#bonus is that he super fucking aggressive in the car
russellius · 1 year
love his lack of self-awareness, go off king!
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anonduck07 · 1 month
QUALI RECAP: Chinese GP 2024
Ft. Nico Rosberg quotes because he's commentating again (scroll to the bottom bit)
Out in Q1
P20: Logan Sargeant, who spun out and caused a yellow flag
P19: Yuki Tsunoda, whose DRS wasn't working until the last 6 minutes of Q1
"I mean, there's definitely something going on, I can't be fucking 19. Honestly, the lap was pretty good." - Yuki Tsunoda, Team radio
P18: Lewis Hamilton goes too aggressively in his final lap and exits Q1 for the first time since Jeddah 2022
"When I was making the set-up changes I was like, it can't get any worse surely- and it did." - Lewis Hamilton
P17: Kevin Magnussen
P16: Zhou Guanyu, who placed an impressive P9 for the sprint, gets knocked down and out by Charles Leclerc, to the frustration of his home city
Out in Q2
P15: Pierre Gasly, who makes it into Q2 for the first time this year
P14: Alex Albon, who has exited Q2 in every race this season
P13: Esteban Ocon
P12: Daniel Ricciardo made it into Q2, out-qualifying Tsunoda for the first time this year. He had a minor setback when he reported smoke coming from his breaks in Q1, and wasn't able to advance to Q3
P11: Lance Stroll
Q3 results
P10: Valterri Bottas, who is on an absolute roll with his pace in China, qualifying P9 during the sprint
P9: Nico Hulkenberg, also managing to pull the HAAS to decent results
P8: George Russell
P7: Carlos Sainz, who crashed in Q2 (red flag) but came back on track in time to place third fastest, apparently struggling in Q3
P6: Charles Leclerc, who struggled a bit as well during Q3
P5: Oscar Piastri
P4: Lando Norris, who got pole for the sprint only to finish an unfortunate P6
P3: Fernando Alonso, oversteering a little in his final lap and just getting knocked down by Perez
P2: Checo Perez, making yet another front row lock-out for Red Bull
P1: Max Verstappen, taking Red Bull's 100th pole position, his first pole in China, and becoming the first driver to qualify P1 in all 5 starting races of the calender since Mika Hakkinen.
Bonus Nico Rosberg Commentary
"It's a super difficult one isn't it, for Mercedes. Lewis has put them into quite the difficult position there." (About what Mercedes will do after Lewis leaves)
"Lewis, you know, the 7 time world champion. That's a mistake probably that should be avoidable."
"Lewis tends to say we have so different set-ups and such a big car difference and that's kind of his excuse this year…and he's gone again for that"
"I'm happy to appear on a statistic. I don't appear much very often anymore 'cause it's so long ago." (The statistic being previous poles in Shanghai)
"I know that because he [Fernando Alonso]'s my rival in those statistics. That's why I know his numbers."
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
💥Bakugou HC's💥
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Aged-up pro hero Katsuki for all of these. Some NSFW beneath the cut. Minors do not interact.
- - - - -
He’s scary good at everything he tries. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. It’s infuriating. Has zero patience when other people can’t immediately master a skill. Never let him teach you anything. Not that he’d offer, nerd.
He WILL offer, though. A lot. He can’t believe you still can’t Do That Thing. Tsh. Like THIS. You're gonna hurt yourself, Dummy.
But hold on. Of course you have unique skills of your own. You work hard to improve yourself. Trust me, he's the first person to notice. He doesn't praise anyone lightly, so when he raises his eyebrows and whispers he's impressed, your heart will go thermonuclear.
Perfect spelling and fully punctuated texts. Never uses abbreviations. Employs a grand total of four emojis, all of them angry faces. Constantly leaves you on read. He's busy, dammit.
Doesn’t smile or laugh in public (except sarcastically). His real smile is a crooked, fragile thing. Never make him feel self-conscious about it, or you might not see it again for weeks.
He does not talk about his private life to the press. Ever. Will K.O. rookie reporters who can't keep their big mouths shut.
HOweVER: he's intensely kind to his fans. There is a whole photographic sub-genre of little girls in cosplay hugging Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight like he's a Disney Princess.
Too smart for his own good. Emotionally hyper-vigilant. Overthinks every interaction to hell and back. Will act like he's not listening but actually hears every single word in a ten-block radius.
INSECURE AF. 110% convinced he will never be good enough. Terrified of his loved ones leaving him behind. Does he do anything to assuage his fears? Like... talk to anyone about it? Hell no. That would require admitting he has fears to begin with.
Seeing people upset makes him upset, especially if he doesn't know how to fix it.
The epitome of being mean because he cares. He genuinely does not seem to comprehend that monosyllabic grunts and lopsided shrugs are not actually that comforting.
Because he was such a brat growing up, he wants to make up for it now. Sort of. In his own way. Look, he's trying, okay?
He smells - so - good. Obscenely good. He doesn't wear cologne; are you joking? There's the burnt-sugar caramel candy smell of his quirk, for starters. And since he sweats deadly ammunition, he showers and wipes himself down almost constantly. He always smells clean. Like a fucking meadow.
Never got that growth spurt he was hoping for. He’s a short man - not even THAT short - but he has a Napoleon complex anyway. If you’re taller than him, the collars of your shirts will all be stretched out. He’s constantly dragging you down to his level. He will assert himself all the fucking time; the pissing contest is never-ending. Don’t wear tall shoes unless you want him to drag you around on a leash. If you’re shorter than him, that’s good. That’s very good. He likes that.
He’s an incredible cook, but everything he makes is a nuclear fire challenge. Adapt or starve.
- - - - -
Makes artisanal, nutritionally flawless bento lunches for both of you. When people assume his S.O. makes them, he gets fucking pissed. Damn right your co-workers are jealous of my cooking.
Your pet name is Dummy. Don’t like it? Fine. You can be dumbass.
There will be zero PDA in this relationship. His hands are shoved so deep in his pockets you can’t even try.
Intensely private with the press. But with his friends, he will brag about you nonstop. Bakugou Katsuki has the most talented and attractive and intelligent S.O., and anyone who doesn't recognize that is blind. Were you assholes even listening?
A mutual buddy definitely recorded one of these drunken brag-rants and sent it to you for safekeeping. Do not let Katsuki find out about it, unless you enjoy having an ash pile for a phone.
Gets jealous about everything, at least at the start. He calms down eventually. Kinda. He stops saying shit to you about it, anyway, because he learns to trust you. But anyone who so much as looks at you in a too-friendly manner will get the death stare of a lifetime.
He’ll throw all kinds of temper tantrums and the two of you will argue about every tiny fucking thing. He’ll scream out car windows, he’ll ball up his shirt and gnash on it. But he will never raise his voice at you. He’d rather die than make you feel unsafe.
Honestly, the constant bickering is really just... uhh... passionate communication. Eventually you both hash out the important things. You'll learn how to step around his landmines and actually make your points, and he'll learn to open up. A little.
Once you meet his mom, Katsuki starts to make a lot more sense. His family just... emotes like that. Eventually, you and his dad form a spousal support group consisting of exactly two lifetime members. He teaches you the Bakugou family semaphore you need to survive a long-term relationship.
Katsuki can dish it out but absolutely cannot take it. The only person who can level with him about serious issues without explosive fallout is his dad. Or, on a lucky day, Kirishima.
If you give him a legitimate criticism (even gently!) he will take it about as gracefully as a knife to the gut, because it confirms everything he hates about himself.
To your never-ending shock, you’ve made him cry. Yes, CRY! You monster! More than once! His lip gets all *trembly* and his eyes get all *watery* and all you want to do is hug him, but. No. He’ll storm out and wander around for a few hours before coming back with the problem perfectly solved.
He always takes your advice to heart. No, he will NOT talk about it, stop asking.
Gets mad if you don’t snuggle him on the regular. Will drag you into his lap with a pissy little grunt. There might be two seats on this couch but you will not be needing both of them.
Takes pictures of you while you sleep.
Takes even more pictures of you when you're awake but think he's out of the room.
He looks at all these pictures when he's away on high-stakes jobs. He gets all bleary eyed and sleeps in a salty puddle without you. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.
You don’t have to meet him at the door or anything, but when he says “I’m home,” you’d better answer fast. If he doesn’t know your precise location in 0.05 seconds, he will assume you’ve been kidnapped. He never checks the fridge for notes. Never assumes you've gone down to the konbini for a snack. No, it’s kidnapping every time.
A terrrrrrible bed partner. He goes to bed at senior citizen hours and will never fuck you after sundown. He snores SO loud. Runs hot and sweats through the sheets. Slaps and elbows you in his sleep and aggressively spoons you with his loud, sweaty body. You WILL want to suffocate him. Separate bedrooms aren’t such a horrible idea......
BUT HANG ON, because in the morning he transforms into an honest-to-god angel. He's half awake, his guard is non-existent. Morning Katsuki is a doting kissy-faced marshmallow man.
If you can wake up before the ass-crack of dawn, he will pamper the fuck out of you. You are royalty for one (1) hour only, and he is your bleary-eyed slave. You want a cuddlefuck? You got it. Hugs? Kisses? Take as many as you need. You want a perfect, fluffy, NON-SPICY omelette with a heart drawn in ketchup? Here it is, gorgeous.
Then he gets in the shower and the spell is broken.
- - - - -
💥bang BANG💥
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: this here is an ASS. MAN. He'll spank you with his quirk; doesn’t matter if you’ve been good or bad. Wants to see you wince when you sit down later.
Likes pounding you face down with a vice grip on your waist.
Unfortunately, even with all that said... he doesn't exactly have the feral beast sex drive you were expecting. He’s married to his work and has the fuddy-duddy habits of a once and future valedictorian. Only fucks you when he has the time and energy to fully dedicate himself to it.
But ohhhh. Shit. When it's time? It's TIME. The man will rush for nothing. Stamina for days. Making you cum as many times as possible is a point of pride. Yeah, you passed out once.
You’re gonna need those days off when he’s done with you.
That dick THICC.
Sends unsolicited dick pics. Only after you’ve been dating a good long while - he doesn't show that shit to just anyone. But yeah, don’t check your phone at work. He won't cum without you; those pictures and videos are time bombs. You better get home. Now.
Physically dominant as FUCK, but won’t verbally degrade you unless you ask. Well, let’s be honest. Unless you beg.
Praise him and reap the rewards. A long hard ego stroking will get him off more than touching his cock ever will.
Will grab your hair and fuck your throat. Will also stop immediately if you need him to.
The two of you have safe words and gestures. Even for vanilla stuff. He’s paranoid about scaring or hurting you. He insisted you both sign a color-coded ‘love contract’ that he meticulously formatted in a word processor. When you gave him guff about it, his blush was the darkest crimson you’d ever seen.
Coin-flip: he will sometimes be unbelievably gentle in bed. Doting and affectionate, taking perfect care of you. Like, it’s baffling. There’s no warning, the switch just flips. When you want him to be extra-rough and mean, he’ll sweetly worship you instead. For hours.
Bonus: he likes being penetrated. But of course he’s got a complex about that too. Super intense power bottom. You will never fuck him hard enough. He’d like to see you try. Hit his prostate just right and he might literally explode.
You'll live happily ever after but he will say he loves you out loud exactly once. Maybe. If you're lucky. And you're both about to die.
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jaywritesfics · 3 years
Mcyt Drunk Headcanons
Request? nope! But requests are open!!!
Warnings? Cursing, Alcohol, Hangovers, One Nsfw joke for JSchlatt.
Pronouns? Not specified but gender neutral.
Extra notes? Nope! Enjoy my friends!
He’s super talkative when he’s drunk.
He’ll even talk to complete strangers like they’re his best friend.
This man always ends up saying the weirdest shit.
“Hey babe, did you know that Hitler was nominated for a Nobel peace prize?”
“How do you know these things-”
Besides his talkative state, he also gets really clingy while drunk.
Almost possessive of you
“Get over here babe, I don’t like how that guy is looking at you.”
“That’s a poster, Alex…”
It’s cute seeing him drunk and jealous.
Mans wants to be with you at all times.
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He doesn’t usually have bad hangovers but when he does you take care of him the entire day.
“Babe my fucking head hurts so much....”
“Well maybe that's because you banged your head against the wall while drunk!”
He’s just really sweet when he’s drunk <3
Constantly reminding you he loves you and giving you so much affection
 “Y/n have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Yes babe, yes you have… and 3 of those times were just tonight!”
He needs your affection or he will think you don’t love him anymore.
He gets really paranoid as well for no reason…
“Y/n what if we get home and there’s a robber!” 
“Karl we are home…”
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He would still be hazy and not remember anything from the night before.
You would tell him everything he had said to you and he’d be like:😳😳😳😳
“I said all that? aaaa why do I have to be so embarrassing?”
“It’s ok bubs, it was cute!”
Just like Quackity, he is a talkative mess….
Chatting it up with every person you two cross paths with.
But when he’s drunk he’s also scary…
Not in an aggressive way.
But in a sense that it’s scary trying to guide this giant around while he’s wasted.
It’s like trying to keep a tree from falling down.
He also gets really stubborn and acts like a baby
“Wilbur we have to go.”
“NoooOooooOo…. I don’t WaNnA.”
But eventually, you talk him into leaving, and you two jam to songs in the car.
Blasting your favorite music as you watch him lay all the way back in his seat and basically yell the lyrics….
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He’d wake up feeling tired yet surprisingly well.
“Goodmorning y/n! You look exhausted...”
“Yeah cuz I had to carry you’re 6′5 ass around all night!” 
“F u c k I’m soooo sorryyyy.....”
I feel like he would just get really flirty and be just so sweet.
Complementing you every 10 seconds
And kissing you every 5…
“Y/n gimmie a kiss kiss…”
“*Nose bleed*”
He just wants to show you all of his affection.
You two would spend the entire night cuddling and whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears.
And in the morning, you would sleep in till noon.
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He would have a little minor hangover.
Nothing too much, maybe just a headache.
“You fucker. Your so lucky you don’t have to deal with the pain of a real hangover.”
*george crying because his head hurts* “a real hangover...?”
He would be kinda aggressive but in a cute way.
He would mistake you for someone else and shoo you away if you would try to kiss him.
“Get da fuck outta my face slut! I got a s/o!”
“Uhmm…. I am your s/o?”
If you were at a party it would be a hassle to get him to leave.
He’d be drunkenly dancing to whatever song was on regardless of if he liked it or not.
He’d beg you to let him stay and just act like a baby.
“Y/n… Your soo meann…. You neverr let me stayyy…”
And when he gets drunk…
He goes all the way….
Shot after shot after shot. Going crazy all over the place.
But once you get him to calm down
He’s really sweet
Holding you and praising you the entire night.
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He would have a sorta bad hangover but he would just joke all the way through it.
You would do anything he says to make him feel better.
“Hey ya know what you can do to help me?”
“Suck my dick.”
“Ight bet.”
“Wait no y/n- I was joking- Y/N!”
He rarely ever gets drunk…
Like maybe once or twice a year...
But when he does…
He’s so fucking clueless about everything.
Once he even mistook rat for an actual rat!
“AaAaAA. wHAT IS tHAtttT!??”
“It’s rat?”
He’s also really sweet when drunk too. 
He gets really clingy and won’t let you go for a second.
“Babe I have to go stream!”
“NooOOoOoOOoOo STayYAYyyayyYY.”
Bonus Hangover headcanon:
He would get really bad hangovers because of the fact he rarely gets drunk.
You two would hold each other the whole day.
Only getting up for food, the bathroom, and you getting things for him.
You would stop him in his tracks if he tried to get up to get himself water.
“No babe let me go get it.”
“Thanks honey... What did I do to deserve you?”
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valkyrieofsmut · 3 years
How do the boys take the ‘I think I’m pregnant’ scare? And how do they react and feel if it’s true versus just that-a scare.
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[How would the bois treat their pregnant significant other?]
This is the behemoth I mentioned before! It’s so big that I kept having issues trying to save it while I was working on mobile. Included is first reaction, if it’s a scare, if it’s not a scare, through the pregnancy, and as a bonus, during labor (you can thank my hubby for that one)!
Classic- He's freaking out. that's- that's not how babies work- that's not how- He's hyperventilating. He's going to pass out... When he gets ahold of himself and realizes that he doesn't know about how having kids between monsters and humans works... It... might be possible...
If it's a scare- he's pretty relieved. Not because he didn't want kids- it's just that it was so sudden! He didn't even think it was possible! You can bet he's doing more research into this so they can take precautions. Next time, if there's a question about pregnancy, it'll be when they're ready.
Not a scare- he- he'll be ok- really he will- just... in a minute... After he gets over the shock, he takes another moment to himself before he goes to his S/o and a bit awkwardly apologizes for the freak out. He asks how she's doing and what she wants to do.
Through pregnancy- He tries to make sure that his S/o is comfortable, that she has everything that she needs, and at the beginning, he is super frazzled. He’s keeping it together- but just barely! Look just a little closely and you’ll see that he’s about to start falling apart at the seams. His brother helps the best he can, but the best part of it, as far as he’s concerned is when they’re in bed, arms wrapped around each other, nothing to worry about but letting the peacefulness wash over them and sleep. When he finally relaxes back into the fact that they’re going to have a baby, he manages to be much more chill. Even the worst day at work doesn’t stand a chance to keep him upset when he gets home and his S/o is there, waiting for him, her round belly ready to be stroked as he grins goofily at it, their little soulling starting to make movements inside... This really is the life.
During labor- Oh- oh stars- he has to do something! What?! What is he supposed to do?! He has to get her to the hospital- has to- now! How does he- Oh- duh! Wait- can he take her through a shortcut while she’s in labor?! Is it safe?! She ends up leading the boys both to Creampuff’s car, and Creampuff drives them, showing off his driving skills and how quickly he can get them there, while Classic is in the back yelling for him to slow down, observe the speed limit- for the love of everything nice and happy, please show him mercy!
Creampuff- Uh... He understands that people often see him as child like, but he does know how babies are made... And he didn't do anything physical, or take his soul out...
If it's a scare or not- Not likely to happen with him; it would have to be on purpose.
Through pregnancy- Since this was planned, he is very prepared! It’s adorable just how ready he thinks he is, and how all of his plans fail. “YOU MEAN... WE WON’T EVEN NEED THIS FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS...?” But his big watery sockets make his S/o pull him close, comforting him, and he’s happy again- as long as he has them, everything is all right. He mother hens his S/o quite a bit, only letting her do things that are “safe for the baby”, as dictated by “authorities” on websites. And he takes it upon himself to premake her meals for when he’s gone, so that he can make sure she’s getting everything she needs, also banning his brother from taking her to Grillby’s... but, when the cravings hit, he caves ridiculously easily to her. But, his S/o's life isn’t all laying around and premade heath snacks! He makes sure that she does her baby yoga and prenatal exercises, too. Have to stay healthy for the baby!
During labor- He’s running around trying to find the go bag and everything the websites said they need- he knows it was here just the other day...! His S/o is either going to have to get him to calm down (a tall order) or call for an ambulance to get them to the hospital.
Red- Uh- uh- wait- but- how...?! He- he- ...he feels like he should be panicking more... Outwardly, he's tense, snapping at everyone else, keeping everyone away from his S/o, sweating and watching her a lot... Inside? He's nervous; it's her decision what happens... He knows he's got the whole dad thing down; how awesome his brother turned out shows that! But... He's not worthy of his S/o, and those are his genetics... How does his S/o feel about that? What if this is the thing that makes her figure out that she deserves better?! He won't say anything, though, his S/o will have to ask him what's going on with all the almost touches and switching from holding her close to distancing himself.
If it's a scare- He's a bit... disappointed... he'd just started thinking that his S/o would accept, and maybe even like, the forever of being bound to him with a child...
Not a scare- He's still a bit tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop; he knows that humans don't always want to have kids, and they can do something about it... When his S/o tells him that, of course they want to keep the baby, he's so relieved- it feels like the suitcase of anxiety he'd been lugging around all this time has disappeared.
Through pregnancy- Red is the ultimate provider and protector. He makes a nest the softest his S/o has ever felt, he puts all sorts of barriers and traps and gizmos all over the place! His S/o has never felt safer- as long as she doesn’t try to go outside alone... There’s nothing that she wants for more than a few moments- usually. Even on the days he’s knock down, drag out tired, he sees her cravings and pregnant moods as his little hellion influencing her, and... he wants to feed and spoil them more... It’s rare that he’s ever actually pissy with her, but when he is, he leaves to get what she wants, bitches and gripes the whole way there and back, and feels better by the time he gets back- and makes her bribe him with affection. He’s rigged it so that anyone who tries to get in that doesn’t have an approved magical signature... well, they won’t be getting in. ... possibly anywhere- ever. He may have held back in the Underground, hating what his world had become, but this is his mate and his child. He’s not holding back. He doesn’t know anything about gardening, but he can rig a setup so that a plot of garden can be perfectly watered at all times, and his brother takes care of the rest, so they’ll never run out of resources. He has threatened to maul others if they look like they’ve got aggressive plans for his S/o, but he waits until she’s gone; he doesn’t want to upset her. Somehow, while he’s done all of this, he always seems to be there when it’s nap time, or when it’s being lazy around the house time, cuddling, nuzzling, and letting it be known how happy he is. Edge gives him shit for purring so much, but he’s actually very proud of how active and motivated he is. Red does get anxious whenever she wants to leave the perfectly protected den he’s made her, though...
During labor- He freezes. What the hell- what is happening?! It’s such strange behavior that it takes him a few moments to figure out what was going on. When he does, He has his brother get his car, getting his S/o in the back and being on hyper alert for danger- that is, if he doesn’t manage to convince her of a home birth. it’s jus’ so much safer! in here- where no one he doesn’t want to get in can get in! Edge guards the door while Red glares at the midwife and birthing team to make sure nothing hinky is going on.
Edge- That... can't happen... He knows how baby bones are made! Oh- but his S/o is a human... Maybe that is how it works for his S/o...? The whole time he's not outwardly reacting, standing stiff, looking like he's waiting for orders or something. His S/o will have trouble telling for certain if he's angry, or it's just his normal emotionless mask.
If it's a scare- He's relieved! That was something he didn't think could happen, and too many questions leading to too much information were piling up in his mind at one time. He's also a bit... let down. While it was too much info and overwhelming to try to think about it all in that one moment, it could have been nice...
Not a scare- He leaves. Not to abandon his S/o! He tells Red to stay there and that he needs to run an errand- the errand is trying to wrap his skull around his new reality. He just needs a bit to process this! It's so many things he thought were impossible all happening at once! Once he gets his skull together, he comes back and immediately holds his S/o close against him. He knows that the two of them are smart enough to get through this, and despite all the shit he gives his brother, Red is also very smart, and he knows he'd do anything for him.
Through pregnancy- He’s hot and cold more than usual. He- has- some... feelings for her that... may be love like... And he’s going to keep both his S/o and their child safe. No matter if he has to intimidate everyone from here to the moon! He’s not used to being able to show emotions other than anger and toughness... Good thing his S/o is so fiery! He regularly engages in verbal battles with her to help her get rid of some of her stress and irritation from all the things that are going on with her body. It does backfire a bit, though, sometimes... When they’re both making their points and she’s yelling at him, her rage twisting her features- uh... well... He can’t stop thinking of taking her right there, or putting her to her knees and twisting his phalanges in her hair and feeling her throat around him- He... he’s never been so sexually driven before... and it’s not like it’s going to change soon; neither of them can help it- Pregnancy looks so fucking sexy on her... it makes her seem like a goddess of fertility and war. His soul beats for her with every breath.
During labor- Once he gets his S/o to the hospital and set, his internal mini panic ends. Now he's yelling at her, reminding her about the proper breathing technique and working her through the contractions. The staff feels like maybe they should worry about abuse, but then... His S/o is ruling the room- she's glowing, ordering everyone around, looking like she's about ready to punch anyone who gets too close, shouting and demanding the nurses give her the DAMN DRUGS! He's so in love, so- turned on... Is it wrong that he's thinking about putting another one in her right that moment...?
Blue- He's silent. The words "I think I'm pregnant" echo around in his skull, which looks devoid of emotion. Is his S/o teasing him because she thinks he doesn't know how babies are made? But... she doesn't look like she's joking... A sudden look of shock hits his face as he realizes that- he was with her during his heat! Oh! Oh... Well... That could explain it! He smiles and pulls his S/o close, nuzzling against her and scenting the heck out of her.
If it's a scare- Oh... Well! Maybe there is a chance that can happen, but... not yet! This will give them time to figure out how it can happen and what to do about it so they can decide on a better time when they’re more ready for this!
Not a scare- His S/o is going to have his baby... He’s the proudest skeleton around! He walks around with his skull held high, chest puffed out, huge grin, and nothing short of a strut. All of his coworkers wonder what’s going on with him, but they don’t have to for long, because he’s so happy he’s not even trying to keep it a secret.  
Through pregnancy- You know those over the top cutesy couples where one insists on getting the one carrying the baby anything they want? That’s Blue. His S/o is going to have to be careful, because he will over indulge her cravings and with anything it even looks like she’s interested in. His S/o will protest that he’s doting on her too much, but he’s convinced that he’s the happiest damn man ever in existence, and she’s giving him this, so she deserves to have anything that he can give her- and he can give her a lot. They now have the nicest and best feeling nest that’s probably ever existed. She has more of anything than she could ever hope to use or need, but he’s always happy to give her more and make sure she’s taken care of in every way possible. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind who the father of the baby is when they walk around; he’s so full of pride that he’d dislocate a rib if his chest puffed out any more, and his skull barely has room on it for how big his grin is.
During labor- He's running around, yelling for his brother and trying to find the go bag and everything they had ready- he swears it was right there just that morning! Until Stretch wanders over, twirling the keys on a phalange, ushering the two of them to the car. When Blue sees the stuff in the back seat, he remembers that he'd moved it there to be even more ready... He'll be happy when this part is over and he can just hold his S/o and child safely in his arms! He's not a fan of them being in pain, so he's going to be asking the staff to have every kind of pain meds on hand, just in case...
Stretch- Stretch.exe has crashed and needs to be reboot to make any changes. He- didn't just hear what he thought he did... did he? See, there's no way that- except, unless there was... He slowly regains feeling in his extremities, and stares at the empty space in front of his sockets a bit longer before fully coming to. that's... *he can't decide whether he's supposed to be happy or horrified, his S/o's expression isn't telling him* wow... that's something, huh? science. *shakes skull in amazement*
If it's a scare- He needs to be more careful. Maybe someday, in the future, he'll want kids- but right now- he messes around too much; he's not serious enough to take this on. He spent so long raising Blue, his whole childhood and teen years, really, he wants some time to just have fun. He doesn't want to ruin life for everyone involved by getting in that situation and blaming them.
Not a scare- Oh shit- oh shit! Oh, god of motherfuck! He's zoned out staring off at nothing. Panicking internally. After trying to get his attention for long enough, his S/o just slaps him, yelling at him in frustration and leaves. The slap brought him back to the real world, but it's Blue yelling at him that makes him realize just how bad that had been. "HOW CAN YOU JUST STAND THERE LIKE A SAND SCULPTURE?! THEY'RE AFRAID, TOO! IF YOU WEREN'T SO BUSY THINKING OF ONLY YOURSELF, YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT! AT LEAST YOU HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE RAISING A BABY BONES! THEY HAVE NONE! THEY NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER! ... AND IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY COXXYS AFTER THEM RIGHT NOW, I'LL INFORM MUFFET OF WHAT HAPPENED, AND CELEBRATE WHEN YOU'RE BANNED!"
Through pregnancy- It’s... it’s not as bad as he made it out to be in his mind. He’d felt like someone had been about to hand them a baby any second, and then their lives would have been over. Instead they had nine and a half months to figure their shit out and get ready for what was coming. With many times set aside to talk everything out, and Blue there to mediate (make sure that Stretch was actually saying what he thought and wanted instead of trying to please by going with the flow) they managed to to work it out so that by they time it reached the third trimester, he’s pretty happy with the warm little life they’ve gotten all set up for themselves, and is a very cuddly skeleton. Also, a little secret he’s found out about pregnancy is that it makes his S/o’s pussy taste so much more delicious.
During labor- Stretch freezes, then his brother's loud voice pulls him back, and he puts the fluctuating panic to the back of his skull and shortcuts away. They think he's running off, but by the time Blue, who's very pissed at him, gets Stretch's S/o to the car, they see him stuffing the bags of supplies in the back.
Black- Oh- stars- he- he didn’t actually mean that- goddamn it! Ok... maybe he had... but-! He’s worried; worried about keeping them all safe, and worried that if he reacts in a way to keep them safe, his S/o will be angry with him and leave him forever! He- he can’t live with that!!! He growls and takes his S/o home, somewhere safe where he can hold them close against him. “Tell Me Again?” He asks softly. “I think I’m pregnant.” It’s said more levelly than it was before, more believing that he’s going to say something stupid. “Oh, Love... I’m The Happiest Monster In The World...” He pulls back to meet her gaze. “I’m Going To Make Sure That You Are The Most Well Taken Care Of Mate In All The Land.”
If it’s a scare- Oh... Well... That’s too bad... But... Now they can see how they’d react to the real news. And... now that it’s gotten them thinking about it... he kind of wants to actually try... hopefully his S/o will want to soon, too.
Not a scare- He’s so happy. Others speculate why he’s so happy, but they can never get him to reveal the truth, though they’ve all heard outlandish, crazy things by now, all said with a straight face, as though they were the truth. He never lets his S/o be without him or his brother- protection precautions. They will be a happy little family... and even though this little one was on accident- the next little one will be completely on purpose... and not too long after.
Through pregnancy- He is great at noticing things, and what he notices, is anything his S/o wants. Anything their eyes stay on for longer than a moment, anything they mention wanting or wondering about in passing. And, the strange thing about his observations is- they seem to just manifest out of nowhere! Right when they really wanted them the most! Those cookies from Muffet’s- somehow ended up on the kitchen counter... The soft fuzzy blanket they’d forced themselves to put back, draped over the couch. The relief they need that just hovers around the edges, tormenting them with an unscratchable itch they just can’t scratch- Black is there, holding them close, finding just the right angle, and sliding against it at just the right speed, and just the right strength to make his S/o's mind melt, their body doing the same in his arms. They are spoiled rotten by the end, and that’s just how he likes it; no one can do for them what he can, and they’ll never leave. Also hidden under the surface that is his joy of giving his S/o everything they could ever want, is his happiness and pride of the show of their bonding. Let no one doubt who his S/o belongs with.
During labor- The sudden cry of pain makes his skull snap to his S/o and search the area. What happened?! Who hurt them?! Who does he need to kill?! When he realizes that it's time, he yells for his brother to get the car, (softly and lovingly) telling his S/o to sit back and relax while he runs around and gathers everything, then stops where she is and helps her to the car. He only allows staff that he has personally vetted into the room, and only after he or Mutt have checked every form of ID available. No one will hurt his mate, or his heir. The moment he feels like any of the staff has messed up, he'll yell at them and push them out of the way- He'll Do It His Damn Self, Thank You!
Mutt- uuuuuuhhh... huh... um... hm. that’s... um... a thing, now, isn’t it... crazy how... humans reproduce... all run by chemicals, you know... Oh, damn it, look, he’s really... not sure how to behave! Is his S/o excited or pissed?! What is he supposed to do?! Does she want him to- no. No, he doesn’t think he wants to do that... He’s going to say no. If she asks, his answer is that he can’t do that. He realizes that she’s panicking, too, and is glad that his stony exterior made it so that none of his thoughts came through. He pulls her close and stands there, holding her, until she calms down. Even though he’s silent, he gives her what comfort he can, even if it’s just from his presence of being there. He’s not sure what else he could do... Except what he’s always done; take control of the situation. Their relationship is based on them both getting what they want from each other, and that what they want is the same thing... but... if he can’t convince her... if he tries to force her... she’ll just dig her heels in harder.
If it’s a scare- Oh, well... ok, then. He supposes... that it was just a mistake... something confusing... but... It brought up his memories of raising Black, and... he kinda liked remembering the way Black used to look up at him like he was the most amazing monster to ever have lived... made him think that... he probably... wouldn’t say no if there was the chance to do that again...
Not a scare- This situation sucks. The way that it happened sucks. He hopes that his S/o doesn’t end up hating him over this. He really loves them, and... that’s his kid. He’s not going anywhere. God and stars help the person who looks at his S/o the wrong way... and they’d have to help her if she ever tried to leave him, now...
Through pregnancy- His inner yandere shows itself very obviously. He’s always there, no matter where she goes. At the store? He’s lurking in the aisles. Taking a walk around? He’s silently shadowing her, keeping a socket out for anyone looking even remotely like they’d start something. Riding a bus to work? He’s somewhere... though you’d have to have a really good eye to pick him out. If they weren’t dating, he would probably get hit with stalking charges. Instead, he gets hit with, “why don’t you just ask to come with me instead of creeping the shadows like a freaking weirdo?”
During labor- Mutt internally freaks out for a moment, but gets ahold of himself while his brother guides his S/o to the car. Everyone around him is going to be glad for Black in this time. Mutt is looking like a murderous, protective bodyguard, standing just on the edge of the shadows, growling at anyone who even gets too close. No one except previously approved staff are allowed in the room. Everyone who is human thinks this is bizarre, but all the monsters there take it in stride as the norm. Black orders everyone around, which saves them all from having Mutt growling at them and seeming to stand over them, about to attack, even if he does sound like he's micromanaging.
Axe- He... uh... oops... He feels kinda guilty; there had to be intent involved, and... well, his S/o is pregnant, isn’t she? So... obviously he meant it... He’s half excited for a baby, and half really nervous because his brain keeps going back to; more mouths to feed, need more food- food! He hopes his S/o isn’t mad at him...  
If it’s a scare- He’s a bit relieved, since he was worried about his S/o finding out and being mad at him... but, maybe they could open the conversation about it...?
Not a scare- He breaks down and admits that he caused this, asking his S/o to stay with him and love him even though he was so reckless- but he fully intends to stay with them, even if they say no, it will just be from the shadows... but he can’t just let her take their baby and go! It’s dangerous out there! It’s not- ... oh... they were trying for a baby...? oh yeah... wait- no they weren’t! But he appreciates her telling him that they were to make him feel better...
Through pregnancy- He’s not leaving their side. He’s going to protect them through everything- like being around other people, or not having space to sit on a bench at the park... He gets a bit underfoot, honestly... But, he’s doing it for the most thoughtful reasons! He loves his S/o, and isn’t going to let anything happen to her, or their baby.
During labor- He's panicking hardcore! What's he supposed to do? What's he supposed to do?! Did he ever know what to do? He'd ask his S/o, but they're too busy screaming! Wait- Paps! Paps'll know what to do! He's good at remembering the stuff his mind shuts out! They all get to the hospital, and his S/o is in a room. All of the noise and commotion is messing with his mind, making that problem that makes him block access to his memories act up... He's kicked out of the hospital in approximately six minutes. He's also not allowed back until the baby is born.
Crooks/Bun- He’s not likely to start up these activities on his own, so it would either be a huge surprise, with him being pretty quiet and just blinking for a few moments. Axe will probably come over and see if someone needs to get smacked, honestly, or, he'd expect it and be excited!
If it’s a scare or not-  Yeah, this would 8/10 have to be on purpose. Those other 2/10, would be 1 oh wow, so it can happen after only one time... and 1 oh... wow...
Through pregnancy- He’s so happy, going everywhere with his S/o, talking about everything they plan to do, going on many parenting websites and doing research in his spare time, and babyproofing everything. He’s delighted to find out that the baby proofing helps with Axe, too, since he can’t trip and injure himself on everything when he’s not paying attention, now.
During labor- Oh- Ohh- Oh My! What To Do! Oh, Yes, To The Hospital! At the hospital, he's there as the amazing birthing coach he is, encouraging and rooting for his S/o!
Dusty- uhhhhhhhhhhh... um... what the fuck did his S/o just say? She thinks she’s what? ...! He’s freaking out, not only because he apparently was so reckless, but also because now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. There’s going to be a kid- it’s going to be his kid- what if- what if there’s a reset- what if that demonic hellspawn comes back- oh fuck- what if it tries to take over his kid?!
If it’s a scare- He’s still severely rattled, and needs lots of time alone. Why isn’t Papyrus talking to him? Is he mad at him? It’s so quiet in his head now... at least, thank the stars, there’s not a chance of that stuff happening...
Not a scare- panic- panic- no disco, lots of panic! Where’s Papyrus?! He’d know what to do! Fuck- fuck fuck fuck- he’s going to be a dad- fuckfuckfuck!  
Through pregnancy- He’s very nervous. He needs a support animal or something. He’s so sorry that his S/o has to go through this with him dragging her down- he- he has feelings for her, though, and he’s sorry, but- if anyone else tried to step in and take her off his hands, they wouldn’t be a problem very long. A puddle of blood? Yes. A problem? No. And no one better fucking touch her! Ok, he’s calm, he promises- backthefuckupbuddy! His S/o will have to be patient with him as he adjusts and fights his way through the clouds of LV and psychological torture induced madness...
During labor- He blanks. He panics. He freaks out. His service dog nudges his hand and positions the handle of the vest under his hand, and he holds on out of habit. The dog leads him to a spot away from the noise as his S/o calls an ambulance. She gives the dog the command that tells them there's going to be a loud noise, because they probably won't remember to turn the sirens off when they get closer. She drops the note for Dusty in the spot they'd trained the dog to bring him notes from, and is on the porch, leaning against the wall, waiting for the ambulance. When Dust comes back to himself, his dog brings him a note that says "I'm at the hospital, I went into labor. Call me, love you! S/o." He's so glad to hear her voice when he calls.
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woolydemon · 3 years
what are your thoughts on blurr?
I HAVE... MANY OF THEM. This is gonna be a long one (also im assuming ur talking abt tfa blurr)
First impression
I was just scrolling though the TFA tags before finishing my first watch of the show (bc... I'm like that I guess. I am willing to spoil myself stuff just so I can see fanart of them before I finish the show </3) and OF COURSE I saw him.
I immediately was like "OH,, HIS DESIGN IS FUN,," and he was a lil hyped up for me based on how ppl are like "look at this lil cute boy <33!!!!!"
Impression now
He's... not a "lil cute boy <33". But thank goodness he isn't bc I love him for that.
hearing his voice for the first time caught me off guard since ppl were drawing him.. In a certain way that doesn't quite indicate how much of a cringe nerd he actually is. He's just such a weirdo!! And thank god for that!! I wouldn't want him any other way, also I related heavily to his talking habits that's where the roots of kinning happened </3
What's also cool is that he is still kinda badass while still definitely being such a dweeb, like he ran across the galaxy!!! How did he do that??? Fucked up. Also despite being somewhat eccentric, he is definitely one of the most level headed characters on the show and that's just a fun concept to me :]
Favorite moment
probably all 13 minutes he appears in the show?????? (listen. i like him a lot)
like idk even his appearances in Velocity are interesting bc like... What is he thinking while all of this is happening.
is frothing at the mouth with rage at being controlled like a remote control toy car?? Is he freaking out over the fact he almost killed bumblebee?? is he impressed by how bee was able to quickly access situations and respond accordingly to them?? The possibiwittys..
but aside from that i just love seeing blurr being blurr at any moment, I give him full permission to infodump at all times
(also i love seeing him banter with bumblebee, wish we got more of that dynamic but alas </3)
Idea for a story
ooogh... i got some ideas.
I love seeing stories abt him dealing with the cube trauma but sometimes I think about what if he just went over to shockwave in prison and lashes out at him but in the end it just. Doesn't make him feel better and he's like "WOW. THIS SUCKS I NEED THERAPY"
Then there's an AU I've been thinking of where Blurr joins the crew from the start bc Ultra Magnus wanted someone to keep direct tabs on Optimus for him (and also intel didn't want to deal with him anymore so they just willingly sent him away </3) then u explore how he fits into the crew now (bonus points if he actually joins illegal street racing on his own terms this time, and then bee finds out and is like "dude what the fuck". There's reasons for this of course- this didnt come outta nowhere)
Then there's all the blurrbee fics that are in my brain, but the one I find rlly fun and interesting is Blurr gets forced to have a partner bc the cube incident and of course he's like "no!! I want to avoid social interaction bc i have social anxiety problems" but he looks at the list of new elite guard members for him to mentor and he sees. Bumblebee on that list. Apparently Bee's got the chops to be a really good scout, plus his reputation as a member of Team Prime made them willing to accept him into the Elite Guard. So now Bee is mentored by Blurr and is also Blurr's emotional support bot, plus they go on fun adventures and fall in love <3 good for them
Unpopular opinion
as I've said.. blurrs not a "lil cute boy". He's not some pushover!!! he's immensely stubborn and does not let willingly let anything get in his way!! He is also super intolerant of bullshit so he's probably going to shut down any of that before it gets out of hand
also while i do rlly like the idea of longarm and Blurr being friends, I think it's rlly funny if they were bitter workplace rivals and constantly going back and forth being extremely passive aggressive while maintaining professionalism. Like how blurr was sent to earth by longarm before he was able to get his breakthrough on the Flipsides case!! I imagine that conversation being like
Longarm: hello agent Blurr, I know you have been dedicating a lot of time and energy in figuring out who amongst the entertainment guild could possibly be a sleeper agent but I'm afraid I will have to postpone that by sending you in earth to monitor Optimus prime and his crew uwu
blurr: oh. .. thats. Completely fine sir. *Cuts to him later banging his head against the wall*
Favorite relationship
hmm.. I wonder whats my favorite relationship with Blurr in it?????? wat a mystery.. /j
OK Yeah. Its Blurrbee. I'm just so in love with their dynamic in the show and also what ISNT in the show. There's actually this bit in the Allspark Almanac where Blurr talks about how he thinks of Bumblebee as slightly annoying but has his heart in the right place and??? That's so sweet?? Blurr genuinely has a good opinion of Bee from the start and respects him which is. Very different from how a lot of other bots see Bumblebee.
I'm just saying, blurrbee dynamics ARE THERE and they are INTERESTING!!! Please think abt them please think abt them plea
Favorite headcanon
I think Blurr is very defensive of any friends he manages to actually have. Like he cares abt ppl like Wheelie and Dug Base A LOT.
You can call him a weirdo all you want, he doesn't care. But you start making fun of how Wheelie or Dug Base talk?? Ur gonna face his righteous fury!!!!!! He will end ur life and I might not be joking about this
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ms-demeanor · 5 years
It was kind of your side rant in a rant but, is it really not normal in most areas to expect everyone who drives to have at least very basic knowledge of cars? At one point it was nearly a required class in our schools!
Auto shop in my school district got cancelled in 1997, four years before I would have been able to take it. I don’t know what the driver’s ed requirements are like now but I never had to take even a driver’s ed class (I think because I didn’t get my permit until 6 months before I turned 18?). At one point I tried to convince my Girl Scout Troop that we should earn the Car Care Badge but my troop leader was pretty aggressively against it (back in my day the “drive for a greener world” section was “learn how to change your oil” and my troop leader was worried we’d get crushed to death by a car or something).
Beyond that, in spite of living in the strongest car culture in the world, pretty much nobody has ever talked to me about how cars work unless I’ve intentionally sought that information out.
I didn’t know much about working on cars until I started dating my partner, who does all his own car maintenance. Since I started dating my partner and learning how to work on cars I’ve:
replaced my air filter (this is literally the easiest bit of car repair you can do. You’re probably due for it, google “how to change air filter on X type of car”, get a filter from autozone for $17, replace it, and cackle because Jiffy Lube will never again be able to charge you $50 to do it; if you’ve never worked on your car do this now you will feel so powerful and you’ll want to do more)
changed my oil
flushed my transmission
replaced a water pump in a Saturn engine (Saturn engines get bonus difficulty points because they’re so tiny that they’re impossible to work on; part of the reason I’ve done so much repair stuff is because my partner’s hands couldn’t fit in my car’s engine)
replaced a thermostat in a Saturn engine
replaced a bunch of fucking belts (including once with only one wrench and a headlamp in a dark parking lot for a friend)
replaced O2 sensors on three different saturns (delightfully simple; I borrowed a wrench from my dad to replace an O2 sensor once and went outside and came back in five minutes later and he was like “Couldn’t get it done?” and I was like “What? No? I’m putting your wrench back because I’m finished” and he was floored - my dad doesn’t work on cars *at all*)
changed spark plugs
replaced 2 radiators on one miserable 1984 mazda truck
replaced 1 jeep radiator
changed so many headlights
done my brakes a bunch (pads and drums; this shit is so fucking easy please do your own brakes don’t pay the dealership like $600 for $20 in parts and half an hour’s work)
dropped my gas tank to replace the in-tank fuel filter
replaced my valve cover gasket after spending four miserable hours sitting in the engine compartment scraping the old one off
and I’m currently halfway through an ABS deletion on my 1989 XU. (gotta re-run brakelines and it’s annoying and we keep losing track of the double flaring tool)
I am not, by any means, a mechanic but I like working on cars and it’s not as hard as it might seem from the outside.
However I had to go looking for all of that information myself (when we started dating my partner didn’t expect me to work on cars with him, I had to ask him to show me) and anybody else who wants to work on cars has to do the same, at least around here.
Most new vehicles come with a maintenance schedule in the shitty little manual that comes with the car. If you buy new from a dealer they’ll probably have some kind of basic maintenance agreement during the warranty period.
None of that shows you how to jump a car or change your windshield wipers.
Anyway, if you are reading this and you want to learn how to fix your car here are some tips:
Get a real manual for your car. The shitty little twenty page booklet that tells you where the hazards are is good for quick reference but bad for fixing things. Get a Chilton’s Manual. And yeah, I would recommend Chilton’s over Haynes. These are manuals made by independent companies who bought the car in question, stripped it down while documenting it and taking pictures, and put it back together. These are *great.* I give out as gifts.
Go look for a forum on your particular type of car - this works if you’re having in-the-moment problems too. At one point my buddy was going to pick me up but his car wouldn’t re-start; we looked on a forum, discovered it was a fuse problem, found the super secret re-activation button hidden under a panel in the center console, and were able to drive off on our merry way to try to replace the fuse (I bought four sets of fuses before we gave up - turns out it was an accessory fuse for the brake light on the camper shell and also Toyota makes it so that a burned fuse on an accessory can pretty much kill your car, so that’s fun!)
Look for youtube videos of the fix you want to do. They’re not going to be out there for everything, some car communities have more nerds than others (jeeps jeeps jeeps jeeps jeeps jeep nerds are NERDS and there are videos for everything) but you’ll at least be able to find something similar to cross-reference the fix with your Chilton’s Manual.
If you want to learn or read about general repair stuff check out the Wrenching tag on Jalopnik. I find Jalopnik very soothing and read it a lot.
See if your local community college has an Automotive Technology program - there should be introductory courses and advanced courses and it’s a lot of work to take a class like that but it’ll be extremely worth the time and effort.
Ask to help when people you know are working on their cars. Your buddy  probably could use a spare set of hands to do his brakes and you can learn by watching and helping.
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
Imagine: Billy's twin sister who is the only one he doesn't act like a asshole with. Hers behavior is pretty much like her brother's one, she is bossy and often an asshole but it's a cover because she goes through the same shit of Billy
Bonus: she help Billy and Steve to become a thing, with Robin's help
Bonus 2: she fell in love with Robin
oh god thank you for bringing up billy with a bio sister. it’s one of my favorite things and i could ramble on for like years about it
my hc is that if billy had a twin her name would be beatrice and they’d either call her bee or trix
even if she is very very similar to billy, i see her as a wall between max and billy. she understands that billy takes things to far but she also sees why he takes them as far as he does
she has an air of cool around her but she doesn’t try quite as hard as billy
she looks exactly like their mother: same curly hair that falls beautifully down her back, same glimmering blue eyes, same build and posture, same kind soul and same spitfire attitude.
bee and billy are both athletic. i see her as maybe doing track or soccer, so she as a kind of lean build but is still equally as muscular.
they both HATEEEE neil.
i see her as being a daddy’s girl when she was young. like he loved giving her cute toys and buying her sweet outfits and he’s a great dad to her.
but once they get older, bee notices that neil is so much harsher on billy and her mom so she starts rejecting his affection, which then makes him reject her.
bee adapts to a personality more like billy’s because she’s sick of neil.
the first time neil hit bee was a week after their mom left and she asked where she was.
she was no longer a daddy’s girl after that day
when they move to hawkins, bee and billy are equally pissed at max
(also i think the reason they left cali was because max saw billy with a boy and accidentally/maybe on purpose told neil about it, hence the resentment between max and billy)
but while billy was openly mean to max, bee was more subtle about it
(ex: knowing that max only drinks orange juice in the morning and taking the last of it and drinking it as she walks into the kitchen)
bee doesn’t like to drive. she has a drivers license but she just doesn’t care to drive much, so they just drive with billy.
it’s also a tactic so that billy doesn’t drive AS recklessly as usual because he wouldn’t want to crash with her in the car.
billy is the only person allowed to call her trix. her mom used to call her that and she can’t handle anyone else but billy doing it.
max doesn’t like either twin, but she prefers bee over billy.
bee is also one of the only people who isn’t scared of billy, even on his worst days, because she gets it.
she’s gotten into a multitude of fights and arguments before and can hold her own but she understands billy’s actions
both of them cannot stand when people are behind them. they always sit in the back of the classroom and have their backs to the wall so there’s no surprises. the only time they relax that rule is at parties, and even then, they’re still cautious
they always look out for each other in an aggressive way.
(ex: billy saying “wow you look sad and desperate” before cuddling next to her on the couch when nobody’s around)
after the halloween situation, with billy teasing steve, bee makes sure to tease him about his very not-subtle crush on the brunette
and on the day that max disappears and billy has to go look for her, bee hears his body hit the wall before he leaves, since their walls meet each other.
when billy comes back, without max, sluggish and bruised, neil lays into him for about half an hour before there’s a knock at the door.
bees been hiding in her room, peaking out every once and a while. (her and billy have made the agreement that if one of them is in trouble, the other should stay out of it, because they’ve learned from experience that if one of them jumps in to help the other, it only gets worse)
but max is at the door with the police chief, for some reason.
the chief explains that his daughter and max had been hanging out together and lost track of time.
neil smiled nicely and let max in before shutting the door on the chief.
but hopper saw the teenager slumped against the wall, much bloodier than the kids had said he was after the fight was steve, and the teenage girl sheepishly peaking through her door.
billy and bee argue after she finds out what happened. even if he was mad, he shouldn’t have attacked a middle schooler. that was just fucked up.
they got over it quick because billy apologized to steve and lucas, neither really accepted the apology but it was there.
over the rest of the year, billy and steve grow into friends (ish) and bee makes the girls varsity soccer team and makes some of the best friends she’s had in a while.
including one of her favorite teammates, robin buckley
bee and robin start secretly dating after a night of smoking weed at robins house. (her dad is super chill and pretended that it was nothing out of the ordinary. or maybe robin did this pretty often)
but they’re happy and the only person who knows is billy. robin was reluctant to let him know, but they gave a secret for a secret and they were just a little group ‘o gays.
robin ended up really liking billy after a day spent getting to know each other at a diner.
as robin sat across from the twins, she learned that they were basically the same person and were both excruciatingly annoying. but they were fun
when the twins got jobs at the pool and robin started working with steve at scoops ahoy, there was a lot of trading and flirting.
a free day at the pool in exchange for free ice cream (and an excuse for either twin to make eyes at either sailor)
after the starcourt thing, bee takes it really hard when she thinks billy’s dead, but he’s alive (because i said so) and her and max (and sometimes robin and steve) spend a whole lot of time in the hospital with him.
he gets discharged after like two or three months and his body is stable enough to walk on his own.
bee and billy, now 18 as of july 25, have moved out of the hargrove/mayfield house and are staying in steve’s too big house that his parents visit less and less each year.
robin is the person to give steve a push into admitting he’s bisexual and has feelings for billy hargrove
robin tells him about her and bee.
(steve makes a stupid joke about birds and bees which makes robin hit him)
but steve makes a move on billy one day when steve’s driving him home from physical therapy and they stopped for lunch (because billy lost a ton of weight from months in the hospital and his appetite is larger than before)
but they share a milkshake in a corner booth and are all blushing and sweet smiles and once they tell the girls, robin starts grumbling and hands a haughty looking bee $20.
i could write more so if you want it just ask, i have so many more ideas for this
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ramblichito · 3 years
rise of the secret generator techs 10....or smth character interaction hcs ,, part 1 - miko would mostly get along w everyone simply bc she has big Friendly energy. she & mikey would be besties simply bc they r both bonkers - ben might initially steer away from miko n the turtles bc he tends 2 headbutt w strong personalities, but he would quickly come around bc truly they would all have a blast 2gether - everyone would hate mitch for obvious reasons but raph, gwen, & rex would be fastest 2 forgive him..i think. bc raph just wants 2 get along and for everyone 2 be friends, gwen has Advanced Emotional Intelligence & would be most understanding for it, and rex is just Like That. i remind us that he did seemingly forgive (or at least forget) all the Borderline Villain stuff white knight did fdhgdf - ben & mitch would have an interesting relationship bc mitch is just like. an amplified uaf ben regarding their egos. but ben is presently Over That and would absolutely be the first 2 tell mitch that he's been there and to knock it the fuck off - leo also has an ego but not 2 such an annoying extent, so he & ben would maybe have a lot of friendly competition. or like. passive aggressive posing as friendly anyway - and naturally rex would also involve himself in the competition - notably every protag here has been seen playing video games at some point so that's just an obvious Group Activity - kevin, donnie, the techs. theyre all techy in different ways but i think they'd at least appreciate each other's interests in technology. kevin and donnie seem like a weird pair that'd probably beat each other up over differences in opinion over weapons or cars, but they would have valuable info 2 impart unto one another. the glitch techs r more Software than Hardware but at the very least they (ridley esp, since theyre the certified Hacker Gremlin character), would have AI knowledge 2 bestow upon donnie for shelldon,,, - im having a hard time placing zak bc im a fool, but he, five, & rex seem most likely of the mcs 2 be able to just have a lazy day hangout since theyre all pretty laid back. that being said, they all definitely have an occasional and desperate Need For Entertainment so im sure their hangout would devolve into absolute chaos midway through. they r All guilty, in canon, of disregarding responsibilities & being sneaky lil bastards 2 have some fun - gwen & zahra im js. they would get along by solidarity of being Surrounded By Idiots (u might include circe here if u like. care abt her FDHGFD). i think haneesh also honestly fits here so it's just. Girl Gang (& Haneesh) - kevin floats between the zak/five/rex gang and the gwen/zahra/haneesh gang depending on his mood - i feel like raph & rex would potentially do a lot of sparring 2gether, since theyre both seen in canon enjoying doing so. kevin joins occasionally just bc he likes fucking shit up so u know. the differences in abilities between the 3 would either be rlly fun, or just super fucking annoying. it depends on the day - obvious side story abt all the non human sidekicks ("sidekicks") unwillingly ending up in the same room 2gether. shelldon, ship, ally, alpha, fisk, komodo, zon, bobo. bobo making a halfhearted comment abt how he's the only intelligent thing here, met by fisk pointing out that he is, in fact, just as smart (bonus points if bobo finds that he's the only one in the group who cant understand fisk, so , Look Who's Stupid Now) - bobo losing his mind on ally's back - also half this group r various forms of sentient tech so do w that what u will so many characters orz I Will Be Back
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moonflaregal · 3 years
Little Things the BNHA Guys Do to Show Their Love
- When you twitch at how loud the music in his car is, he reaches over, turns it down a bit, and doesn’t say a word. And he taps his fingers on the steering wheel, but he doesn’t tap because of the song. He’s tapping along to the sound of you humming
- When you’re crying, he makes sure to make you look at him so you can see his eyes and that he’s not going to look away
- Saves you some of his dinner if you’re home late or if you’re having a bad night. There’s always a note with a simple statement on the container. “For you.” “Best cold.” “A little spicy.”
- Waters your plants when you can’t and frets to himself, not knowing if he’s doing it right. Definitely called Midoriya and Iida over this while pacing
- Turns the light on when you’re struggling to read something as the sun goes down, and when you look up to see him by the switch, he gives you the cutest grin and finger guns as he poorly moonwalks out of view
- Reorganizes the fridge every now and then, mostly cause he’s hungry and wants to eat a ton. But, he makes sure to eat up the leftovers that need to be eaten and the sauces you complained about having been in there for years. Once, he mixed a ton of sauces together and ended up getting super sick the next day
- Random hugs. He has a secret game to see how many times he can surprise you in a day with hugs. He accidentally lets go a lot, because it scares you occasionally, and it’s so funny he laughs so hard he has to step away and hold his stomach. Every now and then, he has to shoot tape up at the ceiling to hold himself up
- Catches your hair when it’s about to fall into the pan you’re cooking with. When you thank him, he runs his free hand through his own hair and smiles. “Sure thing, babe!”
- Touches your hair and taps your shoulder as he walks past to grab you both a cup of coffee. He doesn’t turn around if you playfully complain, but you can hear him chuckle. When he hears the sound of you smiling and laughing, he closes his fist triumphantly with a winning grin
- Holds your cheek in his hand when you’re stressed out and tells you, “You are so manly.” It doesn’t matter how you identify, he thinks you’re cool
- Gets you a snack or drink every time he goes out without you. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it either. The little gifts just appear on the counter or beside you, and often you can’t even tell when he put them there
- Buys you a matching scarf so he gets to see you snuggle into it as the cold hits your face. Oh, and so he can spot you easily in a crowd
- One time, you were so sleepy at the airport that he carried every ounce of luggage, your purse and all, bags slung all over him, but he didn’t mind at all. He also bought you a book while he was at it, cause he knew you’d want one when you were more awake
- Took notes on your nightly routine so he can help you get ready for bed if you’re ever too tired, or if you somehow end up drunk. You almost saw the notebook one time, and he panicked so hard he threw it out the window
- Sends you links to songs he thinks you’ll like ‘cause he can’t always be home all the time. He’ll test out playlists to give you as he flies around
- He’ll fly past your apartment and slap sticky notes to the window with messages for you. On your anniversary, you woke up wondering why the sun wasn’t out yet. In actuality, it was. But there were at least a hundred notes on your window blocking the sun
- Has a list of things he plans to steal for you. He’d buy them with the money he takes off corpses, but he always forgets to pickpocket before he burns people to a crisp
- Insists on getting takeout almost every night, because he doesn’t want to entertain the possibility of you burning yourself somehow with the stove or oven. He got agitated when he came home to find you baking one evening, so he opened the oven, burned all your cookies with his own fist, and said, “I don’t like you doing this.” You slapped him pretty fiercely, but he coolly shifted his gaze in a silent apology. He has never burned your food again
- Puts up with your weird taste in coffee and gets you a coffee machine for your birthday. If you don’t like coffee, he gets you a couple nice mugs and an arrangement of mason jars with different types of tea
- He feels badly for always being asleep, so he makes breakfast as often as he can. At work, he calls you after he wakes up from a nap a little before his break ends, because he knows you like his sleepy “just woke up” voice
- (Think gamer Shigaraki.) Got you (threatened a salesman half to death) blue light glasses. They were originally supposed to be his, but he thought you could use them more. He almost snapped them in half before they got to you ‘cause Dabi pissed him off so much. Kurogiri had to hold them the rest of the way back to the hideout
- Aggressively tells you to go to bed. “Go to bed.” “Fucking sleep.” It’s his way of caring. This also applies to food. “Eat.” “Eat it. I’m disintegrating your phone if you don’t.” 
- Brings fresh flowers home in a vase after rough days. He rarely acknowledges them. The one time you were in awe at how pretty they were, he smiled with class and asked, “You like them, hm?” They are always the type of flower you have previously mentioned here and there. He changes the water in the vase out regularly
- Washes your hair when you’re too tired to do anything. He also uses a specific deodorant after you smelled it at the store and thought he might like it. He’ll never use a different one
- Bonus: plays classical music as he’s experimenting, but it’s all symphonies that remind him of you
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jorzuela · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog🌱
Hi, thank you for the ask!
1- my back hurts from standing in the kitchen today and i panted all 4 blocks to the atm. I feel like I'm slowly decaying.
2- today my therapist asked about my internet friends and i gave her the entire story from joining the tumblr phandom 2015 until now. I didn't use the name ofc, i don't want her googling that.
3- Today i put on my facemask to go out and one of my cats had the idiot eyes going on. So i leaned in to kiss her and she flattened her ears back, got very panicky and ran off.
4- My cats have severe separation anxiety from me and last year i traveled abroad for 3 weeks so when they saw me looking through my suitcase, they freaked out and kept smelling me and the suitcase with sad faces. That's just where i keep my winter clothes, i needed a jacket.
5- I started talking before most babies start to talk, and in longer sentences as well (not from the begginging but super early).
6- Related to the previous one: when i was 2,i fell asleep in my grandpa's parked car in the blaring sun because it was cosy and i have always been like a snake; im always cold. My aunty found me and asked me what i was doing and i said i was cold, but she snorted and said "yeah, you are cold in your head" which is an expression in spanish, as if to say "yeah, right". My grandpa came a little bit later and asked again what i was doing and i said "I'm cold in my head" and all the adults had a good laugh. They reminded me of that for years. I remember this story not only because they told me
7- Also around the same age as the previous story, my aunty lived around the block from me and i loved her very much so, again, being around 2 years old, i walked the 3 blocks alone to visit her. I remember the aggressive Doberman dogs of the house around the block barking and trying to absolutely eat me, or so i thought. I was very scared so i stood there for a while until i decided to run past their house so they couldn't scare me for long. I turned the corner again and saw no cars or people coming so i run across the one street i had to cross and stood at the door for another while. Now, here was the real issue, i knew people used the doorbell to get other people to open the door, but as you can imagine, i didn't quite reach it 😂. I guess i hadn't caught up to the option of knocking, not that the knock of a 2 year old would be heard. I was considering going back but i stayed there for a while because i was scared to run past the house with the dogs again. Then my grandma opened the door and was like what the fuck? How did you get here? And i said that i walked. They asked how i crossed the street and i told the story and they made me promise to never ever do that again and back then i actually listened to adults so i didn't do it again. I have no recollection of where my parents where or if someone was babysitting me.
Bonus: now that i think about it, i did run away to my friend's house across the street at maybe 3 years old. My dad had left me alone to go cheat on my mom while she was working. He didn't leave the tv on or anything or even toys out for me. So i thought i would go visit my friend and be back before he was. My friend's mom asked why i came alone and i told her nobody was home so she let me in. My dear daddy came back later and yelled at me for misbehaving. My mom was understandibly mad about it. I don't remember what happened after that, probably a lot of yelling. I remember things from very early on in my childhood, all of them happy or neutral but i have huge gaps, which makes me think that's when all the shit in my parent's marriage went down. I remember everything from the moment my dad moved out and on.
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ninety6tears · 4 years
king-of-exchanges letter
Wooo kingofexchanges is happening again! 
I’m a big fan of SK but only somewhere in the middle of my consumption/obsession; with King being heavy on self-referencing and crossover-friendly treatments, I’d be happy for you to mix and match any of my requests, as long as you can see from my goodreads page that I’ve read the relevant stuff.
Basic preferences: I read everything from G-rated to explicit PWP. I love pastiche for lit fandoms but something that feels more off the beaten path of the original style can also be fun.
I love: Angst, pining, subtle UST, first times, or established relationships with some level of conflict to be resolved. Intense friendship stories. Protectiveness in close relationships as well as in those that wouldn’t obviously appear to be protective at first. A character or characters experiencing a type of attraction that isn’t the status quo for them. Relationships that had a falling-out and neither of them ever really got over it. Characterization that focuses on the nature & nurture of who people have grown to be and the unique ways they take care of or need other characters. Insecurity/hangups over worthiness. AUs of all varieties.
I can handle: underage, dubcon, noncon, torture and incest. Character death. Love triangles. Infidelity.
Do Not Want: Fix-its without sacrifice/troubles. Soulbonding/magical soulmate tropes. Disputes centered around marriage as a show of commitment ("If you were really serious you'd have proposed by now rather than just wanting to live together" and all that). A/B/O, mpreg, or any body fluid kinks. More than a mention of Alzheimer’s/dementia.
Christine ‘83 (FIC):
---NOTE - The movie is more fresh in my mind for prompting purposes but I have read the book, so feel free to run with this request for either version. I do like the dark humor Carpenter brings to adolescence without mocking the angst of being a teenager, not that King isn’t morbidly funny in his own right.
We get very little of them together before Arnie starts to go all possessed but we can tell their friendship has lasted a lot of changes over the years. That hospital visit over the holiday (which I remember was more bittersweet, less tense in the book?) feels like the last time Arnie remembered that he's supposed to be a big part of Dennis’ life. But even before all that, there’s a nice dynamic where Dennis is protective of Arnie and really thinks highly of him (and huh, maybe sees something in his looks other people don’t) when it’s not socially advantageous for him to retain that loyalty, and I’d like to get more of that. Maybe they’ve fooled around once or twice? Maybe Arnie was the one who got weird about it, afraid of the eventual rejection, or they’re both just too repressed? I like the triangle with Leigh too, if you wanted to get into the confused jealousy/conduit attraction thing, just nothing that completely dismisses any meaning of her relationship with Dennis if it’s referenced at all.
If Dennis was the one Christine got dangerously jealous of (either because something happens between them or she just knows) how would that go down differently? Or what if the car decides she wants to be shared by them, and maybe likes to watch them do things to each other (take that however you want it to mean) and either their closeness makes the two of them eventually snap out of it, or they all just become a weird evil threesome? I'm also into the idea of some other fantasy/sci-fi AU in which Christine is something or someone else entirely but is still threatening in some paranormal/inhuman way.
Crossover Tags (FIC):
Peter McVries & Ray Garraty & The Stand
Peter McVries/Ray Garraty & The Stand
---I’m interested in how these two would fit into a story with such an elemental moral war. Both are reckless but McVries more prone to hopelessness and nihilism; would he be tempted to join Flagg without outside influence? Would he just kind of wander around with no sense of purpose until Ray found him? It could also turn the existential misery of The Long Walk on its head, with them losing their families and possibly realizing too late the preciousness of life that way. You don’t have to get into much philosophy or plot either; I’m kind of into the everyday pain-in-the-ass minutiae of the post-apocalypse and people finding ways to laugh about their circumstances and reach for each other in their grief. Feel free to write it as full-on crossover with some of the canon Stand characters appearing.
Larry Underwood & Richie Tozier
---If you have some other idea of where to put these two together, go for it, but I had this idea of Richie hosting an occasional interview special for up-and-coming musicians and Larry being invited on when the single’s just out and being so nervous to meet this famous personality, and maybe they get drunk or high together before or after the interview (bonus points if Larry can hardly get in an answer cause Richie gives him the giggles). They’re kinda both assholes so they get along? They’re both assholes so they kinda hate each other? I didn’t nominate it as a shippy treatment but if you’re really sad I didn’t, hey, stuff happens when people party.
The Dark Half (FIC):
Alan Pangborn/Thad Beaumont
Alan Pangborn/Elizabeth Beaumont/Thad Beaumont
George Stark/Alan Pangborn
---I thought the surprising friendship and trust that takes hold between Thad and the officer who initially believes him to be a cold killer was one of the better aspects of this novel, and the way that connection is so soon polluted by Stark's insurmountable connection to a part of Thad’s psyche is chilling and more than a little sad. I would love to get a shippy treatment of their immediate companionship and/or the inevitable disturbance of it. If you wanted to make it a poly thing with Elizabeth, with all three of them not really pausing in the midst of all these maddening things happening to question opening their marriage to someone they find comforting, I would be interested in how that might underscore the events.
And when it comes to George/Alan...yeah, I want darkfic, potentially outlining Stark’s role in putting Alan off Thad in a more sinister way, whether it’s poisoning the well of Alan’s (sublimated? not yet acted on?) desire and affection for Thad by being sleazily flirtatious in pointing it out, or going to a darker noncon place with all the mingled disgust and misplaced attraction that might provoke. (In the context of this prompt, I’m not super into the gross-out factor of Stark being at the stage where his skin is falling off, but if you can’t somehow set it at an earlier stage it would be better to just not mention it.)
Also, I realize Alan has a family, but you can deal with that however you want; his wife can just not exist for the purposes of the story, but even infidelity wouldn’t put me off if you’re taking the character that far out of a healthy mindset.
The Long Walk (FIC):
Peter McVries/Ray Garraty
---Since we’re never in Pete’s head, it would be great to get anything detailing how his initial distance from Ray quickly erodes into the protectiveness he obviously can’t help over him, if there’s a spark of empathy there even before the first time Ray saves him, or what he’s really thinking or trying to say at some of his more cynical and cryptic moments. I wonder what it was that Parker said to him to imply he thought he and Ray were “queer for each other” and how this apparently was covered without McVries feeling the need to deny it?
If you wanted to write them both somehow surviving, I would love to see how their relationship remains in the aftermath; maybe they don’t exactly end up together because they associate each other with this traumatizing thing, and they have an essential but troubled friendship because of it (and maybe they end up fucking a couple times but don’t really talk about it).
In the realm of more absolute alternate universes...a bigoted boarding school atmosphere, an aggressive correctional camp, anything where a compulsive make-out might happen in the bunks or the showers and then be stiffly denied later on sounds like a backdrop I’d love for these boys if you want to do something bleak-but-not-as-mortally-bleak.
I prefer to think of McVries as having complicated depression that doesn’t just stem from girlfriend problems; I’d prefer you mention the incident with Priscilla as little as possible, but any focus on Pete’s scar is totally fine.
The Stand (ART):
Larry Underwood/Lucy Swann
Lucy Swann/Larry Underwood/Nadine Cross/Randall Flagg
Nadine Cross
---My attempts to prompt for art for these tags may be unhelpful but I’m really into Nadine’s scary paranormal bond with Flagg, the imagery of her hair and Flagg’s tainted handsomeness and everything haunted about her and her life, and how the love triangle with her and Larry and Lucy is really a quadrangle of temptations and baggage beyond the usual moral pressure of romantic entanglements. They’re all figuratively in bed together whether they like it or not, but I could see that presented more literally in art. I also would like anything associated with the individual permutations (Larry/Nadine, Larry/Lucy, Larry/Nadine/Randall?). Desperate/melancholy embraces, or moments of almost touching. That ghost leering over Nadine’s shoulder in her moments of getting too close to tenderness.
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resvlve · 4 years
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❛ summer bishil, 31, cisfemale, she/her ❜ was that OPHELIA PRADESH i just saw walking across the quad? the POLITICAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR has been at noru since JANUARY 2018. they have been known to be pretty DRIVEN, but don’t rub them wrong or they can be MANIPULATIVE. i heard that they are BISEXUAL and love BONDAGE + ROUGH SEX. //
n e way, lennie here, back again w this asshole 
tw: death and addiction mentions- v brief 
basics  full name: ophelia danika pradesh  birthday: april 11, 1988 (aries)  hometown: baltimore, md  height: 5′3″  positive traits: driven, charming, poised, intelligent  negative traits: manipulative, aggressive, narcissistic, unforgiving  moral alignment: lawful neutral 
background  - raised in maryland by a rich family - her dad was a maryland senator for several terms and this inspired her to go into the political realm for her career - her dad was a corrupt dick and a SUPER hardass type guy who always tried to push ophelia to be her best- like pushed Too Hard, always trying to make her be better and try harder even though she was already pretty kick ass - meanwhile her mom is the sweetest woman in the world - her dad died a few years ago and it fucked her up; like she lowkey looked up to him even though he was The Worst bc she thought he was a good leader and wanted to be like him when she grew up bc he raised her and shaped her to - has a younger sister who has always struggled w addiction and has been in and out of rehab several times, ophelia tries to help her fix her situation but nothing ever really sticks- her sister is super important to her and she barely talks about her bc that’s Too Personal  - she is incredibly intelligent and went to princeton and graduated at the top of her class  - started working for a senator right out of college, but in 2017, he was busted for being corrupt as fuck- ophelia didn’t care about THAT bc she’s morals? she doesn’t give a fuck about em- but she was out of a job SO  - she’s been working as a professor, lying low until she can break back into politics and, like, take over or whatever  - she was engaged for awhile a couple of years ago, but she broke it off bc she’s bad_at_love.mp3 idk (prob gonna put this up as a wc, but, uh, if you wanna take it??? bless u) 
personality  - very VERY manipulative and charming, uses it to get what she wants - kinda (really) two-faced - who is the real ophelia???? yo idk, you may never know (not even sure if ophelia knows who the ~real~ ophelia is) she keeps only a few people in her inner circle and trusts virtually no one - workaholic - thinks she’s the hottest, most important person around - a narcissist? yes - an asshole? also yes - she probably doesn’t have many friends, but the ones she does have she would prob kill for - would 100% kill for her mom and sister - can have a hot temper when Really provoked - a calculating bitch, always watchin, always scheming, always being a Sneaky Bitch - uhhhh she sucks sometimes??? most of the time??  - would not be sorry if she ran over a small animal with her car - thinks that almost constantly wearing bold lipstick is a personality trait - would rather die than be vulnerable in front of ANYONE (someone come make her be vulnerable ig, i like ruining her life) - she’s hot - she knows she’s hot, but it does not make it less true  - sexually: she’s a switch- VERY into fighting for power in the bedroom- 50/50 as far as gender preference goes, lowkey had daddy issues she will never ever address so lowkey has a daddy kink, likes choking- bunch of other stuff idk, she likes it rough sO ! 
possible connections  - exes: she doesn’t date people for long and is not a good gf, but i ~love~ me some messy exes plots so come thru !!  - ex-fiancée: plz  - hookups: i mean… yeah- students, fellow staff, whateVER  - enemies w benefits: uhhh bc there’s a thin line between love and hate and hate sex is uhhh ?? hot - confidant: someone she’s actually close to, confides in on occasion, she actually mostly trusts them (mostly) (kinda imagined this conn as a woman??? but idc, can work with WHOEVER) - ~friends~: people she likes enough to keep around and doesn’t strongly dislike - rivals/enemies: uhhhh idk, but has got PLENTY of rivals n enemies  - an Almost: look… listen… ophelia is so unemotional and hard to crack and this would just be so??? fun??? and painful and i love putting my characters through pain SO basically just someone o was in love with but was like !!!! uhhh i can’t be in love, everything else is too important and left them and part of her wishes she had just STAYED with them (could be an ex, could be more of a friend but there were obvious feelings between them- bonus points if this happened during her engagement and factored into her breaking it off) - literally???? anything??? i’m pretty much down for anything tbh, the messier the better 
uhhh SO, you know the drill- hit the heart or come find me if ya wanna ~plot~! plz love us, ok BYE! 
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
Marshall Amps
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This is Slayer’s backdrop for some recent tour of theirs.
If you’ve followed rock music at all, the “wall of Marshalls” is so iconic, it’s hard to separate the subject of the imagery from the backdrop of Marshall speakers.  Jimmy Page, Slash, Zakk Wylde, Eric Clapton...to name a few...but the man who made Marshalls the “greatest amps of all time” is none other than you know who...
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So what is it with Marshalls?  Why did they become the “greatest amps of all time” yet seemingly don’t have a place in today’s guitar world?
What defines Marshall amps?
They have “Marshall” written on them.
Kidding aside, you will never hear about Marshall amps being called “versatile.”  “Clean” is something they do out of necessity, not design.  They are stupidly heavy.  They are a pain in the ass to maintain.  They only sound good at volumes that would peel the enamel off your teeth...and that’s just the 50w models, let alone the big boys.
Marshall amps really do one thing well...overdrive.  If you’re in a band that plays loud, plays dirty and plays aggressive, then Marshalls are likely right in your wheelhouse.  Bonus points if someone else is carrying your gear.
Any level of dirt...from bluesy hair on the note to full out metal grind...a Marshall is right at home.  When you overdrive the tubes in a Marshall and they start to produce those beautiful overtones and harmonics, it’s truly a sound of beauty that prickles the hair on the back of your neck.
Historical Context Part 1
To define Marshall amps, we need to start with their history.
Remember how when I used to actually write, I’d talk about putting things in historical context?  Lets go back to the early 60′s.  There is ONE amp company doing business on both sides of the Atlantic, Fender.  And, despite being primitive and archaic, those early Tweed Fender amps are still today some of the best sounding amps money can buy, which is even more impressive considering that a 10 year old who can use a soldering iron could build one.
But in America, it’s easy to source parts for an American company’s amp like Fender.  It’s right there in the country, stupid.  But for a company...shit, that’s not even accurate given they weren’t a company yet...for a Brit like Jim Marshall, you had to get creative.
Marshalls, at their very, foundational core, are almost a direct plagiarism of the Fender Bassman amp.  I mean, it’s exactly the same amplifier except for one key difference...the tubes.  The Atlantic Ocean thing mentioned earlier is a big deal...the 6v6 and 6L6 power tubes that Leo Fender used, nothing more than run of the mill military-spec electrical tubes, weren’t available.  Tubes might not be the lifeblood of an amp (the circuit is), but different tubes have a hugely variable presence in practical settings.
Given that most tube amps are powered by tubes that came from either the US, UK or Russian military industrial complexes...and there not being the internet or a secondary market for any of this shit...Marshall used, first, KT66 Russian tubes, and later British EL34 (big bottles) and EL84 (little bottles), depending on use.
As Marshall’s blew up (and it happened quickly), and musicians started playing bigger and bigger halls, Marshall took that Bassman ripoff and housed it in larger cabinets allowing him to add more tubes, and therefore, more power.  It was the perfect storm...
Historical Context Part II...the important stuff
So I linked to a bunch of pics above...famous dudes standing in front of walls of Marshalls.  The one I really want to hit on is the Eric Clapton one...
I just mentioned this a couple paragraphs above, but it bears repeating...there was no secondary market for things like tubes, caps, speakers, etc.  That pic of Clapton?  In each of those cabinets housing four speakers, maybe one was fully operational with half of another adding a bunch of fizz.  During Cream’s final show at Royal Albert Hall, he had only one speaker installed in the entire cabinet...the rest were just empty.
Now, that’s not to say there wasn’t any sonic benefit from having cabinets project sound waves with four speakers.  Rather, if one went down, at least you could still play.
Which leads us to the important stuff...
Primitive PA systems were not only garbage to begin with, but they were typically operated by burnouts who didn’t have the first clue of how to properly EQ a room.  This was true as late as the mid 80′s.  As shitty as those PA systems were though, guess what?  That’s still how Cream’s sound got shot through Royal Albert Hall.
Given the choice though, guitarists would rather have a slew of speakers doing the work rather than mic’ing up smaller amps.  Even with this option though, there’s a long history of...behind those walls of Marshall speaker cabs...there being a single half stack with just one speaker being mic’d.
Here’s a dirty little secret...Eddie Van Halen has not just endorsed multiple amps from multiple companies, but been heavily involved in the design of a lot of those as well.  BUT, when you hear him in the studio or live, you’re not hearing any of those amps...you’re hearing this.
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Despite all the noise and propaganda regarding Van Halen’s wizardry with guitar and amp parts, the sound he’s most famous for and has relied on his entire career is produced by a relatively stock Marshall 1959SLP, known as the Super Lead.  The “Brown Tone” he’s famous for isn’t due to anything special in the amp itself, rather using something called the Variax to run the 100w amp at 90w, thereby making it warmer and more efficient (Marshall’s imported to the US still made to run at 110 volts despite most American outlets being 120 volts...the Variax reduced the electrical load to the amp, while also being an accidental signal buffer, allowing him to use time-based effects like flangers and delays, where running them into the front of a Marshall would cancel out those signals).
Jesus Christ that was a long aside...there was a point here though.
What was that point?
When PA systems and quality mic’s and sound guys became the norm, the necessity for stacks of Marshalls really started to go to shit.  Even before the internet boom, the jokes about wannabes hauling Marshall half stacks to tiny bars with no audience were already essentially canon.
I said this above...unless you are a touring artist in a hard rock band with logistical support and no front of house...Marshalls are completely impractical.  We’re not even going to touch on declines in quality (new Marshalls built on PCB have more in common with your phone than a 1987x, even if you buy a “reissue” of a 1987x), questionable marketing and oversaturating their own market...the fact of the matter is extremely simple.  Big iron is obsolete, no matter who makes it.
Marshall themselves know this, and released the “studio” line...which might as well be called the “shit we better make smaller stuff because our sales are getting FUCKED” line.  If you’ve ever had to pack a car full of gear yourself, it takes one gig before you’re looking for smaller, lighter amps.  Those 100w Marshalls?  They sound AMAZING cranked.
But unless you play them cranked, they sound like shit.  Think about it like driving a Ferrari at 25mph all the time...
For regular working musicians like myself, a great sounding tube combo can be found under 50 lbs.  Or I could ditch all that and go with a modeler, go straight into the PA and never need an amp again (PREDICTION...you will not see amplifiers on stage outside of Nashville and niche acts in 10 years).  That’s for a working musician.
For a touring musician, you can save tens of thousands of dollars per year by not having to hire logistical staff.  You might have scoffed at my prediction above...but these days, the majority of guitar sounds you hear are made digitally by a session guitarist sitting either at home or in the control room of a studio.  That 1987x is a digital patch rather than two trips to the car and ringing ears.
Point being...amps are already obsolete.  And if your amp weighs more than 50 lbs. and has more power than say 40w, it’s remarkably obsolete, no matter how cool it is.
I don’t have to tell you that Marshalls’ legacy was formed in the harder forms of rock.  Take one look at those monsters and you can tell they roar.  “Roar” is an interesting concept though...
Marshalls were made before hard rock really existed.  Guitarists almost ubiquitously came from a “clean” learning point, and even what we consider small amounts of dirt like this (and during the instrumental part of Ramblin’ Man) back then were FULL-THROATED.
Personally, that’s my ideal of the Marshall sound.  That Tweedy breakup that puts a shaggy head of hair on each note.  But to just about 90% of the music-enjoying public, this is the sound that immediately comes to mind when you think of Marshalls.
Definitely more dirty than Duane Allman’s version no doubt, but if you really listen to the guitar, the edge is more due to phrasing and Slash’s ballsy attitude than the guitar tone itself.  It’s still something I’d describe as more crunchy than full on distorted.
Which brings us to the clones.  Now, what better product to copy than a style that’s been obsolete for like two decades now!
We talked about Van Halen’s supposedly modded (but really quite stock) Marshall above...well, here comes one of his amp tech buddies Michael Soldano bringing a hot-rodded Marshall to the masses.  Then Bogner follows right behind.
Slash’s tone might not be that distorted, but plenty of metal guys absolutely were, and Marshall JCM’s were their weapon of choice.  But the time the calendar turned to 1990 though, Mesa Boogie’s rectifiers were already kings of the metal scene.  Almost as much as the Telecaster dominates country music, the Mesa Boogie Rectifiers own metal.
What was the common denominator in the competition?  MORE, sure.  More dirt, more quality, blah blah blah.  The biggest reason was Marshall, the company.  Unlike Fender, Marshall never got bought by bigger companies.  While that might keep them more “genuine” you have to realize that this guy was making amps in a tiny drum shop still when he was making stuff for Hendrix and Pete Townshend.
While Fender’s soul got twisted in a series of corporate takeovers, what it also eventually received was outside guidance from people with business AND music knowledge.  Fender was always forward thinking, from the day Leo Fender started the company.  Jim Marshall didn’t have that same type of vision.  The idea of a Fender amp being built on PCB is something Leo Fender would have embraced.  But to Marshall, it’s killing the amp’s soul.  Fenders never were BIG IRON...i.e. huge transformers fed by big bottle tubes...they never got into the size game.
To begin with, Marshalls were a stolen design.  That might sound harsh, but it’s not being unfair either.  They were never known for quality, rather known for quirks and unreliability.  They weren’t even that unique of a sound...you can get a very similar sound from a Fender Tweed cranked...you just cant take a Tweed to a huge hall and project the sound.
We can do that today.  Easily.  Like an $80 mic and a mic cable easy.  And now you have a true, pretty much genuine Marshall roar in a 30 lb. package.
Back in the day you couldn’t demand flawless point-to-point wiring, proper voltage and ohm specs, and wide-sweeping EQ bands.  Soldano and Mesa Boogie offered these as stock parts of their offerings at the same price points.  If you were a lead guy, Soldano was your choice...if you were a metal guy, it was Mesa...and in the two niches of the guitar world Marshall absolutely dominated, they were now second class citizens.
Or maybe even worse...new poor.
“Marshall” is a descriptor these days.  It’s describing the sound of a tube amp with a good-sized transformer being fed by British tubes, typically EL34′s.
If you want a “Marshall,” Marshall is probably the fourth or fifth company I’d recommend.  There’s a lot of debate about this, but I do not believe amps built on PCB are worth more than $1k...shit, that’s generous because I would not personally buy an amplifier using PCB.
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This is the power amp section for a new Marshall JCM.
For all you IT guys out there, you probably know that PCB ain’t exactly the most receptive thing to changes in temperature.  Hey!  I got a great idea!  Lets put power and preamp tubes, that heat the fuck up, straight on some cheap ass PCB with janky copper wiring and automated solders!
Literally the only people who will tell you PCB is fine are people who build amps for a living.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t give a shit about making your job easier when you’re still charging me full price and plus some.  The only people saying that there’s no reason to do a point-to-point amp are those who are too lazy to, because there’s a big boutique market for this very thing.
Lets do a real apples to apples comparison here...
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The top pic is a restored 1972 Marshall 1987x.  You can buy these used for under $2k...but let’s use $2k...plus $200 restoration (just the guts, who cares about how an amp looks).  We’re at $2,200.  And this electric shit is so simple a vacuum repair shop could do it.
The bottom pic is a brand spakin’ new Marshall 1987x reissue, modeled after...you guessed it...the 1972 Marshall 1987x.  That’s some clean wiring on that particle board!  But...wait...why am I paying MORE for a less desirable model, that took exponentially less work on Marshall’s end?  Why would I subsidize their profit margins for an inferior product with less resale value?
Furthermore...the 1987x is a one-channel, stupid simple amp.  Why do you need PCB to begin with?  I get it for a Soldano or Rectifier that’s multi-channel, with huge sweeping EQ sections, reverb, etc...but this is a plug-n-play.
Marshall...the company...has been doing that to their customer base for decades.  Back in the day, you knew what you were getting...a thunderous machine that likely would fail at some point, necessitating multiple amp purchases.  Literally the instant better, higher quality alternatives hit the market, it ripped into Marshall’s market share.
Today, if I were recommending a Marshall, the first place I’d recommend is George Metropoluos.  Second would be Friedman.  I’m currently deeply in love with a Friedman amp that’s a single-channel, point-to-point 40w amp that’s essentially a Tweed Bassman with EL84′s and a switchable gain stage...adorably named the Dirty Shirley.
Despite all that, I have a romantic love of Marshalls that overrides anything to do with quality or practicality.  It’s kind of like my love for the Gibson Les Paul grotesquely compounded...
You might think that I have a negative opinion of Marshalls based on everything I’ve just written.  Not true.  All of that stuff, it’s nothing in comparison to just how fucking incredible these things sound in person.  Again, neither of these instruments are in my wheelhouse, but if you asked me what the platonic ideal sound an electric guitar makes, it’d be a Les Paul through a cranked Marshall 1987x.
And even if you’re not into this kinda shit, trust me you’ve heard more than your fair share of Marshalls in the past.  They’re that great.  So great, it doesn’t matter how shitty they may or may not be.
PS...I wrote this in 3 different sessions, didn’t edit or re-read, and just posted away because something is better than nothing.
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collectedbooks · 5 years
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@andholy​ said:  what do you love most about writing aziraphale? ( bonus if you want: would you say you are pretty similar or different to him, & in what way(s) 👀 )
OOH THANK YOU FOR THIS!! i’m gonna start with similarities and differences bc what i love most is gonna be LONGER
so i think i’m just slightly more different from aziraphale than i am similar, if that makes any sense?? the reason i’m ?? about it is because the things that i have in common with him are HUGE parts of my personality, so it’s ?????
main differences are:   i swear like a dnd barbarian  /  i’m more goth-wannabe than pastel dandy  /  i generally try to be nice to most people i meet unless they get on my case first ( instead of passive aggressively scaring off every stranger who comes near, az )  /  i’m more sociable than he is in general  /  i’m more at home with casual affection than he is  /  i’m not nearly as well-traveled  /  i get angry a lot more  /  i SHARE my books sometimes  /  i’m not okay with casual killing  /  and i’m pretty tech savvy and modern-ish overall. he’s also got this detachment from people as a whole since he’s lived so long and since he’s got this connection to a higher power, and i’m, comparably, more down to earth ( badum-tss ). also not religious, and have a kinda negative view of humanity given the past couple years’ political events.
main similarities are:   BOOK LOVING MOTHERFUCKERS  /  huge collections of books  /  would kill anyone who damaged a book  /  i love tea and cocoa more than coffee  /  i like being comfy  /  i don’t mind a nice helping of alone time  /  i’m also dumb of ass and home of sexual  /  i have unhealthy attitudes instilled in me from my upbringing/education that i’m learning from and breaking out of over time  /  i get SUPER excited about the things that i’m interested in even if i’m not very good at them  /  i FUCKING LOVE SHAKESPEARE ( i’m literally about to go to a camp that teaches me stage combat through fight scenes from shakespeare plays can i get a WAHOO )  /  i’m Soft ( or i like to think i am at least )  /  i love food  /  i tend to ramble  /  alcohol nights and existential rambling with friends baybee  /  and i cannot drive nor do i enjoy driving. also i do think the world is worth saving, so that’s something.
as for what i love the most about writing aziraphale......it’s a couple of different things!
first of all, good omens and i have a History TM, i read the book years and years ago --- this blog was made five years ago!! --- and then lost it and bought a new copy, and lost that one, but ever since, whenever i’m at a really difficult point in my life, i’ve always been able to find one of those two copies somewhere in my house, and sit down and read them and enjoy them. the mini-series came out right at a tough time for me too, so good omens has always been my little comfort nook to settle into, even though i never really appreciated it until this year. so writing aziraphale is comfortable, and makes me happy, and reminds me of every time he and that story have been there for me.
second, like i said, our similarities are HUGE parts of who i am as a person, so sometimes it’s just like being the most positive version of myself on here! i get to ramble about books and reblog aesthetic pictures of tea and be hella gay, and when my personal life gets rough it’s really nice to be here and dive into the elements of my life and myself that make me feel happy and safe. the past couple of months were rough; like i said, the mini-series came around at a perfect time. and everyone in the fandom is so nice and so chill as far as i’ve seen, and there’s so many people who have loved the book for years and years and now get to share their love with an even wider audience, so it’s cool to feel both that history AND that energy at the same time.
third, good omens has always had that aura of lived-in-ness to it. there’s a vast and mapped out and familiar world behind it for crowley and aziraphale both, we know weird specifics about both heaven and hell enough to make them feel like entire fleshed-out concepts, BUT at the same time, we don’t have all the details. there’s such a wide, wide world of possibilities within the good omens universe, even with all we’ve been given! what are the departments of heaven? are there individual offices? does someone plan out things like freak accidents ahead of time or is that human influence gone wild and the angels are just like ‘oh yikes’? I Don’t Fucking Know, I Just Go Here! same questions for hell! there are spelled-out limits to the garden, but no one knows exactly what kind of fruits are growing in it, so we can pick and choose and imagine whatever we want to! and it’s fun to write in a universe with some boundaries but limitless liminal spaces for imagination to fill in!
fourth, aziraphale is a challenge for me, as a writer. i’ve always favored morally grey asshole-with-a-heart-of-gold characters, but aziraphale is different in certain ways from my usual mold. it’s like, he’s GOT a moral code, but no one else really knows what it is and it can change at any given time. he’s hypocritical in action, not just in words or ideas; i mean, he’s an ANGEL, and he’s the one who comes up with the idea of killing the child antichrist. who on earth would think that’s the angelic play to call? aziraphale does. he’s a nice person at heart: he loves humanity, he’s apologetic and kind and helps heal people who got hit by cars, he feeds the ducks and reads books. but he’s also customer-service-hates-your-guts extraordinaire in his shop, and okay with casual murder to suit a cause, and jumps around people’s bodies sometimes ruining their lives in the process ( sorry televangelist guy that we all kinda hated anyway ), and manipulates people into doing the stuff that he doesn’t find morally agreeable enough to do himself but that he still needs done. he’s a mosh pit of enigmas and it’s hard to pin him down, because he is SO kind and SO dumb of ass but at the same time he is FRIGHTFULLY callous at times and really an asshole at times. which is SUCH a dichotomy and i love to experiment and play around in it!
in summary: I Just Think He’s Neat! writing him brings a lot of positivity into my life and i find him a fascinating character to dissect in so many ways and he loves books just as much as i do! Idiot Angel Man Take Me By The Hand Lead Me To The La
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fweeble · 6 years
Episode 7: The Rich Boy
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So if my predictions are on track, everyone will want a friend available to hold their hand this episode, but especially next episode. This is your early warning detection system Fwee working just for you. Pick a calming friend.
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*hysterical laughter* THE MUSIC. Shorter, my love, please. I die without oxygen.
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Ibe popping out at the last second to take this snapshot is the cutest thing. Weh.
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Shorter, no. Are you taking pictures of her. That’s rude. Also, what’s with this bizarrely off-model hands-and-arms action going on, Mappa???
That poor lady.
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Please have some pity, Ash. He was in a very emotionally taxing custody battle over his son and now you are all heading to his ex-wife’s. And Jessica is to be feared and respected.
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I’m awful and I’m laughing so hard at the fact that Max nearly hurling is what causes the car to careen away from the lady. Good job, Max. Stop Shorter from being skeevy.
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*cries* Eiji and Ibe are so cute in this. My heart.
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Holy shit, Jessica, your house is gorgeous. I want to live in a house like that. And in the LA area. 
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Y’all are heartless. Poor Max. At least offer him a bottle of water. His poor nerves.
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My heart. Max’s happy face at seeing his son. Q vQ <3
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Just gonna casually slide these panels in:
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Truth in television: most child abductions are by family members (particularly parents if they are separated).
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I’d hide behind the car too. Look more worried, Ash.
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*cackles at Max’s face*
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*even louder cackling*
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I love Jessica.
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Fair enough.
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Max’s adopted kid and his biological kid: side by side.
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They tactfully left this conversation out. = u= Poor Michael.
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My heart. You’re such a good child, Michael.
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Have I mentioned how much I love Jessica.
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The phone book interruption is marginally better than asking for mustard. @ v@
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Oh, Ash. My heart. Why the lighthearted music, this is actually super painful
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*clutches chest* This is super rude. Q AQ
Apparently they don’t discuss Abraham with Jessica, huh.
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Max, Jessica’s gonna knee you in sensitive bits if you keep that up.
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Usually I’d be blowing kisses at Mappa, but all I can think about is I want this house, I could have some dogs run free in the front yard.
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Shorter, why do you walk like this. You’re gonna kill your back. 
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*cries over their protective stances* Sweet children.
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*high pitched distressed noises*
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I always forget this line. Personally, I never found them very similar. Looks or otherwise.
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They also totally cut out an additional scene in NY with Charlie and Jenkins.
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I really love how they don’t bring up Ibe or Eiji, since they both, without a doubt, know that they’re in violation of their visas. Q uQ You’re good people, Charlie, Jenkins.
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*cries* I really do have a type when it comes to favorite characters. Yankees.
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Eiji is so impressed. I miss the scene where Ibe and Max are the ones astounded. Good ol’ 80′s.
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Criminal geniuses, Max please. Eiji isn’t one.
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*cries over how much Ash trusts Shorter* I love these two so much.
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VERY GOOD OBSERVATION, ASH!!! That’s why you’re the boss.
...of your own gang.
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BULLSHIT. I’m clumsy as fuck. I’m like a bull in a china shop. *cries* I will never be called twinkle toes unless it’s an insult.
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Bless you, Shorter, for being an inelegant asshole as well. 
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Nooooooooooooooo. They cut so much ooooout. But, fair enough. More time for better things later!!!! (Please keep in my two favorite scenes, please!!!)
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He had to meet some friends. *emotional*
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I LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH. Sassy asshole Ash is always my favorite Ash. u vu <3 <3 <3
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Eiji is basically Daphne. He finds all the good clues.
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Which makes Ash Velma, since he puts those clues to good use. u vu
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AWW LOOK AT THESE TWO. They’re gonna develop their own high five. Please give me a scene where Eiji and ash also have their own secret thing. Maybe a handshake that involves hip-checking. Please. 
Look at a certain someone about to spontaneously combust with envy. That’s totally the face of envy and not... outright confusion.
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Holy shit, Prof Dawson. Still using XP! 
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Nope. It truly isn’t. 
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*whispers* Essentially, Nanner Fish is primarily shrooms and LSD.
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Prof Dawson, who keeps notes like this. Please revise your notes. At least add commas. And work on formatting. 
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*blows kisses at Mappa* Marry me.
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This answers my giant question I’ve wondered about for years. Hong Kong, huh. No wonder they spell their last name with Lee. I’ve always wondered why a clan part of the Chinese mafia would use Lee instead of Li.
Hong Kong is one of the few places (besides Taiwan and Macau, I think?) that uses that variation. (ANWAYS, back to the Nanner Fish anime...)
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Shorter. Please. Your back. Just take the phone from him, look at it, and return it.
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Oh, my heart.
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THIS IS NEW AND SO FUCKING RUDE. EXCUSE YOU. *crying* Shorter without his sunglasses. I’m crying. Nadiaaaaa.
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*ugly bawling*
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*uncontrollable sobbing*
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Sonny... Q AQ
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Fuck you.
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(Don’t look at me. I’m fucking. Nooooo.) 
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Ooooh, I like this change. Instead of switching between Max-and-Ibe and Max-and-Ash, it just starts with Ash and Max working on the Nanner Fish research together. Nice.
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Ooooh, is this a callback to the vivisection password?
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*noises* Griff.
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*whispers* Papa Max. I don’t care what anyone says. I like to believe that Max guilt-adopted Ash as a son in his heart. He meant to think of Ash as a baby brother, but paternal instincts are strong.
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Listen to Max, Ash. Please.
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*distressed dying manatee noises*
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*loud wounded hippo noises* Just leave me to die.
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My heart... *lies drowning in endless sea of salt and tears*
They’re really trying to make him so much more sympathetic in the anime. He was a lot more aggressive and confrontational in the manga. A sample:
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*cries* Max...
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I tried so hard to get a nice picture, but it was panning so quickly every one of my gyazo shots were blurry. God. How much did this kill Shorter?
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CMLKSDMFLSDF. YUT-LUNG. FUCK. *cries over the opening* 
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Please. Just kill me now.
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*cries* I’ve always loved this lovely mood whiplash exchange. I prefer the manga version of it, though. It’s more... slapstick?
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Poor Sonny. Q nQ
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Why would they put the mark there. That’s not easy to conceal. 
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I think they should’ve stuck with the bracelet. Yeah, someone could steal it, but still a lot more subtle than a huge black dragon tatt on Yut-Lung’s neck.
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Yup. *sigh* Sadly...
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*whispers* And this is why, no matter what people say later on, why I will always hold a grudge against Yut-Lung. Shorter...
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Consider this: No. Fuck you.
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Oh, my heart. Since Shorter made the comment that Yut-Lung looks like Eiji... I wonder if this is why he makes that comment. Because... Because...
You’re a kid too, Shorter...
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*whispers* This is important.
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*continues to stage whisper* Also important.
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I love the effort Mappa put into all the details. The strangely Chinese-esque artwork hanging on the wall considering this is Alexis Dawson’s house and he’s not connected to the Lee Clan.
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Good job, Ibe!!!
Especially since the anime doesn’t bring up your visa status.
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m so glad Ibe doesn’t have to fully entertain the notion that he might just have to kidnap Eiji (and how he’ll have to do it). Bless Ash for volunteering earlier.
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Poor Ibe. Eiji, you’re gonna make him age 30 years in 3 months.
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Also, bonus Max being hot-headed and totally not reading between the lines.
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*cries* That’s not true, Eiji! You helped solve the computer’s password! ...In the manga...
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YEAH. AND THAT. I totally didn’t forget. *sweats*
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*strangled noises* Ash...
What about Shorter. Q AQ
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Excuse me as I curl in the fetal position, crying about letters and mountains and leopards and how everything about this is so much more painful in hindsight. 
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Eiji... I just... *aggressive hands* All these feelings and nothing I can do about anything.
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On one hand: I like the art direction taken.
On the other: Why you gotta be like this, Yut-Lung?
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*whispers* They left this out. Truly toning down Ash’s tsuntsun nature.
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Every time I read these panels, all I can think of is Shorter internally screaming for Ibe and Eiji to get away. To fly to Japan and never come back. 
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If y’all have your friends on hand like I suggested... lucky you.
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Because I’m in pain...
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I love how Max has a higher EQ* than he does in the manga. He truly misses a lot of emotional cues that he doesn’t in the anime.
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I miss Max rubbing it in, though. Manga Ash was a lot more emotional and hot-headed. Until...
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*really fucking loud crying about epilogues*
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I really appreciate how much emphasis is put on Max’s guilty conscious in the anime. My heart. 
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Cmkalsfsadfljkasfd. NO. Yut-Lung. Just. No. NOPE.
I’m sad they cut out my son’s snark, though.
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Rebel! Rebel in every tiny way possible, Shorter! No matter what happens, what anyone says, I know you tried. And I’m so proud of you.
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There’s a very valid reason why...
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Cmkalsdmflasfd. I just want to see his eyes. I want to see Shorter’s face after he’s been order to commit another betrayal.
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God dammit, why do you have to live a billion miles away. I seriously need someone who knows what’s about to happen to be close enough to hold my damn hand already. *weeps*
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Oh god. Seeing Shorter’s eyes doesn’t make this better. Cmklsamfdlsafd.
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Ohmg, yes!!! They kept this bit in!!!
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(How dare Mappa add this expression. How dare they try to make me sympathize with Yut-Lung any more than the manga already tries. How dare.)
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This is so much worse than I ever thought it could be.
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*strangled sobbing* I wonder if this is a reason why... Yut-Lung obsesses so much... about... 
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*intense feelings about Yut-Lung and his feelings towards himself and his family*
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Why add this totally unneccessary scene about Yut-Lung noticing Shorter’s tears, Mappa you bastard. *cries*
The same scene in the manga because I’m emotional and I’m totally not biased for Shorter and hoping people don’t start dumping my boy in the trash... Honestly...
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(I live in constant fear...)
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I’m so torn between: EEE! Michael with his surprise present (that didn’t show up in the manga! Since there wasn’t an excuse of “It’s Michael’s birthday”). Cutest child to ever cute.
But also: Fuuuuuuuck. I was secretly hoping they’d get off scott-free since Jessica doesn’t know anything about them heading to check out Dawson’s house. Whyyyyyyy.
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Why you gotta be so observant, Jessica. Q vQ
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Nonono. No. NOOOOO. 
I said NO.
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Lay me to rest. Play If I Die Young at the funeral and send me off like like Going Merry. I’m done.
I’m not quite sure how they’re handling the pacing, especially since it seems like my projections are a little off. Still so worried how they’re gonna fit 19 volumes in 24 episodes... especially since it looks like The Episode I Fear the Most won’t be happening next episode like I originally estimated but episode 9 instead...
*Emotional Quotient: google it if you’re curious
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