#boomy music
mikahorror · 2 years
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guess i forgot to post here that ‘growing cold’ went live on spotify, yt, etc. it’s copyright free so use it in videos, playlists
get more art like this on artgrab, redbubble or get free wallpapers on twitter (MikaHorror)
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correctproseka · 29 days
**this is where you are caucasian is not here because it would sweep and i want other options to have a chance
Edit: Tsukasa in dappou rock. It was too big of a name 🤡
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dollfaced-erin · 5 months
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17
A/n :
i'm trying my best to schedule myself, but reading all the rqs i have, im getting pumped up to write again ! though i am having some trouble writing some rqs and it either may take me some time to think about it, or i'll really be stumped looking at it... these days i havent been feeling much motivated so i've been taking time for myself to reconstruct words and redevelop nice and pretty sentences again. I...also am feeling like changing the pictures i use for dragon's cradle...i'm not sure how to though...dw, i'll canva through it ! PENACONY 2.2 IS DROPPING TOMORROW AND IM SO EXCITED-- (this is pre-2.2 dont come at me please,,,) ROBIN WANTERS WILL BE HAVERS TRUST !
Taglist :
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate , @everi-eve , @shadowfoxey , @helloyuki , @immahuman , @samptlay , @boomie-123
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Vidyadhara elegies are the traditional music of the Vidyadhara people. The Vidyadhara use only simple castanets for musical instruments, relying on extremely diverse sets of melodies.
Originating from their folk songs, the style is generally that of mournful dirges. Vidyadhara elegies can be said to represent all of the most tragic aspects of Xianzhou culture, as Vidyadhara players tend to sing about loves lost and pyrrhic victories.
"The previous High Elders have all met with a fate worse than death..." Said an old voice, troubled by the troubles that have been plaguing him ever since his rise onto the position.
"From the first Imbibator Lunae...they have all met their demise in a way no one would expect. The challenge to overthrow them is just getting audacious by the day !" Exclaimed another voice, a woman, perhaps trying to convince someone with her thoughts and principles.
Yes...there was always the threat of assassination from all corners, and if he didn't choose well and right before his time came, be it naturally or by the hand of a forsaken soul, the Luofu shall be plunged into peril without the proper head of a scion to properly guide them...
The horned man thought deeply about this, his gaze looking out the window. His bright and intelligent eyes were gazing up at the moon, as if asking for the guidance of the entity that graced his name. He was supposed to be the wise one, guiding his people and stirring them away from chaos and destruction that may befall upon them. Be it in his time or another...he had his responsibilities set out for him.
So the dragon sighed softly, hoping that none of the Preceptors had heard his little act of impatience and negativity, apprehensive that they may assume that he was finding this all a hassle for him to think about, or even find his improper and impolite behavior discourteous.
It was...too much for him to assume alone. The matter now was in his hands, and not those before him. What he did now would paint portraits towards his ancestors and previous incarnations, and stain the names of his future reincarnations...
He looked beside him, where there was a beautiful young woman, sitting, minding her own business. On her hand was a lovely ring, a sentiment that she was taken by her betrothed. Her (h/c) hair gleamed under the moonlight's grace, letting it shine brighter that the waves of the deep ocean that submerged Scalegorge Waterscape.
Her bright eyes landed on his troubled figure, gracing him with a smile that washed away his worries, akin to a waterlily floating on the surface of the water of an untouched lake. She got up, silks embroidered by the masterful hands of the Vidyadhara craftsmen cupping his cheeks lovingly.
"What's troubling you, my beloved...?" She asked sweetly, her glossy lips still gracing the smile that he wished to protect with every fiber of his draconic being.
Though she wasn't a High Elder, and didn't possess much abilities that were deemed extraordinary to the eyes of the Preceptors. But she was the one that managed the quell the rage that continued to flare in his heart, calming him down with a mere caress of her smooth hands, smoother than the moondrop flowers growing in the silence of night.
To him...she was wiser than anyone else of their caliber.
Being childhood lovers, she watched him grow, she was by his side when he received the eye of abysm, she stood proud in the crowd once he was declared the full-fledge Imbibator Lunae.
His beloved wife.
"My...moon..." The saddened High Elder whispered, his hands rising up to cup her gentle hands that caressed her cheeks. "I...am deeply sorrowed..."
"I must choose the next descendent for our lineage..." He said, leaning into her healing and comforting touch. "Perhaps...we could choose the egg together...?"
"Like...choosing our own children...?" The wife asked, almost jumping in place in surprise. Her (e/c) eyes were wide, almost elated at the prospect of...children.
It was a foreign concept to them, since Vidyadhara's aren't able to reproduce like regular Xianzhou natives. But imagining it...
"Yes...just like--huh ? Children ?" The Imbibator Lunae said, blinking his eyes at her with confusion. Was she serious ? No, that cant be...
"Wait, not one child ?" "Huh, why just choose one when we can have two ?" "But what about the Dragon Heart ?"
"What about it ? One could have it, and we could ask the Perceptors to bind them as siblings, or...perhaps, grow them together to be siblings."
"Siblings..." Imbibator Lunae thought, remembering that Xianzhou natives and Foxians had that concept. It clicked in his mind. His lover had a point, and he had come to realize something.
This...burden of being the Imbibator Lunae...was too much for one person to handle. One responsibility too much for one soul. He...wouldn't be able to protect himself if he was too occupied with the affairs that concerned him more than his own being, like his beloved...
Even the past High Elders had met with a demise no one could foresee, meaning...that there was also no one else to back up and they only had one goal. His stress was thankfully managed by the presence of his beloved, which had grown by his side since she had broken off her shell. But what about the past Imbibator Lunae...?
It was...too much for one person. Too easy to overthrow.
But before the couple could properly choose their heir...the beloved...had fallen before he did.
In his arms, he held the dying and distraught woman in his arms, a gaping hole in her chest from the knife that pierced her without warning, leaving it to penetrate her body before she managed choose their heir together.
Today was supposed to be a joyous day...a day where the two of them would hold hands and walk with the Pearlkeepers to look at the eggs that gleamed brightly, hoping to find potential that would help the Luofu prosper more than in his time. But as they turned their backs, they were blinded by the threats that still lingered to take the couple down, and not even Cloudhymn magic could save her now...
The Imbibator Lunae roared in pain and despair, holding his beloved's dying body close to him, knowing he had to quickly rush her to the egg and let it heal her. But he just...wanted to see her one last time, and give her one last kiss.
The dragon bent down its mourning self, lips pressed against its mate's forehead one final time as tears streamed down his eyes, now dull after the tragic robbery of his beloved from his embrace.
He...couldn't survive this world without her. He couldn't bear the days where she would no longer stand by his side, holding his hand, cupping his face with her small and warm palms. He couldn't bear the days where she wouldn't smile at him, where she would no longer be able to press her lips against his.
No...he couldn't...
So he decided to take the final step, and return his beloved into the egg the Pearlkeepers had kindly provided for her, quietly leading the mourning husband to give his wife her final goodbye.
"I'll see you again, my beloved." He whispered, kissing her forehead with tenderness he had never shown her, not even on their wedding day.
"And...my heart will always be with you. Because one the day we met...you have stolen it, and had always kept it safe. So I'm giving it to you, to remember that only you will ever have my heart, be it the one pumping blood in my body, or the one that my power stems from."
"Without you here by my side...what is all this power for if I cannot protect the one I love...?"
"My dear...Saltator Lunae..."
So he chose his new descendent.
And thus...was born two dragons with beautiful horns on their heads, the older brother's arms curling around his newly hatched sister protectively. His grip was tight, arms holding her close and his teal colored tail coiling around her small form. Their embrace was too heartwarming, not even the maids dared to separate them.
Perhaps this child wished to protect her, vowing deep in his heart to never let anything happen to his precious baby girl. A dragon who had horns just like him. A little smile was etched on his face as he inhaled the scent of lilies that radiated from her soft tufts of hair even though he was deep in slumber.
The Preceptors had to hold a meeting amongst them, trying to figure out what to do with these two set of children. It seemed that they had inadvertently inherited the power of the Permanence, both with the outstanding traits of the true heir to power.
"But the boy was hatched first before the girl ! He is the one with true power to the throne !" One argued, quickly hushed by the other. "But the shell he was cast off from wasn't the one which the past Imbibator Lunae had instructed us to watch over so carefully !"
"The girl is the one with the heart. The one that had passed those trials and irrefutably inherited the power of the Dragon Heart. Both...succeeded in the Transmutation Arcanum..." the oldest of them said, his voice ruling over all other reasons.
"The boy had hatched earlier, with horns and the potential reeking from his form no one dared doubt." Said the wise Vidyadhara elder. "Even the inspectors from the Xianzhou Fanghu had acknowledged that power and potential seeped from these two eggs..."
"But no one...could have ever anticipated the birth of two individuals with draconic traits." Said another. "Everyone had experienced the tremor of incredulous potential, yet we merely betted on which would be the true successor..."
"What if...their fate was to rule together...?" said a woman's voice, loud amongst the chatter and discussion.
"The previous High Elder once wrote in a will, that shall it be a boy that was hatched from the shell, his name Dan Feng, and if she was a girl...name her Dan Jia." The wisest of them all spoke, his voice thundering through the hall as they began to rise to a conclusion.
"But those were the terms for the egg so closely guarded..." He said, little confusion at what was apparently happening.
"Born first, we had called the boy, who bore an uncanny resemblance to his predecessor...as Dan Feng." The old clan member reminded. "And for the egg that had been announced as the next heir...with the dragon heart in the small vessel...she will be named Dan Jia."
"For the first time in the Xianzhou history, let there be two High Elders ruling on the Luofu, siblings, who would equally rule and succeed in aspects failed." He said, rising upon his seat at the head of the table. "One destined for power to eliminate the abominations of celestial bodies, and the other, protecting the heart that stems greatness for them both !"
"The boy is named Dan Feng, the Imbibator Lunae as his predecessors once were...and the girl...shall be named Dan Jia. Saltator Lunae, just as the couple that reigned before they were born."
The table of Preceptors began to clap, finding this new embodiment of power astounding and magnificent, never seen before. Their sounds of clapping was thunderous, almost disturbing the pair that was sleeping a couple rooms away.
"Ngh..." muttered the young boy, curling around his little sister even further, hiding her in his chest to prevent the sounds from hurting her ears and frightening her.
The paper written for the will was yellowed, yet the words on it were still clearly visible to be read. It was preserved despite the passage of time, reflecting the man who sat by his desk, holding the brush in his hand.
"Imbibator Lunae is for the man who enjoys his drinks, watching the moon that gazes so brightly upon him. But where lies the joy of drinking such fine liquor without a desirable dancer ? For the Saltator Lunae would accompany him in his darkest days, moonlight bathing her skin and showing him the way."
(Y/n) looked at the soldier, kneeling before a Foxian healer who had...an unnerving smile on her lips. She didn't have a good feeling about this. Why wasn't this healer laying him on the ground, treating his wounds ? Or why was she standing over him, as if waiting for something to happen...?
The soldier looked as if he was really experiencing torment, his head cradled in his hands as if it were about to burst. Yet the healer did nothing, merely watching as his progress began to deteriorate.
Before (Y/n) could warn and pull March back, the unaware girl began to take her hand and rushed towards the pair.
"Here ! There are still survivors !" March said, almost relieved to see that there were still living people despite the blood battleground she had just witnessed earlier. Perhaps it was a sight to behold, as she wasn't as trained on these grounds as Welt or (Y/n) was.
But Welt seemed to catch on quite quickly, his gaze sharp as he observed the scene before him. It was as if he knew that something was indeed amiss, the same something that (Y/n) was experiencing.
"Hmm...?" Hummed the woman, turning around to face the group that had approached them. Her gaze seemed to be pleased for a bit, before it turned into a scowl. "You're not the Knights...what is your purpose here ? It's dangerous."
There was something in her tone that made (Y/n) feel uneasy. She sounded like she was...worried, but there was a certain hiss in her voice that made (Y/n) sure that she wasn't happy with them intruding in her...business with this knight.
"We're reinforcements sent by the General. Where's everyone else ?" Welt asked, trying to keep the situation under control and calm. Well...with this situation, it wasn't hard to see where it would eventually end up.
The Foxian woman scoffed, crossing over her arms as she heard what Welt had just relayed. "Tsk, resorting to short-life species as reinforcements...hehe, Jing Yuan is really running out of options..."
The taunting and worrying smile was back on the 'healer's' lips as she mentioned that Jing Yuan was possibly running low on manpower to properly eradicate the current problem. And it seems that she hadn't yet noticed that (Y/n) was with them.
It was expected, since communication the the Alchemy delve has been cut off since a few system hours ago. There would be no way for them to know of the current issue happening on the other bodies of the Luofu, such as (Y/n)'s awakening.
"They're here to escort me. The General and the Master Diviner had laid out specific orders for them to tread safely, as well as ensure my safety to tend to the casualties." (Y/n) said, stepping forward to face off this 'healer'.
"You...who do you think you--" The angered look on the woman's face was quickly replaced with shock and fear as she realized the horns that grew from (Y/n)'s head.
"You cant be..."
"All of you ! Run !" Cried out the Knight who was still weak on the ground, battling his own pain that seemed to be almost unbearable for him. "She's a disciple of Sanctus Medicus !"
All color began to drain from everyone's skin, leaving them pale and terrified at the 'healer' lady before them. March's grip on (Y/n)'s hand tightened, indicating that this was not the outcome she had expected to be. A direct face off with the supporters of the Plagues Author !
"Silence." The woman hissed, looking at the fallen soldier. "If my healing worked, you'll become one of us. Then..."
She looked at (Y/n), the grin almost impossibly widening on her face.
"It wont be just me they'll be running from."
It all happened too fast. As if on cue, the fallen Knight began his gruesome transformation. Branches began to sprout from his skin, tearing it apart. His armor began to be one with his skin, almost molding entirely with his being. His body began to surge with incredulous power, rendering his senses numb and murderous intent increasing tenfold.
"Lady (Y/n) !"
(Y/n) quickly pushed March behind her, taking up front with Welt by her side, who came to terms with the situation faster than the younger women. With a nod to the brunette, (Y/n) produced her glass hand fan from thin air, the weapon of choice materializing in her hand quicker than light. Welt held his cane, ready to unleash the power of the black hole that he had kept sealed, hoping to never unleash its full potential.
The knight began to rush towards them, tears in his eyes as he tried his best to land his lightest attacks for as long as he remained conscious, for a soldier's dignity lies in their death. Losing control and his mind...would be a warrior's worst nightmare.
His attacks were still deadly and heavy, but he had no control whatsoever over his doings. Though he was experienced with enhanced abilities, (Y/n) and Welt did their best to fend off the regretful man, hoping to put him to rest in the calmest and most humane way.
"Please...I'm sorry..." the man pitifully cried as (Y/n) parried his attack with her fan, swiftly landing a kick to his side. The dragon woman was indeed merciful, and she had her sympathies for the man who had lost all hope of regaining his former pride.
But why couldn't she get close in and quickly put him to rest...?
Unlike the Exhalting Sanctum...she didn't have much memory of herself to full deploy and outlet her power. But now that she was aware...why wasn't she...
She felt like there were still a reign of shackles tying her down...
"Why are you apologizing ?! Didn't you all come here to the Xianzhou to seek immortality ?!" The woman screeched, watching from the backlines as more celestial beings of abundance began to advance towards them.
"You don't have to appease Jing Yuan ! The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus can grant your every wish ! To be immortal like the Natives ! To have a long and prosperous life like the Vidyadhara people !" She cackled, eyes glinting with malice and insanity as she watched the group begin to get surrounded.
(Y/n) was busy fending off the lost soldier as well as getting herself surrounded left and right by borisins and their shadow kin. Though how many times she had launched attacks, she was never able to fully push them back. She was at a loss, she was afraid and worried...
She understood now. Why she couldn't blindly charge in...
She was afraid of losing control of her power if she used it without her brother by her side...
Welt was by her side, exerting himself to his greatest ability to never cause harm, potentially plunging everyone into deep danger if he lost control. March and Stelle were backing them up, with March using her bow and Stelle with her bat, coursing with the crackling power of destruction.
They were all fighting...they were all in danger...
"Please, Lady (Y/n)..." the soldier begged her. "Let me meet the end I deserve."
"Let me die with honor..."
"Honor...?" (Y/n) whispered, her voice coming out in breaths of white, cold from the ice she produced. But the man before her nodded, hoping she'd do the best thing she could.
She was afraid...hoping to never misuse her power in fear of destruction it entails. But he was right. She had people she must protect, whether or not her brother was there to properly keep her power in check.
"I understand."
With a small smile on her lips, the dragon lady began to come close to her companions, hoping that they'll be within her protection. With a single rise of her fan, just as she had done with Yanqing, rose an illusion of an ice lotus, trapping her companions to keep them safe.
"I'm sorry." (Y/n) whispered, looking at the infected before her, before her eyes began to glow, and her tail appearing behind her. She never wished for her power to be out of control, yet to protect, one must go through lengths far beyond boundaries.
(Y/n) held her fan tight in her hand, close to her chest. With a single swing of her fan, water from the sea surrounding the delve began to rise, turning into waves as it began to sweep away the entire colony, picking up the borisins and the disciples in its way, pulling them off to the edge with their powerful forces.
For those who managed to withstand her waves, she cast upon them winds that would cut through them and hinder their sight. With a single stroke of her fan, she sent amplified ice blizzards, cutting through their regenerating skins time and time again like tiny razor blades, faster than their demonic abilities.
With fingers to her lips, her pointer and thumb forming a circle, she blew on the tips of her fingers to send out her ice, freezing those in her path, starting by freezing the droplets of water on their body, piercing deep into them, and freezing the fluids that coursed as a source of life.
It was like the sea. So gentle and soothing, yet with forces so strong to pull enemies deep into the heavy and dark depths. Some place so comforting like a warm embrace, yet terrifying with depths of unknown danger.
Once the waves had washed off the pavilion, all that was left...were the frozen bodies of the loyal worshippers of the Plagues Author. It was cleaned out from the remaining infected lives that were threatening their own, reminding her of the sins that would be washed away by the sea when they were reborn...
"Woah ! Looks like the frozen statues of the antimatter legion back on Jarilo-VI !" March excitedly said, looking at the figures encased in ice for as long as (Y/n) willed for it.
The young pink-haired woman then turned to look at (Y/n), wanting to know more and perhaps ask about if she could do the same as (Y/n). But as she turned around, (Y/n) was already walking into the 'exhibit' of her power.
"Lady (Y/n) ! H-hey, where are you going ?!"
Then she heard little voices as she walked past the frozen statues...
"Brother...shall one day we cast off our old shells...would we be able to find each other again...?" Said a young child voice from afar.
"Maybe...my little moonflower. We'll never know..." Replied a slightly more mature voice, explaining to the young child in the kindest way possible.
"But should you ever forget me...the things you've done in this life is bound to make you remember little by little, no matter how hard you try."
Before her was the fallen Cloud Knight, who begged her to end him in the most honorable way. He was on the ground, kneeling, trying to control the plague that threatened to run rampant despite his exhausted state.
"It seems...that even you...haven't found the path yet, my Lady..." The knight said, laughing bitterly, yet still respectfully. "Leave, my Lady, for they have 'converted me'. I don't have much longer..."
"I'm here...to give you one last gift..." (Y/n) said softly, cold air leaving her thin lips, frosty like the gaze in her eyes.
"One...that may even help prolong your path to your fated end." She said softly as she knelt before him.
She was tired, having exerted most her powers into summoning the tides, still unused to properly controlling it over the centuries of unending dormancy. She wanted to rest, perhaps even curl up while she cuddled her tail like a child. But now wasn't the time for it.
There were duties to be fulfilled...
Swiftly lifting up her hands, she exercised hand signs of various meanings as if it were her second nature, much more precise than that blind woman that existed before she broke those shackles binding her down.
The only way to progress in life...was to accept and adapt.
Her pointer finger and middle finger together held up before her, she shut her eyes as she began to trace the spores that existed within the man's body. With swift and precise movements, she immediately moved swift as the wind, and as piercing as a dragon's talon.
Unlike the woman that had just awoken, blind and foolish to the world that revolved around her, tossing smiles and laughter like the fleeting leaves in the air...she was no longer shackled, nor bound.
Unlike her past...she would never act foolishly again fearing the recurring pitiful demise of a dreamer who lived to dance and love.
(Y/n) stood up, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she dusted off her clothes. The team approached her side, looking down at the soldier before them, lying on the ground as if he were taking a nap from a grueling shift. Her eyes softened, the feelings of mercy and regret ebbing away at her soul.
"What...happened to him ?" March asked softly, holding Stelle's hand for comfort.
"Did you...give him his final embrace, Lady (Y/n) ?" Tingyun slowly asked, trying to step around the bubbling waters.
(Y/n) didn't turn around to face them, but instead parted her lips to give her response, a hand raised to her ear to gently touch the trinket that hung from her pointed organ. "Nothing. Just...soothed his pain a little."
Then she took in a deep breath, looking forward, as if regaining her peace by touching the windchime. "Right. Should we stumble upon a recuperation camp, let's inform them of this one. At the very least, they would be able to send this one to the Ten-Lords Commission."
Along the path, they stumbled across more bodies that have been swept up in the clashing of worlds. Divine celestial beings on the ground with wounds healing at an impossible rate, fallen bodies of the Knights that have half transformed into the forsaken, life leaving their beings before their twisted methods were complete.
There were even some which (Y/n) had them stop in the middle of the way to provide relief, either putting them to sleep to induce the pain, or freezing their cores and helping them relax as they healed after fierce and relentless battles.
But one thing caught her eye. That amicassador.
The Dragon Lady's gaze never left her being, always keeping her in the outermost corner of her sight. There was...something odd about her. Perhaps the striders of the trailblaze would've never noticed, but she sensed...a cosmical energy emanating from that Foxian girl.
There's just something...off with this girl. The way she talks, her interests, her stance during the fight earlier. Something wasn't right.
She didn't have much time to ponder. Due to their thundering steps of different weights and paces, they began to alarm the individuals standing guard past the wall they were about to round.
"Who goes there ?! Show yourselves !" Called out a clear voice of a male, sense of urgency and alert in his tone.
Cloud Knights. They had really reached their temporary base.
Welt took charge, walking ahead of them to confront the guards. "We come in peace." He said, almost making the rest of them snicker in amusement with the way he walked up to them with raised hands.
The guards, of course, didn't seem to take this lightly. But there was relief shining in their eyes when they see the esteemed guests of the General of the Xianzhou Luofu escorting the long awaited Dragon Lady.
"Saltator Lunae !" They sighed in relief. "Quickly, in here ! It's dangerous outside."
"You knew we were coming already ?" March said as they were escorted by one of the guards into the camp, the other standing guard. March was quite curious to how the Cloud Knights weren't that much fazed by their arrival.
"The Master Diviner prophesized your arrival. We were ordered to wait for you under any circumstance." He assured with a steady nod of his helmeted head.
"So...the Master Diviner is already here ?" (Y/n) asked, storing away her fan since she deemed it to be safe for her and her companions.
"Yes. The Master Diviner ordered us to remained stationed here and went to scout ahead." He affirmed again. "They're saying the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus have returned-- they haven't been seen for an age. The troops are anxious."
"I...can imagine." She said with a slight nod of her own head.
"It's good you arrived. The Master Diviner said the Knights weren't to move out until you arrived." He said, but then remembered one more important note.
"Right. While you are here, and we're awaiting the next orders of the Master Diviner, there is something that needs to be clarified." He said seriously, looking at the group. "This is as far as Lady (Y/n) will follow you, esteemed guests of the General."
The group gasped a little, but they were by no chance much surprised. They knew they were missioned to just escort her, but was it just until here, or would they re-group ? But it was the General's orders.
"May I ask what happens from now on ?" (Y/n) asked, a little curious to her next course of fate that awaited her.
The Cloud Knight nodded, standing straight before the honorable woman before him. "Yes, my Lady. General Jing Yuan himself had ordered us to have you wait here. He will come soon, and lead a separate path from the Master Diviner."
"As far as we are informed, you will be joining him on a more confrontational matter."
For some reason she felt a tingle spark up her spine. For some reason she was anxious. For some reason...she was scared.
Something bad was bound to happen.
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dippermabelpines · 1 year
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When we were alive, teenagers were a scourge on our store. Always sassafrassin' customers with their boomie-boxes and disrespectful short pants, so we decided to up and ban them, but they retaliated with this newfangled rap music!
GRAVITY FALLS 1.05 - The Inconveniencing
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heartsoji · 2 years
kenma + cuddles + stormy weather + only one bed
a/n: writing more comfort for myself bc there have been too many thunderstorms i hate this someone move me to antartica with the penguins and no thunder ALSO sorry if the grammar is wrong or smth i didn't proofread lol
you sighed.
"this sucks."
kuroo, the outdoorsy one of the group, decided that it would be fun to go camping. however, knowing that the two of you preferred the indoors and hated bugs, he decided to rent a cabin. (which was actually kinda sweet and considerate gj kuroo)
however, he made a little misclick and accidentally ordered a cabin with one bed. for the three of you.
so he called up the owners of the cabin and asked if they had any futons or anything, to which they told him to go buy himself a bed or a futon lol
so kuroo, being the prideful idiot he is, decided to drive AN HOUR AND A HALF back to civilization to buy 2 WHOLE ASS BEDS when it was 1am (nvm kuroo ur an idiot)
now, the two of you were stuck in a tiny little cabin that kuroo was going to jam TWO WHOLE BEDS in
tbh at this point u were ready to just SLEEP and kenma was literally melting onto the floor
buuuut there was only one bed and the two of you were too scared to sleep on it bc ur both v observant people and noticed that the other looked dead
so after these like rly awkward 15 minutes where there was no talking and no sound, you both sat on the couch (that literally felt like cardboard wtf kuroo) and you watched kenma play games on his game boy bc there was NO SERVICE and also you genuinely enjoy watching him play games bc he has the CUTEST EXPRESSIONS when he plays games
however, at some point, it started raining and you two got a text from kuroo
from 'rooster' to you and 'kenma':
The rain back here is rly bad so I have to wait it out. Be back tmrw :)
the two of you decided to suck it up after joking around and insulting him for a good 5 minutes (were ugs rly joking ?) and grabbed a blanket and sat back down on the cardboard couch.
you liked the rain. it was nice that there was more sound in the cabin that just the sound of buttons being rapidly pressed.
however, at some point, the rain turned into a thunderstorm.
you were terrified, to say the least. thunder has always been one of your absolute worst fears.
however, you didn't want to make a scene. especially not in front of your crush.
but ofc kenma being the observant man he is, noticed that you were gripping onto his shoulder a little tighter, and that you slightly tensed up whenever the thunder in the background roared. (for context you were holding onto his shoulder to see his game)
when he eventually came to the conclusion that you were terrified of thunder, he wasn't really sure what to do. comfort you? turn off his game? have you go to sleep? play some music? like what was he supposed to do
lucky for him, you figure out what he has to do for him. when a particularly loud and boomy thunder (they're all loud and boomy but this one was VERY loud and boomy) roars, you instinctively curl yourself close to him, eyes shut in terror.
he knows what to do now.
he turns off his game boy, sets it aside, and gently holds you close as he rubs your back.
"it's ok." he whispers soothingly. "it's all ok."
you're veryslightly embarrassed by the fact that you're literally curled up with your crush right now, but you don't really have time to think about the embarrassment with the thunder in the background
however, he provides you the sweetest comfort (contrary to my thunder comfort hcs lmao) and just wordlessly rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair (bc he knows how good it feels lol)
his comfort is so nice that you end up falling asleep curled into him.
after your breathing steadies and he knows you're asleep, he lets his emotions show a bit more. the stupid smile that he's been biting back unleashes itself and finds its way onto his features. he gazes down at your sleeping figure, all curled up and snuggling into his chest, and feels his cheeks heat up a little. he lets himself drift of to sleep too.
you both end up waking up bc the couch is hard as cardboard about an hour later. he sighs and offers you the bed but you refuse immediately. the couch was uncomfortable af, the floor was worse and you were not about to let him sleep on it.
however, the same went for him. it would appear that both of you were incredibly stubborn.
kenma was the one to propose the "how about we both sleep on the bed? it's a queen so there'll be enough room.."
he may look calm and cool as ever when saying this, but if you look at his ears, they're bright red.
you nervously agree, and the two of you slowly climb into the bed.
the bed wasn't super comfortable, but it was much better than the couch. you slowly drift off to sleep.
you and kenma were both woken up at the same time by a rooster (not kuroo, an actual rooster) cock-a-doodle-doo-ing. when you opened your eyes, you were met with kenma's face about two inches from yours.
"AH!" you both screamed and tried to jump away, but couldn't. you looked down and realized that the two of you had intertwined legs and hands at night in your sleep.
to say the least, you were embarrassed. you could feel your cheeks burning up, and you saw kenma's ears turn bright red.
"uhm.." kenma started. "i.."
"I'M BACK!! D'YA MISS ME?" kuroo (the actual one, not his twin who woke u up)
you both whipped ur heads around and tried to untangle yourselves before he saw, but it was too late.
"oya?" (I NEVER PUT ANYTHING DOWN IN JAPANESE BUT IT JUST FELT SO APPROPRIATE) he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"ding a ling ling! whoa look at that i have a call be right back~!"
that cheeky brat.
"so, um, kenma.." you started, not really knowing what to say.
he cut you off. "how about we have this conversation after the trip is over?"
"yeah. lets do that."
the rest of the trip was actually decently fun, especially knowing that your crush liked you back and that you could look forward to that conversation after it was over. and as much as you hated to admit it, it was all thanks to kuroo and his idiotic brain.
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brrrkdslek · 7 months
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✦ 057 — CARRYING THE 5TH GEN‼️💯🗣️
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your heart raced as you stood on the stage then. it was just like every other time, except all eyes were on you, and only you. the feeling was surreal, you almost couldn't hold back the smile when you heard your many fans cheering your name.
as the music started, you counted the beats in your head and danced along to the song. your very first solo song—crazy diamond. yes, it was a reference to your favourite anime, jojo's bizarre adventures.
"my head is out of control." the flash of your evil grin made the crowd go wild. thankfully you weren't completely alone as your backup dancers circled you according to how it was rehearsed.
even through the terror and fear of fucking up your first ever debut live on inkigayo was heavy on your shoulders, your body moves fluently and each word of each verse and rap rolled off your tongue smoothly.
you hadn't even realised the song ended until you hit your ending pose and panted heavily as the crowd cheered and roared. if it weren't for the nudging of one of your backup dancers, you wouldn't have known it was time for you to hit your ending fairy.
you flashed a cute smile and blew a kiss towards the camera as the crowd screamed louder. for some reasons, there was a tightening feeling in your chest. you wanted to throw up, the thought was overtaking your body.
your face was blank as you walked backstage and let the staff change you and remove your makeup to head back to the company for a surprise party.
your heart was still racing as you sat on your soft leather chair, the makeup assistant gently rubbing the makeup off your face.
only upon a soft tap landing on your shoulder had you realised you were in the van, and already back at the company.
"you okay, hun? i thought you'd be more excited for your first solo debut..." your manager, holly(joestar), mumbled worriedly.
you shook your head, "it's not that, i'm just...." you trailed off, unable to put the sickening feeling in your stomach to terms. everything seemed wrong, blurry. you couldn't describe anything, were you even feeling it?
holly sighed as she rubbed your back, "it's okay, i assume your mood would get better when you step into that building." she tried to contain a giggle.
you chuckled, already having an image of what's waiting for you after entering the two large doors of the company.
just like you thought, the moment you opened the door, a small figure pounced themselves onto you. not even needing to look, you let out a soft chuckle and pulled down your mask.
"hey booms." the boy on your lap squealed and attacked you with kisses. you chuckled, unknowing of the lipstick he had on that was staining your face.
holly snorted and turned away, not wanting to ruin the surprise until you get inside. she composed herself before walking over and lifting boomi off your body by his armpits, "alright lovebirds, let's get inside shall we?"
boomi nodded excitedly and zoomed into the room, turning around to hurry the two older women inside.
you chuckled and stood up from the ground with a soft grunt, watching your little brother disappear into the room. holly patted your back, "feeling better?"
you frowned, for some reason the sickening feeling was still there. you forced a closed eye smile and let out an awkward laugh, "yeah, that kid always lift my mood." but why isn't it working now?
you brushed off the feeling and entered the dark room. you jumped when you heard a pop, the lights suddenly turned on and you shielded your eyes before letting out a tired groan.
"surprise!" a mixed voice of your and ateez' members filled the room as confetti splayed all over your head, covering you from head to toe.
you chuckled as everyone congratulated you. hongjoong passed you a champagne bottle as you stared at him a bit dumbfounded. you blinked a few times as hongjoong nodded with his arms crossed, like a proud father.
your eyes grew watery as you swallowed your emotions and shook the bottle violently as the staff pulled out their phones to film. popping the cork open, the champagne sprayed all over the place as your song blasted in the background.
some foam spilled on boomi's head and he scooped some up with his finger and eyed it curiously. "bubble!" he exclaimed before shoving his champagne-bubble-covered finger into his mouth.
it was chaos from then as everyone desperately tried to wipe his tongue and stop him from crying at the bitter taste.
you excused yourself top the bathroom and splashed some water on your face. no matter how much you loved boomi and how much you were willing to sacrifice for him, it's hard to always be on equal footing with the child.
you clenched your fists as some water dripped from your bangs and onto the sink, you watched the droplet flow into the drain. it was always about him, even now. today's supposed to be your special day but everyone's attention always goes back to him.
why? is it because he's younger?
maybe it's cause you can take care of yourself, but he can't.
the two voices were like angel and devil; one wanted to understand and be considerate, so selfless. but the other wanted to be angry and be envious, so selfish.
why? why is it that a 12 year old isn't capable enough to be independent?
maybe it's cause mother never took care him-
"she never took care of me either!" you shouted and slammed your fist onto the counter, the booming music from the main room muffling your pained scream.
the voices quieted down as a tear rolled down your cheek. you were always on your own, even after boomi was born. you were oh so lonely, such a sad and pitiful child. just thinking about it made your stomach churn. but even with such a heavy heart, you stood strong and pulled boomi from the chains that bounded you all your life-
did you?
are you that sure this is the best of his life?
i saved him-
he'd been bedridden for how long now?
your dull eyes widened as you continued to watch water drip down the sink, the transparent droplet was becoming more apparent. you could see the droplets better and clearer, is it the treatments you've been getting from holly?
you looked up at the mirror and saw the red liquid dripping from your nostril. your hand came up to wipe it away but it kept going. you cursed and tilted your head up while pinching the bridge of your nose, trying to stop the bleeding.
you heard a knock on the door followed by a loud muffled voice, "y/n? can you hurry, i need to pee!" yunho shrieked from outside as the image of him pressing his thighs together while shivering could've made you laugh if not for your situation.
you licked your dry lips and hummed, "i'll be out in a sec."
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cosmicretreat · 5 months
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I love how boomies are always “we had no fear!” and now they’re all terrified of Girl Scouts, not being told “Merry Christmas,” black people peacefully jogging near them, people turning around in their driveways, nonwhite immigrants, Uber drivers, pronouns, drag queens, rainbow shirts, Barbie, people with pink or blue hair, loud music, atheists, universal healthcare, and anyone knocking on their door. Then they turn around and make fun of gen Z for not liking to make phone calls. Yes, grandma, no other generation did anything reckless before or since 🙄
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lutes-of-the-world · 7 months
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Today's office.
I just rehearsed with a singer friend, who has invited me to accompany her on a concert Sunday. She and her husband are both opera singers and they work at a very nice church a block from my apartment. They gave me a tour today, and showed me around. The sanctuary is carpeted, but the acoustics are very nice - clear, not boomy. They have been trying to make their church a music hub, and have invited me to play and record at any time. I'm blessed.
Musicians need community support in order to thrive. Churches have always been kind to me.
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localicecreambiter · 6 months
Zelda Main Theme/Title screen tier list
before we begin, this is my own opinion and preference in music! we all have different taste, so dont let mine invalidate yours!
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im putting explinations for my choices below the cut, so if you wanna hear me yap about zelda music nows your chance
Triforce Heros: 10/10 i absolutely ADORE the triforce heros sound track! (actually listening to it as I type this) its such an underappreciated title (being the "bootleg" four swords lol) but has such good composition its hard not to love it. its similar to botw's rito songs in which acordians are found in a lot of the tracks- anyway back to the topic of the main theme: its great. a refreshing change from the main zelda theme (as was trend with the DS games) and has a lot of character to it. high energy too!! exactly what i want to hear! a straight vibe that id wait to start the game just to listen a little longer
Spirit Tracks: i think we all know why this is 10/10 spirit tracks is another one of those underrated titles, especially for its music! i love how the melody (extremely catchy by the way) is played by a flute here, corresponding to the instrument you get in game :) it feels like im about to embark on an epic cross country ride
Wind Waker: even without knowing the plot of the game it feels like a sailor tune that would be played at dinner on a ship. its simple, and cutesy like the games art style, but fun and catchy too! a classic, one that really gets you into that sea fairing mood
TOTK: The only reason this one isn't higher is because I don't like that beginning bit with all the weird whisper singing. it fits the game really well! its just not my favorite sound in the world, but the melody hits HARD and really plays with the emotion of the scene that accompanies it in game. its high energy, but not in the same way triforce heros was, rather in an epic way rather than bouncy (if that makes sense?) its composed SO well, AND THAT BIT WITH THE SMALL BIRST OF PICCOLO??? chefs kiss. favorite part. not to mention the small zelda's lullaby motif at the end?? THE BOTW MOTIF??????
Skyward Sword: ballad of the goddess is genuinely just SUCH a good song, and the way its composed for the main theme gets you in all the right ways. the deep brass makes it very dramatic, especially with the drums it uses (love me some boomy drums). I love the woodwinds playing with the brass too! scratches the itch just right
BOTW: another great theme! it manages to change up the format a bit, but still keeps that dramatic vibe a zelda theme should have (for the more serious games, I mean, triforce heros doesnt count-) the acordian returns!! the melody! oh my god the melody!!!! its definitely a breath of fresh air (hehe get it?) it manages to encapsulate what a plesant breeze blowing against your face feels like somehow, and im living for it. i love the use of the dragon instruments after the pause! it feels like all the different cultures of botw hyrule has been rolled into this song with the instruments and all that
hyrule warriors: bet you weren't expecting that one, huh? its the only semi-traditional zelda theme in the top tier, and why? im a bitch for motifs, okay? I wasn't diging it at first, because it just sounded like a recomp of the classic zelda theme just really damn epic, but then it hit me with that tiny twilight princess motif and I knew I was in for a ride. THE BALLAD OF THE GODDESS MOTIF GAVE ME CHILLS i was not expecting it at ALL! and tHEN IT TRANSITIONED INTO HYRULE FIELD FROM TP??? AND THEN IT DOES IT AGAIN LATER IN THE SONG? i love you hyrule warriors NOT TO MENTION THE OTHER MOTIFS IT SHOVES IN THERE?? OOT?? MORE TP????? i am unapologetically a motif lover and i will stand by my decision
Minish Cap: i was ranking the track "story" since the intro screen was just 8 seconds and not really a song. i love how peaceful it sounds, and really befitting for a legend. ironically, it reminds me of The Legend from deltarune in a way. the whole song feels like an exposition, and personally one of my favorites which is why it ranked so high
Age of Calamity: ah, hyrule warriors' more popular, edgy, younger sibling. i wont lie to you, the melody is killer! and i love how it goes from eriee to epic final battle-esk music half way through. it feels like a final stand, and my GOD is it good
Twilight Princess: its so empty and woeful sounding, yet oh so full of hope and light i can't help but love it. its so pretty, so SO pretty. it does so much with so little and thats one of the things i love about it. i think the best compliment you can recieve is "you look the way the twilight princess main theme sounds" plus the wolf howl at the end is so funny
Ocarina of Time: i love that OOT makes the ocarina the main melody player and started the trend of the main game instrument being featured in the title/main theme. this one is pretty in a different way than twilight princess, this one is peaceful which is so misleading from the actual game story that i love it even more
Links Awakening (2019 Switch Remake): I separated this one from LADX because its VERY different from the original opening. Obviously, this one isnt retro music and that kind of adds to it, but its also the different beginning bit that sets it apart. the small mabe village motif before the actual zelda theme plays? love it. i really liked how they composed this version with all the different koholint instruments, it was like giving the song a new coat of paint. i love the classic zelda theme, but once you hear it so many ways it can get a little old, so it was great to see them do it like this :)
Majora's Mask: this is really only ranked so high because clock town is an absolute killer song, and I listen to it on loop. the only other reason is because that sharp turn at the end? my god its so disruptive but so good at the same time. the way the background cello gets intruppted by an ominous bass that grows louder, and how the clock town melody abruptly stops? such an amazing and indirect way forebode the dark theming of the story. both MM and OOT have such peaceful themes for their story lines, its good to see mm actually show that in the theme music
The Legend of Zelda: a classic, and what started it all. its simplistic with a great, strong melody, and i like how its paced a lot slower than most of the other games. that opening bit and the transition with the bassline is my favorite part.
Four Swords Adventure: this was another one I wasn't digging at first, but once you got into the meat of the song it was really nice. It starts as one melody, but gains a trumpet echo and a violin. its somehow chaotic but cohesive? i like how that reflects on the game
Oracle of Ages/ Seasons: OOA/S has nearly the same exact theme as LADX and four swords, only composed slightly differently. It keeps things simple, yet its very effective and plesant to listen to. a bouncy rendition of the main loz theme, just like FS and LADX. the only reason this one is ranked higher is because i liked the lower tone of the ooa/s rendition compared to LADX
Four Swords: im going to be honest, the retro sounding bassline with what i think is a snare? it felt a little strange, but i liked the little bits of the higher sounds acompanying the melody here with it. it felt like it was trying to be grand, but didn't quite hit what it was aiming for all the way. it was the beginning that through me off, really-
Links Awakening DX: simple, effective, yet a little too simple compared to the previous two since its the same rendition just with different make ups (if thats the right term) i know it was literally the 4th game to come from the series, but the original zelda theme felt like it had a bit more going on. still a good rendition of the main theme though! i like its bounciness
A Link to the Past: iconic. but, this was difficult to categorize since theres not much of a title theme? theres the selection screen music, but that became the fairy theme so i dont know if that counts either? either way its an 18 second clip or the fairy theme, which both are good, but just not really a show stopper (dont come at me alttp fans i dont mean it like that!! spare me!! mercy!!!!)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: why are you so LOUD holy cow- i like the theme, its pretty, but its short so it gets repetative if ykwim. i like the part with what im assuming is supposed to be some sort of bassline :) its my favorite part
Phantom Hourglass: i know its a wind waker sequal and i guess it makes sense, but just reusing the great sea music and changing up a part slightly felt kind of lazy to me? i do like the parts they added though! i think they're great sounding! but still feels a little lazy :(
A Link Between Worlds: I know what you may be thinking: "why is it so low? you LOVE albw" and to that I have to say, you know me so well, dear reader. You will also know, that just like the game its made after, there isnt really a title/main theme. the intro bit is about the same length as alttp so it gives you little to work with in terms of song. plus after the opening bit, it just kinda repeates the same few notes. going through the playlist i was kind of disappointed getting to albw, because at least alttp had selection music. this game has some of my favorite tracks to come from the series in it too so the intro being as it was (outside of a music standpoint, the intro is absolutely epic, don't get me wrong) i was just sad
anywayy! that was all of them!! if you actually sat there and read all of that, im proud of you. thanks for reading my yappage
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unknowybruh · 7 months
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DUBBOX! he/him 19 y.o appears on disco party floor exits on SharkCo Mall a dubstep-headed dude who loves music and is a professional DJ! dubbox can speak any language expect korean because of the north korean goverment has a sibling named 'boomy' his audio-files can spawn anything! (example: piano.mp3 spawns a piano) he has a fear of heights interactions: entering the elevator. "H3LLO EVER#YONE!" "N1CE TO SEE U!" "DISCO NEVER DIES!" spray water, snowball: "GSH! C0LD!" "HEY! N0T COOL.." "AGHR#AHS!" tomato: "N0M" petals: "F0R ME? THANK U!" "I NEV3R GOT T#HESE.." "PETALS PET4LS! HOW CUTE OF Y@U!" full elevator: "OUH." "N0T TOD#AY" "0UT OF O#RDER? SRY!" dialogues BIVE B - Oh... you seem, interesting! DB - TH4NK U! B - I shall investage you more... DB - SURE, I D#ONT MIND B - What a unique THING! DB - IS TH@T A COMPLEMENT!? B - Take it as what you THINK! DB - TH4NKS! I NEVER GOT 0NE.. FLESHCOUSIN FC - Hello. DB - HI! FC - Dub wub wub... cub lub... DB - YE#A! (WHAT?) DB - W0W FC - Hm? DB - YOU L0OK JUST LIKE T#HAT GUY OVER THERE! FC - Laba-daba-di.. DB - C0ME ON! DATS COOL. GNARPY G - HRSH! Get away fromz ME! DB - ARE YOU A GN4RPIAN?! G - Nonz of your BUSZINEZZ! DB - AH! Audio-file 69456: Gnarpian Language. DB - Glorp zorp goop gap geep! G - GOP?! DB - C0OL! G - Whatz? DB - YOU LOOK C#OOL! G - I KNOWZ! INFECTED I - 0-0 DB - 0_o I - :O DB - :D I - :D I - WUT!1 DB - MY H3AD? I - Y4S! WUT D4 H3LL?!1 DB - I THINK I#T LOOKS COOL! I - M3 T00! LAMPERT L - you have an object for your head aswell? DB - YUH U#H! L - cool. DB - YUH UH! L - are you gonna say something different? DB - YUH 0H! L - huh. neat head. DB - TH4NKS! URS TOO! L - thanks too i guess. MANNEQUIN MARK M - Ay, how' it's goin'? DB - N1CE! M - WOOD to hear t'at! DB - HE#HE! M - Wood lookin'! DB - TY PAL! M - No problem' matey! M - Har har har! DB - H4R H#AR HAR! PARTYNOOB/POOB PN - oh!! parteh lookin' boi!! DB - I 4M FROM A PARTY! A D#ISCO FLOOR! PN - you luk amazeeng!! DB - YOU TOO! PN - a dubstep bumbox for a head?? yeouch! experiments must hav hurt... DB - I WAS B0RN LIKE TH#IS! PN - oh... sry... DB - N4H, ITS OKAY BUD! PEST DB - H1! P - Get out of my sight. DB - WHY? P - You disgust me. DB - I JU#ST WANTED TO BE FR1ENDS! :( P - What. DB - WUT P - What is your head. DB - DUBST3P BOOMBOX? STR#ANGE QUESTION.. P - I hope that head goes BOOMbox. SPLIT SP - Man, your head is BANANAS! DB - HEH SP - It makes my mind SPLIT! DB - YOH0#HO! SP - Hey! Where are you from? DB - D4NCE FLOOR! SP - I am from PEELiphines! DB - OHOH#OHOHO!! DB - CAN I HEAR MORE? SP - Sure! SP - Your head is self-DUBbed the coolest! DB - YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!! SPUD DB - H3LLO THERE! S - spud! DB - SP#UD! S - SPUD?! DB - SPUD SPUD! SPUD SPUD SPUD... SPUD DB - Y0INK! I GOT YOUR NOSE! S - Give it back! S - i mean... spud! DB - SPUD! S - oh...
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mikahorror · 2 years
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seeing the old cover for WFRD physically pained me so i wanted to see what a new one based on the same concept would look like w/ my current editing style...i might’ve made it worse lol
the idea was inspired by that vr room in star trek but maybe all people were robots (O0O) & i made edits for each track so that would be more obvious & you can still see them on my insta if you’ve got the dedication to find them. otherwise we’re leaving them in 2021 where they belong 😳
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delicategardenerbear · 11 months
What do anyone think about this idea of making a new alternate universe for sonic using unused characters, concepts, and beta designs of existing characters as well as the concept art of Satam? Here are some of my ideas.
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Feels the Rabbit is the main hero in this universe that is helped by the brilliant but lazy Dr. Teddy Eggman who also acts as the young rabbit's father figure
Madonna of this would be a mix of her original concept and her Archie Comic version with elements from Topaz, so basically Ada Wong from Resident Evil, she was send with her partner to keep an eye on Feels and Dr Eggman but soon formed a bond with the young rabbit, acting as a mother figure to him.
Beta Rouge (I'm not sure what to call her) is Madonna's partner and her personality is similar to Lara Croft so she was a former archaeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins around the world and give what she finds to museums, in fact she was so good the G.U.N. offered her a job which she accepted in hope of more excitement and was paired with Madonna.
Gazebo Boobowski and his daughter, Tiara Boobowski, were the guardians of the six magical Rings of Order, as well as the ancient art of Ring smithing, I'm not sure what else to do on these characters, any ideas?
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Terios (the top two) could be similar to Wolverine in terms of origin as well as personality with him probably mentoring Feels the Rabbit. He is related to the bottom character, who will be named Void, who is basically Sabretooth. Also, the two designs next to each other could be their super forms. They don't remember their origins but remember being experimented on by humans, resulting in Void's hatred of humans and his insanity as well as Terio's general distrust of humans, though Terios escaped with the help of a mysterious white hedgehog.
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Very little is known about Venice the hedgehog but all that known is that he believed he is from the future and is here to set things right, I'm actually having problems with coming up with a ideas for him
In this universe, Mobians live alongside humans because of a crisis at Mobius which led to mass immigration to earth. Feels the Rabbit lose his family during an crisis and he was found by Teddy
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an fire elemental that follows and protects a young bobcat after the child save her from being captured from government agents. She has total control over fire as well as their physical body
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Buttercup the Bobcat
After saving Inferno from government agents, she and her family are forced to go on the run. She is a good-hearted but mischievous girl, think a mashup between Calvin and Hilda, a part of her regrets helping Inferno due to the trouble it brought her and parents but they her assured her that she did a good thing
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Glam the Hare
A up and coming rock and roll sensation that's making headlines, his style of music is Very reminition of glamrock as well as 70s funk. Glam was just a struggling musician that was trying to make it big in the music industry, his luck changes when playing at a live music bar when famed music producers Lennon Bulldog overheard Glam and immediately offered him a contract which changed his life
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Washington Wolf
A famous mascot for a car company who ironically has a fear of going fast
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Boomy the Turtles
Feel's best friend and rival who after losing his legs in an accident and was given cybernetic legs are able to turn into rockets by Teddy. He is laid-back and care-free guy who tends not to worry about things but is very competitive when he wants to be
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Martin Simpson
Teddy Eggman's assistant who is very positive and hard-working to a weird amount. He is almost always smiling but rarely talks and sometimes plays practical jokes and pranks also Teddy doesn't remember hiring him but since he's worked hard so he doesn't question it
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Ziggy the Black Cat
The Wario to Feel's Mario, He's a greedy, rude and hot-tempered but surprisingly intelligent individual who always making some get rich quick scheme but fortunately is a nuisance at best
Axel Mole
A very passive and unassertive guy who tend to stay out of conflicts and just want to explore the world. He always has to wear his special goggles when he comes to the surface so as to not hurt his eyes
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dollfaced-erin · 8 months
Ngl the sugar daddy jing yuan reader fic lowkey intrigues me, like why did Jing Yuan resort to something as finding a sugar baby? Was he stressed over something as well? A relationship problem? Was he that lonely?? I feel it would be nice to explore!
i love this request. it took me a while to find the right songs and good scenarios, but i got you covered, bby ! I MIGHT NAME THIS SERIES THO ! it's a WIP obv unless until i finish the main storyline and will take longer time to accommodate to unlike the main story (and that one already takes an eternity) do enjoy the treat !
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𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊 ! : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ , ᴊɪɴɢ ʏᴜᴀɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ , ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏʀʀᴇʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ'ꜱ ᴄʀᴀᴅʟᴇ
𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 ! :
ˢᵗʳᵉˢˢ , ᵃⁿˣⁱᵉᵗʸ , ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ˢᵉˡᶠ ʰᵃʳᵐ , ᶜᵒᵐᶠᵒʳᵗ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ, EXTRA LONG.
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Another day...another report.
Scratch that. There were hundreds of reports on his desk as is. And they were piling as time grew on. Not like it would ever stop. They just kept adding up, accumulating like the spam emails in his iMac monitor before him.
And his secretary was of no help either. Sure, she did her work mighty fine ! Being on time, punctual, taking all the calls and planning his meeting and fixing up his schedule. But that makes him feel more annoyed than ever.
She's just too punctual. And she expects him to be like that too.
She was always rushing him to do his work, always nagging him on and on to pay attention to the business proposals, to look over the reports, remind him again and again that he had lunch with the Lead Researcher from that growing Space Research Centre built under the name of one of the most well-known geniuses known to mankind.
Herta's Space Research Centre...and her Lead Researcher who was currently managing the Centre on her own... Asta...
What time was the meeting again...?
"Remember ! You have a meeting with Lady Asta from the research center at 2pm this afternoon ! Don't be late ! It's a crucial investment !" He heard Fu Xuan's voice ring in his mind.
Oh...2pm. He had time before that.
He sighed in his chair, leaning back into his leather chair as he ran a hand through his messy silver hair. Lazy golden eyes glanced at the time showed on the standby mode on his monitor...
"1 : 45..." he read aloud, his voice carrying his lazy tone through the silent room.
He thought about it.
1 : 45 ?!?!
He never bolted out of his seat faster than he ever had before.
"Hahaha !" The man laughed as Jing Yuan retold the tale of the earlier day. A hand landed on his back, slapping it playfully as his friend found humor in his troubles.
"Don't laugh, asshole." Jing Yuan said, a frown of frustration on his lips. But it slowly curled up into one of amusement seeing his friend like this.
"You're really finding my concerns entertaining, don't you ?"
"Sorry, sorry. My bad." The man said, raising his cup of alcoholic beverage to his lips, sipping it elegantly.
"But then, what happened ? You rushed out of your building to the meeting place. Did you see Lady Asta ?" Blade asked, looking at his friend with a smirk on his lips.
"Oh, you bet. I found her as soon as I got there. But fortunately for me, she had just arrived herself. So, I wasn't too late, nor did I make her wait." Jing Yuan said with a relieved sigh.
The two were meeting up in quite the high-class bar. Somewhere that had classical music playing, dim lighting, expensive drinks of the finest quality, quiet chatter and the clinking of glasses and extravagant attire. It wasn't your average bar. Heck, there were barely any ruthless drunkards in places like this, those who caused ruckus when they drank too much.
"But Fu Xuan, that girl..." he pondered, shaking his head at the mention of his secretary. "She really needs to learn how to loosen up and stop asking me day after day when will I hand my company over to her."
"Oh ? She's blatantly asking you to make her the heir to the corporation ? Very...brazen, of her." Blade said with a furrow of his brows and nodded his head.
"It doesn't get any easier, Blade. Believe me." Jing Yuan sighed.
It was just another day in his life. He was the CEO of one of the top companies in the country, or even the world ! The Xianzhou Alliance was branched into 6 franchises under one brand, though usually known individually. Fanghu, Luofu, Zhuming, Xuling, Yaoqing, and Yuque.
And Jing Yuan just happened to be the CEO of the Luofu branch, also being the youngest and one of longest reigning ones at that. Not only that, he was known for his good looks, his intellect and gentlemanly manners.
Blade just happened to be his friend from college and was the main mechanical engineers for the bigger productions of the company, building his name to be known far and wide for a man as young as him. He was known as Yingxing, formerly. A nerdy young man that loved art.
But after a certain incident, he dyed his hair black and changed his alias to Blade before joining a group of debt collectors that made quite the name for themselves.
The Stellaron Hunters.
Jing Yuan sighed, raising a hand at the bartender for another glass of bourbon. He needed a little more liquor to forget the tension that night.
"So, of course the meeting didn't end there, right ? I heard that Herta was planning on opening a university to give opportunities to more...brilliant minds. Perhaps they wanted to collaborate with the Intelligentsia Guild ? Heard they too opened up a new university recently." Blade asked, pouring another glass of Koshu sake for himself.
He wasn't too much of a fan of the harder liquors. He loved to savor his drinks and take his time relishing in the bitter taste. Like the little things around him. He loved to watch drama unfold, especially if he wasn't involved in it.
Even better if he was the cause behind it.
But he wouldn't do that to Jing Yuan. His dude needed a break. Especially since they have known each other for a couple of years now.
"Yeah." Jing Yuan said, nodding his head at his friend. "I suppose you could put it that way. Lady Asta wanted to meet up to ask about the funding for the research in the space station. Now that you mention it, I think she also said something about investing for the university ?"
"I don't know anymore, Blade..." Jing Yuan sighed, hand over his eyes. "After that meeting i came back to more papers and reports. Then tomorrow, the meetings and the negotiations...the business proposals, photoshoots and interviews and not to mention the stalkers recently. Fu Xuan is literally gonna snag my ass one day if she really thinks I'm as incompetent as I look, I swear to the Aeons..."
He let out a tired chuckle, leaning over and setting his elbow on the table. His friend looked at him worriedly, knowing that it might not sound like much, but for Jing Yuan to openly admit his problems like this...
"Why don't you ask her to loosen up your schedule ?" Blade asked him softly, a hand on Jing Yuan's back.
"And listen to her lecture me about time management ? I'd save at the very least 2 hours of my time reading reports." He chuckled dryly, shaking his head and pulled his hand away from his eyes.
"That's not gonna work, Blade. She'll say I have nothing better to do in my time anyway...I go home with those uncompleted documents but I still have to keep thinking how I'm going to arrange my thoughts for tomorrow."
Then they heard a small commotion. There was a man slamming his hand onto the table, and a young lady before him. She looked firm and resolute, not even flinching as the man before her expressed his distaste and anger to her.
"For the last time, I'm saying no. I told you, I don't have the money for it !" The young lady said calmly, her hands spread in front of her to exaggerate her point.
"You brought me here, and then expect me to sign up for Herta's Space Research school to study biotechnology under Madam Ruan Mei ? Do you have any idea how crazy the fees will be ?" The girl asked again, folding her arms over her chest as she merely glared at the man that stood in anger before her.
"Plus you know that I'm already struggling with fees in the Yaoqing Academy is already crazy enough. And that's with scholarship. I'd then have to pay Yaoqing for stopping halfway and my scholarship, then pay the registration fees of Herta's school."
"Imagine having to go to some prestigious, preppy place filled with studying, that I don't even have time to go work to buy myself dinner." The lady stressed with a shake of her head.
"But this is your opportunity !"
"I...I cant afford it..." she admitted softly.
Jing Yuan's gaze softened as he looked at this troubled lady. He wished he could help, watching her being pressured like this. But he wasn't a charity... if he helped her, many more would come to him for the same reason...
But it was a waste that a beautiful young lady like her didn't get the opportunity she deserved. She looked like she was well-versed in studying, and going to Herta's university would secure her a bright future working with the Intelligentsia Guild, or Herta's Space Station or the research facility, or even the IPC !
"I cant keep dating someone who doesn't have standards, (Y/n). My family will look down on me ! And I'm always paying for you when we go on dates, you never spend for me !" The man said with anger present in his tone. Then the young lady before him bit her bottom lip, her eyes trailing off somewhere else.
"Wh-what did you expect from dating me ? You know I'm poor. I work part time at a cafe, juggling assignments, bills and chores. I...I cant always have the luxury of spoiling you ! And you yourself wanted to go on dates, promising me that you'll handle the bill." The lady said, tears in her bright eyes.
"Or not you'll never go on dates with me !" The boyfriend exclaimed, making the girl, (Y/n), feel even guiltier.
Then he slammed his hand again on the table. "Enough ! We're over. I cant keep dating a leech who'd do nothing to improve her life even when there's a path !"
Then the man stormed off, leaving the lady alone and humiliated in the middle of the expensive bar with all eyes on her. She didn't care about that, she was mainly troubled on the fact that she'd have to cover the bills herself...
'How interesting...' Jing Yuan thought to himself as he looked at the pitiful lover.
She was a beautiful young lady, perhaps around 22 years old ? She seemed pretty young. Perhaps she's in the middle of pursuing a degree ? To change majors means she must be pretty early into the registration. Foundation, perhaps...
She looked very ordinary, unlike the others in this bar. She had beautiful (h/c) hair, the brightest (e/c) eyes that shone under the warm lights of the bar. But she looked tired. She was broke. Wallet, and heart.
Jing Yuan couldn't hold back anymore. He didn't like seeing a young woman as innocent as hardworking as her getting dumped just because she didn't have the money. What kind of asshole does that, anyway ?!
Jing Yuan got up from his place, ignoring Blade's voice of questions as he walked over to the young woman who sat alone.
"(Y/n), right ?" Jing Yuan asked, and she looked up, those bright (e/c) eyes, glistening with tears as she sadly looked into his warm honey eyes.
(Y/n) seemed startled and quickly wiped her eyes. "Yes, th-that's me." She said, nodding her head.
"See, I don't do this often, but..." Jing Yuan started as he sat before her. "I'm quite certain the entire establishment heard what happened between you and...well...your...ex lover...?"
He grimaced a little at the word 'ex', knowing it must still be a touchy subject for her. But she didn't seem to mind and just nodded her head.
"Yeah, I saw this coming, obviously." (Y/n) said with a light chuckle. "I knew we weren't going to work out. But he was persistent, constantly egging me on and on to date him, that one day I just said yes."
"Well, it seems like you're going through a rough patch, and I know you just want to head home and sleep it off. So, I want to help you out." Jing Yuan said, taking the bill on the table and reading out the receipt list.
"Let me pay for tonight."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she looked at him, blinking owlishly as she heard his offer. This...this random man was willing to pay for the receipt ? The orders she didn't even indulge in ? She felt guilt eating away at her stomach, making her fidget in her seat.
But what choice did she have...?
That's right. She didn't.
So she nodded her head.
"Wow, didn't know you could be quite the gentleman, oh CEO Jing Yuan." Blade said as his friend came back after seeing off the woman named (Y/n).
Jing Yuan nodded his head, feeling a light blush dust his cheeks from the teasing manner of his friend. But he brushed it aside quickly, composing himself to wish away the blush as quickly as it came.
"I just couldn't leave her there. It would be quite...distasteful." Jing Yuan said, taking his seat back next to Blade.
"Mm...but she was quite the catch, wasn't she ? Too bad she ended up with a sorry excuse as a boyfriend as him." Blade said with a laugh, his Adam's apple bobbing as his voice rumbled.
"She was indeed beautiful, yes." Jing Yuan said softly, nodding his head as he reminded himself of the young woman. "It was funny how she didn't even recognize who I am. Most young women would."
He caught Blade smirking at him at which he quickly composed himself with a fake smug smile back on his lips.
"Anyway..." Jing Yuan said, looking at Blade with raised eyebrows. "How are things with you and...Dan Jia ?"
Blade immediately was caught off guard with the question, his pale face dusted with a red blush that went all the way up to his ears. Dan Jia was one of the heirs to a multi-billion organization that was partnered with the Xianzhou Alliance, more known towards their love of arts and entertainment.
And Dan Jia was the woman that had loved him before and after his change. The only person who understood and still stood by him no matter, and it wasn't like any one could oppose her, anyway.
"A-ahem...Dan Jia and I..." Blade stuttered, turning away for a moment as he slowly sipped at his drink.
"We...got engaged." The male said and Jing Yuan glared at him.
"And you didn't even tell me ?" "I was going to when you were in a more chill mood ! Don't blame me trying to be considerate of your feelings !"
Then Blade got an idea. He smiled widely, looking at his friend before uncharacteristically clapping his hands, something he did when he had a mind-blowing revolutionary thought. Usually it meant good news for the company, or friends, so Jing Yuan was very intrigued to hear.
"How about you find a lover ?" Blade asked with a pat on Jing Yuan's back.
Jing Yuan had never heard a solution so stupid from this former engineer before. He sighed, and slapped a hand onto his forehead.
"No no, hear me out for real here." Blade said, trying to pull back Jing Yuan's interest. "If Fu Xuan says that you have nothing to do in your free time, find someone that can act as something to fill in time you need. You cant put hobbies, because hobbies are meant to be something to be done in your free time."
"But what if you had a commitment ?"
Then Jing Yuan looked at Blade like he made the best idea ever. That actually made so much sense ! But...
"What if I get even more stressed from it ?" Jing Yuan asked, looking at Blade.
"Based on the trends right now, students are more frequently found on dating sites, and you could start from there. Give Fu Xuan some reasons to throw her off the scent and make sure she doesn't schedule every second you manage to breathe in the aircon of your private office." Blade explained again, his hands making and tracing gestures onto the surface of the bar top.
'Students, huh...? Perhaps...he might even...' Jing Yuan wondered.
"You mean, be a sugar daddy ?" Jing Yuan asked with a raise of his eyebrow, and his friend laughed.
"Not necessarily." Blade said. "Give it a feel, take on a few blind dates. You have nothing to lose. If it doesn't work out, tell it straight, then proceed to leave."
"You know how happy I am with Dan Jia. Perhaps it's also time for you to find someone too, Jing Yuan."
So he followed the advice of his friend. Blade was right, he didn't have much to lose if he played his cards right and used his professionalism right.
He downloaded the dating app. And to make things look a little easier to filter the horny, money-hungry women who never left a shred of decency on their profiles, he put on the status of 'CEO. In need of a sugar baby, willing to spend time with me.'
He kept swiping left, left and left. The ones he swiped right on were also just as unsavory, so he kept searching. Until he saw this one account he felt drawn to.
And swiped right.
After a bit of talking, they decided to meet up at a student friendly cafe as to not pressure her. He was feeling quite peppy about it, a light blush of happiness on his cheeks as his feet tapped impatiently on the wooden floors of the cozy cafe.
He made sure to dress casually, a mere dark grey sweater and a pair of white slacks. His hair was still in it's usual messy style, but he tried to make himself look a little presentable, tying it up into a ponytail. It was still messy, but he tried.
He was meeting up with a young lady who was a student in need of help for her tuition loans and apartment bills she couldn't handle on her own. But though she reached out to him, she was often times hesitant to find a 'sugar daddy'.
His heart was pounding in his chest. He never felt this excited before. It had been long since they started talking and she was finally comfortable with meeting him after so many times of denying.
Then he saw her. The girl he was waiting for, shyly enter the cafe with reddened cheeks as she tucked back her (h/c) hair that fell over her face from lowering her gaze so much.
"M-Mr. Jing Yuan..." She greeted as she pulled the seat before him.
"Miss (Y/n). What a pleasure."
He had been searching for her all this while, and he finally found her.
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placegrenette · 1 year
Towards a grand unified theory of what's going on with Ninety One right now.
Like all theories, this one can't be taken seriously until it's been scrutinized and tested. So I'll say the same thing I said about my Gap speculations: if you know I'm wrong or misinformed, please please please please tell me.
In the last couple days I've gotten access to three pieces of information I didn't have before, that have led me to say, okay, maybe this is what happened. The first was an Instagram reel from a fluffy entertainment site reporting on the original TikTok live, which quoted Ace directly (machine translation; I put this one through both Google Translate and Yandex Translate and they didn't differ much):
We'll keep putting on concerts until winter. Then we plan to take a break for an indefinite period, 1, 2, maybe 3 years. Maybe each of us will go our own way. Maybe our direction will change. We want to rest and take a break from our current image. Even if we come back, everything might be different than before. [emphasis mine]
The second piece of information was another fluff piece, on TikTok's self-reported "sounds of the summer" in Kazakhstan. Irina Kairatovna made the list, as did Kalifarniya, and a couple non-Kazakh songs (a remix of "Makeba"; Teya Dora, who's Serbian, I believe), but Ninety One did not.
And the third piece, courtesy of the lovely @bbcblackjack, was that Kalifarniya was previously in a Q-pop group called Divine, but has since renounced Q-pop; while I can't quote his words directly, he apparently used the kind of homophobic language that Ninety One has never, in my knowledge, stooped to using.
So here's what I think happened, told chronologically.
The combination of the pandemic and the MadMen arrests devastated Q-pop as a whole; when Kazakhstan's music scene finally began to revive, in 2021, there weren't a lot of Q-pop groups with the resources to start making inroads on the scene again. Instead the momentum shifted to IK and other hip-hop artists. Which should have stood to benefit Ninety One once they went independent and started making up for lost ground in 2022. I think within Pop Almaty (my nickname for the indie-ish popular-music scene there) itself, Ninety One is respected and regarded as peers: hence the IK collaborations, ZaQ cutting a track with De Lacure, and Yenlik appearing in the Yeski Taspa series. (Also remember that the guys were awfully reluctant to condemn Shiza acting up onstage when asked about him during the Zamandas interview.)
I think they expected that respect to carry over into their public image. ("Bata" is their "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," but it's also a boomy, Future-influenced track: a hip-hop move as much as a pop one.) But it didn't: they were still "Q-pop." And that hurt them in three different ways:
The general way of trends changing; what was cool three or six years ago isn't so likely to be cool now, in pop music. So the fans who had been listening to "Aiyptama" and "Kaytadan" at age 14 had moved on, and...
...because there was no real Q-pop infrastructure, they couldn't pick up a new Q-pop-oriented audience easily. (Contrast to K-pop, where new ZEROBASEONE fans have ready opportunities to discover the likes of SHINee and Infinite.)
But whereas the popularity proved transient, the homophobic unpopularity stuck: Ninety One was still dealing with the real-Kazakh-men-don't-wear-earrings bullshit.
(This is where Kalifarniya's new popularity comes into my argument. In the video for "Puerto Rico," he's dancing sensuously on a beach while wearing an oversized pink suit: in other words, using artsy idol imagery to his own advantage. Squint and you're watching a BTS solo video. But because he was willing to distance himself from Q-pop and the supposed Gay Cooties, the public's willing to accept the idol presentation on its own terms.)
#3 would explain why they had trouble with touring last year—the canceled gig in Turkestan, the canceled-and-rescheduled gig in Shymkent—and why they didn’t really have a tour this year. I find it very hard to believe that they didn’t plan to go to places like Kostanai and Semey and Oskemen to promote their second full album, and easier to believe that they planned to and ran into enough opposition that they eventually gave up in frustration and just settled for one Astana and one Almaty concert.
“But, Jessica,” you ask now, “they were able to go to Semey and Aqtobe and the like in 2017, 2018, 2019; what’s changed?” That’s a weakness of my theorizing. This is very speculative and you should take it with enormous amounts of salt, but here’s a possibility: one downstream consequence of Bloody January might be that local akimat now have a little more power relative to federal officials in Astana, and that new empowering might embolden said akimat to say, no we will not have these dyed-haired pooftahs coming in from Almaty to corrupt our innocent youth, thank you very much. Might, maybe, who knows, if you think I’m going too far out on a limb please do tell me. (Another possibility: the actual costs of booking the shows and traveling to them have gone up enough to make the trips no longer worth it.)
Meanwhile our dudes were spending the second half of 2022 and early 2023 refining the album and spending money. I don’t mean just getting the office (though given the hiatus plans, I am curious how long a lease they signed). But my understanding is that they were financing the Yeski Taspa series, and they also paid for the “Symbaim” music video, which was probably a decent outlay. This may have been financially risky; they may have been doing insufficient future-proofing, or putting more weight on Gap to save them then it turned out to be able to bear. (I don’t think they said specifically that they were financially as well as emotionally exhausted; I’m reading that factor into events, and may be wrong.) But it makes perfect sense. First of all, they are hardly the first startup whose first-year reach may have exceeded its grasp. Also, like I keep telling y’all, Pop Almaty is a small town, and Ninety One not only want to keep their own good reputations in this small town, but grow the town’s economic prospects if they can, for themselves and for the people they care about who also live and work in this small town—Veronika, Bibotta, Assiya and the other dancers, Nurs Bazarbay, their friends such as Ne1tron and Ray and Kyle Ruh, Ace’s brother. ZaQ in particular (and Boss Yerbolat before him) has been very consistent in arguing that they want to succeed not just for themselves but for a larger musical and artistic community.
But that meant they had to regain popularity with Gap. And they didn’t. I don’t know why they didn’t. Like I said, I think “pop goodness but also processing the helplessness and frustration they felt over Bloody January” might have been too loaded for their potential K-pop-adjacent fans but too pop for fans of IK and Shiza. They might have gotten away with it in 2019, when Q-pop didn’t look done and dusted, and they bet they could still get away with it in 2023, and lost. But like pretty much everything else here, that’s speculative.
The big, obvious risk, then, is that abandoning their “current image” will mean they finally go along with what seem to be prevailing expectations of public homophobia. (This is an aside, but the anthropologist Alice Evans recently wrote an interesting essay reporting on recent research suggesting that homophobia gained currency in parts of the former Soviet Union, including Kazakhstan, after widespread first- and second-hand experience with prison rape during the gulag era.) I don’t know. I can’t guarantee you that they haven’t made homophobic statements already; I can only tell you that I’ve been bracing myself for such news for years now and it hasn’t reached me yet. It’s entirely possible that part of “each of us going our own way” will include divergence on this issue, too—that one or more of them, but not necessarily all four, will publicly run from the Gay Cooties. (To be entirely frank, I have my guesses as to which members would be more or less likely to take such a stance, but my predictions are almost always wrong—remember, I was the hotshot who thought “Su Asty” was going to be a ballad—and I’d rather not tar any of the dudes preemptively or wrongly, and especially not both.)
What I don’t think is going to happen (although see above re my prediction track record) is that they’ll completely abandon their commitments to Pop Almaty. Those commitments will vary in focus and scope; Alem’s are more likely to be in the contexts of his TV work and Veronika, for example, and ZaQ’s to the larger hip-hop scene. They have said in the past that they planned to release solo work; this hiatus would give them the chance to do so without Eaglez breathing down their necks for more group work.
I’m less sure about whether we’re going to continue to get OT4 hanging out for our amusement. Maybe cameos on each other’s Instagram or Ace’s TikTok, but the likes of Space may be part of the image package they want to get away from. We may run up against the paradox where the bro-dom looks weaker but is actually stronger, once they can just be close friends pursuing related but separate interests and don’t have to market their bro-dom to us so hard.
I’m feeling… well, still cranky. Gap is a good album! If my narrative is right then they took a risk, in insisting that they could be dyed-haired pop stars who dance onstage and still have something to say, and it didn’t pay off. And neither they nor Eaglez had any right to demand of the universe that it pay off, but still: arrrgh. And there’s no guarantee that what they come back with, if they ever come back as four again, who knows, will inspire me the way Gap does. Meanwhile, if it isn’t already obvious, I would really like them to stay away from the public homophobia, and it’s entirely possible that they won’t. In short: change means uncertainty; uncertainty is not fun.
But it’s also possible that all this will work out to their, and our, benefit: the guys get to support each other doing a wider variety of projects, and we get to listen and watch. Pessimism isn’t necessarily a virtue. So after this I’m going to quit trying to combat the uncertainty by speculating all over the place. Like I said, y’all tell me where I’ve gone off track.
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morrisharding · 11 months
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" I don't see why I need a stylist, When I shop so much I can speak Italian" KaneYeWest's Graduation is a classic and timeless album that puts the whole world in a trance. This is definitely at the top of my list for favourite Kanye albums and possibly number 1. It is just such a fun, creative and exciting album for many reasons. Graduation is Kanye's third studio album released on September 11th of 2007. When it was released it gained 957,00 first-week sales and debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 which resulted in his highest-grossing album at the time. It ended up winning 4 Grammys in 2008 which were Best Rap Album (Graduation), Best Rap Song (Cant Tell Me Nothing), Best Rap Performance by a duo or Group (Good Life) and Best Rap Solo Performance (Stronger).
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When I was in grade school Songs like Stronger, Good Life, Champion, Can't Tell Me nothing, Flashing Lights ect were being played everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean the mall, radio stations, grocery stores, TV shows, movies and so many more public places. The song that appealed the most to me was Stronger as it was just such a powerful song. " Now that-that-that-that that don't kill me can only make me stronger" was the one line I can remember always being sung and it Would make me feel focused and determined whenever I was playing a sport or working out. The drums and synthesizers are what really had me going as they were boomy and very upbeat. Also, the lyrics were all motivational and would put me in a GO mode mindset. My dad used to play this song all the time when he was at the gym so it got stuck in my head and I started loving that song. From then on I would hear Kanye's name from time to time as he was always being talked about. He was one of the biggest artists at the time and family and friends loved listening to his music.
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Something about The cover art for this album is what makes me enjoy it even more. It looks like he used every colour in a rainbow to make the cover art as it is just so vibrant and beautiful. There aren't many albums these days where artists put a lot of effort into the cover art as the music industry is just seeming to get lazy as the years go by. The bear that is flying on the cover is supposed to be a representation of Kanye as he is graduating from school and leading towards a new life and a new chapter of music since this was the third and final album of the higher education trilogy. Graduation is definitely at the top of my list of favourite album covers and I have been trying to find a Graduation poster for so long to put up in my room but it seems like they are so rare to find.
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Looking back at this album 16 years later I can honestly say I have never seen an album more fun and kid-friendly but so well made lyrically and productively that any audience would have been astonished by how remarkable it was. I am still amazed to this day at how he created such an album only a couple of years into his career. It's an album that I have so much appreciation for as it really changed the music culture. Rap culture before the release of Graduation was very much still old-school rap as rappers like Jay Z, Eminem, Outkast, Nas and more were still releasing music but nothing more than just the regular old-school rap lyrics and beats. Graduation brought a mix of both Hip-Hop and Rap into one album and was blended with exquisite taste. Instead of Kanye's previous soul-based sound he progressed to more anthemic compositions and found a way to conjoint them together without failing to please his audience. As one I can say I was certainly not displeased with this album as it stuck to me as soon as I heard just a few songs off of it.
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I could go on and talk about this album for hours on how good it is so I hope to those who read this blog that you go to spotify right now and put on some Kanye West and I promise you that you will be amazed by this man's creativity.
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brrrkdslek · 1 year
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❒ JOONG is y/n's fathur! cared for her since trainee era, taught her lots on producing and writing songs. first person she opened up to, caring and protective towards her. loves boomi to the core! always buys him presents and such, always puts them first. (not before seonghwa)
❒ HWA is y/n's mothur! met through hongjoong also during trainee era. always buys her skincare products whenever he sees some, but since he's pretty busy and they don't work in the same musical departments, they seldomly meet irl. chats a lot on msg+twt. looking forward to meeting boomi in the future! (with loverboy hongjoong)
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