snffbeebee · 6 months
Alright Y'all, one of my good friends/Supernatural lover has brought this song to my attention, so I HAD to bring it to yours!!!! If you haven't listened to it.....DO IT NOW AND SHARE THE SHIT OUTTA THIS POST!!!!!
My main reason for this post is to get Mr.Winchester himself Jensen Ackles to HEAR THIS!! This lady has given one of our favorite Characters a theme song, and I think She and IT deserves all the recognition!!
Oh, and it may have got my brain going again for the next chapters of Blood Red and Second Glance! So if you haven't caught up on them, ya might wanna start now!!!! And to end this beautiful post, some random Jensen/Dean gifs and photos.
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The Angels and Demons - @ezilyamuzed @daughterofthenight117 @redlipstickandthewinchesters @chocolateheart @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog@ain-t-bovvered @ladysparkles78 @waywardbaby @nanie5 @ladywinchesterslibrary @candy-coated-misery0731 @stoneyggirl2 @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @leigh70 @deans-baby-momma @akshi8278 @hobby27 @jaylarkson @ladywinchester1967 @sonotalice @krazykelly @drakelover78 @19agbrown @pisces-cutie @aloneanddesperate-blog @midnightsilver @dean-winchesters-bacon @waywardnerd67 @bobasheebaby
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leelee10898 · 1 year
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Hi everyone! Not sure who is still here but... after a very long hiatus, I am planning on being more active on Tumblr! 
My personal life and mental health took a huge hit so I decided to step away from the platform while I got myself sorted out.  
The blog will continue to feature Choices material as well as some original works. I know that since I have been away, people have come and gone and I am pretty much starting over, which will include new tags lists. I know there are plenty of dead tags and changed handles within my existing list however, I will include it here anyway. If you'd like to be added or kept please let me know. 
I am looking forward to reconnecting with everyone as well as meeting new friends! Happy writing/reading. ☺️
@hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @riseandshinelittleblossom @ao719 @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101 @choicesgremlin @desiree-pow-35-1986 @mskaneko @emichelle @annabellewynter
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kingliam2019 · 2 years
My Loves
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Hi all: Just popping in to say hi and to let ya know that I will be on sporadically. I got approved for an apartment and will be moving in on the 15th of Sept. It will be bittersweet as I have lived in this house for 59 years as of yesterday the 28th of August. So it will be crunch time as I still have a lot of stuff to pack and clean. I know I have a MMM and a Fic to get out but it's there to be worked on inbetween everything. Might be just what I need for head clearing. So I'll be on and off til I get settled.
@ao719 @bebepac @angelasscribbles @texaskitten30 @bbrandy2002 @bobasheebaby @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @nuggsmum @winter2112rose @mayloma @harleybeaumont @rmtndew @queenrileyrose
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blackcatkita · 2 years
I used to post anonymous little one off’s but decided to stop. I’ve watched the fun get sucked out of the fandom and people who used to be nice turn into a brigade of wannabe Regina Georges. I pop on to check if some of my old favorites have posted but I don’t think they’re going to. You used to be friends with bobasheebaby, darley1101, theroyalweisme, hellospunkybrewster, and alicars. Any chance they’ll finish their stories? Are you going to finish yours?
I still talk to some of them!
Alicars had some personal stuff going on and just wasn't into Choices anymore. The Royal Heir is what ruined it for her and she never looked back.
Last I heard from @theroyalweisme was she wanted to get back into writing and the fandom, which is exactly how I feel yet there never seems to be enough hours in the day.
@darley1101 and @hellospunkiebrewster are out, full stop. The fandom drama took all the fun out of it and not only do they not want to post anymore, they don't want to write for Choices anymore at all. Which is fucking sad, in general and for the fandom.
@bobasheebaby wants to finish hers someday but isn't sure if she'd even post it here. I will say... sometimes a quick ask to show interest does wonders for us writers to find motivation 😉
As for myself, yes, I'm going to finish my current series as well as plans for others. My problem is time. I don't even have kids and it baffles me how people with kids and full time jobs manage to find time to write. I work ehh... 50-60 hours a week but big deal, lots of people do that and more. Maybe I need to cut back on my social life or leave my house dirty or something, I don't know.
When I referred to people sending asks on anon, I meant those who send hate. I get many people aren't comfortable showing who they are and that is perfectly ok. But if you're going to run your mouth and talk shit, own it. Don't say something shitty behind someone's back or behind anon that you wouldn't say to someone's face. That's a good general life lesson too. If you're afraid of someone finding out you said something, ask yourself if you should be saying it at all.
Anywho, I'm gonna go finish redecorating my bathroom and figure out what I'm making for dinner but I'm going to get some writing done today. Believe me, I want to finish the series too! 🤣
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ladywinchester1967 · 2 years
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Something wickedly fun this way comes!!
Come check us out on Instagram for updates:
A link to our blog is in our description link.
Can’t wait to share what I’ve been cooking up with @lovelyfantastic 😄
The Squad:
@waywardnerd67 @waywardbaby @emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @myinconnelly1 @dean-winchesters-bacon @imma-winchester-addict @lovealways-j
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
If you’re still looking for wholesome ideas to draw what about Syphax and MC with a family?
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manawhaat · 4 years
Gal Gadot
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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Jim Hopper, Peter Hale, & Tony Stark
Oooo these are good ones!
Jim Hopper for slow burn because I’m imagining an age gap fic where he’s painfully unaware you’re attracted to him because he assumes you’re too young. I think the smut part would actually come kinda quickly, and it would then be more an emotional slow burn, where he fights the idea of you being more than a physical fling, but you keep falling back into each other’s paths. Then something happens to put your life in danger and he realizes omg, I love her and can’t lose her. 
Peter Hale for enemies to lovers. Oh man, so many possibilities here. Maybe you’re a human who is friends with Lydia and gets drawn into the drama of the supernatural, maybe you’re something unidentifiable who works at the vet clinic with Deaton and so Peter sees you as a threat because he wants to know what the hell you are, or maybe you’re also a werewolf but have loyalty to Scott or Derek. Either way, Peter would hate you at first, and would probably be real tempted to kill you. But he’d also find your sass intriguing and be unwillingly drawn to the fact that you pretend not to be scared of him (though let’s be real, he can smell your fear). He’d decide to keep you alive purely for entertainment purposes...at least, that would be his only reason at first *smirks*
Tony Stark for fake date because holy crap he would charm the pants off the crowd, and he’d probably also pay for a new dress and some fancy jewelry for you to wear. You’d both get a bit too tipsy on cocktails and stumble back to your apartment where...oh no, there’s only one bed!...and I think you know where it goes from there ;)
Thank you for the ask, love!
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crashdevlin · 4 years
Best Laid Plans 3, 5, 6 & 9
The Best Laid Plans!
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? It’s gotta be this one from Sacrifice “You thought you had imagined what Hell was like. You figured Dante, Milton, the Bible, there must be some sort of truth in there but the worst of your imagination couldn't come up with what Hell actually had in store.”
5: What part was hardest to write? Probably what Sam did to Y/n in Summer. It was so very violent and seemed to have no reason...as those things often are senseless...and it was hard to write because it was so very real within the scope of it being an omegaverse thing.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? Well, A) it’s my only John series. B) It’s young John! With all the charm of old John! C) John survives! John changes the storyline just enough to keep to most of the canon but he gets to live! D) It’s one of the most pining-est fics ever (is she ever gonna get Dean back? Who knows?)  
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? Nope. No alternate versions. It did start out as just a one-shot, but once I decided to do a “John is young again and survives the beginning of season 2″ series, I pretty much stuck with the version I’ve got.
Thank you for asking! Ask me stuff!
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snffbeebee · 11 months
Well...I've changed my mind..
Alright Y'all, ever since @ezilyamuzed has come to me with thoughts about our new series (just hers for right now lol ) I instantly began to get ideas for a fic that I had already started writing...Which one you might ask?.. Well it's actually one that I thought was going no where until right now!! Some of you have already read the first chapter and the teaser to the 2nd chapter of Blue Eyes . Well, I have changed my mind a bit with the direction it's going to go in, so.....that means that I am going to re write the first chapter, just a few tweaks. I just wanted to let everyone know that this will Not be a reader insert. Our main character is none other than Sam Winchester...and maybe another friend... Anyways, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up, because changes will be made and it will be continuing!!!
Needless to say, I'm pumped!!
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The Angels & Demons - @ezilyamuzed @daughterofthenight117 @redlipstickandthewinchesters @chocolateheart @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog@ain-t-bovvered @ladysparkles78 @waywardbaby @nanie5 @ladywinchesterslibrary @candy-coated-misery0731 @stoneyggirl2 @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @@leigh70 @deans-baby-momma @akshi8278 @hobby27 @jaylarkson @ladywinchester1967 @sonotalice @krazykelly @drakelover78 @19agbrown @pisces-cutie @aloneanddesperate-blog @midnightsilver @dean-winchesters-bacon @waywardnerd67 @bobasheebaby
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naughtyneganjdm · 4 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! ♥
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kingliam2019 · 1 year
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I posted 3,085 times in 2022
117 posts created (4%)
2,968 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 67 of my posts in 2022
#henry cavill - 15 posts
#youtube - 5 posts
#trr liam - 3 posts
#liam and riley - 3 posts
#superman - 2 posts
#trr - 2 posts
#enola holmes 2 - 2 posts
#their back - 2 posts
#liam x riley - 2 posts
#trr/trh - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#@twinkle320 @phoenixrising308 @nuggsmum @harleybeaumont @viking-raider @soot-sprite @sirbeepsalot
My Top Posts in 2022:
Untitled Round-Robin Story, Part 3
In the universe that The Royal Romance/Heir fan fiction inhabits, the people are represented by two not necessarily separate yet equally important groups: The Writers, who come up with these fantastical stories, and The Readers, who eagerly consume them. One writer, @sirbeepsalot , was struck with inspiration and came up with the idea of a round-robin story based on The Royal Romance/Heir.
This is that story.
Catch up here.
Book: The Royal Romance/Heir
Pairings: currently unknown
This part includes this week’s Wacky Drabbles prompt, in bold below.
The character X, from Part 1, is now identified here as Olivia
Sitting in her Study going over details for the upcoming party, The Queen rubs her fingers over her tired eyes, as the colors and words swirl together, she’s been at this for hours trying to make it the best one yet. Placing her hands on the desk and with a heavy sigh she gets up and walks over to the bar cart, pouring herself a glass of Lemon Mint water. Relishing in the coolness of the drink she collects herself and sits back at her desk picking up the paper with the details of what food to serve, when her eyes become blurry and her head spinning. Putting her head in her hands trying to center herself, trying to get up a rush of vertigo hits. “I Don’t feel so good” She falls to the floor with a heavy thud. Just then her office door swings open to reveal a shocked guard.
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Writers Taglist: @sirbeepsalot @burnsoslow @kingliam2019 @thegreentwin @dcbbw @queenrileyrose @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @angelasscribbles
Readers Taglist: @wackydrabbles @choicesficwriterscreations
Please comment below if you would like to be included in the list of writers, or readers, and haven’t yet done so.
33 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My Loves
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Hi all: Just popping in to say hi and to let ya know that I will be on sporadically. I got approved for an apartment and will be moving in on the 15th of Sept. It will be bittersweet as I have lived in this house for 59 years as of yesterday the 28th of August. So it will be crunch time as I still have a lot of stuff to pack and clean. I know I have a MMM and a Fic to get out but it's there to be worked on inbetween everything. Might be just what I need for head clearing. So I'll be on and off til I get settled.
@ao719 @bebepac @angelasscribbles @texaskitten30 @bbrandy2002 @bobasheebaby @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @nuggsmum @winter2112rose @mayloma @harleybeaumont @rmtndew @queenrileyrose
46 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I Know You're Out There Somewhere 2
53 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
I Know You're Out There Somewhere
81 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Henry Cavill has been cast for an undisclosed role in 'LOKI' Season 2.
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105 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the--blackdahlia · 4 years
“Keep Dreaming” (fic title)
Title: Keep Dreaming
Fandom: Motley Crue
Summary: Since the day Tommy got his first drumset, his dream was to be John Bonham. And after joining Suite 19, he thought he had achieved that dream. Until a green-eyed bassist asked him to join his band and the dreams became bigger with the hair, and more extravagant with every drum kit. But now that his dreams have been fulfilled, Tommy still wants something more, something that only the green-eyed bassist can give him.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Pernicious Passion- Writer Chat
Word count: 897
Warnings: BCWYWF spoilers, sexual innuendo, crack
Summary: As part of @stopforamoment Pernicious Passion. Bastien has read the end of Be Careful What You Wish For and has questions, he happens to have @bobasheebaby number and he’s using it to get answers.
A/N: I opened my big mouth and now this won’t leave. It’s crack. The character is self aware and is speaking with the author, it’s pure crack. Also I’m being very flirty and suggestive cause HELLO. I will be using some of the questions I got as comments for his questions and may be adding in some of my thoughts that didn’t make the final cut. 
Series warnings: Evil Liam, dark!fic, deceit, manipulation, dub con, possible NSFW content, possible character death. This is taking the Liam from TRH to the extreme, he is not the Liam we know and love. By clicking read more you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I only own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Bastien closed his laptop in thought. He’d just finished reading the last chapter of @bobasheebaby Be Careful What You Wish For, Up In Flames. It can’t be the last chapter there is too much left hanging. It was a satisfying enough conclusion, and she had been correct that he would be pleasantly surprised with the ending, however he had a few questions.
He picked up his phone, selecting the number for the bright haired writer who gave him both so much joy and pain. He was feeling very grateful in that moment that she had been willing to supply him with her number, although the wasn’t using it for the intended purpose.
He quickly typed out a polite message introducing himself.
Bobasheebaby- What’s Up Bas? Taking me up on that offer to find out if the carpet matches the drapes? 😉 😉
Bastien was stunned by her brashness, though he should have known she would be straight to the point and very forward. He felt a stirring in his pants as they began to glow. No you have questions and need answers.
Bastien- Actually I just finished reading Up In Flames, is that really the end of Be Careful What You Wish For?
He watched the dancing dots.
Bobasheebaby- yup. That’s the end. Unless MoE decides to revive it later on. Didn’t I tell you you’d be pleasantly surprised by the ending?
He furrowed his brow. That is not how you end a story.
Bastien- How can you just end it like that? I have so many questions! There are so many loose ends.
Bobasheebaby- it ran to its natural conclusion, that is the end that the story wanted. However, I may be willing to answer your questions.
Bastien sighed, typical writer answer, though she was willing to answer his questions. He wondered what her price may be, but buried the thought, he needed answers now.
Bastien- How did Bastien and Drake get out of Cordonia? Did Olivia sneak them out?
Bobasheebaby- really Bas? You think you needed Olivia’s help?
He could practically hear her sigh and agitation.
Bobasheebaby- Olivia is badass and I love her, but so are you. Bas, you figured it out quickly enough you were able to make a plan and get you and Drake out safely. You planned to fake your deaths, yes I know you’re going to mention the bodies, you obtained unclaimed bodies from the morgue. You’re a planner and a thinker. You safely got you and Drake out.
He chuckled at her explanation. She was so passionate when it came to her characters, a fact that showed in her writing. She really took the time to get to know them and do them justice, even if she did leave gigantic gaping plot holes from time to time. She understood him so clearly she knew to explain the bodies before he even asked.
Bastien- And Alessandra was Interpol and in on it the entire time? How did that work?
Bobasheebaby- oh Bas, I was hoping you would ask about Alessandra. I have so many juicy tidbits but they ended up on the cutting room floor as they say.
Quick response followed by the seemingly never ending dancing dots. Juicy details?
Bobasheebaby- yes Alessandra was Interpol, maybe it’s technically a conflict of interest the relationship she developed with Liam, but you were also desperate to take him down. And don’t some agencies look the other way as long as nothing truly illegal is done to get the needed intel? I’m sure stuff happens more than you’d think in the CIA. Okay I know I promised juicy details. You and Alessandra are very well acquainted, if you know what I mean. 😉 kinda like I’d like us to be. But that’s not what you texted about, this time….
Bastien cleared his throat, the stirring in his pants growing once more. Alessandra and me? I guess it makes sense. His cheeks heated at her proposition, while he would like nothing more than to take her upon her offer he still had questions, that could wait.
Bastien- The end, I’m assuming that was Olivia?
Bobasheebaby- as if there is anyone else who it could be. And before you ask, yes she’s abolishing the monarchy.
Of course she knew where that’s where I was going.
Bastien- What happens during the seven month jump causes Liam to lose interest in Rebecca?
Bobasheebaby- He actually realized pretty quickly the mistake he made. She instantly flipped into someone he didn’t recognize. She wasn’t the woman he fell in love with anymore, she basically became Madeline, and he already got out of that marriage. He had already announced their engagement and covered up the truth about her marriage to Drake, he knew backing out then would only make more questions and possibly unveil his secrets as well as weaken the monarchy. While she was no longer what he wanted he figured he would just use her to stabilize the country, get the heir and then be rid of her. He already got rid of his best friend, his queen wouldn’t give him any pause.
Bobasheebaby- anymore questions?
Bastien- none that I can think of for now.
Bobasheebaby- didn’t I tell you that you’d be happy with the ending?
Bastien- You did.
Bobasheebaby- so when do you want to find out if the carpet matches the drapes? 😉
Bastien- Soon.
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Taglist will be reblogged.
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Fanfic asks, all numbers ending in 3
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
My best performing fic in terms of notes would probably be As She Wished.
The fic I like best would be What Happens On The Island because it was the first time I’d written a male Mc and a morally grey character - plus Blaze is sexy as hell so...
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
Definitely character development. My knowledge was at absolute 0 when I started and after time and practice, reading and writing my favourite characters I got to know them and could predict how they would act based on their individual personalities rather than my personal responses to a situation.
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
I’ve been blessed with lots of amazing people reviewing and reading my fics and leaving LEGENDARY comments. If I had to chose one, it would be the very first comment with a gif I received from @xxrainbow-princessxx on my first ever Drake fic Waltz Time. It was the first time I’d gotten such a vivid reaction to my writing and inspired me to continue.
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
Probably my MCs. I like to get into their heads and mess around then I dig too far and have to haul myself out of the hole I’ve written into.
43. How many views has Your least popular fic gotten?
Lately my fics haven’t been getting far above 20 notes which is why I haven’t been writing that much. Idk if it’s the timing of posting or the content or people don’t like my shit anymore...
Thanks for the ask @bobasheebaby x
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
Favorite place you’ve visited this year? Favorite game you’ve played this year? Favorite book you’ve read this year?
Thanks for the asks @bobasheebaby
Favorite Place I visited this year: Manila; it’s been over a decade since I was last there, so it was really nice to see my relatives after such a long time. I hope I can plan another visit sooner rather than later to see my grandmother again. 
Favorite game I’ve played this year: Choices, only because I’ve bonded with so many great people in the fandom as a result of these pixelated characters. Very close second goes to Mario Kart because I was OBSESSED with the game as a kid and I love being able to play the game on my phone now.
Favorite book I’ve read this year: uh, can I count a Choices book for this answer? Currently Mother of the Year, because it surprised me with just how good the story was compared to the cover art. I was all set to fail play/diamond mine the book but it completely sucked me in - much like Ride or Die did earlier in the year. 
If we’re talking about book book that I’ve read this year, umm… I’ve only partially read WoT The Eye of the World this year, and shamelessly in preparation for its release late 2020/early 2021 because one Daniel Henney was cast in the adaptation. but hey, he (and the rest of the cast) can pull in a huge audience that hasn’t read the books before, right? 
New Year’s Eve Asks
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