#borderlands x dragon age au
persephoneggsy · 5 years
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A different Borderlands x Dragon Age AU than the other one I did, this time based more on DA: Inquisition! Now including classes + specializations for each character!
Rhys is the Inquisitor, but still a Tevinter Mage like in my last AU, bc I really like that idea. He’s totally practiced blood magic before. Everyone is Ferelden + Orlais is giving him shit for being Tevene; he just wants to close the Breach and go home.
Fiona and Sasha are City Elves from Kirkwall, who ran away after the turmoil caused by the Mage Rebellion, and made their way to Haven to join the Inquisition. They end up joining the Inquisitor’s Inner Circle uwu
Vaughn is a traveling mercenary. TBH, I didn’t know which group to put him in, but I imagine he’d traveled to the Tevinter Imperium at some point for a job and met and befriended Rhys while there. They keep in contact via letters, and when Rhys writes to him about the Inquisition, he drops everything and runs off to join his friend.
Angel and Jack have relatively the same roles they did in the last iteration of this AU; Angel is an apostate mage, raised by her ex-Templar father, Jack, who left the Order when her magic made itself apparent. He joined the Grey Wardens to avoid being punished for leaving the Templars. Aaaand in this version, Jack is the Hero of Ferelden, who stopped the Fifth Blight. He joins the Inquisition at Angel’s behest and sort of ends up their military commander. And Rhys happens to be quite a big admirer of his...
Other characters include Yvette the diplomat, Athena the Seeker, and Maya the Spymaster. :>
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johaerys-writes · 5 years
2019 Writer’s Roundup
I was tagged by @serial-chillr ​ , @pikapeppa ​, @darlingrutherford ​,  @dafan7711 ​, @faerieavalon ​ and @solas-disapproves ​  for a year end review! Thank you so much, friends, it was such a joy to see what you’ve all achieved this year!!
Word Count
This is just a rough estimation based on the word count of my published fics on AO3 and the works that I’ve written this year that I haven’t published.
Total: approximately 300k, about half of it published! This is such an achievement for me, considering that I had never written anything beyond random flashfiction and short stories before Dec 2018. I had just finished playing DAI and I fell in love with Dragon Age and Dorian’s romance in particular, and that inspired me to start writing more consistently. I also tried my hand at writing for a couple different fandoms, so here’s a list of my favourite things I’ve written this year:
Dragon Age
A World With You: 128,110 words, plus approximately 50,000 words from the first draft that ended up getting scrapped. My longest fic to date! 
The Most Troublesome Man In Thedas (4,702): A fun and fluffy one shot of Tristan and Dorian exploring the Hinterlands. 
As It Was (1,401): A one shot inspired by @solas-disapproves‘s The Guardian, featuring her OC Maori and Solas. 
 The One She Runs To (4,740): A one shot inspired by @pikapeppa  and @schoute‘s Where the Winds of Fortune Take Me, featuring Pika’s Rynne Hawke and Fenris, and a cameo from Schoute’s Piper Lavellan!
Castlevania (seriously, if any of you are into Castlevania, please reach out!! I love the TV series so much and I'm slowly getting into the lore of the games, so I would love to nerd out about it with you!) 
Nothing But Himself (3,641): Trevor x Sypha 
Loyal to the End (2,517) and The Wound That Never Heals ( 2,448): Hector x Carmilla
Unpublished (as of yet, at least!) 
A Witcher and Wheel of Time crossover fic, that I doubt will ever see the light of day but I had so much fun writing:  ~65k 
A Cole fic that I’ve been working on for AGES and hopefully will get around to posting this year! It’s currently in the editing stage, so if you like Cole as much as I do… Keep an eye out 😉 ~ 35k
Number of Smut Scenes: 
6 and counting!
New things I tried this year: 
Honestly, everything has been a first for me this year. Writing almost every day, outlining, editing, reading other people’s awesome work, writing smut, trying my hand at writing my lovely friends’ amazing OCs… It has been such an exciting year, and I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings!
Favourite thing I wrote this year: 
My Pavelyan Inquisition fic featuring my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus, A World With You. Never before have I put so much effort, time and love into any piece of writing. I adore it to tiny little pieces!
Favourite fic I read this year: 
Ohh, I’ve read so many amazing fics this year, and not near as much as I would like! But I will single out a few highlights:
The Guardian by @solas-disapproves. This is hands down one of the best fics I’ve ever read. I am constantly blown away by the amazing prose, the gripping story, the character development, the unique exploration of DA’s lore… THE LIST GOES ON. I’ll never get over what an amazing writer my friend is, and I honestly never want this story to end!
Where the Winds of Fortune Take Me by my beloved @pikapeppa and @schoute. I was gripped by the concept of this fic from the very start, and I love it to bits! It has made me laugh and cry on so many occasions (and when I say cry I mean LITERALLY BAWL MY EYES OUT), and I’m constantly amazed by @pikapeppa’s writing and her understanding of the characters’ psychology. Plus, Schoute’s art is to die for, as well as her ideas and Piper’s backstory which I still haven’t recovered from!!
Borderland Sorrows by @serial-chillr  (it has been so much fun brainstorming with Serial, thank you for sharing your ideas with me bb), and The Long Game by my beloved friendo @badpriestessofbuttsburgh! I love both these stories so much, and I can’t wait to read more!!
Writing goals for 2020:
Finish A World With You (although just the thought makes me sad! I hate saying goodbye)
Write the Surfer AU @solas-disapproves and I have been working on!
Read more fics! There are so many talented writers out there and I want to read everythinggggg ahhh
Hopefully start writing my DAO and DA2 OCs, now that I’m close to finishing both games!
Lastly, and most importantly, to be kinder to myself, both in regards to writing and in general 🙂
Words of Thanks 
Writing my fic and starting this blog has led me to meeting so many amazing people, and I honestly couldn’t be more honoured to be part of this space. Your comments, tags, reblogs and kind words mean so much to me. Also, a huge thank you to those of you that keep tagging me in things even though it’s been taking me a while to get to them lately!! I love y’all so much and I always love seeing what you have been working on, so keep those tags coming ❤️ 😄
A special shoutout to my beloved potate in crime and partner to my salty soul @solas-disapproves. She is a constant inspiration for me and I’m thankful every day for having met her. I love you so much bb, ewe
I know most people have done this tag already, but I’m still going to tag a few more writers whose friendship, comments, tags, likes and reblogs have made my life so bright: @tessa1972, @welcome-to-gaydas, @tevivinter, @midnightprelude, @dickeybbqpit, @thejeeperswife as well as a few people whose works are on my to-read list and I’d love to get to know them better! @in-arlathan ​ @cornfedcryptid ​ , @allisondraste ​, @kittimau ​, @schattengerissen ​, @fandomn00blr ​, @dharma-writes ​, @andrasste ​ (and lots of other that I’m sure I’m forgetting now!)
Finally, I want to thank each and every person who has given my stories a chance! I know my Dorian/Tristan is kind of a niche pairing, so it truly warms my heart to know that there are people out there that enjoy my writing.
Alright, that’s it from me, folks! 2019 has been an exciting year with lots of highs and lows for me, and I’m looking forward to another year of writing, sharing and screeching my love for fictional characters with you! ❤️
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ladymdc · 5 years
*author interview*
Tagged by: @laraslandlockedblues, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, & @eeveevie - thank you, you lovely hoomans you ♥️
I’ll tag: @melaena, @ginnyq, @whatsherfacewrites, @laurelsofhighever​, @thejeeperswife, @shannaraisles, @briarfox13​, @agentkatie​, @ellstersmash​, @dismalzelenka​, & @kauriart​ -- as always feel free to ignore me.
Name: MC
Fandoms: Dragon Age, Mystic Messenger, Stardew Valley, and now Borderlands are all ones I’ve written for.  I will basically consume fic from any fandom that is well written though & I’ve actually jumped into a few because of an excellently written fic.
Where You Post:  Ao3. Rarely here.
Most Popular One-Shot: Based on kudos it’s Finding Another Way, which is a 100 word drabble for Cullen x Trevelyan (Dragon age). I’m 100% positive it only has the kudos because of the @kauriart​ rec for F&F & people wandered through the entire series leaving kudos. Based on hits it’s Tomorrow will be a better day. which is loss of virginity smange for 707|Choi Saeyoung/MC (Mystic Messenger).
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Feathers & Fur which was my first attempt at fic & also the first long fic I’ve ever finished. There are a LOT of things I would do differently plot-wise, but it is what it is. It’s done & that alone makes me happy.
Favorite Story You Wrote:  This would be my Cullen x Trevelyan Noir/Dystopian Dragon Age AU Wandering in the Dark. It was the first fic I fully outlined & can say that looking back almost a year later, I am 100% happy with how it turned out.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Without a doubt this is Ghosts. It’s a BE1 for Ray|Choi Saeran/MC (Mystic Messenger) fic. It has mildly dubious consent & it’s a lot darker than anything I’ve ever written. It’s appropriately tagged & the route itself is really f*cked up, but that didn’t stop me from being worried about any potential backlash. Oddly enough, it’s one of my more popular Mystic Messenger fics... *shrug*
How You Choose Your Titles: It depends on the fandom/fic, but let’s just say there is no rhyme or reason to it. Titling your work is harder than fecking writing it & the only thing worse is coming up with a summary.
Complete: A joint Mystic Messenger smut-fest co-authored with @laraslandlockedblues​ titled When the RFA is Rocking Don’t Come Knocking which was SUPER FUN to write. My Something More Series containing Feathers & Fur; it has 2 long fics in it. Ghosts. Wandering in the Dark. My modern w/magic Cullen x Trevelyan Series is abandoned, but it you read the entire series you technically have a complete story. Maybe the muse will come back some day, but that’s doubtful.
Incomplete: Not counting abandoned works (2), the count is 6.
Do You Outline? Vaguely. I usually only have the large plot points laid out & how I get from the beginning, to there, then to the end sort of... just does what it wants. Sometimes forcing your characters to do stuff just hangs up the entire fic. With that said, I have reasonably solid outlines for 4 of my incomplete fics. I also actually have a full outline for Negentropy but as I said, that muse died.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Hopefully nothing. I want to finish 4 specific incomplete works before I jump into another fic. *distant sobbing noises*
Do You Accept Prompts? I haven’t in a long time. I actually considered opening up DRABBLE prompts for any fandom/pairing. (Note: Drabbles are exactly 100 words; ficlets are short fics, ie: anything under 1k). I might do that if there is any interest but like... I’m not a big time author so like meh.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: This is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT The Choices We Made, which is a Rhack/BL3 fic. It’s sort of nice writing something without an OC & just doing a loooong exercise in a character/dynamic study. It got a lot more attention than I expected for something only 4 chapters deep, but for the time being, it’s not affecting me negatively. Once again, it’s a darker fic than I’m used to writing, but with a lot of random humor sprinkled in to attempt to stay true to the Borderlands universe. Needless to say, I’m insanely excited about it & since I have a full outline going & the muse is STRONG, it’s my main focus. Everything else is currently being put on hold.
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rocksinmuffin · 5 years
Tired of having to browse through pages of posts just to figure out if I’ll write it?  Me too. I just spent hours putting it all together so you don’t have to!
The list is in alphabetical order for convenience and under the read more due to length.
EDIT: 3/9/2023 I am updating the fandoms to include a hyperlink to take you directly to the fandom tag. If you see a hyperlink in the list of fandoms I don’t write for, that’s because I wrote something before I officially decided to not take requests for a fandom. If there is no hyperlink for fandoms I do write it’s because i haven’t filled a request for that fandom yet.
I Will:
Alien (movie series)
Animal Crossing (no nsfw)
Beastars (up to season 2 of the anime)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bob’s Burgers (no nsfw)
Borderlands (1 + 2)
Castlevania (Netflix series)
Camp Camp
Codename Kids Next Door
Danganronpa (no nsfw)
DC Universe (Don’t know much but I have some general knowledge)
Death Note
Detroit: Become Human (But if y’all give me 50 Connor requests I will move it to the Won’t list)
Disney Movies (too many to list but if I’m familiar with it I’ll do it)
Dragon Age
Dragon Ball (original, dbz, xenoverse, gt, super, fighterz)
Fable (2 + 3)
Far Cry (5 + New Dawn)
Fallout (fo3, new vegas, fo4)
Fern Gully
Five Nights at Freddy’s (no nsfw, shitposts only, though honestly at this point i probably won’t write it just because I don’t really want to give more attention to the creator in light of not so recent events)
Friday the 13th 
Full Metal Alchemist (2003 anime only)
Gravity Falls
Greggory Horror Show
Grim Adventures of Billy and Many
Hades (video game)
Halo (including the old original episodes of Red vs Blue)
Hatoful Boyfriend
Hellboy (1st 2 movies)
Homestuck (including Hiveswap + Friendsim)
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Inside Job
Invader Zim
Jackie Chan Adventures
Johnny Bravo
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Kill la Kill
Knives Out (both movies)
Left 4 Dead
Legend of Zelda (ocarina of time, majora’s mask, breath of the wild)
Looney Tunes
Lost in Space (Netflix)
Mass Effect
Marvel (MCU universe, a little general knowledge here and there. Mostly Spider-Man and Venom)
Mortal Kombat (only familiar with characters from Mortal Kombat 10)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (sfw only and probably mostly shitposts)
Mystic Messenger
Night at the Museum
Nightmare Before Christmas
NiGHTS into Dreams
Nomad of Nowhere
Obey Me!
Okage Shadow King
Original Scenarios (Example, reader insert x random monster/merman/orc, etc.)
Osmosis Jones
Ouran High School Host Club
Our Flag Means Death
Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pokemon (games, first season of anime, pokemon mystery dungeon)
Powerpuff Girls
Predator (movie series)
Resident Evil Village (8 only. Maybe 7 if you guys don’t overload me with requests for Lucas Baker)
Rise of the Guardians
The Road to El Dorado
Saints Row (3 + 4)
Samurai Jack
Sgt. Frog
She Ra (Netflix version only)
Shovel Knight
Silent Hill (2+3)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Soul Eater
Spider-Man (including Venom, live action movies, into the spiderverse, cartoons/comics in general)
Stardew Valley
Star Wars
Super Mario Series (no specific games, just in general)
Super Smash Bros
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (don’t know any particular series but in general)
Transformers (g1, beast wars, tfa, tfp, idw, bayverse movies, rid2015, rescue bots, bumblebee movie, cyberverse, earthspark)
Trying Human
Twisted Wonderland (probably sfw only though will consider nsfw if you request characters who are over 18)
Undertale (Including some AUs and Deltarune)
The Venture Brothers
Wander Over Yonder
Watchmen (movie only)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Xiaolin Showdown
Yu-Gi-Oh! (original series, no spin-offs)
Yu Yu Hauksho
 I Won’t:
The Adventure Zone
The Amazing World of Gumball
American McGee’s Alice
Arcana (mobile game)
Archie Comics
Arthur and the Invisibles
Assassin’s Creed
Assassination Classroom
Attack on Titan
Avatar the Last Airbender
Axis Powers Hetalia
Battlestar Galactica
Ben 10
Biker Mice from Mars
The Boys
The Boy and the Beast
Boyfriend to Death
Brave Police J-Decker
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Captain Hook (2003 live action film)
CATS (the musical)
Carmen Sandiego
Chainsaw Man
Chaotic (the show and the card game)
Cookie Run
Cowboy Bebop
Craig of the Creek
Creepypasta (like, I might do Slenderman because I was very into Marble Hornets back in the day but he is the exception)
Danny Phantom
Darkest Dungeon
Darkwing Duck
Deadman Wonderland
Devilman Crybaby
Devil May Cry
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K / Saiki Kusou no Sai Nan
The Dishwasher Dead Samurai
Doctor Who
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
The Dragon Prince
The Evil Within
The Fate series (Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Grand Order etc.)
Final Fantasy Series
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Future Card Buddyfight
Goblin Slayer
God of War
Golden Kamuy
The Grinch
Gurren Lagann
Harry Potter (and all related spin-offs)
A Hat in Time
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Holllow Knight (might change but haven’t played it yet)
Horizon: zero Dawn
Hyper Light Drifter
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Kid Cosmic
Kingdom Hearts
League of Legends
Legos (as in, any Lego-based TV show)
Lobotomy Corporation
Lord of the Rings
Lost Boys
Madness Combat
Mega Man
Mob Psycho 100
My Hero Academia
Neon Genesis Evangelion
One Piece
One Punch Man
Over the Garden Wall
Owl House
Phineas and Ferb
Phoenix Wright
Rainbow Six
Regular Show
Resident Evil (any game that isn’t Resident Evil Village)
Rick and Morty
SCP Foundation
Seven Deadly Sins
Shrek (all movies and shorts including spin-offs like Puss and Boots)
Slasher Movies (in general. like, i don’t do domestic stuff or the general slashers uwu shit but if I am familiar enough with a specific franchise I might be willing to write about a specific character but only if i can make them a bastard)
Starlight Express
Star Trek
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
Sword Art Online
Team Fortress 2
Tokyo Ghoul
Word Girl
Zero Escape
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torkbrain · 5 years
**this list may be updated, so always check please before you make a request!!**
fandoms i will write for:
- borderlands
- mass effect
- red dead redemption
- dragon age
- detroit become human
- the arcana
- fallout
- warframe
- probably several more, so just send me a message/ask! it wouldn't hurt to make sure!
i WILL write:
- character x reader
- character x character (depending on characters of course)
- imagines
- drabbles/one-shots/short writings
- fluff
- light-moderate smut (i'm not the best but i'm always willing to give it a try)
- platonic
- au's
- angst
i WILL NOT write:
- heavy fetish
- r*pe
- pedophilia/underage stuff
- anything that goes against a character!! (sexuality, ideals, beliefs, etc)
- incest
- anything that makes me uncomfortable
if you have any questions or anything, don't hesitate to shoot me a message!
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herbalmedic · 5 years
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The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Albert Wesker (HIGHLY AU and one of my faves to play ever, over @ cannonfullofcanons)
Rebecca Chambers (naturally)
Brad Vickers (same multi)
Enrico Marini (same multi)
Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender, same multi)
John Hammond (Jurassic Park, same multi)
Grimlock (Generation 1 Transformers, same multi)
Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate, same multi)
Dr. Zed (Borderlands, same multi)
Professor Ozpin (RWBY, same multi)
L (Death Note)
Sgt. Tackleberry (Police Academy)
Fafnir (Dragon Maid)
Shigemori Sumimura (Kekkaishi)
Maisie Lockwood (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom)
Riko Saikawa (Dragon Maid)
Kobayashi (Dragon Maid)
Roy Fokker (Robotech)
Haythan Kenway (Assassin’s Creed 3/Assassin’s Creed: Rogue)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 2)
Ada Wong (Resident Evil 4)
Jim Chapman (Resident Evil Outbreak)
Gambit (X-Men)
Charles Xavier (X-Men)
Wolverine (X-Men)
Luis Sera (Resident Evil 4)
Scrappy (Scooby-Doo)
Oghren (Dragon Age: Origins)
Kenny (The Walking Dead Game)
Luis Sera
Leon Kennedy
Jim Chapman
Admiral Gloval (Robotech)
Swoop (Generation 1 Transformers)
Ramon Salazar (Resident Evil 4)
tagged by  :  done diddly stole from @verlifo!!
tagging  :   @armedwithaflashlight @m4t-ild4 @unlockedtm @survivedempathy @horrorempathy @survieves @forsaken--lullaby @fortanach @risaen @valkury & anyone else who wants toooo
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pugszler · 6 years
mobile about
hi I’m Cathy!
31. she/her. cis woman. bi. white. U.S.
i like dogs, tea, and cool jackets
depressed, autistic, ocd, and social phobic (and maybe bpd?)
i don’t have a lot of friends… please pls feel free to message me if you wanna chat about anything! <3 esp mutual interests and ships and fic!
talk to me about my special interests!! here are some of them: bnha (todomido & izurody), bungo stray dogs (sskk), mass effect, voice actors, code vein, fanfic and ships (in general. tell me about your faves/wips/ideas!), romance, tea, horror video games, hard rock/metal music, dating sims
check out my ao3 to see what fics i’ve written! i’ve got a few bnha wips (i still want to finish them!) and plans to write bsd fic!
my primary blog is “yakuzadog” so if you see that url follow you or interact w/ your posts, that’s me! don’t bother following my primary tho bc it’s inactive and it’s my old sherlock blog lmao
my url “pugszler” is a ref to my fave pacrim au lmao. pug + geiszler = pugszler!
please message me if you want me to tag any content warnings!!
if you are proship, like harmful ships, stan abusive characters, or produce/consume sexual content involving underage characters I WILL BLOCK YOU
please let me know if you want me to unfollow you bc of my age! or soft block me!
mutuals, here is my blacklist
tags list
fandoms I post: my hero academia, mcelroys, the adventure zone, polygon, dragon age, mass effect, fire emblem three houses, HLVRAI, life is strange, undertale, deltarune, yuri on ice, pokemon, pacific rim, silent hill 2 & 3, cardcaptor sakura, avatar the last airbender, bungo stray dogs, fruits basket, promare, buzzfeed unsolved, animal crossing, lovely complex, borderlands, until dawn, final fantasy x(-2), given, naruto, kekkai sensen, puppet combo, dungeon meshi, baldur's gate 3, etc.
(also side note for bnha fans that idk where else to mention on my blog: i Used to ship dabi/hox but i don't ship em anymore. canon sunk any remaining interest i have for both the ship and hawks himself)
be my friend on other things too!!!
xbox: yakuzadogx3
psn: theyakuzadog
switch: SW-4318-9161-4231
animal crossing pocket camp: 8276 0761 945
dm me for twitter
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
RP Partner Request
The tree branches snarled and gnashed as a sharp breeze cut through the night. The wind gutted caches of leaves in varying states of decay, tossing them up into dust devils. It was as if the wind triumphed in its ability to trespass where it wasn’t wanted.   
A stretch of bare, clawing branches outlined a road like a gaping rib cage. Between them, a beast stalked the road. It dragged a lifeless body with short, violent tugs, leaving a stark trail of blood gleaming in the moonlight like a single, corrugated artery. It walked like a man, moved like a predator. Silver streaks of moonlight flashed through the leaves, revealing that the beast was dressed like a vagrant, covered in tattered brown, grey, and black rags. A ragged hood hid wisps of white hair that obscured a set of menacing red eyes. The moonlight cast a long, ominous shadow that stretched off into the distance, making the creature’s form appear bigger than it was.
The beast moved with purpose, walking to a massive, ornate, pillared structure barred by massive gates. With a touch, the gates swung open, and the doorway allowed him entrance.
The sadistic grin that peeked out from the beast’s hood was complemented by a cruel glint in his eyes. The traveler bared a set of perfect, pointed, ivory teeth, hinting at insanity.
Good morning, afternoon or evening from Britain! My name is Nefarious, though Nef will do just fine, and I’m here to continue my never ending quest to quench the thirst that rattles through my being - the search for long-term roleplay partners!
The above passage may have peaked your interest; if it is, I humbly ask that you continue through this message, with the hopes that you and I will be a match made in heaven. The passage was taken from an old encounter, one that I would be willing to share fully with you upon contact, along with another, as an example of my seductive abilities.
While I’ll try to keep this message short and sweet, I cannot make any promises.
  Who am I?
A 19 year old roleplayer who has been in the game for far too long, and yet finds herself with no stories to fall back on after a long day of hard work.
  How do I roleplay?
Discord or email tends to be my preference, with the former being particularly enjoyable due to snappy response times when devising a plotline, but the latter allowing for easier organisation of longer posts. I tend to write replies on the longer, descriptive side of the spectrum, but I never expect my partner to match my lengths - merely send enough for me to work with. Due to work, I strive to reply at least once a day (but will always warn you when it’s going to be a bit late), and can often reply multiple times a day when I’m very invested in the RP idea and my character(s).
  What do I enjoy?
Mostly anything, with only a couple of points that will be highlighted below that I’m not open to. As it is, and as you may have guessed from my introduction, I have a huge love of the darker, gritty themes, but am equally open to the softer, lighter tales of love and growth. I roleplay both in original and fandom universes (a list of the latter will be included), and can juggle multiple characters at a time. I’m also able to play any gender, and pairing with ease, having no real inclination towards any. Due to being over 18, I’m also capable and comfortable with smut, which can be discussed with limits upon further contact.
  Some fandoms I particularly love:
Harry Potter (Any era except Next Gen)
Batman (Games)
Dragon Age (Any game) - this is something I’m absolutely craving!
Wolf Amongst Us
Borderlands (Any game)
Bioshock (Any game)
Walking Dead (Telltale games and TV series)
Resident Evil
If I haven’t said one you’d be interested, ask and we may be able to work something out!
  Some original settings I particularly love:
Fantasy (Urban, High, Medieval, etc)
Sci-Fi (Futuristic, Steampunk, etc)
Mythology (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc)
Supernatural (Werewolves, Vampires, etc)
Dark Themes (Murder, Psycho’s, Drugs, etc)
If I haven't noted a setting you're craving, suggest it to me!
  What do I not enjoy? Slice of life tends to become boring very quickly for a player like me, and thus is on my “do not enjoy” list. I like following the lives of characters, but when those characters live boring lives, I can’t stick around for long! Another thing I do not do is play Canon characters in Canon x Canon pairings. I can happily play Canons as side characters to fill out the story when in fandom worlds, but I strictly play OC’s in pairings. While I may be convinced to do Canon x OC, this really depends on the fandom and characters you’re interested in, since I’ll likely only be comfortable playing characters that I know well.
  What would I really like?
I’d love to find one or two roleplayers to explore the darker side of certain fandoms, in particular Harry Potter and MCU/DCU. I enjoy playing “ill” characters, such as those suffering from mental illnesses, and exploring the harsher sides of light-hearted settings, for example, the creature community within the HP world, and how they deal with the Wizards hatred. By contrast, I would do anything for a Dragon Age centric RP. This can be placed in any era, within or outside of the canon games, touching upon subjects noted in the storylines (which can be followed or morphed), or delving into the more unknown subjects (such as the Gods, etc). AU’s in these settings are also welcome - offer anything you have in mind!
  How can you contact me?
When you contact me, please introduce yourself and explain what you’re looking for. While you don’t need any fully developed ideas, if you arrive with subjects to discuss, we’ll get along fine. On the other hand, if you contact me with the idea that you’d like to do whatever I’m interested in, we’re probably not going to get along very well, aha. I look forward to hearing from many of you!
  Discord: Nefarious#1494
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cycyno · 7 years
I was tagged by @trshlrd (thanks bae quq)
1. How many works in progress do you have?
bOI. Okay, here we go.
I have around 6 fanfictions that I’m currently working on. And I should really update all of them or rather, finish the first chapter of those that haven’t been uploaded yet! Boy, I’m just so lazy atm.
“Lullaby” -- Dream Daddy -- Pablo X Lucien
“Shattered” -- Hetalia Human AU -- Hong Kong X Iceland / Denmark X Norway
“Hidden In The Shadows” -- Thief/Dishonored -- Corvo X Garrett
“Cold Hands” -- Hetalia Zombie AU -- Hong Kong X Iceland / Denmark X Norway (Not translated to English yet)
“Wrong Direction -- October & April” -- Kuroko No Basuke -- Aomine X Kise
“NO TITLE YET” -- Yuuri!!! On Ice Panem AU -- Yuuri X Viktor
Oh and there are - of course - the things I’m still PLANNING to do! So here you go:
Borderlands -- Rhack FF w/ Siren!Rhys
Borderlands -- AxZer0 FF
Yuuri!!! On Ice -- Viktuuri FF -- Hogwarts AU
Haikyuu!! -- (oh boi) DaiSuga, TsukkiYama, KageHina, AsaNoya, KuroKen, BokuAka Partner-FF w/ my girlfriend -- Zombie AU
Own Story -- Superhero Universe
Own Story -- Medieval Time
Like 3000 Dragon Age Stories and OS
... (moaaar)
So yeah, I have a lot to do!
Also, I do write a lot of Drabbles to practice.
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction?
Considering my loooong list of things to do, Yeah, I would write fanfiction. I would also like to finish them, but it’s hard. I’m doing what I can tho!
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Actually, I do prefer books over ebooks. But, for example, I also read comics on my computer so.. yeah. (But “real” books are something different.
4. When did you start writing?
I started writing around 7 years ago. Back then, I was on a german website called fanfiktion.de and there I met two of my longest friends. That kind of inspired me to also write fanfiction.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
The only one I’m mainly showing my works to first - before I upload them - is my girlfriend (trshlrd). She always gives the best advice and it gives me the kind of encouragement that I need.
Other than that, there are two friends of mine that I show my fanfictions to before and after uploading them. But that depends on the fandom.
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
On the couch and on my laptop. Comfortable cuddled into a blanket maybe with some tea. Also, I write on my phone in bed sometimes. That also works.
7. Favorite book as a child?
Oh boy, I don’t know. Right now I would say: Warrior Cats Series, Labyrinth and Running Man from Steven King. Also Hobbit etc. 
8. Writing for fun or publication?
Both. I mainly write for fun and because I want to challenge myself. I want my work to be out there and I want people to see it. And since I’m currently planning two rather big stories that don’t belong to any fandom, I would really much like to publish them at some point.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
10. What inspired you to write?
I started writing, as I mentioned before, as I met two of my friends online. They were writing fanfiction and they were creating OC’s and me, as the 13 year old I was, wanted to do that too!
After that, I didn’t write for a whole long time, until I met my girlfriend. You could say that she inspired me to write again and I enjoy it more than ever before. 
What inspires me in general are usually songs. Or fanarts. But mostly songs. Or my.. own thoughts? Like, I like to think of scenarios in my head and if one of them just randomly pops up and I like the idea, I already start planning. Even though it’s just a little scene of like 2 seconds. 
Thanks for tagging me!
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Looking for Fandom or Original based RP
Name: Ceph Age: 18 Time Zone: Mountain Time (UTC -6:00) Main Fandoms: Invader Zim, Monster in Paris, Creepypasta, Undertale, Borderlands, Overwatch, Black Butler, Mass Effect, Inuyasha, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Pokemon, Homestuck, Problem Sleuth, Marvel, and DC
Intro: I have finally graduated high school, and to celebrate I have decided that it would be best for me to get back into roleplaying so I can keep my brain up and running while I take a break from school for a year; reach out to people and see if I can get something started again. School had been keeping me busy and my old partners all kinda packed up and bounced due to my lack of responses– which I totally understand– seeing all of that is behind me now however, I’m hoping that I can finally keep up with things. So- let’s start with an introduction shall we? My name is Ceph, I am 18 years old and have had over 11 years of practice with role playing. Ceph isn’t the only name I go by of course, so if that isn’t to your liking I have nicknames you can use; my friends like to call me Squid or Shell, while online I’m known by “Illustrative Cephalopod” to all of my 2 followers. I know,  impressive… I’m pretty sure those are just friends too… I don’t run a blog by the way, I run an art account on the much loved but also very hated Deviantart. Where there is talent and cringe in every corner. I have a Tumblr too– but anyways, ignoring that, I’m going to go back to the point of this since I don’t want to bore you to death. I am looking for both fandom and original roleplays. Fandoms including the main ones listed above, and the others that I am into listed below along with the rules. Those will be OC/Canon pairings while Original will be– surprised– oc/oc pairings. I know people don’t really like reading paragraphs all too much since they just want the rambler to get to the point, so let’s start with the rules:
RULES: Style: I am not picky with this, in fact I am known as a Mirror. You wanna write a 4 page novel per response, I will do my best to match it. Want simple dialogue, I will gladly match your style. I have done many roles played in the past and both can be extremely fun and descriptive at times. So really it’s just based on which do you prefer: fast responses or a slower ones? Grammar: I mess up every now and then, nobody’s perfect, so I don’t expect you to be. Just no text talk unless it’s OOC and do try your best. I know some people struggle with typing in general. Smut: I don’t like smut without a plot, so don’t come to me planning to create a plot based around smut unless you are able to talk me into it. I can promise the wait will be worth it since I have been writing smut for years, still a virgin though so I may have a few things off, but I do go into detail if you wish me to. Other than that I will fade to black if you have no interest in it. I don’t have a lot of restrictions with smut, it’s writing not reality. Some shit i’d punch people for in real life but over writing it’s just better to stay a fantasy. Pairings/Romance: I don’t do yaoi. I have had terrible experiences with it in the past and do not want to try it again, so don’t message me about it unless you know you can talk me into a realistic relationship between two men that aren’t the usual twinks. F/F I will discuss, but I prefer and focus around M/F pairings. I’ve been writing them since I was a kid so I am most experienced with that.
  Gore: Lmao, I’m a horror fan so I could care less about how much detail you put into it. If you wish for me to chill on the gore, I will gladly do so. OOC: This is required. I love talking to you guys out of roleplays and it really helps keep things going. Plus it makes things less awkward and allows us to understand one another’s situations more. Double-up: In fandoms, I expect to double up. Which means I play your oc’s love interest and you play my oc’s love interest. As for how many characters can be in it, I love playing a lot of characters so I could care less how many love interests or characters are put into it in the first place. Such as instead of a main character there are multiple main characters. I love making things combine at one point too, like make everything fit like a puzzle piece.
FANDOMS: AU worlds are totally fine with me as long as the characters don’t really change. Even crossovers, it’s always fun bringing in multiple characters. Shows: Steven Universe (Male & Female  gem AU) ★ American Dragon ★ Invader Zim ★★★ Danny Phantom ★ The Batman ★ Transformers Prime ★★ Transformers ★★ TMNT ★ Movies: Any Disney Movie ★
Transformers ★★★★★ Guardians of the Galaxy ★★★
Pirates of the Caribbean ★★★★ Monster in Paris ★ Starwars ★
StarTrek ★
Jurassic Park ★★★ Anime: Black Butler ★★ Tokyo Ghoul ★★★★
Inuyasha ★★★★ Kamisama Hajimemashita ★★★ Noragami ★ Bleach ★★ Fushigi Yuugi ★★ D.N. Angel ★ Fruits Basket ★ Princess Tutu! ★ Inu X Boku ★★★★ Attack on Titan ★ Skip Beat! ★ Amnesia ★★★ Vampire Knight ★★★ Diabolik lovers ★★★ Homestuck ★★★ Videogames: Undertale ★★★★ Destiny ★★ Mass Effect ★★ Borderlands ★★ Fallout 4 (I need to replay the others before I play those characters) ★ Bioshock ★
Pokemon ★★★ Animal Crossing ★ Harvest Moon ★ Legend of Zelda ★
Super Smash Bros ★ Sonic the Hedgehog (etc) ★★★ Fire Emblem ★
Others: Creepypasta ★★★★★ Satan and Me ★ Youtubers ★ Bands ★ Marvel ★★ DC ★★
Tbh I probably forgot some things to put down so please just ask or tell me a list of your fandoms and I’ll tell you whether or not I know them.
ORIGINAL: Romance ★★★★★★★★★ (required) Horror ★★★ Sci-fi ★★★★★ Fantasy ★★★★ Slice of life ★★★ (Pairing Ideas) Criminal/Cop Pirate/Mermaid Alien/human Alien/Alien 2
Monster/human Human/paranormal
Human/Supernatural Human/fallen angel angel/demon
Hero/Villain Person/Hero Person/Villain Vampire/human Werewolf/Human
Urban Legend/Human
CONTACT INFO: Email: [email protected] Discord: Cephalopod#8210 Google Drive: [email protected] If you have any other way you’d like to keep in contact, please just email me and we can discuss the topic further.
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persephoneggsy · 5 years
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Borderlands x Dragon Age AU, ft. The Winter Palace
Rhys said hell no to those ugly red uniforms and so everybody just showed up in their finest outfits. And Rhys is a Fancy Tevinter Bitch™ so of course he shows everybody up.
As for Jack, I went with the same type of fur-collar-coat thing we see Alistair wear as king, since that seems to be the default Ferelden style lol. He was not expecting the Inquisitor to show up looking as fine as he does. Angel did, and she’s enjoying watching her father be flustered for once in his life.
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Okay, so I was tagged by @wilwarindi to talk about my WIPs and well.. this is going to be a fun ride.
So currently I’ve got 4 Fanfictions that need to be updated.
One about Fiona/Vaughn from Borderlands, which I just uploaded today. They kind of developed into one of my OTPs and I am SO happy that I finally started working on a story for them. So yeah, still got time on that and I have to work a lot on the story I try to develop. So yeah, wish me luck! The story should progress around the time being after the Game (Tales From the Borderlands) and it’s going into many different directions with the story. Also, a lot of side-characters, like the Vault Hunters. I just.. Idk I fell for them so hard and since there is basically nothing about them out there, I decided to do something on my own. 
I’ve got 2 Hetalia fanfictions running, both about Hong Kong/Iceland, which need to be updated so badly. Also one of them needs to be translated into english anyway, so yeah, I’ve got at least some time with that. The other is an Real Life AU! and it’s about teenage love and depression. Heavy topics. (One of my Hetalia OTPs)
Then my beloved Thief/Dishonored Fanfiction. I need to update it for months now, but I just couldn’t get my lazy ass moving. Also, it’s kind of hard to mix the two storylines together, but since the games play around the same time and age, i think I can manage. One of the first game ships I ever had! Corvo Attano X Garrett. Trash!Rat!Hobo!Dad X Tiny salty Man
Good.. and I also have around 6 other fanfictions planned. Also one or two oneshots.
Dragon Age: Around 2 OS and one Fanfiction planned about the relationship of my Quizzie and Dorian. The OS are going to be considerably tragic and actually, I can’t wait to start, but I still need to figure out where. The Fanfiction will play around my Quizzie and his way to a real leader or his way down straight to madness. (I love Pavellan okay?) Also: An OS about Hawke being left in the Fade.
Kuroko No Basket: AoKise (daaaamn I love them so much!) The tragic Lovestory of someone who is afraid of commitment and someone who’s afraid of his own feelings. Super dramatic but also super loving. Still need to work a bit on the story. (At least I know how it’s supposed to end)
Hetalia: Again, HongIce. I’m planning something like a Hunger Games AU. 
Yuri!!! On Ice: Also, Hunger Games AU planned. Also a little something about what would happen if one of them gets badly injured. (Viktuuri)
AAND Borderlands: I have 2 more fanfictions planned. One about Rhack. Like, Rhys kept the chip with Jacks virtual consciousness and builds Atlas up again. But of course Pandora is a rough place and sometimes things just don’t work as they should and slowly Rhys is becoming something that he wasn’t aiming for. (Also, Jack gets a body at some point. How? Why? Well~) Rhack is just one of my OTPs and I love them so much! AND something about AxZer0. Like, I put my headcanons about his looks, his species and so on in there and Axtons past is slowly catching up to him.  I fell for them pretty soon I think. At that point I didn’t even know Axton or played him or whatever. I just loved Zer0 ad all the fanart and yeah.. now I’m in hell.
Also I have like one story planned with some OCs of mine that I still need to develop. Some gay superhero-stuff. 
Gosh, that was hard and a LOT. I am probably insane, I know, but well, I am happy and I hope I can finish all of that soon enough.
I tag... uhm whoever is willed to do it? Damn I’m too awkward.
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etechwire-blog · 6 years
Games with Gold June 2018: these are the free games you can get this month
New Post has been published on https://www.etechwire.com/games-with-gold-june-2018-these-are-the-free-games-you-can-get-this-month/
Games with Gold June 2018: these are the free games you can get this month
One of the main benefits of being an Xbox Live Gold subscriber is definitely the fact that each month you get access to a range of free games across the Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms. If you’re an Xbox One owner, backwards compatibility means you get to take advantage of the Xbox 360 titles too.
This is a great way to try games you might not otherwise have played, whether because they’re indie titles that slip under your radar or simply because you don’t have the funds to buy several games a month.
Even if you don’t have the console memory or the time to spare right now, we’d say it’s always worth claiming them every month anyway as you’ll then have free access to them for as long as you have an active Xbox Live account.
Since this is a monthly event, we’ve decided to create a one-stop shop where you’ll be able to find the newest free games, as well as scroll back and see which games were featured in previous months. That way you’ll know whether it’s worth holding out for a game to appear in an upcoming Games with Gold month or if it’s already been offered. 
So without further ado, here are the free Xbox Live games in North America, Europe, and Australia for June 2018.
Don’t forget some of the May titles are still available too!
June 2018
Xbox One
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia – available June 1 to June 30 (usually £7.99/ $9.99/ AU $13.49)
The final game in the 2.5D Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy takes you to Russia in the aftermath of the 1918 revolution. You’ll play as Nikolai Orelov in his quest for vengeance. The atmospheric and Soviet propaganda-inspired art style of Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia alone makes it worth playing.
Smite: Gold bundle – available June 16 to July 15
Smite may be a free-to-play combat game which pits god against god but with this special Gold bundle, Microsoft is giving away around $99 worth of content for free.
Xbox 360
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed – Available June 1 to June 15 (usually £24.99/ $29.99/ AU $49.95)
Sonic meets Mario Kart in this racing game which pits more than twenty of the most famous faces from the Sonic world against one another in races. This game gets a little wilder than Mario Kart, however, when you start turning cars into boats and planes to find the best way to win a track. 
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The New Adventures – Available June 16 to June 30 (usually £8.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
We’re all used to the Lego formula for games at this point. Here players will be able to build and battle their way through a series of levels inspired by scenes across the four Indiana Jones movies (yes, four) either alone or with a friend in split-screen co-op. You can even create your own levels.
May 2018
Xbox One
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – Available May 16 to June 15 (usually £42.49/$19.99/AU $72.45)
Probably the stand out offering for the month, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is set nine years after the events of Ground Zeroes during the Cold War. Seeking revenge, Snake has set up a private army to take on XOF. Why don’t you join them?
Super Mega Baseball 2 – Available May 1 to May 31 (No price available)
Very different from Metal Gear Solid V but probably a welcome palate cleanser, Super Mega Baseball 2 is a brand new title in the baseball simulator series which will let you create your team, step up to the plate and play online and off. 
Xbox 360
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage – Available May 1 to May 15 (£6.75/ $9.99/ AU $9.95)
If you can’t wait for the Streets of Rage remaster then why not pick up this version for free? Take on Mr X across all three of the Streets of Rage games to get your practice in. 
Vanquish – Available May 16 to May 31 (£19.99/ $14.99/ AU $29.95)
Vanquish is a sci-fi shooter that promises fast and fluid gameplay with some pretty wild combat. Considering it’s from the developer behind the Bayonetta games, we’re inclined to believe those claims. 
April 2018
Xbox One
The Witness – Available April 1 to April 30 (usually £31.99/ $39.99/ AU $52.45)
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Available April 16 to May 15 (usually £24.99/ $49.99/ AU $49.95)
Xbox 360
Cars 2 – Available April 1 to April 30 (usually £8.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Dead Space 2 – Available April 16 to April 30 (usually £14.99/$19.99/ AU $29.95)
March 2018
Xbox One
Trials of the Blood Dragon – March 1 to March 20 (usually £11.99 / $14.99 / AU $21.95 )
Superhot – March 16 to April 15 (usually £19.99 / $24.99/ AU $33.45)
Xbox 360
Brave: The Game – March 1 to March 15 (usually £8.99 / $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Quantum Conundrum – March 16 to March 31 (usually £7.99 / $9.99 / AU $11.45)
February 2018
Xbox One
Shadow Warrior – February 1 to February 28 (usually £19.99/ $29.99/ AU $36.70)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India – February 16 to March 15 (usually £7.99/ $9.99/ AU $14.95)
Xbox 360
Split Second – February 1 to February 15 (usually £8.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Crazy Taxi – February 16 to February 28 (£6.75 / $9.99/ AU $9.95)
January 2018
Xbox One
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III – January 1 to January 31 (usually £11.99 / $14.99/ AU $19.95)
Zombi – January 16 to February 15 (usually £14.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Xbox 360
Tomb Raider Underworld – January 1 to January 15 (usually £14.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Army of Two – January 16 to January 31 (usually £14.99/ $14.99/ AU $19.95)
December 2017
Xbox One
Back to the Future: The Game – December 16 to January 15 (usually £19.99/$19.99/ AU $33.45)
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide – December 1 to December 31 (usually £31.99/$39.99/ AU $69.95)
Xbox 360
Child of Eden – December 1 to December 15 (usually £11.99/$29.99/AU $19.95)
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death – December 16 to December 31 (usually £9.99/$14.99/ AU $14.95)
November 2017
Xbox One
Tales from the Borderlands – November 16 to December 15 (usually $14.99/ £11.99/ AU $19.95)
Trackmania Turbo – November 1 to November 30 (usually $39.99/ £29.99/ AU $59.95)
Xbox 360
NiGHTS into Dreams – November 1 to November 15 (usually $9.99/ £6.75/ AU $9.95)
Deadfall Adventures – November 16 to November 30 (usually $39.99/ £34.99/ AU $69.95)
October 2017
Xbox One
Gone Home – October 1 to 31 (usually $19.99 / £15.99/ AU $26.95)
The Turing Test – October 16 to November 15 (usually $19.99 / £14.99 / AU $29.95) 
Xbox 360
Rayman 3 HD – October 1 to 15 (usually $9.99/ £6.75/ AU $9.95)
Medal of Honor: Airborne – October 16 to 31 (usually $19.99/ £14.99/ AU$19.95)
September 2017
Xbox One
Forza Motorsport 5: Racing Game of the Year Edition – September 1 to 30 (usually $39.99 / £23.99/ AU $69.95)
Oxenfree – September 16 to October 15 (usually $19.99 / £15.99 / AU $26.95)
Xbox 360
Hydro Thunder Hurricane – September 1 to 15 (usually $9.99/ £7.69/ AU $12.29)
Battlefield 3 – September 16 to 30 (usually $19.99/ £14.99/ AU $29.95)
August 2017
Xbox One
Slime Rancher – August 1 to August 31(usually £15.99/ $19.99/ AU $26.95)
Trials Fusion – August 16 to September 15 (usually £15.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)
Xbox 360
Bayonetta – August 1 to August 15 (usually £14.99/ $19.99/ AU $29.95)  
Red Faction: Armageddon – August 16 to August 31 (usually £24.99/ $29.99/ AU $49.95)
July 2017
Xbox One
Grow Up – Available July 1 to July 30 (usually $9.99/ £7.99/ AU $14.95)
Runbow – Available July 16 to August 15
Xbox 360
Kane & Lynch 2 – Available July 1 to July 15 (usually $14.99/ £11.99/ AU $19.95)
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game – Available July 16 to July 31(usually $19.99/ £8.99/ AU $29.95) 
June 2017
Xbox One
SpeedRunners – Available June 1 to June 30
Watch Dogs – Available June 26 to July 15 (usually $29.99/ £23.99/ AU$39.95)
Xbox 360
Assassin’s Creed III – Available June 1 to June 15 (usually $19.99/ £8.99/ AU$14.95)
Dragon Age: Origins – Available June 16 to June 30 (usually $14.99/ £14.99/ AU$19.95)
May 2017
Xbox One
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – Available May 16 to June 15 (usually $19.99/ £14.99/ AU $26.95)
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut – Available May 1 to May 31 (usually $14.99/ £11.99 / listed as Coming Soon on Australian store)
Xbox 360
Xbox 360
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II – Available May 1 to May 15 (usually $19.99 /  £11.99/ AU $29.95)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga – Available May 16 to May 31 (usually $19.99/ £11.99/ AU $29.95)
April 2017
Xbox One
Ryse: Son of Rome – Available April 1 to April 30 (currently only available as part of a bundle in US and AU for ($29.99/ AU $69.95)
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Available April 16 to May 15 (usually £19.99/ $24.99/ AU $33.45)
Xbox 360
Darksiders – Available April 1 to April 15 (usually £14.99/ $19.99/ AU$29.95)
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Available April 16 to April 30 (usually £8.99/ $19.99/ AU $9.95)
March 2017
Xbox One
Layers of Fear – Available 01/03 to 31/03 (usually £15.99/ $19.99/ AU $26.95
Evolve: Ultimate Edition – Available 16/03 to 15/04 (usually £34.99/ $49.99/ AU $54.95)
Xbox 360
Borderlands 2 – Available 01/03 to 15/03 (Usually £19.99/ $19.99/ AU $49.95)
Heavy Weapon – Available 16/03 to 31/03 (usually £7.99/ $9.99/ AU $14.95)
February 2017
Xbox One
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime  – Available 01/02 to 28/02 (usually £11.99/ $14.99/ AU$19.95)
Project Cars Digital Edition – Available 16/02 to 15/03 (usually £23.99/ $29.99/ AU$39.95)
Xbox 360
Monkey Island 2: Special Edition – Available 01/02 to 15/02 (usually £6.75/ $9.99/ AU$9.95)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – Available 16/02 to 28/02 (usually £11.99/ $19.99/ AU$19.95)
January 2017
Xbox One
Xbox 360
December 2016
Xbox One
November 2016
Xbox One
Xbox 360
October 2016
Xbox One
Xbox 360
September 2016
Xbox One
Xbox 360
0 notes
persephoneggsy · 5 years
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A dance at the Winter Palace, from my Borderlands x Dragon Age AU
After stopping an assassination attempt, the Inquisitor and his Commander share a private moment on a secluded balcony… and a little bonus of the Commander’s daughter totally shipping it.
I really should draw more of the romance aspect of this AU because like. Ugh. Rhys being from Tevinter means that same-sex relationships are kind of a taboo thing for him (or at the very least, something he’s not supposed to flaunt in public), and Jack being a Grey Warden means he’s got limited time to spend with his loved ones until his Calling. 
But then they meet each other and suddenly those boundaries don’t matter anymore. Rhys, who before only ever wanted a seat in the Magisterium, now doesn’t care about the scandal it could cause, he wants to be with Jack. And Jack, who had already been searching for a way to stop the Calling, now has extra motivation to live. 
Toss in the Breach and the fact that it’s almost the end of the world, and it’s a very dramatic situation all-around haha
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persephoneggsy · 5 years
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soooo.... i tried making DA-style tarot cards for the Borderlands x Dragon Age AU.
I’m not mad at them? TBH they turned out better than I expected, but i’m definitely gonna go back and remake them at some point lol. This was mostly a layout/style test.
the brushes were fun to use though
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persephoneggsy · 5 years
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I really love reading the codex entries in Dragon Age: Inquisition, so I made up some of my own for my Borderlands x Dragon Age AU!
Bear in mind these are meant to be the entries you’d get at the start of the game, so it’s just the basics. As the game progresses, each entry gets updated accordingly (like, for example, an entry talking about Rhys and Jack’s increasingly close relationship wink)
Also, I finally decided on what Tim should be in this AU! He’s Jack’s mage twin brother lol
(i made up Athena’s last name. and i’m very proud of “Vaughngaurd jfghjshfg leave me alone)
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