#bobby carlyle x reader
mydarlingscotsman · 1 year
Time Is Irrelevant
Dr. Nicholas Rush x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
There was continuous silence that permeated the mess hall. Nobody knew exactly why, today was just one of those days.
Lisa Park was stirring her brown blob of substance absentmindedly, with a permanent vacant expression.
You nudged her softly as to get her attention.
She blinked rapidly as if coming out of a daydream and turned to face you.
You smiled lightly. "It's fine. Just making sure you're still alive."
She sighed deeply.
"I guess. As alive as I can be out in the reaches of the universe."
Before you could reply, the sound of quick footsteps broke the quiet surrounding atmosphere. You knew this could only be one person.
"Park, (L/N). Control room."
It was not so much of a request as a demand, and they were both used to it. Quickly finishing their slop, they stood up and followed the scientist down the hall.
Once they had reached their destination, he pointed at the interface.
"What the hell is this?"
You frowned slightly. There had been security protocols that you had attempted to pass, in order to perhaps increase their energy.
"Colonel Young asked me to- " You started, and realised your fatal mistake.
"Colonel Young asked you? And does Colonel Young know fuckin' anythin' about why the security protocols are there?!"
"It was not up to me, Rush. I tried to warn him about the consequences, but he opted for an attempt so he could dial the gate back home."
The scientist laughed humorlessly.
"Of course, and so he did it anyways. No wonder we've lost power to several important systems, let alone damage to our hyper drive!"
Rush was hysterical and he was going to suffer a heart attack if he kept at the rate he was going. He suddenly started to storm off.
"DR. RUSH!" You yelled, hoping to stop him from what you knew was coming.
Too late.
You and Lisa were trying to decide if you should go after him, or just wait until the storm died down. As tempting as the latter sounded, you knew it was probably best to keep him from ripping Young's head off.
"I'll go. Just see if you can do anything to minimise damage on the shields." You quickly went after the maniacal scientist.
"Good luck!" Lisa called, and you snorted.
Good luck, indeed.
By the time you had reached the gate room where they were already clearly having a shouting match, it seemed like the scientist was about to pass out. He kept mumbling about not being able to fix it, until he was flat on the floor.
"TJ, we need you in the gate room." Young said into his radio.
You immediately responded to his state, and checked for a pulse. You could feel the ragged breathing and his heart was still pumping as you pressed your fingers to his neck.
"He's alright, he just needs some rest."
You hadn't even noticed TJ enter the premises, and was already lifting him by one arm.
"Let me help." you suggested quickly.
She smiled and nodded, as you lifted the other side.
You and TJ walked at a snail's pace, carrying him until you both ended up at the door of his quarters.
Punching the access button with your elbow, the door slid open, allowing both of you to drag him onto the bed, rather ungracefully placing him on it.
"Thanks for the help, (Y/N)."
You shrugged lightly.
"Not a problem TJ. He clearly needs some sleep."
She laughed.
"Yeah, I would say so too. Withdrawals seem to making people irritable. He's not the only one."
You nodded.
"Can't say I'm surprised. The amount of caffeine addicts amongst scientists is innumerable."
"Sounds like you know that from first hand experience."
"Oh, yeah. My days as an intern involved me going on coffee runs more than gathering data."
There was a comfortable silence, and you looked up at her with a reassuring smile.
Suddenly, the radio crackled.
"TJ, we have a situation in the infirmary."
TJ looked at you apologetically. Her duty called once again.
"Don't worry about it. I'll watch him until he wakes up. You go."
She nodded, smiling and quickly was out the door in order to solve whatever 'situation' had occurred.
You sat there for who knows how long in the dark with only the flickering light of stars to be seen out the window. You could have used a nap too; God knows how long it had been since you had a decent night's sleep. Just as your eyelids started fluttering shut and your mind drifted towards REM, there was a rustling sound.
"Dr. Rush?"
A weak groan could be heard.
"W-where am I?" He asked, grogginess evident in his voice.
"You're in your quarters. You passed out back in the gate room. Probably the body's way of telling you to sleep."
"I'm sure." It was light, but you could sense the layer of snark laced in his words.
"Good to have you back Rush."
"My head's pounding."
You nodded "TJ said that is perfectly normal when suffering from withdrawal."
Of course. His smoking and caffeine addiction were certainly the cause. He could almost taste the nicotine.
"Perhaps so, doesn't change the fact I still feel like shite."
You laughed. Not at his expense, which he somehow knew, but, just because you simply found him amusing. He wasn't sure how he felt about it.
You had a nice laugh though, he had to admit.
"Why are you here?" He hand't meant it to sound rude or accusatory, and you also seemed to understand this.
"Well, TJ got sent away to deal with something in the infirmary, I told her I'd watch you."
He chuckled. "I believe I am now too old to have a babysitter, you didn't have to."
"I know. I wanted to."
You don't know why you said it the way you said it, but it was true.
You did.
He seemed to be surprised by this comment and chose not to say anything.
After a long period of silence he finally spoke.
"Thank you." It was soft, but clear enough for you to hear.
"Anytime Nicholas."
A shiver crawled up his spine at the use of his first name. He rarely heard it now a days, and the way you said it seemed to set something off inside him.
He could see your silhouette in the darkness and the occasional surpassing star would spread a light just right into your eyes. He then realised he had never really looked at them before.
"I don't understand."
"You've spent endless amounts of time with me for over a year, a year full of me being demanding and ungrateful. Why do you always show me kindness? I'm a bastard, I don't deserve that."
"Because whether you like it or not, I am a kind person Nicholas. It doesn't cost me anything to be kind."
"Maybe I could use some practice."
Even in the dark, he could tell you were smiling.
"Ok Rush, give it your best go."
He took a deep breath. He couldn't remember the last time he had given praise.
"Well, the truth is you're very intelligent. More so than I maybe let on."
Your heart hammered in your chest. Before you could respond, he continued;
"You can always see the good things in any situation. I think that's what makes you one of the more sane people onboard."
"Well, as sane as you can be on a rusty can floating in space."
He smiled. A real genuine one. You liked it a lot. It seemed to grace his features in the most attractive way.
"You're a hard worker, and you never complain about the loads of work I put onto you." Unlike some people, You finished the sentence in your head. It was clear we was taking a slight a Volker without saying a word.
"And you're a very beautiful woman."
All the lighthearted banter had died down, it was clear he was being absolutely serious.
You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter slightly.
Not that you didn't appreciate his kind words on your knowledge and optimism, it was just a very intimate kind of compliment; he clearly had not said that to anyone since his wife had died.
There were tears in your eyes.
You weren't quite sure why, but perhaps all of this 'being stuck out here' was getting to you finally. There goes that optimism.
"Have I said too much?" He said in a voice barely reaching a whisper.
You shook your head, and tried to blink back the tears.
Without thinking, his hand reached up to cup your face. He gently wiped away the tears from your eyes. Though his hands were callused, he had such a gentle touch that you didn't mind the roughness.
Perhaps you were just craving some affection, there wasn't a lot of options on this ship. That's what you would tell yourself, but deep down you knew this wasn't true.
"Rush, I-"
"Nick." He corrected "No need for formalities now."
You could sense his perfectly placed walls were falling down, and he was letting you see him is his most vulnerable moments.
"I would really like to kiss you right now. Is that informal enough for you?"
He didn't respond for a moment, and you wondered if you had gone too far. But suddenly the gentle hand that had been caressing your cheek found itself at the back of your neck and pulled you forward almost desperately in order to place his lips onto yours. It was in that moment you realised he was just as touch starved as you.
You don't know how long you had your mouths enveloping each other, but neither of you could bring yourselves to care. Especially when he slid his tongue inside your mouth.
Your groan was silenced by the lack of oxygen you were receiving. It seemed to vibrate deeply within your bodies, and the Scot pulled you in closer.
There was suddenly a radio crackle.
"Rush this is Young."
Your eyes snapped open and you pulled away from his lips.
"Come back 'ere. I'm not done wit' ya yet." His accent was so thick you could have melted right then and there. He grabbed your waist and leaned in to press light kisses from your upper neck.
"Rush, come in."
"As much as I'd like to continue this, we should go." you barely even convinced yourself with the heavy breathing evident in your voice.
He pushed away the cap of your sleeve to continue kissing to your shoulder.
"Ah, for fuck's sake," the scientist nearly growled.
Grabbing the radio, he finally answered,
"I was just resting, what happens to be so urgent?" he spat.
"There's something Eli wants you to see."
"Fine. On my way, Rush out."
He shoved the radio clip into his pant loop. Taking a deep breath, he finally looked at you again, a small smile spread on your face.
"Don't worry Nick, I'm not going anywhere."
And for some reason, he knew you wouldn't.
Well, hope you like this. I haven't written in a long time so I might be a bit rusty. This would have been set at around Darkness (s1 ep4) There is a lack of Rush x Reader and I am going to fix this. Hope you have a lovely day!
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artyandink · 1 year
the girl that kindness forgot | 4
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Quote of the chapter: “UNO reverse.”
I opened the door to my dining room, spotting my relatives at the table. A wide grin split my face, sitting down next to Turstin, who ruffled my hair. 
“How was your sleep, dear?” My mother, Marianne, asked me from across the table. Every detail of hers was the same, from the little glint of happiness in her silver eyes, the quirky curve of her nose to the small dimple she had on her left cheek when she smiled. It was all the same. Her mother was always regarded as beautiful, with her long, silky black hair and large silver eyes, but she was also kind. Kinder than almost any human being I knew.
“I slept really well, Mum.” I replied while our butler, Alfred, served me my breakfast. “You have no idea.” 
“Then you’ll be able to train well with Turstin, eh?” My father, Alistair, added with a chuckle. His blue eyes glinted and his brown hair was brushed neatly, tinged with streaks of blonde. He was the CEO of SP3CTR, a well-respected man who was regarded as influential by many. He was serious in business, but at home he was the man that made me smile. Apart from Turstin. 
“Alistair!” Mum gasped. “She just woke up.” 
“I know, Marianne, I’m just joking. You know I believe in equal work and play.” He soothed. 
“Could I interest you in your usual, Miss Hernandez?” Alfred asked, holding a mug of my favourite coffee.
“Of course, Alfred, that would be lovely.” I thanked him before he left, turning back to my mum and dad, who were excited. 
“I’ve been hearing about this Anthony Lockwood boy from Turstin. Tell me, is he a keeper?” Mum pumped her eyebrows twice, smirking. I punched Turstin’s shoulder, gasping. 
“You didn’t.” 
“I did.” He teased. “Come on, I had to.” 
“You didn’t have to, and mum, dad, he’s no one. Just a co-student. Nothing really important.” 
“Is he hot?” Dad asked, pretending like he was stroking a non-existent beard. 
“He’s stubborn-“ 
“- kind -“ 
“- smart -“
”Hot?” We blinked at each other, until the whole table started laughing. 
“Yeah, he’s hot. Really hot. We just work together, it’s nothing spec-“ 
“ARTEMIS!” My mother gasped, dropping her glass and standing up. My father did too, fumbling for his rapier, and that’s when I realised.
A spirit was reflected in my cup, and it was holding Satan’s dagger to my throat.
I flew up to a sitting position, clutching my forehead. It was slightly damp, sweat beading at the top in delicate little teardrops. 
“Bloody hell…” I fumbled for my phone, checking it. 
I didn’t know what I just saw. It resembled the day Turstin and I lost our family to a ghost lock. I didn’t remember what exactly happened. I remembered the void-like eyes of whatever came that day, feeling weak and the next thing I knew, I was in DEPRAC on life support, told that I somehow survived the touch of a ghost and launched headfirst into managing SP3CTR a few weeks after. 
Even better? 
I almost died again in that few weeks timespan and the cause was blamed on me by none other than Anthony… John… Lockwood. 
I yanked on some black tracksuit bottoms, pulling on a tank top over it and tying my hair up, picking up my earphones and jogging lightly down the stairs to try and not wake George and Lucy up. 
But who do I meet on the landing? 
Anthony bloody Lockwood, fresh from a shower, shirtless and rubbing his hair with a towel. I’m telling y’all, there was one thing that was almost as hot as seeing me in my crop tops. 
Anthony Lockwood shirtless. 
Puberty really was on his side; he had toned muscles from training to be an agent, and he didn’t have any acne. The lines of his Adonis-style muscles were evidently visible, so I inwardly resisted- 
Snap out of it, Hernandez. 
Seems like he was having the same thoughts as I was, raking his eyes down my figure with a very well-disguised smirk. He rubbed his hair, masking it successfully and looking me up and down with a look that borderlines disgust. “What are you doing up so early?” 
“Going on my daily run. What are you doing up?” 
“Getting ready for a shower, who’s asking?” 
“Who’s asking on your end?” I retorted wittily. 
“I asked first.” He sneered, stepping forward in a manner meant to be threatening, but I didn’t budge. 
“Since when have I ever given a damn?” I jeered, stepping forward as well. Right by now, we were almost nose to nose, brown trying to throw blue off with equally piercing stares. “You should know better than anyone, Lockwood, that I have never given a damn about who’s first in line. Why stop now?” 
“You’re insufferable.” He spat, jaw set in that familiar way whenever he was furious about something. I loved it, making him angry. It always has that insatiable satisfaction.
“UNO reverse.” I pulled an UNO reverse card from my tracksuit bottoms pocket, holding it up triumphantly. What? I always had one handy in each of my articles of clothing which contain pockets. And if they didn’t have any pockets? 
I never had to worry about that situation. 
“It’s like you’re made to ruin my life. I can’t believe I even asked you to be here. What was I thinking?” He muttered as he tried to walk away, but stopped in his tracks when he heard me, turning around again.
“Because you need me to help you. And you may think that I’m ruining your life, Lockwood, but no.” I gave him a venomous stare, one so poisonous he showed fear for a second. “You ruined mine long ago. And you are so lucky that I haven’t come back for revenge, because I would tear your life apart bit by bit until you’re left in the mud, scrabbling around for even the tiniest case to keep you standing.” A grin split on my face, all my vengeance coming out in this one moment. “And you would beg me for mercy, but I wouldn’t give it to you. After all…” I lowered my voice a little, “I know you did this. I know this is your fault, and you should take the fall for it. Shame that people like you don’t own up to their own mistakes. Life would be so much easier if you did.” I put my earphones in, blasting music and jogging out the front door. As ‘River’ by Bishop Briggs pounded against my ears, I contemplated that day. The day everyone left me and everything fell apart. 
Clearly, I’d misjudged his character. I reflected back and hatred rose up inside me. How could I be so naive? So hopelessly ignorant, so ignorant that I missed the parts where he revealed his true colours. The moments where he showed his cards but I turned a blind eye. All because he meant so much to me. Anthony Lockwood only cared about himself, making him famous, splashing his name on the front page of the newspaper. It never was about his friends, was it? He hadto have the spotlight.
I still remembered how he was so kind, so helpful. Until he became the best alongside me and that became his whole personality. 
I didn’t even know where I was going, where my feet were taking me, until I stopped at the place my father was buried. He died shortly after being ghost locked, but my mother was still alive. I stared at his tombstone, a tear falling from my eye as I sank to my knees. 
He said that to me on the day I started cracking from the pressure of doing all my grades. From that day, I was never afraid to tackle a problem. It was advice I took to heart. 
“I’m so sorry, Dad.” I wept, tears falling thick and fast. A hand laid on my shoulder, warming it. 
“You don’t have to be. None of this is your fault.” I turned to see my father’s spirit beside me, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. 
“Yes, sweetheart, it’s me.” He hugged me, the warmth from his pure spirit radiating off him. 
“But h-how?” 
“You survived the Ghost Touch. It imbued you with powers that allow you to summon us from the spirit realm. The extent of your powers I’m still unaware of, but that doesn’t matter. You’re doing beautifully, and that’s all that matters.” His twinkly grin made me feel calmer, as if everything was going to be ok after all.
"What about Lockwood?"
"Admittedly, I'm quite angry at that boy, but give him time and he will come round to the truth. We all do eventually. I have to go, darling, and remember, we're always protecting you." He disappeared off, leaving me to kneel on the mud. 
I wanted my old life back, but I knew I could never have it.
"You were out for a while." Lockwood coughed when I came back. 
"Runs don't last for 30 seconds." I retorted, going upstairs.
”I’m aware of that!” I heard him yell in response, making me snort in disapproval. I changed into my next business outfit, pinning back my hair and swiping some blush across my cheek and applying some gloss to make a natural makeup look. I jogged downstairs to find Lockwood blinking at me in disapproval. 
“You take your sweet time.” 
“I only took 5 minutes.” 
“Exactly, too long.” 
“And you took 1 hour to get to my office.” I snapped, sitting down and taking breakfast. 
“She has you served, Lockwood.” George shrugged. 
“You stay out of it!” Lockwood growled, eyes aflame. 
“Ooh, he’s getting angry.” Lucy smirked, clearly enjoying it. However, our anger was punctured by a knock on the door. 
“I’ll get it.” Lockwood grumbled before opening the door. “Oh, it’s you. Come on in, then.” My head whipped around to see Turstin, taking his jacket off and hanging it carefully; it was manners we’d retained from living in a mansion. 
“Turstin!” I gasped, hugging him around his middle. Lucy and George stood up, accompanying me to the hall. 
“Turstin, you’ve grown up.” George grinned. 
“You’re… taller.” Lockwood sniffed. 
“Nice to meet you too.” Turstin nodded, letting go of me and inclining his head towards Lucy. “Who’s this lovely lady?” 
“Lucy.” She blushed, “Lucy Carlyle.” I raised an eyebrow as I saw Turstin wink at her, making her look like a tomato. Oh my, I know what’s happening here. You seventeen year old son of a gun- 
“Nice to meet you, Lucy Carlyle.” Turstin flirted, adding a little extra on her name. George pretended to vomit in the corner while Lockwood just generally looked disdainful. 
Nothing new, I see. 
“What are you doing here, Turstin?” Lockwood asked, looking the taller boy up and down. 
“Very hospitable, I see.” Turstin chuckled. “I was called here due to a disturbance that happened last night. Went by the name of Annabel Ward.”
“Artemis!” I woke up suddenly, almost about to slap the person who did it, but found it was Lucy, who looked scared. I shook my head, sitting up. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Annabel Ward’s ghost is here, she almost touched me.” I snapped out of my laggy state, grabbing my rapier from the side of my bed and standing up, disregarding the fact that I went to bed in a sports bra and sleep shorts because the house was way too stuffy. 
“I thought we contained her source!” 
“I don’t think we did.” I shot out of bed, grabbing my spare flare holster from my bedside drawer and slinging it over my shoulders, tightening it.
“Alright, wake up Lockwood and George, I’ll locate Annabel.” We went our separate ways, me to Lucy’s bedroom and Lucy to Lockwood. I opened the door, finding the pale figure of Annabel. 
“Hey, Annabel. I’m Artemis, and I know you won’t be able to talk to me but-“ 
“I can talk to you.” She gasped, floating forward and morphing into that young woman. “I know your father. I met him. He told me how determined you are to help people.” 
“That’s right. I know you’ve been murdered, Annabel. I just need a name.” I stepped forward, my rapier in a standby position. 
“I’ve been warned not to say. He’s so terrifying, and his voice chilled me to my core. He forced us to do what he wants. I need your help, Artemis. I can’t do this alone.” Annabel sounded desperate, transparent tears forming in her eyes. 
“Of course, I’ll help you.” I smiled, nodding. But a flare was thrown across the room, hitting Annabel, and as I whipped around I found that Lockwood threw it. 
“What are you doing, Hernandez?! You’re face to face with a Type 2!” He tackled me as Annabel shrieked and dove for us, angered. “Lucy, if you have an idea what her source is, you need to tell us now!” 
“I’m starting to have an idea of what it is.” Lucy stammered, just as I dove out of the way. 
“We’re not under pressure or anything, take your sweet time.” George snivelled. Then something clicked in my head. I’d taken a look at Annabel before and after the silver net was put on it. One thing was there before and gone after. 
“The ring, Lucy, where is it?” I asked, chucking a flare nimbly. 
“I-It was in my hand when I was asleep, maybe it’s in the bed?” She fretted. “I don’t know!” 
“Alright boys, you hold her off, I’ll go with Lucy.” I pulled Lucy with me, searching her bed. 
“I’m so sorry, Artemis.” 
“No problem-“ I saw the ring, “Found it!” I reached in my pocket, finding a small necklace made of silver glass, an emergency container for small sources, and clamped it inside. 
“OH, BLOODY- thank god.”
I panted, turning to Lucy. She looked terrified, so I hugged her. “I talked to her, Luce. She needs our help and we’re the only ones who understood.” 
“We can’t do it alone.” 
“Yeah, Turstin, can you drop by tomorrow?” 
‘What’s the problem?’ 
“I told you about Annabel Ward’s ghost, yes? Well, she came back just now. And we had a conversation. Don’t mention it to the boys when you get here, it’s just… we need to help her. She’s a victim of brutal murder.” 
‘Yeah, I get you. I’ll come after your run is over, yeah?’ 
“Cool.” I cut the call, turning to Lucy. “We’re not doing this alone.” 
“This is it? Her source?” Turstin asked, examining the ring inside the silver box. 
“Yeah. We don’t know where it came from, but it has a significant meaning in her life, maybe a lover.” George shrugged.
”That seems about right, 5 stars to you, George.” 
“Why are we even letting him examine this?” Lockwood asked, annoyed. 
“Turstin is one of the best at SP3CTR, he’s had special training to examine this stuff.” 
“Why don’t we just get DEPRAC then?” He sulked. 
“DEPRAC is nothing next to SP3CTR. Only reasons why SP3CTR isn’t the leading company for agent control are 1: my father didn’t want SP3CTR to become a law enforcing company and 2: DEPRAC takes loans from SP3CTR instead of swapping the companies because of the fact that people don’t want things to change.” I smiled in a way that I knew would annoy Lockwood, looking back at Turstin. “Continue.” 
“We need someone to connect with this. Figure out what really happened.” Turstin looked at Lucy pointedly, sparking anxiety in Lockwood, who jumped in immediately. 
“No. It’s too dangerous.” He refused. 
“Do you have another option?” I retorted. 
“Yeah. You could do it.” 
“I mean, I could do it, I think I can.” Lucy shrugged. 
“No, let’s hear what Lockwood has to say.” I dismissed, glaring at him and standing up at the same time as he did. 
“If you’re so determined to do it, let’s see what you can do.” He walked closer to me, teeth gritted.
“You’ll be surprised.” I smirked, taking another step closer so we were nose to nose again.
“Highly unlikely.” 
“How about this?” Turstin piped up, eager to disperse the tension. “Lucy will try first and if she can’t connect to Annabel then we’ll move onto Artemis. We all good with that plan?” 
“Yeah, good. Very good.” George quickly agreed, Lucy nodding frantically. 
“Don’t talk to me like that again. You’re part of my company.” Lockwood murmured. 
“How many times do I have to tell you? I… don’t… work… for… you.” I shoved his chest, winking. Turstin flapped his shirt, breathing out harshly, while George and Lucy giggled loudly. 
“Alright, Lucy, are you ready?” Turstin handed her the ring, which she held in her fingers. Lucy closed her eyes, and a moment later, hissed and dropped the ring. 
“I-I had a connection for a moment but something pushed me out.” She stammered, so I put my hand out. 
“Let me try.” My fingers closed around the ring, and I instantly saw through Annabel’s eyes. I couldn’t recognise the man in front of me due to his face being blurred, but the rest of the room was clear. A sweet operatic song was playing in the background, my Annabel’s hand extending.
“There’s a song playing in the room.” I informed, eyebrows furrowing a little. 
“Dance with me.” 
“I’m not in the mood.” 
“She loves it.” I felt a smile break out on my face, But I focused more on the scene. 
“But it’s our song, come on.”
”It’s their song.” 
“Who’s they? Annabel and…” I held a finger up, silencing Lockwood. 
“She’s so happy.” I felt her joy, love and affection; it filled my veins and made my nerves tingle. I’d never felt emotion like it. “She loves him.” 
“Go on. I’ll watch.”
”If you insist.” My line of vision started moving, feeling so free. As if I was unchained. 
“She’s dancing to the song. He’s watching her.”
Suddenly, the mood changed. It was very swift, as if it was a blank slate in the middle of time. “Are you honest?” 
“My Lord…” 
“Have you told him where to go?” 
“He wants her, but it’s just…” I could feel panic and pressure building up, looking into a vintage mirror on the wall and finding myself, dressed in a flowing black dress, the white streaks in my hair glowing. I even looked so innocent. It reminded me of the time I went on my first study date with Lockwood. God, I was so naive. 
“I said I’d give…” I felt a large impact on the side of my head, and for a split second, I saw that my hair was red. A gasp escaped from my mouth as I fell to the ground both in the memory and in real life, chairs scraping from around me.
”What is it?” I heard Lockwood beside me, another familiar stature my brother. 
“I did nothing…” 
“You’re lying to me.” 
“He’s- he’s angry.” I gasped, breathing heavily and desperately. I was drowning in a sea of grief, tears and pain. Annabel was treated cruelly in this one moment, and I felt everything she did. It was horrible. I felt alone. Isolated. No one there to hear my screams for help. 
“I swear. Let me go!” 
“You’re lying.” 
“I swear, let me go.” 
“She’s afraid.” And so was I. 
“You know this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, my love.” My hands clasped his, but we’re brutally thrown off. 
“Don’t call me your love! You toyed with what isn’t yours. You are mine, Annabel, and it isn’t your place to commit such atrocities!” 
“I’m yours, I admit, but please believe me, My Lord! You know me, I have been faithful to you only.” 
“Lies! You’re lying to me, Annabel!”
“I’m not.”
”It’s all right.” 
“I swear.” The line between memory and reality blurred together until I could see Lockwood in the man’s place, standing in front of me and genuinely looking concerned. I felt a small bit of hope. That somewhere he’d have it in him to forgive me. Right? I love him and he loves me. This will all be over soon. 
“He loves me.” I looked straight into his chocolate eyes, smiling hopefully. My love. “You love me, don’t you?” I held his arm lovingly, my hand tentatively reaching up to cup his cheek. “You gave me the ring. You’d never… he’d never hurt me.” 
"This needs to stop." Lockwood finally decided, but Turstin stopped him. 
"She's my sister, but we're almost there." 
Lockwood stared, mesmerised, as my hand gently caressed his cheek, a warm, comforting smile gracing my lips. “You’d never hurt me, right? You’re my love. Do you love me too?” My thumb lightly stroked his bottom lip, and he let out a sharp sigh, hand flying up to remove mine without using any force. Something closed around my throat, fully pulling me back into the memory to find that the man was strangling me, hands clamped around my throat in a fit of rage, jealousy and spite. I fought to stay alive, coughing and wheezing out pleas to let me go. 
“I-I can’t breathe…” I choked, the life draining out of me as my desperate actions to pry his fingers from my throat became weaker, losing my breath and my vision blurring and fully blacking out. 
“So, you’re interested in chess too?” Lockwood asked, his head resting on his hand. 
“How could you tell?” I asked, intrigued, playing with the hem of my white dress. 
“I saw you in your dorm with Turstin. You were playing chess.” He smiled, flicking through his book absent-mindedly.
”Yeah, I do. It’s so…” 
“Interesting?” We both grinned, laughing. 
“Isn’t interesting to Kipps. He called us nerds.” 
“Since when have I given a damn about what Kipps thinks?” We exchanged an affectionate look, and Lockwood’s fingers brushed mine. 
“There’s no one really like you, Artemis.” I was about to drop a compliment, but my eyes widened when I saw the same skull-like ghost, rapidly approaching with Satan’s dagger.
“Artemis!” I opened my eyes, sitting up with a jerk and feeling my throat, but I found no bruises or cuts. Turstin was in front of me, Lucy and George on either side of… my bed.  
I was in my room. 
Lockwood was at the door, looking emotional, as far as I could tell- 
“What happened?” I groaned, rubbing my forehead before pinching the bridge of my eyebrows. 
“You were so immersed in Annabel’s memory that you simulated her death. Aka you blacked out.” George explained matter-of-factly. 
“We were really worried.” Lucy added. “It seemed really intense.” 
“Nah, it was just a new experience. I’d never tried putting myself in the victim’s memory before.” I reassured, “Wait. Annabel.” 
“Yeah?” Lockwood asked, finally interested. 
“She was strangled to death.” 
“The ring stays in the basement until we take it to the furnaces.” Lockwood ordered, pointedly looking at me for some reason. Everyone had a problem with it, of course.
“What? Why would we stop when we’ve come this far?” George protested. This was a sudden shutdown. There’s something going on.
“No more pet projects. There’s bills to pay.” Bingo. 
“Uh, what bills?” Lockwood took out a letter and handed it to George, who was outraged. 
“What?” Lucy gasped, taking the letter. I snatched it myself, reading it.
“In two weeks? DEPRAC must be blooming mad.” I added. “You’ll never get together that kind of money.” I looked up with a disapproving stare, eyebrows raised. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” 
“Because it’s my name on the door.” He replied. 
“Of course. You’re at it again. Acting as if the world’s problems rest on your shoulders alone.” 
“Because right now, this problem is my responsibility.” 
“We’re here to help, at least.” 
“How about a loan? This place must be worth a fortune.” Lucy pitched quickly.
“This place is all that’s left of my parents.” Lockwood explained solemnly to her. 
“I’m sorry, I had no idea.” While everyone was devising plans, I crept upstairs and dialled a number, holding it to my ear. 
“This is Artemis Hernandez. I need to speak to Inspector Barnes.” 
“Yeah, cheers, mate.” I cut the call, just in time for Turstin to arrive at the aisle I was in at the library. 
“They’re on a roll downstairs. If you don’t wanna be left out, you should come down now.” He nudged, shrugging. 
“Do you have a thing for Lucy?” I asked abruptly, putting my phone in my pocket. 
“M-Maybe. She’s cute-“ 
“She’s got a thing for you, so get the PDA over and done with.” I started travelling downstairs with him, silently, which was a change. 
“Who were you on the phone with?” 
“Laila. More business stuff.” 
“Do you ever take a break?” We paused at the landing of the stairs, the first floor one flight below. “I get it, you’re the CEO of a huge company, but even CEOs need a break, right?” 
I sighed, looking up at my brother. “I don’t feel like I can take a break. It’s like I have to be checking in, making sure everything is ok or something definitely will go wrong. I don’t know how to ditch the habit, I really don’t.” 
“I get it, mum and dad did a real number on you. But you’re perfectly capable of leaving something for a bit just to have a rest.” 
“I’ll try.” I soothed, “But we have an investigation to get back to.” I went down to the first floor, where everyone was working, “How are you philistines, sans George, doing?”
”Perfectly fine without you.” Lockwood commented, but got a smack from Lucy. “What? We were doing great until she cursed everyone with her presence.” 
“Well, here’s some info. I did some digging and Annabel played Ophelia in Hamlet. Explains why you were taking a fully-clothed bath, Lucy.” I explained nonchalantly, sitting down. 
“Oh, and the daisies! Ophelia drowned herself with daisies because of how Hamlet treated her! Ophelia and Hamlet. Annabel and her abusive lover.” 
“But Annabel didn’t kill herself.” Lockwood contradicted. 
I clicked my tongue in disapproval, shaking my head. “Oh, Lockwood. Poor, unobservant Lockwood. The part she played and her life started mirroring one another.” 
“Which means that whoever played Hamlet did it.” Lockwood took a quick second of research, “Here. Hugo Blake.” 
“That’s our guy.” I smirked, winking. 
“My sister is the BEST!” Turstin whooped. 
“Nice one, Lockwood. Not bad for a philistine.” George praised, cautiously feeding Lockwood’s ego.
"Thank you, George, for actually praising the right person." Lockwood smirked. 
“Well done, Tony.” Quill Kipps was approaching us, clapping. “Actually doing research before a job this time.” 
“Oh, shut up, Kipps, you know no one likes you here.” I spat, standing up at the same time as Lockwood. 
“Artemis Hernandez. The great CEO of SP3CTR. Never imagined that you’d hang around Anthony Lockwood after what happened two years ago.” He turned to Lockwood, “Is it Anthony? Or is it Andrew now?” 
“Keep it down, Kipps.” Lucy snapped. “This is a gallery, not a braying gallery for bellends.” 
“This must be the new assistant.” He smirked. 
“Colleague. And you’re Quill Kipps. I’ve read about you. Haven’t you got the highest mortality rate of any team leader?” That’s my girl. 
“I’m the top supervisor at the country’s top agency.” Kipps boasted, but Turstin came up behind him. 
“I’m pretty sure that I’m the top supervisor. Made legal even at seventeen, a real bite in the butt, eh?” Turstin winked, hands nonchalantly in his pockets. 
“And to boot, I get the best jobs because of how good I am."
"False advertising. You're no better at ghost hunting than a dung beetle." I sneered, which made Kipp's draw his rapier, and like dominoes, so did we. 
"Wrong move." Lockwood tutted. "We can take on any of your beefcakes. Hernandez, wanna show them how it's done?" 
"Gladly." I started to address Kipps, "You'll need a ladder."
I quickly and elegantly flicked my rapier around and up, lodging his in the ceiling. "I warned you." We turned around, meaning to leave. 
"You'll leave him eventually." I turned around, vaguely interested. "Everyone does in the end." 
Lucy grabbed my arm, scoffing at Kipps. "You really can't bloody walk away and accept defeat, can you? Come on, Artemis." We walked away, but it got me thinking. 
Everyone does leave Lockwood in the end.
"Hey, Lockwood?" George asked as he was cleaning the table. "What did you say to Arty when she was investigating Annabel?" 
"I didn't say anything." 
"No, you whispered something. I know you did."
"That was gibberish, I was just overwhelmed by the situation." Lockwood brushed off the comment, trying to busy himself in something else. "You know, the great Artemis Hernandez was clutching onto me desperately... it's quite an intense situation-" 
"I know you, Lockwood, so I can tell when you have a secret. So tell me the truth, what did you whisper when she said 'you're my love'?" 
"I said 'always'."
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shadowchild13 · 1 year
New Lockwood & Co Fic over on Wattpad. 
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gaintsnowflake · 10 months
Hey, can you do a Lockwood x reader where the reader is Kipps' sister, and Lockwood is in love with her from the very beginning. After a joint and successful case, Lucy invites her to sleepover(Lucy is her BFF and sees what is happening between them) and this is an opportunity for Lucy to play matchmaker. But Kipps disagrees and goes with them. He interferes with Lucy's plan, so she locks him in the basement(She lets him out for breakfast in the morning) .It's a bit complicated, but you're talented, so you can do it ☺️
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PAIRING : Anthony Lockwood x fem!reader ( Qill Kipps x sibling!reader )
ONESHOT : in which lucy is a wonderful matchmaker
TRIGGERS : being locked in the basement ?
A/N : I hope you enjoy this, if this isn't what you were hoping for, please dm me and I will do write it again or if you want an extention. I loved writing this, the complexity being a bit of a challenge was fun, thank you so much for this request! Please ignore any spelling and grammar errors, this is not proof-read! Thank you for that sneaky complement as well.
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EVERYONE KNEW. How could it be a secret? His stares weren't discrete, he would constantly throw himself into danger for you, nor was the way he took every opportunity to touch you in some way, even if it was just a simple bump. It was so unbelievably obvious that he was head over heels in love with you. But yet, you still didn't believe it. 
Anthony Lockwood and you met nearly a year ago when you had finally convinced your older brother to let you on his team instead of insisting on keeping you on night watch. That was your first encounter with him, and to put it lightly, you were shocked by it. Quill had talked down about this man for what seemed to be years, yet there you were face to face with a gentleman. 
What was even worse in Kipps's eyes, even though you did at one point get him to admit that he may fancy the girl, was you instantly became best friends with Lucy Carlyle. It was probably bonding over running down a long hallway while a type two chased you, only to be met with a type one across the way. 
That best friend status was now being utilized as you walked out of a large mansion with her, your brother and his team not too far behind. Anthony, you started calling him this instead of Tony to piss him off just enough that your brother wouldn't notice your liking of the boy, although he does like the way his name rolls off your tongue rather than the other Local Kipps, and George were far ahead. You were pretty sure that Anthony was complaining about Quill coming to "rescue him" but you would like to think of it as a successful team effort. 
"So... how about you come and sleep over?" Lucy asked, her voice full of hope. 
It had been nearly a month since your last sleepover, and you will admit, you missed staying up late to talk to the girl. As well as liking running into Anthony in the morning, long before anyone else would wake up.
"Don't know, Luce, I think Quill and I were supposed to go out for ice cream." That was in fact true, Quill owed you some ice cream after the two of you got into a long fight about something dumb that you cannot even remember now. 
"Please? Kipps can wait! We haven't had a sleepover in forever," Lucy exclaimed, walking closer next to you, as you reached the gate of the house, Anthony and George standing just outside.
"I guess you are right, wait for me, yeah? I am gonna tell Quill I am staying over," You started to turn around and walk away, ignoring her silent cheers. 
Quill and the others were far behind, it took you nearly three minutes to meet them in the middle of your locations. You were returned to your typical spot among the team, at Quill's, who wasn't listening to Ned ramble about something stupid while Bobby and Kat just stayed annoyed silently. They didn't seem to notice your presents and were rather preoccupied with ignoring Ned.
"Hey Quill, I am sleeping over at Lucy's tonight," You informed your brother, hoping he was distracted enough to not question or really realize what you are saying. But sadly, he definitely does, because he then gives you a look. 
"What? We have plans," He was quick to exclaim, gaining everyone else's attention.
"Oh come on Quill, we haven't slept over in ages," Your voice drew out a bit as you tried to convince the boy.
It took a few minutes of you going back and forth before you reached Lockwood and Co, who were standing outside the gate. Anthony and George confused at your sibling bickering gave Lucy a look.
"I invited her over for a sleepover," The wink she gave Anthony had nearly gone unnoticed if it wasn't for Quill looking at her, instantly understanding what she was planning. He was not having any of it.
"I'll be back in the morning Quill," You told him, walking over to the trio. "We can continue this tomorrow."
You had now turned around to face the three, Lucy smirking, George looking clueless, and Anthony had a slight shade of pink rising on his cheeks. You hadn't noticed the wink or anything that gave away Lucy's plan of playing matchmaker. So the following words out of Quill's mouth took you for a shock.
"I am coming with you," His voice was stern as if there was no stopping him. 
Anthony was quick to shut down the idea, but after nearly ten minutes of listening to their bickering, you decided to stop it. Seeing as everyone else was annoyed, it would be doing them a favour too. 
"Alright, Quill, if you just, let me go, your ice cream dept will be forgiven and all will be forgotten," you stated, stepping in between the rivals to create a physical barrier as well as a verbal one.
"I am going," he stated again, which caused you to send death glares. 
"Quill," You warned, "I swear, I will be fine. Just go home."
If only it was that easy. Although you did think he went home, Lucy was quick to realize that wasn't how it went. 
You were at their house now, you had found your way in the Library with Lockwood, just as Lucy planned when she had sent you out to get tea and biscuits. But while you were talking to him about the magazine he was reading, Lucy heard the front door open from her position on the stairs. She was quick to jump up and reach for the nearest weapon.
Luce looked over the railing to see a very familiar guy step into the home. He was still in his uniform, making her wonder if he ever did take it off. His rapier banged into something, causing him to mutter a few curses as he closed the door.
"Kipps," Lucy's voice was just above a whisper as she walked down the stairs, catching the intruder.
"Shit," Quill's voice was low as he tried to give her a smile. "Sorry, but I can't let you set them up. Let me just get here and we will be on our way."
Lucy was quick to think of a plan, a dumb one, but it was still a plan. She just hopes Kipps was dumb enough to fall for it. Which, much to her surprise, he was. Or perhaps he was just too tired to truly realize the trap he was about to put himself in.
"Okay," Lucy said, hoping that it wasn't too quick to draw attention to her plan.
"Yeah, really," she nodded, walking down the stairs. "Come on, they were in the kitchen last I checked."
Lucy led the way down the stairs into their kitchen, which when they opened it to be empty, Quill was a bit aggravated. But when he saw a door, the basement door, cracked open he began to think they were down there—not questioning why it was so quiet.
"I thought you said they were in here?" He grumbled, looking around the place.
"Probably took a trip to the basement, we have storage down there, and it looks like we've run out of tea," Lucy begins to ramble, as she didn't think she would get this far in her plan. "Door is right there if you want to check."
Quill was slow to check but still did. Which he would defiantly blame on his tiredness later. But once he was down the stairs he heard the door close and lock, signally that he was now stuck down there. Hearing the noise he ran up the stairs and banged on the door, begging for Lucy to let him out. Lucy, on the other hand, was making her way back to her spot on the stairs, waiting for one of you to emerge from the library so she could shove you back in there. This left the Quill to sigh and admit defeat, to where he found himself, sitting on the ground of the basement.
Lucy wasn't that cruel, after nearly an hour, she went and found a spare set of blankets and pillows and opened the door for a few seconds. She left them there with a note saying he will be let out in the morning. To which he was very thankful as he took them and made a makeshift bed.
While all that was happening, you and Anthony were deep in conversation, not realizing how much time had passed. You were just sitting there, talking about nothing. 
It was then that you realized how close you were to him. You started out sitting in the chair next to him, but after he wanted to show you something, he moved over slightly, letting you sit in his chair with him. Not the two of you were fully facing each other, sides pressed against one another and your faces barely a hand length apart. 
Your laughter stopped as heat rose to your cheeks. His hand found its way over the top of yours and was now caressing your fingers. You just looked into his eyes, analyzing every bit.
You stayed there for a few moments before his other hand found its way to your cheek. He blinked a few times before the scary words left his mouth. "Can I kiss you?"
You were quick to nod your head, not trusting words to leave your mouth. That is when he leaned in, closing the gap between your lips. It was a gentle kiss, only lasting a few seconds. But those few seconds were life-changing either way.
"I really like you, y/n," He muttered, not looking away from your eyes, except to steal a quick look at your lips. "Would you be interested on going on a date with me?"
"Yes," You were quick to respond, before putting another soft kiss on his lips.
Somehow, you guys managed to fall asleep together in his chair. This completely abandoned your sleepover plans with Lucy, but she wouldn't mind, especially since she was the one who set this up in the first place. 
You woke the next more to Anthony shuffling around under you. Which, you were quick to open your eyes to.
"Sorry, love, didn't mean to wake you," His voice was gruff, as he had also just woken up. He was slightly out from under you, showing that he was trying to escape your grip. "But I can smell George cooking breakfast and I would really like whatever the hell he is cooking."
At the sound of George's food, you got off of him, not saying another word. You didn't check your messy appearance, which was yesterday's outfit, as you never managed to get changed, as well as untamed hair. George's food really did wonders as you were downstairs staring at the boy in a matter of seconds.
"That smells amazing George! What is it?" You asked, trying to peer over his shoulder.
Lucy had already been at the table, happily spilling her tea. Anthony walked in shortly after you laughing at your actions. The laughter didn't last long as he heard a banging at the door.
Lucy made a quick, "oh shit" face before rushing to the door, unlocking it to let out an aggravated Quill Kipps. 
"She is a barbarian Tony," Quill spoke, in a grumbling tone, before going to sit down in a random chair. "You should hire someone else, and don't even think about saying y/n."
"Quill, what the hell are you doing here?" You sounded shocked, just as the other two boys were.
Lucy gave her best sorry smile before explaining how he ended up in the basement. Which did seem successful as you and Lockwood did end up together at the end of the day. You do have to admit, she is a good MATCHMAKER
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lockwood x reader where reader is part of kipps team and they annoy eachother. after bone glass, they quit kipps team and join lockwood and co.
Sorry, this is so late and if it sucks, I just wasn't really feeling it.
TW: Nothing
You leaned against the dusty wall, regretting your decision only seconds later when a spider caught your vision but it wasn't close and this was better to watch from a distance. You knew you would hear it from Kipps later, he would whine and complain that you weren't acting as a part of a team when you didn't feel like joining in on his and the other's little hobby.
After the altercation, you found yourself almost feeling bad for Bobby, the humiliation that Karim had put him through enough to make you cringe from just watching it. Though, in the end, you found yourself amused and feeling a twinge of respect for the other boy, having done his research in a way that you were sure Bobby was now going to try.
They all left after, the deal being held above both of the leaders' heads and you had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't going to be your team who was going to win. It was selfish, you knew that but you weren't trained to lose, weren't trained to be a part of the losing team and you sure as hell weren't going to be grouped with a team of them as well despite not even being a part of this stupid bet.
You eyed the others, looking over at Lockwood, Karim, and Carlyle as they all looked at each other with faces full of doubt excluding Lockwood who looked more confident than ever. "Well things have just gotten interesting, have they not?" You said, watching as the three-man group all jumped at your voice, forgetting that you were even there.
They looked at you with questioning faces, all looking at each other with confusion and it was Karim that had spoken first. "What do you want?"He asked, his voice trimmed with an edge that made you want to laugh.
You raided your hand and started to play with your fingernails, looking over them in a stunt of fake boredom but when you were done with the little show, you looked at them with dire determination. "I want to join your little pity party," you said simply, shrugging the request off of you like it was something not so stupid.
A laugh came from Lockwood and you snapped your gaze to him. "Are you mad? You have to be."
"I don't like to lose and after all of that, I know you don't like to either." You pushed off of the wall and walked to him, watching as the others tensed as you came closer. "I can get you things and find out more than you and your books ever could. I have information that you could even hope to get a glance on at the palm of my hand and all I have to say is please to get it." You watched as he changed emotions quickly, each one going through him so quickly that you could barely keep up with them. "But I'll make this short: I don't like to lose and you will let me join," you said.
A surprised scoff came from him, he was now trying to cover his shock with an air of calm but it wasn't working in his favor. "What makes you think that I'll let you join?" He asked but you could practically hear the cogs turning in his brain as he thought everything through.
A laugh came through you at that, he clearly had put something into his cup this morning that was still affecting him now. "Didn't I just say that and you seem to be more thorough than Kipps. He gets cocky, slips up and it doesn't help that he's losing it."
It must have been hard for Lockwood to look even more surprised but he had managed to successfully. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"Piece it together Lockwood." You ran your eyes over the rest of the group before nodding your goodbye to them. "I'll see you all tomorrow, fresh and early," you said, turning around and ignoring and relishing in the eyes glued to your back as you left.
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detective-writes · 1 year
Introduction and (future) Masterpost!
Hello! My name is Rayx and I decided to revamp a dead sideblog to be something I wanted to try! Here you will find writing but it'll be from requests (either sent in the inbox or DMs)! I will have anon on in but it will be turned off if y'all don't behave.
What I will write, what fandoms I write for, and what I won't write for is under the cut!
Brief DNI: TERFs, H//rry P//tter fans, bigots, prosh//ppers,
Fandoms I'll write for:
Star Wars (The Clone Wars TV show, The OG trilogy, and the recent movies mostly. I have yet to watch the prequels and haven't finished other media.)
Sherlock (Doyle's, Elementary and BBC's mostly.)
Hitman 2016
Lockwood & CO
Heavy Rain
Red Dead Redemption
Undertale (and any AUs that aren't NSFW)
Supernatural (I haven't watched the finale so please don't spoil anything)
Ace Attorney
Detroit Become Human
Venom (I haven't watched the second movie yet)
Legend of Zelda (I haven't played/watched Tears of the Kingdom)
My Hero Academia (I didn't watch all of it but I watched enough to get an understanding of characters)
Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Egos (is that still the term?)
AFK Arena
More to be added
Fandoms I might write for:
Danganronpa (I've only watched gameplay of THH though)
Attack on Titan
Death Note
Gravity Falls (I'm on the last season but haven't finished)
Rick and Morty
Scooby Doo
Love, Nikki
Slashers (it's under a 'maybe' because I'm not too confident in writing the slashers well but willing to try!)
Cookie Run
What I can write:
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Character Headcanons
Ship Headcanons
X Reader Headcanons
Specific Tropes (enemies to lovers, "there's only one bed", etc)
What I won't write:
NSFW (I have a sideblog [ @detective4sideblog ] where I share my NSFW writing and do take requests. This is going to be a SFW blog.)
Inc//stous Pairings (*looks at SWs Clones in specific)
Adult Character x Underage Character
Over-the-top violence
Anything relating to self harm
Abusive Relationships (even if it's on par for the pairing, I do not feel comfortable writing that)
Ships I Will Write:
Note: Feel free to ask about any I did not list!
Star Wars:
Codywan (Obi Wan/Cody)
Rexwalker (Anakin/Rex)
Padtine (Satine/Padmé)
Obitine (Satine/Obi Wan)
Obi Wan/Satine/Cody
Ploit (Plo Koon/Kit Fisto)
Skysolo (Han Solo/Luke Skywalker)
Finpoe (Poe/Finn)
Most other ships you can think of from SWs, feel free to shoot an ask to make sure!
Mormor (Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty)
Johniarty (John Watson/Jim Moriarty)
Johnastian (John Watson/Sebastian Moran)
Mollrene (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper)
Hooperan (Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper)
Specifically Victorian Johnlock (John Watson/Sherlock Holmes)
I think that covers everything, though there's others but regardless.
Dianseven (Agent 47/Diana Burnwood)
Hannigram (Hannibal Lector/Will Graham)
I don't know any other Hannibal ships but feel free to inform me, I'll gladly write for 'em :)
Lockwood & CO:
Locklyle (Anthony Lockwood/Lucy Carlyle)
George/Lucy/Lockwood (is this a ship? Either way, listing it)
Heavy Rain
Jars (Norman Jayden/Ethan Mars)
I might write for Norman/Blake if I like the prompt enough but they aren't my cup of tea. Same goes for Ethan/Madison.
Ethan/Grace (*shrugs*)
Vandermatthews (Dutch Van Der Linde/Hosea Matthews)
Arthur Morgan/Kiran Duffy (I can't remember their ship name atm)
Charles/Arthur Morgan (I can't remember the shipname again)
Most other pairings you can think of that don't break my "won't write" list :)
Sansby (Sans/Grillby)
Burger Guy/Nice Cream Guy
Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton)
Soriel (Sans/Toriel)
Destiel (Castiel/Dean Winchester)
Sabriel (Gabriel/Sam Winchester)
Like I said, I haven't watched the finale...or much past season 5 or 6 so...yeah.
Ace Attorney
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth)
Detective Gumshoe/Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey/Franziska von Karma
Larry Butz/Phoenix Wright
Reed900 (Gavin Reed/RK-900)
Hankcon (Hank Anderson/Connor)
The obvious canon Venom/Eddie Brock
Zelink (Zelda/Link)
Sidlink (Prince Sidon/Link)
Midlink (Midna/Link)
Honestly anything BUT Midoriya/Bakugo.
Darkstache (Wilford Warfstache/Darkiplier)
Antiaverage (Antisepticeye/Chase Brody)
Anti/Marvin the Magnificent
Chase Brody/Marvin
Schneeplbro (Doctor Schneeplestein/Chase Brody)
Googleplier/Chase Brody
There's more but I'm forgetting them 😭
AFK Arena
Idk any other ships so feel free to request
Will be updated in the future :)
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