#fantasy high fics
brionbroadway · 2 months
“I just don't want to see my son killing himself to get huge accolades for other people that call him The Ball.”
She doesn’t get it.
Which is weird, because his mom gets everything. She is the only person Riz trusts to put pins on his conspiracy board. She sees connection where others see coincidence; she gets confessions where others get pleasantries. She is intuitive but not hasty, confident but not conceited. She’s smart.
So it’s strange, for there to be a disconnect in her perception to what Riz considered a fact.
“The Ball is a good thing.”
Of all the mysteries in his mind, this was not one of them.
His friends love him, and he loves them, so he helps. It’s what his dad would do and what his mom still does, and he is lucky enough to have parents that can double as role models. What can he trust in if not that and his friends?
“I don’t like it. Your name is Riz, and your friends, whom I love, I just want to make sure that you're not being taken advantage of.”
She does love his friends; that’s another fact. Riz has to reconcile that love and disapproval can coexist, that unfair treatment can happen without intention.
But it is different now than it was at the beginning of the school year, right? He can’t deny that his friends are working hard, even if their methods aren’t always the ones he’d choose for them. The facts are, and the facts are what Riz needs to focus on, that all of them are somehow facing more than they ever have before, stressors stacked on top of each other until they can no longer see one another.
His mom doesn’t get it.
And Riz feels lonelier than he did at the beginning of their conversation.
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viveela · 10 months
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When the larping gestures start to feel real
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bacchuschucklefuck · 11 days
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gukgak specifically from my typing (man w/ three jobs & a creeping sense of dread)
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brennan-lee-mother · 16 days
In my perfect world Riz and Kipperlilly, after the Rat Grinders have been revivified and turned good, find out they work fucking great together. The only problem is the still can't stand each other at all.
I need them on cases together, working in perfect harmony, figuring shit out and stomping their enemies hard, all the while unable to sustain a conversation without at least one of them getting unbelievably annoyed.
Kipperlilly gets the second room in Riz's office and they spend entire nights there talking through cases.
They hate each other but they love spending time together. They're worsties, they're frenemies, they're partners in crime to be feared by everyone.
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highfiveheroes · 23 days
this episode really reminded me why gorgug was the first character i was drawn to in season one
i mean. despite everything they threw at him (and they threw EVERYTHING at him) he really held everything together
he’s so cool he gets the best perks now with the barbificer stuff
idk man. i just think gorgug thistlespring is so neat
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twinstxrs · 2 months
thinking about the random throwaway comment murph made about how riz has been tutoring just because in my heart i think it’d be both true to character & very funny if riz was an absolutely horrendous tutor. you’re telling me the stressed out kid with 5 million extracurriculars is going to be fully mentally present for a tutoring session? no. he thinks he’s explaining something and to the person listening he truly sounds like a flat solace conspiracy theorist with how little sense he’s making. after a certain amount of time if the kid he’s tutoring doesn’t understand riz just redirects them to adaine because she sells test answers. he’s responsible for three different rage outbursts and he doesn’t know because the second the session is over he’s already out the door for like. mathletes or whatever.
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jq37 · 10 days
I've largely been thrilled with the amount of sister content for Adaine and Aelwyn in Junior Year considering that Aelwyn's main arc was more or less completed last season and she could have easily been benched like so many other NPCs were this season. The only thing I was hoping would come into play but didn't was the Nemesis Ward. Even if it never comes up though, I still love it so much as a point of characterization for her. That action says so much about who she is as a person. That she would take a piece of magic specifically intended for evil and make it good in the same way that her protective magic which should have been good was twisted to be used for evil the first 18 years of her life? Mwah. Chef's kiss.
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ghostlyeris · 2 months
here's the thing. if baron didn't immediately jump to adaine after fabian, i would be crafting intricate angst fics in my head. but because they did, i am instead thinking of adaine and fabian bonding over their mutual possessions while dunking on baron.
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not-the-loch · 9 days
Look. I'm just gonna say it. This may be all denial of me, but until directly said otherwise, I'm choosing to believe that Kipperlilly was brought back alongside the rest of the Rat Grinders.
Only she was willing. She remembers everything she did. Remembers every choice she made, every back she stabbed for a plan that never came into being.
And that's why we don't see her.
(And why would they ever see her? The bad kids, her friends, Lucy, who she was 'most fond of'. Her instinct, as we've been shown, has always been to hide. Why would this be any different?)
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 days
Very tired silly Fantasy High Inkblade idea.
Future Adaine and Oisin being married and having kid, and the long awkward moment when their kid asks how they met?
The future kid finding out and then-
"Auntie Aelwyn, did you know Mom and Dad tried to kill each other when they were in school can you believe that?"
Aelwyn*awkwardly sipping wine and avoiding eye contact*
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brionbroadway · 1 month
“I know you only do things to distract yourself from how deeply sad you are that your dad is gone.”
So, it worked.
Freed the maidens, killed Kalvaxus. Restored Cassandra, defeated the Night Yorb. Passed his classes, excelled in extracurriculars. Whether vengeance, justice, or simple avoidance was the motivation, Riz had to succeed, and so he did. Maybe that was an advantage, but—
He still bristles when Fig complains about one of her two dads.
He still wishes his mom would talk about his dad more.
He still does not know how to talk to his dad about unimportant things.
He still doesn’t sleep, because he has nightmares. His dad in Hell, an image his brain knows is a lie, but his subconscious does not.  Kalina haunting him, taunting him, with no reform or redemption. His mom’s reluctant confession: I can’t lose you too.  
“There is a moment where Kipperlilly talks about being jealous.”
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allthecastlesonclouds · 3 months
hi! fun reminder that kristen's bedroom is canonically in the chapel of cassandra :) just thought to remind you of that. surrounded by her efforts and lack thereof. what's the state of her room, again? she focused enough to take care of it?
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sea-buns · 4 months
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desperate to know what crab mountain is so maybe it can tell me how i'm supposed to feel about this interaction
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midnightdemonhunter · 11 months
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am i the original, the remains, or the later writing?
Fresh off my first watching of Sophomore Year, I was desperate for more Nightmare Forest-esque content for my beloved bad kids. Thankfully, I immediately stumbled upon @gilears fic Over and Through! I absolutely adored this fic, bingereading it in one go, and knew I needed to show my love and feelings somehow!!
So here are the six bad kids' personal hells, shown in my order of reading!
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viscardiac · 1 year
Fictional worldbuilding
I have this list I compiled of topics for developing of countries, whether fantasy based or not, and it seems to be a useful resource to share. Feel free to use this list to develop your own lore, but DO NOT claim it as your own or repost. It's pretty long, but I think it covers a lot of relevant topics for worldbuilding.
∎ Country name - Etymology if possible - Reasons for the name ∎ Does it take inspiration for a historical time period, aesthetic, or culture ∎ What sort of government is it
Important Places
∎ Main cities - Layout of the city - Economic or historical importance ∎ Other cities and places of importance - Ports - Mine cities - Scholarly cities ∎ Seasonal or turistic places
Climate and Terrain
∎ Important lakes, rivers, mountain chains or other geographically relevant places ∎ Seasons ∎ Climate in general ∎ How does the terrain affect daily habits ∎ Important plants - Agriculture - Crops for export ∎ Important animals - Livestock
∎ System of government - Nobility/aristocracy -- Titles and inheritance/eligibility of titles - Merchant class ∎ Current and past rulers
Social customs
∎ Entertainment - Common forms of entertainment - Games - Cultural/social forms of enterteinment (go to parties/go to the movies/go out to eat/etc) ∎ Seasonal entertainment - Vacations - Seasonal high class customs ∎ Customs regarding reading and books ∎ Customs towards addictive substances - Alcohol - Tobacco - Opioids - Other stuffs ∎ Education and educational system ∎ Houses - Home layouts - Common things in houses ∎ Rites of passage - Age to be presented as adult to the society and customs regarding it ∎ Manners and behaviour in public ∎ Religion - Possible gods - Holidays - Festivals ∎ Customs regarding music - Musical instruments
Notions of family
∎ Inheritance laws ∎ Marriage and concepts of marriage - Marriage rituals - Who is allowed to wed who - Divorce - Customs toward conjugal and domestic violence - Polygamy -- Extraconjugal affairs --- Bastards ∎ Adoption ∎ Division of domestic labor and roles
∎ Coin and values ∎ Important internal products ∎ Main imports ∎ Main exports ∎ Important commercial relations
∎ Common feminine fashion ∎ Common masculine fashion ∎ Concepts about clothing - What is seen as vulgar - What is seen as desirable ∎ Fashion and rites of passage ∎ Hairstyles and adornments
Names and language
∎ Base language ∎ Linguistic influences ∎ Working of names - Family names -- Patronymic and matronymic - Personal names
Magic and technology
∎ Magic - Practice of magic - Permissions within magic - Common and uncommon forms of magic ∎ Magic creatures of importance ∎ Level of technology ∎ Daily uses of technology
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rain-after-thunder · 27 days
Disabled Aelwyn who uses crutches.
Aelwyn who can’t go back to school to finish her wizzard studies, who starts researching different ways to bend magic to her will.
Aelwyn, who has always had a knack for creating new spells, starting to tinker at her own crutches, weaving wards into the framework.
Aelwyn, for who good is not good enough, caves and asks Gorgug for help. Who finds a way to make her crutches extend, bend and move to support her arms, elbows, shoulders. Makes them connect to her back, her hips, down her legs .
They no longer look much like crutches anymore, it’s a thin, light framework that supports her entire body, that moves her exactly the way she wants, that allows her to stand with her back straight for more than 5 minutes for the first time in two years. The exoskeleton glows with abjurative runes and the outline of a powerfull ward is visible over her body, deflecting blows like steel armor.
New spells rest in her memory, mechanical and precise if nature in a way that the arcane inks in her spelbook can’t articulate. Spare the Dying, Resistance, Cure Wounds, Sanctuary.
Her joints still ache, she tires fast and even after all this time it is still hard to control the venom in her words, still hard to accept help and kindness without it feeling like a wool blanket on freshly flayed skin. But she has found something that is wholly hers, found something to be proud of that isn’t tinged with approval from her parents.
Aelwyn still can’t walk without support, but the frame folding her up is crafted by her own hands. Maybe everything will be allright.
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