#online bail bonding
acme-bail · 6 months
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Facing arrest in California can be overwhelming, but knowing the right steps can make all the difference. Click here for an easy-to-follow guide on what to do next. Don't navigate this alone – find out how to protect your rights today!
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Can I request something really fluffy Chaggie x female reader? I love them and refuse to separate them.
Yes yes yes! I love them and I love you too anon. Lovely idea, I love me some poly lesbians from hell ❤️‍🔥 thanks for requesting! Just an update for yall: still at like 40 reqs bc every time I post one, I get at least one new one to replace it 😮‍💨 so thanks for being patient! And as always, enjoy~
Notes: implied fem!reader, sorry this is short :(
TW: none really, just a lot of fluff
Chaggie x fem!reader ❤️🖤💜
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Literally the devil and the angel on your shoulders…😈😇
And they often swap roles- sometimes Charlie is the angel offering wise advice while Vaggie is the devil telling you to just go crazy. Other times, Charlie is the devil talking you into doing ridiculous shit while Vaggie tries to hold you back and talk some sense into you,
What can I say, they’re both switches 😉
You really are in a great polyamorous relationship with these two tho, so full of trust and communication. It’s quite easy actually
You have two girls who love each other and you so deeply that there’s never even any talk about boundaries- you do things as a unit, as a team and somehow, you guys bond so well and rarely bicker
Charlie is always the one to lift your spirits and cheer you on and support your dreams all the way and baby you whether you win or lose.
Vaggie is always the one to bail you out of tough situations and comfort you when things don’t go right and offer you really really great advice and words of affirmation.
Bruh, they’re just so so sweet
Vaggie definitely has to be on one of the edges of the bed, Charlie totally doesn’t mind being on the edge or in the middle so you can choose where you want to be!
They both love to cuddle and they don’t care what position, as long as everyone is included. You wanna be the big spoon? Cool. You wanna be in the middle? Go for it! Wanna lay over both their laps? Do it!
BEWARE: Charlie talks in her sleep and Vaggie occasionally kicks and flails when she has bad dreams lol
You and Charlie definitely stay up until like 4 am some nights, laughing and snacking and watching silly videos online and keeping Vaggie up 😋
Vaggie likes to teach you and Charlie how to defend yourselves- idk I feel like Vaggie would work out often, like at least some yoga in the morning and then like practice sparring ya know? So she likes to spend time with her girls while play fighting and learning together
They’re both very protective of you- they’ve seen a lot of shit down here, Vaggie has seen how tough it can be to be in heaven too.
Walking down the streets of hell, you’ll have Charlie holding your hand or linking arms with you just to keep you close and keep the other sinners away.
Vaggie is your scary guard dog following right behind you two as she looks back and forth, glaring at any sinners who look at you guys for too long.
Often times, they turn to you for advice and comfort too.
Charlie comes crying to you and Vaggie when she’s dwelling in the thought of her mom
Vaggie comes stomping up to you and Charlie, ranting and cussing in Spanish about Alastor pissing her off.
It’s just all very happy and cute and loving and supportive and open.
Never any fights
Only kisses and cuddles and play fights
Very sweet sapphic vibes all around
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kuruk · 1 month
a short time after my mom had my dad bail her boyfriend out of jail, her boyfriend got this bail bond scam call who he fought with and the guy gave typical scammer threats like whatever man... so my mom got super paranoid and had me bring berserker over here and made me sleep in the living room to watch my little sister, because she thinks it's someone local instead of a random scammer, and she suspected her creepy lyft driver who drove her to the jail or whatever to pick her boyfriend up. because of the specific information he knew about her, she didn't know how he could get that online like which car in the driveway was hers because it's not under her name or whatever and the scammer named it and said it was hers...
and I was like sigh she's always so paranoid freaking me out for nothing god 😑 I'm sure there's probably a normal way to get that information online if scamming is like your job... I'm like it's literally not your lyft driver help what an insane connection to make... she said because her lyft driver was creepy and gave a tour only of weird things all like "that's where the crackheads hang out in the morning 🙄" and he talked a lot without caring about a response and the scammer on the phone kept mentioning meth lol. and I was like so what if he tells you too clearly the directions inside the building to bail someone out... it's friendly and showing nonjudgement or whatever he was just relating with you and helping because his son was also just in jail...
but an hour or so after my mom left for work yesterday evening, this skinny older white guy parked in the street in front of the house and came out of his truck and walked around circling the driveway, and left when the dogs barked. and the same guy came back again tonight around like 7:40pm wearing the same clothes and I was like um wait eek.. I felt silly thinking too much over it yesterday like well a man can walk a bit. although odd that he parked got out and did that and then left but maybe he needed to exercise his legs real quick or something... but well doing that twice two days in a row is a bit odd help. this morning my mom showed me a picture of the lyft driver and he looked a lot like him actually the same older white guy.
yesterday he left after the dogs barked and he only did one or two slow laps walking in the driveway, but today he circled the driveway and then walked even closer to the door and instead of leaving when the dogs barked, he just walked slower and weirdly with bigger steps and he was carrying a plastic bag full of something.. my mom did tell that driver she works hospital night shifts. well whatever... it's kind of silly like sounds obviously overly paranoid but whatevevr same guy two nights in a row only getting out of his truck to walk around the driveway and up to the door a bunch jusr stop ut....
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moles-hideout · 1 year
Norton Campbell x Male! S/o college au!
Tw: Hints of NSFW, fighting (not really but still)
Tags: College au, Established Roommates, Established relationship, Fluff, Crack
A/N: This just very self indulgent tee hee :3
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You and Norton have been best friends since Junior high. You two had been together through thick and thin, no matter what life threw at you. You two were inseparable, having each other's back at any time. (Even bailing Norton out of jail once but shhh)
To be clear, Norton is not someone who can be easily approached due to his infamous extreme mood swings but no one would have ever imagined that Norton would have a lover up until now. It felt almost natural for the both of you though. No matter what challenges you two face, you both always find a way support and uplift each other. You've celebrate many achievements together and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times. The loyalty and care you two have for each other can never be replicated so easily.
Currently, you both graduated with a bang, got into your dream college and are now living in the dorms as roommates. Both of you having shared countless adventures and secrets through out your lives and ever since living together, it made the two of you even closer, to see each other's quirks and flaws. The other students really question if you two are just roommates or an old married couple.
Inside the dorm room, it's covered in a colorful mess of post-it notes with sweet messages, silly doodles, and inside jokes. It's their way of communicating and brightening each other's days. And in random occasions, you two leave love notes that are hidden in the most unexpected and odd places, like inside shoes or inside the cereal, keeping the romance alive in your everyday lives.
One of your favorite things about living together is the silly and weird traditions you two created. From weekend movie marathons to impromptu Mario kart competitions in the living room. Not to mention the endless prank war you two have, from putting plastic bugs in the shower to scaring each other during a scary movie, these traditions and antics have led to countless fond moments of laughter and bonding.
You two created a ridiculous number of nicknames for each other, some of which make no sense to anyone else but for you two, it's filled with love and whacky inside jokes.
Although, there are some downsides with living together. Mornings are a whirlwind of chaos as you two rush around trying to get ready for work or to class, often accidentally grabbing each other's clothes or toothbrushes in the rush.
One time, you accidentally took Norton's jacket to class and your professor (definitely not Luchino) teased you about it teehee.
We all know that Norton is frugal and thrifty, from extreme couponing to bargaining for half a prize. He wants to take you out for a dinner date in a very expensive restaurant? It now costs a fraction of what it was originally priced. Planning to go to that one very expensive amusement park? You bet your sweet ass he'll be surfing on the internet to find online discounts. "NonNon doesn't this [insert item here] cost $150?" "Oh yeah, I got a discount. I got it for $59." "I beg your pardon?-" "Then beg."
One time Norton got a call from one of your friends at the party you were attending, they've called to tell him to go pick your drunk ass up. Once he arrives, he sees you biting someone's ankle like an animal. (He had to tie you up to stop your reign of chaos.)
But your favorite part of the day, is where nighttime comes. Where the stress of the day leaves you both as a sense of peace and comfort replaces it.
There are times when words aren't necessary – just being around each other brings a sense of calm and happiness, you two find solace in each other's presence even in silence. You two can spend hours together simply reading working on their hobbies or just cuddling on the couch without needing to fill the silence with words. Sometimes, you both share vulnerable moments confess secrets and offer each other support. There's no need for words in such, for you both already know what the other is feeling after all. And it's already enough.
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Hihihiiii thanks for reading my first hcs, I'm still trying to juggle school work and making hcs so please be a bit patient with me darlings! (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
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shiranui7 · 1 year
Harley's last Friday night (parody)
Two hyenas in my bed
There's a clown hat on my head
Stray cats all over the room
Killer Croc is in the pool
I smell like Flannegan's rat
Joker's passed out in the yard
Man-Bat's hanging down the roof
This a party or a zoo?
Pictures of last night ended up online, we're screwed
Oh, well
They're all bad and blurred, but I'm pretty sure I'm nude
Last Friday night
Edward danced on tabletops, then he slipped on a tea spot
Jervis kissed Jon and got shot last Friday night
Penguin maxed our credit cards, Harv got kicked out of the bar
'Cause he trashed half of the pub last Friday night
Gotham Sirens in the park, skinny-dipping in the dark
We had a ménage à trois last Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again
But this Friday night
Do it all again
Trying to connect the dots
Bane and Ra's are playing box
Ragdoll's dancing to the beat
Baby Doll is off the shit
Firefly scorched my party dress
Batman's out for our arrest
Zsasz and Roman just got bailed
So they missed this epic fail
Pictures of last night ended up online, we're screwed
Oh, well
They're all bad and blurred, but I'm pretty sure I'm nude
Last Friday night
Talia came with her old Pop, to say hi and have some scotch
Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night
Mr. Freeze came to get drunk, and then froze all of our cars
Killer Moth fried on a lamp last Friday night
Ivy bonding with the plants, 'Lina purring like a cat
Clock king couldn't come at last this Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again (do it all again)
But this Friday night
Do it all again (do it all again)
But this Friday night
We are all mad...
Last Friday night
Maxie Zeus took 13 shots and proclaimed himself a god
Scareface dissed him and got drowned last Friday night
Deathstroke stole Wayne's credit card and we bought some shit for fun
Then we hit the boulevard last Friday night
Grundy got worse so he packed, Clayface asked to have a part
So we turned him into a car last Friday night
Yeah, I think we broke the law, but who cares since we're all Rou-o-gues whoa
But this Friday night
Do it all again
@acapelladitty @voiceboss you usually make me smile with your content, I hope to return the favour! :)
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coochiequeens · 1 year
This is why I hate all those people who say stuff like “I would trust my child with a drag queen”. No one should trust a drag queen who wants to preform his act in front of minors.
A registered child sex offender has been charged after police learned he had been teaching dance to children in violation of his conditions. 
Dwight Evan Chisolm, 31, a lifetime registrant of the Wisconsin sex offender registry, appeared in court on Monday. Local NBC 26 referred to Chisolm with “she/her” pronouns, and stated he was facing one count of working with children as a child sex offender and two counts of bail jumping, but, according to the Brown County inmate directory, Chisolm is specifically being held on charges of “intentionally photographing a minor without consent” as a condition release violation.
Chisolm, who is a transgender drag queen known by the name “Sno Wight,” was initially convicted in 2011 on charges of sexually assaulting a child and sentenced to three years in prison in Brown County.
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Upon his release in 2015, Chisolm was listed in official records as homeless and was therefore ordered to report his whereabouts to authorities on a weekly basis. But two years later, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections lost contact with Chisolm, who had stopped making the mandatory weekly declarations of his location. For the following year and a half, authorities were unable to locate him. 
In December of 2018, the state’s District Attorney’s office charged Chisolm with failure to provide information as a sex offender and a judge signed a warrant for his arrest.
The next year, Chisolm was again arrested for sexual offenses involving a minor. 
In September of 2019, he was charged with child enticement and sexual intercourse with a child after allegedly abusing a 17-year-old boy he groomed online through both the popular gay hookup app Grindr and Snapchat. According to court records, the victim had informed Chisolm of his age, and Chisholm had claimed to be 22 years old, despite actually being 27.
The teen told authorities he had twice met up with Chisolm, with whom he performed sexual acts in the garage of a property on Green Bay’s east side, which is listed as Chisolm’s residence. The property is located across the street from Green Bay East High School.
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Now, Chisolm is once again in police custody after law enforcement learned that he had been volunteering at Wolves Cave Studio in Green Bay where he had been teaching dance using the monikers “Coach Sno” and “Sno Wight.” 
Local news reported that the owner of the studio confirmed that Chisolm had been volunteering there, but declined to be named. The owner told NBC 26 that she had been unaware of Chisolm’s history of sexually abusing minors and, because he was not a paid employee, had not thought to perform a background check.
Chisolm is currently being held at the Brown County Main Jail on a $5,000 bond ahead of a May 18 preliminary hearing.
Chisolm operates two Facebook profiles under the name “Sno Wight” where he can be seen advertising his dance classes for boys and girls aged 6 to 19. The promotional image contains photos of young girls in suggestive poses.
On both profiles, Chisolm has posted videos of children performing drag. 
One video shared by the sex offender features a 13-year-old boy who was recently discovered to have performed at a party sponsored by an app designed for adult gay men seeking sex, called Jack’d. The child, Kingston Wells, performs under the name Ally Marc Jacobs and is being mentored by a gay porn model. Wells has sparked controversy on social media for frequently performing in adult venues.
On TikTok, Chisolm posts videos of himself that are mainly centered around his drag shows, which he both organizes and participates in, as well as his trans activism.
In one video, he can be seen dancing on a stage at an unspecified bar, wearing a long blonde wig. The event was part of a series of festivities associated with Pride Alive, an LGBT organization which was promoted by the Human Rights Campaign. In photos uploaded to the group’s Facebook page, children can be seen attending drag shows and handing money to the adult performers.
Another video of Chisolm available on his TikTok profile shows him appearing to threaten anyone who uses “the wrong pronouns” to address him. He has also shared a video wherein he twerks in his underwear, which is captioned: “It doesn’t matter what’s between my legs, I’m still a woman.”
In a series of videos posted in December last year, Chisolm rails against “black people discriminating against the LGBT community.” 
“I don’t tolerate discrimination. I don’t tolerate hate. You will accept me and love me for who I am. All I do is bleed love and grace. It is you who make me the monster, it is you who make me angry,” Chisolm threatens. “I am a very loving and caring person, but when it comes to discrimination, I will spit in your motherf*cking face, b*tch.” Also at that time, Chisolm complained about being excluded from the LGBT community, saying he was “ripped to pieces” and “thrown to the wolves to be eaten alive.” 
“In my own community I am excluded from things… a lot of people think I’m supposed to shut up and be swept under the rug,” he says. This he blames on on his history of sexual offenses, which Chisolm describes as “bumps in my past” that he is made to “suffer for every single day.” 
According to court records, Chisolm attempted to be removed from the sex offender registry in 2021, but the motion was denied. 
One month after he filed the request, he performed drag at the Tarlton Theater to commemorate the Trans Day of Remembrance as part of a troupe called Divaluscious. Photos shared to Chisolm’s Facebook account show him holding a transgender pride flag while standing outside of the building. For his advocacy, he was given a platform and interviewed on ABC 2.
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Drag performances and transgenderism are historically intertwined, with the designer of the transgender pride flag himself having attended such shows before claiming to be a woman and a lesbian. 
As Reduxx has previously reported, Navy veteran Robert Hogge admitted to committing fetish burglaries, an offense that involves the theft of women’s underwear, and wrote disturbing erotic fiction on themes of age regression, body swapping, and children who do not age.
By Genevieve Gluck
Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
After Bud Light’s “ill-fated marketing campaign” that featured a transgender woman, it appears that Smirnoff, a brand of vodka produced by the British company Diageo, has made a failed attempt to keep its partnership with Texan drag queen and transgender-identifying woman Maxine St. James LaQueene quiet.
In September 2022, LaQueene expressed his excitement in joining Smirnoff’s “Show Up Show Off” drag competition through an Instagram post. Although the partnership did not make headlines at the time, the performer caused a stir at the Texas Capitol last week, taking center stage on various news sites.
LaQueene, among other protesters, began to chant during a legislative vote on a bill, SB 14, that would ban transgender surgery for kids under the age of 18. After Speaker of the House Dade Phelan, a Republican, demanded they be removed, a photo was snapped of LaQueene bent over while in custody, displaying a clear view of his backside and genitals to bystanders.
Detransitioner and activist Oli London made the connection between Smirnoff and LaQueene through a series of tweets last Friday, sharing images from the House floor as well as the original image of their partnership announcement.
“Hey @SmirnoffUS why do you have a brand partnership with this Drag Queen?” the tweet began. “He exposed his genitals while teens were present in an unlawful insurrection in Texas. He also posts disturbing fetish images of his genitals online. Is this who you want to be the face of your brand?”
In an email to Fox News Digital after London’s discovery, Smirnoff confirmed its partnership with LaQueene for a promotional campaign in 2022, but claimed he “is not currently a Smirnoff partner, and does not currently have any contract with Smirnoff.”
“Smirnoff’s partnership with LaQueene proves that Bud Light isn’t the only beer company with left-wing activists in their marketing department,” Joseph Backholm, senior fellow for biblical worldview and strategic engagement at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. “Their attempt to distance themselves from LaQueene proves the boycott against Bud Light has scared other companies.”
Despite their alleged partnership being annulled, London continued to post about Smirnoff’s relationship with LaQueene and revealed a promotional video featuring the drag queen in full costume. In the same tweet, he wrote, “Radical Trans Activist who exposed his testicles in front of teens in the Texas State House has a long-term paid brand partnership with @SmirnoffUS. Will the brand continue to pay this man or drop him as ambassador immediately?”
As repercussions of the events at the Texas Capitol continue to unravel, LaQueene was quick to defend himself. He claimed to have been attacked by conservatives for flashing bystanders, and asserted that he “did not consent” for a photo to be taken. LaQueene also claimed that flashing bystanders was simply “an accident” and he is “completely speechless.”
“People like Dylan Mulvaney and LaQueene need Jesus and therapy, not social status and influence,” Backholm concluded. “Corporate America may be slow to learn this lesson, but the market is helping them understand.”
Originally published by The Washington Stand
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
A homeless man freed without bail after randomly breaking a woman’s nose went on to sucker-punch a 9-year-old girl in the face in Grand Central Station, MTA officials said.
Jean Carlos Zarzuela, 30, was busted after he allegedly socked the youngster as she stood next to her stunned mom in the station’s dining concourse at about 11:50 a.m. Saturday, MTA police said. Medics took the girl to NYU Langone’s Tisch Hospital for treatment.
Zarzuela was caught on video inside the transit hub, and the MTA released his name and photos to the media shortly after the Saturday attack.
MTA cops knew Zarzuela’s last known address was a homeless shelter on E. 125th St, so they headed to the E. 125th St. subway station on Lexington Ave. Saturday evening and asked a pair of NYPD transit cops for help, according to law enforcement sources.
Sure enough, the NYPD cops recognized his photo and said they had seen him about 10 minutes earlier. NYPD transit cops found Zarzuela and took him to the MTA police officers, who made the arrest at about 10:20 p.m.
Zarzuela is also accused of punching a 56-year-old woman in Grand Central Station on April 4. MTA cops initially charged him with felony assault, but prosecutors in Manhattan dropped that down to a misdemeanor.
Sources familiar with the case said the decision came after police and prosecutors did not receive a supporting deposition from the victim in the case, which is required by law within five days if there’s bail set.
Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Pamela Goldsmith ordered him held on $2,500 cash bail or $10,000 bond. Records show he had a bench warrant out for assault cases in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
On Tuesday, he appeared before Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Laurie Peterson, according to the court system’s online docket. She released him without bail just four days before the attack on the young girl.
“It doesn’t make any sense that this guy — who recently was released after being charged with randomly punching someone else and breaking that victim’s nose — should be back in a public space where he can attack others, especially children,” MTA Communications Director Tim Minton said.
“The people responsible for the criminal justice system need to learn from this episode before more innocent people become victims.”
Zarzuela was awaiting arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court on Sunday evening. His lawyer declined to comment.
The attack comes less than four months after another recidivist criminal was accused of stabbing two teen sisters visiting New York from Paraguay at Grand Central on Christmas morning.
Steve Hutcherson, 36, who also uses the name Esteban Esono-Asue, allegedly stabbed a 16-year-old girl in the back and her 14-year-old sister in the thigh in an unprovoked attack. He’s also accused of slashing another Rikers Island inmate as he was held without bail in the attack.
In an interview with the Daily News, Hutcherson’s ex-girlfriend said his mental health began deteriorating in June 2021, when he told her he suffered from paranoia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
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trickstarbrave · 2 months
I feel like other adopted kids and foster kids constantly long for their bio families whenever I see them talking abt their struggles online. And I guess maybe it’s bc I wasn’t directly adopted but became a ward of the state but was basically always raised by my grandparents (who I am not biologically related to, my mom is adopted)
Past a certain age I never really missed my dad. I am completely over it. I used to get sad but I think I mostly wanted a father to feel normal and have all those “father daughter bonding moments” described by other ppl. I have my grandpa who I often call dad bc he’s the only father figure I’ve had, and I think that’s more than enough. I guess I also missed my dad himself but I’ve forgotten most of the memories ZTFXVXGJBJB
My mom talking abt getting in touch w her bio parents and I do not know how to tell her I don’t rly WANT to meet them bc they’re strangers. I have never at once felt like my grandparents weren’t my real family. My uncle is like my older brother, and tbh my grandparents have been more my parents than my mom ever rly was (not entirely her fault she is deeply mentally unwell and had substance abuse problems, but fails to recognize that was why she lost custody of me and was never really a full parental figure). My mom has even said I’m “the kid they actually wanted to adopt” instead of her and yeah that was. Weird to hear. But I guess that cements we simultaneously have a sibling body and mother and child bond with the sibling one being being strong since she views me as the spoiled youngest sibling. I don’t think I’m necessarily spoiled for that reason I think it was more so bc my mom had serious psychological issues that were effecting me and I nearly died multiple times as a baby and continued to be sick the rest of my life. Then again my mom was also disabled as a baby. I don’t know if I can trust her judgement that she was not spoiled considering her parents have bailed her out hundreds of times and made excuses for her to my uncle and I. So
Anyways that was a tangent this family is my real family. I don’t wanna blend with my dad’s and not just bc his mom is crazy and I don’t wanna meet my mom’s bio family but I guess I will if she really wants me to. Doesn’t mean I need to have a relationship w them. But I don’t really have any desire to. Maybe that’s also the autism or mental illness for me idk
I’m really afraid to like, say it around other ppl who grew up not w their bio family bc idk I’m afraid I’ll get accused as ungrateful or trying to trample on their feelings. Or that I am actually a freak and no one else feels like how I do bc my situation is so weird and convoluted or that I don’t “count” and “wouldn’t get it” bc my bio mom WAS still technically around
On a side note oh my GOD I just realized in grade school when they asked me to meet a woman in the office and she asked me a bunch of questions abt my problems at home that was a social worker. I was being interviewed by a social worker. I think I was actually being interviewed bc I missed a lot of school, came to school w random bruises and scrapes, was underweight, and didn’t react much when getting hurt. None of those were from abuse or neglect tho I was just chronically ill so I missed school and had trouble putting on weight, have a weirdly high pain tolerance, and had poor spacial awareness so I often bumped into things or fell down (I think i still do actually). I literally had no clue until now when I remembered that while writing this post VHCGUVFCHVVHVHBJ HELP
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hey there
Any idea what happened with the case against jared ?
Last I’ve seen they kept dragging it out, did he settle or is it still on ?
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. Funny timing given someone asked me about the lawsuit going on with Jensen and if anything happened at the conference meeting for that one. I see you're asking about Jared and assumingly his arrest that took place on 10/27/2019, so I'll focus on that instead ha ha. Note I'm not an attorney but am doing my best to answer your question correctly, and also trying to answer why the case may have been dragged out for a while. I took the liberty of looking up the case online and was able to find that both of the cases did in fact receive a deferred prosecution status on 2/3/2021. I also saw that the $5,000 bond was exonerated for both of the cases 3/5/2021 and then the status of deferred adjudication was posted for both on 4/9/2021.
According to The Texas Prosecutor website, the deferred prosecution status means:
Deferred prosecution is one of the tools a prosecutor’s office (including the Travis County Attorney’s Office) uses in exercising broad discretion in determining which cases to prosecute. A DPA is an extra-judicial agreement between a person charged with a crime and the prosecutor to defer the prosecution of a criminal charge for an agreed period of time (usually 12 to 24 months), during which the defendant must fulfill specified conditions, such as no contact with a victim, counseling for a domestic violence offender, or drug treatment. After the DPA is signed by the defendant and the prosecutor, the criminal case is conditionally dismissed. If the defendant fulfills all conditions, the county attorney takes no further action (because the criminal case was dismissed). However, if the defendant fails to comply with any of the conditions of the agreement, the county attorney has the authority to refile the charges and prosecute the case. Our office often uses deferred prosecution when prosecutors determine that it is possible a jury would render a not-guilty verdict. For example, in an assault–family violence case, the prosecutor may choose deferred prosecution to require the defendant to address his issues so as to break the cycle of violence and protect the victim and society. While our office has always involved the victim in fashioning a DPA, we have also consistently sought permission from the Attorney General to refrain from releasing these agreements to the public to protect the purpose and integrity of deferred prosecution, as these agreements often contain admissions by the defendant and agreements to plead.
As for the bond exoneration:
A bail bond is exonerated when the legal process/trial has finished. It does not matter whether the defendant is found guilty/innocent or if the case has been dismissed. At this point, the bail bond is discharged. However, any unpaid premium, fees or other amounts charged by the bail service provider are still owed.
and the deferred adjudication:
Deferred adjudication relates to criminal cases and specifically to the sentencing phase for crimes. With deferred adjudication, there is no conviction, and the court defers or postpones the adjudication of the criminal case pending the completion of community supervision and satisfaction of additional conditions. This all occurs pre-conviction, meaning that the defendant may have an opportunity later to file for an expungement or nondisclosure of the entire matter and keep it off the defendant’s record.
I know in North Carolina, there's something called a Prayer for Judgment "PJC" that's often used in traffic violations but sometimes can be for a criminal case at times too. The overall gist of PJCs is basically asking a judge to "delay" sentencing or "judgment". There are also different types like dispositional (no further sentencing anticipated but can still count as a conviction), continuance (postponing judgment) or a term to term (set time period for good behavior basically). This so called legal "forgiveness" is often granted on things like not committing any new offenses, going to a driving safety class, seeking psychiatric or addiction counseling and cooperation with random drug tests, court costs, completing high school [truancy cases for minors], etc. This kind of forgiveness or asking basically for a chance to redeem yourself without being convicted isn't always an option. For example, in NC if someone gets a DWI, passing a stopped school bus, going more than 25mph over the speed limit, or other impaired driving offense that's considered to be an offense that requires punishment (and may result in a breathalyzer ignition lock being installed on the car). Also, PJCs in NC don't always result in "forgiveness" and do sometimes still result in a conviction, particularly if the person who effed up well continues doing so or the judge decides nah, convict them.
Basically, it's likely that the case was dragged out because Jared did not want a conviction smearing his record (I mean who does?) and chose to instead possibly be on good behavior for a set period of time , follow court mandates and the like to eventually get the case dismissed. It seems likely also based on the Register of Actions for the cases that Jared went to the courthouse quite a few times to basically "check in" with the judge, talk about the case, let the judge review his good behavior, blah blah blah. It takes time and that's why a lot of cases like this can drag out for a while.
Thanks for the ask Anon, I hope this was helpful.
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voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
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“Courts usually aren’t allowed to hold someone in jail before evidence has been presented and they’ve had a chance to defend themselves,” explained Spokesman Marlon Kautz for the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which operates out of Atlanta and pays bail for protesters. “But there’s a loophole: the court can demand a cash bail payment, and if the defendant can’t afford it they’re jailed indefinitely.” “Bail funds close this loophole in the cash bail system by leveling the playing field: they ensure that anyone—regardless of how poor or marginalized they are—can access the resources to make bail,” Kautz continued. “SB63 exposes that the loophole is not an accident, it’s the intended purpose of the bail system. Police, prosecutors, and politicians want a bail system which allows them to punish their political enemies, poor people, and people of color without trial.” The bill adds thirty additional charges that are ineligible for unsecured judicial releases, popularly known as signature bonds. The list includes charges commonly associated with protesting, like unlawful assembly and obstruction of a law enforcement officer, and street racing, like reckless stunt driving and promoting drag races. Additionally, the bill only allows elected and appointed judges to set bond in Georgia. Currently, unelected and unappointed judges may serve in vacant positions to help courts provide speedier bond hearings. The changes expanding cash bail were not unexpected based on previous iterations, but the last-minute addition to the final language of the bill significantly hindering the ability of individuals and organizations to pay bail on behalf of jailed people in the state came as a surprise. That addition to the bill did not appear in the state’s online legislation management system until sometime between late Wednesday evening and early Thursday morning.  “No more than three cash bonds maybe posted per year by any individual, corporation, organization, charity, nonprofit corporation, or group in any jurisdiction,” the bill now reads.  This change will severely impact the operational ability of bail funds in the state of Georgia like the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. To continue paying bail for arrested individuals, Georgia bail funds would need to register as professional bail bondsman with the respective sheriffs in each county they intend to operate, which requires fingerprinting and a full background check conducted by the respective sheriffs and the FBI. Registered bail bondsman organizations are still unable to pay more than three cash bonds per year, they must instead go to a third party company to attain a surety bond. Existing Georgia law also prohibits professional bondsmen from recommending defense attorneys to clients seeking bond. Pairing defendants with attorneys is another common function of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. Violating this provision will constitute a misdemeanor in Georgia.
The use of bail funds gained new prominence in the wake of the 2020 George Floyd Protest, with new funds popping up in cities all around the country to help free the hundreds of protesters arrested that summer. In response, various state legislatures began introducing legislation aimed at curtailing the success of those organizations.  On Wednesday, Tennessee lawmakers introduced a bill outright prohibiting courts from accepting cash bails paid on behalf of defendants by charitable bail organizations. Kentucky legislators passed HB 5 in January, prohibiting charitable bail organizations from posting bonds of $5,000 or greater. Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed a law in November requiring charitable bail organizations to register with county clerks and provide monthly updates listing each defendant the fund paid bail for in the prior month. A 2022 law passed in Indiana requires charitable bail funds to pay a $300 certification fee every two years, and prohibits those organizations from posting bond for individuals accused of violent crimes or those facing felony charges with a previous violent crime conviction. The Bail Project sued the state of Indiana in federal court over its bail law, but lost the case in both the district and appeals court. “The purpose of these laws restricting and regulating community bail funds is clearly to suppress organizing and reject the expression of community solidarity,” said Pilar Weiss Director of Community Justice Exchange, which hosts the National Bail Fund Network. “These laws have nothing to do with safety or justice and are an open attack on mutual aid and community care. As criminalization of community solidarity increases, we’re seeing an increase in attacks like this whose aim is to block and reduce any routes to freedom.”
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shydaaa · 8 months
It's 2024
It's been a while, haven't really interacted with this website in some time. But felt the need to at least come back and continue my New Years reflection that I've done previous years. Looking back I realize the years I skipped were due to COVID, which was certainly my hardest years. I think I will touch upon mainly the good things as I always do. But also speak on some of the grief as well.
Got to see my step-dad and his husband down in Flordia. They got a condo and it’s looking great so far! Jammer is also alive but missing all his silly teeth.
Got to see my dad and his husband for Thanksgiving. I also reconnected with my Aunt.
Got to go to Blizzcon for the first time! Met some WoW celebrities and went with a friend of mine that I also got the opportunity to meet in person.
Met my boyfriend for the first time after 3 years of online dating.
Moved my mom to a one bedroom, she also has a dog now.
Became an officer in a guild Ive grown fond of.
Formally staying with the folks I’ve bonded with ever since I moved in during college. They have become a second family to me.
Helped a friend out of a miserable and toxic relationship.
Playing my first table-top equivalent with a good group of friends.
There might be more, but those are the biggest highlights I can think of for now. I don’t really like to drudge up the bad, the point of these reflections is usually to inspire faith into the next year. But I do want to acknowledge what hardships I braved this year.
My dad and his husband moved away to Flordia, I’m happy for them, but I’ll miss them.
My mom and I’s relationship has continued to break and crumble. This holiday season was incredibly difficult.
Friends I thought were good people turned out to be horrible and lied to me for 7 years. They’d traumatized one of my best friends and I’ll never forgive them for that. Nor did they really care for me as much as I thought they did.
My IBS and stomach issues have worsened. I developed my first ulcer from stress.
Caught COVID this year and had to bail on one of the days I was at Blizzcon.
Things were bad, but they never stayed bad. And for that I’m grateful. And thank you, to all my friends who have stuck it out with me, thru thick and thin. You’ve made this worthwhile, and I couldn’t imagine a life without you.
https://shydaaa.tumblr.com/post/189966348676/its-2020 << Previous
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aitahrpc · 1 year
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Am I the asshole?
I had a mutual whom we literally met online like a year ago, and even met in person like three four times? Things were going well, we were bonding and making good friends... That was until her final visit to my house. We had planned for her to come at a certain time so I had time to get the house cleaned and prepared for company. (Myself being a mom and wife, I didn't want the place all messy you know?)
HOWEVER, the morning she was to come, she never once answered a phone call or text message of mine... THEN SHOWED UP EXTREMELY EARLY. Normally I wouldn't let this get to me but then after chilling in my livingroom WATCHING me scramble to continue to clean my house she proceeds to ask me if I could CLEAN MY HOUSE. Flabbergahsted, I just stammered out already struggling to chase the kids she hopped up on an ass load of sugar "Oh-Uh, sure!"
The rest of her time there things kept getting weirder... (She had already been put in check once as she played FOOTSEY with me in a theater one time while we were out... The film was Morbious... She'd NEVER let my husband or myself get me things I had been planning on getting or he had planned on getting me... It got to the point that when she found out I was looking for a new laptop, the thing showed up at my fucking door....) She even asked me once if we were just friends because I wanted to write with her... Which again I didn't know how to respond to the question, because why did it matter? We were friends... Simple.
I asked her to stop this stuff and respect my boundaries... (Due to it starting to feel a bit... Personal, as we had only just became friends....) But, she only got worse. She then during her final in person stay with me proceeded to do/watch whatever she wanted on MY tv and even stopped me from talking during shows, just so she could talk through out the entire bit.
I eventually stopped allowing her to come over, and mainly hung out on discord... Though she demanded I be in VC with her ALL. DAY. LONG. And basically be her live journal/therapist about how bad her life was and how she wanted it to end, with ZERO break. (She'd even to talk to me just after harming herself, and OPENLY ADMIT IT TO ME SHE WAS. WHICH IS EXTREMELY TRIGGERING FOR ME BEING A FORMER HARMER.) At this point she wouldn't even write with me anymore. It was basically anything and everything she wanted to do at this point. Even watching shows it was what SHE wanted. Mind you, she was replying/writing with EVERYONE ELSE on here.
It got to the point that my own mental health was going down the drain, and I started to loathe myself because I was becoming bitter to her and I was intimidated due to the fact she had over a thousand followers... I felt like I was obligated to be friends with her still due to the fact she had spent so much money on me and claimed they were gifts... (I shit you not she spent like over $1,000 AGAINST MY WISHES. I TOLD HER NO AND TO STOP. I even gave her money in return... I EVEN STOPPED TELLING HER IF I WAS DOING SOMETHING THAT REQUIRED MONEY.) It ultimately killed my entire muse to write/rp and Idk if I can ever get it back now....
I've cut ties with her, but even now I still have to ask.... Am I the asshole for bailing on someone even though they spent so much money on me?
P.S Even to this day, she keeps trying to contact me.
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void-tiger · 2 years
please tell me more about the fic where Ke/th doesnt get to be a paladin again, i keep seeing shit like how the team abandoned/failed Ke/ith and should have apologized to him when it was literally the opposite (i am sorry but the team almost DIED because K/ith fucked off to run off with the Blades, werent for Kuron entering Black they would have actually died, i do not understand how anyone can see this and say the team was in the wrong/Ke1th was in the right, and still be considered a team player let alone a team leader is beyond me. Really really sorry about salt in your askbox)
No worries! (Although, disclaimer: I had to set aside my voltron fics for a bit ‘cause I can’t work on them without getting salty, and too much salt is bad for you. So they’re…curing, I guess. I’ll stop with the bad salt jokes now XD)
But short answer? Keith’s their comfort blorbo, and it’s incredibly easy to have that become “can do no wrong ever it MUST be EVERYONE else!” and…not recognize that kneejerk bias. Ask The Real Fandom Olds TM who’ve participated in fandom culture since the 80s and 90s and that’s a key issue with Current Fandom and especially younger fans (ie, probably our generation and younger.) Add in that a lot of us online trend (in my antidotal experience) towards having untreated anxiety or depressive symptoms and/or undiagnosed neurodivergent brain wiring that an individual might’ve not quite learned how to cope with yet (and many come with emotional regulation symptoms) in addition to…human brains really just Don’t stop developing until mid20s regardless of someone’s birth gender and brain development is particularly chaotic and…well.
That’s a recipe for a volatile fandom, and since the VLD Characters in particular were geared towards Teens or Teen Nostalgia? [Comfort Blorboing Intensifies.]
Now, in one fic series Idea, Keith DOES become the Red Paladin again, but he has to work for it. Really work for it. Like, the Team is still incredibly hurt that he left and never really apologized for ditching them before THAT Scene where Jiro is forced to step in s4. I think I have in my notes somewhere [coughs] prolly a random post or very buried DM to a friend that Red Lion finally outright takes Keith for a joy ride (much like Blue and Black did with Lance and Shiro) and literally has him bouncing around in zero g and gforces until Red’s really willing to accept him back as Paladin. (Also it makes me feel better.)
[tags: blackbox verse, rewrite the stars, blackbox, veeladee fixit. Note that some of the older posts especially I’ve probably discarded. But I do my best worldbuilding thinking aloud, and hey. It’s fanfic. Who gives af about spoilers? Not me.]
But, in Blackbox verse, I wanted Jiro to have his very own Lion…and the Sincline Meteor is right there. Plus, y’know. Fixing-fixing. Making as much work as I felt like since it was intended to be a series, anyway.
Buuut, that’s not the fic idea you asked about.
The one you asked about is actually a Redo of The Black Paladin’s episode following alteanroyals’ prompt of “what if Shiro’s the one who fights the clone, and the clone gets to just come home. Have his own name.” Because, c’mon. The visuals would’ve been incredible, and Josh Keaton and Studio Mir adores Shiro and Jiro even if the EPs and arguably NONE of the writers (even the better ones trying to patch job before bailing out) gave a shit about Jiro as his own character.
So. Back to Keith.
He actually tries flying Black Lion, same as the (egh) canonical episode…and…
WHOOPS. He gets lasers shot at him for his efforts (hA HA~)
Allura steps in, and has a battle of wills against Black Lion, then realizes that what has Black so torqued is Keith tried to dominate the Lion. (Imo? The only reason why Keith could fly with Black in s2-4 was because of the bond they both had with Shiro. “Help me help you.”) And well. Allura’s learned a thing or two: trying to dominate a Lion does NOT work. She learned that for herself with White Lion, she’s now realizing that’s why Black Lion accepted Shiro as it’s Paladin over Zarkon at all. So Allura changes tactics, senses Shiro’s Quintessence still inside Black Lion nearly two years after he vanished, and calls the others in. They do a reverse-balmera ceremony via their voltron bonds and pull Shiro back out—in his OWN body, tyvm.
And well. Remember how it’s technically a “Shiro vs CloneShiro” prompt? Yeah, they fight. (I’ll try not to have them totally wreck the place. All Shiros are Good Shiros.) And when Black Lion comes for them now that the Lion can get a clear shot? Red Lion also comes.
Because Keith isn’t the only character who holds the needed qualities for a Red Paladin. (Reactive instincts, laser focus, loyalty, but often emotionally volatile.) Jiro does too. And unlike Keith, Jiro stayed even when he “no longer” had a Lion to fly from his POV, and he struggled with the rest of the Team to adjust to Lions that no longer suited them in the wake of Shiro’s Absence. So Red chooses Jiro and flies to him. (Black would’ve saved Jiro, too, even though Jiro wasn’t Black’s true paladin. But seeing a Lion accept him, and further proof that he’s not just a poor copy but his own person and even a Paladin in his own right?)
[gemini fic, shiro vs jiro]
Basically, in starting writing and continuing to ruminate on ideas, I realized that Gemini works best as a single fic, so having Firm Consequences make more sense. Other tidying up?
-Allura and the Paladins take the Castle and immediately head out for the Altean Colony while Shiro (and Black Lion at Black’s literal insistence) go after Jiro. (And with Shiro here to lead and analyze + Convenient Recap/Alternate Explanation, Pidge is able to shut down the virus far earlier before it makes the Castle truly dead in the water.) Haggar never gets her claws into them.
-Keith formally leaves the Blades. He had a family, and he turned his back on them. Those relationships won’t be what they were before (ie, symbolic in losing his Red Paladinship), but this time he’s willing to put the work in to repair their trust in him. Meanwhile, the Blades never were going to help him find his mother intentionally no matter how many times he sacrificed his life for them, and his life and the lives of all the other Blades ultimately meant very little to Kolivan and the Blades as an organization. He surrenders the knife to Krolia, and walks away if Team Voltron will let him stay. It not, he can do better good with the Rebels. (Infiltration was Pidge’s thing, anyway. He’s the showy diversion maker.)
-Lotor returns to Orionde. But when he faces the Ancients and White Lion again, he stops attacking and running from his sins. He sacrifices his full life force, and the Drained Alteans revive fully restored. The tragedy his family caused and he ended up perpetuating ends with him. (That does leave…y’know. The Galran Empire without an Emperor. But hey. IF I finish this fic, that’s potential sequel material, baby!)
…anyway. Point is, Keith Antis put a bad taste in my mouth, but the point of “Keith loses Red” wasn’t to punish Keith (okay…maybe a little. But that was still mostly Black blasting lasers everywhere. For catharsis.) The point was, “There are consequence, and while some relationships can be repaired or make new ones with the same people after you’ve hurt them, others can’t. You lose them. It’s important to put in the work, but it’s also important to accept loss and endings, especially after you’ve fucked up.”
And well. I felt that Keith Losing Red, Jiro Gaining Red made things narratively tidy.
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Understanding the Basics of Hiring a Bail Bondsman
If you or a loved one has been arrested and requires bail, then you may want to consider hiring a bail bondsman. The process of hiring a bail bondsman can be daunting and confusing, but understanding the basics of the process is essential for making the right decision. In this blog post, we'll discuss the key aspects of hiring a bail bondsman, including how to choose the right one, when to reach out, and the responsibilities that come along with it. By the end, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to make the best decision for your situation. For more info about Bail Bondsman Las Vegas NV click here.
Benefits of Hiring a Bail Bondsman
Hiring a bail bondsman can be beneficial in a variety of ways. It can save you time, money, and energy that you would otherwise have to put into the bail process. It can also help to ensure that you or your loved one is released from jail in a timely manner. Here are just a few of the benefits of hiring a bail bondsman:
Expertise: A bail bondsman has vast knowledge of the criminal justice system, which can be invaluable when trying to navigate the complex bail process. They can help you understand the process and provide guidance on getting the best outcome for your situation.
2.Time-savings: Bail bondsmen can usually get the bail process completed much faster than you can on your own, meaning that you or your loved one will be out of jail faster.
3.Cost Savings: Bail bondsmen can also save you money by offering payment plans and payment assistance. This can help you avoid large up-front costs, making it easier to get the help you need.
Stress Relief: Navigating the bail process can be a stressful endeavor, and hiring a bail bondsman can take some of that stress off of your shoulders
How to Find a Bail Bondsman
When you or a loved one is arrested, it can be a stressful and confusing experience. One of the best ways to get through it is to hire a bail bondsman. But how do you find the right bail bondsman for your situation? Here are some tips to help you find the best one.
First, you’ll want to do your research. Look for a bondsman who is licensed and insured, with a reputation for integrity and reliability. Read online reviews, ask friends and family for referrals, and contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for more information.
Next, if you can’t find a reliable bondsman in your area, you can use a bail bond referral service. There are online companies that can connect you with a qualified bondsman in your area that can meet your needs.
Finally, ask questions. Get to know the bondsman and make sure you understand all terms of the contract before signing. Make sure you know what fees they charge, if they have a down payment requirement, and if there are any additional costs.
Finding the right bail bondsman can be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be
In conclusion, understanding the basics of hiring a bail bondsman is a key step in the process of getting out of jail. It is important to do your research to find an experienced and reliable bondsman who can help you get released from custody quickly. It is also important to be aware of the costs associated with the bond and the potential risks of not appearing in court. By taking the time to understand the basics of bail bonds, you can make an informed decision and get the help you need to get out of jail.
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postitbailbonds19 · 3 days
Access the Santa Ana Inmate Locator Easily with Post It Bail Bonds
Finding information about loved ones in the Orange County Jail can be a daunting task, especially during stressful times. Fortunately, Post It Bail Bonds is here to help you access the Santa Ana inmate locator quickly and efficiently. Our expert team is dedicated to making the process as seamless as possible, ensuring you have the information you need at your fingertips.
Understanding the Santa Ana Inmate Locator
The santa ana inmate locator is a vital tool for families and friends of individuals detained in the Orange County Jail. This online resource allows you to search for inmates, view their booking information, and stay informed about their status. However, navigating this system can sometimes be confusing, especially if you are unfamiliar with how it works.
At Post It Bail Bonds, we simplify the process for you. Our team is knowledgeable about the Santa Ana inmate locator and can guide you through every step, making sure you can find the information you need without unnecessary delays.
How Post It Bail Bonds Streamlines the Process
When you reach out to Post It Bail Bonds, we take immediate action to assist you in accessing the Santa Ana inmate locator. We understand that time is crucial when dealing with an inmate in the Orange County Jail, and our goal is to provide you with quick and accurate information.
Our experts will help you navigate the locator, ensuring you can easily find the inmate's booking details, charges, and bail information. With our support, you won’t have to spend hours searching for information—our team is here to do that for you.
24/7 Availability for Your Convenience
Emergencies don’t follow a schedule, and neither do arrests. That’s why Post It Bail Bonds offers 24/7 availability to help you with any inquiries related to the Santa Ana inmate locator and the Orange County Jail. Whether it's the middle of the night or during a holiday, our dedicated staff is ready to assist you, ensuring you can access the information you need when you need it most.
Our round-the-clock service means you don’t have to wait to find out about your loved one’s situation, helping to reduce the stress of dealing with the Orange County Jail.
The Importance of Quick Information Retrieval
The sooner you can access the Santa Ana inmate locator, the faster you can begin the process of securing your loved one’s release from the Orange County Jail. Quick access to information allows families to make informed decisions regarding bail and next steps. Delays can lead to unnecessary time spent behind bars, which is why we emphasize the importance of acting quickly.
At Post It Bail Bonds, we prioritize efficiency, ensuring that we gather all relevant information swiftly so you can focus on what matters most—supporting your loved one during this challenging time.
Why Choose Post It Bail Bonds?
Choosing the right bail bond service is critical when navigating the complexities of the Orange County Jail. Post It Bail Bonds stands out for our commitment to customer service and our deep understanding of the Santa Ana inmate locator. Our experienced team provides personalized assistance tailored to your specific needs.
We understand that every situation is unique, and we are here to listen and offer solutions that work for you. When you choose Post It Bail Bonds, you gain a trusted partner in navigating the challenges of the Orange County Jail.
Get Started Today
If you’re looking to access the Santa Ana inmate locator, don’t hesitate to contact Post It Bail Bonds. Our knowledgeable team is ready to assist you in finding the information you need regarding your loved one in the Orange County Jail.
With our expert guidance, you can navigate the Santa Ana inmate locator with ease, ensuring you have the support necessary during this challenging time. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance and let us help you find the answers you seek.
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affluenzafm · 9 days
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you know you love me.
Meet LUCAS VALIERI, or if you read the Anti Grapevine, THE KING OF CHAOS. He is a 24 year old REALITY TV STAR, that currently resides in THE UPPER EAST SIDE.
The Valieri family was once known for elegance and poise, but nearly single handedly, Lucas derailed that. His mother’s attempt at keeping the family name known via reality TV only gave his antics and chaotic behavior to an audience. The way Lucas sees it, consequences don’t exist for him. Why should they? Any mistake he's made has been solved with a big check and thinly veiled threats. Life has always been a never ending party -- He's never had to work for anything, never had to worry if things would work out. While his classmates were worrying about getting into Ivy Leagues and networking with the right people, he preferred to spend his time at his parent’s member’s only club, drinking top-shelf tequila. Besides, being book smart was never his strong suit; He's always been known for his sharp tongue and short fuse, which has landed him in plenty of situations either his mother or sister have had to bail him out of. He may live without regard for, well, quite literally everything around him -- But even Lucas knows he can't keep this up forever. Eventually, he's going to have to face up to the consequences he's avoided so narrowly, whether he likes it or not.
it's all about who you know.
JANE VAUGHN. younger sister. Lucas and Jane have a complex dynamic, but despite the occasional clashes and lingering feelings of bitterness, there is a deep-seated care and understanding between them. They share a bond forged through shared experiences and childhood memories, and when it comes down to it, they are there for each other, offering support and a sense of familial loyalty that surpasses their past rivalries.
MIA JONES. ex-girlfriend, baby mama. At one point, Lucas thought he and Mia would last forever — She was the Bonnie to his Clyde, only instead of death their relationship ended with an unplanned pregnancy during their senior year of high school. He never wanted kids, nor is he sure how to be a parent. Though it may be cruel, he doesn’t want to learn. As far as he’s concerned, Mia let him off the hook, and he has no obligation.
JOHNNY DIMARCO. close friend, bad influence. Lucas and Johnny have a long, messy history with one another — One peppered with an arrest record, black out nights, and a plethora of bad decisions.  It’s a friendship that’s always bred chaos, resulting in more than one scandal online. They bring out the worst in one another, and it’s only a matter of time before they make a mess that can’t be cleaned up. 
this character is taken.
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