#bobby x julie
1mnobodywhoareyou · 2 months
I don't think pancakes are gonna fix this. I need ice cream too, for the band/whoever you want!
okay full disclosure, i'm a little bit terrified to post this. I've never done this ship before 🙈 or this trope/plot device... but. due to the typical people at fault for the fics that enter my brain... (*ahem* @narcissusbrokenmirror and unnamed party who DOESN'T DO TUMBLR) it exists. and meant I finally had something to write that fit this prompt! (and there's a little treat in here for you) I hope someone likes it 😅 a part II is also planned. just... later.
“Heeeeeey Lukey, you’re up early,” Reggie exclaims from in front of his electric griddle. He’s been busy making pancakes for their weekly band brunch. “Where’ve you been?”
Luke stares, unseeing, as he moves through the motions of removing his shoes by the door. He’d just gotten back home after running out unexpectedly a few hours earlier. Only Willie had been awake early enough to see him off.
“Luke?” Reggie calls back out from the kitchen.
Luke doesn’t answer. He just rounds the doorway into Reggie’s sightline. 
Reggie looks up from pouring the next batch of pancakes, almost dropping the bowl when he catches sight of Luke’s face. It’s very nearly expressionless and entirely unlike Luke.
He recovers quickly and sets the bowl  gently on the counter before bounding over to Luke. 
“Luke? Buddy?” Reggie asks, trying to catch Luke’s gaze. “What happened?”
Luke opens and closes his mouth, trying to speak but can’t manage to make sound.
“Alex! Willie?” Reggie calls desperately, raising his voice loudly enough to ensure they hear him.
They both appear almost instantly.
“What’s-” Alex starts to ask before catching sight of Luke and cutting himself off. 
“Something’s wrong,” Reggie cries, panic edging into his voice. 
Alex runs a hand through his hair as he gulps in a deep breath. “Okay. Okay. Let’s…” he looks around the kitchen and then back out to the living room. “Let’s get him sitting down somewhere.” 
Alex and Reggie each grab one of Luke’s arms and try to steer him toward the couch. 
Reggie suddenly drops the arm he’d been holding and turns back toward the kitchen. “Shit! The-”
“It’s okay, I’ve got it,” Willie assures him, picking up the flipper. They gesture back toward Luke. “You take care of Luke, I’ll finish these.”
Reggie sends them a small grateful smile and grabs back hold of Luke. He helps Alex guide Luke to the couch where they gently set him down.
Reggie kneels in front of Luke, trying again to catch his gaze. When he fails, he sets a hand on each of Luke’s knees. The contact seems to jolt Luke back to reality, at least slightly. 
Alex sits next to him on the sofa. Luke leans into his side and Alex wraps an arm around Luke’s shoulders.
“I got you. We’ve got you. You’re okay,” Alex murmurs softly. 
Luke’s eyes go glassy as he settles back into the present, soaking in the comforting presence of his best friends. 
Reggie decides to try again. “What’s going on?”
Luke raises his eyes to meet Reggie’s. “Carrie’s pregnant.”
Reggie jumps back in surprise while Alex’s brow furrows. 
“Carrie… Like Carrie Wilson,” Alex confirms. 
Luke nods. 
“Why…? Luke…” Alex pulls back slightly and turns so he can face Luke. “Luke, why would that affect you?”
Luke looks up at Alex with sad eyes. 
Reggie’s eyes widen in understanding. “Luke! When? Carrie?! How?” he stammers through his shock.
Luke takes a deep breath and pulls himself fully away from Alex. He clasps his hands together and stares at them to  avoid looking at Alex or Reggie. “The night of  the Billboards,” he explains.
“You and Carrie?” Reggie asks again, disbelief still present in his voice.
Luke nods. 
“How? I mean. It’s Carrie. And you. I just…”
“I know. It just… happened.”
“And you never told us?” Alex chimes in, betrayed.
Luke shakes his head. 
“Okay. Don’t think we won’t be revisiting that later. But. Is she okay? Does she know what she wants to do? Do you know what you want her to do?”
Another shake of Luke’s head. He collapses back into Alex. 
Reggie climbs up to wrap his arms around both of them. “You know we’ve got you, right? No matter what,” he murmurs.
Luke nods into Alex’s chest. 
Reggie’s thighs start burning from how he’s perched for their little huddle. He’s just about to pull away when they hear the apartment door open and close. 
“Julie,” Reggie whispers. As always, she’s perfectly on time for brunch.
The three of them pull apart. “Do you want her to know?” Alex asks sincerely.
Luke’s mouth opens in an attempt to answer but his efforts are stalled as they hear Willie call out from the kitchen, very obviously warning them of Julie’s arrival. “They’re in the living room.”
The guys don’t speak as they watch the doorway for Julie. 
Julie enters the room and immediately stops. She takes in their state and her face scrunches up in concern.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, slow and wary. 
Alex and Reggie both turn to Luke, waiting to follow his lead. He looks up at Reggie with wide, pleading eyes. 
Reggie furrows his brow in silent question. At Luke’s slight nod, he turns back to Julie. “Carrie’s pregnant,” he tells her, rushing through the pair of words as if it’ll make it easier to say. And hear.
“Okaaaaay,” she counters slowly. 
“It’s Luke’s,” he adds just as quickly. 
Julie turns wide, disbelieving eyes on Luke. “Really?”
He nods. 
They stare at each other in silence for a moment before she breaks it. “Are you okay?”
Luke’s eyes fill with tears and he shakes his head. 
Julie walks over to the couch and shoves Luke and Alex over to make room. She wedges herself between Luke and the arm of the sofa.  Julie takes Luke’s hand and gently strokes the back of it with her thumb. “Tell me about it?” she offers.
“There’s nothing to tell, really. We were both pissed at how the Billboards went, hooked up, never spoke about it again. Until…”
“Yeah,” Julie softly responds, saving him from having to finish the sentence. 
“There’s a uh… lot of details missing there, Luke,” Reggie chimes in. 
Alex swats Reggie’s shoulder with the back of his hand. 
Reggie rubs his shoulder and glares at Alex. “That are totally none of our business,” he adds hastily.
“It was so… stupid!” Luke exclaims. He pulls his hand back from Julie. He scrubs at his face before running his hands up into his hair. He leans over to rest his elbows on his knees, supporting his face in his hands.
“Hey,” Julie counters gently, pulling his hands away from his head. “Hey, I think we all did some pretty stupid shit that night.”
“We did?!” Reggie squeaks.
“We did,” Julie confirms. She averts her gaze but the blush rising up her face is unmistakable. 
Reggie narrows his eyes at her. “What stupid shit did Julie do?”
“We’re not talking about me right now.”
“Hm. Well, maybe knowing Julie’s stupid shit will make Luke feel better,” Reggie counters, looking pointedly at Luke. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Julie says, drawing out the ‘yeah’ to make her doubt clear.
Luke lifts his gaze up, trying to catch hers. He narrows his eyes. “What did you do, Julie?”
“I… really don’t think you want to know. Forget I said anything.”
Luke cocks his head and looks at her sideways. “You know that’s not gonna happen.”
Julie stands. She turns toward them and then back away, uncertainty lacing every movement. 
“Julie?” Alex tries. “Jules, it can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not that bad if I keep it to myself,” she murmurs.
Luke lets out a good-humoured scoff, “It’s not like you hooked up with Bobby or something.”
Julie stops in her tracks. Her eyes widen and she gapes at them. 
Luke’s expression shifts to mimic hers. “You hooked up with Bobby?!” He exclaims, disbelieving and angry.
Alex sets a calming hand on Luke’s knee. Luke brushes it off. 
Alex quickly glares at Luke before redirecting his attention to Julie, “Okay well, you’re not pregnant too, right?”
“No!” Julie assures them. “I mean, probably. I don’t think so… No. No, I can’t be. I’m not.”
“Are you and Bobby like… together?” Luke asks slowly. 
Julie shakes her head. “No. No, it was just… We got lost in the chaos of everything that night. I swear. It only happened the once,” she pauses to consider before continuing, “Well, the one night.”
Luke’s face twists up in disgust, “Ew. Gross. I do not want to know. You’re right. I don’t feel better.” He groans. “But at least I didn’t hook up with… him.” Luke’s expression contorts into a final  grimace.
Alex sighs, “Okay, can we get back to the issue at hand?”
“Pancakes?” Reggie exclaims hopefully. 
“No, Reggie. Not pancakes.”
“Pancakes fix everything,” Reggie mumbles. “Sue me for trying to help. Though… they’re probably cold by now…”
“I don't think pancakes are gonna fix this… We need ice cream too,” Luke murmurs. 
Reggie jumps up and bounds toward the kitchen. “Willie! Willie, we need to dig out the ice cream to have with our pancakes! It’s an emergency. What kinds do we have?” He trips over his feet in his enthusiasm, just barely managing to recover before face planting on the floor. 
Alex, Luke, and Julie shake their heads fondly as they watch him leave. 
Julie turns back around to Luke. She crouches in front of him and takes his hands. “We good?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Let’s just… never talk about it again please?”
Julie nods her agreement. “You bet. Are you going to be okay?”
“No, but we’ll figure it out. We always do, right?”
Julie smiles up at him. “Right.”
“And we’re all here with and for you,” Alex confirms. He puts his hand on Luke’s back. “All of it. No matter what.”
Luke directs a sad smile at Alex. “Thanks, man.”
Alex nods once in acknowledgement. “Should we go see what kind of mess those two have managed to create in the last three minutes?”
Luke and Julie cough out matching laughs. Julie stands, pulling Luke up with her. She squeezes his hands twice before letting one go and pulling him toward the kitchen.
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daintyduck99 · 5 months
gently resting their head on their shoulder when taking a picture/peeking at something for Bobby/Julie
Julie watches a myriad of emotions play out on Bobby's face as he types what's shaping up to be a long text. It's more interesting than the video they'd put on while they were eating dinner, and she hums curiously as he stops, scowls, and starts furiously erasing what he's typed.
Nestling closer, she brushes a light kiss to his jaw before resting her head on his shoulder.
“Who are you texting?”
Bobby just huffs and inches his phone over so it's easier for her to see. Julie huffs, too, but hers is more of a laugh.
“You know Luke is trying to wind you up.”
He gives a slight shrug. “That's why I erase most of what I want to say. I still get the satisfaction of having typed it out.”
“And it bothers him right back,” she guesses, “especially because he can see that you were typing for such a long time.”
Bobby hums, as if to say more or less, and she huffs another laugh as he settles on replying with a single middle finger emoji.
“You have an interesting way of showing that you love one another,” she teases.
Another shrug. “He's my oldest friend.”
Julie thinks of Flynn, of their greetings that often raise eyebrows and garner dirty looks.
She nods. “That's fair.”
A reply comes through, but Bobby locks his phone before either of them can read it. He rests his head on top of Julie's.
She laughs a little. “Is this a new strategy? You're going to ignore him for a while?”
“Not really. I mean. Yes and no. Mostly, I just want to sit with you for a little while.”
Her heart swells. It used to be so hard for him to say things like that, as if he was afraid that anything he wanted would be ripped away from him if he spoke of it.
But Julie's not going anywhere.
She smiles. “I'll put a better video on.”
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siriusly-rem-writes · 2 months
Where Will We End Up? (Headcanons/Context)
In honor of the resurfacing of JATP S2 rumors, here's some context set in the WWWEU? Universe.
Warnings: mentions of absent fathers, relationships with parents, implied hostile home environment, use of Y/N, Alex is Catholic, implied homophobia, female reader (Let me know if I missed something!)
Luke Patterson
Born November 25, 1977 (13 at the start of the story)
The oldest of the group
Born and raised in Canada
Moved to LA when he was 12 for his 8th-grade year
Only child
Lives with both his parents
Has a good relationship with both but struggles to communicate with his mom more
His dad plays guitar and taught him how to play
Has a slight accent 
And a stutter
Started cutting the sleeves of his shirts because too much fabric bothered him 
Was overstimulated on the first day of school 
He bumped into Alex in the cafeteria causing both of their trays to fall down
It was his last straw and he exploded
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”
Y/N put him in his place after he yelled at Alex
He looked for them a few days later to apologize
“I uh, brought cookies?”  
He brings cookies every time he messes up
Doesn’t have physical boundaries with his friends 
It took getting smacked on the forehead by Bobby many, many times for him to understand not to hug him unprompted
Emily loves hosting 
The group used to sleep over at Luke’s a lot 
The more serious Luke got about music, the more arguments he had with his mom
It got so bad he eventually ran away from home
He actually wasn’t allowed in Alex’s room alone anymore after they got caught kissing
Every time he went over to Alex's the air was tense
He stopped showing up the way he used to, instead opting to sneak in
He picked up a job as a waiter at a local diner
The group loves to go in just to terrorize him
Firmly believes that you choose your family and he chose his
Isn’t bad at school, he just can’t focus on it for the life of him
Gets detention a lot because he gets caught not paying attention
The reason they have a zero-tolerance after 3 tardies rule 
He takes boxing lessons with Jose Camacho to release his pent-up energy 
Forgets he knows how to fight
Reggie Peters
Born May 06, 1978 (12 at the start of the story)
Third oldest of the group
Born and raised in LA
Lives by the beach 
Likes to sneak out and listen to the waves 
Can surf
Lives with both his parents 
But he doesn’t have a good relationship with either 
He doesn’t hate them nor have they directed anything at him, he just wishes they’d listen and spend more time with him
Only child
But he babysits Diego Miller, the little boy next door who he decided was his little brother
He’s not as dense as he makes himself out to be 
He just doesn’t like to think about things too much because it stirs his feelings 
Really good at Math and Science
He likes that it's logical thinking, not emotional
Doesn’t like English because it requires him to tap into emotions and he really doesn’t want to 
He doesn’t like History either because it leaves him bothered by the shitty and unfair past
Has selective mutism 
It kicked in badly during one of his parents' fights 
The longest he’s gone mute was 2 months
It kicks in every now and then but not for as long and not around everyone 
He learned ASL because of it 
Sometimes he uses it outside of an episode just because it’s easier 
Everyone else tries to pick it up, levels of proficiency vary
He found “Wright’s Domain” a comic book shop one day after he had walked out of his house
He spends most of his Summers there
He sits in the same bean bag
The more time he spent there, the more he found himself doing random things 
He’d reorganize comics, reposition figurines and when someone asked him where they could find a specific section he pointed them to it 
The couple that owns the store started to notice him
They left snacks by his bean bag chair with a note thanking him for fixing up
He wrote back a thank you with a doodle of himself holding two thumbs up and an arrow pointing out his name was Reggie 
The snacks waited for him every visit
His voice did come back, at the shop 
He spoke to the owners, Donna and Michael, quite often, they love hearing about his day 
He eventually got a job there
Ended up bringing everyone one day
He was a little nervous because the shop was his safe space but so was the group
The owners loved the group too
Donna and Michael live in THE house
Alex Mercer
Born August 23, 1978 (12 at the start of the story)
Second to last youngest
Lives with both his parents 
The eldest
He has a younger sister named Sophia 
Had a good relationship with both his parents up until he came out
Always watches out for his sister
He plays tea party and dresses up with her
His dad made a comment about it and Alex stopped doing it so frequently
Grew up Catholic 
He never really thought much of it until he noticed he looked at boys a lot for being a boy himself
He’s not the biggest fan of it anymore
Was already an anxious kid but as he got older; his religious background, his dad's expectations, and being more aware of the world's problems made his anxiety skyrocket
He fidgets by tapping his fingers on a surface or hitting his thighs with his hands 
His parents got him a drum set to help ease it
He met Y/N when they were 7 
He defended her against a bully
He got detention
She walked home with him that day and they realized they lived 3 streets down from each other
Really wants to make his dad proud 
His dad has a lot of traditional views of men which contradict with Alex 95% of the time
His first crush was on Ryan, a boy he went to church with, but he didn’t know it yet 
His stomach dropped when he saw Ryan and another girl share a quick kiss at the park
Developed a crush on Luke  
His first kiss and boyfriend was Luke 
His dad opened the door to Alex’s room and caught them kissing 
His dad stood there, closed the door and walked away
His dad didn’t speak to him at all through dinner
The next day, his dad told him he’d take him to church to repent
Alex said no and came out when he was 15
They got into an argument
His dad didn’t kick him out (to save his image) but told him that until he repented, he wasn’t his son
He was the first to meet Reggie 
They’re in the same Math class and the teacher asked Reggie to tutor him 
They met up after school twice a week
Alex wasn’t looking for a friend but Reggie being the social butterfly he is, didn’t care
The more times they saw each other, the more Alex got used to him and his antics 
He actually understood Math the way Reggie would teach him
One day Luke didn’t want to go home because he had fought with his mom and Y/N was busy, Alex found Reggie to tell him he had to stick to Luke 
Reggie told him Luke was welcome to join their session
Luke sat across from them and wrote in his journal but was still fidgety 
Reggie cut the tutoring session short and invited them out for ice cream
Alex questioned his life choices as Luke and Reggie’s loud personalities mixed
He initiated his and Luke’s first kiss 
And then immediately panicked before Luke laughed and pulled him back in
He was the one who broke up with Luke
There was an awkward air for like 2 minutes before they talked about everything and went back to being best friends
Bobby Shaw
Born March 16, 1978 (13 at the start of the story)
The second oldest of the group
Never knew his dad
Lives with his mom and grandma
Has a good relationship with both
Only child (not really but we'll get into that later)
Keeps to himself mostly
He paints, though he doesn’t like people looking at his art 
Took an art class during his freshman year 
He never did anything in class
He’d do it at home and sneak in the assignment the next day, nameless
His art teacher caught him one time and told him he’d leave the art room open for him to do his assignments so as long as he starts signing his name
He spends a lot of time in the art room
Close to the art teacher, Mr. Cervantez 
He was the first positive male influence in his life
Befriends Y/N first, she takes an art class with him
He’s actually not sure how to handle social interactions 
He’s pretty awkward 
He helped Luke on their first week of high school
Luke was being picked on and they had taken the beanie off his head 
He stopped Luke from launching himself at the other guys 
“Come on guys, give it back.” 
One of the guys looked at him questioningly 
Bobby stood his ground
The guys tossed the beanie back at Luke and Bobby walked off as soon as they left
Luke approached him weeks later and he internally panicked the whole time
Has problems with authority 
That guy that will touch something after you said not to 
His grandma hates that he does that but he can’t help it
He’s respectful to both his mom and grandma, no one else really
Lacks a filter, has accidentally hurt people’s feelings because of it
Not a big physical touch guy 
He has to be very comfortable with you to initiate touch
All talk 
Like he can’t fight
He’s gotten by on physical appearance alone 
The guys hide behind him all the time and when Y/N needs him, his tall looming presence behind her has people running for the hills
He’s punched one person and one person only
It was Alex’s dad
Born September 01, 1978
The youngest of the group
Only child
Lives with her mom
Dad walked out when she was 7
Her mom started drinking, causing the mother-daughter bond to break
Spends the night at Alex’s a lot
The first time, her bed was set up in Sophia’s room 
After everyone had gone to sleep she snuck into Alex’s room 
The next day, his parents found her sleeping at the edge of his bed with his blanket draped over the edge also to cover Alex who slept on the floor
After it happened 3 more times, they stopped trying to separate the two 
She has clothes in the bottom drawer of Alex’s dresser
Alex’s number 1 protector
They made friendship bracelets, purple yarn for her and blue for Alex 
Luke and her = sibling energy 
Likes to wear other people's clothes
Makes her feel like they’re with her and she’s not alone
Literally carrying their love with her
It started with one of the shirts her dad left behind 
She likes Alex’s hoodies, Luke’s beanies and in the Summer she’ll snag one of his sleeveless tees, Reggie’s flannels and in the Winter his leather jacket, Bobby’s t-shirts and vests
The guys knock on her door when they can’t find the item they want to wear because they know she has it
She and Alex remade their friendship bracelets to include Luke (Orange)
She made them remake them later once Bobby (Green) and Reggie (Red) became part of their little group
All 5 of them wear it no matter what
She likes to draw
Was the first to befriend Bobby in art class
She admired him from afar (because look at him) and wondered what he did, given that he always slept in the class
One time while waiting for Alex and Luke to get out of detention, she walked around school and caught Bobby in the art room
His back was to her and he wore headphones as he painted
She loved his piece and wondered why he never did anything in class
Wrote him sticky notes encouraging him to show his work
Eventually, he wrote back saying he’d reveal his work if she revealed who she was
It was a deal and they started talking more afterwards
Luke was upset when he learned she was friends with Bobby 
Mostly because he thought Bobby was a dick (a dick he tried to be friends with first but failed) 
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veysxrge · 2 months
Story of My Life (J.A.T.P)
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of Parental Death
Pairings: Luke Patterson x Julie Molina
AU: Everyone lives, no one dies (minus Julie's mom, for plot, of course)
In honor of the fandom growing again, and the possibility of a second season, have this little story.
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
Luke always watched Julie from afar, admiring the girl from a distance. His friends always made fun of him for it. Especially Alex, who later on became quick friends with Flynn, Julie's best friend.
But, he never talked to her, he knew she knew who he was. He was sure Alex told her a story or two about him to embarrass him. But he never talked to her, he always clammed up whenever she was around.
Luke was content with admiring her from afar, staying quiet as he watched her interact with everyone around her with an energy that could never be contained.
Everyone loved her, that was the thing. Julie was kind to everyone, always helping out people who needed it. He couldn't even count the amount of times she went out of her way just to make sure a stranger passed a class.
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone
But he watched her light dwindle, fade over time. No one around her seemed to notice, except maybe Flynn. He could see the way her smiles stopped reaching her eyes, and watched as she stopped going to play a random tune on the piano in the middle of class.
But soon enough, she stopped trying to put on a front. It was like a switch flipped and she stopped caring. The light left her eyes, she stopped helping people out, she even distanced herself from Flynn. Well, she tried to. But Luke knew that Flynn was way too stubborn to let herself be pushed away.
He didn't know exactly what happened, but from the whispers in the hallway it seemed that her mother passed. When he found that out, he felt his heart break for the girl he adored so much.
A piece of him seemed to break every day as he watched Julie become a shell of her former self. He hadn't seen her touch a piano or hum a tune in almost a year. He yearned to hear her angelic voice once more, but alas he didn't know her, nor did she know him.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight, the ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight, with nothin' in between
Luke wanted to be able to help her, to bring back the life and energy that she had lost. But he couldn't, he couldn't find the words. He couldn't figure out what to say to her. How he would start the conversation, he had so much he wanted to say but he didn't have the ability to form it into words.
He sat at his desk every night, thinking about the beautiful girl who had lost her spark. The girl that had to grieve over the loss of such an important figure in her life. The girl who had stolen his heart without even realizing she had.
He wished he could tell her the way she made him feel, but he knew if he ever got the courage to he wouldn't say it. He couldn't tell her, not while her wounds are still so fresh. If there was a way to make her happy again, he'd do it. He'd do anything to see her smile again.
Luke went through pages and pages of his notebooks, crumpled up papers overflowing in the trash can that rested under his desk. But he couldn't find the words, he couldn't figure out how to explain the storm that was going on in his head. He didn't know how he could help her.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
In a perfect world, Luke saw himself and Julie smiling and writing songs that they sang together. Their friends surrounded them and helped bring their songs to life. In this world, they knew each other and they loved each other deeply. But sadly, a perfect world doesn't exist.
So instead, Luke was going through a funk. Everyone could see it, his friends were worried. He hadn't written a song in months, and his last one was barely a song if he was being honest. He couldn't write, his brain was in scrambles and everything he had written down wasn't good enough.
This went on for long enough that even Reggie had told Luke that maybe it was time to take a break from the band. That's the moment that Luke felt his heart completely shatter. He knew he had to do something, he had to get out of this funk.
But his mind was only filled with Julie, filled with the ghost of what the girl used to be. Overflowing with ways he could help but also the anxiety of being rejected. Filled with longing and anguish for this girl that he had never spoken a word to. He couldn't figure out what to do.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
Eventually, his friends started to give him space. They still hung out with him, gave him ideas of how to get his rhythm back. But they just gave him a bit of space, which Luke was immensely grateful for.
He still watched Julie from afar, finally, after a year it seemed that she was opening up a bit more. She was smiling again, joking around with her friends. She stopped pushing people away, started helping people out again. But she didn't touch the piano.
He saw the longing in her eyes whenever she passed the piano in Music class. He also saw when Mrs. Harrison stopped Julie one day to talk after class. When he saw her leave, dejected and nervous, he knew what the conversation was about.
The need to help her had finally grown too strong, he knew he had to do something. He couldn't watch her be kicked out of music, even if she was having a hard time singing. His choice was solidified when she choked the next day, starting to play a tune only to not be able to get the words out.
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open, but it stays right here in its cage
As Julie ran out of the class after Carrie's particularly harsh comment, Luke had finally had enough. He got up, sending a glare towards Carrie, "That's a new low for you Carrie, real mature of you."
He saw the way her eyebrows furrowed, Luke never got upset. He was a pretty energetic, gung-ho type of guy. He never glared at people, and he definitely never was rude or talked back to someone if it wasn't directed at him or his friends.
But he still walked out of class, after Julie, much to the surprise of all of their mutual friends. He looked both ways, trying to figure out which way Julie turned, seeing her curly ponytail turn around a corner at his right.
He was quick to follow, and once she was finally in his sights he spoke, "Julie, wait!"
At the sound of his voice she turned around, shock evident on her face once she realized who called her. He wasn't surprised that she reacted that way, he never spoke to her despite their mutual friends.
I know that in the morning, I'll see us in the light up on the hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
"Luke?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked his figure up and down, making Luke scratch the back of his own head.
"That's my name." He mumbled, becoming shy once they were face to face. "I just, I wanted to say to not give Carrie any mind. I'm sure you'll be able to sing again soon."
Julie smiled sadly, shaking her head, "Thank you for that, but that was my last chance."
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, a frown appearing on his face as he looked at Julie. "I'm sure they'll be another, you're way too talented for Mrs. Harrison to give you up."
Julie sighed gently, her eyes flicking back to something behind Luke before going back to him, "I appreciate the encouragement Luke, and I really hope you're right." She mumbled before walking past him.
Luke turned around to watch her walk away, towards Mrs. Harrison. From the look on the music teachers face he knew that it may be the last chance for Julie. He knew he had to figure out a way to make sure she didn't get kicked out of the music program.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burnin' bright
When Luke sat at his desk that night, he finally knew how to word how he was feeling. He finally knew what to write, and that's what he did. He wrote, he put words to how he felt. The want and need to help Julie, the adoration he felt for the girl he barely knew.
When he finished writing, he was quick to message his bandmates that he finally finished a song. A song that he actually loved, one he was proud of for once.
Alex was the first to reply, expressing his happiness that Luke was able to get his groove back and Bobby was quick to second that. Reggie of course just sent a bunch of keyboard smashes that caused a small smile to form on Luke's face.
They ended up meeting later that night, meeting up at Bobby's garage and finding out what melody and music they could add to this song. They worked hard, and were happy that they would have it ready for the pep rally at the end of Spirit Week.
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothin' in between
The next day, Luke went up to Mrs. Harrison, giving her a small smile, "Hey Mrs. H, I was wondering if the offer to play at the pep rally was still open for us?"
He could see the way that Mrs. Harrison's eyes lit up at that, "Of course it is, you can perform after Carrie and her group."
Luke grinned at that, nodding at Mrs. Harrison before going back to his friends. It seemed that while he was gone, Flynn and Julie had ended up joining the conversation.
His eyes ended up meeting Julie's and he gave her a shy smile before turning towards Bobby, Alex and Reggie, "We're in."
Reggie was quick to bring the 4 of them into a hug, wrapping his arms around all of their necks and pulling them towards him, "The band is back!!" He exclaimed, causing Bobby and Alex to laugh.
Luke looked back over towards Julie, noticing how she smiled softly at the boy's actions. He grinned a bit before finally pulling away from Reggie, clapping his shoulder as he did, "We still will need to practice, we've only played the song once."
"You finally were able to write a new one?" Flynn asked, raising an eyebrow towards Luke. Julie seemed surprised by this, obviously unaware about his current creative block.
"I had a bit of inspiration." He replied, forcing himself to not glance over at Julie as he said it. But Alex just rolled his eyes, letting out a soft laugh.
"That's one way to put it." He said before turning his attention to Flynn, "He wrote a love song."
Luke felt his cheeks heat up as he awkwardly scratched his neck, "There is no way, actually?" Flynn asked, grinning a bit as she looked at Luke.
"Yeah, it's actually really cute! A bit sad, but it's such a mushy song!" Reggie said, smiling brightly, "Like one of those cheesy one-sided love songs you hear on the radi-"
"Alright alright, enough with that, would ya?" Luke said, wanting to turn the attention off his song and the implications of it. He wanted it to be a surprise. He looked towards Julie once again, realizing she was already looking at him. He smiled a bit towards her before looking away once more.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
After that day, Julie and Luke seemed to finally get closer. Surprisingly it wasn't because of Luke, but because of Julie herself. She went out of her way to walk up to him after class, and pair up with him instead of Flynn in their shared Biology class.
Flynn didn't mind, instead pairing with Alex seeing as he usually paired up with Luke. All these things made Luke beam, brighter than he had before. It was embarrassingly obvious to almost everyone how infatuated he was with Julie. To everyone but her that is.
Julie herself seemed a bit happier, even offering to help Luke write another new song. She didn't sing it, but she did hum along to the melody he came up with which surprised Luke immensely. He ended up gifting her the lyric and music sheet, saying he'd rather hear her sing it when she was able to again.
He didn't notice the way Julie's heart almost leapt out of her chest when he said that. He didn't see the way her eyes practically formed hearts at the fact he'd rather wait for her to be ready so she could sing it instead of doing it with his band.
He couldn't tell that all these little things, all these small subconscious things he always did with people he cared about slowly made Julie feel less empty. He didn't realize he was helping her find her music just by existing by her side.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
The pep rally was close, Luke was feeling more and more anxious by the day. There was no way for Julie to know that the song was about her, but he still felt nervous at the fact she was going to hear it.
He yearned deeply to know what she would think of it. Would she hate it? Would she love it? Would she not think anything of it at all and just be counting down the minutes until she could go back to class?
He knew the last thought was ridiculous. Julie was too much of a compassionate and kind person to not have her full attention on the band's music when they performed. But the knowledge of that didn't ease his worries.
His friends were quick to notice his nerves a few hours before the pep rally started. Alex was the one who decided to confront him about it, seeing as he himself knew what nerves Luke was feeling.
"Hey bud, you doing alright over here?" Alex asked, making Luke jump up from his thoughts, staring at his friend like he gained two heads in the last half-hour since they had talked.
"Yeah." Luke finally answered, wringing his hands together as he glanced off to the side of the room, "Just pre-performance jitters."
Alex nodded hesitantly, pursing his lips in thought before he responded to Luke's obvious deflect of his original question, "She's going to love the song, just don't think about it too much." He said before walking away, pretending not to notice the way Luke's shoulders sagged in relief at the assurance that it'll be alright.
And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds
Before Luke knew it, he was on the stage, staring at his peers looking back at him from the bleachers. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the familiar set of curls among the students. Soon enough he found her, sitting next to Flynn and Willie, smiling at him.
Luke shyly returned the smile before averting his attention away from her, "Hello, Los Feliz Bobcats! Thank you for having us today at the Pep Rally, we really hope you enjoy the few songs we've got today."
Bobby was quick to join in next, grinning and winking at the crowd as he spoke, "My good friend Luke here wrote all the songs from deep within his heart, so please show him some love for that!" Applause was quick to follow, seeing as Bobby was the more popular person in their band.
"Without further ado! We are Sunset Curve!" Alex said, causing Reggie to quickly chime in, "Tell your friends!" Laughter settled over the students before they eventually quieted down at the start of their first song.
Luke felt his nerves quickly vanish as he sang, his song for Julie wasn't until the end, and this he was extremely grateful for. He could lose himself in the music he spent ages on writing and composing to the best of his abilities. Smiling and running around the stage as he sang his heart out, having to force his laughter to stop when Reggie made a face when they harmonized on the same mic.
This is what he missed, performing, the cheers of the people around him as they learned the chorus as tried to sing along for later verses for the songs he hadn't yet released and sang for the public.
He caught Julie's eye multiple times throughout the first couple of songs, and he knew she loved them. He saw her eyes light up when she realized she knew the song, mouthing the words, but he knew she wasn't singing. He'd recognize her voice among the crowd that harmonized before him.
Soon enough, it was time for her song. He waited for his classmates to calm down a bit before grabbing the mic and pulling it closer to him, "This last song is a bit slower... Don't get me wrong, the chorus is obviously still upbeat- But..." He subconsciously glanced towards Julie's direction, "This song is one that's close to my heart, I wrote it for someone I've always admired from afar."
He smiled a bit, looking at his shoes before shaking his head, "Sappiness aside, I really hope you all enjoy it. Here's our final song, Story of my Life."
As he performed, he couldn't help but look at Julie. He didn't care if he was being obvious, and by the way her smile seemed to brighten as she listened to the words that he sang to her, he didn't think she minded either. He never wanted to see her smile fade ever again.
When they finally finished, they all bowed, smiles never fading as they stepped off the stage. Mrs. Harrison was quick to take their place, saying her final speech before sending the kids back to their classes.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
Luke wasn't sure what he expected as he checked the strings on his guitar, not yet having unplugged it just yet. But he definitely didn't expect to hear a piano start to play a few feet away from where he stood in the wings of the stage.
He glanced over, recognizing the cords that started to play, but he was surprised to see Julie sat at the piano. She glanced over at him, not too surprised to see him staring in awe back. She sent him a nervous smile, and he was quick to give her a beaming one back, mouthing the words 'You got this.'
That seemed to be all she needed, smiling softly before she started to sing the song they had written together. She had quickly caught the attention of the students and teachers, pausing in their leaving to watch the girl in surprise.
Luke could see the way Julie stared at the keyboard, her voice still a bit timid, not the usual loud and bright voice he missed dearly. He glanced at his bandmates, and by the way they were all reaching for their instruments, it seemed they had the same idea.
So soon enough, the boys joined on the stage, joining in on the music. Julie was surprised, but obviously happy at the surprise addition to her performance. Soon enough they were singing together, smiling and dancing around each other.
Luke and Julie's voices harmonized beautifully, not that it was much of a surprise. It was obvious that they would, you could ask anyone with a musical bone in their body and they'd say it was clear they would sound amazing together.
It was clear that Julie didn't expect the reaction of the crowd when they finished, surprise evident on her features as she stared at the crowd that was cheering and clapping in front of her. Luke smiled softly, glancing towards the crowd as well. When he noticed the principal and Mrs. Harrison whispering, he knew that this might be Julie's chance to get her spot back.
He placed a hand on her shoulder, heart melting just a tad when he saw her bright smile directed towards him. He said nothing, instead motioning towards their teacher and principal who seemed to want to speak with her. He watched as she walked towards them, nerves already showing just by how she walked away from him.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
Luke sat nervously on his truck in the school parking lot. He hadn't seen Julie since the end of the pep rally, he was worried that it hadn't worked out well for the girl.
His friends were sitting in front of him, but he barely paid them any mind. He stared into the sky, watching the clouds pass as he chewed at the skin by his fingernails anxiously.
After what seemed like hours, he felt the hood of his car move slightly, signaling someone had sat down beside him and successfully breaking him out of his trance so he could look next to him. Julie sat there, smiling fondly at the boy.
"Julie!" He said, immediately standing up so he could face her properly, "Tell me, how did it go? Did you get in trouble? Did you get kicked out?? Are you rejoining the music program? DID YOU GET EXPELLED??"
Julie laughed softly, placing a hand on Luke's shoulder to calm him down a bit, "Slow down, cowboy. Nothing bad happened." Luke felt his face light up at those words, waiting patiently for Julie to finish, "They were able to pull some strings and add another spot so I could rejoin the program, as long as I was sure I wouldn't choke again after this."
Luke couldn't help the smile that grew, immediately moving and wrapping his arms around the girl, "I am so happy for you, you deserve it Jules." He felt her arms wrap around his middle, melting into his embrace. He knew he wanted to stay like this forever, but he knew it wasn't likely.
"So, that song you wrote." Julie started, pulling away a bit so she could see his face, "Who was it about?"
Luke felt his cheeks heat up, glancing away for a second before returning his attention to Julie. He was about to answer, but by the grin that was growing on Julie's face it seemed like she already knew. He groaned in annoyance, resting his head on her shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
His suspicions were confirmed when he heard her beautiful laughter hit his ears and her hand came to pat his back, "It's alright, rockstar. I like you too."
The story of my life
The story of my life
Luke glanced up at Julie, tilting his head to the side instead of lifting it up so he wouldn't have to lose the close contact he craved from the girl, "Do you?" He asked, his voice soft as he scanned her face as if to try to guess if she was lying or not.
"Have for a while now, I thought I was being pretty obvious." Julie responded, her smile softening at the hesitant look on his face. His own smile finally appeared, pulling Julie close once again and burying his face in her neck.
It turns out he did end up saving her, just like he wanted to since the beginning.
The story of my life
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ginervacade · 3 months
It’s 🎵Exchange Day!!! 🎵
@jatpfebfanfest thanks for letting me be a part of something so cool!!
@locketletters I hope you like it. It was super fun to write. I’ve read lots of stuff with the sunset curve polycule but hadn’t tried to write anything until this one. It ended up being a little more Luke centered than Alex but I hope you still like it!! I’m sorry it’s so short, I’ve had a lot going on.
I give you…
They’d been practicing for almost four hours when Reggie finally flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.
“ Luke, babe, I love you but if we haven’t gotten it yet then it’s just not gonna happen tonight. I’m so tired.”
Luke pouted and protested as if he wasn’t about to fall asleep himself. Reggie looked to Bobby and Alex behind their boyfriend for help. He got a silent matching nod from them both.
“ I wanna cuddle and watch Star Wars and eat pizza.” Reggie whined hoping to entice Luke’s attention away from his guitar and song book long enough for the others to take them away.
Apparently the promise of food and physical affection was enough to temporarily perk his ears up and Reggie reached toward him from his position on the couch with grabby hands. Luke stood, going to plant a quick kiss on Reggie’s cheek and in his moment of distraction set his guitar to the side. Bobby quickly snatched it up and Alex closed the song book.
Reggie did his part by pulling Luke down on top of him on the couch, deepening the kiss. The lead singer practically melted into it for a moment when Reggie’s nimble fingers pulled his orange beanie off to entangle themselves in his hair and pull gently. Luke hummed in contentment before pulling back.
“ I just wanna run this part one more time and then we can stop for the ni- where’s my guitar?” He cut himself off looking around to meet Bobby’s smirk. Reggie giggled from his place on the couch and Luke turned back to him looking betrayed.
“ You tricked me, that wasn’t fair.”
The bass player didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.
“ Sorry Lu,” Alex piped up from the loft, waving the captured guitar and songbook at him with a smile, “ but we’re all tired and hungry, including you, and you’ve said one more time 14 times already.”
“ You’re the worst,” Luke pouted some more, though there was no bite to his words. As if to punctuate his sentence and prove him wrong his stomach growled loudly.
Bobby shot him a look, hands on his hips.
“ Fine,” Luke finally conceded, sighing and throwing himself unceremoniously onto the couch next to Reggie. He leaned over onto Reg’s shoulder and stared up at him until pretty green eyes rolled fondly at him and the fingers found their way back to his hair to begin gently massaging his scalp.
“ Call me unfair and then pull out the puppy dog eyes that I taught you,” Reg scoffed but didn’t stop either. Alex sat down on Luke’s other side, smiling fondly when he automatically grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers.
Bobby chuckled, crossing the room to give the blond a quick peck.
“ Lexie, good work love,” he said, “ You too darlin’.” He added to Reggie, who perked up at the praise. “ I’m gonna go order the pizza and pop some popcorn. Somebody set up the VHS player.”
30 minutes later they were all cuddled up on the couch, stuffing their faces with pizza and popcorn and listening to Reggie quote along with Empire Strikes Back.
Luke took a swig of his soda and absentmindedly started singing the new song under his breath.
“ Oh my God Patterson! Shut up!” Bobby said, laughing as he shoved a piece of pizza into the other boy’s mouth.
Luke chewed it annoyedly, curling further into Alex’s side. Lex took over playing with Luke’s hair as he munched on his popcorn.
“ It is a really cool song though babe,” he said and Luke automatically relaxed, his eyes slipping closed at Alex’s gentle tugging on his hair. “ We’ll keep working tomorrow, for now let’s just enjoy the night.”
He didn’t get a response because Luke was already asleep. Alex smiled, pressing a kiss into his soft brown curls.
“ Goodnight Rockstar.”
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aprill-99 · 1 year
Julie: “you know how you lie to your parents?” + “motherfucker is this how you write songs?!?”
Luke: “My parents used to ask me what I thought I was doing but that really just meant ‘stop’ they didn’t actually wanna know my thought process.” + “That’s my wife!”
Reggie: “I need everyone all day long to like me sooooo much.” + “I am very small and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress I’m under.”
Alex: “People look at me and they’re like ‘get some rest tall child!’” + “I was raised Catholic as I’m sure you can tell by my everything about me.”
Flynn: “Do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I would totally kill that guy for you. Lol see you at improv practice!” + “this might as well happen. Life is already so goddamn weird.”
Willie: *to Lifers in the HGC* “How dare you applaud the worst decision I ever made?” + “for interest I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” + “fuck da police.”
Bobby: “I don’t drink anymore because apparently I used to black out and ‘ruin parties’.” + “you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair.”
Carrie: *pulls in to a McDonald’s drive through with a van of excited children. Orders a single black coffee. Drives away.* + “None of us ever really knows our fathers. Anyway…”
Nick: “I was shiny and dumb and easy to trick.” + “Ah yes. My title of Alpha which I definitely had once.”
Ray: “I try to stay a little optimistic. Though I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky.” + “Our house was built in the 20s but got flipped in 2014 so it’s definitely haunted but has a lovely kitchen backsplash.”
Carlos: “Well here goes nothing. You ever seen a ghost????”
Tia: “Shut up you’re all gonna die! Street smarts!”
Caleb: “A child came up to me once and told me that I could do whatever I wanted forever. And I took his advice.” + “he looked like a man who should be the conductor on a locomotive powered by confetti but instead he made his living in murder.”
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bananakarenina · 5 months
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chapter 2 is here!
title: all the things we didn't
authors: @where-you-go & @bananakarenina
pairing: luke patterson/bobby shaw
the fake dating au that is definitely jay's fault! 0:)
chapter summary: bobby doesn't know how this became his life. luke, meanwhile, is having a blast.
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lvkereggie · 10 months
in my mind, kenny was gonna make peterpatter canon🤗
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: The Expanse
Sample Size: 520 stories
Source: AO3
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jmrothwell · 5 months
Julie's plans for the evening are completely derailed with a few unexpected surprise visitors.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson/Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Aunt Victoria (Julie and The Phantoms) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Crushes, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Sneaking Around, Hiding, a twist on there's only one bed?, Pre-Relationship
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 6 months
A little Christmas sparkle
Boggie has taken over my brain again (thanks @legolasghosty <- this is both genuine and sarcastic) and I needed to make them Christmas! This is NOT the fic that's been wisping around my brain...
Bobby walks into their shared living space and stops short. Every single surface in the room is completely covered with crafting supplies. He looks around to see if he can find the responsible party (though he already has a pretty good idea of who it might be).
Sure enough, Reggie’s head pops up from the other end of the table and his face immediately falls. He jumps up and runs to stand in front of Bobby, his arms out as if he can prevent Bobby from seeing the chaos that is this room.
“I told you guys not to come in here!” Reggie exclaims with a pout. 
“What -?” Bobby brushes Reggie’s arm down and pushes past him, eyes wide as he continues trying to take in the space. “Reggie, what-? How-?” He can’t even begin to try sorting through all of the questions he has, let alone figure out how to actually ask them.
“I’m making things! Surprise things…” Reggie’s expression shifts from pouting to beaming to pouting with record speed. It’s almost imperceptible but Bobby notices it. “I asked you guys to stay out…”
“I didn’t… Reggie, I didn’t get anything. And I promise that whatever this…” he gestures toward the room, “is? It’s still a surprise.”
Reggie is back to beaming, “good!” His expression darkens but only slightly, “now get out!”
Bobby holds back a laugh at Reggie’s attempt at being stern and decides that he’s not giving in that easily, instead taking the opportunity to tease him. “But Reggie,” he starts walking around the table, taking in the piles of paper and glue and glitter… wait, GLITTER? “Reggie,” he asks apprehensively, “when did Alex lift his glitter ban?”
Reggie crosses his arms across his chest defensively, “Julie gave it to me. And I’m being careful.”
Bobby turns on the spot, taking in the room in full again when his eyes catch on something. He moves toward it and is suddenly again met with Reggie in his way, arms out. “No, you can’t see that yet!”
The pieces click for Bobby and he grins, “Reggie… Are you making homemade gifts?”
“Maybe,” Reggie returns bashfully but still holding strong in Bobby’s path. 
Bobby’s resolve softens slightly and he moves back toward the table of supplies, “that’s really sweet, Reg.” His cheeky grin returns, “what are you making me?”
“Nothing. You get nothing.”
“Not even a…” Bobby reaches out to grab something and Reggie stops him, grabbing his wrist.
“Don’t!” Reggie warns before both of them notice that he’d dumped over a canister of glitter in the process. His eyes widen, “look what you did!”
“Me? I didn’t do anything! You knocked it over!”
They bicker back and forth for a moment before Reggie grabs the pile of glitter and brings it up between his and Bobby’s faces. 
Bobby’s eyes widen as he catches up with Reggie’s plan, “don’t!”
He barely gets the word out before Reggie blows it into Bobby’s face with a giggle. Bobby sputters, trying to wipe the glitter off of his face. “You gave me craft herpes!” he exclaims once he’s regained his ability to speak and reaches out to grab Reggie. 
Reggie escapes his grasp and runs around the table, continuing to giggle as he does. Bobby immediately chases after him and tag very quickly devolves into a wrestling match.
Bobby winds up pinning Reggie to the ground, straddling his waist with his hands holding Reggie’s wrists to the floor above his head. Their faces are only centimeters apart, both sporting face-splitting grins and panting to regain their breaths.
“Now you have to tell me,” Bobby states. “What’re you making me for Christmas?”
“Already told you. Nothing,” Reggie’s grin morphs into a smirk. “You don’t get anything for Christmas. Just a lump of coal.”
“A lump of coal, eh?”
Reggie nods. 
“And that’s it?”
Reggie nods, smaller this time and the look on his face shifts again. Bobby doesn’t quite know how to read this one but before he’s able to move back to consider it further, Reggie lifts his head and quickly pecks Bobby on the lips.
“And that,” Reggie says meekly, a blush moving from his face up to the tips of his ears and down to the collar of his shirt. Bobby’s eyes widen and he sits up slightly, letting go of Reggie’s wrists.
Reggie props himself up on his elbows, still being held down by Bobby’s weight. “Unless… Unless that’s not ok?”
The hesitation apparently shakes Bobby out of his stupor and he brings his hand to the back of Reggie’s neck and slants their lips together. This time, it’s more and Reggie readily kisses Bobby back, bringing his own hands up to Bobby’s waist as he sits up further.
They get lost in each other and don’t hear the door open.
“What the hell…?” Julie’s voice startles them and they jump apart, looking toward the doorway to see Julie, Luke, and Alex taking in the state of the room which had managed to become an even further disaster due to Bobby and Reggie’s wrestling match. Bobby climbs off of Reggie while their friends take in the room.
Reggie turns bashful again, “I told you guys to stay out of here today!”
“And then there was like half an hour of banging and crashing and then silence and we got worried!”
Alex raises an eyebrow toward the boys on the floor, “guess we didn’t need to be.” His gaze returns to the table and then back to Reggie and Bobby, “is that…? Reggie! What did I say about glitter?!”
“Julie gave it to me!” Reggie vehemently defends himself and Alex turns an unimpressed glare Julie’s way. 
She shrugs unapologetically before gesturing toward the room, “I’m not helping clean this up though. You two are on your own…”
“That’s… fair,” Reggie acquiesces. “Good as new tomorrow! I promise!”
As the trio turn to leave, Luke looks back at the pair with a wink, “nice work, boys!”
Reggie’s blush returns with a vengeance and Bobby speaks up for the both of them, “oh, go suck face with Julie!”
Luke cackles as he follows Julie and Alex out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Bobby stands, pulling Reggie up with him. 
“Was that uh…” Reggie starts and Bobby turns to look at him, questioning, “was that just a one time thing. Because I…”
Bobby rolls his eyes fondly and grabs the back of Reggie’s neck again, much more forcefully this time. “Not unless you want it to be,” he utters out, voice a bit rougher than usual.
Reggie shakes his head vigorously and Bobby leans down to kiss him again.
They manage to clean up the room as promised, though a bit distractedly. Alex’s glitter ban is expanded to include Julie and he enforces it much more strictly than he had been, bearing a smug, albeit exasperated look every time they find bits of glitter throughout the space well into the following year.
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
Now every time I see a prompt list of yours I gotta prompt Bobby/Julie. A kiss on the corner of the mouth, plz?
Midterms are an excellent form of torture.
Bobby takes one look at her as she plops down heavily beside him in their favorite corner booth and snaps his laptop shut.
"You need chocolate. I'll bring you a croissant. You want your usual with it?"
She nods, and he's working his way around the table before she can even offer him her wallet. She bites down on a smile.
She'll get him next time. Maybe surprise him with some chicken adobo, just to see his eyes get adorably wide. Possibly, even, to witness one of his rare, full smiles.
He returns to their booth with half of one and a hefty tray, laden with her coffee and his tea and their baked goods and the fruit salad they rarely splurge for.
"We deserve a treat," he says before she can protest, sliding back into his spot and leaning towards her insistently. "Especially you. I know you sang your heart out for that vocal jury. And the week's not over. You're amazing, and I'm sure you're acing everything, but it'll be easier if you keep your energy up. Okay?"
She groans exaggeratedly, burying her face in her hands to hide her flush. He's so close, and all of the sincere praise is still ringing in her ears, although it's nearly drowned out by the pounding of her heart.
"Okay, dad. Thank you."
"Unlike our friends, I'm not big on TMI, but I'm not into that. Just so you know."
Julie nearly chokes.
"I don't know how anyone thinks you're not funny," she manages, taking a much-needed sip of her coffee.
Bobby shrugs. "No idea. I'm hilarious."
She laughs a little, smothering the sound with a bite of her chocolate croissant. He was right; it's exactly what she needs, flaky and filling and sweet. By the time they're finished with their food, the world seems a little brighter. A little more obtainable.
It wasn't the food, though, not really.
She can't resist giving him a soft smile.
"Seriously, Bobby. Thank you."
There's the moon eyes, round and shining. He clears his throat and looks away.
"You've got some chocolate on your face."
Of course she does. She groans again, hurriedly wiping at her mouth.
"Did I get it?"
He drags his gaze back to her lips.
It lingers, this time.
Her hand shakes as she raises it to her face. She hesitates.
"Maybe I should just—"
He wraps his fingers around her wrist and leaves a gentle, fleeting kiss at the corner of her mouth.
It lights her nerves on fire, and she turns her head to let their lips meet squarely, tenderly. Her fingers work their way into his, and she feels it when he fully smiles, which leaves her warm from head to toe.
"I got it," he murmurs, still wearing that smile, and she lets out a breathless laugh, laying their joined hands on the table.
"I'm not thanking you again."
He cocks his head. "Maybe I am into that."
She's out of quips, but that's okay. She's got a new option—
Kiss him again.
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Where will we end up? (TEASER)
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A build-up to Sunset Curve and their honorary member. Pls see the bottom for more info!!
Content warnings: Female reader, mentions of anxiety, Alex’s hinted feelings for Luke, parents fighting, lack of father figure, hinted selective mutism and use of Y/N (could change for actual fic)
July 27, 1990
The air was sticky. The Los Angeles sun beat down on three kids who were on the verge of being teenagers as they rode their bikes down to the pier. School was starting soon and all three had different worries that led to the same conclusion; what’s gonna happen to them? 
For Alex Mercer, worrying about everything was his job. If he didn’t worry, how would he be prepared for every possible outcome? He was starting his 8th-grade year. The ‘Kings of Middle School’ as everyone would say, but he felt sick thinking about stepping up to the crown. Of course, he felt like this before every new school year but that wasn’t going to stop him from doing it again. He worried about his classes, and how many he would share with Y/N. He worried about how Y/N was going to handle the classes they didn’t share. He worried about how hot-headed Luke would handle 9th grade. He worried that Luke would make other friends and not want to hang out with 8th graders. He worried that Y/N won’t need him as much this year. And he worried she’d grow tired of him on the days he struggled to leave the house. He worried about the feeling he’d get in his stomach every time Luke smiled at him. Why did his friend make him so anxious? He shook his head and pedaled faster.
For Luke Patterson, worrying about the future wasn’t something he experienced often. Sure he wondered what his life would look like 5 years from now but didn’t everyone? He was starting 9th grade, ‘fresh-meat’ as upper-classmen would call them. He worried it would be too much. Heck, he’d only been living in LA for a year and now he has to leave his only two friends behind. He had tried to flunk 8th grade just so that the three of them could be in the same grade moving forward. Y/N had smacked him upside the head so hard he hissed just remembering it. He worried that if he stayed away too long, Alex and Y/N would realize they didn’t need him. The two were already attached to the hip when he came along and wedged his way in. Maybe they don’t need him as much as he needs them. They have each other and perhaps that’s enough. He worried he’d fall behind without Y/N keeping him in check. He worried about how he won’t be there to help Alex on the days everything was just too much. And he worried about who would be there to calm him down when everything was a little too loud and the clothes he wore were a little too rough that it made him want to peel his skin off. He sighed and pedaled faster.
For Y/N Y/L/N, worrying about the ‘what ifs’ was her favorite pastime. It wasn’t really. But they plagued her mind every free moment she had. What if Alex branched off? What if he didn’t need her anymore? What if Luke made friends? What if he spends more time in high school and won’t hang around them anymore? What if both Luke and Alex split off together? They were both guys and maybe they’ll realize it’s better with just the two of them. She worried they’d become someone she’d walk by and have to pretend the time they spent together didn’t exist. That the secrets they whispered to each other in the night disappeared as the sun came up. That the dreams they shared were snuffed out as time went on. She worried that she’d look into their eyes and instead of being met with the familiar warmth of home, she’d be met the reflection of who they once were and what they once met to each other. She wondered if she’d be able to navigate the 8th grade and life afterward without her two fellow musketeers at her side. She wiped the single tear off her face and pedaled faster.
The comic book shop was cool as the air-conditioner rumbled in the background. Hot gusts of wind accompany the little bell as someone enters the shop. The sign on the door encouraging customers to fully close it so as to keep the cool air from escaping. School was starting soon and as a boy sits on the beanbag that’s become his designated spot, he worries about starting the 8th grade.
For Reggie Peters, worrying about school has never been a big thing unless it involved bringing home classmates for a group project. Which he always managed to avoid. At least, that was his only worry until recently. His parents’ fighting had gotten worse. The words he had heard his parents yell at each other as he sat on the stairs had caused him to gasp. Which happened to be the last sound he made. He wondered how two people who swore to love each other could utter such things. He hadn’t been able to talk in almost two months and now school was right around the corner and he worried about interactions. He worried teachers would get upset with him like his parents had. He worried people would find him rude, thinking he was ignoring them. He wondered how he would make friends in his classes if the mere attempt at speaking caused him physical discomfort. He grabbed the water bottle and granola bar that sat on the napkin with “For Reggie” scribbled on it. He smiled at the gesture. He hoped his voice would come back so he could properly thank the owners of the comic book store that felt more like home than his house ever did.
The sun shone brightly as a boy skated through the park. His eyes squinted as the light hit him directly in the face. Placing a hand over his forehead in an attempt to block the rays, his eyes widened as he realized he was heading straight toward a girl walking her dog. He quickly maneuvered around to avoid hitting her only for his wheel to catch a stone causing him to land on his side. He groaned as he sat up, dusting off his dark jeans and rolling his eyes as he noticed he scraped his elbow yet again. He leaned back on his hands and looked up at the sky peeking through the leaves of the tree he had found himself under.
For Bobby Shaw, worrying about stuff was something he always tried to keep under wraps. His mom worried enough as it was and he didn’t want to add it. As the ‘man of the house’ he had to keep cool under the gaze of both his mom and grandma. He briefly wondered where his dad was. He had recently promoted from the 8th grade without a father in the crowd. The thought immediately went away. Why should he care about the man that walked out on him and his mom? He was starting 9th grade soon and his mom was making a fuss about it. Something about him growing up fast. He was tall for his age and his grandma always nags him about the ridiculous clothes he wears. Asking him how he hoped to make friends if the sight of him was enough to intimidate. He was worried. For what? He wasn’t sure. He didn’t care much for school. He didn’t care much for consistent company. He had skatepark buddies but that was all they were and he didn’t mind. He worried the most about disappointing his grandma. He didn’t hold the same traditional views as she did but he knew that she loved him regardless. And maybe he was lying about how little he actually cared about everything else. But that wasn’t something he was ready to unpack. He stood up, grabbed his board and kicked off.
A/N: Hi! I finally have motivation AND some free time to actually write something. This story is going to follow the boys and the reader as they navigate through high school, meet each other, start the band, be teenagers, face struggles, and feel feelings. I'm not sure how you all feel about "Y/N" Please let me know, I can totally name her and have it be more of an OC!
The fic will be including my personal headcanons for the boys and there's more backstory to how Y/N, Alex and Luke met if you're interested in like a flashback thing. Or a separate headcanon list/context for each person.
Also, this is probably going to be a Reggie x Reader/Bobby x Reader. I have not decided 100%
Thank you for taking the time to read this little thing, please let me know if you'd like it to be an actual fic!
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sunset-bobby · 8 months
charlie gillespie once covered a song that is on my bobby x alex playlist i made for my big bang in 2022 and i think that’s hilarious
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ashleycatchemm · 2 years
1-22: Demons
Part 22 of ??
Parings: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Demons (Imagine Dragons)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Madterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N: I picture Arius as Five Hargreeves but with black hair and blue eyes, instead of dark brown hair and green eyes
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Once I parked in the school parking lot, I turned towards Arius expecting him to turn into a human. "What?" He asked, sounding annoyed as he sat up and started stretching, his front paws out in front of him as he arched his back down. "Aren't you going to change forms?" I asked, getting aggravated that he won't shift. "Shift forms." He corrected, getting into a sitting position "Plus you don't have the honor of bossing me around. You don't have any of my respect." Letting out an aggravated huff before turning my body to face him.
"Respect this. Respect that. What the hell does having your respect got to do with anything? You're my familiar, so do as I say and change forms."
Arius suddenly got on all fours, growling at me in anger "Everything. Respect has everything to do with the bond a witch, or wizard has with their familiar." I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms a crossed my chest in anger and annoyance 'honestly, why does every single witch thing have to be so complicated and difficult?' Letting out an annoyed huff, I uncrossed my arms, gripping the bridge of my nose "Okay." I stated before throwing my arms at my sides "What do I have to do to get your respect?" Arius sat back down in the passenger seat.
His anger died down, but aggravation still being shown on the felines face. "You don't just get a demons respect. You have to earn it." I shook my head a little, processing the new information that I was just told. "Hold on, wait a minute. You're a demon?!" The black cat rolled his blue eyes at me, before hopping off to the back seat. "Yes. I am." I watched him sit down on one of the back seats, only for him to close his eyes as his tail slowly stopped moving. I opened my mouth to say something, only for a bright blue light to shine, covering his whole form.
Closing my eyes I faced back front as to avoid the light shining in my eyes. "Man, I forgot how much I despise this form." I was about to look back at the owner of the familiar voice, which was usually in my head, but now could be heard by all. Only for a hand to rest on the passenger seat, as a boy that looked just about the age of 18 made his way to the front. He had black hair that was swooped off to the right side and seemed to hang over the right side of his forehead. An almost annoyed look could be seen on his face, and his eyes looked almost exactly like the ones that I've seen on the black cat that has been following me around for the last 12 hours.
"I haven't used this form since your grandmother was in her 20s"
I stared at the boy next to me in slight confusion, he examined his hands as I tried to process everything. "Arius?" I questioned, his blue eyes shot over at me, an annoyed "What?" Leaving his lips. I stared at him for a second or two before letting out a small giggle "Aww look at how cute you are." I stated while reaching over to pinch his cheeks. Only for him to quickly grab ahold of my arm, gripping it tightly, all while sending me a death stare. "Call me cute again. I'll chop all your fingers off and shove them down your goddamn throat." I just stared at him with a grin as he pushed my arm back towards me.
Looking back out my windshield I stared at the school in front of me. "Come on." I stated while opening the truck door "Before I get in even more trouble." Grabbing my bag from the back seat, I hopped out of the truck, Arius following soon after "And why does it matter exactly wether or not you are on time?" Shutting and locking the doors, I started making my way to the school entrance. Arius followed close next to me, hands sitting behind his back as he walked.
"Im already late, but if I skip school again they are gonna call my uncle."
"And why does that matter exactly?"
I didn't bother answering his question, taking a glance over at him, my eyes caught sight of the suit and tie he was currently wearing. Stopping just before the door, I was quick to turn to the black haired demon next to me. "You can't wear that." His blue eyes narrowed in confusion "Wear what? The suit?" He gestured towards his suit, I nodded my head in response, causing him to scoff. "It's a uniform." I crossed my arms, letting out a small huff in annoyance "It's atrocious." Gritting his teeth angrily, brows furrowed, he opened his mouth to say something, only for me to continue.
"No high schooler would be caught dead wearing that crap in place of everyday clothes."
A tight lipped smile sat on Arius face, shoving his hands in his pockets he leaned forward, his tall lanky form giving him the extra few inches of height to tower over me while saying "Well, it's a good thing I'm not a high schooler." I glared up at the demon in front of me, rolling my eyes I let out a small huff of aggravation, deciding to drop the subject, knowing he'd never give in. Turning back towards the front doors I was quick to state "Just, try to act at least a tiny bit normal." Walking over to the intercom I continued "I know that must be hard considering how small your brain is." Pressing the buzzer on the intercom I turned back around to face the angry demon.
Arius hands were now out of his pockets, turning into fists at his sides. His face scrunched up in anger, looking as if he was ready to kill me himself. "Be lucky your grandmother told me to look after you. Cause if she didn't, I would've killed you a long time ago. You have some fucking nerve talking to me that way." Hearing the loud click of the doors being unlocked, I just rolled my eyes at the black haired boy in front of me. Waving him off with one of my hands "Yeah, whatever you say." Pulling the door open, I walked inside, a fuming Arius following close behind.
I walked into the office, which sat right by the front door, Arius walking in behind me. "Well if it isn't miss (L/n). You actually decided to show up for school today?" I put of a forced smile, a fake laugh leaving my lips, all while staring down the old lady at the desk who I've grown all too annoyed of "Ah Darlene. You actually decided to brush your teeth for a change?" I asked while leaning over the front desk "Now I don't have to deal with that nasty ass breath" her cheery smile now turned forced.
Darlene was quick to bite out "I was just about to call your uncle. Tell him that you skipped yet again. But I guess I don't have the liberty of doing that today. That is, if you have a good excuse." She stared me down, practically begging me to have such a horrible excuse that she would have to call my uncle. 'This old ass women has had it out for me since the very beginning.' My eyes looked down at the counter in front of me, drumming my fingers on it for a quick second as I hummed in response to her statement.
Coming up with a quick lie, my eyes looked back up at Darlene "Ya see, I was just showing my..." grabbing ahold of Arius' arm, dragging him quickly over to me. The dark haired demon let out a small grunt in surprise, his attention seemed to be everywhere else as he examined the room. "Cousin" I sent a glance over at Arius to see if he was paying attention to the most important detail in this lie. But of course, Arius' attention was literally anywhere else, which caused me to let out a small huff before looking back at Darlene to continue my tale.
"Around the area, he just arrived here last night and I guess we just lost track of time-"
Darlene held out a hand while shaking her head, stoping me from trying to tell her the rest of my lie. "Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. You seriously expect me to believe that this boy..." Arius' attention was finally on our conversation as my explanation was stopped, watching as Darlene gestured to him with her pen, she continued "is your cousin?" Bring her pen over to point at me, I stared at her in slight confusion, looking over at Arius next to me, who seemed to be staring down the lady in front of us, as if studying her.
My head turned, eyes drifting back over to Darlene, my left hand placed on my hip as my right gripped the backpack strap around my shoulder. "Well, yeah." I stated, slight confusion written on my face when she didn't believe me. Darlene rolled her eyes in annoyance, shaking her head, I watched as her hand reaches for the phone in front of her. My eyes went wide and I was about to speak up, only for Arius to cut me off, quickly strutting over to the counter in front of us while shoving me off to the side.
"Look, Darlene, was it?"
The old lady paused, her hand resting on the phone as Arius now had her attention. A smile appeared on Arius' lips as he stated "That is a beautiful name, I must say..." Arius held a hand out below the desk, waving it as if signaling for me to back off and let him talk. I heard Darlene giggle a little "Oh, why thank you" Arius was quick to continue with his charm "Do you know that name means Darling? And I have to say, I apologize if this is overstepping, but do you mind if I call you darling?" I stared at the side of his head in confusion, watching this whole scene play out.
A small giggle once again escaped the old lady's lips, her hands coming up to rest underneath her chin. "Well, aren't you just a charmer?" Arius dragged his tongue across his lips for a quick second, biting down on them as if to suppress a smile. Shrugging his shoulders he gave a response of "I try." he must've felt my stare on the side of his face, because he suddenly glanced over at me, a glare present on his features. "Do you mind? We are trying to have a conversation." I widened my eyes a little before throwing my hands up in surrender and walking over to the plastic chairs a little ways behind him.
Arius' attention was brought back over to Darlene soon after, and I dropped my bag down in a chair before sitting down in the one next to it. I watched as the two of them chatted, hearing giggles coming from the old hag here and there. 'The hell could he be talking about with her?' I thought as I waited for the two of them to be done talking. A few minutes later, Arius turned around, walking back towards me, showing me the two late passes in his hand, a smirk sitting on his lips as if rubbing it in my face.
Rolling my eyes, I picked up my bag, throwing one of the straps over my shoulder. Arius stopped in front of me while asking "If I'm the one with a small brain then how come I'm the one with the late passes?" I sent a glare to the demon in from of me, grumbling out a response "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Ripping my pass out of his hand.
The two of us started making our way out the door, only for Darlene to stop us. "Goodbye Damon, have a nice day!" She said cheerfully, which only cause Arius to let out an annoyed sigh before rolling his eyes. Turning back to look at Darlene a smile appeared on his face "You too darling" he stated, sending her a wink before turning back around and following me out the door. His face dropping back down into the same angry look he always seemed to wear.
"I fucking hate humans."
He grumbled, while shoving his hands angrily into his pockets. I glanced over at Arius, shaking my head a little, at his statement, only for me to look back in front of me. The dark haired demon walked quickly next to me, passing by 4 kids who were sitting in the hall working. The conversation between them seeming to die off as I now caught their attention just from walking by. Whispers could be heard from the two boys, causing giggles to arise from the girls in response. They were obviously talking about me, but I just ignored them and continued my walk towards my class.
"Something funny assholes?"
This caused me to stop in my tracks, quickly turning around, I was met with the sight of Arius standing in front of the four teens. The dark haired boy had his hands in his pockets, tall, lean figure practically leaning forward over them as if to intimidate. One of the boys stood up in response to Arius' question, moving his wavy brown hair out of his face, the boy let out a scoff "Who the hell are you?" An annoyed smile appeared on Arius' face, leaning in close to the boy that stood in front of him.
A murderous glint could be seen in the blue eyes of the dark haired boy. "I'm the guy that's gonna kick your ass." The teenage boy in front of Arius looked back at his friends, the two boys let out laughs in amusement, like kicking his ass was some kind of inside joke. Looking back into the rage filled eyes of the dark haired boy, an amused smile appearing on the brown haired boy's face. Hands coming up, only to push back against Ariu's chest, causing him to stumble backwards just a bit. A chuckle passed through Arius' lips, all while shaking his head, looking up at the boy in front of him, a smirk gracing his features.
"Bad idea."
The brown haired boy let out a small laugh "o-" he was barely able to get a word out, before Arius' grabbed him by the throat, holding him up in the air right against the lockers. A squeal in surprise left the girls lips, the brown haired boy letting out choked gasps, trying desperately to breath, his hands coming up to pull Arius' hand away only to have no luck. The other boy quickly shouted at him "Hey man!" Arius' eyes didn't deter from the boy in front of him, as the other tried to get him to let go of his friend. The dark haired demon quickly brought his elbow up, making contact with the other boys face causing him to pass out on the floor. "Jared!" One of the girls yelled, quickly kneeling down next to the boy and shaking him to get him to wake up, or at least show any signs that he's alive.
"Let's try this again. Shall we?"
Arius' grip tightened around the boys neck, limiting the amount of air he could breath in even more. A menacing grin sitting on his clear skinned face "Arius!" I yelled, quickly realizing that he was going to kill the poor boy, I was ignored. "The fuck were you laughing at?" Loosening his grip around the boy's throat so he could respond, letting out small coughs and tried to get in breaths of air. Arius rolled his eyes, growing impatient "Let him go Arius! You made your point!" Again I was ignored, the demon brought the boy more towards him using the hand on his throat.
Bringing him back towards the lockers, the back of the brown haired boys head slammed into the lockers behind him, coughing out a groan in pain. "Answer me." The demons teeth grit in anger and aggravation, the boy let out another cough or two before rasping out "We we're laughing at something we heard about the freak you’re walking with." Arius' murderous blue eyes didn't move away from the boy in front of him, only closing them for a few seconds, a sarcastic chuckle passing through his lips, along with a shake of his head.
I wanted to stop him. Yell at him. Scream. Do something to at least help these people. But I froze, because deep down, it felt good I wanted to wait and watch his next moves. I loved watching as people that seemed to anger me and hurt me with the constant whispers and giggles everyday, we're finally getting shit for it. Of course I learned to block it out, ignore it. I act like it doesn't phase me, like it doesn't hurt to hear people constantly talking about me calling me the school freak. But it's always hurt, no matter what I do to act like it doesn't, or to just block it out. It still hurts. So this? This felt good.
Bringing the boy towards him once again, Arius slammed his head back against the lockers behind him. I watched as small amounts of blood trickled down the back of the boys head, and against the lockers behind him "Don't just stand there!" My eyes drifted towards the girl that stood with her arms crossed, staring me down as if this was my fault. "Stop him! Do something!" A scoff left my lips, narrowing my eyes at her in anger. Crossing my arms a crossed my chest my eyes drifted back over to the scene in front of me.
An angry huff left her lips and she tried to pull Arius off the boy, only for him to bring his hand back, slapping her so hard across the cheek to the point where she spat out blood as she fell to the floor. His eyes never once wavering from the boy in front of him. A small smirk gracing my lips as I heard the demon speak up once again "Listen here, you piece of shit, If her name leaves your disgusting mouth again. I'll cut your damn tongue out of your fucking mouth and feed it to my dog" the boy didn't believe him, trying to let out a scoff but came out as a cough as Arius' hand tightened once again around his windpipe. "You're bluffing." He rasped out, eyes narrowing at the murderous boy.
The dark haired demon let out a dark chuckle in response "Wanna test that theory?" The boy stared at him for a second or two before shaking his head, eyes wide in fear "N-No" an annoyed smile appearing on Arius' face, leaning forward as to scare him even more "That's what I thought." Letting go of his throat, the boy dropped to Arius' feet, coughing and gasping for air. Walking a few feet away he turned back around, eyes narrowed at the three conscious humans on the ground.
An innocent smile gracing his features as he shoved his hands back into his black pants pockets. Arms in front of the suit jacket, causing the jacket to open up a little more at the bottom, fully showing his white dress shirt and tie. "If any of you imbeciles says a word about what happened here. I will personally kill you. And it will be slow and painful." The innocent smile dropped down to an annoyed one as his eyes drifted over each of them individually "Do we understand each other?" I looked over the teens on the ground, one of the boys were passed out, while the other held a hand around his neck, trying to breath properly again, all while slowly bleeding out from the back of his head. One of the girls held the passed out boy's head on her lap, tears streaming down her face, the other one held her cheek and jaw, tears also rolling down her face.
'Shit did he dislocate her jaw?'
The three of them nodded their heads quickly out of fear, not wanting to mess with or go against him. Nodding his head a quick "Great." Left his lips, as he continued the treck in the direction we were walking in. I stayed frozen in place, not knowing how to react to all of this as I just stared at the three injured teens in front of me. I opened my mouth to say something only for Arius to yell "Let's go!" Causing me to shaking my head and quickly follow after him.
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lovesickfoolwp · 2 years
homie hopper — luke patterson x reader x bobby shaw
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pairing : luke patterson x fem!reader x bobby shaw
summary : for a few months you kept flirting with bobby, giving him the impression that his feelings for you were mutual, only to end up with luke, his bandmate. so he wrote in a song all the states he went through after you "betrayed" him.
warning : language
word count : 1,6 k
"luke, bobby wants to sing in the opening an original song that he wrote!" you could tell by the tone of alex's voice that he didn't think it was a good idea, but you couldn't help but ask yourself since when did bobby write songs for the band.
but luke still had his full attention on you, sitting side by side on the sofa in the garage where they used to rehearse, you sitting in a crossed legs position and him smiling non stop, with one of his knees positioned on the sofa next to yours.
"so?" he asked alex, not looking at him. "let him sing it, dude!"
alex sighed dramatically when he saw how impassive luke was, even though it was a so-called band problem and gave up, returning to reggie and bobby who were up, away from the two lovebirds.
"luke," you started, placing your palm on his chest to draw his attention to your words. "do you have any idea what bobby's song is about?"
he raised an eyebrow, not understanding why it was such a big deal that one of the guys, other than him, wrote a song. "no?" he answered you, in the form of a question, thinking that you, as well as alex, are exaggerating. you gave him a nasty look and he said "oh, c'mon, it can't be that bad!"
but in fact it was just that bad.
for the last few days you've been listening to the boys rehearsing just the instrumental of the song, bobby saying that he wanted the lyrics to remain a surprise until the last moment, and reggie and luke being quite gullible, agreed to not insist. just you and alex got a knot in your stomach thinking why he would have kept the lyrics a secret.
now you were in the crowd, first row, eagerly waiting for the lyrics as the instrumental you knew well had started.
bobby was in the middle of the stage. he approached the microphone, preparing to start singing.
take a bow
you've got everything fooled,
i got you figured out
now you're choking on your words,
you should spit it out
know that i gave you the world and you just gave me hell
and you gave me hell
as he was singing the last verse, you thought that maybe you worried for nothing. the lyrics were really good and put his voice to the advantage.
felt like a hundred punches
too many tough pills to stomach
i watched you making it public
lights, camera
fuck it
being on the vibe with the song, you started dancing, just like their fans did, feeling yourself.
you're a showstopper
a bad liar, homie hopper, drama starter
you stopped suddenly, even though the fans were still going along with the song, when you heard this part of the lyrics. if the phrase "homie hopper" wouldn't have opened your eyes, although it did, then the fact that bobby was now maintaining intense eye contact with you certainly would've done it.
you instantly turned your gaze to alex, ignoring bobby and not noticing the fact that luke was also looking at you. alex shrugged, continuing to play the drums, as if you weren't exactly witnessing a damn disstrack for you.
all my friends are fucked,
we all got you in common
your cheeks turned an intense shade of red and you wished you were as carefree as reggie was, nodding his head and continuing to enjoy himself, oblivious to the tension around him.
you're so fake and everyone should know about it
and all the things i hate about you
but luckily for you, bobby stopped singing faster than he should have. you realized this due to the fact that you attended the rehearsals several times and you had already learned the instrumental of the song. who would have thought that the song whose instrumental you learned would be a disstrack for you? certainly not you.
"so, guys," he motioned for the boys to stop playing so he could talk, and the fans squealed with excitement. "guys," he repeated, to silence the fans and the whole hall fell silent. "i stopped the song way too early because this was just some kind of a demo that i was really excited to share with you, being the first song I wrote all by myself." you couldn't believe his words, but the fans kept screaming to show him support. "now, if you excuse us, we're going to take a short break for a band chat." he said and motioned for luke to continue from here, not being used to being the center of attention. after all, luke used to act like he was the lead of the band.
he didn't know what to say because he didn't expect them to take a break, but he made it up on the spot. "we'll see you again in a few minutes! be ready to sing with us, guys! until then," he said and looked towards the stuff people that worked behind the scene. "play us some music, dj!"
when the music started playing started by the so called dj, the fans had two different reactions. some have started boohooing and some have started to squeal.
that was when you slipped through them to get backstage where the boys were. when you entered the room, bobby was sitting relaxed all over the sofa and in front of him, alex was looking first at him, then at luke, waiting for the situation to take extreme turns, reggie was disconnected from the situation, and luke had his arms crossed around his chest.
"what the hell was that?" luke asked, starting to feel himself getting angry, and bobby shrugged.
he pointed at you, and you froze at the door. "ask y/n."
"why would i ask her?" luke asked bobby, but his eyes were on you.
"isn't she your girlfriend?" bobby continued to avoid luke's questions to annoy him.
everyone's eyes, except bobby's, fell on you.
luke realized bobby was just playing on his nerves so he asked him straight "where are you going with this, bobby?" because he felt that this situation was beyond him. he didn't want to get angry and say something he would regret.
"the song is about me."
"how can the song be about you?" reggie asked, receiving a slap on the back of the head from alex. sign that he should keep his mouth shut. "ouch! that hurt!" he scolded alex in a whisper.
alex replied in the same tone, "that's what i wanted!" and reggie pouted.
"how can the song be about you?" luke asked the same question as reggie.
"are you for real? luke can ask that, but i can't?" reggie asked alex giving him an offended look and alex gave him a nasty look making him resign and say "ok, ok, i'll shut up."
you decided to ignore them, like you did the first time, and answer luke.
"before we were together, there were times when i flirted, more like a joke between friends, with bobby, but i swear i stopped! when i realized he genuinely liked me!"
"you let me think it was mutual!"
even though you knew the situation wasn't like bobby had said, you still felt guilty. you didn't want anyone to suffer because of you.
luke understood the situation and noticing how determined bobby was to get answers from you, he kept quiet and let you take the discussion from there. he would clarify the situation later, in private, because although he trusted you, he was also curious.
"bobby..." you started and looked at him, feeling really guilty. "if i knew that your feelings for me weren't going to be just a passing thing, i would have told you from the start that i like luke...so that i wouldn't end up hurting you. you better knew then so you could've get over it by now, than to have hopes and end up hating me."
"too late, y/n. it really hurt me that you disappeared suddenly, and after some time i had to see you at the arm of my band mate."
you sighed and ran your hand through your hair, "if i could turn back time, i would have explained it to you back then."
"yeah, well, you didn’t. so it will take me a while to forgive you." he gestured and then stood up from the sofa. "now let's go, we have a concert to finish!"
he walked out of the room, not looking at you or luke, and was closely followed by reggie and alex, alex putting his hand on your shoulder and smiling encouragingly before walking out the door.
"don't you have to go too?" you asked luke though you wished he didn't have to. you wished to be able to sit next to him and have him hug you, making sure you're not a bad person because of this misunderstanding.
as if he read your thoughts, he approached you and kissed you on the forehead, going to wrap his arms around your waist. "yes, but i'm in no hurry. they can't start singing without the main star." he answered you, adding a joke at the end, as he did every time he saw you sad or thoughtful.
you giggled, resting your head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat so you can calm down.
"he will understand at some point that you did not intend to hurt him."
"you think so?" you asked him and let yourself breathe in his perfume.
"i know so."
you smiled and felt like nothing bad can touch you anymore when you are in his arms.
you were truly happy that you've him by your side, even though you've got to be called "homie hopper" by his band mate due to an misunderstanding.
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