#bop the boggy
halevren · 4 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 5
okay so I'm watching it late again because I had bowling. i actually did really well today if anyone cares🔥 there was also a few other personal things that stopped me from watching it for a bit.
hey hey hey hey let's go ♪♪
the synod is so blue
I don't think I'm emotionally ready for this episode idk how to explain it I just don't feel ready.
The art team is so powerful
"Someone grab those teeth"
It's spicy in the dome tonight ‼️‼️
the hat on adaine and boggy make me want to cry they're so cute
ally chomp noise is so good
I love Brennan just rolling stuff and not saying what it's for
"(Murph whimpering with uncertainty)" that's how I feel every second of my existence
Fabian dancing upset is so funny
twenty five armor class 🔥🔥🔥
dancing between the legs of a centaur?!??!??
oh thank god he made it
Riz is so good at hiding
murph reading the spell description is so satisfying, I need him to narrate an audio book
200% blood D: good god
Riz flossing
"is that allowed?"
"And I'm stuck with her and her minus 3 Dex"
"I'm useless" "no, you're not" "I'm useless!" "no, you're not!"
Riz fornite dancing
"I want you to profile them"
"he's on the security detail now" oh my god
"he's my intern" OH MY GOD
"He's gonna leak it all on discord" hhehehehehhehe
"I rolled a zero initiative" ON THE BATTLE ABOUT HER GODDESS???? oh my god
"Is this what Ragh's mom absorbed?" Zac Oyama you are a genius
"It just sounded loud because of all the plastic breaking"
"Don't spoil it, is it a buff Kristen?"
"Roll on the back of my motorcycle, I love you!"
there's so many good one liners
worth a try
not nightmare king related?
attack the orbs!
Kalina is actually so hot, I need her
"I think this is someone else's fault and not mine"
"This is some Gilear shit" "I think I need to go to the hospital"
oh my god I feel unwell from giggling so much
"Do I suck?" "You? No!"
rage Adaine sounds powerful I need her to multiclass into barbarian /j
rage conor kinda 🫦
18 doesn't hit kalina??!?!??
AND KALINA DOES WHAT??????? HUH??? HUH HUH HUH???? HUH???? WHAT???? HUH?????? WHAT? KALINA WHAT???? HUH???????????? HUH??????????????
lower than a nine pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
THAT'S A 3 🔥🔥🔥
evil kalina is still hot
"oh come on man!"
i miss ayda aguefort
every stage of grief in ally beardsley they're such a mood
just looking for nat ones....
bop bop
the ball has gotta go (but not The Ball™)
"Interesting. Well. I'm done talking to you I think."
he still listens to his ex's mixtape.........
three point stance...
no pressure kristen
does Cassandra need to accept her anger and manage it healthily...?
i need to be hugged by buff Kristen I think that would fix me
there is so many box of dooms...
wait. wait. Kristen is channeling rage to her advantage..... what if she multi classes into a barbarian that would be kinda sick
omg they're switching it up
"Girlie, are you still mad at me, girlie?"
nonna crit
"he's gonna blow up the world"
i don't like this dramatic music
"Oh gross"
fig nat 20 on understanding time loops
AT WHO'S SIDE????????
"a master you deserve" WHAT.
oh no.... did adaine's job place just got ruined? does she have to show up to her job now? is she still going to get paid???????
"Did your god get turned into toxic positivity."
"I buttered up!"
"(Gasp) oh my god!" Hangman is so cute
oh my goodness my face hurts from giggling from the party
I miss Ayda Aguefort so much
wait I don't think fig should be doing the shrimp jump because her luck is so unbelievably bad. this could go South so fast.
I don't like how epic Brennan is describing it because I have a bad feeling with fig and her condition
"This is gonna be a great year."
Mother of Tartar Sauce
oh my god that was an incredible episode
See you it the Tartar
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my core mura playlist!!
analysis/reasons for songs under the cut!
the playlist follows the arcs of violence-> joy in it/self confidence-> possessiveness and control-> villainy-> the aftermath -> reflections on her youth.
i am a poseur: gives of the enerjy she projects most, the dramatic self confident woman who don't care. also bop.
bloodstains: this is her violent, but its a self aware joyous violence. disregard most of the lyrics of the verse, its the chorus and vibes
ripe: this is on the surface vibes but the chorus says so much about her philosophy. peel the skin raw: pinch till the feelings gone- bury herself in violence to kill her feelings. also her self destructive and thrill seeking behavior is shown in the verses
cherry bomb: dramatic fun self confidence again, this time flirty, with a promise of fun and intreage.
one way our another: back to fun self confidence, but building on cherry bomb, its a bit more predatory,
choke: now its the unhealthy dynamics<3 this is her when shes caught someone, and now shes showing her power, laughing at them thinking they could escape, mocking them and the power she holds over them.
if i had a tail: this is mainly vibes. 'a city of glass with no heart/if i had a tail id own the night/if i had a tail id swat the flies' 'do run-run you wont get far' this song represents her [possible] demon path
red right hand: she is the man with the red right hand. "He'll wrap you in his arms/ tell you that you've been a good boy /He'll rekindle all the dreams/ it took you a lifetime to destroy [...] /but there won't be a single thing/that you can do" its about her power over people and her hidden manipulations and rage. it also sheer vibes, the slow descent.
play the game: the villain song of all time<3 'falling in love' and 'playing the game' being giving into her and her will. 'when your feeling down and your resistance is low, light another cigarette and let yourself go' this is one of the songs she is singing.
killer queen: fun self confidence again. this is the peak song for her noble cover/act, dramatic fun and sexy.
seven seas of rye: another great villain song. another song thats for her demon path, play the game is the song she sings to wear you down, seven seas is what she does when she has control.
another one bites the dust: another great villain song in the musical version, this is her when shes murder-happy and full villain, and possibly the chorus is about the good people she splits from
these boots were made for walking: murder-happy again, self confidence and mocking the poor soul shes gonna walk all over.
blood on my name: aftermath of her decent of villainy, with her creepiness as full villain, now mocking and tempting other people, comfortable in her new role/place as the full villan
katie cruel: after her full decent into villan 'When I first came to town/They called me the roving jewel/Now they’ve changed their tune/Call me Katie Cruel' talking about how people are no aware of her evil side 'Through the woods I’m going/And through the boggy mire/Straight way down the road/’Til I come to my heart’s desire' talking about her ruthlessness and goal oriented mind. also vibes
arsonists lullaby: its about her childhood, 'all you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach' 'dont ever tame your demons, always keep them on a leash' its a creepy lullaby for a creepy child.
hanging johnny: its about her apathy & even joy in violence, her not caring about who dies or get hurts because of her, how she will break social taboos [killing family and priests] and laws [killing cops] to get what she wants, and enjoy it. creepy unhinged song for a creepy unhinged woman.
which witch: its about her and her father and her guilt, the trial is for bother her and him, 'can you make it stick' is mocking from her, can you make her suffer for her crimes. 'fire help me to forget, you cant tell me to regret' this song is mostly vibes and thats why its at the end
i also have a romance playlist with songs that need to much nuance/ explaining to be on her core character playlist so i might explain that sometime soon
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
A Flame In The Dark: Chapter 2
Fandom: Dimension 20, Fantasy High
Word Count: 3575
Perspective: Riz
Chapter 1 (sorry it wont format!): https://jamiebluewind.tumblr.com/post/189152152044/a-flame-in-the-dark-chapter-1
Notes: Hurt/Comfort. This chapter is much fluffier than the last, but still mind the tags! Special thanks to my beta readers @plutosfury and @winterpower98
Characters: Riz Gukgak, Fig Faeth, Adaine Abernant, Tracker O'Shaughnessey, Sandra Lynn Faeth, Cathilda Ceíli, Boggy the Froggy, and unnamed OC (implied Fabian, Kristen, Gorgug, and Ragh)
Chapter Warnings: cursing, violence mention, murder mention, abuse mention, healed injuries, child abuse mention, child neglect, recovering from starvation, dark themes, trauma, bugs as food (please message me if I missed any)
Summary: The group makes it back to camp, Riz still cradling their guest.
Check out this awesome art inspired by Chapter 1!
By the time they reached camp, Riz's arms were aching. He was never the strongest one in the group and the sleeping child in his arms had tested what little strength he did have. It wasn't a weight thing. She was actually very light (if he was honest, she probably weighed less than his briefcase). It was just a combination of things. Post battle fatigue. Hiking for a couple hours. Tired muscles holding something in an odd position. It was worth it though. She looked like she hadn't slept in a long time and needed a nap more than he needed arms that didn't hate him.
He had actually been planning on getting her some food out of his pack after she was healed. She would be hungry then and the food would be less likely to come back up. What he hadn't planned on was her dozing off in his arms. He wondered what had been going on in her little body that Fig's magic had targeted. Whatever it was, the relief she felt was enough to make her fall asleep so hard that she was dead to the world. It took both arms to carry her after that.
He shifted, leaning his body back so that more of her weight was on his chest, and held her awkwardly for a moment while he placed his now free hand on a nearby rock to help him sit down. Normally he would try to find something to sit on to keep from messing up his clothes, but he was tired and filthy and out of fucks. He let out a breath, his throbbing feet grateful for the relief. He shifted the child a bit to give his arms a break too. She didn't seem to mind... or even wiggle for that matter. Riz got a little chuckle out of it.
The others were off getting everything set up for the night. Tracker was preping the moon haven. The campfire crackled to life as they got out various supplies. Quiet chatter filled the air.
Adaine stood nearby, leaning against a tree. She was quiet, only occasionally adding to the chatter or shaking her head at their friends' antics. The spell she'd been working on for most of the hike was probably ready, but left uncast. Riz smiled. She was probably holding it until the child woke up. She had always been the braincell of the group. He wasn't sure why he was surprised.
Riz wasn't sure how long he had been lost in thought when the smell of food cooking hit him. He felt her twitch and looked down to see a little nose twitch, followed by sleepy eyes blinking open. There was a tiny jump as she took in her surroundings and her brain caught up with what was going on.
[Good morning], Riz said with a smile. She looked up at him with her eyes barely open and yawned. [You up for something to eat?]
Any hint that she was tired was gone in an instant. Her ears perked up and she looked at him with wide eyes. She looked so much like a puppy at meal time that Riz was surprised that she didn't start pawing at his shirt! [You can't have a lot at one time], he told her. Her brows lowered as she gave him an angry pout. [BUT, I'll make sure you get a lot of small meals to keep from overloading your stomach and you can have as much to drink as you want.] After a moment of deliberation, her faced relaxed. He supposed that was as close as he was gonna get to her agreeing with him.
Riz looked towards the campfire and the food cooking over it. It smelled good sure, but a little too heavy and vegetable filled for a goblin who's gone without food for a while. At least he knew how to get her what she needed.
"Hey Adaine," he called out. The elf looked away from the group and over towards Riz. "Could you come over here real quick?"
Adaine leaned up, wiping invisible dust off her legs before she made her way over towards the pair. She slowed as she approached, making eye contact with the child. Oops. He almost forgot. [This is 'Adaine'], Riz told the child. [I need her to come over here. Is that okay?]
The child looked at Adaine and then back at Riz. She watched Adaine as she carefully made her way over and sat down across from them. The child didn't seem to mind Adaine's presence. She looked more curious than anything. Riz wondered if it was a magical ability from Boggy or Adaine herself.
"I have a spell ready for her," Adaine said. She looked at the child as she spoke to Riz, her voice a steady calming tone. "I'll need to use it before I can do anything else. It will allow her to understand us, but only for an hour. I have to touch her for it to work."
Riz nodded and looked down. He rolled the words over in his brain, trying to figure out the best way to phrase it. ['Adaine' can... make you understand what everybody is saying for a little while if you let her touch you. It's kinda like what 'Fig' did, only 'Adaine' doesn't need music to make it work.]
The child was still a moment as she regarded Adaine. Then, she reached out a hand. Adaine slowly reached out, closing the distance. As she touched the small hand, her eyes shone with a blue light. It only lated a moment. The child examined her hand and looked back up at Adaine.
"Hello," Adaine said with a soft smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The child's eyes grew wide as she stared at Adaine. She blinked several times.
"My name is Adaine Abernant," she said to the child. Riz wanted to laugh at how formal she sounded. "I would like to be your friend, if you'll let me of course." The child only responded with more blinking.
"I want to try something," Adaine continued, "just to be sure that you can understand me. I don't want you to feel obligated to talk. You should feel comfortable around us. So all you have to do is nod," she said as she nodded, "or shake your head," she said, demonstrating. "A nod means yes. A head shake means no. Do you understand?" There was a pause followed by a single curt nod. There was a reason that Adaine was the braines of the party. "Fantastic," she said with a smile.
"Now," Adaine said, turning her attention towards Riz, "I understand that there was something you wanted to ask me?"
Riz had almost let it slip his mind. "We need to get some fluids in her," he said. "Some food too. Could you get her some of that electrolyte stuff for kids to start?"
Adaine nodded and reached in her pocket. She pulled out a plain water bottle filled with slightly thick liquid and handed it to the child. The child tilted her head and reached out, sticking her hand in Adaine's pocket only to jerk a bit and lean over farther, speading the pocket open to look inside. Adaine hid a laugh behind her hand.
"It's a magical jacket," Adaine told her. "I can pull things I want out of it... as long as they aren't too expensive." Adaine blinked and looked like she had an idea. "I'll pull out a few things for you if you let me get you cleaned up first."
The child considered for a moment and then nodded. Adaine cast prestidigatation. Riz was thankful that he was in range.
The child's hair seemed to expand as the weight of the mud was lifted.  Her tangle of curls were redish-orange at the base, but transitioned into a pale orange at the end. It was like she was suddenly haloed by a mass of warm flame.
The color of her skin was also a surprise. Before, she had reminded him of a caramel latte, but underneath the dirt and grime was something closer to butterscotch. It was a warm yellow-orange that complemented her bright hair.
The child held up a hand to examine her clean skin. Riz cursed himself for being too perceptive. Without the dirt in the way, he could see scars litterered across her skin. Some were faded and small. Others looked like they must have been deep when they were fresh. He felt the rage trying to bubble up in him again as he silently wished that he had taken his time killing that bastard. Breathe in. And out. Just be grateful he's dead now. And in hell. Definitely in hell... where Bill Seacaster is. Huh. Maybe Fabian's dad would be willing to double murder him? The thought helped him relax a little.
"Much better," Adaine said with a nod. "I'll get you some better clothes after you've had something to eat. Oh Riz?" she asked.
"Hum?" Riz answered, still a bit lost in thought.
"What would be safe for her to eat?" Adaine asked. "I'm honestly unfamiliar with goblin dietary needs and you always seem willing to eat anything, so I'm at a bit of a loss."
Riz thought back to all the times he was sick as a kid. What food his mom would fix. What to avoid. "Probably meat with no salt and not a lot of fat," he said. "Chicken. Ham. That kind of thing. Maybe some rice... oh!" he said and then blushed. This was gonna be a little embarrassing to explain. "A lot of goblin moms make this dish when their kids get sick. It's... kinda like a rice ball?" He screwed his face. "No. Not exactly. But similar enough I guess. It is a ball of rice. Sometimes the rice is mixed with cricket flour, but not always. They also have this... bug filling. Like a puree of earthworms, crickets, meal worms... it's easy on our stomachs and has a lot of protein. Plants too, but they have already been broken down, so they wont bother us when we have a sick stomach. We... call them bug balls."
Riz stopped and looked up at Adaine. He expected to see her wrinkling her nose as most people do, but she looked more curious than anything. She thought for a moment before reaching her hand in her pocket and pulled out what looked to be three bug balls. She looked over at the child, about to say something when a little hand bolted out and grabbed one. It was gone in a flash. "I was going to say that maybe Riz should test these first," she said, covering up the remaining two to avoid them being snatched up as well, "but I guess you made that decision for me." She shook her head, unable to hide her smile. "Riz?" she asked, holding out one of the remaining balls, "Would you mind?"
Riz took the bug ball and bit down. It was hard not to inhale his food like he normally did, but he needed to make sure they were made right. "Not bad," he said as he ate the rest in a blink of an eye. "Maybe a little less salt? At least until she's feeling better." He looked down at the kid eyeing the remaining ball. "You can have the other one later," he told her. She pouted. "We gotta make sure your stomach handles the first one okay." He picked up the sports bottle and handed it to her, "For now, have some of this."
She looked at the bottle and tilted her head. Riz fought the urge to facepalm when he realized she wouldn't know what to do with it. "Like this," Riz said as he pulled a drink from the bottle and then handed it to her. She examined the bottle, took a drink,... and then made a terrible face, shaking her head at the bottle.
Adaine laughed. "I don't believe she's used to sweets," she said, pulling another water bottle out of her pocket. "This one," she said, pointing to the new bottle, "is just plain water. I'll refill it as much as you like, but I would also like you to finish the other bottle... if you can."
The child hesitantly took the new bottle and took a sip before nearly sucking it dry, squeezing the bottle to make the water come out faster. Adaine pulled a large container of water out of her pocket and refilled the bottle before handing it back to her.
"Could I share some tea with her later?" Adaine asked. Amber eyes looked at her, waiting on an explanation. "Oh! Hum..." she said, pausing to think. "Tea is like... well... you take hot water and mix special flowers or leaves with it to make it taste different." The child's brows furrowed at this. "It can also do stuff like... help you sleep or keep you awake. It depends on the flower or leaf." A nod followed.
"I don't see why not," Riz answered. "Just... maybe avoid the sugar."
A cheeky grin spread across Adaine's face. "I was planning on her actually drinking it, Riz," she said with a smirk.
The child handed Adaine the empty water bottle. She refilled it again and handed it back. The child put it back to her mouth and lazily sucked at the bottle, her desperation mostly gone.
Adaine looked at the child, studying something for a few moments before reaching into her coat. She pulled out a handfull of solid colored cloth and held it up for inspection. It was a simple sleeveless sundress. Instead of the fiery color Riz was expecting it to be, the dress was closer to a cornflower blue mixed with a splash of green. It looked soft, contrasting the rough burlap tunic she was currently wearing. The bottom hung losely, reminding Riz of a flower petal. There was a decent sized half moon pocket in the center of the chest, stitching dividing it into two smaller sections.
"Well?" Adaine asked, looking from the dress to the child. "What do you think?" Adaine was met with wide eyes and an enthusiastic nod. "Well then, let's get you out of those rags and into something fancy!"
The child stood up and took off her borrowed hat, placing it gently on Riz's lap. She grabbed the bottom of her tunic and Riz barely had time to look away before she pulled it off.
He realized then that the others had been watching the three of them as the group of teens made little sounds of surprise before turning their heads, save Fig who just said "huh." which he found a little weird. The adults mostly seemed to get a laugh out of it.
There was a beat of silence. "Oh..." Adaine said. "Hum, well. Oh Riz?" Adaine sounded nervous. "Do um... do goblins normally have tails?"
"Um... no?" Riz answered, a little confused. "I mean, it's a recessive trait. It CAN happen, but it's kinda rare. It's usually just a nub though. Why?" Riz asked. "Does she have one?"
"Yes..." Adaine answered, trailing off. "It's a very nice tail," she said sweetly, probably to the child. "Arms up please!"
"Dude," Fig said. She had moved closer and seemed to be staring at the child. "It aint a nub. It's long enough for her to wear it like a belt!" Riz's eyes went wide. I mean, sure it was possible. There were a few tribes scattered about that had them. He had just never seen one in person.
"Dude... you look so cool!" Fig said enthusiastically. "I hope if I ever grow a tail, it looks as cool as yours. You should leave it out. Show it off."
"Is it safe for me to look now?" Riz asked, still facing away.
"Oh!" Adaine answered. "Sorry Riz. Yes. You can look now."
Riz turned around and looked at the child. The dress fit her well, the bottom hanging lose and moving as she twisted softly side to side. Her hands were stuffed in pockets hidden in the folds of the dress, her shoulders hunched forward. The dress hung past her knees. A slinder tail hung down past the end of the dress, curling up to avoid the ground. The tail twitched slightly, maybe from anxiety over having it exposed, maybe just because of nerves in general. Riz tried not to imagine why she would feel the need to hide it under her clothes. He failed.
"You look great!" Riz said with a bit too much enthusiasm. "I like all the pockets. And it looks soft." She smiled just a crack and nodded as she continued to sway and watch the dress move.
"It cool," Fig said, tapping her chin, "but it could be cooler." She pulled out her bag and started digging for... something. Amber eyes watched her as she pulled out random jewelry, shaking her head and muttering to herself as she went. "Ah ha!" she said as she came up triumphant. She held up a necklace with a long dark chain. Hanging below it was an orange teardrop pendant, sparkling in the light. "Bought this back on Leviathan," she stated as she looked towards the child. "It was practically MADE for you. You want?"
The child paused before responding with an enthusiastic nod. Fig walked over and crouched down before handing over the necklace. The child held it up, examining the stone. Fig stayed crouched as she looked, waiting until amber eyes met hers. "You're supposed to wear it," Fig said pointing at the necklace. She was answered with a curious gaze as the child's head tilted to the side.
"Here," Fig said "I'll show you." She took the necklace from tiny hands and put it over the child's head. Despite the long chain, it couldn't get past her massive tangle of hair. It just sat there on top of her curls like a hair accessory. "Holy shit you have a lot of hair!" Fig said with a laugh. She reached out and tossled it a bit with her fingers. The child didn't seem to mind.
"Well," Fig said, patting her thigh, "that didn't work. Let me just..." Fig trailed off as she undid the clasp and put the chain around the child's neck before fastening it back together. "There we go!" she said, once again triumphant. "Looks great on ya kid."
Fig wasn't lying. The fiery stone suited her. She also seemed to love the way the light shined through it and the smooth texture.
While watching her, he caught Adaine fumbling for something out if the corner of his eye. He looked over just in time to see her pull out a large sunhat. "I noticed that the light seems to bother your eyes," she said. "Would this help?"
Tiny hands took the hat and examined it before nodding and placing it on her head. The hair inside the hat squished down to fit, making the hair outside the hat stick out. She adjusted the rim a bit and sighed happily. She nodded at Adaine again. Adaine smiled back.
"Would you like to meet Boggy?" Adaine asked. The child tilted her head. Adaine took out her frog and placed him in the child's lap. He let out a soft ribbit.
"No no no no no..." Riz yelped as he jumped up to place his hand between Boggy and the child's open mouth. "Boggy is not food," Riz clarified. He tried to ignore Adaine's eyes going wide over her pet nearly becoming someone's dinner. "He's a pet." She tilted her head. "Oh, um..." he took a moment to try and think of a way to explain. "A pet is... an animal that you... love? Love. Yeah. And um... they are like a friend. They help you out like... well Boggy helps Adaine not get upset and Baxter," he said, pointing to the griffin, "he can fly and stuff." God he was bad at this.
Somehow, she seemed to get the message. She put her hand on top of the frog. He croaked happily. She looked over at Riz and back at Boggy, the corners of her mouth tilted up slightly. She then started 'petting' the frog. At least, that's what Riz thought she was doing as she repeatedly slapped the frog's back. Boggy didn't seem to mind the rough treatment though, his body squishing and wiggling with the movement. Her eyes sparkled. A little sound escaped from her. It was rough and quiet, but it was without a doubt a giggle. Riz wondered if it was possible to die from cute.
The child stoped in the middle of a 'pet' and scrunched her face in concentration before going back to abusing Boggy. Sandra Lynn and Cathilda hummed in the background like they knew something the others didn't. "Did you remember to put her in pull ups?" Sandra Lynn asked.
"Um... no?" Adaine answered back, a bit confused. Riz however had already connected the dots.
"Well then," Cathilda said, "it's a good thing ya have prestidigatation dear because otherwise that would be a proper mess!"
They looked down at the muddy spot forming on the ground, quickly followed by a very distinct smell.
"Welcome to potty training kids!" Sandra Lynn yelled. She was enjoying this entirely too much.
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oldsmobile-hotdogs · 3 years
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Phantombusters - A JATP Ghost-Hunting SMAU
Part 5 - 28/05 Continued
feat. sad bops
Trying a new thing where every couple parts you’ll be updated on Reggie’s current lohl! Lmk what you think!
Taglist under the cut - ask to be tagged in future instalments!
@k-padfoot39 @lyxchen @williesskateboard @chickwiththepurpleguitar @willexxmercer @owenmercers @screamin-amuseum @reginald-peters-my-beloved @it-tastes-like-lizard @sunsetsandcurves @gingerbread-castle @flynns-eyeliner-my-beloved @boggies-froggies @burntchromas @doingwonderfully @defultuser @sk8rwillie @wr0temyway0ut @lunaleonorah @echocharm17618 @iridescentkippen @corporeal-terrestrial @willex-molina @honeysimx @themongosianhorse @fairylightsandrainydays @angelofarts @fighttoshine
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elwinged · 3 years
jatp one year tag game
rules: answer these ten questions and tag ten people you’ve met because of jatp.
thank you to the amazing & wonderful @tiriansjewel​ for tagging me!! <3
1. favourite scene
(close second: girls, am i right?)
2. favourite character when you started the show?
julie my beloved!!!!!!!!!!!
3. favorite character now?
a tossup between julie, carrie & alex!! i vibe with all of them so much <3
4. favourite ship when you started the show?
jukebox,,,, need i say more,,,,
5. favourite ship now?
literally?? all of them??? highlights: flarrie willex lobby julynn boggie jukebox
6. favourite song when you started the show?
7. favourite song now?
stand tall never fails to make me Feel Things
8. month I first watched jatp?
december 2020! which, yikes.
9. favourite thing about the fandom?
the amazing amount of content there is?? like for a show that only has one season and 9 episodes there is a HECK of a lot of content and so much of it is amazing fic and art and edits and gifsets!!
10. favourite thing about the show as a whole?
how uplifting and positive it is!!! it’s such a wholesome family show and i love the lgbtq+ rep because that would’ve been so wonderful for me to see as a kid and is still so wonderful now!!!!!! bonus points go to the songs which are all super amazing i’m crying.
tagging: uhh i honestly haven’t met that many people bc of jatp (*cough* introvert *cough*) so i’ll just leave it open to anyone who wants to do it! :D
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurivision: 40 - 36
40. Maja Keuc - “No one” Slovenia 2011
Psychedelic, secretly evil masterpieces <3
“No one” is often overlooked in many rankings, by people with utterly vanilla tastes, and while vanilla is an excellent flavour, sometimes vanilla needs to bloom into something better with more flavour and texture. ENTER, this sneakily fierce song, featuring Bettan’s hip-waving choreo <3
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"No one” slowly but gradually lulls you into its dark, alluring storyline, tricking you into believing this is a break-up song in which the woman is crying over the loss of the relationship, ONLY PLOT TWIST the girl is a textbook psychopath and this message of empowerment is actually one of psychotic obsession and petty revenge. Is this Gone Girl?
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 That’s in a nutshell, why “No one” is such a fantastic entry. It gradually, slowly unfolds like a paper fortune teller, except every flap contains a message of unfiltered, devious, psychotic energy. 😍 It’s so unabashedly dark and I cannot wait for ~Amaya~ to epically return to ESC (within the next three years) and give Slovenia their first top 10 since Nuša Derenda. 
39. Elina Nechayeva  “La forza” Estonia 2018
[2018 Review here]
Elina is so beautiful. 
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Wow. I mean, WHAT IS LA FORZA though if not a magnificent wonderland of stunning visual effect.  It’s the best example of Estonia’s technological prowess at Eurovision. I mean, look at these projections. They are breath-taking, in the literal sense of the word: 
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Naturally, I must address that  “La Forza” has received the criticism of “ugh, it’s boring”. However most of those people like Tamtaratam, so their opinions can be safely discarded into the rubbish bin. 🤭 I personally think “La forza” is a perfect execution of opera, providing captivating vocals and a sincerely stunning act. Opera is supposed to be a mind-blowing spectacle and “La forza” is exactly that.  
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However, it might actually be... a bit too perfect for my tastes. Its greatest strengths also made “La forza” a bit aloof and distant, and while this is far from a dealbreaker, it does prevent me from ranking it further. 
38. Loreen - “Euphoria” Sweden 2012
[this entry was inspired by a popular youtube cooking channel]
Yes, this is not a ranking with Loreen as their #1. This could have been a ranking with Loreen as their #1 if she had gone to Eurovision with either of her other two melfest entries, but look at the flag and look at Sweden’s general taste in melfest winner:
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It’s even a wonder a selection which produced THOSE winners also produced "Euphoria”  to begin with. 
Anyway, now that we’re on to the subject of Sweden, it appears that over the years, the general of opinion of Sweden has dropped. This is because out of all the countries participating in Eurovision, Sweden is by far the most smug. 
Which is why the first step in covering the song that is generally considered their best entry, is to humble Sweden:
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Hey Sweden, See this country? It’s called Switzerland. Switzerland once won the Eurovision Song Contest with Céline Dion. Céline Dion is one of the best selling artists in the world. She made double the sales ABBA made and has non-stop performed, while ABBA broke up less than 10 years after they won. You’re not better at iconic winners than Switzerland, Sweden. Remember that.
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See this country? It’s called Moldova. It is the poorest country in the Euroverse and has amazing staging everbody talks about. Nobody ever talks about your staging because it just conveniently pretty people in various degrees of treadmill. You don’t stage better than Moldova, Sweden. Remember that.
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See this country? It is called Malta. Malta have sent a woman to Eurovision for five years straight. They are one of the most unapologetically pro-female countries in the world. Even all of their JESC entries except for two have been women. Meanwhile you aren’t sending women and you know why? Because melfest is a rigged and fangirl pandering sausagefest. You’re worse at inclusion than Malta, Sweden. Remember that. 
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See this country? It’s called Ukraine. Ukraine have reached the grand final every year they’ve participated. Have you got a better track record? No, because you cannot guarantee qualification without properly without eating crusty professional jury ass first. You’re not better at reaching a Eurovision Grand Final than Ukraine, Sweden. Remember that.
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See this country? It’s called Portugal. Portugal are the one of the few countries to have never sent songs with English as the primary language to Eurovision. They have proudly stuck with their native language even though it sounds like drunk Spanish. You know why you aren’t signing in your native language, Sweden? because you have no guts and let’s face it, no glory, that’s fucking why. Also your language sounds like Norwegian with a mouthfull of surströmming. You’re not better at native languages than Portugal, Sweden. Remember that.
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See this country? It’s called Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a microstate that everyone wants to see back in the contest. Does anyone get excited when you return to the contest? No because they know you’ll get an underserved top five hand-fed to you, no matter what generic gobshite you’re sending. You’re worse at generating buzz than Luxembourg, Sweden. Remember that.  
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See this country? It’s called Norway. Norway’s last three entries have scored more televote points than yours have. You know why? Because their entries speak to people and are entertainment. Your entries only speak to people with boring taste and no friends (Denmark). Which is why you will never find or be repped by a KEiiNO. You’re not better at fun than Norway, Sweden, remember that. 
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See this country? it’s called Ireland. They....  okay, they aren’t better than you. I’ll be honest, Ireland is just a worthless, flavourless slice of slock in Eurovision. They’re flavourless, bland, completely without taste or texture. They’re the iceberg lettuce of this world. It’s a shock they won so many times, but I guess that’s anglophone privilege for you. Still, they have won Eurovision 7 times. Have you won Eurovision seven times, Sweden? Nuh uh, not that, peace! Remember that ;)
Now that Sweden has been properly humbled, it is time move on to the Loreen write up:
“Euphoria” is an everlasting piece of art and everyone who thinks otherwise needs a therapist.
37. Bojana Stamenov - “Beauty never lies” Serbia 2015
FINALLY I CAN SAY, THIS SONG IS FANTASTIC AND IT’S... fucking more than “okay”. Bojana is a FORCE OF NATURE. 
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It is therefore UTTERLY baffling to me that so many jurors ranked this song LAST??? Like, 
a of all, look at how the crowd POPS at the key change, that’s as much an objective parametre of quality if ever there was. 
B of all, I legit do not understand watching 2015 (a rather mediocre year of Eurovision) and thinking that Serbia is the worst, over, say... Bogus?? Because Bojana is a Goddess while Boggie is boring cunt and Goddesses > Boring cunts.
The jural dislike is even more baffling considering that “Beauty never lies” is a touching and deep exploration of overcoming self-loathing, I rant about meaningitis a lot, but one of the BEST ideas Serbia had was to revamp “Ceo svet je moi” into a body-positivity anthem because that theme + Bojana is a match made in Euroheaven. “Beauty never lies” starts off captivating, a gripping narrative about self-loathing with hints of avant garde artistry. It also has some of the best lyrics found in any Eurovision song. “Finally I can say-” is forever, but “beneath this veil of skin my heart’s entangled in, beauty’s embodied” is pure poetry. Excellent, just excellent.
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and then, after a full minute of build-up and completely without warning "Beauty never lies” transforms into... a SHAMELESS CAMPY SCHLAGER MASTERPIECE 😍
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This has to be one of the best key changes in Eurovision, right? As “Beauty never lies” starts off sentimental and contemplentative, it suddenly blossoms into an unapolegetic bop that completely DIS-MAN-TLES body-shaming in one fell swoop. Songs like these make me feel ALIVE and proud of being Eurovision fanboy. Thank you for your wise lesson Bojana, you stunner you. Signed with sincerity, BorisBubbles.
This will come as no surprise but she was also the highest Serbian entry on this list, which means it’s also recap time:
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Statistics never lie, Serbia was pretty good in this decade. I rarely care for their entries with the intensity that I did for Bojana, but they are also consistently inoffensive. It it what you can expect for a small country bursting with musical talent (and Zheljko Joksimovic).
36. Giorgos Alkaios & Friends - “OPA!” Greece 2010 
I cannot let anyone with that haircut reach my top 35 in good conscience ,but jesus what a FIRECRACKER! I think the general apathy towards 2010 comes from the general lack of ENERGETIC bangers, but between “OPA!” (caps and exclamation point are mandatory) and “Allez Ola Olé”, I don’t think anyone can complain. This song is an EXPLOSION.
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Much like how “Dancing in the rain” was a showcase of Spain’s greatest talent, so is “OPA!” an excellent calling card for Greece’s Eurovision prowess: they excel at drunken party anthems. “OPA!” is a bangin’ bacchanal, punctuating every sentence with kickass virile energy, examples of which include ejaculating drums: 
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Electro-Fiddle solo’s <3
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and hammy nokia noises <3  (attempted pandering to the hosts and getting the country wrong <3333333)
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This song and “Alcohol is free” were the final times where Greece excelled at high voltage fun (there’s also “Rise up” I guess but lol @ that). GET IT TOGETHER GREECE, but I guess I’ll elaborate further once it’s Koza Mostra’s turn to be judged, juried and executed. 
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24 notes · View notes
stargirlswiftie · 5 years
This is gonna be a sad happy bop
Like u can boggie to it and it's about self love but its gonna make me cry so hard because its about self love
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highdefsway · 5 years
It’s 5 am and im bopping to day6 like i’m tired no doubt but I gotta boggie
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