#both a gay eddie truther and a demi-demi eddie truther
thegayestdiaz · 4 months
so the only woman eddie’s ever really wanted is… an unattainable idolised illusion he created in his head?
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
thinking about the possibility of eddie’s sexuality crisis coming after buddie canon like…
he and buck start dating and in eddie’s mind he’s justifying it like “i’m not really into men im just into buck” and buck is the supportive boyfriend bc obviously eddie’s the only one who knows himself, and eddie labeling himself doesn’t matter to buck bc all that matters is that they’re the happiest they’ve ever been together
but then they have sex for the first time (obviously we don’t see anything bc this is abc not hbo) but while buck is in this perfectly blissed out state, eddie is panicking bc holy shit… is that what sex is supposed to feel like? like i thought i enjoyed sex before because i got off and that was that but this was…. what the fuck?????
and we get this sort if spiral moment where eddie wonders if he’s been gay this whole time and has just been lying to himself and is wondering what that means for him and shannon? like yeah he moved on from her but… looking back did he ever really need to? were the feelings for his girlfriends just misplaced feelings for buck this whole time? has he always felt this way?
and it gets to a point where buck thinks eddie is pulling away from him, and he gets really in his head about it remembering when eddie said that sex just complicates things, and how eddie had that whole crisis over marisol, and then buck had broken up with temu and chris was in texas so both of them were in weird places mentally and oh my god did i force myself on him? is he miserable bc he realized im not actually what he wants? is he going to leave me like everyone else does?
and meanwhile eddie is in therapy telling frank that he’s never felt this way about anyone before and that he thought he was enjoying sex before but it had never been anything like what it was with buck- that before it had been a means to an end but with buck it just felt right… and then frank has a really deep conversation about sexuality and eddie’s catholic guilt and explains that only eddie can decide if labeling himself is important or not
then we get eddie making a choice to either label himself or to not label himself (bc all that matters is that bucn is who he wants to be with; im not picky bc i have always been a gay/demi eddie truther, but unlabeled eddie has so much playing room and they could explore so much with that but i also know that realistically they probably wouldn’t put that much thought into the actual label but i digress)
and then we get a Kitchen Scene™️ where they are both super quiet and eddie tells buck they need to talk; buck automatically assumes eddie’s breaking up with him and starts apologizing to eddie and telling him he will give eddie some time and space, telling eddie that he will move on eventually like he has from everyone else. eddie is like “what?” and buck is like “aren’t you breaking up with me?” and eddue is horrified bc oh my god have i really been that distant? has my crisis really pushed me away that much that i made him think i wouldn’t tilt the earth on its axis for him if he asked??? and eddie explains his side of things, ending his little speech by saying “i love you” for the first time, and buck gets teary eyed and says it back and they share a soft kiss and eddie is like “it’s never felt like that before” and buck admits “it’s never felt like that for me either… but i think that’s what being in love does” and the episode ends with a fade to black of eddie leading buck out of the kitchen and down the hallway
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
same anon talking about eddie’s slut era, just wanted to add:
it would honestly wreck me too to see eddie with yet again another person keeping him from buck and i feel like if they gave him a gay slut era it would seal the buddie coffin because the fandom would all flock to whatever underdeveloped man they try to throw at him and it will be like…. you made them both queer just for them to not end up together??
like i get that it would be great rep for both of them to be queer but i’ll be pissed if they actually go for them both being queer and then don’t let them be together… bc again they are not real people, they are characters so their sexualities can be about each other to an extent, and honestly people wouldn’t have thought either of them were queer if it weren’t for each other so what would be the point??
the thought of eddie kissing or doing anything sexual with anyone other than buck at this point just turns me off the show bc they’ve built this whole reputation of him having a weird relationship with sex and casual dating (yeah ik it has to do with not wanting to complicate things with chris) but this is mr. “sex makes everything complicated” himself, like even without having to worry about chris (which lets be honest…. he’s going to still be focused on chris anyway even if he’s in texas) he wouldn’t go out and sleep around all willy nilly… like the man’s not a prude, but he’s not buck 1.0 either and giving him a slut era to me would feel like a disservice to the character (which they’ve already done anyway with his 7b plot but i don’t want them to make it worse)
Gently and lovingly disagree with the first point cos like both being queer for me would be like confirmation it’s inevitable andddd slut era at least means there is no underdeveloped guy just a bunch of randoms
No cos you’re right like your wording is gonna piss off people but I get what you mean like it’s the same debate of if one was a woman they’d be canon already, it’s like once they confirm them both queer it’s then an intentional writing choice to put attraction on the table through that confirmation
I think his relationship with sex really depends on where they go with him cos there are the Demi truthers, the gay truthers, the ace truthers, etc - like I’m team gay Eddie so for me I see his relationship with sex as more so relating to his lack of attraction to women like he views it as something he HAS to do
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
hi i saw one of your tags that said you're not a gay eddie truther and i was curious to know if there's a sexuality you headcanon him as or just queer
Okay, so, I have complicated thoughts about Eddie and sexuality. I will preface this by saying that I do not care anymore, anything that ends with Eddie out of the closet and with Buck is good enough for me right now, I just want him out. That being said I'm a keep Eddie unlabeled or just queer type person. I think the show has given us enough to argue Eddie as both in the ace and the aro spectrum, I'm demiromantic so maybe there's a level of projection there, and I know you can be gay and demisexual, that those are not mutually exclusive, but I think Eddie has an issue with the concept of romantic love the same way he has a complicated relationship with attraction. I think the idea that he is somewhere in the demi category makes sense even with the way he needs to reevaluate his relationship with Marisol when he learns something new about her and feels like he doesn't know her because she hid that part of herself. I mostly exist in a land where Eddie kinda just goes "well, I love Shannon then, I love Buck now, do I have to be something" and stay there. Because the show did make a point of the way Eddie loved Shannon and even if we were to consider the possibility that he was not in love with her/attracted to her (which I think is wrong, the sex worked and he thought he was in love with her) Eddie will never know that for sure because she died before he could figure himself out as queer and she died with him believing he loved her. Ideally, I'd have him as demisexual and confirmation that Shannon was his best friend before but I don't trust the show to handle a demi arc correctly tho, so "queer" is the thing for me. I just think the show made too much of a point about Eddie loving Shannon for them to turn around and say he's strictly gay and for that to fly with the general audience, so I don't see them going that way, I don't think that would be the end goal.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
Sorry if this has been asked before but thoughts on ace and/or aro spec Eddie? Because it is near and dear to my heart. Especially with everything we’ve gotten both on screen and in interviews from Ryan.
I have not gotten this question before!
I would like to preface this by saying that I am not aro/ace so I am speaking in what my understanding of the asexuality spectrum is from my ace friends, so i apologize if I misspeak or say something that is not entirely accurate to the experience of ace/aro people.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own interpretations of fictional characters, and I am never going to tell someone they are right or wrong for their interpretation of a character’s actions. However, I personally don’t view Eddie as aromantic, and if I were to place him on the asexuality scale, I would place him more towards demi-sexual than completely asexual. We know Eddie enjoys sex, but he still has a very complicated relationship with it when it comes to the women he has been with, and that could be for a myriad of reasons.
Of course one of these reasons could be that Eddie simply thinks he enjoys sex bc he grew up in a repressive religious environment where he was probably to scared to feel any other way, meaning he could very well be asexual and his seeming enjoyment of sex could be an act he puts on to ignore the part of him that he is repressing.
As a gay eddie truther, I believe this idea partly bc I believe he is trying to convince himself he is into women because that’s what he grew up to be taught that men should be attracted to women. However, I could see this being a pathway for Eddie to be introduced as somewhere on the asexuality spectrum, my personal belief being that he would lie more towards the demi end.
As far as him being aromantic, i personally don’t see this. I think we have seen plenty of times from Eddie that he craves that connection with someone but he actively sacrifices his own desires because he thinks he has some obligation to finding a mother for chris. I feel like what Kim said to Eddie in 7x9 about Eddie having too much love to give is true because he so badly wants to be in love with someone for himself, but he has convinced himself he can’t gave that because he views Christopher needing a mother figure as the more important quality in his romantic partners.
All of this to say, these are just my own thoughts and observations. I am obviously biased as a gay person who relates deeply to eddie for many reasons, and so my interpretation of his actions/words are through that lense. It’s hard for me to really see him as anything else, but just because that is my interpretation does not mean it is the only interpretation or even the right or wrong one. Until we get some form of confirmation from canon that Eddie is queer (which i think is very very very likely to happen this season) all we can do is speculate and theorize based on our own personal interpretations of him as a character— and i think that goes along with Ryan’s quote about how much he loves that such a wide range of people can see themselves in Eddie; and i think that no matter what, he is such a powerful and complex character that no matter what sexuality he ends up being confirmed as in canon so many fans of different sexualities and gender identities will still be able to find that deep connection with him and that is so beautiful to me.
I hope this answered your question! I love getting to have these kind of deep talks that dive into the complexities of human sexuality and all the nuances that come along with it (which is why i almost love the idea of them making Eddie unlabeled even though I personally perceive him as gay!)
I hope you have a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are! and thank you again for the ask 💕💕
(again, apologies if anything i said misrepresents/misunderstands the aro/ace spectrum, it is not my intention to say anything that is incorrect, but I am not well-versed in the aro/ace spectrum aside from my ace friends)
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