#bnha chapter 258
bnhaobservation · 5 months
The facts taking place during BNHA second year: January, February & March
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
You might notice a special focus on the Todoroki family as all their birthdays and statuses are listed. That’s because this timeline was originally meant to focus solely on them and then I included info about the other characters.
BNHA: “Boku no Hero Academia” manga.
EM: “Endeavor mission” (エンデヴァーズ ミッション) the short story included alongside Chapter 321 in Weekly Shonen Jump Issue 35, 2021.
OAV 6: "Tabidachi” (旅立ち Departure)
HS: “Hawks: SOOTHE” (ホークス: SOOTHE Hawks: Soothe) the short story in Vol. “World Heroes”.
MOVIE 3: “Boku no Hero Academia The Movie ~WORLD HEROES MISSION~” [僕 (ぼく) のヒーローアカデミア THE (ザ) MOVIE (ムービー) ~ワールドヒーローズミッション ~ My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission]
JANUARY 1: New year’s morning. Midoriya Izuku/Deku leaves for his work study. Takami Keigo/Hawks goes to the MLA bases. Todoroki Enji/Endeavor ‘welcomes’ the students that will have their work study in his agency (Todoroki Shōto, Deku and Bakugō Katsuki) then deals with Starservant and receives from Hawks a book of the meta liberation army which Hawks uses to reveal the MLA future plans to him and how they plan to attack in four months. Hawks goes to the MLA bases and the League sees Endeavor’s interns in action through a video. [BNHA Chap 243-248 It could also be that it's on this day Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko has Garaki Kyūdai start modifying his body.]
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EARLY JANUARY (ONE WEEK AFTER THEY STARTED THEIR WORK STUDY): Todoroki Fuyumi invites Shōto, Deku and Bakugō at her home where they learn of what happened to Shōto’s oldest brother, Todoroki Tōya/Dabi. Ending captures Todoroki Natsuo to get Endeavor to kill him. He instead freezes and the one saving Natsuo and capturing Ending are Shōto, Deku and Bakugō. [BNHA Chap 248-252]
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AROUND JANUARY 6: Winter break is over. [BNHA Chap 253. Usually this is the date in which it ends in Japanese schools]
AROUND JANUARY 7: School resumes. The student go on ground Alpha to train with Yagi Toshinori/All Might as Aizawa Shōta/Eraser Head and Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic go see Kurogiri and gets from him the word ‘hospital’ which the Hero commission passes to Hawks while Garaki is still experimenting on Shigaraki. Meanwhile Class A shows what they learnt in their work study. Deku, Shōto and Bakugō show how they have improved working under Endeavor. Eri’s horn starts to feel weird and Aizawa decides he’ll start training her that same week. He then meets up with All Might and tells him Tsukauchi Naomasa wants him to delay seeing Akaguro Chizome/Stain. In the evening class A has a hot-pot party. [BNHA Chap 253-257 Usually this is the date in which Japanese schools resume lessons]
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JANUARY 11: Todoroki Shōto turns 16.
AROUND JANUARY 14: Bubaigawara Jin/Twice asks Hawks to help him with his mission statement. Hawks has memorized how the Paranormal Liberation Front is organized. [BNHA Chap 258 One week has gone by from the hospital hint, one month from the formation of the PLF]
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JANUARY 18: Todoroki Tōya/Dabi turns 24.
LIKELY STILL IN JANUARY: Flect Turn, leader of Humarise, gives a speech in the main sanctuary of the Humarise sect involving Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory and the extinction of humanity before triggering a Trigger Bombs in a major city, with the result everyone who has a Quirk first goes Berserk and then dies, leading tot he distruction of the city and the survival of few Quirkless people which are then approached by Humarise members. At the same time Alan Kay, flees from Humarise taking important document with himself. After it Humarise broadcast to the world that they were the ones responsible for the bombing. [Movie 3 In theory in the anime this is presented as taking place bfore Fuyumi were to invite the boys in her own home but since the twim between the boys starting their internship and Fuyumi's invitation is solely of a week I assume it took place short after]
LIKELY STILL IN JANUARY: Endeavor tests Deku, Shōto and Bakugō to see if they can take part to the operation that's being organized by the World Heroes Association. The kids pass the test and are told they'll get special stealt new suits. [EM It takes place short before the mission in Otheon though it should take place before the first Trigger bomb exploded]
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LIKELY STILL IN JANUARY: Endeavor, Deku, Shōto and Bakugō are at the airport about to leave for Otheon a small country in Europe when they argue for their seating places on the plane. Hawks, who's also at the airpost with Tokoyami Fumikage/Tsukuyomi as they're about to leave for America, reassigns their places so they can safely start their travel to Otheon. [OAV 6, HS It takes place short before the Heroes leave for the mission to Otheon. It's unclear if it's in the same day as when Deku and Co were tested... as it's unclear how long it took to create their new suits]
LIKELY STILL IN JANUARY: The Heroes are searching for all the 25 Humarise branches all around the world but can't find any Trigger bomb nor Flect Turn. Alan Kay is still on the run, carrying a package he plans to deliver to prevent the destruction of the world. [Movie 3]
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LIKELY STILL IN JANUARY: Rody Soul leaves his siblings to go to work. Stanleyk gives him the job to retrieve robbed uncut, untraceable jewelry. However Deku, Shōto and Bakugō stumble on the robbery and try to capture the thiefs. As the thiefs escape one of them managed to give the briefcase to Rody who's then chased by Deku. At the same time Beros, a Humarise agent, attacks Alan Kay while he's driving a car on the highway just as Rody is passing under it. By mistake Rody ends up picking up Alan Kay's briefcase and leaving behind his own. Deku managed to reach him and inspect his briefcase but to their surprise there are no jewels but documents. They're then encircled by the police and, as Rody escape, the police tries to kill them both, along with Berus who also attack them. They manage to escape but when Deku contacts Shōto the Otheon international news agency announces that Izuku is publicly accused of a mass murder of twelve people, notifying the entire nation that he is extremely armed and dangerous, resulting in putting him on the most wanted list. Deku and Rody goes in hiding and try to leave the country and go to Klayd. At the Otheon Police HQ, Endeavor complains to the Otheon Chief of Police with no results. His group discover Alan Kay is a defective member of Humarise who is now comatose. Shōto and Bakugō decide to reach Deku to Klayd. By night Rody dreams of his past. Rody tries to escape but he's attacked by a Humarise agent, Rogone and Beros. Deku saves him but gets injured and the two manage to escape and become frieds. [Movie 3]
THE DAY AFTER: Rody gets ahold of a nearby van and he and Deku travel on it. It's unclear if the travel lasts one full day or more but, if that's the case, during the night of that day Rody tells Deku about his Quirk. [Movie 3]
THE DAY AFTER: When Deku and Rody are close tot he border they're attacked by Berus again and by another Humarise agent, Sidero but Shōto and Bakugō save them. Inspecting the briefcase they manage to recover a chip and hid in Klayd. Humarise publicly broadcasts that they will detonate 25 Trigger Bombs in less than two hours. This causes mass panic while the Heroes try to prevent the bomb explosion. Meaniwhile Deku and Co hear Alan Kay's recording and discover Humarise's plan and how to shut down their bombs with a device created by Eddie Soul, Rody's father who was kidnapped by them. Rody drives a plane to take them to Humarise's true main base in time. Eventually they beat Humarize and Rody manages to stop the bombs. [Movie 3]
THE DAY AFTER: The leaders of Humarise are arrested and so is the chielf of police of Otheon. Deku, Shōto, Bakugō and Rody are carried to the hospital where Rody meets his siblings and Recovery Girl heals them. [Movie 3]
LIKELY THE DAY AFTER: Deku, Shōto, Bakugō and Endeavor are about to leave Otheon. Rody says bye to Deku first then goes to Stanleyk's to ask for a honest job and begins working as a bartender. [Movie 3]
MARCH: 3rd term final exam. [Usually held during the first full week of March]
MARCH (THE THIRD WEEK OF MARCH AROUND THE 25TH/26TH): Spring break starts. [Usually this is the date in which it starts in Japanese schools]
MARCH (THE DAY BEFORE THE PARANORMAL LIBERATION WAR): The students are told they'll go on a trip for their work study.
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MARCH (END OF THE MONTH WHEN SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST OVER): Paranormal Liberation War. Endeavor attack Jaku hospital. Dabi tries to protect Twice from Hawks attack but Twice ends up killed anyway. Dabi seriously burns Hawks’ back. Endeavor fights along with other Heroes against Shigaraki and, with the help of Shōto, Deku and Bakugō manages to seriously burn him. Dabi and the rest of the league arrive with Gigantomachia and Dabi reveals his real identity to his father and brother and in a video that’s made visible to all the world. He then fights with Shōto and seriously burns himself, though he also manages to burn his brother. Endeavor manages to knock down Gigantomachia before fainting. Shiragaki, now possessed by All for One, Dabi, Toga Himiko and Iguchi Shūichi/Spinner flew. Gigantomachia and Sako Atsuhiro/Mr Compress are captured along with most of the MLA (Geten included). A clone of Yotsubashi Rikiya/Re-Destro goes to the Hero Public Safety Commission and is attacked. He however manages to kill the president and many of the people there before melting when Twice dies. On that same night Shigaraki attacks Tartarus with his Nōmu, kills all the guards and free all the convicts. Stain take possession of some documents and escapes on his own. Tsutsumi Kaina/Lady Nagant takes with herself Chisaki Kai/Overhaul and is asked by All for One to capture Deku. In exchange she is granted the Quirk ‘Air walk’. [BNHA Chap 258-297]
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MARCH (THE DAY AFTER): Shian prison, Bagu prison, Kuin prison and other 4 prisons are attacked by Shigaraki Tomura, All for One and the Nomu. The convicts escape from all the prisons except for the one which was also holding captive Tobita Danjūrō/Gentle Criminal, as he refuses to escape and stop the others from escaping as well. [BNHA Chap 298]
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MARCH (TWO DAYS LATER): Bakugō wakes up in Central Hospital. Shōto is awake and gets his classmates’ support. Endeavor undergoes surgery. Hawks and Hakamada Tsunagu/Best Jeanist discover Dabi got his info about Hawks from Takami Tomie. Civilians take arms to fight the Villains on their own. Yoroi Musha retires. Endeavor wakes up at the hospital and confront with his family, Todoroki Rei, who has left the hospital, included. They think back at their family’s past, and then Endeavor is pushed to fight Dabi. Shōto promises he'll do it with him. Deku, while unconscious, talks with the previous owners of One for All. [BNHA Chap 298]
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MARCH (THREE DAYS LATER): Endeavor gives a conference which is witnessed by Dabi as well. People is told to move in shelters. [BNHA Chap 306]
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boncorner · 5 years
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crackhead-fiends · 5 years
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that-bajan-kid · 5 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 258 SPOILERS
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I have a really bad feeling about this.
We get a flashback to Hawks one week after the hospital tip. Twice is still going to Hawks for help with the whole liberation ideology thing.
Someone, idk who, is narrating about how it took Hawks a month to figure out the different ranks of PLF.
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I don't like the fact that some of these guys are stronger than the heroes. Twice is the only one without a partner. THEY HAVE OTHER HEROES AMONG THEIR RANKS. How's that convo gonna go down when the to sides meet?
Hawks is giving some pointers on what Twice should say to the OG LA members while thinking about how royally fuck everyone is if the PLF makes the first move.
Apparently there's some tension going on cause some of the lower ranked members don't like the new ranking system very much. Hawks can use that to his advantage. Just subtly start some beef with in the ranks and watch the chaos unfold from the side lines.
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Well isn't that just lovely.
The more I see All Might in these chapters, the more I feel like he's gonna die and that it's gonna be as horrible as Nighteye predicted it would be. And that scares me.
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FuN. When Hawks says "he will take over" does he mean Shigaraki are Re-deastro? Cause if he's talking about Re-destro I think Shiggy would have something to say to that.
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Hawks was here thinking "Damn I need to watch out for Twice since he got over his mental issues and is super OP now." but after spending time with him he realised Twice is actually a pretty chill dude.
Does this mean Twice might get a shot at redemption? Probably not but a girl can hope.
So apparently during one of their tutoring sessions Twice let it slip that Shiggy was undergoing surgery to become super OP cause Hawks is such a nice and trustworthy guy and totally not a double agent or anything.
Anyway, Hawks somehow managed to relay that info to the heroes without getting caught or raising suspicion and now I'm thinking Hawks is probably gonna die. When the heroes show up at there front door they're gonna know it was Hawks who tipped them off.
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He's gonna die. All Might is gonna die. There's no denying it now. Honestly with all these red flags I'd be surprised if he didn't die.
Also that kid holding an Endeavour doll but choosing to draw inspiration and confidence from All Might's statue is hilarious.
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I swear to All Might if Aizawa or Mic die I'm going to fucking loose my shit.
Wait if Aizawa, Mic and the other U.A. hero course teachers are here then who's teaching the kids?
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Never mind.
They're evacuating the residents. Shit's about to go down.
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DID THEY BRING THE WHOLE HEROICS COURSE INTO THIS?!?!? Cause I'm seeing faces I don't recognise. I see Nejire-chan but I don't see Suneater. Is he hanging back with Mirio and Eri? God this is gonna be an absolute train wreck, isn't it?
So, war is upon us. I have two theories on how this might go down.
While all the heroes/ heroes-in-training are in this city, some of the villains are gonna go after All Might at U.A and kill him while he's trying to defend some students, who end up dying anyway cause angst. The school won't have that many pros around since it looks like most of them are gonna be fighting the war, and Horikoshi has been pushing the "All Might is gonna die soon" narrative pretty fucking hard these last few chapters. Some students are gonna end up dying and Shinsou is gonna have a hero moment that, hopefully, won't end in him dying too.
The heroes evacuated the wrong city and the villains attack a different one. A shit ton of people die before the heroes turn up. Some of the kids end up dying and society completely loses faith in the heroes ability to protect them. Also Shigaraki kills All Might and Midoriya looses an arm.
But those are just theories! Manga theories!
Until next time
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ukuzi · 5 years
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touya reval arc? finally?
there’s heavy endeavor/dabi imagery in this chapter, so i wouldn’t be surprised
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starbunnypop · 5 years
New chapter leaks have me absolutely vibrating. I have been starved of villain content and now we get hit with the paranormal liberation front and a cameo of Geten side by side with Dabi. (Also skeptic with Toga? interesting I’m excited to see these guys’ chemistry ) ALSO SHIGARAKI?? SHIGARAKI!!!!
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enigmatic-bumble · 5 years
We get Hawks and Twice Friendship™ this chapter but it's implied that Hawks just tipped off the heroes with info that Twice solely gave him so there goes that friendship
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deiselmilk · 5 years
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ellectric-blue · 5 years
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randomguywithwords · 5 years
At World’s End (BNHA Chapter 258 Continuation)
My interpretation of how the arc will go down. Heavy manga spoilers. 
Part 1: White Moves First
The pieces were in place. The city of Kyoto was in sight, its citizens none the wiser of the battle about to unfold, like a tapestry to be woven. The day was cloudy, not by choice, but by a hero controlling the weather to prevent detection from Love Inc’s satellites. 
The Alpha Squad, consisting of the pro heroes, from Endeavour to Miruko to Eraserhead to Tiger, stood at the city’s north, ready to storm Wakagumo Hospital, battling whatever villains were within. The damage to the city would be unthinkable given the intel from Hawks, so the citizens could not be there.
It would be the job of the Beta Squad to evacuate them. An assembly of around a hundred heroes, majority of which were students, led by Endeavour’s sidekick Burnin’, Sir Nighteye’s agency’s Bubble Girl and Centipeder, and a few more pro heroes. 
“You know the drill, everyone,” Burnin’ said. Her grin was fading, the gravity of the situation weighing on everyone. “We go according to the plan. Stay vigilant, look out for anything strange. Got it?” 
Her question was answered with a sea of nods. 
“Then let’s go.” 
Song Hatsume answered the door to see a vaguely familiar face. 
“Midon – no, Midoriya, am I right? From U.A High.” He asked. 
The green-haired boy nodded, his face grim. “Mr Hatsume. We’re currently evacuating the city. You and your family must leave immediately.” 
“What – how can –” The man paused, seeing the look on Midoriya’s face, the other heroes and civilians that were already on the move, and realised there was no room for argument. “Alright. Wait.” He grabbed Midoriya’s shoulder before the boy left. “What about my daughter? Is she safe?”
Midoriya smiled. “Perfectly safe, sir. She’s at U.A, assisting us from there.”
Hatsume returned one of his own at the boy’s assurance. “That is good to hear.” With that, he rushed up the stairs to inform his wife. Once he was out of earshot, Midoriya tapped his earpiece. “Eastern section clear,” He grinned, his mouth a little too wide for comfort. 
As he left the porch of the Hatsume residence, a civilian stumbled onto him, grabbing his shoulder. “Deku, right?” The man panted. 
Midoriya immediately held the man’s waist to support him. “Yes sir, are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah, just a little out of breath. This is so sudden. The hero that informed us, I forgot – forgot where he told us to go. Can you...?”
“Wakagumo Hospital, sir.”
The man gave a tired but grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“Do you need help?”
“No, no, I’m fine. Just needed directions.” The man took off along with the crowd, all heading towards the hospital where a certain Tomura Shigaraki was about to be unleashed from. 
Hanta Sero swung along the lampposts, keeping off the ground. Behind him, Izuku Midoriya, Neito Monoma, Nejire Hado and Inasa Yoarashi followed in the air using their quirks. In Monoma’s case, he had borrowed Nejire’s quirk. 
Their job? Evacuate the north-eastern section of Kyoto. They skirted around the city limits to avoid detection, in case there were any PLF members on the lookout. By right, the PLA would be in the dark about this whole operation. They should be. All communication regarding this was kept offline, the Hero Commission entrusting mailmen to deliver the news to the heroes in person rather than using the Hero Network. Any news coming in or out of the city was checked in secret, to ensure its citizens and even the heroes on patrol were unaware. 
The heroes who knew about this could only hope nothing was intercepted. Hanta wasn’t sure who, but apparently there was a hero within the PLA that tried to identify and notify the Commission of as many heroes as possible that had pledged allegiance to the Liberation Front, but there was only so much he or she could do. 
“Guys.” Hanta looked back to see Inasa wearing a concerned expression on his usually enthusiastic face. “I’m not detecting any movements around here, but there’s a massive concentration over there.” He pointed far away from where they were.
“Also, um...” Nejire was pointing at a lady, who looked out of breath and panicky. 
Nejire floated down to meet her. “Miss? Are you okay? What’s going on?”
The lady was on the verge of tears. “I don’t want to be left behind. Everyone else has probably left by now...” She started to sob. 
“But we haven’t...” Nejire’s voice trailed off. “Sorry, madam, give me a moment.” She turned back and said, “Sero, ask Honenuki if their team had started evac.”
Hanta nodded and buzzed his earpiece. 
“That makes no sense,” Monoma said, frowning, “We moved first before them. How fast could his team have moved underground?” 
A voice came over the team’s earpiece. “This is Honenuki,” The student said, sounding anxious, with a quickened tone and heavy breathing, “There’s no one in the eastern section.”
“What?” Hanta replied. “The northeast is clear too. We just reached there.”
“Excuse me,” The lady weakly said, “But someone came first to tell us to evacuate.”
Nejire blinked. “Who?” 
This is Todoroki. The Western section is empty.
The lady pointed at Izuku, who backed off a few steps. “That boy, I saw him running around, telling people to go to Wakagumo Hospital.”
This is Hagakure. The Northwest is empty too. What’s going on?
Izuku’s blood ran cold. “I didn’t...I was here the whole time with you guys!”
“Well, I’m quite sure it was you, although you might have changed your costume. Your shoes were definitely smaller.” She gestured at his iron soles and gauntlets that Izuku added just a month ago.
“My old costume...” Izuku’s eyes widened. “Yoarashi, send her out of here. Back to our evac site.” 
Inasa nodded. “Come Miss!” He gave a wide smile, even though internally, the student was equally aware of what had potentially happened, given that his own classmate was a victim of that villain’s tricks. “I’ll send you to safety. Don’t worry. You won’t feel a thing.”
With a gentle gust, the lady was carried away. At the same time, Izuku was talking fast into his earpiece. “Everyone! The PLA is sending the whole city to Wakagumo Hospital. Himiko Toga, and possibly others, are pretending to be heroes and giving evacuation orders. Watch out!”
Koda’s frantic voice burst over the earpiece. He’s right! The whole population is converging on Wakagumo hospital! 
Shit, Burnin spoke. Everyone, be careful. Intercept as many civilians as you can, get them away from the hospital. Watch your own team. 
Mandalay. It was Hagakure. Can’t you tell the civilians to change direction?
Before the communication hero could respond, Bakugo had taken liberty to do so. Idiot. The PLA is probably watching them. They knew we were coming. If they suddenly detour, we don’t know what the PLA will do. 
Kaachan, Izuku admonished, but...he’s right. We need to identify who the PLA members are, which means we have to show up and make them reveal themselves. 
This is dangerous, Mandalay warned, The civilians won’t know who the heroes are. To them, we might look like the bad guys.
Screw that! Bakugo said, all we have to do is get them away. Who cares if they think we’re villains, what can they do about it? Yoarashi, can you get everyone out?
Of course! But we don’t know their quirks. It’s risky for me, if they had someone that countered mine directly.
Hold on, Hagakure said, They still think we’re in the dark, right? My team can take a look, try to check who’s the impersonators. 
A moment of silence filled the channel before Burnin’ made a decision. All right, Hagakure’s team, you’re clear to scout the area, but be very careful. The rest of you, standby. See if there are any stragglers around and get them away from the hospital. I hate that it’s come to this, but...prepare for a fight. 
Lemme know if you enjoyed this. I wrote this when a metaphorical baseball bat of inspiration knocked me over the head and surprisingly got it done in an hour. Needless to say I am hyped for this arc.
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crackhead-fiends · 5 years
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bbq-hawks-wings · 5 years
Ok, chapter analysis time!
The latest chapter is available to be read for free on Shonen Jump's website for the next three weeks!
Ok, ok, ok... So!!! Let's skip the blabbering and get to the parts you all want to know about:
1. Is Hawks going to side with the League?
No! There is absolutely no way he will willingly endorse or directly support the MLA in the very end because it's the absolute NIGHTMARE scenario to him.
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For your cues, follow High End - the single foe so powerful and so single-minded in its destructive path that it almost claimed Endeavor's life with zero regard to others around it. If the current greatest hero in Hawks' mind (more on that in a sec) can barely hold his own against such a single menace, the rest of the heroes don't stand a chance against an army of them, especially with intelligent human backup. He will NOT let that happen.
2. Does Hawks sympathize with the MLA?
Well yes, but also no. This conversation about feeling trapped in a cage was not a lie.
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Yeah, he wants to escape the system, too; but he knows how doing it in this way will end: the nightmare scenario.
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No one will be spared and the innocent will suffer alongside those the new order deems "guilty." That's not an option!
3. Why Endeavor?
What was with the panel of Endeavor mid-convo with Twice?
Hawks is an exceptional liar. He's good at covering up his intentions by burying it in enough truth to make it plausible. But he doesn't like lying - he would rather be honest and it's important to him that someone has the truth, and the person he's entrusted the truth to and willingly been the most transparent with - not just with the secret message, but his genuine feelings about what he wants in life - is Endeavor.
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He doesn't hate heroes. He just wants room to breathe. He WANTS to be a hero, just on his own terms. Pay close attention to the words overlapping the panel showcasing Endeavor:
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At the hero rankings, Hawks said point blank that he was never a fan of All Might. That makes sense - the commission was trying to turn him into the next All Might. But he always admired Endeavor for being, "the only one who was ACTUALLY trying to catch up to him." To Hawks, Endeavor is his "All Might." He's the embodiment of striving hard to bring about the future you want FOR YOURSELF.
He has always wanted to help people to the best of his abilities but also take time to celebrate his own success instead of being a slave to others. The lie is that he used to want to be a hero; the truth is that he still holds up Endeavor as the symbol of striving for his ideal world and that he STILL wants to be a part of it.
4. What about Jin?
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This is the most heartbreaking part of the chapter because we're so used to seeing Hawks either be used by people or using people himself. Aside from baring his soul to Endeavor - which itself was already more or less cloaked to "play it cool" and get him to do what he wanted - this was the only genuine personal connection we've ever seen him make with another person. Even his interaction with Tokoyami was almost more of a professional courtesy offered in recognition of his ideal of hard work.
Twice is a victim and is being used as much and Hawks is. They're a better representation of the two sides of the same coin than we've ever given them credit for in comparison to the rest of the League. Used, abused, molded, manipulated, genuine, tired, and just wanting room to breathe and take care of their friends even though they have reservations about their own respective side's methods.
I think this friendship will be incredibly important moving forward and will end one of two ways:
They will end up on different sides of the big battle and break each other's hearts when neither of them can abandon their first chosen friends - feeling forced to choose a side.
They will break away from the battle together as a separate "faction" and simply help those who need help, no matter what side they belong to.
5. Where are we going from here? What's going to happen?
We're going to see a redefinition of "the symbol of peace" and what it means to be a hero.
This next to last page I think gave away the entire end of the fight, even if I'm not sure how we get there.
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All Might is gone. He's a figure of the past, but do you know what that raised fist means? Do you see the Endeavor doll in that little boy's arms?
Like it or not, Endeavor is the number one hero and people DO believe in him. All Might may be gone, but his spirit continues to inspire others, including Endeavor. If Endeavor is the new spiritual leader of the new wave Hero movement but not the sole person who will be taking credit for peace, the new definition of the symbol of peace won't be, "The person who can save everyone" but "A hero who is willing to give everything to bring about the future they want."
That raised fist has been seen twice before so far, and the meaning has been the same both times: "Victory in the face of certain defeat."
And I think the definition of "hero" will be redefined from, "someone in a costume with a flashy quirk saving people" to "someone who jumps in to help someone else."
Imagine this scenario:
The kids and the heroes are fighting the League because good guys have to fight bad guys this is a Shonen after all blah de blah de blah.
Twice finds Hawks in the midst of the battle and makes his feelings of betrayal well known. It hurts Hawks because he knows Jin is being genuine. He thought they were friends, and on some level Keigo thinks of him as one, too. They exchange emotional words and then come to a realization: why are they fighting each other when all this time they actually just wanted the same thing? There are people here, their friends, that need help. Anyone who helps their friends can't be all bad, right?
Injured heroes are caught off guard by Twice picking them up out of the fray and villains are confused to see copies of Hawks clearly being aided by Twice despite believing he's betrayed them scattering across the battlefield, only concerned with the fallen no matter if they're a hero or villain. Some get the idea on either side and join the third faction. The battle is no longer contextualized as "establishment" vs "anti-establishment," but shifts into a fight between heroes - those who help others at their own expense - and villains - those who harm others for their own sake; All for One vs One for All.
The heroes will win that battle, but the casualties will be devastating. Many on both sides will die and establishments will be torn down with the aim to rebuild, literally or metaphorically. I don't know what will happen to those who have sins to answer for: Endeavor, Hawks, Shiguraki, Dabi, etc.; but hard decisions will be made assuming fate doesn't decide for them. Not everyone will be happy, but a new sense of justice will be established. In the spirit of Sir Nighteye's predictions - enough people with enough will fighting together for an impossible future will be able to change fate itself and make that future a reality.
Any specifics beyond this are pure speculation, and even some of these predictions could be wrong; but I feel confident in this conclusion.
This series about super hero high school is going to be the death of me.
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akamarulover · 5 years
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Fly high kids
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goopy-axolotl · 5 years
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kurokrisps · 4 years
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enigmatic-bumble · 5 years
When you realize Twice can possibly clone the High End Noumus
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