#boss in the bentley
expulence · 6 months
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kaekannibal · 10 months
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Heard people are making Impsonas
This is Bentley! Former clown, and mute after suffering jaw amputation from a freak explosion that injured and killed many, as well as destroying the circus.
He suffers from a mutation on the top of his head. As the top of his skull has been transformed into a mouth.
He lives in the Sloth Ring, spending his days asleep as he doesn’t have much energy to do anything else.
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g2tempted · 12 days
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beastsovrevelation · 5 months
If I had written S2 of Good Omens, the Bentley would've stopped playing Queen. Instead, it would:
1. Only play Ghost
2. Only play ABBA
Whichever tortured Crowley more.
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handeaux · 6 months
Birdless Ballot Boosters Marked The End Of Boss Cox’s Cincinnati Political Machine
For better or worse, mostly worse, no history of Cincinnati can be written without significant attention to the reign of George Barnsdale Cox, the man known as Boss Cox. For forty years, from the 1880s into the 1920s, Cox and his minions ran Cincinnati like a private fiefdom. It is remarkable that the Cox Machine was brought low by a bunch of birds.
Cox ruled from his position as chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party and during his reign no one got elected in Hamilton County without the Boss’s approval. To keep the votes rolling in for his chosen politicians, Cox dispensed county funds where loyalty could be bought. Cox ignored the city's parks where squirrels didn't vote. Cox bled the schools because teachers didn't vote and, as one of Cox's lieutenants was quoted, "most of them are women, anyway."
Cox’s favorite voters were dependable machine constituents who voted a straight Republican ticket. It mattered not whether they knew who they were voting for. In fact, it was probably preferable that they didn’t care who they elected. Through bribes and favors, Cox owned the illiterate vote in Cincinnati. Cox’s ward heelers had one simple task – to vote a straight Republican ticket. To do so, voters didn’t need to read. They need only remember to vote the eagle.
Voting was a lot more complicated 100 years ago than it is today. In 1920, each party had its own ballot, and each ballot had a symbol or logo on the top. There were no Elephants or Donkeys. Republican ballots showed an eagle at the top, while Democratic ballots were emblazoned with a rooster. The Socialists employed a hand holding a torch. Prohibitionists used a rose.
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Under the party symbol, each ballot showed a big circle. If a voter wanted to vote a straight party ticket, all they had to do was mark a big, bold X through that circle and drop the ballot in the appropriate box. That big circle was extremely convenient for illiterate voters and Cincinnati had a lot of them. These voters cared not a whit about any candidate. All they knew was that a beer or a fifty-cent piece awaited once a poll monitor signaled to the ward boss that the voter had marked the correct ballot. For illiterate voters, the non-partisan judicial ballot was indecipherable and fist fights broke out at various polls when party hacks offered to “help” illiterate voters translate the judicial ballots.
One hundred years ago, in January 1924, a group of Cincinnati reformers organized the Birdless Ballot League to eliminate party ballots. It proved to be the death knell for the Boss Cox machine. Although the idea had been circulated before, it was lawyer Henry Bentley who made the birdless ballot his personal crusade. Bentley’s proposal was simple: Eliminate the party emblems from the ballot and force voters to individually select candidates by name. If adopted, the birdless ballot would effectively disenfranchise anyone who couldn’t read and thereby remove a big tool from the Cox Machine’s toolbox.
By the time Bentley got involved, the Cox Machine was a sputtering hulk of its former magnificence. Cox himself had died in 1916. His lieutenants, grown fat and happy with the spoils of graft and corruption, found interests outside the grind of municipal politics. Mike Mullen, whose influence extended well beyond his homebase in the Fifth Ward, died in 1921. August "Garry" Herrmann had all but retired from politics to oversee the Cincinnati Reds. Only Rudolph “Rud” Hynicka was still in control, and he had long since relocated to New York City, where he managed a string of burlesque theaters.
It was left to local party stalwarts to gin up the opposition to Bentley’s proposal. Gilbert Bettman, a Republican of the Cox camp, fumed during a speech to the Women’s City Club [Cincinnati Post 18 April 1924]:
“The birdless ballot, historically unsound, illogical and wholly negative, judged by this single standard, would not tend to bring better or more capable men into the public service. In-so-far as it would have any effect, it would weaken the structure of parties, creating a political hodge-podge, bloc or minority government.”
Bettman’s speeches that year were reminders that the old Cox Machine had chewed up reformers before and expected to easily dispense with Bentley and his ilk. And yet, despite its invulnerable reputation, the Cox gang had endured occasional, if temporary, revolts almost from the moment it seized control of the city. The Machine had learned to bend a little when necessary but to snap back once the reformers relaxed. In 1924, they complacently ignored a groundswell that had been gaining strength over the past decade. Consequently, the Machine underestimated the opposition.
Simultaneous with Bentley’s call for birdless ballots, the Cincinnatus League, another group of reformers, including future mayors Murray Seasongood and Russell Wilson, agitated for a charter establishing a city manager form of government. Seasongood and his allies recognized that the birdless ballot was step in the right direction, but the ultimate goal needed to be a complete reform of city government. At the urging of the Cincinnati Post, which had built its reputation as the anti-Cox newspaper in town, the charter supporters and the ballot reformers joined forces.
It is all but forgotten today, but the Charterite reformers succeeded largely because of Cincinnati’s Socialists, particularly Herbert Bigelow, pastor of the non-denominational People’s Church. That congregation provided many of the volunteers essential to the reform movement. It was they who circulated petitions, got out the vote and lobbied for change at public meetings.
The Cox/Hynicka syndicate tried to confuse voters by promoting their own charter issues on the 1924 ballot. If either of those measures passed, city council would have been reorganized but no substantial changes would have taken place.
As it developed, Cincinnati’s voters were inspired by the idea of a ballot without birds. On November 4, 1924, the Charterite referendum received more than 88,000 votes, with only 39,000 votes in opposition. The new charter streamlined city council to just nine city-wide seats instead of an unwieldy legislative body with a representative from all 32 wards. The new council selected a weak, mostly ceremonial, mayor to preside at council, and hired a city manager to conduct most city business. Overnight, Cincinnati’s reputation as one of the worst-governed cities in America was transformed and the city became known as one of the best and most efficiently run municipalities in the country.
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if u name ur kid bentley i am just going to assume you’re the worst person in the world
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chiyuki-hiro · 11 months
Ten Villian/Antagonist F/Os
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10. Billy-Ray Sanguine (Skulduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landy)
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9. King Candy aka Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph)
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8. The Phantom aka Erik (The Phantom of the Opera)
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7. The Darkling aka Aleksander Morozova (Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo)
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6. Monkey Fist aka Lord Monty Fiske (Kim Possible)
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5. Pitch Black aka The Boogeyman (Rise of the Guardians)
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4. The Robotic Fizzarolli aka Robo Fizz (Helluva Boss)
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3. Blackheart (Ghost Rider)
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2. Prince Hans Westergaard (Frozen)
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The Joker (The dark Knight)
Looking at this line up I definately have a type lol!
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wolfiestars · 11 months
weird urge to play through thieves in time again even tho i know it will just make me angry >:(
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I shall not reveal my identity, I am just a random human so it wouldn't matter. The question is just for fun, there are totally no second means or anything. Word is you might have a phobia of clowns? Perhaps spiders?
-same anon as the previous phobia question
Haha! The only clowns I’m afraid of are the ones that wear suits and sit behind desks in empty offices while they tell everyone else what to do.
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jellysalam · 19 days
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Ladies bag Bangladesh price
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ellieslittlewh0re · 8 months
━ 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐍 ୨⎯ 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧! 𝐀𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⎯୧
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𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝟣 - 𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝟤 - 𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝟥
⟢ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝖿𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗁𝗅𝗒 𝗀𝗋𝖺𝖽𝗎𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝗈, 𝗅𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗌 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝖽 𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗒/𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗓𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗈𝗐𝗇.
⟢ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗀𝖺𝗉! (𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗋 mid-𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝟥𝟢𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝟣𝟫-𝟤𝟤 𝗂𝗌𝗁) 𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝖽𝗂𝗏𝗈𝗋𝖼𝖾𝖽 & 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝗄𝗂𝖽, 𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗇 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾 (𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒) 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍
𝙖/𝙣 - 𝗂 𝗈𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝟤-𝟥 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂𝗍'𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗇 𝗒𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝖽𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄
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It was a slim chance, almost next to none that you out of all people would get the job. It's not like you have any experience with taking care of kids, maintaining a house, and especially of this scale. But here you were, standing in front of your new home, at least for next however long you can keep your new boss satisfied.
The driveway itself felt like it was straight out of a movie- luxury cars, perfectly polished laid stone, lined with landscaping around the edges that looked almost fake from a distance, not a singular blade of grass being out of line.
As you take in the surroundings, slowly making your way up the (what feels like) mile long driveway, a man is closing the front door behind him.
"Hello!" He calls out, waving his hand in your direction to come over.
He extends his arm as you approach him, offering a gentle handshake, and introduces himself as Owen.
He looked slightly out of place, not as much as you did, but still noticeable.
You laughed nervously, still unsure who "Owen" is supposed to be.
"Are you the one who I emailed about the job?" You asked, clenching your fingers nervously around the handle of your suitcase.
He placed his hands on his hips, looking a little off-guard before seemingly understanding,
"No, no, sorry, that would be my wife- ex wife." He corrected himself, giving you a tight lipped smile that felt more like a soothing self-pity tick.
You nodded, and looked around, unsure of what to say next.
"Sorry-" He laughed again, "I'm just stopping by to drop our son off. She's inside."
"Ah" You mouthed, and thanked the man. He walked past you, past the Bentley, and approached the driver side of the less expressive looking car in the driveway before turning around and shouting a "good luck".
What you do know- 1. Your boss is a woman, 2. She's divorced (seemingly), and 3. She's seriously fucking loaded.
What the man meant by "good luck" you can only assume. Maybe she's a bitch, or maybe, he's just bitter about whatever their history is, but you don't even have time to think of the possibilities because the front door is opening once again.
"You're late."
She stood in front of the wooden, 8, maybe 9 foot tall door, not even bothering to look at you as she fiddled with the cufflinks on her perfectly tailored, white button down.
"I'm so sorry, I had a uber cancel-"
She sighed, very clearly unimpressed by your excuse.
"Bedtime is at 7, and there's food in the fridge-"
She turned, walking inside, and you had to pick up your pace to keep up with her longer strides as she briefly escorted you through the foyer, and into the kitchen, "There's emergency contacts here in case of an emergency." She sighed deeply, from annoyance or exhaustion you couldn't tell, pointing to a small notebook island.
You rocked on your heels, nodding at her every word because, honestly, you were scared and weren't sure if you could trust your voice at this point.
"Alright." She exhaled, not really directed at you, and picked up a coat that was hanging on the back of a bar stool, draping it over her arm, "Oh, one more thing-" She leaned forward, and placed a hand on your shoulder, violating your senses with her cologne, "-don't give him any sugar after 4, he'll keep you up all night."
You looked up, and finally, she sees you, her blue eyes etching themselves into yours.
"Yes, ma'am."
And Abby wasn't sure if it made her feel better or worse when she did this. Sure, you seemed responsible enough- shy and respectful, but shit, you were pretty.
She backed away and cleared her throat, turning her back towards you as she made her way towards the direction of the front door, the heels of her chairman shoes echoing against the hardwood floors.
The house was eerily quiet when there wasn't a 4-year-old running around and filling its vastness with his laughs and clanking of toys, not that you minded though, you were exhausted.
You sat in what looked to be the "family room", given the chest of toys, and large mounted t.v. with leather couches that felt too firm, almost like they had never been sat in by someone who weighed over 40 pounds, still, it served it purpose in giving you the place to readjust.
What you do know- 1. She works late, 2. Her son's name is Carter, and 3. She's scarily attractive.
She's attractive? No- you can't think that. She's your BOSS, and she has a ex-husband, so, she's most likely straight, right?
You got up, pacing around the house, and looked around to make sure everything was where it should be in hopes it kept your head occupied.
You re- read through the notes she had left behind in the note pad, what the security code was, where your room was etc... but, even then, you still found yourself examining her handwriting, which also found a way to look expressive.
And then you thought about how she dressed- clean and sharp, the muscles in her back flexing as she walked away, and how tightly her shirt hugged her arms-
Your head darts towards the archway that just barely kept the front door out of sight, the faint beeping of the security code being dialed in freezing you.
The door opened and closed, the wall still shielding the company, and you anxiously fixed yourself- pushing strands of hair behind your ears and smoothing out the wrinkles on your pleated skirt.
Abby rounded the corner, looking down while unbuttoning the first three buttons of her shirt before looking up.
She looked shocked to see you standing there, and evidently waiting for her to get home.
She remembered telling which room was yours in the notes, right?
"Jesus it's-" She looked down at the watch on her wrist, "- It's almost 11. What are you still doing awake?" She sounded almost annoyed like she was looking forward to the peace and quiet that you now ruined, but she wasn't annoyed per se.
See, it's been a while since she has been this attracted to someone, and after being married for 12 years and losing all the skills that comes with flirting, she wasn't sure how to handle it.
"Couldn't sleep." You lied, knowing you didn't even try to go to bed, but she doesn't need to stress herself out with you when she has her own stuff to deal with.
Abby sat at the kitchen island, pushing her sleeves up to her elbows, and you can't help but notice the new skin- the thickness of her forearms and how the muscles curved along the side.
She looked exhausted- still polished, but the front stands of her hair were now loose from her slicked-back hairstyle, gently dancing over her cheeks when she moved her head.
Suddenly, you felt like a burden and didn't want to piss her off more than you thought you already had. So, you excused yourself and started to walk past her towards the hall, but she stuttered something, something that you didn't quite catch.
"Hm?" You turned around, eyes wide and eager to hear what she had to say.
It's been awhile since anyone cared that much to listen to her, she thought.
"Care for a drink?" As soon as the question left Abby's lips, she felt a little embarrassed- hell, she wasn't even sure if you were old enough to drink, not that she cares if a person under the age of 21 drinks alcohol, but she does care if the question came off... weird.
Maybe it was weird.
By the look on Abby's face, it's like you had already declined her offer- defeated and a little bit of a bruised ego, ready to remove herself from the conversation all together, and never speak of it again.
"Sure." You agreed, smiling at her, and she returned the smile, her face lighting up like she hadn't sat down with someone for a drink in a long time, which is no surprise to anyone when you're a mom and have a long, demanding work schedule.
She got up, walking across the kitchen to an intricately detailed wooden cabinet, "What do you want?"
She started to list all the different names of liquor, some sounding foreign to you as you sat down in the barstool that was next the one she was occupying previously, swiveling it back and forth with your feet, "I'll have what you're having." You say sweetly, not wanting her to go through the extra effort of pouring something different.
She chuckled, looking at you over her shoulder before dropping her head, shaking it back and forth.
She pulled a bottle from the middle shelf, setting it on the counter along with two short glasses.
She poured the dark caramel liquid, filling the glass by only an inch or two, and slid it across the island, "Ladies first." She motioned her hand, waiting for you to taste it.
You brought the crystal to your lips, your cheeks hot from the undivided attention she was giving you, but you brushed it off and tilted the glass back.
The liquor burned your throat, every part of you wanting to spit it out, but you swallow anyway.
"It's good." You lied, and not very convincingly, which humored Abby, chuckling at your reaction before pouring her own drink, filling it more than what she had done for yours.
She cornered the counter, joining you in the bar seats, "You get used to it."
You were too shy to look at her face in case her eyes met yours, but you had no issue with looking at her hands- how big they were, almost making the glass disappear in her grip, the veins running across the top of them that trailed your eyes to her fingers- also strong and thick to match the rest of her.
You caught yourself staring too hard- pulling your eyes away and grabbing your glass, taking another painful sip.
Abby was, of course, oblivious to this, thinking you were just trying to appease her.
The drinks got forgotten in the conversations you two shared, and now, sitting with her on the couch, talking like you had known her longer than just a day, but you could thank the alcohol for that one.
You weren't necessarily wasted, but it was the kind of drunk where you weren't really paying attention to what Abby was saying or why she was even laughing for that matter... something about her son? Whatever.
You were, however, paying attention to her face, how beautiful she was, and how her hand so effortlessly settled on your bare thigh, and a warmth that pooled into the pit of your stomach following.
When Abby realized she was touching you, she jerked away and cleared her throat, "It's late-" She stood up, half facing away from you so you wouldn't notice that she- a full-grown, mature woman was blushing, and not only that, but she was blushing over her brand-spanking-new employee.
A small disappointed "oh" brushed past your lips before you ultimately agreed.
It's probably for the best to keep this relationship professional, Abby knew this, but fuck, she'd be lying if she denied the fact she thought about you the moments leading up to her falling asleep that night.
⟢ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 @aouiaa @macaroni676 @sheluvslilith
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aziraphales-lawyer · 10 months
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Something something about how Crowley and Beelzebub are portrayed as equals in this scene. In other scenes of Beelzebub with other demons, they're always portrayed as front and center and/or on an elevated throne due to their authority (obv). But in this scene, Crowley is not only sitting on a chair with the same fashion as Beelzebub, but they're also side by side. It would have made more sense to talk to your boss facing one another, and this may just be for the transition from the Bentley to Hell to work but Beelzebub brought Crowley to hell, they could have easily just miracled him right in front of them. But this works thematically.
There could be many interpretations about this, most famously the Duke of Hell Crowley theory (since Crowley is sitting in a chair fashioned the same way as Beelzebub's + horns perfectly angled to his head, and Beelzebub's chair-horns are offset because they basically do not want to involve themselves in that anymore)
But this is probably also one of the first hints we had for ineffable bureaucracy. Beelzebub understands Crowley now, they understand why he stopped Armageddidn't — for his angel. And Beelzebub did that too, they agreed on not having another Armageddon (at best, postponing it) because they wouldn't be able to see Gabriel again if that happened. For the first time in the show, Beelzebub is portrayed to have the same level of understanding with someone. Crowley and Beelzebub side by side because what *their* side is, is on the side of their angel.
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kaekannibal · 7 months
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Doodle redesign of my impsona Bentley.
He’s an ex-clown, that now lives in the sloth ring, as he has very low energy to do much of anything, it’s where he most fits in. But he is also a frequent lust ring visitor.
It’s said he trys his best to keep in contact with an old friend there.
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cobragardens · 4 months
Just finished a S1 rewatch and am ruminating on things that stood out...
The first thing Aziraphale does as soon as International Express have collected the artefacts and he and Crowley are done with the whole Armageddoff business is take Crowley's hand on the Oxford London bus. And the very first thing thing Aziraphale does as soon as he and Crowley have established that Heaven and Hell will "leave [them] alone...for a while" is ask Crowley to go to lunch with him at the Ritz. Like he told Crowley in 1967 he hoped they would "perhaps someday" be able to do in a conversation that was about the status of their relationship.
The very moment he feels it's safe enough, Aziraphale goes faster, in a way that both S1 and S1 establish and Crowley understands as romantic. Twice in a row in the space of 24 hours.
So he's not waiting for Crowley to move them forward. Aziraphale knows what he wants with Crowley, and he immediately reaches for it the moment it's in view.
Which means not only does something happen between 1941 and 1967 (when, we suspect, "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square becomes diegetic) that causes Aziraphale to slow both of them down, but something happens to slow them down between 2019 and 2024, too.
The spouses make a decision, after holding hands and after dining at the Ritz and after hearing their song played there* that despite what they both want, the closest they should get to each other before the superpowers start back on their bullshit is to "not really" pretend they're not a team.
Both of them are aware of that decision and abide by it for 5 years: the bookshop remains (technically) Aziraphale's and the Bentley remains (technically) Crowley's and their lives remain (technically) separate. The fact that the ineffable kiss is such a huge deal for them both says to me that kissing isn't something they're doing on the regular. The way Crowley reacts when Aziraphale touches him in the pub says that even casual, friend-like touching isn't something they're doing either, at least not publicly.
And when Nina makes it clear to Crowley that the romantic nature of his relationship with Aziraphale is apparent to even a casual (human) observer, Crowley freaks right the fuck out, afraid he has revealed as much to Aziraphale's vindictive, murdery boss.
So it's obvious why they make that decision: a lot of very powerful people want to hurt them both, and the very best way to hurt a person is to hurt someone they love deeply.
But how did they come to that decision? What happened after 2019? Did they both understand their clasped hands on the bus and that meal at the Ritz (that night at Crowley's flat) to be a fleeting celebration? Was there an event that made them both afraid again? Or did they just have a conversation and come to a new arrangement? If the latter, which spouse started that conversation? Because Aziraphale's actions at the end of S1 and at the cotillion ball and Crowley's panic about their love being clockable suggest that, despite his reputation as the one who goes faster, it could just as easily have been Crowley as Aziraphale who slowed them down again.
*played on the piano by a woman's hands like the hands of God shuffling cards for Her next trick
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is his own warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, p in v, exhibition, car sex, media scandal, Dark!Coriolanus, Young Politician!Coriolanus, Secretary!Reader
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Chapter 2:
One minute your boss (and new boyfriend?) Coriolanus is helping you into the back of his car and the next he's sitting next to you, slamming the door shut before leaning over you and capturing your lips in a hungry kiss while cupping your cheeks firmly, but gently- if that's even possible.
“Where to, Senator Snow?” The driver, Bentley, asked after getting into the driver's seat. If he would've checked his rearview mirror then he would've known the obvious answer to his question.
Coriolanus groaned, the sound rumbling deeply in the back of his throat, as he pried his lips away from yours. Shooting his driver a nasty look, he barked, “To my penthouse.”
“Yes, Sir.” Bentley nodded before pulling away from the curb.
Coriolanus’ lips found yours again in a messy kiss full of fervor and passion. His lips literally engulfed yours as he kissed you, so eager to taste the hint of wine and the cheesecake you had eaten for dessert on your lips. You taste intoxicating to him, like a sweet he just can't get enough of. Maybe it's from the mix of your wine and desert or maybe it's just you.
Who knows.
But you do know that the whiskey sour Coriolanus drank is bitter and tangy on his tongue as he deeply kisses you, exploring every inch of your mouth like a curious lover. It's a tangy bitterness that sends your senses on overdrive; perhaps even overloading them.
You pull away for air, if your lungs weren't feeling as if they're about to burst then you would've never broken the kiss, and can't help, but think that Coriolanus is very handsome with his icy blue eyes blown wide and black with lust as his chest heaves up and down. His lips are as kiss-bruised as yours, but they seem so lush and enchanting.
Coriolanus’ lips ghost over yours as he takes your hand in his, bringing it to the large bulge in his pants. “I need you, baby.” He huskily whispers against your lips.
Looking between the front seat and your date, you tentatively protest. “But we're in the car; the driver's in the front.”
“I don't care. I need to fuck you.” The platinum blonde growls.
“Cor-” You begin, trying to talk him into waiting until you arrive at his apartment, only to be interrupted by his deep baritone asking, “You're soaking wet, darling. Don't you need my cock?”, as his hand slithered underneath your dress; fingers sliding against the wet patch of your underwear.
“But we're not alone, Coryo.” You tell him in a soft tremble.
“Bentley knows better than to look into that mirror while we're back here. Don't worry, baby, he'll never know we're fucking.” Coriolanus assured you, his lips turned up in a soothing smile.
That's a lie. The driver will know. He's also going to be scared to death for his life. But at least you were told one truth. Bentley won't be looking into the rearview mirror.
You worry your lip, looking between the large tent in Coryo's trousers, which your dainty hand's on, and his intense cerulean eyes that're shining with lust. Any protest you had died on your tongue when you saw the intense look in your boss's alluring eyes. And before you could even comprehend what you're doing, you're unbuckling Coryo's belt while pressing a kiss to his lips.
The intense platinum blonde man lifts his hips while mumbling against your mouth, “Pull my pants and boxer briefs down ‘round my ankles, babygirl.”
You nod, only to do as you're told. Your eyes widen slightly and your mouth waters as Coriolanus' large cock slaps against his stomach and stands to attention. It's at least 8 inches long and is very thick. The tip is an angry red; leaking precum while veins run alongside it. You noticed that his balls are big too.
Guess what they say about tall men with big hands, feet, and noses having big dicks is true after all.
Quickly, Coryo sheds his jacket, loosens his tie and pulls the thing off over his head before his hands quickly push the thin spaghetti straps down your shoulders. With one swift motion he's pulling your bodice down, freeing your tits since you weren't wearing a bra. “Fuck, your tits are perfect.” He groans before circling his tongue around one of your nipples and groping your other boob with one of his large hands.
You pull your arms out of the fallen straps of your dress and wrap them around Coryo's neck while he uses his free hand to quickly hike the skirt of your dress up around your hips, showing off your lacy red thong. He lets go of your nipple with a wet pop, only to take his hand off of your boob.
Quickly, he places his large hands on your hips and helps your straddle his lap. Pushing your underwear to the side, exposing your pussy, he tells you, “I don't have time to prep you, but I think you're wet enough to take me. Yea?”
“Yea.” You nod. “I can take you.” You assure him, leaning your forehead against him as you line the tip of his cock up with her tight hole.
You both let out groans and moans as you slowly begin to sink down onto his large cock. He groans since the feeling of your tight cunt is a wet, velvety heaven; you moan cause his girth is stretching you out wider then you've ever been before- it slightly burns too.
But you keep lowering yourself down onto Coriolanus while he helps to steadily guide you with the hands that are holding onto your hips. With every inch of him that you take and feel, you think you're going to see stars and pass out. Coryo's gritting his teeth in order to hold back his urge to just buck up into you; fill you up. He wants you to take him at your own pace since he's a very well endowed man and doesn't want to hurt you. But that doesn't mean it's easy to have you slowly impaling yourself on his throbbing cock.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, but was only a minute or so, your pelvis nestles against his and you're filled to the hilt with his dick.
Your breaths are shallow and tight, from the pleasure of feeling fuller than you've ever felt in your entire life. You begin to move up and down, up and down in a repetitive motion. Coryo uses his hands to help guide your speed. At first he let you go at a steady pace, but then he started to thrust you up and down on his cock. It's as if you're a ragdoll.
You claw at his shirt, tearing it open and causing his buttons to pop off and fly all over the back seat. Coryo's slamming you up and down on his dick mercilessly. Your whining and moaning, clawing at the skin of his chest and neck as an anchor since the feelings erupting inside of you is so intense.
Suddenly Coryo's lips suck bruises on your neck, collar bone, the valley between your breasts, and on your boobs. When your cunt starts to clench around his cock, he begins to buck his hips, meeting your bounces with hard upwards thrusts. It makes you feel euphoric. This man's like a sex god.
“Fuck…baby…your tight cunt feels so good.” Coryo groans over the lewd sounds of skin slapping skin and the wet squelching of your pussy.
“I'm so close, Coryo. Your cock’s hitting my g-spot just right.” You mewl, grabbing Coryo' hair in one of your hands and the seat's headrest in the other as you slam your body up and down as hard and fast as you possibly can.
“Cum right now, baby. Cum right now.” He orders you in a low, husky tone as he watches your tits bounce in his face with every movement you make.
Between Coryo's cock hitting your cervix and his deep commanding words, you're cumming with his name tumbling from your lips like a prayer.
The platinum blonde man doesn't give you a chance to come down from your pleasurable high. No, he just bucks up into you at a fast, punishable pace while chasing his own orgasm. You're both so caught up in the moment that you don't notice the wave weaving slightly. And you both don't notice the car come to a stop as Coryo cums with a string of curses mixed in with your name tumbling out of his mouth in loud, deep, throaty groans.
You shudder and cling to his broad shoulders as you feel rops of his white hot cum paint the walls of your womb. “Fuck…” Coryo pants huskily in your ear. “You're gonna look so beautiful full and round with my baby.”
What the? Babies? Oh shit! Did you take your pill today? You take it every night at 7 and…
“I accidentally missed my birth control pill tonight.” You whisper into his collarbone, feeling a bit flustered.
“That's fine, my darling rose. We'll just have a baby to strengthen our bond.” Coryo assures you, tracing soothing patterns up and down your bare back.
And before you could say a word, the back door is pulled open by the doorman of Coryo's Corso apartment. There's a series of bright flashes quickly followed by paps and reporters asking Senator Snow a bunch of questions about the scandalous position the two of you are in.
Coryo holds you flush to his chest and reaches out for the door handle. He quickly slams the car door shut so hard that the loud bag startles you and you jump slightly in his hold. “Bentley, drive around to the back where the side door to the basement is.”
“Yes, Sir.”, The driver nodded, keeping his eyes ahead on the road, before doing as he was told.
“I'm sorry that happened to you, baby. It's the last thing I expected to happen, darling.” Coryo told you, his baritone full of remorse, as he helped right the top of your dress to cover you.
“It's not your fault, Coryo.” You assure him with a peck on his lips. “Somebody must've seen us at the restaurant and called the paparazzi to tip them off.” You tell your boss turned sudden lover while climbing off of his lap and sitting down on the seat next to him.
“I don't know why anyone would do that for.” Coriolanus huffed, pulling up his boxer briefs and pants while you fixed your underwear and pulled your skirt down.
“You're known to be notoriously single; some people even assume that you're celibate like a monk from the Pre-Panem days.” You explained to him while he draped his jacket over your shoulders.
“Oh fucking hell…” The platinum blonde, whose curls were disheveled and soaked with sweat, groaned while stuffing his tie into the pocket of his jacket- the jacket that you're wearing like an oversized shawl.
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Coriolanus rushed you out of the backseat of his car and thru the side door of his building. The door led to a stairwell that had stairs going down into the basement and stairs going up to the various floors. The staircase was known as a staffing entrance- for the use of maintenance workers, Avoxes, maids, and cooks. Neither one of you said a word as Coryo guided you up 12 flights of stairs.
Once you reached the 12th floor, he lead you over to the ornate mahogany door that was the barrier between the hall and his Penthouse. Pausing at the door, he turns to you and says, “I live with my Grandma'am, but her health’s been declining. Her hearing’s gone bad too, so she won't hear us. Plus, her room’s on the other side of the apartment.”
“You live with your grandma and take care of her?” You asked, genuinely melted and shocked by what you just heard.
“Yea…” The tall, regal, platinum blonde nodded- his voice a heavy veil lingering in the air.
You smile softly before telling him, “You're more than what meets the eye, Senator Snow. You're not the cold, bitter man everyone says you are.”
“Yes, well, whoever I'm cold to deserves it. But you, my darling, deserve all of my softness and care.” Coriolanus bluntly tells you, pulling the keys out of his pocket and opening up the door. “And my Grandma’am certainly doesn't deserve cold and bitterness from me. In fact, the senile old woman's the reason why I'm a politician.”
“She is?” You ask, walking into the penthouse with the handsome senator right behind you.
“Yes.” Coryo nods, leading you thru the foyer. “She believes that I’ll become the next President of Panem; always pushed me to pursue politics.”
“If those pictures that the paparazzi and reporters took of us tonight gets out in the media then I'm afraid the scandal might ruin your Presidential dreams.” You tell Coriolanus while letting him lead you pass the kitchen and into the main room of the penthouse.
“Don’t worry, my darling. My political career won't be damaged, but we'll have to do a lot of damage control.” The platinum blonde told you while guiding you down the hallway towards his bedroom.
“And exactly how do you plan on doing that? I'm your secretary; it looks bad for both of us if-” You began to point out the seriousness of your situation, only for Coriolanus to cut you off abruptly with, “We’ll just have speak about our relationship to make it seem as if we've been together for a while and didn't just hook up so suddenly.” Opening his bedroom door and pushing you inside, he adds, “We’ll also have to refer to you as my assistant or political analyst instead of my personal secretary- just for aesthetic reasons.”
“That’s lying, Coryo.” You sigh as he enters the room and closes the door behind him.
“It's not lying, baby. It's just spinning the truth to suit a certain narrative so my career isn't blown out of the water.” The charming wordsmith told you, closing the distance between you and cupping your face in his large, calloused hands.
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The paparazzi and reporters that bombarded you and Coryo sold their photographs and stories to every media outlet in the country of Panem. The story hit the papers, social media, etc the morning after the incident. You were mortified, but Coriolanus was quick to make phone calls and threaten lawsuits for slander and breach of privacy against him and his longtime girlfriend.
The newspaper was kept far far away from Grandma’am Snow. And since the old woman’s hearing was failing her along with her memory fading, she only watched CapitalTV Soaps on a 24hr Soap channel that Coriolanus specially subscribed to just for his Grandma’am. Such a lovely grandson, isn't he? Well, when he's not scheming he's lovely.
Your family wasn't so lucky when it came to avoiding the scandalous stories in the newspapers and in the media. And they all had different options about the scandalous images and stories on you and Senator Coriolanus Snow.
The first member of your family to give you a call was your mother.
“Y/N, I can't believe you'd be stupid enough to fuck your heartless, evil, boss in the back of his car after hours! And why the hell were you even out with that demon of a man for?!” Your mother shouted at you, her face puckered and sour on the phone's video screen, as you sat at Coriolanus’ desk in his bedroom.
You had borrowed an old outfit that once belonged to his cousin, the popular stylist Tigris, that was left behind in a closet whenever she moved out a couple of years back. Your mother made sure to point out your dress change too. “At least you're wearing a decent dress this morning despite the fact that you're not in your apartment.”
“Mother, stop it.” You hiss at your mother. Honestly, you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by her shaming you. “You're overreacting about something that should've never been shared with the media.” You tell her in hopes that she'll calm down and stop judging you about being in Coryo's penthouse.
“No, Y/N, you should've never been in the backseat of Senator Snow’s car acting like the stereotypical secretary that lets herself become the mistress of her employer because of some lies that sound too good to be true.”
You respond with the sugar coated version of the truth Coriolanus came up with last night in case of a media scandal. “Coryo's my boyfriend, mother. I'm not his mistress and I'm more of his assistant in politics than his secretary.”
Your mother let out a shrill cackle. “Oh, so is that the cover story he came up with for you two? How sweet, he has to twist and turn everything to make himself come out smelling like a rose- just like his father would've done.”
“Despite the paparazzi selling pictures of Coryo and I in a compromising position in the back of his car, can't you just be happy that I'm with an amazing man?”
“If you think that Senator Coriolanus Snow's an amazing man then you need your head checked.” Your mother blatantly insulted you before giving you an excuse about having to get ready for a morning tea party and hanging up on you.
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The second family member to call you is your father, Colonel Javani Halvir. And, unlike your mother, he was very supportive and excited about your relationship.
“Why didn't you tell me you're seeing Crassus’ boy?” You father asked, leaning back on his overstuffed office chair, a sly grin on his face via the camera phone’s screen. “Aren't you proud to be on the arm of a rising political star; the most creative man when it comes to designing and implementing the games?”
Of course, your father's happy for you and supports your relationship with Coryo. He was friends with General Snow- served with him during the war. You think that your father and General Crassus Snow would've remained friends if the latter didn't die during the war.
“Yes, I'm proud to be on Coryo's arm.” You nod, a smile turning the corner of your lips upwards.
“Then why didn't you tell me about him?” Your father asked. Smirking, he half joked, “Afraid I'd scare him off; have him running for the Rockies?”
“No.” You shook your head.
You knew that you had to give your father a believable answer. A lot of high profile couples keep their relationship secret to just enjoy their alone time without being hounded by the media, right? That should be a good enough answer, right? After this call, you'll need to tell Coriolanus the reason why you never came out in public as exclusive so you'll both be on the right page.
Oh, won't Coryo be so proud of you- sprouting little white lies to keep both of your asses squeaky clean.
“We were just enjoying our time together as a couple, but we did debut ourselves as official publicly last night at a dinner meeting we had with one of Coryo's political sponsors.” You told your father, secretly praying that he’d buy your harmless lie.
“Coryo? Oh, it must be serious for Coriolanus to be letting you call him that.” Your father smirked knowingly. “I'm glad that you've found somebody so successful and worthy of you.”
“Mother's not happy about it tho.”
“You let me handle your mother, Sweetpea.” Your father told you before insisting that you and Coriolanus some over for Sunday dinner.
The call with your father went well.
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Since the paparazzi was hounding you non-stop about Coriolanus and we're camped out at your apartment building, Coryo moved you into his penthouse. He also hired some peacekeepers to serve as bodyguards.
And all of those happened within a couple of days of that scandalous story about you and Senator Snow screwing in the back of his car hit the media.
You know what else hit happened a couple of days after the media went wild? Your older brother, Rein, called you up from the base he’s assigned to as an officer.
And he wasn't happy.
At all.
You just sat down at your desk at work. Coryo had given you a few pecks that risked turning into a heated kiss, before retreating to his office to do paperwork and make some calls (he was determined to destroy all of the reporters that ran the scandalous story about you two) whenever the video phone on your desk began to ring.
Picking up the phone, you answered the call with a simple, “Senator Snow’s office, Miss Y/N speaking.”, as the video screen cracked. When your brother's face came onto the screen you knew you'd be getting a lecture from him about those damning pictures that got leaked in the media.
“Y/N, we need to talk.” Your brother told you, his voice shaking with anger.
“About what, Rein?” You ask, trying to play the doe-eyed babe in the woods even tho you know what he's calling about.
You and Coryo.
“Why're their pictures of you plastered in newspapers and gossip rags of you half naked with your boss in the backseat of his car?” Your brother asked, his eyes narrowed in disgust.
You don't beat around the bush. You give your brother the answer he's looking for, but doesn't want to hear. “We're seeing each other.”
“Oh, father must love that. You're seeing Senator Coriolanus Snow, the most successful sack of shit in Capitol City, Panem.”
“Yes,” You nod. “Father's happy about my relationship with Coryo; invited us over for Sunday dinner too.”
“Of course��” Your brother rolled his eyes at you thru the phone's video screen. “So, is your snake of a Senator going to be wiggling his way into our family to get a leg up on his presidential aspirations?” Rein asked, his voice tight and sour. Giving you a dirty look, he explained, “Coriolanus was a real pompous know it all back in the Academy. Dean Highbottom hated him, always tried to expose him for the sniveling snake he was.”
“Jealousy isn't a good look on you right now, Rein.”
“Me, jealous of Coriolanus Snow?” Your brother shook his head, chuckling. “Don't make me laugh.”
“Well, you sound jealous right now even if you're denying it.”
“I'm not jealous, Y/N. I'm pissed off that you're fucking the guy who has no soul.” Your brother snapped. But once the dam broke, there was no stopping it. “He made my life a living hell at the Academy back in the day. He was always the best and the brightest, but always cheated and bent rules to get there.” Shaking his head, your brother snarled, “And now that pompous shit’s corrupting my little sister. Snow’s reputation won't take a hit, but yours will. Hell, Y/N, you're already known as the hot piece of ass riding Gent in his car.”
“Gent?” You asked, confused about the name. Was that a nickname for Coryo you're not aware of?
“It's what everyone here on PK Base-D12 calls your lover.” Rein told you, only to let out a huff. “He got the nickname Gent when he did his short lived Peacekeeper stunt cause of his impeccable table manners, or at least that's what I've been told.”
Shaking his head, your brother told you, “Senator Snow’s not a good man, sister. He'll use you up until you're withered and dried up; then he'll dispose of you and find himself somebody more useful.”
“How can you say that to me? You're my older brother; you're supposed to be-” You started to tell your brother, lower lip quivering, before being cut off by your brother hanging up on you.
You sit at your desk, staring at the black video as the conversation you just had with your older brother runs thru your head like a marathon sprinter. You let out a deep sign and put the phone's receiver back into the cradle. You knew that Rein would be disappointed, but you weren't expecting him to be down right angry about your slight media scandal.
And you weren't expecting your brother to be so jealous and hostile about Coryo and his successful life choices.
You don't want to bother Coryo with everything that went down with you and your brother, so you decide to just keep it a secret for now. Your boyfriend doesn't need to know that your older brother hates him and disapproves of the relationship.
But in another month or so your brother's disapproval over Coryo and your relationship will rear its ugly head.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @temptress
221 notes · View notes
vnti-vntiety-recs · 1 year
Destruction In My Mind (M)
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★  PAIRING: Toxic! Stalker!Jaemin Switch!Jaemin x Reader
☆ WORD COUNT: 8.8k
★ GENRE(S): Smut, Thriller, FWB
☆ SUMMARY: The friends with benefits relationship with your coworker takes a turn for the worse as you realize he's been keeping secrets from you.
★ ☆ WARNINGS: Toxic relationship, Swearing, Various acts of sexual intercourse, Unprotected sex, DARK THEMES,YANDERE, STOLKHOLMISH?, KIDNAPPING. STALKING, MDNI
☆★ NOTES: This is the 2nd installment of THE POISON ARCHIVES! This series will contain toxic scenarios so beware. THIS ONE IS A LITTLE DARKER THAN THE REST! Each story is inspired by lyrics from the song poison! 
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♫₊˚.“Maybe you were just bored”♫₊˚.
Honestly, you don't know how you ended up in this relationship, if you can even call it that, with Jaemin. You're not really sure what you guys have going on anymore, but one thing is for sure: it's getting out of hand.
Jaemin isn't your boyfriend, not by a long shot, but you know him well enough to consider him a friend. You met him at work, and although you swore up and down you would never mix work and pleasure, he was too charming, and you were swept right into his current. You knew this was an extremely bad idea. Especially considering the fact that Jaemin was the grandson of the CEO, but you had always liked a little danger.
Work life was getting too boring for you. The constant rise and fall of waking up and going to work was starting to eat at you. You were still young! You should be a little more daring and adventurous! You think maybe that's the reason you took Jaemin up on his offer the night of the office party. You were celebrating the company's 30-year anniversary. Everyone had gone out for a drink that night but passed on the offer to join. You had a few papers you needed to submit by this morning. Your boss assured you it was ok to submit them late, but you knew after she had a few drinks she would completely forget she extended your deadline. You weren't taking any chances tonight. You were definitely getting that quarterly bonus. You don't notice that Jaemin has stayed behind to keep you company until he speaks.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, but I just couldn't leave you here by yourself while we all had fun." Jaemin smiled, leaning against your desk.
You thought it was really sweet that he thought of you in a moment like this. That night, he helped you submit your paperwork, and you got the chance to talk to him a bit. Something between the two of you seemed to just click, and it was as you were on the elevator down to the parking garage that he made the proposal. He had noticed how tense you were and how tired you looked. He told you he could help you release your stress and relax.
You're not one for relationships, so when he assured you that it would be strictly pleasure, you jumped at the chance. This was exactly what you needed to spice up your work life. Every day, when you wake up for work, you can barely contain your giddiness. You were excited at the prospect of possibly catching Jaemin's gaze in the hallways, exchanging secret looks and flirty promises. At the beginning, everything was perfect. You guys would sneak away into the bathrooms or storage closets and get lost in each other's touch. Sometimes he would take you home after work in his Bentley, fucking you in the backseat just for the thrill.
But now things were starting to chart in territories you weren't prepared for.
It started about a week ago. Jaemin was his charming self as usual, flashing his perfect smile as a way of saying hello. You were certain that even if he wasn't the CEO's grandson, people would still bend over backward to please him. He was smart, handsome, sweet, funny, and caring. He was so perfect, it was almost scary. But that all changed when you were assigned to do a project report with Mark from the finance department.
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Your days with Jaemin were cut short and your interactions limited as you and Mark busted your asses to meet the deadline of your report. This didn't bother you as much as you thought it would. You weren't dating, so it's not like you were required to give him your undivided attention. Plus, with all the planning you had in front of you due to the project, you had no choice but to put your lust on the back burner.
It was your first time working closely with Mark, but you two worked really well as partners. Plus, Mark wasn't too bad on the eyes, so you spent half your time working and the other half oogling your partner. His ass looked so good in his neatly pressed slacks. Although you wanted to take a bite out of Mark's ass, you liked what you had with Jaemin, so you dubbed him nothing more than a friend. A really hot friend that you use for eye candy when Jaemin is not around because it makes the day go by faster.
One night, Jaemin was finally able to steal a minute of your time. You and Mark had already finished up a few hours ago, but you were stuck staying late again because your boss needed you to organize some reports. She was supposed to do it herself, but she shoulders it off on you like usual. You want to curse her, but in a way, it's because of her stressing you out that you're getting dicked down.
"Prime minister! Miss busy prime minister, please give me just a second of your time," Jaemin jests, catching you at your desk before you pack up to go home.
"Im sorry sir you will have to try again tomorrow," you quip back as you wrap your arms around Jaemin's neck, pulling him in for a quick peck.
"Oh? Only have time for Mark now huh?" He tries to hide the bitterness in his voice behind a laugh, but you can see right through him.
"Oh? that so?" You reply with an amused smile and raise your eyebrow.
"You think I don't see the way you look at him?" He's leaning down over you, just a breath away, his eyes locked on you, making you squirm.
"Someone is jealous I see," you chide, lightly shrugging off his allegations. What was it to him if you wanted to check out other guys? There's no harm in looking.
"No, because That would be against our contract, right doll? I would never jeopardize what we have; I was just checking in on you, making sure you're not thinking of running away from me, right?" He tilts his head slightly, brushing his lips against yours as he speaks against your lips in a hushed tone. He pulls back to meet your eyes with a sweet smile.
"How could I when you treat me so well?" You barely have to lean into him to close the distance between you.
The office cleared out hours ago, so don't protest when his touches start to wander into dangerous places. You hadn't seen him all week and missed his touch. That night, you let him fuck you against the cool window of the 15th floor of the office building.
You were lucky to have had such a good night because when you go into the office the next morning, you're getting your ass kicked left and right. Mark didn't show up today, and since it was the last day of the project, you would have to present it to your higher-ups alone. You had arrived later than normal, so you only had an hour before the presentation to learn his cue cards. You were able to just barely pull it together in time, and when you finish your presentation, the room gives you a round of applause. The higher-ups had heard you were pulling double the weight as your partner was absent, and they were impressed by your ability to adapt to the situation. Your boss commended you for once as you made your way out of the conference room.
"You did amazing! I was really impressed by your presentation. It's a shame Mark couldn't make it today. I wish him a speedy recovery," your boss Sunhee said sincerely.
The last comment really piqued your interest. You were so busy scrambling around the office that morning that you didn't get the chance to ask why Mark was a no-show.
"Now that you mention it, I never got the chance to call him today. What happened?" Your brows knit up in concern.
"You didn't hear? He broke his leg. He said on the way to work this morning, as he was coming up the stairs of his apartment, his foot got caught in something and he fell. Lucky it was just his leg; it could have been his neck!" Your boss exclaims
You shudder at the image in your head and shake it away. "I'll have to visit him after work; he did so much for the project; he was the perfect partner." You bid your boss farewell and go to your desk.
The presentation was the only thing you had scheduled today, so you were packing up to go home. You spot Jaemin a few feet over, watching you from the vending machine. He hadn't said a word to you all day. You chalk it up to the fact that you were busy running around all day, so you walk over to him to update him on the presentation.
"Hey Jaem! Guess what? The presentation went well. It's a bummer though, that Mark couldn't make it today. They say he's going to be out for a broken leg," you say a bit solemnly.
The fact that he showed no sign of worry or surprise should have raised a few flags, but it didn't, because soon he'll be flashing you that award-winning smile and praising you for your hard work. It's almost like he didn't hear the last part.
"That's wonderful, baby! I'm so proud! We should go celebrate tonight," he says, raising a suggestive brow. You can't help but bite your lip in excitement. Your face lit up at the proposition but soon fell once you remembered you had already told Mark you were coming over.
"Im sorry babe! I would love to, but I forgot I had to stop by Marks. I need to check up on him. It's the least I could do after all the hard work he put into the project." You pouted at him.
Just for a second, you see unrecognizable emotion flash in his eyes, but just as quick as it came, it was gone, replaced with another warm smile.
"Should I drop you off then?" he asks sweetly.
"No, it's ok; I'm not sure how long I’ll be over there; I don't want you waiting up," you assure him.
This seems to trigger something in Jaemin, because next thing you know, he's grabbing your arm and dragging you to the old stairwell. It is currently under renovation, so no one comes out that way. You struggle to keep up, and his grip gets increasingly tighter until you yank yourself free from his grasp once you make it into the stairwell. He closes the door behind him and slams you against it; he's in your face now, the wild look from earlier returning full force. You can easily identify it this time.
"I thought you said you didn't like him, huh? Are you lying to me now, baby? You know, I don't like liars," he growls while maintaining eye contact.
"Jaemin, chill out. What's your fucking issue? The poor guy broke his leg!" you snap.
"So why do you need to be over there all night? Why can't I come pick you up? What are you hiding?"
"He's injured, Jaem! He probably hasn't been able to move around a lot. Who knows how much stuff he needs to get done? I'm just going to help out!"
"I don't give a fuck about his leg! He can fall off a bridge for all I care! I hate the way he looks at you; that's what he gets!" He snaps back before he can stop himself.
You were shocked. You had never seen Jaemin as anything less than a sweet man who knew only how to smile. This Jaemin is completely new to you. You push him away and stare at him in horror.
"Have you lost your fucking mind? Who do you think you are? There is nothing between me and him, and there's DEFINITELY nothing between me and you! You're just a good fuck, or did you forget that's all I signed up for?" you state harshly. You take a deep breath before you continue. "We need some time apart; I think you're forgetting yourself," you say composedly before walking back into the main hall.
Jaemin is left alone in the dark stairwell. On the outside, he's cool and collected again, but on the inside, a war is raging, and there's no way he would ever let you walk away from him again.
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A few days have passed, and you see less and less of Jaemin around the office. Mark is still bedridden, and you stop by on your off days to check up on him. You used to go at night after work, returning home late. Some days you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up; it was almost like someone was watching you.
One night, on your walk home after bringing Mark some leftovers, you could have sworn you heard the shutter of a camera. You didn't want to freak yourself out, so you tried your best to rationalize it. You ignored it, hoping that your mind was playing tricks on you, but after another 10 minutes of walking, you could hear the soft thud of footsteps. You had finally summoned up enough courage to check behind your shoulder, but no one was there. You ran the rest of the way home and made sure to lock your doors and windows. You were so spooked that you even checked under the bed, still jumping onto it anyway, afraid someone might grab your ankle.
Since then, you have decided to visit Mark only during the day.
You wish you could say it ended there, but other strange things have happened since then. You noticed while doing laundry that a few of your favorite pairs of underwear were missing, and you also noticed your things moved just slightly off center from how you usually leave them. You're so shaken up that you hardly want to return home.
Today, when you go into work, you see a small teddy bear with a card attached that reads "I'm beary sorry," with a little sad face drawn next to it. Before you can even cringe at the pun, Jaemin pops out in front of you with an even bigger bear in front of his face.
"I'm beary sorry," he says as he tries his best to mimic the voice of a cartoon bear, moving the bear like a puppeteer. "Will you forgive me? I can't bear to be without you," he pouts as he reveals his handsome face from behind the plushy.
"Oh my god, Jaemin," You groan, "only if you promise to knock it off with the bear puns."
He smiles slightly before taking on a slightly more serious look. "Can we please talk? I really want to apologize."
You sigh and snatch the bigger bear from his arms, saying, "Fine, but make it quick. Also get rid of these; I don't want people getting the wrong idea," you whisper.
Jaemin smiles triumphantly as he looks for a place to shove the gifts. The last thing you needed was even more drama and gossip going around. You already had to deal with the whispers about how Jaemin always ate lunch with you. The last thing you needed was every girl in the office ripping you to shreds over him.
"Join me for dinner?" he says hopefully.
Alright, fine, but pick me up at 7. You demand. 
"Of course, make sure you wear that dress that I like," he jokes.
"Depending on how much you grovel, I might let you take it off of me tonight," you say, eyeing him mischievously.
You can't help it; it's been too long since you felt his touch, and the quick glances that you steal whenever you think he's not looking aren't enough to satisfy you anymore. Sure, he was an asshole, but he was a sexy one who knew how to push your buttons. It's like he knows his effect on you. One day he's wearing his white button-down with the collar undone and his sleeves rolled up, revealing his toned arm. The same toned arms that used to pin you down on the bed while he fucks you from behind, or the same arms that show no signs of struggle as he hoists you up onto his hips and fucks you against the wall. He was driving you insane! You were supposed to be angry at him for being a rude, inconsiderate, jealous jerk, not fantasizing about him fucking you against every desk in the office. You mentally apologize to Mark for being so weak and try to reason with yourself. This could be a good thing; if you went over to Jaemin's house tonight, you wouldn't have to worry about sleeping alone in the dark, scary house that you once found comfort in.
Dinner with Jaemin is wonderful. He apologizes 100 times over for stepping out of line and also admits he was jealous. He had said that he was just being insecure; he was afraid you had found someone who could make you feel better. He explained that he was stressed more than usual; his grandfather had kept pestering him about taking on a more active role in the company because one day Jaemin was to take over as CEO.
You couldn't find it in yourself to be upset at him. You knew how it felt to have the higher-ups breathing down your neck. He was just stressed; he was having an off day. The Jaemin you knew would never say something so heartless.
After dinner, you hold steady to your promise, and Jaemin takes off your designer dress the moment you step foot through the door of his rooftop condo. His lips were stealing every little bit of air that you had left in your lungs as you both undressed each other, leaving a trail of clothes behind you as you tried to make it to his bedroom.
"I missed you so much doll," he barely manages to say between kisses.
You return his fever and trail your lips down his neck, sucking and biting as you go. He's quick to lift you up with his strong arms, and you take this as a signal to wrap your legs around his waist. He sits with you on his lap at the edge of the bed. You push him until he's lying flat, and you take a moment to look into his eyes. His eyelids are heavy with lust, and he is sporting a lazy smile.
In your haste, you only partially managed to unbutton his shirt. His chest was on full display now, and you groaned at the sight of his thick muscles. You could almost cuff him on the spot. How could a man look so delectable? You wanted nothing more than to bury your face in his chest, so you did. You leave bruises and kisses in your wake as you dot his chest with affection. Your kisses trail lower and lower, but your plan to choke on his cock is foiled as he grabs your face in his hands, bringing you back up to face him. He pecks you on the lips a few times, a little too lovingly for a more sober you, but you're so drunk off of his kisses and touches that you don't even care.
"Nuh uh doll," Jaemin tuts, "tonight is about you. Lay back and let me take care of you."
You mindlessly nod, lying in the center of the bed, unable to break eye contact, like you're under some spell.
He helps you peel the rest of your clothes off and wraps your legs around his shoulders. He takes your hand and rests it in his hair.
"I'm not gonna let up on you tonight, so pull all you want baby," he says alluringly.
His once doe-like eyes are sharp like a siren now. He draws you further under his hypnosis, kissing and biting up and down your thighs teasingly. You would be surprised if you hadn't already soaked through his expensive silk sheets. You pull harshly at his hair as a warning to stop his teasing and do something. He chuckles at your eagerness but keeps true to his word.
Tonight was about you, so when he dove in, he made sure to eat it like it was his last meal on earth. The noises that came from his mouth were filthy as he sloppily licked and sucked at your folds. He had just started, and he was already pussy drunk. He didn't even realize how loud he was moaning into you or how desperately he was grinding into the mattress below him. You tighten your thighs around his head and grind into his mouth. In response, Jaemin sticks his tongue out for you to ride. You fuck his face until your thighs are shaking and his face is slick with your juices. Jaemin backs away enough to push his middle and ring fingers into your slick-covered heat, only returning to suck on your clit harshly.
You're losing your mind just from his tongue alone. You don't think you can go back to regular life without riding this face. It doesn't take long for you to cum all his digits, and you can barely bring yourself back down to earth before he's shoving his soiled fingers into your mouth and lining himself up with your entrance. He slides in easily and fucks you like it was the first time. His head is thrown back, and he can barely contain his groans. You almost wonder if he's even touched himself while you two were apart. The way he desperately fucks into you, pinning you down like you would run away from him, stealing his long-awaited orgasm, you wouldn't put it past him. He fucks you so deep that it has you seeing starts. You grab and tug at his hair and use the last bit of your strength to try to meet his thrusts.
"Come on pretty boy, let go and make a mess of me," you pant.
You try to hold on; you want to cum together, but you can't help it when your walls tighten around him, signaling your second orgasm. Jaemin is finishing soon too, after a few more deep thrusts. He shoves his face into your neck when he releases inside of you, his hips stuttering to a stop. You both take a moment to catch your breath. He soon rolls off of you and takes another moment to recoup before he gets up to pamper you. He runs you both a bath, and while you're getting settled in, he changes the sheets and then joins you in the tub. After cleaning up, you both head to bed, unable to fight off sleep any longer.
Just before you could enter into a deep sleep, you swore you saw the bright teal color of your favorite pair of lace panties sticking out of one of his drawers.
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The next morning, you awake to the smell of breakfast. Your eyes naturally fall to the same drawer you spotted last night, but there was no sign of your panties. Maybe you just dreamt that you saw them. You push the thought to the back of your mind, and you get up to find Jaemin in the kitchen, already dressed for work.
"Hurry up and get dressed or we're going to be late," He reminds you, mouth full of food.
"Ugh, can't we call in?" You groan as you pick off some bacon from the arrangement of food on the dinner table.
"And ruin your perfect attendance? No way sweetheart, come on." He insists 
You go get dressed and meet him back out to finish breakfast. You two head into the office together but part ways after you exit the elevator. You're walking to your desk when your boss pulls you to the side.
"Hey, I hate to ask you for so many favors, but I need your help," she pleads. "Since Mark is out sick, our new hire orientation team is short a member," she pouts.
You already knew where this was going. Even though Mark was a part of the finance department, he would occasionally help out the hiring department since they were always shortstaffed. He's good friends with Doyoung, the lead hiring manager, and has agreed to be one of his orientation leaders from time to time.
"No ma’am, get somebody else to do it," you whine as you try to walk away.
The main reason why the OLs were always short-staffed was because everyone hated training the new hires. With a billion-dollar company such as this one, you would think they would hire a proper team to train the new people, but instead they resort to pulling people away from other departments and making them help out. Orientation leaders were always behind on deadlines because orientation lasted a week, and there's virtually no time to work on any assignments when you have to watch the newbies. After a week, the new hires are then sorted out into their own departments for their department leads to babysit.
"I'll add extra vacation time. Come on, I'll only assign you one guy!" Your manager tries again, hot on your heels.
You sigh; extra vacation time does sound like a steal. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Great! I'll bring him to you later for introductions," your manager says as she clasps her hands together in joy.
You settle in at your desk and boot up your laptop. After a few moments, you notice a figure looming over you. You peek up and meet eyes with Adonis reincarnate.
"Hello, I'm sorry, I was trying to peek at your name plate. Are you Y/N?" The handsome stranger asks
"I can be whatever you want me to be." You almost spilled. You scramble to your feet and offer him your hand in a handshake. "Yes, that's me, and you are?" you inquired nervously.
"Jaehyun," he adds. "It's nice to meet you; will you be showing me around for the week?"
You nod first before tripping over your words to add an overly enthusiastic "yes". Jaehyun chuckles at your antics, and you can't help but notice his cute dimples.
Maybe something good did come out of Mark breaking his leg. You would get to work closely with this literal god of a man. You could hear the ladies around the office complaining in jealousy at your luck already.
Unbeknownst to you, Jaemin is watching the entire exchange from across the room, eyes cold and jaw tense, snapping a pen between his fingers as his grip tightens.
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It's day 3 of orientation week for Jaehyun, and by now you two have already grown close. Casually making jokes between the two of you, Going out to eat lunch together and exchanging phone numbers. You barely even spared Jaemin a glance, and when he asked you to accompany him to dinner after work, you made excuses that you were too tired from juggling orientation and your own projects, but Jaemin could tell it was a lie. Jaehyun isn't as incompetent as the other new hires and doesn't need much help when it comes to doing the tasks he's given. You just hover over him because you like his company and his handsome face. You could have finished multiple projects by now if you weren't glued to Jaehyun's side. Jaemin is no fool. Maybe you didn't have a thing for Mark, but you definitely had a thing for Jaehyun, and whatever it was that you were feeling, he was going to crush it.
The next day you go into work, you're not greeted by Jaehyun's smiley dimples. You try to call him, but his phone goes straight to voicemail. You decide to ask around the office to see if anyone has seen him, and you are met with devastating news.
"Haven't you heard? Jaehyun got into a car crash after work yesterday. They had to rush him to the hospital." Your coworker says it mournfully, her face pale.
"Is.....he ok?" You are almost scared to even ask.
"He's stable now, but it was pretty bad," your coworker Yena adds.
You finish up your chat with Yena. You get all the details of what happened and decide to visit him after work.
You run into Jaemin in the hallway. He looks as cheerful as ever. There's no way he hadn't heard the news yet.
"Why the long face beautiful?" he inquired when he noticed your deep frown and somber attitude.
"Jaehyun was hurt really badly yesterday; I don't think he will be able to return to work anytime soon," you say dejectedly.
Jaemin knows not to make the same mistake twice; he puts on his best worried look and tries his best to comfort you.
"I'm sorry doll; I knew how close you were with him. How about I drop you off after work to visit him?" Jaemin adds
You're surprised by Jaemin's reaction; this was a complete 180 from how he reacted last time you showed concern for a male coworker. Maybe he was telling the truth; maybe it was just stress last time. You grin up at him and agree to wait for him after work.
After work, you wait at the front of the building for Jaemin to pull his car around. You're waiting patiently when a Bugatti parks in front of you. You pay it no mind as you wait for Jaemin to pull up in his bentley. The driver rolls down the passenger window, and you meet face-to-face with Jaemin.
"What are you doing?" he laughs.
You hesitantly approach the car in confusion. "Jaem, you got a new car?"
"It's not new; it's just not one of my favorites," he shrugs, pressing a button for the passenger side to open, revealing the butterfly doors. You get in and can't shake the unsettling feeling in your chest.
"Jaem… Where's your bentley?" You try your best to sound as normal as possible, but your mind is running a mile a minute.
"It's in the shop; the transmission was fucked. Why? Did you like it that much?" he teases.
"Yeah, it was... It was my favorite," you try to tease back, but can't help but grow silent, letting the music fill in for the missing conversation.
After a 15-minute drive, he drops you off at the hospital. You tell him you'll catch a cab home and kiss him goodbye; he doesn't put up a fight and pulls off. As soon as his car leaves your sight, you rush into the hospital. You ask the nurse at the front desk for the room number and make your way through the hospital. You approach the room and stop to catch your breath. You peek in through the small window and see that Jaehyun is awake. You knock gently before letting yourself in; he turns to see who it was that was coming to visit and immediately freezes once his eyes land on you.
You smile at him. "How are you?"
"Don't talk to me!" he yells.
"Wha-jaehyun, it's me?"
"You can't be here; you need to go now!"
"I just came to see if you were okay."
"I'll be better once you're gone! I don't want to see you anymore!" he shouts.
The noise alerts a nearby nurse. The nurse enters the room and, upon seeing you, escorts you out, saying, "I'm sorry, but you're upsetting the patient; you need to leave."
Just before she can drag you out of the room completely, you lock eyes with Jaehyun one last time. His eyes are filled with terror. You left confused and hurt. You thought Jaehyun was your friend; what could have gotten into him? Every memory from the past couple of months comes rushing back to you as you try to piece everything together.
You flirt with Mark, and he ends up with a broken leg.
Stuff begins to go missing around the house.
You always feel like someone is watching you.
You form a friendship with Jaehyun, and he ends up in the hospital.
All of this, and now Jaemin's car is in the shop right after Jaehyun ends up in a car crash? It just isn't adding up.
You wish you could talk to Jaehyun to find out more, but you don't want to upset him. There is one person you could talk to, though.
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You're paranoid when you finally flag down a cab. What if he was watching you? What if you get to Mark's place and find out something terrible has happened? The drive is short, and when you get out of the cab, you rush up the stairs to mark the apartment. It had been awhile since you last spoke with Mark; you were too caught up in work to visit him anymore. You pray that he's alright as you bang on his door, shouting for him to answer. You didn't want to cause a scene, but as each second passed, you grew more and more desperate, and thoughts of the worst-case scenario tormented you.
You had been losing everyone you cared about recently, and the one person you thought you could trust seemed to be hiding more secrets from you, maybe even living a double life. Your banging slows as you fall to your knees in tears.
"Please mark. Please be okay," you whisper as you try to fight back sobs. After a few more moments, you hear the door unlock quickly, and Mark pulls the door open.
"Jesus, give a guy a minute; you know my leg is broken," he scolds before he looks down and sees you a crying mess on his doormat.
"Dude… What's going on?" he asks.
You pull yourself together and enter his apartment, quickly shutting the door behind you. You engulf him in a tight hug as soon as you're in the privacy of his home.
"Dude, are you like... okay?" He asks as he awkwardly pats your back.
You hiccup into his chest and pull away.
"I'm fine; I just really needed to check up on you." You give him your best smile, your lips still trembling as you try to quiet your sobs. "I need to talk to you about something."
You fill Mark in on everything that's been happening at work since he's been gone. You tell him about Jaehyun, and you tell him about Jaemin's weird behavior. You ask Mark if Jaemin had ever done or said something to him that would have set off any red flags. He racks his brain for a few moments until a light bulb goes off.
"You know what? A couple days before I broke my leg, I ran into Jaemin in the coffee room. We just started making small talk. He was pleasant at first, but then he started asking questions about our project, how often I see you, and if I had ever been over to your house. He even asked what our relationship was," Mark finishes.
You both stare at each other, your blood running cold.
"You don't think he's the reason..." Mark hesitates.
"Mark, you need to be careful, ok? I don't think anyone was following me when I came here, but please watch your back, ok?" You shakily exhale.
"Alright, you too. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he will hurt you." Mark tries to console you.
You're not afraid of Jaemin. You know he would never hurt you; you can tell he loves you in his own sick, twisted way, but you are afraid of what Jaemin will do to others.
 ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
You returned from Mark's house that night with a new resolve. You had to get more evidence. You needed to prove that Jaemin was really behind all of this, but you needed a way to get into the house to snoop around to do that. There's no way you could sneak in; his security was too tight, and you had to find a way for him to let you in. The only problem with that was that whenever you two were together, he wouldn't take his eyes off of you. You wracked your brain all night until you came up with a not-so-solid plan. You were going to have to wing it, but you prayed that you could pull it off.
You finish your work week without a hitch. You keep up an act around Jaemin, not wanting him to catch on to the fact that you're suspecting him. He asks you out on a date on Saturday. This was perfect. This was the exact opportunity you had been waiting for. When Saturday comes, Jaemin takes you shopping. He buys you all sorts of things—practically anything you lay eyes on.
"Jaem, where am I even going to put all this stuff?" you chastise him. "I don't need all of this," you tell him after you two have left the fifth shop that day.
He kisses you softly on the cheek. "Won't you let me spoil you? Come on, who knows? You may need this stuff one day! And you can store it at my house!" He raises his eyebrows at you, challenging you to rebut his logic.
You look into his eyes, and a part of you wants so hard to believe that this was Jaemin and that there was no sinister Jaemin lurking behind those pretty eyes of his.
"Yea, but come on, Jaem, a flat screen? Since when do fuck buddies drop a band on each other?" You raise an eyebrow to match him.
"Well, call me your sugar daddy then~" he coos, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Gross, get away from me, old man," you say, pushing him away. You know you're on a mission, but you can't help but fall back into the normal swing of things with him.
You arrive back at his house, and he has the concierge bring up the bags. Jaemin sets the things down in another room down the hall. When he returns to the living room, you're nowhere to be seen. He travels the short distance back to his room, and he sees you dressed down to your lace set sitting prettily on his bed.
"Whats this?" He licks his lips.
"I want to say thank you. For today." You look away in embarrassment. To him, it looks like you're just turning shy under his gaze, but In reality, you're scanning his room for clues.
"So polite baby," he whispers as he closes in on you. You hold out a hand in front of you, effectively making him stop. He leans into your palm, and you have to fight the urge to caress his chest. He takes a small step forward, your hand still on his chest, and he smirks and quirks a brow. It's almost like he's telling you that you can't do anything that he doesn't allow. He doesn't stop because you made him; he stops because he decided to.
"Let me take care of you tonight, Jaem," you sigh airily, sitting up onto your knees to meet his eyes.
He leans in further for a slow kiss. His hands caress your body, drinking you up. You pull away after a few moments and give him your best puppy eyes. He studies you for a few seconds before relenting as he sits beside you on the bed. You climb onto his lap, and you undress him. Pushing him back into the mattress and worshiping his body. There are moments when you think he's going to try and take back control, but that just won't do.
You need him to submit.
You pull his hair harshly and whisper into his ear. "If you're not gonna be a good boy, I won't touch you. Don't you want to be good for me?"
He looks up at you with doe eyes and spit-glossed lips as he nods. That's all he's ever wanted; he needs to be good for you. His breathing shallows, and you know you've got him right where you want him.
Your plan is to wear him out. You're gonna have to pull as many orgasms from him as possible so that you can put him straight to sleep. Call this pussy nyquil. You start off by making him cum down your throat. You were sitting on his face as you sucked him off; he loved this position because he got to smother himself in your pussy, so it didn't take him long to finish. Next, you pulled out a few toys and ordered him to use them to fuck himself. You held one of his fleshlights just a few inches above his length, making him work for his release. He whined each time you would tease him and pull the toy away before he could bury himself to the hilt in it. He was looking at you with those pretty eyes and batting those long lashes up at you, begging you to give him what he wanted, so who were you to deny him? You were gonna give it to him, alright? Over and over and over again. You fuck the toy down on him harshly, and he freezes, letting his back arch in pleasure as you fuck him.
"Did I tell you to stop? Fuck," you command simply.
He resumed his movements not a minute later, meeting you thrust for thrust. His head is thrown back as he cums deep inside the toy, his legs shaking and his chest heaving.
"No break?" he heaves, trying to catch his break.
"No break," you confirm as you swing a leg over his lap and sit on this length. "But you can handle it, can't you?"
When Jaemin nods in confirmation, you ride him until he's crying. He can't control his hands anymore, and they find purchase on your hips, gripping the flesh as he bites his plump bottom lip, tears staining his cheeks as he calls your name over and over.
"That's it baby,almost there?" you ask, grabbing his face and making him look at you. His lips begin to tremble again, and he releases deep inside of you without warning. He really wanted to tell you, but his brain was fried.
That's exactly what you needed.
"Lay down, baby; I'll clean you up, ok?" You say this as you stroke his face.
He tries to fight to stay awake, but soon enough, he's out like a light. You wait a few minutes for his breathing to even out, then you spring into action. You gently crawl off the bed and gather your clothes, throwing them on. You go to the bathroom, grab a towel, and wet it so that when you return, you can just pretend like you left to find a rag. You begin searching the house for anything that can clear the thoughts in your head.
If you find nothing, you agree to drop it all and just go back to normal. Maybe Mark really did trip, and Jaehyun was just being an asshole for no reason. If you did find evidence, though, you would confront him. You wanted to turn him over to the police, but you knew that with all the connections he had, he would be right back out in a day. Your best bet is to confront him so he doesn't feel betrayed. You don't want him to act irrationally.
The kitchen is clear, so you move on to the living room; nothing stands out. Next was the bathroom; again, nothing. You were growing frustrated. You check the spare bedroom, the one where he put all of your things. It's set up pretty nicely. There is a huge bed in the center of the room and a huge window that overlooks the city. There's an attached bathroom and even a small fridge. All of your things are laid out around the room. You wonder if this room is specifically for you. Maybe somewhere for you to hang out whenever you come over? You don't dwell on it too much and move to the master bedroom.
You quietly check to see if Jaemin is still sleeping. His chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm, so you continue your search. You check under the bed and then the closet. You scour the shelves when something sticks out to you. It's a medium-sized box with your initials on it. You try to pull it down from the back of the shelf and clumsily stumble backwards, dropping the box in the process. It falls with a loud thud, the lid pops off, and all of its continents spill out onto the dark closet floor. You scrambled in the darkness to put everything back, but you couldn't see a thing. You're grabbing anything you can feel when the light flickers on. Jaemin doesn't say anything at first; he just watches you. When he notices what you're holding, he speaks.
"What are you doing?" Jaemin says it coldly.
Try to respond, but there's nothing you can think of to explain yourself. You take a look around you; now that the light is on, you can finally see the contents of the box as they lay spread across the floor. Photos of you from different angles, different days, and different locations All of which you had no recognition of. Among the photos, you see your missing underwear. You finally looked down to see what you were holding, and it was another photo. This one was taken directly over you as you slept in your bed at home.
"Jaemin…..what is all of this?" You shakily ask, barely able to meet his cold gaze.
He lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head.
"You weren't meant to see those pretty. Why did you have to go and ruin everything? Every time something is going great between us, you have to ruin it." He lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head.
The next thing you know, the room is covered in darkness again.
   ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦
3 months later
Finally, after months of recovery, Mark's leg finally healed up, and he's able to return to work. He hasn't heard from you since the night you told him everything. He had been lying low, like you asked. He hopes that now that he's returning to work, he can get some more information about your whereabouts. He was greeted by the entire staff when he arrived, even a few new faces he didn't recognize. A party was thrown to welcome him back. He doesn't catch sight of you or Jaemin during the office get-together. He begins to worry, but everyone seems to be acting normal, so nothing terrible could have happened to you, right? As the day progresses, he's introduced to the new people in his department, one of whom is Jaehyun. Mark remembers you mentioning that name the last time he saw you. During lunch, Mark finds Jaehyun and asks to speak with him in private. They go to the stairwell, which has now been fully renovated.
"Hey man, by any chance do you know y/n?" Mark questions carefully.
"Yeah, she showed me around for my first two days," Jaehyun answers collectively.
"Why only the first two?" Mark asked even though he already knew the answer.
"I got hurt pretty bad in a car accident," Jaehyun says with slight unease.
"You know something similar happened to me after meeting her as well. I fell down the stairs and broke my leg after working with her for a few days," Mark said, gauging Jaehyun's reactions.
Jaehyun sighs in irritation before meeting Mark's eyes. sternly, "Look man, I don't know what you're insinuating, but it was just an accident. Leave it alone."
"Dude, I think something happened to her. I asked her manager, and they said she quit after not showing up to work for a week! That doesn't sound like her at all!" Mark argues back desperately.
Jaehyun grabs Mark's shoulder and pulls him in closer before looking over his shoulder. "drop it. You don't know what you're up against; just let it go; it's better that way." Jaehyun lets go of Mark to push past him, exiting the stairwell.
Mark can't let it go! He needs to know what happened to you. It's the least he can do for all the times you used to visit him, so he asked around, and he found out that Jaemin also left his department about a month ago. They said he got a promotion and is now working from home.
Mark takes it upon himself to pay him a visit after work.
When he arrives, his heart is beating out of his chest, and he can just feel it in his bones that something is not right. He knocks, and after a few moments, Jaemin opens the door.
"I see your legs better." Jaemin doesn't even bother with a hello.
"Yeah, thankfully," Mark replies, trying to keep up the formalities. "I'm back at work now, but I didn't see Y/N today? Have you guys spoken recently?"
"No I'm sorry; the last I heard from her was after she put in her two weeks." Jaemin replies nonchalantly.
"Bummer. Mind if I come in? I’d like to catch up with you." Mark knows it's no use but decides to take the chance anyway.
"Actually," Jaemin looks behind his shoulder, "right now isn't a good time. I'm sorry."
"It's ok, man, no problem. I'll be seeing you around." Mark waves as he bids Jaemin a polite goodbye.
Jaemin doesn't respond; he doesn't like the idea of running into Mark again and just watches as he retreats back down the hall.
Mark knows Jaemin is hiding something, and he was going to find out.
     ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆
Jaemin shuts the door and locks it. He turns and heads down the hall towards your room. He unlocks the door from the outside and steps in. You're lying on the bed, reading manga. This was just one of the ways you spent your free time in your little makeshift prison. It seems like you really did need all that stuff he bought you on that Saturday all those months ago. Jaemin had this room fully furnished for you; the closet was stocked with all your clothes and more, and The fridge was full of your favorite foods and desserts. He had taken care of your lease at your old place and ended it. You don't need that anymore. The smart TV was now mounted on the wall, but you had already watched half of Netflix’s catalog by now. You have a nice view from your room. Jaemin allows some form of sunlight, but he had the windows altered so they don't open or break. You spend your time reading books. playing games or drawing. Jaemin spends a lot of time with you as well, but you still won't look at him.
"You had a visitor today; Mark came looking for you." Jaemin tells you casually, like he was just mentioning the weather.
This was the first time in 3 months that you looked at him for more than 5 seconds. Your eyes are hopeful as you sit up in bed.
"It seems like that caught your attention," he says humorlessly.
"Please don't hurt him, Jaem; he has nothing to do with this."
"I won't hurt him; I know how much you care for him. The same goes for Jaehyun. I love you, so I would never do anything to hurt you or make you sad," he pouts for the theatrics. "I just want you to love me back. You don't love me now, but time fixes everything. Until that day comes, you’ll be stuck in this room with me."
He's right in front of you now, softly stroking your hair as he smiles reassuringly at you. You want to move away from his touch, but his other hand comes up to grip your face, holding you in place. He lays a firm kiss on your lips, and this time you retaliate. You bite his lip hard enough to draw blood, but he doesn't pull away. He takes it. He smears his blood-covered mouth against yours and laughs as you whine in protest. Jaemin finally pulls away.
"Hurt me all you want; you're still mine."
You think he looks psychotic as he's standing in front of you, but even now, as blood trickles down his chin, you think his smile is still dazzling.
Maybe he's already destroyed you.
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