souplover-69 · 2 days
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Horizontober day 28: Shock
Revisiting my old Bonecutter concept I made for my dnd campaign. Technically you CAN ride it without detaching the blades, but… it’d hurt.
A few updates from the old design... No chillwater being the biggest one. I thought focusing on two elements would be enough.
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transformational · 3 months
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the last dinner party by alden bonecutter (x)
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wealmostaneckbeard · 6 months
Helldivers 2: Backstories implied by Armor Sets
Note: These are just the sets that I've unlocked, reblog with your own, also I may have gotten the names wrong
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You are here to inspire your fellow helldivers not through empty words but through deeds and actions! It really helps that your armor doesn't let you die easily, which is great for morale. Not great for your survivors guilt however.
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You are a survivor (SEAF or civilian colonist) that the helldivers picked up during a mission. They gave you some body armor they had in reserves and now you are a conscript. You weren't allowed to wear a helldiver uniform without having gone through training first. Everyone gives you shit for that even though you survived terminids or automatons.
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You're a popsicle political dissident who got unthawed to earn a pardon by fighting enemies of Super Earth. Or you are a history nerd whom democracy officers watch closely. This armor set should really be worn if super earth itself is threatened, as old equipment (and people) is drawn from museum displays.
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You are a frontier doctor who got caught up in the war. Honestly, not much has changed. Back when terminids were being farmed, you were patching up mauled farmers, now it's soldiers. And the bots use conventional weapons so their victims look the same as someone who had an accident or an "accident."
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You used to use explosives to excavate irrigation canals, now you're using explosives to destroy enemies. You always take a moment to appreciate a lovely landscape. Then you start to fantasize about flattening the landscape and replacing it with suburbs.
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duranduranofficial · 4 months
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An epic time at Cruel World Fest at the Rose Bowl ✨
📸 Alden Bonecutter
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alexturner2005 · 9 months
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Arctic Monkeys @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre 18th Sept 2023, By Alden Bonecutter
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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Meet You There at the Fillmore, Denver
30 September 2018
Concert photos by Alden Bonecutter, poster by Andy Deluca.
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cocoalover1956 · 2 years
I made a list of 200 potential Valyrian steel weapon names for various houses, listed by region. * indicates a canon name. Brackets indicate previous owners according to my headcanons.
Crownlands (32)
Targaryen: Blackfyre (bastard sword)*, Dark Sister (longsword)*, Ash Heart (longsword), Nightingale (dagger)
Bar Emmon: Judgement (longsword)
Blount: Safeguard (sword)
Brune: Misfortune (sword)
Buckwell: Able Might (sword)
Bywater: Bereaver (sword)
Cargyll: Satisfaction (sword)
Celtigar: Scarlet Hold (battle axe)
Chelsted: Glory (mace), Honor (dagger)
Farring: Nemesis (longsword)
Follard: Bright Sage (sword)
Harte: Fortitude (sword)
Hogg: Battle Hunger (sword)
Landward: Despair (sword)
Mallery: Due Trust (sword)
Manning: Pride's Protector (sword)
Massey: Diligence (longsword)
Rambtom: Dominion (sword)
Rollingford: Red Spring (sword)
Rosby: Stranger's Touch (sword)
Ryyker: Grievance (sword) [House Darklyn]
Staunton: Soaring Virtue (sword)
Stokeworth: Good Faith (broadsword)
Sunglass: Starlight (greatsword)
Thorne: Torment (sword)
Wendwater: Resilience (sword)
Velaryon: Maelstrom (longsword), Riptide (longsword)
Dorne: (19)
Martell: Heaven's Eye (spear),
Allyrion: Omen (sword)
Blackmont: Vengeance (sword)
Dalt: Sour Edge (sword)
Dayne: Dawn (great sword)*, Dusk (longsword)
Fowler: Ascension (sword)
Gargalen: Mother's Tears (sword)
Jordayne: Fate (sword)
Ladybright: Brilliance (sword)
Manwoody: Eternity (sword)
Qorgyle: Venom (sword)
Santagar: Constancy (battle axe)
Toland: Spiritcaller (sword)
Uller: Hellfire (longsword)
Vaith: Desolation (sword)
Yronwood: Black Guardian (sword)
Wells: Paradise (sword)
Wyl: Bonecutter (sword)
Iron Islands (18)
Greyjoy: Sea Devil (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Blacktyde: Challenger (sword) [House Charlton, Riverlands]
Botley: Anguish (sword) [House Payne, Westerlands]
Codd: Infamy (sword) [House Deddings, Riverlands]
Drumm: Red Rain (bastard sword)* [House Reyne, Westerlands]
Farwynd: Wayfarer (sword) [House Vance, Riverlands]
Goodbrother: Screamer (sword) [Essosi sailor]
Harlaw: Nightfall (longsword)* [Dalton Greyjoy <- Essosi sailor]
Ironmaker: Bloodsurge (sword) [House Osgrey, Reach]
Kenning: Nagga's Daughter (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Merlyn: Torrent (sword) [House Waterman, North]
Myre: Battlelover (arakh) [Essosi sailor <- Dothraki khal]
Orkwood: Fishfeeder (battle axe) [House Shawney, Riverlands]
Saltcliffe: Upsurge (sword) [House Goodbrook, Riverlands]
Sunderly: Seawhisper (cutlass) [Essosi sailor]
Tawney: Blight (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Volmark: Valor (sword) [House Oakheart, Reach]
Wynch: Moonshard (sword) [Essosi sailor]
North (20)
Stark: Ice (great sword)*, Thought (dagger), Memory (dagger)
Ashwood: Glad of War (sword)
Bolton: Honesty (flaying knife)
Cassel: Perseverance (sword)
Cerwyn: Fine Point (sword)
Condon: Resistance (sword)
Dustin: Barrowkeeper (sword)
Glover: Fidelity (sword)
Hornwood: Frostbite (sword)
Ironsmith: Deathforger (sword)
Karstark: Cold Glory (claymore)
Lightfoot: Steady Foe (sword)
Locke: Hoarguard (sword)
Manderly: Merling's Wrath (trident)
Mormont: Longclaw (bastard sword)*
Ryswell: Nightmare (sword)
Tallhart: Evergreen (sword)
Umber: Giant's Tooth (great sword)
Reach (40):
Tyrell: Rose Thorn (longsword) [House Gardener]
Ambrose: Endurance (sword)
Ashford: Clarity (sword)
Beesbury: Stinger (sword)
Bridges: Unity (sword)
Bulwer: Red Kiss (sword)
Caswell: Father's Justice (bastard Sword)
Chester: Malice (sword)
Cockshow: Remembrance (sword)
Cordwayner: Principle (sword)
Costayne: Last Love (sword)
Crane: Sentry (sword)
Cuy: Joy (sword)
Dunn: Sacrifice (sword)
Florent: Cunning (sword)
Footly: Solitude (sword)
Fossoway: Pleasure (sword)
Graceford: Piety (sword)
Grimm: Misery (sword)
Hewett: Melancholy (sword)
Hightower: Vigilance (longsword)*
Hunt: Mastery (sword)
Hutcheson: Splendor (sword)
Kidwell: Eternal Bond (sword)
Leygood: Intuition (sword)
Lowther: Legacy (sword)
Meadows: Poppy Blossom (sword)
Merryweather: Plenitude (sword)
Mullendore: Revival (sword)
Pommingham: Perdition (sword)
Redding: Fortune (sword)
Redwyne: Bloodthirst (sword)
Rhysling: Warden (sword)
Rowan: Passion (bastard sword)
Roxton: Orphan Maker (longsword)*
Serry: Massacre (sword)
Shermer: Proven Will (longsword)
Tarly: Heartsbane (great sword)*
Webber: Spiderbite (sword)
Wythers: Vitality (sword)
Riverlands (18):
Tully: Devotion (longsword)
Lord of Harrenhal: Lifedrinker (scimitar) [House Hoare <- Essosi sailor]
Blackwood: Peacekeeper (sabre)
Blanetree: Amber Charm (longsword)
Bracken: Willbreaker (sabre)
Butterwell: Rumination (sword)
Cox: Riverguard (sword)
Darry: Mourning (bastard sword)
Frey: Toll Taker (sword)
Mallister: Mercy (broadsword)
Mooton: Champion (broadsword)
Paege: Bloodbond (sword)
Piper: Maiden's Kiss (sword)
Roote: Liberty (sword)
Ryger: Remorse (sword)
Smallwood: Harmony (sword)
Terrick: Steel Screech (sword)
Vypren: Prudence (sword)
Stormlands (24):
Baratheon: Fury (great sword) [House Durrandon]
Bolling: Defiance (bastard sword)
Buckler: Security (sword)
Cafferen: Bloom (sword)
Caron: Silencer (sword)
Connington: Griffin's Bite (sword)
Dondarrion: Sure Strike (bastard sword)
Estermont: Wisdom (sword)
Kellington: Influence (sword)
Fell: Moonshadow (sword)
Grandison: Long Sleep (sword)
Gower: Undoing (sword)
Horpe: Blessed Memory (longsword)
Lonmouth: Wraith Lover (longsword)
Mertyns: Seer (sword)
Morrigen: Phantom Queen (bastard sword)
Penrose: Achievement (bastard Sword)
Rogers: Mystery (sword)
Selmy: Warrior's Triumph (longsword)
Staedmon: Heavy Heart (dagger)
Swann: Swansong (great sword)
Tarth: Twilight (bastard sword)
Trant: Hatred (sword) [House Toyne]
Wylde: Raindancer (sword)
Vale (22):
Arryn: Talon (broadsword)
Belmore: Deathtoll (sword)
Coldwater: Vigor (sword)
Corbray: Lady Forlorn (longsword)*
Donniger: First Blush (sword)
Egen: Expanse (sword)
Grafton: Crone's Light (sword)
Hersy: Overflow (sword)
Hunter: Decimation (sword)
Lipps: Praise (sword)
Lynderly: Snakebite (sword)
Melcolm: Balance (sword)
Moore: Humility (spear)
Pryor: Eclipse (sword)
Redfort: Ruby Rage (bastard sword)
Royce: Lamentation (longsword)*
Ruthermont: Shadowsteel (sword)
Sunderland: Fang (sword)
Templeton: Reverence (sword)
Upcliff: Sorcery (bastard sword)
Waxley: Beacon (sword)
Waynwood: Threadcutter (bastard sword)
Westerlands (20):
Lannister: Brightroar (great sword)*
Algood: Justifier (sword)
Banefort: Corpsemaker (sword)
Brax: Silver Promise (longsword)
Broom: Loyalty (sword)
Crakehall: Tusk (broadsword)
Estren: True Majesty (sword)
Farman: Sunset's Call (sword)
Hawthorne: Ruination (sword)
Lefford: Golden Grace (sword)
Lydden: Deepgrave (sword)
Marbrand: Cinder (bastard sword)
Plumm: Gilded Trust (sword)
Prester: Willpower (bastard sword)
Serrett: Smith's Pride (sword)
Turnberry: Sweet Victory (sword)
Vikary: Crimson Courage (sword)
Westerling: Purity (sword)
Yarwyck: Reckoning (bastard sword)
Yew: Conviction (longsword)
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triangleguy · 1 year
kinda sad ill never have anatomy class again mainly because i got to use bonecutters and it fucking rocked. Someone buy me bonecutters so i can sit in the yard and break sticks with them
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boonesfarmsangria · 2 years
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FOALS at Mission Ballroom by Alden Bonecutter
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razors-tv · 1 year
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The Bark, Bone, and Blood DLC is available NOW! 🦴
It includes
Legendary Hunter - Iron Bark 🐺
Caldwell Rival 78 - Bonecutter 🦴
LeMat Mark II - Hunter's Guide 🎯
Knuckle Knife - Traitor’s Tooth 🦷
Become the Iron Bark - bit.ly/47jidzz
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Neopronouns Suggestion: Surgery / Surgeon Themed 3rd Person
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elliepassmore · 2 months
Mirror of Beasts release!
With the dream of Avalon in ruins, Tamsin and her friends are all that stands in the way of Lord Death's plans to unleash the horrors of Anwnn on the world of the living. As the Wild Hunt carves a bloody path across continents, Tamsin is mustering allies, tracking down powerful artifacts, and traversing into new otherlands in search of a way to stop him.
Legend tells of a “Mirror of Beasts,” powerful enough to trap even Lord Death in its accursed glass, but the mirror is not all that it seems. Tamsin must confront her own darkest secrets if she hopes to tap the mirror's strength to defeat her enemies.
Arthurian legend bleeds into contemporary action, and scars of the past are torn open anew by a starcrossed love that refuses to go quietly.
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Barnes & Noble
Tamsin and her friends are immediately set on a new adventure and this time it's a race against the clock. I really enjoyed seeing them quest in 'our' world and how the Avalonians had to adapt to things like cellphones and Christmas decorations. The friendship of the group also develops more and I liked seeing Tamsin come out of her shell a little to bond with the others. And of course I liked seeing how things played out with Emrys.
There are new dangers in this one, both from the Wild Hunt and from other Hollowers, and allies are found in unexpected places. I really liked Bonecutter in particular and found her to be funny. We get to see a little more of the enchantresses' side of things as well, though that doesn't always go in the group's favor. I enjoyed the new allies and enemies alike and thought they were good additions to the story.
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New to Tamsin's world? Learn more with my full review of Silver in the Bone. I also have a more in-depth review of this book!
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eagletek · 2 years
A Performance Analysis of JavaScript’s Array.prototype.filter | by Jordan Bonecutter | Feb, 2023
Diving deep into this powerful feature Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash Filter has all the caveats of “some”, but it will always iterate over the entire array instead of halting at a single element. The caveats of “some” are: Some has the overhead of a function invocation to be invoked every single iteration. Essentially, the reasoning is that filter requires a function call that has some…
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robotpoetry · 2 years
She Could Not Speak Stier
A Lamb Twas On The Bonecutter
Till Into My House Flight
Bore An Eye Of The Lafite
Seven Days Of Joy Sit In Buntain
And Jealousy A Glass Caine
Oft Beside Thee Do Not Panzer
In The Garden Of Heitzenrater
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in the horizon discord we were talking about the Bonecutter again, but this time with forest god accessories
plantless, mudless clean pic under the cut
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