#bold and beautiful donna
unfioreapezzi · 11 months
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vvalliu · 1 year
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spillherheartout · 4 months
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⑅⃝●♡⋆♡ 𝕀 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝔹𝕖 𝔸𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕕 ♡⋆♡●⑅⃝◌
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muffinsin · 3 months
I have a request, with absolutely no rush! Say the sisters get ahold of Donna's pollen and use it on the staff. Most staff have their fear amplified which is fun, except one. How do you think the Dimitrescu Sisters would each react to using it on a maid that ends up admitting she likes them?
Now, this one’s very interesting!👀 Let’s get right to it!
She has a relationship based on mutual respect with most of the staff members
She is not overly hostile towards them. In return, the same goes for the staff’s behaviour towards her
Tasks are completed more or less eagerly, and throughout, away from the constant fear of dying at every little opportunity
There is no complaint when working for her, and in return, she leaves those doing good work be
Those who do not respect her, learn to fear her
Either way any emotion, really, is rare to come by between the staff members and the Dimitrescu heiress
Normally, this doesn’t require any proof
However, Bela is rather fond of control. And proof. She wants to know all that is going on. All feelings, and all possible conspiracies
As such, she has talked to Donna regarding just a small yearly sample of a pollen stemming from a particularly powerful flower
With her wish granted, this pollen is used, a little bit each month, to check in whether the staff is up to something
Feelings and thoughts are revealed
Often, fear comes to the surface and Bela must deal with hysterical, crying, screaming and begging staff members
She never assures them she won’t harm them, but never lays a finger on them, either. Not without reason. She knows, maids will become somewhat scarce to come by if they keep dying within months of working at the castle. Something she scolds her younger sisters for in particular
Yes, indeed, fear is something she is well versed in
Sometimes, at rare times, instead of fear, respect is displayed
Those are quick to earn Bela’s favour and are granted somewhat immunity from her sisters. Alas, respect and trust is impossibly faked with the pollen clouding a person’s mind
When you are summoned, she is visibly curious. There is no point hiding her curiosity, after all
She doesn’t know a lot about you
You’re tense, knowing what is about to happen. That true feelings and thoughts are about to be spilled
She wonders, will the pollen betray you and portrait hidden hatred?
Bela smirks as the pollen is blown in your face, your eyes immediately a little brighter, your posture slacking, your fingers twitching with the need for more
Her smirk falters however, when one appears on your face
“Lady Bela…”, you slur out, and she raises an eyebrow as you step towards her
Do you really believe you could take her on in a fight? Pathetic!
She crosses her arms when you move forwards, her eyebrow raised challengingly
However, you don’t assault her
Instead, Bela finds herself blushing a deep crimson all the way to the tips of her ears when you cup her cheek and set your other hand to her waist
She understands in an instant. You mean no attack. No violent one, anyway
Her flies buzz anxiously as you lean in, your eyes heavy and gaze piercing, your lips pursed slightly
Just like that, she feels your warm breath against her plump lips
“You’re so beautiful…”, you whisper
She feels a shiver run up her spine
In an instant, a hundred thoughts run through her head
Why do you like her? It certainly isn’t the first time she has caught someone’s eye, yet for someone to be this bold, even under the pollen’s influences?
What about her mother? Alcina would hardly approve of such a thing. Bela knows not to get entangled with the staff. With mortals
She knows and remembers Mother’s chiding words, spoken to her after her first heartbreak
Is she no better than her sisters? Getting fancy with the staff?
Oh, but when your lips surprise her by boldly pushing against hers, all these thoughts suddenly seem to fall away
Nothing but a gasp and a small whimper is pulled from her when you pull back again after a few seconds, the need to inhale air so soon again far too great for a little mortal
She gasps in surprise when she feels her hip being squeezed, as though affectionately
“I-I’ve alwaay’s wanted to do th’at”, you slur out, a lazy smile on your lips
Curse the wicked blush your words inflict on her
She has many titles given to her by the staff. Monster. Beauty. A bad omen. An omen of death. The devil. The torturer
She loves it
After all, what better feeling is there, than to be feared?
Oh, and she wants just that
Cassandra doesn’t care for admiration. For glory. For love among the maids
She doesn’t seek such things from lowlifes, as she often likes to refer to the staff members as
No, she wants to be feared
She crackles with delight at the raw fear she tastes in their blood, the fast beating hearts and hushes of conversations coming to an end when she nears them
Yes, she is respected. Because she is feared
And she is quick to demonstrate why she should be feared. Ah, she is eager for it, almost
Cassandra is very aware of how a staff member sees her
Most are doing a horrible job hiding it, anyway
However, there’s you, too. You, who never quite lets on what you feel towards her
Respect? Certainly. You’ve not once sneered at her. Doing as much would prove to be a death sentence anyway
Yet, you haven’t once done anything at all regarding her. No smile. No sneer. No nothing
She notices your glances her way, and yet, you never quite look away as fast as others when she turns to you
One second. Almost precisely so, until you turn away
Just enough to confirm: you have been looking at her
Your feelings are a mystery to her, and it draws her in
She yearns to understand you. To find out what feelings you harbour for her
As such, she visits Donna regarding some of her flowers. Specifically, their pollen
She wants to find out your true thoughts and emotions, in any way possible
As such, it takes only a little bit of bargaining and persuasion to get what she’s looked for; pollen, just a handful, enough to reveal what you feel
She smirks when she corners you the next day already, her gloved first clenched with the pollen hidden inside
You haven’t even got time to ask what is going on before powdery yellow pollen is blown in your face, obscuring your vision for a mere moment before it returns back to normal
Cassandra waits in anticipation. Her eyes glisten, her fingers twitch and clench around the handle of her sickle every other second
She’s visibly excited
Will you cower before her? Fight her? Admire her?
Your eyes, however, hold determination. What for, she wonders?
You don’t reek of fear like the others, she notices
Instead, Cassandra gasps when you boldly reach out and grasp the sickle, tugging hard enough to pull her close even when the blade pierces your skin
The scent lingering in the air has her groan, her dark pupils widening slightly, so only a thin line of gold is visible in her eyes
You bite your lip at the sight
As you cautiously raise your hand to put it on her waist, she watches with rapt attention
This is- curious
You seem to be studying her, as much as she studies you
Then, she gasps in surprise when her shoulder is kissed, gently even
“I have been yearning for you, Cassandra”, you admit at last
She shivers at the words, her flies buzzing beyond her control
The lack of her proper title riles her up, yet she can’t bring herself to strike you down
She is still left confused, despite your confession
While indulging in a few maids here and there, all know that fancying this sister leads to pain, ultimately
Judged by the cut on your hand, you don’t seem to mind, though
She shivers when the hand is raised to her cheek, her nose brushing up against your palm when she turns her head enough to lick the smeared, red blood
Her head is turned to you, and she smirks as you lean up, standing on your tiptoes, just enough to brush your lips against her chin
Poor thing… if only she leant down
She allows herself to stare a little longer, her hip tugged to no avail, as you practically beg her to lean down
At last, she humors you
As your lips push against hers, she can’t help but moan. Her chest aches, her cheeks heat up
Somehow, knowing it’s genuine is nearly overwhelming her
You like her. You do. The pollen assures her of this
The thought makes her head spin
The staff’s opinions on her are incredibly different
Some lust after her. They notice the beauty the youngest Dimitrescu possesses and can’t help but yearn for a taste
Sometimes, she indulges them
Often, she is seen flirting, laughing, smiling beautifully
Many have fallen victim to her charms already, and many more are to come
Others see through this
They call her a black widow, a siren, the reason so many are lured in and killed. No one ever makes it out unharmed
Yes, some hate this sister
Of course, it would be foolish to show it openly
And still, Daniela notices the hateful glances and hushed whispers thrown her way, only to silent down and disappear when she’d do as much as turn her head
She couldn’t ever kill all who felt this way, it seems
And lastly, there are those deadly afraid of her
Terrified to the point of hyperventilating when she’d get near
She is a Dimitrescu, and that means death to most of the staff members
Respect is not in the picture. Not truly, and Daniela knows this
She yearns to get the same kind of respect her sisters do, yet it never seems to work
Is she polite and nice like Bela, they merely fall in love or prove their leash needs tightening. They misbehave and fail to see her as a leader. As their boss
Is she brutal and ruthless like Cassandra, they all cower in fear
Yet, there still is no one showing proper respect
But- there must be, no?
She decides, she wants to find out, and a small trip to Donna has her find exactly what she needs: pollen, from a flower capable of spilling the true feelings and intentions of whoever is targeted by the sickly, light green pollen
Eagerly so, she buys half a bag full of the special pollen, enough to interrogate all the staff members
After the first three subjects, Daniela questions why she even wanted this in the first place
All she has received so far was taunting words, hateful speeches, confessions of lust, eager hands attempting to touch what they should not, tears and begging, shaking and screaming for help
She has been called a monster, a siren, a beauty, a beast, a monstrosity, a mistake
Not a single one stood out. She truly is considering killing them all. Mother could replace them for her, after all
Then, there’s you, however
Unlike the others, you don’t immediately jump into action when affected by the pollen
You stand still, a light smile on your face, your eyes meeting hers
It’s rare for her to have someone look into her eyes. Even less so with such adoration
Slowly, you begin to move towards her
She resists the urge to move back again, her eyes narrowing and focused on your hands
If your intention is to touch what is not yours to touch, you’re not the only one. Those before you have attempted it and lost their limbs
However, you aren’t acting the same way as them
Instead of her hips and chest, your hands raise to her cheeks
She freezes for a moment, your hands wonderfully warm against her even warmer, light pink cheeks
With a sharp intake of her breath, she at last notices the emotion in your eyes, unclouded due to the pollen
It is not hatred, or ignorance. Not fear, or unhappiness. It’s not raw lust and perversion. It’s love. Admiration. Respect
She nearly loses herself in your eyes
If you love her, you must be her soulmate, no?
She’s the one to lean in and allow a kiss, and you are the one to reciprocate
She feels your love, in the gentleness you hold her cheeks with, in the soft gaze set on her, in the dreamy sigh when she pulls away for a moment and feels your breath on her painted lips
She holds your hand, and the sensation makes her feel lightheaded. She loves it
Daniela’s flies buzz excitedly when her hand is squeezed, the loving smile on your lips only for her to enjoy
“You love me!”, she decides for you
She’s happy, thrilled even
A lover, just for her! A genuine one!
Still, she doesn’t want your first day together to be under the pollen’s influence
She wants to hear you admit your feelings towards her, not be forced to do so
As such, she presses a gentle kiss to your lips again, and with her flies buzzing excitedly, she swarms off and away
She has a date to plan!
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rederiswrites · 5 months
It's not exactly a secret that I love love love traditional European, especially Eastern European and Slavic, folk art. Luckily for me, there is a pretty healthy USAmerican survivor of those traditions in PA Dutch country, which is so close to me it's actually apparently growing south into my neighborhood. And PA Dutch art is just a joy. I've loved it ever since I was...maybe less than ten?! On one of our periodic trips into Washington DC for the museums, my mom and I went to the Folger Shakespeare library, which happened to have a beautiful display of Fraktur and PA Dutch art in the lobby. Stayed in my mind forever. Take your kids to museums, etc. etc. Not the point.
Fraktur is a specific form in the broader "art created by culturally German immigrants to central and south Pennsylvania", characterized by a ton of detail and usually specific German-style lettering. Most Fraktur were created between 1740 and 1860.
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This chest was attributed to one John Bieber in 1789.
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This document was created by Andreas Kolb in 1785.
Personally, I absolutely love PA Dutch hex signs, which are simpler and more graphically bold, but draw on many of the same motifs and meanings. Those you still see to this day on barns and houses. They are not actually associated with Amish and Mennonites particularly; they're just a cultural remnant of the heavily German immigrant population. One wonderful artist is Ivan Hoyt, who is still active today.
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I would love to own a Hoyt piece one day.
Another thing you see around here, which is unrelated and entirely modern in origin, is the barn quilt. Here's one I've passed several times and enjoyed a great deal:
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The story goes that Ohio quilter Donna Sue Groves came up with the idea inspired in part by the Dutch Hex Signs, and translated that into quilting patterns. They are usually very large, between 4' and 8' square, and generally placed so that you see them from the road, so they're a fascinating bridge between public and private art. When I pass one, I feel I've been told, "Look, we created this thing that gives us joy, and placed it so that we can all feel that together. For this moment, we are connected in appreciation of this beauty."
There are quite a few around here now, as well as a publicized tour trail for them. I have had one designed and intended to make it for over a year now. There's a perfect spot over the door of Jacob's shop.
Here are a couple more:
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I feel very fortunate to have access to these beautiful traditions, and hope in time to add my own threads to the tapestry.
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thegettingbyp2 · 9 months
Sebastian Kydd x reader
Based on the the episode where they go to the dance (season 1 episode 7) Sebastian is annoyed as he sees Carrie with George and Donna had abandoned him for some random guy, so he just sit down on his own when he sees the reader who is a similar situation as him (she’s Maggie’s sister) so he goes to talk to her and asks her to dance and the rest is up to you.
Dance with Me
Buy me a coffee :)
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Sebastian let out an irritated sigh as he roughly threw himself down on the benches that were along the wall of the gym; the designated seating for those who didn’t have a date. Only, Sebastian did have a date, but she’d just left to dance with someone else because he was too busy staring at the person who he wanted to take to the dance was currently dancing with her new boyfriend.
You watched Sebastian sit down a couple of metres away from you and your brows knit together in confusion; you couldn’t think of a single reason why Sebastian Kydd of all people had any reason to sit on what was dubbed ‘the loners bench’. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, you’d always thought that he was attractive but there was no way you’d be able to talk to him, especially as your older sister, Maggie, was part of the group he hung around. So, when Sebastian’s head turned to look towards you, you couldn’t stop the blush rising to your cheeks as you quickly turned your head away.
‘Maggie’s sister, right?’ you heard Sebastian ask as he moved down the bench until he was sitting next to you, not close enough to touch but close enough that you had to fight the urge to close your eyes as you inhaled his aftershave.
‘Yeah, (Y/N),’ you replied, smiling awkwardly.
‘What are you doing sitting here and not out there dancing with someone?’ Sebastian asked, sounding genuinely curious.
‘I could ask the same of you.’
‘I asked first.’
You laughed lightly before turning back to him. ‘Simple really, no one asked me,’ you replied, shrugging your shoulders lightly. ‘Your turn.’
‘Well, I came with Donna but she decided that I wasn’t paying her enough attention so she’s gone off to dance with that guy over there,’ he said, gesturing with his head to the dance floor where Donna was currently grinding against some guy who was starting to look like he might be a little too into it and you couldn’t help the small giggle that left your lips. ‘But, back to you, how come no one asked you?’
‘Believe it or not, unlike my sister, I’m not that popular in my year with the guys,’ you said quietly, looking down at your shoes. ‘It doesn’t matter though, I just wanted the opportunity to dress up and come to the dance, it doesn’t matter if I actually dance or not.’
‘Well, I find that hard to believe,’ Sebastian said, inching a little closer to you, his knee brushing against your leg, causing a shiver to run up your spine. ‘You look beautiful.’
‘Thanks,’ you answered shyly, ‘you don’t look too bad yourself.’
Sebastian chuckled lightly, leaning into you slightly to nudge your shoulder. All of a sudden, you heard him take a breath before he stood up and you looked up to say goodbye, only to be shocked when you saw him standing in front of you with his hand out towards you.
‘Dance with me,’ he said, his arm still outstretched.
‘What?’ you asked, confusion lacing your tone.
‘It’s not fair that we come to the dance and don’t get to dance. Dance with me.’
Feeling bold, you reached out to gently take his hand, letting him pull you up and out onto the dance floor. His arm gently wrapped around your waist as he pulled you into him, your chests brushing against each others. As he began to slowly sway you both side to side, you couldn’t help but notice the stares that the two of you were getting from pretty much everyone in the room, and you let yourself feel smug just for that song that you were dancing with the hottest guy in school.
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bunchems · 5 months
A Date For One
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Jake Lockley ANGST
Summary: After Jake asks Dylan on a date he finds that not everything will go his way.
(This was requested to me)
Italics: Marc
Bold: Steven
Jake remembers the day like it was yesterday, the day he pretended to be Stevens at work since he couldn’t force him to front and Marc was “too mentally tired” to do it himself. He took one for the team, cringing when he put on Steven’s uniform and heading to his job with a frown pulling on his lips.
He opened up the gift shop himself, walking to the counter and waiting on his phone for pretty much anything to happen. He gets tense every time he sees Donna, she’s a yapper, loves to run her mouth at Steven about fuck all and today he honestly didn’t have the time, patience, nor accent to deal with her.
Going through the day wasn’t awful when his coworkers weren’t around, talking in his usual voice and rushing the customers out of his face so he could sit back and rest his eyes. Jake thought it was more boring than frustrating, a yawn slipping past his lips every few blinks until they froze at the sight of a beautiful brownskin woman across the museum, looking around like she was lost.
His eyes darted around the store to make sure it was clear before heading out the door and flipping the sign to “closed.” He went straight to her, raking his fingers through his hair first— taking the Steven look away in exchange for a more fitting one.
With his hair pushed back, he walks up next to her, keeping a small distance before smiling and asking her name.
“Dylan, yours?” He smiles harder, she’s absolutely stunning. Her hair was black and went down to her back, skin glowing and teeth shining when she speaks. He takes a moment to appreciate her eyes before answering, “J- Steven. I’m uh.. I’m Steven Grant.” He taps his name tag with a grimace, the name itself doesn’t sound right coming off his tongue and his heart races at the white lie.
“Well, Steven, can I help you?” She tilts her head and Jake snickers, scratching his pinky over his eyebrow.
“I uh.. I saw you from over there and thought you were gorgeous, absolutely knocked the breath outta me— I had to try to talk to you.” He saw a light peach spread across her face and felt a small boost in his chest, going to compliment her again before being cut short by her voice.
“And now that you’re here?” She smirked, turning her body to face him and folding her arms over her chest.
Oh? Jake found himself getting increasingly nervous, normally he’d be the sassy one or the one that lacks interest, the more confident type. But today? She was making him shrink into himself, having him carefully pick out his words and hang on every word she let him hear, this was a whole new feeling for him.
“I was uh.. hoping you’d wanna go on a date with me? T’some really good steak at that one place down the corner? I could take you one day?” The look of hope in his eyes was one she couldn’t crush, she agreed without a.. third thought and said Tuesday night would be perfect.
“Seven alright with you?” She nods and he mimics it, smiling ear to ear before backing away to Steven’s shop again.
“Oh! Hey uh, can I get your number?” She nods and gives him a string of numbers, waving him away and walking off, success if you ask him.
The rest of the day went by in a skip and a hop since Jake was practically walking on sunshine, he got home and was too excited to go to sleep or do anything without telling the boys.
Few days had passed and Steven was fronting, working through the whole day and finally getting back home at five, giving Jake, who’d been yapping about the date the entire day, only one and a half hours to prepare.
Once the body was surrendered to him, he took a shower, fifteen minutes.
Chose an outfit, also fifteen minutes.
Did his hair and put on some jewelry, ten minutes.
Putting shoes on and grabbing keys, five minutes.
Walking out the door and walking back in for a jacket because the weather makes no fucking sense, two minutes.
The almost half hour commute to town wasn’t too traffic-y so the first place he went was the floral shop, buying purple flowers that he thought somehow matched her smile. The steak shop was but a five minute walk so he parked his car and strode there, taking a seat and glancing over the menu while he waited for her.
He looked at his phone, it’s only a little past seven so he didn’t feel the need to worry too much, ordering a black coffee to drink while he read the books on his phone. Jake liked to read too, honestly they all do but for some reason he’s the one that found the most shame in it. Only after being around Steven more did he realize reading isn’t an old people thing but a lame people thing.. sometimes.
He was immersed in his book for around ten pages, multiple minutes flying by before he thought to check the time again, debating if he should give her a call because maybe she’s just running a little late? He doesn’t want to come off as impatient, he’d do whatever she wanted one day.
He was calm for another ten minutes, deciding to pull out his phone and send her a text or two to let her know that for one, he’s at the restaurant and for two, he’s got a surprise for her. He sent the text with a smile, peacefully going back to sipping coffee and reading as he waited for a reply.
“Sir? Were you ready to order?” The waitress came up, inspecting his half cup of coffee and offering more while he glanced over the menu one more time.
“Oh, yeah I’ll uh.. just gimme the loaded fries. Please.” He pressed his lips together to mock a smile and turned back to his mug, staring out the window in hopes of seeing her walking around out there, no luck.
“You don’t think she stood you up?” Jake felt a pang in his heart, Marc’s words were harsh but definitely a possibility that had been creeping in the back of his mind.
Lifting his phone to his ear, he began to speak back to Marc— something he started doing so that everyone else who heard them speak will ‘know’ he’s on the phone.
“I don’t want to think about that right now, thanks.”
“Don’t ‘buddy’ me like I’m supposed to be depressed. I knew she wasn’t gonna come, all I’m doing is waiting for my food and we can get the hell outta here, okay?” Marc was wiser than his alter’s words, he could feel that Jake was upset. He could feel how fast his heart was beating, how much his mind raced when he thought about why she didn’t come, the way he glances past him in the window hoping he’d see her running up to the door simply because she’s late.
Pissing Jake off in public wasn’t the plan so he stepped back into the headspace, leaving him to himself and allowing him the silence he knows he wants. When his food finally comes out, he stares down at it with no intent to eat it, watching the steam go up and thinking about what it would’ve been like to maybe share these with her.
The longer he sat, the sadder he got, slapping a fifty on the table and just calling it a night. He left the flowers where they were, dreading the walk back to his car but relaxing back in the seat when he finally got in.
He started the car up and started down the road, turning his music up a bit more and zoning out through the ride. British traffic wasn’t the worst Jake has dealt with so he’d gotten used to just cruising down the road without a second thought, having no clue that up at the second red light? She was there. Dylan.
He sat at the light, a smile almost reaching his lips until his eyes drink in the sight of the man next to her. He.. was better than him. He’s tall, lean and blond, touching on her, leaning all close and kissing her plump lips. Jake could only wonder if he knew how to fight, definitely not better than him of course but could he at least protect you? Probably not. Definitely not. He could hop out the car right now and the fucker would have no clue what to d-
The light was green. For some reason the loud noise shoved his mind to the right spot. He pressed the pedal while accepting that she just didn’t like him.
She’d rather have that guy than have me. I would’ve done anything for her, got her anything she wanted.
He didn’t know why he thought to do this, he knew it was a horrible idea but he just had to call her once. Would she even answer? Did she have a voicemail so he could hear her voice?
He scrolled through his contacts, taking frequent glances at the road until he reached her name. He clicked it, taking a few more moments to think about this— what if she answered and pretended like nothing happened? Maybe she’d actually mean it and the could reschedule..
He clicked her name, lifting the phone to his ear and hearing one ring, followed by three off music notes that don’t play well together at all.
The number you have dialed is currently out of service.
His eyes widened, heart sinking to his feet and eyes watering. She never really wanted him in the first place, she never planned on coming. The flood of emotions he felt was strong enough to summon both boys to consciousness, ready to front to take the pain away from him.
“Jake? You alright mate?” Steven had never been so violently yanked awake and the fact that it was by Jake? What the hell is going on.
He ignored Steven, parking the car in their driveway and getting into their place before he began to shout.
“If you had just gotten the hell up that day I would’ve never met her! I had to do your job the entire fucking day, dealing with everyone’s bullshit because you were too busy up in daydream land!” Though Steven really thought it was his fault, Marc and Jake knew the truth, and Jake knew he wasn’t strong enough to keep this anger up.
“Jake. You know that’s not the reason you’re upset, you don’t have to take it out on him.” The sigh he released at Marc was guttural, rubbing his hands harshly over his face before facing them both in the mirror.
“I know. Okay? I thought I’d go on a date with her. I actually thought she liked me but from the start she knew I would be sitting in there alone.” The silence that followed was uncomfortable for all of them. Steven didn’t want to tell him he understood how he felt since he didn’t want him to think he’s pulling attention away or making it about himself. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing to him, Jake’s stability was something he always prided himself on, he had to try to do what’s best for him.
“Jake, I’m so sorry.. You didn’t deserve-“
“Maybe I did! Every day I see a woman, I talk, I laugh, I try! And still she only fucks me and runs away! I don’t understand what I’m doing!” He finally tipped over the edge, tears streaming down his face while he tries to cover them out of embarrassment. He’s supposed to be the strong one with no emotions. The one that doesn’t care and doesn’t get hurt by anything, to be completely overcome by something so minuscule was humbling to say the least.
“It has nothing to do with you. Things don’t always go our way but there are seven billion people on the planet, okay? And- and imagine if you had gotten with her? She clearly wasn’t a good person so you dodged a bullet. Figuratively this time.” He frowned when he realized his words weren’t helping him, maybe time was the best that could be offered.. but it wouldn’t hurt to let him know they’re on his side no matter what.
“He’s right. It’s best to be alone than with someone you know you’d regret. But we have each other until further notice?” Jake gave him a small nod, giving him at least a little acknowledgment so he didn’t feel that his words fell on deaf ears.
“We’ll always have each other, we know that. We know how hard life can be and how unfair it is, we just have to remember that even though we’re allowed to feel, we have to stay strong. Keep as much positivity as possible— which I know is rich coming from me but-“
“No you’re right, you are. I just.. I need to be alone. Maybe have a drink and watch the tv or somethin’.” They understood, leaving without many words and leaving him to his evening.
Jake spent the rest of the night lying in bed staring at his ceiling, he left some music on but it was so low he couldn’t tell which songs were playing. He thought about what happened over and over until he felt the emotions slowly pull back, he didn’t feel confused or hopeless anymore. He just knew he’d never be covering for Steven again.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
☮ Rhaemond 70s Era Fic ☮
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The year is 1978, 22yr old Rhaena Targaryen, is a singer/songwriter on tour in the States with her band Black Star. A folksy/bluesy rock band with music that rushes waves of ecstasy and ethereal beauty over whatever size crowd they play for. Rhaena graces the stage with all the grace and majesty of a fairy Princess or a glorious Goddess-like enchantress. Silver tresses and colourful flowing cape-like gowns that twirl and spiral with her every move, her sleeves hang like wings and flow as such as she spins and glides across the stage. She's known for losing herself in her music, as if she leaves her body on the stage and ascends to a higher place, her voice hypnotizing and mesmerizing her audience.
She's a marvel.
She's unreal.
A must see live.
With songs that spoke of mythical tales, dragons and burning lands, magic and royalty. And yet the song that was topping the charts recently was about a tortured lover, a dark figure who could not be shaken no matter how hard she tried. It was a song that left her screaming soaring notes out into the air, with so much anguish and internal rot, her rasping notes playing on par with the ripping final guitar solo.
And yet, the effervescent Rhaena Targaryen was not romantically tied to anyone, as far as the public knew.
They couldn't place the man she spoke of, but her emotional tale still ripped at the audience just right, connecting the feeling and the emotion...an unrequited love gone wrong.
An aggressively beautiful voice paired with the perfect music backing her. With a band that consisted with her as their lead vocalist, her twin sister Baela as both vocals and their lead guitarist, their half-sister Aemma as the keyboardist as well providing backing vocals with her other half-sister Aerea their bassist. Rounding out the band were Rhaena's two cousins, Aegon as their drummer and Daeron as their 2nd guitarist.
Black Star as a band and their music, was a growing sensation. So much so that Rolling Stones magazine had sent their very best writer to cover them, someone who reluctantly knew the genre well...knew the band even better...and after analyzing the lyrics, was quite certain he knew who that popular song was really about...
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In 1978, 24yr old Aemond Targaryen, had worked his way up the writers ranks at Rolling Stones magazine. He'd always been an avid lover of music and culture, and while he could hold his own decently enough on guitar, it was more of a private activity as opposed to a career path. No, his talents lay on the written page, with his added photography skills. In his time at Rolling Stones he'd had the opportunity to interview some of the best the 70s had to offer. From Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac, Ozzy Osbourne and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath, Dio, Buck Dharma of Blue Öyster Cult and even Donna Summer.
He'd worked his way from covering lower up and coming musicians and bands to meeting some of the greats. So it was to his surprise and slight disappointment when his chief editor slapped down a newspaper on his desk that read in bold letters "Black Star Shooting All The Way To The Top" and asked him to immediately jump on the task.
Maybe it was because he hadn't heard that band name in years...ignored it purposely for 4 years to be exact. Maybe it was because the moment his brothers had told him they were moving to Germany to "solidify their sound-" he stopped listening all together. Burning at the fact that his pretty little cousin...the one woman he wanted to stay within his orbit...was moving across the world to a whole nother continent, let alone country, just to get away from him.
Possibly it was because Aemond had been the one who fucked all it up to begin with. He'd been an idiot then, told her he loved in a letter...only for her to drive up just to see him making up with his on again off again girlfriend, Alys Rivers.
Rhaena had never let him explain, she wouldn't hear a word of the truth, the fact that Alys had practically lunged onto him, kissed like it would be forever. Only to turn around and dump him the week afterwards, Alys had said it was because "his heart wasn't in it", and truthfully it never was...
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Only, Rhaena was back. And now there was a song playing on the radio, one that seared through him as it practically detailed the whole of their backforth relationship. There were technically three songs about him to be exact, although the other two seemed far more covert in their delivery. And now he was being forced to follow her...and the band…on their tour for their final 3 shows. Rolling Stones wanted it all, close and personal candid shots, interviews with the whole band, but most importantly he was meant to shine a light on their mysterious enchanting lead singer. To have her decode the songs and lyrics on their latest record.
If Aemond could look past the bitter sting of regret and the annoyance of how fate seemed to be weaving his life around. Then maybe he could see this for what it was, an opportunity to win her back...just maybe…
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wecanbecelestial · 6 months
I absolutely love Catherine Tate's portrayal of Donna in the new specials. She's the same bold and sassy woman she was in season four, but she's...grown. She's gentler. All the rough edges are worn down because she's been stuck taking the slower path. Marriage, motherhood, and aging can be excellent tools in shaping a gentler life.
But don't think for one moment that doesn't mean she won't DESCEND. Because that's what it means to be a mother. Always believing two things to be true: that the world can be a beautiful place so long as it's nurtured, but it is also violent and cruel.
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unfioreapezzi · 10 months
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vvalliu · 2 years
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tu-sugar-mami · 1 year
The things that could have been (2.2/3)
You can read part 2.1 here
You can read part 1 here
You can read part 3 here
Roughly 4k, the chapter is 8k but Tumblr crashes so half and half it is
Warnings: fluff but mostly angst, no happy ending, read at own risk
You could have sworn everything was perfect, and after bugging your beloved with many questions about how would be the best way to –hypothetically– woo someone (using a book as a cover for the info search), you felt ready to take the next step and finally let your heart out.
Everything was ready to put your plan in motion. All was as it needed to be, one more step and the dream life by her side would come true… right? If only you had known that not all stories were as pink looking as they appeared…
Between giggles and cookies, a song on the phonograph caught your attention. It was soft and had a slow tune. You took the idea of one of the many movies (Before Donna, you had never even known what electricity was, let alone a movie, and learned to be thankful of the whole new world Donna had so kindly shown you) you watched with Donna, and in a bold move you stood up only to offer her your hand with a light bow.
A dance, you offered, and a dance she agreed to.
She was breathtaking. Beautiful indeed. The warm light from the lamps made her look inviting, and her lips looked so soft. Licking your own, you wondered if it would be a mistake to claim hers and finally savor their sweetness. If you did, would she kiss you back with the same need? Your heart desired to have her lips dancing desperately with yours until you both were left out of breath.
“Have you ever been in love, my Lady?” 
The words left your mouth before you could even think about stopping them, but once they were out, you waited with anxious expectance for the Lady’s response.
But that simple, innocent query arose many feelings within Donna.
'Why, yes. I'm reminded of that every time i look at you.' Is what she wanted to say.
“Why do you ask, dolcezza?” Is what she said instead.
Her heartbeat picked up when she noticed your eyes fixed on her lips with such intensity that she couldn't help but blush. If she had been a bit braver, she would have closed the gap in a heartbeat, but then again, what if she was mistaken? She didn't want to risk giving a step forward and ruining your friendship.
“I’m just wondering.” You both kept swaying along with the music, her hands touching each other behind your neck and your arms circling her waist, holding her close, in such way that in the moment the two of you were the only ones existing in the world. “Say, if you were to declare your love to someone, how would you do it?” 
A huff came from Donna, before she stepped back enough to twirl you and then hold you by the waist, now being her the one to take the lead. 
As every second passed, doubt and insecurity began to find their way into you, and despite your need to declare your love, the sudden fear to mess things up kept you grounded.
“I’m sure you know that is not possible for me, darling. If it were I would have done it a long time ago.” Donna said.
If she noticed the way your expression saddened, she didn’t comment on it.
The night kept its course, and the two of you danced the night away, sharing secrets and stories that only you and the walls could be the only witnesses of.
The next day -quite windy-, you spent the day in, and Donna took you to the workshop with her. She had just finished her most recent project, a beautiful tanned doll with white curly hair and cream colored freckles splattered along her whole body, but the new girl needed clothes, and as you found yourself reading one of Donna’s favorite novels, the Lady was busy finishing the new doll’s dress with Angie’s help. 
Between playful banter and quips going back and forth, you decided to try again your failed attempt at confessing.
“Donna, i–” Your hands grip on the book was so hard that they began shaking. The courage you spend all the night gathering finally took effect, and you decided it was now or never. You thanked any deity that was listening that Donna was facing away from you, presumably engrossed in sewing the dress embroidery. Swallowing the lump on your throat, you forced yourself to keep talking. "I am in love with someone.” You took a deep breath and noticed that Donna had stopped her stitching, presumably to give you her full attention. You took a moment to calm yourself before continuing. “When I think of her my stomach feels fuzzy and my heart starts beating faster, and I don’t know if she loves me back but I really need her to know. I’d really like to move in with her if she allows me to–”
Donna Beneviento, a woman who could be considered a master in the art of sewing, had never missed a stitch since she perfected the craft, until that moment where the last words she expected to hear from you came to be.
The needle punctured into another section entirely, it was quite the misstep but certainly something that could be fixed, alas, Donna’s train of thought was far, far away from the embroidery in her hands, instead fighting with the bucket of cold water that was your confession. In her mind, your strange behavior from the last days was finally making sense. Of course you’d ask her what how to woo someone, probably intending it for your beloved. She should have known…
The air felt thick in your lungs as you waited for more words to come. Your hand found its way to your pocket where a small present was hidden. You took all the advice from Donna and made her a small token of your affection to finally try and ask her to let you be her life companion. 
“I…was not expecting that, to be honest.”
Donna tuned towards you, and your eyes widened at the serious expression, and the way her voice was devoid of all the prior playfulness stung. The churning in your stomach became almost unbearable with the heavy way Donna’s dark eye was on you. The anxiety kicked in and you knew it had been a mistake.
The Lady’s eye refused to meet yours, focusing instead on a slowly retreating Angie.
“Perhaps I misread everything.” Her voice was so low that if the room wasn’t as silent as it was, you would have missed it.
“I mean– if you want me to–” You cursed yourself for stammering in such an important moment, but your Lady didn’t even blink. The knot in your throat prevented you from taking back your words.
“Don’t bother.” In a second, the embroidery was all but forgotten on the table as the Lady collected herself and strode away with hurried steps. “If you don’t mind, I’ll head to bed now.” Donna said, which would be completely understandable had it not been for the fact that it was barely 4 in the afternoon.
Needless to say, you tried to stifle your sobs when Donna, in fact, never made it to your shared bed that night.
Or the next.
Thanks to Angie you knew that the Lady had been cooped up in her workshop, but every time you tried to bypass the hall, a few dolls would gently herd you back to the hall’s entrance and wouldn’t let you see your Donna. You wanted to apologize, to offer to pretend you hadn’t say anything and beg for her to forget of the whole issue, but how could you fix anything when the Lady wouldn’t even let you near her?
The sheets were cold, and by the third night you felt it foreign to spend the night in her bed, despite how much you needed to feel her comfort even if it was just her scent lingering in her nightgown. After that, you took shelter in what was once your room, right across the hall.
Unbeknownst to you, Donna was in a similar position. Though your Blinky the blankey was less comfort and more pain to her as she surrounded herself with it at her workshop, your own perfume –a present from her– embedded in the fabric, with the delicate embroidery slowly getting crumpled and ruined by the white–knuckled grip of a heartbroken woman.
The tension became palpable the next days. Not a single laugh had come from you in a while, not even a smile. Donna eventually came out from her secluded space, but to your disappointment, it was not without her face covered again, and Angie noticed how you couldn't even look at her for more than mere seconds before having to turn away.
It was so strange to see Donna wearing her veil again, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't sting.
While Donna's heart felt like a million needles buried themselves on it at night, whenever she saw you felt as if she couldn't breathe. She had to fight to keep her tears at bay.
Yet another morning, yet another night spent crying. Since it was impossible for you to conceal the sleep you decided to use the time to do something productive, or at least something that would keep you busy enough to not think, and if you were good at something, it was working with your hands. If Donna could coop up in her workshop, so could you.
It was around five in the morning when you decided you had enough, and your hesitant steps took you to the kitchen. It was still dark but you waltzed through the halls of the manor easily despite your lack of vision just like you had done on many occasions before to try and surprise Donna by preparing her favorite meal, although this time you were unsure if it was appropriate after last night’s event. The scene of your failed confession repeated itself on loop in your mind, and as you climbed down the stairs you recalled the cold tone in the voice of your beloved as she so dismissively rejected your feelings, not to mention the way she had been avoiding you like the plague.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you almost missed the leather pouch that sat on the kitchen’s countertop. The same pouch you always received after a job well done. Judging by the size though, and if your calculations were correct, the payment in the bag was several times bigger what you were usually given. 
While certainly you weren’t expecting a payment so soon (or at all actually, as you had since decided that a payment wouldn’t be necessary as long as you could be close to Donna) what was even more confusing was a folded paper waiting next to the pouch, with your name written on it with Donna’s scribbly handwriting. 
Not knowing what to expect, you opened the letter, but the contents in it had made you wish you’d never opened it.
“Your services will not be needed anymore. Here is the payment for the last pieces and enough to cover the expenses of your unwilling stay at House Beneviento. I expect you to be on your way by tomorrow noon. Thank you for your work.”
Needless to say, the pouch wasn't even acknowledged.  Your feet carried you to Donna’s bedroom and you began frantically knocking on the door.
“Donna! Please let me in, we can pretend this never happened, but please don’t shut me off like this!” Tears were already blurring your vision.
Donna, laying on her side of the bed, knew she was being unfair, cruel even, but she was hurting so much. Even something as simple as looking at you reminded her of how foolish she had been for daring to hope. Having you near her was torture. Knowing you were in love with someone else left her completely destroyed. She needed to send you away or her heart wouldn’t stand it.
Your cries and begging didn’t stop, and while Donna did her best to ignore you, she could do that for only so long. She stood up, and marched towards the door, almost ripping it from its hinges with unmeasured strength.
“Would you stop with that.” Her voice was low, and she did her best for it to stay that way, even if the sight of a defeated carpenter greeted her from across the doorframe.
You looked so small and defeated. Despite the lack of light, she could make out the bags under your eyes and how tired you seemed to be. Donna had to turn around to avoid caving in and hold you until you felt better.
“Donna, why are you sending me away?” Your voice was fearful and broken, barely keeping your sobs at bay. 
"It's Lady Beneviento for you." Donna’s voice was harsh, and the coldness of it stung even more when she didn’t even turn to reply.
It was shocking, but you pushed through. Another opportunity wouldn’t show up again.
“I need an explanation!”
“I don't owe explanations to a villager like you.”
And It felt like a slap to the face. Donna, the person that showed you that if you cared enough, the rest didn’t matter, had just left it clear that you were not equal at all, contrary to what you had believed. 
She was lying, it had to be…
That was a backstabbing betrayal, and your mind struggled to recognize the person in front of you as your beloved Lady.
But it must have been a mistake, right? So you kept pushing.
You took a decisive step towards her, trying to get ahold of her hand, only for her to turn and slap it before you could get to close. It was hard enough to sting.
For a moment, you saw the room closing in around you, the ground began shaking and the roaring of the waterfall became thunderous. The vision went black at moments and a heavy pressure overcame you. The Lady was nowhere to be seen, but deformed creatures from the corner of your eye were slowly approaching with wicked smiles. Whispers became screams and the air left your lungs. You fell on your knees and closed your eyes until you saw dots of color behind your eyelids.
And then, in a second, everything returned to normal.
In front of you stood the Lady, her veil still covering her face and thus making you unable to read her expression but in your mind, a cruel smirk graced her lips.
“If I see even the shadow of you roaming around I will not be held responsible for what I do to you, am I understood?”
Your head was pulsating, and your glazy eyes couldn’t stay on her for long before they went astray.
This was it. 
Lady Beneviento had done a small display of her power but that was more than enough.
Just like that, every single one of your fears had come true, and you forced yourself to not cry. No matter what it took you wouldn’t break in front of her.
Just like that too, the woman so sweet and caring you loved, became the monster everyone in the village said she was.
“I– of…course, Lady Beneviento…”
Not even an hour after, you found yourself packing the nearest belongings in the guest room, and trying to hold back the sobs you ran and ran away from the estate until your legs felt they couldn't go another step without collapsing. Not even Angie frantically chasing after you and incessantly apologizing in behalf of Donna could stop you.
Angie knew, when she saw your figure quickly disappearing the furthest you went, that all of it was a big mistake, but that no matter how she wished, that was not something she could fix.
Later in the hall, Angie tried to get answers from Donna, only to be roughly dismissed after the first question.
That afternoon was spent by two women with broken hearts crying their sorrows out until they fell asleep…
No matter what anyone believed, Donna Beneviento was not a morning person. Of course she always made a point to wake up before the sunrise to start with her tasks and some house chores, but that didn't mean she particularly enjoyed it. She always struggled to start her day in the morning, but after so many years of doing it her body got accustomed to work on autopilot. She found herself, still sluggish from the uncomfortable night sleep but already in the kitchen making your favorite breakfast while thinking on what to do later, maybe she could finally get some work done on that jacket she planned to gift you for your upcoming birthday…
The knife she was holding fell out of her grasp and clacked against the countertop as her eyes landed on the untouched coin pouch at the countertop and the memories of the day before finally registered in her mind. All those hurtful words she had said to you, the way she threatened you not only with words but with her power, by Mother Miranda, how could she? 
The clock marked 8am, plenty of time before her deadline kicked in, or more like kicked you out. Donna ran upstairs towards the guest bedroom, and by the way it looked, nothing had been moved. Although there was no trace of you. The bed was made and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Donna thought that maybe, for some saving grace, you were in what once was your shared bedroom, but even there your side of the bed was intact. Even after the fallout Donna couldn’t bring herself to invade your rightful place in her bed.
No matter, not even with her dolls eyes searching the whole Beneviento land could they find a trace of your person, finding instead a familiar book in the yard, just before reaching the elevator. 
The book was picked up by the Lady, and she recognized it as the journal you always carried with you, that not even she had been able to peak in its contents, until now. She was positive it must had fallen from your pocket, and she felt hesitant to read it, but the lack of you moved her to invade your privacy and switch through the pages.
Measurements, notes, sketches, designs for furniture details, one or another recipe, but above all the thing that flooded the pages were personal entries the first day of your permanent stay at the Beneviento estate
Many entries in that diary made her open her eyes, but at the same time crushed her heart and filled her with regret.
Notes about how your day was brighter because ‘Lady Beneviento offered me homemade cookies today. She's always so caring and kind.’
‘Today she held my hand as she bandaged the knife cut, her hands were trembling and I feared I made her uncomfortable.’
Some of the notes made her heart twist, how did she miss this?
‘Lady Beneviento is so pretty. I can't help but to stare at her portrait and long for a smile of those full lips. I wish one day she can see me the way i see her.’
‘Donna, Donna, such a beautiful name for a gorgeous woman. Donna, sounds like birds chirping on a tranquil morning. All i can think about is you, Donna.’
But then… Donna's heart clenched upon reading an entry a day prior to the date of that horrible afternoon when you uttered those dreadful words.
‘I’m proud of myself for once. A great job I did indeed. I managed to make Donna tell me some of her favorite things so I could add them to the bracelet. Hopefully soon I’ll find the right time to ask her to be mine. I love her and I can’t hide that truth from her anymore… I think she’ll love it!’
And in that same page, a beautifully handmade bracelet was acting as a bookmark, but it had pieces missing. The wire had been twisted in a brutal way, almost as if someone had tried to tear it apart, and the glass charms were chipped, with some places letting Donna know that there were ripped pieces. The bracelet was beautiful indeed, not even it being mangled could take that away. 
Donnas heart twisted almost as badly as the wires when she read the next two and last entries that were longer than the previous ones, and had many scratched sentences. Some parts were even barely legible and on some spots the shaky ink was marred.
‘I made her upset. I stupidly told her about my feelings for her but she's not happy about them. I have never felt more ashamed in my life. How did i fool myself? How did i even believe for a second that i was different? That i had a chance at winning her heart? I take it back my Lady, please forgive me. Don’t deny me your presence for long, I need you.
And the last entry…
‘Lady Beneviento left me a notice and urged me to leave her property by tomorrow noon. I tried to confront her about it and… I guess I disgusted her enough to kick me out. I’m so stupid, I knew it was a mistake. I’m leaving now. I don't think I'll be able to face her. It's best that i leave all this behind as soon as possible…’
Donna held the journal close to her chest with mixed emotions. The realization that your mysterious beloved was her! It was herself! You loved her as much as she loved you!
How could she be so blind?
No, how could You be so blind?
It was all a misunderstanding! Why did everything have to go downhill? She was doing well.
If your words were true –and they were, Donna hoped– it was just a matter of time before you returned… right? How long was it since you moved in, around two years? All of your belongings were still in the manor; the handmade clothes Donna made for you, your tools, your books, your favorite tea set. Everything, if not in your room then in your workshop. You had to return for them, and that's where Donna would talk things through with you. She'd confess to you how you always made her feel safe, how you made her days feel like a gentle breeze in a flower field on her face. She'd tell you how she grew to love your particular way to brew her coffee and how well she rested when she slept in your arms at night.
Of course you had to return, if not for your things at least you needed to talk to Donna, right?
So she waited.
And waited…
You did not return.
Three days after, and Donna realized that you would not come back, at least not anytime soon. 
Reading the rest of the journal did nothing to quench the guilt. Full pages of your daydreams were only fueling the fire of sorrow in her.
‘Please love, all I want to do is look at your beauty forever. I yearn for the day I can taste your lips and call myself yours.’
She had to go find you before she lost you for good. It took her a lot of effort but after weighing her options she decided you were more important than her discomfort.
Desperate, Donna did something she wouldn't ever do if she didn't have to.
The trek to the village was bumpy, and the Lady couldn’t recall when was the last time she set foot on the village limits. If not for Karl –who received a call from a desperate Donna whilst in the middle of trying to convince a blonde man to reign with him– that lead the way, she wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for.
But such was Donna’s surprise when Heisenberg forced open the door to your old cabin, only to find it empty. Not even a sign of anyone living there, at least for some good time, almost as if it was abandoned altogether. But Donna didn’t lost hope, as there was still one place left to check.
Angie is with her, the carpentry shop is open, and a young man is sharpening some tools when he's startled by her sudden entrance.
“Hey, you!” Angie's sudden interruption makes the man drop the heavy-looking tool, effectively landing on his toe and making him cry a pained hiss. “Where is she?” Of course they didn’t have to specify, you were known in the whole village for being Lady Beneviento’s carpenter.
“My Lords!” The boy quickly bowed to the pair (and Angie) to pay his respects. “I- well um, yeah she was here a few days ago but only picked up her old tools and left. I swear ma'am she wouldn't stop crying and babbling about breaking her promise or something… but I don’t know where she went.”
After the visit to the workshop, Karl took it upon himself to find answers.
No one in the village though could tell them where you had gone to, not even when Karl threatened people mercilessly for answers, as he hated to see his little sister hurting so much.
The journal was held snuggly against Donnas chest, but not even hugging it with all her might made it her feel comforted.
The sun was finally setting, and the darkness began to engulf the village in shadows. 
And just as the warmth of the sun dissipated and the chill air of the night overcame the village, Donna’s heart also felt cold.
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kwebtv · 2 months
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Marla Adams (August 28, 1938 – April 25, 2024) Film and television actress, best known for her roles as Belle Clemens on The Secret Storm, from 1968 to 1974, and as Dina Abbott Mergeron on The Young and the Restless, for which she received a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
Right before joining The Young and the Restless, Adams stepped into the role of Myrna Clegg on the defunct daytime drama Capitol after the departure of actress Carolyn Jones for health reasons, prior to Marj Dusay, who remained until the end of the show's run. As Helen Mullin on Generations, she was involved in a storyline with her husband, Charles, and his black mistress. She was the third actress to play Beth Logan, mother of Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang), Donna (Carrie Mitchum, now Jennifer Gareis), and Katie (Nancy Sloan, now Heather Tom) on The Bold and the Beautiful (1991). In 1999, she appeared on Days of Our Lives as Dr. Claire McIntyre.
In addition to her daytime works, Adams made more than 40 appearances on primetime television. She guest-starred on The New Dick Van Dyke Show, Adam-12, Starsky and Hutch, Marcus Welby, M.D., Phyllis, The Streets of San Francisco, Emergency!, The Love Boat, Barnaby Jones, Hart to Hart, Happy Days, Hill Street Blues, Who's the Boss?, Matlock; and Columbo. She also had a recurring role on Walker, Texas Ranger from 2000 to 2001. In 2000, she played First Lady Matthews in the television film The President's Man, starring Chuck Norris and Dylan Neal (Wikipedia)
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tophsazulas · 3 months
what's your favorite season of tvd?? least favorite t7s ships?? what's your favorite forwood scene(s)? <333
Favorite tvd season: Season 2 with ease. I thought the Stelena and Forwood were amazing. The mythology actually seemed to make sense imo, there were a fuck ton of Bamon scenes, the intro of the originals, a little Klonnie. Not to mention Klefan!
Least favorite t7s ships: Jackie/Fez, Donna/Hyde, & Jackie/Kelso for obvious reasons. Donna/Casey for the obvious reasons of Casey taking advantage of Donna’s grief and manipulating her. But also the fact that he’s 21 while Donna is 17 when dating him. Not even like 18. She was still a minor.
Favorite forwood scene: Their first kiss. Aesthetically it’s beautiful and I just love how bold Tyler was to make that first move. And the second one where Caroline just leans in with him is so 🥹.
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muffinsin · 4 months
Hey muffin. It's Weird. Could I ask for the exact opposite of the last post. With sub Bela having her first time with the experienced dom Donna?
Hi! :) let’s go with some more BelaDonna! This has been in my inbox for long RIP🙇‍♀️🙌👀
(Post referenced is here; first time between those two with Bela as a top!)
Bela’s golden eyes stare up to meet the dark one gazing down on her. Donna looks beautiful in the dim light of the bedroom, her collar torn open and the first few silver, shiny buttons of her dress unbuttoned and revealing the smooth olive skin underneath.
Bela yearns to feel. To touch and to taste.
Alas, she can only whimper and tug against the larger hand holding both of her wrists above her head. She’s squirming, she knows it. But she can’t help it. Donna’s gaze is loving, get powerful and authoritative.
She no longer feels like the confident, cocky heiress of Alcina Dimitrescu. She only feels like Bela Dimitrescu now. She feels like herself. Stripped of her titles and posh nature, only a woman yearning the love from her girlfriend.
She finds, she doesn’t at all mind it.
She sighs, and with gentle, slow movements, the blonde tips her head to the side submissively. Donna’s eye immediately finds the smooth, pale neck now presented to her, and as she leans down and soft lips ghost over Bela’s pristine flesh, a small gasp is heard.
“I have been waiting long to pluck you for myself, sweet flower”, Donna whispers, her voice low and raspy from the lack of use she’s had for it. It only makes her lover’s head spin more.
Bela gasps when bold, skilled hands trail down her body and spread her thighs. Fast, but gentle. She moans when they’re squeezed, and another kiss is pressed to her bare neck.
Her usual choker necklace sits abandoned on the nearby desk, on top of the neatly folded dress she normally wears, and next to the cute, black heels that normally adorn her feet and grant her a few extra inches.
Now, Bela is left only in her black underwear and black, nearly transparent stockings. She finds herself whimpering when her throat is kissed and sucked, her skin bruised as a hickey forms after a few moments of such treatment.
Her face heats up, and her head spins. Never has she been claimed this way, nor any other way.
Too busy with her work, poor Bela never gave love and sex a thought, much less a chance. Now, with her lover, this has clearly changed. And while they have been basking in each other’s warmth and comfort, affection and adoration for a long time, today the last part of her would be stripped from her and handed over to her lover. Willingly so.
Bela sighs contentedly when her thick thighs are squeezed again and her dollmaker’s teeth graze her sensitive neck.
“You are divine, my doll”, She whispers into the blonde woman’s ear, and gives the fleshy thighs underneath her fingertips another squeeze before moving back to grasp Bela’s slim hips.
The submissive woman is cut off by her own gasp when teeth graze her sensitive flesh just as she is about to return the compliment.
Then, a soft kiss to pressed against freshly bruised skin.
“Is this what you want, my little fly?”, the older woman asks in her usual husky voice. Bela loves it.
She nods her head quickly, her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson upon having her hips squeezed and a tongue spread over the hickey left on her neck.
Suddenly, teeth bite down on her. Not lethal, not nearly so. They’re not even sharp, nor do they bite down harshly. It doesn’t sting, yet makes her shudder and jolt beneath Donna. Upon looking at her lover, she finds a dark eye watching her already.
Her head is tipped up by her chin, and she bites her thick lip just when Donna’s lips part and she speaks again.
“I asked you a question, Bela, did I not? Surely I can not have broken you already, Tesoro”
Her head spins, and her chest feels light. Additionally, Bela can’t help but press her thighs together harshly, as though it could help the sudden, sharp ache of her clit. Her body and mind is begging for the dollmaker, and both women see and know of it.
“Y-Yes, Donna, please take me. I do want it, my darling”, Bela confirms verbally.
She whimpers- a sound she never quite thought could be drawn from the proud heiress- when her lover’s lips ghost over her own, yet she is not granted a taste.
“That’s a good girl, Bela”
The simple phrase makes the poor blonde’s head spin and her clit ache painfully. She whimpers and whines, a beautiful, high pitched sound as her eyes press shut and her thighs rub against one another.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you, cara mia?”, is the next phrase whispered in her ear. Bela sees stars. She whimpers, her back arched and her fingers digging slightly into Donna’s shoulders.
“Yes, my love”, she answers, a wild blush on her face.
“Say it, little doll”
Bela can’t help but whine. She feels her hard nipples and aching clit pulsate as she answers: “I’m your good girl, Donna”.
A dark chuckle is her only response, and Bela gasps when lips graze her neck again. “Good, now lift your hips for me, doll”
Again, Bela so eagerly does this. She shivers as hands travel downwards and grip the waistband of her panties, then pull it downwards. Over her round ass and past smooth, thick thighs.
Her face feels warm and bright pink as Donna inspects her soaked pussy. She knows, she’s so wet. It’s unfair really. Bela mewls when she feels two fingertips slide between her lips, through her wet slit.
“You’re so wet, little doll”, she hums. Bela whimpers below her. Never in her life did she feel this submissive, this dominated. She’s shivering and gasping when Donna’s fingertip brushes against her clit.
The dollmaker smirks. She adores how sensitive her lover is, and as her skilled fingers slide between Bela’s folds again, she finds they’re soaked in her arousal already.
“Are you ready, my beautiful doll?”, Donna whispers, her eye set on Bela’s parted lips and heaving chest. She’s panting from what little pleasure she received already, and must already wet her lips with her tongue.
“Yes, my love”, Bela husks out, remembering to answer verbally this time. She squirms beautifully, more than eager to feel her girlfriend’s skilled fingers explore her. Both of them have been waiting for so long, after all…
She gasps when the brunette woman’s middle finger pushes deep into her, the digit long and petite looking, but strong and skilled from crafting so many dolls and beautiful gowns.
Bela whines when the finger retracts as Donna pulls back, and moans when it pushes back forth.
“Beautiful”, is whispered in her ear, and only then do her eyes snap open and she realizes she’s had them pressed shut. She sees the hunger in Donna’s dark eye, the love and affection, the eagerness to devour her whole. Bela’s eyes reflect the same love and affection, her submissiveness and desperation, her yearning.
Donna’s head bows, and Bela’s raises slightly to watch her lover grab the strap of her bra with her teeth, then pull it off slowly. Her eyes flutter shut when another finger is pushed inside of her, the index finger this time, and her thighs clench together for a moment before they are separated by Donna’s free hand.
“You’re so perfectly tight, my beautiful doll”, She hums, and again the submissive woman believes she sees stars clouding her vision.
She whimpers and gasps, a light feeling rising in her stomach as her breathing quickens and her heart rate picks up.
“Please, ple-ease!”, Bela gasps out, her moans becoming high pitched and louder. She blushes fiercely at this, yet even when she attempts to keep her mouth shut, loud moans tumble out seemingly out of her control.
Donna only smirks at this. Never did she think her reserved little bug would be such a songbird for her in bed.
“Let me hear you, sweet girl”, she husks out, and as though to emphasize this, she curls her fingers inside of her partner. She feels the blonde’s wet, warm walls around her, squeezing and trembling around her.
Bela’s hips buck at this, and a loud mix of a yelp and moan falls from thick, unpainted lips. She’s whimpering, and with the bra out of the way, the dollmaker sees her little nipples harden at the action. It seems, she’s found her girlfriend’s sweet spot.
“That’s it, Bela. Be a good girl and tell me how this feels”
The submissive blonde moans and mewls, her fingers gripping the other woman’s shoulders tightly as the fingers within her begin thrusting again, right against the spot of her that makes the poor thing see stars.
“S-So go-ood, Donna!”, she barely manages to gasp out. Bela’s brows furrow and her head is thrown back when she feels a wet tongue tease her nipple. She whimpers when her other is trapped between two fingers and pinched.
Her thighs shake, and the light, almost ticklish feeling within her spreads. She hears praise after praise fall from her lover’s lips, more and more adding to her arousal and bringing her closer to her orgasm already.
Donna hums as she notices this. Her fingers work wonders, and she relishes in Bela’s adorable squeak and high pitched moan when her thumb brushes over her sensitive clit. Again, her thighs attempt to press together, so that Donna must push her own between them to keep them at least slightly apart.
She squeezes Bela’s nipple just as she sucks on the other. She feels her lover’s fingers trail to her back and up to her head, nails slightly digging into olive skin, fingertips tangling in her auburn hair. She admires Bela’s golden one, sprawled out around her head like a halo on the white sheets.
Beneath her, she feels the submissive woman’s hips buck and jerk upwards. Her beautiful girlfriend moans and mewls loudly, her head thrown back and cheek rubbing against the cool sheets, her own face flushed and golden eyes pressed shut.
When she cums, Donna lifts her head to watch. Her eye takes in Bela’s arched back. A perfect arch, smooth and pristine, pale skin. A flushed face and barely open, golden eyes. Parted, dry lips, quivering thighs. Her inner walls clenching and squeezing Donna’s wet fingers as creamy cum welcomes them.
She smiles as she leans down and feels Bela’s heavy breath against her lips.
“You have done beautifully, cara mia”, she whispers with a light kiss to Bela’s lips.
The woman whimpers when Donna pulls out her fingers and feels her cheeks burn warm as she watches the woman lick the first, the index finger. She hums and, for emphasis, licks broadly across it when when it has been sucked clean.
The other, the soaked middle finger, is presented to Bela’s dry lips. She parts them obediently, and moans when the finger is pushed inside easily. Her own taste on her tongue makes her feel dizzy, and her scent sticking to Donna has her clench her thighs around the one of the woman slotted between them.
She whimpers and moans, overly aware of the wet mess that is her sensitive pussy.
After a few more moments of watching her lover suck her finger clean, Donna pulls it from her and presses her own lips against Bela’s yet again.
“Wonderful, my doll”
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Elena’s long lost child au part 3
Have some Elena and Miranda fluff! Full series and Elena’s masterlist here! I love them so much. Let’s get into it!
Miranda would not let Elena go back to the house she once shared with her hateful father… But, she did decide to invite Karl and Sturm over to scare him a bit. That was just for her own amusement, though. The drunk nearly peed himself once he got a good look at Sturm’s propellor. Meanwhile, Miranda, Alcina, and Donna quickly moved all of Elena’s belongings out of the small dwelling.
Elena stayed with you at Miranda’s house while she waited for them. She loved hearing you talk excitedly about all of the things you were interested in. At one point, you happily crawled onto her lap and cuddled with her. This made Elena’s eyes water. She couldn’t believe how comfortable you were with her already. You were so loving. She wrapped her arms around you and buried her face in your hair.
Elena is so warm… Why is she so relaxing? Something about her makes you feel safe. You begin to fall asleep as she holds you and sings to you gently.
Elena can’t believe you are back in her life. Her precious baby. And now… She has Miranda as well. As Elena thinks about the lovely priestess, she can’t help but blush. She would be lying if she said she was never entranced by her beautiful face. Maybe that was why she was always such an obedient follower of Miranda. Although, she would like to think she wasn’t that shallow…
Eventually, Miranda returns and tells Alcina and Donna to bring Elena’s things up to her bedroom.
Alcina gives Miranda a knowing look, but the blonde rolls her eyes. “Without the speculations, please.” She says and walks off.
She sighs when she hears Donna and Alcina giggle at each other like little schoolgirls as they make their way up the stairs.
Miranda makes her way into the living room and her heart melts at what she sees.
Elena is gently rocking you and smiling down at you adoringly.
Miranda softly clears her throat and Elena looks up, slightly startled, before relaxing when she sees it’s Miranda. For as flustered as she feels around the blonde, she has never felt more secure than in her presence.
Miranda sits down next to the brunette and drapes a wing around her before placing a kiss on her cheek.
Elena is a mess at Miranda’s display of affection. She buries her face in Miranda’s shoulder, hoping to hide her embarrassment.
Miranda chuckles at Elena’s bashfulness and reaches over to rub your head. “Y/N loves you already.” She says quietly. “I’m so glad you can be together again.” She smiles.
Elena looks up at Miranda, feeling bold, and presses a kiss to her lips. “You… Are my savior, Miranda. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She says honestly.
Now it’s Miranda’s turn to blush.
Elena giggles at the cute reaction before a thought hits her. “What will we tell Y/N? I mean, about me moving in and being their… Mother? I don’t want to uproot both of your lives!” She says and tries to express herself as accurately as possible.
Miranda grins. “Elena, Y/N is your child. I… Hope you will help me raise them.” She says.
Elena eyes widen. “Really?” She asks in disbelief.
Miranda nods and cups her cheek. “Of course, my dear.” She says.
Elena begins crying at this. She would get to be a mother to her baby after all.
“As for what we will tell Y/N, they don’t need to know the specifics. We will explain when they’re older. They will be so excited that you’re moving in.” She says with a giggle as she imagines how you’ll react.
Elena wipes her eyes with a smile and chuckles too. You were such a little ball of sunshine. She loved that you were so happy.
Eventually, Donna and Alcina finish moving Elena’s stuff in and say their goodbyes before leaving.
You begin to stir soon after and sit up.
Elena gently rubs your back.
“Mama, are you back?” You ask as you lean into Elena’s front.
Miranda places a kiss on your cheek. “I am, baby.” She tells you.
You smile and nuzzle your face into Elena. “Can Elena stay a little longer, Mama? Please?” You ask.
Elena and Miranda share a smile.
“Actually, Y/N, Elena will be living with us from now on. Will that be okay?” Miranda asks.
You gasp at this. “Really?!” You ask in excitement.
“Really, sweetie.” Elena says and places kisses all over your face, making you laugh happily.
“Yay!” You cheer. “We’ll have so much fun, Elena! And you and mama can be best friends!” You say, unaware of their feelings for each other.
Miranda laughs while Elena blushes.
“We will get along very nicely, Y/N.” Miranda tells you.
“Good!” You say and bury your face into Elena’s shoulder.
Miranda and Elena look at each other intently and the blonde nods her head at Elena’s unspoken question.
“Y/N… Would you like me to… Be your mommy?” Elena asks softly.
Your jaw drops at this. “Like mama?!” You ask Elena and begin to bounce up and down on her lap.
“Absolutely.” Elena says with a giggle at your reaction. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“Can I… Call you mommy?” You ask her, suddenly feeling shy.
Elena gets a bit misty as she places a kiss on your forehead. “I would love that, Y/N.” She says, silently thanking Miranda for everything she’s done for her.
You grin and hop off the couch. “Mama, can me and mommy cook something together? Please?” You beg with your lower lip wobbling adorably.
Elena feels a deep satisfaction at hearing you call her mommy for the first time. It’s… Everything she’s ever wanted.
Miranda places a gentle kiss on Elena’s lips before responding. “I think we should all cook something together.” She suggests.
You nod rapidly and you all head to the kitchen.
As time goes by, you only grow to love Elena more. You can’t explain it, but it’s like she was always meant to be here.
When you have nightmares, you begin to cry out for Elena specifically.
Elena feels honored that she is able to soothe you when you’re scared. She’ll hold you in her lap and rock you gently as Miranda and her sing you back to sleep.
You also love when Elena reads to you. The sound of her voice makes you feel a sense of pure calm.
You and Elena start going on errands together. You happily chat with each other as you hold her hand and she leads you. It doesn’t really matter what you’re doing, but the two of you just love to be in each other’s company.
You like to show Elena all of the things you’ve learned with Karl. “Watch, mommy!” You say as you demonstrate your abilities. Elena is your biggest fan and claps enthusiastically before attacking you with kisses when you’re done. You feel so accomplished.
You like that Elena and Miranda have become inseparable as well, but one day, your curiosity about just how close they are gets the better of you.
You three were having breakfast when you pipe up. “Why do you two sleep in the same bed? Do you get cold?” You question.
Miranda accidentally inhales while drinking her tea and begins coughing and spluttering at this.
Elena can’t help but laugh as she pats Miranda’s back. “We sleep in the same bed because we love each other, sweetie.” Elena explains.
“Oh! Are you two gonna get married?!” You ask.
Miranda’s face burns at this. She’s very flustered by your question.
“Your mama has to ask me first, Y/N.” Elena smirks playfully at Miranda.
Miranda clears her throat in embarrassment. “Alright, who wants more pancakes? I could go for some. I’m going to go make them right now.” She says and quickly leaves, making Elena crack up.
Elena loves when she is able to poke a little bit of fun at Miranda.
However, after a while, Miranda does indeed propose. She couldn’t imagine her life without Elena. It was time.
The wedding was beautiful. You proudly got to be the ring bearer.
Life has changed little now that the two are actually married, but… You begin to want something you’d never had before.
One evening as you three cuddle on the couch, you finally pipe up. “Mommy? Mama? Can I have a sibling?” You ask innocently, not understanding the implications of what you’re suggesting.
Miranda’s eyes fly wide open. She squeaks in shock at your question.
Elena, though, smiles softly. She’s actually thought about this before. “Well… I wouldn’t be opposed to having another baby… If it’s with your mama, Y/N.” She offers and looks at Miranda.
The priestess’s cheeks turn about ten shades darker at Elena’s revelation. “I- Um, well, I mean!-” She splutters before Elena laughs and pecks her cheek.
“You never know, Y/N. Maybe one day.” Elena says and kisses your head.
You knew how to keep them both on their toes, that’s for sure…
Note: Damn, now I want to write about them having a child together. It would obviously have to be some scientific bullshit, but Elena would be so cute being pregnant with a nervous Miranda fussing over her and being protective while Y/N is so excited to meet their sibling T^T Also, Elena is a bit cheeky and I love that ;) I hope you enjoyed this!
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