kamikotorayama391 · 2 years
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Tell us the latest news! I’ll write about it in my “Weekly Bonchien”! I’ll tell about it in my “MTT News”!
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suiyoubis · 7 months
bonchi — downtown wo hanarereba
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theyuko · 2 years
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🍑ももけん🍑様から🍑桃届きました🎁 @momoken.jp 【山梨県産大玉桃4個入】🍑 甘くて美味しい桃は、 産地直送で購入する事ができるそうです。 @bonchi_official どこもお出かけが出来ない 親戚に送ってあげようと思います。 衰退する農業界を救うべく、「farm the farmer project」といった、若手農家の就農支援、耕作放棄地解消への取り組み、跡継ぎがいない農家さんへのサポートをする異業種からの転職をされて人生をかけて農業の未来を変えるべくチャレンジする若い農家さん達の集団。 今回プレゼント🎁企画で、 ���良く当選して昨日届きました。 早速切って食べたら、スーパーでは買えない甘くてジューシーの桃に感動🥹 こんな実がしっかりしてて甘い桃を食べたことがないです😍😋 #ごちそうさまでした 😋😍🎁🍑 主に桃、葡萄、キウイ、さくらんぼをシーズンごとに作られていると言うので、他の果物の味に期待します✨ #桃🍑 #peach #桃 #momo #ももけん #bonchi #甘い #美味しい #ジューシー #プレゼントにおすすめ #プレゼント企画 #山梨県 #アルプス市 #farmthefarmerproject #yummy #fruits #followme @yuko_fuji3 (おうち時間) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOXLxSJN_c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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profewriting · 6 months
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They're like this in my head (word of insult: kzm; physical attack: tckw; act of sacrifice: jn)
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bonezoid · 1 year
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sona thing his name is bonchi but i call him Motherfucker
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trashabilly · 4 months
holy shit yall i finally found ageichiban after almost 5 years of searching im so happy
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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rabbiteclair · 5 months
game development sims are about envisioning a better world where the hit games this year are
Bonchy Boy VIII, the latest entry in the most critically acclaimed RPG series of all time, which is apparently about dwarves in a religious war, and definitely was not supposed to be this universe's equivalent of Final Fantasy or I would have named the first entry something better than fucking Bonchy Boy
Carred and Feathered 6: 2 Whiskey 2 Risky, the latest entry in the most critically acclaimed racing series of all time, which promotes irresponsible alcohol consumption habits (and spiritual sequel to the fourth installment, Carred and Feathered 4: Risky Whiskey)
Skeletons of France: Tibias in Tibet, the fourth entry in the Skeletons of France fighting game series which is apparently about French skeletons going around the world getting into fights (with other skeletons presumably). also highly respected but it's frankly a cash grab where the skeletons just go to whatever area is thematically popular with consumers at the moment
Who The Fuck Asked For This? the building sim that started out as me making Minecraft as a joke and I just kept having to make joking 'haha lol who would play a game about mining and crafting, that's a wild concept' titles for the sequels
and of course Kissaroo From Me 2 U, the sequel to the visual novel Angel Kissaroos which was so impactful that it made angel-themed visual novels the major video game fad for like two years in the late 2010s
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Biden: non compos mentis
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Joe Biden Gives an Impromptu Presser, and No One Can Figure Out What He's Talking About
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Gives an Impromptu Presser, and No One Can Figure Out What He's Talking About
By Bonchie 6:08 PM on October 18, 2023
President Joe Biden flew to Israel to meet with PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday. Whether he should have is another question. 
During a joint appearance, the American president appeared extremely fatigued, almost unable to keep his eyes open at times. He slowly read his notes, head hung low, sometimes barely audible. Things didn't get any better later when Biden decided to tell an already debunked story about being in Israel during the 1967 war. After returning to the podium to speak again, the president then announced $100 million for Gaza, money that will no doubt end up in the hands of Hamas. 
Mercifully, this was a short trip, but Biden wasn't quite done. After boarding Air Force One, he decided to give an impromptu presser. Things did not go well. 
WATCH: Pres. Biden unexpectedly addresses reporters aboard Air Force One pic.twitter.com/CxeiNEcDR3
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 18, 2023
I'd try to transcribe that, but I just don't have the patience. He keeps freezing up, staring blankly for uncomfortably long periods of time, and I have no idea what he is trying to say. In the beginning, he seems to be talking about school shootings but then starts talking about people who have been victimized and are seeking hope. Is he drawing some kind of comparison to the current situation between Israel and Hamas? 
In the background, you can see Secretary of State Antony Blinken looking down at the floor the entire time. I can only imagine what was going through his mind. 
I will give the president credit for one thing, though. This reporter's snotty question probably deserved this response.
"Do you think it was necessary for you to come here?"
BIDEN: "What do you think? I'll let you answer that." pic.twitter.com/c9XvKCeZ70
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 18, 2023
When asked about the Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short and struck a hospital parking lot in Gaza, Biden attempted to say the right thing, but he just couldn't quite get it out. Instead, he went to his old mainstay of stopping mid-explanation to say "well, anyway." 
REPORTER: "People ... don't necessarily believe you or the Israelis ... didn't have anything to do with" the Gaza hospital blast
BIDEN: "I can understand that" pic.twitter.com/OgNbm1UpM3
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 18, 2023
Even though the reporter's question was biased, it was a softball ready to be hit out of the park. A competent president would have rattled off the litany of evidence that has been reviewed while citing the U.S. intelligence assessment that it was not Israel. Instead, Biden stumbles with his words, seeming unsure of anything that he's saying. The lack of confidence shown will only fuel conspiracy theories to the point that I'd imagine Israeli officials were thinking "Please stop helping." 
Twice, Karine Jean-Pierre jumped into the middle of Biden's answers, appearing to try to get him to end the press conference.
REPORTER: "You said you were very blunt with the Israelis on the need to get humanitarian aid to Gaza or what exactly?"
BIDEN: "On everything. Ha ha ha" pic.twitter.com/WvCHZ4VVWf
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 18, 2023
REPORTER: "What about getting people out?"
BIDEN: "The answer is we're gonna get people out, but I'm not going into any detail with you now—"
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Alright we gotta wrap up" pic.twitter.com/zlx5eMjqW2
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 18, 2023
Finally, Biden did decide to end things. Unfortunately, he did it at the worst possible moment.
"Are Israelis operating within the rules of war that you talked about last week?"
BIDEN: "Good talking to you all"
*walks away* pic.twitter.com/yVlUN0ljdL
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 18, 2023
If Biden were trying to whip up the pro-Hamas crowd, what would he have done differently in that situation? Once he was asked that question, he needed to answer it immediately and with conviction. To not do so was a gift to those who are attacking Israel with disinformation about how they are propagating their war against Hamas The fact that he chose that moment to walk away is just terrible optics.  
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Pay close attention Biden's warning:
Israel will pay a heavy price
I was VERY blunt with Israel
they will be held accountable in ways that may seem unfair
you will lose credibility worldwide
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mightyflamethrower · 2 months
SENILE: Joe Biden's Painfully Awkward Trip to a Gas Station Is a Major Red Flag
By Bonchie | 10:02 AM on April 18, 2024
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Joe Biden had quite the day on Wednesday, and that's saying something for the often-confused president. Traveling to Pennsylvania to once again pander to the "working class" he has no actual connection to, he decided to tell a made-up story about his uncle supposedly being eaten by cannibals. 
Yes, we are at the point where he's now slandering people from Papa New Guinea in his pursuit of clout. The reverse Forrest Gump strikes again. 
The president also let his senility get the best of him while attempting to throw Israel under the bus again. In a mind-numbing pronouncement, Biden claimed that he told Israel "Don't move on Haifa." There's just one problem. Haifa is an Israeli city in the northern portion of the country, nowhere near Gaza. 
That wasn't the end of it, though. Biden then showed up at a gas station in what can only be described as a painfully awkward and highly concerning visit.
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Walking in flanked by Secret Service agents, no one seems especially impressed to see Biden. There's no large crowd and no one expressing support like you see when Donald Trump visits a public establishment. After slowly meandering to the counter, the president does manage to get one person to take a selfie with him while everyone else just stands around. He then just turns around and walks out. The entire visit took around two minutes. 
As a political matter, this was a box-checking exercise and an ill-advised one at that. The contrast being drawn with Trump is not a good one, and I don't just mean the lack of enthusiasm because what sticks out the most in that video is just how weak and feeble Biden is. 
Look at how he walks. Someone forgot to remove the butt plugg His arms barely move, to the point where you can tell he's actively thinking about moving them to look more normal. Never mind the short, choppy steps he takes at a pace that would lose a race to a sloth. Mentally, he genuinely looks like he doesn't know where he's at or why he's there. His handlers probably just pointed what direction to walk and he ended up in a gas station. Then when confronted by a reporter on a policy question related to China, he told them "Don't jump." Jump from where? The first floor?
How does this man make it another four years if he's re-elected? There has never been a president who sought a second term in this condition. It's scary to think that Biden is in charge of the nuclear arsenal, which means someone else is actually in charge of the nuclear arsenal. All of this is a major red flag. American voters have to put their grievances aside and ensure this man is not put back in the White House.
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Ole Sniffy was hoping for a Trump moment. He never had a chance.
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kamikotorayama391 · 2 years
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udonangya · 1 year
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北見市大通西の、コミュニティプラザ パラボ B1F、立ち食い処 そば うどん ぼんちで、月見うどん350に、ちくわ天50、〆て400円。のはずが、玉子を入れ忘れられて、後載せの図。
Tsukimi udon noodles and Chikuwa tempura at Bonchi of Parabo, Odorinishi, Kitami city, Hokkaido.
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cosmiccinnabun · 4 months
Go on, give us the Kallus blueberry inflation. It would be amazing seeing him panic as he goes from his usually toned, muscular self to a massive juice balloon on the verge of bursting as Zeb teases him (and maybe even teasingly threatens to pop him).
Well, Anon, I might be about to write the weirdest thing I've ever done but honestly... sure why not. CW: Blueberry Inflation, Weight Gain
. . . . "Uh... you didn't eat that fruit, did ya?" Zeb asked Kallus carefully, the Lasat's ears flattening slightly against his head as he stared at his lover's nose. "Yes...why?" Kallus had just finished eating the ripe fruit, unaware of the violet shade slowly spreading from his nose to his cheeks. "...Karabast." Kallus' stomach made a loud gurgling sound as if to punctuate Zeb's expletive. Kallus looked down at his stomach with wide eyes as his mid-section began to thicken and swell. A belch escaped Kallus' mouth as he looked up at Zeb with worry, his face now a deep shade of blue. "Z-Zeb what's happening?!" Kallus stumbled forward as his thighs and arms began to slowly expand along with his stomach; an audible sloshing sound able to be heard. Zeb managed to catch his husband as Kallus fell against him. He could feel Kallus expanding and growing heavier with each passing second. Kallus' once muscular, toned physique was now quickly being replaced by a rounding, blubbery mass. "Bonchi fruit...just stay calm-" Zeb was yet again interrupted by another one of Kallus' belches as the human's face grew rounder, his cheeks quickly becoming too large for Kallus to be properly understood in speech. "Wha happenin..." Kallus was now too large to stand, now only being supported by his juice-filled body. Zeb could only watch until Kallus soon took up a majority of their living room before the expansion slowly came to a stop. Kallus let out a gurgled moan, his eyes almost swollen shut with how swollen his face had become. What was now before Zeb was a giant blueberry of a man. After a few moments of silence, Zeb couldn't help but laugh. Kallus's face somehow grew an even deeper shade of blue from embarrassment as Zeb wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. "Guess ya don't need to hit the gym anymore!" Zeb chuckled, now leaning against Kallus and giving him a few playful pats. Kallus's buried arms wiggled slightly as Zeb continued to laugh. "We can juice ya but... might wanna let you just sit like this for awhile~" Kallus moaned again, knowing that he would never quite be able to live this moment down in the future. "Don't worry," Zeb cooed as he slowly rubbed Kallus. "I'll try not to pop ya~"
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boccher · 5 months
Bonchi da Gock
gobknnn hkomn
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hugs-and-murder · 4 months
Characters you can send asks to cause i'm bored
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Emerald [Sonic oc] Kitti [Deltarune oc] Trixxter [.EXE oc] Cindy [CFD cartoon vers.] Chloe and BonChi [CFD cartoon vers. Four and X [BFB] Creator [Me] Cindy [Welcome Home version] Lockette [Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel oc] Ugly Wugly/Minty Winty [Poppy Playtime oc] ChocoBear [Security Beach oc] Roselis [The Security Breach Show oc] Thrasher Sans [Undertale au] The Yin-Yang Twins/Share Shark and Snark Shark [Smiling Critters ocs] i have more characters to ask but i don't have art for them so i'll be putting them down as i make them
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ardeidaze · 2 years
==> Enter name.
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Your name is ANNSAV BONCHY.
Your WRIGGLING DAY is fast approaching and although you usually don't really think such events are that important, the tendency for friends to be more lenient with you on such occasions may be the OPPORTUNITY that you have been looking for. Several perigees ago, your MOIRAIL roped you and a friend of yours into A RISKY SCHEME– and while they both seem to be having fun, you JUST WANT IT TO BE OVER.
Setting that aside, you have a variety of INTERESTS. You adore PURRBEASTS. You are very active and participate in many TROLL SPORTING EVENTS, your favorite of which is RACKETGRUB. You are an avid fan of K-POP (the K stands for killing) and will play it loudly WHENEVER YOU CAN. You are known among your peers for your SKILL WITH AUSPISTICISM, and at the young age of five sweeps you have already served as the mediator for many ashen relationships.
Your trolltag is aimle– WAIT!
… Let's try that again. Your trolltag is aimlessConciliator and u dont tnd 2 bothr w unnecsry ltrs (unless you're really serious). as lng as ppl cn undrstnd u who cares?
Despite your diverse skill set, you have NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE, so you usually just follow along with what your lusus or your friends want.
Actually, that's how you got into this mess in the first place.
Oh! Speaking of friends, it seems like one of them is messaging you RIGHT NOW.
What will you do?
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