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acme-bail · 6 months
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Facing arrest in California can be overwhelming, but knowing the right steps can make all the difference. Click here for an easy-to-follow guide on what to do next. Don't navigate this alone – find out how to protect your rights today!
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Let's talk about this moment real quick. Spoilers for Dual Destinies, especially the final case:
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I've made me jests, but...
Athena isn't confused here because she's stupid.
She's confused because she's spent the better part of 7 years training, studying, and fighting her inner demons for the sole purpose of saving Simon. He was (and still is) one of the most important people in her life and now he's saying that it isn't? After all of this?
Simon is a key part of Athena's trauma, that he'd go and throw his life away for seemingly no reason at all (her memories of UR-1 blocked out with only the grim setting of the courtroom he was sentenced to death in being vivid). Her mother was dead, Aura was no doubt incandescent and wondering why Simon is covering for the true killer, and she was sent to Europe away from her friend Juniper (though they did exchange letters).
The day Phoenix inspired her to pursue a career as an attorney, she had some way of reaching out to and maybe even saving someone she knew from her past. The last tether to happier days in the Space Centre before UR-1, one that knew and forged a strong student-master bond with her mother Metis Cykes. Fighting hard to break out of her shell and become as physically and mentally strong as she could. She says as much during her conversation with him above, and to Phoenix & Pearl in the detention centre earlier that day/
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She practically changed her entire personality over that period of time to be as strong as she possibly could be - enough that her childhood friend didn't recognise her at first:
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All driven by a desire to salvage what she saw as a terrible mistake. If she could save this one person from her past, then perhaps they'll both have a chance at making peace with what happened that day.
With how well Simon knew the Cykes - seeing them for more than their stoic and awkward exteriors - it's fair to say they were familiar with one another. Athena's fixation on him is partly a result of trauma, yes, but it also speaks to unspoken happy memories of this black-clad dork who visits her mother and seems to understand her better than most anyone else did... even compared to her mother, it felt at times.
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And he does understand her, knowing how to push and test her abilities in court and forming silent plans to catch the phantom together despite spending 7 years apart.
One of the bad endings for Turnabout for Tomorrow - where they fail to crack Simon's testimony - mentions that Athena left the office after the fact. Ignoring that they skipped over Clay's trial for a moment, we hear that Apollo and Phoenix take this event rather poorly, yet we don't hear a peep about Athena:
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I can only speculate. Maybe that's the point; leaving us to wonder what Athena did after she failed to save Simon from his execution date. I'm sure Simon died reassuring himself about how Athena no longer has to bear the guilt for her mother's death. But I doubt that's any comfort given her intense reaction to re-living memories of failing to save him the first time.
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Near and dear. Again. She's already failed to save someone she describes as near and dear - on par with Juniper at least - and she's left frozen in shock at the prospect of failing a second time.
She's confused by the notion that Simon's life isn't important because of just how much she values it. How she had no option but to save him, or be locked back into that dark place she entered when that horrible trial ended - knowing she's failed a dear friend because of how foolish she is.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
HOOVER, Ala. (WBMA) — Carlee Russell appeared in court Wednesday afternoon for the first time since Hoover police said she faked her own kidnapping. After Russell entered a not guilty plea, the municipal court judge found Russell guilty on two misdemeanor charges.
The judge said each charge carries six months of jail time and an $831 fine. The judge also recommended restitution of nearly $18,000 be paid.
The pretrial hearing took place at 2 p.m. at Hoover Municipal Court.
After the hearing, Russell's attorney Emory Anthony said they do not believe Russell should serve jail time but did say the restitution number was fair. Because this case involves possible jail time, the case will now go to circuit court, where a jury could have the ability to decide if Russell is guilty or not.
"I think she understands what has happened. She has apologized, I know you all said through me but that’s not good enough, but she has apologized for what transpired. I don’t want her to have any type of breakdown or anything of that nature, so we are handling her with kid gloves and make sure her mental state is just fine," said Anthony.
As far as where Russell was when she disappeared and why she faked her own kidnapping, those questions remain unanswered.
"Well, I think that is something eventually you will find out the why of it," said Anthony. "We’re not going to get into that. I think at some point in time, I don’t want to put you off, but I think at some point in time, whether we have a trial, or there’s a trial just because the state is pushing the issue, or whether or not we would go before a judge and plead blind, I don’t know right now but I wouldn’t want to talk about certain things right now if you allow me."
"We are dealing with issues with Carlee and want the best for Carlee and I think, we realize a mistake was made but we don’t want to just pile on right now."
The 26-year-old was charged with one count of false reporting to law enforcement authorities and one count of falsely reporting an incident.
Both charges are Class A misdemeanors and each carries up to a year in jail, and up to a $6,000 fine, if convicted. Russell was given a $1,000 bond for each charge.
In the hearing, Russell spoke quietly and timidly. She showed little emotion while in the courtroom. Her family was present in the courtroom. There was still no explanation of why Russell did what she did but her attorneys said that will become more clear eventually.
A timeline of events from Russell's disappearance to her return home, and information revealed from Hoover Police regarding the ongoing investigation which led up to her first time appearing in court:
On July 13, Russell was reported missing.
It was stated she stopped near mile marker 11 just before 10 p.m. that Thursday night after she reported she saw a toddler walking on the side of the interstate.
After calling 911, she stopped to check on the child and called a family member to report the same details. The family member lost contact with her, but the line remained open.
The next day, search efforts continued.
Her family, members of the community, and police conducted several efforts to safely locate Russell who was last seen on I-459.
Thousands of dollars were being offered for her safe return.
On July 15, at 10:44 p.m. the 911 center in Hoover received a call from Russell's residence that she returned home on foot.
Hoover Police and Fire Responded and located Russell.
She was transported by Hoover Fire Department to UAB to be evaluated.
Russell was treated and released.
Detectives responded to the house and the hospital to get an initial statement.
Two days after her return home, several questions remained unanswered regarding Russell's disappearance.
However, it was noted at that time that Russell’s 911 call remained the only timely report of a child on the interstate and no one had called to report that a child is missing.
Hoover Police officers arrived on scene within five minutes of being dispatched, and several other officers arrived shortly behind.
At that time, they located Carlee’s wig, cell phone and purse on the roadway near her vehicle, and Russell’s Apple Watch was in her purse.
Hoover Police detectives, along with investigators from other local and federal agencies began pursuing possible leads and collecting evidence throughout the day Friday and Saturday.
On July 18, Hoover Police released new details into the investigation of the night Russell disappeared.
The police department said she went to Target on Highway 280 after leaving her job and purchased granola bars and Cheez-Its.
Police said these items were not located inside her abandoned vehicle or with her cell phone and wig at the scene of her disappearance on I-459 in Hoover.
Russell's mother also released a statement, addressing rumors and donation concerns.
Russell's place of employment also released a statement.
On July 19, Hoover Police Department released a list of internet search history detectives believe to be connected to Russell's reported disappearance.
It revealed Russell's history leading up to her disappearance included searching "you have to pay for an amber alert or search," "how to take money from a register without being caught," "Birmingham bus station," "one way bus ticket from Birmingham to Nashville" with a departure date of July 13 and a search for the movie "Taken."
On July 24, a statement released by her attorney, Emory Anthony, was read by Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis during a news conference that afternoon.
In the statement read, Russell had admitted there was no kidnapping.
She also admitted that she never saw a toddler running along Interstate 459 that led to her making a 911 call, moments before she disappeared.
Russell also apologized and asked for prayers, according to the statement.
On July 28, Russell was arrested and charged.
The Hoover Police Department said Russell turned herself in to the city jail.
She was charged with one count of false reporting to law enforcement authorities and one count of falsely reporting an incident.
Russell was released on bond shortly after being booked.
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claudia1829things · 1 year
"THE BLACK DAHLIA" (2006) Review
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"THE BLACK DAHLIA" (2006) Review
Judging from the reactions among moviegoers, it seemed quite obvious that director Brian DePalma’s adaptation of James Ellroy’s 1987 novel had disappointed them. The ironic thing is that I do not share their feelings.
A good number of people – including a relative of mine – have told me that they had expected "THE BLACK DAHLIA" to be a docudrama of the infamous 1947 murder case. Others had expected the movie to be an epic-style crime drama similar to the 1997 Academy Award winning film, "L.A. CONFIDENTIAL" - another Ellroy adaptation. ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” proved to be neither for many fans. For me, it turned out to be an entertaining and solid film noir that I enjoyed.
Told from the point-of-view of Los Angeles Police detective Dwight “Bucky” Bleichert (Josh Harnett), ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” told the story of how the January 1947 murder of Hollywood star wannabe, Elizabeth Short aka “The Black Dahlia” (Mia Kershner) affected Bleichert’s life and the lives of others close to him – especially his partner, Lee Blanchard (Aaron Eckhart). The story began over three years before Short’s murder when Bleichert saved Blanchard’s life during the Zoot Riots in 1943. After World War II, the pair (who also happened to be celebrated local boxers) participated in an inter-departmental boxing match to help raise support for a political bond issue that will increase pay for the LAPD, but with a slight tax increase. Although Bleichert lost the match, both he and Blanchard are rewarded by Assistant District Attorney Ellis Loew (Patrick Fischler) with promotions and transfers to the Warrants Department and the pair became partners. Bleichert not only became partners and friends with Blanchard, he also became acquainted with Blanchard’s live-in girlfriend, a former prostitute and artist named Kay Lake (Scarlett Johansson). Although Bleichert fell in love with Kay, he kept his feelings to himself, due to his relationship with Blanchard. Thanks to Blanchard’s penchant for publicity, the two partners eventually participated in the murder investigation of Elizabeth Short (nicknamed the Black Dahlia). The case not only led the pair to a rich young playgirl named Madeleine Linscott (Hillary Swank) and her family, but also into a world of prostitution, pornography, lesbian nightclubs and the dark underbelly of Hollywood life.
Written by James Ellroy and originally published in 1987, ”The Black Dahlia” became the first of four novels about the Los Angeles Police Department in the post-World War II era (”L.A. Confidential” was the third in the quartet). In my opinion, it was the best in Ellroy’s L.A. Quartet. I believe that it translated quite well to the movie screen, thanks to DePalma’s direction and Josh Friedman’s screenplay. Like the movie ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL”, ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” turned out to be superior to its literary version. Not only did DePalma and Friedman’s screenplay recapture the ambiance of the novel’s characters and 1940s Los Angeles setting, the plot turned out to be an improvement over the novel. Especially over the latter’s chaotic finale. Despite the improvement, ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” never achieved the epic style and quality of ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL”. If I must be frank, I really do not care. Movies like the 1997 Oscar winner are rare occurrences of near perfect quality. Just because ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” was another film adaptation of an Ellroy novel, did not mean that I had expected it to become another ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL”.
Mark Isham’s score for the film did not turn out to be that memorable to me. All I can say is that I am grateful that he did not attempt a remake of Jerry Goldsmith’s scores for ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL” and ”CHINATOWN”. On the other hand, I was very impressed with Vilmos Zsigmond’s photography for the film. One sequence stood out for me – namely the overhead shot that featured the discovery of Elizabeth Short’s dead body in the Leimert Park neighborhood in Los Angeles. Ironically, part of the movie was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria substituting as 1946-47 Los Angeles. Production Designer Dante Ferretti and Art Director Christopher Tandon did a solid job in disguising Sofia as Los Angeles. But there were a few times when the City of Angels seemed like it was located on the East Coast. And I could spot a few palm trees that definitely looked false. However, I really loved the set designs for Kay’s home and the lesbian nightclub where Bleichert first met Madeline. I loved Jenny Beavan’s costume designs for the film. She did an excellent job of recapturing the clothing styles of the mid-to-late 1940s and designing clothes for particular characters.
One of the movie’s best strengths turned out to be its very interesting characters and the cast of actors that portrayed them. Characters that included the ambitious and sometimes malevolent ADA Ellis Loew, portrayed with great intensity by Patrick Fischler; Rose McGowan’s bitchy and shallow Hollywood landlady/movie extra; Elizabeth Short’s frank and crude father Cleo Short (Kevin Dunn); Mike Starr’s solid portrayal of Bleichert and Blanchard’s immediate supervisor Russ Millard; and Lorna Mertz, the young Hollywood prostitute portrayed memorably by Jemima Rooper. John Kavanagh and Fiona Shaw portrayed Madeline Linscott’s parents – a Scottish-born real estate magnate and his alcoholic California society wife. Kavanagh was charming and fun in a slightly corrupt manner, but Shaw hammed it up in grand style as the alcoholic Ramona Linscott. I doubt that a lesser actress could have pulled off such a performance.
Not only were the supporting characters memorable, so were the leading characters, thanks to the performances of the actors and actresses that portrayed them. I was very impressed by Mia Kershner’s portrayal of the doomed Elizabeth Short. She managed to skillfully conveyed Short’s desperation and eagerness to become a Hollywood movie star in flashbacks shown in the form of black-and-white audition clips and a pornographic film clip. At first, I found Scarlett Johansson as slightly too young for the role of Kay Lake, the former prostitute and artist that both Bleichert and Blanchard loved. She seemed a bit out of her depth, especially when she used a cigarette holder to convey her character’s sophistication. Fortunately, Johansson had ditched the cigarette holder and Kay’s so-called sophistication and portrayed the character as a warm and pragmatic woman, who turned out to be more emotionally mature than the other characters. I found Aaron Eckhart’s performance as the passionate, yet calculating Lee Blanchard great fun to watch. He seemed funny, sharp, verbose, passionate and rather manic all at once. There were times when his character’s growing obsession toward the Black Dahlia case seemed to border on histrionics. But in the end, Eckhart managed to keep it all together. Another performance I truly enjoyed was Hillary Swank’s portrayal of the sensual, rich playgirl Madeline Linscott. Just by watching Swank on screen, I got the impression that the actress had enjoyed herself playing Madeline. I know I had a ball watching her reveal the charming, yet dark facets of this interesting character.
Ellroy’s novel had been written in the first person – from the viewpoint of LAPD detective, Dwight “Bucky” Bleichert. Which meant that the entire movie had to focus around the actor who portrayed Bleichert. I once heard a rumor that Josh Harnett became interested in the role before casting for the movie actually began. In the end, many critics had either dismissed Hartnett’s performance or judged him incapable of portraying a complex character. Personally, I found their opinions hard – even impossible – to accept. For me, Harnett did not merely give a first-rate performance. He ”was” Dwight “Bucky” Bleichert. One must understand that Bleichert was a difficult role for any actor – especially a non-showy role that also had to keep the story together. Throughout the movie, Harnett, DePalma’s direction and Friedman’s script managed to convey the many complexities of Bleichert’s personality without being overtly dramatic about it. After all, Dwight was basically a quiet and subtle character. Harnett portrayed the character’s growing obsession with both the Black Dahlia case and Madeline Linscott without the manic and abrupt manner that seemed to mark Blanchard’s obsession. You know what? I really wish I could say more about Harnett’s performance. But what else can I say? He perfectly hit every nuance of Bleichert’s personality. I personally believe that Dwight Bleichert might be his best role to date.
I wish I could explain or even understand why ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” had flopped at the box office. Some have complained that the film had failed to match the epic qualities of ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL”. Others have complained that it failed as a docudrama that would solve the true life murder of Elizabeth Short. And there have been complaints that Brian DePalma’s editing of a film that was originally three hours ruined it. I had never expected the movie to become another ”L.A. CONFIDENTIAL” (which did a mediocre job at the box office) – a rare case of near Hollywood perfection. I really do not see how a three hour running time would have helped ”THE BLACK DAHLIA”. It was a complex story, but not as much as the 1997 film. Hell, the novel was more straightforward than the literary L.A. Confidential”. And since the Hollywood publicity machine had made it clear that the movie was a direct adaptation of the novel, I found the argument that ”THE BLACK DAHLIA” should have been a docudrama that would solve Short’s murder rather ludicrous. Since I had read the novel back in the late 90s, I simply found myself wondering how DePalma would translate it to the movie screen.
In the end, I found myself more than satisfied with ”THE BLACK DAHLIA”. It possessed a first-rate cast led by a superb performance from Josh Harnett. Screenwriter Josh Friedman’s screenplay turned out to be a solid job that slightly improved Ellroy’s novel – especially the finale. And director Brian DePalma did an excellent job of putting it all together. I highly recommend it – if one does not harbor any high expectations.
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 0570
Riley McDermott, South Carolina inmate 367945, born 1990, incarceration intake in 2016, at age 26; scheduled for release February 2030
Felony DUI resulting in Death
A former police officer, charged with lying, could have derailed or at least seriously hurt the prosecution of a man charged with killing three young people in a DUI wreck, but instead, Riley McDermott decided not to try to take advantage of that situation and pleaded guilty in an Anderson County courtroom in 2016.
As part of a plea deal, McDermott pleaded guilty to three counts of felony DUI with a death and two counts of felony DUI with great bodily injury, but an additional charge of felony DUI with a great bodily injury was dropped.
McDermott, 26, has insisted since the beginning that he would not try to have bond hearings or move to have critical evidence thrown out, even if that meant skipping a chance to shorten what became an 18-year prison sentence, his attorney Druanne White said.
McDermott was driving drunk, shortly after midnight on Nov. 8, 2014, when his pickup truck — going 73 in a 35 zone — crossed the centerline and plowed into another car, said assistant 10th Judicial Circuit Solicitor Lauren Price.
The wreck killed 22-year-old Corey Austin Simmonds, 17-year-old Amber Hope Perkins and 20-year-old Jessica Ann Roberts.
The wreck happened at Boulevard and Williamston Road, near a residence hall at Anderson University where McDermott was an assistant baseball coach.
The cars collided with the force of a bomb blast, said attorney Steve Krause, who represents Perkins’ younger sister, Cheyenne Perkins, who was 11 at the time of the wreck.
Cheyenne was trapped in the car, counted by officials as a fourth fatality until Deputy Anderson County Coroner Don McCown felt a faint sign of life. Also a trained paramedic, McCown gave Cheyenne Perkins an emergency tracheotomy in the back of the car and is credited with saving her life.
Circuit Court Judge Cordell Maddox said it is highly unusual for people accused of crimes to meet with their victims before the case is resolved.
"That’s a first for me in 15 years on the bench," Maddox said.
McDermott’s mom, Laurie, told the judge she knows about a lifetime of kindness her son has given to neighborhood children, elderly family members, classmates and to her when she had cancer.
“I know he would do anything in his power to undo that night,” she said.
McDermott’s best friend, his pastor and his former girlfriend also spoke to his compassion and love for others. His head coach at Anderson University, Jim Miller, said he had charged McDermott with recruiting not for talent, which anyone could do, but to recruit for character.
There was little doubt, family members of several of the victims said in court, that McDermott was, until that night, a good kid.
But so too were the people he killed, they said.
Hanging over the hearing like an elephant, Maddox said, were the actions of an Anderson Police Department officer, who was not named in court but was identified based on the charges mentioned by prosecutor, the judge and other attorneys for family members.
The officer, Gene Frank, was charged earlier this month with misconduct in office related to his work on the case and was fired from the Clemson Police Department, where he had been working after leaving the Anderson Police Department.
Frank is accused of telling his supervisors and prosecutors that he had tried to get a judge to get a warrant for McDermott’s blood after the wreck, according to prosecutors. Phone records showed he did not call the judge and instead made a decision to authorize the blood withdrawal at AnMed Health Medical Center citing exigent circumstances, Price said.
Maddox said he felt compelled to make the unusual step of commending the police department, in the court record, for being honest after discovering what happened.
“It needs to be said on the record that your department has acted in the way we all want police departments to act,” Maddox said. “You didn’t give up and stop, you didn’t hide any facts once this case went off the tracks.”
The judge said if McDermott had tried to get evidence withheld, Price would have been scrambling at a trial, which wouldn’t have happened for years, to get a conviction.
He told McDermott that his life could still be worthwhile if he were to try to stop others from driving drunk.
McDermott was given a chance to speak to the victims.
He turned away from the judge, toward the crowd.
“From the bottom of my heart I’m sorry,” he said. “The good thing about being in jail is I don’t have a mirror so I don’t have to look at myself in the face.”
While several family members had expressed forgiveness or wished peace on McDermott, Charlie Harris said he wanted a longer sentence.
Harris is raising his two-year-old granddaughter since his daughter Jessica Roberts’ death.
After the sentencing he said there aren’t enough laws to protect victims of DUI fatalities.
“He still gets to see his family,” Harris said. “His family can see him, can hug him when he’s out. I can’t see Jessica, and my granddaughter won’t know her mother.”
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yakool-foolio · 27 days
This is the most uninviting office I've ever set foot in. And I've been in Van Zieks' office! For legal reasons and my life on the line this is a joke-
Ten years ago?! Evie, I'm afraid to say your husband has lied about still being a warden. He left amidst all the Professor killings, though, so it's no surprise he dipped. Oh, he fucked up a walk to the gallows with the Professor, that's even worse than I thought.
I just noticed Kazuma's mask on the table :D Ryunosuke probably stares at it and wonders what was going through Kazuma's mind when he suffered through amnesia. Kazuma must've felt some sense of longing he couldn't quite place when he met eye-to-eye with Ryunosuke in the office; a yearning to understand the bonds that tied him to the duo that knew his name. But with those tethers severed, he never knew if hope to mend those binds existed. But in that moment of intense agony as his memories came back to him--of his father's loathly deeds--the remembrance of his closest companions soothed that aching pain. He traced the red band wrapped around his head back to the sword sheathed around his best friend's waist. An unbreakable bond.
That's gotta be the biggest emotional whiplash in Ace Attorney history.
They're just dragging me by the foot across a rocky road covered in mud-soaked pot holes at this point. AWW SHOLMES DON'T BLAME YOURSELF PLEASE!
Looks like Van Zieks' rumored reputation as the Reaper finally landed him in jail, sadly. YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY WE'RE GONNA DEFEND YOU AND YOUR ASS IS GONNA TOLERATE IT! ESPECIALLY IF IT MEANS KAZUMA IS GONNA BE OUR PROSECUTOR FOR THIS TRIAL (this matters to me only)!
Oh boy, Gina's really gonna hate us for defending Van Zieks, but we've gotta prove he's actually a pretty good guy minus the racism! Afterwards we can all hold hands and spin in a circle, peace and love!
KAZUMA SPOTTED! AND HE'S DUAL-WIELDING SWORDS! Even elder dragons tremble at the sight of the dual long swords, coming to a Monster Hunter Wilds near you not! Yippee he is prosecuting! Wow, this 'voice' guided Kazuma to London despite his amnesia, but whether it was instinct or some other force of will is left for me to ponder. He still has secrets up his sleeves. Thanks for your help in getting Van Zieks on our side, this is why you are numero uno in my eyes! Our courtroom battle will be legendary!
Relaaaaaaax Van Zieks, you lived with an Asogi in your office for three months and nothing bad happened! You may be in jail right now but that's besides the point and definitely not Asogi-related... I hope. Stronghart was originally gonna be the prosecutor for the professor's trial? At least he let Van Zieks take the helm to avenge his brother. I'm curious what makes Van Zieks think that Kazuma hates him, as he witnessed Kazuma slice down the Professor model, so you'd think both of them share in a hate for what Genshin did. And yet, Van Zieks swears Kazuma is out for vengeance, hm. I wonder if Stronghart or someone else is persuading Kazuma that Van Zieks is a bad guy, such as claiming that he's the Reaper, which would mean he's no better than the Professor as a supposed serial killer. Lots to consider...
(To Whom It May Concern - @raymondshields)
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discodeviant · 9 months
I'm probably the only one who cares about this but I typed it out in case anyone else is interested lol
S2E3: For He Is a Liar and the Father of Lies
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Local Wrestling Promoter Rumored Behind Gambling, Extortion Rackets
Glendon Marsh Charged with Conspiracy and Extortion By G. NAYLOR
MEMPHIS, Tenn. June 20 A Federal grand jury indicted Memphis community figure and wrestling promoter Glendon Marsh with five counts of conspiracy and extortion. Police think Marsh is a key figure in the Memphis underground, but have had only unreliable jailhouse informants as circumstantial evidence. The District Attorney may now have Marsh in a full-nelson and ready to tap out and rat on a wider syndicate that the FBI thinks may be connected to a nation wide money laundering scheme. But the court can only hold him so long with out concrete evidence. Marsh’s bail is set to $40,000. Which he can easily post by next week.
Indicted with Marsh were many of the wrestlers he employs at the American Legion Hall. Police also think Marsh’s young son may be deeply involved with his father’s business, possibly using his young age to hide certain activities from law enforcement and tax officials. Marsh is a known union buster and was quite outspoken about [indecent] sanitation strikes that … shut down Memphis.
Conspiracy Charges
The indictment charges that the defendants conspired to obstruct [or delay] local gambling laws that used numbers betting loop holes to avoid restriction applied to casinos. He’s also known in the pro-wrestling circuit as a cut-throat manager with an eye for talented “heel” characters. His Memphis League run by Glendon Marsh Promotions is known across the region as the best spot to see bad guys in the ring. One former employee, who wants to remain nameless, gave us a [sic] inside scoop on what goes on behind the scenes in the wrestling world.
“He just knows how to pick ‘em and he has a talent for knowing the crowd and how riling them up enough to get them coming back.”
3 Companies Also Named in Gambling Racketeering Case
The indictment charges that the defendants conspired to obstruct members receiving ballots and $ counts under a Federal Indictment accusing him of falsification of union records and fabricating employees and supervisors all together. [A] retired union leader said that he was once kidnapped by Marsh to change one of his votes and subsequently retire. He commented.
“He dropped me off at the court house. I took it as a message and that message said, ‘I dare you.’ I kept my mouth shut for years.”
Marsh was never tried on the charge and the Federal Indictment for kidnapping and falsification was never pushed. There were suggestions that Marsh had been protected by someone at the governor’s office. No one knows.
Many are asking what will happen to the Federal witnesses if Marsh posts bond. The District Attorney as [sic] said that they have their witnesses under lock and key and there’s “No way Marsh can get to them before the grand jury hears testimony.”
Many are asking what will happen to the rising Memphis pro-wrestling scene that Marsh is entirely responsible for overturning and creating. Some may think the sport will rise to the national stage in the near future.
Continued on pg. [##]
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ausetkmt · 1 year
WSOC Charlotte: ‘I dare you’: CATS bus video released after driver, passenger shootout
CHARLOTTE — WARNING: The video at the top of the page may be hard to watch. We do know everyone survived.
The Charlotte Area Transit System is sharing surveillance video from inside one of its buses after a shootout between a passenger and the bus driver.
The shooting happened on May 18 on Outlets Boulevard, which is near the Charlotte Premium Outlets in Steele Creek.
‘I’m going to pop you’: Bond increased for passenger accused of shooting CATS bus driver’
Passenger charged after shooting CATS bus driver, police say
Security remains an issue on CATS buses after shootout between driver, passenger, attorney says
2 hurt in shootout between CATS bus driver, passenger near outlet mall
According to CATS, the incident started when a passenger started a verbal argument with the bus driver. The passenger then pulled out a gun, and the bus operator also pulled out a gun, and they both shot at each other, CATS said.
In court, Channel 9 learned the passenger, 22-year-old Omarri Shariff Tobias, allegedly tried to ride the bus without paying, which prosecutors said helped lead to the confrontation.
Four different angles of the newly released video show two other innocent passengers onboard when it all unfolds.
Although the videos are hard to watch, Tobias walks up to the driver and asks to be let off the bus. The driver, David Fullard, tells him it’s not a designated stop and motions for him to get back. An argument then starts.
At one point, Tobias can be heard threatening Fullard.
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RAW VIDEO: Shootout between CATS bus driver and passenger on May 18, 2023
“I dare you. Touch me,” he said. “I dare you to touch me. I’m going to pop your [expletive]!”
The passenger steps back and can be seen pulling out a handgun. Seconds later, he steps back up. The driver sees the gun, pulls out his own, and opens fire. The initial shootout happens while the bus is still in motion. The bus then hops a curb and comes to a stop.
The two passengers can be seen ducking for cover near the back exit. Tobias, who police said was shot in the stomach at some point, heads their way. Then the video shows the driver fire three more shots at Tobias, who then can be seen getting off the bus. The driver gets off, too, and fires a final shot outside the bus.
Fullard was shot in the arm. CATS fired him, saying in a statement that it’s against policy for an employee to have a weapon on CATS property or while performing their job. His attorney said he had the gun because like so many drivers, he didn’t feel safe on the job.
He is not facing any charges for now. Tobias faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injuries, communicating threats, and carrying a concealed firearm. He was given a $250,000 bond and was also banned from riding any type of CATS services.
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CATS bus driver fired after shootout with passenger, officials say
the threatening passenger caused this
Joshua Davis was on the bus May 18 when 22-year-old Omarri Tobias wanted to get off the bus before the next stop, leading to the shootout
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For the ask game....favorite ships? Fandom you constantly have in mind but don't have much to say about? Least favorite bsd character (if you're comfy with answering this)?
Hmm… I’ll be honest, I’m pretty open to ships but I don’t actually actively ship an awful lot. Half the time I’m just “oh that’s kinda cute” or “oh I can see that”. I find most of the time I’m just really invested in the dynamic and whether they kiss or not is kind of irrelevant to me? I also love a good strong platonic bond too. But then every once in awhile I get so completely invested I actually surprise myself. Anyways, are you asking me about bsd specifically or any ships? I’m assuming bsd, so that’s mainly Dazai and Chuuya, Ranpo and Poe, and Higuchi and Gin. Soukoku has me in a chokehold which is so weird. I think the last time I shipped something this hard was middle school… it’s near canon in my brain that Dazai was crushing on Chuuya, which I find weirdly endearing because it’s such a stupid cliché teenager thing for a character who sees himself as fundamentally different from most human beings. Get rom-com troped idiot. However, I’m weirdly picky about the dynamics… I think I’ve just found more skk stuff I vibe with by virtue of it being more popular? I’m really picky about Higugin but I think that’s because I just have very specific headcanons for Gin… And I like Atsushi and Akutagawa, and Atsushi and Lucy too but I waver between platonic and romantic all the time on those… Oda and Dazai also exist in this weird grey zone where I do not want it to be romantic but I also strongly vibe with a crush on Dazai’s end to the point where it’s kind of semi-canon in my mind - no matter the form it takes, this is my favourite dynamic in the entire series and nothing makes my heart clench more than these two. They 100% love each other to bits but it’s not a romantic dynamic to me. Do you feel me? I also think Fukuzawa, Mori and Fukuchi are really funny in a messed up way in any combination, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider that actually shipping them? Tecchou and Jouno are also incredibly funny to me but in a vastly different way - but again, I’m fine with platonic or romantic. I like that there’s a consensus that Yosano and Kouyou would be fascinating… but honestly I prefer it platonic. Same with Kunikida and Dazai - I love them so much as a partnership and their bond is so important to me but I prefer it platonic. Oh! And of course I enjoy Rimbaud and Verlaine as doomed almost-lovers. See, this is tricky because this all sounds very basic but I actually enjoy a lot of different dynamics… I’m just really indifferent as to whether or not they are romantic.
You know, when answering about my favourite shows before, I realized I completely forgot to mention Lucifer and Good Omens… I love those shows a lot but I find I don’t have a lot to say about them I suppose? I also love Great Ace Attorney but I find it hard to write meta on it for some reason… even though I love it a lot. I adore Undertale and Deltarune but I have little desire to engage with the fandom. :/ Persona 2 and Hatoful Boyfriend I don’t talk about a lot because I feel those are very niche in a way? I don’t know if a lot of people know those games… but if someone enabled me… I could… I could talk about them… 👀
And I know this is a bit lame anon but I don’t know that I have a least favourite. I find them all really fascinating to explore and while it’s natural to hate Mori or Fukuchi for what they’ve done I’m actually pretty invested in them? The only character I can think of is maybe N. Dude sucks and I’d absolutely take a steel chair to his head on sight. But even then, that’s least favourite from a like/dislike perspective. He’s still interesting as a character. I will say that I think Louisa and Mark were a bit disappointing to me though, and I would’ve loved more to their characters, as right now I think they’re kind of bland for who their inspirations were? I guess they just don’t interest me as much, but that just makes me love them more because if the author won’t make them interesting then I sure as hell will in my brain.
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mikeo56 · 2 years
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Trisha Ryan          ��                                                                           
Case 22-CC-001430, April 2022
Dear Ms. Ryan
 This letter is in regard to what I feel was a fraudulent hearing in Lee County Court, Judge Mira presiding for my and Linda’s eviction from our home at 4433 Ruthann Court, in April of 2023.
 One stands a better chance facing criminal charges than they do a county eviction. Evictees are assumed not only to be “guilty” but also to bad people and liars. Criminal defendants are given an attorney, time to formulate a defense and allowed bond usually, able to keep their home environment. Eviction respondents are told to find representation yesterday, get fucked, get their useless asses on down the road and to stop offending the Court’s rich friends. Losing one’s home is not a small thing, it is truly a devastating event and more than occasionally proves fatal to those victims of the procedure. Also, when a county simultaneously props up rotting homes, property of their wealthy friends, that would fail an inspection for safety and livability allowing their wealthy friends to continue to profit mightily and then indicts renters as guilty before the hearing ever occurs, it is a racket, and unfortunately red, white and blue as war. I believe that, simply Judge Mira and her judicial comrades could be prosecuted under the RICO statutes. Taking advantage of those less financially empowered is not an unfortunate happenstance in a Lee County eviction, it is the essence of life for those wealthy deviants in cahoots with the county judiciary.
 Linda and I had paid the rent at Ruthann Court for about 14 years. We were not late on the rent. Marshall Redick, the property management was holding on to three of my checks, not cashing them. The neighbor next door at 4427 wished to move their in-laws in to our home and had been threatening us and harassing us by setting illegal garbage fires near our home. One of the in-laws had a sexual relationship with Jennifer Umanzor at Marshall Redick who managed our property. Jennifer, Travis DeCere and Nicole Brighalli worked or works at Marshall Reddick. After I angered an officer at Lee County Code enforcement, Marshall Reddick employee Nicole Brighalli asked me if I would work on one of their properties owned by Kyle Ball. I did. And Marshall Reddick refused to pay me. The Department of Health got involved. Then Marshall Reddick paid me. The property had a field system that was emptying septic in the front yard. The bill they paid to fix it was about 20K. Because Travis had refused to pay me in a timely fashion an endless stream of fines, fees and threats were taped to my door for about a year. The neighbors began to harass us and Jennifer would text me notes saying to “get out”.
 Years ago, I had a letter printed in the Fort Myers News Press about the potential for Lee County Code Enforcement to refuse to uphold the Litter Ordinances. One of the officers threatened my landlord at the time. My landlord then later sold the property we lived in to Kyle Ball and Marshall Reddick took over management. Marshall Reddick worked together with the neighbor’s landlord, Brent Vitale. Brent Vitales Tenants harassed us, set fires near our home. Vincent Berta, Brent Vitale, Nicole Brighalli, Travis DeCere, Jennifer Umanzor, the neighbors at 4427 all know each other very well and this “saga” played out over several years.
 Also, there are Lee County deputies who are aware of the garbage fires set by my neighbors and likely know who set the car on fire behind our home.
 Kyle Balls’ Attorney spoke to the neighbors about their threats, fire and firecrackers, in an effort to reign their behavior in as the eviction hearing loomed.
 Several years ago, I angered Vincent Berta, Lee County Code enforcement by getting a letter printed in the local newspaper about the ever-present amount of trash in our neighborhood and Stephanie Ehlers, who ran for the office of Sherriff, confronted him about it. Vincent emailed me that he would reinstate the violation on the property with the trash. The trash at that time was in the neighbors’ yard at 4427 Ruthann Court, which is owned by Brent Vitale. Brent threatened me after he discovered I had complained and he had to clean it up.
 I think a large monetary settlement would be nice and I’m certain that’s what you would expect if you take on this case. But just so you know, I am most interested in seeing certain people jailed, certain other people fired from their jobs and putting a dent, even a small dent in this garbage fuck rapaciousness embedded in Lee County Courts fellatiating every rich son of a whore profiting mightily from their god given right to use property as a vehicle for profit, god damn the need for homes, biodiversity and life on Earth.
 M H O’Neal
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ramon-balaguer · 10 days
Speaking of Dead or rather Life After Dying - Are prepared for Eternal Life After Death or Just Waiting Aimlessly to Die Unto Eternal Death⁉️
A quick internet search for “how to prepare to die” will result in a myriad of articles all focused on “Dead End of Life Planning.” Most of these address practical things such as wills, estate planning, powers of attorney, medical preferences — all things that are helpful for this life, but not much use in preparing for what comes after death.
In a secular culture, death is perceived to be the end. By and large, most people don’t give a lot of consideration to what could be waiting for us when we close our eyes in death. Followers of Jesus Christ have a different perspective; we believe what the Bible says about life after death is of great importance and merits our attention as we look ahead to the end of our lives.
Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” Unless the Lord returns and we are caught up alive to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:14), we will all die. This is an appointment for which we all must prepare.
Paul is a great example for how a Christ follower can prepare. What did he teach us by word and example about this important topic?
Heres are Five Jesús🎚️Focused Ways Paul Prepared for the End of His Life:
1. Paul Prepared to Die by Keeping an Eternal Perspective
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better” (Philippians 1:21-23).
Paul loved the work that God had given him to do — to preach and teach the gospel and win souls for Christ. Yet he acknowledged that it was a hard task. He ended up in prison many times. He was beaten, shipwrecked, mocked, and often near death.
By keeping his eyes on the eternal life God had promised through faith in Jesus Christ, he was prepared for his death, and even looked forward to it. When Paul surrendered his life to Jesus on the road to Damascus, he received the gift of salvation, and his eternal destiny was secured. Now, no matter when it happened, his soul was prepared for death.
2. Paul Prepared to Die by Fulfilling His Calling Every Day without Fail
“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24).
In Acts 20, Paul is on his way to Jerusalem, being warned by the Holy Spirit that “bonds and afflictions” are ahead. He is taking a route that allows him to say his farewells to some of the people he has invested in, knowing that he may not see them again before his death. With unshakeable confidence, Paul declares that he has done exactly what God called him to do.
Paul was laser-focused on the gospel because it had so radically changed his own life. From personal experience, he knew that religious knowledge and legal adherence to the law fell short of the grace of the gospel that could transform a man from living by the flesh to walking in the Spirit. Paul preached Jesus crucified and risen, and taught a salvation that is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ.
While he cared for the poor and encouraged the believers to live out their faith in godliness and good deeds, his mission was to proclaim the gospel. He strove daily to carry out his mission, so he was always prepared for the mission to end, should God so choose.
3. Paul Prepared to Die by Saying What Needed to Be Said
“And when they had come to him, he said to them, ‘You yourselves know, from the first day that I set foot in Asia, how I was with you the whole time, serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials which came upon me through the plots of the Jews; how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly and from house to house, solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. … For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God’” (Acts 20:18-21, 27).
Paul taught the word of God both with humility and boldness. He “admonished with tears” (Acts 20:31) but he did not shrink from declaring what was profitable to the people — the whole purpose of God. Paul knew the devastating effects sin could have on an individual believer, as well as in the local church. He taught the whole counsel of Scripture without apology because he understood his responsibility. “Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26). He could face death without regret, knowing that he had said what needed to be said, and that he had preached the truth that is able to save and redeem.
4. Paul Prepared to Die by Mending Broken Relationships
“Only Luke is with me. Pick up Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service” (2 Timothy 4:11).
Paul’s second letter to Timothy was his last one, as far as what we have contained in Scripture. It was written from prison, perhaps just months before his execution by Rome. In it, we see his heart for the people he has served, and especially all the last words of wisdom and encouragement he wants to pour into his younger friend, Timothy, who is pastoring the church at Ephesus.
In 2 Timothy 4:9-11, Paul asks Timothy to make every effort to come soon, knowing his death may be imminent, and tells him to “pick up Mark.” This little phrase says so much about Paul. Fifteen years earlier, Mark had been the cause of a sharp disagreement between his uncle, Barnabas, and Paul. Having set out to accompany them on their first missionary journey, Mark had returned home in the middle of the trip. We don’t know why, but evidently Paul lost confidence in Mark, and refused to take him along on the next trip.
Yet here we are, at the end of his life, and it is Mark he wants to see. I believe Paul had forgiven Mark and their relationship had been restored previously, but now, facing death, Paul wants to make sure there is nothing left unsaid that would cause hurt or discredit the name of Jesus after he dies.
5. Paul Prepared to Die by Willingly Surrendering His Life to the Cause of Christ
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:6-8).
When Paul mentions a drink offering, he surely is thinking about the picture Jesus gave His disciples at that last meal together in the upper room. Raising the cup of wine, He said, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (Luke 22:20). Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrifices, including the drink offerings. Paul sees his own life as worthwhile only as it is poured out in response to the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. He is prepared to die because he has given everything he has for the glory of God and the proclamation of the gospel.
Paul was prepared to die because he knew his fight was over, and his course was run. His faith in God had sustained him to the end, and all that was left was to enter the eternal kingdom of God and receive the promised crown of righteousness.
What about You?
Have you prepared for death by filling out forms, making an estate plan, and signing your will but forgotten the more important — eternal — things that need your attention.
Have you received the gift of salvation, so that your eternal destiny is secured?
Are you striving daily to faithfully fulfill what God has called you to do, and who He has made you to be?
Have you said what needs to be said? Have you shared the gospel when God opens the door to an opportunity? Have you told the truth to your loved ones?
Have you mended any broken relationships? Is there someone who needs your forgiveness?
Are you fully surrendered to Christ, giving up your life for Him, even unto death?
Then you are prepared for Life After death. 🥰🙏🌎#REBTD😇
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
BAY CITY, MI — A Bay City teenager is facing adult felony charges for allegedly shooting a fellow teen in her head with a stolen gun.
About 10:20 a.m. on Oct. 22, police responded a reported shooting in the 200 block of South Sherman Street. A girl who called 911 said another girl had been shot in her head and that the shooter had already fled, according to police reports in court documents.
Police entered the home to find 15-year-old resident Aubriana K. Anderson on a bedroom floor, a handgun magazine nearby. Anderson was unable to communicate as she was taken to the McLaren Bay Region emergency room. She was stabilized and placed on ventilator there, before transferred to Covenant HealthCare in Saginaw, then later flown to Spectrum Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids.
Doctors determined a bullet had passed through Anderson’s parietal lobe.
Through their investigation, police determined Anderson and four other teens had been at her house that morning. One of the three male teens told police he and his friends had gone to the house at Anderson’s invitation.
While they were hanging out in her bedroom, Ernest J. Olivo showed a .40-caliber handgun, the witness said.
“Ernest was messing around with the gun,” the witness told police. “He was waving it around. He was trying to scare Aubriana with it.”
Olivo and Anderson had been in a dating relationship in the past and were arguing, the witness said. As Olivo and Anderson were on her bed, the gun went off, the witness said. The three boys then ran from the house.
About 4:45 p.m. the same day, Olivo’s parents brought him to the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. The teen’s father told police his son had told him he and his friends had found a gun and that the gun “just went off” while they were on Anderson’s bed. He added his son had never been around firearms before.
Interviewed by police, Olivo initially said he had found the gun the previous night lying in middle of Center Avenue. He said he never pointed it at Anderson, nor did he mean to harm her.
“I never intended to shoot her,” he told police, according to their reports. “I was just joking around. I said something like, ‘Boy, you better stop playing with me’ when I was holding the gun. I did not pull the trigger. I don’t know how it went off.”
Olivo later said he obtained the gun when rummaging through an unlocked car, discovering it in a glovebox, police reports state.
Officers arrested Olivo and lodged him in the Bay County Juvenile Home in Hampton Township.
Olivo was later arraigned in Saginaw County District Court on single counts of discharging a firearm in or at a building, assault with intent to do great bodily harm, and receiving and concealing a stolen firearm, plus three counts of felony firearm. The first charge is a 15-year felony, while the second and third are both 10-year felonies. A felony firearm conviction mandates a minimum two-year prison sentence consecutive with any related stints.
The arraigning judge set Olivo’s bond at $100,000 cash-surety.
Bay City Public Safety Capt. Nathan Webster said police have since recovered the gun in question, having found it on a roof near the General Motors plant on Woodside Avenue. The suspect had apparently tossed it onto the roof before he surrendered to police, Webster said.
Saginaw attorney Alan A. Crawford is representing Olivo. Contacted by MLive, he declined to comment o the matter, saying he is still in the early stages of familiarizing himself with the particulars.
Anderson’s aunt, Melina Acosta, has started a GoFundMe campaign to assist with her niece’s medical expenses and her family’s fuel, food, and travel costs. As of 11:50 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 41, the fundraiser has garnered $1,770 from 42 donors.
Olivo is to appear for a preliminary examination at 2 p.m. on Nov. 10.
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Finding the Best Bail Bond Agency Near You: A Guide for Michigan Residents
When facing legal troubles, the need for a reliable bail bond agency becomes crucial. Whether it's for yourself or a loved one, knowing where to turn in such moments can make all the difference. This guide will help you understand how to find the best "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" and explore the services offered by a reputable "Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan."
Understanding the Role of a Bail Bond Agency
A bail bond agency provides financial assistance to individuals who have been arrested, allowing them to be released from jail while they await their court date. These agencies act as a surety, pledging money or property as bail for the appearance of the defendant in court. The main goal is to ensure that the defendant returns to court without the financial burden falling entirely on them or their families.
Why Choose a Local Bail Bond Agency Near You?
Choosing a local bail bond agency is advantageous for several reasons. Firstly, a local agency is more familiar with the legal system in your area. They know the judges, the courts, and the local regulations that may affect your case. This knowledge can expedite the process, reducing the time you or your loved one spends in jail.
Secondly, local bail bond agencies are more accessible. In urgent situations, proximity is key. A "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" ensures that you can speedily meet in person to handle , discuss terms, and secure the release of the individual involved. This local presence provides peace of mind during a stressful time.
Finding the Right Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan
Michigan has a range of bail bond agencies, but finding the right one requires careful consideration. Here are some tips to help you choose the best bail bondsman agency in Michigan:
Experience and Reputation: A well-established agency will have a track record of successful bail postings and satisfied clients. Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from attorneys or friends who may have experience in this area.
Licensing and Certification: Ensure the agency is fully licensed and certified to operate in Michigan. A legitimate bail bondsman agency in Michigan will adhere to state regulations and provide transparent, ethical services.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is essential. The agency should be responsive, respectful, and empathetic. They should take the time to explain the bail process, answer all your questions, and offer flexible payment options if needed.
Availability:  A reliable bail bondsman agency in Michigan should be available 24/7 to assist you whenever you need help.
Fee Structure: Understand the fee structure before signing any agreements. In Michigan, bail bond agencies typically charge a non-refundable fee, usually 10% of the bail amount. Make sure there are no hidden fees or extra charges.
The Importance of Trust and Confidentiality
When dealing with a bail bondsman agency, trust and confidentiality are paramount. The details of your case should be handled discreetly and professionally. The agency should maintain your privacy, ensuring that your personal information and legal situation are kept confidential.
Finding the right "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" is crucial in ensuring a smooth and efficient release process. For Michigan residents, selecting a reputable "Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan" can make all the difference in navigating the complexities of the legal system. By considering factors such as experience, reputation, and customer service, you can find an agency that meets your needs and helps you through a challenging time with care and professionalism.
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Cheque Bounce Lawyer In Ahmedabad | Cheque Dishonor Case Advocate in Ahmedabad | NI Act 138 Cheque Return Vakil in Ahmedabad
A cheque bounce happens due to insufficient account balance, expired validity of cheque and overwriting among other reasons. The cases of cheque bounce are quite common that nearly 40 lakh cases are pending, claim Supreme Court reports. Here, you will get to know the legal rights involved in the cheque bounce cases.
Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 is the primary law in the context of cheque bounce cases. We have personally observed and analysis the rights and remedies existing in cheque bounce cases.
These include the Complainant, accused, Summons, warrants, Non Bailable warrants, prosecuting attorneys, bail bonds, criminal defense Lawyers, magistrate judges, witnesses, Sometime FSL Department and many more.
At all stages of the criminal process, a person got the complaint registered, then Court will issue the summons to the accused, if not present then court will issue the warrant than non bailable warrants, whenever the accused present either he has to confess his guilt or has to face further legal proceedings. The NI Act 1881, Section 138 provide a remedy to the people who made a personal or Business financial Transactions and get the assured instruments like cheque with malafide intense of the accused. Advocate Paresh M Modi is Cheque Bounce Lawyer in Ahmedabad having enough experience regarding NI Act 1881. Advocate Paresh M Modi is also the Best Advocate in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Specialist of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881, Section 138. He is the Best Lawyer near me for Cheque Return Cases, Criminal Cases, Family Matters and Civil Matters in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Nadiad, Anand, Baroda, Vadodara, Surat and other Small town of Gujarat State Call Now : 9925002031.
Expertise :
As a Cheque Bounce advocates we have very good experience. we know how to do interpretation of each section of NI Act 1881, our professional team of Criminal lawyers knows how to file the complaint for Cheque Return Case and handle the Complainant, accused, Bank Officers, Postal Departments person, witnesses during the cross examination and also knows how to identified weak section of the Case like, contention of legal notice, Reply of notice, complaint and entire case facts.
As a procedure People who are found to have violated a criminal statute — whether through their own confession by a “guilty” plea or as a result of a entire trial case, they can be punished through imprisonment up to 2 years with the fine of up to double amount of bounced cheque and other penalties may be imposed.
But in all situation our best cheque Dishonor lawyers are handling the matter and due to good experience, we have proven records of some benchmark cases of individuals and corporates.
At present we are taking care of number of companies and NBFC’s cheque bounce cases in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Nadiad, Anand, Baroda, Vadodara, Surat and other Small cities of Gujarat State.
Offer :
As a Specialist lawyer of Cheque Bounce cases, Negotiable Instrument Act 1881, Section 138 cases, we are offering legal services in Gujarat for entire case handling for complainant as well as Accused. Our services begins from legal notice or Reply of legal notice for cheque bounce to final order of Hon’ble court as well as Accused.
Except NI Act 138 cheque Return Cases, We do Bail Application – Appeal in session court and Gujarat High Court for different types of criminal cases like financial Fraud, Property cheating Murder prohibition PASA NDPS drug PMLA Act Case, Cyber-crime and other lots of crime.
Result or Benefits :
As per Advocates Act 1961, lawyers cannot give assurance and guaranty or warranty of result and time in any form but we assured that our clients will get good legal services from specialized Criminal lawyers and Advocates. They will get good guidance, perfect legal remedies as well as result oriented efforts of our team and thus our intelligent Advocates may be able to negotiate a compromise with the prosecution for the benefit of our client, As an experienced lawyers, we can give you the best options for your Criminal case and defend you at trial Court, Session Court and High Court.
Frequently Asked Questions :
1. What is a negotiable instrument act and its types? Ans. A negotiable instrument is a legal document written and signed by one party to ensure it will pay or repay the required amount within a specific time range or on-demand. It is transferable, and an individual or entity has the liberty to decide whether they want to encash it or transfer it to consecutive payees.
2. Is there bail for cheque bounce case? Ans. Dear client, There is no anticipatory bail for offence under cheque dishonor. The offence is a bailable offence. The parameters to be considered is when was the cheque issued, when was it presented in the bank and the burden to prove the transaction lies with the complainant.
3. What is the time limit to file the cheque bounce case? Ans. As per Negotiable Instruments Act, legal notice must be sent within 30 days from the date of cheque bounce. Thereafter within 15+30=45 days from the date of sending the legal notice, case must be filed. In case the case is filed beyound that time then the same shall be time barred.
4. Who is the best Lawyer For Bounced Cheque in Ahmedabad? Ans. Advocate Paresh M Modi is the best lawyer in Ahmedabad for cheque bounce cases (Negotiable instrument act 1881).
5. As an Accused, to whom I have to consult for my NI Act cheque Bounce Case in Gujarat State? Ans. If really you want to defend your case as an Accused, you must hire the Advocate Paresh M Modi for your complicated criminal Case of NI Act section 138.
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acme-bail · 3 months
Finding the Right Bail Bonds in California: A Personal Guide
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When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be a confusing and stressful time. Understanding how bail bonds work in California and finding a reliable bail agent can make all the difference in getting your loved one home quickly. Here is a guide to help you through this process.
What exactly are Bail Bonds?
When a person is arrested, the court may set a bail amount to ensure they return for their court dates. If the bail amount is too high to pay out of pocket, you can turn to a bail bond company. For a fee (usually 10% of the total bail), the company will post bail on behalf of your loved one, allowing them to be released from jail.
How Do Bail Bonds Work?
In California, bail bond companies charge a non-refundable fee, generally 10% of the bail amount. This fee is paid to the bail agent, who then covers the full bail amount with the court, securing your loved one’s release. The bail bond company takes on the risk, ensuring the defendant attends all court dates. If the defendant skips court, the company may hire a bounty hunter to bring them back.
Finding a Trustworthy Bail Bonding Company
Here are some key points to consider when looking for a bail bonding company:
1. Licensing and Credentials: Make sure the company is licensed to operate in California. You can check their credentials with the California Department of Insurance.
2. Experience and Reputation: Look for a company with a solid track record and positive customer reviews. An experienced company is likely to handle the process more efficiently.
3. Transparency and Fees: Be clear on the fee structure. A reputable bail agent will explain all costs upfront without any hidden fees.
4. Availability: Since arrests can happen at any time, choose a bail bond company that is available 24/7.
How to Find Best Bail Agents Near Me
In our connected world, finding a local bail agent is just a search away. Here’s how you can find the best one:
1. Online Reviews and Ratings: Check reviews on Google, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau. Real customer experiences can provide insights and details into the company’s previous work and reliability.
2. Local Directories: Use local business directories and legal service listings to find bail agents in your area. These often include contact details and service areas.
3. Referrals: Ask friends, family, or your attorney for recommendations. Personal referrals can lead you to trustworthy bail agents.
Important Questions to Ask Your Bail Agent
Before choosing a bail bonding company, ask these questions:
1. What is your fee structure?
Understand the total cost and if there are any extra charges.
2. Are you licensed?
Confirm their licensing with the California Department of Insurance.
3. How long will the process take?
Get an estimate of the time needed to secure the release.
4. What are my obligations?
Make sure you know your responsibilities and the consequences if the defendant doesn’t appear in court.
Getting a loved one out of jail can be stressful, but knowing how bail bonds work and finding a reputable bail bonding company can help. By focusing on factors like licensing, experience, and transparency, and by using online resources and personal referrals, you can find a trustworthy bail agent near you. A reliable bail bond company will guide you through each step, ensuring a quick release and providing peace of mind during this tough time.
If you’re in need of a dependable bail bonding company in California, look no further than Acme Bail Bonds. With our 24/7 availability, transparent fee structure, and years of experience, we are here to help you every step of the way.
Contact Acme Bail Bonds today and let us help you bring your loved one home. Call us now at 1+800-884-1222 or visit our website Acme Bail Bonds | 24 Hour Bail Bond Service in California to get started.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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A 47-year-old Maine man is facing federal charges for making threats against his Black neighbor, officials said. 
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Prosecutors allege that Barnes targeted his neighbor, labeled as K.T., and her son due to their race. According to an indictment, Barnes is accused of using an “internet-based multimedia messaging service” to send the threatening voicemail in August 2022. He claimed he was near the neighbor’s home with intentions to kill “any Black person who emerged.”
Related: ‘It Was Just a Stupid Act’: White Massachusetts Teen Accused of Racist Attempted Drowning of Black Boy Released on Bond; Attorneys Argue It Was ‘Horseplay’
“I’ve been parked out outside [K.T’s] apartment since early this f**cking morning, sis. Waiting for someone to step outside, and the first one who does is gonna die. Just like that,” he said, court documents allege. “I don’t care if it’s her kid, or her, or her boyfriend. I don’t care, I don’t care. I’m killing me a n***er.”
According to the DOJ, he faces up to five years behind bars. The FBI Boston Division investigated the incident.
Per Law & Crime, Barnes took to his Facebook account to air out his grievances since his charges were announced. 
“Ever since the story put out by Maine’s Attorney General [sic], came out about me, my life has been hell. Between consistent tampering with my car, harassment from a few customers, eviction, death threats … ect,” he said, according to the outlet. “Charged and Convicted are two separate things but no one cares.”
In another story of a Black person’s civil rights reportedly being violated, earlier this month, an Alabama woman who prosecutors say violated her Black neighbor’s civil rights was sentenced to 12 months in prison. The DOJ said Cheryl Lynn Pytleski hung “racially offensive homemade dolls” on her neighbor’s fence to intimate them. 
Read the full story at Atlanta Black Star.
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