iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
New Kesha omg!!!! I didnt even realise songs had dropped!!! What do you think of fine line and eat the acid?
Me either!! I got lucky and caught it on Spotify. I am SO STOKED. I love Kesha so much, she's truly a very underrated artist and I don't think she gets nearly enough credit for her voice or her songwriting.
I love love love Eat the Acid! The repetition of "you don't wanna be changed like it changed me" and the spirituality of the rest of the lyrics, and the way the song kind of drones but also builds - I'm really into it. I also think it's interesting the song is called "Eat the Acid" and not "Don't Eat the Acid" lol, since ostensibly she's being like "this was a harrowing experience of growth and I don't recommend it." But at the same time, she's clearly embracing the darkness and the ugliness and the pain, and knows the change is for the better.
Given everything Kesha has been through, I think she's well overdue for more introspective, darker themes. I love that Rainbow and High Road were ultimately about overcoming sadness and finding the brighter side of life, but I'm also very glad she's getting the chance to unpack some of that trauma and not be beholden to a "let's make rainbows out of rain" kind of mentality.
I like "Fine Line" for a lot of the same reasons. The production reminds me more of what Kesha has done previously, especially on her last two albums - kind of a stripped down ballad sound that I think works really well for her voice.
In short - I'm unbelievably excited for Gag Order and so glad we've got new Kesha coming soon. <3
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laufire · 3 years
Cersei x Jamie
I talked about them very recently so I feel like I'm repeating myself a bit, but basically: partially because I never properly watched the show, and mostly because he raped her, during the course of the story I never shipped them. There's no real warmth in my feelings for them as a couple, and although I think he has a really good arc, I can't say I care for Jaime-the-person.
But their ending changed things for me because it was really, really vindicating from the perspective of a Cersei stan! I mean, after all the noise her detractors did about how OBVIOUSLY Jaime was going to brutally murder her to then go get his happily ever after with the woman of their choice, practically salivating over it? HAHAHAHA SUCKS TO BE YOU, ASSHOLES. What we got instead was FOUR MEN IN CERSEI'S LIFE WANTING TO SAVE HER UNTIL THE VERY END, BABY!!
And like. Can you imagine the good press Cersei (and even Cersei/Jaime) would get in Westeros after the finale, especially with Tyrion ensuring it? Queen Cersei, first of her kind in Westeros, last mocharch to reign over the seven kingdoms and sit her fine ass on the Iron Throne, had been Right About The Invaders All Along! She tried to ~protect her subjects by letting them come into the city! She tried to surrender when it seemed the only option that could save them!! The man she loved (her twin brother, but that's just details) tried to save her! They died in each other's arms!!
I mean, she (& they) are bound to become such a tragic, romantic tale in the future of the land.... I want to cackle like an evol witch whenever I think about it xDD
If they'd survived and gotten a HEA I probably wouldn't have liked it (because he raped her and that's a road block I don't get past with ships), but this situation where they're preserved in that moment of death and don't have to figure out the after works for me.
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yelenadelova · 3 years
11, 26, 51, 75 and 99 for spotify wrapped!!!! 💞
11. “Motion Sickness” by Phoebe Bridgers
26. “Freaks” by Surf Curse
51. “Ribs” by Lorde
75. “Zanzibar” by Billy Joel
99. “CORALINE” by Måneskin
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell you the corresponding song on my spotify wrapped!
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doortotomorrow · 5 years
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The 100′s Happiest Moments (in order of the seasons)
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silvernyxa · 4 years
If you are still doing them would you mind doing G3 + D10 for Echo? ❤❤❤ thank you!!!
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send me a character + expression + color palette
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willexxmercer · 4 years
Julie & the phantoms for the fandom thing!!
the first character i ever fell in love with: Mr Alex “I was crying for 25 years” Mercer <3
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: lol what is this “not liking characters from jatp” thing?
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: none!
my ultimate favorite character™: ALEX <3 <3 <3 <3
prettiest character: Oh god all of them but if i had to choose, then Willie
my most hated character: Hate is SUCH a strong word but I guess I like Caleb the least because he’s evil?
my OTP: Willex
my NOTP: Caleb x anyone in the younger cast
favorite episode: UM UM UM Finally Free
saddest death: Julie’s mom hands down
favorite season: ........................................
least favorite season: ...............................
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: what is this “hating characters from jatp” thing you speak of?
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Caleb
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Julie
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Uhhhhhhhhh I don’t think I have one that fits this?
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Uhhhh idk honestly I’m pretty hardcore Juke and Willex and that’s about it
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
26, 27 & 30 for the 100 is over ask game!!! 🥰😁💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank youuuuu, Luce!!
26. What are your top five ships?
At the end of it all - Linctavia, Memori, Sea Mechanic, Clexa, and Zaven. It was a rough go of it, with only one of those pairings surviving. But that’s The 100!
27. Rank the seasons, 1-7!
Starting from the bottom, working our way to the top:
7 - Season 6 truly felt like Bellarke fanfic for me, and I feel like it barely fits in with the rest of the series. There’s a lot it set up for s7 that I enjoyed - Prime Memori, the Anomaly stones, Octavia + Diyoza & Hope - but the entire storyline of Clarke being bodysnatched and Bellamy dropping everything to save her was just a snoozefest for me. I was lowkey pulling for Clarke to stay dead and Josephine to keep her body.
6 - Season 7 had a lot of high points for me, but it also took a massive leap into sci-fi that I’m not entirely sure the writers had the scientific chops to back up. It was a confusing season. And the way it all ended - ugh. I’m still mad about it, because the endless beach day just nullifies so many journeys for so many people. The writing and acting took a serious nosedive, and it was painfully clear that the story switched up halfway through. The first half of the season feels completely disconnected from the back half. 
5 - Season 4 is a mess, although it has its’ good moments. But ultimately, it’s a lot of contrived drama and bullshit to run out the clock on Praimfaya. Although this season has a few of my favorite episodes - 4x10, 4x13 - the overall plotline is just not as appealing as it could have been. Plus, the moment they destroyed Earth for the second time, the series changed forever, mostly for the worse.
4 -  Season 1 was once my least favorite season - we’ve come so far! I still think a lot of the writing and acting is really bad, but the storyline was simple enough that they could find a lot of really meaningful moments without having to bend over backwards to make the audience feel something. There’s a charm and quaintness to s1, and I enjoy it more now in retrospect.
3 - Season 3 is really where this series starts to get too messy, but it also includes some of my favorite worldbuilding and character moments. We see Memori bud and start to bloom here. Raven gets an actual storyline that isn’t just about saving the day and/or riding a moral high horse. Clexa runs its’ course and reaches its’ tragic, premature end. We get a lot more insight on Lincoln, Indra, Lexa, and the Grounders as a whole, including their culture and their customs. I think I’ll always be sad about where the series could have gone from s3, and I don’t love the back half nearly so much as the front. Still though - I always look forward to this season on rewatch.
2 - Season 5 is such an amazing season for Octavia, and for the Blake siblings. I still feel s5 would’ve made a good ending, especially as an “epilogue” of sorts for the story of the original Delinquents. A lot of storylines and character arcs came full circle, and we got to see everyone grown up and embracing new roles and identities. It’s the best season for Bellamy, one of the more interesting (and infuriating) for Clarke, and includes the short-lived but much beloved Zaven. 
1 - Season 2 was everything this show could have been. It has the best plot twists - Finn’s death, Clarke’s bisexuality, everything about the Mountain Men. Speaking of, has there ever been better antagonists in this universe? They were the perfect blend of almost-cartoonishly evil (using kidnapped and subjugated people as blood bags) and reasonably sympathetic (characters like Maya letting us see that not everyone was down for the blood bag thing.) Some of the most interesting moral dilemmas come up, and everyone has a cohesive role in the plot that serves the rest of the story. The simplicity, the drama, and the stakes were never really the same after this.
30. How many times have you seen each season?
I’ve seen the first three several times, at least five apiece. Rewatching the later seasons was always tough for me, though. I’ve seen s4 about three times, s6 once, and s7 once. s5 is the outlier - I’ve watched it at least five times as well. I’m just a sucker for Blodreina, what can I say?
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This was so long! I am so wordy! Thank you for the ask!
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johnmurphysreddit · 4 years
I saw the promo for next ep and came to the same conclusion (filler ep, minor character death) who do you think is most likely to die or get fatally injured out of that group?
Clarke is safe because she’s Clarke.
Lindsay said she was happy with Raven’s end. That’s different from being happy as an actress who might enjoy being eaten by a spider.  I think Raven is safe. 
Jordan, Miller, and Niylah are all redshirts who’ve been around long enough that their stories need closure.  Jordan has symbolic value as a next gen character so I give him the greatest chance of survival.  Niylah hasn’t had sex since season two I think, so if they kill her they’re pretty well clear of the BYG trope.  She’s probably most at risk. 
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bb-8 · 4 years
Hi Cody! I hope you are okay! Do you have any general tips about making custom funko pops? I was thinking about giving it go & yours look amazing! Thank you!!! ❤🙂🙂❤
Oooh good luck! What were you thinking of making? 
Everyone has a different process so mine might be way out there, but I prefer to use spray primer, spray paint, and spray sealer whenever possible for the most even coat. I could use air brushing but to get a good airbrushing kit is a bit out of my price range. When I don’t use spray paint, I use vallejo paint and I’ll make sure that I thin it and just do a *bunch* of thin layers to avoid visible paintbrush strokes. Cheap acrylic paint can work but buying specific paints for models makes a huge difference in the quality.
The best tip I could possibly give though is to find something where you don’t have to repaint the face. Funko eyes and eyebrows are insanely difficult to replicate and any paintbrush strokes on the face become really obvious and are really hard to avoid.  So I’ll spend a few hours to find a base Funko that looks good (let me know if you need help with this part because I know most Funkos at this point), user painters tape to tape off the face, do whatever I need to do to the hair, and then remove the tape on the face.
Other than that: superglue gel, a craft knife/scalpel thing, sandpaper, and clay are my most used tools.
I probably just gave you a TON of info but let me know if you have any more questions! I’m excited for you!!
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callieshipman · 4 years
11, 19 &25 for the 100 ask meme! 💜💜💜💜
thank you!!!!!!
11. Who was the best character in season seven?
with regards to consistently and loyally following on from previous seasons, octavia was about the only one who felt like the same octavia who went through seasons 5 and 6 and i loved the skyring arc. in terms of who i enjoy watching and who i really root for- murphy, echo, and hope
19. Which character had the best outfits/looks in season seven?
shelby’s short hair wig was the only one that looked good so hope by miles for looks in general but outfit wise no one is coming close to emori and her wardrobe of different fancy blue dresses. oh to be emori and have time to pick a different ballgown every morning
25. Who are your top five characters?
in no particular order (but lbr we all KNOW who i’m putting first): monty, echo, raven, murphy, octavia. lead characters who? i only know spacekru and one (1) cannibal auntie
the hundred is done-dred: ask me stuff!
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viviansternwood · 5 years
Hi there!!!!! How are you? What have you been up to? 🥰🥰🥰
Hey babe!
I basically disappeared off the face of the Earth (on the internet, anyway) because I started a job in November, and I’ve been basically in my own little hamster wheel since then. Working-sleeping-eating-working-sleeping-eating-working.
I also managed to entangle myself in a relationship that didn’t go well, so there’s that.
A lot happened in the last five months, let’s just say. But I’m okay. Dealing with it and, weirdly enough, enjoying life.
How are you?
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 years
Hello!!! I thought you might be able to help me with something if that's okay? (No problem if not and no rush to answer at all tbh!) I'm trying to listen to more albums this year (like front to back, all the way through) and while I've dipped into Halsey's music I've never listened to a full album I don't think? So I wondered if you could recommend me one of their albums to listen to all the way through to start with?
Thank yoooooou ♥♥♥
Luce, this made my whole morning and is probably the best ask I've ever gotten. The fact you came to me for this 🥺💛
I love Halsey so much, and getting to share that with people who don't know as much about them yet is so so exciting for me - so thank you.
I think their best work is their most recent, If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power.
It's thematically and sonically cohesive and includes some of their best lyrics and most complex instrumentation. It was produced by the musicians behind Nine Inch Nails, so it has a harder, more rock sound than any of their previous albums. It's just a really beautiful and evocative piece of work, and it's really a culmination of all of their abilities as a songwriter, vocalist, and visual artist.
My personal favorites from IICHLIWP are Bells in Santa Fe, Easier than Lying, You asked for this, Honey, and Whispers.
On the other end of the spectrum in terms of sound and style, their second album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, is also a really great listen front to back.
It has a much more pop/RnB/hip hop sound, and a very bright, bold aesthetic. It's a twist on the Romeo and Juliet story, and draws a lot of inspiration from Baz Luhrmann's 1994 movie adaptation, especially visually. Musically there are a lot of bangers, it's one of those albums that sounds really fun and upbeat but actually has quite sad lyrics. HFK definitely stands out among their other works because there really isn't another album with that exact genre/vibe in their discography.
Highlights of HFK include 100 Letters, Walls Could Talk, Heaven in Hiding, Don't Play, and Devil in Me.
So yeah! I'd start with If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power if you like rock/alternative, and Hopeless Fountain Kingdom if you're more into pop/RnB.
Obligatory shoutout to their first album, Badlands, which is an amazing album in full, but I think they've grown a lot since then and their other albums are more impressive. I think Manic is probably the only album that kind of starts to diverge enough at the end that it's not as good for listening to as a full album. Both are still incredible and include some of my favorite songs by them, so if you like the others, definitely check Badlands and Manic out too!
But I'd choose HFK and IICHLIWP in terms of what I'd put on and listen to all the way through.
Let me know what you think. 💛💛 I wish I could go back and experience these albums for the first time again - I'm so excited for you!
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laufire · 2 years
Echo x Raven ♥♥♥
I love them. I would even put them as my fave ship for both characters, and my top 5 in general.
I wouldn't have expected that before season five, tbh. For one, I think if that ship was really on anybody's radar by then, it was in the minds of people that wanted neither woman to fuck Bellamy in-between seasons xDD
But their actual scenes were sincere, impactful, interesting, enhanced both characters' narratives... about the opposite of what convenience shippers want lol.
And it REALLY worked. It was one of the most moving relationships in the show when I wouldn't have expected that in a million years.
Also, just so we're all clear: they were friends with benefits before Becho happened. But Raven was emotionally closed off and in a guilt spiral at that time and things fell apart :((( (Echo broke it off imo) but after the show the feelings resurged, of course!!
Send me ships, I’ll tell you my opinion
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yelenadelova · 3 years
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THANK YOU LUCE!! The perfect gif hahaha I love it! 💙
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doortotomorrow · 5 years
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The 100′s Most Heartbreaking Moments (in order of the seasons)
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
💕 the good place!!!
ohhhh.... this is really hard tbh but i’m gonna say... 
JASON MENDOZA. i love that dumb idiot. 
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