#bo bia
kpop-locks · 9 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ byeon woo seok ; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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my friend ships din and bo
where did i go wrong 😭
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leadendeath · 1 month
mate. im sitting in the confessional right now with this.
i have a "guilty ?pleasure?"- well, not pleasure exactly, it's just something to background listen to while i do other stuff... so that i don't have to look at the show's art style which i generally do not like much- maybe a better term is a "bad habit"- of putting on peoples' reviews/video essays of the works of someone whose name sounds a lot like "fizziepop".
and let me tell ya.
the combo of the double take/"oh no he's cute" feeling i got when i saw this guy.
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i have too much of a mental sickness for this they can't be doing this to me man. i almost had a moment of "......hmmmmaybe i could give the show a try 🤔" weakness. can u guess why. take a guess. a wild one.
help me.
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rinariaahh · 1 year
traum and gustang: *starting a war*
han, doing his best to stop them: no fighting shakira shakira
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jcpostsobsessions · 1 year
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Lmao she looks so cute. 😂
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44hive · 4 months
sarina wiegman….. count ur fucking days
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By: Bo M. Winegard, Cory Clark, Connor R. Hasty, Roy F. Baumeister
Published: Aug 23, 2023
Recent scholarship has challenged the long-held assumption in the social sciences that Conservatives are more biased than Liberals, yet little work deliberately explores domains of liberal bias.
Here, we demonstrate that Liberals (some might call them Progressives) are particularly prone to bias about victims’ groups (e.g. women, Black people) and identify a set of beliefs that consistently predict this bias, termed Equalitarianism.
Equalitarianism, we believe, stems from an aversion to inequality and a desire to protect relatively low status groups, and includes three interrelated beliefs: (1) demographic groups do not differ biologically; (2) prejudice is ubiquitous and explains existing group disparities; (3) society can, and should, make all groups equal in society.
This leads to bias against information that portrays a perceived privileged group more favorably than a perceived victims’ group. Eight studies and twelve mini meta-analyses (n=3,274) support this theory. Liberalism was associated with perceiving certain groups as victims (Studies 1a-1b).
In Studies 2-7 and meta-analyses, Liberals evaluated the same study as less credible when the results portrayed a privileged group (men and White people) more favorably than a victims’ group (women and Black people) than vice versa. Ruling out alternative explanations of normative reasoning, significant order effects in within-subjects designs in Study 6 and Study 7 (preregistered) suggest that Liberals believe they should not evaluate identical information differently depending on which group is portrayed more favorably, yet do so.
In all studies, higher equalitarianism mediated the relationship between liberalism and lower credibility ratings when privileged groups were portrayed more favorably. Although not predicted a priori, meta-analyses also revealed Moderates to be the most balanced in their judgments. These findings do not indicate whether this bias is morally justifiable, only that it exists.
A recent meta-analysis found that both Liberals and Conservatives were roughly equally biased when evaluating information with conclusions that were more or less congenial with their preferred beliefs (Ditto et al., 2019a, 2019b). Although many scholars continue to dispute the possibility of roughly symmetrical bias among Liberals and Conservatives, even the most skeptical scholars agree that Liberals likely are biased on some issues (e.g., Baron & Jost, 2019; Van Bavel et al., 2020).
Indeed, it has been argued that bias is a natural human tendency that evolved at least partially to facilitate group cooperation and status attainment within social groups (e.g., Clark et al., 2019; Clark & Winegard, 2020; Winegard & Clark, 2020), and thus Liberals, as humans, likely are biased in at least some domains.
Despite widespread agreement that Liberals are susceptible to biases, little work has explored domains in which Liberals display biases. Here we explore one such domain: low status groups. We contend that Liberals are biased in their evaluations of information that portray low status groups unfavorably (relative to high status groups). We also find evidence that this bias is at least partially explained by a set of interrelated beliefs about low status groups that are endorsed more strongly by modern Liberals than modern Conservatives.
General Discussion
Taken together, the data from these studies strongly support the equalitarian account of liberal bias.
First, Liberals appeared committed to intrinsic group equality. They were biased such that they found vignettes that stated that two demographic groups were equal more (although not statistically significantly relative to Women Higher in Study 5) credible than vignettes that stated that one group outperformed another.
Second, they were consistently biased against results that favored a privileged group over a victims’ group. In every single study, they rated the Privileged Group Higher vignette as less credible than the Victims’ Group Higher.
And third, scores on our equalitarian measure mediated our results in every study such that higher scores on the equalitarian measure predicted more bias among Liberals. Consistent with our hypotheses, meta-analyses revealed a significant interaction effect overall as well as within studies that manipulated sex and those that manipulated race, such that increased iberalism predicted a larger bias against information that portrays high status groups more favorably than low status groups relative to the reverse.
Also consistent with hypotheses, meta-analyses revealed the hypothesized effects for Liberals overall and within both types of studies. The meta-analyses also revealed a relatively smaller but still significant effect of the sex manipulation for Conservatives in the same direction as for Liberals, and a significant effect of the race manipulation for Conservatives in the opposite direction as for Liberals. Among Moderates, there were no significant effects of the conditions.
Our theory builds from previous work, but goes beyond it, providing a framework for understanding a powerful and largely empiricallyunexplored—but not undiscussed—source of bias. Many scholars have noted—some lamenting and some championing—that many Liberals have protective concerns for victims’ groups (e.g., Bawer, 2012; Haidt, 2012; Mac Donald, 2018; Pinker, 2003) and that those concerns can lead to powerful biases about victims’ groups. Therefore, at minimum, our theory is a prioriplausible.
But it is also largely congruent with many previous analyses of Liberals and provides a potential explanation for previous findings. For example, Liberals have a stronger pro-black bias than Conservatives (Axt et al., 2016), Liberals but not Conservatives are less willing to sacrifice the life of a Black man than a White man to save 100 others (Uhlmann et al., 2009), one of the largest discrepancies among liberal and conservative bias in the Ditto et al. (2019a) meta-analysis came from a study involving victims’ groups (Crawford et al., 2013), Liberals are more inclined to impute motives to scientists who propose biological explanations for life outcomes than those who propose more extrinsic explanations (Hannikainen, 2018), and Liberals are particularly opposed to research on male-favoring sex-differences (Stewart-Williams et al., 2021).
And this theory makes novel predictions, one of which was supported in this paper. The consistency of our results across studies and with established empirical data and with recent controversies in the academic community increases our confidence in our theory and persuades us that it might be a powerful framework for understanding certain political and even scientific biases.
Furthermore, our theory contributes to a burgeoning area of research on liberal bias that has challenged prior assumptions about the relation between political ideology and bias. For a long time, many scholars contended that Conservatives were more prone to bias than Liberals (e.g., Jost et al., 2003). However, recent evidence and arguments have challenged this asymmetry argument, asserting that bias is likely equal across political ideologies (Ditto et al., 2019a; Guay & Johnston, 2022).
Although some scholars have been troubled by this (e.g., Baron & Jost, 2019), our results also challenge the asymmetry argument and illustrate the importance of exploring many different areas of bias. Because most social psychologists are liberal, they may take liberal biases for granted; that is, they simply assume that liberal biases are correct and are not biases at all. Indeed, even when people are aware bias exists, they seem unable to identify bias in themselves (Pronin, Lin, & Ross, 2002).
Furthermore, liberal social psychologists might not be as motivated to discover and shed light on liberal bias as they are for conservative bias, because conservative thought seems more peculiar and foreign to them. When scholars have looked in the right places, though, they have found more equivalent levels of bias between ideological groups (e.g., Crawford, 2012; 2014; Brandt et al., 2014).
Of course, our results cannot settle this important debate, but they do add plausibility to the symmetrical bias thesis, or at least a ‘not as asymmetrical as previously thought’ hypothesis. And they forward a novel domain and direction of bias among Liberals.
As noted in the beginning, liberalism in this sense refers to American progressivism (vs conservatism) rather than Classical Liberalism, which is bipartisan.
Anecdotally, I can confirm this phenomenon.
You can point out the violence statistics. Such as 77 black or brown children killed by neighborhood gun violence in one year, versus about 12 unarmed - but not necessarily not-dangerous - black men killed by police each year. One gets national coverage, one does not. The response? Well, it must be incomplete (it's not), it must be from a far-right source (Washington Post, really?), it... it doesn't reflect the "lived reality" of black people in America today (that one might be true, only because you've fear-mongered a narrative that's in defiance of the statistics).
You can point out studies that show a police interaction is less (~27%) likely to end in a police shooting death if the citizen is black than if white. Well, you can't say that, that's racist. You want to deny systemic racism.
You can point out the dometic violence statistics which show women are more often the aggressor, men experience sexual assault, including rape, almost as often as women, lesbian relationships are more violent than straight ones, which are more violent than gay male ones, and that men are more often the fatalities in domestic violence cases when all deaths are accounted for. That's some misogynistic claims from bogus far-right stats (the CDC is not far-right, and it's been reproduced across hundreds of studies).
The narrative has to be protected at all costs. Especially when people have attached their identities to these narratives.
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zeb-z · 1 year
I’ve got several bones to pick with the latest decisions of the Armorer and Bo Katan this last episode - one of them being how ridiculous it is that she can remove her helmet and walk both ways, but Din, rightful Mand’Alor, is an apostate for the same crime under dire circumstances, and went through hell to redeem himself - and it all comes back around to the hypocrisy.
Bo Katan is told she can remove her helmet, walk both ways, unite the Mandalorians. She is quite clearly the worst possible candidate for this. This isn’t an attack on her character in particular, she’s proven herself these last few episodes to have some care and honor.
In the beginning of the season, she said it herself, how the rest of the Mandos she had gathered had left her because she did not have the dark saber. She had given up because of this, changing her mind on a lot of beliefs because of this. Why would they follow her now? Why wouldn’t she even mention such an obstacle?
I think that now she feels empowered again. Now she has more of a basis to lead, with a mission from someone as important as a Mandalorian Armorer. She can unite her people now that it’s convenient. And there’s certainly some character development after she has seen the mythosaur and spent some time with the Watch - and I’m sure more to come - that she feels some sort of obligation and loyalty, I hope.
It’s similar to the Armorer and her decisions on what is acceptable and what is not in terms of the creed. What redemption is impossible, or not even needed - based off of convenience. She had let Bo Katan in knowing she did not willingly walk the Way. Knowing that her bathing in the waters wasn’t purposeful but a technicality, not even bothering to find out if she respects or follows any of the other tenants that seem just a little more important - yknow, the care for foundlings and all that?
Yes, Bo Katan proves herself later on - but not at first acceptance. The scene where she’s welcomed screams of cult tactics is all I am saying, which I might bring up in another post because there is a lot to unpack there. The point is that if this creed is law, and you start making exceptions, where is the line drawn after? Why is it alright for newcomer Bo Katan to be the exception to maybe find more Mandalorians, but Din wasn’t forgiven for considering his foundling more important in the order of tenants? What does it mean for the rest of them to now follow this creed, when it isn’t so strict in its honor?
It’s just. The hypocrisy of it all. Bo Katan, barely upgraded from outsider to Mando in the Watch’s eyes, getting the pass to take off her helmet because she’s walked both ways while anyone else would be shunned and exiled, given a task for redemption that is impossible in their eyes to complete. It is impossible for anyone else to have walked both ways, sans Din. And Bo Katan willingly upholding this duty so soon after she threw fits about how these same people fractured the Mandalorians, how it’s their fault they are all scattered. After the rest of the Mando’s had left her because she doesn’t have the dark saber.
Not to discredit what character development that Bo Katan has seemingly gone through, but past patterns only go to show that this will not last. It reads like just another quick turn around of her beliefs and morals.
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Have a silly animatic I made based on one of my old OC’s featuring @boinurmom13​​ ′s Bo again bc I’m obsessed ig
Transcript Below (because my handwriting is a mess)
*CRASH* *THUD* Parker: Bo, I need your help.  Bo: Who are you? Bo: And why the fuck did you break my window? Parker: Not important. Parker: But Bo, listen Parker: I have the funniest idea Parker: Word around town is that you’re good at these sorts of things (at least I assume because that wizard called you a menace) Parker: And Sky won’t help me (something about not wanting to get in trouble. As if we’d get caught) Parker: What do you say? Parker: You down for some hijinks and shenanigans? Bo: ... Bo: What are we doing? Parker: All I need is for you to distract the mayor Lewis: *Complaining about the youth* Bo: That’s it? Parker: That’s it. Parker: I can take care of the rest. -> Stolen from Skylar
*THUD* Parker: I lied. Parker: I have the strength of a cooked spaghetti noodle. Parker: Please help. Bo: (wtf) Parker: Can you move it? Bo: Now what? Parker: (Ah right) Parker: How are your metalworking skills? *Cue maniacal laughter* -> Stolen from Maru Parker: Okay. I’m done being evil now. Parker: Back to our regularly scheduled tomfoolery.
Parker: Now for a magic trick of my own. Parker: Abra- Parker: (Hold on) Parker: (One moment) Parker: (Let me just-) Parker: -cadabra! Parker: (I have too much time on my hands) Parker: Now bring forth the sacrifice. Parker: (joyfully) It’s worse than I could have possibly imagined.
The Next Day Parker: Told ya it would be good Skylar: Parker! Parker: Uh oh Parker: Better get out of here Parker: Bye, Bo! Skylar: Parker, you didn’t... Parker: In my defense, you left me bored and unattended Skylar: *sigh*
The End
And this is the one reference I traced for that first shot of Bo
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xuongsanxuatsoda · 10 hours
Xưởng Trực Tiếp Sản Xuất Sổ Da - Sổ Da Quà Tặng Giá Rẻ
Xưởng Trực Tiếp Sản Xuất Sổ Da - Sổ Da Quà Tặng Giá Rẻ bởi Qua Tang Doanh Nghiep Qua Flickr: Xưởng Trực Tiếp Sản Xuất Sổ Da - Sổ Da Quà Tặng Giá Rẻ
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sanxuathienkim · 2 months
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💥 BÊN EM NHẬN THIẾT KẾ LOGO ĐỘC QUYỀN - BÌA CHỨNG NHẬN BẰNG DA - BÌA KÝ KẾT BẰNG DA - BÌA TỐT NGHIỆP BẰNG DA... 📞Hotline/Zalo: 0934 165 827 - 0932 032 827 - 0938 627 827 ✅ Tặng kèm logo 3D công nghệ mới hoặc chất liệu tùy chọn ✅ Thiết kế đa dạng nhiều lĩnh vực ngành nghề ✅ Bàn giao hàng trong ngày ✅ Chi phí rẻ và chất lượng tốt Chất liệu: da pu, da simili, giả da, da bò,... ---------------------------------- https://sanxuatthienkim.com/ 🏢 TP. Hồ Chí Minh | (028)22 537 827- (028)22 536 439 Địa chỉ: 46 Đường Số 3, KDC Hiệp Bình, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, TP. Thủ Đức, Tp. HCM
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Fallout good
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Spoiler ramblings in the tags but I didn't go too deep into anything huge
For all its faults its accessible for non-fans of the games and honestly some of the writing is great man I have a soft spot for "the twist actually had hints and build up" ya know how they're supposed to be done
All in all I hope the next season doesn't boot it hard because right now I'd happily recommend it despite the whinging from "true fans"
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alatariel-galadriel · 9 months
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rinariaahh · 1 year
baby traum vs baby hon
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The New York Times called out for editorial bias about transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people by its own writers A very, very long list of New York Times contributors has signed an open letter to the paper's associate managing editor for standards expressing deep concern over editorial bias toward presenting transgender, non-binary, and other non-conforming people. The New York Times has sadly shown an unsavory editorial bias that isn't in keeping with the long, cherished history of the Grey Lady. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/02/16/nytimes-called-out-for-editorial-bias-on-transgender-non-binary-and-gender-non-conforming-people-by-its-own-writers.html
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weirdmarioenemies · 10 days
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Name: Spoing
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
Spoing is a jumping spider! Though it's not quite a jumping spider, you know? Like how a lynx is a big cat, but it's not a big cat. You know. But even so, I would like to express my appreciation to real jumping spiders! With their extra conventional cuteness, they capture the hearts of even people who are scared of other bugs, and as such are ambassadors for the rest of spiderkind. A gateway to appreciating some other creatures, which some fools may call "less charismatic", as if it is not charismatic to, for example, dangle a blob of silk to catch moths like a little fisherman. Anyway, as president, I will make sure all jumping spiders are compensated for their services. In dollars.
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I don't know if I'm just saying this because I've been replaying Galaxy recently and have a sort of recency bias, but Spoing really might be one of the cutest Mario enemies ever! We all know, we all love, the eyes-in-a-void face! And on a BUG? Yowza! I've seen that kind of face on crabs and sometimes bagworms (I think?) but I'm not sure I've seen it on any other arthropod, and ESPECIALLY not a spider. I don't know how Spoing would hunt. Would it just shove prey into the eye void? Is it also a mouth? That would be pretty awesome.
You know, their faces make them look kind of like funny astronauts... and they only have four limbs, not eight. Are these truly spiders? Were they once human, until something unspeakable happened? And will it happen to me someday? I hope so!
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Spoings mainly appear in Space Junk Galaxy, which I think we on the Weird Mario Enemies Office Pizza Party Email Chain all agree is a really great galaxy, with impeccable vibes. It's space at some of its most lonely, as opposed to spectacle, and I REALLY appreciate the presence of spiders here. Spiders and their webs are always used to visually communicate the idea of a place or object being unused, abandoned. And this galaxy is just a bunch of forgotten debris, not inhabited by any sapient civilization! If moths are the mascot of empty wallets, spiders are the mascots of forgotten attics! Spoings to not seem to make webs, which, yeah, actively hunting spiders do not! But they might make Sling Pods. And Sling Pod Galaxy is... well, I don't want to use this post to criticize a galaxy that precious spiders may have had a part in designing. So I will move on to...
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Name: Spangler
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
Spoing's got an evolutionary relative, and rather than being a spider boing, this is a spider dangler! It at first looks like a recolor of Spoing, but it actually lacks the fuzziness of Spoing's abdomen, and it DOES have a big ol' spinneret, which it is always using to dangle on a silk thread! One big one, like a really long string cheese. These ones debut in Ghostly Galaxy, indicating that they are spookier than the more generalized Spoings. Is it the silk? Is silk Spooky? It is what ends up encasing the spider's prey... like a MUMMY! Maybe I'm on to something here!
I really like Spoing and Spangler, and that both exist! It may be sort of the same design for two different enemy behaviors, but they're both behaviors that make sense for the design, and it's a design I always love to see. It's like they're closely related species! Maybe a population of Spanglers was separated from the others and ended up in the more barren Space Junk Galaxy, where there was not nearly as much infrastructure to dangle from, and where only active hunting was a viable strategy. And over time, Spoings evolved from this population! Actually, maybe they even use the Sling Pods for hunting, when we're not looking, launching themselves at unsuspecting prey...
And just to make sure we're not appreciating fictional creatures over real ones too much, I should tell you that there is, indeed, a spider that slingshots itself at prey using its web. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. And it's often a spider's fault! The variety of ways in which different species use their silk is honestly one of the most incredible things in all of nature!
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