#boogle the clown
glowingmagic · 2 months
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oh hey tumblr Here's a doodle of kitty-Boogle playing with a pink cockroach puppet and Gunk, my beloved~
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penanggalan · 1 year
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Spent way too long on editing this old art for a new Twitter header
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grizguts · 2 years
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A [old] gift art for Boogle of her and her best friend KittyMonster napping together~ @penanggalan @slime-mold
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sixeyesgojo · 1 year
He is so pretty I wanna keep him in a pocket unfortunately the other characters doesn't see it. It's a running joke but I did not expect that there's another reason that they call him average or ugly. It was mind boogling at first but now it hurts. Why does orv keep hurting me like this.
Also Gilyoung, I'm adopting this kid.
There is no way in hell I would let anyone call them ugly!!
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If you adopt Gilyoung... wanna share custody?
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bing-iplier · 7 years
i saw bingle and i immediately though bim x pringle
@toomanytubers forget Bing x Bim, this is Truly the best Bim ship 
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 years
We were being geeks on the discord....which makes me wonder, What kind of patronus' would the RO's have?
*immediately goes to take my own patronus test*
Hmm, this is a very good question (I love geeky, btw)! According to this guide on patronuses, I’d guess…
Blade: Chow Dog – One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
Trouble: Lion – The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the “king of beasts.” Lions generally live in close-knit prides, which they are fiercely protective of. They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices.
Shery: Hedgehog – Cute and loveable inside and out, those who possess a hedgehog Patronus may thrive on giving and receiving love and may feel they need more of it than others realize. While upfront about their endearment and affectionate personality, hedgehogs are also known to be anxious and overly cautious. They often worry about their own and others of their kind’s safety. Those around must approach the hedgehog with care and precision, though, because when defensive and hurt, hedgehogs are remembered not for their sweetness, but for their sharp spikes.
Tallys: Badger –Badgers represent determination. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Connected to the earth, the badger is grounded and celebrates individuality. This creature’s stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors!
Riel: Heron – The heron is known for its outstanding determination and intelligence. Herons live in three elements: water, earth, and air, revealing that the animal appreciates diversity. You have a mind like no other and work on whatever you’re working on until you’ve finished it. And of course, this is J.K. Rowling’s own Patronus, so you should be sure of this animal’s respect, beauty, and loyalty.
Chase:   Weasel – Weasels are one of the world’s smallest carnivores! This means they have to compensate for their size by attitude. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent you’d want to keep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. They are quick-minded and slick. They are masters of chaos and are actually quite intelligent. It’s no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a “boogle” or a “confusion.” A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits any predator that threatens it.
Red: Dolphin – Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!
Ayla:  Chestnut Mare – Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying “Chestnut Mare – Beware”! These horses are full to the brim with attitude. Her feisty go-get-’em stance means no one dares to mess with this lass. A lover of action, she will never shy away from danger, but her headstrong way of life will mean that she will always keep you safe. Your Patronus will give you a burst of energy and is a formidable opponent to any Dementor that dares cross your path! 
Lavinet: Russian Blue Cat – The Russian Blue is known as a royal cat. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. They love their humans, often doing small acts of kindness to cheer you up such as patting your face or clowning about to entice a laugh. If any Patronus will chase away a Dementor by staring disdainfully at it, this is the Patronus! 
Prihine:  Capuchin Monkey – Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. Give a capuchin an abundance of fresh fruit, others to interact with, and a stimulating environment, and watch its creativity and sense of adventure soar. Beware, the absence of such creature comforts will quickly lead to quarrels, isolation, and an intolerance for others’ good moods.
Mimir: Blackbird – The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times.
Halek: Greyhound – The Greyhound is an intelligent, gentle creature. Sure, they are fast when need to be and are prey-driven, but for the most part, they are calm, affectionate, and easygoing with a sensitive nature. If your Patronus is a Greyhound, you’ve likely been wrongly accused of laziness or indifference by those who do not understand your calm disposition. You’re not lazy at all. You know exactly what you want and focus your energies on your target, but you don’t chase every opportunity. This focus allows you to live peacefully with others and not let every little thing upset you.
Caine: Fox Terrier – This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. If you have this Patronus, you are spunky and loyal. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can’t be beaten.
Croelle: Hippogriff – The hippogriff is a proud and dangerous creature. They are half eagle, half horse, the offspring of a horse and griffin. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. You’ve been known to fiercely defend those you’re loyal to and lash out at those who don’t earn your respect. At the same time, you are capable of growing to love former enemies – after a bloody battle.
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penanggalan · 1 year
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Boogle and the KittyMonster~ I haven't drawn him much since that one game or whatever came out with that gangly blue monster as I got very discouraged when people who don't know how old he is just presume he's a fan character and not the vessel of my spirit since '07 :') Follow me on Twitter - EctoGhouler
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penanggalan · 2 years
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Here is the last Boogle art I did, from last year. I'm holding Casper, one of my last two cats. I went from 8 cats to 2 over the last several years... adopted 3 of the kittens my ex and I found, then three passed. Eyeball developed an incurable cancer and I've never mourned a pet so hard. She was the only cat I ever had that was truly *MY* cat. She mourned me when I'd leave the house for 2.5 minutes and liked no one as much as me. Casper is close. He's very sweet but timid around everyone but me, and I'm the only one who can hold him like this lol. He's exceptionally derpy and loving with Mocha, who is an old boy and only begrudgingly tolerates his affection. It's been a very, very rough last few years for me. I'll update on that shortly.
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penanggalan · 5 years
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A quick thing of Boogle with her new plush baby dragon, Oogle! <3
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penanggalan · 7 years
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Amazing art by Evendim of my Boogle! I love this so much! <3
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penanggalan · 7 years
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Everybody scream It’s a clown dressed as Halloween.
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penanggalan · 7 years
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Love this art of my clown girl with her/my favorite toy, Gunk!! By the super sweet artist, BlitheDragon <3
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penanggalan · 7 years
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just a lil spooky
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penanggalan · 7 years
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Boogle by Teil :oD
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penanggalan · 7 years
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penanggalan · 7 years
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Boogle by uglycatt! :D
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