#books for ca exam
booksforcaexam01 · 13 hours
10 Effective Networking Strategies in the CA Industry
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The most important aspect of every career path is networking, particularly in the field of chartered accounting (CA). Building strong relationships can lead to industry insights, mentorship, and job prospects. These practical networking techniques, which emphasize the value of resources, are geared toward prospective and practicing certified accountants.
1. Engage in Professional Associations and Groups
It can be quite advantageous to join local CA organizations and professional groups such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). These platforms provide opportunities for networking with peers and seasoned professionals through seminars, workshops, and networking events. Participating actively in these associations can help you make important connections and keep you informed about trends in the industry.
2. Leverage Social Media and Online Forums
Networking is facilitated well by social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and niche discussion boards like CA clubindia. Engage in conversations on a regular basis, impart knowledge, and establish connections with business titans. Additionally, online study groups focused on CA Foundation Books, provide a space for collaborative learning and networking with fellow aspirants.
3. Attend Industry Conferences and Seminars
Industry conferences and seminars are excellent venues for networking with experts from different CA industry sectors. Expert speakers and panel discussions are frequently featured at these gatherings, offering insights into prevailing issues and trends. Bringing along Books for CA Exam can be an excellent conversation starter, showing your dedication and preparedness.
4. Participate in Workshops and Training Programs
Workshops and training courses provide opportunities for practical learning as well as networking with mentors and peers. Look for sessions that focus on practical skills and knowledge areas covered in your Study Material for CA. These settings foster close-knit networking as participants share a common goal of skill enhancement.
5. Utilize Alumni Networks
The community of former students at your university might be a very useful tool. Speak with former students who choose to work in California. They may also be able to expose you to their professional networks and provide advice and mentoring. Discussing shared experiences, such as preparing for exams with CA Entrance Exam Books, can help build a strong connection.
6. Engage in Study Groups
Forming or joining study groups for exam preparation can be a dual-benefit activity. Not only does it help in mastering the content from Books and CA Intermediate Scanner, but it also provides a platform to build relationships with fellow aspirants. These peers can become future colleagues or industry contacts.
7. Seek Mentorship
Your ability to advance professionally in the CA field might be greatly impacted by finding a mentor. Mentors offer helpful guidance, encouragement, and connections to their professional network. When requesting mentorship, show your dedication by going over particular subjects from your CA course content and how they connect to your desired professional path.
8. Volunteer for Professional Projects
Participating in volunteer work at conferences or professional associations might help you get more recognition and showcase your abilities. It's a great way to build your professional network and put the knowledge from the CA and other exam materials to use in practical situations.
9. Engage in Continuous Learning
The laws and procedures governing the CA industry are always changing, making it a dynamic sector. Keep yourself ahead of the curve by taking advanced classes, attending workshops, and reading current CA Entrance Books and other pertinent Study Materials.  By posting your thoughts and learnings on social media sites like LinkedIn, you can expand your professional network by attracting like-minded individuals.
10. Follow Up and Maintain Relationships
Networking involves not only establishing new connections but also fostering and preserving existing ones. Send thank-you messages, follow up with folks you met at events, and stay in touch on a regular basis. 
In the Chartered Accountant (CA) field, networking success is mostly dependent on developing sincere connections, going to business gatherings, utilizing social media, and joining associations for professionals. CAs can keep informed about industry developments, expand their professional knowledge, and create new possibilities by actively interacting with peers and mentors. In the fast-paced world of accounting, these tactics not only support professional development but also cultivate the kind of teamwork that is necessary for both individual and professional success.
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caintermediatebook2 · 1 month
Complete Guide to CA After 12th
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It can be exciting and difficult to start your road toward becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) as soon as you finish your 12th grade. You will find all the information you need about the CA course in this all-inclusive guide, which includes eligibility requirements, for your CA Exam preparation.
Eligibility Criteria
To pursue a CA course after 12th, you need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification: You must have completed your 12th grade from a recognized board.
Minimum Marks: There is no minimum percentage required in the 12th grade to register for the CA Foundation Course.
Course Structure
The CA course is structured in three levels:
CA Foundation: This is the entry-level exam.
CA Intermediate: This level requires deeper knowledge and understanding.
CA Final: This is the last stage before you become a certified Chartered Accountant.
CA Foundation
The CA Foundation Course is the first step in the CA journey. It covers four subjects:
Principles and Practice of Accounting
Business Laws and Business Correspondence and Reporting
Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, and Statistics
Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge
To excel in these subjects, it's crucial to refer to the right CA Foundation Books.These books provide a solid foundation and help in understanding the basic concepts.
CA Intermediate
After passing the CA Foundation, the next step is the CA Intermediate Course, which comprises two groups with four papers each:
Group I:
Corporate and Other Laws
Cost and Management Accounting
Group II:
Advanced Accounting
Auditing and Assurance
Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management
Financial Management & Economics for Finance
Using the best CA Intermediate Books is essential to grasp the complex topics covered in this level. These books not only provide in-depth knowledge but also include practical problems to enhance your understanding.
CA Final
The CA Final Course is the ultimate stage. It consists of two groups, each containing four papers:
Group I:
Financial Reporting
Strategic Financial Management
Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics
Corporate and Economic Laws
Group II:
Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation
Elective Paper (Choose one from Risk Management, Financial Services & Capital Markets, International Taxation, Economic Laws, Global Financial Reporting Standards, Multidisciplinary Case Study)
Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation
Indirect Tax Laws
To succeed in the CA Final, it’s critical to use comprehensive CA Final Books and Study Material For CA. These resources provide detailed explanations, practical problems, and case studies.
Essential Study Materials
Study Material For CA
ICAI provides official study materials for all levels. These materials are meticulously designed to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively. They are essential for understanding the core concepts and for exam preparation.
Scanner CA Books
Scanner CA Books are invaluable for exam preparation. They compile previous years’ question papers along with suggested answers. Scanners help you understand the exam pattern, important topics, and the type of questions frequently asked.
Becoming a Chartered Accountant after the 12th grade is a structured yet challenging journey. With the right approach, dedication, and the best study materials like CA Entrance Exam Books, you can navigate through each level successfully. Remember, consistency and hard work are the keys to achieving your goal of becoming a CA. Good luck!
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inspired by the Ophelia in Globe Theater's 2018 Hamlet play
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booktownn · 3 months
Master Your CA Exams : Essential Books for Success
Are you a diligent student aiming to ace your upcoming CA exams? Or perhaps you're gearing up for the JEE Mains and Advanced IIT, AIE exams, determined to secure a spot in prestigious institutions. No matter your academic pursuit, Book Town Shop in Jaipur is your ultimate destination for top-notch study materials. With a vast collection catering to various competitive exams, including Sanjiv Prakashan Jaipur books, REET main exam books, CET exam books, and more, Book Town Shop is your one-stop solution for all your exam preparation needs.
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CA Exams Books :
For aspiring chartered accountants, the CA exams are the gateway to a rewarding career in finance and accounting. At Book Town Shop, we understand the importance of comprehensive study materials for success in these rigorous exams. Our curated selection of CA exam books covers every aspect of the syllabus, providing in-depth coverage of topics and practice questions to hone your skills and knowledge.
JEE Mains and Advanced IIT, AIE Exam Books :
Dreaming of securing a seat in the prestigious IITs or AIE? Look no further than Book Town Shop. Our extensive collection of JEE Mains and Advanced exam books is tailored to help you crack these competitive exams with confidence. From fundamental concepts to advanced problem-solving techniques, our books are designed to empower you to excel in these challenging exams.
Sanjiv Prakashan Jaipur Books :
Sanjiv Prakashan is renowned for its high-quality educational materials, and at Book Town Shop, we proudly offer a wide range of Sanjiv Prakashan Jaipur books. Whether you're preparing for school exams, competitive exams, or seeking reference materials, our collection includes the latest publications from Sanjiv Prakashan to cater to your academic needs.
REET Main Exam Books :
Preparing for the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET)? Trust Book Town Shop to provide you with the best REET main exam books that cover the entire syllabus comprehensively. Our books are authored by experienced educators and exam experts, ensuring that you are well-prepared to tackle the exam confidently.
CET Exam Books :
The Common Entrance Test (CET) is the gateway to various professional courses in India. To excel in this competitive exam, you need the right study materials. At Book Town Shop, we offer a diverse collection of CET exam books covering all subjects and topics, enabling you to perform your best on exam day.
UGC NET Exam Books :
Preparing for the UGC NET exam requires rigorous study and practice. Book Town Shop understands the challenges faced by aspirants and provides a wide range of UGC NET exam books to support your preparation. Our books are updated regularly to align with the latest exam pattern and syllabus changes, ensuring that you stay ahead in your preparation.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Exams Books :
Securing admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is a dream for many students. With our meticulously curated collection of exam books, you can prepare effectively for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya entrance exam. From comprehensive study guides to practice papers, we have everything you need to succeed.
Railway Exam Books :
Cracking the railway exams requires strategic preparation and the right study materials. At Book Town Shop, we offer a diverse range of railway exam books catering to various positions and levels of the exam. Whether you're aiming for technical or non-technical roles, our books will help you navigate the exam with ease.
SSC Exam Books :
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts a range of exams for recruitment to various government positions. To succeed in these exams, you need focused preparation. Our collection of SSC exam books covers the syllabus comprehensively, with practice questions and mock tests to assess your progress and improve your performance.
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CDS Exam Books :
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In conclusion, whether you're aiming for academic excellence or pursuing a career in government services, Book Town Shop in Jaipur is your trusted partner in exam preparation. With our extensive collection of study materials, including CA exams books, JEE Mains and Advanced IIT, AIE exam books, Sanjiv Prakashan Jaipur books, and more, we ensure that you have all the resources you need to succeed. Visit us today and embark on your journey to success!
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cabooks1 · 9 months
Top Five Reasons Why People Quit Pursuing a Chartered Accountant (CA) Qualification
Becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) is a prestigious and rewarding career path, but it's not for everyone. Many aspirants embark on this journey but, along the way, decide to change course. In this article, we'll explore the top five reasons why people often choose to quit pursuing a CA qualification.
1. Exam Difficulty and Failure (The Weight of CA Examinations):
The difficulty of CA exams is a formidable hurdle for many aspirants. These exams are notorious for their intricate and demanding content, creating immense pressure to succeed. Consequently, the weight of these examinations can become overwhelming, causing a sense of demotivation among candidates, especially when faced with repeated failures. This discouragement often culminates in individuals reconsidering their pursuit of a CA qualification. The relentless challenges posed by CA exams can test one's determination and resilience, making it a prominent reason why some opt to abandon this demanding career path.
2. Stress and Burnout (Balancing Act):
The path to CA exams necessitates a rigorous study regimen, demanding prolonged hours of intense focus. This endeavor often results in a delicate balance between work, personal life, and studies. Striving to maintain this equilibrium can lead to considerable stress, pushing individuals toward severe burnout. The pressures of managing responsibilities can take a toll on mental and physical well-being, making it progressively challenging to sustain optimal health. The toll of this balancing act can be overwhelming, prompting some aspirants to question their ability to continue, and ultimately causing them to contemplate quitting their pursuit of a CA qualification.
3. Lengthy and Demanding Program  (The Marathon of CA Studies):
The journey through the CA program is more akin to a marathon than a sprint. It's a protracted process, spanning several years, encompassing numerous levels and exams. This extended duration can be disheartening for individuals who aspire to enter the workforce promptly. The commitment required to complete the program can appear daunting, particularly to those eager to kick-start their careers. The prolonged timeline becomes a significant factor that discourages some from continuing on this demanding path. For those seeking quick professional entry, the lengthy and demanding nature of the CA program may prompt them to reconsider and explore alternative career routes.
4. Financial Burden  (The Cost of Excellence):
Achieving a CA qualification often comes with a significant financial burden. The expenses linked to coaching classes, study materials, and exam fees can accrue swiftly, exerting immense pressure on aspirants. For those grappling with financial constraints or struggling to secure sufficient financial support, this burden can become insurmountable. It necessitates a careful evaluation of priorities and resources. Some individuals may be compelled to reevaluate their pursuit of a CA qualification due to the daunting cost implications, diverting their attention toward more financially viable career options. The substantial financial investment required can indeed serve as a formidable deterrent on this demanding journey.
5. Alternative Career Opportunities  (Diverging Paths):
Life is replete with unforeseen opportunities, and some CA aspirants may stumble upon enticing job offers or uncover alternative career avenues that resonate more with their aspirations and passions. These newfound opportunities can be compelling, often aligning better with their personal and professional goals. As a result, their focus may gradually shift away from completing the demanding CA program. The allure of alternative career paths can be a strong motivator for individuals to reconsider their commitment to the CA qualification. It highlights the ever-evolving nature of career choices and how unexpected options can divert them from their initial pursuit.
Becoming a Chartered Accountant is a commendable goal, but it's essential to recognize that the journey is demanding, both mentally and financially. Not everyone who starts down this path will reach the destination. The top five reasons mentioned above are common factors that lead individuals to reconsider their CA aspirations. It's crucial to assess one's commitment, resources, and personal circumstances before embarking on this challenging journey.
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scanner23 · 1 year
How to Successfully Balance Work and Study as a Working Professional Pursuing CA
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As a working professional pursuing a Chartered Accountant (CA) qualification, finding the right balance between work and study can be challenging. However, with proper planning, effective time management, and a structured approach, you can navigate through this demanding phase of your career. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you excel both in your professional life and your CA studies.
1. Establish Clear Goals and Priorities
To effectively balance work and study, it is crucial to set clear goals and priorities. Start by defining your short-term and long-term objectives. Outline the specific milestones you want to achieve in your career and the progress you aim to make in your CA studies. Also, it is very important to choose the right CA Exam study material to achieve your goal successfully. By having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, you can align your efforts and make informed decisions about how to allocate your time and energy.
2. Create a Well-Structured Schedule
Developing a well-structured schedule is key to managing your time efficiently. Allocate dedicated time slots for both work and study, ensuring that you have sufficient time for each without compromising on either. Consider your work commitments, study requirements, and personal responsibilities while creating your schedule. Remember to be realistic about the time required for studying and allow for breaks to maintain focus and prevent burnout.
3. Utilise Productive Study Techniques
To make the most of your study time, it is essential to employ effective study techniques. Consider adopting the following strategies:
a. Active Learning: Actively engage with the study material by taking notes, asking questions, and participating in discussions. This approach enhances your understanding and retention of the subject matter.
b. Time Blocking: Break your study sessions into smaller, manageable blocks of time. Focus on one topic or task during each block, allowing for better concentration and increased productivity.
c. Prioritise Difficult Topics: Begin your study sessions with the most challenging topics while your mind is fresh. Take the help of some of the best ca entrance exam books to understand these tough topics well. Tackling difficult subjects first will ensure you have ample time and mental energy to grasp complex concepts.
d. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is vital for mastering CA concepts. Solve practice questions, attempt mock exams, and seek feedback to identify areas that need improvement and refine your knowledge.
4. Seek Support from Colleagues and Peers
Don't hesitate to reach out to your colleagues and peers who are also pursuing or have completed their CA qualification. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and emotional support during your journey. Engage in study groups, attend networking events, or join online communities where you can connect with like-minded professionals facing similar challenges. Use some of the best CA Foundation books so that you can understand the concepts more easily. Sharing experiences and learning from others can greatly contribute to your success.
5. Maintain a Healthy Work-Life-Study Balance
While it's essential to dedicate time to both work and study, it's equally important to maintain a healthy work-life-study balance. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:
a. Prioritise Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular exercise. Allocate time for activities you enjoy to rejuvenate and reduce stress.
b. Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work, study, and personal life. Clearly communicate your availability to your colleagues, family, and friends. Avoid overcommitting yourself and learn to say no when necessary.
c. Practice Time Management: Adopt effective time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or time-blocking. By allocating specific time slots for work, study, and personal activities, you can maintain a sense of control over your schedule.
d. Take Breaks: Allow yourself regular breaks throughout the day to recharge. Stepping away from work or study for a few minutes can improve focus and overall productivity.
6. Continuously Evaluate and Adapt
As you progress through your journey of balancing work and study, it's essential to regularly evaluate your strategies and make necessary adjustments. Assess your schedule, study techniques, and overall well-being to identify areas that require improvement. Stay adaptable and open to new approaches that may better suit your evolving needs.
Balancing work and study as a working professional pursuing a CA qualification is undoubtedly demanding, but with proper planning, effective time management, the right choice of study material, and a focus on self-care, you can achieve success. Remember, finding the right balance is a continuous process that requires dedication, perseverance, and adaptability. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can thrive both in your professional career and in your pursuit of becoming a qualified CA.
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cabooks07 · 1 year
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scannerca · 1 year
5 Steps to Construct a Comprehensive CA Intermediate Study Time Table for May 2023
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Preparing for the CA Intermediate Exam in May 2023? Here is a systematic study plan to help you make the most of your time, and ace the exam easily. Follow these 5 simple steps and you'll have all the necessary elements to create a reliable and effective study timetable.
Compile your study material:
The first step of your comprehensive study plan is to compile all the materials you’ll need for the exam. From CA Intermediate books and revision guides to knowledge-based resources, such as lectures and online tutorials, don’t forget to include any other learning materials you may find helpful. Make sure you prioritize studying topics according to their weightage in the syllabus and create a checklist to help track your progress.
With your materials in order, you can start planning your study schedule. Aim to break up long-term goals, like completing each paper and module syllabus into smaller parts, such as individual courses, topics, or chapters. Split things further into daily tasks and assign dedicated study time for each session—this way you’ll be able to track your progress more effectively. Make sure to allot ample time for revision at the end and don’t forget to include a few hours of rest each day to ensure you keep your energy levels up throughout the entire exam period!
Set realistic and achievable goals:
It’s important to stay focused and disciplined while studying, so set realistic goals and break them down into achievable targets. Set an ideal amount of study hours each day and work out how much time it will take you to complete each syllabus topic. Aim for smaller goals and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t reach your target! It's also a good idea to review your progress periodically and make any necessary adjustments as needed.
It can be overwhelming when first setting out on a study plan, so build in extra days for any topics you find particularly challenging. You should also set aside some extra study time for practice exams. Taking full length mock tests gives you an idea of the flow and format of the exam, plus it'll help you track your progress. There are some of the best ca entrance exam books which provide the mock test papers samples. Some CA Intermediate candidates even create study plans which include both academic and mental health goals - like devoting two hours a day to physical activity and catching up with friends once a week. This way you can make sure you're taking good care of yourself even as you juggle the demands of Exam preparation.
Divide topics according to importance:
Divide the topics in each syllabus into manageable sections according to their importance, i.e., which ones help you build on other concepts? That way, you can grasp the core point for a better understanding of later topics. Also make sure to read sample questions and model answers to get an idea of the syllabus weightage and level of difficulty. This will enable you to plan your timetable more effectively using efficient learning techniques.
To study for the CA Intermediate Exam in a more manageable way, make a time table which divides available study hours into short sessions according to sections. Study for a maximum of two hours at a stretch and then take a break of 10 – 15 minutes. This break should be used to relax and de-stress your mind. During this break you can do some physical activity or read something that is not related to your studies, like a book. It is important to have proper sleep during this period, so carve out adequate time for sleeping as well.
Schedule regular study sessions:
Allot specific hours each day to study. Make sure you stick to the schedule and set short-term goals so you can measure your progress regularly. Additionally, plan realistic breaks between sessions to help keep you motivated. Scheduling regular study sessions not only helps you make better use of your time but also makes it easier to remember information better.
When creating a study schedule, set aside enough time to cover the entire syllabus and plan for any extra activities such as group discussions and research papers. Also, try not to cram the night before your exams. Lastly, be sure to pick a schedule that works best for you- it should fit your lifestyle and keep you away from getting bored. This way you can make the most of your allotted time and maximize the chances of success in May 2023.
Incorporate rest days and catch-up sessions:
An effective study plan should also include rest days. This means taking a break from studying to help relieve any stress and burnout. On top of that, if you find yourself lagging behind your schedule, consider incorporating catch-up sessions into your study timetable. This allows you to make up for the days when you didn’t manage to complete your goals and can help keep you to be on track with the rest of your studying.
Along with rest days and catch-up sessions, your study time table should also take into account your other commitments such as family time and exercise. Don’t be tempted to overwork yourself by cramming in more hours of studying than is necessary. Estimating how much time you need to cover a topic and then scheduling ‘off’ days will help you structure your studying and ensure that you feel refreshed, motivated, and energized during the course of your studying period.
In order to succeed in the CA Intermediate Course exam, it is essential to prepare adequately by setting realistic goals and allocating enough time for self-study and revision. Additionally, regular practice tests should be taken in order to measure progress and gain confidence before moving on to new topics. Also, you should study from the best ca intermediate study materials. Finally, taking time out of one's daily schedule to review previously studied material will help individuals perform better on the examination day.
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caexambooks · 1 year
Ca Entrance Exam Books | CUET Books | CS | CMA | Scanneradda
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CA Foundation Study Time Table For May 2023
You should have a schedule for your CA Foundation studies that includes daily, weekly, and monthly study schedules. Ensure that the study schedule includes portions for the CA Exams Test Series. The CA Foundation test is a requirement for the Chartered Accountancy Course. The exam is the first requirement for becoming a chartered accountant. Currently, passing the Foundation exam is challenging due to the low passing marks and negative marks. Students need to establish a plan for their study time if they want to ace the Foundation exam in the first attempt and also they need to study from one of the best ca foundation books for the best results. 
The student who is preparing for CA Foundation benefits from setting specific, well-defined learning objectives. As a result, you should plan your free time as a student in order to give your studies your complete attention. 
When preparing for the CA Foundation Course, it is important to analyse and reorganise the syllabus, assign specific time slots to each subject, and plan study sessions in advance. Additionally, taking practice tests can give candidates an insight into how well they are prepared for their upcoming exam. Lastly, allocating sufficient time for revising is critical in order to understand major topics before moving on.
CA Foundation self-study strategy
One can better learn a subject by employing examples that are relevant to him or her personally rather than relying on the lecturer's detailed examples. Create your own self-study schedule and learn at your own pace. Courses are taught at teaching centres at the usual pace, notwithstanding the fact that pupils learn at different rates.
You are not obligated to follow anyone else's schedule or constraints when creating your own self-study timetable for CA Foundation. You can study that subject whenever you choose, without anyone's permission.
Create a customised Study Schedule
A customised study schedule for a CA Foundation student should take into consideration the following factors:
Study pace: Set a realistic pace of studying, taking into account your current workload, level of understanding and how much time you can realistically commit to studying.
Exam date: Plan your study schedule around the date of the CA Foundation exam, making sure you have enough time to cover all the subjects.
Weaknesses: Identify the subjects you struggle with the most and allocate more time for them in your study schedule.
Study resources: Make use of study material from various sources, including best ca entrance exam book, online resources, and past papers.
Breaks and revision: Include regular breaks and time for revision in your study schedule to avoid burnout and consolidate your learning.
Example study schedule:
Day 1-2: 4 hours per day for Economics and Business Studies
Day 3-4: 4 hours per day for Business Laws
Day 5: Revision of Economics and Business Studies
Day 6: Revision of Business Laws
Day 7: Take a break
Day 8-9: 4 hours per day for Accounting
Day 10-11: 4 hours per day for Mathematics and Statistics
Day 12: Revision of Accounting
Day 13: Revision of Mathematics and Statistics
Day 14: Take a break
While making a study timetable, the following things should be focused on:
Goals: Set specific, achievable study goals for each subject, with a focus on areas where you struggle the most.
Time management: Allocate sufficient time for each subject along with allocating time for breaks and revision.
Prioritisation: Prioritise subjects based on their weightage and level of difficulty, allocating more time to the subjects you struggle with the most.
Study methods: Consider different study methods, such as active learning (e.g. practice questions, summarising), and alternate between these methods to keep things interesting.
Realism: Make sure the study schedule is realistic and takes into account any other commitments you may have, such as work or family responsibilities.
Flexibility: Be flexible and adjust the study schedule as needed, based on your progress and level of understanding.
Breaks: Regularly schedule breaks and time for relaxation, to avoid burnout and ensure you are able to maintain focus over the long term.
Guidelines for 1 month study plan for CA Foundation: 
Identify the specific topic you need to study.
Review the basics and essential formulas for the topic.
Allocate time for studying, e.g. 2 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Create a study schedule, breaking down the topic into smaller, manageable sections.
Use different resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice problems to deepen your understanding.
Solve practice problems regularly to test your understanding and identify areas that need improvement.
Start by reviewing the basic principles of economics.
Set a study schedule, allocating time each day or each week to economics.
Practice applying economic concepts by solving problem sets, participating in case studies, or working on projects.
Stay up to date with current economic events and analyse how they relate to the principles studied.
Make flashcards or summarise key concepts and theories in your own words to improve retention.
Consider finding a study group or a tutor to discuss economics with and to receive additional support.
Allocate specific time slots for studying each subject, taking breaks, and reviewing what you have learned.
Practise active learning techniques such as summarising, asking questions, and explaining the information to someone else.
Join a study group or connect with classmates to discuss and review material, ask questions, and receive feedback.
Apply what you have learned by doing practice questions, writing essays, or taking mock exams.
Keep track of important dates, deadlines, and notes in a planner or an app to stay on top of your studies.
Start with the basics: Ensure that you have a solid understanding of fundamental accounting concepts and principles.
Make a study schedule: Dedicate specific time slots for studying each topic, taking breaks, and reviewing what you have learned.
Use a variety of resources: Utilise textbooks, lecture notes, online tutorials, and practice problems to deepen your understanding.
Practice regularly: Complete practice problems, take mock exams, or work through real-life case studies to apply what you have learned.
Focus on areas of weakness: Identify the areas where you struggle the most and dedicate extra time to studying those topics.
Collaborate with others: Join a study group or connect with friends to discuss and review material, ask questions, and receive feedback.
Stay organised: Keep track of important dates, deadlines, and notes in a planner or an app to stay on top of your studies.
Take breaks: Regular breaks help to refresh your mind and prevent burnout. Take breaks to relax, exercise, or meditate.
Stay up-to-date: Stay informed of recent developments and changes in accounting to maintain a broad perspective and improve your problem-solving skills.
CA Foundation Study Plan for 3 months: 
Here's a high-level 3-month study plan for CA Foundation:
Month 1:
Start with the basics of Accounting, Business Laws, and General Economics.
Make brief notes for each subject and revise regularly.
Take mock tests and analyse your strengths and weaknesses.
Month 2:
Focus on strengthening your weak areas and revise all subjects thoroughly.
Start practising problems and take more mock tests.
Give special attention to Accounting, it carries the maximum marks.
Month 3:
Revise all subjects one final time and focus on your weak areas.
Take as many mock tests as possible to build your confidence.
Get clarification on any doubts you have before the final exams.
Creating a study timetable and following a regular schedule when preparing for the CA Foundation Exam in May is essential. Allocating time to each subject, getting familiar with question types, attending tuition classes, discussing difficult concepts with experienced accountants, studying from some of the best ca entrance exam books and taking practice tests online or through books can help improve chances of success in the exam. Utilising all these resources combined with hard work and dedication will ensure your success. 
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heartcereql · 6 months
shades of cool
୨୧ young!coriolanus snow x f!reader ୨୧ IN WICH Coriolanus is the person you've grown to hate and compete against. But when you and him have to work together to achieve what you want, the tables start to turn. (6.2k+ words) ୨୧ cw: cursing, a LOT of tension (yall r going to hate me for the cockblocking but next chapter will make it up i promise), probably ooc snow (acting like he's a sweetheart and not a psycho lollll), like one mention of blood?
a/n: snow lands on top (of me pls)
𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝐼 - 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝐼𝐼
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There were only two things that you completely and utterly despised: breaking your favorite nail and the voice of Coriolanus Snow.
You made no sign whatsoever to acknowledge the man following your across the crowd of burgundy uniforms. You just clutched your books tighter and quickened your pace.
"Hey, Y/n- wait up!" he called again.
Sighing, you stopped in your tracks and turned around to see a platinum blond running in your direction. The usual shit-eating grin plastered on his face. You put on your best effort to suppress the eye roll that was begging to be released.
"Yes?" you asked, unamused.
"I was just wondering- you seemed kind of distracted in class today." His words were sugary, almost enough to trick anyone into thinking he was truly concerned. But not you though. You had learn to identify the glint in his eyes from a mile away. "Well, just in cas you missed this-"
Before you knew it, you had an A+ graded exam shoved in your face. Making a face of disgust, you scrambled away to look at his face, expression filled with pride.
"That's great, Coriolanus, real great. Would be even greater if I had asked", you scowled, turning away while Coriolanus scoffed behind you, quickly catching up with you again as you resumed your way out.
"Oh, c'mon, Y/n! You're not the only one who's allowed to brag", he said, nudging your side.
"Clearly not. You do it all the time", you deadpanned.
"Don't be mad 'cause you weren't able to beat me. Again."
The smell of roses was too stuck in your nostrils for your liking. Sweet and inviting, but remembering who it came from made the flowers lose all their charm.
"Also, exercise three's answer was option D," he pointed out, that annoying smirk on his face again.
"It was option D, not A."
"How did you even- Nevermind. Option A is the literal definition, care to explain how it is option D?" you argued, rolling your eyes.
"I- A's not the definition!" Coriolanus tried to rebute.
"It is. Try paying attention for once."
"It's not!" He stopped fully, leaning against a wall and opening his bag.
"What are you doing?" you raised a brow at his franctic search. Sometimes you forgot how infuriating he was.
"I'm looking for the textbook," he replied, face almost buried in his bag.
"Unbelievable," you scoffed, turning around. "You really are unfixable, Snow."
Walking away from the mess of papers he had made around him, you could hear him protest.
"Hey, don't go! I'm finding the page!"
You shook your head. The exasperation in his voice was like music to your ears.
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You knew who you wanted to be from a very young age. You knew exactly what you wanted and what you had to do to achieve it. You wanted everything.
Top of your class since you were five. Student of the month every month. Class president. Winning every single award that could be won by a child under twelve years old.
You wanted to take everything from a life that had given you nothing. Like a phoenix, your mother used to say, risen from the ashes to burn in the most blazing fire. With little to no resources, your family had incredibly made it work so that they could afford a small apartment in the Capitol (if you dared call the cubicle that your family shared a house). But your family had made it. And so had you, child prodigy, wanting to rescue your poor parents and sister. Specially when your mom's frequent coughing developed into something far more serious.
You were unstoppable. Nothing in your way. Praise. Applause. Recognition. It was all in the back of your hand.
Until Coriolanus Snow appeared.
He and you were basically the same. Same drive for power, same desire to rescue your family, same overachiever character, same flawless grades. One would think you would get along, being so impossibly similar.
And perhaps you could have. You could've befriended him and helped each other. If he had not equalled you with such aptitude. Before you knew it, Y/n Y/l/n was never mentioned without Coriolanus Snow. You were no longer the only student to pass with distinction. You weren't the only clear winner, or the only candidate for class president, or weren't so easily distincted class president, for Coriolanus was your vicepresident (something that had never been a thing, that appeared as suddenly as him).
But he was fighting you for your spot. Naturally, you didn't even consider him as a potential friend. He was an obstacle in your way, as you were in his. Soon, you two were always engaged in bantering, cruel comments, trying to bring the other down by showing off your accomplishments and grades and awards and titles.
It was more than safe to say that you and Corolanius held special hatred for each other.
And then came the Plintz Prize. Both of you wanted it with equal burning ache, and gave your very best since the first day. Obviously, you weren't the only students who were interested in winning the prize, but you were the ones ready to sacrifice everything, the ones to always make the most of an opportunity, even if it was minimal.
You were so deeply convinced that you were nothing like the other.
But neither of you was willing to let anything come in your way.
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"A new financial aid is going to be gifted."
The words echoed in the room as students hushedly commented, whispered to one another.
"Students will submit a proposal, individually or in pairs. A suggestion with your own design of the Hunger Games. You'll go into detail about every little thing, so that in the end, Dr Gaul will select the project she fancies more to be the winner and receive the financial aid."
You and Coriolanus shared a look from opposite sides of the room.
The prize is mine.
As per usual, you were determined to go for everything. You needed to nail this. That very same afternoon you were sat in front of your desk, scribbling down what was supposed to be the first draft to your proposal project. You'd noted some ideas, but they didn't seem to make sense altogether.
Groaning for the umpteenth time, you got up from the spot you'd been occuppying for the last two hours. Your home was no inspiration, which was why you gathered all your scattered pages and notes and made your way to the Academy's library.
There was a spot you liked there. Your spot, though only you referred to it as that, of course. A comfy chair with a green cushion on the end of a large oak table, between the shelves of Geometry books and medicine articles. Golden rays of sunlight filtered through the large window on spring afternoons, and even in the bleak winter it felt nice to look through it.
Making your way over to your spot, you could almost feel the comfort of the chair, how your thoughts would clear and start to make sense. Eyes half closed anticipating the delight. But you opened them only to find a familiar (and annoying) blond sitting in your corner.
"Move" you said as you finished your way over to him.
"What? No. I'm working. Thinking", Coriolanus answered, unbothered, without looking up from his notes and papers, some scrambled, some with big ink stains.
"I don't care. It's my spot. Move.”
He raised his head to look up at you and stopped writing.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise this chair had your name engraved on it,” he pettily remarked.
“Whatever,” you exhaled, plopping down on the seat next to him. “You are such a pain in the ass, you know.”
“Back at you,” he replied, eyes focused on his papers again.
You huffed and reached inside your bag to grab your notes.
Your messily written ideas were mocking you, at this point. If you thought they didn’t make much sense at home, they definitely weren’t making any now. You had so much in mind. And they were great ideas, really. But you couldn’t find a way to connect them, for them to make sense altogether. And you were missing something. Something so essential, something that you couldn’t quite place.
How will the games be watched if they’re held in the middle of a desert? Where will the cameras be?
You scrunched your paper, groaning again and dropping your head to the table.
"Something wrong?"
You lifter your head to find Coriolanus looking at you, carding a hand through his hair.
"None of your business."
"Jesus, chill out Y/n. I was just asking if you were okay.." he spoke, not in his usual bratty tone; he sounded just worried.
Your eyes widened a bit with a mix between embarrassment and shyness.
"I'm just... stressed. I'm stuck on the whole proposal thing, it just won't make any sense. I feel like it's missing something, but I just can't know what," you told him, rubbing your temples.
Coriolanus let out a breathy chuckle, to which you looked at him disbelief.
"I knew you were cruel, but laughing at my miserable state is just-"
"I'm not laughing. I'm relieved," he explained. You looked for any signs of mockery, but his eyes were truthful and soft.
"Relieved?" you frowned.
"Yeah. I-I thought I was the only one having a kind of block," he looked down to his notes and that was when you noticed the messy paragraphs the crossed ideas, the lines and arrows that tried to connect everything.
You gave Coriolanus a tight-lipped smile. He was right. It was somewhat relieving to know that your only real threat was having a hard time like you were.
"Hey, I've got an idea."
His voice pulled you out of your thoughts. Oh hell no. No idea Coriolanus could want to share with you would turn out great.
"I think we should partner up for the project," he bluntly said.
"Pardon?" you asked raising your brows. You really thought that you hadn't heard him correctly.
"Yeah, I mean, think about it. We both have a lot of ideas but feel something missing. We-we could help each other out!" Coriolanus clarified, somewhat flustered. "We'd win the prize and split it. Highbottom said the proposal could be submitted by pairs. If we do this together, we'll be unstoppable."
You blinked twice, digesting his words like you couldn't believe they were real.
"I think that's the worst idea I've ever heard."
Coriolanus scoffed. "Right, because you're so well known for your good ideas."
True. Though being a straight A's, perfect student, you had a certain fire inside you that had given you a reckless and flaming reputation.
"I'm in."
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You were back in the library the next day, only this time you were sitting in your spot, and Coriolanus was besides you. You had been sitting in silence for the past fifteen minutes, reading the other's anotations and doodles.
When you finished, you leaned back into you seat, stretching your neck and pushing loose strands of hair behind your ears.
"So?" Coriolanus inquired when he noticed you were done. "What do you think?"
"I'm... surprised," you told him, chin resting on your hand as you looked at him. "It's almost identical to mine."
He chuckled. "Yeah, that's what I was noticing. I guess great minds think alike, right?"
"Could be, or you just copied me," you said. Coriolanus sneered and you saw the complains forming behind his lips, so you were quick to clarify. "I was joking, Snow. It seems we're not so different."
"Or you just copied me" he mocked, using your words from earlier.
"You wish," you smile, scoffing in a playful manner.
"Hey, what was it that you were unhappy with about your ideas? Because I think they're pretty great," Coriolanus asked, handing your notes back to you.
"They don't make sense to me. I couldn't come up with a way to connect it all," you shrugged. "Maybe we shouldn't use all of this, I don't know."
The entire day was spent between countless bickering and snacks, you and Coriolanus discussing the project and how insufferable the other was, shielded by the brimful shelves and the hushed conversations between students.
Over the next few days, your begrudging meetings with Coriolanus continued, each session marked by a mixture of tension and reluctant cooperation. The library became your unofficial battleground, the hallowed halls witnessing the clash of two strong-willed minds.
As you both settled into your usual spot once again, there was a palpable air of wariness. However, you couldn't help but notice a subtle change in Coriolanus. He seemed more open to discussion, his usually stoic facade occasionally cracking to reveal a hint of vulnerability. The topics ranged from the project at hand to personal interests, and amidst the disagreements, you discovered shared preferences and surprisingly similar perspectives.
By the first week, a sort of unspoken truce had settled between you. The bickering had mellowed into a more civilized exchange of ideas. Coriolanus, despite his initial resistance, began to respect your opinions and even admitted to finding some merit in your perspectives. You, in turn, acknowledged the sharp intellect beneath his icy exterior. Shared laughter became more frequent, often catching both of you off guard.
Throughout these encounters, the library transformed from a battlefield to a space of reluctant collaboration. Despite the lingering differences, a strange sense of partnership emerged. The once insufferable project discussions turned into an exploration of each other's intellect, and with each passing day, the library witnessed the evolution of an unexpected connection between two seemingly incompatible souls.
Your bag hit the leg of the table as you slipped in your chair, the blond taking the seat next to you. A soft thud was heard, along with something rolling. You were going to duck down to reach it, but Coriolanus was already grabbing it.
"Hey, are these yours?" Coriolanus asked, holding a bottle of pills.
Your eyes widened. Your mom's medicines. You reached inside your bag to check if the bottle you had picked up from the chemist's before school was still there. It wasn't.
"Yeah. Well- my mom's."
He handed the bottle to you, whcih you were quick to put back in your bag.
"Is she okay? Not like it's any of my business, but those pills are like one of the strongest shits ever," he frowned.
Taking a deep breath, you explained, "She's not. She hasn't been for quite a while. And the doctors don't say much, but it isn't looking good."
"I- um, I'm sorry," he stammered, looking down. "If you or her ever need anything, you know you can talk to me, right?"
You nodded, leg bouncing up and down.
"Here," he said, scribbling down something on a ripped piece of paper. "My address. If you ever need it."
"Thank you," you looked into his eyes, words barely a whisper. "I really appreciate it."
His knee bumped yours, like soothing it down, keeping it steady. "Anytime," he smiled.
You gave him an awkward smile, looking away.
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The green folder, clutched tightly in your arms, contained the first draft of yours and Coriolanus' design for the Hunger Games. You both were going to introduce it to Dean Highbottom, since you needed to inform him of who formed your team and some other information. Then, he would grant the two of you an interview with Dr. Gaul.
Once, Coriolanus had referred to the folder as 'your baby'. You had given him a blank stare for a second before the two of you broke down in laughter.
Mindlessly turning around a corner, you bumped into someone's shoulder. A pair of arms caught your own, steadying you, keeping you from falling.
"Whoa, sorry-"
The folder. You quickly stepped back, freeing the folder from being crushed any further. Compulsively checking if the folder was okay, you failed to identify the pair of arms that had held you seconds before.
It was okay. Your baby was okay.
"So sorry, I- Coriolanus?" you asked as you finally lifted your gaze. "I thought you were coming by later?"
"Couldn't wait. I was actually looking for you. I just saw Dean Highbottom enter his office. Campus is pretty deserted, so I'd say we could be the first ones."
A soft smile graced his face.
"Shall we then?" you posed the courtsy question playfully.
"We shall"
The two of you made your way to the Dean's office, gushing about the project like two schoolgirls. Grades and rivalry were not brought up once. Perhaps just because you wanted the day to be perfect.
After knocking on Dean Highbottom's door and hearing a 'come in', Coriolanus opened the door and both of you came in.
"Look who it is! Snow and Y/l/n. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes", the Dean greeted you.
Coriolanus and you shared a glance before giving the Dean a polite smile.
"Are you here about the project?"
"We are," you answered, gesturing to the green folder in your hands.
"As in the two of you are submitting the proposal together?" the bearded man asked, raising his eyebrows. When Coriolanus nodded, he let out a chuckle. "I thought I wouldn't live to see the day."
You offered an awkward smile as you and the blond sat in the seats before the Dean's desk. You silently handed him your folder. After opening it and browsing through the various concepts and sketches, Dean Highbottom closed the folder, tapping his figertips against it.
Nervousness gnawed your insides, your leg bouncing up and down in anxiety. You hadn't even noticed this, too caught up into thinking the absolute worst of the situation; until you felt a knee- his knee- press into yours. Suddenly very aware of what was happening outside your mind, you blinked once, as to come back into reality, and then again, swifting your eyes to Coriolanus besides you.
For a moment, just a moment, you saw only a pair of eyes that guaranteed comfort peering into yours, crowned by the softests of golden curls. And then you saw the snarky comments, the whole usurping-your-place scheme, the perfect grades and the annoyingly pitched voice. The smile froze on your lips. Fuck.
"So," the Dean's voice broke the silence. "Are you two dating yet? Because it would really benefit you"
Both your head and his snapped into the Dean's direction.
Two pairs of eyes now looked wide and with a mix of disbelief and annoyance at the Dean.
"I take it you're not." No shit.
You were still too astounded to speak. What did he mean yet? He was your proffesor. He should, must, know that everything between the two of you is rivalry. Right?
"What, um, what did you mean it would benefit us?" Coriolanus asked, his voice as thin as thread.
"Well I eyed your proposal. And it's good. More than good. It has a lot of potential. But Volumnia Gaul loves one thing more than her creations. Gossip. Drama. If she hears the two of you are dating, she'll make you the Capitol's power couple. She'll give you a story. You will become her favourites. If you want to win at all costs, I'm just giving you a shortcut." He stared at the pair in front of him."But, overall, you've done a great work. I'll leave you to ponder it and I'll alert you when Dr Gaul is ready to see you."
You nodded, as Coriolanus and you mumbled 'thank you's and 'goodbye's and 'have a nice day's before leaving the office.
Campus wasn't very crowded yet; only a couple of students could be seen lurking around. The morning still preserved its coldness, dew remained on the grass.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you started walking, the blond boy quick to catch up.
You hated how you got caught up in this mess. All because you and him needed help. And because he and you were the only answer to the other's problem.
"Y/n?" Coriolanus spoke softly. "How do you feel... about what the Dean said?"
Sighing, you replied, "I just don't know. I mean, this was all crazy before but now? I'm confused, I guess."
"Don't you think it can help us even more?" he frowned.
"But we don't need any more help. We joined forces, no one can beat us, there's no need for us to-"
"I know we can do it without Gaul's help. But it’s one thing to win this aid, and another thing to become Gaul’s favourites. Do you realise how many doors she could open for us?” Coriolanus had stopped both of you now, his body blocking your way, hands in your shoulders, eyes fixed on yours.
“C’mon, Y/n, it’s just pretending,” he pleaded. “Plus, we’re in this to help each other out, right?”
A warm smile spread over his lips, one that only encouraged you and painted a smile of your own on your mouth.
“Fine. We’ll do this lunatic shit. Since you’re not able to reach my level without my help,” you teased, moving past him and resuming your way.
“Sure, Y/n. Whatever makes you sleep at night!” you heard Snow shout behind you.
You just gave him the finger, biting back a smile as you walked away.
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The news spread like wildfire through the campus. The dean's offhand comment had ignited a storm of speculation and gossip. As you navigated through the university halls, it was impossible to ignore the curious glances and hushed conversations that followed you.
The library, once your sanctuary of academic warfare, now became the epicenter of buzzing rumors. Students stole glances at you and Coriolanus, whispering behind cupped hands as you pretended not to notice. The atmosphere had shifted, and your every move seemed to be scrutinized under an invisible magnifying glass.
Your next meeting at the library felt different. The air was thick with unspoken words, and the weight of the rumors hung in the room. As you both delved into your project, the tension was palpable. Every accidental touch or shared smile now carried an added layer of significance.
By the third week, the rumors had taken a life of their own. The once reluctant collaboration now felt like an uncomfortable alliance, forged not just for academic success but to navigate the newfound attention. Your life, once a sheltering and private, now felt like a fishbowl.
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The doors that led to Gaul's lab appeared impossibly big. You let out a shaky breath, one you didn't know you were holding. Bouncing your leg usually was how you showed your nerves, but, since you were standing, you settled with just a trembling pinky finger.
Cold fingers were wrapping around your hand before you knew it.
"What are you doing?" you turned to Coriolanus.
"Gaul's no fool. We have to put on our best efforts to make her believe we are together. You have to help, too. And your hands were shaking," he shrugged.
Taking a deep breath, you swallowed his words and leaned further into his arm, clinging to him like a good girlfriend would.
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing brown and blue eyes shooting a daring look. The woman’s face was instantly lit up with a smirk.
“Coriolanus Snow and Y/n Y/l/n. The sweethearts Dean Highbottom has told me so much about,” Volumnia Gaul greeted the both of you. “Please, come inside.”
She stepped aside to let you in. The ceiling seemed to be miles away from the floor. White, ivory columns welcomed you, glass cabinets displaying all sorts of weird creatures and experiments.
"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Gaul commented behind you.
There was just something so... unsettling about her, something you couldn't quite place but that was ticking you off
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It's for the better.
That had been your mantra for the past few days. The end justifies the means. You kept telling yourself that you didn't want this, that you were only doing this for convinience. But lately you hadn't really been feeling that way. Not when you were sitting right next to him, laughing mere seconds ago, his eyes staring into yours, not trying to intimidate you but more in an attentive way.
He thought you looked so delicate and alluring. You did often, as of late. There were a few stray strands of hair that hid your dashing smile from Coriolanus. A smile he had so recently grown so fond of.
He just couldn't resist the urge to tuck them behind your ear; his fingers a soft caress against your skin. And so he did.
His touch was feather-like, as if you were a porcelain doll that was about to break. At the sudden contact, you shifted your gaze from the papers on the table to look at him. And, god, you almost wish you hadn’t. Because he looked otherworldly just sitting there besides you, hand behind your ear, lips parted slightly, dangerously close to you.
“Your hair was getting in your eye,” he mumbled.
The proximity was going to kill you. He was invading all of your senses. And you hated it. You hated it because this wasn’t even real. It was just supposed to help you with Gaul, nothing more. You hated it because it didn’t feel that way. You hated it because this was not the Coriolanus you knew; not the Coriolanus you chose to know.
“Thanks,” you breathed.
You were scared. As pure and simple as that. This was uncharted territory for you; you had never seen this part of him. It frightened you because you were losing control over your emotions.
He was convinced you were goingo to give into his desires. You were convinced for a moment, too. But then it occurred to you that this wasn't supposed to be real. That whatever you had between you both was just a scheme. That he was just joking.
"What did you score on the last biology exam?"
You mentally cursed yourself as soon as the words left your mouth. You felt yourself involuntarily slipping away from his touch.
“100%,” he responded, frowning. “Why?”
“Guess all these time around me wasn’t enough. I got 102%,” you smiled, trying to sound (hoping to sound) less awkward than you sounded in your head.
“How’s that even possible? I thought there were no extra exercises.”
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat before continuing. “I detailed every answer more than it was needed, so.”
“Oh. Well, congrats.” His lips were pressed into a thin line that he tried to transform into a smile, but ended up just contorting his face.
You looked at the papers before you, laying in a mess on the table, surrounded by pencils, sticky notes and highlighters. Then your eyes peered at the window besides your spot. The sun was setting behind the Capitol’s skyline, painting golden and rosy hues over the library. It was getting late.
“I- I think I should go. I’d better go home before it darkens.”
Coriolanus nodded. "Cool. I'm gonna get going too."
You bit your lip as you stood up, gathering your work. Not another word was uttered until you noticed the librarian peering over at you from behind some shelves, and students at the end of the aisle were turning their heads to you.
Perks of being Gaul’s favourite couple, you supposed.
You leaned to Coriolanus’ level again, pulling him into a side hug as you whispered in his ear.
“They’re looking.”
And then, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and walked out.
Too overwhelmed thinking about that moment with Coriolanus, you missed the way his eyes stayed on you until you left the library, and the way his fingers lingered on the part of his forehead that had been in touch with your lips.
The thought of him plagued your mind as you made your way home. Not even the biting cold of the evening could take the warmth spreading over your cheeks. What was going on with you? He was the guy you hated, you used to hate, the one that was trying to take over your spot.
But your attempts to convince yourself were vain. Because you no longer felt raging hate when you thought of Coriolanus. You couldn't excatly pin what it was, but it was definitely not hatred.
Reaching inside you bag for the key of your family apartment, you sighed, as if that was going to clear and sort out your messy feelings. Yet you didn't even need to open the door, for it was opened swiftly in front of you.
"Y/n!" your father pulled you in. The frown between his brows, the worry reflected in his eyes, the way he held you. Something was not right.
"Dad, what's wrong? I-"
"It's your mom, she- she started to cough so much blood. She's unconscious now, I- I was just about to take her to the hospital."
"Oh my God." Tears stung in your eyes. You knew she was bad, worse than she'd ever been, but this was far from what the doctors had informed you about. "Shit, where's Deena?"
"Your sister's staying over at a friend's. Is there anyone who can take you for the night? Someone who knew about your mother, if it makes you more comfortable?" he asked, rubbing your arm.
Coriolanus. You hated that he was the first person to come to mind, but the truth was thas this project had swept you up from practically every other aspect of your life. You hadn't seen your best friends much, since they were also focused on their projects. Most of your time had been spent with Coriolanus. And you didn't know how to feel about that. Disgusted, you supposed. But that didn't quite match the tugging in your chest whenever you met him at the library, or the calmness that took over you when his knee pressed into your anxiously bouncing one.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so," you nodded, blinking the tears away, though they slid down your cheeks anyway.
"Good. I don't think it'd be good for you to be alone right now."
You hurriedly packed your essentIals and some extra clothes, making your way to the door. You held it open for your dad as he carried your mother.
"I'll see you soon. Be safe, Y/n," he whispered.
"You too, Dad."
You tried your hardest not to break down as you saw your father making his way to the doctor's with your mom in his arms.
But once he was out of sight, you rushed out of the filthy apartment building. As you ran through the Capitol's streets, you remembered the now wrinkled paper that he had written his address on.
"Here. My address. If you ever need it."
It sat scrunched in your coat's pocket. You kept running as your trembling hands unfolded it, and quickened your pace once you'd read the address.
You arrived at his door short of breath, cheeks reddened from the effort, tears dried from the wind. Your knuckles softly knocked at his door.
Mess. You felt like a mess. Everything you had known to this day seemed to have completely flipped around, changing everything all of a sudden. Your mind was a tangled, impossible knot of thoughts and feelings and emotions that were constantly contradicting each other.
A blonde girl opened the front door. To your blurry eyes, she looked like an angel.
"Can I help you?" she kindly prompted, a concerned frown appearing in between her brows.
"Yeah- I'm looking for Coriolanus?" you said, voice on the point of breaking.
"Come in, he'll be right here," the woman spoke, stepping aside so you could come in and closing the door right after. She sat you down on an armchair, her touch gentle and tender. "Coryo! Someone's here for you."
As soon as the words left her mouth, you heard footsteps tumbling down the hallway and into the entrance. The instant his eyes met yours, he put everything else aside. His sole focus was you. The red around your eyes, eyelashes glinting from the recent caress of tears, shaky hands, bottom lip between your teeth, and your leg bouncing up and down almost uncontrollably.
He wanted to hold you forever. Take you in his arms like you were a fragile flower, yet the most fierce of them all. Rivalry long forgotten and buried, mean comments and hurtful offenses forgiven without a second thought. He saw Y/n. Not perfect grades, not snarky remarks, not an opponent. Just Y/n. Sweet, sweet, Y/n.
And you didn't see Coriolanus Snow. The blond standing in front of you now was not the one you'd been fighting for the better part of your teenage years, even before. He was not the one competing against you. Who was him then, if not the Coriolanus Snow you had known all your life?
"Y/n, hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked, voice surprisingly soft, even for his cousin. He crouched down, placing a cold, calming hand on your fidgety leg.
You could feel the tears welling up again, because he was there for you.
“I… I’m going to head out,” the woman said. “I’ll be back in a while.”
Coriolanus muttered a goodbye and then she was gone. And as soon as she was, you broke down.
Burying your head in your hands, tears burnt past your eyes, flowing now freely. All that could be heard were your heavy, shaky breaths. His hand on your back, tracing small circles, made you pull your head up.
Fuck, why were you even here?
"It's my mom." You tried to dry your cheeks, only for tears to fall down again. "She-she lost consciousness. The doctors didn't even say she was that bad. And I.. I just arrived there and there was nothing I could do-" your voice broke before you could finish the sentence.
He instantly pulled you into a hug, your head hidden in the crook of his neck, arms around it. One of his hands was wrapped around your torso, safely drawing you to him, while the other was tangled in your hair.
"I am so, so, sorry," he whispered, breath tickling your ear. You only clinged to him tighter; the only thing on your mind other than your mother right then was how warm and guarded you felt in his arms.
When you finally retracted to look at him, you found your body almost leaning into him again, yearning for his embrace. You inhaled sharply.
"I'm by your side no matter what, okay?" he assured you, eyes piercing yours, hands sliding up your figure to cup your face. "I'm here for you."
You did your best to gather yourself and nod at his words. But then you felt him pulling away in the slightest. No. You wanted him close. You wanted him.
You rose a hand to his neck, fingers dancing along his skin, messing with the blond curls they could reach.
"Hey, Y/n," Coriolanus called out. "She's going to make it. She'll be okay. And so will you."
A knot formed in your throat, the prequel to infinite tears, because who was him and what was he doing to your heart?
Whatever prejudice or thought you had against him was blurrying in your mind. The person he was supposed to represent in your head was further and further from the one barely inches away from you now. And then it hit you. Right then, right there. It didn't scare you. You wanted to know this person. You wanted to give the both of you a second consideration under different lightning.
And so, you closed the gap between Coriolanus and you, as he had tried and wanted so bad to do mere hours before. His lips were warm, contrary to every other part of his body you had ever been in contact with.
For a fraction of second, he hesitated, frozen in his spot, convincing himself that this was happening, that this was real, that you were real. But once he kissed back, he just couldn't let you go.
His hands were suddenly everywhere, exploring your body and drawing you to him as he kissed you, all the desire and passion (and even the resentment, too) poured into the kiss. Coriolanus wanted to make you feel okay. Not just now. But 'now' would have to do as of that moment. And if this was how you wanted the pain to go away, so be it. Fingers digging in your hips made you leave out a mixture of a gasp and a moan, which Coriolanus used to slip his tongue inside your mouth. Everthing he did got you addicted, craving more.
You had both been sitting on the floor, but now you were climbing into his lap, pulling away for the smallest of seconds, but either way Coriolanus was quick to reunite your lips again. Your mouths danced together. Your sking tingled pleasantly under his touch; a constant fire travelling beneath his fingers. But when his hand raised to your cheek, checking for the trace of any new tears. It was simply enough to melt you on the spot.
Tugging at his hair, you angled his face to leave a trace of open-mouthed kisses along his jaw. His groan reverberated through your skin.
The pain was buried somewhere in your mind, but your heart didn’t ache in that moment; he was all your senses were taking in. And you felt safe.
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© heartcereql, 2023 || thank you for reading ! 𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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booksforcaexam01 · 1 day
Role of CA in Indian Economy
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Chartered Accountants (CAs) are vital to the development and upkeep of the Indian economy because of their proficiency in taxation, auditing, financial management, and consulting services. Their contribution to financial transparency, regulatory compliance, and economic growth is substantial, making them indispensable to both the government and the corporate sector. This article examines the various ways in which chartered accountants (CAs) contribute to the Indian economy, highlighting the need for them and the extensive training they must undergo in order to sit for tests like the  CA Intermediate, and CA Final.
Financial Guardianship and Compliance
In their capacity as a company's financial guardian, CAs make sure that its financial statements are accurate, dependable, and consistent with legal requirements. They promote trust and confidence in the financial markets by offering assurance to all relevant parties, such as lenders, investors, and governmental bodies. The demanding curriculum and assessment procedure, including Study Material for CA, prepare aspirants to uphold these standards with great care.
Supporting Business Growth
CAs support corporate expansion and strategy development in addition to upholding financial integrity. They assist companies in streamlining their operations and achieving long-term success by providing insights into financial planning, risk management, and investment choices. The comprehensive knowledge gained from studying Books for CA Exam equips them to navigate complex financial landscapes effectively.
Ensuring Tax Compliance
One of the most important aspects of the Indian economy is taxation, and the compliance of tax laws and regulations is largely dependent on CAs. Through smart tax planning, they assist individuals and corporations in navigating tax difficulties, minimizing liabilities, and maximizing savings. The specialized knowledge provided by CA Final Books and CA Intermediate Books enables CAs to provide expert advice on taxation matters.
Facilitating Foreign Investments
CAs aid in attracting international investment by guaranteeing financial transparency and regulatory compliance. Indian businesses are more globally marketable due to their expertise with international accounting standards and practices. With the assistance of CA, this knowledge is enhanced through thorough planning and study, ensuring familiarity with global financial standards.
Advisory and Consultancy Services
In addition to their regular jobs, chartered accountants (CAs) provide advising and consultation services in a range of fields, including financial restructuring, forensic accounting, and buy-sell agreements. They provide management teams strategic insights and answers to challenging business problems, acting as trusted consultants. The knowledge gleaned from CA Entrance Exam Books and ongoing study supports their ability to provide informed and innovative advice.
Promoting Ethical Practices
The CA profession is based on strict ethical rules that guarantee objectivity, integrity, and professional behavior. By closely adhering to these values, CAs support the Indian economy's culture of moral business conduct. They receive constant reinforcement on ethical norms during their schooling and testing.
Driving Economic Policy
The CA profession is based on strict ethical rules that guarantee objectivity, integrity, and professional behavior. By closely adhering to these values, CAs support the Indian economy's culture of moral business conduct. They receive constant reinforcement on ethical norms during their schooling and testing.
Because they ensure financial transparency, regulatory compliance, and strategic financial management across industries, chartered accountants (CAs) are essential to the Indian economy. By providing knowledge of auditing, taxation, and advisory services—all of which are essential for companies to prosper and draw in capital—they promote economic progress. CAs maintain the accuracy of financial reporting, increase investor trust, and make a substantial financial contribution to the country. They play a crucial role in creating a strong economic climate that encourages sustainability and accountability.
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caintermediatebook2 · 1 month
Navigating the New Scheme for Education and Training in CA Final Course
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It's important to stay updated with resources and educational programs in the continuously changing rule of chartered accountancy (CA). The updated syllabus brought forth by the New Scheme for Education and Training aims to equip aspiring chartered accountants for the evolving demands of the business. In this blog post, we'll go over the key components of the new strategy, discuss recommended reading lists, and provide tips on how to perform well on the CA Entrance Exam.
Understanding the New Scheme for Education and Training
The New Scheme for Education and Training in CA represents a strategic shift towards a more practical and application-oriented approach. It emphasizes real-world scenarios, case studies, and hands-on learning to prepare candidates for the complexities of modern accounting and finance practices. The scheme comprises three levels: Foundation, Intermediate, and Final.
Navigating the CA Entrance Exam Successfully
The CA Entrance Exam serves as the gateway to the profession, assessing candidates' aptitude and readiness to pursue the CA course. Here are some tips for navigating the entrance exam successfully:
Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the format and structure of the entrance exam, including the number of questions, duration, and marking scheme.
Create a Study Plan: Develop a structured study plan that allocates sufficient time for each subject. Prioritize areas of weakness while ensuring comprehensive coverage of all topics.
Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key to mastering the concepts tested in the entrance exam. Solve sample papers, attempt mock tests, and utilize CA Entrance Exam books to enhance your preparation.
Seek Guidance: Don't hesitate to seek guidance from experienced mentors, tutors, or fellow aspirants. Joining a coaching institute or online study group can provide valuable insights and support.
Stay Updated: Stay informed about any modifications or revisions to the ICAI's syllabus or test design. For the most recent information, subscribe to relevant publications or internet forums for discussion.
Latest Updates on ICAI New Scheme
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the updated syllabus for the CA Final course, applicable from May 2024. This new syllabus, under the new scheme of education and training, aims to better equip aspiring Chartered Accountants with the skills and knowledge needed in the dynamic field of accounting and finance.
Overview of the New CA Final Syllabus
The updated syllabus for the CA Final course consists of six papers, streamlined from the previous eight. This change aims to focus on core areas and eliminate redundancy. Each paper is designed to cover a comprehensive range of topics essential for the professional competence of future CAs.
Group I
Focuses on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), group financial statements, and financial instruments.
Key topics include Business Combinations, Consolidation, and Ind AS specific requirements.
Paper2:Advanced Financial Management
Covers strategic financial management, risk management, security valuation, and portfolio management.
Includes topics like derivatives, foreign exchange exposure, and mergers and acquisitions.
Paper3:Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics
Deals with comprehensive direct tax laws including recent amendments and international taxation principles.
Topics include transfer pricing, BEPS, tax treaties, and taxation of digital transactions.
Group II
Paper4:Direct Tax Laws & International Taxation
Deals with comprehensive direct tax laws including recent amendments and international taxation principles.
Topics include transfer pricing, BEPS, tax treaties, and taxation of digital transactions.
Paper5:Indirect Tax Laws
Focuses on GST and Customs Law.
Key areas include supply, charge of GST, input tax credit, and procedures for import and export under GST.
Paper6:Integrated Business Solutions
A multi-disciplinary case study paper that includes strategic management and business solutions.
This paper requires the application of knowledge from all other subjects in practical scenarios.
Recommended Study Materials for CA Final Exam 
Preparing for the CA Final examination requires access to high-quality study materials that cover the entire syllabus comprehensively. Here are some recommended resources
CA Final Books: A curated selection of textbooks authored by renowned experts in the field. These books provide in-depth coverage of each subject and serve as essential reference materials for exam preparation.
Scanner CA Final Books: Scanners are invaluable tools for CA aspirants, offering a collection of past exam questions categorized topic-wise. Practicing with scanners helps candidates familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and refine their problem-solving skills.
Study Material for CA Final Books: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) provides official study materials for CA Final aspirants. These materials are meticulously crafted to align with the exam syllabus and often include case studies, illustrations, and practice questions to aid comprehension.
CA Entrance Exam Books: For candidates preparing for the CA entrance exam, a comprehensive guidebook covering mathematics, logical reasoning, and General Awareness is essential. These books help build a strong foundation in the subjects tested, ensuring thorough preparation and enhancing the chances of success in the exam.
The New Scheme for Education and Training in CA provides a modern way to prepare future Chartered Accountants for their professional challenges. By using the recommended study materials and effective study strategies, students can confidently and ability to navigate their CA journey. With hard work and dedication to success in the CA Entrance Exam and beyond is achievable.
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Round 3
Propaganda why Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insufferable:
She easily gets away with bad, stalkerish behavior, it always feels like she can ‘do no wrong’ unless the show wants us to pity her, and the show writers want us to think she is a quirky and socially awkward girl when throughout the series we see her be friends with basically everyone in Paris with many connections to high up places.
I get she has social anxiety but the way she goes about stalking Adrien is kind of the worst like she even has creep shots of him hanging in her room? That’s weird. I think Adrien’s going through enough without having to deal with the main character being his stalker lol. I know they’re (spoilers) at this point but in the beginning it was so sus
In the newest season, Marinette hides the fact that Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad. This leads to the bastard getting a statue and honored as a hero after his death. Adrien now never gets to know the fact that his abusive and neglectful father was the one trying to kill him and is instead proud of him.
Her crush on Adrien is like a black hole for her character. Things she’s done because of it:
1) stolen property
2) ruined dates
3) humiliated other characters
4) has a chart of Adrien’s daily schedule for the next year in her room (this is stalking)
5) broke into his room and sniffed his pillow (also a crime)
6) sniffed, took the hair from, and tried to kiss what she thought was a wax statue of Adrien
7) convinced her parents to let her go to China. Why? Not because she wants to connect with her mother’s heritage, not even because she’s a budding fashion designer and Shanghai is considered a fashion hotspot. It’s because Adrien was there.
I started the show, watched one episode, and never tried again. I simply do not vibe with her.
shes annoyinng anf shes a stalker
I love fanon miraculous but by god she has got to stop obsessively stalking her crush and generally making a ton of other terrible decisions. I’d submit Adrien too but he’s more of a deuteragonist
More propaganda
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is insufferable:
Your basic Mary Sue. Styled as the incredibly cool best-assassin in the land at only 18, she nevertheless is constantly snuck up upon, distracted by pretty boys, and possesses not an ounce of wit. In a competition between murderers and thieves to win a place as the King's Champion, she sees a bag of chocolates on her bed that she didn't put there and immediately starts eating it and gushing about how much she adores chocolate - nevermind that they just had a trial involving poison, which several of her competitors are adept at. She's always right, and other characters exist just to tell her how awesome and beautiful and wonderful she is. And then she turns out to be a super special magical fey princess!
I generally don't believe that a Mary Sue is a bad thing, but the only thing I remember about this book was how she had been in prison for years but was super young but was also still the most super-specialest assassin. And she kept reading when she should have been training or sleeping. Like, girl, this is not final exams where you can stay up all night and then roll into class in your pajamas and still squeak out a C. It's supposed to be life and death. Her character traits didn't make her relatable, they made her a moron
Heir to a kingdom plus turquoise eyes plus best assassin in the world plus protagonist centered morality
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Dean Winchester is insufferable:
Really mean to Cas (called him a child, zero respect for him, calls him family and casts him out when the angels are looking for him), and an absolute dick to Jack (threatening to kill him CONSTANTLY)
>Was a misogynist (loved to call women skanks, bitches, hoes)
>Used gay as an insult multiple time during the show's run (idc if he's gay an homophobic, that's still insulting)
>Beat up his brother for being possessed
>Beat up his brother for losing his soul (not his brother's fault)
>Used dubious consent to get his brother possessed in a different unrelated possession incident after possession was being used (badly...this is supernatural after all) as a metaphor for SA
>Threatened to murder his brother when he was hallucinating (yay we aren't ableist)
>Locked a child up in a box
>Threatened to kill the child he locked up in a box
>Made a creepy, sexual comment about a barely-legal high school girl
>Got the woman and kid he was living with memory-wiped
misogynistic scumbag. theres also a few different times that dean finds teenagers sexy with the most recent and prominent example that i can recall being the scooby doo crossover episode in season 13 where hes super into daphne who in the version they chose for the episode is 15-16 and is interacting with her as if shes a real person cause they got magicked into the episode. he treats everyone around him like shit and the only time the narrative agrees that thats a bad thing is when he has the mark of cain put on him and hes acting no differently than he does usually its just now acknowledged that hes treating others like shit. ive been rewatching the show for shits and giggles with a friend and wow he really does not treat anyone well but i wanna focus on how he treats sam for a second cause dude's hobby seems to be ignoring what his brother wants and lying to sam about doing stuff that directly concerns him the demon blood and souless things are reasonable cause those were both Bad for sam but theyre still part of a wider pattern and the most prominent example of this being when dean tricks sam into letting gadreel possess him and actually gaslights sam about it with the whole ordeal ending when its revealed gadreel lied about who he was and while possessing sam murders a friend of theirs. his voice is just also stupid as fuck im sorry this is just petty but he just sounds like hes trying so hard to be gruff n intimidating but he just sounds like a kid pretending to be batman
Dean’s list of sins is crazy long because of how long the show ran, but the key thing for me is that post-locking Sam in the bunker (season 4 I think?), I just can’t enjoy their relationship anymore. I normally love their sibling dynamic, but Dean’s ultimate worst past-the-point-of-no-return moment for me was demonizing (pun intended) his little brother for being “addicted” to demon blood, which only happened because of a series of events that were either Dean’s or someone else’s fault, not Sam’s. I also really dislike how the fandom treats Dean like this angel (pun intended) who has done no wrong and even tries to justify the MULTIPLE times he’s beaten up and otherwise abused his little brother. Canon Dean is like the polar opposite of fanon Dean: he’s homophobic and racist (jokes about a Black man being sexually assaulted in prison), misogynistic (take a shot every time he calls a woman a slur and you’ll die of alcohol poisoning), and abusive.
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snoopyreadsliterature · 5 months
[17.01.2024: wednesday]
16/100 days of productivity
i'm writing this post early today and scheduling it to post during my exam since it's going to take so long. good luck, me!!
in other news, i'm buying new markers + picking up a book i ordered. it's also very cold and snowy out; altogether a perfect day.
goals for today: - ace my english exam (✓) - revise evolution + sensory physiology - reset my desk set-up (clean up) (✓)
i'll update later to share how my exam went. i hope you have a great day as well!
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left: i can't say enough how much i love my Norton Anthologies of English Literature. genuinely my most prized possessions besides my Complete Works of Shakespeare. right: 'La Liseuse' ('The Reader') by Jules Dalou, ca. 1872 and in the background 'Forest Glade' by Narcisse Virgilio Díaz de la Peña.
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hydn-jpg · 1 month
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i am back!! sorry for dropping off the face of the earth again :'0 i was dealing with mental health stuff but i am okay now. the horrors persist but so do i and all that haha
anyway! i spent the past few months focusing (as much as my adhd allowed me to ,, ) on school and writing my thesis, and also spent some time in canada for my research project!! it was a really nice experience and i met some rly cool people too :D
as of writing this it's been a week since my exams finished and almost a month since i submitted my final thesis so that's great! i really feel like i can finally breathe again haha. i poured my blood, sweat, tears and probably other bodily fluids into it too so i hope everything goes well! (emphasis on blood bc my nose literally started bleeding while i was doing my exam ;; lmao)
it's good to be back! does this mean i will be back to posting art? YES absolutely!!! (will be posting one in a few hours :^) ) i'll need to read the new books and recent chapters to get material to draw more relevant stuff but i do have a few pieces that i drew before/during my hiatus that i'll post in the meantime! i have a lot to catch up on but i'll get there haha (especially id2!! idec if it's bad i just wanna see cas and gabe my beloveds :'0 i couldn't stop thinking abt them lately and i've only been doodling them,, ahhh)
i will be more active from now! i really miss posting and interacting with y'all :'D i have reserve forces training to attend next week but other than that i shouldn't have any other pressing matters so i'll be able to spend more time on tumblr!
to everyone i owe something to, i will send a message soon!! and by soon i mean literally after i post this lol. thank you for all your patience!!
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cabooks1 · 9 months
Top Five Strategies to Make Notes for the Upcoming CA Intermediate Exam November 2023
Preparing for the CA Intermediate Exam in November 2023 requires more than just studying; it requires effective note-taking strategies. Well-organized notes can be a game-changer in your exam preparation journey. In this article, we'll explore the top five strategies to make notes that will help you excel in your CA Intermediate exam.
1. Understand the Exam Syllabus
Before diving into creating your notes, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the CA Intermediate exam syllabus. This will help you identify the specific topics and subjects you need to focus on. The syllabus serves as your roadmap, ensuring that your notes cover all the essential areas.
2. Organize Your CA Intermediate Study Material
Gathering all your study materials is the first step. Ensure you have your textbooks, class notes, reference books, and any other relevant resources at your disposal. Organizing your study material will save you time and ensure you don't miss out on essential information.
3. Choose the Right Note-Taking Tools
Selecting the appropriate tools for note-taking is crucial. Some students prefer traditional physical notebooks, while others opt for digital note-taking apps like Evernote or OneNote. Choose what suits your learning style and convenience.
4. Create a Consistent Note-Taking Format
Maintaining a consistent format for your notes is essential for clarity and easy review. Consider using headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbering to structure your notes effectively. This format will make it easier to find information during revision.
5. Active Reading and Summarization
When reading your ca exam study materials, actively engage with the content. Highlight or underline critical points, definitions, formulas, and key concepts. However, don't attempt to transcribe everything verbatim. Instead, aim to summarize and simplify the material in your own words. This process enhances your understanding and ensures concise notes.
Additional Strategies to Enhance Your Notes
While the above strategies are fundamental, here are some additional tips to take your note-taking skills to the next level:
Visual Aids
Incorporate visual aids like diagrams, flowcharts, and tables into your notes. Visuals can simplify complex concepts and make them easier to remember.
Color Coding
Use a color-coding system to categorize different types of information in your notes. This can help you quickly identify and differentiate between concepts, examples, and formulas.
Regular Review and Revision
Set aside dedicated study sessions for reviewing and revising your notes regularly. Repetition is the key to reinforcing your memory.
Practice with Past Papers
Utilize past CA Intermediate exam papers which you can get in some of the best ca intermediate books  to test your knowledge. This practice will help you identify weak areas that require more in-depth notes and practice.
Collaborate and Discuss
If you're part of a study group, consider discussing and sharing notes with fellow students. Collaborative learning can provide different perspectives and insights.
Effective note-taking is a vital component of your CA Intermediate exam preparation. By following these top five strategies and additional tips, you can create organized, comprehensive, and accessible notes that will significantly contribute to your success.
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