#bones jcc
gh0stwithagun · 2 months
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self indulgent Bones stimboard (Jackpot Crash Course) reqs open <3
x x x / x x x / x x x
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zevuux · 2 months
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bones jackpot crash course doodles
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racheldrawsthis · 2 months
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been trying to experiment w 2000s/grungy type illustrations lately
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vaunteir · 1 month
now that is a walking will wood reference if i've ever seen it
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peachybun-bun · 3 years
Sooooo on the topic of climbing Johnny like a tree...
Imagine going rock climbing with him (thank you JCC for fulfilling my imagination). You'd get so distracted by his arms, his shirt riding up, that you can't even make it he before you're trying to jump his bones in the car 🙄 (would he even let you?)
Listen I am weak for Johnny Suh and I swear I will either climb him like a tree or flick a quarter at his ass to see if it bounces off. Basically I will get arrested if I ever see him in person.
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You watch with a raised brow as you try to hang on to the hand supports, as Johnny climbs further up the rock wall. He is doing much better than you, but that is to be expected.
Is your mouth dry because of exertion or is it that his shirt keeps riding up. You gasp as you lose your footing, happy you are only a foot from the ground as you fall backwards and land on your ass, staring up at Johnny, who looks down at your gasp.
"You okay?"
Nodding, you laugh and stand up, brushing your backside off. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just slipped. You look good, Johnny...I mean you're doing really good."
He smirks a bit, reaching for the last hand hold, his bicep bulging that much more as his shirt lifts, exposing his fresh tattoo and making you feel a bit weak at the knees.
"Thanks, babe. This is fun. Don't you wanna try again?"
You laugh and shake your head. "You're a bit stronger than me, I think."
Johnny carefully climbs down to you, landing perfectly on his feet next to you. He laughs a bit and tilts his head, wiping chalk off the back of your leggings, making your cheeks flush and shy from him a bit as you look around.
"We are in public."
Laughing, Johnny holds up his hands and starts to take off the shoes, gesturing for you to sit down doing the same for you. "You did really good, Y/N."
You nod, eyes transfixed on his collarbones and arms as he moves around your legs.
Looking up, Johnny laughs and narrows his eyes. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head?"
"Yes...wait, no. Can we go? I really think we need to go."
Laughing again, Johnny rolls his eyes and hands off the shoes to the attendant, before offering you his hand, which you take, getting to your feet and moving by his side. "What's so urgent?"
You smirk up at him as your free hand slides over his forearm, making him raise a brow and smirk a bit, matching yours.
"I'm sorry, are we leaving because you have lady boner?"
You reach up to smack his shoulder, making him laugh. "Yes, now get me out of this place before I drag you behind one of these walls and have my way with you."
Johnny raises his brows and bites his lip. "Tempting...very tempting, but I think you'll just have to wait until we get home. I had plenty of exercise, but it seems like you need to be stretched out."
Cheeks flushing, you gasp at his dirty talk, but follow it with a smirk, liking the way his mind worked.
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rainbow-femme · 3 years
So I’m… Having a bit of a rough time at the moment
It’s not just the isolated work thing, although being screwed over with no compensation for doing triple the work and having none of it be acknowledged as experience when they moved me to my “lateral” change from administrative assistant to bookkeeper absolutely sucks
But the more I think about it the more I realize this isn’t an isolated incident but part of a worrying trend of things that happened recently
One thing that had been overshadowed in the moment that I thought more about yesterday is I found out right before the compensation issue that while I was in the midst of working three positions for them, they were planning on letting me go once the people I was covering for came back. I was talking to the department I support about them moving to an office at the JCC and the department head casually said “Oh and I checked in with the JCC, they still don’t know when they’ll give us an administrative assistant over there so we’ll still need some support from you for a few weeks.” I did the math, and based on when they finalized negotiations for the move and when the person I’m replacing announced her retirement, they had been planning for 1-2 months to let my position go once the JCC found someone to give them, or when the people I was covering for came back, whichever came second. They did not tell me this when they offered me the new position, so if I didn’t feel it was a good fit and turned it down I would have accidentally found out about my impending layoff on Thursday
And it’s not just me. The reason I was doing 3 positions is because 3 people went on leave. One on family leave to care for her mother in law with dementia, one on medical leave for aggressive chemo and then bone marrow surgery, and one on maternity leave.
Family Leave came back first. She was the CEOs executive assistant and had that position for 20 years. They decided to replace her permanently with the temp covering for her and Medical Leave, so she came back to a new job supporting two directors with tasks she’d not done before, and they’d let the temp keep her office so she was put in a cube that someone else’s stuff was in with her things in boxes. Luckily she was across from me and had taken one of my tasks so I could teach her
Except that task wasn’t mine, it was Maternity Leave’s. I texted her and told her and she texted back “Then what am I going to be doing?” Well she came back and was told day one her position was now part time. She just added a huge new expense in her life and her job was now part time.
Medical Leave isn’t back yet, but half his job was a project I took over that mainly ends in a few weeks, and will only have minor duties after that. He was the executive assistant to one of our directors, but now that the temp has been assisting them both I can’t imagine they’ll be interested in paying two people full time for what one is doing, given their track record, so I’m afraid he’s going to come back with over $100k in medical debt and years of doctor appointments and medications ahead and be told he’s also part time now
We’ve got two part time workers who each only do one program and they’re pregnant and going to go on leave soon. I’m afraid their jobs will be “temporarily” given to other people then permanently under them and these women will lose their jobs too
And hell, I’m scared for me. They already redistributed the tasks of this new job a lot, what happens if they decide they can give a bit more to the other two finance people and I don’t need to be full time either? I lose family insurance in 3 months, I’ve got bills, I can’t afford to be blindsided by being told my position is part time now
I’ve been thinking “I don’t know how long I want to work there now” but now I’m thinking “Will I even get a choice in how long I work there?”
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noodlekugel · 6 years
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Tonight, I saw Andre Aciman at the Manhattan JCC with @all-things-all-the-time! He was in conversation with Debra Granik, the director of Leave No Trace and Winter's Bone, talking about the transition from book to screen.
Things we learned from Andre:
-He's working on a sequel but doesn't consider it a sequel. It's an "inbetweenquel", meaning it takes place between when Oliver leaves the first summer and when Oliver and Elio meet again 20 years later. The book will follow Elio, Oliver, and Professor Perlman.
-In the original script, the only time he suggested changing something was before Sammy's big speech. The original script had Sammy and Annella talking about if Elio and Oliver are in a relationship, and they mentioned a new disease that's going around the gay community. He thought they should cut that because the speech loses the impact of the surprise of him saying, "maybe more than a friendship."
-Andre had no idea who Sufjan Stevens was before he wrote the two songs for the film, and his son told him he couldn't believe his ignorance.
-he can only picture Armie as Oliver and Timothée as Elio, and can't remember how he originally described or pictured them.
-Andre had no interest in going to Sundance because it was far away, cold, and he figured the film would be seen there and then disappear to DVD life. He never imagined what it would become.
-once he sold the film rights, he didn't care what changes were made - he saw film and prose as different art forms and tools, and was just happy people were reading his work.
I'll add more as I remember it!
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allofthefeelings · 6 years
Someone commented something on one of my Jewish MCU headcanon posts a few weeks ago, and I’ve been thinking about it and finally felt ready to reply, but I can’t find it now (or even which of the posts it was on), so it’s getting its own post.
Their comment was something about how maybe the character (I thought it was Peter Parker, but I may be misremembering- I have done a LOT of Jewish headcanon posts) isn’t Orthodox, so he wouldn’t celebrate Shabbat so he could still fight crime then.
And it tied in, in my head (although probably not that person’s intent!) to a lot of discussions I’ve seen on Jumblr the past few months, which equate how traditionally observant you are with how observant you are full stop. And as a Reform Jew, on the more secular side, these conversations have been hitting me harder than I’d expected.
I don’t do a lot of things that people consider “really Jewish.” I don’t follow rules of modesty, I rarely if ever go to synagogue (I technically don’t have one, because I quit my parents’ when the Rabbi made comments about Israel I disagreed with and haven’t yet found a new one), I don’t speak Hebrew and can only read it phonetically, I spend most of Friday night and Saturday screwing around on the internet or shopping for comics, and I enjoy a good meat lasagna sometimes.
But some other stuff about me: I went to a Jewish preschool, attended Hebrew school twice a week until I was in ninth grade, got Bat Mitzvahed and Confirmed. My mom was president of the Temple Sisterhood for years. I buy challah every week and keep Kosher for Passover and when I accidentally ate a bite of pork I was so horrified I made myself sick. My family’s important gatherings are Pesach and Rosh Hashanah. My grandma lived in a Jewish neighborhood (which I live in now) all her life, and interspersed Yiddish phrases into conversations that I didn’t realize weren’t “regular English” for years (but until the day she died she pronounced the holiday “Yum Kipper”). My dad’s program is at our local JCC. I have prayer books that I read when I need to re-center myself. I’ve gone to enthusiastic Torah study and felt incredibly myself in a room full of people passionately picking apart a story using their very selves as the tools to dig deeper. When things in my life got bad, I have talked to rabbis to get a deeper sense of how Judaism impacts my life in addition to talking to therapists. I use lights and electronics Friday evening into Saturday, and I’ll do fun stuff like attend comic cons and hard stuff like take care of my dad, but I try not to do work for my job because the idea of taking time to heal so you can fix the world the rest of the time is embedded in my bones. The way I was raised prioritized learning and asking questions and helping others in a way that my family never hesitated to tell me was rooted in our religion.
And even if none of these things were true, my Judaism would still matter to me and influence how I live my life.
Observance isn’t a switch you can flick on and off, or even a light with a dimmer. It’s not a question of being more or less Jewish. It’s an amalgamation of years of upbringing and education and history and belief and priorities. (I can’t think of a clearer way to say this, but I am emphatically not saying that Jews by choice are not observant; I am saying every Jewish person’s upbringing is part of what led them to the form of Judaism they choose to embrace.) Orthodox and Conservative and Reform and Reconstructionist Jews give different aspects of the religion different weights. That doesn’t make any more religious or more observant. That doesn’t make any belief less sincere or deeply-felt or likely to strongly influence behavior, whether that means giving to charities or going to protest marches or putting on a mask and fighting street-level supervillains.
So- back to the original question, which maybe wasn’t even a question; it could have just been a throwaway statement that I couldn’t get out of the back of my mind.
I welcome anyone who reads my headcanons to read Peter or Pepper or Natasha or Coulson or Jess or Bucky or ANY OTHER CHARACTER, any way you please. I’m Reform, and my understanding of Judaism is through that lens- including observing Shabbat and knowing Jewish holidays and attending youth group and keeping Kosher. I do some minimal Wikipedia-ing to make sure my memory’s accurate, but what you’re seeing is the result of a Reform Jewish education.
That said, if any of these characters being frum brings you joy, and what I wrote let you see that, by all means read them that way. They’re certainly not mine, and the MCU in particular is a pretty big sandbox for all of us. I’m not at all saying that, if these characters are Jewish, they’re Jewish exactly like me.
Just don’t assume that being actively, consciously Jewish means you can’t be Reform or Reconstructionist. I have many, many role models in my life who prove that is emphatically not the case.
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beritanews · 3 years
Produk Tudung Saji Bone Juara II di Inacraft 2022
Produk Tudung Saji Bone Juara II di Inacraft 2022
BERITA.NEWS,Jakarta– Gubernur Andi Sudirman Sulaiman apresiasi produk kerajinan Tudung Saji Bone berhasil meraih juara 2 di International Handicraft Trade Fair (Inacraft) 2022. Perhelatan event International Handicraft Trade Fair (Inacraft) 2022 ini terselenggara di Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Rabu, 23 – 27 Maret. Kerajinan dari Bone ini harus bersaing dengan 1000 produk dari…
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shytiff · 3 years
Feb 2022
1 - ive slept so much and i slept again in the morning to afternoon lmao. wingstop and kangkung for lunch. afternoon shift that got hectic at 6-7 pm
2 - i rly riy dont feel like doing anything today huftt. muesli for bfast. slept. cooked the fillet tilapia for late lunch and ate it with kangkung. night shift here we go
3 - chaotic night shift without sleep. STEMI on fibrinolytic in IGD, altered consciousness due to suspected COVID myocarditis. hurriedly packed my stuff and off to AR. 7.15 from cilegon with arimbi and arrived at about 10.30 ish? ~3 hrs. ate truffle belly for lunch. napped. bought chicken master. i ate banana toast and chicken. fianti didnt want to go outside so she canceled going to pop up, but thankfull racheel could accompany me. watched venom carnage
4 - om amin came to ask for ailments for his medical complaints. off to racheel’s house. bts pop up at sency!! was so excited when i saw the actual thing. bought a brown hoodie at a 40% discounted price, totaling about 1.3 mio. imaging buying it at the full price lmaoo. its a good thing i came ‘late’. the actual price on weverse shop is just 95000 won (about 1.1 mio) and the delivery fee was ~30000 won. so racheel said its like im buying the hoodie without the tax. we tried to search for the mirror stuff in plaza senayan (and did not find it). lunch at mangkokku senayan park and saw the bridge above (even though the other part was off limits since youre supposed to bring receipt now) but its okay. we sat and watched two girls took some photos. walked to senayan jcc to go back. mistakenly gojeked solaria AND daily box for some reason. the portion of daily box was too little but the tteokpokki tasted good. 
5 - juan’s flight got delayed so i left the house before him (originally planned to go after he went). ate my smoked chicken solaria. off to the rest area. took arimbi bogor-merak (40k cost). left the house at 09.30 and arrived at mess 12.30. ate arirang bone marrow. afternoon shift was quite hectic even though the patients i handled totaled to 4 that shift. i rly need to manage time more. i guess im not used to heckin busy ER so its a learning experience. chatted in mess and suddenly its 12 pm
6 - woke up at 8. saw zihan frantically contacting me to ask about a patient. its my fault that i turned off my wifi. i shouldve turned it on... wonder why when im not on the radar stuff happen and when i turn on wifi nothing happens haha. afternoon shift and its quite hectic. sleep sleep!! u rly need to stop waking up so late
7 - i woke up late lol. cant bring myself to do anything. late bfast is cereal and late lunch is chicken breast. started cherry blossom after winter. its rly pure, wholesome, the characters are communicative, its sweet, realistic but entertaining without being too heavy. night shift today. got 4 handover patients. 
8 - did not get the chance to sleep. there’s some down time but its too short and my mind is too buzzing for me to take a nap. walked a bit to palm hills after shift. theres almost no one around, so much silence and nice nature sounds that i took off my headphones for a bit. ate nasi uduk at my usual favorite place. slept. woke up at around 11:30. my head kind of hurts for a bit so i ate muesli. read cherry blossom until the latest chapter (lolll its 100+ ch). activated my gopaylater and ordered some gofood but the gofood server was down so i ate 3 sausages and some chocolate waters for dinner. discovered yeogaeul and her vlogs are rly nice!! it portrays jkt in a whole different light
9 - woke up late (i rly need to stop doing this). bought some stuff from eat banoffee since it rarely gets promo. tried mini blueberry cheesecake, korean garlic bread and their kopsus. did some borang. its all delicious and the coffee doent separate from the coffee. ran a bit in the evening and bought fried chicken for lunch. 
10 - jjajangmyeon for sahur. morning shift. bought some chicken and fish from best mart. fried and seared the chicken. felt rly sleepy after iftar. 
11 - its rly2 hard to get off bed today. left the bed at about 12-ish. drank some leftover kopsus for motivation. ate chicken and rice with mayo and yeogaeul’s vlog. had patient with severe head injury that ended up with code blue. he didnot make it. i may or may not have heard some sounds of bones cracking... also had confirmed covid-19 patient with asthma. had to go back and forth to see the patient since there was no family with him. got free rice from igd. wa call with atikah
12 - i keep waking up late huhu. woke up with a bit of headache. ordered sushiboox cilegon. it tasted quite horrible that i forgot how sushis are supposed to taste like lmao. the denial was rly real to go to shift. cooked fish fillet and egg rice for lunch. 
13 - suuper in denial about shift. bought kanayam for lunch. laundry. evening shift
14 - liqo. ran a bit. bought some egg and groceries. night shift. couple of impatient patients. tried to sleep immediately
15 - woke up again to go to morning shift. ate left over sushiboox for breakfast. glad i ate that bcs i didnt get the chance to even pray zuhur bcs its that hectic hhh. ate macaroni and mom’s sauce and cheese. felt sooo full and sleepy. fell asleep. woke up. whatsapp call with ara for 1.5+ hrs. 
16 - woke up late. first day of period. all of renata’s group mates are positive, so i suggested that she also became “positive” lol. tri stayed away from us that day lol. ate renata’s cooking for lunch. shrimp and long beans. i rly miss veggies. tried oatside with protein powder and its delicious. the milk does not make me feel “eneg” on its own. ran a bit. went to superindo and it actually have some nice items with good price. it also has arirang. i also just figured it out this day that superindo has funcity. it has been a while since i last went out with my motor bike and it felt refreshing. filled the air on the tires. had sliced bread + egg and sliced bread + ceres for dinner. Read illegal You Do You book and tried DISC personality test. read natsumexmikan fanfic until late at night lmaooo
17 - woke up late. pretended to have swabbed lol. bought veggies. banana chocolate toast for late late breakfast. cooked veggies and ate it with sausage and kerupuk seblak. night shift today
18 - did not get the chance to nap. i could lay down but i felt anxious laying there while kaka2 DU did not sleep. mendel was scheduled for the morning shift but he cant come and the DU rly need someone on triage so i extended a bit while waiting for confirmation from bang esa and zihan. went back to get some food to eat for bfast. finished shift at about 8. kak uwi was very against me extending lol. off to jkt at 8.40 and arrived at rest area 11-ish but i waited for mom in indomaret. ahhh home sweet home. i basically just slept that day and woke up for dinner. and then i think i read some fanfic and slept
19 - mom and the rest went to living world, so i spent the morning relaxing and eating bfast alone. lazed. replied to Prof’s WA about new ppt that needs to be done. i rly need to get that done but yall know what happens hahaha. off to racheel;s place to meet up with silv dev. we ate yamin 33 and went to batavia pik. its a nice weather and we rented bikes and lazed on the grass. i got headache when i got back lol i think its bcs of the winds on the way and i onnly wore tshirt and not jacketed up. ate dinner at 9 pm and slept like a baby
20 - woke up and hurriedly went to racheel to surprise atikah. we bought fruits and kue tete. met up and talked a bit while eating moon chicken. and then i have to go back again. left the house 11.15 and emir drove all the way, supervised by mom. arrived at 12.40ish. lunch was mom’s sukiyaki and veggies in the fridge. afternoon shift with kak uwi kak yustin. hectic as always hhhh. trying to get used to this. talked about stuff with ness after shift and took a shower close to the day change lol
21 - woke up latee and opened my laptop to fill this tumblr and reply to chats. ate mom’s teriyaki meat and veggie. packed veggie, rice and teri for dinner. thankfully the shift with kak uwi kak yustin was... quite peaceful. i can breathe again. a quick google call with some peeps and pak jul peeped in lol. tried to quickly unwind so i can immediately sleep but i still end up sleeping at 12
22 - woke up, prayed, slept again. ate muesli (new muesli this time, still prefer sports muesli though). did laundry. did 1 youtube workout for beginner. watched some youtube. most of the laundry dried in the sun yey. ate rice (mom’s sukiyaki lmaooo i tried to eat it sparingly so it can last longer hohoho). opened up my laptop to type this while eating japota honey butter. night shift (w kak yasser kak ardi) at the triage. quite a “safe” shift. there was a bleeding pregnant patient and there was no midwife so Asoka told me to VT the patient first. i had no idea what i just did lmaoo thank god the midwife came. the moment i laid down at kamjag 3 patients came
23 - laid down a bit from 5 am. walked a bit to alfamidi after shift to take money but muamalat is acting up again. bought veggies. ate muesli. slept. ate mom’s sukiyaki uyey. never get tired of it. lazed. tried to open my laptop but end up downloading and trying tandem. there goes my chance to do borang 
24 - woke up late. muesli for late breakfast. i rly need to do some work so i went to DW (its been a while!) and tried to do ppt. there’s just a little progress but i got the gist of things to do for 1 ppt. labbaik chicken for dindin.
25 - morning shift. put my muesli and milk in the mcd tumbler and ate it at kamjag. a “safe” shift. still had some energy so i ran a bit after the shift and ate sate ayam. felt suuper sleepy so i laid down and end up falling asleep until like 8.30 pm. so much for saved energy thats supposed to be used for ppt making aaaaa
26 - woke up late. i always woke up late astagfirullah. and then suddenly its almost 1 pm and i had to shower and eat. packed muesli and cimory banana milk. safe shift alhamdulillah. got to eat the muesli and pray before the shift ended. no handover. i find it difficult to sleep immediately and lately ive been sleeping at 12 am. 
27 - wtfff i heard tri waking me up but i slept again and woke up at 10-11. lazed. ate the last of mom’s sukiyaki and tauge. i dont know why suddenly its evening. 
28 - ate muesli and roti sisir. slept. woke up before 12. put my blanket to laundry. ate at RM bu mamak (34k lol but the meatball taste like meat and the chicken was delicious) and went to jannor. i misss this place. the barista is different than who i usually see. the kopsus taste a bit different from usual. finished and sent 1 ppt for Prof. prayed at some random empty mosque. shopped a bit at hypermart. tidied up to sleep and put on sheet mask. slept quite early but i woke up at 10-ish due to headache. took PCT. eventually slept again at 12. im beginning to think that my circadian rhythm is fucked now. wide awake at night and rousing at 11-12 am huhu
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alexstorm · 4 years
Arielle doesnt have an intellectual/artsy bone on her body. She idolises Justin Bieber ffs. All an act, liked JCC just cos Alex did. The same way Taylor was suddenly into Cohen and Kubrick and Louise randomly loving the Strokes in 2019. Both Taylor & Louise namedrop Mina via Alex, which was originally Miles' thing. I remember Arielle posing with Sam Haskin's Gill from TAOTU ("I love Gill") which was originally Alexa's obessession back in 2007. Arielle/Taylor/Louise all water down to things Alex is into, or things Alex obsseses over because Miles & Alexa like them so therefore he does.
Well, that’s not news, is it?!
None of his girls had any interests of their own. And if they had they certainly clashed with Alex’s and took a backseat.
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zevuux · 2 months
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Bones from jackpot crash course idk hes pretty
I really love him jcmckckckcocmc
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technogeekstmr · 4 years
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market 2020– 2027 Latest Innovations, Drivers, Dynamics And Strategic Analysis, Challenges
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market – Introduction        
Fitness and recreational sports centers are engaged in offering fitness and recreational sports services such as exercise, aerobic dance, racquetball, handball, gymnasium and tennis club facilities, physical fitness centers, ice or roller skating rinks, and swimming or wave pools.
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market – Competition Landscape
Gold’s Gym International, Inc.
Founded in 1965, Gold’s Gym International, Inc. is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, U.S. and operates fitness and health clubs. The company provides group exercise, weight training, personal training, cardiovascular training, and yoga. The company also sells and markets fitness equipment, apparel, and nutritional products. Gold’s Gym International, Inc. has a presence in over 700 locations, serving nearly 3 million people around six continents every day. The company provides both traditional and digital (such as 3D scanning technology) personal training options to gym users around the globe.
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The McFIT GmbH (RSG Group)
Incorporated in 1997, The McFIT GmbH (RSG Group) is based in Schlüsselfeld, Germany. The company offers fitness studio services and provides free weights, equipment training, box workout, endurance training, and other workouts. The company also offers various types of courses such as live courses (new), cyberobics, and open group workout. It has approximately 246 studios serving 1.4 million members in Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, and Poland. In 2019, the company became part of RSG Group. The RSG Group ensures that fitness is an integral part of the active everyday life of people.
Town Sports International Holdings, Inc.
Based in New York, the U.S., Town Sports International Holdings, Inc. has experience of more than 46 years in health fitness clubs. The company offers basketball courts, pools, racquet sports, and several other recreational activities, as well as personal training, steam room and sauna, massage, fitness assessments, and sports clubs for kids. It has more than 100 clubs in 14 states in the U.S. and serves around 600,000 members across the country.
Major companies operating in the global fitness and recreational sports centers market are Gold’s Gym International, Inc., Planet Fitness Franchising, LLC, Life Time, Inc., Town Sports International Holdings, Inc., Konami Sports, The McFIT GmbH (RSG Group), CrossFit, Inc., Equinox Fitness, SUNY Cortland Recreational Sports, MIT Recreation, 24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc., David Lloyd Leisure Ltd., and Schenectady JCC.
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market – Driver
Shifting Consumer Preference Toward a Healthy Lifestyle
Increasing awareness about the benefits of a fit and healthy life is projected to drive the number of people in gyms and who take part in recreational sports, thus boosting the growth of the fitness and recreational sports centers market during the forecast period. Growing circumstances of obesity and lowering of bone density and increase in occurrence of osteoporosis have encouraged individuals to focus on their fitness and health. Moreover, rising disposable income of consumers is anticipated to drive the growth of the global fitness and recreational sports centers market throughout the forecast years.
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Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market – Segmentation
The global fitness and recreational sports centers market can be segmented based on:
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market, by Type
In terms of type, the global fitness and recreational sports centers market can be divided into:
Aerobic Dance
Handball Sports
Racquet Sports
Global Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Market, by Age
Based on age, the global fitness and recreational sports centers market can be segregated into:
Below 35
Aged 35-54
Above 54
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fromchaostocosmos · 8 years
I occasionally am seeing that fucking tweet ivanka wrote about the jcc bomb threats and generally i’ve seen it applauded.
Thing is she doesn’t deserve any credit and that tweet is garbage.
Now i won’t deny that i hate her because i do. Like she makes me want to throw up. Just even seeing her name makes my blood boil.
I legit hate and want her and her husband who I also hate and makes my blood boil to put in charem.
I don’t want them buried in a Jewish cemetery or near any Jews.
I hope that their bones are dug up and chewed on by dogs and that pigs shit in their skulls and their souls find no rest even after death.
like i really fucking hate them.
i really didn’t think i could hate either of them anymore then i already did.
but like then they lied about what little Judaism they practice and they hang out with neo-nazis and they don’t care.
that is what gets me.
like if you gonna pretend you care about Jewish community it is too little to late.
also Jews discriminated against not just for religion. We deal with racial hate a fuck ton not that your blonde haired blue eyed white ass would ever know what that is like.
also what took you so fucking long to give a shit about jcc bombs is maybe that your daddy is being called out for his antisemitism so you wanna play no he good to jews see i jewish (even though a lot of evidence that is shady conversion)
also that tweet could not be so bland and so not actually saying anything.
like you didn’t even use the words antisemitism once. also putting #jcc doesn’t mean shit.
also thank you so much for being such a greedy pig because guess who suffers for it not you.
but rather jews everywhere. we get blamed for your fucks up so thanks a fuckton for that.
like i said really fucking hate jared and ivanka.
i hate them so much and what really really gets me is that every crime they commit not just in a legal sense but crimes against their fellow people as well they get away with.
and instead all other Jews get the blame.
it is not fair.
so I curse ivanka and jared. May you never live to see the days of Mosiach, may your souls never find rest, may you never return in the days of Mosiach, may your bones be dug up and chewed on by animals, and may your names and memories be obliterated and erased. 
for each life you ruin and hurt i curse you a thousand times
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jatamansi-arc · 8 years
Shabbat Sh’mot 5777
20 January 2017 Rabbi Michael Adam Latz Shir Tikvah Congregation
Cry Unto Pharaoh!
ויקם מלך חדש על מצרים אשר לא ידע את יוסף
A new pharaoh rose up over Egypt who knew not Joseph. Now, when we ended the book of Genesis last week, Joseph and Pharoah had a close relationship—you remember how cozy those two were, saving all the Egyptians and the Children of Jacob by planning ahead; well, the Jews thought they had it made in the Egyptian shade. Not so much. Over the years, this new pharaoh strategically and intentionally made life more and more difficult for the Israelites: taking away their rights, enslaving them, beating them, challenging their basic dignity.
וַיֵּאָ נְ ח֧ ּו בְ נֵֵּֽ י־יִ שְ רָ אֵּ ֵ֛ ל מִ ן־הָ עֲבֹ דָ ָ֖ ה ַוִי ְזָָ֑עקּו
The Israelites groaned under the bondage and cried out; 
The new pharaoh was cruel and paranoid, indecent and violent. So we cried out to God—
We cried out to resist tyranny. Because we knew in our bones that slavery and human dignity are incompatible.
Raise your hand if you know the name of the person who delivers your mail? How about the name of the person who picks up the garbage or the recycling or the compost from your house or apartment or condo? This is how white supremacy works, how racism works—it seduces us with a fallacious notion of radical individualism that says we can and must do everything on our own. But in reality, it isolates us so that we don’t even know the names of the people who are intimately involved in our lives: people who pick up our trash, serve our food, draw our blood, clean our streets. It divides us. It dehumanizes us. You want to be a religious person? Learn people’s names. Listen to their stories. Share your own. Break down those invisible but potent barriers. Story telling is a radical act of resistance.
Tonight is a night for stories.
I want you to know the names of two women who remade the world—and without whom, we wouldn’t be here tonight: Shiphrah and Puah.
Shiphrah and Puah were the midwives who delivered the Hebrew babies. And when Pharaoh decreed that all the Israelite boys must be killed (he got paranoid the Israelites would form a mass army and rebel), they engaged in history’s first act of civil disobedience. They refused to do what the almighty Pharaoh demanded.
Pharaoh was furious! “Why are you disobeying me?”
Shiphrah and Puah answered him, “The Hebrew women are vigorous! Their labor is so short—they give birth before we arrive.”
C’mon folks. Shiphrah and Puah lied. They lied to save those babies. They refused to destroy innocent human life because of the ravings of a megalomaniac lunatic. According the Egyptian legal system, they broke the law! But God rewarded them and their households.
And we remember Shiphrah and Puah—and their epic moral courage—this night.
The Exodus story recalls our people’s liberation from slavery to freedom. It wasn’t an easy road to freedom. You might remember the story? Moses didn’t walk up to Pharaoh in his palace one day and say, “You know Sir, we’d like to talk. You see, while we really enjoy working seven days a week in the hot Egyptian sun and don’t really mind our task masters beating us or throwing our baby boys in the Nile, we’ve decided that this just isn’t the right match for us Israelites. Thank you for your time, but we’re going to depart to worship our God in freedom. How does next Tuesday at noon work for you?”
This liberation wasn’t easy! Pharaoh’s heart was stone. The Israelites spent 400 years being treated like garbage. Moses had a hard time speaking in public and the people had Egypt in their hearts. Few of them could imagine a different life—a world where they were free. In fact, the rabbinic commentators explain that the Israelites couldn’t even hear Moses at first—mi-kotzer ruach v’avodah kashah—they were being worked so hard they couldn’t even breathe, much less imagine freedom.
That’s precisely why there were 10 plagues before Pharaoh let the Israelites go free. Why? To remind us that freedom doesn’t happen over night.
You and I—we’ve got a lot in common now with Shiphrah and Puah: as of noon today we are called to engage in ancient acts of resistance. We’re gonna get uncomfortable. Are you ready to get uncomfortable? Are you ready to disrupt business as usual?
That’s hard for a lot of us. We like things orderly. We’re Minnesotans. We’re nice.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in his famous letter from a Birmingham Jail, “I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."
Today, in 2017, the same folks who are demanding a Muslim registry are likely some of the same folks calling in bomb threats to JCCs and bringing guns aplenty into mostly poor, mostly Black and Brown neighborhoods; they’re the same pharaohs who want to take social security away from old folks and health care away from the sick; and blame all our problems on Brown immigrants and Transpeople using public bathrooms as they engage in the cynical politics of division and distraction—all the while never doing a damn thing about Aleppo or the rising oceans or public education or building a bridge or creating a job for anyone not selling oil to Russia.
Those 10 plagues were as much to challenge the Egyptians and the Pharaoh as they were to show the Israelites that we had the power of endurance; the plagues helped the Israelites slaves build the requisite faith and the spiritual muscles to resist tyranny. We build faith step by step, story by story, person by person.
Those 10 plagues were the original politics of disruption; humanity’s boldest wake up call. 
You beat these slaves? We’re gonna ruin your water!
You overwork these people? We’re gonna wreck your crops!
You won’t pay them? We’re gonna block your roads!
You won’t free them? We’re gonna turn off the lights!
You deny people their basic human dignity? We coming!
After 10 plagues, Pharaoh’s hardened heart finally shattered and our people marched to freedom!
Because enslaving people, discriminating against people, denying people their innate dignity is such a profound theological affront to God that business as usual just isn't possible. We must never forget where we've come from and who we are: We were slaves in the land of Egypt, you and I; those are the words we recite every Passover seder. This. Is. Personal. Human dignity is our ultimate theological concern. And when that means interrupting business as usual to break the chains of bondage, then it is both our religious inheritance and our moral obligation to rise up against the tyranny that prevents all people from being fully human.
In the next four years, I imagine there are pharaohs who will tell us— or tweet us—something that assaults the deepest promptings of our conscience. Will we stand in the moral breech like Shiphrah and Puah? In our hands will be the decision to join Pharaoh or to engage in moral resistance. Sometimes it will involve rallies and letter writing campaigns and testifying to legislative committees. At times, like Shiphrah and Puah we will be called to proclaim there is a higher, holier purpose and we must be emotionally, spiritually, and ethically prepared to do what is necessary to make manifest those ancient values. Values that cry out like the babies the midwives kept alive— because we know we cannot break that which is already broken—our task is alive with hope and compassion, promise, and redemption. This moment cries for our spiritual and moral resistance to normalizing hatred and violence against people who are different, who look different and pray differently—because we believe what we were taught when we first embraced Torah—that humanity was created in God’s image… That Love. Trumps. Hate.
The Exodus was a theological revolution. It is time for a new theological revolution, a new moral revival!
Every synagogue and mosque and church most now call ourselves to compassionate activism, to stand up for the poor, the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the Muslim, the Gays, the Trans, the person of color, the elderly, those with disabilities.
If our belief in God does not demand the mitzvot—the commandments—of love, compassion, generosity, and a robust commitment to healing our planet, if it is only focused inward, on the self, its simply narcissism.
The time has come for authentic people of faith to rise up and resist the blaspheming of our religious traditions: Jesus hung with the prostitutes in the hood, Moses crossed the border with a motley band for former slaves with no papers, and Muhammed proclaimed that our attachment to worldly possessions would destroy our ability to see God in the world.
It is time for a theological revolution in America:
A theological revolution where we wake up to the suffering around us and strive, together, to find ways to build a community and society with compassion as the cornerstone of our social policy and human dignity and mutual respect at the heart of our politics.
A theological revolution where people of faith proclaim that racism and sexism and the worship of guns are blasphemy and addressing mass violence and the need for decent public education and quality affordable health care and work that pays a sustainable and thriving wage are not merely rights in a civilized society; they are moral commitments we must make to one another and the next generation.
It is time for a theological revolution in America where we are willing to listen to people who disagree with us because we hold their humanity and our collective future in our hearts and because, to be a person of faith means that hope is a commitment we make to ourselves and to our children.
It is time for a theological revolution that brings to life the Golden rule—do nothing hateful to another human being precisely because we are our sister's and our brother's keepers.
And it is time for a theological revolution that says if and when we invoke the name of the Eternal we better be prepared to defend all of God's creatures and creation with every fiber of our bodies and souls—especially the ones who drive us bananas.
Today, we inaugurated a president who traffics in hatred and colludes with white supremacists. There are those who choose to cozy up to him and his administration, or worse: who suggest we wait and see. No!  When you appoint a white supremacist as your chief adviser, when you nominate a man who does not believe in fairness to people of color as your attorney general, when you nominate a climate denier to head the Environmental Protection Agency, when you boast about grabbing women with impunity and you mock those with disabilities, when you threaten to register my Muslim sisters and brothers, when you threaten the health care of 18,000,000 of our fellow citizens, you have shown that you do not share the values of people of faith in this great nation. Our moral tasks are resistance, resilience, and repair. 
We will not stand idly by while you make our neighbors and our planet bleed with the stench of xenophobia and racism and sexism. The prophet Elie Wiesel (z”l) taught that we might not be able to stop all injustice, but we’ll all be damned if we don’t try every chance we have. 
Our moral task in the next four years is clear:
1. Resistance! Shiphrah and Puah paid attention to the challenges and the world around them. Disrupt and interrupt cruelty every time you witness it. Let no racist joke get finished, no sexist commentary to go unchallenged, no locker room talk be spoken in our presence, no rejection of people who look or pray or believe differently. This is what chutzpah looks like. It means defending what is right, speaking out, and resisting normalizing cruelty even when it doesn’t make you popular. Especially when it doesn’t make you popular.
2. Resilience. If you belong to Shir Tikvah or another spiritual community trying to live into our theological and moral commitments—awesome! If you are not yet a member, what are you waiting for? The only way we’re going to get through this moral swampland is by holding on and joining one another, fiercely. That means supporting the organizations who provide moral leadership in this time of moral crisis. We are powerful, together.
3. Repair. Show Up! Be present. Stretch Spiritually. We’re going to be asked to be present and it’s going to be hard. Its gonna be cold. (Its Minnesota folks; weather is always gonna happen). We’re gonna be tired. And still we need to show up. To rallies. To protests. To the halls of the State Capitol. To congress. To City Hall. As people of faith. Because we believe in human dignity and that our public leaders are servants of the public—not the other way around.
4. Finally, Keep Going. Eight years ago, then Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about a famous New Yorker, Harriet Tubman. Tubman, as you know, guided more than 300 slaves on the Underground Railroad, from the southern slave states to the free states in the north. “And on that path to freedom, Harriett Tubman had one piece of advice.
If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.
If they're shouting after you, keep going.
Don't ever stop. Keep going.
If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.
Even in the darkest of moments, ordinary Americans have found the faith to keep going.”
We who believe in freedom cannot rest.
We who believe in love, compassion, and human dignity cannot rest.
We who believe that ours is a nation of immigrants cannot rest.
We who believe in the equality, justice, and care for our planet cannot rest.
We who believe that Shiphrah and Puah were right and just when they defied Pharaoh’s immoral decree cannot rest. Keep going!
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