cent-scratchnsniff · 11 days
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binah and the line that wouldnt leave my mind for some reason
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this is one of my friend’s work
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ultimatejunkofan · 19 days
Omfg i fou d my Junko hugging random stuff edit. Gimmie some ideas and i will add them to the collection of Junko hugs. I do have a few images already but amways happy to have more
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un-fed-ed · 6 days
Just want someone to obsess over!!!
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Just want someone to obsess over
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stupidloafofbread · 4 months
I'm bored and cold
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Anyways I'll probably make a lil Cream.EXE or someone as an exe edit outta boredom
Okay baii
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welcometololaland · 6 months
hello beloved 💖
19, 27 and 30 please
my dearly beloved!!!!
19. the most interesting topic you've researched for a fix?
card counting! and how casinos have tried to get around it (see: down for the count). also, there's a movie called '21' which was super helpful at visualising this - it has kevin spacey in it (gives me the creeps) but is otherwise very good!
27. favourite part of the writing process?
either the scheming phase, most often with YOU or the part where I'm super motivated and inspired and the keys are flying 😭
30. share a fic you're especially proud of?
alta is my best work from a technical perspective (in my view), and I'm very proud of the storytelling and character development in it 💜
thanks rae!
writer asks
(me trying to show you all my love)
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cupiddzarrow · 3 months
syx give me some album/song recommendations wontcha?
Anything by Amy Winehouse, I especially like the Back to Black album
The albums Wolf, Igor, and Call Me if you Get Lost by Tyler the Creator
uhhhh fuckin Karkalicious (I know you’ve heard this one but listen again.)
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rougerave · 1 year
(Ages are not conical, so just go with it, but that’s also the power of fanfiction.)
Myth – a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events – that’s what he is, and he liked it.
No, he loved it. For someone who lived his whole life in the spotlight, it makes sense as to why he actively tries to hide. He hides from the press, he hides from friends and family, and especially from the hero community.
See, here’s the thing; he doesn’t necessarily exist. To the hero community that is. He did his time as Robin and then travelled as a nameless hero. Came back to Gotham with a new name but strictly stayed in the shadows. People sort of knew of his existence, but since he didn’t show his face, people just assumed he was a spook.
Bruce also liked to keep a lot of secrets from the JL, so it made it easier to stay hidden, but that didn’t necessarily mean that they didn’t know about him. He has done missions for the JL, but it was those intel missions that needed to be extra secret. He never once showed his face to the Justice League, and he liked it like that.
So you can imagine his irritation when Bruce called him. No, not Bruce, Batman.
“It’s only Monday B and I’m not in the mood, so whatever it is, no.” He didn’t even give Bruce a chance to speak.
“I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t think it was important. Dick has a cold and a bullet wound that he tried to hide, you know how it is. The girls and Duke are in deep cover, Jason is off world, Damian would kill them on sight just for them looking at him, plus his working with the Titans, and I obviously can’t go. I have other missions.”
“What’s the mission?” He asked just as he felt a small tug on his pants. When he looked down, he saw that it was his little two year old daughter. Tim smiled, before he picked her up, and sat her on his lap. She rested her head on his chest then she fell asleep.
Bruce took off his crawl so he could rub his face. “Intel mission.”
“Don’t you have a special team for this type of stuff? Oh wait you do. The YJ!” Tim whisper yelled so that he didn’t wake Nalaya up, because God help them all if she wakes up when she’s sick.
“You know as well as I do why we can’t just put them on this mission without Dick. As much as I want to trust them, I can’t, not yet anyways. I gave them a chance, they messed it up. They still need to prove themselves to me before I can let them go without Wing.”
“So essentially, I’m babysitting a group of young adults that are as reckless as toddlers on a sugar rush. How urgent is the mission?”
“Toddlers on a sugar rush? Wait - Tim did you get Nalaya on a sugar rush?” The amusement in Bruces’ voice was clear as day. Tim went pink.
“Answer the question B. How urgent is the mission?” Tim asked as he cleared his throat.
“Three days.”
“Tim please. You’re my best bet at the moment.”
“If you want me to go so badly, push it for a week and a half. Mari is in New York for fashion week and can’t afford to look after a sick toddler. Both would need her full attention, hence why I am working from home. Mari is only gonna be home next Wednesday because she wants to visit her parents. Next week Wednesday. Deal?”
“Fine, thank you. I’ll see you at 2200h Wednesday at the Young Justice headquarters.” Then with no further ceremony, the Bat signed off.
Tim rolled his eyes. “Your grandfather is a pain in my butt.” Then he stood up carefully as to not wake up his kid. “Let’s get you to bed princess.”
They have all heard of myths and legends. Different kinds, from different communities, friends and family and especially in their line of work. Some were just for scares and for fun, most where true when it came to working with magic, and some where made up to throw people of their game.
Red Robin was one of those myths that the Bat-clan say to throw them off their game, or so they thought.
Imagine walking into their base of operations and seeing said myth talking casually with the big bad Bat, holding a coffee cup as if they were old friends, which couldn’t be right seeing as Red Robin looked younger then the Bat. A year or two younger than them actually. What the fuck.
When the two bats noticed the team they strained up and went blank faced. “Team meet the myth himself Red Robin. He will be helping you with this intel mission only. Double R the Young Justice team. You are to retrieve intel only. An over view of the mission has been sent to you. You leave in fifteen minutes.” He then turned away to the zeta tube, but before he left he turned his head to Red Robin. “Do not, and I mean do not pull that stunt you did with the LOA bases.”
“Such little faith. I won’t B. I promise.”
Batman raised his eyebrow. “LB would kill me if I did, so I won’t.” Batman nodded his head, then turned around and walked to the tubes.
There was a tense silence before RR broke it. “I’ll meet you in the hanger. I have to go and cuss out Nightwing.” He said as he turned to walk to the direction of the hanger.”
“Why would you want to cuss out Nightwing?” Wally asked.
“Because my brother is an idiot, and he is very lucky I moved out or I would have done more than cuss him out.” He said not stopping and not turning around.
“Is it me or did today go from tense to super weird in a total of five minutes?”
“It’s not only you Wally. Never mind that. We have a mission to complete. Let’s go team.”
“What happened with the LOA bases?” Conner asked to fill the silence.
Red Robin stopped typing to look Conner straight in the eye. A chill went the young supers spin when double R smirked.
“There is a reason Ra’s al Ghul is afraid of me. I blew up most of his bases because he had something of mine. I blew six more out of pure spit.”
The team stayed quite for the rest of the trip.
Six hours, one failed mission and a portal to somewhere, the team stood in the middle of a field, being glared down by Red Robin.
“What in the ever loving fuck was that?!”
They were silent, and that only made him more angry and frustrated.
It was a simple mission. Get a hard-drive that had blueprints to a machine that Luthor was building for the Light and get out, undetected and unharmed. The shitshow that happened is what he was trying to comprehend. How are they this bad or where they just being cocky and wanting to show off. This mission could be long over if they had followed his plan.
“I ask again. What the fuck happened?” His tone went from deadly shouting to deadly calm in two seconds flat, it made shivers run up his spin.
“What is your deal? We only messed up a little, but we got the information. Mission complete. No need to be all bitchy.” Conner said, getting tired of this dudes attitude.
Tim let out a dark chuckle. He did not just say that to his face when he was the main cause of this failed mission.
“My deal. Here’s my deal. You, along with your team had one simple task to do. Scout ahead and report to me. I would be the one to infiltrate the base and get the information. My problem started when you disobeyed a direct order to not engaging. At. All. But no, that was such a hard job. By you not staying put, you got your team injured. Then you went off by switching off your coms, ignoring everyone, which by the way got us portaled to Ice land. Your biggest flop so far was getting the incorrect data. So please, Superboy, tell me I’m wrong.”
It was silent. “That’s what I thought. Now, you will listen carefully. You are to dismantle every tracking, communication, and electronic device on you.”
“Why?” Wrong question from Artemis.
“Why? Why is because your egotistical teammate messed up the mission against his evil surrogate father, and I for one don’t want to be hunted by that madman. So my suggestion is do it yourself, before I turn every electronic device on you into a taser.”
That’s what he thought. Once changed in some casual clothing, he led the way a modest looking house. Tim pulled out a key and opened the door very slowly. Once fully open, a knife is thrown in his direction. He catches it without blinking, but that just means his more sceptical to go inside. The team just stares at his in shock. What the hell.
“I did say I was sorry.” He shouted into the house. A dino sippy cup was thrown at him. He ducks, the person behind him does not. Artemis now has a very pretty bruise on her forehead. (Wally has a picture.)
Tim motions them inside. He led them into a different room and there they are met with a soul wittering glare that put Batman’s glare to shame. They have never felt more scared in their lives than in that moment. Tim didn’t look fazed. He just lifted his brow. “I did say I was sorry.”
“One day I hope you’ll spontaneously combust.” The women said.
“And I wait for the day your glare leaves our kid without a father. Meet the team. The real source of your anger.” He said in a deadpanned voice.
The women huffed. “No, no. You’re the source of my anger. Bruce snitched. Anyways, nice to meet you all.” After getting well acquainted with this lioness of a women called Marinette and the owner of the throw dino sippy cup, Nalaya, Marinette lead them an underground hid out, while Tim went to put his little girl to bed. He joins them a few minutes later.
“So,” Marinette said from in front of the huge monitor where she was setting up a call. “who wants to tell the big bad bat what happened.” The team goes brick still, faces pale. “I mean it’s only fair you do the report.” Tim chokes on a laugh from where he sits typing in coordinates in front of another screen. Wally faints in that moment. “That’s what I thought.” Over confindent idiots, with their big egos. “Though I shouldn’t be surprised that they’re afraid of the furry.” Tim snorts.
“God forbid he hears you say that. What then?”
“I take your challenge.” The team still frozen to their spots watch in silence. Wally still out cold. The call is accepted in that moment. “Hello you giant furry.” She says it in a flat voice that had a bit of mirth and a bit of offence. Batman makes a strangled sound and Tim dies of laughter. Bruce gathers himself before he answers.
“Ladybird.” Bruce said stiffly.
“No need to be so formal B. I saw your latest gala suit by the way. It was very… I think it is best not to say.” The smirk on her lips and the snickering form Tim was turning him redder by the second. “Send my regards to Alfie.” She said as she got up, kissed Tim’s cheek and waved the team goodbye. Just like that she was gone.
Tim sat in her vacant set. Bruce turned his full attention the still frozen team. “What happened?” Tone low and icy.
“It’s in the report I sent you B. I’ll finish up the mission by 1am. The usual drill. I’m sending the team to the watchtower, they can fill you in on parts I was not present for. See you later.” And before Batman could answer, he dropped the call.
“Did you just drop the call on Batman?” Artemis asked as she finally came out of her daze.
“No I dropped the call on my father. Big difference. The zeta is ready by the way.” Tim said as he pointed to the zeta tube.
As the team walked out and Wally finally waking up, Tim called, “FYI if you tell anyone about what you saw today that wasn’t part of the mission, I will make good on my promise.” He finished with a smirk that promised pain and misfortune. The team nodded quickly and rushed into the tube.
Man was it fun to be a myth.
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bandiiey · 3 months
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Having a hyperfixation but it’s incredibly cringe moment
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Guys it’s Game Stop time
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Got the moon figure I need
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lilythecrazyone · 3 months
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I drew eyes cause why not
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the-mighty-q · 5 months
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rate their swag (pencil for scale) (today i'm very bored can you tell)
their swag is
out of
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jaca-rein-369 · 6 months
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Just because... no context
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maxinemilliondollars · 6 months
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dreadfuldevotee · 7 months
libby needs to deliver me my loan on into the dark before I do something drastic
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Hello my friend, this is highly deserved!! I'm going to be giving these out to my friends, artists I follow and look up to or BOTH!!! Enjoy (I love you and your stuff) :D
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Thank u! =D
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