By choosing between good and bad people to save, the people who are suffering the worst will never get the help they need. As Shigaraki’s speech affirmed this later, Heroes aren’t for protecting the worst victims who need the most saving, they sheperd the majority and exclude the minority. 
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This even extends to what Dabi asks Tokoyami. Who is it that is most in need of saving? 
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The hero kids this entire arc have moved to protect the pro heroes. However, not only are the pro heroes guilty of bringing the kids into a warzone without permission in the first place and putting them in danger. Pro Heroes are also, at fault for most of society’s ills because they contribute to the problems of society that villains are blamed for. Parental abuse, Homelessness, Quirk Discrimmination, Shigaraki’s entire life, all of the villains are the victims of the worst abuse and rather than rehabilitate them the heroes have been violently beating them down all this time. The heroes have blood on their hands because they’ve been beating down victims and punishing them all this time and making things worse, but they never have to bear any responsibility for that because all blame falls on victims. 
2. Deku is Given Everything
One of the most important parts of Shigaraki’s foiling with Deku is that everything that Shimura Tenko should have had, Deku was given instead. Gran Torino victim blames Shigaraki for trampling over Shimura Nana’s memory. 
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However, it’s Gran Torino who made the choice to ignore Nana’s final wishes. Nana’s wish was for Kotaro to live a happy life apart from her, and unaffected by both her decisions, and whatever AFO was planning to do to her.
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However, Shigaraki is continually punished over and over again because he just happened to be born as Shimura Tenko, Shimura Nana’s grandson. It was Gran Torino’s responsibility to make sure that Kotaro, and her family was protected from AFO but he failed that. When he still had a chance to help Nana’s last remaining family member, he neglected that instead. The one trampling all over Nana’s legacy is Gran Torino, because he refuses to honor her wish to protect her last living family member. Gran Torino blames Shigaraki, because he can’t face the fact that he himself made the wrong choice. 
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Shigaraki started with the exact same origin point as Deku. However, Deku was helped by All Might. The things that Shigaraki should have received Deku was given instead. And I’m not even talking about super powers. I’m talking about help on the most basic level. 
All Might and Gran Torino knew about Kotaro, and knew that he might be targeted. Rather than checking up on him, they ignored him for years. Even after learning about Shigaraki’s circumstances, they still chose to ignore rather than even make the attempt to do something about it. 
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Shigaraki’s arc is one of losing things over and over again, whereas Deku’s arc is being given things. Deku is saved by All Might finding him that day and telling him he could become a hero. Shigaraki just needed one person to save him, but All Might didn’t show up that day because he was turning a blind eye to his responsibilities. 
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Deku is given the help ne needs, when he needs it. Whereas, Shigaraki is never helped. Deku is given two successive mentors due to his connections with All Might, Eraserhead and Gran Torino. He didn’t even earn Gran Torino because he didn’t get far enough or make a good enough impression in the sports festival. Deku’s mentors all make an effort to stay alive and stay with him. (Sir Nighteye was Mirio’s mentor he doesn’t count). Shigaraki loses mentor after mentor. 
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Shigaraki loses both All For One and Kurogiri, and had to find a way to survive without both of them. AFO deliberately abandoned Shigaraki to retraumatize him and make his hatred towards the heroes worst. All Might makes a promise to stay with Deku, and stay alive, because he knows emotionally Deku needs him. 
The things I’m talking about Deku is given are support, stability and a consistent environment. These are things Shigaraki has never had his entire life. All Shigaraki has is violence he’s endured countless times over and over. Deku is given six quirks that he unlocks by having a dream about them. In order to start stacking multiple quirks, Shigaraki has to train in the mountain for a month without sleep in order to prove himself to AFO’s remnants who instead of just giving him a chance constantly force him to prove himself, but he also had to endure months of horribly painful surgery. Retraumatizing himself yet another time, because Shigaraki has been a victim of lifelong experimentation under Ujiko. He was taken in to become an experiment. It’s not really something he can consent to if he was adopted when he was five years old, and then groomed for fifteen years with the expectation that he would submit himself into this surgery in order to become AFO’s proper heir. 
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The remnants of the OFA quirk try to guide Deku and lend him his strength. The remnants of the AFO quirk only try to control Shigaraki. 
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Deku is a good boy yes, but is it because he’s inherently a good person or is it because he hasn’t faced what Shigaraki has? Shigaraki is forced again and again to confront the ugliest parts of society, quirk discrimmination, abuse, whereas Deku gets to remain wholly oblivious of them. It’s not even that Deku thinks that Shigaraki is too much of an extremist in trying to correct society, Deku doesn’t even think there’s a problem with the society that created Shigaraki in the first place. 
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Deku forgives heroes, but not the biggest victims of heroes. He is moving to protect people like Gran Torino, and Endeavor who are both responsible for the creation of Shigaraki. Gran Torino through neglect. Endeavor because he is an abuser just like Kotaro was, and he also, created Dabi who is so much more like Shigaraki. Who is to say that Deku would not have turned out just like Shigaraki if exposed to similiar circumstances? Look at his reaction in the latest chapter.
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Dkeu’s reaction, his feral faces, his frothing at the mouth violence all resembles Shigaraki. It’s almost like those who are exposed to violence are pushed to become more violent. Now circcumstances are reversed and Deku sees somebody’s body falling apart, like how his used to when he used the OFA quirk. 
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Deku’s response is yeah, it’s time to beat the shit out of this guy. Deku’s response to violence is only to become more violent. Not only is he not even trying to overcome the cycle, he’s not even aware the cycle exists. So, then. So then. If Deku can become violent enduring the same violent circumstances that Shigaraki once did. If Deku can become spiteful, hateful, even vengeful. 
Then, what exactly is the difference between Shigaraki and Deku?  The only difference is what they’ve been through. Shigaraki has been abused more, so he’s crazier that’s all. Who they are inside is the same after all this time. The only difference between them really is that Shigaraki is punching up, while Deku punches down from a position of privilege. 
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sayabenz · 4 years
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Bnha - chapter 283
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salprieta · 4 years
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shigaraki stays bringing the best ethereal lewks (stolen hero cape w the titties out? divine 😩) while actively falling apart and plus ultraing harder than literally any other character, serving us fresh onryō body horror each chapter, and still manages to bless us with the best battlefield live tweets
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voidcanarys · 4 years
The direction I want Midoriya’s character development to take.
With Shigaraki’s speech about how hero society is bad and hurts more people than it helps, I’m really hoping people aren’t going to use Midoriya not listening/ignoring shiggy’s points (like Endeavor did earlier) as a reason to hate on his character. Cause like, shiggy just tried to kill (and almost has) two of Midoriya’s mentors/people he cares about deeply right in front of him, a 16 year old kid. So I don’t think you can really blame him for not talking shiggy’s words to heart when he’s been conditioned by society to believe that heroes are ‘always the answer’.
If anything, Midoriya should be the one there who truly understands the weight of shiggy’s words as he too was harmed and cast aside by a hero-focused society that believes your worth is based on how powerful or ‘hero-like’ your quirk is. The problem however, is that he doesn’t see the flaws in the hero society as he grew up believing that something was wrong with him (his lack of quirk) whereas the rest of the league realised that this was an issue with society itself. Midoriya never realised this as when All Might gave him his quirk and he got into ua and started making friends, it reinforced the belief that he was the issue, not society itself, unlike the league.
I really hope that Midoriya does eventually realise this and ends up disillusioned, instead becoming ‘the greatest hero’ by creating a complete overhaul of the hero system or just gets rid of it completely. Thanks to anyone who got to this point of me rambling about how much I enjoy Midoriya’s character and the direction I kinda want him to develop.
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potatoof69 · 4 years
more 283 spoilers
on the bright side we got some feral deKUUUU!!
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my boy’s getting ready to kill a bitch 
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iwriteficsandmore · 4 years
Bnha chapter 283 leaks comes out.
Me, 👀 🐥:
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kikatouka · 4 years
It's so sexy of shiggy to keep winning against the heroes ahahaha..
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epickiya722 · 2 years
There is one piece I know they left out from the manga and it's a Miruko scene.
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Almost this whole page is cut out from the anime. And... you know what...
I didn't get more Miruko shots and this scene could have added on that BECAUSE OF HER SHIGARAKI'S BODY ISN'T HOLDING UP THAT WELL.
I mean, I know most of this fandom don't care for her but let's give credit where it's due. If Miruko didn't break that glass, Shigaraki would have been giving them a harder time. But anime-onlys would not know that because these shots of her were cut.
And honestly, X-Less was dumb. He should have carried Shigaraki out while he was still unconscious and that electricity would have never touched him. Miruko did most of the work for you, my guy! WHY DIDN'T YOU CARRY HIM OUT?!
People want to talk about how this episode is disappointing and you can have your opinion, but no one has pointed out that this scene.
If any fans of a character should complain it should be Miruko fans. Yeah, I said it. You know, the character managed to take out multiple Nomus in moments compared to other Pros having such a hard time.
The character who gave the other heroes a chance to take Shigaraki away (X-Less, ya dumb).
The character who has been put through the most injuries and still managed to keep fighting.
The character that barely shows up on any merchandise and only got a HALF an episode.
On the flip side, I knew if they showed her condition I would be in tears still.
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topazzey · 4 years
IDK if I’m just late to  the party, or if anyone else has realized this already, but it didn’t hit me until I saw the title of chapter 283 (75) that it refers to two things.
Shiggy’s transformation/ powerup getting curtailed at 75%
And Midoriya having unlocked both Blackwhip (from 14A holder number 5, Daigoro Banjo) and Float (from the 7th holder, Shimura Nana).
And that this has been foreshadowed for a WHILE, ever since we found out that Blackwhip was number 5′s quirk, that Nana’s would be the next to be unlocked, and Shiggy ended up 3/4 baked. TF Hori.
I mean, I know he wrote the two to be foils of one another, but dammit, I really need to be quicker on the uptake lmao. I used to be so good at this in school, now look at me.
it took me MONTHS to realize Hosu=Hoth even when I knew about Hori’s boner for Star Wars. I am a dumb.
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l-anna-art · 4 years
spoilers 283
I have successfully avoided spoilers since Thursday and I’m so happy. This chapter was just amazing. 
Machia that mutates into a completely terrifying monster and the equivalent of a bulldozer on legs. Izuku who has become completely feral and rabid and has FINALLY unlocked Float in an incredible way. THE FATAL MEETING BETWEEN THE BOTH and Shiggy who will probably spend the worst quarter of an hour of his life in the next chapter. I SAY YES.
Izuku will finally really become the villains’ boogeyman and I will be here for see that.
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idlegods · 4 years
sh*garaki is my all time fav but seeing him hurt is just like, get stickbugged lol
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manunelle · 4 years
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Smiles that we couldn't protect.
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